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Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 3 to License SNM-95
Person / Time
Site: 07000113
Issue date: 11/04/1998
From: Emeigh C
Shared Package
ML20195B885 List:
NUDOCS 9811160310
Download: ML20195B906 (2)


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\ g */' November 4,-1998 l

DOCKET: 70-113

. LICENSEE: Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania


SAFETY EVALUATION REPORT: APPLICATION DATED OCTOBER 8,1998, POSSESSION LIMIT CHANGE BACKGROUND By application dated October 8,1998, Pennsylvania State University (PSU) requested l I

amendment of License SNM-95 to authorize possession of 70 pounds (31,752 grams) of solid depleted uranium metal for use in nondestructive research at PSU. 1 l


Res'earchers at PSU want to use a 70-pound depleted uranium rod 'in the development of . I nondestructive test methods for the United States Department of Defense. The rod is about 24 i
inches long and about 1 inch in diameter and is encased by a 3-piece carbon composite section with each section running the length of rod and covering one-third of the outside perimeter. A stainless steel section encases the top portion of the rod surface. The mating areas of the composite sections and the stainless steel section will serve as the limited access region (about

. 2 millimeters wide circumferential gap) for the nondestructive test area. This test area will be

' touched with electrical measurement probes. No other contact will be made with the depleted uranium. No scrapping, grinding, or machining of the depleted uranium rod will be done so no dispersible contamination is expected.

The PSU staff working with the depleted uranium rod will be required to wear gloves and lab coats and use appropriate bench cover and survey the area after each use.- The rod will be stored in a locked and labeled cabinet wh6n not in use. At the conclusion of the research, PSU will retum the depleted uranium rod to the supplier.

.in order for PSU to possess this material, Materials License SNM-95 will be amended to authorize possession of up to 70 pounds (31,752 grams) of solid depleted uranium metal and License Conditions 6.H,7.H, and 8.H are added to read as follows:

6.H Depleted uranium 7.H Solid metal rod 8.H 31,752 grams l'

r 9811160310'981104' ,


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ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW These changes are considered administrative in nature. The staff has determined that the proposed changes will not adversely affect the public health and safety cr the environment.

Accordingly, the staff has determined that the criteria in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(11) for categorically excluding an action from an environmental review has been met and neither an environmental assessment nor an environmental impact statement is warranted for this action.

CONCLUSION Based on the above discussion, the staff concludes that the proposed changes are acceptable.

The Region I inspection staff has no objection to this proposed action.

Princioal Contributor:

Edwin Flack i" l
