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Submits Addl NRC Comments on 870121 Draft Version of Us Post-Chernobyl Policy & Objectives for Bilateral Nuclear Safety Assistance & Activities
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/15/1987
From: Zech L
To: Waller D
Shared Package
ML20209A941 List:
NUDOCS 8704280646
Download: ML20209C309 (3)



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CHAIRMAN Apr 1 15, 1987 The Honorable David B. Waller Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Energy Emergencies U.S. Department of Energy Washington, D. C. 20585

Dear Mr. Waller:

My fellow Commissioners and I reviewed previously the January 21, 1987 draft version'of the "US Post-Chernobyl_Policv and Objectives for Bilateral Nuclear Safety Assistance and Activities" paper. Many of our comments were verbally transmitted to your staff in Februarv. Although there are some changes between the January Plst draft and the version enclosed with your March 24, 1987 letter, our earlier comments remain applicable.

Additional NRC comments are as follow:

1. In the " General Policy and Objectives" section, the last item should be moved to become the first and leadino item.
2. In the " Government and Private Industry--Governing Principles" section, a new first item should identify the U.S. Government agencies involved in this effort (e.g., 00E, State, NRC, 000 and Commerce as appropriate). 00E should be identified as the official U.S. Government point of contact for private industry.
3. Reference should be made to 10 CFR Part 810 requirements and the list of specific areas of interest to the U.S. Government currently being developed.
4. Additional editorial changes are noted on the enclosed marked-up version of the 1/21/87 draft.

Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the-draft guidelines.

Sincerely, b L.

Lando W. Zech

/A Jr.





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- US Post-Chernoby1 Policy and Objectives for Bilateral declear Safety Assistance and Activities _


  • In the wake of the Chernobyl accident, the U.S. moved to establish a leadership role in the initiative to enhance .

international cooperation in nuclear safety, significant accomplishments have been made to date,het confined principally to ennancements smaltilateral of safety-related activities undertaken by organisations, More recently, however, bilateral contacts and initiatives have evolved to a varying degree. This brief paper sets forth a framework for USG interagenc i coordination of these evolving bilateral activities. yAt the same time, it suggests several governing principles for development of a complementary relationship between government and private -

industry in the area of post-Chernobyl nuclear safety assistance ,

General Policy and obleetives

The following tenets - fi --" ; fu .1;.11.m.i e,j 2
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post-Chernobyl$policy: form e basis for a comprehensive, bilateral o

to demonstrate our continuing ocessitzent toAnaclear k(e


energy, securitysunderscoring its importance to Western energy o to encourage greater international cooperation in nuclear safety, and radiation protection and public health, through the work of technically-oriented organisations Agency (IAEA) and such the as the Nuclear OBCD International Atomic(NEA Energy Agency Energy)  ;

o to establish, primarily through the IAEA, procedures and agreements to improve responsible reporting of and emergency assistance following any future nuclear i

accidents o through bilateral contacts with the Soviet Union and other nations that are knowledgable about or utilise soviet reactor technology, to au about the accident and its long gment our information term radiological effects, and to better understana Soviet nuclear safety philosophy, design features,land operating and managementpracti{es, ands o

to enhance the safety and reliability of civil analear power plant facilities and operations worldwide consistent with U.S. national security and non-proliferation interests.

These basic objectives can be refined as activities evolve. In the meantime, coordination among U.S. Government agencies should be further strengthened and the complementary roles of government and industry more finely tuned.

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i Governaaet and Private Industry - Goverm4== Principles The following general principles @WL :_,: A-fra-2 2 2;.c*r ork _.--Gr] a more i

i compreheasive, bilateral post 4:hornobyl policy la nuclea,r safety assistance and activitiss and to facilitate a cooperative and e

coordinated approach by 2.s. agenoies and industrys o U.s. Govezament and industry will regularly inform each other about nuclear safety-related activities relative ,

1 to tbo chernobyl accident and its future implications, 4

particularly for soviet nuclear technology and m voeo o requesta from industry for the supply of nuclear technology, equipment and services will be considered as expeditiously ae'possible la accordance with existing nuclear export policy, laws and regulationes o close coordination betwess industry and U.S. Goverammet esport control agencies is encouraged to provide early identification of liosassag requiressats and to etert -

U.S. fhdustry to possible national security and non "

prolifiaration concerass o efforts will technology be made toor determine beforehand whether a particular service could be receive U.S. Goverassat approval before si floaat to private sector marketing expenses are incurredp o @. r:5""U.S. Governannt partic tion in this t

'52 activi d will also conform with M f t C RE 5.


) anclear azport policy, laws and re ationst o 1ssa othe ' circumstance rant, tse logy, #

%servicesa equipment 11y avail e from .

ocesro adurces wil be made 49ailable U.S.

t sourcess to s (2 -s w y w -<

o g marketing and other oprietary information developed U.S. commercial f will be held in oomfidence by U.S. andt Lo ,'w c m Governamat,C

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o non- riety informatica and other unclassified A matar i obtained by U.S. Government sources will be ,

shared equally with U.S. aca-government organisations and industry upon request.  ;

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Draft Versica 1/21/87

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