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Requests Proposal to Provide Technical Assistance to Div of Sys Integration for FIN B-2533, Review of High Burnup Licensing Topical Repts. Statement of Work & Proposal Content Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/28/1983
From: Mattson R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Fremling A
Battelle Memorial Institute, PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATION
Shared Package
ML20151K563 List:
CON-FIN-B-2533, FOIA-86-78 NUDOCS 8604080381
Download: ML20199F620 (11)


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i Mr. Alex G. Fremling, Manager fJt 2 81983

Richland Operations Office

! P. O. Box 550 Richland, Uashington 99352

Dear Mr. Fremling:


Pfit Technical Assistance to DSI, NRR, NRC - " Review of liigh Burnup Licensing Topical Reports','" (FIP@ ,

This letter is a request for a proposal from the Pacific Northwest Laboratory to provide technical assistance to the Division of Systems Integration, flRC. The Statement of Uork in Enclosure 1 details the

i required work and should be used as the basis for preparing a proposal for submission to this office.

Standard tems and conditions for f!RC work, as provided in the DOE /NRC Memorandum of Understanding of February 24, 1978, and described in NRC Manual Chapter 1102, should be used as the basis for preparing a pro-posal. If a portion of this work is to be subcontracted, it is required that PNL have a professional assigned to the contract who is qualified to defend the results. Also, prior approval by me in writing is re-quired before initiation of any subcontractor effort. Please submit a t proposal containing, as a minimum, the inforr.ation set forth in En-closure 2, Proposal Content, in the fomat of the Statement of Ucrk within 30 days to:

Mrs. Sybil Boyd f Program Assistant to the Director, P-1102

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation i U. S. fluclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Work under this program is not anticipated to be classified, but it will l concern proprietary infonnation that is pmvided in vendor topical .

reports and should be handled in accordance with the Rules of Practice I 10 CFR 2.790. 1 This request for proposal is not an authorization to start work.

Authorization to comence work becomes effective upon Pacifi.: Northwest Operations Office acceptance of an appropriately executs' NRC Form 173, Standard Order for DOE Work.

.i 86040B0391 060320 /


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.'P j Mr. Alex G. Fremling M 2 8 1C83 If you have any questions about this request, please contact !!rs. S. Coyd at FTS 492-768S. Thank you for your assistance.

Sincerely, od%f signed by ~

Roger J.Mattaan Roger J. Mattson, Director Division of Systems Integration Office of i:uclear Reactor Regulation


1. Statement of Work
2. Proposal Content cc: R. Barber, HQ-DOE P. Sherfy, PNL M. Plahuta, DOE-RL DISTRIBUTION:

NRR Official Project File (B. Grenfer)

CPB r/f R. Mattson S. Boyd L. Rubenstein C. Berlinger R. Meyer M. Tokar V. Zeoli, CON D. Dandois, CON Z. Rosztoczy s

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Review of High Burnup Licensing Topical Reports 1i FIN Number: 82533 fj B&R Number: 20-19-10-12-3 i.

ji Project Manager: Michael Tokar (FTS 492-9478) 4 ..

j BACKGROUND 2: There has been a recent industry trend to operate reactor fuel to higher

) exposures than have been addressed in safety analyses. While preliminary i information indicated that extended-burnup operation was justifiable, ~

the NRC asked the U.S. fuel manufacturers to document information

~I leading to that conclusion and to provide that information to the NRC in ji report fom for review. These reports were received by NRC in 1982 and j' the review of these reports was begun in house. Some questions have

already been sent to the vendors and other questions are being prepared.

j_ The contractor must assume responsibility for 'these incomplete review

} actions and carry them to completion.


4 t The objective of this program is to provide for the balance of the l1 review and the preparation of the TER for each of the five vendor i

topical reports on extended-burnup effects. The reviews are to be conducted with full awareness of Sections 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, and Chapter 15 of the Standard Review Plan to ensure that the effects of high-burnup operation are accomodated for all of the regulatory requirements

} addressed by these parts of the SRP.

WORK REQUIREMENTS All reviews are to proceed concurreatly to the extent practical to q ensure uniformity of the technical evaluations.

Task 1: Review ENC Report, XN-NF-82-06. ,

Estimated Level of Effort: 0.3 PSY

[ Projected Completion Date: June 30, 1984


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. Review background documents, preliminary questions, and notes provided i by NRC. Complete a technical review of the subject report to determine adequacy of the vendor's design and safety analysis to meet regulatory

l requirements at high fuel exposures. Determine the exposure (burnup) beyond which operation has not been justified.

1 Milestone Projected Completion Date j

1 1. Provide draft technical questions. October 31, 1983


j 2. Recommend staff positions and/or March 31,1984

-, provide additional technical questions. .

q M 3. Meet with vendor as required to resolve April 30, 1984 j outstanding issues.


j 4. Issue technical evaluation report (TER). June 30, 1984 ,


! Task 2: Review GE Report, NEDE-22148.

! (All requirements samc as Task 1.)

i Task 3: Review Westinghouse Report, WCAP-10125; (All requirements same as Task 1.)

i Task 4:

Review B&W Report, BAW-10153.


(All requirements same as Task 1.)

'l Task 5: Review C-E Report, CENPD-269.

(All requirements same as Task 1.)

J LEVEL OF EFFORT AND PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The level of effort is estimated at 1.5 PSY over a 12-month period.


Technical Reports N

1. At the completion of Milestones 1 and 2, submit to the Project Manager a letter report that provides appropriate questions and r positions for each Task. '


2. Approximately 30 days after completion of Milestone 3, submit to

$ the Project Manager a draft technical evaluation report for each

% Task that sumarizes all of the work performed, the findings and l conclusions reached, and the bases upon which they are reached.

3. After receipt of NRC coments, submit to the Project Manager camera-ready copies of the final technical evaluation reports thus  ;

completing Milestone 4.  ;

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0 Business Letter Reoort F

4 A monthly business letter report will be submitted by the 15th of the ij . month to the Project Manager with copies provided to the Director, Division of Systems Integration, ATTN: S. Boyd, C. Berlinger, and lj B. L. Grenier, NRR. These reports will identify the title of the project, the FIN, the Principal Investigator, the period of performance, lj and the reporting period and will contain three sections as follows:

IJ ji Project StatusSection I l. A listing of the-efforts completed during the period; milestones l

reached, or if missed, an explanation provided.


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lj 2. Any problems or delays encountered or anticipated and recomendations for resolution.1 i

3. A sumary of progress to date (this may be expressed in terms of ~

percentage completion for the project).

4. Plans for the next reporting period.


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't IIf the recommended resolution involves a Work Order modification, i.e.,

change in work requirements, level of effort (costs), or period of per-2 formance, a separate letter should be prepared and submitted to the .

1 Director, Division of Systems Integration, ATTN: S. Boyd, and a copy 1

'. provided to the NRR Project Manager and B. L. Grenier, NRR.

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Financial Status Section 4

l. Provide the total cost (value) of the project as reflected in the proposal (NRC Form 189), the total amount of fuiids obligated to date, and the balance of funds required to complete the work by, j fiscal year as follows:

Total Funds Balance of Funds Projected Obligated By Fiscal Year Project Cost To Date FY- FY- FY-

, 2. Provide the total direct staff use and amount of funds expended 1 (costed) during the period and total cumulative to date in the' f following categories: .


(a) Direct Lab Staff Effort Project Cumulative


l. (b) Funds ($000) 5 Direct Salaries Materials and Services

' (ExcludingADP) '

ADP Support Subcontracts Travel Expenses Indirect Labor Costs Other (Specify)

General and Administrative l TOTAL 1 (%)2 i

j Fee Recovery Cost Status Section 1

Pursuant to the provisions of NRC Regulations,10 CFR 170, provide the total amount of funds expended (costed) during the period and cumu-a lative to date for each task on a separate page in the following format.

S y FIN:

TITLE: Review of High Burnup Licensing Topical Reports Period:

l Task 1: Review ENC Repc,rt XN-NF-82-06 Facility Docket # TAC # Period Cumulative Exxon Nuclear N/A 48067 Company

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j Task 2: Review GE Report NEDE-22148 Facility Docket # TAC # Period Cumulative General Electric N/A 48568 g Company j Task 3: Review Westinghouse Report WCAP-10125 j Facility Docket # TAC # Period Cumulative -

1 i Westinghouse Electric N/A 48689 Corporation


] Task 4: Review B&W Report BAW-10153 I

Facilf_cy, Docket 8 TAC # Period Cumulative

, Babcock & Wilcox N/A 48917 i Company i

Task 5: Review C-E Report CENPD-269

.J 4

Facility Docket # TAC # Period Cumulative Baltimore Gas 50317 48946 and Electric 50318 MEETINGS AND TRAVEL One trip to Bethesda, Maryland should be planned and budgeted for each Task, i


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Connon costs are for those costs incurred for effort such'as l preparatory or start-up efforts to interpret and reach agreement i on methodology, approach, acceptance criteria, regulatory position, l or TER format; efforts associated with the " lead plant" concept that i might be involved during the first one or two plant reviews as


ij estimated by the contractor; neetings/ discuss, ions involving the a,bove efforts to provide orientatieri, background knowledge, or guidance at

  • the beginning or during performance of work; and any technical effort 1

applied to a category of fa.cilities, e.g., reactor analyses on all BWR facilities. Irt the case of the latter example, these costs should j} be prorated equally to only those facilities to which the effort' k applies. . . -

'j Development of methodologies, criteria, or technical positions are L

not fee-recoverable and, therefore, should not be categorized as .

coanon costs. Management and related support costs chargeable directly to the effort are not to be reported as coranon costs and should, therefore, be charged in proportion to the other direct costs associated with those facilities during the reporting period.

NOTE: Comon costs are to be accrued on a monthly basis and prorated j equally among the facilities identified under the effort at the end of each fiscal year or at the completion of the effort.

  • whichever occurs first.

\l G. c. .


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l NRC FURNISHED MATERIALS Copies of the following reports will be provided:

1. XN-NF-82-06, " Qualification of Exxon Nuclear Fuel for Extended Burnup," June 1982.
2. NEDE-22148, " Extended Burnup Evaluation Methodology," June 1982.


. 3. WCAP-10125. " Extended Burnup Evaluation of Westinghouse Fuel,"

j July 1982.

4. BAW-10153, " Extended-Burnup Evaluation," September 1982, -
5. CENPD-269, " Extended Burnup Operation of Combustion Engineering PWR

. Fuel," April 1982. .

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i The following items are require sto prepare # JOE proposals (IRC v' orm 189):


j -

Proiect Title - The title should be a unicue identifier of the project reflectinc a

' contral loea of the enco :cassed work. In most cases, the title on :ne tlR: Statement of i!crk (57.l) should be used. *

' Date of Procosal - Self explanatory; include revision number when applicable.

NRC Office - Indicate the NRC Office (s) supporting or recuesting the work.

FIN Number and B&R Number - Indicate NRC's FIN Number and B&R Number, as provided on the Statement of Worx.

DOE Contractor - Performing organization's name.

  • Site - Indicate location (s) of. organi:ation that will perfom the woril.

2 Contractor Account and DOE B&R Number - Provide the information for the highest level feasicle.

Cocnizant Personnel - NRC Project Manager and other NRC Technical Staff, if applicable; DOE Projcc: Manager; and, the performing organization's key personnel: Project lianager and principal investigator (s); and, FTS phone numbers for each; include resumes for contractor oorsonnel.

Period of Performance - Provide proposed date of commencement of work and best-estimated

, completion cate of tne project.

i i

Staff-Years of Effort and Costs - Estimate costs to be incurred by DOE centractors and

, subcontractors. For consultants, provide the cost of the . services on a per staff-year of Technical Support basis. This .sha.11. include direct salary, indirect expenses and other

, reimbursable amounts; the cost shall also be stated on a per-day basis.

l List by fiscal year frca start to completion of the project (FIN). Cost estimate will be consistent with DOE Manual 2200, the Pricing Manual, and shown in thousands of dollars.

. - - Staff-years of Effort (Laboratory personnel only):

Direct Scientific / Technical Other Direct (Graded)


-- Costs:

I Direct Salaries (FTE't,) -

Indirect Labor Costs liaterial and Services (Excl. ADP) I/ -


ADP Support -

General and Admin. Expense (


Subcontracts -

Total Operating Cost 4

- Travel Expense -

Capital Equip.' (FIN charged (_)

j , o Domestic - ' Total Project Cost i o Foreign IMonthly Forecast Excense - Provide the planned monthly rate of costs for first year. If not known at time of proposal submittal, this may be provided in the first monthly business letter report once the project is authorized. At the beginning of each subsequent year, inilude the planned monthly rate of costs for the ensuing year in the first monthly business letter report, forecast Milestone Chart - Complete as shown on NRC Form 189.

Jooreval Authority - Proposal must be signed by an appropriate laboratory or field i activity representative. Note: This individual may or may not be the same person who


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' ~

. Frijev. tsscriotion - Provide ngative descriptions of the foyin; topics in the' orde i listoc on plain paper attached t,.sthe NRC Form 189. If an item as not ap'plicable, so j state on the NRC Fom 189. ' ~

1. 0:jective of Procosed Work
a. Eacteround - Proviae a brief summary of the technical problem, issue, or need so as to orient the reader to the requirements for the work or end' project,
b. Ob,1ective - State concisely the performing organization's understanding o'f the ocjective(s), 1.e., what will be the end result (s).
2. Su ,ary of Prior Efforts - Not applicable for NRR projects. ,
3. a. }!ork Reevirements - Describe the tasks and subtasks,to be per{ormed in such a manner tnat a disinterested third party can understahd what-is to be done and how it will be accomplished for the level of effort and period of .perfomance proposed. Describe any assumotions being made pertinent to per'foming the work.

Provide criteria or otner cases upon which evaluations, judgment or other action will be taken. Describe potential problems and recomend solutions. State and describe separately any options being proposed that require NRC approval before proceeding. .

b. Meetines and Travel - State the number of trips that the performing organ-ization will require to perfom the work and identify where and how many people are expected to travel. If no travel is expected or required, state none. .

Describe any foreign travel requirements; approval must be obtained by proce: sing an NRC Form 445. *

c. NRC Furnished Material - Specify any equipment Jincluding NDP), background reports or cata, or,other specific materials required to ce providea by NRC, or equipment to be purchased.

i i4 Descriotion of Any Follow-On Efforts - Not ppplicable for NRR proje' cts.

,) , -

'5. Relationshio to Other Proiects. Identify related projects that either (l') generate information tnat will be nee::ed to accomplish the work propdsed under this project or (2) will use infomation generated by this project, and (3) support a coranon -

ebjective. ,If_ none, so, state on, the NRC Fom _189.

I6. Recorting Reauirements - State the number, type, and other content of the reports

,' requested or proposed to be provided, to whom and when they are to be submitted, I

and, if requested by NRC, whether drafts will be provided prior to finalization.

7. Subcontractor Information - Identify the subcontractor or consultant and describe any effort Inat will be performed by a subcontractor or consultant, and reference

" the ta:k or subtask described under the work requirements that the subcontractor or

' consultant effort will support. Any work performed by the subcontractor on behalf of the nuclear industry that might give rise to an apparent or actual conflict of interest must be described. If the subcontractor is not known at the time the proposal is being submitted, so indicate and describe status and expected time frame j

for selection of the subcontractor (s)'or consultant (s).

8 New Caoital Ecuipment Recuired - List all capital equipment which must be purchased by


s sne perfoming organization to perfom the work described and provide the estimated cost.

!9.p Soecial Facilities Recuired - Describe any new special facilities required.

'10. Conflict of Interest Information - Describe any significant contractual and organ-izational relationships of tne DOE and its contractor on this proposal with industries regulated by the NRC (e.g., utilities, etc.) and suppliers thereof (e.g.,

, architect engineers and reactor manufacturers, etc.) that might give rise to an

}. apparent or actual conflict of interest.


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