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Amend 2 to License SNM-142 for Purdue Univ,Authorizing Use of U Enriched in U-235 Isotope for Unrestricted Use,Per Guidelines for Decontamination of Facilities
Person / Time
Site: 07000152
Issue date: 09/21/1988
From: Rouse L
Shared Package
ML20154J875 List:
NUDOCS 8809230167
Download: ML20154J879 (3)



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  • .NIC'Forpi 374 I PACE {


h MATERIALS LICENSE Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10, 3 Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 30,31. 32,33,34,35,40 and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations L 1 heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, F 1 source, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpost{s) and at the place (s) designated below; to [

l deliver or transfer such material to parsons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This $

f license shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is b

] subject to all applicable rules, regulations and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any b

h conditions specified below. h
i n Ucensee L
1 "

? 1, 3. Ucense number Purdue University SPM-142,

)1 Amendment No. 2 y

l mem i

e Westt.afayette, Indiana 47907(g} Q E'kpkritihe June 30, 1992

-1 1 Ub S. Docket or VX 70-152 [

j A Reference No. /m j 6. Byproduct, source, and/or 7. Chemical and/or physical U Maximum amount that licusee 1 special nuclear materist j h form gY ay possess at any one time

/a (g'y Jgder this license p 1 e 1

1 A. Uranium enric'b hs.d in


,,PE$'% fuel A

w C L

K. od AO81,000 grams L the U-235 isotope F 'enri'chedA< 4\$ y/d U-235 I

)] H &;.g Q& f lj ,j, ,

f t]) l ( ,'G & } f

} ,'?)', ;z l 1 B. Uranium enriched in 4 J 9. Fuelirods, Asnrichet J' l$8 32,000 grams '

the U-235 isot' opt u.

f.I:;.11.3J/ol($k/g ~g Ag-

' U-235



1 i C. Uranium enrichedstn.

a ;1 J C.t SolidSheli'ces,'90 X C. 200 grams

] the U-235 isotope. z enricheds20w/o j U-235 ,

l 1

D. Uranium enriched in the U-235 isotope 0.

Solid discs, .

. enriched << 3 w/0 h D. 10 grams U-235  !

( .( ~3

, e 3

j E. Plutonium E. Encapsulated PuBe E. 80 grams Pu 4

neutron scurces 1

j F. Plutonium F. Waste as metal, salts F. 1 gram F 1 and solution ,

I 1 G. Natural Uranium G. VO pellets clad in G. 11,760 kilo-

) albminum grams U 1

g H. Californium H. Up to 10 doubly H. 0.007 gram Cf L 1 encapsulated sources [

] 4 1

I. Uranium 233 I. Plated source I. 0.01 pCi U-233 l j (10.5pg)  :

1 1

8809230s67 {52 ADOCK 00 l

PDR O pgg r l

g C  !


p[-,--------m= N 5-sammm--smmmm1smsamm.. mmmm-, l NRc Form 374A U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION l pace 2 or 3 D AG,g1_ lI j 1

  • 3 ,

License number ,1 ,

SNM-142, Amendment No.2



j 70-152 y 1 f i j>

1 il ,

I J. Plated source J. 100 pCi i l  !

lJ. Neptunium 237 (0.014 gram) l l

1 K. Plutonium 238 K. Plated source K. 100 pCi !pl ;

1 (0.58 pg) !p 4 l8 l 3

L. Thorium 230 L. Plated source L. 100 pCi i l '

l (0.5 mg) '

1 M. 100 pCi Il lf 1 H. Actinium 227 H. Plated source j ( 24 "S) 1 gRsourceR egg ( N. 100 pCi lll N. Curium 244 - \N Plated j (0.12 pg) ill f9. Authorized use: For rbipt, possession, and use in accorhnce with the j i statements, represent (tlons s andconditionsspecified,in,thh)4jcensee's 9 4 application dated Septbeber.17bJ986, addenda dated-August 12,( 1981 J 4 (page 5 part a), andd upplemeht\da ed August 1, 9886f 'l j /% ~ ID CA //2 O !8 q


10. Authorized place of 3use: The': mat 9r alsf spec ~if ed in-A throught above shall be used in lobations specified irrthe.'applic$tfon dated Se tember 17, j




4 3988. , S, {; lp i

4 1986, and supplem(et dated gugust pQ p p /s '3f g>

11. Refresher seminars *q s s u1 4 . > f which-cover 4ra'diation safet tocedures shalP be conducted


{p ilj on an annual basis (maxi uniinterva E 15l onthsb for all.employens and/or )

[ students who use radioactive' materfable j f D@_ y

, . m v g


<! l,g, ql 12. If 4 personal persons clothing shall not exitand/or an: area skin contamination without' levels approval of'the are aboveControl Radiological background, 4;

4 Of ficer.

)W >

j 13. Release of equipment or material 'from Purdue University for unrestricted b

q i use shall be in accordance with the enclosed "Guidelines for Decontamination of Facilities and Equipment Prior to Release for Unrestricted Use or j.

1 ql q Termination of Licenses for Byproduct, Source, or Special Nuclear Material" { g,,  !

4 4

May 1987. )'t )

l fi 14. Storage of 00, fuel rods in the Duncan Annex Storage Facility and the F8BP A 1 j shall be in accordance with representations for Duncan Annex, page 5, of fi

.gj 1;

the Addenda enclosed with the licensee's letter dated August 12, 1981. j j


t 15. The Fast Breeder Blanket Facility shall not be operated with a measured !p  ;

f normal operation k-eff greater than 0.45. In addition, the fuel loading ) '

I shall be limited such that the calculated k-eff would not exceed 0.75 if j>

j the FBBF were accidentally flooded with water.

1 :p 4 :p i 4 ;p I it- ip q



!I d' :p I 't b -

s ar ___

mmmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmaAmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.amy jiC Form 374A U.S. NUCLE AR REGULATORY COMMISSION enor 3 or 3 I g as4 License number DAPE l SNM-142, Amendment No. 2 jl f MATERIALS LICENSE " *"'*"

l SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET  ! '70-152 l g

l lb 3 l


,l >5 I I jh )

I 16. Fuel snall be transferred in 8-inch diameter cylinders. Fuel handling ,h 4 I procedures shall be carried out in such a way that no more than one jh i l loaded cylinder will be in the storage area, in transport, or in the FBBF ll y at the same time. g i i

( 17. The licensee is hereby exempted from the requirements of 10 CFR 70.24  ; I I insofar as the Section applies to the stored material in the Duncan Annex  ; l 1 and the Pharmacy Building. ,


18. As it pertains to License SNH-142, the licensee shall fully implement and maintain in f.

l effect all provisions of the approved,10;CFR 7.3.67 physical security plan, including l g

q changes and amendments made pursuantito 10 CFRJW32(e) and 10 CFR 70.34. The  !

I letter dated May 15, 1987,  !

I approved physical security planWhich was submitte(bh yntitled, "Security Plan l consistsofadocumentcophiningSafeguardsInformatf 8

for tiie Purdue University Reactor, the Fast Breeder BlanthFacility and the Nuclear l ,

Fuel Storage Areas," Re' vision 3, dated May 15, 1987." V j'y l


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FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COPNISSION 01 ki p l l Original. signed er $1 Date: SEP 21 1966 By: Leland c. Rouse I.

l Division of Industrial and 4 l Medical Nuclear Safety I



&,q p 33- Washington, DC 20555 j, ,

f,: g fe3 fanery 7 s 4 b w - -+ m T.T.T.T.a:2.m:rma:.ThTNf2i!TMs iFWVwTw = = wmm.mmm mur=iE+ - l