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Requests More Detailed Final Survey Rept,Including Listed Items in Order to Authorize Release of Facilities at Wingfoot Lake Advanced Technology Ctr for Unrestricted Use
Person / Time
Site: 07001489
Issue date: 03/27/1986
From: Mallett B
To: Pflaum J
Shared Package
ML20195C597 List:
NUDOCS 8811030243
Download: ML20195C607 (2)


_ - - - - - _ _ _ _ .

N MAR 271986 i Goodyear Aerospace Corporation ATTN: J. V. Pflaum, CIH Industrial Hygienist, Sr.

Corporate Ind strial Hygiene and Safety Department 131 G1 Akron, OH 44315

'1 Gentlemen:

As discussed in a telephone conversation between Mr. J. V. Pflaum of your organization and me on March 19, 1986, we have recalved your January 19, 1986 request to terminate your NRC License Number SNM-1461. However, the survey ,

report enclosed with your request is not sufficient for us to authorize you to release the facilities at the Wingfoot Lake Advanced Technology Center for unrestricted use. In order to obtain this authorization, you will need to submit a more oetailed final survey report including the items listed below.

In the interim, we have amended your license to extend the expiration date to August 31, 1986.  :

1. Operational History of the Site l i

Please specify the types and quantities of radioactive material that was i received and utilized on-site over the period of time your license was in effect. Indicate the fonn of material (solid, liquid, gas), when material -

was last used, and the areas where and equipmtnt in which material was used. -

As discussed with Mr. Pflaum, this infotmation is needed to determine the I areas where there was a potential for contaminatton. l

2. Decomissioning/ Survey Procedures  !
a. We have data from previous inspections of your facilities indicating I results of monitoring surveys (effluent and contamination) performed j during operations at the site through 1982. Please provide the results of any surveys performed from 1982 to the present to assess j the presence of radioactive material in effluents from the site or  ;

as (.ontamination on equipment or in areas. The results should include }

the instruments used and their sensitivity and calibration. You may I wish to utilize some of this data from surveys performed at the time ,

materials were last utilized (e.g., monitoring of effluent to sanitary '

sewerage system) in your close-out survey results. (;

I i

i d11030243 86031'  !

{DR ADCCK 07oog499  :


1 .

Goodyear Aerospace Corporation 2

b. Please submit a complete close-out survey of all areas and/or equipment utilized. The survey should include a description of the:

(1) Names and qualifications of individuals who performed.

(2) Methods utilized to im ntify and/or eliminate areas or equipment to be surveyed.

(3) Methods utilized to obtain samples and analyze the results (e.g., areas divided into small survey zones and multiple samples ave: aged as a result for each zone, direct reading and removable contamination sample results keyed to zones).

(4) Dates of surveys, t The survey report shceld include any air or water samples and analyses performed for effluenes from use to unrestricted areas.

4 The results of all surveys should be tabulated in the report and indicate that reasonable efforts were made to decontaminate all use areas and equipment to levels belcw those specified in the attached guidance.

c. Please indicate the methods utilized in your material inventory and control system to determine the quentity of special nuclear material added to or removed from materia' possessed at your site. Enclosure 1 to the report enclosed with your January 16, 1986 letter doei not indicate to us whether the amount of material indicated as being ,

removed was measured or estimated. In addition, was any of the material transferred as contamination on equipment?

If you have any questions or require clarification on any of the information stated above, you may contact us at (312) 790-5625.

Sincerely, t

Original Signed By [

Bruce S. Mallett, Ph.D. , Chief r Materials Licensing Section


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