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Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available. February 1-29,1988
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/30/1988
NUREG-0540, NUREG-0540-V10-N02, NUREG-540, NUREG-540-V10-N2, NUDOCS 8804280623
Download: ML20151T228 (346)


{{#Wiki_filter:- ' NUREG-0540 Vol.10, No. 2 Title List of l Documents Made Publicly Available l l February 1-29, 1988 l i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Administration and Resources Management 1 1 gkB REcq i i 'S 3, ' '! , 1  %,,


l g 42 g g 880430 0540 R PDR l

e, , a, 3 Available from Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Post Office Box 37082 Washington, D.C. 20013 7082 A year's subscription consist. of 12 issues for this publication. Single copies of this publication are available from National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161 i

i 1 i l l NUREG-0540 Vol.10, No. 2 3 Title List of  ! Documents Made Publicly Available i l l l February 1-29, 1988 i Date Published: Apri? 1988 Division of Publications Services Office of Administration and Resources Management U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 p,.....,

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CONTENTS Preface...........................................................v Arrangement of items by Docket Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Alphabetic Arrangement of Docket Items by Facility Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv Doc k et ed i t em s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Low Level Radwaste Disposal Sites - Docket 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I Domestic Licensing of Source hiaterial - Docket 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities - Docket 50. . . . 10 Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear hiaterial - Docket 70. . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Packaging of Radioactive hiaterial for Transport and Transportation of Radioactive hiaterial Under Certain Conditions - Docket 71. . . . . . . . . . 214 Licensing of Independent Spent Fuel Storage - Docket 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Nondocketed Items . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... . ......... . ..... 221 10 CFR - Commission hiecting Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 ACRS - Advisory Committec on Reactor Safeguards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 COhih!!SSION - NRC Commissioners . . . . .. .............. .... 221 CONTRACT - NRC Contracts and biodifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 FOIA - Freedom of Information Act Requests and Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 GEN TECH IS - Generic Technical issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 234 I&E - Inspection and Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..... . 234 h1ISC - Public Document Room hiiscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 NUREG - NUREG Reports and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . .... 237 ORG - Correspondence with Other Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 P R - Pro posed Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .. 241 PRht - Petition for Rulemaking. . . . . . . . .. ......... . ... ...... 243 PROJ - Projects Predocket Licensing . . . .. ............. ..... . . 243 PT21 - Noncompliance Reports and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . 244 QA999 - Quality Assurance lnspections . . . . . . .. .... .... ....... 245 REGGD - Regulatory Guides . . . . ........ .... ..... .......... . 245 REVIEW GROUP - NRC Research Review Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 SECY - Position Papers Before the Commission . . . . .... ....... . 247 STATE PROG - State Programs . .. .. . ...... ........ ......... 247 TOPREP - Vendor Reports and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . .. .. 248 WASTE h1GT- Nuclear Waste hf anagement . . ... .... .. . ........ 249 WASTE RES - Waste hianagement Research Reports . . . . . . . . . .. . ... 252 XPORTLIC - Export and Import Licenses. . . . . . . . .. .. . . ...... 252 Personal Author Index . . . .......... ... . ., ...... . ...... . 255 Corporate Source Index. , . . . . . . . . .. . .. .... ... ........ 279 Report Number Index . . ... .. . . .... .. .. . .. . . . .... 301 Cross Reference of Enclosures to Principal Documents . . .. .. .. ... 303 Appendix A - Definitions of Docket 50 Categories . . . . .. . .. .. . A.1 Appendix B - Definitions of Nondocketed Categories . .. . . .. . B.1 iil


  ' The Title List of Documents Mode Publicly A voilable is a monthly publication. It contains descriptions of the in.

formation received and generated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). This information includes (1) docketed material associated with civilian nuclear power plants and other um of radioactive materials and (2) nondocketed material received and generated by NRC pertinent to its role as a regulatory agency. As used here, ' docketeddoes not refer to Court dockets; it refers to the system by which NRC maintains its regulatory records. This series of documents is indexed by a Personal Author Index, a Corporate Source Index, and a Report Number Index. The docketed information contained in the Title List includes the information formerly issued through the Depart-ment of Energy publication Powr Reactor Docket Information, last published in January 1979. Microfiche of the docketed information listed in the Tit /c List is available for sale on a subscription basis from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). See NOTES at the end of the Preface for the complete NTIS address. We encourage your comments, criticisms, and suggestions, in particular, if there are title descriptions that are not meaningful, please let us know so that we can correct the data base in so far as possible, we would like this docu. ment to be a valuable part of your reference material. DOCKETED ITEMS The listings within Docket 50 are divided into the categories used for filing and searching in the NRC Public Docu. rnent Room.Those categories are: A. Application / construction stage documents and correspondence B. Utility Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR), amendments C. Utility Environmental Report (ER), amendments and correspondence D. NRC Draf t and Final Environmental (Impact) Statements (DES and FES), and correspondence

E. NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER), supplements and correspondence F. Security, medical, emergency and fire protection plans O. Adjudicatory correspondence H. General correspondence

, I. Financialinformation l J. Insurance and indemnity information i' K. Utility Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and amendments L.- Limited work authorization and related correspondence M. Antitrust correspondence ! N. Antitrust hearing transcripts L O. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) reports and correspondence P. Operating license stage documents and correspondence Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulletins and correspondence R. Periodic operating reports and related correspondence [ S. Reportable occurrences. LERs and related correspondence l T. Hearing transcripts on non antitrust matters U. Congressional / executive correspondence V. Licensing operators and related correspondence l i V

                                                                                                                          - - -- ~ --

W. Decommissioning stage documents and correspondence X. Onsite low level wastes storage Appendix A sets forth those categories and describes the materials available in each. Omission of a category in the listing for a docket indicates that no documents in that category were filed in the time period of the report. The principal elements of the entries in the list are.

               @       P.      Operating license stage documents & correspondence 8411270362 Submits renewed, amended & updated petition under 2.206, urging NRC to re-quire that util provide Commission full disclosure of intended sources & environ conse-uences prior to issuing full power OL.

SUGARMAN, R.J. Sugarman, Denwonh & Hellegers 6 84/11/21 64 5

                            @ Denton, H. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Director                 8      2pp.              l 27628:356:27628:357 1.

44664 NRC/PDR Document category (see Appendix A).

2. NRC Accession Number (year, month, day, and sequence number of item).
3. Description of information contained in the document.
4. Personal author (s). An asterisk in this position indicates that there is no personal author.
5. Corporate, agency or nonindividual source.
6. ' Date of document described.
7. Recipient of document and NRC or corporate affiliation.
8. Pages in this document.
9. This five-digit number is the NRC 48X microfiche designation.
10. The three-digit portion of this entry is the number of the frame on which this document stans.
11. The five-digit portion of this entry is the number of the frame on which this document ends.
12. The three-digit portion of this entry is the number of the frame on which this document ends.
13. If this space is blank, the document is available to the public only in the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20555. If this space is tilled, it gives other sources for copies of the document. The entry may be "Available at NRC" for sale: "Available at NTIS"; or "Available at GPO."

The Docketed items list is arranged sequentially by Docket Number, category, and then by date of principal items. Entries indented and preceded by a dash are items that were submitted as enclosures to principal items, in general, indented items are not in accession number sequence. If the docketed document has a contract (FIN) number or a formal report number, it will appear in the last line of the item following entry 5. NONDOCKETEDITEMS The nondocketed items are divided mto the categories used for filing and searching in the NRC Public Docu-ment Room. These categories and their symbols are: 10CFR-Commission Meeting Records ACRS-Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards COMMISSION-NRC Commissioners CONTRACT-NRC Contracts and Modifications DISCLOSURE-Financial Disclosure Information FOIA-Freedom of Information Act Requests and Releases GEN TECil IS-Generic Technical Issues vi

Am - A I&E- nspection and Enforcement hilSC-Public Document Room hiiscellaneous NUREG-NUREG Reports and Related Correspondence ORG-Correspondence with Other Organizations PR--Proposed Rule PRhi-Petition for Rulemaking PROJ-Projects-Predocket Licensing PT21-Noncompliance Reports and Related Correspondence QA999-Quality Assurance Inspections REGGD-Regulatory Guides RES-Research and Technical Assistance Reports REVIEW GRP-NRC Research Review Groups Rht-Rulemakings . SECY- Position Papert. Before the Commission STAT 5 PROG-State Programs l'OPREP-Vendor Reports and Related Correspondence WASH-Regulatory Publications-Pre-NUREG Series WASTE h1GT-Nuclear Waste hianagement WASTE RES-Waste hianagement Research Reports XPORTLIC-Exports and Import Licenses Appendix B sets forth these categories and describes the material available in each. Omission of a category in the listing for a docket indicates that no documents in that category were filed in the time period of the report. The principal elements of the nondocketed items are:

       @ NUREG-NUREG Reports and Related Correspondence 8203     207 NUREG/CR-1672 V02'
                   ' RISK ASSESSh1ENT h1ETHODOLOGY DEVELOPh1ENT FOR WASTE ISOLATION IN GEOLOGIC h1EDIA. Technical Review of Documents h          NUREG/CR-1262 NUREGICR-1376, NUREG/CR-1377, NUREG/CR-1397 &

NUREG/CR-1608. 6 h STEVENS, C.A., FULLWOOD, R.A., BASIN, S.L. Science Applications Inc.

          @- FIN B-6694. SAI-262-81-PA. 82/02/28, Division of Ris Analysis.

123p. Available at NRC." $6.00. o 12176:217: 121 6:34i I 11 12

                                                @ 13 @ h 15                1p) 'l7           10 l 1. Nondocket category
2. NRC Accession Number (year, month, day, and sequence number of item)

( 3. NRC Report Number l

4. Title and description of infor. nation contained in the document
5. Personal author (s). An asterisk in this position indicates that there is no personal author.
6. Corporate, agency or other nonindividual source.
7. Contract or financial (FIN) number (if any). If the document has a secondary report number, it will appear following this entry.
8. Secondary report number assigned by originator.
9. Cate of document described.
10. NRC organizational recipient,
11. Pages in document.
12. All NUREG-series documents are available for purchase at NRC. Information on ordering documents is given below. All NUREG-series documents are also available at NTIS. Information on ordering from NTIS is also given below.
13. Price for which NRC sells the documents.


14. This five-digit number is the NRC 48X microfiche designation.


15. This three-digit portion of this entry is the number of the frame on which this document starts.
16. This five-digit number is the microfiche on which this document ends.


17. This three-digit number is the frame on which this document ends.

! The Nondocketed items list is arranged sequentially by Accession Number within category. Indented items preceded by a dash are enclosures to unindented items. NOTES:

1. The address for NRC is:

Director Division cf Publications Services U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 To place orders, send check or money order, payaBe to the Superintendent of Documents. GPO Deposit Account holders may charge their orders by calling (301) 492-9530.

2. The address for NTIS is:

National Technical Information Service Springfield, Virginia 22161 To place orders for or to obtain price information about NRC publications at NTIS, either write to NTIS or call the Sales Desk at (703) 487-4650. Specify the NRC report number and title when you place your order. Publications can be charged to American Express credit cards; supply the charge card number when placing your order.

3. The address for the PDR is:

1717 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20555 To place orders, either write to the NRC PDR or call (202) 634-3274 When ordering documents listed in this publication, please identify the Document Accession Number for each citation. Paper copy and microfiche of the documents listed in this title list may be purchased. Reproduc-tion charges and method of payment, based on the current reproduction contract, are obtainable from the PDR. viil







                                                                 '        ^



                               '                                     50-388        SUSOUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC           146 50 327        SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1       103                      STATION, UNIT 2 50-328        SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2       107      50-389        ST. LUCIE PLANT, UNIT 2              148 I         50-329        MIDLAND PLANT, UNIT 1                111      50-390        WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1      149 50-330        MIDLAND PLANT, UNIT 2                111      50-391        WATTS BAR NUOLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2      150 l         50-331        DUANE ARNOLD ENERGY CENTER           112      50-395        VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION,    151 50-333        JAMES A. FITZPATRICK NUCLEAR         113 POWER PLANT                                 50-397        WPPSS NUCLEAR PROJECT, UNIT 2        153 e




Docket Name Page Docket Name Page 70 1201 BABCOCK & WILCOX CO., LYNCHBURG, 214 71-6601 MODEU CNS 8-120, CHEM-NUCLEAR 216 VA SYSTEMS, INC. 70 1207 . NAVY, DEPT, OF, SfLVER SPRING, MD 214 71-6697 MODEL: GE-8500, GENERAL ELECTRIC 216 CO. 70-1308 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., SAN JOSE, CA 214 71-6717 M D U 6717 B, GAMMA INDUSTRIES, 216 70-1359 IRT CORP., SAN DIEGO, CA 214 70-2479 TRANSNUCLEAR, INC., FALLS CHURCH, 214 MODEU IF-300, GENERAL ELECTRIC 216 71 9001 CO. 70-3055 GEORGIA POWER CO., WAYNESBORO, 214 71 9006 MODEU At 500 SU, TECH / OPS,INC- 216 71 9007 MODEL: 520, TECH / OPS, INC. 216 Packaging of Radioactive Material for Transport and Transportation of Radioactive 71 9010 MODEU NLl-1/2, NUCLEAR ASSURANCE 216 Material Under Certain Conditions Docket 71 CORP. 214 71 9019 MODEL: BU 7, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 216 71 0115 BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. 71 0230 BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. 214 71 9021 MODEU 750, TECH / OPS, INC. 216 71 0404 CTI, INC. 214 71 9028 MODEU 684 & 684E, TECH / OPS, INC. 217 71-0423 H&H X RAY SERVICES, INC- 214 71 9032 MODEU 650 TECH / OPS,INC. 217 71-0481 MONROE X-RAY CO.,INC. 214 71 9033 MODEU 660 & 660E, TECH / OPS, INC. 217 l' 71 0489 SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY 215 71 9035 MODEU 680 & 680E, TECH / OPS, INC. 217 DISTRICT 71 9036 MODEU C 1 SOURCE PRODUCTION & 217 71-0635 H & G INSPECTION CO., INC. 215 EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 71 4 639 WOS TESTING CO., INC. 215 71 9039 MODEU 715, TECH / OPS,INC. 217 71-0642 RTS TECHNOLOGY, INC- 215 71 9056 MODEU SPEC 2-T, SOURCE 217 71 0645 HOUSTON UGHTING & POWER 215 PRODUCTION & EQUIPMENT CO. NORTHERN INSPECTION SERVICES, 71-9070 MODEL. N-55, NUCLEAR PACKAGlNG, 217 71 0647 215 INC. INC. 71 0648 INDUSTRIAL TESTING INTERNATIONAL, 215 71 9081 MODEU CNS 1 13C, CHEM-NUCLEAR 217 INC. SYSTEMS, INC, 71 0649 UNIV. OF CAllFORNIA, BERKELY 215 71-9107 MODEL: 771, TECH / OPS, INC. 217 71 0650 S&ME, INC. 215 71-9126 MODEU 20, 20A. 50, SOA, GAMMA 217 71 3002 MODEU NR 10 N1PPON NUCLEAR FUEL 215 DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. 71-9127 MODEU 100,100A, 200, 200A, GAMMA 217 71-4909 MODEU GE 21PF 1, GENERAL 215 ELECTRIC CO. 71-9128 MODEU C 8, GAMMA INDUSTRIES, INC. 217 7149e3 MODEU RA 2, RA 3, RA-J, GENERAL 215 71 9133 MODEL C-10, GAMMA INDUSTRIES, INC. 218 ELECTRIC CO. MODEU RMG 1811, NUCLEAR FUEL

; 71 5492                                                215                 NDU      S NC SERVICES, INC.

MODEL: BB-250-2, COMBUSTION 1 4 DEU @ , TECH @ S, E 218 71 5768 215 ENGINEERING, INC. 71 9147 MODEU 850. TECH / OPS, INC. 218 71 5926 MODEL: GE 100, GENERAL ELECTRIC 215 71 9148 MODEL: 770, TECH / OPS, INC. 218 CO. 71 5939 MODEL: GE-1500, GENERAL ELECTRIC 216 CO l M 71- 57 EU 1R400, INDUSMAL NWM 218 71 5957 MODEL: BMI 1, BATTELLE COLUMBUS 216 ' LABORATORY 71 5971 MODEU 200, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 216 7 b9159 M "' ' E AC N 71 6078 M 27 9 1 COMBUSTION 216 71 9160 MODEL: 20-VS & 40-VS, GULF NUCLEAR, 218 i INC. i 71 6206 MODEL: B. BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. 216 71 9168 MODEU CNS 81208, CHEM NUCLEAR 218 l 71 6294 MODEL: UNC-2901, COMBUSTION 216 SYSTEMS, INC, ENGINEERING, INC. 71 9176 MODEU NUPAC 14/210L & 14/210H, 218 l 71 6406 MODEL: NONE, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 216 NUCLEAR PACKAGING, INC. xiii

Docket Name Page- Docket Name Page 71 9191 MODEL ORNL & BNL UNIRR FUEL, 218 Ucensing of Independent Spent Fuel Storage BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. Docket 72 71 9200 MODEL: 125 B, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 219 72-0001 MORRIS OPERATIONS, GENERAL 219 71 9203 ' MODEL: DHTF, BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. 219 72-0002 VIRGINM ELECTRIC & POWER CO. 219 71 9216 - MODEL: CNS 1*" *. CHEM NUCLEAR 219 SYSTEMS, ins. 72-0003 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO. 219 71 9222 HOUSE 219 72-0004 DUKE POWER CO.,50-269 219.

                       - Sg, W ST a

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,                                                                                                                                              l I




  ,                     . ~ ,              .    .                        .


.          i                                                              UNIT 2 NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION. UNIT  50-410       157        SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1      50-206      16-SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2      50-361    131
      ' NORTH ANNA POW 2R STATION, UNIT 1      50-338     . 118-       SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 3       50-362 - 133.


        @ NEE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 3          50 287        64 107 SEOUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2           50-328 C310 STATE UNIV. RESE. ACH REACTOR     50-150         14 50 400   154 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER OMAHA VETERANS ADM!P ISTRATION         50 131         13           PLANT, UNIT 1 HOSPITAL RESEARCH REACTOR                                                            g ORE         STATE UNIV. RESEARCH       50-243         24 SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT, UNIT 1          STN-50-498   202 19       SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT, UNIT 2          STN-50-499   204 OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT       50 219 ST. LUCfE PLANT, UNIT 1                  50-335    115       f PAUSADES NUCLEAR PLANT                 50-255         34 ST, LUC!E PLANT, UNt? 2                  50-389    148 PALO VERDE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 STN-50-528       206 PALO VERDE NUCLEAR STATION, UfuT 2 STN-50-529                  SURRY POWER STATON, UNIT 1               50-280     57 208                                                                     ,



                                                        , .DDEL: 927A1 & 927C1, COVBUSTION       71 6078   216 GA TECHNOLOGIES, INC., SAN DIEGO, CA    70 0734  213       E NGINEERING, INC.

GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., SAN JOSE, CA 70 1308 214 MODEL: Al 500 SU, TECH / OPS, INC. 71 9006 216 wiii

    ,        p                                                                                                              -                   . ..

l l Name Docket Page Name Docket Page ( 71-6206 216 MODEU NU-1/2, NUCLEAR ASSURANCE 71 9010 216


CORP. 2 MBUSTION 71-5768 215 MODEL: NONE, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71 6406 218 - MODEL: NR 10 N1PPON AUCLEAR FUEL 71 3002 215 MODEU BMI-1, BATTELLE COLUMBUS 71 5957 216 DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. LABORATORY E M & H. NUCLEAR 7 b9159 218 MODEL: BU-7. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71-9019 216 hN P MODEL C 1. SOURCE PRODUCTION & 71 9036 217~ ' MODEL: NUPAC 14/210L & 14/210H, 71 9176 218






TECH E W , E 7W2 215  ; MODEL: DHTF, BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. 71 9203 219 MODEL: GE 100. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO 71 5926 215 SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTIUTY 71 0489 215 MODEU GE-1500, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71 5939 216 DISTRK:T t MODEL: GE 21PF 1, GENERAL ELECTRIC 71 4909 215 UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELY 71 0649 215 { WOS TESTING 00, INC. 71439 215 MODEL: GE-8500, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71 6697 216 71 9222 219 Licensing of Independent Spent Fuel , MODEL: HN-215H. WESTINGHOUSE Storage . Docket 72 i HITTMAN NUCLEAR, INC. MODEL: IF 300, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO. 72 0003 219 71 9001 216 DUKE POWER CO.,50 269 72-0004 219 i MODEL: IR 100, INDUSTRIAL NUCLEAR CO. 71 9157 218 R E ONS, GENERAL 72 6 2M MODEU IR-50, INDUSTRIAL NUCLEAR CO. 71 9156 218 C  ; E MODEL: N 55, NUCLEAR PACKAGING, INC. 71 9070 217 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC & POWER CO. 72-0002 219 I f i ! F i L L dt P i

                           -v-    --    -         , , , - . . - - _ . _ , , _       , _ , , , _                 ___

DOCKETEDITEMS se020e0094 Revees UMETCO Minerals Corp techrecad evaluaton W emtw*.

         ' LOW LEVEL RADWASTE DISPOSAL SITES                                                         monts c           evaporaten ponds at Gas Hds U me & runott results.Coachance a rregurements         based on comphance e/ contractor anberg MJaer recommande-bor*

DOCKET 27 048 RACHLANO, WA U1 ECOLOGY,lleC- HEYER.R S. PETTENGILLHJ Lkanun Feld Otc, R4 86/01/11.Urannan Recovery Feu 08c. R4 4pp. 44266.174-442861 8002010012 Forwards "Evabanon of See Monnorno Prtvam at US Ecologis Lee Lev:t Radmaste Dscosal Facery Actuand.W A7 m comphance e/Coreton 54 of $402190195 nrdorms that heap teacA operaton closed doen on680101 Aa productor. Amend 17 to Ucense WN-1019-2 as succor 1ed by 871109 anaNss from heap leadwng opershon & frorn $ver yews andkng operatone kanstrere$ to ADAuS S R US Ecology. enc (tormer+y Nuclear Eryneereg. 6nc) 68/01/19 WNte Mesa pa UT

            ' INGERSOLL.C E,     W astungtort State of 1p 44168120L44166149                          TRAVVE L LJ W. UVE i        Meerass Corp (ses of Unon Cwtade Corp) 64/01/13 HEYER,R 4*raruurn Recowry Feed Os     c R4 sp 44404 357-44404 357.
           -4402010015 *Evaluaton of S te Morwtoreg Prcgram at US Ecotogn ice Leves Red-easie Discosal F acety RacNand W A '                                                S402160405 Roosests amerd of $71216 Br.Contamr4ted rfm3 eastes we be buned at SAVER R E. U S Ecoaogy. Irv (formetty Nuctear Engeeeres incJ 66/01/15. 29pp           neap leacn sees Detass ce pacement of contativneted eastes oc be part of appace.

44168 1'1 44148 149 tion ny amend to Lcense SUA-648 to be sent to NRC by880331. TRAVVELLJ W UWE TCO Meere's Corp. tsult of Urnon Cartade Corp ). 66/01/14 400200008$ For=wds documema on too leved radente prepared ty Battese Aricle o't HET ER.R Urarturn Recovery FeeG 08c. R4 1p 4427; 34444372 349 nsued easte Dr N Arnor efewvent SAVE R.R E US E . inc. Oormery Nuciear f.rvneerrg. Inc) 88/01/26 4402170375 For=wds 1987 corporale avde W ALARA progam. SHAFFNER J 8.RC . No aded AHiheton Gwet 3pp 44267 00144287 005. TRAMMELLJ W UVE* M Meerais (sas of unen Cat =de Corp). 6sr01/19

           -4802000097Formads DerA cf Social Sves 1986 anttai rept 'Osposal of Low Leved Rateaste m State of W A,' ter mfo.Ordy cover page enct.

ELSEN M J Washrston State of 68/01/25.SHAFFNER.J Othee of NurJear Mamal DOCKET 40 1162 WESTERN NUCLE AR. INC., JEFFREY CITY. WY Sa'ety & Sateguards.Drector 2pp 44267004-44287005. 8802030149 Formards author 071211 memo outbreng concems to updated decomrms-one an030 meno re oregon Trad Provesons M DOMESTIC LICENSING OF SOURCE MATERIAL Qe'Me7i 3,4,4,,R c MOxtEY.M Wyommg. Stats of 47/12/14 BAKER SJ Westem Nuclear. Inc (subs. of Phecs Ocoge Co p L 1200 44240 001-44240 012 DOCKET 40 0017DOW CHEM 6 CAL CO, MIDLAND, MI 4402110014 Forewds Amend 40 to Lcense SJA-56 0w 871124 & 1207 08022304G Ferewds pins for removai & temLorry storage et NRC bcensed s@r s Arnend revmes Lcense Coretion 74 re 71undwater corromance morutoreg thorum survey sampie swi & heeftn & safety pans Matt om be removed from stor-a- srte & 9taced T temporwy lay 30*n wee H0 R Uranum Recovery Febs OM R4 87/W18 BAKER.S Westem Nuciec, vtF R 91 Doe Chewscar Co 67/t2/01 DAVIS.AB 3. Orc c4 the Owec- lac Isubs o Pheaps Dodge Corp i 2pp 44324 M644324 De9 tor LAh0CHE.J Re;ca 6. Ole of the Drector. WIDMATER. NRC . No detaned A!. teatori G ven 5pp 44451233-44451292 -4402110044 Amend 40 to Lcense SUA-56 fce Western Nocher.tnc.revseg Iconse m

          -8002230444 ~Dee Chemcal Co Oosure of udland thonum Storage Sde Survey 3                        1 R O Urarnum Recovery Foto Osc R4. 07/12/18.16pp 44324 070-44324 069 j

Sampio Plan /Reiease Creena "

               ' f7 Corp 87/11/30 20pp 44451236-44451257.                                          84020Ju130 Revices Westem 4aciear tnc ervron encrwtoreg rect for F ast Part 1967 serrutted on f 709J1 Sampirwt & ena'yses performed m accordance e/ Leer se
          -4002230447 "Swie ut9alco of Doe Cherrucal Co Thorurn Storage S.te m                       SUA-56 No syecarg trends #dentAed & no turther action necessary Mdand Mi Enevon Hea'th & Satery Plan ~                                                HE YER R S . PE TTENGEL H J Uranium Recovery Feld Otc, R4 86/01/04 Uraruurn
  • IT Corp 47/11/'ao. 36pp. 44451258 44451292 Recovery Feld Olw R4 3pp 44295 33744285 339.

se0:220041Formeros comraenes & deverues re er:201 sama'as ter decommason. as02090304 oscusses rewee et s70901 subtrwitas of F<st & Second Ouarter 1987 rg of thonum sanrage 64e Sutmsson of aM mio ro%ested eater cpakty samekng results for Spht Acts M4 No sgret. cant changes trom prevous M NER W H Environmental Protecten Agency 68/0t/01 CROYLE,R M Dow Chen=- reot cal Co 5(9 44425 293 44425 296 HEYE R R S Uraruum Pocovery Feid Osc, R4 68/01los uraruum Ibreery Feld Orc. R4. 3pp 44294132-44294134 8002030174 Summary et 680112 meeung e/ Don Chemcal Corp n Rocavee VD re drati lhorum storde see 10CFR20 302 apphcabon & decommrsserung ptans 5402090453 Advses that Sphe Rock taihngs tr,bankment performeng enthin desgn LAROCHF.G Fuse Cycie SC*ty Brancit 86'01/21. Fued Cycie Sa4ty Stanch 2pp specs & remacs e statse coneton tened on reces ed secrancar evaNaton rept for r Wmy 1966 Ap 1987. autmtted a Western Nuclear 670701 str 44225 355-44225 357. j HEVER.R S. PET 1ENGELH J Uranum Recovery Feid Osc. R4 68/01/05 Urarnum 6402230175 Chscusses ccricems to Mdand thorum storage one relocaten/decomrnes Recovery F eid Otc, R4 2pp 44317 001-44317 002

             - screng van for Dow Cremcal Concem certers around need for terrecrary teiocaton of shorium man Suggests that mati be paced m NRC apcrowed sde                        8402110054 Concurs a"Western corgtenton that requested estenhen of es-BRUCHMANN.G W Mcttgan, State et 66/01/25 L.AROCFE G Othee of Nuclear                  pratori date tenery & cost eeectve approah unts seue resoNed tzense SUA 56 Malenal Safety & Sateguads Drec1ct. 3pp 44443 326-44443 330                           smcud be amended by reveng Conoton 4 m read at hsted SHOPENN,N V. PETTENGRL HJ Urarwum Recovery Feid Orc, R4 88,01/06 Urars-DOCKET 40-0299 UMETCO WNf RALS CORP, RfYERTON, WY 6402110074 Forewes Amend 41 to Lcense SUA 005d Arrend revises puts of envvon
           $802100075 kackage conssteg of rec 4amaton pertermance tend mcrease/ decrease             & nptant morwtoreg pregams & entends espraten daie acetwateN roer & Seabord Surety Co 8612,1 teancel statemnr4 4 power of ery                       SVitM R C Lkarnum Recovery Feid Orc. R4 Bit /01/06 BAKER.S Wessem Nuc.near.
                                        . State of REILLYJ P Neo vors, bete of
  • Corewcteut, Inc (subs ot Prmpps Dodge Corp ) Sep 44338 196-44336 224 MCDONALdJ W.

State of 87/11/24 spo 4317 162 44317 165

                                                                                                   -4402110049 Amend 41 to Lcense SUA 4056 ter Western, authormng pos.

sessen of U easte ladegs 9ene'aied by past maang oserstore to be used at fachtes 4402030123 Foreads results of 1987 geotecernces esa r/ evapcrabon ponds _per L,> m State of W'y ce"se Cometen d6 tr$se anctuced aMton or ansp of neey constructed sys tor ev,, sen of proccstaten runoff trom A 9 empw dment 5%TH R D Uraceum Recovery Feid O'c. R4 88/01/06 184 , 44338 201 44338 224 TRAUViLLJ W UUt1C0 unera!s Corp ;sas of Ur=on Catede Cerp ) a7/12/16 HEYER R Uraruum Recovery Feed Osc. R4 16pp 442*5 079-44245 094 8802110153 Recomments asuante cf Amend 41 to Lcense SVAKr56 recseg Lcense Condaca 11 to moo ema en v ron & e-pant monnoreg prowams as staics 6802090190Apphcaten lor amend to Lcense SUA444 author'seg burg es contemnat SHOPE NN N H , PE Y ENGRL M J Ur i ! ed mal easles at hoop tea-n sdes Fee pad ura Recovery Fe4d Osc. R4 4pp e 30 443,arn,um 44338133 Recovery Feld Dec. R4 88/01/06 U TRAMVELLJ W UWETCO %neras Corp 1ses of Unen Cart de Corp) 07/12/16 i HEYER R Urarnum Recovery fe4d Osc R4 ep 442922M44292290 4602170335 Recuests reven 4 of 61130 decomrwssor=rg pan ser Scad Rocs %s try 880200 Approvai needed to commence decommesworwng aciretes by 4402110024 For=wtin Amend 2 to Lcanse SUA.0644 Amend reeses Lcenso Coneten 68a01 55 acs rece94 of nder to Seabowd Swety Co Bond a pov+ng NRC acceptance of B4*ER S J Western Nutiear inc (sas of Preips Dodge Corp) 84/01/07 rned to NRC4etated parisen o' rest PETTENGFLLH J Uranium Recovery Fen Ofc. R4 ip 44363 is7-44363187 SMITH R D vrarwum Recovery Fe4d Olc R4 97/12e29 UVE TCO Meera s Corp 4802140175 Foreads "Grou ndester Samphng Res#s for Spst Rots Ma Sde ter Aug-r has of Urwon Certsde Corp t 3pp 44338159 44334194 Now t967 " per Lcense Corohon 14C of Lcense SUA 56

          -4402110037 Amend 2 to License SUA4469 tor UVETCO V<eres Cup avthor#ng                     B4* ER S J Westem Nucleat inc isde o8 Pneos Oceae Cap t 68/01/06 use of naturet U ad facetes v5 Natrona Covaty 9                                        ~4 Y IENGn L M J Uransum Recovery Feed O'c R4 op 44434 03144404 C*A

/ I $%7H.R D Urwoum Recovery Feid Olc, R4 $7/12/29 14gp 44338 962 44338194

                                                                                                   -440218010$ "Gro r destei Swweeg Resun s at SpH Rock Me $de lor Aug Nov
        ' 4802110lM Recommenos +=e pien Irom tees for measse ser Amend 2 to Lcense                   ise ? -

SLA 648 feessng sure*y v/tour al smco amend est te stues tar benef4 of Comrivsson BaaER S J Carone th: 81/It s30 29pp 44434 032 44404 O'A ROSEHO, Pt T'ENGPLL M J Urarhum Recovery F eld Olc H4 67/12/29 HOLLOW Ay CJ L4 ease Fee Managemeet Branch fp 4A 35 304 44335 304 6802140190 A$vses that poperty oe riership se e area covered by recand Der Loma Heap Leach Operaten researched per recipent request Dacontainriatson of Ros pop. 8002170344 Mon 4oreg rept Ice tourth guarter 1987 W,6a0118 ter erty a ea ascussed

                'RAUVE LLJ W UVETCO Meieram Corp (ses of Urmon Carte $e Corp ) 8 7< 12 /31           ROi+ERTS H A Enerp Fue*s Nuclew inc as'ct /0e fd> ER S Western Noear.

GARLAND M Wymung State of 26pp 44363 224 44363 2%s tec Mes c8 PP.e$s (x=13e Corp ) 2sc 44370 359 443*0 360 t 1 l

22~ LDOCKETEDITEMS-9002000194Sikaruts reven of Western Nuclear inc terrmarvsasi ALARA Aust 871 cork DOCKET 40 3392 ALLIED $4GNAL, INC, METROPOUS. IL ducted on 4T52427 Cerrectve octon on 8&2 aud4 AWN try twne of 87401 hop e May 1987 No vends e sampe analys SHOPENN.N M. PE TTENGat LH J ecovery Uransurn R's Feek2 Osc,observed arte R4 68/01/12 tast thar>- avde

                                                                                                       . 400223013% W4orms W deose to change h # OA progra*n An we mcNde Natei um Recovery Feed OR R4 2m 442922fie 44292 289 pnyse,,,s,eito,s,tretchem,sca,l g ,o , ny n g mg 3 %&enmp                fre,,s,ately.

g p, emergency prepaedness operatonal 4 most W 8a0801 0802100193 Fweards M Bedessyn 680121 memo re updated As- . aeef-s plan ad 871130 for Rock Miesde Requests that M Bedessen concerns & author cork [ "gD a De 44449 44449 0 int 1 C' "J.te*:='m',"auS'ww:'a6s Phelps Dodge App. 44372 079-44372 082. sW .a=*mF-- - *ee=>~ ~~W--- sampq staten Ws testmy sent for kng fluid repmsM M cowcw W 87N W Saw beeg by NRC W/o eness

 $802230163 Intwms that reces of Western Nuclear.knc decomrtvssenmg platt anacoal-                           BISHOPJ C Amed-                       WOf /06 ROUSE 1 NRC . No Detaded AffA41cn ed to be competed by 880331.m resporse to 680107 rgery                                                  Gwer 2pp M292 3               4 M $t                                                                   ,

PETTENGILLH J. Vransum Recover'y Feld Cec. R4 68/01/25 BAKER.SJ Western

     >A;cisar, Inc (subs. of Preeps Dodge Corp) 1p 44443 33744443 337.

DOCKET ee 3453 ATLAS Wt04ERALS INC, DENYER, CO 9002230211 Summary at680114 treetmg w/Westem Nucies.Inc m Lakewood. CO re Ironsee subr%P.a's of etervn stab 4Jabce pian & arnpleaentanen scheme lor sped rock ta4 rigs evipoundmere rectamatertper Lcease Coreten 30. $602060232 Amend 1 to irrevocabie tv of eredst119907. SHOFENN.N M, PE TTENGiLLH J Uraruurn Recovery Feed 08c R4 68/01/25 Uran > Atras Corp.87412/03 2pp 4429212344292124 ' wm Recovery Feed Otc. R4 2pp 44444 021-44444 029

                                                                                                         $402100264 Responds te NRC671120lir te viciaiens noted m insp Rept 40 34$3/67-01 Correctrve actensvewwwnna 4 cialted enct procedure re mients taangs statmhza-DOCIET40 1341 TEpsNESSEE WALLEY AUTHORITY, CHATTANOOGA. TN                                                  tion contros BLUBAVGH.R E. Atlas Corp 87/12/21 PETTFNG!LL.HJ Vrarium Recovery Feed C%c, R4 Spp 44314 %7544414183 8002160147 Eck2ernons U 44 Decomtrusseneg Era reon Mondonne Program Sermark rmal Rept 10. Mar 4ct 1967 W880121 IIr G!UOLEY.R Tennessee Vancy Authorny 47/10/31 5%TH.R D Urarnum Recovery                               6401190,019              Foreards$r immG pone "Status Rept negotatens prece eng put,es reavest that 871123 crow be eatended for as dan to a9ord of Partiesm " re F16d Orc, et4.159pp 44370 099-44370 2574 Aras as eme to reacri settlement m proceeeng BERRY.G A Ass.stant General Carsel scr He                      68/01/07. FRYE.J H. Atomic DOCKET 442061 KERR-WCGEE CHEMICAL CORP., WEST CH4 CACO, P.                                                     * *           "                      D          3 '

6802050139 Advises that effectsve on 880101.Wess Crwcago propect actnrees decreased ~4402170410 Adv ses Inst surety acceptatwo & responerve to reemrements of Pre-sagrutcantly en response to completon of authorged lactory srte oemothon graph 7 W 870731 order.m response to 87t209 ler. Order was be *4horsen NRC we furtrec evabale socommsserung pian WICe4ticate of Svc ecrtL Revised cgartrahon ceart reflechng cearges ecct STAUTERJ G kerr-Udsee Cc4 68/0013 MOUSE L C. Othce of NucleF Matenal 'tARTIN.R i Corp D NRC32744364.329 3pp. 44366 No Deta. led Aft 6aten Gwert 68'01/05 BLUBAUGH.R E. Atlas Safety & Sa'epaards,Drector. 3pp. 44266 358-442M 360 9002040117 Adv ses that sta'I currentty estana'es that feel suppf to FES ed be esued 4402090062 Concurs w/concL6cn m Dames & Moore root submned by hcensee on dunng Aug 9964Jn resConse to Board 680107 reosest 6,70700 mat ta,hngs per wsnort at Moab LE 675.$ H Ass.stant General Coweses for Heanngs a188 $46$ 88/01/28 r qu,ed Rept sutnevned Coreten 328 or UT NRC tras statee 370731 safe & mactaned as oroer FRYEJ M, KLINEJ R. CARPENTER.J H Atorruc Safety and Lcenseg Bowd Pans' SCOVILLY R PETTENGrRH J Ura*= urn Recovery Feed Osc. R4 64/01/08 U ans-

   , tp 44216 285-44218 265                                                                                 urn Recovwy keid Olc. FM 3pp. 44286166-442s6168 6802120073Deceon, Aftsms ASLB Gsessai m LBA 86-18 of shoe cause order Sta'l                             80021,0004 behC Stag mobon for estenssca e' tme
  • Moten lor estensco unte 880229 moten so acce$4 EPA ser oerwd Served on 880210 to,gWe rescorse to J Dm pebbon m mirwne s/ced H greitedW!CerWate W SHOEMaFER CJ. Atomac Satefy and Lcertsq Appeal Panet #184 $$74 88/02/10. 3 2400 44318 001 44318 024 BERRY,0 A Assim Gew CW lor Hps #164 $$H 88/0H11 Atorog Sateh and Wensq hd Panet 4pp 443MM9 l43M 062 0802260127Conhrms 880217 teicon to890202 ler concermg JJ Sedt erwest to re-cerve response to680219 Itr Tene suggesteo shcrt.thierefore response ed be prove 68020902t2 Submed revee of At'as ham 070629 wan ston of contammated soil ed on esto sameast or tseng impounenent Summery of icensee hnengs & conctsens & NRC
                                                                                                                      *****                                                                                        i STAVTERJ C Kerr-McGee Che% cal Corp (sAs of terr McGee Corp) 88/02/17.

HORNM Othca of Nuttear Ustenal we'y & Satepaards Drector to 445M 069- CO*Cid'tui R SyTTENGILLHJ Urarnum Roc Feed O'c. R4 88'01/12 Urecir 1 44Me071 um Recovery [eig Ofc. R4 3pp 4426S 347-44285 49 1

-8002240130 Reouests 6sted adde efo re ea't swdne to fear enveon                                         6802140113 Fc=ea>ds latest revs e orgasraten struevo incumbents m Moab.UT pow statement Response respesied by880219                                                                  tons uncha*'9ed ernrn sutwinttat to hcense renar al ecaveng SMTJJ Fuss Cycie wey Branch 88/02/02 STAUTERJC kyr McGee Ctw                                           Controd cWrd'nator & W Jeesen as Moab opershons manap, D Edwards as ra$ahon                             r cal Corp (subs of kerr-McGee Carp i 2pp a4506 070-44508 071.                                           BLUBAUGH R E Arias Corp so 01i2e PETTENGELLH Urymury Recovery Fead O'c.

R4 2pp 44372 007 44372 088 i DOCKET 40 2250 PATHHNDER telNES CORP, RIVERT94, WY $402160219 Forearde accecaton for State of UT heense for possessen of U not estro-used to authorized pries per NRC 470731 oroer denv eg ac4Aaten for reneesi of

$402030394 Foreros anrwal tectncat evausbon of getormance of TaAngs ErrearA-                               Lceese SUA-917 No acton urei rescavbon of oscussons e/NRC reevested ment 4 per teense Conetort 34                                                                          BLUBAUGH R E has Corp 88'01'27 Utart Staie of. 400 44372 063-44372 064 HAROGROVE 7 w Pamheer Mees Corp 87/12/15 HEvER R Uramum Recovry Fe6d O*c, R4 $pp 44243 35744243 361                                                                 6402100024 Order
  • Lcensee reoves that proceedeg conteve to be held e abeyance dermed came may sec*, to Aras & NRC responses to pebten mWi 15 cars os cale 6402110230 Reccmmeros comphance morwtonng proyam cor+st ce two rephcate sam- of svC SFved on 88020$

pes obta< red kom point or comgeance sea 412 ass rnonnor mees based on hcre. FRt E,J H atome Saaetg and Lcenseg Bord Panei #168 5532 68/02'04 Apes ee $71120 kberuttai ger (cense Coneten 60 Corp dpp 44291 111 44291 114 a ONWiNSALG R , MAWiUNS E F Uraruum Recovery Feld Ofc, R4 88/01/06 NRC - Ne Detaded Aftenaton Gvvert 4pp 44336 060 44338 063 6402170040 NRC Sta't moten tot oriensca of eme

  • Moton yanted lor Lcenseg Board on 880212 ferved on 680212 6802110371 Foreards Amend 17 to Lcense SOA 0672.reveng License Concbica 60,re
  • NRC No Detaded Afteaton G=en e tte $595 64'C2/11 Ator 4 Sa'ety and L>

smpaementaten of groun dwater comg*ance morwtoreg prograrrtas stated conseg Board Panet tp 44350C3744350037

   $UiTH R D Ura%m Recovery Feed Onc R4 68/01/06 Parededer Meet Corp 3pp 4432414$44324177                                                                                                                                                                                                r 8602240047 Licensee response to order of680204
  • Lcensee contemptates eat NRC ee ressue teense & enndae 870731 order Moton to le meste proceeckags should [

-4002110375 Amend 17 2 Lconse EUA-672 for Pamfecer Mees Corp. author +ng un- te oraniedWCe+bcale os Svc erruted use ce netwal U easte tadegs e Fremcet County WY SU.TH R D Uranum Recowsry Fend Osc. R4 88/01/06 ' Sop 44324146 44324177 84/02r22 Atomsc Saicy ans'icens ng Board PanesPOTTS R Jos D At:as Cap POY S R 0 S 1259 44433 294-44433 8002000053 De vs=es revee of arvuoi tectncas evabaten performed try arterg Maier

- Engeeers Reg' subrNfted per Lcense Conston 34 of Lcense SUA472 Engeeers                               DOCKET 4&4492 AMERICAN NVCLE AR CORP, CASPER, WY concteed dam pers.orming ecei seepage 8 setriement cesigns Rept appropriate HE rE R.R S. PE TT! NGILL.H J Ure wur'i Recovery Feid Osc, R4 66'01 1 t Uranium
- Recovery Feld Osc, R4. 3pp 44286163 44266165                                                                             8               amend to Liceme SUA467.aeonemg receign of Pure esty                     i N#0434         A oks!On ta*

rawm corstames'ed io'a & cetes Fom Nee Jersey v& Den er.CO tot psacement m $$02110071Foreards Amend t5 to Lcense SUA 672 cha geg Conet.on $4 to aute,. Ta Pond 1 Ra$oingicae cNractenshes of py maHs W Fee pa.3 ee iconsee to enpeemere astiorne N) per 4710at submenal A JS N J A**nCan NuC'ea' Corp 8 7r10'2i SU'TH R D Ura%#'i Recovery Feid SUITH.R D Urarmurn Recovery Feld Osc. R4 681U14 NUGENT L Pathleder Mee, O'c. R4 6pp 44373 350 4437J 3$5 Cyp 1p 44336 264-44336 296 6802030149 Petes's that eacess funds be recated from reciamahcc bond Ice const -4002110000 Amend it to Lcense SUA C672 tor PatHecer Mees Corp. changeg c' *iches aiong east 4 mese sdes of Tadegs Pond 1 Pore =;s te covered D4ches Conston to to sta'e that hcenset shas provide m.psant arDctne saTeg dur fg perd *d CahCh matW &anag o adde scces tes of 0148Fa!9ns ANDRVS N J A*e tan NuCes Corp 8 78'O 27 Mon lev M Wyomeg. State of

  $UITid R D.      Fisum Recovery F.eed 08c. R4 68'01r14.140p 44336 265 44336 296                         200 44239 340442"39 341 9002110144 Aarses that471006rned to a<hcane samchag pwam escussed e Sec-                                8002040005 Resporcs to 87M23 reques' ter reteten es tend for une PFm=1
  • tuon a<DK3) of 64W2 asjendum to appicaten for reneeas acceptatae Res to Cons- 352 Reven of evabaton ta$ed bsted oueshoes to De aMessed rect to vncrcugh hon $8 CJ Lcense SUA 672 recomr'enced as stat #G evab4Me fd ROnd Fnount HEYER R S U*arnum Recovery Feed C*c A4 66!01/14 Urarmwm Recovery Feu Orc SMMFE A R Wecmeg State ce at,incy, sgnGVSON J C whercan %vciear Corp R4 2pp 44336 20744335 284 2pp 44258 24 9-442S4 242


 $402090292                                                   TV A ayeement for reciame-    $802110146 tuor  tur vJgDscusses Nt re@A$1 s'atus   of Amehtatt lo re4Jte a73WntNvcer   Corp'ed of surety h      t'y S'. ale of WY Saks of   pes chta^edRecornmeros kor" **o PC*nt CdCorohon  4 7 te CcMAance      revseJ eeks  & 12to&M anchese Iw repaca'e mcWVlor           sa'n' of#$ hsted ageenent CA.rDbed                                                                           hcer4ee 8 7iN11 sutm*tA' noe4A ASM G R . HA Am INS E F &aavm Recowy Fed C% R4 P F /12 /11 Ur a%-

RcSE H D . PETTENGu M J Urrwu r's Reccq Fed Osc. R4 87/12/17 U aneum um Recovery Fed Ofc R4 300 44338 073 44338 C75 Recove y Fed C9c. R4 2pp 44294126 442341.9 4402090043 Reveen hcensee870910 eaveors morwwng rev 19 Frst Hrt 1967 sst>- 3602110174 t.cer%e SuA 551 re<'se 3 Cwoie 47 fe grwr4 cmtm3 per 10CJR40 65 & Corot.on 13 of License SUA467 M S9% cant trends ever coryaxe Formeds Amerd ev igq prog22 to,am to ensure comp *2Ne n/10u R43 pee 571028 a3entd+J %3 Ivr 1her ac An necessFy satet'ai HE YL R R S . PE T T E NGL L.H . Ura%m Recovery Fed Orc R4 68 01 < C4 Urav SV'TH R D Uramu m Receve v Fed O!c R4 8 7t t 2 <15 Petvtor*=cs Co (13medy Recovery Fed Ofc. R4 3pp 44266171-44266173 Getty Petrotomcs Co ) 3pp 443241R44324 227 8802110063ForearJs Amend 30 to L(ense SUA44 7 cee 1.censee 8?c915 & 1023 ssb- -48,02110142 v Am ed 22 to License SVA 551 tor Pevotom<s Co reveg Lcense et en-trutta's v recemae & oecommssong cost estmres Ame d revises L<ense Con r gq ole 16 fe tirancia sse'y rewtements EM:TH A D Orr*um Reco ery Fed Or c, R4 4 7i12/15 7pp 44324 M2-44324 227 SV:TH.R O paruvm Recovery F.e4 Orc. R4 08 01,04 FERCUSON J C Amencen Nuoear Corp 4pp 44336 229-44336 2t>3 6432090354 Dscusses Fetrotemcs 871?39 rept ori es3 vse e4the 5 Wes of Petroto.

 -4402110042 A nend 30 to L(ense sea 667 fcr Gas N s Pecyect reveg hcense n                    * *
  • U'&'^repres se,dems no forteer actors tv NRusee oe'emN auevabe ian-Qse sewy **=c6 ailwJ GW ASau G R HAAaNSt5 Orav Recovery Feed Cac R4 87/12'21 Ur as-7 R D Urav R<e:ove<y Fed Ofc R4 68 '01 < 04 13pp 44336 233 44336 2t0 um Recove'y Fed CN. R4 1p 44294 252-44294 252 8802160392Arecaton for avd to L<eme SU A E47 avi*aeg use of 25*. of arra-q ever std W t**eeced wave to octemne it mater waA trom cetect um me s i 8802180211 Forea 3s Itr of c'e01 esved tv Fast Irwerstatt 6are of C43Vna (A for e,ceed tecsgrcad eve' Fee ud V' mt 351C w H Aose 60117 revest ANDAUS N J Agencan Noer Cap 88/01r3e Ura =vm Recovery FeA1 CN Ad M N'N NUT"*"u Pet otomsces cera*3 oesgn 4 scecs sges'ed ANDRUS N J Amecean %cear Co*p 88 V1/20 VORLEy v Wyoeg State of gg22nge3os ag .ept e, ,ajoactve rean fcc ated ne s s to G *anene 2;c 44363185-44363186 Meta 5 G>eeovwe PA As C' cnected S4Wactr%

Uu ER F L nwitaner Cap 6e W 'O 2po 44265 358 44265 359

 $$32140374 fnforms t*at r%/4 & ma'er e ceWd rone sustra'ed e enc F9/e 1 Re%#s of pumg,ang ccera'es e vicerg of gergee Tade. gs Py 451 & 2 esNssed                               Avd<t    rect of ra rW bcated re nt u Greov4.e aNDAUS N J Amer <am %c4Br Cord 68 O?'20 SVTH R D Urav Recowery Fed                      4802,2,,50154 y      3 gg,,,,p,,  p g C*c R4 Sco 44372 323 44372 327                                                              V LLE A F L Wester Coc 88 02/15 2m 4449911&4449d 111 8802170403 Cont <ms BM210 meeto2 e 'NRC & State of W Y Dept of Env <on Qua9t, e Ctevenne A Y Pecceses mechng ageM4 W~                                                    DOCKET 40-7604 SOHlO CHEWIC AL CO, LIWA. OH aNDAUS N J Ameman %cler Cap BA C1/23 HE it's P                     + da AceQvery F ed Cac. A4 MO ALE f M A v7 meg Sta'e of eco 44366 349 44k6 351 entJW9 F.veare 'tesM schMue for Cara vst 21 centuc C*mt Schedue oJ-ca es inat ca,9 ?
  • wryeys sw$ te coveted ty es;2i4 Che areas e41 tie DOCKE 7 40-4500ENE RGY, DEPT. 07. C ANONSBURG, P A oncermnred t,imt 5 WW $ J Ste*ord v; c.n ,mca' e Co mrmee, S#c Co l es 01/29 6802090072 A3vses of no fvt$er est% son c4 Cancesbsg Remesa Acton brso Pc AOJ5E L Fsei Cvcie Sve*, inech 3pp 44475 355-444 75 35 7 s^ce sde COnsdered completed SULUb AN $ J Us Fewson Cc 68/01I25 Va -F eye Co 1p 4 4 ?B6 186- 8802160286 C sevsses dems v eierest ecesng 8W meet.; C ronu'4nt to Os 44256 156 tece Co'o te secomewwnaton 4 oecessong v seca Ngs & s M v vst+on LP.a . A f ackty L C F ue' Cyce Sa'ev B'anc'i 68 02 /'O THC%*iSON H L O%
  • of %c+r DOCKET 40-6422 P ATHFIN0ER WINES CORP, SHIRLEY BASIN, WY Rh,a yate Sveg & Satepras tvects 2rp 44353 OE9 44)S3 OM 8402100473 Forerds s uo te la'est satr%'tal & concuses Iut outma' $ces not gro vde s/4W. e80 ro vcatWt N4C M eva%a e atd ?y of Croccse3 Oes-gn to meet ce COCKET 40 8027KERR-WCGEE NUCLE AR CORP, OKLAHOWA CITY. OK o/emen's of t?CF A43 Acc A ce?ence Hesponse 13 ence coo reppeo MAAa$$EF Vransum Recovery Fe*d O'c. R4 6'/12/16 HO&aASR Path $er gaot gc2t3 rc,,aros assessment v NRC rept. ' Grourvea'er Re.ies sur S rquo M^es CorU 11p0 44316194 44316 M4 F es F acwty ger A eer d 15 to Leccese ScP 1090 Cpent morworg grogva$ am D N # ""' ' ' " #*
  • N#
 $802260128 F orer$s Amend 15 to Lcease SJ A 442 corw;Pa0 Conoton 47 inco por at.
    % W ell ND-O t *nto Wecton 'Nvetor*Q Dr>7a* as CCe8 9 Comp'4Ne

(( gygfgqj g ggq3,3 pg,,, gyp gg g ,,,n pgg,, gf,, (c,p g gy q , .7) SV TH A D U'arwwm Recove*y Fed CN A4 8h '2 '22 Partme Mnes Cc p 3po de, 44449134 44506 091 448.09 119 Rou,sE g,4 9 pg 7L C O's e ce ru=r a a'e ai sa'en & Sagaros preuor

 -8602260129 Amend 15 to icense SvA C422 ict F a'rteart Maes Co p rev-ung u                  4         gg.                          G N             C             EMM GWW ceese COWon 4 7 to arWment a ge'h.r ce      e aNd de*9c tors morwtorirg pec9am to We For Mna" F#s (We > F au b 4 M26 _

ensure comptance er ICO A40 Ace A ' '" M" bO'E 8 ' ' ' 20 4 E' 84 4

    $M TM A C Vrav RecOwe') F e&3 CH A4 8 7 / Q 22 SEC 44 $M Ce4-44 W t 19 8802090028 Sut/Ms recem of Fatfecer Sheev Base 871106 anrus' rept ta,c' use                 8402230348 aw(aton 6 aw u L(enne SA 1010 b ech1e e/wav la e1*mn $ mWes of md Land usG s#vey a3 dresses a9 r+cessary ksted items & acce?!a                     SOO d ^8IJ8 U h' 8h*d D MIV                             IM fad C$T1*"T[ A J C Sequoia 5 F've s Ca'p to,ts'E v a enU 4U3D~#D'Ne'ea't Maee               Coc I E 7711 ' 30 g                                                                                          RME L C CNe cd Neer VaW 544% & Saga os Cvect;r Sep 44450 05)

ME vt A R $ PETTENGu H J U+av Acco.e v Fed C*c A4 89 01 04 U av 8'dk 9 A eC o've*y F st4J Olc A4 2po 44?s2129 44292110 4402090324 C scusses an wa techn cai ev a voco 08 e*tra me'd cer* a"*4N e -4802230358 F ore a 3s c.avment of r t.a' a e<4 a: Watch tee ter 640114 13111) lor SNrivy B&m.n U rNa per $711% gutmoa, Da'a enjgamg ttal .mgnu ysment r fccpst AfWaxin @d871130 W4Ued rev b ancuse cceweesci 01 Nh.fra. W6 to tunctcrmng as ces.gne"1 Ma'sa' UF 4 l 5' AsTE A J C %uevan Fues Cup us o' 6 e" McGee %cier Cac h 88 01,22 l n[ v g A A S FE T TE N 's L L H J U av Amerv F ed O': A4 69 01 04 v' AccDvery Fee j Ct. A4 3rc 442's'4 229 442*4 23 t K5 50N G NN - No Deta+3 A%aton Gwea Ic 44450 0$e 4445' 058 8402180072 Ssyges's mee*N date of 59021617 or 19 te w ss resc ese ta NN -840223CM7 Ae< wests tee ty s'18 30 accwr'cc ty a'* erd to Literse SeB 10iG R QAstcns corgaced e End 2 o' 8712'6

  • NAC swo p ca one v *sted da es tcv vx se.s l

m ey .n NAC #c wN G"$3 A15 fe"ecove tese ee Mawemenion 64WJeeN ,ao n Ci n a sT acTr a c sew,ar i I MJADLJC h S PaPfri%f U/es CFD $9 01 '14 Manup i[f Vrav Q# , f ue s CWD Mrs o' k e'r the4 W e e C&C l C 4445 M 9 44410 Ci) F ed Otc A4 sp 44 3*.r4164 44 364164 6802230321 Aw(aton ty ame d to L<ense 5 B 10'O e, seg Pa 11 Crar'ers 2 & 3 i e re a+t no9 axess cce? o' ve e vew 'eauremeMa & av ema- & evema DOCKET 40-4658 GETTY OIL /PETROTOWtCS CO, SHIRLE Y BASIN. WY e pc e Feerei ST AuTE 4 ) C

  • ear u Gee Cao 8 7 12 3 AGAE L C. CNe o8 %cer Mrev 8402030143 L and kivevresets reot for 871123 25per t n eese Cosshce 19 Lare use Sreg & Sa%4 3 Wew 9pp 44443 039 4444) ca 7 e !'%^ teve meses cJ a*y P7bce Of resi C?ej a ca to/ Cry u%ctanged Recia*-aton ty P4 4 rea & W la brgs & ms# bre e prDg'ess ~4802230338 iCrer1s SM O ??1?M ap[mcaw for a*%+qd to LicVse $US f C10 re-PF AF F S J Petretom< s <a gw mer, Gert, F e%tAcs Cot 8 7 r 12 09 v-s.9g F a"t I C Nf*s 2 & 3 e rMcC* O MJ114 regsest HA Am $5 E F Uramurri Accove, F ews CWc A A 10 du P8 u22$ 35a ST AsTE R J C Sep W F ve s (cvp tsh M
  • en Mmee Nw er Corp a 88 01 22 W P hhh 6 (K V ge F ee MF.g gem @h{ b $Th '
  • 4444) D4P -4444j [4$

4602041191 Formads map ro(atq gecund*a ei tem e Urper W^$ Aver suer e Far 1 M 7 Aste & chrecv c4 g"wrs1e ater fue ur 3t* taa 9s reco/wsmeni remacs -8402230342 Aenests sstm"a' W 5ee for e r C c.m ew/ eiv amen 3 to L(ense geJ kort S i'* a One hsteJ e sceg4(e beb IC10 essenl4% F+ AF F $ J UNha'cacac Fet- sCa Pfae Ge'tv Pet'otc.sNcs Ca i 6 512 C9 A s SCW G L(er ne f ee Ma*agement B' anc h 69 01.14 STAJTER J C S en-Ma A s ih$ [ $ (wa y Reccy,,ryFga (sc % Soc 442$g 345 442$8 34? QuegCyg 1g 44443 04 7 44443 34 7

4 DOCKETEDITEMS 48020403$1 Forwards rev deievg Crecte? i4 Tabes 14 2 i ages P in 14 4 through in 14 4802110114 Forwards Amend 14 to License SUA 11 t9 ecorporateg rev seJ eetank-

14) & 14 i'.r NI has teert tre$e to T atJes fr1 & 5 2 re e^v*on fnorul7ng schecLise frient snsp pro 7amper $7C620 & 1111 sht1Fs Corotons 44 4 45 revised to rea3 e 1e:1 Cri De 1114 2 since tacies re as boe3 ST AVTER J C Seweye Fue s Cap'durvjaniisut s of ken VcGee %ciear C yc > l'i t2'28 SV>TM A D Urarwom Recovery Fed Cec R4 87/12'15 LA ATON V D Ao A9yn ROUSE L C. O'+< e of Mmear Vaws Sa'e'y & Sa'q aos Dreru 12cc Uning Cap 3pp 44336164 44336194 442% 2 7tL442% 2ft 7 8802100207 Fcr=ards $+aciari Fseis Coro Ceverse F a.ey u9da:w Von t##9 8 H 127 Am314 to Wse SW114 for Ao A9n Mrq Corp aming use cd uNw*hed amour *ft d na' ural U as eas?e tawqs at tacMy Prcvam A*n va; Rept ky i ve ? Groeng Season ~ Res presents vege'aten rnorvtor-r resv's for sareevs cor.ected bom grM m Kn'y near pW4 SV.TH A D Ura mum Recove7 Fed Osc R4 97/12 c15 16(o 44236 9 7t4433616 6 S UTEN J C SM. cyan Fved Cup Ms N mer McGee Nvcitar C&C ) 88'01/29 ROUSE L C Cbv+e of Fue' Cyce Med< af kaM=c & Ccmcw tase Sa'ety 88021'cv0183
 $70413 670729 2pp 44317123 44 31113)                                                          esD         am A'Com' at Lyn Ve nerds   that ocese ty revifrog          SVA-1119 COndt0ns    44 & 45tetoarre osd read  as to mcWy stated Cete'rtewent hceas-ee 8'Of 0 & 1117 re queos

-8402100215 Sewai Fue4s Cup C& verson Fa;oy vege aw upstyneg Fvcyam SCCvtl y A PETTEOLL H J Urarwsm Recovery FeL1 C*c. R4 ST/12/15 V'av Arvw Rect icw 196' Grc eng Seasce - Vn Recotery Fe63 Osc. A4 app 44336133-44 336136

 ' Seo;ovan Fws Corp (ests of ven u-Gee Nocear Ccwp l 09 01 N 9cc 44317 131 44317 139                                                                         4402030252 rrwes oxyment  Sutms   a vwai ALAR         ruote sa'ety A espawes      fy yr &rett ta:1for that 487 Ew   graps 8 stat rc os,vo.,6    eyke s,t<a!

ts# acem. 4802120155 LN 8 7 01' A cm 83 0 31 not ce e' preses ercos*:e W cwd pena ry e tw e,ce,de 2% a ic,eacne he'vis actorre eadre or =Poe tody eicowes amount of 58 TQ rues to hc.a wee Ackce t aws cin rssas a"seg wt of O'c cd in AEAv'EAUB A Ro A9ye M#q C&p $6 Q1/C$ L A A TON M D Attuate Mt As. vtst 4Wns evestgaton & sat

  • rsson 0 8ra0 1 - fa se CaterM^t sgred 16pp 44245 C97.44245112 C AN .G . L IE BE RVAr4.J Ot: es Er$yce% ^t t PC sl 8'0413.! e4 0210 ip 4O1 14I 4434 I 14 7 ggQgg90168 SutNs revM Of RC A:gyn Uq Cop am h-@rga' evawiiin p -

8802160039 Forea*0s or 3er crosr*J c via enyerr per4+, e a%nt of 59 Ctv3 tor "VN**5 ** * ' 8 W 1 m E%ame erm ieres revea asW poc!s L<e"see escssted pr ss m rccec a ,aNy v,oiatecm

 , ggg g g4  de,scrt.,e g       3 ri 8 W1 noNe of v=osatwn & Drat (s=1 arncoston of w # cers'y         SCCvtl W R , Ff 7T E NG LL M J Urant/n ecovery Fied O'c. R4 68 01Q8 Urav T AYLOA J V      C"c    M     t*e   Encet ce threct y S Crer a%ns 63 ts2 $ 0                  v rn Recovery F(ki CNc R4 2po 44292 259 44N2 260 RANDOLPH J G Seosoyah Fes Cap tsuts v me VcGee Nv; ear Cyc ) 3cc 44346 233 44346 X4                                                                          6802190270Acc<a' son for amend to oce se SU A t1 t a consseg of vc=1a'e to s.te decomss&tng p'ofam or9r#7 ssbWied as Secton 5 5 9 of 820?22 seg.uca'cn

~8802160044 Order rnc vg c+4 mone'ry peai, e aaicvN o' 58 0m te MC 5 04 br eeme*a6 F ee r4 ; overb*ng of cyhrQer > 'J he *a4G.Ide F A T T-SCe e R S Fbo A ym V Cup $8 /C1/12 SUMHRD Vtamu m A9covgey T AYLOR J V Osc of 1*e Emut-ve L,=ecty for Cces a%ons 68 02O Seoveya$ Fae'd O'c. A4 Sco 44314 312 443,4 313 Fue1 CORD tsls Of Fe't Viee Nuc44r Cyp ) 9CC 44346 2M 44346 304 48021600H Fc<meds sgaed org*+ of croer .mpossg c,v4 mcee 'ry cene ty asved to [3 gf y ', f3, [y, k ,#fN #" hceesee CA BM210 for transW'is to O'c o' F A tor pstAa*.or A o erc SVT N A O Ura*=um Rvccserv F e*3 C4c. R4 89 01/14 LA6 TON V D A.o A9yn LIEEE AV AN J O*c of EMcwteaen' iPat '04131 69 02 11 VE YE A D L Avaes & Vang Coro 5cc 44316 226-44316 252 Proce3ures Branch to 44 346 305-44 346 L 8802230430 S ba'es (qan desa cor'etanee't caicua'es t,* second osa 'e d 4802100474 Amend 15 to L<eese SUA-1119 for Ao A>r Veg Corp cha qng 196 7 Ca<urses lung OCs4 comr%tment 17 r@c34 Dresert at samC44 hXaS COM#5 l' N 43 44 A SI ceejed 6 25 even As oNr cha ed tse cor'rntments were Iractoa 9 mre,M et SV.TM R D Uraw Aecover) Fie'd C*c A4 88 '01114 23po 44316 231-44316 252 ST AUTE A J O Se% va* F#r's Core twts of a vre Usee %xar Cup) 8e <C2/12 ADVSE.L C Fe Cra Sech B amen 359 44443 0M 44 44'l C WS 8402110039 Dscusses A%Fid 15 to Lacerse SU A-1119 for Ao Awm Veg Cap L6 con M# re redstton en red aton 64'ety pregam = Sea d e SYten 'Ca^1y 8802240129 Rn.,evs that coseNr'ent to cystNet ptere to wver c aSt prXess vous per e60721 c614 & 671120 seasests Propcse3 chaNes a:cepwo Mchage ea'er dire:t'y to Prol A> vet be e N awn d taror Of 'errova Of V tav*3uC- SCCcLLy R . P(TT(WLL M J Vt4%m AesM F'eid C"c. R4 SS 01/14 Uras re%rWig tr7r' DrXess at 1^e f/ SM ym%onN w m Ae;overy Fed Q*c A4 6pp 44J2411144324118 STAVT L R J C Se').acter* F ve s LUC (Ut S 08 ker' McGee N>c'ea* CO2 ) 88 '02 / 9 2 AOVSE L C Vrav Fvet Lace'sN ikanch dec 444 N M t-444 716 3 6802190278 AN,cate 1or amend to L <ense SU A31Hi cT9'ng reMe'aeNs W 880?250450 F> yea 1s ers;, Rep' 4)a:2r M C 1 ce 6C26 29 No wawr s c< occ- 7"*'# #"# "#9 N D "" # # "" # M4la Re n'e-3 6Xv meata*On enc 1 Fet pa"d ap 68 m/22 W 4 A D %ca 4 NvN E Aepen 4 Ot: ra the twe:10 B6 02 22 $T ALTE A J C Se>.,c,an Fues C.yp (wt/s c4

  • err V; Gee Nucica' Cat,1 2Ec 444 +8 2N 444 A 2 5 5
                                                                                                     \f N6,          *
                                                                                                                     ,,     h$ (

+4802250458 lass Rot 43 C27 heOf on M0126 29 % wo:aines ce ceratons 8802230174 DsNsses re<e* of bee 'see 8'0917 sutime o' ALU' A a#>i ept for nrgfM Vact areas rsgected cwa *ces & sitca' prXess C0rrNeit& & certaa as- f eD A.8g t e87 Pe'OfWW e Dobures man'amed ALAb4 & that ewN teigases mort i pec's c' eevron pr3Wfort L relaMe protecM.c rNe-3 to estert prachcatJe'No hcensq actos $ .vcena*y SAT 2 BERG D B F $"L A 6 L Asson 4 CFc of t*e Dwecty 86,02'22 Arc SCOv1L V A PETTENG'LLM J Vowm Aecove*y F eu O't. R4 69'02-01 Urach-444 d8 211444)8 216 v'n pecovery Fed CR A4 App 44443 324 44443 327 8802290319 Dscssses M0112 me etq re ra%a'e poyam & c*er ws sono eare e e Sri penes Meevg poced tew v%*s'a% q c8 Cwa'On c ta:vy Ane oee uit & e 8802,23,0260p Ce,Ws

                                                                                                                   ,t emng   p ans n to,,h>d,890,212,meam,y,.c,,c,eM,,
                                                                                                                                        ,, nc gu ,,, ,y                             g,a,%.gng en,     g,3, La,ma C N,UT ageMa eaci                                                                                     ,9 p% .o.n ea p BassmRT AL Aepn 4 C                 e t e Drect,r 98 C2'2e STAJTFAJ C Seove,a*                 qifEGLLHJ Urav Accove'v Fed 04 A4 Ba '02 De P ATTMN B Po F ue s svp 6wts of D e'r M'3    ueec N.K ear CMD i e sp 44P O 14t 4461 ? 149                   A@m V<*ng Cord 10 44449 226 44449 226 DOCKET 448044E XRON VINERALS CO, USA. HOUSTON TI                                              8802230283ConWs taas to nc41 meetM e Ac Av V^rs Cup to ecates% nee Manc+ we'y a-rayement e.NGC for Lrste ma & 1A vys a-t a Meetng we te 8802090107 Forea os 87112 ? iir of c cot aed ty Ba,a of T3 g Irse Cc e,ack N                     W e y Lao % C & W."2 M          m             a v % M y 44 W N 8802 M W tA Uta5 Sta?e Ci reciamaton w'*t at ke's.+ ly+e reg %r4 6 Y U rve S'a's of 6 7 871211 ter te                    'E O                   I FIClie C4 8:Cer'anC e Of c'elt 8% PT PAI!ON m A E s y Cup 69 01 - 05 A '.AE H Urav Pe ce, F +c 04 A4 3co 442)2 ISO 442al te?                                                                         $802230408C&+ms e,aas M hc4 me+tm e Ao Aqvn Vreg Cap to erat,i,sh rie*

tranc# sde'y MN e %AC tor Laton N & ta krgs a ea Veemg eis te 8802180066 Foreads s;4 dor' mee s&tes d awar rett weMM or' 8 ' t 125 y *+1 e Sa1 Lah a ar'ayT Crh w on Be: 212 Ft T T E NM L M J ua'ws'i Ae^ overs Fed O'c R4 69 C2 Ce F NE EFROCE O Utaa (scea se ConMce 16 Of LCeMe SA e X4 AANGECU E s s # Cord H C' % $ U T M 4 0 Ur 4 %r* Ae;ew, F.e:S Dec A4 S:4*e of 10 44451 226 44451 226 2pC 44 3(4 210 44 364 211 8802170406 Pet e SN tr.e q coyam ees br Ft#m CLsw 190' 6:vs^g p#o- DOCKET 448094 GENERAL ON4WICS COAP., POVONA. C A esser vestcrew twess & *auy:4'spre aance RA%E O V E s e Cup 65 ' 2' uav E emery FW Cd: A4 12;c 44 wi tu 1 J a v 1 M4 8802090384 Aevens Ac A'.gcen V6r u rg Cyp 6'1296 iavt de sp,ey C+"yM3 e4*en 5 mee 'a%s of Leston rw A49veeme a rs of U(ease CcA15 21 & Liease SV A $802180412 F:rern rev to Fpr%c6rq & rE avon geen enc 6 ocwes 83.t l i' 3 met eM reaseUed ty NHC L st Of ace ^W COvms *Fr4riq c'C)e Le to %4C 3: SOOi d V A F E IT f N IL L M J Urs%"i Ae Ove'y Ieid O'c A4 b@ Ci /12 V'4% ctidance Q4 rtstyaW & s'at% a 40 e'v u* WCW1 F *d O*r ha 2C'Q 4420b CC6 44?dt CC? F ATTCW J O ( a ey Cyc $h 02 L3 PE T TE Nhl M J 1)*av Rec:very F eo O'c A4 2tc 44 J7 3 Ci t -4 4 3 '3 043 -8802180423 Aerses Cw es s-yvN & Pe. a+ron P a- f y F s e .e. Coa & V ^t'* 1 a s to M U ^ $o Une F+x + ,s F a;* v s & i s;.au9 F &D Ae 'ed at v.aN '

 ' l. e sca Cdyp 89 02 ?d 28;p 44 3 'J Ci3 44 373 040                                        8002090171 Eews actua'cn 'ee to reopen fewe9 'y a+end to ' < eme SLA                                                 l 1139 re 8'1021 fir & 8'D624 acca<aton br avo                                                                      l A A%7( D V [esM C&C 9 ? /13. 2) P ON A't %s t G (, ,ge Rec yvg,ry Feq Cwc e

C00KET 40 4084RO ALGOV V ANG COAP. VOAB. UT A4 to 44W iM 442M 195 8802030258F ynvn awa 14 e1 ae Uvey mar t-awJ ce 4M se s#rev cy=Lcied

                                                                                             $802110012 kemmems ter Lice ^*e Cormes 1117 in 22 24 25 30 3e & 3d cf L-si s'ea e 1Nr15 mes c4 'asn 'y re s*ri M1 a't e tav#dWy Ce (((N Corm 1,ce 2 4 Map              ce^se Sv A i139 te F%e%d as sta'eq ger { s oon Cr a' & Vae's s (4FC h %24 f e-key a4*4
  • to tehK t Wp4M tes'e'd ivr 'eN CMC & B W O Pr aC 84 F A't .5GN R S ko A9vr Voirs (cap 87 IJ D9 SVTHHD U*a%m M 0very QAst
  • CA AtoA'eW've SS I G ANQ'av*d Va V 8Reuery
                                                                                                                                     'aswh &F3+4 %A'(/c.
                                                                                                                                                      %A   3 p> ;9 3+ 29 t 87/12  s f+Urs%m ce IK eeAecovery se Faen Olc R4 2pc 4424$ CM 44245 OM                                                              F eo Ofc Fi4 3cc 44334 334 44334 336 l

DOCKETEDITEMS 5 8802110087Farearos Arrend 20 to Lcense SUA-1139 jor Ennen Corp. rev sq Ucerise 8802110109 Fceweds ArneN 7 to timew SG A t 341 anng Ccovon 52 re feceot of Cones 1117.19 22 24 2130 36 4 39 6 use per statemeMs rec <esentatons & centamraw c<ccess ewent l'om kemed U recovery cor<ators & rewssg Con-cowons corita+ed e ksleo sectes of870624acchcaton for amen ovs 1128 3' 32.33 36 4.] & 51 to reaJ as sta'ed rer8 719 30 remt SV:TH R O Urarwin Recovery F.eks O*c. R4 87/12/29 Emuon Corp 3cc 44336 329- SV TH A O U'a%m Aecovery Fet CW R4 87.12'15 A CHE A S O Va:ar+ Re. 44536 341 wces Cc des 44324 2W44324 318

   -8402110094 Amen 20 to teensa SUA 1139 tor E ucre Corp autnor,2ng use of U                          -8402110122 Amen 7 to Licenw soA 1341 sor Va,aca Rescur ces Co aMM C(ach b:<M.stt per sta:emerns reswesentator's & corstws conta<wt e sect &S *sted e                       ton 52 'e receot of ccw%ema>J pecess eouomret from hcesed U reco<wy oc=4 8'0024 agracaton for amen Sampe tormat hy reportog mcvvtoreg aata enc 1                            tors & ressrg Cord tes11,26 3132 33 38 40 & $1 SVJH.R D Uranum Deccve9 F e4 0+c. R4 8 7/12 < ?9 10cc 44336 332-44n6 341                           $V'TH A D Recovery F eey CN, R4 87,12/15 9pp 44J24 7$44324 318 4802110137Fcrevos Arnend 21 to License SUA 1139.recseg Lcense CorWon 23 to                          4802040012 Toreads reot re s% ton sg4}e .Nch occurmd on 871217 40 enct area hcensee to rna ntae NRC accroved feanew surety arraryerrent conssierst s/                     WosE AS O L Ma:apa+ AesNrces Co 8 7 12 22 F EU5NER L Wyorrwng State of 10CFR43 Arg A. tor Oecomrtwsssorung & Oecont4%r$aton of trea a rrka bite                          $rc 4426 7 205 4426 7 209 SV TH A D Urarmpn Rw.overy fem Ofc, R4 88/01/14 Eanon Corp 3pp 44335 328-4433$ 348                                                                                      8802100436Aesc= yds to 8? t '30 not.ce of v.oiaton irom Msp Aert4) 8502/ 8 7 02 Cor-rectree actons enant beman ye a3t.ft re respy+te at issuance of f a>
   -8802t10143 Amend 21 to Lcense SUA-ti39 s o, E==on Corp ai tnereng bce%ee lo                            a'en =cen ow wts mawan NAC-arorcmed it' axel su ety    r  ar anrsement conssteet n/10CFR40 Afc A.fcw                Dr A$ M E Va.aca. Resovces Co 8?/17 28 HA Aa AS E F Vra%m Recovacy Feld decomfrmsseortrig & oecontamnaton of r%8 & r%!! kte Re4bted into ecci                             C4c. R4 709 44316 211-443t62ti SV;T H R D Vrane Recovery Fie*J Ofc. R4 88/01114 16@ 44335 331J4335 348 8802170404 NPCE S oschage mor=tyrq rept ter F a m O eter 1987 W/ 660124 ftrs 8802110210Recommeros that Lcease Coreton 23 of Lcease SUA-1139 t>e ameNed                               WiCHERS D L Va ca Roowrces G 87/12'31 A AGNE'1 J Wromsmg. Stake of to re ssect NRC aforC%a6 of 870628see to ssre'r estimate                                          (.pp 443M 330-44366 335 ROSE H D , PETTENGLL.H J F+ecovery Fed C8c. G4 88 0t r $ 4 brannen Reccvery Fe*d O*c. R4 4po 44324131443241947                                                    4402040260 Appaca'>or for ameno to License SL A-134) avrotery ocerat.on of pro-posed C&s'ensen Rarca e 54 U mir*rq coetaSoas Fee f41 4802180432 Formads apowcaton lor ame'id to tee ^se SVA-1139 redsceg comcAance                           ACHE RS O L Va4g4 Resyces Co 68 01 t$ SV T H R D Ura%sm Aecovery aucks of Vand Rec s*aton Proyect from char'er'y to seersarwtag che to redsted                     Fed 04c. R4 are 44256.%44295 2WF leve: cd acMy Fee pad PATTON J D E non Cec 6e"ot /29 HA AmiNS E F Urarwum Aecovery ree Cic. A4                       8402100424 Resconds to 871222 'tr te tved omne r sove ascery 12 M0 gaens 2r9 44373 3M 44373 34 7                                                                           of cwica so.vt.on to d.scnype eto or, eash Reccmng sped sottic.n & rev.seg oceraSora cocette tar maA nura aiess'e
    -4402180445 Atoscaiori ter amend to Lcense SrsA.1139 rewseg ycu rd mater detec.                       HAAmAsEF U'av Aegarery Fe 3 Ofc, A4 69 01/06 W CHE RS.O V3:ag+ Re.

ton mor* fore) pr37am to cPe%@e frecperty M comp %gnce a#3 from owtef'y to scyrces Go '; 44316 19344316 193 serNantbatrAM encl PATTON J C E sson Corp 88 -C1'23 Region 4 Cec of the Drectcr 6cc 44373 341 4402180054 Focearcs tvw rec.t oewito3 ccecwy s <> eacsson st4Ns of LLywtor 44373 347 Wes C4s 20 at pgq+sy V.<w, $1e C<V 20 ewt c aaed ty es vent mvement 49 6 an-nd ar 5ca:q CV M vrderrea%d & Sede3 WWE reguaced A 'o e^Ci A CHE RS C L Va ara, Res%rces Co e8 01/22 VDCAEY G Wrvr=rg Sra'e of DOCKET 40-8452 SEAR CREEK URAletVW CO, CASPER, WY 1p 44XS 363 443M 383 8402040185 Sutrmis gaoundeater moratoreg proya'* to schne estent & contentraSon 4802180102 Forea as ProtcW UMs B & 9 Danehre Aro OA Defe Farh+ge " of hazarOovs C7stisents #1 teWated un rt ger Ucense Constion 47 E or Lcense for rev ee Acercsa to espand coeta'or s at orga*ay ere ne nio Prooucbon Utvts 8 & 9 SU A t310 Fee pa.d redested 4 o e'ct CHA SE G Bear Creen Meng Co Inwts of 6 ennecca Cep ) 87M2:15 MAna NS E A'CHE R S D L Va aca Aescurces Co 89'01/26 M mEY G A romes S'a'e v Uraw Recovery Otc. A4 300 44258 343 44258 345 2rc 44372 302 443 ?2 3' 03 8402100409 Formaes Amend t6 to txense SUA 1310 meo-tr e g enpraten dste & c. 8802140158 Foren Va w+ 'r e w*e scwv Sr.crP ans 6 S 4'e of WY corocestag comsAance mor=toreg program eto hce%e **m Oc* fW"25

  • O A F unc++s a 50 ew SV IN A D U'a**um AecCvery Fetd Onc A4 $3 Q1/06 $COTI E Bea' Creek t, art "Cr4**E F C Va n+ Pewces Co 4 01 28 HAACNSEF Ura wurvi Aecovery um Co 3pp 44316 122 44316 154 Fe4 O*c R4 1p 4437? 34 7 443 70 J52
  -8802100413 Ame e 56 to Lcense SJ A 1310 Scw Bear Cre+h U Co aviror tag ures                        -88021801F4 Fcroa 3s Nise a:W1, L.ere, omMang 5 rr .org te m hce,seg actons  r e'f vse of U w ntsi NAC oetermees sste rec;a+4tew 33 equate                                        e NAC ter 8 '1212 W L W raNe p a*e we tse upfa'ed on pero 3( tes,s as SV.fH A D Uraw Recovery Fed Orc R4 SS 01/06 2*pp 44316125 443161t 4                               a!&s prates 5 & Crce:M tceMswg ac1&$ soe<F, HOHNE F C V4apasRet ources CO 86 'C1/ 25 FL%CeE 5 J L Proyam Management 8802110107 Reviews Bear Creet U Co 871730 te settog entw+ seccap cont cw                                PXT Cvve*W'e'l & A"4',n Sten Post 8 704136 'm 44370 346 44P0 El rept & 871215 aC9Watwor% for amer %3 re enortloreg Cata Recommserics t'.at Lord cons 4&47reseeseo conce                                                                 am          88021$0J68 yrbca's W amerid to Le,ense $vA 1341 to vetW.! bhmetia. Of PWX k OA A hSa l G A . Ma n a lto gie E $ rec  4 Urarev  m Rec&, greyndaatee F e>3 A4 66 r 019pq'6 1/3%        19 Urvts 8 & 9 t eseh", e ates ty,3 +y ca;3 pacs age & re,4mg Cono tong 14 &

uf' Aecovery hed Olc A4 Scc 4433616144336165 28 Fee Cel A CHE*45 C L V4 804 ReWces Co M 01 '26 UNA %6 ' G A V ansven ReCCrw-reps & semanrya' erv f +d C4 R4 2m. 4 44 >4 0* 3 444341 ?G 8802180064 7 area"% recea Cet Liceese 13va ter*y Condtons22 4142ra Saton

                                                & 43of sa'eN Lace %e , eriveori Su A 13erorstorg1 s CH A5E G A beW Creet Ura%m CC M 01 r2 7 4ACOBYDL Ur anape ReccNery                              -8802180387 P%1uCf.on Urvtl 8 & 9 Bau hne Aa'er Oe Da'4 Pa.6 age A 'cee Fexr ote A4 24cc 443?2 26744372 2es                                                                cwwe ora.^g
  • Va,Ka bes%/ces Co M 01 29 (fif 44404 t % 444:4 170 8802183370 Formams am a tec%cai eia%aw of Bear Cre++ 1a nngs ostcw a'ea ser Corom 361 e Amen 13 to Lcease Sv A 1313 8602230277 F yer5s se a eav ece ass ssment f yr car sesen A ance sa' eve VE DiOC A A L Unoa Paohc AeSaurces tsymer*, Roca , M>pna n E neg,# M ';tt oterav kr we. A corwis b W22Cr i

27 SV'Ir* D . JACOBYO urav Recovery F e*1 Ct R4 Sp 44434 175

  • ON A N58 :GA Ur a%,m Reever, ' ev3 04 E4 Be 0148 >OGG S Ary%ng i

44404 214 State y tp 44449 243 44449 ?43

 -8802180094'Tec%ca' Evwat& o' Beae Crees U Co Taegs D4 cess A>es i s9 7                             880223032$ Au receu o' 5'ac'22 s. tem: on c ar ectwe ses p.<tyrr+e ewi hes i     entsas rept W t* vee overwe $angs                                                                  DV M Correc1,e a:te 04 ceme             a tq annsar cr+wp anmeJates k-4c om 4wng I      ' uwce Pa%c Resaut:es ($orme% Aoch, M?urcar E ^ery e712 31 3ege                                   esta av sw3 hec to o~nent Nise ences&s 9 or, tce
44414 176-44434 214 M4A*%SEF Urav be. Nery I +d Ct R4 M 01 29 Va ge, Gey,a ces CC l
                                                                                                         'g, 44 44 3 N 444 4) 360 DOCAET 40-8502 WAL A> Al RESOURCES CO, PHOE NII. AZ i

880,2230117 Aea*s ve*e eC D $^4' rwa e"ua ""^ ';"< 9 t' D' No C WS - ( c e enas exniw & ao Nrtne' a re rewed a! 'ra Im' 4802180142 Ova'*er*, Opera'on Rect Oci Dec iW W va, V^e S 'e w M;W MAA*N%fI Uf ar .s e m herOve r , 5.e4 Os A4 99 -N 04 Ur as a

                                                                                                        ,,C,%      6 *ds . G,,A pee,y         4 o.c na 2;, 4444 3 Ja7 4444 3 pe IP A C>aE E#5 D L Va ara Aempces Cc 8'r12 31 UCC%E)G WW"*N S'a'e N l

1 2c'23 44 3 73 041-44't') 242 DOCKET 40-8584 WINER ALS E kPLOR ATION CO LOS ANGELES, C A 8402080005 Cascases 3 sees tsa. 8 711'd 19 ccnceras ce saw & '+cwemear es sand Dier taa6 to V a ara Resources Co

  • Nary Peeect Corveras teove re 8802030182 C v As+s ress's c4 'v4 vse 94 +1 e corvanc e e Co@&

evesf9'ed Ne'88ed e'3 eT  !) M L m%e S s A ' 350 Upe cd is v1 te"wtet1 to treeilu t g alg recrea%e leanveet crut 6 Ad V E D fesel S !y s c,* $ 7/12 C AAT(.FS AA Ten ds Ste'e C* 4C S QM e rc k.*aW & U %rvQ a ' o t+1 eeft '99 442*7 7'1  % L C 2 M re a m E a.sf ema (e < s e s N une O re e ca h,rs41 812/16 bV 'M N D Larw/'h h4 ' >et# , fed 9 a h4 'L 4423 ) 2899 442 3 ) 2m.P

 $80219012F Discwes prorow3 c4Nas to Va apa ega'a, NW 4'8 r Jes swa Ice 5' ? resWatry recQcia Vrkt 7 me"tel g as kape & SiIfAOssea'e mcr3 sfov61 t=                  4802110081 F ore r js A%wt 6 to i rcase Ss A 13M mN L < er-se Cmvc 3r, so sJDmr"f*J $ CrWW%en R e%Cn amen N S'a' er @ Y(14 P'eN eT                                            W%1 W r y to la m t cm3 to s e e1 W m c + nrut sov 4s & goref tes?

KONE v G A ryNe g Sia'e v 6 ' c 12 < 9 @ iRSDL Va u a F en/:es Cc eseo.w) & & 9+17msc'9a'tu Scw N a ve.

     ?gp 444:4 284 44434 256                                                                                                                               44 FA Ti V M%yag            (,     yaw (o S s.ef t   V ' ** sh C  # a Ov la cd;W     C ,e'."?ve Ca ,'f v Mat1 (TC
                                                                                                                                                      *tm4 4 *M 2H 4 41W <*

8802110042 Aksei that %ccesee 8'1130 aro' caw W a *e*1 to L e se S J A t 341 Corot.nes t o s m enge -8402 t 1Q0$5 A%M F ! , r' me 5 , A 13 M tgr Ugra g [ a , s ame , a ,,,thca p eg (c,49 a J gy gje,f y, ,97,26 4,s 3132 3 3 39 43 4350 gg gynggargegtp ,q, 3;cep perge gacq A sym gc

                                                                         ,,c owe,pye                    go y ,r       g y 7 p,f <r pt ej f g (, g 77 4. g g. \; ,,. .,,    ,g#qg,,         ,ggg,g, s 'A A %* , G A *< a n s % 5 f F      U* aw h e: cwy f e c CHc A4 8 7 ' ' 2 9 5 Wr.

gm AerOvrg I(d 08c A4 8.($ 44124 12i 44324 125 e a'< S ' C4 m V I ** [ VNamA ' * % ', H' r I .* 4 '* fie

  • 9 C+ 1' s 4 4 4 4 It 'i 4 41% 'Qil
                                                                                                                                   /                                                                                                          -

r n

    -,                                       ,                                                                                                                                                                                                       1
  .       8                 DOCKETED'lTEMS c 0802110113 Recommends rev of Canton SS to Lcense SUA-1350. adhmzeg inntag                                          8002229261 Irdorms that NRC found proposal acceptatde e/ revs deta4ed n enci re                                         !

of es:harge to toegs pond to ma9er used for me cieanup actmses & pwre test . poposed 'crmar tot erevocable ihr of crede erir on to satasty rogsements of esfev derved from cerched zones or Batne Spreg aquier 10CFR40. Ace A.Creena 9 4 to l SMOPENN N u , P(TTENCAL>tJ Ura wrn Recovery Feed Osc, R4 68/01/0& Urare. PE T TE NGiLLH J Urarmet Recovery F.sid Osc, R4. 68/02/02 SPARLING D. j um Recovery Feld Q8c.R4. Pop 44336166 44336167. VMETCO Meerals Cap (set of Umon Catude Jorpk 3pp 4444312944443131. t 9002000034 Submds revee El Meerals Empimaten Co enveon morwtomg data for ma ace Fest 4 Second Quanets 1M7per 10CFR40 65 ResuRs consistent espnct resuts DOCKET 40-9644 MALAPAs RESOURCES CO., CASPER, WY ' '1 lor Fess Had t98F SHOPENN.N W. PETTENGILLrtJ Urarnum FestlCAR4 S8/01112 Urarn-um Recovery Feed Oec, R4 3pp. 44292131-44292.1 8002110050 Foremde Amend 11 to Lcertse SUA-1337 for Matapa Resources Co desetng or feveng 6sted condstons as stated to rehect cwvent stahss of W80e 900a000400 R Ucerms aten Co 871214 rept on tend tse matten 5 mies of DTggg",,,jW gg 770tc 4 t'12/29/Malapa Rescurces Co 9pp SMOPENN.N M. PETTENGILLHJ Uramum Recovery Feld C c. R4 88/01/12 Ura,, 44338 134 44336 158 um Recovery F med Otc R4. 2m. 4429513444295.135.

       - 80021704t4 Revees rasalon bestri & enveon saNeg progemsper teense Cone, MH00M            WM M b tm WM7 W Me Ran Ca WM use of tot U eolope as slurry ter U rec.overy trem pre.onarit kun&W r


           ~ ton 27.                                                                                                           SMiTHA D. Urarwm Recovery Feld Olc, R4 47/12/2p.11pp 44338143-44338158 teLLC.2 unerats Esonorabon Co (ses of Urmon Chi Co of CaWorrmat $4/01/12                                                                                                                                                              !

NRC . No Detaned Atomason Geert 12cp. 44366 3%44366 347. 4802110342 Issues Amend 11 to Lcerse SUA 1337 Lscense Con 6 bon 6 , 4 4 t 46 4 recteg (cecto Cor@ sons 2.1,1414.242" 4 44 as  ; 0802100022 Envron mondonng eeAccbeng annual tadrgs encuruon eept tor Oct stated i 1986 Oct 1987 GRACE.S R. HAMaNS E F. therwm Rectmery Fe.d OR R4 67/12/29 Urarwm  !

           ' HsLLC.Z. Unen Os Co W CaWorrma toba Unocan 88'01/24 SultH.R 0 Urarwurg                                            Recorery Feed Otc. R4. ' w 44324178-44324190.

Recovery Food Ofc, A4 4600 44365 31144365 356  ! j 4402190116 NPDES eschage rept for Fourth Ouaner 1967 WiS80126 lir

        - 8002230107 Nc68es that bcensee BM112 ALMA a4t of ra$aton protecten program                                           WCHERS,DL Maeom Resowces                     41s t2/31. WAGNE R.J W,omeg State of.

lor Fr07 sodresses Reg GJde 8 31. U rrtMg cor enued m suspended status sace 3pp 44404 24744404 249 Apr 1983 No U . conducted & no esposure occwisd . HEYERR S. PETTE LLH J Urarwm Recovery Feu Ofc. R4 64/02/01.Urartum 4402100412 Rece s tconsee871030 Fwd ALARA auet tor Apr-Sept 1987, beensee Recovery Feed Oec. R4 2pp. 44443 285-44443 266 acerng to pneosecr>y ce Reg Gwoe 3 31. GRACE.S R. HAMUNS.E F. Urarwm Recovery Feed Otc R4 68/01/06 Urartum Recovery Fetd Osc, R4. 6pp 44316147-44318192. t DOCET 40-0410STEpAN CHEMsCAL CO, MAYWDOD, NJ 8402100063 Reovests rev b Coneton 2 of Pemur to Co%t 84 87R to asce montNy 6802290241 Noedet of error es $30314 SER ee Amend 3 to Lcense STC-1333 Date leak eetecten monnomo et evaporason ponds at Weon Creek R&D sde dureg resto. mes bured on Stepan property shcuid be 1968 estead of 1986 aten stabdey pered. . O BR*EN J G Saepan Cs' emcai Co 68C2/17. ROUSE.L C. Fust Cycle Sate'y Brsich #CHERS D L Mataca ces Co 88/0t /10 FIELDS.S Wyorrang State of. 20p 2pp 44500 032 44500 034 44365 357-44365 354 DOC:ET 40-464t VMETCO MINERALS CORP, GRAND JUNCTPON. CO 6802140164 Fornards Ma' ape $$f futse activ4y sevey Plans tar State of WY tem Autner 480125 ter to JL Funches aso enci HOHNE.F C. Malace Resources Co 68/01126 HAWKINS E F Uranum Recovery

          $402030449Foreards rev*ed cr0Ftrabonal chart for Whte Mesa UT maleffectrve as                                       Feed Osc. R4 1p 44370 34 744370 352 of 6a0101 Fee pad JONES.R K UMETCO Meerats Corp < subs W Urmon Cartee Corp t 87/12/14. Ura-                                      -8402100174 Foreards fuve activdy sevey descntunq5-vr lorgierm aconseg achans ftum Recovery Feid 00c. R4 19 44239 30744239 300                                                                 erNRC per 871222 le Long-range pians ne De utaaled ori penc@c bases as oper, stons pro 7ess & Poposed Iceaseg actons sowv
         -4002030477 WPute Mesa eceraten or                           atonat cmst                                             HOMNt F C Ma. ape Renowtes Co 48'01r25 FUNCHESJ L Propam Manpaset
  • UME1CO Meeres Corp. (ses of Catde Ccss 1 87/12/14 1p 44239 30e- Pohey Development & Ana ytes Statt (Post 8704t h 5p 44370.346 44370 3x 44239 306 4802170414 Foreards %1h Quarter *y Operators Rept os r Oct.Dec 1967 for waos 8002090197IrWevms are crocesseg at Bendre UT fac44y ed be leerporardy suspend Creek R&D " Rept ed a /NRC corgerence serve as test seamannual tept g

ed on 671216Mame cree of 33 ernpioyees em remac caste Armg shutdoen ' pened WMe Mesa Md ais ressne cperaton arour td M 1968 WCHERS O L Mempa Rescu'cos Co 68/01/29 GRACE S Urarwm Recovery Feed 08c. R4 2pp 44369 27244369 317' SCH4RMAN.S L UME 7CO Meeres Coro tses of Unca Cabide Corp ) 87/12/16 Uratuum Recovery f eed Osc. R4 1p 44286 31144296 31 t -4402170417 'Seth Ouarter*y Operahons Rept lor Oct Dec 1967 for Weos Crees amend to Lc D 90,02190236.Apphc.aten tot "'paa e Reso ces Co 87/12/31 35cp 4436927444369 3t ?- o dea r. t-g - at W~.ense TUA~ 1354.ccorpo.ra. R eat me g =tag~ proposas,for aen - , OST.J F. UVtTCO umras r Corp inds of Urmon Cat >de Corp) 87/12/21 =2UM Foreards enconse m e4 mwnied on aW rept 4 mweai remest KON#NSKLG Uraruum Recovery Fased Osc. R4 1p 44374 2 76443?4 278 tow transavtted ers71210 le Reneoal of R&D Lcease 14 RD ree. Jested $or one yr. WCHERS D L Mawon Resowces Co 88702/02 GIURGEviCH.S Wyomrg State L 4002108276Revees hcensee871202 annual ladegs dars insp rept 3Artwfied per Con, of 15pp 44%9 25744M9 271

                                                                                 "                                                                                                                                                              '{

O e"u'c'ta's""" SCOVILLY R Y'e3'%='#,l*4"i llf,"a'%""'" * '**'.' TENGfLL H J Uranium Recovery Feid Cec. R4 68/01/08 Urans mn=S4c - - *bcea -12"*~*s~ ~ ~~ mor*lorag rept Rect did nut cerit#y any uncorrected probieres or sigruhcart Ironds As wn Recevery Feed Cnc R4 2pp 44314184-44314185 08 *** "'G"'n sprecabe smes & no W Recovery acion mensary KONMt Sni R, HAAmiNS E F Urarwm Feed Olc R4 84'02r04 Urre 8002120 .7Forosos Amand to e Lcense SuA-1356.r - tcease Coneten de re um Recovery Fend Osc. R4 2pp 44443 a32 4A443133 groundetter deteciton morvloreg progamper heeasee 871 .t104 & 1130 saemst- >

          . tys                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     t r             SUITH.R D Urarnum Recovery Fioid Osc. R4 88/01/06 WETCO Meera+s Corp                                          DOCitET 40 4494PLAft AU RESOURCES. LTD., GR ANO JUNCTsON. CO (a@s of Union Catce Corp) 3pp 44343 28844343 319                                                                                                                                                                                      l
         -4402120020 Amencf 10 to Lcense SUA 1358 tar Umesco U neraf Corp. reesng L>                                       4402090201 Asvaes of amoetment of V Marra as envron tec' at Plateau Re.

sources Ltd Srootreg Canyon U croces tacaey ' conse Coneton de re younomater cetecten mervtonne program to use asted Irwesh- SAviGNAC N Savgaac N 87/12'08 PET ENG8LL H Uranium Recovery Feid Orc i, cid vaeues for ersenc & sew & constant detta techrm@e lor cNonce R4 sp 44294127 44294127 SuiTH.R O Urarnum Recovery Feed Osc, A4 88/01i00 29pp 44343 29144343 319 < 0402090133Semds revee of UMETCO Unerag Corp sermanrwat errveon morweerng Ier Fasi HaN 19e? No signer cant che apprent corecared to prevous data *2,,SAo yod,M 4 g R g,w yf M au g N m rwadmaw , L.Y R PE Ff D@LLH J Urarwure overy Feto Osc. R4 68/01/12 Uran" N N 84 07412:08 HAAW E Urywm Recovery M A R4 um Recovery Fseed O*c. R4 agg. 4429219144292194 2m 44372 355-a4 2 356  ; 4402100101 awahonal descis*ca presented ei orgsssatena' sec- $402120006 Ach reces'd of871206 response to NRC 37103C Iqr Regponse Contama n Foneards rev of cr9ttaf ecauced es1965 bcense apphtancvi tenecing cw. e data 4 y Lcense Coneten 33 Recommeds prompt s@nesson Of

            ,ho,n       o,,f ALARA,gr,o,gy 4 ,,,9,ng      ,, ,            a kbm                                                                        appropr+e data e sicew1 of hcense ameed JONES.R UMETCO Meerais Corp ines of Unen Carbide Corp) 86r01/15 Urare.                                           HAMS E F Urarouni Recwory Feed Cas. R4 47/12/29 Pweau Resosces. Ltd um Recovery Fees Otc, R4 Eco 44't7229644372 301                                                                  2pp 44343 329 44 343 329                                                                                              =

8002190232 Acohcaten tot amend to Lcease SUA 1356 avinoreng Wtute Mesa Me to 4402110191 Advises Ihat nc easee yanled 93 ciars (unt4 840208) e subms proposed recesve process & permanent $y espose of tadmgs mati trom cuan@ of resum proc. mv to rectamaton 4 om . _m, p6an 4 cost estimwe Upon rece<4 of armed e4e m Ste o of NJ Fee Nw'st'sl', PETT NGsLLH J Landman mason 88'01'20 ROBERTS M R Regon 4 OA ROSE.Hmate we te Neva%ated D P1TTENGtL for eiequacy HJ Uraswm kecoveryedFeesdhnancial crcsurety R4 68'01/04 Uramen I of the Drector 3pp. 44435 20e,44a35 251 R'CO*'ry Fieid Osc. R4 2pp 44 335 305 44135 306 4 ~40021902S7 Fea! rept - Ana yses et Re1ium Contammaten at Moatclas West 6602140107 Forwaros 'AL AR A & QA Auort of R&$aten Sa'ety & Enyt3e Mondormg l Ra2um nonated Sites " Proyams at Plaieau Renowces Ltd Shoc*amg Ceapon U Ma Treboo UT.~ pee S CO-

.           Orarge.4,Giove r

Rutg Nee R . Swe Univ ce even stunseien. N2 wwts 439, mas *wesi a tcease Coaeica te 4443$20ga443g2g1 SAy1GNAC N Sacgnac N 08701,11 SCCMLL Y Uranium Re'overy Fieid O'c R4 Spp 44372 309 44372 317 8002100120 Authorges NRC to oear drectiy e HA Roberts general manager Of Land.

            #nas Rectamahon Ce re State ce NJ taturn laibngs to that hcenseg aclens can te                                 8402100209 Recess 870914 s**me vua: enwrse moMareg rept tor JenJune 1967 As accomphthed e Irnsay manner                                                                                       moMorng performed m 4.Xordance e'Lcease COWhtm 3J HAMRICKJ S UMETCO Umerag Crvp ps of Unon Cat >de Corp ) 6H/09 /21                                                 SCOvtLL V R PE TTENGsLL M J Ura'wsn Recove*y f aced Orc R4 68/0$ r12 Uras PE7TENGELH J Urarwm Recovery Feld O*s R4 to 44373 313 44373 313                                                   um Recovery Feid Cec. R4 3pp 44]t6 358 443'6 360 t
            .-. ,-              , -       m--            -- - , . . _ - .                      _ - - -         . - - - , . .                          .,- -              -


DOCKETEDITEMS 7 DOCKET 448714 CLEVELAND-CUFFS MON CO, CLEVELANO. OH DOCKET 448768 KERR-MCGEE NUCLE AR CORP, OKLAHOM A CITY, OK 8802110029 Act recect of 871204 itr re cenoeg Fans sr of process e@.eprraent & r 8802030171 v y orde docu-MaV d Wed Cwusses meascente

                                                                                                                     #esesa benesMCrtpa s<s Of elasures AMaM D& reN*Wayees 10d{'C8"se SVA' revs Conta rvr9 vahcus leve?s of rachoactiver HAAMNS E F Ur awm Recov ery f e4 Cdc. A4 87/12/15 LCVDE ABACA T E                       G87 f AIEU AN Y O CJewe'anOf.M's Iron Co 200 44324 109 44324 110 14 MAAKNSE.           R 1D ACEbe'l  CO'es(Sls S Urans        o' KE#f U;Oce R(covery       Fe4 O'c  N,K4&r    Corp44239286 A4 Igc     t 8 7/12/

8802110117 Responds to NAC 671203 'tr te vcatons ruled e eso of Lucerse SU A- 4 287 1362 Cortectrve achor 4 enFances lo ble CMScCovley posted e' 59ns COntamg e ar re presence of mati per Ucense Conoton 23 8802030444 Dscusses a# oa?a on ost t+s & rahm cceten e survc<t of bcensee ew 7 mest Scv annovas e seaw w Mai esa4 e bane seare trorn pu Lot A9 ACn T E C' e ve4N Cv's iror Co 87112 22 Urawm Recoven Fe4 Ofc Of###I @ ^E9 ##I 3NS R4 $po 4433619$ 44336 2'02 F PEEVAN U D Seosovan Fue:s Cap isas of

  • err McGee Wc' e ar Corp) 87/12/
  -8802110123 ' Decc<nc>ssonng & Rwamahon Aadaton Sa'ety Program lor Contrac-Os & Wy tes "

GARTNER,T Energy Laboratorn inc $7/12/22 3pp 443% 200 44336 202 8802030128 p p j, C,orws,4 g gg & OSaN pe NN 1s'3ec+on R Mht &re S 'sa*t fir *q Jo reson of noend871214 frerros sqruceni avact

                                                                                                                                                                                       & Se -

96 resg4ct'vey enct hr eto 48020$0589 Aca recept of 471222 tir re per eng ea's'er of process eovemerit & rew Sta:e of 8 7 /12< 18 HA ACNS E uawrn A+ c >very S eid C*c. Contaneng va%vs 'Pweas Ce raMactnetr SJvey records do fiot FNl>ca!G If*DI a3 ea61es HOG R4 Spp&S4423 Aeq) 35 44239 341 have C4en rtmoved trQr" floCess eboment a reses HA Am.%S E F Ur awm Recovery F e d Oc. R4 86 01.i06 LOvoE AB ACn.T E 8802100398 r crea os e%ue assessment e scort of rer+eal et Lcese SUA 1387 Cleve:dndC#3 kon Co 2;p 447si139-44235140 GRA;E S A HAAsNSEF Urare heciverq Fed Orc R4 87/I2/18 Uranum Recovery Fe*3 Otc A4 1p 443t 7 003-44317 050 8802180124 Aesponds to 80136 itt to 871203 fette c4 vc4N>n & provdes & seeks a:orova: of screcue to reauve touoment & rese 'ror9 proect see Facety pos e3 as -8802100404 Eavvon assessment us r rer+aaf v Lcense SuAa347 reyes tm Lice %e Cor+ ton 23 ser 8M108 te. con

  • Urawm Recovery Fie4 Orc R4 4 ?'12'18 4 ?po 44317 004 44317 750 LOUDE AS ACn T E Oeve,arv3 Ors von Co 84 01111 HA AUNS E F Urawm Re-covery Fe4 O*c. 44 1p 44372 09144372 CW revee ce rac*t, secord ser%nrwar AL AR A as31 rapt tot 1947 8802090183 GA ACE.S R HAAs D6scussesDarwym NS E F Recore y Fe4 Qtc. A4 8 7/^ 2 r21 Uranym 8802090184Condems wrkjerstandq kom acer-ee 880111 fit C8 etent to remove Croc. Aecovery Fe4 O*c. R4 I tpc 44282 264 44732 2 74 ess casoment & reses from Couns Drae $4e trom 880115-0215 Wurs mates e-vcevng pote%al for rac.onuctee era aton reoure 10Ca20 903 meassemears 88??090020 Forea 3s f.nal fmeg of no s9nNani imcact re reneeal o License SUA-M A A A.NS E F Ur ann,m Recovery Fed Orc A4 86 01'12 LOUDE AB ACAT E I M 7 ror F APAxaton Ce.+a4C#s trce Co 1p 44295 345-44285 345 HAA %SEF aawm Aecc*ery Fead O'c R4 87/12/29 l8f vER D Ases A Pro- i r eoses Branch 1p 44266183 44266185 4402180103 Forea*es eater amses ver's for Wes Fed B 70sN' statw ry sam-ed c 870 % 8 4 1112 tor Cov's Dae Pro ect -88020900$2 Feal t d rc sWicant imrap re veneaa; cf Licem SUA 1347 tot paes tOUOEABcowc'acx.eT E Cwrve and-CP's irce Co 88'01/12 NAA*%SEF Urawm Re- Coe'a* c8 Sneve es Cwp O-Saw C dand R&D e sto teach facey e Cors covery F ed Orc. H4 CL A A < :NA Wyor veg State of 12fc 44364 219 44364 230 v] [r,^ g g g 8802190143 Formaras rett ce anrua4 eso of C#'s Coms traw ISL cwa' son A&D Le cease 3 Forma! re! ease tcv A-1 mened stoAd De pocosed at sa++ time as proposa)
    *or 8 men'+4 Bond *etcton proccia. we te svtNed to drectc*                           48,0,2,0,,90140 WY M N g *=vem,,

Rems Sw v,4 g a) g, ,,n,E h N 871218 enr'e's v 'n Seu e F es Corp O S ANM g my agg,,, MOONEY G Wyore v rg saie s 84 01/15 LOUC{RSACNT E Cevea%C#s von We CPM'e'9 t'F E A W Co 14;c 44404 257 44434 270 SAND5ISL pacg prW M.,s 3 g ,getg.,ym vaw FW9W'M,,,p'a,W 9,ce, ,,a CWc R4 P6 '01 '06 Vawm 8802170394 Notifies that TE Lousertaa na De eaveg Cevetens Ces ewwneed on 89T2d ose to rehcm e Westere Div sv F Are notAcatoms & repatoq ma%es 8802180244 Fevea de sv=ary et nei certes & comgee1(a niervai for O Sans Pact shcW1 te orected to estner peo,&t pr r663113redest A**D G D C+re a4C#s iron Co 86/01/18 SV TH D R Urawm Recovery Fed FRE E van M D Sodovan Fss Core Ishs of

  • er* WGee twear Ceep ) Betejtr Ot.R4 tp 44363 252-44363 252 15 GnACE S Urawm kecoveq F ed C*c. R4 3pp 44J '0 0)* 4 43 70 0%

8802090524 Fores os SER e ssrcort of twance of renema' cf License SUA.1387 for DOCKET 4&8724 CHEwtTRON CORE, CHtC AGO. IL o sem OSand cin ec1 r m Ccev erse Cwer n v GA ACE S R . "A A a NS E F U an vm F<ecovery Fed O'c R4 68 01 19 Urawm 4802040139 CasNsses p;aa no estan storm sener a ong E ast 2919 sweet of vcage of hoveq R4 4 44M 31044M M2 Neat >7 HeftA & adoss os pm to a' eve'e baserrent Ivoong rvwem e vaa2e s'ea Proect e4 sarera'e storm sewers from sava'y sewers Diayses enci -8802090532 SER sscoort*9 reneens of bcer'se Sv41387 for O Sa v5 CLSand R&D TE LLNE R R J WGea* R_*co. mc pormedy McGeen Chem <a. Co . iric ) 87r12/14 'p* 4 *Y

                                                                                                                   ,      c p4 e4 Ct r19 dire 442M 312 44233 352 A (NER S W Abeg*e *y irocaatv4' ric dop 44258 352-44258 356 8802183243 Forea>3s ea*' of propc4eJ enemrton tc Seq;ovan F ws Corp per 8802090431 Forea*2s 871214 tv to S Wener for reve Oaa Rd2e Assoc 4'ed O'ves               e r t 21 e a ns.,e      W Ca-+ er Corr.rrents & n**+tproae      &'r     rebe's o8 or'oa's to BM725 s# rey tot a e4 snoes litt$e banes of ra$aton 317d lore etersectrVs e%           te hsted on th(C=r     f aPs reavested L<e%ee espects to maec apprM 2 000 s*wc-ea:e over sca9 shoes lee isorJted spCds Cf mace h nerta6es                             m,ntg 2E LLNE R R J WGea+Rohco mc Itormer+y M:Gean Chem <a Co anc 168 C1/22                  HORNM J T tranwr'aton twt M 8e 01/22 BROWN V Ne* Ue=<o Sta'* N RA SE L C NAC No De's ed A"*am Ga ec        v   f45 442% C34 442% C39                   7pp 443 3 g3 7.4437( aj DOCKET 4&8745 OGLE PETROLEUW sNC, C ASPER, W V                                          DOCKET 40-8783 UR ANER2 USA, INC, C ASPER. WY 8802180058                                                           re                 8402110249 Dewtes procmed preorwavat ramp a; morvtorog pr> yam tor Akses Drae iSL cce  r 3W trat om presented reveeed            m 1987 by Land Qua       anroa<
                                             *y Casi*ci    *ect for la st.4n & aCe,rus.avCws  Conns eso comucted    Nort 6 e & Ruin pr ,ca-tes as anson Wrt, Av M 8?N8 6ced set at h .ted aHNnt                                                        SOMER.".L LE a G Asped E :os.oer% mc 6 14 09 H4 A r. NS E Urawrv' Recov-AOCOR W rocq State of es Oti21 LOUDERBACNT E Ce<e. arid Caf*s von Co                   ery F er O*c. R4 Soc 44335 325 44335 327
    *p 44372 00144L 2 001 8402090342 A:a rece pt c8 8279 itt escussq tveccwa+m revoac9(a mcratoreg for Nann Bee & 54tn reorenes AccommeNs tait 46 ri savae te conected es@

DOCKET 4&8752 PINAL WINER ALS 8 MINING. LTD., Mi&ML A2 mnr tm & comcos ted dan e e, H4 A = 'NS E F Urawm Recovery Fed C*c 5*4 8 7/12 22 A:9+3 E tes, stems mc 8802100143 R ,0ves s rescome to bssed osesms re L(ense SUA 094 e cc)er to a coninae coNrcton geocess for oeewent oct4 64100 1 accRa'on 6' $802180110 E more sses accveoaton br a"ar9 ng SC 21 rvetog a Cheren*e W v re awno sana:e ea'ar nytc*>b & o**r astette of hr & Nor+n eve voects Summary of MDLLC%av C J De= son of Accoun tag & F rance iPost 8 4 4131 4 ' f 1 i G4 mW & W d Wnm W SV.TH R D Urav Reccwerv F ed C*c R4 2pp 44317 09?-443t ? Mf6 CA?CWOiE G J Ura,e7 USA mc @e 01 27 MS Arw g $ta'e M 50p 443 '2 3'8 44r2 322 4802110222 Adv$es tna' to w,cwete NRC URFO ter*=natee rese of Ucense SU A v 34.9 encs NRC F orm 314 ceevate d esposhce reweed to be sut<'vt'ed ty evemee W o ence DOCRET448784 URANIUM RESOURCES. INC., RICHARDSON, TX PE TTE % LL.H J Urav kecove y Fed CWr R4 97et2 31 CL AR Y T Peat Mace a n & Mneg Ltd tp 44 33614144 3 M 141 8802110148 AMes 1641871012sutNa e v r +oe^t to N,4. wwaemeats of een hed

                                                                                           & prcs.ess tac :*, abaMeeat & otro* Aserq pen as repred by tre%e Cord 8802290224Rewonas M ovesws rows n 871104 meme re n'atss o' Pea there s                                                           s:ers, nos rewwa
    & Um rq Ltd Peas c.c not t-e fewe'y rerewai C;a , o8 Pr+ vertoy apee1 to be de         von Am HA   $ 5 .Ns sietat.mme. ot p.aa E F U,awm     Remio m# ed O'c R4 e ' 12 24 Vav R+ n/ces 4r<

comeru ssonq c=an teatng M ter'ema?ca v ve*4e 3pp 443E 343 44 338,3$1 PETTi %'LL H J Urswm Peteve , F evt Ct R4 86 'Oi G MOLL OA A v.C J b ce%e F ee Mana@rwent B ancn 2;c 44232 303 44232 M $402180438ResmMs to NRC 871224 mwst hr s ul rM 'e Nvin Fa'te accomms. noesr q c an L*ce%ee c3r&n mat ett casoc smcs.3 be c/ ttvee fee teo* 8802180443 Ce:4te cd osposton of mars m4ms taped wmer 10 ft v M d<t corm re OK cW'v%sveeg s/ ace F'E L 22 4Ppq concett]esxOr:es M h Ura9eum essmclawy

68. la C 1*Wd s%t
  • HA A eruINS N[ removed F Ur gevyi 5,y cggry CLAAYf A Fe4 I#^eesis & Mang L td 6F O' '27 f p 44312 3r.e 44 3'2 3FJ 8 +a2 C't: 5' d 2pp 444'.4 C' 3 444 T 4 'M l

l l


 ~4402160440 'Feu instumerits Devotog+d for Ra$aton Meawements cm UMTRAP "                   6802110133 Formards He. 6 to License SUA-16111ewseg kense Conatons 38 & 40 ME Y E.R H R . BE GL E Y.C . DA1L v C Crem%ciear Syvems. Inc 68 01 r 25 6g                  to sArresse et tiasesne ester cNavy data les proposed mrmng urwt 4 calcsation of 44404 061-44404 OM                                                                          uccer control hFuts respectivety SVJTH R D Urawm Recove9 Feed Ofc. R4 64/01/14 Everest Meera-s Corp 2pp 44324 334-44324 361 DOCKET 40-4429 FERRET EIPLORAfiON CO. OF hEsm ASKA, INC, CR AWFORD, NE
                                                                                             ~4402110164 Amend 6 to Ucense SUA 1511 br Everest Meera s Corp. est%orvq e hrmted use c4 U at MgNavJs cworett f a%tes Re-ated n'o enci 4402040003 Not4s of deta+s te ncoent that ocwed at famy re smas uact m plug                     SM TH R D Uranum Recovery Fed C4 R4 68,01/14 2ipp 44324 336 44324 361 Cn ny1on We Vsed to tiheck we*ead pres >Je on ees PT S Small amount C4 prcduc-ton water teaAed NRC apeed amoi/4 of losd speed eas mnor peDOE.R Ferret EnDaoraton Comr47 c4 Nettasma anc 47/i2r21 GONZALES R                     8402110220Reccemends Ucense SUA.1$t t te amenced License Condt.ons 38 4 40 rs utession of taasene estes cNants da!a lor proposed mere arean & estatestvnent UrWm Recovery f ed CWc, R4 1p 442$4 246 442$8 246                                           of ucper ccc1roi hmets resfMtne/y.should te rersed as stated OLSEN Y T . HA A51NS E F Urartum Recovery Fed Otc. R4 68,01/14 Uransum Re-4402M0470 Aca rece,pt of471221 rs <ct/ysvg NRC of smas craca n kne used Ic chect                covery Feu Osc. R4 2po 44335 323-44335 324 wee head creswo on Wee PT-Ster License Conoton 24 taken propu & re-scms=e to ncoent eAntuNS E F Urawm Recovery Feu Olc. R4 88 01/04 Fenet Esporaton Com-                                 20 Rewyos to NRC 671221 its re vcates fored n nse of Ocense SUA-paay c4 Netrasaa, anc 19 44295116-4429$ 116 46021601,187120344 IS110                        Coreettwo a; tons all employees or ccettsct empmees aho ma te revred to respra'or 1ested 4402090200 Sihr"*ts revee of Ferret Empurauon Co of Netwa>6a inc tnad oatier rept H CtNBRANDP Everest Meeras Cerp IWO1/19 HA AMNS E F Uranafn Recow-eryF.eq Oc.R4 3pp 44364 23144364 233 for le97 NO sW<aat chFvps or treMs K1entded KONwhSM G R . HA AMN 3 E F Urawm Recovery Fed O'c. R4 68 '01/13 Urary wm Recovery Fsed Olc, R4 3po 44232 29144292 233 DOCKET 4&#902 ANACONDA MINE R ALS CO, GRANTS, NM 4402160121 A#ses c4 c=ans to grans'er U pocespro enomeni Irom kensed U n stu mnog ccerate e State of Tx to Crow But'e R&$ we n Dawes Ccvvy NE por to                  6402140354 Fon=ards tee omitted trora 47t2?3 appacation tot amerd to Lcense SUA-480415                                                                                       14TO COLUNGS S P Fenet E spora90n Comcan, of Netrassa hc 8& O1e 22 SM1H D                         BERGSTRC# D O Ariant< R(hfed Co ( ARCO) 68 01/24 PETTE NGiLLH J Uran Urawm Rem F e d C%. R4 to 44373 306 443 '3 306                                              um RecoveryFen Otc, R4 19 44366 001-44366 230 8402230203 A&ses that R Gcnza es no lorger pac eci ma^ager for Fecet R&D e Stu ieacn operebon or lor rev.e. tw comr'ercas acc*caton Ef'ecieve emmesa'er, S G' ace         -4602160369 Formarcs ' Anacowa Meera s Co Bluemater U M 8 DecommessonnJ Ptan ' per Liceese Cononon 31 F*an oewees proceoses for cLsoosal of me n ed te assumeg chAes of crosect rnanager for torn croeca HAAmAGEF Urar=um Recovery Faec C*c. R4 66 01 > 29 COLLWGS S P Fenet                          ons te escosai a'eas Ramcorp;ai characterladen a so enct Fee pad Emp6xauon Comany of Pwceasma. 6rc to 44443 359 44443 359                                    BERGSTROM P D Attanto Reted Co (ARCol Sh12e N PEITEMMLH J 1.ha4 um Recovery Fed Or R4 to 443o6 032 443% M DOCKET 444457 EVEREST MINERALS CORP, CONVERSE COUNTY, WY                                             160
                                                                                             -8402,gy,344 o,e       mac,g' Anac,erca ec        Meeras Co 82vemater U M4 De:owmssoneg Plan " Two
  • Attantic Achfeed Co (ARCCl 47/12'31 6)c.p 44366 003 44366 071 4402190137 Adrses that riurv'q 87091416 two cortset emocrees ta9ed to vacuum rewecame res4se cut of cher hearns for repas esc 6 ya pericrmeo wNet #N1 Ra entra
                                                                                             . 4802180391 *Anavda Meera e Buemater U Mos.te Roc &ypcal Character 2 ate "

deon H+LDEWykNB APermsl A ND P9'871 B'.rera Everest M rgsrone Cup samcae 8 7 /12 'Cressts 4 So Tenct 7 OLSEN T Urawra Ru cree *1 6AAE R R R . SOLOW A J . VADOrd A U Hoy F W estoe mc 8 7 /10c 31 1760p 44 %f' O'2 44%6 24 7 Feed Otc. R4 500 443 72 t A443 721C4 440204024? Reavests gMewnes ce croce$u r e & matt s.tWta' 10 State of WY re ~4402190074'Ana orda M^ era's Boema?er U M6te Raioop:ai Engeeerrg o Bdg M pen 3 sc#g an surrace efts stamed teom Es son Coat & ER OLC% A J . 2E LLE P Re, F 6eston inc 87 rit/3') 42po 44366 248 MOR2E NTI S P Everest Engacerag Co 87e t2<22 SPE ARS R A rcm3 State of "# M 3cp 44256 3$3-44256 355 8002090138 Emes's oeiectm merstvag psan e form e amend request e ecmce-axe e. C A43 40 At3 W201 Proocsai secvd consder current pcynomater 840,2090491 Apphcahon for r grounowaier amend wa*ry lo tar oata License Hgha%1SUA U 1511 aventsag proect Wrw Sechon 21Cadisori 3') Sand34 prwam mneg wrw & Cordton 40 re es:ursonucce centros Irmats F ee pad "*'***) E MAAMN) F Urs%m Recovery Fed Olc R4 8 7 e 12 15 E ERGS? ROM P Atlant.e HiLDENBRAND P iverest unera's Cup 87't2/22 Ot.SEN T T Urawm Recoery R<N Co (ANC) 2pp 44292 ?'3-44292 2t4 Fets Otc. R4 2pp 442v5 t%-44235137 4402090149 Shmts reces of Anaconda Mirera's Co en von v trorwecreg ca'a for 4402110110Forea os Amend 3 to Lcease SuA 15t1 revseg Literse Coroton 39 ve E4vema'e* Wi tor Fi rst Ha'l 195 7 cer 1JCFR40 65 & Coretons de & ;7 so incense periormance & documen'abon W aau*er $% rec test cer871118 request OT SU.TH R O Urarnum Recovery Feio CFc. R4 87112 22 Everest Meeres Corp 2pc, Su A 14'O SCOW L y Licensee R PE TT savud ENGLL erama ksted cPanges M J Ura%m to F4y Recovery eneveri CQ mystct"b Rt "yam f12 Urav 44334 C76-44333 Q99 gm Reccvery Fiend O*C, R4 4pp 442g3 34).44293 )(3

~4802910134 Amerd 3 to LKerise SUA t51i for Everest Maevas Corp (ParP3 L>

conse Corey 33 re svtevrai od aver test an'a DOCEET 40 4903HOMEST AKE MINING CC CRANTS. hW SM TH H D 4 Cac or the Dwecty 87/ 92 22 9Cc 44336 P6-44334 N9 4402110154 Rec:>mmeNs Leenw SuA t511 te amence rev sq License Coroton 8402tm Nvsses htw W M43 Arc A re p**de of grouMaaw war 39 re resure s ed as meeg umt ever testeg U "'s ta+Ns s'tet NRC requests svtana; of detecton tretoreg psan m form of OLSE N Y T . MA A

  • AS E F Urav Reco.ery Feid Osc R4 47/12/22 NRC - N3 *"*M mSt b Em tase on e rvesemM HAAA: 5EF Urawm Reccwee, Fied ut R4 8 7/12 I b P A R* ER J Homestate Ce4aed Art.aa5on G.rven Sep 44D8 ttJ 44 3M 127 Meg Co 2pp 44316 223 44316 224 4402100390 REammerds enat La:ense SUA 1511 te am Qwices 38 & 40 to read as staied r+<871130 rewes, erded ty reos.63 Rease 4802110178 Rescmos to nckes of voatori & secaton f a voatons noted e inso of OL SE N I T . HA A* 1NS E F Ura%m Reccneer F ed Osc R4 87/1' 29 Urawm Re. L <eese W A 14 71 oa 871019 22Cor e<tve actes svre.e oura ore mo243 to covery Fed cmc, R4 2pp 44316 07 f.44316 C'2 were 4Wate y represe nt eyser espesse to a< tome ravectrre ma"s
  • E NNE Ov E E Homestaae M.rwng Co 87/12'16 PE TTE %LL M Uraw Recovwy 4402100297 Ahses ttai Lcense Sua 1511 revse1 t3 oeemg Ucease Cantes ;g Fe*3 Ot R4 &cp 44335 292 44315 2H
  & 29 4 amerdmg Latense Ccroto^s 22 & 43 to reas as sta'ed per871109 request &

10CF R4] 44020901$1 Act recept c4 671216str eforwng NRC of st*5s ta6en to correct voaticas SM TH A D Ura*=um Recove*y Fed Otc R4 ?7/12 '29 E verest Meera's Corp 3co noted e mso Rept 4} 8W33 8tC1 on 8 71124 Ccv'eetwe actons taken ey bceasee 44316 07144316 075 s'wd te awe Com~en's & c+ar+caton re871216ftr criered PE ITE NCrtL H J Urawm Recovery F ats CN R4 88 0106

  • ENNEDV E Humes-4402110140 os Amen 5 to Uceare St., A 1511 for E<eress Unera>s Cao recsna tame Meg Co 3;c 44246189 442*619' kstes hcenw For**'ctor cor s nctur>ng Canton 22 rep rq keesee to otmt bcatons ter pecsa'e & racce samceg 6or NC revee 4 ama; 44022Mee C>scoses res#s c4 bceesee sa'cwg & oamma surtev program No ts C&N Y T . H A A CNS E F urav Recovery F.e*3 Orc R4 87/12'29 Uran p Re- ther acte necma y tesed o* hcensee comerwrments rease m8'0715 & 09'O tirs to covsry F ed CPc. R4 3pp 441M c.01443M C24 commated Werim vacoraSon proyam HE VI A R S PE T T E NM L M J Un awm neurvery F W Sec R4 68 01< 21 Ur awm

-4402110142 A*end 5 to utease SUA 1511 tcv E verest Meera's Corp rev>seg bs'e3 hecovery Field Orc R4 2cc 444512A 44451297 hcense coroSons ar<hxvg Cmdwt 22 reov no r acenwe to s@ met locahons f 3r pa*- hcota'e a rahi sarrperg for NN rev= e & accrova. Va'ed rio enci 4402230244 Conums Homes *ete Mang Co 8%2P ccmnement to sverwt rewaed SM.TH R D Ura%m Recovery F ed Or:. R4 8 7,12 29 2'fc 44 336 LX 4 443 M C24 co en a,chy man by 6@216 Fave to meet ayeed ucon oethre may reve NE 4802110144Foraards Avers 2 4 to Ucease SUA 1511 rervq Ucense Cactons 38 & Han.13NS cons E 4er rbssng order s V,awm cw tenog Recoverv FW eadycement Ct N4 6e Etons

                                                                                                                                                       ;2 N P EMDY E mmestate r

40 re s Aarvnsacn of taseine saw 'we'r y Sata 4 ca<viate of ucter cor' trol Mang Co tp 44443215 444432'S kvwts respectivery as seated SUtTH R C Ur.wum FWe,ery Fied C7c R4 67/12 29 E verest M nera s Ccap 2pp 44De @ 44 sh 122 DOCKET 40 4904 BP AMERIC&. INCJL-SAR URANIUM F ACILfiY. SALT LAKE ~4402114147 Asend 4 to Utense SJ415'1 sor E veres* Veera's Cap. avr mrf ag u m hwed use of U at ta:=tes e Corwe'se Cou nt, a v $402110119F orm ads F A ret <a ce amens to M FR40 4c A *e cao'ecten c1 yevo

  $ttf H R D R49en 4 08c of the Deector 8 7/12/29 kr'p 44338i "2 44D8 '22                      eater rear U me ta urss s tes Ame oed 13CF R40 ee
  • vem ne 4 naia:m con.

a 4802040217Adier anews rt$is trit F cwr*h O aaer 1 s8 7 swe Ha AetsMteg5 reesse 2 & wovery Ura w.em n.rceweF elasCN res.A H4 8v7aw. war

                                                                                                                                                   /12 15    metws ANDRt   A SAA'omenci ean cc e et
  • E verest Mwa s Cap 81,12,31 5'fc 44256 2W 44256 349 krp 2;t 44 3M 273 443% 2%4

DOCKETEDITEMS 9 8802090185F or* rcs871209 te4cce tog & ret en9nei 'Grasdeater Varwtorq New 8402110059 Aewests deiechte moNiceN pan ei form of ameed repst, per 10CF R43 App A tw 60201 Procosat nPevd consder curreril groun0 eater momforeig L-B ACE GA ar T aJays F ast Sernrirv.aal

                $ R Uramum     Recoivery 198 Feq7OrcAr.a',iss ' W 'o ence R4 $7/12/16    ACVE RO.) Cec @ eta. NV   proyam nee reweements & edent cd any gwnomater contawnataon ese to act,vi-to 4=265 34>44285 346                                                                   tes HA Am INS E F Vrawm Recovery Fed Osc R4 87/12/15 Opvva U<ur.g Co 2pp 8802160087 Inictms f*at INTERA na sstat te o cefore 4M129 revs to L-Bar Mee                44334 337 44334 338 reclamate & clotpe plet as proretsed e 670'4 meeting WTE A A wrn rewond to a*r ocen sue not covered ty rev no'M Fi SMFN of Freetg e SMtm'n to rev                $4020902$4 Act receot of 871204 response to v6 ave roted in mso Aec4 44 8909 LAGA AF F M S Bp Amencs 6nc 69 01 r19 PE T TE MGil H J Una ve'i Accove'y                 8 7 01 Ccceectve aNns convered t.y bcerece thcud te ajewate lo res;ce ra3co Fed C4c. R4 1p 44M4 212 44364 212                                                        3agter ccince Pa%ns in Ud OL tad; PETTENGiLL H J Urmm 9ecove y Feid Ot.:. R4 68 '01/06 ST AUTER J C Ch.svea 8802190044F cretos revs to bBar mate rectamate & cSosure pt               c<9gty svtcut    Veng Co 3c9 44205 353 442b5 355 ted on 661N1 Pevs ccrepese 'wacements lor Sectons 4 4 4 $ e 6 & 6 ot ptan Revs ock;cas tss ace aa'er Awson ses W:vv3 taw *;s A!&s oversze dra=AJs                     8402170309 iniorms that bconsee operatirig rune son enchar9: cournns to recover U GR 5AA G E rNTERA inc se 01/29 PE TTL% LL.H J Ur arnum Re-                   arora mee escrary maiersser Concton 13 of License SuA-14 73 5-= columns ccat-covery F eo Osc. R4 327pp 44375 001-44375 327                                            +3 ai man 'acaty . Irree coumns loc ated at 35 3e mater treatment recety C L E h E L AND J E O avea Verg Co 88'01514 PE T T E N3'LL.H J Urame's Recovers
  -4802190064 "t av FNse il Gravrumater Hv+oggy Poyam Ce% ton of Ucoer                       Feed Otc. A4 1p 44 4316444363184 Yransmswe Zorie of Fasi Tres Hermanos $acione ' tecrvwca reet ENTE A A Techre;>;es enc 6-91 68 41,04 184cp 44375144'44.15 327 DOCKET 40-8908 80KUW RESOURCES CORP, ALBUOVEROVE, NM 84022302 f 5 Dsevsses reven of sermanrual rept re groun d aster mcotoreg near L-Par taargs reserwpr (Lae, of mater kom monitorg n#s remans !as*y statwr e= cept t '

ecrease e Ae s 14 4 27 54,0 ,2230164 Fwrcs & W rereas a bceu SvA 1474 per er30201 1e A to GA=C E.S A , Ha n oNS E F Urawm Reco.ery Fee CWc. R4 86. 01/ 2v Ur a" SHCfENN N M Uransum Rei w FM O*t A4 86 02'04 UCLOAWLE It Besu m Recovery Fed Orc R4 hc 44444 02144444 030 ResoJces Corp to 44443 323-44443 323 4802230324 F oreras 860127 memo re Kennecot' L-8s m4te rer eyeement =/04-t& eta Law Craat DOCKET 40 8907 UNITED NUCLE AR CORP, SANTA FE, NW GRACE S Ura mum Accevery F*e d C4c A4 68'02'01 ROVE AO,J Ceto3 eta NV 10 44443 0 5 44449078 4602030160Forards ccemeNs on UNC Res =.sces CPveeroch NW U rM recamaton 8802180222 Fcanr3s tenanc ai seety tond & verAaton cert 44'es e='eMrN ted to F** W*3 'ews aMear e te accrw'e MANNESSCHL A ~ E RvE n ror*nertai Protecte Agenc y 87/12 30 PETTE *4'LL H 670705Dev encpry to INTE A A re status & arrv.unt d sse$ ton posie3 in favor o- Uran =vm Recovery F ed O'c. A4 14epc 44245 226 44246 015

     $ rate of NU hy L E'c rewne L ASA AFF V B OP AmeMa Mc 6.8/02 02 PET T E % LL H J O' amur ti Aecover F me*3 OIC R4 600 as3k3 3'6 44](9 324                                                 4402140045Commenti cocoseg corss c4 hcVsee recta"4!cri plan for CA, pen Roc h Me    bcrong
                                                                                             & eg,ai       NEior tas.s    FAeacwng cor c-ance  ia.:s+ of a' tac        a3ewa,te aver          ohue da'a try protec..on    amernaWe reyr stra'egars ascossed 8402240152Fcenros tea 'trs to etera Te*NaoJ+5 frora > ennecott Detuten mo,e tareng pan ose to te sutvved to NWC t1 t+y 60201 Ease 3 on snavasatar of                 " ADE N U E **                                      87/11/24 GARQA P Uranssm Reeveer itts er$enson panted wr4 BM20$

Fe CNc A4 6cc'orvneNa. 44372 290 44372CCease 295 Furc HAAPASEF Uran /a Aecove*y Fed Oe;, A4 gg ;pgg gp CE CC 10 44470 168 444'O173 6802110136 Pet *sts outM4i cd deiecten treref oring paen ei sc<m of am, rid

                                                                                             't-Quest per TOCih43 Att A ty B80201 Picposa; shcvsd ccescev o rreN groe v3                 r
 -8602240179 Forea 3s 871214 F A nege ,e itsvance of reF#ons to protet ge0ur d.              ma'er mor* ton'*1 cetmyam nem reouvrements & entent o' 7>#id aa'er contarvroe H A A* fN5 E * ?nsset Recoven F ed Cw; R4 67!12'15 UNC Resones enc 2cc oa'er near U 'M la4Ns s.'es Swte'v*'4' of o(decton men-torg gman get Acc A 10 10CF A40 reove.,te3 c.y 680201                                                            443'l6 227 4433A 276 HA A * :NS E 6 Stern 4 Orc 04 t*e twecty 8 '/12 M ANDRE A S A s enrecou                S40It00I4I "erwes et4ett m33e at Sh 12$ eneeteg tetecen (PJ & Urwied Nyacy Ccep 2pG 44470169 444'O 1IQ Cap      to cor osci teaut*ty stuh W grouwm a'er cicame at CNicNocs VA
 ~4802240185 ord:<ms trar EP A dereoced & issa e apcmcee regeme ns 6 c<osec                  s4e ms#<e tnime a awe W regotation e a trmrvst'ateve or3er HA W 5K HLASEA E nvuonmerMas FWM bcri Agency 6s m i e i t VELA 50VE2 ,

ton of70/oma'er a' a:Irve U r%s Acercom lor amer 4 to bceme r<orporatrng es UMe3 Nx er Corp (sst 6 # UNC Inc I Sp 443?O M7 443'O 09? seats leaves ro cettKMo moMcrq s,s newsv3

    $V:T H R D he9y 4 cmc of the Drgtor $7 e0, t 7 AYVQA$p kenneyt Cap 3c,o 4447017144470173                                                                  88G2140305                          to c t                                             Ur**ea %,

tes Ocep to Reus's meet.r=$w corovc1 l*st er % ane sto'y r attramewors CNrcW:s for ayee+snt vs sae to or frecept aneM0111 ft

 $$Q2230444 Aca recep of 663129 m en reggye,e 13 NAC 371216 ftr & rotice Of                  Mq reMsi lo COrdJtt skr1v a:s E> ass for reavest st red voa'onUtd reorv re cesve to ccecems ra sed & NRC ee reven evyemematon o'                   NL AWE 2 J A UM*3 Wear Cc p us of W Rescarces Inc h M O'W HAWE 55CHLAM EnvvanmeNai Fcecton Agemy 2pp 4419 M443 70 0F4 cc<rectrve actes te de4' se ins' be ccenotance bas t<ee acNeved PiTTE%itt M J Aegon 4 Dec ce tre Dvector 63 02 03 L AgAAF F V g BP Cw co tp 444512:13-444 $ 1 2 93                                                             8402230204 Gra%610 day esides on for i,cersee rescrse to ect.ce of voa%e per A* 2120 & 21 seguesta 4402230172 Fcnw3s cr+s o' cor+escer.koce re m enneccer L By murs.te ge N4C                                   MJ U'arwsm Recove% Fed Cw:. A4 M 0172 VELAWE J R M    Mi%"r trated       Corp isas of UNC Resosrces Mc ) 1p 4444 3 3e.CL44443 360 Nacie syaemed F+e<s to 6FP24 recevoa & c< aste pan & PW,2 & Cd 'trs enct A 0 enct CMCE S Urav Aec^veq Faed T*c, A4 M 02 ' t ? A DVE 90 ) Cetecta NU                      6402150238 Roses's esienson unk MM1 to re% con to N4C Bn224 Its to NAC 1p 44449 21) 44449 211                                                                  recentN a*erwled you ndea'er reMa!wSns C'4rge has s,7wtR aN v'pi( AV4 lur Wed Neear (xirp ta ungs twagon pan that teve br1*c are%s dLa W E2JA UMM Nwe es Corp isute of UNC Aewces one I $6 0 t e26 DOCKET 40-890$ EERR WCGEE CORP >OuivtR A WiNihG Cc . OnL &HOW& CITY,                        "^^" W5 E F Urav Receven F w Cnc R4 ip 4*'70 ce) 44370 ce3 OE                                                                                        BBC2230312 Accraves 6M1M rewst W enteroon to rescord ac reovest to ccepk axea yc%rcea'*r prenecton repstys 8802040164 F oreads "a Ws AW amaMe Fee Cicanac cd Cce'asved Areas Ri                          MA As NS E F Urw Rec've, F W Otc R4 M F2 02 WLA WU J R WM 226 5@ $aaring ResJtt             6 'even F*r L< eabe WTon 27' d"!               g;cgy (pp gg pg gy; p,9,f;e, g g tp gag 4g 3$4 44443 354 66106 Conrawnste erT teq retsnec 78.acerav Pond 3N
                                             '        (                       "% '
  • 8432230182 s re Jemte1 4 c 442 4 2[4 2 3 w C A:n n tu rw ee,,c' m w 8,'t_M124 r~,nm provoq nanar ceee'<

ue & vec4< commem,n e, c &- ree amaxe c4 L%C CNr:a Ract mm & tags cae

 -8602040187 'Tamqs Aeca+a',m Fea C;eanue o8 CcNa =ve Artes Ea 2M So#                        FtiTE % tt H J Uransse Acc-*ver, F ed uc A4 68 % '04
  • ASSE N W E %ece-Aess's men,a den >rm Fse to 44443 3 4 44443 336 Sa
  • of*c,ar9 ma Men'ng Co A 47'52 rcre oversie crag 11 t rop 4 42J 023 44258192 0402110176 Rewm e voarces coted e rso Fur' 40 8K5 BLei cer ec1ve DOCEET 444900 CHE V AON. U S A , INC., C4 ANTS. NW actee4 oree na come 13 recee a es emcert a'e & gesorce escesare wa
    & taa e any A M ac tior's M maMan esp s## s ALA A A  No;a e3 sSC2100449 C;a*$ cit &s a.a at* M v4NS c' L o^se SLA 14 76 N % under STA/E A J C CM r- V nq Co 97'52'14 M TTE M LL MJ Ura v pyp, ,,

F ed C4 R4 4cp 443M 111443M 114 staMs f*d' compa^v crent (sans enss sa ea've', $++erens rv & tameg pon3 ocups w an tusse crevowv a>%r iM S tren' v +nse Nee acp< ave requee3 4602100454 Aeromaems Ame<ws 6 to wese S; A 14 73 t,e accoved A*+*d m u M i T t N t3 w J U av F im C*c F 4 M 01 " LEA 5LE Cnevroe Ae ces to 2pc 443 '6 2 '8 4 4 31 f. 219 cerse Cmste 32 astnu t rq S sw & tva' cd ccatavres me ~at & eus meat ene ta vm Pows 1 & 2 FEv[ A A 5 EE TTE EL P J Urav Ae:e<*rv F e=3 CM: E4 e h t ? 15 Uree DOCKET 444911 WO88L ALTERh&TIVE E NERGY, INC, DOULDE R, CO Recoveq F ed C*c R4 3co 44.1% 2M 443 M 222 4602110027 S cream A mend 6 to L< ease L A 14 M aper zN oscosa- & t /4 9 8902170347Fcceams McN Cra P%cq ir< cor>escoMme reusteg m>J to Ds

CO^'F%aMn aV' r.iel &e MvveN ebTa#9sPoNr 9 & 2 t-) a3M Conr1*& 32 creste P'a* DF 2t tar M W Cic e* Tort $n 5N ies:n U Peo: in :aM1 e , iraasm4'a' to I

to read as raw 1i.+r 1 XF R43 & P 7V 'O & M M f'r% FWW ale Na.aC tett gov' a#&'+s

    $U T H A       bra %r Rec 'ver, F e3 C+c R4 s  ' 2 ' ' $ ST AU'E 5' J C % va                          Nee                                                ina, r or Det ' at Bseaa or u ,C Dup 4m"4 m "4m. a                                                                   'l~ eim AeaE,s m,*/e.< em   o Ste:e m dee' M  n O t M AN A L A ;
 -4402110070 Amem 6 b L< ease So A 14') Nr Cw<a V v9 to a Ay i N bcwa                      4502100044 8ye nos er mq, of e. ems vM-+a es s' Newt Sec%e 9 ot e
    & to a. o' cordawa'e<1 m rea'i & epce i etc f a v9 Scwts 1 & 2 tt 6%                     SN & ace pew rer NK reust Lacense CoM N.e 12 as s'a'e 5                                                            L
  • ON S G J V 'itw Coa' Pr W rg 'nc H 01 .f ** A A , P.5 E F vrev Age,er,
    $V ' N A D V'a%N RM ovFw F e4d C4c N4 6I i2 95
  • M- 4 4 32 4 N4 4 4 M 4 5 M I ed O': G'4 Q< 4 4 Je 4 213 4 4 M 4 d ' '

10 .DOCKETtiDITEMS 8002100061 Fe eade seepage veeocay coacw e ason %e yourcester mereent n Q. Inspecten reporta. IE Dunetes & correspondence Wessoaior Ceyon ewer at Eacta 9 Caculates prsee'ed ty Grorrang Engmeer. 50 F. Moto Com tre 68/01/11 OLSEN.T.T. Roce 4' O'c of the SMM376 Fcreeds msp Rept W2'ssa on W11 W voaws now ER W D. Regen 1 Osc of m Director 88/0H29 kEM W Mcavgag W M

       ?esciar 14 4 44366 356 4                                                                          Ann Arte. MI 10. 442?$ 293-44226 299 0802230395 Forwards erwean assessmeN & draft imeN cf co sagrwhcare spect to Mcos Os Corp.croonpoetsecte e, in $4u Puot fest Protect powdemar restcraten                    ~4M20M349 it'sp Rept SM2r8441 on 6MtN4 lig Watons noted Mesor sus g rectamshce propam.                                                                              mspected recwes logs 4 organizatmeevee & a41 tunctes.recp aecaton HAWKINS E F Urarnum Recovery FaNd Ose. R4 6e '02/04 ANALLA.J. Intercr. Dept                       ta      Fowes see 4 mact & lum heseg ackvites
    - of Sweedof ancan Aria s 2pp 44461113444Si 20g                                                      R@ AYER. GREGER.L.R Regon 3. Osc of the Drector Sa r01/29 ipp 44225 2944 4225 299
   - 4002236404 Fremare erwon asseasment & es't frdng W no sgnecant react te naotse Os Corp Croomsecte 9 in Sdu Pilot Test Progect, pour Joiser restorabon                  44021201M Forea ds Esarii Rept 50402/OLS 6441 of emarn senistered on 840119'
       & reciamahon proyam 0 raft for eareed ter FR put*cahon                                            21 HAARINS E F Urarnum Recovery 7eid Orc R4 88'02'03 BAER R tritonor. Dept of.                       WR GHT.G C Regen 3. CWc of the Drector.08/02/10 RERR W IAchgart Urvv. of.

SweaJ of Land WanagemenL 2pp. 444$i 115-44451116 AAA A'IC' UI- 1@ 44341 290'44342 023

   -40022M420 Formarna erwron assessment & ht fwyse$ of no eipvhcs,t repact te                        -8402120200 Enam Rest 60002/OLS 6841 on 860116 21Esam rea#.sinroe cans.

Woe Os Gwp Croenportsectut 9 In 5% P404 Test Project,gv#Qeater restorehon odWs passed at port @t o4 esams 4 One teded ention eaam tM passed c@erahng a recirmaten program Drait formeded ter potecaten e F R enam E aam 4 answer seys enct HAAKrNS E F, Urarmi.rn Recovery FwMd O'c. R4 66/02/03 REBUCA.0 Nee Meaco. MARE E A. kEElvN J M . HILLS O E. Repcm 3. Orc of the Drector 88.02/09 93p9 State of. 2pg 44451.117-s44St its 44341 291-44342 023

   -8002230430Freeds enveen assessmed & daft fnen2 of rio spwicane s' react to sioed Os Corp.Croencoct.Secton $stu Peot feet Prormlycvideater restoraton                 V. Operator Enammations
       & Ktlemation prya*R Da# teeg tornarded for FN phtsort MAAsAS E F Urrern Recovery Feed O'c. R4 68<02rC3 CULLEN.J Macd Od Corp (ses cd Mobe Corp 2 2pp A445) 119-44451120                                                4402,040224 Prowdes normats for personas quawtabon statement Addredum to NRC pe m 396 required to te Iormaded to Ragon ut c4c once arcacant corrpetes tranng 40022
  • 17 Pve;n Assessmerit for Moed Od Corp Croen Poet.Seebon 9 m Sdu Puot Test Preect EN['d,*k1033*N8$

3pp 442$10914 "p*MN 84/02/01. Ceveormeavt Edson Co

  • Uraruum Recuery Fe'd Olc. 94 68@2/04 81pp 444S1121-44451291.

4402120144 Formaros Esam Rept $0002/OLS 48-01 of esem admnoered on 660119-00CXIT 4&4914 ENERQV, DEPT. OF, SCOy:LLE, to [,GMT G C Re on 3. O'c of ire Direcu 8892/10 kERR.W M.ctugurt Urwy of. 44021103t7 Recommerds asuece of Lcense SUA-1482 m/ Leer %e Conews 10 & H as stated ~4402120204 Esam Root $0402rOLS 860% on 6801 6 21 Emam tous three cans. HEYER R S , PETTENGEL H J. Ura num Recorry Feld Olc. R4. 8811/07. NRC - No Detaeed Afteamon Gwen. 3pp 44334 J1344334 356 om pod as ponce s e ear's & one used ettei e rn N passed operwig eaam t sam 4 anseer heys enci 6802t?C415 Ayees errevsed cea$res e rosutewtras os resses frem "Wors Plan for

                                                                                                         "                         '"                '9*"        *                  

4 g 39 4 y 3

       $4e Surveys & Cuanup" & prooosed cleanup actwn plan or statArahon penst Deadhnes cerategent won seu & eeamer corotons L       q              g     88/01/29 SM:YM R D Urarnum Recovery Feid Osc' MET W MW mt mm W 1 DOCKEY 4&t9M ALTAIR RESOURCES, theC, CA$PER, WY                                                     F. $ecunty, medical emergency 4 fire pree@on plans 440MM130 Forma os se%s wma. rept for 8, son Base occc m-q provect cp                                6802290109 "Ascones $70122 taDietop escusson to state autnordy to reciaWv wu e                                                                            emage*tev clasMcatson EscaWed response may not to urceriasen ty state onciam tanng Progress em                  Res sto9-14 ios re@eret         4 ciosecwl octam ana'vtcal ALARA rects on aJst DoanaDetav,in Pom tensermiteg rept caused             tiv     a    or rwassheg sceasee decia CATC         E G J Resources inc 87/12/14 aOfvWW$ns.G Uraqum Recovery                        BELL MY R Repon 1. Osc of the Drec'ed                  emergena tor 87/cs/20 SELMANcassdicaton M, Consondated Feld Olc. R4 to 44245113-44245 223                                                                 E+ son Co el New icrit inc 4pp 44539 06a44539 063
  -4002030244 "Second $ermannual Rept.Apr Sept 1967 for Beson Basm Decommesse ce Prorect en $.tu Leacn U Mire "                                                               P. Operateg beense stage eocuments & correspondeace
  • ktae Reschaces. tre 67/09/30110pp 44245114 44245 223 0002000360 Discusses scensee 871214 rept & 4eal ALARA a,.,et ,[2g p ,

o wW km m MWW We h revee Rept covered restoraton ocvs at 8 son Basin see b Ace Sept t947 y nagtigg, g,pe,, own ,rg, p,a,,c,, , pag, g 7n4, y ga >ci,po con oie,3,4 KONWINSALG R., M4 Am. INS E F ernuri Recovery Fee

  • Os c . R4 68'01r04 Urars- Eason Co of Neo yors inc 4 app 44x2 319 44203 m um %covery Feeed orc. R4 4@ 44296 026 44296 029 44021H267 Genarc Lk #8~03 re resoauton of Generc Sa+ety issse 93 ' $4eem Bedeg DOCKET 4&e643 FERRET EXPLORATION CO OF 6:ES,7ASKA. DENYER, CO $ @ ,Y d*%fj* fYes Assenment (post 84410 se'02r17 40030M219 Forearos enata pages tar Fastet Eaploraton C4 of Netrana871007 erw ron #epe 4 accacaton tar commerew source mas scense CONRoy B W Resource technoiogen Grow inc 07/12 14 GONZALES R Uranw* Q Inspect #on toports. IE Sweetens a correspondence Recovery Feid Otc, R4 1p 44244 0$9-44246 074
  -8402030239Errats to appicaw for ccamercial source may beense & supportog on.                       SMt210W W into m 68 00t 4amv insectaon P e F9aAre " $wc W evica eeen reog                                                                                          ROS9 C E Dresen of Operatertal E vents assessmera rPoss 8704 t y 64 <01/27
  • F erret Emplorabon Company of Netsasha inc 87/10 r07 t $pp 44246 064 Consohoated ioson Co 08 New vers mc 123pp 44176 07S4417619?

44246 074 6401240102NRC ardo Notice B4 002 "Lost or Stoien Ga nes ' $ve bst eac1 00^2190267Foreards correcied maps for Croe butte proyect arpacaten 4 esportmg CUN'W%KAM R E Cheson of mdusw & Medcal kriear Sa'e'v IPost 870729) envvon rept snomeg correct pervent tourcary Errata sheet tar eacn perms a>so 66'C2'02 Consoaoated Eoson Co e New Yors inc 125pp 442* 093 44296 213 enct W/ tour maps COLLINGS S P For e1 E mpsoraton Company of Netraua inc ee '01/22 4402010044 NRC ir *o %tice 68 003 ~Cra-se e $nt:wd Scort Access Ho'e Cover GONZ ALES R Uranum Recowry F end Orc, R4 1'pp 44376 32e.443 75 340 nWs ' Svc hst enci ROS$lCE Dieson of Operater* Ever'ts Assnsment spest cua t t) as4?et. 9002230203 Aovmes that A Gorsraes ro sonome pre,ect manager oor Fenet 440 m seu Comted Esson Co of N+ vers me i12cp 44138 22*>44334 336 nsaca opwoon or o recen as commered aceicat.oa E**csve enmeaaic, S Gre:e we to assumes duies o#po,ect manager sv nee pro,ects se02020034NRC Supee 46 001 De4 cts e Wntqcuse Cecwn brea6eeC Svc W. HA60NS.E F Uramur n pocovery Feed Cic, R4 66/01i29 COLLINGS S P Ferret er i Espwaton Company ed Neerava. Inc ip 44443 359 44443 359 RO59 C E CWson et Opcatenas Eveats Assessment iPost 8'0410 64 *02'05 Corsoradated Eason Co W Nee York mC 14000 44319 225 44340 004 DOMESTIC UCENSir4G OF PRODUCTION AND UTluZATION sum 2003s Nac Ewsa se col -Raca@y Pgageng FH+e Creas e Stum Ce d FACIUTIES *ROSSiCE

                                                                                                           'd*5 ~ 5"on**'o**Operatorw Chess      f                l ete Assessment (Post 6?G419 66'C2 '05 Consoh$a'ed f em Co of Nee V:ws mc 124rp debe 97.44D9130 DOCET 842 FORD atVCLE AR RE ACTOR                                                                   ga020M22 NaC into Notco 69 004 1renwe Quadiccon & Dccomealaica of Eve baner Penetraton Sea s ~ Sn but ero P. Operatmg teense stage cocuments 4 correspondence                                                   540S$i C EECWscm conw.oced      nyi Co enof Cavet.w Nea ycogEvents       essenme,nt mc i;4pp 44 n 10$ fpost 4431987041 224 9 64'02.05

] o 8802110328 NRC breo Not<e $a m 5 r e n 4 wrc so Controi CaNne's ~ Svc est

  $$620,30374Foreo.rds w No reans so cdedorder amW Georta last 08 Technoaog, trense R 9? tar en                            no
+     &*tA8 E R W D Repon 3 Ole o' Ine Dvector 84 /0 t /29 > E RR W i U v, of                     84059 C E Chv or' of CWahcra F veres Aemeas #Pesi e 'G4 4 4 ta 02'12 Ann A% Mi tp 44222 4 3 44222 179                                                                  Cor solidated En.e Ce c4 Nea vors tnc t? opp 44523 2 % 44524 015 P

} 1 ]

DOCKETEDITEMS 11 - R. Periees operatmg reeWts & roasted corresponeence V, Operater t sannations r 0402190292 Foreards pdW re%ahtcate enom in receatm of renunce of roman. - 0802290196 BRAM S 8 Censohdated %rsonnel Whdo Bo:ty foson Esposu Co. W e for&c Nee vors, Cylf? W e680219 81'4pp 44513 299 87/12/31. [ caten insieg isier tres yr uts shoud reve prcgams & marpeem comrmiments *to 44113 M2 ench WRGHT.G C Regon 3. Ole ce 16e Drector 64/02/12 HQ(YOAm R Common eam DOCKET Wit DRESD(N NUCtEAR POttR STATION, Utelf I f es n a 300 4 8 44 68 M 40022Mt94 Comenos descatort & comeent c4 Mo&Ws hewng pane through , F. SeCWity, medical, emergency & les protecteen pleng study t for RC ense NRC e4 *ormany present bcense rerktCates i 0402190371Reemed emergency pian ppemerWng proce&ses ecuttag Rev 3 to E44 WRIGHM C Rw 3 Olc of we Drect 6442H2 @OAO Common =eae -

                                                                                              *Caecuaten of iodes Reease Rate trom Fed Ae Samer Data' 4 Reg $ to [Q.$$                                                              Eason Co ipo.44446 354 44446 3R
                                                                                              ' Deterwunaten of 1 Rem Evacuston Ranges & Calculaton of Cesde Whone
  • F ERGU50N.B Comonene Esson Co. 47/12/31 100p 443 tie 333 44X9 072 DOCKtT 6010 VALLECITOS DOtuNG WAftR RtACTOR L Fmancialintermaten 4 Insurance & Indemndy intermaten 4402260153 Tornrnamnes'tn teson 1967 Anrwal Rept w 680223 ser O LONNOR.J J . WSCLKH Cevnoaeea in teson Co. 07/12/31 44pp- 8002170137ForeWe MW Certim W 83 & Eneysemords 1 & 2 MAELU Ces%-

44505 00544505 048 cale MW 26 A Endorsements 1 & 2 NEttA Certdcate NW 71 & Enoxsements 1 3 MAELU Certhcate MW 16 4 (neysements 13 & Erdorsement 70 to NEILA Pohey , NF its '

                                                                                           & Inswance & indemmty Wormaho"                                                                                                           OCONNOR DJ Mann & Ucterman. inc 64r02/09 DNITI.t cr%ce et Nuctear Re-6001220699Foreads Endorsements 8 6 S & 3 to NEUA Pohces N 1N2 N-3N29 N-M N 42 N41N-71.N 81N93 N-101 & N 100 & MAELU P@ces M 2 M.3.M 29 M-ER                                a E                 64 h1 9 DN3723 ONce of Nuetes Reactor                                      '" * " "'D"8
  • O #*# #"""**""

Repeatert Drector (Post 8?0411)_24pp 4424719644247 221 + $802160147 *vanecdos BAR ate t 6401220629 f oneerds Endorsemenis 1517 28 2916s 193 do es 102 4 105 to NEL.A frius G W., CvNNwGHAM. E Gene,d) AnnualCo ai fiecess Rept 23 tor Cv67W/ 23 87/12<31 680201 e Spp 44349265 l Pohees NF-294 NF-277.NS 43.NF.2S3 NF-137 & NF -201 & Enersemeats 44349 269 1012 2121.162167.28 30 8$ 84.00 4 64 to MAELO Pokees W 128.W 114.MF- l 22 W-104 W 54 & W 44 k OSTERJ Commceneae Eason Co 66'01/19 DNiT2) ONge gf Nucle & ReaCior DOCKET 30 20 WASSACHVSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECNesOLOGY RESE ARCH Reptaton. Drector (Post 4?O41th 49pp 4424710144247.147 REACTOR 4

                                                                                          $$02110274 Fereras Erdersemord 4 to MAELU Certshcate M-1 l                                                                                             OSTER.J Commonwea* Eenon Co 64/0112s D472.s Othee of Nuclear Reactor                                                              4 baW Ws E MW 4 comspondWe                                                                              t i                                                                                              RegJeton. Drector (Post 070411) 2pp 44321078r44321077 i

0402020301 Respores to vestens noted e inse Rept 60-020/8743 Cc scirve i P, Operating bcense stage documents & terresponeence actices approprete posing proveed pe8 10CFR20 203td) 4 as operalens persormel . made endre of re9Jaton ownng 671203eneetin0 f a $401210332 Genenc Le 8842 te as power reactor hconeees te interated Sa'ety As- CLAR* L. Massacewsetts insteate ce Tecnnoaogy. Caatrege MA 88 '01/27 Docw-sess* rent Progam s pSAD R) $vc hs1 erci merd ConWol Stance IDocument Ccntrol Dess) to 44199 247 44199 247 V RAklA F J Asse We Dreciar for PeteC+s (Post 0 4 411) 46/01/20 Consohdated i Esson 4 of teen Y6 s. inc dopo 4420) 3134 4203 005 i 4001260637 Genenc Lv 14-01 to as BA14 scensees & hoders of cps for SWRs to NRC on 8GSCC m & WR assierstic staaese stees Sec het enct I tRAMtA F J. Assota e Drector tar Pro 9ects (Post $ 11) $$,01/2$ Cor'rmo& 640203o077 *S4pi to Mit Research Reactor AntwW Rept Jul 1966 June 1967 " W / t esarin Eeson Co 43ps 44256146442661se 680129 iw l CL ARK L Massachusetts Insblute of Technology. Camcrdge. MA 87/0&!30 3pp a S402290292 Resoores to 4RC 971222 retest tot ad$ ustdcanon or proposed meds 44204 0364 4204 040 , ee enect of posbaateo di poew laues to oarcs propretary Rev 1 to NEDC-31346P i

                                                                                              & reiased s@pcv1,ng soci mentahan 14epretary rept emned 58t.ADv) A Commones th Eeson Co 64so2i19 MURLEY.T E ONce ce Nuciear                                                                DOCILET 60 29 TANetit-RQwt NUCLEAR PQwfR STATION                                                         l Reactor Repates Drec w (Post 870411s 14pp 445t ? 16444517 223

, [ a ins,ui,en ,e,o,ws .u.eten. . -sPon.ence

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                '5"-*'"*a"*""*"'*aa~                                                                              l 8                                                                                         6401210007NAC into Noke 68401 "Satety ir9ecson Pipe F adore
  • SW tot one, 6802M0109 Discums SW22 tabetop escussion m sta'e auenore tor reclassdv e4 ,

I ROSS$ C E Deson of Operatonal Events Assessment apost 4'0411) 44 01/27 ewgency ciassAcahon Escaiated response may ret to ureertase^ tw s'aie cece s s a [ Consondated (eson Co of Nee Vors. Inc 12359 44174 075 44176 197 [gQg "CS]%%8[C jyQ c 6401260102 NRC into Noce 54402. "Lost or 5 ceen Gauges

  • Svc hst enct ieson Co of Nea iort W dpp 44S39 060-445M 063 l CONNMHAM R E Dvean os p% sew 4 Mescas Nucear Saiee r(Post 870729)  ?

66fC2/C2 Consoldated E.eson OJ of Nee Yor( inc 12tpp 44296 09344296 213 6802220270 Forea'as Rendeni Sately lesp Rept 60-C29 4716 on 071027 890119 ' 4 6 notce os voeten . l 4402010004 NRC into Nobce 86 003. Tracts e Snroud $4 port Access Home Cover wiGG ASJ T Regen i. One ce te Dreciar es,/02/12 DEviNCENf 65). Yasee t Wees ' Sec sst ones Atome Esectc Co 2pp 44429 00444429 037 6 ROSS C E Dvoon of Operarone Events Assessmere foost 94411) 68 'C2/02 Cor soeoated Eeson Co or Nee Torit rc 112pp 443342254433s 336 6402220291 inne Rept 60-029 87 to on 471027460119 venaicos noted Maor areas capectoc operatene safet, venhcatort raeonog. cat contors events rega reg see-4402020034 NRC BJiesa 86401, "De rects m Westagnouse Cecut Breasers

  • bc bst pnene nciwcanon to kRCpant events a maet operatons
                                                                                                   '                                                                                                                                                                                                                  44429 007-
                                                                                             "ROS$1 C E Deson of Operational Events Assessmert Post 87041t) 88'02'05                                                               HAVE,Ra 4442 o37 AVP.D R Regea 1 CNc ce the brecity 84/02/12 31 g,                                           .

Consonomied Eeson Co of Nee vors rc 140pp 44339 22644340004 66020 $ Re402 Raadry %paganng Fai9se Craess in Stearn Ge* P. Operating beenee stage socuments 4 4orrespondence ROSS. C E Drv.sien o, C-ason. E,,ts Assessmen, as. . lii .s 02 % Ccesoscated Eeson Car of Nee Vors. inc 124pp 44338 337-44339100 6401210332 Genenc Le 8802 to a spoecr reacWr heensees ce integated Sately As-sessment Prega*n H (ISAP n) Svc tst enes . 6802020220 NRC aneo Nohce 6a-004 "inesequate Cuaedicatori 4 Doceneatason of W. rag;iA.F J Assocese Dweetor for Protects (Post 070411) 6a/01/20 Ccesoidated t f ne tierrer Peretaten Seats " Svc tot enct. Esson Co c4 Nea vars arc aspo 44202 316-44203 005 ROSS: C E D Er.nts Anessmert (Posi 8 11) 60 t2/05 ConEEa'ed ('voon eson Co of Operatenel of Nee Vcas. Inc 174pp 4433910144339 224 4402020345 Forearos nas neo e*=ce twiner succorts ute posion inat present dese

                                                                                        $402110326NRC aneo Nonce 66405. ' Fee in Awceior Coreal Cabrets
  • Svc bst NS rune 9
                                                                                            *""SS,.C RO                        E D- o, Cwatee. E.ents .ms- #ost .m n, u,ev12 Consoscated Esson Co of New Yors. Inc 120pp 44523 25644524 01$

3*gc.hla;*am',*a"c co a cr2 '^*" * * * a'"*a i ( r 53090 6642 M237/8740 4 M249't?-39 Sa0224025,5 f

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     = Mmary wmpr, of e GM207    meesng    aws e Bernessa ior s~aion         W m inasees ex4eesrevoed vo-on        et47 .acin & ncee o -

4402M.n20.Fcreerds Sato y in,to Repts 1 "5545*lL Nav r.e-e-a p RNEY W ' NRC No Deta'st of afianoses e us# S.muna*on f ace, Group gudemne anctsed A'teaL sO,gio, 3 pp,L443og Common,eea'tnn4 44g,gw t esce Co 64'02r16 RE EDC Reyn 3. Ole of the 7pp 44472135 44472 22% 4402260152 inne Repts 504t0/8442 60 ' 07 39 4 $0246'87 29 on 871209 sect 29 f eo voetens acaed Masar aeoas t . cied tonews c4 events rnonsvy sur. -6602240243 "Gxarce 6 Development of Smanon Facety to Weet Requrements l vedance oteervaten LE Rs. If tsuhete 4 EE * . r=.ece tomoerup a mge smeetngs or 100 RSS 45 - l EtN3 M A RQom 3 04c of the Dreciar St i 120p 4450$ 044450$ 067

  • Uhtty Sewiaton Facedy Group 87/t411 4tpp 4447214644472125

?  ! l l > a

  - - . - . - . .                                                                      , - - _ . . , , _ _ . _ _ , . . _ . - , . _ - , _ . _ _ _ - ,                                             .--n-, - _ . . _ , - , . . . _ _ , _ - _ - _ . - , ,                                       ~ . - _ . , , _ .                 , . . - .

12 00CKETEDITEMS 6802260171 Not hcadoe o' 680322 24 meetwys a vW EG&G & C1GNA e namv1 -8402060t87 kw Rept 50 054 8746 on 871N4 No noncomphance twted Mapr Oeen CA 6 pee case tycase revees os s<-sawc reg saaws s'een essected enam of genera. regsvemerws tor SNpments of wra4ated Ives at poet F UDILE M B Propect Drectorate 03 $8eC2/16 WESSVAN.R Frovect Deectorate 6- of orpo 3 2re 44506 089 44508 069 L A%ASTE R 6 A . SV>TH G C. P elm >G R R Repon 1. Otc of the thrector 68 /Ot t 22 200 44277 046 44277 04S 8802160247Generc Lir 66CJ re resolvt on of Generc Sa'ety fssue 93, ' Steam Basq c.t Avive y Feesasier Pums s ' Svc hat enct V RAGuA F J Czese of Ccerabcnar E veats Assessmeat PI ost 87041 0 68 02/17. DOCKET 457 BUFF ALO W&TERIALS RESE ARCH CENTER Conadated E oson Co of New v orit inc 44pp. 44524 016-44* 24 061 C. Inapect>pn reports,it Bwnetes a correspondence 4402040247Formvos Sa'e'y esp Rept M C57,47 04 on 4?120711No vcatons noen-4401210097NRC Wo Ncece M-001, ' Sa'ety Irwecten Pn Fave ~ Svc sst enct m ROSSLC E Drvem of Cpesanonal Events Assessmect (Post 8704:1) 88/01/27 MARTP4 T T Rep 1. CNc of the Drec.or Ba rC2,01 RENN E.D

  • New Yors, State ConscMated Esson Co W New York inc 123cc 44176 075 44176197 p,vv N Mo. Nv 2co 44275 217 442f 5 223 6401260102NRC Wo Pet <e 9e 002 ' Lost or $1cien Ga ages " S<c nst enci -8402040277 ins F'ept 50 057 67-04 on 871207.11No voaboes noted Mary reas CUW %nAVRE C=cson or m3t crw & Mescai Nucwar Savy Post 8'0??9t 66'C2/02 Conwa!ed Loson Co of New Yort tre 12ttp 44296 C'93 44296 213 '*d'***'O^ 0 OC* D'07am mceery craaNaton 4 sta"eghaning of C'P"orWW cps WrWementa'W of ram a) coNro.s & le%tes & eqsprnent 4402010044 NRC Wo Nobce B6403. ' Grads e Srvus SJcocrt Access Hoie Coe,
                                                                                                .C     F      ANBARM          Rege 1. C*c of the Drector 65 01/22 Sgt Wees ~ Svc hst enct R059 C E Ce ce Cteratona! Eveas Assenme+t # Post 8'C4 t h eB/02:02 Conso.3ated Eown C4 of Nea s c<h. ins 1120s 44YA 225 44.34 336 DOCKET S42 UNIV. OF YiRG NIA RESE ARCH RE ACTOR R402020034 NRC B#etm 68 001. 'De'ects e AestN%se Cecwt Ekeaters^ Sic bst er<'t ROSSi C E Drcson et Cae*ava! Evenes Assessmet 6 as: 4'0411 6e '02 05            F. Security. medical, emergency & fire protection plans CortsoW3afed Eason Co of Ne* Vork Inc 14%p 44339 22544340 004 6401200394 Ae< sed erwrgancy c an wroverenhng procetres corss of Re 9 to 4402020035 NRC Ovhe'n M-002 Rapov Propa;ateg Fabgue Crads e Swam Ges                 E M 6 & Rev 9 to EP P 14 USM111 nr erstor Tates S.e kst encs                                                          FARRARJP b t@Aa VrW of Chrefsvee VA 68 01/11 $rc 44256 232-ROs9 C E Cwson of Events Assessment IPost 8704't) 48 02,05               442 % 236 Cowwe3 C+ son Co c4 Neo vos, e: 124cc 44338 337443n t00 ggc2020223 NkC Wo fetce M404 macewate Osaacaw & Ocwmemale o'                       DOCKET $0-43 UNIV. OF FLORIDA TRAINING REACTOR F ee Baner Peaetrate Sea >s " Svc hst onel ROSS4 C E C*v+on of Owatonal Ever*s Assessmeat 4 Post s'0411) 68'0205 Cesowie<i Esson Co N New Yots Inc 124pp 44J39 tot 44339 224
p. Operating teense stage documents & correspondence 4602t10328 NRC info Nobce 88 0C1 Ge m Annunoa'or ComrW St= nets " Svc kst eno ,

4402090168 Reoses's 'ev to SNM2 Tech See:s propcwo e Amere 17 to Licease R 405S1 C E Chuon of Oce'stayw E rents Assessment t Pest 8704 91t BB'02r12 56 to mcuoe proeso^$ W ccetrcOd rewas4 or en 3.cactree er%ents to ervroa 4. reg Consoiasaied E $ son Co of New yora. uc 120cp 44523 256 44524 015 atmrmat VO*AE LS operats ccMvs =%n& 30 T S 5'anordiabon %n days.ce nr ore Pa.e Regio P oect Drecipa e 88'02'C5 4402220270 Foraros Res Jens Sa'e'y insp Rept WC29 97a6 on 671027 860119 4 VERNE f SON A Forea Uwv N Ga.nescoe FL 1p 4421'5 344 44285 344 ret <e osvicr aw AGiNS J T P(9an 1. Cec of the Dioctor 88:02/12 DE viteCE N TIS J N ane ee Attwc E eme Co 2pp 44429 004 44429 037 DOCRET 50-47 WESTINGMOUSE CRITIC AL EXPERlWENT ~44C2220272 Net.ce of voabon from eso en 879027 860110voata rooteJ ' ave to not+, NHC et wn 1 n v ret.ahon of prit shutoo n w. p,comm,,,,onang Stage Documents & Correspondence

  • Reg.cri 4 CNc or Pe Deertor Be C2/121p 444h Cr.444429 Oct

-6402220291ersp R.=pt 50 C29 $7at on 671027-680119 veiams rotes Magr ress 6802090392 rem steam & ms4cn cf ccqonent pa4s envenn Forords assnsmesc< der amryno

                                                                                                                   & snam  o      syneet mrt 4 sa er , e,avaton escwied ocershona: wow verkaton f**cdogcc cor**>s e vents rewreg 1e +

VO*AELS T S Stassuorron & Nys Pc*ar Reac"r Pec,ec1 Ceectora'e 66'01 29 phone not,ticam to NkCrant events & cce adces MA b f Rm AVP D R Re;sm 1 Otc of the D=ecut 68'02/12 31pp 44429 007 NAR> A J westegwse Lecinc Coro 3sc 44h5 297-44a5 3to 44429 037

                                                                                  -6802090394 CMee a itevug $smaanng # IaWv & sscotson c4 coraporent 5402240319 Ach reccet ot l'%23 e eWming Ns4C of steps namen to car'eci 4 c,,.        g am w =ceme t 'c /06 cme st vent voa%ns noted e snsp Rep M 029.87.10                                            CRU TCHF T LC D D+Fe M Rea tcv Prows - sen y &                    Prcrec is i Post MAATW TT Reg.:n 1 cmc of the Cvecla 68 'C2'19 HE: DER L M varaee Atom.c             3 S4 ' ' l B" ' 0 ' ' 29 3sc 44295 3 'o 44m 3c2 E4Kinc Co 2pp 4 4455 016 44455 0%
                                                                                  -4802090405 Env<en awes > ment & 'roN o' no sgocaat es a:1 te cronosed orser 8802250383 Fors s'a Sa'et, mse Rept 50-029'8?.11 on 8?07211026No vences               as'.c<wg resos o.sma+tm2 & o4cwtro of corwnent ses per wens +e 8707N rctted                                                                    M oGGiNS J T Aigon 1 Cnc 04 the Dreciar 66 02:19 DE vW NT S J v ank ee i                RAE NSTE N L S StaMratabcc & Mn Neer Rea:ive Losec1 Dnecicwate 68 Dir Aiome E = cts C s 2m 44463 20144443 316                                             20 3m 44215 333 447,5 E5

-4602250347 msc , eet WC29 8t ti c# 670721-tC26 No vv.Wabces roted Two snre -8402090411 Sa'c'y evasate to rea tor osmawN & osposeri d ccmporet scw1 mems ce 14ed Mator reas espected Aensee acton or prevoss esc- ram per hcensee 8'C'ce rewt emens N% tue ns & ocerabor+ wet, vernam

  • CNe os Nxier Ream, Re,p.ere Drector (Ns 870419 84 01-29 5m MAvE M AMP O R Region 1, (*c of rie Cwedar 68 02 ' t 9 36t$ 44463 2B3 44295 X6 44h5 310 44443 316 DOCKET S89 GENER AL ATOWeC CO V. Operator Enemns tions 4602250095 Mt4s t.a' tved ret mas for reovancaton cetgram evr av md J. Insurance & indemruty mtormat.on under seca a'e co, se Lesun pans W fast segmeni c4 bceased orerator reo.eca AEw ee c Eectrc Co 0h08/14 ELSASSE R T C Regen 1 Cnc v 88[,2 wesemeN 135 e W A % V 34 & Wsm 70 to p ,,,

tne Drecu ip 44 48014 >444v) 143 gg.g g ; g ',e & uct eman m 66 C 2 17 DN:T/ l ONe of Nscer Reac. for Repaton Deeocs >PW 8 3411; *pp 44 M 4 (ne 445M 014 COCatT Ste CtNTICHEW

p. Operating hcense stage documents a correspondence '

F. Securrty. n*edical, emergency & tre protection plans 4402180109 Wcems t*4' corwuon o T444 r cL o tsei re p.annes to DOE pa-s $402040144 F area a Satepr ds T r e% port 4%ys irup F ept 50 c54 s?.)E on to tun 3 corwa*w I'om 67'% ewntd Net to ice erricres h.a 4aou, for w wersey r o e3 reactys Cof e37A m enct e" r4 % vioa w sne w AJ .* %! N p E G A T ec^nc<9=s me Ge ca. A!yn c c.o 98 'C2< 11 Ortee o' %- M AR T tN T f i Dec of the Drecty 64 01/29 IKC/1% E RN J J Cet.crem. o r Rea:Mr Rep saton Dre(tar (Peo 0 04:1) 2pp 4430172 44%7173 inc 2cc 44277 044 442 77 048 O laspection reports, tE SJ5etens & correspondence t Operatoe E nemmations 6802040184 F ore a a Sa'e+ cos f r ampor'a ton esp Reu 9 054 6%6 on 8802090377Fi<n rh k erse owvma e *< avs br M. Mee & a 6 Owens wcpa. 6 7 W4 % se&stort co1e1 ry wyyiage c4 toe ins ' trer atys IM e ;<cwvg gu? < W o ers M AR t A T T l49,vg 1 (Wc d tSe Dreq1cr $$ C1 r79 WGQy( AN j J Cstic+em ahHQF %.n L (,N o ye (ve. (v M C2 C2 a5M A[% y [ GA Tg;pn tre 2g 44277 044 442 /1044 c9+$ 'nc roerva Am: 2 rp 44 3 5 3 Cf ) 44]t 3 u*9 1 l l 1 i l l

DOCKETEDITEMS 13 OOCKET E87 CORNELL UNIY, ZERO POWER RE ACTOR P. Operating bcense stage documents & correspondence F. Security, medical, emergency 4 fve protection plans 8802120185A cacae tcv amend to Lcense R 83 chavng *2w=strat an of Maciear scerce Ctr f4eactor per Tech Scecs 811 ty reeacing oos! tion et Head Nuclear Ery neereg Resea ch w/Drector Nvces Research Reactor Programs 8802090315 Forea os Sategua os insp Repts 50497/8742 & r4157/8742 on RCHARDSCN.HH Teias A&M Urmv . Cccege Stat ort ilt 88/01/21 EERROW H N 871117 20 & ret ce of =oate Standarnat>on & Nmpo er F4eactor Pr%-t Drecicyate 359 44341 257-44341 259 MARTiM T T Rege 1 C4c of re Drectcv 88-01/29 STREETT D W Ccenen Univ sthaca NY. 2pr 44MO 118 44W 125 8402160322Noves Vut no feoerar funds avaratue for converson of p' ant front wse of ervchej U lo ice erviched U tves d/eg F V 88 per 10CF A50 64

 -8402090337Satepds insp Repts 50 097:8742 & W157/6742 ce 871117 20 Vo Y88/02 a 06C1d C*ce of Nucear Reac-F la'ons noted Maor areas rsscected prtysicar secs 4 mcivor*3 agaNabon &                 ,o,Lp ,2.D E Tema,s ggiagon,             p ectorA&M (PostUrv, . Conege 470411)        Staten.

1p 44349 014-44349 cwaton e<ong & recemg stora2e & oterned controi & cetary CELLA RATT A A kEiM>G R R Re ycn 1 Ofc of the Drector 88 01/21 Scc

   '4 M 12144 W '25                                                                     DOCKET 50131 OWAHA VETERANS ADWINISTRATION HOSPITAL RESEARCH REACTOR Q inspect.on reports. IE Bunetans & correspondence 8402090318 Farea os Sav epsos lesp Rects 50 097,87 C2 & 50157/87C2 on                             ""                        '       ' "           # *#          "

871117 20 &r%ce of ecy.on. MARTIN T T Repon 1. Orc of the Cwector 48 01/29 STREETT D W Cornes Unrv . 6802220287 rq rett for 1M7 linaca NY Ero 4430011844W 125 TWCOTTE R Antsa: opvat's Aten Mesca' Center. Cmaha NE 68'01/28 Regon 4 L gewan Ou of the Director Scp 44427075 44427 079

 -4402090327 Mtice of voaton kom rssp on 871117 20 Veaton rore3 seen tests of Fw sosces #camed cm 850201 eceoed pero 3 of 8 reores tram prev %s ieaa tests periormed on $43702                                                            DOCJT W133 HUWBOLDT BAY POWER PLANT, UNIT 3
  • Re?on 1. Ofc of tee Drecte- SS,01/ 29 1p 44W 120-44W 123
 -8402090337                                                     87-02 m 871117-20 Vo   G. Adiudicatory correspondence tator:s      Sa'euros rcled        inso Rects Va<r areas         RO97.

anwected pegws 87 se( C2 &v ro W157'cWg v o cegaN aton & R e R O o Dr iEr 68'01/21 5cc 8402120018 Order mssq comews & tenneaW mmi r Ucensee mmon

   ,g q%gg             - a                                                                to ckswss crier %3ris & termea'e procee$ng granted N4R sacrJed to mame 40-prograie fecrqs & Concbsort CONaaed e SLR ber ed on660209           e LAZO R M CARPt NTE R J M Atorenc Sa'ety and Lacenseg Scard Panet pi$g 5$57 DOCKET Stil UNty. OF ORLAMOWA RESE ARCH RE ACTOR                                          48 02<09 Padf C Gas & Eetoc Co 6pp 44318128-44318133 P. Operatwsg teense stage documents & correspondence                                   A Maurance & insemnsty 6nformation 8802240348 Adeses *at bcensee e grocess of trans'ermg 6el tac k to DOF                 8802090078 Formads Endcrsement 4 sc NEUA & M AELU Certhates N 76 & M possenen per tecon Acts shov6d te coerc4eted ti end of May oere%ng on sc+ed             76 eespectve'v Endorsement 7 to tdUA & MAEtu Cert N:aies N 74 & M 74 respec-of paper ears                                                                          tve'y & Emortements 24 & 26 to MAELU Poi.c, MF-103 JENSEN C CCa$oma. Urvv of Nevran On 68 02/18 M CHAELST Document                         LOC *E AF FacAc Gas & Eectric Co 60c1/28 SAiT2M AN J NRO . No Det44ed Gomros Bra cm (Document Conros Desu 1p 444% 004 44455 cr?8                              Aha'on Caen 1Bcp 44288166-44268185 DOCKET 54118 low A STATE UNtY. RESE ARCH RE ACTOR                                      P Operateg license stage documents & corresponceace V. Operator E xaminat>ons                                                                                                                        e 880,1210,332 s um nq pG,q           ene,  rc, ,Lir psap  ia 5,cto6g, 88-02       allepee,c,r reador acensees te scieysted Sa'e*y As 880204C224 Provides for*#s tct persOM Oa hca'a?n s'atemE'rit Annojv to NHC               M RAGUA F J Associate Dwector ter P'oiects iPost 804 t 1) BS 01/23 Coenda'ed E3Mri(4 of N** York. Inc 4 Ars, 44?)2 319 44203 00$

Form be rewed to te broarded to Regan 14 o'c once ax< ant comrces traeg rewrements & re owe 3 pror to enam cre 8801280537Gerwie Lir 68-01 to an r rR bcensees & Pouers cf cps por B ARs re + . , ARIGHT G C Repon 3 CN v the Drector A8'C2 01 Commr*eam Eason Co om ton on iGsCC in e AR auste% ataeaess siece mong Src bst enci 3pp 4425102144251093 M AAGuA F s Assoc.a'e D ector tar Proects tr ent 8 7' 410 88 C1/25 Common-

                                                                                          *<ain Essce Co 43cp 44256146 44256188 DOCFET 50123 UNfY. OF WISSOURI RESE ARCH RE ACTOR-ROLLA Q inspect ori reports. It Busietans & correspondence V Operator Enamenaisons 8802010140 Fcrea 3s msp Rect D t33 P 06 ce 871215 t8 No vastons noted 4802040224 Proodes torvs f ar person oa Nasce sta+ewt AJ3ervbm te NRC                    M W W =iFA % gen 5 O'c of trw Dwector 68 05/12 WFF ER) D pacJic Form 3A redres to te icrea*3 to Re3cn M o'c once ar(<mt comc-e%s tra%ng                Gas & Eectr< Co 2pp 44166 3t2 44166 360 rebremeNs & receved prvy lo esa* Ca'e A AGHT G C Repon ? C4c o the Drec1er $9 T2 01 Commneeatm Essar. Ca                   -8802010144 mso Rect M t33 8746 on e rlits 18 No roa ons no ed Maior areas 3pp 442510814425' 093                                                                  mecid artons on prev c=A eso brungs. rry orga%za'on & ccet >s.rnonsue met wamcortatm Wowve on iE m'o ro%ces & 6iense on LE R i00* E R C A . VUMA5 G P 54epon S Oec of the Drector Be 01/12 7pp 44?B6 354 DOCKET $0-124 YtRGN A POLYTECHNIC thSTITUTE TRAINING RE ACTOR                            4 4 ' 66 E 8601210097NRC two hace la CC Sa'et, mrecteoa Poe F ave " S.: hu ence P. Ope.ateg hcense stage documents a correspondence                                      R055 C E Dv sion of Ceeralcna, E vents Asseuwt iPost 8 70419 68 /05 / 27 Cono' oaica E >wn Co of Nea vara ir< 123pc 44176 0 75 44176197 8002170181 Forea os ORAJ 69 ' A 74 CcWdmaar Aa):ey alt Verv 8a a;6sen/g Sur,e, ofb Arynaat, A   tea  8801260102NRC into Nat<e BB-0C2 'Lc+t cv SINen Gays S<c kst enci Rea,ctor reo  s acegFE+tyhfgha      PWK%C inst &                                                CUNN u'M R E Wsea                               w"a w & Me n Nr a Sa w mu'8'0?n, meets rees 6 i , ec-awa            rea:e,s                           68 C2 02 Consosca'es Esse"n R o'v Nee V JN Y u L Oat N4Je Ab53c#ed Unr.s me C2 3
  • v20 G Repan 2 Otc of twe ott enc 121rc 44?X 093 44?A 213 Dwec50r to 443t6 22' 44W 292 8802010084 Nr Wa Nov ce M 003 Cra:hs e SPabd Sugpcv1 Accegs McHe Covef
 -8802170182 Contema'ory Aaw>ya %Ne, e' A yea;f Reartar fa:e vap%a                        ne's ' 5'; hs' ev Dr4+C%C inst & UNY Et act sliv gr W A lAa' f*C1                                              5' C E Dv w v Ope aw+ E veMs Auessmeat Fev 8 54' O 88 '02 02 UvkDHV G L Ces Roge Asywej Ure g       v F h A W6 3 CA AJ $9 A34 M 01 r31              C4*'4Wa'e3 E $s3n Co C2'New Ytri me l'2Cc 44334 225 4433s 3y Rey /' 2 Olc o' the ChrM1;J 6're 443$6 222 443% 2R2 8802020034 N9C B#ew 69 XI De'acM e Weswyvue Cece1 Eventers ' Svc ts!

8802220116 Hyms *at rea:ty t*.$3 ce te recase 6 wnrwe1 ce snce reso.c eno alCONaW# con leve's SOF rea: 1)r L@ ccd'".a r y e Aeg GA 1 M IaM 1 en rysgcere i R3551 C E N %on Of CWatW E **Ms Assenmeaf @oM 8 '041 t) 68 Q ' 05 10 BM 11 P bceate terv3To repr+st ConsnMa'M E Sun Co of Neo yo t v< t4M 44333 225 44340 One MCHAE L $ 7 $ itaMa'12a'ay & 43n Pyar Reactor P wt Dre:tNa?e 64 02 17 I VR A k Vap%4 Pot,1eC%C mshiJe & State Unry E' a:hstveg v A ipo 44425 325- 8802020035 NGC BMn 68 X2 E'ar=P P'3aiaw; Fa*we Crac ks an Stea* Gen-4442$327 era'y T Jtes ~ Svt bs' e xi RO5% C E Dvson e'Cwawa E verts a syument spou 3n4,13 p.c2 eg con 4Js+1a'ed E $5** Co of Nee 1 > t tric i24DE 44 338 337 4433)i'1C DOCKET 64128 TEI AS A&W Univ RESE ARCH RE ACTOR 8802020228 %C We N:ve M T4 v41 ewe O* *< aton & Ch.peNabon of f ee B s"er Penetramn Sea s ' Sec Hi ence F Security medical. emergency 4 hre protection p'aes F.05S4CE D e w cd Cuawa EvenM Aneument $cM 9'0414 Sa 'C2 C8 Of 4We'ei E 743a C o of Ne e f ort mc 124pp 443N 10144331224 4802180078 Sstws r eaye to '+.6 eme2.m , swe: a'e1 ea s p a" he' r t 'an to wrocet areemea'

  • Si Mac e' mse Bgan Ta v t< tr$&a es e orp/t areemerd $802110328 NM WeNWebAT5 8 ee e Awnr#ct C,ceirce C4t-ne's " S rs; hu e Msmana Hn50 CWo 5'aMn Ta enc :

FEtt2 D t f em as A&M Un:= Cc y 5' axe Ta p P2 N Bi P* C% H N *iR: RC55 C E De N CWaww E ve~s AneumeN Poe 6'0414 9 02 t 2 NG De'a-gj A*'m at& GYen 1g 44 3.134' 44 3 '$ 341 CO % %1a%1E1 W CC M Nte V co h pr< t 2O({ 44'232 % 44'}4 O1s


         ' S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & related correependence                                                          ' DOCKET 50-144 SAXTON NUCLE AR EXPERetBENTAL FACILITY 40 on 88013 se02,2 no erro  036,3 C-aLER.46401,ct d              e.erese        ,0 gas r- core   .~e       teatment c ea . sysc oia.ctu.a1ed te d     Caused,t a or          yP,perse,n.

Opwateg teense stage documath & corrnponeence coteseed Protectrve 9,ard e4 be placed arctrid cor$ol board s*4Ches k 224 ' sy $402170029 Forwards rotest lot eis eso re revee of appacasen lor amend to Ls. R p 4.CNEY 5,4 220. P E . SHIFFERJ D Pacs 8e Gas & Electe Co 68'02/24 4m. 44514 ce,nte

s. . e eDPR 217 4.avihonreg ciuun an ne 90 somoval cars eofintacety oai o.uttutengs & svuctures & retcson of ADAMS A Stardeeraten & NorvPower Reactor Ptoect Drectorate 48/02/09.


        . F. Security, meccal, emergency 4 fwe protectson piens P. Operateg hcense stage documente & corresponeonce 8002040234 Forwards Satepeerds inap Rept 50w134/0744 on 87113CL1202No voia.
            . tons noted                                                                                                        $402220019 Adreses that aconcahon for Ngh ernched U to low enrcred U corwerson MART AT T. Region 1. Osc of the Drector 64/01/25 NEWTON,7 H worcester Pch.                                           & cnange e operat*ty pceer sncud to teased as two step processRespcase to technc test tule. Worcester. MA 2pp. 44255132-44255137-                                                             encs questens se apontabo'n shoukt to outmtted ei 30 aart WCHAELST S Standarazabon & NorvPomer Reactar Propect Dr8Clorate. 88102/16.
           ~4002040241 inso Rept 50134/8744 on 8711341202 No veiahons noted Maar                                                    REDMONO.R E Orvo state vrvv. Coeur reus, CM 6pp 44422 337-44422 342.

areas rehen & espected operabon, riuclear shw. ng mas control&&storage

                                                  & recewg            accountng & ruamal cenercas& physcal secunty.ecleg cagarm CELLA RATT A A.. KEiMG.R R. Re90n 1. Orc W the Drector 64/01/19. 4pp                                             V. Operator Enervienations 44255 134-44255 137
,                                                                                                                               4402040224 Prowdes tcamats for personal quakicaten statemer t. A4.endum                           1          to NRC 4402220229 Formads rev sed Page 7 to emergency paa P62e revised to renect reloca-                                        Form 398 requesd to be normyded to Repon lit otc ortce apptcant convietes tarwig -

son of cagus pohce osc reprwneres & recorved prer to eaam date NE WTON.T H Wcrsester Pofytechne inshtute. Worcester, M A. 88/02/15. Regen 1. wACHT G C Repon 3. Cec of the Drector. 88/02/01. Commonwea'th Esson Co Otc ol the Drector 2pp 44422262-44422263 3pp 44251091-44251093. . t P. Uperateg beente stage documents & correspondence DOCKET 50151 UNIV. OF ILLINOIS RESEARCH REACTOR i 800T230049 Forma os responses to NRC 84312t questens se apphcahon 10 use low V. Operator Esammatens 4 enrched U tuoiCompt.ance e/0 7'te reactmty reguremert we be demontPated E ON o$r5 oty or t MA 64/02/ to 4402040224 Procoes tormats br personal cNantcaton statement. Aoderassn to NRC Form h4 mouimd 4 te screarded 2 Regon as osc once apphtart cowes keineg teCNAEL$ T $ Standar$7 sten & Nors. Power Reactor f4otect Drectorate 19pp 44 4443nggy4443o 3ng re@rements & recoved pner to enam oate

WRsGHT G C Re9on 3. Cec W the Drector. 66'02/01. Commonweafth Eeson Co 3pp 44251091-44251093
0. inspection reports, et susetes a corresponeenco DOCKET $0185 StG ROCK POINT NUCLE AR PLANT 4 8002040236 Forwards Safeguards into Rect 54134/8744 on 8711341202 No voia-l tons noted

. MARTIN.T t. Repon 1. Ofc of the Drector 68/01/25 NEWTON T H Wscester Po*y. F. Security, moeical, emergency & tee protection plans s techttc anstitute. Worcester WA 2pp. $425513244255137 8402020090 Formads Safety insp Rept 50155/87 26 on $710141214 No votatens ) -80020402 4 inso Rept 50 134 67 04 ori 871130-t? 32 No vessbone noted Mapor noted GULDEMOND W G Regen 3 Olc ce the Drector 88/01/25 8vCKWAN F W Con-6 areas8riroperauen. eston crart nuciese

s. mas control &&accoueting 4 receenng storage & ent& pr'amar conpoisyscal securdy.ectueng orgars-sumers Poner Co 2M 44190 339-44190 351 j '

J LLA RATT A A, k IW, .R R Re90n 1, Occ of the Drector 46/0s.'19 App 44255 13444255 127. 4402020104 Insp Rept 54155/07 26 on $710161214 No volatens or devetens  ; < noted Mapr reas espected operatonal satety mare operaten surved arce - oceration reactor ecs IE thanetes.rngt meetegs LE R tcReeg & securdy i CKA;KEF $0129 Ulstv. OF WASHipeGTON RESEARCH RE ACTOR JACarW lN Regen 3 Osc of tne Drector 67,12<29 11pp 44190 341-44190 351. 6802040054 sed emergency pan anciemonteg prote&res. S Op9telmg hcense stage cocuments & correspondence E N4 A Se Rev'Emn;ency Dree orWE Envron Morwery & M&ev 6A 46 101 to 1- semtwyrAccountatukty/Sewcn & Rescue

  • Revised tatWe of contents /erteckve pages enct 44070ent64 Apohcaten vs amend to License R-73. rep =aceg aerra re drop time et Srvn HOSE.M A Consumers Poeer Co 64/01128 3?pp 44254 093 44254124 Foo I vne~t supe Aces 68nt14 sir RO$sk.N M A N. . urww of. Seestie W A 66'C2/04 VURLEy T E Ottce et 6802040353 Foreros resporise to 871105 rewest for aos edo L Rev 18 to securey 4' Nuc.K. RM1r Re . alc% Choctor (Post $7041IL 3rp 44277151-442?? 156 pan incorporateg chenges mee as result Cd es 'ponses to request Enct n'iretold trei toCFR73 Pitc))

6LRWof Fun a ss Amend *3 to Lcense R-73 Amend moefes facti specs to BERRY K W Consumers Pooer Co 68/02 01 Document Coneal Branch tDocument ceant/m Permr 4 e Ad into tsne of Srwn Rod 3 to 3 s musases survessacce ee. Corical Desk) 1p 44251224-44251224 oc e tar as .* vvol oss & rs<3uces core escess reackeep to 19% oetta h/s i e4044EdT 4 $'avtareaaten & hPower Reactor Pro,ect Drec1 crate 88/02/24 4402090442 Rev 0 to Getieral Otc Emergency Planneg Proceese EOF-13

  • Enterge+

POSPIN M A ' e due Vesv . iea'te.

  • A 3pp 44499 332 44499 341 cv Opcahons Fac*ty Govemmentas Leson' & Rev 9 to App G. "Emergency Tem-pacee Numters " We Rev i7 to procooures ases l
       ' ~448'?2 ins 10 Ameno 13 to L.*erse R 73 moddyng Tecti Spect to enange permatese                                            AHEl K Consumers Poes Co 68/02* 17pp 44M 265-44m N i            re           e e       re               t           a                                                         68020W4 Amem shot Corscraw AWestasve Coneof 6 m accm e#cNaten tar i              af ' NAE &S.Ti StandwJJata s & Non Power Reacter Pro!ect Drec1cvato 66'02/24                                                                                   D         ****d D ***C'                             f*
  • F Sw 44 see 335-44s99 33e w axm 'a*P'0*"

CC*P8"' w % e**9 W M cmted W wo *****"n',*p*e' *w**6 7 W w'W'"C# JO>e: SON B D Consumers Power Co ot r02/05 Document Conros Branch (Docu.

           % 8 d250512baAty eva4uahon sw.s crimg Ameno 13 to Lcense R-73
                                                                                                                                                                                *           ###8I O d star j st'.7 ton & Non-r' Reactor Protect Drecurele 66'02/24 2pp                                        4402160422Sutats dady hghhgnt NRO ea meet atute on680218to escuss beensee Md N N'*4" 34 '                                                                                                      proposed emergercy operahng processes HALL J R Pro,ect Drectorate asi-t 68 '02/ t 3 MURLly T. 5NIEIEK J . M'RAGLIA F 1                                                                                                                                   NRC No Detaded Athhaten Gaven. 2pp 44372 35344372 354 l           R Perso<>c eportt%g reports f. 'otated correspondence 6602260047 Formards edi edo responeng to NRC reguest to und661014 sueennouse

= 000WO331 Annual rept ium , mv ci

  • asnegten " W '680128 str ' ' 'PO E W'3 'm'C'*"m**empion mwest actuceg An 137 m P@mes M A W asrvrigter il av of. Sea' tie Wa 47 / t 2/ 31 7pp 44199 224 F sec ma* peo e ese &W 3 of Emergency eseucion mw ProcMure 3
              .4,gg g33                                                                                                            FR SCN R R Consumers Power Co 64 02'22                                              Coritrod Brench (Documere              L ConttrA Desal 200 44505 257 44505 296 DOCKET 54142 UCLA TRa#N 4G RE ACTO 64                                                                                       ,#,2,6W Rn 137 or w 3 of Mency % Wmq Processe M 3 4 g
  • Consume's Power Co 69 '02t22 Neo 44505 259 44505 264 E Decommissioning Stace f teume.M & Correspondence 7l P. Operstmg bcense stage secuments & correspondence 3 4402250275 Act receet ed 88ut'2 , seers so mmarung cuestens te Pease i ed oe comm.ssenrio en a rt 4 i *w ice i.uomea concermna Pnase a Pe io esmete ta Sa012iO3n Genee iw 6s.e io . p e, reactor see,*es ,e ineyawd scet, An-C**y & Gspose of co8r90eeni pkts set . sst9d per 10CFR*so 82 sessment Peogam e USAe ivl $ve hai enc;
,             ADAMSA !standF&tetOn & NQ4Poef Reactor Protect Drectorate 68 02/15                                                   M:RAGliA F.J Associate Dreic1er tar Proserets Fost870411b 64:01/20 Consostated j            MCLAUGHLINJ CaWornos Ur*v o8 U A Af&tes CA 3pp 44499107 44499109                                                     Eeson Co or Neo vers mc 48c9 44202 319 44273 OD5 1

a l

                                 -.-9_   y-,,         .mi   ,_9            --,-w.,-m=                         m-   - - - ,       .,-y-    - , - - - , - - .             ,-y-     , , - .   ,,yp,.              y.y      y                m--      y   c.g-



e em. .u, ,o es .sR sc.nsees & _s v C,s e eo As ,e NRC . 0,,40,,, mR _ m ,e._ _ s,s oo a _ z 440,,.0,,, pc.n e on e.GsCc e e AR sow.c sta~n meme, se ut ev y U RAGUA F J AssoCSG CWec1or for P'o,Mts (Pcst 8'Q411) 48/01/25 Comrtvw occ# rose Nored Caaes awea'e t, pesome< cone.cive ew & act 7s necessa uscec,e W efC223

  • e ec-s io eea- -1 seath E 3 son Co 43cp 44256146-44256188 ALE R AN"'E R R J . F R SCH R R C.,or sumers Poevr Co 99 C2 23 4pp 4 W 3351 44$33353
                                                                                                                                                                                                         -l             1 4                   4402040260 A3cses that 680114 Rev 6 to sstabe*r varmng & 4.,a^cate r<an con-                                                                                                        N
                     *s N e povscas v w A5e 54m & accevat e pp                                                                                                      y op,,ator Enamenations Op MAttETT B $ Agoa 3. cmc of the Cwector 64 02 03 GEARr A A Cessmers Pomes Co 1p 442,7 01444277 010                                                                                                                                                                _-

4402140394Adyses of Rege in cient3 ressested to anaNe tame & ria:e to formvi 4402040224 Ped ses forma's for permaf waWav s'remerw Anm.w to W present bcense certdicate to eewy bcensed NLa s.m recc9 niter o accorvs4 Form De rewred to be forerdeo 10 Rege M c'c cse aw<aN cewes saeg men of vov&a s haeng gone thro # stW, & Paeg re).r<emen's & recervec cea so enam sa:e . ARGHT G C Repen 3 Odc c4 the Deector a4'02/12 R AN3 J 5 Conssmers Foner AR&T G C Rep 3 O*c c4 the Drecor et '02 01 Ccmmcreeam Eason Co Co tp 44364 327 44368 327 3cc 44251091-44251093 44022402$5 Ssmrnay of 471207 meetq n'Ws e Bethes3a 1,a0 re bceasees revsed # proposas to comp, e.NRC rewre-ent 6 sevat<e f acet es soer 44,0,2,1402,77 i, i gi p Foreros pac 4grea.aWaxe p yy 4y e, nam s,ven

                                                                                                                                                               -pe.g  ecat.vnimes, HB,Rcorw>n   to Nu)e; encos     v.u ey 10CF R$5 45cl L si c4 a'tenoees & Utd 5 r'vabon F ace, Group p3ekne erti            o, w io ep , ino,ng ag ccrwe s,.,,,

destes scwvu oa comary ess s 6 o enc *s _-J

  • NRC . No Detheed Af*akabon G+en 64 02/12 NRC No Detaaed Atbalson GNen Ar oGHT S C Reg <e 3 O*C cd tSe Dvector 8.8 02'12 mANij$ Conssmens Fooer Tcc 44472139-44472 225 Cc 2pp 44X4 315 44368 316 4 J

4402230029Foreards response to Geeerg Ltr 84 02 cer 460120rowesi Ptail P'as sh a p ememed cyxess sms to iSAP er oe'<ed as eteta'ed assessmert pan Oving DOCKET 60-154 Univ. OF wtSCONSIN RESE ARCH RE ACTOR a screwei sAsewents adcoted e Amerd 42 Process has proven tene'<4 F R SCH R R Cons /ners Power Co 49 'C2r 19 DocumeN ConPN B'ex" (DCC. ament %q Controe Desh) 2pp 44432 216-44432 217 ,Z

p. Operateg bcease stage documenta 4 correspondence _

O Inspection reporta. IE Suhtms & correspondence 8402170222 As,ses that ree enc 4 DCE 69204 m von tc< ccmerse to ice erro


4402020094 ForeFds $4'e*y Irisp Rec 4 $0-155 67-26 on 911016-1214 % voates noted ment c A$rn tse.g **ttnotR be

                                                                                                                                  ; a a asce%n at* o,seg uw F v vIJatm as B<anch (DocsmeN Cortof Dev.i 2cc 44357 C79 44M F 0ec ni 69 CFit Cncomem CcW                    j GutDEuCND W G Rege 3 cmc et tre Drector 88'01/25 B@V AN F W Con-s,.smers Power Co 2pp 441M 339 44t M 351 V. Operator Enaminations
                   -4402020104 tr'so Rept 50155 8' 26 on 4'10161214No vores or oevales no'ed Va.or are as e scecles ecerava.       Sa'eN. tvet cce*abon su re.

r rave ore ahen reador fncs 'E tveu s mot eneeWs LE R foM*so a sewt t, 6802040224 P cvdes tymrt br c+rsv4 %aW atoa statemeN a umLm te NRC JACCW i N Reton 3 O'c of the Dweetcr 47412 29 1'co 44190 341-44'90 351 For 's De res;<ed to te torea des to Re+on i'r oic oNe apc~caN comc*ies t a.rwg ne-s & fueved en n aee g. 4401210097NAO IMo Nobce 68-001. -Sa'e*, wecte Poe Fave " Svc ist enci wroGu? G C nege 3 Cac of t% Drecicr 93 'C2 C1 Co"onwea 'n E Je Cc -__ POSStC E Dwon v OceraSona! Evems Asses **nt (Pest 8'On t t 89'01/27 3cc a4251091-44251033 -- Coao4aied E sson Co of Ne* Vora. W 123cc 44176 075 44176197 4402050053 Resceos to voavs noted e inso Reet 50-155 67 22 Ccw ectwe DOCKET 60157 CORNELL UNIV RESE ARCH RE ACTOR = a-tes ter to swee9 prxesse to stro*3 Va've LO ?O?1 e%en reactor cress /e besoe 50 csq oureg pant swooeas proocsed FR S^H R R Consv r'e s Peeer Co SB'02 01 Dxurnerst Cetry Branch (Docsme at L Seewnty, mdacat ewrgency & Ne protecMn plans ConPol Deshi 2cc 44259 344 44259 345 _7 4401260102NRC iMo Mhce 484C2 test or $ ben Ga#ges ' Svc ist er<t 4402090315 Fyers Sveu os esc Rec's ScW 7 B v2 4 50 ' 5 7 8' C 2 en CUNNWAV R E C><se of irwAstna' & Meo.caf Nsc e ar Sa'eN Wes' s'07291 69 02 02 Consowa'ee Esson Co e Nee York N 121pp 442M 093-44N6 213 a ri t i F n T& ne,i.ce vant,N y p p1 v oote ahony retv,0y 65 7 N $?AFEffC A Cow urvv itea:a N's 2cc 44W 116 44W 125 4402010004 NRC iMo Nece 69 003 Tra:6s e Snow 1 Sscoyt Access Pde Cover g CE s 3m Cd CTe'aWW Events Assessment IPost 8441*) SA 02 '02

                                                                                                       '8                     W                            '                   '           '  '

Consoaca e1 Ed m Co c1 Nee 1ork W 11200 44339 225 44336 336

                                                                                                         #***          #*'***         * * * * # '###      ** '" h "                   WW'*          A cce ate"snic             & receveQ sWa)@ & "int' na 'C v 7t'N & in en"i v s

8402020034 N40 Bee a 66 001 De'ects e Westagsse Cst j$"t25 " *W ' " " ' ' AOSSi C E Dres<c o sC*ershonai EveMs Assessment < Pest 8'S411) e6 02 05 Ccesah3ated Estoon Co N Neo Vces Mc 140cc 44339 225-44340(C4 Q. Inspection reports. IE S@etins & correspondence 4402020035 NRC BJew 88 0C2 ~ Aa:W, P ocagavg Fa5gue Ccacts e Steam Ge^- === er ant ist+s " Sec bst evi 8 CSS C E Dv+on of Cee shcrr E veNs Assessment (Pcf 0'041') EA 02 05 6802090315 8 vares Sa'e-p s We Aces 510C 6 t 02 & t315' s ? vo stm y g Consw3aiec E >>on Co N Neo V ort inc 124pc 44De 337-44M9100 61 s i 7gt 7 ?? y 47 re,t< e ci 4002020224 NRC irdo Nye sa oc4 ' inasewa!e Osa scaton & Oc.comema'e g yap va:a p piyes 2cc de 14 de 1.5 y, 3,em M 0 i N 5 ? LE E TT C W Cm P.. f a


Fee Brna Peneta%n Sea s ^ Svc Ht eNi -44020$0327 NWe v vdawn IP rsc ce t'11 t' D s oaw moe3 ie an to's N ROSS, C ti Dmson v Oceratoer Evens AssessmeN (Post s '04 ' 4 69 C2 05 . Conschca'es E3. son Co of Nee Yc<t. inc 124pp 44339 '01443M 224 N swes rewmed on N 1 erm$ pen 4 v 6 mrv s *p pre.m was y tesis ce<5orf +d on F40702 q 4402110320 NRC iMo Net.ce 66-005 ' Fro e Conccw Cat. nets ' Svc kst

  • A* Yon 1 O'c d the Cvecic* H C1 N t o 44 KO T N 44) e 120 DN1 .

ADSS, C E Cheson cd Oceratorsas Evens AssessmeN (Pos' l'041 ? ) 68 02 12 -4402090337 Sa' epa .ts rse Aers 5x9 7 a' C2 & t > '5 7 e'02 ce F '1 ? ? m - Cons >wed Eason Co c4 Nee Yort. tnc 1Mpp 44523 25644!24 015 iaWs no'e3 Maa eeas mec *i ckvw a- secu  % %W cv pN ave & r coeraw s~cwg & *ece-vnq sneap & etern com & reev, Ci u A AATT A A

  • E 'V G R R hegon 9 Os cd t9 Ces M C1 2' 5;c ,

R. Peropose operstmg reports & related correspondence 44 W 12 t44 W 125 h 4402060549MontNy coeratw rept 6 Jan 1969 W ee0203

             ..      44D6 354                                                                                                                                                                              :h 4402290329 Forea os ' Semawa Aakartwo E r%eN Aeease AeM br M Cec                    F Security, mes. cat emergency a tire protection plans                                               4 t Sa?.' inciJ$6q rected Yave MP 90 3 2 'or Jan June 1 sS7 red to crovce aciva lat                                                                                                             "

resun s for reesse et gasews $r M I A.SOM R R Congame C- Ces.i ,, u5s.e Power ment C&tror B aV IDXpen, 4402190023CoNvms BM ?22 teon re Fe:223 e*+cmes cWeve e 1 v m N j muS C46 M m C2 26 Coru c~ o ~aw x & x- s - w - - ~ av e vent

                   *4402290342 ^Sersawa, Aasoectve E %ent A ease Aer' W J,.*Dec 1997 "                   GA     ACE J N Aep' aNa 'O          U 44445(21 A2 @ d Pe    h W*2'MN% S*Ei m iE Ge 74 m vi'
  • LonsJners Penge CC 4 ? '12/ 31 4p0 44t16 214 44516 217 M Mnc9cQy 44445 _J
                   ~4401010097 Aevsed Tase HP 10 3 2 to ^ By Roca Port Semawa< Aa>cactve EI            4432170210 5 yeeres roc Aed M ife e' (* cm 9 '1216 W i M < $ & ' 4 L wna                                -

fWe Reesse AeDt ,;an ,A;ne 199 ? ' tons Need E Nwemet comerence W?*J V #Cu3 e a nen -sses ce yo  :

  • C4nsJmers Pooer Co 0 006- 30 9tc 445'6 is t 44516 226 p'am evava'en need relez,We erf & see ervaewN raw s s + e M - 4 eM y.e i men conkreNe GE A[E J N Aepa'* ) Osc cf tre Daedar M C2 5'EtSC%?E G o ga-v w  ;

S. Reportatne occurrences. LERs & related correspeacence of T o Snoogs A f ama GA 2cc 44 W M 1 d o 22 n a'O 4802170172 PND4 86 Oc4 ec p M7 nseg av', ow ssmo ie.e s ctser ed & reecbr ~4402170242 vsc Aed Si 10 9%N on 6 2'f er ' ?4 J ',4 m 14 L 3 . - a' w te w< w ev -- snut een to cent (+y & recee source o8 seat Cue 3 t, eenage horav rac e c # awn nc!eJ Var n t a eas mc+:'e3 ct+'avs & N a m c% s s1 pump sea Hz s eveN our enMe'M e&t:me.4 9cre msem ce vi%ses JA{. E '8 I N Gd bE sQeC A Rep 3 (N of tre DrocV M {2 09 'D E h E M A'. # %E D v23 G EL EO *.E T ' 0 ? re r.e 2 Oc M tw Dre.* r N-44J53 354 44353 358 10 tw 4435a Ce) 44M i;2 i MN


A l 16 DOCKETEDITEMS 1 i A Opereeng acenee stage 4keuer ents a corteependence -8002110145Reo;ests NRC rep >esentatrees et Mayland Congressc^al Deegaten on l 860204 ri tves tonyess on erwaton at otant j 177 Foreses order mooryvig Georg.a inst of Technology Operaton Lcense R. S.P S Senate 68/01/14 IYCH L W .Corwsseners Ip 44336 197-hA SHAFER W D Regen 3. Olc of the Drector 68/01/29 BRUGGER,R U MesoA I Urve of. Coletna, MOJO 44255 004-44255 014 DOCKET 60182 PURDUE UNIV. RESEARCH RE ACTOR C. Inspection reports,it Sweehne & correspondence V. Operator Examinations -

        ' 0802190023 Con 8vwe 660122 tencon re 880223 enforcement conlerence to dricuss mgt 8402040224 Pecnndes formats for persons' O ekticaton statement AMe%rn to NRC 4;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             i co,rngtre
              ,,         of hostn pegscs & operatons concorrwng Aug 1987 potercat contammaton Form 396 recNued to be tcenartled to Regcn 6tl o'c once apphcaN completes eaang GRACE J N Rvgen 2. Osc of the Drector 68/02/06 STELSON,T E Georpa insbtute                               'w*wennes      & recerad of Tecnnology. Attama GA.1p 44445 02l44445 021                                                               RGHT.GC       Repon pace     3 Olctoofemam tre Drector date 66/02/01 Commor$aearth foson Co.

3pp 4425109144251093. 0802170210 Forwards inno Root 54160<4748 on 471216 86010445 & 14 22 Vota- ' tons noted Entorcorrent ccmicence scheduled for 880223 to awress ssas re pro. 6402166242 Foreeds revsed operator sect autcaten program m response to 860114 S' 'O eM eto Progam re-entlen to cernpfy atAN5 VANS 15 4 & 10CFRS$ $9 gram mentconowevaNa,nce, hon need.me3e@ ate mgt & sloe raprovemem rate s nce 870%4 entwce- 0W'E UAN'.F Wi P rwe Orvv. Aest Laiavette, IN 66202i12 ADAWS A Docrent CL* GRACE) N Regen 2. Ole of the Drector 68<02 /10 STELSON T E Georgsa instue Contros Brance toccument Coneos Desh) 6m 44352 072 44352 077. of Tectinology. Ananta.GA 2pp 4435806144358102

          -4002170242 Inse Rept W160/87 06 on 871216 6a010405 & 14 22 V oi* tes                                      00CKET 50143 VALLECITOS EXPERIMENTAL SUPERHEAT RE ACTOR                                                                                  i noted Masar Fees espected operabons & heae% phys.cs achvees ce Contawe s evene           as of GTOP t 7 4 tonoeup o# prevous ens o rcement asues 4

FREORsCK P , KUto G B , BURNETY,P T. Regen 2. Osc of the Drector 6e102/ J. Insurance & indemnety information 10 20m. 44358 C&l4435a 102 4402170137 Formards NELtA Cerecate NW43 & Enoysements 1 & 2 MAELU Costets-

  • i~ cate WA 26 & ErcorsemeMs 1 & 2.NEUA CertAcate NWFt & Ercarsemeres 1 V. Operator Enaminations 3 MAELU Certaca'e VW 16 & Endorsemeets 13 & Enoorsement 78 to NEILA Pokey Ns .195 8002250407 Appicaten try LO ucDcwes for reneeal of Sertor Operator Lcense sop O CONNOR DJ Ursa & McLarnan. Irc NT2,1 Orke of Aciear Re-actcr Repstatert Drector (Post 070411). 217pp 4442088/02/09 D.11044420 326 32343 1 KARAW R A Georpa insistute o' Tec#wesogy Anaata, GA 88/02/09 SNA6 P Regon 2. Olc of the Drector to 44443 06a44463 06e i R. Penodec operatmg reports & related tempspondence DOCKET $0143 GA TECHNOLOGIES 4402160061 "Esadavanecdos Espenmente Swerheet Reactor (DeactrvatecnJ' Anrual Rept to tar 1967 We 6&O201 itt itTUS G W , CUNNWGHAli f G E Ge'serai Electrc Co 20. 87/12/31 5pp 44346 304 J, insurance & Mdemnity informatson 44346 310 8002260201 Formards Endorsement 139 to NELLA Pohey NF-34 $ Endorsement 70 to WAELU Pohey WF-Se DOCKET $0w104 UNtV. OF WISSOURI RESE ARCM RE ACTOR COLUW61A SAuvELS.J L. Maren & McLerma t 6nc 88/02rt? DiNfTZ.8 Oftce of Nuclear Peac-I tar Regiaatert Drector (Post 87041 tr 7pp 44$04 006-44504 014 t P Operateg license stage documents & correspondence t i

V. Operator Esaminet ons 8602040177Forearos order mc*yeg Georia inst of Tecerciogy Opraton Lcense R-s7 4002090377 Farewds hcense opersts certAcates 1or ML MaDe & k* Omeas recogn+ SHAFER W D Repon 3. Ctc of the Drector 88/01/29 SRUGGER R U Mtsom 4,

           - rienpariance of rene that operators kses e potecteg p%me w /o onets.                                       Urvv of. Columtma MO to 44256 004 44255 014 kmSCM D F Regen S Osc os ine Drector 64/c2/02 ASUVSSEN A E. GA Tactmos-opes, inc / General Alorrec Co ip 44313 08944313 089 V. Operator Enaminations

[ DOCKET S144 UNIV. OF WARYLAle0 RESEARCH RE ACTOR P n Aodendum to NR 44,02040224,erovees tormats or persona.l cuadcaten f orm m d to ee recuremenft & recevved pror to esam date i-eee to R -e a-a statemed,t cor- ea~,C. M. Generst correspondence d wR#GHT.GC 3pp 44251091442$t Re9en093 3 Orc of ine Drector 64/02/01 Commoneoann teson Co 66020$0014 'n8cres of 870406 reparemoni of RL 9eicher try CD Ebert as reacter dr s ( i rector a s704c4 appoestment of RL Beacher as assocate reacter erector ROUSH w L Mayand. unre et. Conege Pars. 90 67/04i33 ELSASSER T. Re90n DOCKET 50 206 SAN ONOFRE NUCLE AR STATION UNIT 1 i_ t Osc of ine Drector. tp 44263 057 44263 057 F. Secunty, snedsat. emergency & hre protechon plans  ! 00CKFT B171 PE ACH SQTTOW AT0thC PQwER STATION. UNIT 1 l 6402020044 Fcreros SALP Repts S206'87-26 64361/87 26 & %3F2/87 28 for . F, Secunty, medical emergency & fre protection plans .'ane 1ese . Sepi 19s? Overas per*ormance acceptab6s pat moeteg to @scuss SALP i assenmen ,e ,sied UART6NJ B Regon 6. Otc of the Drector 86 01rit BASAtN K P Scuthern Caador-J S402110078Resport3s to 871209 re@est for ecuri, meteorobecal cata tape & updai. ru Esson Co 2pp 44190 27244190 316 J od evacuaton eme estenatestcensee espects rev to renect erry shght popsaton cnanges & re*atevery Mine change m evacusion tme w to ones -4402020092SALP Repts S$2C4/07-26 $4361/87 26 & $4362'67 29for Ane 1986 4 MARTIN R E Propect Drectorate 42 B8 '02/08 CUN4NGHAM LJ Pa$ahon Protec. Sept 196 7 3 ton Bra ch 2m 44336 29744336 298

  • Regen 5. O'c of tre Drector 88/01/19 43pp 44190 274 44190 316 s

Piana & Prepa edness P. Operatmg bcense stage documents & correspondence l 6402040299 a' San OnoesFtrearos ~E sereseStaten Nuciear Generahng Evaluaton on cd Cru!e EmerN12 " No ' deataed Appecreie protectree pressures can tie anpeanented t y o%ie proc 1.oas 1 4401210312 Genanc Ltr 6802 to at poew res: sos hcensees re Integrated Sa'ety As. "" MV P * 8" 66/01e29 CCMEL F J Dew sessment Prosam n 0$A8 r) 54 hst enct '** # "8***C P'I"*'9'"CY

                                                                                                                                                        'CIC" A **'*2'"ent I **'9'"CT Q P**dn'S8(POS' 8 IO4 ' il '8                                             '

i M>RAGLIA F / Assoc 4'e Drecice for Prosects (Post 070411} 64 01/20 Careca*ed 44277 307 442 76 0"10 l Eeason Co of Peen vors. tre 48pp 44202 319-44203 005 gg ,.D Ewe W W Wm % & Who e k 'j Oncee Peaces Generataq Staten on870812" , RL enoet operahng reports & rela *e4 correspondence

  • Fe$e'ai Emwgency VW Agency 87HO@ 64pp 442U 308 44276 010 8002170007 Forma os penose sinus root kw 6801214204 Rept ritemied to movidw 8602160271 Foreros enne Repts $0 206>$7-3154 361/87-33 4 54362'97 33 on g 7120 711No voetons ac#ed N5tC mgt a 'overvee of piant adwees & NRC esso reveet PATE R J Regen S Osc of the Drector 68'01/29 BAS *.*t s P Southem CaWorma LINv1LLE J C Regon 1 08c c8 the Drector ES/02/09 m ANE
  • F Rnce 1 Odc c' Eason Co 2pp 44)W 32S443W 341 ee Drector Spp 44352 143 44352 147
                                                                                                                    -4402160274 mse Repes 60206;87 3150 361/67 314 54362/87 33 on 471207 E CongrewWEseC&e COMspondence                                                                                t t No vcanons nc4ed Marar weas repected to cicsa cut prevoutry coetAed open tems & to owaluate a3eauscy of encmaseentahtys et t3utre tre $rotecten propam RAVSE Y C Regon 5 Osc of the Drector se'01/26 11m 44350 331-443% 341 8002119141iniorms that NRC personnse most temsa e<c.reere staus W cet sa pw-bcipate a Mayiarts Congreseems Oregahcm 383204 meetrig e resp:mse to $e01to                            $402170143 Formeds Rev 17 e piare phys. car securey pm eccesorahng terius &

reauest hjNro changes Rev e*thresd i+et 10C8 R73 21) , 7ECH L

  • Corweissoners 68*02'02 SAREaNESP $ tenete 2pp 44338194 nORGAN H E Soutner's CeMorma Esson to 88'02/04 Document Control Berice i

44339197 (Docwere Centros Dest) 1p 44460 224444tio 224 2

    - .           __..           . _ , . _                         , _ _ , ,          _ _ _ . , _ - _ __ _.                                , , , .                 .- ._,. _ . _ _ . ~ _ , _    _

mm E DOCKETEDITEMS 17 = 4 4802170190 Foreards Rev 5 to sa'+2uards contNency ptan ncc<porawg test .al 4802140074 Reves's partar esempton from r<wremects cd 10CF A171 15 $# changes Rev estnhe*1(ret 10CF A73 25) cespe teved e aMt<e to 10CF R171 hcense fe+t thct,M nce eiceed 6sted amv.t VO5m AN H E boutrwan CaWorrsa E osan Co BA 02 04 Documeal Cont N Branc% BASa IN k P Svhern C44cr%a reson Co COTTON G U San Diey; Gas & Liectrc g

      ;          tDocument Contron Dest) 1p 44u,0 214 44460 214                                            Co 69 02 OB Commesuc<was 7cc 44351328 44351334                                                                         -

T 8 5 46c2140043 Adv<ses W41 Aev 4 to todeted fee hawds an4Ws 4 te MMed SN 8402170014 08 tsaw wrsler wh ch piant saceretenoert ed astharge c Urvis 12 & 3 tw MO5 '1 p(* 871120 ite *M no RCS Gamoen a es 1*an 120 h Oveston 1 c4 Generc Ltr 8712 VEC80AD V D Scuthern Ca*ysa E 3xe Co 8A 02/08 Dcosment Cont *ci Branch UE D/ORD u O Sout*ern Caana E 3sce Co 68 02/12 Occument Contre. Branch .; (Document Conroi Dest) 1p 44346 263 44346 263 (Document Cons Desaj 2pp 44353 235 44353 2M q

#             8402290248 Forearos AW nrvw 88?129 itr eansNteg F E VA Anon tu twt o' 9 7G612 Is.At pa'tcoa%n esercese & C6 Vrthems 680212 an+wno 10 RA                      440,2240255 gyg io conpe     Sammary  e c4 NRC 871207     meet <q eAs re wement         'v!ds vi Beressa VD sevatori          re hcensees tasies      vroer rev4ed N        2

- Sca'ano Concboes reasonatme aswrence easts Inst accatorwie c<otecirve freasures Z

                                                                                                            '100F<55 NaC No4W        Last ofA%a'te.rvlees    & UtdseSevaton   FawtyNoGrovo Detaghene     enct Cmn E_                rw*^te                                                                                                     Cea-eo             wn Crven          c2n2 wC                 eo Auren A E NSLA A $ni F A Regon 5 O*c of tre DrectCt 68 02< 24 BASa iN k P hthern                  7pp HC2138-4H 72 225                                                                                             =d L

- Caerrua E& son Co 1p 44513148 44513 213 U "* "*D 'I # " #N#

  • M
              -8402140404 Requests leaf enct RW Ervnrn SNt29 ter transmateg F EMA rept c't                            * ** # #                                              ' " " "# # *                  # pa't cipaton eserc,se at facer te torear3ed to hcensee d*W#W# U "U'* ** W #

  • 4 MATIME A5 D B E aner#ncy Preca eyess Branch 65'02 52 SN ANO A A *M3 #"RG AN H E Soutrere Cad"yne E hon Co 88T2/12 W AR]A J 8 Aegon 5. 08c Aegon S. C4c of the Drector 2pp 44513149 44513 213 of me Drector 2cc 44522 022 44522 024
an e n. cenera, cone.pon6ence -**c2a"2'5 M's kw ree' r* co"e ** we"+at 10LF A2C 20htX2)14 tF 300 cast per BsC127 tevon Surveys r.3 cated corda'rwia'ter od  :

leve's e f acess of 22.000 oc+100cm2 - 8802180145 Inforces of cetonned crayes GD Cotton rwacrq J Hoscete as resom MDWN H E hirern Cadyrna E hon Co 68 01;27 U ARTIN ) B A490n 5. Otc btae ser*0r r'Nt rec'eWMahre & RG Lacy recdapeg 5 Awan as rwcear oec4 manaJ v tre Drector 1p 44522 C24 44522 024 E er as o R%101 LAC'y A G San C+p Gas & E6ecDC Co e4 02 031RAVW LL C OM<e of NucWar J { 4402160,267G,e,nerc 68 L,,ir, r -Y p Aeactor Aepa'cas. Dreed gPost 8 7941t) 1p 44367 226 4436 7 226 c4 g,, 35 ,33 Tsp,,03

                                                                                                                                                  ' SvcrehtrescA, enct ton c4 Generic Sa'e y issse 93 S'eam Berg                        r-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -I L                                                                                                             MAAh'49) Cncgson of Cggrat ora! E vents Assessreent (Posi 8?C411) && '02 /17

,--- 4402090518Foraar3s aroucaton fee for an< ova; of vid 8'0825 cc<pora'e restruciseg gg,,et E 3 sce Co of Nem vork. vic 44cc 44524 016 44524 061 - ( ensc h edl resJt W4 Cre aW'. c4 roOrq Comcany for pant per tOCF A17012tc) & g 170 21 8402240070 Aescorus to Gere.c Ltr 68 C2 at1 MCin teo.,nteg vus to rescond to 3 i MEDFOAD V O Se.a7m Caena E3m Co 6402 05 Aco-et Coreo Brance ' (Document Convos Deso ip 44263 2 Q 44259 210 Y 9 Y **C ' 'd 9

  • i S'" " -

a  ?#/E "C#aD O'**Vh'S " S"Ctyss hern C'o 'a E'S v'*e C"oM'd{2'14* C' Doc u<C*r me. t Coerof Brance g iC% ment Cets Deso 2cc d45221M-44522137 P. Operating hcense stage documents & correspondence F $402250027 Forevos see tor 8 7 ' 0 ' 6 arca c a' ion ior re. ore es p.atica'or' for E Srs f ara' . 8003200442 Aescorios to NAC 6CC225tv*bnes reovestApex W e'o re t>tre c* ede7+y & e oc*'. sa[rORD si O bvs v mC cc MP27 a Erewest hr Co 64 Q t 9 Daw' Gr-w Bire O h ating Westegr ouse ruclear ce cressee a'on for wahrvysevy non gy, googg g,,,, q,a44-%,73 39 444 7g 339 K- cevre'a y vers.on enct Procreta*y versace a4tmed re+ 13CF A2 7X) " B A$m N w. P h*ern Cawforma E sson Co DC3 18 CNe v Nsciear Acac tcv "q" ir - Aeguatice Cwectct E rS8 NMUT D G Deson of Occ amg Aeactors $ 3pp Q 6nspection reports, it Suhetint & correspont'ence g 4416e 05144168196 R 82021H 107 SatNs conces te Tui Apon it#rns I A 13 sMt mamr9 & i C 5 trocedur e tcr teeotch v cceawg esper+nce to c>ani sv Eescomes anept 4802010164 F tv a'as Mp Aep's M 296 e ? 30 50 %1s t' 32 & M X2- 87 32 on _ e M 2 ' 4 ' 6 % nc ncc rnewe co'd ynt at e A A A 93 A A g- CAg?CHF fiD O Oceravg neartys Etra ce $ 62 '01 < 27 D E 7 C#< E hi$ era Ca= SC,n fo a E3 w Co 2pc 44163 333 44'83 345Hepy 5 CM N t*e Dreciar M 01 1 A B A5a IN

  • P ht*

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4M 44183 3 M 44183 34"

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t C 5. Proce lures for Feehk of Ocerawg E sperence to Part we 1 W . See 'se7 Cwas perier*ste acterabe My treetag Ic h.uss $AP Ae,v,, s.ement g, y'k**]*dj'("[ g g g gg, E N RO O M Aegori 5 Cec el the Dvety 61 r 05 15 age 442% OM ' 9 g g , , , , p p y , p g, gf ,_ m Cc w w a> wns ,- E 4402100323 A3 ++s t*a' w a s.c ses for Sa'e4 M.e-tori t avn v = et t A&B,H,e52 A&B Mv-453A&B

                                                     & Mv44A&B c'esWJ & oeure2 as sa v"',                ~4802020092 5 asp Aevs M ?X e ? 2t M M 9 67 26 & M X2 8 7 29 ly ue 19% .                                            )

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                   'or '*M                                                                                                                                     4 eg,eerm eyn entwy rsan' e ccm                                -

- DGS$ R V Lt.eese Fee Meagement B' ax e M C1J27 B AS* N

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Pgc 44217 3:2 442 t ? }'?

               $802040169 Fore rn paat scecAc AT A S mac to act_ae c<wv, ses.r cwa 5 e resDcese to MA22 Mf let te WaWa'M tes'N c4 A>Moa oe.*=~es # C*                                                 we               Saw, irntice Poe Farve         5,- ai e v,                             j V

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                                   ,vya, Am*M 10 to Change Mtee rme-s v w e r imm a-a,21                        t.:.

00 I 0 E g - , , % , s cm, ,. ,, y ; , ,, m , ,, s,,e.., c ,,,,, = s tHSCM D F Repyt 5 CM v t*e Drecty M C5 22 6 A 5* 'N m P SW-a Ca'y E h:e R 2cv 443M 3?s 441M 341 3 ha E h?n CO 1p 44284 359 442% 351 E 6s02o,0245 Accwaw ey ame~1 to L&w CM 13 re<vd<sa L<eMe

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                                                                                                                ,,,,, se R,eptr p,ci,M  a et2,13,'8 n         7-31opers,,871,2C8,8,&O112
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C4 o 88 C4 3cc 44263 01CL44283 012 h, 4402020034NRC Buicetc 68 001 ' dew.ts n AestegScuse Cvcuit Breamers " Sec kst eW v em 8 o 442 2 M44272148 end RCSSt C E Dvs<e c4 Operatea' Events Assesswent IPost 870411) 68/02/05 4802170146 Aconcaten for amems to Lgense DPR 61 chang *g Tech Specs to Haron Conpca'ed Esson Co of Nee Yo4. anc 140pp 44339 225-44343 004 VAOC2's & ke detecen es*vmeres F ee padC " a A E J Comecticut vareee Atom.c Poner Co 68 C ment Contral 8402020035 MeC bum ete 44 A2 ' Rac<P, Proc 49atq Fat Cmks vi Stern Gen- B'anch (Docurrent Ccotrol Desa) app 444M 3%-44420 362 eaw Tur+s ~ Svc hst ence ROSSa C E Ov. son el Cteratonal tets Assessment iPost 870411) 6812/05 -8802170*48Precosed Tec9 Soccs to Haca 1X1 ses & tre oetection owcvNne Consc%1aled Eason Co of New Yors me 124pp 44338 337 44339100

  • Conrw escut vareee Atom < Power Co 85 o2@ Document Control Brance (Doew

$402020228 NRC into 65 004 Wie & Cmmer. tate of 5 ee erv Pe eeston Seas 5,c hst enci 8802290214 Wyms trat vts pa ms a to conchet anroal e%r era coness eserc.+e AOS53 C E Dvse of Cberate4' Events Assessment (Post 8704 11) 6-8 02'0S & v w cm Conwwed Eoson Co or New vcvh inc 124pp 44339101-44M9 224 ,c,n

                                                                                             , , ,BN,No
                                                                                                   ,       pome eaccsv     r   e patnEurese      es incw ea, LP2 TentaWe        sche've $e pekose enci by Staw W 8802120205 AA4es that rretavy cor tvut, tests & testeg subsecrant to mamsvam 08 Westnyo.rse Type ve 2 control solc$es cbsc7 te oc    v 5e tch ccerahn 'y mA te

[) t oi 9cp 4 32 44 3 2 ver41 tryougn norew Teci Socc kne+ance levs MEDF ORD M O hmern C+W%a E$$on Co 64,02 08 Occument Cont'ol B'anch J. insurance & indemruty information

DocvveN Concos Desal 2sc 443421144434211 4402110328 NRC Wo P.odce M 005 Fee e Annunc ator Cetrot Cac* nets " Sec tst 8802170137Forea $s NELLA'e NW 83 & EA3ysements 1 & 2 U AELU Ce%

eng cre VA 26 & Endysements 1 & 2.NEttA Cert 4a'e NA 71 & Endcasements 1 RCSSLC E Drose c4 Cwrate4; Even's Assess *ent teost 8704111 B8 'C2 ' 12 Cceschcrea Essen Co of New Yora. inc 120pp 44523 2% 44524 015 h kLU Cert +(ate USt5 & Entstements 13 & Enocesement 75 to NE'LA Pokey O CONNOR D J Ursn & McLetean. Inc GA '0249 ChN 721. O'hce of Nuclear Re-Q Penosc operatwsg reports & re.ated correspondence ady Repate Ceeaar i ost8'0411) P 217pp 44420110 44420 326 8802230104 5ACCR E R MortNv VDMoceramg AN.H Erer4 htnfor re Jan 1948 n BE212 e Caowna E 2soft'nCo 68 ' C 101 Epo P. Operstmg bcense stage docuenents & correspondence 44463 E4 44463 313 8802240408 P+onca'e of 882114 av rnee'ng o'utns e Re7on I to decas re+44ng coage & Ngmfes Oxtets 50 3M M423 a M-213) to g term c v+ecmre actions te S. Reportatde occurrences, LERs & related COrrespof4denCe S ALP IDcete's $0 245 & %3Mi 4 vid nta%es MCC AEE E C 1 O*c of the Drector 68 Cie14 Rege 1. Ofc of the Drector 2po 444$$ 07144455 072 880222,0247 PN'> vCA S%a= %t Wrvtter 86-012 on sesmic rea No efR211.mcoe< ate a rm@ a'aws echsted ate meawreg at penet 4 ?cent

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  ;Dcov. ment Cetrce Cesal Pro 44M7 2M-44367 236                                                     a      Pim Derm irre I-4                  O t s 15       .DCNA E J CuvxticJ vm
                                                                                           .aty%c Pomer Co ipo 443M 127 4433e t 32 4802220183 Pa't a: response b F CM A teove st tor oxyme"s F orw a'os App A omepieces Docenents a1o ava -ata e eDR                                                 -8802110202 Notte of cces,3erav c iswance         r            W ame%3 to License DPR 814 cc.

G4UStEvDm Drcse e Av es & Reeces s csioa 704 t 31 M C2 ' t 8 B DL E v n corter tor p'o hereg Awn 3 ew.,e revse Te:n Secs provses te oepe3ed Pvtinc Cet zen s CatecalMass Energ, Protect 2pp 444 M it 7444M 176 7 d Wege prMecton ses (CGv-PSI to te cons s'ent e ets CGvPS proce$ses A ANG A B Pro ect Dvectora'e i 4 6-841i15 app 443M '29 443M '32 ~8802220182 Pa: sage conssteg of rees of scenue te* cons to Repw y te ec.3ents on e t t X 7 41221 ener Lir 68-C2 to as p3er reactor hcere res te leveysted Sa9**y Av

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n .a gqsap gye g, m V kaka SJ AssX ate [wectcs for Proeds IPcst 87341 t) &$ 01 20 CrvtMa'ed 44C2250439 Soec av rept oa 8705'f pesi nocateg vWe C on man tre eaw sxory E 3-son Co cd New ca inc 4 App 44202 3444N3 0C5 kw ta*312 monta ve've cwe test C4; sed t, vave red sist e romah cpe^ 1i prece MCoaAN ha've H Erec.ared & tested htaern Ce* cama onE as680'on Co M '02 19 Coc Net Cont ci 6 av 88MSW 1 DSN5S** *** O' "~"**W *C"CR'ev f Y ee e DP nu a'qiSAP SM* issaNo W co"eMen cd hran N Eense cco iCa., ment Conto Dessi 2cp 44495 344-44495 MS 'e cro<quos"ec.a'c+s ee*t-4d Gs q t M222$ rewested 4802250468 LE A M003 02 on 860209sscove ed tha! We p wed t3 W emphouse v4X2* A E J Cenect<vt vamee Atom c Power Co M 01 <29 Cocumem Conto an iv65 re mae s'eam ve tveat a^aws e en Avon commenced to e%se sa'er, & ann iCare e Control Desti Sco 44259 332 442$9 3?6 emecton svg oipeg has toon concentraton e evess c4 3 750 rpm 6 W29 'te MNAN H & Sovmere Caesa Eosm Cc 64 02:19 ?rc 4449 9 269 44461270 84020%819 S4r%'s ressts cd enams ana yses & We ,r assersament te d scosery of c4a hs e cc.ato so3 p3e tute sxport pm $1rq $ 98 7 reNewg outage Resses secort sate Cyae 15 epe'aw sespoe roca'ed crea ^g e 25 c-ns U. Operator Enamenstens MG2p A E J Cornetcut vaNee At3mt PNe* Co M O2 C2 Doc /nent Coetros Ekao Neume*it Comros Desa t i3(C 442P9 2d2 442sg 301 8802020088 Fcrea'os S AL# Ress 8A 2'6 8' 26 no y, 8 7 26 & 50 M2 8 ? 2* tor

 .Are 1M6 - Sect I M' O.e*an pe'ttvmaNe acceo'a ne Ugt mee'eg to os:vis S ALP           $802090210NdRaw cd M:21 mee'ng a w e Berte CT in tsces W resocese a9sehme*4 rebes%'d                                                                        ic W febest S rO a)$ v'd3 'e sa'e s'b1R*" ses M AR T rN J B %yy 5 OI: of the twect's e6 01 '19 B ASa :N A P bt%'a Ca iy                 W A'v3 A Pw* Cwec'sa e 14 96 02 23 S?OLZ JF Pewt Drescas'e i 4 3po mo E nan Co 2cc 44193 272 4419? 356                                                       44292 298 442M 3/J

-8402020092 SA6 P Retts50 206 4 7 26 50 M i > 87 24 & S3 V2 8 7 29 'or June I M6 - ggC2cgops R%,, ,,.ua e, cerem, g 5,, e 7, i,2 amen 3 9, ic te,,,e dert 1ist 7

  • Repon $ CMC of the CWec1ce BA 01/ t) 43rc 441)) 274 44190 318 CM yg 3c 6 5y,m gveg g jroe,s gg. &,,c'e, c 7y ,; ,,,,

ng ,,Fage a q,mg22F ggp,e,s,21c4 1g &7p.g3 212to ccere,ct gg Neo

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B<anca Criccent Cvtaca Cesa) 'o 44268 054 442?9 Ot' DCtKit 50 213 MSDOAW NECK PLANT -8402090H4 Urm v c 7' sDA rc 9' 10 Wease DPR 81 cor ecteg typos een bste3 Baws secte E. $eCWify. Oned6 Cal, emergency & fere pf eteCitlM plans #d ' 8" # W # ' D "* ON 88C2290109 Caseve ses 8 70122 ta5eicc escason re swo estv'y to re ass N A _ 440214151 Foream rew 6 aM s~o 'e c-aas b WNan reaMcy cdew & ed'rergency c aW<aw Esca;aled 'escWse may ^31 te u notManen by state ciH ca g TD M M SWM s' Oij ' 3 NW E " MM WN3 D W as by t4 re% car 'K4W #yf' Im^eeMe decle*ed e**er7r<y (asV<aw MO D# * # 2 6EL Mf N keQon 1 dC Cd the Chre&p $7 $ 28 SE MANU C@s%34*ed a B va'e 14 C2 c3 u  ?*AEJ CenVtcui N a'* e+ E 3 son CO of Nee Y C#s inC app 445N %) 445)9 DF) Aw%c Powee C4 4;4 443M M2 443 M M 5 8802050157 F croch EWortNy Poyess Rect 8 re een se t:*g r t*3g c:iest ren 8802110322 No"<aw o' tm mee'eg e # c A x u be MD to a sces rescese e+ N D comprvtment & 1M %7 ActR tc NA J se)iest V aM WO re veres'aw lef(C/D A E J Cc'erv%ecreNG V a*eM Alamic Pcaster CO f a 02 01 b /neN CF8o 6 A N 's A ho+ed NedJ a'e 6 4 Mm2# S'12JF Poe( f Cve;tarre 6 4 bg frov DixpeN CvMw Deul 'cc 4420314 ' 442e 3 M3 44324 234 44M4 2M

DOCKETEDITEMS 19 4402140216S,.mrees 6802C2 mgt treeteg te corcorate rNsse sWemeat eW<dvai 4802C40103 Fcreros ir%D Rec 4 50 2t3 47 3t on e71238 680512 No , nances nomed Feroamance & acccuntataty prxedure rNwevemems.rcot casse ana',*es evage BE f tENsavSEN L R+p e 1 Osc of ine Drect r 4 02/03 UROC2*.A E J Con. DeNm reoJCla.e Dians & INPO ewabalaces & aCCre&aVAe'aie3 r4 enCd nt(Not Dansee Atcw9sc Fomer Co 2c@ 44272 138 44272 149 BETTENHa v SE N L Re9en t. C9e of me Dredor as 02:09 VROCZn A E J 4ys east Nwciear E rw egy Co W et of Nytreev V1Mes) M40CZh A E J Ccreectcut ~4402040127 Sa'et e ese Rept 50 213r $ 7 31 oa 8 712t4 8 6.;112 No vcaps f ansee Atomac Poeer Co 6iim 44347 273 44347 331 nc4e3 Wa,or reas esre oceravs ruam twonecte tre 4402170145 Apphcate sy a%rd to Ucer se DPR 61a cr yq tece Spas e c,reecte

                                                                                       , res           secWy meet ceosveda,cted                  piard testeg LE As & reactor core tiaael thermat theno 1M1 sys & tre oeiecte estrsvits 5 ee pad                                          VLCABE E C Rep 1. Osc v the C*ector 68. 02 J1 'Ocs 4427214144272148 VROClu A E J Coreectcut varmee Atwc Peace Co 68 02iO9 Document Convol Brana (Document Cortal Cessi acc 444M N d4420 362                               $402020034 NRC B/ete 66 0]t, ' CVeds e Aesungrode Cecv4 B'easers " Sec hst ence
   -4402170149Pioposed Tece Specs te Mae tX1 us & t<e oetecten ew+ ment                ROSS; C E Chewn c4 Cseravat Events Assessment IPost e 7c411) 68'02 05
  • Connecbcut vannee Atomic 6eer Co 66 02,09 Document Co^ Pod B'anch (Doc
  • Cemsated Eosce Co of Nee v sk. Irw 1449 44336 225 44343 CG meet Cetrcs Dep) Scp 44420 360 444?0 36J s s 8432160248 Resperus to 6C205 rewest tce aM e4o es reac1or prote cton sis 88,0,2,0,,20035 im S,e sstNRCencj Bs eie 64-Oc2 Races Peccaphr9Fa'9,e Cracks e Steam Gen ocvaoe Veeteg anayed e NRC cc 660210 at Mwte Font des W meetaes RPS RC SS: C E Chs<ia v C9eratona: Ever ts Assessment Pi ost t?O411) 68 02 05 ucyaSe meets iJCJ R A 59 rewremems & cNs not need c<<< a;cova' Ceresor saied Eason Co of Nee v ers. #nc 124cc 44336 337-44339100 UsOCZKA E J Cenectest Yawe Atomc Poeer Co 68 02 01 Document Control B*ancM (Document Comrod Desa) 13cc 44367149 44)67161 gggggggggg NgC e'o 4-Re &$ M4 ha3esMe hi<av & Meemation v er Penetrate Seas ' Src hst enci 0802160213 Foreros n2 eto re man stea%ne tweaa anais s & ressais s v re F AOS9re 654"CDE Post 8'0411; 65 024CS LOC A des 9n tass accceNs cor671216rewest Conwed E'rsson sson Co v eCuravai Nee YorsEvents W 124ccAuessment 4433710144337 i 224 VROCZm A E J CorrecNut 1antee Atcmc Po*er Co M 0211 Cocument Cevad Brance tDocument Cor tror Dey; ieco 44350 303 44350 326 8402140251 6rwect v sm n, euormir>g NAC v rws e e cor'wl eins na e e eso Aept M 213 6L22
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     & A.n=a's F ee?e s'er Pu er cs S c hst ero                                        JOHNSTON AV Re9e 1. O!c of the Drector 89 '02 r i t MAOC2nA E J Connects VAAAA F J Crese of Ccerava. Events Assessment (Pest 4'0411; 68 C2r17              Mv            A       P      Q        eu61 W 44W M Consca3eed E3sce Co of Nee York. we. 44cc 44524 016-44524 061                   -8802180241 Resc<<ds to scavs noted in inso Rept 50 213 '8t22 Cor'ectve 4802240232 Acc4.cate ty amenos to L censes CFA 61 DPA 21 & DPR H cha>vng             aws A3mensea*ue Cewos Pmcesure 12 3 2 Amsnav of PDCA Temew &

Tate 6 21 of Teca Specs to twegme accer' ate c4 w ""*'***' ec+memes & o*er a3mirsstrae.e owe.3ses wsed ec e of sener reador ocerator iS40s & svt tunNa' a3rv,ased www.a s e ovai MZa A E J . SE AAS C F Comem vam AW Neer Co HMW VaOCZn & E J Comecxv1

  • ansee Atorn< Peeer Co MAOC2R A E J 4y'$ east % JOMMTON W v A49. e 1 Osc of N Drector $co 44461 ?)4 44461 C'99 Cer Enegy Co tsis o SyNast UWes) M4CO2E A E J Nytmeast Utstes 69>

02'17 Cocumet Cortes Beae (De<wment Cetrol Desy 13pp 44522 152 8432 0 0328 NN in*o Nonce 68 M F re in Annu ncialy Cceirof Caws ' Syc 651 44522 229 AOSS! C E C v s<c ci Oc+ratea' Ewems Assessmere P i os' 0'04t il 68 02't2

   -4802240260 P*occ +3 Tece . Specs ameong f ase 6 21 re $,a> roe tenor reacto,       Cesma'e3 E ssr Co of Nee vyt W 120pp 44523 2%44524 016 coeratcr aSA01 & svt tec9nstsi aus.,r (5? A)
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                                                                                        ^                    coeraq"rept for Jan'* f 968*W '800215*It'        "

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enent penetavs & assx.ated t>ases a1.1ressed e scoa'ed F SA Sa'ety esavaton 3 A B Pecel Dveciyaie 14 se 02'22 V90C2A A E J Connea.ce v asee I "#** ** **""" # 8 0 d'"'P'""" A to-=: Peeer Co 2pp 44t2e C26 44526 C33 48C21J234 LE A k9 CC1-00 on 890114erreer reted des 9n oe'oene3 e convoi cs-

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  • M 01 '14 E pc 44' 98 C1744196 C22 6401210097 NM Wo 4?t e M 001 Sa'e5 W,Nton F ce F ave ' S.c Mt enrJ P SMA N SL 9 y pro chon Pant FCSS# C E C>vs y' of Orcava E venis Auewme w Fce G G4'ti M 01 27 8602'90109 Dvases 9'0122 tapevo sussoe re s'aie aAncr% ta reaaw% vd Cos Awed Eswe Co e Nea vara inc 123cc 44176 075 44176 O' e e gency c.awSceSce E wa-ates remy se m.a rol te vroertanen t3 swe o%c as
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  • Geva a ye.c.,N f a. tes sera
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Ccrtc Bra"<h (Cov'wc4 C<etr> Cess) to 44353 23'-44354 27E

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ct+ew a "*" *C# j CCAGu'<es CJ 've protecton Aeg<e 1 CMC si.rveunce tests maet of the CWec1y & event 68 01'20 l'pc renyi^)035 4427e 44278 C$$ (Ne3 Cup uN Svwe Cup 4010'31 3ere 44)$3 D8- .

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PJA wtes Cap GPU Serv <e Cup 2r9 442e812 5 44299136 dd2t5 E

-4802090340 irso Rept *0 219 87 33 on 87tM51130 N3 voaws notej Vso 480208f2054 For*a ss pu,r3 rects & gape s ce e4. ccevo rw e PE TW AN C2 reas rsce9ej cwe' ices ra4ron cetror g^,wca. sec#t, s/ve aance wage UN4 & N"'Sa'es nee r'W e >3 cre adv4es ervgerry se & revrpe aied everts ' Ge'e' ar Pvt *c Ut*s Cap GN Sm<e C% M 02 C8 Gene's Pwc Utme CC%GuC J Rerce c C*c of the twector 94 02 21 13pp 442S6 lit 44298138 Cc

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  • n, a 15 Sa'eN e v Rep's M 23 D H 03 & 'O 24
  • H C3 cm etd 9

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  • C 19 1 M n ', ' 9 M 1 m ' 9 " ' 3 met Cptry Cv9) 5 p 442 9 I'4442'S 0%

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  • A te 'evtetM as %C cFaO+1Fs s'a" adr0ns r&t aW ty I I "' E *' 9 I"' M 3 = 3 '" # ~ C W'N ' # b** E "'" Il req
  • StA" a:Ws s441/e190 te CO*Pe'ed GJN iip *4 N 3 "' ' E U U' * ** *I *2I# I E E3 F
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  • E asy R Per'oo.c operateg reports & retated correspondence Co Act,, 444 5; Xa, gags,; yg A 99 Di
  • ese22tc2,2 pesc ym ic NaC e"222 we +y us mav : c-:w*s % $ $01260.,34 vu, e a C C 2Vy'W, E E Ncce'a' oE . ]w**0'sEly Ce; S iaM 'Cyv.c e E w",-a e ,2 r 2a

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  • T E C*t< e L8 Nxer 4802230M2 V .a'*v, twa' g 'er's tir Jaa ' b4 A t' M 'tr Aeact0r 5'ep4'@ Qer eC '08 ins! $ %4'11 14W 4 451 ' 184 44817 2") VAa AE L; C C EEN 3t NxN E C cmve+a = Et w C4 $ 4 C ' 1' 3'n

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  • E w i Corecaw E ase C.c c' N** v ys tN 1'm 4433e ;d 44 ns 3se 3x 442* i m 44;t , W 3

24 DOCKETEDITEMS sm, eon 2 For.ams on, rew<aw s.~ aman e twv., ema+ -n021s01r3 am am . e t,wu Cm,e ,enn s ee sms re mw Ca%n IG-stry Leser ins pr LM seWd feveo pcey arns & chavet* Ccm*=t**nts * < 0 r9 re+4Ws t*v@.q*i Com'arvnent irs p/,le sis & CWid'y actet fohJerg reper-eNA at**y l.3r 31 da,s WR,GMI O C Rege 3 CN N N brecte 66 02/12 HOL YC A st 84 Cowe=e a% 80ERRA Nthesier Gas & E mint Cup 84 t244 200 44344 336 44349.33t t Geoa C4 3cc 44X4 h44%8 M -8402160174Peceos ice Sc+cs 354412to r%ywg reveses t*vcup coetao $8022201,$4 dCevievidsa's P4veg py%e l' eneni rnet cv Je ses & C.a"#pog M1&s scr<*eq rwx= twat 4'y tcr 31 de,s epv st4v & CcNnervss *a,ev.g tar deJ< Na cav's,& serweCv"v'ement NHC ** Ior*4ay gersve konse cert 4a'es ' Roches'er Get 4 E mWt Cap #8 C2 Ce No 44348 31s 44s49 353 Or ever*y isc F'9453 rwir%bDs d rebested ARJGH1 G C Re2on 3 Q8C 9 N CWe(igt SS D2/12 HOL ycaw R Oyreveep 3402160247Ger*r< Lv 68 03 ee sesAv v Gerenc Sa'et, 'swe 93 ' Steam B W9 EcKe Co 2Tc 44446 2S4 44446 3$$ v Asaa.ry 8 eedeader P vs " 5.< est em.' MRAa AFJ Dys,e W ave E vents Assesseerv iPost l*041t) 60 02 r11 C4r%>a3a'ed EMCe CO W New Yors Ir1C 44pp 44$24 016 44t24 061 00 Cati 60 243 OREG084 St&tt Univ. Mt St ARCH Rt ACTOR 8802260116 C*smsws H3211 9 meewy Us> cd meeirq rernsees & v4*yaes e o; Nw e.awaW SW'y ara er50

p. Operstir,g bcense stage docwmerets & corresporteence M T u Nw AAt N t Np i Osc os tre DrCor 6a 02't F SNOW B & RochesNw Gas & IKfoc cop 3Xp 444$2 353 44482 342 to e efte kom Nys erv<*+5 V Ned to h; e emPed U be' CR a e r4 f sM R r NO
  • DI N D WO' BON 8# M OJ' a'e CWW & /e*4n scsW to te mca3 wrw re&M &

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  • D'Ne of P4 wear Reactcs Nya'en Drector FW S 'C e t ti 84 02'11 3cc Ges e Ewinc Cup 2cs 44277 272 4429 2ft 44%2 Ct4 44*i2 (+A

~4402080333 mo Repe % ,44 8 7 23 cm 47'201680123 *e veaws reed Va.oe s'eas esceed s<erve anon on crerwn Ir@gs rev+e N pa^t DOCitt Sc 244 RostRT gwwt? otNN4 ptVCLE AR PLANT, Unit g cce'er+7s oc+rava! sa'e*, verh aw s/veesse te-sv.g pa*4 mant & perox & scecie egrs COAiaCJAep 1 CW of N Cwe: tor M cC2 01 Sgt 442772?4 44277 2'3 O Seevnty. meecat emergency a fee protection piens 8401260102NRC eto M M2 tw m Rcve' Ga+s Sec W eNi $302290109 Chscusws 4 '*122 tauefr/ escuss<e se swe sporertoexanN p LUNN N.#4V R E C>, s.M cd **%sWa! & We@ch I;uoss' ba'ett 1 Post 9 70'A emer'Jenc y e assd<at<e ( Ka a'eJ re%C&se enaf r<4 t'e u%dtate" by STe F'< 4 s p r2 02 Ccesoa.wes a hon Ce v Neo D ors W 12ipo 44296 093 442# 213 to cyavy w reodu4W Eemee OMia e.3 e***p*Ny c-assA a'm ggc20t00g4 NRC grh N W e 66 M3 Cie e n r Siva.rj 5 cort Access Hose Cover MuAuv R R he- 1 Cec v re Dre(t:r 8 7 A 'il 5t6 MAN M Cv sw3a N was g,; m em i$ve C4 ofNew ces ar< Arc 44'39 0% 44533 U63 RDW C E C** we v CWatea) f vows AssenWa*nt < Post t '2411 ) $$ [2:C2 $4C2170024 Forer3s $a'eg.,4*0s f*ss F'est % 244'67 29 or 4 ?t116 23 to v<'asrs DCde'8 M ART th 7 7 Reg y t C4: 9 treCweay 4 02 05 s OBf A R A Rx*esw Gas & 4402020034 ,y NY Eve'r> H M1 De*ec ts r * *s'<fovse Cec #1 Ebease's Sec ni E we< Cap 2pp 44 353 2 77 44 P 3 284 n;55 C E Dv sw # Ckerav+ E ve ds Aswssment Post 070491) 64 C2 DS i -4602170060F an am, onekJ Pe,sC e Sec st, srv Rept 48 24 4 0 7 26 or 0 ' f f '6 M Pe' 10w R2 7M & 73 21) No iric>aWs PVed Waer a $40202M36 MC Bsete M ro? - Rac+ Proc 4p'.rq Fa'e Crasss e Stea es Ger+ pr4*og proct ares orgeNav prN am a#5 & *Evo'f sas & r%e(Ted revs PC & FFe w nw T #eg %c ni enc 1 WAR T N W . W AW N T . s t Mo R R Reye 1 cmc of ev Drewr 4R C T:25 64 sms, c g o% son cd Cwaws Ere *s Assessmeat ePost 47S4t ti M i2 Ct 443*3 279 44353 2*4 cc.nsAsa'ed t he to et %. v rs W '24;S 4433a 33 7 44339 tan $402220227 Forea'1s Fees lo serpt, pas ar h%%%) cdp &a'e er geNSW da e*"e*i g&C202C22g Ni.aC trq N;44e gg 3C4 crewsconcen.e trw STe of N ' pca< e & acts rwe 5'e= s a t%o U CO R '3 2ii maisq., ate CbaWau & [kyyrrentaton 98 5,e camerFe,etaweSeas s,c, ul ero $$OA B A Rxheva, bas & E irtec Ccep SA C2 -12 Car / vent CetrtW [seaYr-pr.,m rne Cetra Cese tp 4442 P $6? 4442716' R 35 C g b,w ed Opr aig [,ees Aswgsmt tFost $ 44 4 9) H 12 O$ Co%mre o E vsan Cc cd Nea vore inc 124pp 4433910144D9 224 J leiswfDate & INseantvly Witoffneteen 4602170026 Fye 4 3s Sa'+gsaos hp Rep 1 % 2 44 9' 29 o i 471 e 16 20 No vcaens r,pr,s U AWN T T Reg y 1 Cwc cd the Dexty 68 02 Q5 a Cf(R R A Rx* ester Gu & 6802170137 F ore s"Jss .E L i A Cerik a+a N A 8 3 & E uysre es 1 & 2 M Ahu Cert 4+ E

  • tric Cup 2cc 44353 2'7 443tJ M4 case VA 26 & t wesemems 1 & 2 Nf UA CeriAa'e NA 71 & E rdyses 1 3 M A* LU Cerid<re VA 1 % & ( h.3yserW"s 13 & [ m17sement 7e to Ni A A Fo.c, ~4402170060 Ma , e-thhe*1 n P5w a. Secs 11 teso k s* % 244 8 7 2e ce 8 71116 M i

N5 1 M tre' ' a.3 A2 7M & 73 21) M svaavs nc41 M ant stees rs.certed Fan & s*ve-O CCA'OR C J Wrsh & MA emaa inc H C2 09 D.N Tl1 C%ce cJ NXear Re *'*^' CrXe4 #es o'2awaW idciTa*' a-@'s & set cros & revs a:Or Rep 44 e Drects iPcst 9 7:4' 51 217rs 4442'; t 1C,444 2'0 326 UAnt A , V AM N T st ,N#G A R keye 1 Cec of the (wectes M '2125 6cc 4435 3 2 4 44 M3 I A4 P. Operating license stage soewenerits & corvesporuseisce SE2110329 WC iso tme M 0% - f re e Anrwaw Cargroe's ' 5 c ni erc 6401210332 Gener< tw H O2 to a4 >>*er ree-tr in emees re ime. yaw treN As p5 C1 Carsm c' Ocerrerw E vents a ssessme<* #w 6'3419 H (2,12 ww.,ent aw n e u m s,c w eno wsm! E e to e % m anc h 44R3 St6 HUd C'S V RA5tiA 4111 68 0' M Ces>=wc1 C4 cdF Nee J Aswx.a'e Drector try 8w's 31b 18% 44N34C]( $ 13W rys inc 46c4 442C2 88,028,,0400 A3 ggggggg rW N 8 71M e&mu g

  • Mm of N M,m, , g g p

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  • 2tg 444?$ 39 444'$ %)

vi 'es6ese to reMst tv &M th 'e R Penedic Operaltr6g reports & related terresp0N$ ente 6802030517 S'^.017 acc.acaw F crea*3s rev"sed for awnd to u e%e TK^ C Sc=e Fayde 14 R 'ehect tesseme'as Mr gera'e & iest of eesc k.e 94 tressens gww Gerweg L D 85 o, tt 880 0 4 32 Mar'*ws ocer s'r res S e CW i84 ' A F 1 'I 'P W>W A Rcxw'er Gas 4 ( ec tm' Cap M C t '?t S T A % f C N*C kCVawJ _NAUA AAF *;OCR A  %

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-4402030634Pnonsei fece Sc+c c*ays ee 'ea:sv

  • c trsaavs

' hxhesier Gas & tiectx Cap sa 01,26 ?;9 4422% 17 7 442 t 143 $ Repor1ab*e occwrrences. L tite & rotated corresponcence 4402I601718orea'Js auncamn Ss a-+m1 to Ltense DPR 18 to 'evne f ee 5&:s $402 t60299 R D on *C."9 Pe a + te,ws tear c a* p Svt5 coran wretA at Nt te pityvsyng reseages We cfv437.mging mnre TAppe gyg & parey vy acteys hA.,n ta e & twe) Cam 1 t, te9tx 4e te. fry agrc.s t $ f1 r30e cordasverW ,em W4 fry ecOe' alma *y 60P 31 Os*s ee F4%? 'e t:1.* (c0F1 ihrW 4 We' a'ea Tethrts, an tasee to Posf & 'se<y4ame.a'ej $5(Nt S & RyPesler uas & E w tre C up M 02 os ST Am t C NRC Na Cee +c W in B A % %w Gas & i w tw vyr p 02 t L Dcicweni Centrce trav A%& ton Gwen tp 44)44 3% 44349 3T 3 ML,meri Ccr+ 0p Dese ) 2gp 44 )t t 3 9 : 44351 312 DOCKETEDITEMS 25 DOCRET $0 345 WILLSTON! NUCLE AR POthtm $14 tion. Ohlf 1 Q Irispect.on reports, if Dvaietens & correspondeme 68022404>4 %M4aw N M29 *

  • N mer+no e Nks e Rep.y3 e to hs.s eeNeeq b $844frSty, fhedac3( $#bergency & fyg prete4tige pleng of .& 5 Msrs M ).96 '0 423 k M llh W term WMhg Etiyng te SAL W eft % 245 & M 3M i & di rmtetives 4402?t0109 C%cusus e N122 !atw.o esnesse.n 'e sta'e 314y4, le *ecesW A4 v1 CN 08 the C*ec10e 66 01714 F4+ya f C4 of the Cve'ckJf

-y oeam t va e wme ma, ned te o m c% $ MMf e "4't C 5 eReI4ssm n * ,c tt,E y i.scq&}r*g u Av or e 'e;4ss6ry N * % hseased (M.t6 er3 emeeIs etCNvreosey at 2s s'etyN t v AN af m t4 Cesv3aws 44020 Mats Ac e *cces t cs w efilos e, eg.m,q NRO c.8 sNrs tanee to cor'ect w.4 E ese Co of bee

  • cre inc aw 44539 -W 44539 %3 tes rueJ e rmcs %cd M 243 8719 Actes ed te eeneeis ty O maemi os NRS JC*1NM C*e * # Rep 1. CWC of the Drec17 M 01 26 M%.Als a t J Psy1*gast

$8020M462 RetW4s b $71214 ftc49 Of woatice & gr;WseJ ar*p3SMe of cwe fg NMW i WCO 4 4s c4 NJtheasl LNWs) 2pg 44216 hf6 4421413 ' 4" if ntWCe*s#it Ac1*06 E A 8 ? 1 +8) C4t'e:ht eckvig eqerreeg} pfIA dafW ca%1a'6 9 Rf Medveyt te.a'<el c(#'i(Wied E Ni ser4* rW3 5 ee f eaj $001IIOO97 NRC InD Pe:-l<e $$ 0C1 $4Vy W*,ecton Pse F aA#e Sec bbt e*=d U 40C28 A E J Nytheast 4Xew Ene*p C4 ISAs of PeffetSt ( tetwsl M Q t '23 h0W C E Cm,w N Opevahcvg t,eNg Aggegy pgl 6t g

  • 3 t g j $3 g t 2r CXiG# rent CoMF 38 Br&TM (CAXWent (ortw Cggel 4;p 44224 223 44224 gM C7Swolated ) 3 Ssti CO of Nee t yh ric l *3gp 44 l' 6 07b 441 ?6197

$402030442 he nvs3s to 471214 ret (e osnya =yi & semwsd rN=:Swt v ca er wu $$32050132 Rev 7 to E me<pi Pan Wceets Pvxea/e (PS 493 Maw hs asy it ne y(eme<4 A; ge ( 4 6 0 8 2 C&%%e 6 l&s ete ve e e ng of t#, @,t+fe) A ave 10as; $h4%.86 e Chi 5pw im3er* Cc<s:<e, N A BCM1 e U M 2hAlJ NythetSt PeAwar ( ner gy Co (L(s of NcW439 Wigt) c&Wes kv MWytyy v4.3Xts WpeW { nci e%he*3 f ee g.a.3 M'4CC28. A.6 J NCr'M46! Uld14: 65 C2 0' KT$ 442th 13) 44;+$ t se V W 2aAEJ NyPeast N.m:*s tr wpr Co 16 4 s cd Nytrieau IA. Hie s) V M 25AIJ b)rWagt L.'M?ws 60 01 i ) Docurv4 Contry 6earich LDxipner* bW '8 b'*48 3 4W 44224 22 3 44224 22% 880210019$ Rir<.5+j emergency (san cremeneg sexe3yes Rev 6 h) CPP 42'4 Ur,4 i Rea3cw coa 4ef & LQsd A 30, rost Accet SyrM & fiev $ t; E StP 4216 Reacts Ccoant & loa A ave Wo Acc.wd Samrq ' A Sm2 + 64420900A$ F crerfs Sa'er, ar-st, %ss M-24$ 8744 MJM 9 7 E & M 4D 97 34 V C 2*A.EJ Ny hau NAer E ner 7, Co # wes cd Ne< N ast U'.W s c*' 8 7 % F 11 N> voavs rievs le8EC28.A E J 47**aC LWs 64 C2 C2 d40$ 44E 719144 K ? 284 M ARI N I I Ar).^ 1 O': Cf Fie NM h v && 01 29 MRT2m A E J Ny'* east A c4F t %t Co thuC4 c4 Nyweat! LNteu ?gc '4423 7 350 4426 5 3tp 8002180131 Revee'$ e'Mym:, csai rN=ementog crxed/es aN.A.rq P4 2 to ( bP  % .a ' A 4'ersy3 $'a'e & 74towa R&M CTw'ata-w P4W (OF A.s *"04 )*M 1 bf Ws M 245 8M4 M 3% 9 AM & SO 423 9? 34 on 4 ' 4G ? Loct Cve%w, Tev & Rev 2 to a P F 4M E OF F ee he,T210est {A' P'sWM 'tr ' 14' m4'av*e c83"<4%*s ac4ed Vevr seas #4+cte3 5.No rateaue & passay V A'T la.A [ J Nyf*+ 3M N giew fq Co Mg of P,ythe gg gyt,ht IAN* f]a* N.% %/ cytW h%DmeNs cd rem &; Pre w.4ht & pasyg VUb A E J Nyr.eeu vwes 68 M W 24c 44x7 243 44x7 29 C4N B % N4m A J Acre 1 Ce v re Lhice M 01,n ace 44t! 3t2 44N 35.9 44022202$1 Fcre >35 nrWp Re;'s % 245 8 ? .13 & 53 3M 6' 29 cm 8 71N13i & rsoNe or voewn Cmei;we s;vs reirJ e 0?Cl3 & l'M 'tre veW1 44012WQV NM Wo he 88 T2 . Lost y N Gaages . 5 vc N em C #i', N ed W R E Cus<* o %w a & Ve1ic a: %u st save #csf 8 T'2h BE II( NMAJ5E N L ReQQrl I (.DC of tw Drecia M 02 m W 1C.2p A E J Nym- 68 C2 W W50.jased tw' Co @ Neo rys oc 92 4p 44M NJ 442M 213 e46! 4Xtty (reeg, CQ (wtg v %y%eaM Va %s) 2pp 4 4 42 ' i A 44 42 7131 -8402220264 6%o Rects M 245 67 33 & 9 3M 9 7 29 ca 8h2 ? 31 v o a'or t WWH W W N*e M WI C>a9 s e inwd 54oort Access h>e Cover se norao -a-s vaor m, a eas-.s rac4e**2 e a.dem,&~ ce precous rac h%1M..Wr a,m:a; securg p'ane +- 9 C w et<r4! E ver+6 Asseua el Fev l'M10 M 02/02 --a m e Ci -IN hAf( [ C Reg-te 1 O'; OS Ifg Drecty $8 C 2 /11 2Wg 44427 ic) 4442' iB #4M4 d IN N I d\ N 2* 44 N $8020904 74 P oves we14MJ res{reve to voa'<es rised e bsc Reg's M 24% (16 M P Operating beense stage socw8eents & correspondcace ' # " *"' ' *M D' N '

  • W"'8 A e'wNNej F"veee e a56x'4?e3 e 'reic'ac Ne raa't $*4evvs (c'mc+'ed Freq

'y 9 99 7 $80lI40400 Nd b.4Vern pl W 19 4 y f'ne-e g / sg m Rep e I tg @ gNgg ret,jpg isNIE 2D A E J h ar't*4 3%f 4 A.M ar ( *ied f g Q jdg (if N st%3g1 t,Jiskie s) cmf ay & Np.estas Orte's 50 3% % 423 a 80 213) tog te'+ cvs 0,e a:' ins 'a 44%2 ' A f J 4"i*+44 Ui kn 89 N 'CJ Cu r*N C.yer as Eus,c'= diocM $ Ai r ta ts.+3 V f 461 % 3 3e J & vid rut a' ves C cr 'Km Cxtsi 3sf 4424 32) 442,s! yt SE C4 H E C Re;rce t C"; o' 'he Chec'er 64 Ci ' 9 4 Re1 CN 91+< NecNv 2pt, 444tt Ti 4445' ?? $402160041 F ree 06 m stz 4c's M idt 81 32 % 3 % 6? 27 & M 423 9 ? 31 ot a M i D 1N4 N-a easy.e rW3 &&C226004143+. aw of 68 5222 rgit meetes e v.s ari arg & P uss 4 ra no as;uss XW.Y 34 A v beg +in 1 L% ca8 r** C*eoce M 02 03 UW.'* A E J NytN ast re%eq esar & Ng* cps nyg w.m c-y+.Ne a:1&s se SA6 0 & W rees N#'es* (v2, Co et of Nytwan L'wteu 2g4 4 4422 9 5) 44422 t '4 NAM E C Reya 1 ,A o8 *+ (*ec t v 89 C 1 ' 14 Ecry 9 On v t*, Ne .ty 2tt 444M )% 44484 357 -880219J063 6nse Res e, w l4 5 s' 32 9 3 4 t' 2 7 & SO 423 e; 'ti ori s ?1 t n t h4 %a mavng or 4.+v. e*.cos eeteJ Va.y 6'est r tep 4601210332 Cae r em Lir he12 to at comer ee+ci >r 6 eeS++ . re teu*gra c1 SateN As (< ).F a

  • E***' #41r /W ( a o ies.t n., pet & cc 3 eee'specwa ve< gnerewrve==ag avvi e th53*"4 Pr'sye'% H ( $1P U t $rs W eV DI e V FN*EL A NA%A O T't@n 1 CN 08 t'4 Det<Ty $6 C1 29 299 48 f Al A F J Aux.3'e Dwe.-s;v ly kowets t&ep 4 54 9 9 ) At Ct 20 Cor We e1 44422 t % 44422 5 7$

[ 7 by L O Ce New Vye WC 4 A'f 4 4;id 3 '1144M3 "80$ $402020034 NRC (Met e. 69 )C i (xtn't e Aestq*ica.,se Cargt (Leat ers Svt hst 4401260637 Cie<4N H 0 t te at t. Ast hcerwes & hc.3 i oe ( ps s r eu Ang ,, NRC em p:+ u e ce W C e E A h a me**v s' ament sw re.n; $re w ex: k355' C E Dew of Cwavraa i vems as.esenent #ve a 'Mi tj hs 02 f 5 U e A1' A f a Ann.4ie Dneay &y e,3.cis Ag s wii) as :.i . n Qv., hwwej t wr Co rw Nee e n m 14 w 44339 225 44343 %4 et4 M t 3b?e CC 4)C4 442'4146 4 42% 11'8 $80202003% NK B.~ete 48 T2 H ap..Fy P' .afegets'g F atwe C'ach t e $1*am Cwa 6602120262 F;.rer3s ud tege ges tc g a++ cer, e~g .e NA[ 3 og24 se: ten 4 t2 er a a Mes Sv: mst em UE Sf 9'y,,c Iih LI D' e +

  • OCW4Ve f e*NL A nor"nent 19-049 9 M4 91) M ' C ' Di

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  • La VWla a F > %% sv N s WWaw I 3+:a U N Neo v n W 12% 44'D 2% 4 4U4 rm C e&r E nedip CC is/ t M 4MMSM UM**%s W X29AIJ N YN aV Lh4g h6 C 2 > 17 7t )C #e'" C Cr* *W (" Sot
  • d VX#Ct C C# 3 [ tat t $ '4c 44'2/ 1 9 .

31 & amue dia 77 77, 4402220211 g ,, , , ,7 F ( rey g615,6*sc g g g7egReg ts jMg#*i ,pipa 3 57;s'q316 g ',i.1 t 7.wpg 4',,2'e .,9 y38 ' t? 'S 9 E 7 4 'e4 A (E N e key f 1 Ca. s,* tw C.amv 6a . J M. UWla A E J N ie ~4402240264 P' c:g s Tee sp:g e%%rg t at* f 21 'e n .4 ne W-y te r, y ese % c +F t vg, C o %f s rd hyve #o i a % u 2;c 4442 t o 444;'i)1 oce aty <Y+G & sv ww a a&S.y d 'a i ' i.eues./ t re e.* A

  • er F we s s ** ~ 2 ' ' f s t 4 4 ,2 2 f 4 a45;2 22 *

-48022 20254,-4 N *n *a M v^ e'-re tr :d* N / e '342S 24 4 1X 1 }t v een -+3N.. u s e %s 4 e 1+.a e cue ce il che, t ,ews e, Lms 9 n.w 3a## $$022%41%) Tat %DJ.sMS b 3e 'adt 1 fr 94 CJ 't r5 Ad t' ,.'tv e4 ( 7? g4 tg ( 6%4 3'e e *II ' t 41% D 6Adik P' F MJ e '84 S ti1*+ 114 T a tt tr aa W O te 9 ' t 1 g r %& W & et il swt {t -(cgr1 in e' 49 c ON)% r3 er.h yg SAP *y . ,A g b ,; gg. 'N??' '*' d 'N [ W. b v e9 l.2 ' t '( 4442 ? ' 24442'i;2 tr'4 SP r ;Weric L P 89 '.2 LY i$ A k ti eM#WJ

  • V.m,2'e a { J (ge y Sg g t y.k ee A t vr r Epo.m f( U4^g 29a[4 N #'% 3V N ,

e a ~$$3222O2%$ %Q kel *n V 245 $ 7 3) & l' 29 m O '120) 31 g ,ag uig . At' l #8 'A*l M A ^ r a e 64 ets4.'e3 4: ier A ,'T pe,'dM3r@gg l 4 wf t &# ,g< g geg y tg per9 v2 ., F ( v gg '[ O t4/

  • f N YTN SC b .#'enf (W Ul= 4 % ? UM ,". # [8 (5' 4n. ' i)XJNM 4 I J Pe M8M 4-919ei eN4  % v4 4 % *f E 4 3 l6C4W%6kb4 4 6#4% e Iti4 V4 h WMW 4e Ff d'+ bDOI$Adbea*f%%

44 u'I3) v. : aH t C % , * (n 9% 3 ., t , ma , 11 N; 444;' U T 4442 7 i3 26 DOCKETEDITEMS a Per eraie, re rts & ,eist.: e.,,es,eneen e o meeci a re ,wa ew. 4 e.,,es,.*e=, 6802160222 %<*% cTe aw+g red scr Jan IMS n'6aO210 ny NE A tWN G .Ast 5 E 4nrtvawr Necear Energy Co Att d tevineast VW 3g02090172 S./mmary of 471205 meeterg a vid Westv570wse & SNL se cracheg & tsesi $<,,,.AC ( $ (' Nyeeasl VIsles $&01r 21. 49 44352124 44352 tit reree of steam 9*merake pr1m e+41s Lasi of a'tendees & vee 7 aces enci 5,0550N V W P*arect Urwssaie s 1 64'01i29 bc=est Drecicrate F1 115pp 442116 194 44266 310 IL Reportalpe GCensrte*Eek LIRS & re'ated 5.rresP.a#e**e 8402020191 Prm tes tot cripetq if Bs#ete 65 C03***eres per r=se hec 4 bO 24?<a4 02 4Ad cu%rw'ted to were r ng trermai overice.Js for 4A satety-re6ated $802030334 it R 67 044 00 cm 4 71229 auc vered stuvt, gas teaterent ice estte me paw vases ous.3e sace d win boa les! f(g v4<ccerir cadJ r*ne3 Caused ty reaW W Tech $ cec 4 7 81 C reWreg We but O A4M b C##C*34'*8 UW CO O b * ' 7* IMC IOUII D3C#0'4 CO'M Ht PA & cha coat at +0me s TKA $0ec e4 te Oeetej n SM125 ly GraNe rDocurrera Cewoe Chesa) 2cc' 44'199 026 44199 02 7

  • ANMAN'n D J K. ACE 5(. S'ET2JP Nwtheast 4acvar Energy Co is,44 of Pesweasn Uwesi &a $1,25 Jegi 44217 24144217 243 4432030146 An*f mar crea'ss steam gene,rator

<< gecoc. sed e.s screasamm vsecyram astes & res/Is W 1647 re*ueerv3 $402260016 LE R 6A M100 e ee31M esaam varve inaheteau, osioned to w r saw W 5 Wscwe3 E4 ton R of Neo yces im 4 042 Docipw MW coag set sto een save tem 8 Cawd tm pertorine* tehe b # cec'w couramg &&%m lOccwner't Crwo Cega; 2 ?pp 44217 C26 44217 052 Evcu'e374 C - at<w WKOmred & $#ca. ease, ccetrots imc*ereNe3 W . 80219 str

  • AM % i ' A;t $ k Nymeatt %cea Energ, Co t As of Nor1reast L.htest 440'210097NRC Irito nae 64 001, Saletr Pirect<e Pice F aApe - $we sst oici

$ cad $ [ Nqrtreast s)ssttes 66 0219 Jcc 44514 216 44515 220. '.OSS. C E Chvwn of CTestone: i vents AsseuweM / Post $7C411) $$ 01/g7 ConscAwed team Co of Neo iors, inc 23co 44 t 7e C7$ 44176197 E Operator Essaierierons a 4402040364 Rea rms pc++ cvs mat eek3 ovenat & camaw vecas meincos not saw IOned ty U$AS B Jt 1 or Sectice 11 ef AWE sooe re ute stiC20 response to voa 8402020174 iMy*s IP'at wt4 fu lor 9er mactar s ocerator or text 4e'alor keases W ve3 e mp Root W4 P F M AW p up recars Wesve$ wawm JCHN570N W v Re9ea 1 Olc of me Drecta os 01/27. BR Au s Consoksates K Alf $ 1 Norreast %Ces* Iner?v Co Inds Of Northeast Uh*'esi SCACE 5 E Ew Co ed Neo we wic tw 44Mt 225-44251232 Nyreast Uves sa 01c2s powent Core Bra cm (Dwe'd Cor*of Ceso tp 431 % y2 34 33 222 4802080337 Dscutus 6401t ? 4 18 teTors teeMg lo astriorgation for startvo of Mce*y cor Cortsmatyy Actori LF $841 Vtd remarued trel reporiq re@.artments of 4402110132,brwmary e4 680127 meeuv2 e& %fd re use of 4sesensor ro' reactor ocer- *'N *#W ats < sUt 1 gnrec a; aw4cv (rsf cd aivv$ees vee ages ence " N Yl #N O N M BQvt[ M L Ptenect NGCt&8'e M 60'02'06 $ OL2.J F pec' rect Drectorate le CO # * #C#" 2N UN COMM4M NW A9p 443M MI 44 3.+6 226 4'O N 4802040233 Act rece at of BHMS iir enormag NRC of sicos tamen to crect voaton 4402170197Ceh tear keawc c<errer rewa%caten Iraewig Crcqams accreo'ed Me1 ai ese % W 24 T. 0 ? 23 t, nan Nw ha Accreo4q tka=3 & tsam3 ucvi sys accroa? tc yar JCHNUON A V ReNn 1. C4c Of tne Dreciar 84 01/29 SE6 MAN W Cor'wn)a's<J VD'2# A ( J C&fect= cut f arece At'/'ine Pcree* Co WPOC2h A E J - east 4# I @#0* CO O' b'* T C'k I"C 2D9 442II 240 4427I 260 swar E vg, Co tbAs of hyweasi L* ** est WWC2x A E J Nr#* mast Ut+1es BS! { 2 i9 DOL Vme N WPOf & aN r. ICOC Ae^f CoriticK Deshi 2c9 44423 349-4442?3$O 4401260102 N5+C wwo Nm<e 6tK2 ' test or $tnen Gas 2es Sec sst enci CUNWB AM R E Drcson of OrdAtosi & WeSca, Svctear Sa'p*y (Pool 4?O*294 58 02'02 ConscMa'ed Ih3m Co c4 Nee VQrk, loc 121W 442W 093-44296 213 OOC tT 505247INOtAN PCPNT $7ATION UNtt 2 8802010044 NRC tra o Net <e 64 cc3 Cracts e Shrowd Arc =y14 cess Hoe Cover We++s ' $<c sst end E Sewity meescal, emergency & bre preI+etion plant RC55 C E 0%on ed Oce stes; tiens Assew'ent (Poel 9?N t1) 64 02'02 Cesscates &ssm Co e Neo vers mc tI?n 44334 2'$ 44336 336 $$02290129 C*s usses 6 'C'22 taretre hyseon te s' ate esmy*y to reciass*, W HWh *HC We  % w DM haws"k W e*WNeNi c'a%skaW I sca a+1 rescorte may FCl te tg%3eriat ee t>v s' ate ' *t? s's e-am, f4E L LAW R R He -ass,-e I bec dmed eye re C=ector %tit mv AN W Cesol=3ated , c .a s,~ a. 9 E N a* E *Na Amum aPw e Wt Cesowsated E 3sce Co ed Nee vers Inc 14To 44339 23 44340 C04 ti H c2 M ( h3rt Co et hee cre tM, dyp 44a.39 M 44539 063 6802020035 NRC IL/ set.n 64 0 2 Rapo, Procegareg Fawe Creces e $'eam Gen 4 cia *o repas mePods nel sav eraw Mes 5 c hst een 4602m364 Sea"<ms pobwe.oft%at AW ee*1 wabode te ute 9 710/0 respoase to vio C EaCheson of Oceraves iveNs Assewner bon d 11 U$A b 9 31 I tsnu,.y.E e RO6-5: 64 G OS Neck.e *w rim,eee.s e Peee Mw JOHN 5 t C*e A v Rep 9 O c ce the (wect-y w e.e us,ned C-~ n um Ce ne 'h n lun u3n's <Pc+i wums'04 tx ?il & $soe Oc 01 Nem VM inc 2c'f 44251 *25 44251232ta '01/ 2 7 Ek AW S Conswsate2 8302020223 NRC Wo Nptge 66 M 'eawate MAcap & CwmentaW od F ee f errer F'tetWahon 6es s ' $wc bsl end 4602160039 A Corse,1ve Re+ cons e..We tre tto4 v,estees ac+2 e esc Rec 4 M 24 f 'l' 22 on t r113 RO5 5 C E Chree of C4erates f reme Assewnent (Post s'34 t t) 6812 OS er mat' ed te estaked an RMR Pump 22 s%yeg gqy C&sWaW IW Co Of Nee M N 124W 4W IM 46 224 c ates Heoes's Mav 6 fe e4*0aern B*s AU $ b C ysXe*2 E au Co cd Nee vcrk inc 68 T2 C4 Documere Cores 4402170129 Fy 6 os mso Rept M24' 67 39 ce 871X ? Ci No vio s'oas noted b8aNh iNc#ent @Ve Debei tW 44)67 C3944)(7 044 JCaNSTON W v Repy 1 a f 1sce Co & New V.1,s anc p'ppO 44334c ^1g N f*e Dre^ 44334 tar H O2 06 SEWAN V Coasv dava 024 6602240364 etc<*s CM'%sso' of s'a" resc&se to F M Rcebyne t'0'20 str re poss - tse arvs es testmyi, at 1 *al Pc=N 5 ecw Pniceesng on kne Rookvre n +480217013$ tesc kerie aA 24L 8 715 o~ IM207 C9 Ne voaps notes Maor a>eas ly*"ted 1"a' Ov< 4aC# 80 4%eN41e eJLA3 he me.3e eee ( ehaNe & le+p reesse especied c'acaq e steam gercrasst u sper snes lo FansW come @'tn met 3 6'I mL C v CM cd !%e t eeu e Ceecem er Ciperatices 86 C2 / ia 2ECM MDPEETS Bf AN'HA . Com"tssvre+s 2W 444 9 333 444 76 3'A 4

  • L RC M M ^ M4 4-5 R H 5405 N D( R JR F=+gim 1 Cuc CW t'io CWettor H 'O t /

11 $ct 44)$4 C?a44354 C24 P. Operating 6 cense stage eocuments & correspondence 6802180039 RescoNS to voet yts meed e enu Eept M 247 5?22 on 8 ' t 103- $$01210332 tEstwes Cwectwo a:toaboav hewests fee tance B te e man Maee.a n te reavd on RMR Pr$ 22 norma S4rh sesse'e^t PGe*eric LW 64 ^2 to 34 pc ee,r reglar bCens4'es to mtef a'ed $ately As BE AM $ C# eda'ed f yi Co c' ee 9 ces Mc $8 'Q2 06 DOcJ"ent CortOf Bf aNk CWoment Car of Cesel 6cq 4436 ? 039 44 3(' 044 V 4G t A F'cTa* s Asv.cIf re USA P M t.v Drecer Svc F%ersi ctsenc (Pos' 8 'N t H B6 0 t W Cceesalet f hDn CO d Nee t 'ye i% 48W 442,2 319 44K 3 M 8632170230 hus's au e Pe sec ed 4 vr w.# ewvce eu pga= Pan kKMe1 on f 4%T) ethe 60 049s Or 148 Cate 8402 0 105ea'c<+s ita$ second e sta v+, ant cd F V Be aa'iN+ tee for ogers ice v %ces, st r A A V $q s!&k#b pa*3 oa94?'22 Pa7ent meSe wNor teyest LO5m V M hw Dewe 19 et N a BW $ B ksww Ene Co N Nee V ors mc 4cp 44 3f4 CO 44)63 C 'l L&W'34'*1 i h #5 Co of N4'e T Cre ec #9 O1'27 Docve'er4 CFf7 flVaNB 10Mamee nt CMPcp Cese l 'S 442812'7.44/g t 2 77 $402230278 Fcrea>35 i s%sM Oi,aAcaw msg Rep M 24717-M on 4 ?121410 & re'; tie N vecmaley' NRC ee r+ye scensee cs8 entyc ement act<,e sOr s.e vayavs 8602090173 NONa',y* 9 SOK9 meet's e ad & Nv5 in %cev#e US to oosse ta we2 s we.N men c4 gsq c ge1 gr.eq pie $45v% V V s&t Drecimate 61 M C2 '02 CAs* A A A sne.;' Drewya'e e JCmNSTON A V Ne)M 1 O'c d the be,.f y $8 'C2 /11 OR AM $ C/eWda'ed i 9 3f@ 4 4 )14196 44 314 tM IM'* CJ O' N#* Yora me 23 4 44M 2s4 44464 313 *S$C2230244Mti e ofvrmaW h w'*i er sc or $ ? t 2 9 4 $ $ s oake ncdeJ pysc hort teens $402230007 N;9 *r av c1 Up M*iq $4 C22 ce 4W26 e wta e > eg of P946-a C A

  • c CL (***t'a'=rs kes no R ' d se a s iCoWsse@ <aCA5esMFa%e

 % Al b ANO P hepy* 1 CN S the Deredy $$ C' 16 ke2<in 1 08c of !%e Di*ccly be }O" I CN @ 'he C'ed.# 00 C2 Ii Ic 04464 2N6 44464 298 2m 444 '7 M 3 44 e v v4 -4sc22M301 emp Rept M 24 ' s ? 3a or t '1214 't watoa ncied Va v a* e a s s W d Cae*ieric san 49 shscedei ckeW a*@ s'alus o8 Cabe scWes ats7ceted e Wsse Heds Cat 4 pgee $502140247Gerwasc A ir M 03 re te%Je issue 93 $'eam $apq t am & ter m ra tWe s locaW r s le reaci 7 ' ort as*%en! & A s.a1Feefesia Po mes he w ere W h A ~s ,2 4 I .i (sumw M h eraWe' t f yeatg A ssess* cat d POs t 8 '!.4 t '; $4 l2 1 ? C iHi Ci b 4V% 4444L29'5 e9Q 44 464M R 313 ANN 951% C s herce

  • Cwt v Ine Cre*ict to T2 -

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  • A J Asma'e C*ecWr Sc8 P'C'*('s (Post 0 0419 64 J1> 2$ Cornre Sa*W $ 8 CorssNa'e3 f ewe Co of Nee 'cas nnc 0 7'12 3 9 40 0 44$13299 W HEA A 'as>an Co 4 X9 44M4146 44256 48

*eae 44513 K2 4402040274 Awses that New 197* 4ev t M Emt ten Tconcai Rept BN TOP i inung r'etv no2,reevalue&matoo med S. Reportable occortences. LIRs & related correspessoence A%3t R E A Csvwe=+av E d w Co 68 f2 02 Cupent Cor+d firaicts (De ment Contros Leial tp 442 7s 0% 44v4 056 8401270279 $#vmar, et Ote am) ReacWrs Everds UvetN 49 C2 on M0112 re ever*s e%cc occres seNe tast meetsN cri tot 06 L41 d eMeMers syi4 ans ee $60219004$ C%ssis 68007 teicce te'eeen LD Bsreded NRR & Aefy to eW sreros t' eted e% N NN O r%mter W caNyveerie genevaNes clue *or A4 ,1Trce u of C 14s!s & L ANN #3 Awems & tadeet.-e E vents of urgpranch Assessreene te"* lonoevo awgments 64 01/15 R0$5+ CtoEte ccve of CDer cv,4 r* testec exe+ Events Asseween' #ost 8?0419) topp 441SS 1h444S til HOL AMAN G V Asss ont Cvecice for m & Repn v keactors 64 C2 05 euTTE RFitLD L Cvvevae E $w Co 2;9 444o4 tD 44434 23i 5402100006 RO CW* 660109a- tMa ed R 27 rNpwor espereged eierm.Merd 'asse e+s'e uno eas e%ne & eetsr=ng to set kce* rebe=N ovta,ie Denestue chtStr7" cor*fv1 8802220311 Neues tesat esta ed respyses ava ac-e u e+> dera e Sects.c 2 2 of er @V ed ca ses creWates Deintvs cces%wer pa'ts reg >ased NA sarc40c e=as.ahon tam rec 4 EN V 5 Cesouwed E aso* C4 of Neo v cro ec 64 C 9 29 Dxsaent Co^rS 5 t AC v; A Cemceeem E am C4 Sa '02 1i cay.S & B, 3 Ou of tre Branca 4Doci meet Cosa) 2sc 442iro t07 442s4 Q4 Carec ut 1p 4443 7123 444 9' 123 $40209021$ LIR $?-C?O (C Ce 471231 feb'stan ce le*p Seiettof tRTDI CcnAd ed te ggggg$0443 sg ,,;,pg c,e gg)1}y ,cq,p,ygg go NRC 39112$ gr te Garc-sbC evah 4h3n tww e3 g lo terme + $se 10 env"<ent tea 1 terW e4cmt*3 e'ne* r tes'* 'ept Respy'se ** te 'eveses as NRC Cor%Pe'et sta" awta#s #wt 49ed t'T RTD heesemens er RTD eos to te vapnr tvit fot ces R D iea3 esos rec,t 9a't actms teeved to te comc-ete3 &raN 1964 C NTCH5 h 0 D C*v s v5 o' H P spee3 NE 6.FC1 RatNS S RBR AV $ $ ConWated E SKe Co of Nee 1cas Inc $$<C12 30 gg4 q 9 y gg g 3g pg gg C co,oom reveea %cos . m Co t" E SMn 'v v2t$ & Praects 444fd 327 i ost 44499131 $pp 44257 DS 44287 342 $$32230027 $ cec a rept ce f0126 Monoce H 27 c?entea*y d4Cormect*3 to roesse N, 9 * "# sie or sempe hae from 14 e lo 1 2 eicri Sampe kne r'od ccwTeled Vyv'or en ') ,, R $erfell to te ret / red to see ty $6?219 p,JSS gg9T444gg Prewtyrg Cwedora:e 4g4$7 jg u 2 8402 to BJTTERFILD L Comsme=ea'tfi Emn EREW 5 B Consp3a'eJ Eau Co v Neo v ys inc 64 C2 Bar e (Lex /neet Cevoi Dess) 200 44432194 4444 in '16 Dwment Cordra 8402290292 Respy=3soctopones 'e e'ed o' p>svated NRC tavn t'1222yerepast aree gtotc<veary est W 4ase Rev tyto yopc4edross Nt CM134$P 8402250314 LER to 001M ce 8C117 vescior vct+1 ose to ma n e cam sa'a*v va're 4 'e a'ed s4mN $xs e' nam P' esse r eq reca e m S't arq te'tormance e s'arcscrere rehef wave strcee test M'A Conssted to ver*, 5LADV J A Comr'*7*ea th E o scr5 Co et Ob 19 VAi y T E CFNe o' Noear se'gr=r* '1 va*ves 4 sNe e tesi przeise rearsed A.990216 fti DEL PE NiO J G 6% AV 5 8 Cornoaied E sm Co of New Y ork tri: M '02 '16 "ea'o' Ae?sa'on Cwem 1%i 0 9 t ti t.os 44517 44 44517 ;23 (40 4446J 146 44463153 ~4802290304 Rev4ed Ev e44%e o A9er*.re LPCI %eeg Bvs Traas'er k

  • emes
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'2 caverste esengs DOCKET 50 240 TRicA W ARE I + syynt a tso, .nc 65 c2 '19 2*w 44517196 4517 223 F. bewsty. medicei, emergency & two protechen pians o respect.o.i eeports it Sdetma & correspondence 4402240344 Ftres Come'wste of s'a 'ewse to 8 M R0esor'e D'N29 It' re PD 08012 t0097 NRC W3 N*e es M1 ' Sate 5 erte Poe i sue 5<utev lae er' Cts en te st fn@y 39 199 3 Fda" PCaril $0@04' P'Oceedng Ce R se RO* Ce e- Kg C[ N g,an y Curgteg- [ , ears Agnegereni ( N4! $ 911) 36 C1/Ji kvmed tr al de;4sCe lo eva'%eig w uj tpg prq3e ogs e a2.ance cd ta i re+4M @g,yn3 peg [ 3.m (4 Of Nga y yn inc 123gp 441 ?( Q'$ 441'419 7 S'Fa0 v CN os Pie E sec A e Cuedor 'or Cse'ams 68 02'19 ZECM ObfRT5 bt EN'naL commeseers 2rc 444'5 33^r-444 75 354 8601M0102 N4C W 4M H W t est w Stw Cws ' 5 c W em

i. UNN *e bg A M R { Drgn of ordsgina & MtN W 4x es' $4'eN 4 POst SN12fn 7


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F. Seewap, med. cal emergency 4 tre protection piens s ets 5<c3'em NOS5 C f Crw-se d CTera v a E veen Assenme.r.I .P c41 $ *0411 ) f 6 ?? 02 GN'3a'ed E 3 e CC o' Nee We vic 112pc 44De 2,5 44 b! 3% 8602160143 F orer3s teo6acements for Atta:nme e n 2 3 & 4 y g y,i3 pt , ,, c $*aN G e Aff R l'e"S 84 6 3 & le i ccmer'urg g1ernate n,a , gg pen gggggg s W SLADVJA Corw*eatn E.sw C4 8', 51 ' ? V AEY T E CWe v Neear # 8 Y Ob* ' I ReacDr Re244W CWe,Igr @Osf $ 'C411) 1(QQ 44 346 246 44}46 2$1 Co'4M3res f au Co c4 Neo y crk h' c 14:59 44DJ 22t44340 %4 Rev 3 E, [ D 4 $802140371 C a c48'43r'Rev4ed Of 4ceree"'Neesse baie k?re F e-J As brngwe Cataergency 4 cy 6 gD E4")D argwementy ss $402020035 gru ojjes ecs,,NN Bs+t." H M2 Racer, Pt:$ap.rg F a4e Cisas e S'eam Gen ' C*ierm?4W W 1 Ne9 l ea:safM Nages & CaGa1& of C#'C4 We'Oe es a' '"if tJes ' Svt hst et f lRMSCI lI Cor"<%r' mea 9 E 3We C4 $ ?/12 31 1XS 44%# 333 44M C72 N)b$l C f D r4@ Of Chw r@@ E reNs Assessel 1%1 9'0411) hf 02 0$ CFDida14 3 i $wn Co d Nee Vcws Inc 124;4'i 44316 33' 443b) 9;C L Fmanc+al s'itormatiori 8802020228 NN ire 4-Ne H 0:.4 ir41ewa'e Cua N ew & toesretasm v f ee Ba"e'r knet'sW ka s Sec Hf 9%.8 64c2260153 -Comwir een e E $$ce t ip t ann,a' Petri ' A T W 23 fir Mb C I D d W*' awe > t et A ssesset #w S N 4 5 9 ) 5.6 N M Ccem3a'e3 E's"u Co u Nee Ycra Mc 124;5 443 M# 1 P 443't9 224 o WNN~AJJ A iOL e M C.y nneeen E $ san C3 t ' > t 2 31 44:e 44%t coa 44M C45 4402110328 NN tris 4:we 64 Cet Fae e Anspicav Cet s Carmeis Sec es' e'"ad J artsurance & meemtwy endormation SC W CE Cwse cd Crierates f verts Assestr'ei est W4 t il M N '2 C&s.M a%3l$s# Co CENee VOrs ert '(TC 445./3 2% 44$24 0'$ 68012205t9 Fares'ss Eaoso meos e 6 S & 3 to NE i.. A P;,< es N t N 2 N 3 % 24 4 E N 42 N 4 3 % 7 ' N # 3 % 6 3 N 01 4 % '04 &Walw P usV2U3V2vy O 6802260147 F ~rm e Se $4*+>, esc Fiec*n % C C H C2 K 2P S' 4: & SM 4 9 e t M E u 42 W 43 W 71 W 43 W 93 V 1C14 V 130 (' 8 Mr e *0 ' 29 4 Nk e M vo aV OSTE RJ Cce esveta? E tem Ce to C 1' 19 D 4 t2 i CWe os Se x >er Res.ty IME ' A 6 GN7**a? E w Co ha 02 is PE E D C Np 3 CN d the %pe?@ Caireetar @cg? $ '5411) 24.sp 4424' 146 4424 7 221 IVecic# 2TS 44 5~ 6 C4 0 44M" It 7 -8902M0149 Nr%ce v v >av eca swc ce s ' int #901.>6 s ese we3 'a'are to p Operetsng bCense Glage socwitealtt & Cor'esponee'*Ce ta6 e c v'ecw acters ne rev*,e 0 9 9 $ vupav 9 Tes

  • 5p.< f ew 31 1

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  • Fionca Power & Lght Co M'02419 1300 44514 046-44514 060 Lght CO 2pp 44298 027 44298 047

~4802100110 Notice of votabon from eso on 8711231228 vdatsons Q. Inspectson reports, lE Buttetes & correspondonce noted recuremerts of Admmrstratnre Procedure AP 0103 2 not property imp 6ernemed at Sept 1987 e shdt relief Iwnovers not docu mented m reactor operator icqbook 8802100295Fornpras bsp Repts %250/87 50 & %251/87 50 on 871,1214 No yo. WILSON B A Reg on 2. O'c of the Drector 88/02/04 2pp 44298 029-442M 030 hadons or decaSor's noted -8802100118 inso Repts W250/87-51 & %251/87 51 on 8711231228 YdaSon HERDT A R Rgon 2. C4c of the Crector 89/01/12. WOO 0f.C O Fiorda Pcwer & noted Maior areas asspecied backsrsft esos e areas of sn%al & montrVy Light Co 2 4 44311 207 44311 212 sur vedance maint observat ons & terews ESF s operabonal sa ety & facey mcds BAE WE R.D R , MCELH!NNE y.T F . SCHNE BLt.G A Regon 2.' Orc of the Grector 88 -8802100301 Inso Repts %250<87-50 & %251/8730 on 87121214No vaatons cr ceveons no'ed Mapr areas rspected mscector tohte-up stems 02 r03 17pp 44298 03144298 047. > LE !NSORGE W P . BLAKE.J J Reg.on 2. Otc of the Drector 88/01/C1. 4pc 8802020034 NRC Bupetin 88 001. ' De'ects n Westrghouse Carevit Breakers Svc kst 4431120F44311212. enc! 4802100296 For*ards Irwa Repts 50-250/87-45 & W251/87-45 on 8710191123 No ROSSI.C E Dms.on of Operatonai Even's Assessment iPost 8704:11 88/02/05 vcatons or oemafor s noted Consolcred E& son Co of New YorN snc 14000 44339 225-44340 004 WLSON B A Regon 2. O'c of the Drectu 88/01/14 WOODY C O Fiorda Power & 8802020035 NRC Buitetc 88002. - Aaciety Propagatog Fatque Cracks e Steam Gen-Lght Co 2Fo 44310111-44310133 erator Tutes" Svc bst enct -8802100304 Inso Herts %2% 87-45 & %251/87-45 ce,871019-1123 No vcaatons ROSSLC E. Omson of Cera%naf Events Assessment (Post 8704tti 88/02/05 or dev4'oca ncied Magor areas espected arvtal & rnontr#y sur velance.maet obseu Conschdated Essore Co of New York. inc 124to 44338 337 44339100 watons & receas E SF, opesaton&' ba'ety & 04d"t ever"ts BREW 1R D R. MACOCNALDJ B . KEL%NEY.T F Re9on 2. Ofc of 17e Drector 8802020228 NRC Into Noence 88-004 'inadequa'e Ouanc4'on & Documentaten of 88/01/11 2109 44310 113 44310 133 Fee Baaer Pef'evaton Sea s " Svc kst en-i RCSSi C E CV.xr of Opmabonal Events Assessment IPost 870411) 88'02/05 8802100414Ach recest of871125Itr eformrg NRC of steps taken to cor'ect veiations Consonda'ed ason Co of Nee Yorit. anc 124D0 44339 101-44339 224 noted n inso Repts 50 250/87-37 & %251/87-39 Resconse reeets reoure-nents of 10U R2 201 8802120178 EN 88@8 0n 8802t t.nobce of propased anpos, ton of cml peca'ty n PE rES L A Regon 2. O'c ot the Drector 88/N/14. WOODY.C O Fictda Peeer & amcunt of $150 000 issued to hc4 see Action based on two Sever ty Leves m voa-Lght Co ip 44310 166 44310 166. t or's evoMng mult@e radures to rnantam postve access contrar ROSANO A P . L:EbERVAN J Ofc of Enforcement Post 87G413) 88/02'06 to a 4802100471Ack < erect of es1116 str cJe meg N7tC of steps tam n to cor ect viceabons 44341 155-44341 155 noied m Ingo Repts 50 2% B6 33 & 00 2'I/86 33 Axl cia Aatons te DHR pcMy demcrwrate t*at pot cy cons-stent edE B4etc 6012 8802120260 Reovests uerwon of time to respcmd to vcabces noted e inso Aep's REYE S L A Regon 2. CHc of Ine Drec1or M # M /14 WOOCv C O Florda Pooer & ve act.on ppAosg7 25 & 50 251/87 conm.tment.eurrent contans stays29&Enc',st4aton dmags re crgral lor enter'se E nctccrect'vid

s. te (ret (gnt Co to 44307 133,44307133 p.

10Ct R2 79h 8801210106Fcenards pecoretary respYse to votavs noted e irso Rer*s %250 '87 WOODY C O Ficr4a Poi.,er & Let Co 88 02.C8 Docsment Control Branch *Dtcu-47 & 50 '51/87 47Inc. advec re' VXIR2 790 & 73 21) enent Cc strol DesU 19 4434 W?-44342107 AOCOY.C O se o Po << & Let C 0 88'ct /15 Documet Corced Branch (Dec+ meed Corit .3 L ee) tp 44 t04 272-4.104 274 8802160120 Fonnards Sa'ety into Rep 50 60/87-43 4 50 2it 8) / 9 on 8 21207-11 :nso team tcurt er rv ce o' ryw* cant tryovemcr> m ruany 1 Sa'ety evata 440210038' Act rece# of 8 F t214 8tr c'omeg %C of s ec s teen io cor'ect W.ntres ev /4 m ' sr Rec ,50 253'87-43 & 50 251> 8743 on 8711'? tons t..ver cs ?1 y' e c4 Reacar P c,,ects .1/u (M 8 4411) M 'C2/10 WOCCY C O V APG,A $ A&@ve 14 h1 Co 4pp 443f1125 44359143 Ap? Itd2.4430' C4c ci s . Drectar 88'0U15 WOOov C O Florca Peeee & AE ES L A pe4 power Lirra t.xi 13 44A 114 6fx20J 218 Forwaros ta'i Aev A to lE inse Pme&re 82412. ' Emergency Respo%e -880216,0128 rote mprovemeniinso Repts 50-25'b e ,paher 87 49 & 50 ni & compieteness 251'87-49 tCCF A50 on59 8712t s#ety' 1etaNabe No vcates ct. FacMnes Accarsa!" Tvam leader edi ccMact acc<cor#e cogrvzsnt emegency pre- med over past VW a*eas escacted record revsees & rieuews e wsonne' a<vrate to cerm scheoed appraw r$AIJGHNEY.C J . ARHOtV L J. CWLt NS J E CWson of A* actor ; soecton & c reoness persennet m o EJte of ye Dvector 88 01/29 WOOCY C 0 Flor 4a Pe**' Sa'eguards (Post 87041 0 8*/01/21 14po 443511M4435' 143 COLLtNS1 u 490n 2 & Lged Co 39pp ^4222 0194222 051 at:202035* ',Ascusses Envoa Quarat.oe inse Aeps 92M 870$ & D25t/87-08 i _r P'03406 & tcreards rWe of voate AOSSJ C E Cwson of (Jperatona' Events Asse sre ir ost 37?A t11 9002/12 HEF .)T S A %9 0n 2 OM of t** Drector 88 01/25 AOCOY C 0 Fm34 Power & Conso6wed Edit y Co of New Yyk. Im 12000 44 223 2'6 4 4524 Of i Lght Co 3pp 44t991444199 in 400 Sc sarcs resonnse to NAC h.Aete 87 CO2 rir fas'een tewq 4 cktermee -4402020355 Notice c4 voem f*om esc on 87v3C2 06 Vedaw roted Aar#em 4802170,mance=aream cong vi e cs As tas'eners tow mp'n Ice ccintnec scace amraion s* eves for omfed sovod orested vaws rot es'aled m ce$- ug, ton snar to seces tes:ed e HERDT.A A Aegon 2. Cac c4 the Dvector 68'01/25 200 44199 128 44199 130 WO,O,O,Y p, ( o 92 C44358 O,SFlords 167 44358Power 258 & Let ro 88 02112 GRACE J N Aegon 2 08c c th 4801210097NRC info N~<e 88 fXt. "Sa'ety %ecton Psce F aA/e

  • Svc kst enct 8802180329 Ack recect et B71118 paymeet for procosed c'v4 cenaty e amoun t of 00557 C E D<se of Opera c.ral Evems assew'+nt (Pos' 870411) 68'01 27 5225 000 per NRC 871019 Itr Consos.ta'M F3sce Co of New vyn inc 12?cc 44176 075 44176197 L1EBE AM AN J Otc of En'orce"eN I Aost 870413 88/02/18 WOODY C O Florca

*# A @ # ' 9802020094Forea'ds hsc Aer'es W2D 87 49 & 50 251'8? 49 on 87120711 & notce o' (<orav O O I N ' 2pp 32 44 -88mm9,mec, - - e87.,t~ Ws,,e,memp,o. 8mm348 ~~ emea r-a ., Cv 8 e.sao vce prccer nOf 44 ton to cia ^t s4F'v%& pr<r to t'ov^) h@ ra$aW levei sea- Womy C O Feca power & LTt Co 8 7/'?,Ji 3cp 444r 044 44430 46 ma'er ie*cton pst*C *Jter & 0,se ra'e ra3ciogaca' ConPo's raceQEe 8802110018 For*ards s/wa v of mgmsYt iVOS) *ew, retts per NAC 67'019 COLLwS D V R9on 2 O'c o' tre Drec17 88'01/27 2cc 441M 323-44190 324 or ser -8802020107 eso Acts W 2M 8? 46 & M 25'<8 7-4B on 8 71207 t t . sa Ws AOODY C 0 Feca po*er & Lft Co M 01/12 GA ACE s N Ae;on 2 C*c or me noted V3;ct a'eas svactM creen.sN de^t 'ed 10Ms.@ Vns orga% 7.Va. & r'qt Dvectcr 30cc 44319 042 44319 v71 Coetrots traq & @A4aWS av,4' ors & 1E Wo nCXes 8402020?$8 F rea 1s rngt-on-sYt **et', tur ~'a', rept cer NAC871019 caer l AL2O G B HUSE y C V Anon 2 O*c ct t 4 Drectc< M 01 '25 t2co a4 9 90 325-44150 336 6000v.C 0 Fuca power & Lght Co 88 < 01/20 GR ACE.J N Aege 2 cmc cJ t*e D<ec1cir 350c 4419' 338 44198 v'3 4802100021 Ach vep* o' 801 t$ Pr eformeg NAC ci s*ess taken to co-ect waWs ro'e e inso Acs 50 250 87 4 7 & W 251 6' 4 7NACc<ston urv?a v2W on h Se02030087 Forea*1s t-* eat 5 sta%s teot on iach d',.us ng re eat ccen'eg u res censaa *cH*d vcates & ccerwance tre os CLINE W E Aegon 2 O*c ce tre Director eelt < 28 4000<C O Fiorca Pe*er & GA ACE J N Aeron 2 Ofc of tre Drector 88 C ? 2' AOCCy C O Florod haer & Ley't Co tp 44298 124 44298 125 LPt Co 3cc 442^2 001-44202 006 l l l l i 30 DOCKETEDITEMS -8802030093 Forwards t>=ees9 status rept on face'ty oscusserg recent operatng 8802190103 Formards revised response t, vid 860201 comments on Ovestm 8 04 of eveats & per*cemance trersts GAACEJ N Repon 2. O'c of the Drectot 88/01/21 W.'< LEY.T E C%ce of Nvcicar 860116smor reactor coerator ucgrace cuam Reactor Rep.datort. Drector (Post 870411) 3pp 44202 004-44202 006 WOOCY.CO Florca Power & LgN Co e4 02<03 GAACE J N Regon 2 O'c of the Drectcf 2pp 44445 022 44445 C23 8802030449Formards sumreary c4 rng*on-sVI weedy repts per NAC871019 order WOODY C O F wea Power & Let Co 88/01/27 GAACE.J N Region 2 O'c of the DOCKET $0 2L1 TUAKEY POINT PLANT, UNIT 4 Drectar 51w 44216103 44216153 8802090302 Forwar3s txweek'y status rept te recent coeratng events & perfomance trends W, o rept F. Secunty, med4 cat, emergency a fre protectiori plans GAACE J N Regicri 2. O*c of the Drector 88/02/02 WOODY C O Florca Power & Let Co 3pp 44374 340-44374 345 88020304 $4 F&aaros otaect,ves of P80217 emergency pian emerase Utd *-a conduct esercw */Sta1e of FLDade Cou ty n & Moriroe County emergency response agem -880,2090307 Forwards t *eeUy status rept te recent operatng event & performance c'** tre ds WOOCTC O Fionda Power & Light Co 87/12,04 Document Control Brancts (Docu-GAACE J N Reton 2, Ofc of the Drecor 88'01/29 MvAL EY.T E Off<e of Nuctear enent Corirof Desh) 6pp 44225 283 44225 288 Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). Jpp 44374 343-44374 345 8802030218 E Inso proceare 82412. Emergency Response 8802160250Forwarcs tv aehry statss rept on facer?y oscussing recent coeratog events & pericamance t ersas Foraards Face 14s Argya dra't tai" Team AnnA to 'a Contac1 approprete ccgwdnt leader ernergency pre-paredness personnet e orqarszaton to confrm sche 3ded acca sai GRACEJ N Rc90n 2 08c of the Drector 88/02/10 WOOOY C O Florca & CULLAS 0 M Region 2. O'c of the Drector 88 r01/21 WOCOY C O Florda Power Lft Co 3co 44352C2b44352 031 & Lght Co 39pp 44222 013-44222 051 ~4802160259Formards t,*eevy status rept on facety for880121 0201 Recent operat- 8802020094rwwards 6nso Repts50-250/87-48 & $0-251/87 4A on 8 71207114 notice ru events & serformaxe tiends oscussed of wston GAAC-E J N Rege 2 O*c of the Drecu 88rC2/10 MvALEY.T E ONe of Nuriear COwNS O M Aegon 2. O'c of the Drector 88 C1/27 WOODY C O Florca Power Reactor Respaton, Drector Most870411) 2po 44352 C30 44352 031 & Lgt! Co 2pp 44190 321-44190 336 4802190031 F oraa'os summary o' mg' on sN+t needy repes per Cominissaon 871019 or 3er - 8802020099Nc$ce of vaaton trom eso on871207-11 Vicdates noted ta4ure to prcs WOODY C O Florca Poner & Lyt Co 88/C2/10 GAACEJ N Regon 2. Ofc of the vm proper not ticaton to caant suc+ry sce peor to rnocrg hgh raMon sevel seal Dreciar 4500 44462 173 44462 217 .rer n.ectre pump taer & dose rate raoo6cwar conv>s r'a*:7; ate COtUNS D M Hegon 2 Ofc of tN Drector 88 01'27 2pp 44190 323-44190 324 8802180092Foreards rteysted schedsse & S) surnrnary report V Dec t 987/e%cte9 rfo as 08 8/1215 Comp +te i,5 rec 4 *a te rssued e May 1968 -8802020107 nsp Aepts M-250,87 48 & 50-251 r87-48 on 871207 11 Mater s WOOOV.C O Fcrea Power & Lght Go 88:02/12 Docurnent Contro# Bronce (Docu- roed wwr areas espected creviovoy coetf.ed toewup stems organizatea, & rngt trent Controi Dese 300 44367 C46 44367 048 contros tramg & wa t<atons av gatons e & rE mio riobces AU20 G B Rgon 2. O'c of the Dreco R8.C t /25 12pp 44 trf3 325-44190 33? 8802220306 Forwards seiect sys assessment pac >pess summary & performaxe en-har'cemeest crcgram schedue crange tar Jan 1M8 Coc4xetion date of performance s 8802040334Pe.*seo Emergency P'an imp.e* Proceotre 1301. ~O"Sae Emergen-ee^ancement propam *Ncn evoNes reccason of eoepmer's entenced to 880229 cy Orba om W OOD Y .C O F iord4 Po*er & Let Co 89'c2/16 Document Controi Brancn (Docu- WOO vC ORoster Florca "Power W< 860201 & LghtettCo 88'C2/01 20m 44251202-44251221 ment Contros Desh) 2rp 44429127-44429126 88M1@56 km W 87tm y eq e w m eN N mg y 8802250516Foraards umma<y of mgt-omsvt rects per NRC $71019 oroe, on sMt crogram prcgress in SALP Category 3 3'eas of trahng & secsoy & manl WOOOY.C O Fiorca Fc.*er & L ,t Co 88 '02/17 GAACEJ N Regon 2. O'c of the W8 C'0 M9 Wi"f & 6 ' 0' 5** 5 ** Drector 41pp 44895 224 44495 64 GAACE'J AN"CW t pon 2 *0'"O'c r tneo M * *9 Drector 68 'C2 / 04 WOO'D r C'O"**Florda Power & LgnI Co app 4 4317 258 44317 3Ct S. Ceportable occurrences. LEAS & related correspondence 8432W2M A*S'C5 M*^50^ O' W D 'esecM to vo.atcas ro'ed e inso Aevs 50 250/87 25 4 50 25 t re7 29 Enci conta^s cwa +s re orge4' cc<w! re acton 8802110053 F%il 88 005 on e80113 manr.,at rea:ior tro nt.ated cet off normai hTpY## "** O '# #" *# * # proceo;re Caswd ty us of cower to rnovatee grcc+r ccWs Urvt *a remac dm for appros to ca rs ose to carme leat m cacopy seai W rod D-8 WOODY C O Fkeda Powar & Let Co 69/c2 08 Occument Cetts Brae (Docv. CH A :STENSE1 H Rep 2 O'c of tre Drecor 88/C1'15 to 44317 35A44317 050 ,ncW Contre Detti to 44342107 44342107 8802010145 Specw rect on 871223 escore ouadraet po*er tot rato esceeded tech Spec 69 1 ty 2N tct hote f"4n 24 et Cassed tnr rmseterWatson of R Ger.ersi conespondence fecyemeats Defe; tor currents c4 Na M & oeteC10rs CAD C4 sed on Cs'e^!s WOODY C O Foroa Pe*er & Let Co B8 '01/?? Oc<vment Contros Ewa-rh (Dcci. 6402110121 Aa.m tSat W F Con *ay na aname oute., of Seno v<e P<escent-rrer4 Contsor Desh) 3co 44t66 3C4 441% 306 twear eHectve c n 26CMt 5,te wxe presssems kw cri c<aNb & <<e pres +ot av 8802010153 LE A 47f33 @ on 871225 controuedv sn idoen reacv trceed vea ctear evgv *a reDt to WF Cenav AttseJ o%t: orpa"wia'Oma' chaft enCi sosce range e+;n r,euw r WCCCY C C. Florva Power & Lft C4 65 01/15 GsACEJ N Aeg<c 2 O'c of the Drector 3pp 4432' 121-44321 $ 2" og tro sgnai Cassed 0,on nos t.ate eadeg. p cwocedure untecked &Proceoutes octector *ent out ofWwe cFanged o o omass-684122 m H ART R D. W DODY C O Florca Po*er & Let Co ee '01 22 400 44183 325-44'93 328 P. Operatirig bcense stage documents a conespondence 8802020288 LE A 87-034 00 % 871229 man u al reacict tre kce accgs 7A rea: tor power oc:urre$ Cosed by oxh ccritast= on ove sceed ccetexer u* 5 vnacepc er reg Contaus tren & cSpa^e1 mouts to re4y 640s' actor 6 ta't- W 60826 4r 5 Pws We d v, ed vm ,, g m w*e, NCON w , $$ Penar A trrt Co 8e 0106 GA ACE J N A+ 'on 2 CM et ?e HA RD WOODY C O horci Po*er & Lee Cc C128 .co 44196157 [ Dracw 2cc 44300 239 44X9 24] 8802160172 Sooc.a: rev t<e protecNe s s FPS) marme-s coassk y c' rNnta), rev or FPS men.cNs us ed c/M vropeNate o reo3s r PSW.a'on os 8402100452ForeaMs osans of sp+ed sa-ioe araws c+rer'v1 u w W Co"<* r ccwecensstory r% esses co uevq am MeasseweNs Fropam e resconse e e 7W > <ew '. WOOC V C O Forca Powe. & Lei Co $8 T2,Oe Drumeri Cont 54 EvaNh Ox ument COrstegi Ocsh) Scg 44348118-44348 322 WOODYCO Nv3aAc=v&Ly9t Co 88 W i i m a %E J B Aw 2 C1:of we Deeckt 20044W 3444W 3. 4801170345 LE A 663X100 cc e O t 13 urst encerenced turt ne vtact due to 8402110298 Smar7es events c' 87t t t8 meetq te' een i<ersee & WC L<ensee & coped comici rod assr% y & e anua' satetcal reactar tre cccs ed eben an c'eseated Ma: art paa9 per 8 7 5 0 ! 9 or $er Ereacce w: maje c<ese nta control rojs craced eto cc'ee CLsed by personnei e ror Personret cconsew W e Toa & ** periorm snoepev3e".RC asc t P ar.pecses amra sr crcrya+ c an ori 6 7tMy W enci 8802 t 2 pr AEYES L A Aeyon 2 ')ec of tN Drectc< e9 01115 WOOOr C O Fuda Po*er & HAAT A D. WOOCY C C Fooa Pe*er & Let Co e6 02:12 Sco 44357 C20- Let Co 3pp 4021097 4021 C99 44357 C24 5801210332 Geaerc Lir e 902 to al cceer reactor '<ers^es re ^teya'ad St.A, As 4802230028 Scecw eept on 8 "219 s'ar4ty %3*aw pveno (SPF) fawd to sessment Prayam it eSAP iq Sec r st enct stori f4vsd ty fasJe of SFP mcty Ove to faae3 2aerenta. cress /e senscv Motor V AAGU A F J AssocSe Cvector f y Poec's 6PW 8'0411] 98 01 2^ Ccewoaw, recored & repared Neo hee eOcatct Fb6657Al es'ah, E S%on Co e' Nee T yt oc 490o 44M2 M 9 44203 X5 WOOCY C O &<<ca Pc*e* 4 tsN Co M C2/16 Docurrent Corto Branch (Doc # mer4 ^vtroi Desel Soc 44432 116-44432 116 8402050097 Sutmts Wo n cetaWe d ^t avg SSF ccea' p O< 3ese for W AS4140C Ca'eggry 2 rucase ge ccetet e 97 T

  • rg reg <fse tc Gevr<

8802290154 LER 68 OC2-00 cc Et15 ACS pressse decreased & 625 to a:cv% cs;M Lir 87 02 CoNro^e' taws staae3 e ee:t Causes ty de'ect.e coatrcw for vane FCV 3 45 repace3 W:s%222 v WDOOf C O Fvda P?e N & Lf! 'o 69 021t Dr.m! CoMW Branc* Cocv-s ert Ccen Ocss p 2pp 44259 2y> 4426,2p SAL AVON G , CCA A A v W F Fv/da Po*er & Let Co 68 C2 22 Scc 445 3 273 44513 277 880209C521 Acreav v rew to L cenvs "N & CW d' 'an q currem re o;reecat ty se'e*, rNed<e aces'vavs & :cas wamg "euev's <!c cee r V. Operator EEamina!*ons Mrd' ? kr Cre'aV WCten & o"e s#.e4 4'<e secV F ee pad y%Cy 6 C O Fceda Pone & LgN CC 9e ' ? C J Dc< AN Co? ) f rav .CW rnent Cet of Desel e:S 44287 C35 4429 7 M 9 8402110111 Grams $5c*ewa , eaycem f*c<n Teca Spec Cracer 6 6 2 2 to awe Pea ce to sure as coe avs sacervemeat ved rece veg sere rea:Or -8402090530 P xosed Tect Scecs tan N c ree' wee-+" hr saw e.ew a Ctes or hceese cv v4 TKn Scc caa caj to ca.e'e rev* neat chavs & corwda'q r *yerecars rf y v%t g ce4 '. n ' < op. wax e sec GA ACC J N Py 2 Cdc cr **e Deecv e9 91 r15 WOOCv C O horca Po=* & te & ene s/.esaxe seWe L ft Go 2pc 4 4 321 1 t 9 44321 120

  • hcr a t Preer & L9*? Co 6% C2 03 1 'cc 4429 ' 041442a
  • ce g

DOCKETED M EMS 31 8802190001 F ormards ssnmary o' a;t on shft rests per NAC8710 9 9 order 88020302!8 Fcewa 1s dratt Rev A te :E insp Procedae 62412 Emergency Aesponse WOOOV C O Fwca Power & Lft Co 86'C2/03 GAACE.J N Pe@on 2. O'c of the Fastes Arpra+aa ~ Team leader *4 comact approcra e r ccgniaN emergency pre-Dwector 47pc 44444 ?$9-44444 3)$ predn(5s personret in organitaton M conbren scrw$uicd apr<a sa! COLLINS.D V Aeow 2. Cec os the Ovector 88'01,21 WOODY C O Fbda Po*er 8802190052ProvwJes psbfcaton for Bo0!29 res. test for 24 n d scretenary emarcement & LVt Co 33pp 44222 013 44222 051 from renw eraents of TeCM Sort 3 01 Prc<*dures acccstance cr.teria 4 a&found e waves ran e t*en a20asbe vabe 8802020352 D>scusses Erivvan N reaion irsp Rects 50 2% 9tC4 & 50 25U8748 WOODY C O F'ords Power & trN Co 88'02/03 GRACE.J N Reyn 2. Ofc of the on 6 70J02 06 & forma *ds nctece cd volaton Drector fpp 44444 248 44444 2 2 hE ACT.A A Aegon 2 O'c ct the Daectcv 88'01/25 WOODf C O Florca Power & Lgrit Co 3pp 44199126 4419) 130 8402090313 Forma %1s viewpaphs Cf 890125 rnontmy engt sneetog te quarter *y upda'e of pencrvrance vr.ancement program -8802020356 Notce of voa'on trem eso on 870302 06 Voahons nc'ed Raychem WOODY C C Fic<da Powe< & Lar4 Co 88 02 04 Document Ccetros B anch 'Docu sce='e msaton sweves for cpaced so.erod epara ed va'ves not estased iri cond - rnent Control Jes4) 900 44,NI 18 3 442o8197 te snar to sphces tesW HE ADT A A Regen 2. O'c of tv Drector 88<01/25 2pp 44199128-4419s 130 8802090277 wt(av o8 f BJ223 26 eneetegs in nW4:4 VD to escuss open riems te Tech Spac converson e%t 8801210097NAC Into NotKe 68 001 "Safety Irwcton Pipe Fadute " Svc hst enct E DrSCN G Pract Dre(1 ora *e ll 2 68 '02.05 BEAW.QW H N Proect Drector..e it ? HOSS! C E C>v son of Oceratonal Evects Assessment (Post 870411) 88/01/27 3pp 44294120 44294122 Cn'%@!ed Edson Co of Ne4 Y&k. Inc 123p0 44176 075-4417619? 8802160075 Surninarr of MOW rneeting a N14 e Bethesda UD re revem scredde & $802020094Formards insp Ncts M250,87 48 4 50 25t <87,48 on 87120711 &retice westmes 'or preposed Tech Specs converse Veeting anendance Ast enc 1 of voaton ED SON G E Prcect Drectcva'e H2 88 'C2. 08 Prorect Crectorate 42 3pc ANS D M Nagon 2 Ct v t'e Dwecta 88/0U27 WOODY C O Fiorca Ponet 44346 t99 44b6 201 e Lf1 Co 209 44193 321441M 336 88021601:3 Surnrwy of 880128 meeSng */ut4 m Bethesda V3 re Tec.h Spect rev -8802020099Noke of from eso on 97t20141 Voa'ons roied faNre to pra pec9ect Veeteng a' tex 1ces & a2eMa ence vvte proper rotbcaton to p' ant surerv sor pnot to inceng he raSatcn devel sea 8 E D SON G E Pro-ect Dva ter sie rt2 68 r02/ 09 Project Drectorate u2 Sep *a'er *Necuon purnover & ekose ra<e reqcar cortro s madewate 44351 027 44351 031 CCwNS O V Reg ce 2 Ofc cf the D<ector % 01/27 2pp 44 t M 323 44190 324 8802170160 o ng Tech Spec -8802020107 frtsp Aepts 50 250/87 49 4 5f>251< 87 48 on 8712C71 t Votahons A@caSon 5 21 re descrsfors tor 3 core of reacic' mends to Lcenses to anee DP431 use of riaturaf U &&remova DPA-41 c a9, of leakeg Ivei acW Var'V areas espected crevous y dant.f.ed toMaup etems orgarda'enal & mgt rce Fee pad ccetos t awrg & qw bcatans avgror s & +E rio not<es WOOOY.C 0 Fiorda Po*er & Lft Co 68 02<11 (bcument Co^ trol Brancn (Occw AUZO G B HuSE Y C V Aegon 2. C"c er tne Drector twCt/25 12pp 44190 325-rnent Ccetrol Deso 6cc 44420 ?3144420 337 441 N 3M -88'2170168 Procosed Tech Spec 5 2, Aeactor - changeg descr$t.on for reactcr 8832100021 Ach recect o 880195 NAC d sieps ta en to correct voa9 ens cye ?c anon use of ea%rs U a d remova< of leatrvg fuel rod Acted e mo Rects '4250 B' 4its 7& etcry2s1 50 '87,47 NRC pos. tonn u charged on 6-

  • f eca Po er & Lgat Co M C2/11 fp 44420 33r 44423 337 censee+F43 vcat&S CLNE A E Repon 2 C*c of t+e Drect3r 68 C1/26 WOODv.C O Fhyvia Power &

8802250513 Cc,Wms 890228 tenon te*een S Fer ell & HO Christersen fe 833302 Lga.1 Co ip 44238124 44298125 rngt rneer ng at sae to 0-scuss ederencent appra sa' ct f aco 4 ofree rssues GA ACE J N Regen 2 Ofc of the Drector 68'0416 W V C O Fotoa Peeer & 8801260iO2 NAv. Wo Not>ce 68 002. T cst or Stmen Gauges Svc test enct Lght Co 2pp 44495 341-44496 342 CLNYNGHAV A E Div son of eresirw & Vexa) Nx. ear Ste'y IPcrst 870729) 6a C2/02 Consordated Edson Co of New Yor= mc 121pp 44296 093 44296 213 8802180267Geaenc Lir P8-03 re resoluton of Generc Sa'ety 4 sue 93. ' S'eam of Aueart I eetes'er Purec s " Svc kst enci 8802010084 NAC Wo Net <e 88033. ' Cracks e Snr%rf Sypggt Access Hose Cover V.A AToU A F J Choe of operalma! Evt c's Assessmeat (Post 67J411) 85/32/17 W e45 S b5' enci CceschdaM Eason Co d New York inc 440p 44524 016 44524 061 ROSSt C E' CMson ei Oreraval Everits Assessment Post 8 70411) 88 '02 'C2 Consc* deed Ed son Co o Nea York tr( t tkp 443M 225 44334 336 8802290060 Accxaton for amen 1s to OPA 31 & DPA 4 trecsq Tece Scec Secton 6 m dee'e Fayes62-14622 re orga%zav charges a"ect:ng onste & 8802100094 Forwarfs inso Aap* 50 250 67 51 & D 251 < 6 7 51 ar. 8 71123- 1229 & cete c. ^a hiTton Fee pa.d n%Ce of vorav WJODYf O For44 Powan & bon Co 86 02'19 Document Ccetec/ &ancn (Dau. AJON 9 / Hevor. 2 C*e d te Dreaar as 42/C4 WOOC f C O F uda Ptwer & ree<4 Cov's Dese 7p y 445t4 04044514 %0 L g'st Co ?pp 44b C2 7 44M C47 -8 40229Cc64 %;m i a Tech Soect revsq Secton 6. ' AJ%rvwa' ve CoNvs ' k - 88021X110 We n' vo W hv' em a 8 71: 3 V'8Vo M s deCe f cJe 6 21 & a 2 2 & rep ace a recte gerecal orga9ta'ons' re<premee's 'Y Id 'W e'"e"'5 0' ant'a' ve Prem edure AP 0 303 2 rx /coem r? era ra r

  • F r pr a bo.et4 L.p C a 59 C2 '19 13sp 44514 048 44514 C60
  • 5* M ' * **4' W1 SON 8 A Rep W1 2. C 'ac d ae Drectseww M M2 ten"vec ex'I owwn**<2 Os 2op 44239 P)44298 OAw eactor coco Q trispects& reports .E d#ettra & corresporidence ~480mm m %s M 2M 87 51 & W5S87 51 on e , t t 231226 sotae neied V,oy a**d s est ecw hacW twcs a seas of erv. W 4 rno' toy seveeancs pan' cMen,ates & revxas Ns ccereteu #y 4 isWe 4 4802100295 Freards mso Aars M 250 '8tM & W 251'9; 5C te 8712'714 *o vo- B AE A E h D A . leJE LkNNE y T F scene E*U.G A P.apon 2. Ct of the Urec:or B8' ste or cerates e s ied 02 03 175p 44?99 C3b44298 047 "E ACT A R Rt gen 2 ON ce tN Drec17 6B'0$/12 WXcv C O Fkyca 6 cr &

trp Co 2cc 443112^7 44311292 8802020034 Nm Netr BS 001 De%c's n Westnq ow Crcuit Euemrs ' Sn ew -4802100301 mc Amts M 25] 87 50 & Si25U87 50 on 871'51214 40 < 3avs er AOS S) C ( Je so^ et One awai E s*a's Asse ssvf ht B 7N1'l N 'C2 C'* cmavs wc Vsor areas r>SEtM rscec'or fcr%4p ne"i Cesco wsd lov Co d Nem Vcws Mc 'd'V 44U12204 G4C N4 MtbN50 Gf W P . ELAk?JJ Aegon 2. O'c of the Drects 88 01'07 4p 0 44311 m 4411' 112 8402320035 NC B>W 6e or2. Rap 17 hM Jag f W s C aca s 7 #*'44 Oe^- erase TMs Svc bst erd 6802100296 Fornards insc Rev s 50 2M 9' 45 & $0 251< 8745 on 87109 91123 No e ACSsi C E Dvson c4 0:e aval E ve'rs A v:sset 'c# / 7/15) Be d? '05 vic avs et deva'es rWed Corwy4med E cuan Go ed New wa A: 1240p 443 e ?3? a3s3 G0 WNSON O A Aegon 2 ON of tne Drector 88 ~0 t r 14 A000Y.C C Forda Pe*er & LgN Co 2;c 44J10111-4 :310 133 8802020??4 f A. wio dot.ce M /jos. madewa'e Ouaut< , ton & DowrneNav of Fee Raver Pere"av Sea s Sec I st enci *-4d02100304 Msc Aec's M 250'8745 & SO 251,87 45 on 871013-112'3 No votaSces ROSO C E Drcson of CceraSors E ver 84 02 05 or cev.a*cr's red Va y a eas twected aanvas & e vetNy surwaxe mset ctseo 'escMa ed E 3sce Co of Nea vo n124pp 6mc 4433410144339 'ts Assess-eat 224(Pcst 8 704i ti watons & revens ESF oceavat sa'e yr & pian ereNs BMWE A D A . VCCONALD J B UCEL+NNE y.T F Aege 2 O'c v the D<ector $&O2120176 EN e9M cm eM2tt resce cd pr^pused vnvosee et pena 4v e 6& ct f11 2t g 443'] 113-4 4 3!0133 awunt of $tM.c( to bcersee Acv based on too Seveoy Levei m vua-tes evyweg rev+e 'a ves to eaNac pow <e access ccctor 8802100414 A3 - vpt cf 871125 't* c8c<ws NDC M stecs 1a809 to cceMt vo'attes POSA%Q R P . LE SE AV AN J OM e E ^'7cerrent (Post e 'C4136 88'02 06 1p i reted n msr A e 50 2M 87 33 & M-251 87-M Rescese free's req.orerrems cd 44 341 155 4J341 155 l 10CF A2 231 F<E V ES L A A4 i 2 Cac of the Dweety 96 01/14 AOOOV C O Florca Power & $802120260 Aewes*s evenson of t.r^e to rescond to voa cas netes e mse Aepts Lyt Co ip 44310 966-44C01% M 250 87 25 & M 251 c A 7 2) E W coe'a s deta -s re cg% cor ecise ac'on ccmPmN ce' eat s'aiss & p s-A a v fy ede%cc E nci a ttred tref $402100471 A;t ecee 9 Mit 94 'tr Worwg NAC of sters tamen io corvt coraws 'XI A2 7so) xtes m leso A+c:s 50-2M 6433 & M 251,86 33An c arNavs re C+'A pcMy vCOC r.C O rwa Pe*~ & Let Cc % C2 :4 Dcu+^t con os B a ach (Ca# oee ps'.ra'e + at p>cy ccess&t a '.E Breu 80-12 mt Cont ci Ceq 'o 44142 117 44342 'O PEYES L A Pe7e 2 09 c the e Deecty B4 01 ' 14 AOCOf C O Ficeda Pceer 4 t yt Cc to 44E? 132 44W 133 8802160120 Frea ds Sa'eN tr s; Aects M250. 8 7-4 3 & M 251 8 7 4 ) ce 8 7 $ 2P. 11 mso wa+ 6/>1 essence v seca^t vrpo<mm n da .ty of sa eN evava- a 3801210106Formads crocvary 'escese to v+a'crs reed e PSD PeC?s M2M e7- tons Ser Lav y* 47 & SO 251 9747E nct *we<f ire' t"CF R 2 7 9G & 73 2 t) v4 A 34 S A Dvse rd Aea:ty P<c,mts . a (Pust 8 ?C411) 69 02 10 ACOOf C 0 WOCOf C O Ficroa & op Co M c1/

  • 5 Dxuratat Cortro' B axt'. len F byca N*e & Lct Co 4x 44M i $25 44351143 enent Ccet*') Dese ) 13 44 tlA 272 44'34 272

-8802160128 esc Repts M 2M 97 49 & M 25 ti97 4) on 8 7120711No m a? ors 8802100T32 Ark recect of 27'214 'tr c'armq NAC of s'eps taken 13 c&'Et voa!cos r=W-J Pacr?<e'wN n dr it & ccec e'eness of 107F AM $9 savtv evavam cte reee e rso Aer's M 250 B7-43 & M 251< e7

  • 1 ce 475112 serr M c<ver cast yr Va,or a eas rweed <ecr/d sevens & ettrceas n 6erverei 5 EYES L A R(tan 2 C*c o' t*e D. rector n 01/15 WOCOY C O Forda Pener & NA&NE Y C J . WPrOL V L ) . C LW N5 J E Dve of Aerfor especie &

Lft Co 1p 44 E 7114 44 E7114 S O ' +y h #0st 8 M 41 t } 8 8 C t '21 idec 4435$ 1E 44351143 32 DOCKETEDITEMS 8802110328 NAC trdo Notste 88 005, r re e Ann unciator Cetroi Cabinets' Svc kst V. Operator Esammations erd Rosse C E Dmsson of Operatonal Events essessmert (Post 6704ttt 88/02/12 Consc* dated Eason Co of New Yort Inc. 12000 44523 2%44524 CIS nee f e

  • c,e,,

Tuh x.ons h Cwier 6 6 2-2 8802,110H1 g % p,yc Grm, in g,,y,m,, swenNendent unti recermg ser9e 4802170400Formarcs rwsoonse to NAC Bonet,n 87402 re tastener testeg M determne crerator hcense or unt4 Tech Scec cr'anged to deste reowemer*t contormance */ app 6 cave mad specs An lasseners found acceptave for contmued GRACE J N Regon 2. 01c of tne Drector 88/01/15 WOODY.C O Fiorca Power & use Lght Go 2po 44321119-44321120 Orector 2po 358 Co 8812/12 GAMJ N Aegon 2 Oc of me 4 8802190103 880126seterForwads eensed vograde reactor operator resconse to ute 88020t comments on Oveston 4 04 of esam 8802180329 Act receo of 871118 parment 'or proposed cue pena 4 m amount of

  • 8225 000 per NRC8 71019 itr Dr 44 0 445C LIEBERVAN Power & LghtJCoOfcIpof44M6 Enlarcement 31t-44366iPost 6704131 68/02/18 WOODY.C O Fionda 311.

DOCKET m254 OUAD-CITIES STATION. UNIT 1 R. Periods ope stmg reports & related correspondence i F. Securrty. medical, emergency & fire protect 6on plans 8802220348 ~Aecorded Anrua; Whocoody Esposure Data for Cve7 " We880216 itr WOOOY.C O Ficnda Poeer & L'ght Co 87/ t2/313pp 44430 044 44430 046 8802180371 Reesed pergecy plan rwmente g rprocedures ecbdsng Rev 3 to ED 4 l 'Cawlaon of lod >ne Re4'ase Rate from Feu As Sampe Data ' & Rev 6 to ED-50, l 8802110018 Forwards sumtwy of mgico shdt (VOS) aeee rrepts pa P.AC 871019 D s g F E"GUS'"ON R B Commorwaith Edson87/12/31 Co" ***"imp ' 1 Aem 44368Evacwon 333 44369 Ranges 072 & Cawaton or On ae i WOODY.C O Florda Pcreer & Lght Co 89/01/12 GRACEJ N Aegon 2. Orc et the Director 30r9 44319 C42 44319 C71 8802030412 Forwards inso Repts M2$4/8842 & M265'8842 on 880105 07 No c.o-navs noted NRC cg:terwstic that pegam cresented at880108 wa ten e e 8802020258 Forwards rng'est 't wecoy summa y rept per N AC871019 cro , inre y W to rnprM emergence prepamss oryam WOOOY C O Florca Power & Laht Go 88/C1/20 GA4CEJ N Regen 2 O'c of the H-ND J A Reg.on 3. Ofc of tre Orector 88'01/27 HEED C Commceaearm Eden Drector 3fpp 44t97 338-44198 313 Co 2pp 44224156 44224 2d 88020,3,008,7,F,orwards gg g pngg breeeUy sta'us rerd on faceh escussng recent ocerateg events -880M433 Inso Repts W25CB8-02 & 9265'8942 on 8801C547No yo.atons or oceaboos noted Varor areas rispected rtems centded n Pov 198 7 a so a ruta G4ACEJ N Regate 2. Orc of the Drector 88'01/21 WOODY.C O Fionda Power & Lght Co 3pp 44202 C831-44202 0C6 'Ne* PLOS*i of 6C**se'E T J. SN LL W'vtatms b imcw erne gency preprMness prog am Regcc 3. O'c of the Drectcr 88 'C1/27 44pp 44224158-44224201 -8802030093 Foreards events & performance t,> weedy g qs stabs rept on face Oscuss ng recent operatrg 8802040172 Aev 3 to Ernergency Ptan empternentag Procedure (sEP 185-0. ~ Onstte E s-GRACEJ N Regon 2 Ofc of the Drector 88'01/21 VJALE y T E O*ce of %c' ear es Drector uvementq P'oce@e Reactor Regutebon, Drector (Post 8 704111 3cp 44202 0F442C2 006 ' ha th Esson Co 88/01/31 7pc 44254 35444254 3M E802030449Foraa<cs summaer of mgt-ortsvt eeepy rects per NAC871019 oroet $802240088 Acesed emergency csan enc 2ementq proceses ricoong Rev 3 to OEp WOOOY C O Flonda Power & L@t Co 88/Ote27. GRACEJ N Reyce 2. O'c of tre 140 0 ' Mact Direcica & Rev 3 to OEP 1401 vact Deector imp 6emer+ng Proce-Drector 5 % 44216 103 44216 153 he

  • Commcceeattt1 EGson Co 88'02'05 dec 44453 ?t5-44453 218 8802090302 Forwards ty*eeOy s' abs rept te recent operatmg evems & ce'rormance trends W/o rept GAACE J N Aepon 2. O'c o' the Drector 88/02/02 WOODY.C O Fiores Power &

8802170411 Nre a' $s Sa'eguads insp Aec s 50-254<88 C3 & M265/99 03 on Lght Co 3pp 44374 340-44374 345 880111 14No v*ontons noted M ALLETT.8 S Aegt 3 C*c of the Drector 88/02/08 AEED C Comemnaea% Esson Co 200 44 364 C47-44E4 CO9 -8802090307 Forwards brace *'y stabs rept to recent operateg event & perNamance veNs GRACEJ N Reger 2. C*c of t+e D'ecur 68 01/29 VJALEY ( E O** ce cd Nuclear -8802180013 Pytyy eMed Physical Securey eso Rep's W254 88 C3 W265/88 Reacar Regula*rvt Drecace t%st 570-s118 R$ 44374 343 4-374 345 03 on 880t1114 oer wra73 251No ma 'ect'veness securW svogram ants receras a'ons noted vape a eas inspec'ed mgt et-repes KNCELE YJ A. CAEE D.J A Reun i C*c v the Drector 89:02:0; 1p 44364 009 8802160250Formares tweeeUy stad>s rept o 'ac#y recent operat,ng events 44 % 4 009 4 pe"*ceme Vends GRACE J N Reg.orv 2 O'c ct is Drector 83'02/10 WOOOV,C O Fionda & irght Co 30p 44352 C27-44052 03) 8832260071 Fore sids ma us w 6 '1

  • 01 & ' ea ter eva sorn re Ace R comcoam

& e60222 25 aAt Portes er evams */uw connents cw'y rearned Tatde con-tanng comment & evauter pr, f a rt/ nterd % ptAcstori tar change enci -v402160258For*ards treeeary s! abs verot on facey6 880121 4201 Recent operst- O'NSON M Com'9Ca* E6 son Co M'C l'9 p@LE y ? E Oxe of Ntiear ing events % oedem'ance trerds c,ascussed Aeactor Regjatson. Drec' or < aest 870411) 800 4 4 44 102-44504 153 CRACE s N Ae9on 2 Cnc ofP tN .hreetor es'0b10 ULAtrY T E 04tce cf Nac5 ear Roactar RegJaton. Drectsy i ost8 70411) ?pp 443',2 C30-44M2 031 -88022 soc 48 Fr/*ards safety esawtion of841218 851204 BM625 0722. 6 709301001 & 1123 Apr R = er*teon requef 5A$teration of tre protecton teaNees for recaci/a-4802t90031 F sawaros rsu wary of mgt-or 54) e M repts per Comm.sson 8)IJ19 tre pumr noto ge.neraer axepu ice oroer WCCOY CO Farasa Pcwer & trp Co 8002 to GAAC ! N Re3on 2. O*c cd the AOSS Ese Co1 M Ncem 2pc Deectora*e 44504119s in ? 87/12'11 BUTTERF:ELO.L Cctnmc n**#h 94153 Credor 48 44, 4 432 173 44462 417. ~&302#0099Marme$ t,0 saVy ervaba'cn supporting r en.sest for esemptiorst from Ago 68021WM rer.a A ev >gra1+3 seeve C/S) sumrnry ercrt kr Dec 1M7.rcec: rig A Mo ks or 6712*% Comr+e US vert ** te .ssued en Vay 1966

  • Project Drectcrate rl2 87.'12/11 3300 44504 121-44504 153 WOOD 0C O Fiorce preer & Lyt Co 88 02<12 Cccument Contrcd B'anch Cocu.

trent CortoiDe9) 3m 44W 346-44M7 046 6402180314Rersed emergercy pv ryernects.g prxewes nheg Rev 1 to OEP 8807220306 Forwards se'ect svs a,sessment proevss survvu'y & Cerfor ance en- 5604 SchM.AN & Rev 1 m OEP 5M1 ' ScNdv6sig of Generatrig Staten Emer-Nncoment propam sche 4Ae ca.anr for Jan IM8 Corveton dre c4 certcamance pncy P'an (GSE P) Eur%4 &ance Reurements - Commer *eam Edson Co 88'02/29 9pp 4066 302-44356 310 erMacement program eV v5vJfves revaSon of OQupment enterced to $80229 WOODY.C O Ficrica Power & Lgna Co 88/c2/16 Document Contros Branch (Docu-fnent Cont'ol Dep) 2cc 444M 127-44429128

1. Financial anformatson 8402250516 Formatos summary of r%wWt rects per NAC 87139 crde' AtODY.C O Florssa Pc*er & L9hi 8402260153 'Comrmr'=ea'in Eesan 198 7 Ann ua. Aec4 ~ W 880223 str Drector 41pp 444M 224 444M 264Co 69/02/17 GR ACEJ N Re9on 2. Ofc of the O COWORJ J Comenr*eatn Enon Co 87, t?'31 dorp 44505 00'.,44505 048 S. Reportable occurrences. LE As a related correspondence
  • I* N *T'd # N I ***

8802160172 SoecW rec 4 fre pr'atecton sys (FPS) recar ents cons-steg c4 montNy 8802110009 AmeM 6 to maa'ed FSAA W 871120 fir rept of FPS emc4tments ecur'ed durrg amplementa'cn of mods WC4emervaton of M60N 1 M C4.r'v'iveeaan Esson Co 87/11/20 uvAtE y T E Oa<e of Nucieae Cornceesafory mc4%/es co*eving Pwt7 Ae9/anc .. Ovixtor (Post 870411) 214cp 44313 293 44m 146

  • WOODY C O Ficrea Po e & Lght Co BA T2/C8 Document Cetrar Evanco (Doc-urrent Cor troi Dep) 5pp 44349 318 44343 322 P. Operating aconse stage documents 8 correspondence 8402160247 (ER A7-0.'9-Ct on 8712'8 two ctate coceg aa'er p/ncs secwed out of svc =%ch exceMe3 Wts of Tech Scec 3 4 S caed ty tr9en c*er headsna't 8801210332 Genene Ltr 8842 to as power reavor hcensaes re tr"eya'ed Sa'e ry As-C -

' reciated & p/*C re!J9ed to svc W-880210 fer sessmer4 Program n USAP un Src list ecci HAAT D. C f C O Florca Poner & L.ght Co 8a C2/13 Sco 44350 356-44350 360. M RA% A F J Ass %a'e Dvecty scv P cm's IPcest 8?C411) 8A C'!?O C7sceda'ed Eosco Co of Nee vert. ir c 4Sco 442'.2 319-44203 T5 4802130028 Scecal rept on 871218 standby feet

  • a'er p/no ISPF) faati to 8802040245 Fcrea'1s accropr.a'e escerpfs escove+3 t'y research r*q tast.y, of preo start Cas/ sed ty faA/e of SFP n'oror due to faied Perentea! creik/e senU VO!ct recared & rec < aced New bc's in3ca'or (Fl6657AJ psrased ovs Co?'es.sondence re cosvated oc power fa+/e lbnclus&1 re acceC*atae C7e wonDY.C O Fiorda Po*er & Lght Co 88/02/16 Docu meat Control Biance (Docu- coc4'ry Me y t,ase'3 on corTanson 10 worst case ana rss ment Crytrol Dest) 300 44432 116 44432 116 54.aCv J A Cornmonwea th Eison Co 66 01 21 VJA LE Y Y E OMe c4 Ncear Aeactor Aegjave Drector (pou870411) 4pp / 4255 231-44255 234

, .- . , , __~, . . - . - , . - - _ . . - n- . ~ , _ , _ - . ~ , I l DOCKETEDITEMS 33 0001260537 Gerenc LY 8841 to as BWR bcensees & honders of cps for BWRs to NRC 4002040243 Forwards Exam Rept 54254/OL47-02 for both urwis on67120711 Esam on 8GSCC m BWR austervtc star.less steel pgeg Svc hst ord , & answer key also etct IRAGLIAD. Associate Drector for Projects (Post 8704:1). 88/01/25 Common. WRIGHT.G C. Re9en 3. Ofc of the Drector. 88/01/27. REED.C. Commonwea#th wealth E6 son Co. 43pp 442'.4146-44256166. Eeson Co 2pp 44255.143-44255 230 0402120102 Appicatori 1tr smends to Lcenses OPR-29 & DPR-30.ameneng Tech -8402040244Esam Rept 50 254/OL.87-02 on 471207 I t Emam results at sin servor re. Specs to octete reactor todo water leved upper bound tolerance & so correct actor operator & seven reactor stor canedates passed. Summary of changes.*iSHC & desenpton of amend enciFee pa.d NEJFFLT.G M. HILLS D E. HEE,J M. Regen 3. Ofc of the Drector 88/01/25 SON.IM Commorimeam Eason Co.88/01/29 MURLEY.T E Ottce of Nuclear . 86pp 44255145-44255 230 Reactor Regutaten, Drector (Post 870411) 2pp. 44341.112-44341,123. 8001260102 NRC Info Notsce 88402.40st or Stonert Gauges

  • Syc hst enct .

-8002120107 Proposed Tech Specs.deiebng reactor IcNo water levet upper tiound toler. CUNNINGHAM.R E Dreson of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Satety (Post 87072e* ance & correctog emo. 86/02/02 Corischdated Eeson Co- of New York, Inc.12tpp 44296093-44296 211

  • Commonwealth Esson Co 8 /01/2910pp. 4434111444341:123.

6802010004 NRC Info Notsce 88 003. "Cracks m Shroud Support Access Hole Cover ' $802000274 Adeses that Nov 1972 Rw 1 no Bechtet Topcal Rept BN. TOP 1 testin0 . Weeds Svc bst enct methodosogy acceptable & wid to utWed ROSSI.CE. Orcset of Operatonal Events Assessment IPost 8704ti). 68/02/02 AINGERAA Commonwearth Esson Co 88/02/02 Document Control Branch (Dow Con.ohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc.112pp. 44338 225-44338 336. rnent Control Desk). to 44279 056-44278 056 8402020034NRC Bunetm 8&C01,"Defects m Westmghouse Cacut Breakers" Svc bst enct 8802000211 Forwards Amendsrevises & safety evawatertAmenos 104 & 100 toSpec Tech Ltanses SectenOPR-29 3 5G && DPR-30. respectmeh, assooated surved ROSSI.CE Dreson of C4ersional Events Assessment (Post 870411) 88/02/05 lance roourements bases. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.140pp. 44339 225-44340 004, ROSS.T. Pro!ect Drectorate Hi-2. 88/02/03- BUTTERFIELD1. Commonweanh Edson Co 3pp 44286001-44286018 440202CO35 NRC Bunetsn 88002, "Rapidly Propagatmg Fal@e Cracks a Stean. Gen-erstor Tubes" Svc ksi enet. .-4002000215 Amends 104 & 100to Lcenses DPR 29 & DPR 30.respecbve#y. revising ROSSLCE. Divisen of Operatonal Events Assessmere (Post 870411) 86/02/05. Teca Spec Section 3 5 G & associated sunresance requeements bases Consosdaied Eeson Co of New Yortt Inc.124pp. 44338 337.44339100 MULLER.D A. Protect Drectorate eft-2_88/02/03 10pp. 44286 004-44286 013. 4402020228 NRC Inso Notice 88404. "inadequale QuaWicabon & Documentaten of -840 evaluaten s@portmg Amends 1J4 4100 to Lcenses DPR-29 & P 3C" 6' g S'C)' g Assessment (Post 870411) 88/02/05 . o,rce of Nucaear Reactor Regulaten. Drerscr (Post 8704111_ 88/02/03 3pp. Conschdated Eeson Co of New York. trc.124pp 4433910144339224 ' ##200 # 6802170411 Forwards Sae egurds insp Repts 50 254/8843 & $0 265/8443 on 4002240212Forwa*ds Amends 105 & 1C1 to Lcenses OPR-29 & DPR 30. respectarW 880W4 No notatens roted. h;8 c the Drector. 88/02/08 PEED.C. Commonwee'v> .&. safetye e.v,a,lua.len. es e- Amends recse Tech Spec. Tahoe 3 2-4 to speofy expanded range 7M tor e 2 S4/02/17. DUTTEAFrELD.L Commonwealth -8402100013Partany =#trhid Pryscal Securev ensp Repts 50 254/8843 54265/88-03 on 88011114 tref 10CFR 73 21) No volatons noted Maior areas inspected mgt ei-s suet s & repts ~0002240214 Amenos 105 & 101 to Lcenses DPR 29 & DPR.30 respectmefy. reviseg Tech Spec.Tabie 374 to speedy expanded r los drywe pressee recoroers k 443E4 009 y[ Qa UULLER.D R Protect Drectorate142. 88/02/1 809 44474 338 44474 345 -4402240214 Saiety evabatert supportng Amends 505 4 101 to Lcenses OPR 29 & 0 Ack recect of utd680122 Itr NRC of actces taken to correci vo - $40,2190,02,cted e i,on m Wisp Rept 50-254/87-30 ees that programs ANOM & - OPR-30.respeckvely . '

  • OMee of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon. Drector (Post 870411). 68/02/17 200 ANQUUa & vahdated wrq Procedure OT 1113-2 44474 346 44414 347-HAs,%ON.J J egen 3. Cec of the Drector. 88/02/11. REED.C Commonwea'th Eesco Co 2pp 444 84 240-44444 245 6802230353 Forwards reouest ter ad$ rdo to uts vnpomentaten of 10CFR50 62 ATWS -440P90024 Responds to NRC 871217lir te vuotaDons reted m into Repts50-254187 rue for piaresset und 870930 Itr AOSS.T. proeect Drectorate us4. 88/02/18 SUTTERFiELD1 Commonweae Eeson .10 & 54265/87-30 Requesr.s conclusens be reconssdered Dsagrees lhet computer Co 4pp 44450065-44450068 pregams cited m notice of volaten rol m noncomphance e/10CFRSO App B "

BUTTERRELD1 Cosynonwerth Esson Co 88/01/22 Davis,A B Regen 3 Osc cf 84025071 Forwads mesad-up471201 & 11ss'e'y evabatens re Apo R comphance & 890222 25 Fortons of evabaton n/ute comments cleady marted f abie con- 3402110324 NRC Info Nc6ce S8405.

  • Fee in Annunoator Control Catanets* Svc test tateng commeat & evaba*cn page rumbers & sustAcaten for change ence orcs i

JOHNSON.l u %moneeWth Eason Co 68>02/19 MURLEY,7 E Othce of Nuclear ROSSI.C E Dnrse of Operatonal Events Assessnent t' Post 8704t t). 88/02/12 Reaciar RegulaterL Drector (post 870411) 8pp 4 a50410244504153 consondated Esson Cn of New YA. Inc 12004 44523 256-44524 Cf 5 -40C22600s6 Forewds sa'e'y evabaton of441216 851204 8C06210722. 870930.1001 04C2290053 Cardams pans ma*r se 880223 fneeteg w/utt m Gbn E 8vra tr. to escuss a 1123 App R emernpten requests Alteraten et tre protecten testures ter tscscula- SALP tunc'ae!Wei Fea or en@nrereg tecrecal supGertNolace of segnderant %cansee bon rump snotar gererator accectatso mesteg enes 8VSS.T M Propect Drectorate ni-2 87/f 2/11. DUTTERAELDL Ccerior'esaith GAEENVAN E G 3. Cfc of the DrsClor 88/02/22 REED.C Cormmnaearth Eoson Cc. 2pp 44504119-44504153 E4 son Co top 44 3 % 44529 351 ' +4402260099Make,d up wlaty evabaten supportog request for emeoTnces from App R R. permec typerateg reports & related correspondence

  • Protect Drectoraic 142.17/12/11 33pp 4450412144Sf4153 6402293292 Responds to NPC876222 rerpsst for a** pistrication or mods 20022J0094 A%ses flat no ch&%es tests or exponets c(cip6eted for plant dunr0 jar, y,88 re ePect of pestmed Oc powera r Ases Foweds proonetry Rev 1 le OC4134)P

& rewed %ppcytmg incumentaton Proprurtaer rept wehe8d ROME) A Comrnonwea!!h Eeson Co 88/01/29 bElEX J H Oibce of Nuci tar Reactcr Regulanort Drector (Pat 8704 til 10 4444 F 229-4444 7 229 i $2LaQYs A Cormonweath Eeson Co 88/02/19 MURt.EY.f F. OtNo of Nuclear Reactor Re@Laton. Drector { post $70411) 140o 44517184-448)7 2ij ] $402160134MonthPy operateg reats for Jan 1988 W/8801261r -4402290304Reesed ~Evabahon of Anerata LPCI Seng Rus T.ans'er Scremes

  • Wf 06ELSN1DERL. ROOF.Y R A Commonwea:th E mon Co 64.0 1/31 29rp 12 overwe creeegs 44367 051-44367 079.
  • Sagent & Lundy. vn: 88/02/19 26pp 4451719844517 223 .

S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & related correspondence Q inspectaon reports, IE Bulletes a correspondence 8402030045 LER 870184t on 8?o9t3.recacdaten anotar generator 1B faded to 8402030475 Forwards evabaten re erpanded fatde 1%9-3641-$n respor'se to Gener- tro Caused ty t>snt out to cod Breater sent to GE faceity ter lesMg.vanous compo. nents replaced & treaker reestaaed W/880111 lir c Lir 84-11. Faa t987 insp of Pong Suscac4t/s to IGSCC ~ Into does not represent THOVANN A F, BAX.R L Commonweanh Eeson Co 88/01/11 6pp 44201 349-comentanent on part of uti to perform future evabatons 44201 354 JOHNSON 1M Common =eae Edson Co 87/12e18 MURLE V.T E Offee of Nuclear Reactor Reguaten. Drector (Post $70411). 300 44216 069 44216 07 f $402010123 LER 8743340an 871226.cadverterti control rod Scram occurred e'en control rod M 9 (30 35) scrammed per procedse Cwsed tm personnet erect Control 8601210097NRC Info Notice 88401. Safety in recten Poe Fadure " Svc hst enct rce retumed to prescram positon & procedse revised W490114 sir. ROSSAC E D'esen of Operatonal Events Assessmers (post 8704tt) 88 /01 r27 LECHMAzER,J. BAX R L Commonwea1h Edson Co 88/01/14 Sep 44184 001

  • Consondated Eeson Co of New York. Inc t23pp 44176 075-44176197 44184 005 8402030412Forevds insp Repts50-254/06 02 & S265/88-02 on 680105-07 No vo- 8602160194 LER 87403 of on 870205 escovered tret flow controner ed ice respond latons coqed NRC optestsc that program presented at880106eneeteg e4 te eMec- to automatc non control sgna's Caded try soose cold sc6 der pet e settomt tape tve mgf foof to snprove emergency preparedness program crossrs secton cf etectrottc controAer Cor*oner replaC8Mt WI680129 er .

HlNO.J A Re9on 3 Ofc of the Drector 89/0t'27 HEED C Comrnonwea'th E4 son r RONCH C . BAx.R L Commoneerth E4sor. Co W01/29 dpp 44347340 I Co 2pp 44224156 44224 201 44347 343 ~4402030433Inso Repts 50 254/8842 4 50-265/8842 on 88010547 No veistons or ' 4802140223 LER 88 00240 on 880112 deterrved ouvier*y tunct.onal test of RCIC decator's reled Major Feas esCected dems identded m Nov 1987 rso a rvtsai sys ice presspe esoiaten ret pedormed pncr to stF1op Caused ty rWecpate

  • reven of bceesee nietves to irnprove emergency preparedness program procedure Procedure checkhst used eli De rev' sed W /680202 ftr PLOSxs.T J. SNELL W Reton 3 Olc of the Drector 88/01t27. 44pp 44224158- W ALTE A$ 5, BAK.R L Comonweae Ed+0m Co 88/02/02 559 44347 332-44224 201. 44347 336 i

( l 5 I i t , mn s- --t- r-+4- c w ---y r, .-,..--,..=.-.---,-vm- e--rw-- - - - - , - + - - n -w,-.wn-----w=m--m- -eiw, - . - - . - - - . . - , , - - - - - , - . - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ,s 1 - , . . ~ . - 1 ~. - - - - . 1 > . , - - . >-- - ~. -. ~ , ~ . ~ ~ , / 1 34- .DOCKETEDITEMS , 4802290297 LER 8840341 on 880925 vaa ve MO t 1301-48 taded to open dunr1 8002180010 $utats add irWo en reponse to noncormhance nov 4 m insp Rept %255/ . testeg Caused by elecincal equipment bemg out of adustment Torque switch bypass 8422 0td ir* vest avadatMity of 8 h battery powered hght to withstand conoters . ' adjusted under Worti Request 063784 usmg new entena W1880219 lar at Coneof Vatve -- 1. ' luAJ 8AX,A L Commonwealth feson Co 88/02/19 6pp. 44530 016-44530021. ' SMEDLEY.R W Consumers Power Co 88/02/10. Document Control Branch (Docu. - i, ment Controt Desk) 2m. 44366 354-44366 355.- V. Operator Enemmations 8002250145 Rev 5 to Emergency Plan implemensng Procedure App A, Agreements W/ Offs.te Indmduals.Agences a Or ruzations " 8802040243 Forwards Esam Rept 50-254/OL-8742 tor both tests on871207 t1 Esam

  • Consumers Power ca88/02/12- 44519 05744519 059 4 answer key also enct WRIGHT,G C. Repon 3. Ofc of the Director. 88/01/27. REED.C. Commonwea'th Eeson Co. 2pp. 44255143-44255 230 P. Operating acense sta8e documents & correspondence

-8802040248Enam Rept 54254/OL-8742 on 871207-11Emam results as es s sernor re- 8401210332 Genere Lir 8842 to as power reactcr k-ensees re inte7ated Sa4,ty As. - ector operator & seven reacsor operator canedates passed sessment Proora.n N OSAP sy Svc hst enct NEJFELT.G M, HitLS O E, MCGHEEJ M. Regon 3 Otc of the Drector. 88/01/25 M.RAGLIA,FJ Associate Drector for Pro,ects (Post 87041 t). 88/01/20. Consohdated 86pp. 44255145-44255 230. . Eeson Co. of New yors,Inc 48pp 44202.31F44203005 - 8002040224 Proedes formats for personal qualdcanon statemerit. Ad$endwn to NRC 8802094434 Adeses t/iat Comrmss.on pubhc- announcement re 880113 aopbcanon for ^ Form 396 reQured to be formarded to Repon 118 ofc once apptcant Corrpetes traryng amend to Lcense DPR-20 deletng secondary water chemistry inets & swvemance re : requremeras & receeved pnor to esam date. turements forearded to St Joseon Herald *etaeum W/o ence WRsGHT.G C Regen 3. Oc of the Drector. 88/02/01. Comr'onwearth Eeson Co W AMBACH.T V Pro,ect Drectorate III.t. 88/01/22. BERRY,KW, Consumers Power 3pp. 4425109144251 C93 Co. tp 44295112-44295112 8802180292 Foreards 04of requaidicat.on enam.m antcoaten of resw9 ton of reguabfw $402010155 Disetsses results of evaksaten & survey of 871113 flooeno mciders at caten testeg lawr ths yr Utd shousd renew programs & rnaripower comentments Wto plantper utd 871112 request to o spose of sod reace per 10CTR20 302 Relocation of encl. actw$es to rew radweste factty screduied for toon m 1988. W%HT.G C Regon 3 Osc of the Drector.88/02/12 HOLYOAKA Commonwea8m BORDiNE.T C Consumers Power Co 88/01/2't Eeson Co 3cp 44368 30644366 309 Control 8tanch (Docu-ment Controt Desk).13pp 44186 307-44186 318 8002220194 Commends dedcaten & corntrutment of endmdua:s hawng gone through 8802030322 Prevdes rept on teeder cabes to engmeered saie94Fds Buses 10 & r out stuoy & trairung for NRC bcense NRC we formaty present beense Certifcates 10per 880120 feecon.Above Found porten of caDies adentdei as smrtng porton of -o heersed anecduato requested cabse sys Mods made to mcrease ampacey Related mati enci. " . WR .O C Region 3. Otc of the Drector.18/02/12 HOLYOAK,R Commonwea'th Eeson Co. 2pp. 44446 354-44446 355 KUEMiN.J L Consumers Power Co. 88/06/28 Documerit Cor*of Branch tDocument Control Des 4 7pp. 44225 2414 4225 249 8002090041 Forwaros Amend 110 to Ucense DPR-20 & safety evaivaton. Amend de-

  1. " DOCKET 50 25b PALISADES NVCLEAR PLANT teies secondary water cheemstry hmes & surved;ance recurements kom Tech Specs Rewrervients placed m admatstratrve secten of Tech Specs
  • W AM8ACHT v Protect Drectorate E1. 88/02/01. BERRY.K W. Consurners Power

. F. Security, medicat, emergency 8 fwe protection plans Co 2pp. 44292134-44292148 8002030445 Forwards scope & obrectves for Feb 1988 emergency eserc se Enercise -8402090044 Amend 110 to Lcense DPR 20.deletsng secondFy waW chentstry brrkts wie support unannotreed partecebon of van BurertAsegan & Bernen Countes & A8 Sisse of Mr gam'#**'mance requwementsrecurenants for secondaykom chennstryTechmSpecs for plant Tech Spec Requrenwnts aarrurwstratve secton.replaced e/ pre. JOHNSON B D Consumers Power Co 87/12/01. Document Control Branch (Docu. VIRGOO.M J. Propect Drectorale in-1. 68/02/01. 9pp 44292136-44292144. mort Control Desk) 4p0. 44225.279-44??5 282 -84020900$0 Sa'ety eva8vabon supporsng Arrend 110 to Lconse DPR.20 8002020220 Forwaros Safety losp Rept S255/87-32 on 871202 31 No volatons ' ' ONace of Nucea Reactor Regulaton, Drector @ost 8%f) 88/02/01 app noted 44292 14544292 148 GULDEMOND W G. Regon 3. Otc of the Drecior 88/0t/15. BUCKVANI W Cori-sumers Power Cc to 44190.164 44190 172 8002050177 Forwards apphcahoe to amend OL & proposed char 9 to Tecm Spec 4 7 - edo y recurements for per oec stadon tanery svc & esche ge tes:s. -8802070233 Into Rept %#5/87-32 on 871202-31No veia'cas or deviatens PiRRY K W Consumers Poe,er Co 88/C2/05 Document Coretal BrancS (Document coled Mapor m eas esco tectonoew of 0 eveus esp ind,ngs operatona; ConPct DesA) 1p 44263 35444263 361. saletymed survemart.e outage a/tv4es physcal securdy & radosoloys protecten. BURGESSRI Regen 3. C9c st the Drntor 8?/01/15 8pp 44t90155-44190 t 72 -8402050188 App 6caten for amend to Lcense DF420.changcq Tech Spec 4 7 by aMng reourements ter percoc staren tCtery svc 6 escharge tests SW210r152 Rev 2 to sete emer(ency piae 'ev & a/*pecvs msnmary SUCK 4AN.F W, Bt4HAER.E E Ccmsumers Poest Co 88e02/02 dog. 44263 355-DAWSON.M ConsuNrs Pouer Co 64" 01/25 2s.c 44307 288-44M7289 442W5& 8802090599 Rev 2 to p+ J emergency p4n rev & apsvoval su'nmay -8802050194 Proposeo Tech Specs aMr$ resurements for penoec staten teery DAWSON M ConsurNrs "oner Co. 884t/27. 2pa 44289 316 r.4289 3t ?. svc & escharoe tests

  • Consumers Power Co 88/02/02 3p i 44263 359-44263 361 8&?2090482 Rev 0 to GeNrat 08c Emer3ency Plantwng Procedse EOF 13. 'imeroen ey Operatens fewy Goremmentas La. son & Rev 9 to App G. Errargeacy Teso. 6902170243Responas to 871210 esovast lor vees on *+eter & to enat en*ent reae phone Purcerr W Rev 1 ho g>cceeses mden e9s from wundard noraccre@d TLDs may t,e used e determrung legal esco J WHlTE,5 K. Consgr iers09 ee' Vo 88/02/DL 17pp 44298 26'>41298 260 nose to 10Cm20 mc1 ,

WAMBACH T V. Proyect C'sectorate rt-1 48/02/ t1 BERRY.K W Consuners Fgeer

  • 8002090601Re tu de:tcn 8 u 'Ste Emergency Plan" Co dop. 4 4353 063443N i BRuhETJ 8L Censureats PO4a Co K8/32/31 200 44297 078 44Md7f I 880218C3r5 Adreds of Regen 8 went d reowested to a'rarge bme & place to formaJy '

$402090501Rev is b Pre:eese El 1. -Acha%)n of $4e Emergencv/ean Euer0ency present use cetdcate to neee, kemsd revoua:s m recograten cd accomcte , Cigssacatag ' ment of endMoua1 havrig treough study & traswng

  • Coresmws Poest Go 88/02'02 2co 44298 223-44298 225 WRIGriT G C. Reocn 3 of the Drector. 88/02/12 RANGJ S Ccesumers Power Co to 44360 22144368 327

$402120007 Rei 5 to Er9e'gency Ptan trepementvig Proceese EL41. "Techncal Se port Cu Layout / Phone Lccations- 8402180450NotAcahon of 880217rneetng atutW to escuss med of reactor protecten ' Consumers Pomer Co 68/02/02 2pp 4434013044340131 BYS W aVB ACH I V Propect Drectorate IH- f 88/02/16 MORLEV T . SNtE2E KJ , 6802180290 Rev 5 to Emergency Pian Proceese App A. *Agreemwnts M RAGLIA F NRC No Detaded A%aten Ghen 300 44372 360-44372 362 WIOn site ineviduais Agences & Organgatens." rev & accroval summary i' DAWSON M , BRUNEIJ R, KOZUP C $ Consumers Power Co 68/02/04 2pp 4802140247 Genenc Lir 6843 re resoluten of Generic Sar ery issue 93 -Steam Beeng 44366 320-44366 321 of Aumha y Feedeater Putres' Svc kst enct MAAGLIA.F J Drveen of Operabonal Ever4s Assessment (Rost 87041t) 88/02/17 $802180334 Rev 4 to Emergency Plan Irvelementeg Proceese App C coversheet ' Rev Consondated Eeson Co of Nee York, ire 44pp 44524 01&44524 C4 & Accrovat Summry

  • Consumers Power Co 68/02/04 2pp 44368 280-44368 281. 4802238122 Formards response to Generc Lir 3842 re ISAP G per 887120 request Utd '

eterested m seekeg add clo & meebng o'NRC to escuss s'atus of plant PRA & 8002140364 Rev 5 to coversheet to App O of ste emergency pian apphcat=hty to iSAP process BRUNETJ R Consumers Power Co 68/02/04 200 44369 07344)69 074 KUEM N J L Consumers Power Co 88/02/19 Docueent Control Bravh (Document Conticl Desh) 2c9 44430 247-44430 248 $402090419 Adeses that Corpora'e Admrwstratwo Cerect 6 re access a moreaton for v company ed e: Cessempaoyees row have toteeg not#yrevsed to conected ute **en renect recurewnt of telony eat e-ciovees e,r pe ute871207 R aescort- O inspectior reports,it Bulletes & correspondence JOHNSON B D Consumers Power Co 68/02/05 Dow Control Branch (Docu-rnent Controt Desk) 1p 44287 03444287 034 4402020220 Forea os Se'ety Inso Rept 50 255/87-32 on 871202-31No violahons noted $802180284 Rev 1 to Emergency eian impemeetarig Proceese El-112. "Estraton of GULDEVOND W G Re9on 3. 08c of the Dreciar 88/01/15 BUCNMAN F W Con. Core Damage From Post- Acc4ent Samphng ' sisters Power Co Ip 44990 164'44190 172

  • Consumers Pcwer Co 89/02/06 2pp 44368 310 44366 311.

-8402020233 inso Rept 50 255'87 32 on 87'202 3t Ns co'atons or devroes $402180441 Rev 2 to Attachment 3 to Emergency Proceese El t5 2, -Ann u al Comtv no*ed Ma,cr areas espected fononvo of yerous eso teengs opershomar i recatone Dre Temphone Nur%er VerAceton - sa'eg meet surveeaace outage actetes securey & raoowopes protecten

  • Cortivmers Power Co 68/02708 2pp 443t6 3'6-44366 317 BURutS$ 8 L Regon 3. Orc of tre Drectet 87/01/ t5 app 44190165 44190172 J

4 4 - ~ . - g- . . . - . -, , - . . - - ~ < ,c .--.-.,,.-,--,._w--.m.,. w ,, , , - _ - - _ _ , - . . -- . . - ___ - . . . _ ~ --. . -. - - . - . - . - i '.' i 4 . 1 DOCKETEDITEMS' 35 8001210097NRC lido Notce 64-001.

  • Safety trgecten Poe F adure. Svc bat enct ^

8402r80115 MontNy operaemo rept for Jan 1988 W/880208 fer ROS$1.C E Dmsen of Operatetta! Ever4s Assessment (Post 870411) 88/01/27, PACKARO G C . v ANDENBERG D Consumers Pomer Co 88/01/31. 5pp 44367.312 Consohdated Eeson Co on New Ycri.Inc.123pp 44176 075-44176197. - 44367.316 6802030060Foreards Vo 31 & il to Paksades Nuclear Plant

  • 198715th Yr P. hysical 3802190004 Submits correctnre worlt crder backeg & open corsol room Defcences for Tordon Survedlance." per Tech Specs 4 5 4,4 5 5 & 6 9 3 3 No atmtmal degasaten Dec 1987 & Jan 1988 Nest rept e4 cover Feb & Mar & e4t te setmtted m ad-Apr

' evderd m plant conta.nment post ser1>cnag sys 1968 EUEM;N J L Consumers Power Co 88/01/2s DocvrnWW Control Branch (Document Coreof Desk) f p 44205 204 44207046 JOHNSON B D Consumers Power Co 88/02/15. Docurrent Coreca Branch (Doce ment Conpot Des 4 2pp. 44442 359 44442 360 -8402030076 Voes I & 18 to ' Pahsades Nuclear Plant - 198715th Yr Priys<ai Tendon K 'HOFFMAN D PI Proosen Survedance Corp. (formerly INRYCO. Inc t S. Reportab6e occurrences. LERs & reisted correspondence 68/01/25 562pp. 44205 205-44207 046 8402240301 LER 8743941 on 871030 escovered that cr*9m0 pump P-55B nould not ,4802030184 Responds to NRC679224itr te velatens noted e into Rept 50-255/87- automatcacy actuate Caused ty fa4ure to My compty e ' char needs due to ' 27.Cu rective actens NRC noms & concems notud dunng performance wnprovemerit mgeent,tcaten P-558 declared adrmtwatratew moperatse / 216Mr i', BERRf N W Corisurners Power 88/01/28 Coprograms cross 4sf & memo esswd to personnel KO2VP.C steenns Scoreactors- , JOHN B D Consumers Power 88/02/16 6pp 44522 292-Docvment of Branch (Document 44522 297. Control Des 4. 8pp 4422132544221332. 4001260102 NRC ento Notte 8840J. "Lost or Stonen Gauges " Svc hst enet. CUNNdNGHAM A E. Omsen of Indusinal & Meecas Naciear Safety (Post 470729) E Operaw Esammawns 88/02/02 Consoidated Esson Co et New York. anc.12tpp. 44296 093 44296 213 4402040224 Prowdes formats for personal cuaktcaten statemerd Addendum to NRC $402010064 NRC m'o Norge $8403. "Cracks m Srr,ud Steport Access None Cover Form 39e reouired to be tornarded to Repon til cec crice apphcant cormleles kairtng Weeds ~ Svc has enct recpvements & teceewed peer to esem da9e ROSSI.C E Dv sen of Operatenat Events Assessment (Post 870411L 88/02/02 Conschdated Eeson Co of New York. Wic.112pp 44338 225 44338 336 WRIGHT.G C Re9on 3. Osc c4 the Drector 88/02/01 Commonwearth Eeson Co 3pp 44251091-44251093. 4002090483 Responds lo NRC880105 fit te velabons reted m insp Rept %255/8' 30 Correctere actons estruder temp profsa requaemer ts a33ed to vacuum rehef sys 80,02040205 A$nses that 680114 Rev 6 to Sudabbty trastung & @akfcaten plan Con- ,Cem e provuns W 10CFR50 %pt & Ecepw a ER K s Co 88 tCo Br ( fp 4427 78-4 08 Control Des 4 500 44288 219442e8 223 Forwards Sar ety inse Rept 50-255/8844 on 6801422 No violabons 8002140277 Fonnaros pact re@anficaton esam 9ven at NO Robnson to help ute gen. 80021,10301 not o ' rate test Ovestens Review of programs & manpower comrrwtments encouraged a HARRtSONJ J Regen 3 Dec et the Drector 88/02/04 BUClr MAN F W Consumers C'er to make approonaw @estons nor use on upcommg esams W/o encls Power Co 2pp 443t827844318 286 WRIGHT.G C. Regen 3. Ofc of the Drector 88/02/12 RANG.J S Consumers Power Co 2pa 44368 3154 4368 316 ~4002110334 Safety inso Rept 50 25S/8844 on 88010547.12-14. 21 & 22 No voa-tens or oev4 tens reced.Masor areas esp heensee aChons m response to IE Bonets.s & revice of mservce msp program & ,vocesses . DOCKET 50 253 BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 SCHAPKE R.J F DANiELSON D H Aegen 3. Ofc of the Drector. 88/02/04 7pp 44318 284 44318 286 6602020034 NRC Bun et:n 88401. Detects e West.nghouse'Cacut Breakers

  • Svc kst ""'U' "'d '**'""'I O ' P'#*" N"'

enCf 1 ROSSI.C E. Dev-sen et Operabonal Eveats Assessment (Post 470411) 88/02/05 8802020203 Dscusses descency te assmoua!s badged for unescorted access but no < Consohoahed Eosen Co of Nee York. inc.140po. 44339 225-44343 004 deve*oped red checks Task torce troen pars 3nnet secunty estackshed to deveiop ret packages & proce&ses. miemar avet & vacmq m place to prevert recurrece 8802020035 NRC Banean 88-002 "Rapid *y Propagahng Fatigve Gracks n Steam Gen- G=RDLEY.R L Tennessee vaney Aumorst, 68/01i26 Document Corit of Stanen oratr Tubes' Svc bst enet (Document Control Ces6L 2pp 44199179-44199

  • 80 ROSSLC E Desen of Operaten. Events Assessment (Post 870411) 88/02/05 Corweicated Edson Co of Nee Yor( snc 124pp 44338 337 443?9100 8802160248 Forwards paps tor p*,wcal secunty/ ptan Rev 8 Dages sut>

020 ant u = Nee 88404. %de- O-aic, & Documenia, , pe",=g3; 8M215 8 0 Wun & m imenCo RC 8H2'8 se EWthhed Fro Bame Penetraten Seais Svc kst enct ROSSI.C E. Dese,rt e8 Operatonal Evere Assessnent n'est 8704111 88/02/05 GR,CLEY.R 89/02/09 Document Contral Brarth (Dew rre 4 Con 9otTerme Desal*see Vanei354 up 44350 Authorav 44350 355 ' Conscloated E& son Co. of New York .ac 124pp 4433910144339 224. 80%s10288 Forsords Safety 5 Dept EO-255/86M on 880112-15 No v6atens 8802110355 Revsed emorgency plan implemennng procedras.scLahng Pa't FSL & gm Rev 0 to andes W/880210 F) SHAFE 4 W C Regen 3. Orc of the D. rector. 38 '02AS. BOCRUAN F W Consumers GR:DLEY R L. Tennessee vauey Authorey 88/02/10 6pp 44/ .M 3*9>43* 8 3'5. , Poevt Co 2pp 4s321081-4621097 6802230236 fre rept of 8832o4 05 ses vis.1 re ker ng cre rse cvs hemi s -4402110286 tesp Re 1 E32$5/84OC on 890!12-65No violatone or dewatens #rscssreposed agenda tor ass' or a or rol acom pt xures en sten pe;hape & noted Mator araae inspected rosaten arcu ton program durry mant nuclear perurmance pan c *a0a acodtg orgewaren & met cortrois & Ira nmo & quaucanons os new person. UCAAN D H O'c y Spesef Prc.ects 68/02r11. ZeiCH G G Olc JI Soeosi ProsEta nel 3pp 44444 f.4 W44 Os$ I GtLt.C F , GREGER L R Regor. 9. Orc d 'eie Orociev 88'02/04 t tw 44' 21083-i 44321 083 6802170344 Responds u optoms notad m .nsp Repts %S487 43 $1263/87-4J &  ! l 5425&6743 re 811102 eynes 6re Cenectve actrvatsanseo serius eccedert ew t 6802126076 Foreards *1187 Stcam Gerverator inservce insp Rept of Eddy Curreal vestigavm ieam swoorts nan tes Daia Evacaton & L.dAr Repte " ( rsm of slaam generators completed on GRiDLE f.R Tennessee vane,d over+4nd Autterey 88/02/16 eamdowm ot sectncai catesDocument control B 8801 etter* procesar exeptance on 840 811 ment Control Desnt 9pp 443t0 336-44363 344 - ALOi!N J ' Comprers power Co 88,02/08 Documord Control BraNti(Document Cottrcs %st) Ip. 44340 tei-s434107t-8802220089 Subevts schedule for rasolopcal emer paart esercises for 1968 i ~4802120001 -198* seam Genera'or inserwce into Rept of Eesy Current Testeg Data $$,E 4 iy T s g a% Mor4 48T218 RW 3. Oc of N Dnder

  • Evalurtien & T@a Repar *

, ViiN WAGNER B Y. OSBORNE R E Consumers Power Co 88/02/03. 270pp 44340 16244341 071 ,, , g l 6802140010 Submrtc adcp rdo n reponse to noncormhance noted e inso Reot $4255/ 86-22 Utd inves avadabety of 8 h battery powered bght to wahsws3 conotens at Contret vaa v e- 1 8401210332Genenc Lv aM2 b aR power reactor kensees re Integrated Satr4 As- r sessmerW Program H (1 SAP n) Svc hst enct $UEDLEY.R W Ccrsumers Power Co 81/02/10 Docu'ent Control Branch (Docu- M.R AGUAF J Assoc, ate Drector for Proects (Post 870411) 88c01/20 Consohdated ment Cortos Desat 2pp 44366 35444366 355 Esson Co of Nee Yort. inc 48pp 44202 3t944203 005 840 10328 NRC Into Notco %005. "F<e e Anruncetor Control Cabeets' Svc bst M Gm a W12 d MR km e W W cps W BWRs m W I ROSSIC E C>v sen of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 870411). 88/02/12 poston on IGSCC e BWR austenetc sta<uess stee opng Sec nst enet Conscicated Esson Co of New York, let 120pp 44523 256-44524 015 U.AAGUA.F J Assoc 4 ate Drecict sca Protects (Pust 6704t11 88/01/25 Commor* *eact Esson Co 43pp 44256146 44256188 6402220260 Samits cor octon for t<po n 860128 response to Inso Rect 50-255/87 27.ncoce of voahon.On Page 5 of response. 'WeeUy repts are generated . ~ should 4402090254 Con 4ms NRC evadatWey to cartopa's m TV A e*lnet to omate edo read ' More9y repts a o genera'ed ' fnrough ervooree concerns specaat progam reven state s+ pla%n response to JOHNSON.B D Consunwes Power Co 88/02/19 Docurrerd Confece Branch (Docu- 8712118tr ment Contros Desa) 1p 44427 09244427092 RICHARDSON $ D C4 of Specw18 Proiects 88e01/2.. WMTE.S A Tennessee va: ley Authorty 3pp 44292 352-44M2 354

n. peric.d4 ope,anng ,epuis a , owed c ,espondence 8802020:24 in,,,n,s t ai chang,s = c4 ,,og,a,, ihat do not ,e ,ce com,n,,ree,o e. ,

be subrMted by 88033t to ensae that topicar rept ricovatory reflects recent'y ag.. t 4402290337

  • Semanrua Paeoactree Emvent Reiease & Was'e Cucosal Rept JuLDec proved orgartraron enanges e o'c of Nuciear Power L 1987 " W / 880226 Itr GR,DLEY.R Tennt.ssee Vasey Aumority 88/09129 Document Cor'tros Branch (Docu- '

JOHNSON B D Cows Pomer Co.87/12/31.17pp 44518 350-44517 006 ment Controt Dese) Pop 44189 337-44189 338 i t t t L _ . . , . - - . - , , , s. , . - _ . , , .,_ __m,, - - _ , , _ . _ , . . _ _ , , , . , , , - - , , - , _ _ - _ , . , , , . . , _ _ ._ . w. , - -. c 36 DOCKETEDITEMS $802100394 Foreards Ameros 141.137 & 112 to Licenses DPR 33 DPR 52 & DPR- 4802230344 Requests that ee re apphcation for approvar to use ASVE Boder & Pres-68.rtspectrve'r & s.u+ety evavaton Aments ce+1e opton en Tech Spect to perform aure vessel Code Cas+s N 341 & N 356 for plants t>e ferntted Ba we be issued for reduced pressure test trechod for r'egrated leak test & correct acceptaue leak rate aay en costs for reven of apptcaton land DsGGSR V Lcense Fee Management Branch 88/02/18 WHITE S A Tennessee ZECH.G G O'c of Spooal Prorects 88/02/03 WHITE.S A Teenssee va?+y Author- Va"ey Authority 1p 44450 035-44450035 ey 3pp. 44316 3t2-44316 352 4802230322 Prov.3es neekly schecue of TVA activ+es for nts of $80222 & 29 -8802100423 Arrends 141.137 & 112 to Lcenses DPR 33 DPR 52 & DPR-68 p.E(ty g t Ole og sp9cw Protects 68/02/19 ZECM G G Ofc of Spec + Gro rects res&ectruery oe%ng op on e ten Spect to perform teoxed c*essur e test raetrud apo 45449 356-44449 359 for etegrareJ eak rate test & cor'ectng acceptatre heda rate isnt of drynea a'mos. G G C*c of Special Proects r 68'02rO3 33pp 44316 3t5 44310 347 88 24032 f aton of880225rneet ng w!utd m Chattanooga.TN to oscuss sc.hed- # E cc -8402100444 Sa+ety evababon supporteg Ame% 141.137 & 112 to Lcenses DPR 33 DPR.52 & DPR44 rescectvdy I, g4 y el Propcts 68/02/19 ZECH.G .3 Otc o Scecar PrWs

  • Otc of Stecei Proects r 88/C4/03 4 00 44316 346-44316 351 8802250117 Notecatcc of 880229 rneeteg n/uts m Rccarte 90 to escvss proposed

-880210M!2 Requests FR pubicaaon of notace of iswance of Arrends 141.137& 112 "er4 reoureg NRC apptcsal to (certes DPR 33 DPR 52 & DPR48resnectree'y Amercs cesete opte e Tech C'E ARS G E C4c or Scecw Pro,ects G 88/02/24 ZT.CH G G O'c of Specas Picaects Specs to per'orm reduced pressure tesi method ter sntepa'ed lean rate test 300 44474 153-44474 155 ZECH G G Otc of Scecss s Projects 88/C2/03 NAC - N3 Detaded Affhate Gven 1p 443t 6 352-44316 352 8802250245 Petitcaton of cNwge in tir** tcv 870225 pec mectng te s%es for piants $402090 t18 informs that ute e process of ncorpTBDng cornmeNs proviJed t3 SD Eb- GE ARS G E Ofc of Spece Projects 88,02,23 2'.Cn.G G Osc of Speca! Proiects neter 871001 ftr to SA Wev te to PRA 6 we proc **d */deve@C& eat ci nowdual piant 4pp 44500 001-4450)004 estre OPEp ut*v :IDCOR iPE methcjoiogy GRrOLEY.R Terwessee vaney A#cory 88 % 2/04 Orxument Co^trc4 Brash (Doc

  • rnert Control Out) 2m 44282 334-44282 335 4802290038 Apoica on for amends to (ce<vs OPR 33 DP452 & OPit 68 criangeg Tecn Specs to deete acsove su rvWance r.ter ais v for teve surretance em.,urernents 8802170203 Forwards amended Fage 70 of corporate rwxicar periorerne pran to re- & awa ng use of etervaa enters.on Fee pad place page rcrearded by871213 er GqiDLEY.R Tennessee Valey Autorty 880274 thcument Contros Brance Orxo-rnent Coctrol Desal 2pp 44514 018-44514 C40 kHITE S A Tennessee Vaney A#enty 58/02'08 Docent Controi Branch (Docu-9ent Contml Dese 5pp 44354 C8544354 C49

-880N43 Prom Te SMn M'q awe Wm en fy M n'- 8LC21900s'J Contems680211 mgt moeteg n Re7cq 11 to onuss Orga'Wat.Cn o .iucie- T s a og use d deNai We^sca 1*at is pad of ptaM M A dc ey 2pp 44442 218 44462 2'9  ! s 88 02,00 WHITE.S A Teenessee Vax y Autnce-

  • Tarensq Vaq Au% M2/24 2tpp 44$14 CM44P4 043 8802290080 Adeses trat utd rea4y to support screduied NRC eouwwent ovaw c ate 4802110285 Procces TvA snethod et rot.t<;ation tur ocermg or e.npaovee concerns act on 880411 Trwty eouomer:t ovawfce aon packsys ger'erc tWer and 4(*cial program reces states & hot brws NRC anstave e corrpeton or promss 10CFR50 49 marsh device hst ecog ma3e reaty & ma.asow n s teeg corvbcted wated by880219 GRfDLEY_R Tennessee Va4 Ave 3 rey 88/02/24 Docuraent Contros B<sncn (Doc #

GROLE f.R L Tennessee Va ey Acorey Be C2 rO9 Doc 6 r6 eat Control Branch '"*'l CO""od Desk) 2pp 44524 359-44524 360 (Docurrent Contrty Cesk) 3w 4432i M444121096 88022 2 236 Tno rept of 640204 45 ve vst re traceg co/Se on hea in G. 6nspection reports, eE Sv'tetms & correspondence prwes proposed ageNa 83r a41 of corttrol room procM#es generabor package & auclea per'orreance pian MORAN D H Otc of Scectat P cwets BA'02/11 2ECH G G Cec c4 Spec + P octs $802020288 Forwarcs tenp Repts $3-259 '87 41.50-263/87-41 & %-29"< 8 7-41 on 9pp 44444 C43-44444 C45 8711G246 & nctce of voat ori esc dent'ed : hat ragt raced 'o ac%rve effectve cca O'cos adverse to ouasty program contros as evcenced by 50*. oeencuency ra e 8802230193 r' orwa'ds Amerds 144.140 A 1 f 5 to Lceeses DPR 33 DPR 52 & Drm. B AM K P % ed Sre,w Protects O S/W21 MtTE S A Tennessee Va4ey Adho'- 68.resocctree*y & sa'ety evavaScr Amend resa:es tvnet.ya test keauences for D 3@ ""99 *CIS U I core svar Mc RCIC HPC. & AOS A trO bges & core sprav auto ruoq ere D4 ZECH.O G C/c of Spece Proecs 99 02'2 M.TE S A !enresae 4 aw Aumor. ~8802020308 Neuce of voat.on from eso on $71102-06av sa:en note Jrv of nucerr ety *)p 4 4443 338 444 93 358 enge6ero) CH not take act9fi to Coretrct or rrecWe repettion for C3nO1&s aberse to @/diW 4 eWtwe cNrectve acton riot rep.eemeMM 840223010 Amench 144 143 & 115 to Lcenses DFn 33 CPR 52 & DPR 63 B ARR R P C4c of S0eca' ELfects Bf /C1'21 J$p 44199101-441M M/ resm:t,vety rep;aary funct+V test ke@ence* ior ccre spra, RCJC HPC: aOS & LPV It9cs & core scray & HN iMa roton ehdyts ta once ever, 3 ncems -8802020323 trs: Aepts SM59 87-4150460'87 41 & W296,8? 41 on 871102-l'CH.G G Orc c4 Soec* P'crets 89 C2/1215cc 44443 341-44443 355 06 voia".ons no.ed Vact .reas escected heei we actons un prescus enrycemem -levi 2*4225 Sde+y evabate surocrieg Anews 144.t40 & 115 to Oceases DP4 *na'ormE Mo t Rters le premsty BELISLE GA ede4ded 04c of esp 9.^degs Special & ccrreclNe Propects actonlbo 87/12/07 pra'44199103 ram M C /R 52 & ,fR 6f resCectWy 44199 111

  • Ofc c' Soece Pec,ects E8 '02/12 3pp 44443 h6 44A43 358 P802240114 Forwards Ameres 142 0 8 & 113 to i censes DFR 33 CA 52 A DPR "rvn# #eNeg 3p ce"'at,b 68 restaeC ave *y & s4fdy evaba*.cn AenQs erWse k.%t on ff &ctrY cCe Sion Mtf1 rs-not Deing bsed to s4Py tremat< cutest esde cowe nte 79-14 gq gyg& w-tion g g7g43statened g do,%g prg g7qgeg'yg of 9; pgcryat Devr j mp,q pion of pra.

4 pgqq ZE .G G Of( of WW P%e:ts 88 $2/*2 AH- ESA Tser.essee va6ey Awt%' RMV R Tet'oess Va% ON4 8e 'Ot/M Docce't Ccetw Pare lh mt CW M 2pp 44'M m4197 M dy *N 44465 k9 44465 355 -8402240124 Am ends 142. t 38 & 113 to laconses DFR-33 DFP $2 & DPR 63 HJt2MC17 W Wo Wa1b8@ ' LW WEton PCe %6 Sec ist enct nrscett vewriccsog br v1 on reactor cc eCSA C E Cvson of CWraval Even's Assessmey (Fai 170411) B4 '01,27 1 esv30 Cce*a , era u ve, rot c9en not ten used to rMaf NM i d DI W 'M MI' N 4IDIU su pyGrecurNet. ZEu1 CYlrOf sbc.ects 68 'C2/12 2're 444e5 332-4446,35/ G C4c of Spec-a) 8802020226 ~4802210136 Sa'et, evauston swocrw; Amemts 142 136 8 113 u t ceases DPR 5478.d84 FespcMs 23 Cor'ectw to actons matorsGE noted e inso moi sArev'1ed Repts 5,0 259 to comp ete B4 23 Phase NS$5 D260. n64 23 & 33 CES2 & DPR 69 respecfWy ve O& maw proya9 - O'c or Scece Progets 88 C2/12 2cp 44465 353-44455 354 GR:C(FY R Tenrusec vavy Autnanty 68/01/29 Document Ccnuo' Beavn iDc<w ment Cont W Des 4 300 44'90182-441M 164 -8802340144Peouts's F R putNaton of retce c4 -ssa ic, c4 A teNg 142 134 & t t 3 s0 LCenses DPR 33 DrR 52 & OPR-69 rescecs<eN A erds smcese v'wt en rea: tor 8802030003 A fyses that erca,cerrmt ycceisis ter stisdrire ryyt caae a-ayss UDerabon een rkttcQort rol teing usM 10 m,My prMa C teatrol sys $ joy repemented lyy 88r;33i estead of 6&)131 as 6cr

  • mf'91 to e $N7'? Mr e r,-

2ECH G G Cac o8 Sc+c4ai P'e eds Se T2 '12 NRC - No D*"ase A't katon Gnen tp 444% 355-444M 3% secese to usted osc rsets GR DLEY R Teressee vaaey Accr4 e8 01/23 Documeat Ce sad E rancn Cecs-ment Cortroi Des *J Pcc 44201 358-44201 359 6801250243 Forea~ts Amends 143 139 & 114 to Reeses CPR M DPR $2 & DPR-66 respect:veiy & sa%ty evaNa*on 4? erd rev4e1 Intq cWon for cCerate to reoste ha'er std for Osre testq & aVv&s of cna%c4! Wf samCbes 4801260102NRC vio Not<e 6832 ' Lest or Si7en GMJes " Sec bst ev.l ZECH G G C4c 9 Sce:@ Prcwis 84 01.'12 6 HATE 5 A Tenr+ssee ha ey Aco'- CLW% HAM R E C* son of ircus:r+ & vao<a' N cur Sage r , Post 570729) icy 3cc 444M 291-44474 324 84 C2'02 rnWM Em Co 9 Pe m W 1N '42% M3-4E 6 213 -8102250258 Amens 143133 & 1 t o to L<er ses DM33DM52 & DPA M 88MWM W % Me 88 W

  • Dass n WW MW kuss m W respect ve) a thor #1 rev to W19 CCN W sv cco'aV to %r e rta'dr Ud 'or

.CE ot Oc.e'ava+ Eveats Assess ent 0c4167Jt i'i 6e 02 02 2 G r F t 2 cc 444M 2*4.444?9 322 Cesecate1 Eison Co of Ne* vorm src 112pp 44336 225-44?)9 3M -8802250268 Ra'rty evawen saccortog Arm Ms 143,134 & 114 to trenses CPA. 8802020034 NRC But etin &B 00 t De'ects e 6estrTr vse Cet breaaers ~~ Svc t st 33 CM 52 4 DPRM resc+c'Wy MC' ' Cic of Sr'sc+ Pro ** cts 69 02c t? 7po 44M 323 44m 324 RDSS' C E %se a Cwatora' Even's Assa-eners ro c4 474:11 es 'o2 05 CC^sc*ca'M Eosm Co ir New York vnc 140po 44339 225 4u ] C3.t 8802190087 ?; tests rev'u J re'. rat %r ese"s e e tm 50CI A50 55a anf) to a'o* c#ent 12r} month eMrvat Ior A5ME Sec%rs JJ pum & .a've poyam to e'vj on 8802020035 NRC B/ete 89 002 Racdy P'oraga'eg Fayve Cthas

  • Wam Ge+

920A3' Fes cs.d e'a'or T Aes " S<c kst et GRiOLEY R Tennessee vaiey A/N=4 89/02<17 DrW Corst cd 3rar<n IDocu- POSS4 C E Dr< son of Csera'iorw E vents Assersment apcsi 670411) 84 / 02 ' CS rnest Cortc4 Dest) 5(p 44445 C44 44.45 049 C&so'=Jated ECFson Co 08 N** Ytvs. arc 12400 44338 3J7 443 89100 l l l 1 l a DOCKETEDITEMS 37  ! l 4002070224 NRC trdo Notco 68404. inadequate Ouancaten & Documentaten of $402160244 es for phywcal security / plan.Rev 8 Pages sub- . Fro Barrer Penetration Seats

  • Svc kst enct -

twtied e ref Forwards to 871215pag & 17 telcon a n response toRC 871218 itr Enct evthheid ) ' RO3St.C E. Desen of Operabonal Events Assessment (oost 870411) 88/02/05. (ret 10CF R73 21). Co soldated Eeson Co of New Yorlt Inc.124pp. 44339101-44339 224 C.*DLEY R Tennessee V alley Author ty 88/02/09 Documer4 Control Brarch (Docu-840?110328 NRC Info Notco 63@5.

  • Fro n Annunciator Control Cabnets? Svc hst R SI.C E Dween el Operatenat Events Assessrneni (Post 870411). 66/02/12 'No ,g 03ss y eme pan pplernendng pmchs.% Part M &

e gg0 Cor+sobdated Eeson Co. of Nea yorit, me,120pp 44523 256-44524 015. gaotgy,gn y,,messee VAiey Authordy 88/02/10. 6pp. 44318 329-44318 336. 4402170344 Responds to concerns noted n ipso Repta50-259/87-43. 50-260/87-43 4 50 296/8/-43 re 871102 eywet fre. CorrMlive actons beensee senous accdont n. 8402230236 Tre rept c4 880204 05 - site vs4 re tracing course on hearm ves team supports handover*end matkdown of e6scincal cabes phys'estroposed agerida for au@t of contru room procedures generabon pacnage & nuces performance p an YA. Tennessee Vaney AutrQ88/02/16. Document Control Branci (Docu, . l GR rnent Control Desk). 9pp. 44363.336 44JoJ 344 MORAN D H Ofc of Specal Projects 68/02/It ZECH.G G Ofc of Speoal Protects. 3pp 44444 043 44444 045 R. Perioec operatmg reports & related correspondence 4402170344 Responds to concerns noted ei insp Repts50 259/67-43.60 260/47-43 & 50-296/87-43 re 871102eynes Ivo Corrective actons hcensee sercus accsdent m- . 8002030200 Dscharge monitorrig rept for Dec 1987. vestigaton Wam supports hand +ver hand eandsen cd eWctrca: catdes BROOKS.R H Tennessee Vasey Aumorey 87/12/31.13pp. 44222 344-44222 356 GROLEY.R Terwessee Vaney Autrer 68/02/16 Documer4 Control Branch (Docu-rnent Convol Desk). 9pp. 44363 336-4 344 4402020200 Forea tt, reactor bidg contarvnent leaa ratu inst 90-day stolper Tech Spec 6.7 3 C.1 a Secondcry conta.nmerd for as three reactor zones & common refuel 6802220049 Sutv%ts schedde for resologal emer plan exereses for 1988 rone tested on 67'029. GRtD(EY.R. Tenriewee Vauey Authcrdy 88'02 6 2. Otc of the Drector GROLEY,R. Tvnnessee Vaney Authonty 88/01/25 Document Control Branch (Doc # 2gp. 44447 017 44447 018 rrent Control Desti ;spo 44197.276-44197J76 -4402020207

  • Secondary Contarvnent test Rate Test Performed 871026 "
  • f enneeee vasey Authonty 68/01/25 1p. 44197 278 44 t97 278 P. Operstirig teense stage documents & correspondence 8402290213 Monthly operatco ryds for Jan 1968 W/880217 Itr' 8801210332 Genenc Lir 88 02 to all power rea: tor hcensees re Integrated Safety As-CRAVJCAD) D . W ALKE A.J G. Tennessee Vancy Authority. 68/01/31 70pp sessment Program il USAP la Svc kst enct 44508 231 44506 300. M.RAGLIAf J Assoc ate Drector for Pro 9ects (Post 870411) 88/01/20 Conschdated 6802120271 Fowards Mratr9y Progress Red PC6177-5. ~lndependent Anayss & As

'" # '"' " ### 3 # P span 8431260537 Genene LP 8841 to as BWR heensees A hoice s of cps for BWRs re NRC CAR t Arcri indastnes/Frekhn Research Center)-

NRC-05-66168 88 '02/03. WEST.S NRC - No Otttadow AftAaton Grvert 1p s4cn on GSCC in BWH auswnec staewss steer pipeg Svc est w 44347.157-44347 165 iRAWA N Asmae Drector tor %ects N 470411) 88/M/25. Cornmon.

eenfth Edsort Co 43pp 4425614644256168 ~4402120272 Independent Assessment & ArWyses.' monthly proyess rept for peno1 enang 880131 6802090256 Cor*ms NRC aranatAfy to pariscgete n TVA eftort to essemmate ego

  • Campart Corp (suts Arve industres/Fes%hn Resurch Ceeter) NRC.0586168 P. througn employee corcerris special progam revem staton at prant.n response to (4177-5. 68 'C2/04. NRC . No Deta4d Affeabon Grvert Opp. 44347.158-44347.165. 6712 81 Itr RICHARDSON S D Otc of Soccal Pro,ects 88/01/27 WHITE.S A Tennessee vasey 840211021t Forwards eeeu rschedule of TVA actnree; for weeks of 880206 & 14 Author #y.300 44292 352-44292 354 KELLYJ L O'c of Specel Prorects 64/02/06 ZECdG G Orc of F.pecel Prosects 4pp 4*338 066-44338 069 6802020324 informs that changes to CA progam that do not recbce comtrutmer4s we be subemtted t'y 880331 to enswe that topcal rept adequatery renects reconey ap-S. Reportable occurrersts. LERS & related correspondence poved croawahon changes n OIC of Nuclear Power GRIDLErh Tainnusee Vaney AueonN 86'01/29 Documerd ConUW 9'anch (Docu-4402020154 iER 87 0144t on 870706 engneers rwasured noe rates n encess of desagn tasrs flow rate TNott's dampers on two cortros room emergency veritdaten units unset sece sys r4Waton Prococues reesel W/880126 Itr' 8002100394 Forwards ANnds in.137 & *12 to Licenses DPR.33 DPR 52 & DPR.

A LORJG Tennessee Varey Auth nty 88/0:/08. 4pp 68.respeCM8y & sa% evaa e Amenr4 m open n Tech Specs to penorm ed presswe test metnod tor moeted Iwas test & :orrect accecnaue seas rate 680210010$ LER 85026C3 ru 450r01 va cus cabte Way sectons & su 'cris es:ov-ered not to ce sesmca'ty eMed pos orgnes desqn c'reere & rurner of sectore fg 3fp y "" 8% ~ csscovered at excess /ve retar'3 ant Desagn std enttern W 8A0212 tir GORDON A W . A ALKER J G. Tervwesee vaney AuAorey 68/0 t /26 6po -4402100423 Amerv3s 141.1?7 & 112 to Lcenses DM 33.DPR-52 4 DDR-69 I 44367 320 443 6 325 Oh SMcs so per'oren mouced omssure test meihe.1 resoeceve'f for niegrated team Oedeteg oCdon rate lest & c

  • I'orrecteg accepteble 13k rate tr' rid Of drynet a?mcs-4402100264 LER 884('2@ on 880106.tchs emergency ecucmer4 coohng eater puros phere erwhener: tty swied me 63 smulated em pressure s9mai trom ran cooleg mater ZLCH G G Ole of $pecal #rosects $8/02/0*. 33pp 4 Ctf 3.444316 347 ,

heMer Csvsed Dy r rsonnel 5"or Pe'sonnel cautened A8S0208 77 WILLARD.5 C.. W 4 kEr1J G Tennessee Vasey Autnorty 68/02/05 4pp 44311177- -6402900444 Sa'ery evenuston swpor eg v eres $41.0? & 112 to Leeeses DPfb 4431 t

  • B3 33 DMt.) 4 ' PR-6 Lee pectmeh 6602170353 LER 88-00:4-00 an 880112. lour emergency equoment cooieg eater pumps i

madrer'ent+y sta*1ed ess it, pr=;cedure der cency Caused tsy maceouate e'structon io' ~6402103462 RNues's FR pubbcaten of rotace of $suance of Amends 141.137 & 1'2 ' 4 ems .a,$, t, WA ER G ennessee asey 0 pp 44358 26F S-so - ,33m ed pess52 &e WMmceet iest me~ terAnM maeddeWe is mase o.pton esi in W 2 ECHO Orc of $ P ese', cts 88eo2r03 NRC No Deta.ied Attaaten G=en 4402230043 Pat it repf re potential protsem e/Tyge 999 irvi emergency pone, 1p 44U6 W4P6 M2 generator Feld treaker inpped at lacery dureg test on EMD20-645E4 - Type 909 una Appears eat 100 awn is too ice rateg & shound to 125 amp. 480209011$tnfort" that ute e process of ncorporateg comments provvJed by 50 Et> KULCHAM R D Mornsounudsen Co inc $8/02<05 TAYLOR J NRC No Detaded noter 871001 itt -g SA WNte re PR) & wis proceed eiceve80pment of eda uhal plant Aftdeson Grven 7pp 44444 334-444+8 34a esam 1' pet uteeg IDCOR iPE meer GR:DLEY.R Tennessee Va sey Authordy '02/04 Document Contros Branch IDocu. ! 6602230147 LER 8840140 on 880117mplanned RWCU *soiaton occurred Caused by raent Contrer Dest.) 2pp. 44262 33u4282 335 icose 3. doer connecton laund e leg s 4cm Contweten repared & se' ten l recaer N/8A0216 ar ! W'LLAHO $ CmW ALFER J G Tennessee Vatey Auperty 88/C2/12. 4co 444)O214- 44021,70203,Formards7 gor,3,ggd g,amended g71210 ft-Page 70 of correrate nuclear petrerience p an to re-44430 217- pgc WMTfS A Tennessee Vaney Aut%onty 88sC2/06 Document Control Branch {Docu.  ! S402250444 LER SS40640on 880120 svvedance estructen e%cn tests standby gas ireatment teat %e humefy heaters ta ted to freet Tech Soec testeg recuremer"s Caused by cade,me proce'dures Surve&ance instNchen rowsed W / 8802190003 CoMems 880211 er'gt treetng e Regen it to escuss orgawaton of nucie-8M219 ftr at securi sta't.per680205 tecon WrLLARD $ C. W ALNERJ G Tennessee Vaney Authorty 88/02/19 4;c 44481020- BARRK 04 c4 Specsar Freacts 88/02/06 WwfE S A Tennessee Va ev r Author-l' 44481023 #F 20p 44462 218 44462 2I9 8802110285 Provvses TWA met %1 of roths'en for openeg of erroioree concerns DOCKET 50 260 BROWh$ FERRY NUCLE AR *OWER STATION. UNIT 2 speaf prog *am reren va?ces & rot kr'es NRC assaance e comcaeton c/ orocess reovested tw 6%219 GAOLEf R L Tenewssee vadey A/hcrfy 88/02/09 Dacument Corwrol Branch F. Secunty, unedical. emergsacy a fire protection plans IDocumeet Ccnot De9) 3co 44321094-44321096 6402020202 C>$cutses de%ency re evSnriduals badged let unescorted eccess but no 4402230236 Tno rep 8 of 89 J20445 sie vvt to trae; cour- ce heae oeveicced ref checes Tap force from personnel secure r estat+5%d to dereco re' onysot B'anch MOR AN O H O'c cd Spec r (Document Cont'of Desh) 2pp 441p917%44199180 'ipp 44444 04) 44444 04$'ar P'es cts 88 92r1I LECH G G O*c of Speat P'o,ects i

v. - - - - - - - -,,-iw., , - , , - - - m-.-,-,+ --. --.,--.,--cw,..a.-.e .,. - - , , - - . - - - - , , , . . - . , - , m-, - - - - - - - - - - , - - --- -

38 DOCKETEDITEMS $802230193 Forwards Amends 144 140 & 115 to Lcenses DPR 33 DPR-52 & DPR- Q. Irispection reports, IE Bulletins & correspondence 68.rescective4 & sa'ery evabaton Amend repiaces Onetiona! tevt l'eoserces for core spray bc> .RCIC HPCJ & ADS & LPCs iopcs & core sceay auto nteon rMA 2ECH G G c of Scecw Proects 88,02/12 WHITE S A Tennessee vaney Autho 8802020288 Forwards irtsp Repts 50 259 87-41.50 260/87.41 & 50 296 87-41 on ay 300 44443 338 44443 3M 8711 gio,,0206 & netce s adverse of visaSon to quawry inspcontras prograrti scent ^ed tr'41 mgt by as evoenced f aded 50*v to scrveve effectwo oedonosency rate corw BARR K P Otc of Spec al Propects 68 01/21 WHITE.S A Tennessee Vaney Author- -4802230210 Amends 144.140 & 115 to Lcenses DPR-33 DPR-52 & DPR 68 iey 3pc 44199 c98 44199 ? t i respectrvery tep3aceg functiona4 test fremences nor core spray RCJC HPCIADS & LPCJ toges & core spray & HPCI esto ntuton endts 11 once every is rnontM -8802020308 Notice et violaSon from esp on87110246 Vo'aton noted <>v of nuclear 2ECH.G G Ole of Spetal Pro,ects 88 *02/12 15pp 44443 34144443 355 ervyneerog d4 not take acton to correct or preciude repetiton for condtons 33vesse to @2akty & e"6ct've Correcteve acton not implefnented ~4802230225S#ety evabatson suppcateg Amends 144.140 & 115 to L<enses DPR- BARR K P Otc cf Specw Profects 88/01/212pp 41199101-44199102 3J DPR 52 & OPR48 rescectvery

  • Olc o' Speoal Pro,ects 68/02/12 3pp 44443 35644443 358 -8802020323 inso Repts 50 259/87 41.50 260,87-41 & 50-296'87 41 on 871102-06 Voators noted Manor areas espected hcensee actions on prevous en'orcement

$402240118 Foraaros Amenos 142.138 & 113 to Lcenses DPR 33 DPR 52 & DPR- ma"ers & previous'y cent >'ed 'eso ino'ngs & correctrve acton pro 7am 68 respective'y 4 stery evabasen A. mends snpose bmit on reactor operaton when re VOORE L R. BEtiSLE.G A. Ot of Specw Prorects. 8 7/12< 0 7 9pp 44199 103-trogen not teeng used to k>ppry pne#atic Control sys eseOe Contanrnent 44199 111 ZE CH G G 08c of Scecial Pro r ects 68/02/12 WwTE.S A Tennessee Vancy Author ey 3pp. 44465 329-44465 355 8802020132 Requests safety evaba%on of TV A program to resotve IE B>'etes 7942 & 7914 & wr:tien sta'ement exv nen e acceptatwy or program Descicon of pro- ~8802240124 Amenos 142 138 & 113 to Lcenses DPR 33 DPR 52 & DPR 68 9'am Wied ce870408 &reve*ed 870916 & 1211 meetnQs e /NRC ressective*y recoseg best on reactor coerahon enen tvtrogen not teing used to GR'OLEY.R Tennessee Vasey Author-ty 68c01/29 Document Control Branch (Dor.# supply tsc con'rol sys esce conta.rwent frent Control Desh) 2pp 44197 309 44197 310 ZECH G O'c of Specal Prorects 88'02/12 21cc 44465 332 44465 352 8801210097NRC Irdo Notre 88031. ~Satty Irwction Pee Fa a ure " Svc kst eivJ ~4803240138 Sa'ety evalvron succortry Amends 142.138 & 113 to Licenses OPR- ROSS C E Dyson c4 Oceratonal E vents assessment (Post 8704 ti) 88/01/27 33 DPR 52 & DPR48 respect,va iy Conso4 dated Esson Co el Nee Vca. inc 123pp 44176 075-44176197.

  • C*c of Speca Pro!ects 68/02r12 2pc 44465 353 44465 354 4802020224 Re s 4 violatons ncied e Inso Revs 50 259 84 23 50 260:84 23 &

-8802240144Reovests F A cetacaton of not<e of isswance o Ameeds 142.138 & 113 ([ $e actons GE sutmtted screes to complete NSSS Phase 11 to L(enses OPR 33 DW $2 & DDR-E4 rescective ry Amenos recose hast on reactor oceraSon enen rstrogen not te ng used to sep'y reeumaSc control srs GARE y R Tenneme vm Amq 88 91/29 hetMwBem &# ZECM G G O'c of Scecw Pro,ects 68 < 02 /12. NRC - No Detaaed A't*aton G'ven mm Cont of Desel 3pp 44ti>3 982-44190184 tp 44465 355 44465 355 8802030003Akses that ertancemeat proce&es for sta vsar3 zed root casse anays,s 8802350243 Fornards Ameros 143 139 & 114 to Licenses DPR 31 DPR 52 & DPR. tu"y imc,e, g,nied ggorg, e,3 ,ngg p 331 estead of 880131 as ccarvied to m 870710 str e re-by ,8,60,3 68 respectevery & sa'aty evabaron A. mend rev ses km tog corvpon lor oceraton to GA DLEY R Tennessee Valey AutSor'ty 88 T1/29 Document Control B anch (Doc # rm3ure trer std for odene testng & anaWS of charcoal h"er samC4es rnent Conto Cesh) 2cc 44201358 44201359 ZECM G G Ofc of Specw Protects 58'02/12 WHITE S A Tennessee vawy Ast*or-dy 3pp 444?9 28144499 324 8801260102NAC Wo Pc6ce 88002 ' Lost of Stoien Gavges " Svc ksi enct CUNV4GMAV R E Dyson of swste a' & Med<a' %c$ ear Safety iPost 670729) -8802250258 Amends 143.139 & 114 to Lcenses DPR 33 DPR 52 & Op A 48. 88 e2,02 Consoada'ed Esson Co of Ne* York loc 121p0 44296 093-44236 213 respectreery author z*vJ rev to levtm coroton for operaton to rewe irer std tor 03me testog & araws of charcoan Mer sampies 8802010084 NRC inre Notge 88 003 "Craos c Shroud kccort Access %e Cover 2ECM G G C4c e4 Scece Pecycts 88 02/12 39sc 44499 264 44499 322 A ecs Svc hst enc 3 ROSSt C E C%on cd OceraScrat Even's Assessment (post 870411) 68 02/02 -8802250268 Sa'ety evaba'on si9portag Ameros 143 130 & 114 to Lcenses C$A- Consc4date1 Esson Co of Nea vork. ine 112cc 44338 225 44338 336 33 DPR 52 & DPR 68 respectrve'y

  • Olc of Specw Protects 88<0i'12 2cc 44499 323-44499 324 8802020034 NRC B#etin 68-Q01. Detects c Wes1Mhouse Crest Breamers ~ SvC ht enct 883219o087 Sdev a s fersed reovest for esempton from 10CFR50 55avel to aw. ROSSi C E Deson of Ocerano6ai E veets Assessmeat (post 870411) 88:02'05 eurrent 120 inont$ enteNat for ASVE Secion li purnp & wa*ve program to end on Corssddated Edson Co of New verk inc t en po 44339 225-44340 004 9M431 Fee pad GRhEY R Tennessee varey Asthcr4 69'02/17 Docuraem contta Brav IDoc# 8802020035 NAC Bshefe 88002 Rae.d*y Propagateg Fat 9se Creas e Dea m Gen-ment Control Dep) 5cc 44445 044 44445 C48 eramt Tures Svc kst enct ROSS! C E Drr-son of Orarasonal Even's Assessment IPest 8 70411 p 88 02G 8802430348 Rewsts *%at tee re accwcave for accrosat ic use ASVE Boser & Pres. ConsWa9ed Esson Co of New Vcn tac 124cc 44338 337 44"9100 sue vessel Cooe Cases N 3414 N-3*A for pants be er mtied B5 ** te 'ssvec tor ay aos cose for review of acc caton 8802020228 NAC info Netxe 88 M24 v45 equate Ova
  • titre in & Drxumeetron or DUGS R M tcense Fee Managemer t E, ranch 88 e 02 /18 AHITE S A T*nnessee er PeneiraSon Sea s " Syc but enct veer Ast%or.ty 1p 4a450 0' 5-4449 c35 f te Ba"C E ROSS! Dev's.on cd Opera $on41 Events Aswssm ent (Poe 8 7041 t) 68 02/05 Corboldaw E dson Co of Nea vort. mc 124co 4434 '0t 44339 224 4802230322 Favoes =<m schedse of Tv A ut,1es tot ans of860221 & 29
  • ELLYJ e C4c of ScW p<o+ cts AG. 02'19 ZE CM G G Ofc c.f Special Po,ect, 8802110328 NAC Wo Neve 68 005 ' Fee e A.nryncAv Comro' Caonets " Sec bst 4pp 4444J 356 44 :4? J59 g g , g , . ,

8802240322 Not4caten of A80225 e rr ems M 6 C*atwooga TN to 4* cuss schad . E of Scm>at AcFCes 8 0 02 < 13 ZECH G G O*c cf Scw.a. Preiects 8802N8 NW m exerns rey c N % W m D 41 MM 87 43 & 4pp 444 74 348e 1474 351 50 296 BL43 re 8 '1102 chaea f% wrectve actons mste seron accorm c-W qage team sspgcr*g hand over rsaN! nat te n of e+ctM al CaC*e> GA DLE v A Terinence hacey A;tSy4 8&O2/16 foc.vt Conto Beanch (Doc # 880225J117 Notit< ate;n of 68c229 rneev9 w/uts ei Aochvec MO to @gevgg cycTG(o pngc9(gnq,ggpp9g 9pp 4434333443g334g CNere re preg NRC accrova' GE ARS G E Orc cd Scect Acets 89 02'22 ZECH G G Orc of hovects 3 9 44474 153 44474 155 R. Penod.c operAeg reports & related correspondence ) 8802250082 Nw.cawn c4 cra,ge e ur on & ice m 225 m. m . su m ,,,,,3,,,, o,,,,, ,,,,,,,y ,, ,c, % m , l S 8"* 5 a " '-"e ^~ "" r ' )* "222 3" "222 356 Gt,BSTE' 40 um emunSc'J"c%"CifL'T2'3 m S ZEC G G Ce e Sce. m-3 ,,0,c,0,0, ,_ a.,, ,e a ,, m, ,3,,e, ma, ,,.e ,es, ma , ,m ,e, 1, Scc 6 7 3 C 1 a Secordry coraawt for a* "vee reador tones & come re%ei 8802250285 NoWron of change e t<ne for 89:225 pax mee*q re sche 1ve+ br nne 9,g on p gpg D AS G"EAAS G E Ofc of Scec4 Prow's P8'02/23 ZEZH G G C*c of Scec a! Mcw*s ,GA die V ADesu ,m Con"s Tennessee 3cp 4419'b acey 2 76 AJhcrb 88 0125 Dtxva+nt Comes Evance Ox# 44' 97 278 4pp 44XC O31445cc y34 -8802020207'Secco$ry Cor'arener't Leaa Pa'e Test Petv%d871026 ' 8802290038 Awcafon br aweeds to Lceases DN 33 DPR 52 & CCA 68 chaNN

  • te^ressee va ey AMorb 68 O f '25 tc 4419' 278 44197 278 Tece Specs to omete aosove surveSave c'e6a s for he 6.netance fearemer's

& a WWQ vse C4 cierva! estengon Fee ga4 8802290213 Vy 't' GAGE y A Tennesve vaney Au m c u, es 02 24 Cocumeat Confecd B'anc$ @c, meat Cetrol Ce9) 2pp 4:514 018 445 t 4 04 3 pay og 3 g 643th33 00e'a'M c(T's fT7 .,a,n en ggee 33 n 1 M8 A BM217 A3yy ag-ci p 73 44%e 23144%e m ~8802290043bccesed Tec% Specs de4etog atsove ssr v e'ance cena s for he sst 8802120271 Forea os Vy% Popess %c' P Cet '7 5 ' NCeret Ant,s s & As ve. nonce reopements & aje*q vse c' eer a' er+eason Nt .s pr' ct cqM Tece wssmem ' W pne endq M: t 3i SceC oehrtMr' o' 5#re4-ate CAAFA3'#0SP Ca scan Ccec is a s rev n Mees F rana e Aesca9 Cew ' Tennessee b awy Aa%r4y 88 02 24 2tcc 44514 020 445'd C42 NAC 05 *A 'M 98 02 03 AE ST S NnC Y Ceta w AN rea Gwen 'c 44 34 7 9 5 7 44 34 ' 16 $ 8802290080 AWs f*at via readv to uoyt scr+ sped NQ eorc-ent ma' Nason ow on M0411 thr% everaed cha Raaen casaysprwc t#w ant -8802120272 Wi+<erdeN Asvum-M 5 A aw s ' e v cvc yess emi v y cc.:4 loCJAg 49rss e $av (e ut t-g made r+41v & na 6 Joers tem cc^wed erdq 68H 31 GACLE V A Te*SE ss(e W s'+, A por$ 8% '02 t24 CWVmeat CON'O' A*av * (DL

  • C A (C an COD (s.As A*ve Udgres Fre^a hn Aeses? CeNeq NW[ 05 % 'M P mere Contrc4 Dav) 2pp 4 4524 3r a 44524 '.v4 (8 T 5 fi% 32 04 NM No N-ea e A* -ascir Gyac eg 4434 7 is e 44347 't 5

DOCKETEDITEMS 39 8002110216 Foreards week schedule of TVA activibes tor weems of 880208 414. 6802050073 Reouests cianicaten of incons,stences between pestecahon m 870730 NELLY.J L. Orc of Prcsects. 88/02/08 ZECH,0 G. Otc of Specaal Propects. SER feces grant,ng 10CFR50. App R exempbons & pshfcanori m utd 840629 4 4pp. 44338 06644338 069. OSO116 Itrs requesteg emenpuons 2tMMERMAN.S R. Caroica Power & Lp Co. 88/01/29 Documert Control Branch S. Reportable occurrences LEMs & reteted correspondence 8002190041 Discusses ute 880129 payment of fee by electronc wre transter for an. 8002230043 Part 21 rept to potenbal problem w/ Type 999 urut emergeccy poner voices G0467 & GO46e for reven of Part 50 apphcat ons & Part 55 sycs for 860622 generator Feesd treaker ypped at tacAty manng test on EMD20-645E4

  • Type 999 1220 urut Appears that 100 amp a too low ratng & should be 125 emp ZiMVERMAN.S R. Caoine Power & Lagr4 Co. 88/02/01. NRC - No Detaded Aff&

KULCHAK.R D Momson Krussen Co. Inc 88/02/05. TAYLOR.J NAC No Deta4ed atson Gsven. tp 44444 247-44444 247. Afhbanon Grvert 7pp. 44448 334-44448 340. 4802160100Formerds compoeted survey sheet per871222 rocasar tuel cycie mdusty . furJe actnrev survey Date & aconty hsted tuty to change. DOCKET 54261 H.B. ROS4DfSON PLANT, UstIT 2 LOFLIN.L L Carohna Power 1 Light Co 88/02/08. Document Coreal Branch (Doca morW Control Desk). 2pp 44340 29244348 293 F, Securtty, medical, emergency & pre protectica plans $402160295Cordams urvierstandeg of comtrwtments made eseg880210 moeteg w/ utJ re prcposed mod of onsste emergency elecycal estreuhon sys to ccrrect dessgn 8002100482Formards insp Rept 50-261/87 37 on 8711111210 7,o v@anons or dew de'c*ncies. Cotermaten of ersted efo recpested stens noted GRACE.J N Regon 2 Ofc of the Drector. 88/02/11. UTLEY.E E. Carohne Power & YERRELLLD M. Regen 2. Ofc of the Drector 88/01/06.UTLEYE E. Caronna Power Laght Co 2pp. 44366 29544366 296 & Light Co. 2pp. 44307.11544307.132. 8002160267 Generc LW 8843 re resolubon of Genorc Safety issue 93. ' Steam Bedng -4002100485 tesp Rept 50 241/e7 37 on 8711111210 No volanons or devotons of Aussiary Fee ster Pumps Svc nst enct noted Maior areas espectedplant tow. Tech Spec comphar ,epart operatens M:RAGLIA.FJ Dvision of 0peratonal Events AssessmerW 4 Post S70411t S8/02/17. revensbyscal protecten, monthly survemance observatort & mamt program evalua- Conschdated Edson Co of New YortL. Inc 44pp. 44524 01644524 061. bon LATTA.R M. FREDRICKSON.P. Repon 2. C'c o8 the Drector. 88/01/06 16pp. se02260054Appicaton for amend to Lcense DPR 23.restchng amoeable operaten to 44307.117-44307-132 . power level of no more than 1.380 t/Wt uruess three safety meecbon pumps avaAates ter automats av%etson to frutgate e'tect of LOCAs Fee paad $402030054 Rev 12 to Emer an arvementng Procedure PEP-205. *MotWabon MCDL*F4E M A. Carofma Power & lsght Co 88/02/24 Document Convol Branch of Outssde ratens " /880129 Itr (Document Convol Dest). 4pp 4450419644504 304 MORGAN.R . Caroica Power & Lght Co. 88/0t/21. 7pp 44217 31144217 317, -8402260061 Proposed Tech Spect.restnctang anomabie operaban to power level of no 8402030044Recsed emeagency plan evementmg procedies melueng Rev 2 to PEP- more than 1380 MWt unless three sa'ety ryecten pumps avadable for evtomanc auto-401. "Radoactsve Source Term Determeaton Based on Sampie Results" 4 Rev $ 10 4 ton to trut9 ate eMeets of spectrum of LOCAs at 2300 MWt a na /0244. N 46 202MMM4 M MC esORNR C P & Light Co. 88/01/26 10pp. 44217.338-44217 347 080205M72 Reovests cladcaten of ecorestances between justifcaten m 870730 * * * * *** O '"P*"d'" 35o,[6 tag 8002100442 Foreards trso Rept S261/87 37 on 8711111210No vdatens or dew OMMERMA Caohna Power & Light Co. 88/01/29. Document Control Branch stens noted (Document Control Desa) 2pp. 44259 358-44259 359 VERRELLI.D M. 2. Ofc of the Drector. 8A/01/06 UTLEY.E E Caonna Prseer & Light Co 2pp. 44 7.11544J07.132 6802160231 Rev 17 to Plant Emergency Proceese pee 204. Notificaten of Cet-Duty Personref

  • W1880209 nr ~4402100485 inso Rept 54261/87 37 on 8711111210 No vcabons or devotons A10RROW.M C , MORGAN.R E. Carcana Power & Lght Co 88/02/09 14pp noted Masor reas snspectedplant tour. Tech Spec comphancopant operatens 44352 10744352 120. reveephyscas protecten, month #y surved'ance observaten & marit program evalue-bon 80021700$1 Rev 12 to Emer Pan impaementag Proce&sa PEP-206. *Act=abon LATTA.R M. FREDRICKSON P. Region L Ofc of the Drector. 88/01/06 16pp.

of Tectytcal Seport CW (T ^)r mergency Operatens Face (EOFI" W/880209 ftr. 44307 117-44307.132 MORROW.M C . MOR3AN.R E. Caroine Pcreer & Lsght Ca 88/C2/09 22pp 44353 001-44353 022 8402100310 Recpests descrobon of planned actretses & schedAe for implementng cor. rectrve actons :or plant sa'ety related sysper 870309 4415 eso reveahng econessi-4 6402260149 Rwvised plant emergency procedwes conssteg W Rev 17 to PEP-44 ences a tasse documentabon. "Radcactve Source Term Recase Estenaaes Based on Drect Rasason Worvlor GRACE J N 2. Ofc of the Drector 88/01/19 UTLEY.E E. Carchna Power & Re- & Rev 18 to PEP-301. ~4tutsae Dose Pecyecteorg " W/880223 tii. Qtit Co ip 44 10 1364 4310 136 MAR M C.. WORGAN.R.E. C&ohna Power & Lsght Co 38/02/23 11pp 44504 3244 4504 334 3402020274 Resporw*e to SE r 85403. Motoropersed valve Common Mode Fa4ures CAsmg Piant Trswents Due to improper Sa regeod ey Acton F r* tmAee eithn ame kamescussed as e'ich Settings e/CW Hemi on*680115 Rept provides m P. Operating bcense stage documents 6 correspon0once Eve.L W Crohna P seer & Liphe Co 68/01(22 Reger. 3. Ofc of th6 Drector topp s41M 2884419)305 8401210332 Genenc Lir $842 >> as oveer reacter Isansees te Interated Seiety Ar sessment Proaram u USAP R) Svc hst enci 8402030476 Resoc ds to NRC Commance BJietc 87402. "Fastener Tesang to Deter. M;RAGLtA.FJ Associate Dro1er sca Prorects (Pont870411). 88/01/20 Ccnschdoied mer Conformeve W / Acphcacio n es Spect " F4fy-two tasteners tested met appbca-Edson Co of New Yo k. Inc. 46pp. 44202 31944203 005. bis AF.TW s Teo noncorvetent fasieners deemed acceptable for niended use. EURY A W *olea Power & Lght Co 68s01/23. GRACE.J N Regen 2. Olc of the 4602040014 Cotrms eyeement for 88M29 eneetng to update NRC on ut4 nuccee' Drectar 13pp 44416t53-44216.065 program UTLEYE.E Caroissa Poeer & Lght Co 88/01/23 GRACEJ N Regen 2. Ole of ine 5401210097 f#U into Notce 68-001. Safety iryecien Poe Faaie " Svc kst ence a Drector tp 44252 07644252 078 ROSStC E ihvson of Operatonal Events Af tehment (Post 870411). 68,01/27. 6802010054ineorms hcensee of K Eccleston replacement by R Lo as NRR pro,ect me for ut4 & telephone numoet aMar 680201 more to Rochvse MD 64020M402 Fmos W R* W261/6402 on 8801NM & we d viosam apNSAM.E Ad G Protect Drectorate U-1. 68/01/25 UTLEY.E E Carohna Power & COLLINS.D M Regen 2. Ole of the Drector $8/01/28 UTLEYJ E Caoena Power & lsght Co. 2pp. 4418136444141361. Light Co 2pp 44216 316 44216 330 Notco of voeten from esp on68010448 Venaten noted on 8709td.e. s cyce 8 h try or RC -840203,0411=~~d i- a ar 9e c--~~~ == #~ to.n,of ,e semoet iha ae.e.e , e, tatted to, specw, c,ee e..to1s f 21 4 21 L NS C of Drector 68/01/28 2pp. 44213 318-44216 319. 6 020 0iit F~ds e,e-on Pom ,e-ts ,0C,R50 62 tem to a .ee, -ae2o0m insp aepi *26"== en Sm.~a-s ,cted M. eas own eyecten Ilow rate e standby hSad control syspor gtadance prowded e Genenc inspectedbconsee acten on precous erworcement matters orgartraton & mgt Ltr 8543 Amend 143 to Lcense DPR.23 aso encg contrors.tfrang & cpaahficJtons erlernat & cternal esposure coetros BASSE17,C H . HOSEY.C W Regen 2. O'c of the Drector 88/01/25 tipp SYLVESTER.E D Protect Drectorate B-1 88/01/28 UTLEY.E E. Caohna Power & 44216 320-44216 330 Light Co. 3pp. 44292 209-44292 225 -8402090164 Esenoten from regarements of 10CFR50 62(cx4) re stener e quid e 890'040111 Prowdes evaluaten r3t ute 871113 comments on SALP Repts W261/87-tro 22 54 400/87 24 54 324/67 19 & 50 325/67 19 Errata to SALP Repts W324/87-19 VAR S A. Oscson of Reactor Pro,ects - 4/ft (Post $70411). 68/01/26 Cwoica 5 54235/8719 enct Power & Lgnt Co. Sco 44292 212 44292 216 GRACE.J N A 2. Orc of the Drector BA/01/29 UTLEY E E Carohna Power 4 Leght Co. 6pp 4 71 21844271 291 -4402090174 Ameed 143 to Lcense DPR42/evsvg Tech Specs te standty hoJd contro reset vaive setpoet & sodum pentatora'e concentraten curve to -8402060113 Errats to SALP Aapts 50-324/97-13 & 50 325/61 19 for Brumsecitcorrectog macewate n'o & r change e rateg o survedance sea ! sabsty A rule regurements l ADENSAM E G Protect Drectorate Il-1. 84/01/28 6pp 44292 21744292 222 to Caiegory 1 SMes use Osng070930.1001 & 3 SALP presentaten enct

  • Pegon 2. CNc of the Drector 68/01/29 68pp 4427122444271291. [

-6402090177 eneacton komSately res.wements evaluaSon of 10 surgCFR s0 62icx4) Amend 143 to Leense DPR42 & granteg of Into Not,ce 68-002. "Lost or Sicuen Gauges " Syc hst encs 6801260102NRC

  • OMce of %cieer Reac1or Reguason. r Drector (Post 4704t1) 68/01/28 3pp CtMNGHAM.R E thson of indus*nal & Meocar Nuc*ew Sa'ery (post 870729) 44292.223-44292 225 68/02/02 Ccescadated Edson Co of Nee Yors, irc. 12109 44296 093 44296 213

40 DOCKETEDITEMS i . i 8002010004 NRC Info Notee 88403. ' tracks m Shroud Swoort Access Nose Cover -8002170214 Notce of snuance of amend to Lcense SNM-2502.reviseg Tech Specs Reeds? Svc het enct ROSSI.CE. Omsen of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 870411). 88/02/02. to make ciencal changes & provee for eseng mods not aNectng lued Conschdated Eeson Co. or New YorA inc.112pp 44334 22544336 336 recte.handhng & storage safety j ROUSE.LC. Fued Cycle Safety trancit88/02/11. 2pp. 44353.058-44353 057. l 8002020034NRC Busetn 88401,"Defects e Westeghouse Crcut Breakers? SVC hst ones 8002260061 Forwards NRC Amend 2 to Lcense SNM-2502 Requests NRC update ISFSI Tech Specs ROSSI.CE. Dween af Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 870411). 88/02/05. LOFUNLt. Caronna Power & L ght Co.88/02/19 NRC . No Deta4ed AffAalen G'ven. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.140pp. 44339 22044340 004. 3pp. 44506 055-44506 076 0802020036NRC Busehn 88402, *Rapdy Propagatng Fangue Cracks m Steam Gen- { ROSSIC of atonal Events Assessment (Post 870411) 88/02/05. DOCKET 50 263 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENEMATING PLANT l Conso6 dated Eeson Co. New Ycrk. Inc 124pp. 44338 337 44339100. 0802020220 NRC Info Notce 88404.

  • Inadequate Quakfcaten & Documentaten of F. Security. pal, emer9ency & fire protection plana Fro Bamer Penetraton Seals" Svc hst enct ROSSa.C E. Omsen of Operatens' Events Assessment (Post 870411). 88/02/05.

Coneohdated Eeson Co. cf Nee York, inc.124pp. 44339 t0144339 224 0802030107 Requests revee & approval of anci chan0es to uts Rev 11 bc opershonal OA pregam.resultng m mnor reducten for comtruiments re unnanounced fre 8002110320 NRC Irdo Notce 88405. "Fro a Annuncetor Controf Cabnets? Svc 6st [p,'D Sta Po Co. 88/01/22 Offee of Nuclear Reactor Reguia-ROSSI.C E. Ormson of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 870411). 68/02/12. ten. Dncer N 8W de 4422NH220 306. Conschdated Edson Co of New York,Inc.120pp. 44523 25tL44524 015 6802160152 Responds to NRC871231 Itr re modamons noted n insp Rept5 263/87-8002200046 Documents 871231 eicussons wrNRC resdent anspector & Regen 11 to 15 Casme actons tape renoved from latch mecharusm (LM) 4 LM on fre Door 18 catenson o utd premously commmed date for resoluton of Inspector Fonow@ Item cha e anon door e be unlocked but team talcred 8741L22 from inso Rept54261/8746 Ta<get due care e 880331 LAR .C E. Nor1hern States Power Co. 88/01/29 GULDEMOND.W G Regat 3, BE ATTY.G P. Carchna Power & Lght Co.88/02/14 GRACE.J N. Regen 2. Osc of the Ole of tre Drector 5pp. 44347.22044347 224. (Doctor. 2pp. 44504 06644504 067. 4002110254Adeses that671222 Rev 7 to emergency plan consrstent w/ regwements 0802250470 Foreards insp Rept 50 261/87 39 on 871211-880110 No molatchs or deww ct 10CFR50 54(q) 4 acceptaose anons noted SHAFER W D. Re pon 3. Olc of rio Drector. 88/02/05 JRSON.C E. Northam VERRELLI.D M. Repon 2. Olc of the Drector. 88/02/18.UTLEY.E E. Carohne Power States Power Co 2pp 44322073-44322.074 & Ught Co. 2pp. 44495 277 44425 290 -8002250475 insp Rapt 50-261/07-39 on 071211480110.No notatons or denabons 6802220107 Forwards response to NRC 880106 Itr re votabons noted a Sa'eguards Reot 50 263/8717 on 8711161221. Response w@eid reted Maior areas espectediosow@ on premous enforcement ma:ters.cperatonal SON.C E. Normern States Power Co. 8002/05 HJND.JA Repon 3. Cic of the sa*ery venhcanon protecton.swvemance observaton & mart observaten. Drector. f p.44446 319L44448 319 LATT AR M . FRE CKSON.P. Regen 2. Olc of sie Drector. 88/02/18 12po 03495 279-44495 290. 0802290305 Responds to alleged velatons noted m insp Rapt 50 261/8802 Correctrve noe ap ments & cmpe Otrons wnole tWy counts performed on beensee & of'sne machrse shop personnet uwoNed m ha mas re evert Resuns nondetectable BEATTf.G P. Car 6801210332 Genorm Lt 8842 to as power reactor teensees te integrated Safety As-Power & Ught Co 88/02/23. Document Conrol Branch (Docu. sessment Program II(ISAP tilSvc hst enci ment Conrol Desk). 3pp. 44518 21044516 212. WRAGLIAf J Associate Drector for Protects (Post 870411). 88/01/20 Conschdated Eeson Co of New Yors,Inc topp. 44202 31944203 005 R. Periodic operstang reports & related correspondence 6402030107 Requests renew & approval cf enct changes to ut4 Rev 11 to operabonal CA program.resunmg c mror reexton for commrtments to unnanounced fse 8002170297 Monthly operaq rept for Jan 1988 W/680209 Itr. edts per 10CFR50.Ag R Fee pad HAYNESWORTH.V. MORAR E. Carohr.a Power & bght Co. 88/01/31. 5pp. MUSOLF.D. Nortnern States Power Co 88/01/22 Orfce of Nuctear Reactor Reguia-60368 317-44368 321. ten. Drector (Post 870411) 400 44220 30344220.306. S. ReportatWe occurrences, LERs & related correspondence 6401260537 Genenc LW 8841 to as BWR beensees & holders of cps Ier SWRs re NRC pos, son on tGSCC m 8 AR austerwtc stamiess steed pipoq Svc bst enct uRAGLIAf J Associate Drector for Protects (Ppst 870411) 88/01/25. Corewnon 8002000241 PNO8146409on 880130.plard brought o cold shuidown due to mana. wealth Eoson Co 43pp 4425814848258188 41CS condten m wrych smgte taba could cause loss of two sa'ety ryocton purnps dorg desagn tiasas event Lcartsee we repar 26 weeds by smeveg 6:0203000t Septa 860618.J70925 & 1214 submetais of hgn energy nne anaysesser VEWELU.D. Reger 2. 08c ot the Drector.88/02/041p 4427525&44275256 880121 telcon teovest MVSOLF.D Northern States Power Co 88,01/25. Document Control Brarcie (Dorv. 0802170096 Summary of Operahng Reactors Events Meeteg 8845 on 880202 on ment Contra Desa). 2w. 442' 7 357-44217.358 ovents sece 880126 moeing Last of attendees, events escussed.tatuaten of long-term tonowup asagnments a 10CFR50 72 rept tabulaton & summary enri LANN6NG W Events Assesarreit 8< arc *L 88/02/10 ROSStC E. Covisen cf Oper- 6802t90044.*erwards Rev 2 to 8708id apcacaten for amend W Lxense DPR 22.Wiet. Ctonal Eve r(s Assessment (Pcat 8 0411) 20pp. 44353153 443M 172. og requrement for general swenntende t of paant operabens to rod sener reactor oce,aur accese 8002240272 LER 884010&on 8&O11r.salomate reactor rp uccur'ed h to ksbme MJSOLF.D Nottiern States Power Co. 88/02/10 Document Ccntal Branen (Docu. ment Contral DesH. 2pp 44444 274-44d44 277. tg on toss of autzss.O*e4 pressse Caused by captry f presswe tegwateg vane SAN &*'M%'RnM'l29'@% . 3!n.% u5n,38 -~s'".m **~an er ~ne w spetendent t~ o""-22 c=m s ~e mu 4452214j~ request jeweng rewoment for genrat of plant operates h@d current NRC sernor rector operator heense R .8 2=o Mus--a-n S- co ~0 = '"aa 2a4aa 278 deoa ie,ed inaias,, e,wy _a 0n=,. e.s u,ed e mene,e =1n e W. setpor ,.,ed . rech Spec 931 d Caused tv curreed fusi vendors use of delay tmo data w/880218 2 tir -8402190062 Proposed Tech Specs descong reQuremerd for gerere4 supenntendent of CROOK.O. MJRGAN.R E. Carohna Power & Ught Co 68/02/t9 Spp. 44483 274 P*ard operatens to reid curent NRC sener reactor operator hcense. 4cag3 273,

  • Nor1hern States Power CO 88/C2/10.1p 44444 27744444 277, 8402250094 Forwards roovest for add into re ute 831114 response to Generc Lir 43 Y. Dry Cast independent Spent Fuel Storage instanatlons 28,nem 22 (Part 1L "E0Jpment Qass,featen Program (Hograms for An Othw Sa'ety- Related Componentsp Responsa requested artran 7 days 8002040373 Forwards LLL Lab Rept UCID 21246. Tyname impact E'fects on Spent STEFANO.J J Pro,ect Drectorate 141 88/02/22 MVSOLF.D M. Northem States

,' Fuel Asserreies" Rept we be acorporated into dry sperd fusi storage casat std Power Co 6pp 44495 35344435 358 rowww pian to be put*sred at later date Wto enet j ROBERTS J P Fuel Cycie Sa'ety Branch. 88/02/02 JUDSON B F. General Electne Co STE* ART.W L vagrus Power (vrpn.a Enectnc & Power Co ). UTLEY,E E. Caros. Q. Inspect 6on reports. It Bunetins & correspondence to Power & Lght Co. 4pp 44256 27244258 275. 8002170204Foreards Amend 2 to Lcense SNU-2502.changng terms *' reactor poor & I 7 *" reac of sp. tor" to sport fuel pact' n App A.Sectonrevs 31.rot Page to & sa onecteg crap o desgnatens E h s Consoldated Eason Co of New York,Inc 123pp 44176 075 441'6197 ost 870 /27 OUSE ceed L d7Ceawegs e eBrancrt eac* 88/0 tee eaq2/ 1. UTLEY.E E Carohnag & Lght 7 p .. 185 Contros Rods to Ful9 ansert Dunng Scra n at BW5U re comrevtment concerewng -8002170207 Amend 2 to Lcense SPM2502 char 9ng terms "reactor poor" & reac- cPFa9on of suporessen poof coont g tor" to spect tues poor n App A.Secten 31.Page 10 & oesgnahons of speedied LAR5ON C E Northern States Power Co 88/01/27, DAVIS,A S. Regon 3. Ofc of the n eawegs e facetate esweg revs not a ectng sa'ety per 10CFR72 35 Drector 3cc 44357N4357098 F L.C. Fued Cycle Sate *y Branch 88/02/11 13pp. 44353 04244353 054 8402100214 Foren'ds fesponse to NRC Comphance Bunete 87402 Man & chemcas -8402170212 Concludes inat envven assessmen or EIS not warranted for apwoval of tests of safety & norsa'ety4eisted fasteners rnet specs encept as noted As decahons 071125 apphcation for amend to L8 Cense SNM 2502 f*re no enect on svC Ceriorfnaece ROUSE L C. Fuel Cycle Sa*ety Srancri 88/02/t1 Fuel Cycas Saie*y Branch tp 44353 055-44353 055 LARSOPtC E Northem states Power Co 88/01/29 Document Control Branch tDocu. ment Contros Desk) 6?pp 4440160-44300 221 . .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . m s _ _ . . _m___ ._ L I DOCKETEDITEMS 41 l l 8002160152 Respords to NRC871231 str te violatens noled m insp Rept 50 263/87 . R. Perioec operating reports & related correspondence l- 15 Correctree actas tape removed from tatch mechansm (LM) & LM on tre Door 18 char 9ed to amow 63cr to be urdocked but remain latched $401190 til Monthly operateg rept for Dec 1987 W/880111 lir - 1 LAR50N C E. Northern States Power Co 88/01/29. GULDEMOND,WG Repon 3- MYRABO,A L. MUSOLF.D Northern Shtes Power Co 87/12/31. 5pp 44248 201 l Olc of tre Drector 5pp 44347220L44347 224 44246 205. l 8001260102 NRC Info Notre 88402.

  • Lost or Stoien Gauges " Svc kst enca. 8402170284 Monttwy operaung rept for Jae 1988 W/880208 lit.

CUNNINGHAM R E. Divism of industnal & Meecal Pesciear Safety (Post 870729)- MYRA80.A L, MUSOLF.D. Northern States Power Ca 88/01/31, 5pp 44364147 88/02/02. Conso6 dated Esson Co. of New Yortt, mc.121pp. 4429609344296 213- 44344 i$3, 8002010004 NRC arto Nohce 88-003. "Cracts m Shroud Support Access Hole Cover Wees? Svc kst enct S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & related correspondence ROSSI.CE Drreon of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 870411). 88/02/02. Consondated Eeson Co of New York inc.112pp. 44338 22544338 336 8002050153 (ER 8840140cn 871231.fre detecten sys for torus area fee zone r $402020034 NRC Bunetc 88-001, "Defects m westeghouse Cacuit Breakers " Svc nst . Y" No"pe,, sons" *# sued 8N20 ROSSI.C E. Omsen of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 870411) 88/02/05- [ D, 6 Stam W Ca 88/02% ace H263026 f4 Conscadated f eson Ca of New York, Inc.140pp. 44339 22544340004. 8002020035NRC Bunetc 88402. "Rapidly Propagateg Fatque Cracts ei Steam Gen- V. Operator Esam6 nations erator Tubes" Svc est enct 6/02/05 GM2040224 Prowdes Scamats for personal quakftcaten statement Addendurn to NRC ed N k. Inc 124 4 337 ' ^ Form 398 requred to be forwarded to Re pon in ofc once apphcant cornpdetes taeneg 4002020228 NRC Info Notce 88404. "Wie Ouawcaten & Documeritaten of 7c Tgh* $ "d Dr t. 88/02r01, Commonweafth Esson Co. Fse Barre

  • Penetabon Sea's
  • Svc kst encl. 3pp 44251091 1 993' ROSSLC E Desen of Operatonal Events Assessmers (Post 870411t 88/02/05.

Conschdated Eoson Co. 4 New Yort. Ire.124pp. 44333.101-44339 224. 8002140252 Forwards p4ot reseakfcaten exam gnren at HS Robeson for help m gener-atng osestens for antcipated testng later this vf Utd enconsaged to begri review of 8002220107 Forwards respoet to NRC 880106 Itr re violatons noted e Sa8eguards procyams & manpower corrvrvtments to accomodate effort W/o ends insp Rec 4 50-263/8717 on $711161221 Aesconse withhed. WRIGHT,G C. Regon 3. Oec of the Drector 88/02/12. WALDtNGER,L.H. Northern LARSON C E Noritern S'ates Power Ca 88r02/05. HIND,J A Repon 3. Oc of the States Power Co 2pp. 4437135944371.360 Drector 1p. 44448 319-44448 319 8002180293Adeses ute of Regon ill antent.4 arrange tmo & place to for. 8402100342 Forwards Safety insp Rept S263/8713 on 871026-880128 & nonce of .naey present hcense certicates to riewby beensed edrceaawn recogwton of at.:om-vesaten Few sagMcart defc eroes m program mplementaton observed parshmerit of eneviduals havng gone trrough study & eastung HARRISONJJ Regen 3. Orc of me Drector. 88/02/11. LARSON C E. Northern WRGHT.G C. Re?on 3. Oc of the Drector. 88/02/12 WALDINFeER.LH Northern States Power Co 2pp 44481.10244481124 States Power Co Ip. 44366 305-44368 305 -8802180345 Notce of velaDon from ansp on 871026-880128 Votahon reted hsted 8402230005 Raouests that enci bst of ret mati be furewshed al least 50 days prcr lo squement not ouakted by test &/or anatysrs for estahed conebons & appropnate operator & sener operator bconseg esams scheduled f;r et of e80606 Requrements mact acivebes ret specded a beensee guahfcaten fees for admriestrabon & reven of antien esams & ruses & p.ade6nes amo enci. HARRtSONJJ, Regon 3. Olc of the Drector.88/02/11. 2pp 4446110444481105 WRIGHT,G C. Regen 3. Ofc ejf the Drector. 88/02/18 L ?RSON.C E Northern aarts Power Co 11pp. 44432196 44432 207. -8002100352 Safety insp Rept50-263/87-13 on 871026-880128 Votabons & potentiany erworceabse/ unresolved stems rcted Ma,cr areas espected envvon gaawcaten of e4ecinc coupmert wittim scope of 10CFR50 48 & actons on SER commstments DOCKET 50 264 DOW CHEtelCAL CO. > GAUTAM.A S GARDNER.R N. Repon 3. Osc of the Drector. 88/02/09 19p0 44461 106-44481 124 V. Operator Esaminations 8002190243Foraards inso Rept50-263/87-21 on 871201880112 &riotice of vcLatert NORELsVS.C E. Repon 3 Otc of the Drector 88/02/11 LARSON C E. Northern 4002040224 Provides formats for personal qua s caten staternent Adderdum to NRC States Power Co 2pp 44374 346-44374 360. Form 398 re@Jred to be forewded to Reton lei ofc once apptcant completes tra ning regarements & receeved pner to enam date. -4402190253Notco of votaten from cap on 871201-880112 Voaten notad operntor 88/02/01 Commonwealth Esson Co WR'.GHT.O C. Regen 3. Ofc of the Drector. 3pp 442510914a251093. faded to perform soak of combuston gas control sys recombnabon reacten chamber n accesdance e/procedwo NORELIUS.C E F.epon 3, Osc of the Drector 88/02/11. 2pp 44374 348 44374 349 DOCKET S285 OUAD-CITIES STATION UNIT 2 -M02190282bisp Rept %263/87-21 on $712018P0112 Velatens moled. Mofor areas insp fedogs.operatcnol sa'ety venfcatson.marst.swvema9ce 4 g JACAr't) N Repon 3. C(c of tre DrecA.w 88/02/04 11pp 44374 35044374 360 8402180371 Revised emergency plan rnpiementmg procedres ec Hev 3 to EO-4 8002110328 NRC trdo Notce 66-005. Tre ri Annuncia1cs Cortof Cabnets

  • Svc kJ "Caiculabon of todce Reiesse Rate trom Feed Aa Sampier Data' & 8 to ED $8.

enci *Deterrrenanon of 1 Rem Evacuaten Ranges & Calculaten of Offsae Whode . ." ROSSLC E Ornson of Ope abonal Events Assessment (Rost 870411k 88/02/12 FERGUSON.B Commonweath Edson Co.87/12/31.1%p 44368 333-44369 072 Consondaied Esson Co of New f ort. Inc.120gp 44523 256-44524 015 6402030412 Forwards inso Repts 50 254/6842 & 54265/8842 on 88010547 No ve. 4402180o51 Foresids "insemce taso Esam Summary 871019-1210 ~4eiueing Outa e nanons noted NRC colsrusic that program preserited at 8M108 meeing m,a be eMec l 13.inso Pened 2 Second irterva' FeMeater scarger esp necared that nu s<gr+ *** *0'300880 8 4 cwW bypass flow & mo sceasq Wend on any norrie ensts H6ND) A Re9an"D'.ove3 Orc ofwgency preparedness the Drector 88/01/27 progamREED.C Commonweam Eeson 1 f.sVSOLF.D. Nor: horn St as F .or Co 58/02/12 Docwrent Cornral Branch (Dom Co 2pp 4422415644224201 ment Ccvitrof DeskL 1p 44464 00144464170 ~4402030433inso Repts $4254/8842 & $0 265/8842 on 88010547 No voa1ces or -4002180082 "6nsernce insp Esam Summay471019-1410 Refue Outage 131nso deianons roted uag areas espectedisems centded in Nov 1987 esp & real Pened 2 SecCmd intervar " RCaults .4 emare.s mecate that elegrty sys mactaced rmw of 6censee r%3twes e impme emergency prepredress poyam. DAMMAN.LC. RICKERJ L., i ELLERHALLAA. Northem States Power Co 88/01/ PLOSALTJ Regen 3. Olc of the Drector 88 01/27. 44pp 4422415844224 201. 2 29169pp 44464 002 44464170 6802040172 Rev 3 to Emergency Pian ir$emensag Procedse OEP 185 0. "Onstte Erk E 6402230373.e.N47465A on 880219. order "*M,csv4 550 000 E am 88 0 7pp H2H 354-M2H 360 ssu o M nse based mam cena e iopenavy e amount of a evemeni me.

UAN ment (Post 870413) 88/02/19 10 00 h '**

in, M OE 1 9 'd ' 02mi27 F,..ds o, der ,,ces, - ,enae, a~u,, of mwo ,e -* 5~" ca a'o2'c5 'aa "*" >'"a" > bconsee870607 & 14 events evoNvig masvertsat inppeg of Class 1E 480-volt load 6802170411 feg 50-254/8843 & M265/8443 on ce oJput breater agoj ig.i4 NoForewds ,ciagon ,Sa,ng,uards q into Repts f AYLCA) W . Esecutare Orector for Regnortal Operatons. EDO (Post 870413) MALLETT.8 S 3 Orc of the Drec1cr 88/02/06 REED.C Commoneeae 88/02/19 LAR .C E Northem Sta'es Pcmer Co ip 44470 153 44470 160 Edson Co 2pp 4 00744364 000 -4002240133Crder ercoseg cwd monetary penaity e amount of $50 000 re teense* -8402180013Part#y esthheid Physcal Secunty inso Repts50-254/88-03 50-265/84- , 870607 & 14 events crohng medvertert trcoung of Class 1E 480-vost loa 1 c1r cw1put 03 on 880111-14 Pef 10CFR73 211 No vesatons noted Wapr reas espected mgt ef-breater lectrreness secuhty program audns records & repts

  • Depsy Esecutuo Drecter for Regonal Operatens. EDO (Post 870413) 8802/19 KNICELEy) A Regon 3. Olc of the Drector 88/02/04 1p 44364 009-44364 009

, Northern States Power Co 7pp 44470154 44470160 8402280071Fornards ma>ted-up871201 & 11 sa'e+r evaluataors re App R comphase $402290022 Forwards order arcoseg cud monetry pena ty assuers to ute on 880219 for & 880222-25avet Porisons of evaluaton m/ute comments clear *y malP3 ISNe Con-tansmartas to Osc of FR tot pubhcaton W/o ence tastng comment & evaluahte page nurnbers 4 justr8 caten for ceange encf LIEBERMAN) Ofc of Enforcement IPost 870413) 88/02/23 V YER D L Rses & JOHNSON.I M Commonweatm Esson Co 88/02/t9 UVAL;y T E Or'ce of Nuciear Processes Branch to 44514 015-44514 015 Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411) 8pp 44504102-44504153 I l .~ . . -.- .- - - - - . -.- - - . -- - - - - -. 4 I 42~ DOCKETEDITEMS l -8002260006 Forwards safety evaluatort of841218.851204.860625.0722. 670930.1001 -4402260099 Makedup sa'ety evaluaten s@oortog request for enemptons from App I & 1123 App R esempton requests A:1eraton of fue protecton feakses for recycua. r R I bon pump trotor generator Fxeptatye.

  • Proiect Drectorale 111-2. 87/12/11. 33pp. 44504121-44504153.

ROSS.T M. Proiect Drectorate alb2 87/12/11. BUTTERFIELD.L Commonwearth Eeson Co. 2pp. 4450411S4=504153. 4402290292 Responds to NRC 671222 reouest for addl kstifcatson or proposed mods to ortoct of postulated de power tadures. Forwards proprietary Rev 1 to NEDC 31345P -4002260099Makedg safety evaluabor supportng request for ezernptcas trorn App & related supportmg documer4aton.Propnetary rept wthheid R 51 LADY.J A Commeriwealth Eeson Co 68/02/19 MURLEY.T E. CMtce of Nuclear

  • Proiect Drectorate 18-2. 87/12/11. 33pp. 44504121-44504153 Reactor Regulaton, Dreciar (Post 870411),14pp. 44517.18444517 223.

4402140334 Revised emergercy plan procedures.mciueng Rev 1 to OEP -4002290304Rewsed

  • Evaluanon of Afternate LPCI Senng Sus Transfer Schemes
  • W/ '

$604, - * & Rev 1 to OFP $641. Sc og of Generate 0Stanon Erner- 12 oversee draeegs y Plan GSE S(sv.=ance Requeements"

  • Sargent & Lundy, Inc. 66!02it9. 26pp. 44517.198-445t7 223 Commonwealth eson Co 88/02/29 9pp 44366 30244366310.

. 8. FinancW Information O. Inspection reports. IE Busetms & correspondence 0002290153 "Commccmearth Eeson 1967 Annual R t.' W/880223 ter $402010002 Forwards eso plan for to IGSCC for Scnng 1988 refuel 84 sted 0 CONNOR.J J. Commonweam Eeson Co 67/12/ 1. 44pp 44505 005-44505 048. gg% Genene e oa Reactor Regulaton. Drectcr (Post 870411). 5pp. 44166 255 44186 259. K. Utsty Final Safety Analysts Report (FSAR) & amends . 6801210097NRC info Notce 8840 f. ' Safety Intacton Pipe Fa4ure." Svc hst enct 8002110o09 Amend 6 to updated FSAR W/871120 lir ROSSLC E. Dvisson of Opershonal Events Assessment (Pest 870411L 68/01/27 JOHNSON I M Commonweam Eeson Co,87/11/20, MURLEY.T E Othee of Nuctuar Consondated Eeson Co. of New Yor1L inc 123pp. 44178 075-44176197. Reactor Repton, Drector (Post 870411). 214pp. 44319 29344320146 , labons roted NRC octrmstc that program preserted at880108eneeteg wdl be ef'ec-P. Operating scense stage documents & correspondence trve mot nooi to smrove emergency prepareaness prooram HrND.J.A. Regen 3. Osc of the Drector. 88/01/27.AEED,C. Common eam Eeson 8601210332 Genere Lir 8842 to as power reactor h:ensees to Integrated Saiety As- Co, 2pp. 44224.1S44224 201. RA lA. Dr t s (Post 870411). 88/01/20.Consobdated -4002030433Insp Repts 50-254/8642 & 54265/6842 on 88010547 No vetations or Esson Co of New YorA inc. 48pp 4420 9-44203 005 dewatons noted Maior areas espectedatems ident*ed n Nov 1987 nsp & vvteal review of iconsee svbatrves to improve emergency preparedness program. 8002040245 Forwards appropnste encorpts escovered try research clo history of prew PLOSxtT J-, SNELLW. Regen 3. Olc of the Drector 6S/01/27. 44pp. 44224156- = ous correspondence re postulated de power fadure Conclusons to acceptatse core 44224 201. CCchng hkely based on Comparrion to worst case anaysis SILADYJ A. Commonweam Edson Co 88/01/21. MURLEY T E O'fce of Nuctaar $402040243 Forwards Esam Rept 50 254/OL-87-02 for teth unrts on 87120711 Emam Reactor RegJLabon. Drector (Post 870411). 4pp. 44255 23144255 234 & answer key also enct. WRIGHT.G C. Respon 3. 08c of the Drector 68/01/27- REED.C Cornmonweam $$01260537 Genonc Lir 88-01 to at BWR bconsees & holders of cps for BWRs to NRC Eeson Co 2pp 4425514344255 230 positen on IGSCC In BWR austerwtc stagess steel ppeg Svc hst encl utRAGLIA.FJ Associate Drector for Propects (Post 87041t) 64/01/25. Common- -4802040244Enam Rept 50-254/OL-87-02 on 87120711E sam results as seu sener re-wealth Edson *o 43pp. 44256146-44256188- acoer operator & seven reactor operator caneoates passed NEJFELT.G M . BURDICK.T M Regon 3. Olc c4 the Drector. 68/01/25 86pp 0002120102 Appicahon for amends to Lcenses DPR.29 & DPR-30.ameneng Tech 44255 145-44255 230. Spect to delete reacier icFlo water levet upper tound toserance & to correct tyFs Summary of changes.NSHC & descnoton of amend enct F e paid 8601240102 NRC Info Notce 66402.

  • Lost or Stoien Gauges " Svc hst enct JC 4NSON.i M Commonweae Eeson Co. 88/01/29 MURLEY.T E Offce of Nucler CUNN:NGHAM_R E Drcson of industr<al & Meecas Nsclear Sa'ety (Post 870729)

Reacict Regulators Drector (Post 870411t 2pp 4434111244341123- 68/02/02.Consohdated Eeson Co of New YorA inc 12tpp 4429609344296213 -4002120107 Proposed Tech Specs.deaetog reactor lo4o mater lever umer bound toler- 1 atto & correctog typo 8402,0,o,0084 g NRC Svc hst enctInfo Nobce 86 003, "Cracts m Snroud Support Access Hole Cover

  • Common =eae Eeson Co 88/01/2910m 44341.11444341.123 ROSStC E. C>vesen of Operatonal Events Assessmore iPost 870411). 68/02/02.

0802000274 Adeses that Nov 1972 Rev 1 to Bect tel Topcal Rept BN-TOP.1 testang *0" # "I 8402020034NRC Bunetin 88401. "Detects m Westeghouse Cycwl Breakers" Svc Lst a'tn Esson Co 68/02/02 Documere Control Branch (Docu- W fnent ControI Desa). to 44278 056-44278 056 ROSSI.C E. Desen of Operatenal Events Assessment (Post 8704110 88/02/05 0002090211 Foreards Amends 104 4100 to Licenses DPR49 & DPR-30. recoectrve#y Comedawd Eeson Co c4 We YcyA inr_ 9eopp 44W 22544W004 & ev revises Tecti Spec Secten J 5 G & associated W 6402020035 NRC Busetc 68W2, *Rapdy P'opagateg Fatypse Ciacks rl Steam Gem ~ ROSS.T. Protect Drectorate118-2 68/02/03.BUTTERFiELD,L Common cae Edison ator Tutes - Svc tst once Co. 3pp 44266 00144266 016. ROSSI.C E C>cson of Operatenal Enres Assessrerv #*ost 870411) 68'02/05 Conachdated Eeson Cr of New YorlL. IlC 12400 44338

  • 44339 ino.

-4402000215 Amends 104 & %) to Lcenses DPR-29 & DPR-30.respecirvey eeveng Tczh Spec Secten 3 5 G & asscoated sevedience requremains teses $402020228 NRC lneo Petco F8404. "eadegurau Quanf< shin 5 Cucumentabon of MULLER,0 R Project Drectorate hi-2 88/02/03 10pp 442fi600444286 013 Fro Be-rvir Penetraton Seatr " Soc kst een ROSSI.C E Chesca td Cecrabonal Even's A isessment (Post 870411) 88/0?/05 -4002000220Salety evaluaten sipportng Amends 104 & 100 tJ Lcenses DPfL29 & Consohdated Eeson Co. of New Yor1L trc 12410 44339101-44339 214 DP430Jespecoveh

  • ONge of Nucleer Reactor Regulalon, Drector (Post 870411). 88/02/03 3pp 8402170411 Formards Safeguares insp Roris 50L254/8843 & $0-26A/8643 on r 64266 014-44286 018. 680111 14No coutons noted MALLETT 8 S Recon 3 Ofc or the Drector 88/02/06 REED.C Ccmmonwealtn 6802$402t2 Formads Amends 105 & 101 to Lconses CPR-29 & DPR 30. tespectrverr Eason Co 2pp 44364 007 44364 009 4 safety evalua* on Ameros reese Tech Spec, TatWe 3.2-4 to specey eapanded range for pressure rocciders ~4802160013 Pariasy *1hheid Physcal Secvey frap Repts 50-254,88 43 50 265/48-

.T M Proiect Drectorate 118-2 68/02/17. BUTTERFIELC1. Commonweae 03 on 660111 te trof 10CFR73 21) No wonatens notsd Mapor reas marected mgt of-Eeson Cct 2pp. 44414 336444 74 347. tecow, ness goyam auets recoros & repts * -8002240214 Amends 105 & 101 to Lconses DPR 29 & DPR-30/espectrvely. reveric9 44364 TCth Spec Table 3 2 4 to speedy espanded range scr ckywes pressse recorders MULLER.D R. Protect Drectorate618-2 88/02/17,8pp. 44474 336 44474 345 4402190020 Ach fecect of utd 680122 Itr mi NRC of actons taken to correct vo 02mm Sa%a-n s-ends ,05 & ,01 menses DPR.23. = g e g a ,a g = ;; g~,,aT m y ~ ~ ^~oM & E*O"#!'Na, Reaciar Repam Dreciar posi 87mit WO2/ir 2x 44414 34644474 347, p,^a,gg aag,gg,y Dre WW/H REQ.C. W 0802230353Forwads rensest tor aos mio re vid s*ciementaten of 10CFR50 62 AT AS -4402190024 Responds to NRC 07t217 for te votabons roted e insp Repts 50254/87-sue lor plantsper ute 8?O930 it, 30 & S265/87 30 Re3.sests conchisons te reconssdered Chse ees that corrouter ROSS.T. Pro,ect Drectorate84 2 88/02/18- BUTTERFiELD.L Commoneene Eeson programs etwd m rocce of velaton not e nonconvkara et t R50.Apo B Co. 4pp. 44450.065-44450 066 BUTTERFIELD L Commonwea'th Eeson Co 64/01e22 davis,A B Rep 3, Olc of j tfw Drector opp 44444 2424 4444 245 0802260071Forords mat.edup 871201 & 11 safety evaluator s to Aco R comphance & 880222-25aude Portens of evausten m/utd comments cleady marted Tabae con. 6602110320 NRC Ir4o Notce 84405, *Fre m Annurcator Control Cabeets? Svc bst ~ SON tm 84/N/ U R EY [Orfce cd Nuclear ROSSLC E. Dresen of staorsal E ents Assessment IPost 670411) 88'02/12 Retrior Repaten. Drector (Post 8704.1) 6pp 44504102-44504153 Consohdawd Eeson 00 New Yot inc 120po 44523 2%44524 015 -4402260004Foreards saie*y ewatason of 4412 to M1204.960625.0722. 8709M.1001 4402290053 Contems p:ans made re880223meetog av4 m Gen Enyn it to escuss & 11/3 App R everroten reouests Altersbon of fre protechon teatures tot recacua. SALP furctenal area of syneereg tecfWcal s@ dor 1Notce of spicant bcensee [ tDn pun rrv%ar generator acceptaose meeeng once ROSS.T M. Protect Drectorase its 2 67/12/11 BUTTERFfELO.L Commonwea'th GREENMAN E G Re9en 3. O*c ci the Drector 68/02/22 REED.C Commoneese Eeson Co. 2pp 44534119-44504153 E& son Co 2pp 44529 350-44529 351 j l ) DOCKETEDITEMS 43 R. Portoec operatmg reports & related correspondence L Financ6es information I 8802220096 Adeses that no changes tests or esperimerits corroieted for plant durs y 8802180004 Forwards certdied utd wmal fearcal statements tor yr ended 871231 & Jan 1988 Certded edernal cash flow progetton for 1988 as guarantee of payment of retrospec. ROB 4Y.R A Commonwea% Eeson Co 88/01/28 SNIEEEK)H Otsee of Nuclear t've premiums for piart Reactor Regulaton, Drec*or (Post 870411) 1p 44447.229-44447 229 REUMELJ G Wecons.n Electne Pooer Co 88/02/15 MURLEY.T E O'fce of Nucto-er Reactor Regulabon, Drector (Post 870411) 17pp. 44367 327-44367 343. i 8002180138 uonthry ing repts for Jan 1988 W/880128 lir. LS Y Rt. EYAA Commonwealth Eeson Co. 88/01/31. 29pp yg ,g gn%, 8002000214 Forwards NELIA Certr%cate NW-86 & Endorsements 1 & 2 & MAELU Cer-S. ReportatWe occwrences, LERs a related correspondence tyt f(27 & E 0802040141 LER 8742140cn 871230. standby coolard s@vy sys outade piard c'esign basesCaused by short cacwt on closed posson ochcator hght socket for svc mater s@ ply warre 28 Lighs socket replaced on 880s to Wi880119 nr K Utdefy Final Safety Analyses Report (FSAR) e amends GARAVAGLIAJ R., BAA.R L. Commonweam Eeson Ca 88/01/19. $pp 44254 201- #4264 206' 8002030082Formards Fat 1987 rev to Pont Beach Nuclear Plant FSAR Rept reludes - 8002100337 LER 8840140 on 880t i1/eactor scram occurred ese to turbine / ator OCYF SO $ so load repect signal Cause not cetermined Evienerve test ng performed & sure re- F AY.C W W Co 88/01/19 Document Control Branch {Docu-corder meet Control Desk).18pp 44204197 44205 203. HILLK),connected to man gene,rator BAAR L Commone arth Eesonpnot to 68/01/27. Co. sistup W/880128 tir-6pp. 44311145-44311150 -8002020260 Fat 1987 rev to updated FSAR lor Point Beach % clear Plant, Uruts 1 & 2 V. Operator Esammations F AY.C W. Weconne Electnc Power Co 88/01/15. 349pp 44204 215-44205 203 i 8402040243 Forwards Enam Rept 50-254/OL-8742 for both urvts on 87t207-11 Enam 4 answer it arso enci P. Opwang bcom stage documenu a correspondence WRIGHT.G ne9on 3. Oc of the Dreciar 88/01/27. REED.C. Commonwea'th Edson Co 2pp 44255143-44235 230. 4001210332Generc tr 8842 to as power reactor bconsees to integrated Sa*ety As-sessmere Program ti USAP m $4 hst enci -4402040244Esam Rept M254/OL-8742 on 871207-11 Exam results as sex senor re- s Dir 8 ) 88/0H20 Coneohdated actor operator a seven reactor operator canddates passed $RAGLp g . 44 5 54 5 ' 8402100396Formards Amends 111 & 1t4 m Lcenses DPR-24 & DPR.27, respectrvety & safety evabanon Amende detete Tech Spec 15 5.3 A 8 wuch speedes brentng 8402040224 Prtndes formats for personal quahficatun statement. Addendum to NRC Form 398 reosred to be lorwarded to Regcn Hl o'c once appicant Completes trarung  % DH oyect D Co 2pp 44372 339-44372 348 15- 02 0 A C Elecinc Power regurements & recerved pnce to enam date WRIGHT.G C Re9on 3 OC of the Drector 88/02/01. Commonwearth Eeson Co -4002180406Amenos III & 114 to Lcenses DPR-24 & DPR 27fespecirrety, deletng 3pp 44251091-44251093 Tech Spec 15 5 3 A 8 whcn scocdes hmsteg quantrey of fosenacio mall m form of fabncated neutron IWs detectors 8402180292 Forwartis p4ot re@ahricaten enam.m antccabon of resumpten cd re@ae PERauNS K E. Prosect Drectorate tit-3 88/02/03. 8pp 44372 34144372 348 canon testeg naler thrs yr Util should reves programs & marpower commrtments W/o enci ~4002180418 Safety evaluaton supportmg Amends 111 & 114 to Lcenses OPR-24 & WRsGHT.G C. Regon 3. 08c of the Drector 88/02/12.HOLYOAK.R Commonweaith OPR-27.respeche8y Esson Co 3pp. 44368 30644368 309

  • Offee of Nuclear Reacier Re9Aaton. Drector (Post 870411) 88/02/03 2pp 44372 347-44372 344.

8402220194 Commends deocaten & competment of aneveals hava0 9)ne through ngorous stuer & traneg tor NRC heense NRC ne tormally present bcense certifcates 8002160161 Ack recept of 870625 Itr sutmtteg Rev 5 to CA program descreten Rev os new+y bcensed covduse.4 requested acceptaNe suty to understaneng that ute conteue classrficaten & storage of rado. WRIGHT.G C. Regon 3. Osc of the Drector 88/02/12. HOLYOAKA Commonwearth graphs as b'ebme records per ANSI N45 2 9.1974 Essen Co 2pp 44446 354-44446 355. WRsGHT.G C. 3. Orc of the Droctor 88/02/08 FAY.C W Weconsin Elecinc Power Co.1p 44 7211-44347 211 DOCKET 50 264 eOINT SEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 8402230440Sure. mary of880204 meeteg n RockviDe MD to escuss 6censee accidere p esanasyses to support mcreased anomaose core peakeg tactes at lachtses Shoes used presentaten & het of moeteg attendees enct

  • D F. Securfty, meecat, emergency a fire protection plane ,,A,4 3 ,,H,4 jf W" M WW AW h*

8402090208Admes that attachment to 861010Itr provdes bas,s ict App R esemptpor.s 8002180267 Genorc Lt 8843 re tesc auten of Generc Salety issue 93. -Steam Biedng requested e860611 ptr.por NRC880104 request of Auusary Feed *ater Pumps " Svc hst erwi F Av.C.W. Wsconse E,ectre Power Co 88/01/25 W AGNER.D H. Proyect Drectorate M!RAGLIA,FJ Drcsen of Opere%nal Events Assessment (Post $70411L $8/02/17 E3 10. 4428311644283116 Consohked Eeson Co of New York. Inc 4400 44524 01& 44524 081. 8002240236 Foreards competed survey form re (SAP fiper 880120 r t tar Genenc 840200033,4 m %n not q Fo,rmards insp Repts M266/4844 & 50L301/8844 on 880105 & 06 No tr 88 02 PRA for plant not certormed Utit consdenng use of a methodology SHAFER W D. Regon 3. Osc of the Drector 88/02/03 F AY C W. Wecoren Elecinc a*1w NRC pronWales oogra@d core eabaton roourweents 14 Powe Co 2pp 44277 00144277 000 FAY.C W Weconse Elecyc Power Co 64/02/18 W,RAGLIA.F J ARC No betaded a Aftsaten Gewert 2pp. 44522 063-44522064 -4402000334 insp Repts S266/8644 & S301/8844 on 88010&O8 No ve@onc *9 ' *h '* 8002290018 Forwards corrected Amends 59 & 84 to Lconses OPR.24 & DPR.

  • a acae ac spec ace a' (Ij ftrve*y.cnan9ng Tech Spw Tabe 15 41-13 tem See to "Loss o voetage (480 r

SHEAR G RE NiE RE.R ELLW Regon 3. Orc of tre Drecior 88/02/03 ese 44277 00344277 008 W AGNER.D H Proiect Drectorate sti-3 88/02/23 F AC.C W Waconan Elecinc Power Co 2pp 44524 303-44524 304

8402290064 Forevos DWc versen of reesed o'ergency man -

Correc 3 of Tech Spec Table 15 41-1.ce engng chant si descro-crocedures ccieng Rev 6 to EP!P 11. Piant Operabons Manager kvtal 4402260134,s gen to to or yo,ted tage ( P vom - 4 Rev 18 to EPtP 12, Eveni Classdicah,e ~ W,680225reeease mormo e protect Drectorate E3 $8'02/23 10 44524 305 44524 305 FAY.C W Wsconse Elecirc Power Co 88/02<06 Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Controt Deskt 3pp 4452500144526 025 i Q. Inspection reports, tE Busetme & correspondence -8402290072 procetres. PWc versen of revised emergency dan imcmementvg trvtal Rev 8 to EIhp 11, -Plant Operatens MayEe 13. En, rgency Response. 17 n I Rev EveC $$_io EPiP 2 eveni Ciass4 won 4 Rev is io 8402030,0,3,0 so.30 y. A,, ec,,to,e ,c NRC,o$7,12,on,l, n u na ,e as vi, eerns ,noted,oca,in,so 3, ncn gooe e ,Rects,W2 ,

  • W1sconse Elecinc Power Co 88/02/08 381pp 44525 00&d4528025 etows e RCS ncbded n ASVE x1 eservce eso part F AY.C W W:sconse Electne Power Co. 88/01/13 W AGNER.0, Prorect Drectcrate 4402220149 Fcrevds Safety insp Rep's W266/8842 & %301/8"cC2 on 871215-880131No voiabores nc4ed 8402030345 Fema'$s reo.sests for reervce esp re6ef trom ASME Secten XI for GULMMf'WD.W 7s Re9on 3 Osc of the Curer b4N2/11 F Av.C W Wsconse secord 10.yr into ciwvai s ca piant Approval re:Nes'ed try Sept 1968 to aso. trne Electre >=ower Co 2pp 44447 083-44447 092 pner to Scrvq 1989 Urvt i reivehng $Jrog wNce bme enams sche &Aed Fee pa4 F AY.C W W<scoren Eleck Power Co 88/01/25 Docurnent Control Branch tDocu.

-4802220152 insa Pepts %266/8402 & 50 301/8442 on 8712tS48013tho vosa- rneet Convof Desy 1400 44223 001 44223 014 sons or oenat<cs re'ed Vaite areas espected mant. provous esp frems operabonal safety s rvestance. physscal secur4y seeosopcal protecten & LER 8401210097NAC info Nouce 88-C01. -Saiety legocton Poe FaAse ' Svc sst enct tr*s.3,rw ROSSIC E Divson of Operatenaf E&ts Assessmert (Post 970411) 88/01/27 D&FAYETTE.R Repon 3, Ole of the Dreciar 88'02/11 80p 44447 08544447092 Consohdated Eeson Co of New York. me 123pp 44178 07044178197 , - - .- . .. . .. ~ 44 DOCKETEDITEMS 8001M0102 NRC Wo Notes 88402. "Lost or Sicien Gauges" Svc hst orci V. Operator Erammatkms CUNNiNGHAM.R E. Omsen of edusinal & Meecal Nuctear Satory (Post 870729). 88/02/02.Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 12100 44296 09344296 213 6802040224 Provces krrrWs tot pe' pal Mdcm statement A619ndum W NRC 0002010064 NRC Info Notce 88403, "Cracks m Snroud Support Access Hole Cover Form 398 recured m be formamed to Regen W cac once apphcant c@es vaq m Svc he m 'souvements & recerved pret to esam cate ROSSICE. Drcson of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 670411). 68/02/02. W%H 3. Oc of the Demor. 8M2/R Comeweam Mm Co. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.112pp. 44338.225-44338 336. 309 4425LW-4 2M W. 8002000336 Forwards insp Repts W266/8844 & 54301/8844 on 880105 4 06 No $602100333 Fornards p4ot requakfcanon esam even at MB Robinson.m anicpaten of vccasono noted resumpton of roovah8caten testeg later ens yr Programs & manpower corrrivtments SHAFER.W D Regen 3 Oc of de Drettor. 88/02/03. FAY.C.W Wisconse Elecinc should be reneemi W/o enet. Power Co. 2pp 44277 00144277.008. WRIGHT.G C. Regon 3. Orc of the Drector. 68/02/12. BRUNO.R J. Waconse Elec-ec Power Co. 2pp. 44368 282-44368 263. =4002000330 Inso Repts $4266/88-04 & 54301/8844 on 68010606 No volatons noted Ma#or areas espected emergency response factbes e regard to NRC sets team.rciueng avadatse facery space.fachty layout & commurucatens DOCKET $4267 FORT ST. YRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION SHEAR,G , LAF REN.ERE.R., SNELL.W. Regen 3. Ofc of the Drector.68/02/03 6pp 44277 003-44277 008. 4802000554 Confrms items of maccureces noted m 871223SALP Rept 6, per 68/1100 ' "#

  • W' Wsconnai Doctnc Power Co 88/02/04. Document Control Brancf1 h 4402000134 Forwards personnet securdy access bst for accuracy revsem, per stem of ment Corvirol Desh 2pp. 44289 279-44289 280_ concem m Gagharoo 870901 fir re inso Rept54 267/87-11.

WILLIAMS R Q P@hC Servce Co. of Colorado 88/01/27. Document Control Dranch 8002020034 NRC BJetc 88-001, "Defects m Westeghouse Cecut Breakers

  • Svc bst Document Contros Des 4. 6pp 44262 306 44282.311-

, Ci 'R"OSSLC E. Decsen of Operatenal Events Assessment fpost870411k 88/02/0$ $402030329 Foreards inso Rept 50 267/07 32 on 671116 20 & 11311204 N) vota-Conschdated Eoson Co- of New York,Inc.140pp 44339225-44340004 sons or devetens noted CALLANJ. Regen 4. Ole of the Dweetor 88/01/28 WILLLLAUS.RO Pubhc Servce 8002020035NRC Bussete 88402 *Rapdy Propagateg Fatgue Cracks e Steam Gen- Co. of Colorado 3pp 44223 21744223 239 eretor Tubes" Svc hst enct ROSSI.C E Desen of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 670411). 68/02/05 -4002030340 inso Rept 50-267/87 32 on 871116-1204No colatons or decatens Coneohdated Eeson Co of New York. inc. 12400 44338 337-44339 100 roted Macr areas espected tre recovery e response to 871002 fro. 9002020220 NRC Irdo Notco 68404. "anademaste Ouadcaten & Documentaten of 1/N S223 42 3 239 Fre Samer Peneesten Sea!S

  • Svc hst enct ed ort Inc 24pp 4 10 24- s up7a 26 mee,mgs Uid ptans io -e ,re pre-,cn t-o Specs r .de,mam, eme~ pre- M83 8002110327Ack receet of 880113 str rWormm0 NRC of steps teken to address Open in W preen Names dram of mam me w s@ reed W m t s /8700746 4 301/8700746 escussed e insp Repts 50 266/8747 & 50-

[h 7 h of Colorado 88/0242 CAWOJ A Protect Drectorate ip 43 1 44 1 04 6802090506 Forwards insp Rept 54267/67 34 on 8711221231 & retce of volaten CALLAN LJ Respon 4. Ofc of the Drector 88/02/03. WILLIAMS.R O. Putme Sernce 8003190037 Concludes that 870910 response to NRC Bus etri 07401. "TNnneg of Co of Cosorado 2pp 4428902144289040 Pee Waas et Nucsear Power Plants." regsres no further plant-specAc acson. t WAGNER D H Proyect Drec1 crate 163 88/02/11.F AY.C W. Weconse Electnc Power -4402090$17 inso Rept 50 267/87 34 on 871122-1231 Velabons noted Maar areas Co 2pp 44404 35444404 355 espected operanonal safety verdcaten tonowup of Asegaten 446-A 119 fonoew of NRC Comphance 9unetc 87 002 & morthey securey observaten 6802220149 Forwards Sa'ety it sp Repts 50 266/8642 4 54301/8442 on 671215 F ARRELLR E . MCHAUD.P W . WESTERMAN.1 F. Regen 4. Ofc of the Drector 68/ 880131 No vedasons noted 02/02 16pp 44269 02H4289 040. GULDEMOND.W G Regen 3. O'c of the Drector 88/02/11 FAY.C W Wisconse Electrc Power Co. 2pp 44447 083-44447 092 8402100344 evaivaton re proposed sa'e shut-Forwards comments on rev sed sga -8402220152 Inso Repts 50-266/6842 & %301/88-02 on 871215-880131No veia- IANS R O Servce Co ofN 88 02 CAtv0) A Pro,ect Dree-tens or dev atens noted Mast areas mspected maet. pronous esp torate rV dpp 44317228-4431/ 269 Imonr,soperabonal safety.surwdence. physcal secunty.resolopca' protaten & LE R , ~ ETT* A Repon 3. Oc of he Drector.68/02/11. 8pp 44447085-44447092. *'"'dMMA'ppY ng E' E **# **'* #"" "I' 90011 4326 NHC Wo Notcar 66405. "Fre m Arriunciator Control Cabcett" Sec 6st " eral 7 44 7269 ' ors nc. 2 % 4524 15 4002110407 ProWes runed etaten date for @r mam to Genorc W F 24.due to recent eNrts associated m/ facMy fve roc & piant 6802190001 Denees accroval of 870211 proposed rnods to baranen surveau restart Admrveesteve controis for proo am we not be evemorded unte 1 progam Etam e4 sage 944sngtn txra es n sheet not adem, ate baars b concluse tha! WILLIAMS R O. P@ic Seewce Co el Concrado 88,02/05 Document Control Brance as sheets not degraded @ocuwt Control Des 4 2pp 44318 359 44314 360 W AGNER.D H Proyect Drectorate (# 3. 86/02/12 FAY.C W. Wisconse Enectnc c'ower Co 3pp 44404 232-44404 234 6802220244 Notdes of current consi status for At9R mods Ptatiores to proede opera-ter access to reactor bdg rwi steam vent vanes we rot to covele unte 640u20301 Foearos $aiety insp Repes 542t4/86-19 & %301/88-19 on 68011*.. $80401 Descated ladders near vaNo locatens avadace scr operator use 15 No r04atens noted WAPTMBOURSD W Putdc Service Co of Colorsoo 88/02/10 CALVO.J A Propect $4AFEH.W D Repon 3. Oc of the Cr octor 64/4*/12 FAV.C W Wsconse Electre Dre:1 orate W.1p 44426 0394426 035 Power Co. 2pp 44426 01144426 024 8402230054 Foreards inso Rept M267/6841 on 880101-31No vetabons or devw ~4602220312 hso Repts 50 26f/88/l3 4 54301/6843 on 88011115 No colatons or anons noted decatens noted Mast areas racected redatos protectson pogram.ectueng orga+ CALLAN.LJ Regen 4. Oc of the Drector &$/02/19 WILLIAVS A O PWhc Servce faten & fry corstrots & austs & appra,saft Co. of ColorMo 2pp 44432 240-44432252 PAJL.R A SLA MNSAI W J. GREGER L R. Regon 3. Olc of the Drector. 68/02/12 12pp 44426 013-44426 024 4402230G71 Inso Rept 54267/8841 on 86010131No votatens or devishons $402240223 Formards corrected 880203 Mr te inso Repts %266/8844 & 50 301/6S.

  • 04 Enct snows corrected root rwter

' anon c s ry or vt &bt**y i SHAFER.W D. Regon 3. Oec of the crector 6&/02/17. FAY.CW Weconse Elecirc FARRELLR E M&AUD P W . WESTERMAN.T F Repon 4. Oc of the Drector 64/ Power Co. 2pp 44522 34344522 346. 02/16 tipp 44432242 44432252 -4402240228 Corrected str torwardng inso Repts $4266/8644 4 54301/6644 on 8402290270 Informs NRC that ute has comedeled revva of fen /A recommendadon to i 88010546 No voets es note conscer screaseg trewency o8 stA cycle test of Pianevee eany warmg aort sys EW Olc the breew 68/02/03 FAY.C W Msconse Electre ,'Qy3"C'j *p,"'"'Q$$'yy'g,se C g a a g Occument Coneof Deski 3co 44513110 44513 t12 R. Periodic operstmg reports & related correspondence P. Operstmg acense stage doeurewmts a correspondence 4402170279 Monthey operatrq rests for Jan 1968 W/880209 ler

  • RRAU5E C W. FAv.C W. Waconse Elecirc Power Co 88/01/31 9pp 44356 306- 4401210332 Genenc Lir 8842 to an po.or reador scansees re inteya'ed Sa'e*y As-44356 316 sessment Program P CSAP N) Svc hst enct W,RAGLLA.F J Assocete Dreciry for pecycts (Post 870411) 68/01/20 Cor*schdated Eoson Co. of New Yora,ine 4800 44202 319 44203 005 S. KeportatNe occurrences. LERs & related correspondence 6402040224 Forea os Amend 58 to Leense DDR-34 & safety ev&Wton Amend re-8402170010 LER 8840140an 880t er gle faAse escovered e 4160 voa eses Tech Soect to survesance & ca te recurements of cdant protecere sys to sa'eguards s=4chgear Oassed by aesign error Temporary mod ter ces seech twete specdc test metraf used to demorstrate ocetabMr 'ewremeets d

ristated Permanord mod to otomate sepe fadure mod beme desgned W/B80206 fe i*ErTNER K L Proect Drectorate IV 86'01/22 MLLIAVS.R O Potec Serece Co of j F A Y.C W Wacnnse Elecinc Power Co. 88/02/06. 7pp. 44352 334-443#2 340 Cosorado 2pp 44267 311442t 7 334 . _ _ , _ , _ . ,, , , . . . _ _ _ . _ - . _ _ _ ,____.._.m_ , . _ . -_.m._, _ _ . _ _ _ _ , . _ . _ , , . _ _ . _ _ . - - . ~.. DOCKETEDITEMS 45 -8802040234 Amend 58 to Lcense DPR-34.revsty Tech Specs te surve,l' ave & $802090134 Forwards persormet secety access bst for accuracy recew per dem of catr revements of cuant protectrve sys to delete spec 4 test method used to dem- concem m Gaghardo 870901 ftr re inso Rapt 50 267/07 t t. onstrate ok wv recuremeres & aeow use of anoiner method WtLUAMS R O Pt,e.+c Servce Co of Coorado 88/V1/27 Document Control Branch CALVO.J A Propect Drectorate fy 88/01/22. 18 @ 44267 315-44267 332 (Document Controt Desmi 6pp 44282 306-44282 311. -8802040239Saie*y evabate supportmg Arrend 58 to Lcense DPR-34 8802030329 Formyds inso Rept 50-267/87 32 on 87t t18-20 & 11311204 No vca-

  • 4.)tice of Nuciear Reactor Repetion. Drector (Post 870411). 88,01/22 2pp tens or oevatens notes 44267.333-44267 334 CALLAN J. Re9on 4, Ofc of the Drector 88/01/28 WILLLIAVS.A O PWc Servce 8802090368 Forwa+ds SE R acceptog EG&G techncal evababon rwc4 re electrcal mods Co of Coorae 3pa 44223 2m44223 m t se e Da ery ger e r Tec Spec co,o -8802030340 Inso Rept 50-267/87 32 on 8711161204 No violations or dev4 tons HE ER K L Pr Drectorate fy 88'O1/25. W1LLIAMS R O Putec Service Co of MeWa!or areas espeN Ne recwy actwes m reponse m 8 71002 W Codcraso 4@. 44 95 0$1-44295 032 WESTEAMAN.T F . IRELAND R E , MUAPHY,M E Aeton 4. Otc of the Drector 88/

01/25 20pp. 44223 220-44223 239 -8802090369SER accepteg EG43 techrical evaivation rept te eiectncas mods assocs-ated w/B 10 8802030498 Formards msponse to 871106 NRC Complance Busetm 87402 to i

  • Orfte Nuclear Reactor Aegulation, Drector (Post 870411) 88/01/25. 4pc rep storape & ssuance of tasteners 44295 015-44295 032. WILLIAM 5 R O Put+c Service Co of Colorado 88/01/28 Document Cont of Branch (Documer4 Contros Desk) 55p0 44225184 44225 237.

6802120147 "CAD Pa t>al Scram Test Resu'ts & Mas DeJy Temp Rept." 880117 31 W/ 880202 #1r 4401260102NAC trdo Notce 88-002. "Lost or Sto6en Gauges

  • Sw kst encf BUAAOWS A L. NOV ACHE K.F J Pir6e Sem:e Co of Colorado 88/01/31 CALVO.C A Pro,ect Drectcrate IV 8 @ 44341 220-44341 227 CutMGHAM A E. Divson d Wwei & Medical Nciew Safe (Post 8707291 88/02/02. Consohdated E$ son Co. of New York. Inc 121pp 44296 093-44296 213 8802110019Procoes s3:ll efo m support of Tech Spec tog <ade proyam, per 870825-26 meetegs Utd praos to deiete tre protecten Teca Scecs & rno'emeN reo.,rements 8802010084 NRC Info Nohce 88401 ' Cracks n Shroud Suc9ert Access Hole Cover m tre protecton prcgram F eal $a'i of program we te subavr ied ty MO411 We " Svc bst M BRFY Hl. Putec Service Co of Colorado 88/02,02 CALVOJ A Project Drectorate AOSSI C E. Dwson of Operahonal Events Assessmeat (Post 870411) 88/02/02 iv E5pp 44319 072-44319136 Conschdated Edson Co of New Yors. Inc 112 @ 44338 225-44338 336 8802110407 Provides rev sed rnp'ementaten date fcr out program re Generc Lir 83- 8802090506 For=rds !nso Rept 50-267/87-34 cm 871122123t & notice of vioiaten.

28 clue to recent eNorts associated w/ facArt Ire recovery & piant CALLAN L J Regvyi d. O*c Of the Drector 88/02/03 wtLLIAMS.R O Potec Servce rest &t Admeistratwe Controis for pro. gram will nol be rnoemented nu te 88050' Co of Cosorado 2pp. 44289021-44289 040 WwAMS.A O Putac Seryce Co of Coeorado 88/02e05 Docwrent Contros Branch (Document Contros Ces*12pp 44318 359 44318 360 -8802090510 Notice of molaton from msp on 881122-1231Voiabon noted on 8802100212Foresos markedyp sa'ety issues mgt sys piant data pnnbut m respoFse 871207.wre rcorrecity ter%nated fchng masit reactor scrani s.gnal & to 871208reoxst for assnstance Util has anernpied to prxce rJo tes as actons er W IdF W4 wre rcor% sWed resultsgri loss of oms'te power . pegen 4, otc o the Drector no implementatu 1 ate bsted 88/02<03 200. 44289 v23 44289 024 BAEY,H L. Putec Service Co of Colorae 88/02/05 Document Ccetroi Branch (Doc-ipnent Ccetrol Desy 20pp 44371001-44311038 2090517 M 7/97M 87112L1m MM MM Mw m ud operaw sa'My ham l@own of A 'e 4 8n119 W4 g 8802250432 Provdes c!aWahon on statements maje m Af%chment B to W NAC Comance Banean 87-002 & mont9y secur'ty otservaton 870619 itr to JA CaNo re conformance e/FSAA reguremenu for Evocess & mosstwe ARAE E V PW WEST E AM AN.T F. Region 4. Ole of the Drector. 88/ retrurnent penetraton closaes WILLIAMS R O Putec Servce Co of Colorado 88cC2/05 CAlvo.) A Proect Drec-torate tv 5pp 44483 023-44463C27 4802020034NRC B#etm 88 001. "Defects A Westrghouse Cacuit Breakers" Svc ist enct 8802250455 Formards accecabori tot ameed to Lcense DPR 34 rev, sag Teco Specs on ROS$1 C E Dvson of Operational Eveats Assessment (post 870411) 88 r02/ 05 piant protectue sys trg se'poc!s & operateg reQurements Consoin341ed Ed' son Co of New York, Inc 140pp 44339 225-44340004 WILLtAMS R O Put*c Servce Co of Cc>cra3o 88'02/06 CALv0.J A Pro,ect Drec-brate IV Spp 444L1127-44481205 8802020035NAC B#ete 88402. "Aapdy Prcragateg Fatque Craus n Steam Ge+ erator Tuees " Svc 6st ord ~4802250443 Apphcahon or amend to License DPA-34, Tech Specs re p( POSSI C E Orcs.on of Operatonal Events Assessrrv.ct (Post 870411) 88/02/05 protectrve sys tre setpoets & coerateg reweements Consohdated Eeson Co of New Yors. 6nc 124pp 44338 337-44?39100

  • Pubac Servce Co or CooMo 88/02/08 759 44481132 da481138

'902020228 NAC in*o Notice 88404. "inaaequate Quav' canon & Documentaten of -8802,2,,5,0465 p ys Prcoosed Tech Spec se piant protec.rve s,s trc setpoint & operatng re. F<e Bar:er Penetra*on Seats Svc *st enes

  • Putk Servce Co of Cosorado 88'02/08 6Eco 4443113F44441 ?J5 AOSSt.C E Drcson of Operatonal Events Assessment Post 87041t) 88<02/05 Cons:Acated Edison Co of Nee Yorm. int 124pp 44339101-44339 224 8802170277 Wewests approvai of enct eroposM chaNes re ccetrol recta cesgn
  • provements and osmaton of SPCS mor=1or per NUAEG4737 Suppi iby 8802170052 Recmds to NRC 880115 Itr te volates noted e inso Aept 50-267< 8 7 880404 Owt,ty & category of human er9neerma r>screranc es s'so avessed 25 Corructme actices hcensee me+ cal emergency (MEP) revemed & proposed W AAEMBCUAG D W PutAc Serece Co of Cowaso 68/02/10 Cwment L3etrcn rey ce ssed ME P a te scent'en Branch (Document Control Desk) 13pp 44364152 44364164 W'LL;Alc5 A O Putec Servce Co of Colorach 88/02/11 De ur.$enf Conted Branch (Document Control Deshi 3sc 4442125144421253 8802220288Notdes of current const status ter App R moss Put'crms to proode opera-tot access to reactor t*3g fra.n steam vent vanes ea not tie covete u ntd 8802170264Akses that cbe to e4 tens /ve resources descated to p' ant restart.recee W 880431DeccatM ta33ers rear vase kxa'ons avaaade for coera'cv use oes93 oocuments to ensur e current se:pont neo on oprom 2 400 oraarngs wa not W AREUBOURG D W Putec Serece Co of Cosora3e 88/C2/10 CALVO.J A Prefect te compened untd861031per ute860910 come'vtr'w M re vWabon Drectorate IV 1; 444/6 035 44426 035 spEy.H L ryt4 Servce Co of Co6yao 80/02/11 Document Contraf Branch (Doc.

4802170102 A0cses that Oe to procwement o"cua +s deevery o' r*o g.s pc ered ac #*"' 0' # generators nee %$ lor reneuton or Sefoences de<aved Utd espects to have genera-tori on s.te & personnet traced e use tiy NC415 $442110328 NAC in*o Notce 88405. ' Fee e Annurcator Control Catanets" S c hst il,RE Y H L. Put#c Serece to or Colorae M '02/12 Cucumeet Control Branch (Doc ument Control Desa) Pro 44353 319 48353 320 SSI C E Orcsson of Opera *onat Events Assesserent iPost 8M411) 88/02/12 CemW E w Co d W m inc 120re 44523 2" 44524 015 8802240255 Sumtrary of 871207 meeteg e rwors n Betresca VD re hcensees revsed procc4as to comp 8y ecNAC recuement for sm.4ahoa facMes under 8802230058 Fornards eso Aept 50 267/88-01 on 68010131 No votator s or de# 10CF A55 45M Lst of s'tendees & U'd SenutaSon Facety Group gedenne ene. atons noted

  • NRC No Detaded A% ann Gvee WC2/12 NPC No Data ed Af% awn Gsen CALLAN LJ Repon 4 Orc of the Drectes 88'02/19 W'LLtAMS R O Putec Senrce 7pc 44472138 44472 225 Co of Coerado 2rc 44432 243 44432 252 8802220282 Prov=$es aM mfo to apcaca'on sor amerv1 to Leeese DPA 43 rewestinG cha'ge to Itcn Sce Sectee 8 per NHC 871 ?15 rwst Controf room ys locai alarm -8802230071 v.sp RQ 5426 7, Me t e 880131-31 Pe vdaMns or Gena *ces Jz2 eM noted Masor areas rScected C9ersfona! sa'e r y verAcaton f@cseg of NAC areunceton tm.dete hce%ee actm on 1ERs Core 54'e*tkr'vt & montNy survWance W+LIAUS Rfor radcactrve O Putsc SemtegaSGous Co of Cc& 14.oraso %s-nt 88 02< morAts t 5 CAL v0 Jescusse'2 A Proiect Drec- F AAAE a A E . MGA@ P W , WE STERY AN T F Region 4. Cnc d Pe Director 88/

torate tv aco 44429 112-44429 115 02/16 11rp 44432 242 44432 252 8402290315 Forea ds response to rio rewes'ed e Generc Lir M42 ly p:aat U's e-teresled m partic@dtog in ISAP fl prcgram WWAVS A O P2nc Secoce 'o of Ccdout) M 02/22 Document Control B'ancy R. Penodd operate) reports & related correspondence (Occument Control Dese) 3cp 4453Q 022 44530 024 8802170402Monwy Operabrq Rept 168 for san 1M8 W M0212 ftr Q. Lnsoetbon reporta,it Bunetes & correspondence NOV ACHEx F J , W4L6AVS.R Q Pm Serce Co of Coorado 'M 88'01/31 9;c 44157 01144357 C19 8801220500Prewses rept on freics<parew vane c<3 gram to W reve eats of 'E Buc ete 85403 Vanes & vave c9 era

  • ors c4 LWYme 8vo$e4 tes'ed & &$ysted to S. ReportaMe occurrences, LERS & retaled Correspondence preter sw ech seategs Ne =ases roceratee Re*4?ed ma'i eeci W1LIAVS A O PvNc Servce Co of Co4arado M11<14 Docr+M Cettor B ance (Document Cortrol Dest) 12cc 441M DF/) 44 tM 071 8802C10147 LE A 87431400a 67t225 hot renest temc Nn scram xcurved C4 Aed

$801210097 NRC Wo N@ce 88401 ' Sa'e', Ivcte Pc4 F a ve " S rc W enci c'orwence.s of raat y oce'a'Or r49eaton to C"a*t Reactor returned to fo*er Ce 871227 ame'ers vereeed e'oces!ce W r8M125 Mr 9055> C E Dyson cd Ocera ea' Eveets Assess rent Post 8M4111 M 'C1 '27 JOSE Pw U A W'L L eme 'a y$ to A cdant O Putacpa'$ ewe Co cf Co63re@ Wvir25 Sgp Conboa=Sa'ed Esson Co of Nea vcan inc 12ico 44176 07'5 4417819/ 44163 272 44'8) 2'6 ,. - +n- .a - . , . . . , . , - -~ -46 DOCKETEDITEMS 4902000002 LER 4840140on 880102,results dept persorvul faded to perform da4y 8402030492 informs that ute has satisfed NRC concerns to elevated levels of raeoce- - Mear ctweed heat t>a4ance cahts Caused try personnet error Supervisor estructed on saums a hsh & seemere m vem4y of facety per ute 871130 semrital of suppiemertal need to complete surveinance on da4y t:ases W/880201 ter, info m response to NRC 870923 itr Revee enct . JOSEPH.MA. WILLIAMSAO Put>he Servce Co. of Colorado. 88/02/01. 8pp. COLLINS.D M Regen 2. Olc of the Drector.88/01/28. TUCKER.H B. Duke Power 04281.02044281 025 , Co. App 44218 31244218 315 0802000144 ' LER 87 00441 on 870207)oud of%ert release reated e/o 4402110084 Formads errata lo Amends 165.165 & 182 to Lcenses DPR 38.OPR.47 & &ayses Caused tv persorviel error m assumng easte already sa mied Nee pokey & DPR-55.respectivery correcisng W on Tech Spec Page 3 7-3 i gaocochse changes vnpiemented to provce more specdc controts W/880201 Itr PASTIS H. Protect Drectorate n-3 88/02/04. TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co. Ppp.  ! JOSEPH.M.A , w1LLIAMS R O. Pubhc Servce Co. of Colorado 88/02/01, 7pp - 44336 261-44330.263. . 44283 08444283.090. 0802230008 Part 21 rep to replacemert parts for hehum cyculator eMare Ouandy -8402110089 Errata to Amends 165,t85 & 182 to Lcenses DPR-38.DPR47 & CPR- - st3on not property specAed on purchase orders that were entien try veroor- 55.respectweh correctog typo on Tech Spec Page 3 7-3 reported on 880129 Revee of purchase orders e progress. Ntect Drecierale B-3 88/02/04 1p. 44336 m44338 263. FISHER C R. GA Technolo9es. Inc / General Atome Co. 88/02/02. NhC No De-taded Artaation Guen 2pp. 4443417144434172 8802120190 "Oconee 1. Cycle 11 Startup Testeg ReptPart 1 Zero Power Test & Part B Power Escawton Test? W/880204 In 4002170112 PNOW48-011on 880210.hehum crculator inpped due to erroneous loe REPKO.R T., TUCKER.H B. Duke Powet Co 88/02/04 18pp 44341260-44341.277. speed sagnal e/ reactor at 75% power. Reactor ators ma's.,aer stamreed reactor eom 25% e/one behum cuculator runneg te of CO miermed 8402180219 Renyta fee for 8t0114 sutmttal re esennce testeg program. WESTER 1. Re; son 4. Ole of the Drector. 88/02/11. 2pp. 4442010844420109 REAVIS.J A. Duke Power Co 88'02/08 PARKSJ Document Coreot Branch (Docu-ment Contrd Desk) 1p 44347.337-44347.337. DOCKET $0 289 DCONEE NUCLEAR STATION, OhfT 1 8402220048 Forma os adcu mio re uts response to NUREG4737) tem II D 1. -Perform-ance Testeg of Rehef & Safety VsNes? per NRC 870422 requests @rruttal com. oletes respor ses to aR questens in 870422 reauest. F. Security, medicat, emergency & fire protecthon plans TUCKER.H B. D@e Power Co 88/C2/10. Documer4 Coritrol Branch (Document Com trol Desa) 3pp 44463 29144463 293. 4402020091Respor4s to NAC871211 per to moiabens noted m esp Repts50 269/87-45.%270/87 45 & S287/87-45 Correctrve actens nemeld tref 10CFR73 21t 8402170033NotAcaton of 880301 meeting e/ute m Rockv4le.MD to escuss ut4 & NRC TUCKER)IB Duke Power Co 88/01/18 Documer4 Controd Branch (Document coa gey, sed PRAtased ISAP (cased ISAP lit per Generc Le 8842 Wol Deskt 3pp 44190 318 44190 320. HDDO.D S. pro,ect Drectorate D-3 88/02/11. JABSOURXh Pro,ect Drectorate 16 3 3P # ## 030 0402020238 Forwards response sa vetatens noted e insp Repts54 269/8748. S 270/ ER B e Go 0 / 6. Control Branch (Document Con. M22N Wes that 88W8 comnwtnw to owde Tech Specs for esW-WW Desti 3pp 44183 357-44189 359 .cn 1 r detecton of madequale core co3hng t EG4737.liam o F.2) Dy 880215 changed Proposal m prepasten & eidl be sutmtted 880315. 9002030330 Foreards inso Repts %269/87 51.W270/87 51 & S287/87 51 on TUCKER.H B, CNke Power Co 88/02/15 Document of Branch (Document Com. . 8/1222 880115 &notco of coasten. Wol Desk) 1p 44429 W-4442N BROWNLEE V L. Repon 2. Olc of the Drector.88/01/29 TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 2pp 44224 276-44224 295. 8402190200 Formads Revs 17.18 & 19 to oMade dose calculaten mamai for McGure.Oconee & Cataet>s nuc6 ear statens.respecweny Revs eclude emnor 8002030341 anso Repts 50-269/87-51.W270/87-51 & S287/87-51 on 871222- changes descreed a jusulcaten for revs pages enecirve 880101. 880115 Votaten noted Masor areas sispected mamt. operatens survedanceshyscal TUCRER.H B Duke Power Co 88/02/18 Document Contrd Branch (Document Con. secunty ESF kneups seiety sys fwcbonal esp sems.PDR & 10CFR21 reviews. trol Desh) 55pp. 44422 096-44422152. BRyANTJ C.. PEEBLES,T.A. Repon 2. Olc of the Drector. 88/01/28 16pp. 44224 28444224 295 8402180287 Genenc Lir 8843 re resoluten of Generc Safety issue 93. "Siesm Breng of Aux 4 ary Feedealer Pumps" Svc hst end 8002090445 Forwards retco td wolaten & summsy of 880115 erdorcemers confer

  • M+RAGUA.FJ Dmson of Operanonaf Events Assessment (Post 870411) 88/0'117.

ence to inso Repts50-413/8743 50 414/8743. 50 369/87-45.50-370/8745. % 269/ Consohdated Eeson Ca of New Yortt inc. 44pp. 44524 01644524 061. 97 50 50 270/87-50 & 50 28 7/87-5o Encl ethheld (ref 10CFR2 7pd) & 73 215 GRAMJ N Regen 2. Osc of the Drector.88/01/29 TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co 2pp 442881944288188 Q. Inspect >on reports,IE Busetmo & correspondence J. Insurance & Indemnity informaten 6401210090 Foreseen Rev -11 to 7aservce insp Program" Approval of reef reests m Per 14 rowested Fee pad $402170110 Forwards masier acrt pokey to for pants metuarig Endorsements 1.2 & 3 itnER,H B Duke Power Co 88/0t/14 Document Con *ros Branen (thacument Con. o NEUA Certtc41e N*-173. Endorsement 1.2 & 3 to MAELU Cerbicate VW 82 & Woi Desk) 4m. 44133 06244133 241. Endorsements 1.2 & 3 to NELLA Cer1Acate NM-90 - 3APWA.A.J Marsh & McLennan, tre 88/02/11. DINitt.L ONce of NUCiear Reactor 8401210093 Rev 14 to *'inseNce insp Program" i Reg 4 ster, Drector (Post 3 70411).122pp 44460 0J244460 213 ROHQE,K G. Dyke Poegr Co 87'12.14 176pp 44133 M644133 $41 8002n20091 Resocads to NRC 471211 IW re vcLatens noted m insp Repts %269/87-P. Operatmg Scense stage documents a te+espee 45 W270/67 45 & 50 287/8745 Corrective actens wthms43 vet 10CFR13 21L TUCFER.H B DiAe Power Co 88/01/18 Document Control Branch (Document Cw 0002100466 S6bemts bsted resJts of NRC contamaiory meassements program cross tel Desk) 3m 44190 31844190 320 Checks ' TUCKER H 3 DiAo Power Co. 88/01/07, KAHLEJ B Repon 2. CPc of the Drecto' 8402020238Fcreards response to wonatens noteG e insp Repts 50 269/8746.50-270/ 2pp 44307.3404430734t 87.46 & S28M 746 Ence withheld tret 10CF R73 211 TUCRER.H B Duke Power Co 89/01/18 OccumLnt Control Branch (Document Con-

  • 4001210090 Forwards Rev 14 to "trae Ag insp Progam? of re4f requests trd Desk) 3m 44189 35744169 359 m Rev 14 reoweste3 Fee paid TUCKER H B DtAe Power Co 88/01/94 DrAument Contrd Branch (D3cument Con. 680 MMH 4 De WP Re 2269/8743 W70/87MA287/87-33 %369/

Foi Desk). App.44133 0624 4133 241- 87415 B370/87-29 %413/07 26 4 50-414/87 26 & 871027 & 29 meetegs e re- -8001210093 Rev 14 t2 "Inserwce inspprogram to 871130 Itr No changrs to SAtP reot marranted Bne shdes encf ROHDE.8tG Duke Poe-r Co.87/12/'4176m 44133 66644133 241. G CU g 2 gol the Drecter. 88/01/20. TUCKER B. Otae Power Co. mi0m Geeer.e ur um io as macic, wemen re interaied svery As. sessment Program il eSAP N) SvC bst enct 6602020244 Foreards clo re steam generator eservce esoinno & tde pluggeg/ M.RAGUA.F J Associate Drector Icr Protects (Post 870411) 88/01/20. Consobsated reces coeranon for end of Cycle 10 ret outage cocied on 871023. Eeson Co of Nee Yorns arc 48m 44202 31944203005. TUCKER.H B DiAe Power co 88/01/25 ument Control Brancti ()occerit Com tof Dest).17pp 44199 310-44199 326. 4002120194 Forwaros estmate of NUSS bcenseg ren;rements through FY93 per tw-clear tuel cycle edustry futwo actetY 8401210097 NRC Info Nobce 88401. "Sar ety inrecsori Poe FaAere? Svc sst enct TUCKER.H B Duse Power Co 88/01/21. ContrW Branch (Document Co* ROSSLC E Dmson of Oceratonal Events Assessment (Post 870411) 88/01/27 tra Desk). 3m 44341104-44341.106 Consokdated E$ son Co of New Yors. Inc 123pp 4417807544176.197. , mi0m F ,ea,ds we p.e#ros,e Fue. Rod Poem Bumup E,1enscuCCA m 8,,,,, NRC o, s, ,a,  : A aepi .1hne.d vel 40CFa2 7= ,0M.e. c ,,nsA,c,Re,e,c,e,, , W 69,87, o,, ,,, e,,,,**3Ju W,cos,87  %,70,8 87 en ,o co, rec, w,a,,,s TUCAE R.H B ChAo Poeer Co 88/01/22 Docur ent Cor trol Branch (Document Co* BROWNLEE V L Repon 2 Olc of the Drector 88/01/28 TUCKER.H B. Duke Power . WW Desk). 8pp. 44183 3C644183 313 ' Co tp 44223 21044223 210 0802030054 Forwards feeper 10CFR17012 re 871215 ler concerneg B&W Owners Group 1nteysted Reactor Yessee Wall Sww *ance Agam

  • Nob # cation to.:pested 4402090420 Responds to NRC871229 ftr te vota%ons noted e insp Repts %269/87 am not recesved Fee pad 49 W27M74 & S287/874 Conectve actens emcal mast engreer &

W tee anci A e/880114 fir tar ecerwce testry . aS.R NRC . No Detaded Affikaten 88/01/25. Q]4 tros Des 9 4pp 442e7 c2544287 028 ["' 8'C'C"S , 0mm1 P,-es updamN nei18 n, ,e once e,, g., sie-e, we & repaa Nur%er of asbes repared by seevmg ccorrect n str Steam Genera- 4402030330 Forwards Inso Repts %269/87 51M270/87-51 4 50 287t87 51 on trys B had total of 265 & 204ues repared by sheeweg respectve'y 871222 880115 4retice of vc:anort TUC*ER,H B Dute Power Co 88/01/27 Documerg Control BrenCh (Document Con- BROWNLEE v L Regon 2. Orc of the Drector 88/01/29 TUCKER,H B Duke Power vos Dest) to 44197 311 44197 311 Co 2pp 44224 27644224 295 . - _ . _ _ . , . _ , - ,-,.-m_ _ , _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ , . - _ . , . _ _ , _ ~ , - . - . , _ . _ . - . - - l l DOCKETEDITEMS 47 -4002030334Nohce of volatxn 1 rom esp on 871222480115 Velabon noted failure to 8602250444 PNO-al-88-013 on 880211.fmo workers shghtty contammaied w/ ta3oactrve pour hgLsd rutrogen m treele WBChet to keep jacket hooded 4 maetam freeze seal water Caused by acoroE 1.000 gason leak of raecactive water occurreg ckseg treet miact resurteg m sod of 30.000 gasons of contammated borsted mater on vaive Worters showered to reme contammatert BROW 4 EV L Repon 2. Olc of sne Drector 88/01/29. 2pp. 44224 27844224 279. BOSNER.B. Regen 2. Olc of the Drector.88/02/12.10 44481(HF44481045. - 4002030341 Insp Repts 50-289/87 51. S 2?0/87-51 & 50 257/87-51 on 871222-800222034*Special rept on 871207 msp revealed potenbal of luss of emergency com 860115 Yelaten noted Major areas mspected maet. operatens swvedance physcal censer cuculateg mater sys due to posabbty of as WWeakage at Condenser etCdahng secunty ESF kneups safety sys Iunctonal esp soms POR & 10CFR21 rewows. mater pumps the to desagn detesency Repers ao rnods planned V//880217 ler. BRVANTJ C., SKtNNER p 4, WERTAD. Report 2, OIC of the Drector 88/01/28 16pp 44224 280 44224 295. TUCKER.H B Duke Po*er Co 88/02/17. Document Control Brancri (Documerit Com IrW Desk). 50p. 44430 04744430 051. 0802000445 Forwards noece of volaton a summary of 880115 en$orcement conter-0/ 28 87 50 e41 R 90( 31 Y. Dry Caek wat Spent M Storage instanaWe GRACEJ N Repon 2 Olc of the Drector 88/01/29. TUCAER H B.. Duke Power Co Pop. 4428818644288108- 8002050075 Summary of inst for Nuclear Maus Mgt Scent Fuel Storage Semmar V on e80120-22m Washmoton.DC re spent lues storage w/mstitutenal enattert 8002000031 Adeses that cawtateg ventun ed be estabed e each e-er leed- ROBERTSJ P. Fues Cyc6e Safety Brancet 88/02/03 OU .L C Fved Cycle Salety eater kne by and of Cycles 11.10 & to for Urvts 1.2 & 3 respectrrelyper RC 71215 Branctt 2pp. 44265 271-44265 272. request te insp Repts $0-269/8618.50-270/8618 & 50 287/86-18. TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 88/02/01 Document Control Branch (Document Cori-trol Desh) 1p. 44282.18844282.188-DOCKET S270 OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 8001280102NRC Info Nobce 88 002. "Lost or Stolen Gauges " Svc hst enct CUNNINGHAM R E. Omsen c4 Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 88/02/02.Cceschdated Earson Co of New York, Inc 121pp 44296 093-44298 213 F. Securtty, medecal, emergency & fire protection plans 8002010084 NRC Info Notco 88403. "Cracts e Shroud S@ port Access Hole Cover 8002020091 Respores le NRC871211 str re velabons noted m insp Repts %269/87-Weeds" Svc bst enct ROSSi,C E. Dmsen of Operatenal Events Assessment (Post 870411) 88/02/02. 4% 50-270/8745 & 50-287/87-45 Correcho actere withhead trof 10Cf R73 21) Censchdated Esson Co. et New York,inc 112pp 44338 225-44338 336 TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 88/01/18 Document Control Branch (Document Con. Irol Desk) 3pp. 44 t 90.318-44190 320.

  • 20 8F 7 R27 87 50- 7/8 ce of vetaten did 81 yg Q sj8 OC"F'R m Repts %269/87-46.50 270/

CL Pegen 2 Otc the ector 88 2/0 TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 1p 44281.31444281317 [ Desk 8 54 18 3 8802000203 Act receot of 880118 Itr eformeg NRC of s' ops taken lo correct velanons 8402030330 lormeds inso Repts R269/87-51.S270/87-51 & %287/87-51 on acted m Inso Repts $269/87-46,50-270/87 48 & B287/87-48 871222 880115 & notco of vetauon CUNE W E Regen 2. Oc W the Drector. 88/02/03 TUCKER,H B DLAe Power Co BROWNLEEV L R 2. Osc of the Drector 88/01/29 TUCxER)18 Duke Powet ip 44277266-44277.269 Co 2pp. 44224 27 4224 295 8802120220 Forwards status rept of IE Bulletes7942 & 79-14at plant. -4402030341 insp Repts 50-269/87 51.50 270s87 51 & 50-287/07-51 on 871222-TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 88/02/04 Document Control Branch (Document Con- 880115 votaten noted Masor reas espected maet. crerators surveedncephyscal trel D6sk). 3pp. 44348 332-44346 334. eecurey ESF kne@s sa'ety sys functonal esp dems PDR & 10CFR21 revews. BRYANTJ C.. PEEBLES.YA Repon 2. Ole of %e Drector 88/01/28 16pp 8002020034 Mac Bunete 88-001, "Defects n Westr@ouse Crcuit Breakers " Svc tst 44224 280-44224 295. encs ROSSI.0 E. Desen of Operabona, Events Assessment (Post 870411) 88*02/05 485 Forwards notco on velaten 4 wmmary of 880115 enforcement confer-Conso stred E$ son Co of New Yort. inc 140pp 44339 225-44340 004 Sa020,90,e into Repts $4413/87-43 50 414/87-43. W369/87-45 50 3 70/87-45.54269 ene 8402020035 NRC Bubete 88-002. *~Rapdy Prope2ahng Fatque Crects e Steam Gen. 87-50 W270/87-50 & 54287/87 50 Enc wahheid (ret 10CFR2 790(d) & 73 21). erator Tubr A Sirc hst enct GRACEJ N Regen 2. Cec of the Drector. 88/01/29 TUCAER.H B Duke Power Co ROSSI.C.E. Dvsen of Operatonal Events Assessmert IPost 870411L 68/02/05. 200 44288 18644288 188 Consondated E$ son Co. of New York anc 124pp 44338 337-44339100 8002020228 NRC into Notce 68-004. *Ina$eauste Quahfcaten & Documentabon of J. Insurance & Indemnity information Fue Damer Penetrabon Seais

  • Svc hst enct ROSSI.CE Deson of Operater* Ewnts Assessment (Pcst 87C411) 88'C2/05 St02tT0110 Forwards master mort poicy for for p6 ants Endorsements 11 & 3 Conschv4ted E$ son Co of Nee Yor% hic.124pp. 4433910144319 224 to NEUA Cartkste t w. 7 E <asement 1.2 & 3 to MAELU Certdcaw VW-82 &

4402170334 Formards Sgot 1 to 880112 rirsponse to NRC Cormsanet Bukite s 87- Endorsementt f.2 & 3 'o PiFL1A Certicate NM.93 002consetng of partet test retul's for e* fas*ener samgaes Fwsgv Jts r, buhelm SAwJ.J. Marsn & sacleanan. Inc 88/02/1t DIN 172i O'fce of Phetear Reactor Regier* Drector (Pwt 870411) 122pp 4448')o92 44460 213. s%Ad be compeed by880411.tenereg segMeant %ndr2s 10CxER.H B DLAe Power Co 8e/02/11. GRACEJ N Regen 2. Os c of the Drector. 247pp 4435711444357.360. P. Operm Econae s'. age documents & correspondence 8402110328 PvRC Into PV w 8e405, Tee e Annuncience Controf Catsets

  • Svc bst sact 8442100464 Sdivts bsted results of NRC confamatory meassements program cross ROSS.C E. Desen of Operawnal Events Assessmer4 (Post 870414 883 02/12. check s Consohdated E$ son Co of New York, M 120pp 44523 2444 524 015 TUCMER.H B Duke Power Co 88/01/07. KAHLEJ B Repon 2, Ofc of P.e Drectcr 2pp 44307 3444307.341 R. Porto6c operatbng reports & related correspondenc*

$401213332 Genanc L < 88-02 to as ocwer reactor beensees te lategrates Sa'ety As-sesment Peorem 11 tISAP ll) Svc hst arct 8002240175 *Anrual Pers nnel E> esure & Morwtonng Rege for 1*it7

  • W/ 880219 tir u # AGuA FJ Assoewe Drecicy for Proyects iPost 870411) 68 '01/20 C)nsoi 3ated TUCKER.H B DtAe Power Co 8 7/12/31. 8pp 44504 025 44504 032 Osson Co c4 New York. Inc 44pp. 44202 319-44203 005 8402230014 Montnry operatng reAs for Jan 1988 W/880215 !!r.

REAviSJA, TucxER H B Duke Power Co 88/01/31. t 7cs. 4449707844497092- 8402120194 Forwards estease of NMSS teensng recurernents thro.qh FY93per nw clear eues cycie noustry lutse acecry surve 8402200181 *Arwal Personnet Vorwtoreg Rece for 198?? W/880218 itr TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 87/ t 2/31. 550. 44510130'44510134 N 0"44 Nft 8402010208 Fornards *Loe Pre-Presswo Fuel Rod Program Benup Entension LOCA S. Reportab4e occurrences, LERs a related correspondence gYR B' O' k 2 W Md BW W h 8402060205 LER 87 005-01 on 870624.sstuahon identAed where HPt pump motor coun$ Do on overcur ent deng LOCA/ toss of ortsete po*er scenano Caused by desgn de4 8802030054 Formarcs tse per 10CFR17012 re 871215 str concer%ng B&W Owners HP TUCaE O e Pc Co 0 1 5-44281 273 ,Gr,ow ee er".ir.uegra'ed R.e,a,ctor vessel Matl SJvemanc,e em re Program." Ncetabon requeeted .1 $40218014$ LER 8740841 on 871012 droct pamway 9 om contaoment to outsde w i to-o essng ga md ency hatch eated eseg fust movementvolahng Tech Spec 442 4 19 14 vron 3 trrougntLargt 8 8 Ceased emerg& desgn detoences process Pammay repased We880203 Itr NORTH.PJ., TvuERft B Ouse Poeer Co. 88/02/03.12pp 44349 28744349 298 8802030492 Informs that utd has satestaed PvRC concerns re e%ated levers of radoce. saums m tan & se$ ment e vcewty of facety per ute871130sutmf*al of suppemental 8402170117 LER 8741240cn 871203.escovered esam treovency of reactor coolane n'o e response to NRC 670923 ftr Recee enct l pump f>ywhee6s enceeded regwrement of Tecti spec 4 2 3 Caused by CA COLUNS.D u Regen 2. Cec of tne Drector 88/01/28 TUCxER H B Duke Power cerc eny inserwce eso pian reesed Wr88C205 ftr Co 400. 44218 312-44216 315 NORTH,PL TUCxER H B Duke Power C; 88/02/05. 7pp 44357.107-44357.113 8402000328 RecNests Reg =on it concur ence e/ute acson that dureg upcomeg Urut 2 800212fr225 Adwes that LER 269/88 41 re Tech Scec volaten due to messed ASVE refuehng outage.LPI & reactor tMg coohng urwl cooWrs at te cleaned 4 a'ter Secten si strces test we be sutmed by 880304esread of 880208 cleaneg.cooiers we be tested & evabated for M poeer oceraten TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 88/02/06 Document Control Branch (Document Con- TUCEER H B O(As Power Co 88/02/01 GRACEJ N Region 2 Ofc of tre Drecter tos Desk) 10 44341 21944341 219 1p 44277 009-44277 009 _ _ _ _ m _ m . 3 48 -DOCKETEDITEMS . 8002110064 Forwards errata to Amerds 165.165 & 162 to Licenses OPR-38. OPR47 & ' $402010064 NRC Info Notce 88403. "Cracks m Shroud Support Access Hole Cover OPR 55.respectNeycorrecing typo on Tecm Spec Page 3 7 3. Weeds " Syc hst enct PASTIS.H. Protect Drectorate B-3 68/02/04. TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co. 2pp. ROSSI.C E. Omson of Opers*onal Events Assessment (post 470411). 88/02/02. . 44336.261-44336 263 Consohdated Eeson Co. of New Yort. inc.112pp 44338 225 44338 336, -400210069 Erraia to Amenos 165.165 & ten to Lcenses DPR-38.DPR-47 & OPR- 8402090003Ack receipt of 680118 response to vetalsons noted n insp Repts 50 269/ 55.respectiveycorectog typo on Tech Spec P 373 87-45.54270/67-45 & M287/8745 &notte of volaten old871211.lmplementabon -

  • Protect Drectorate B 3 88/02/04.10. 44336 4336 263. of correct =e actens we be exammed durmg futtae msps CLtNE.w E. Repon 2, Osc of the Drector. 68/02/02. TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co.

8002220044 Forwards addl rdo re uti response to NUREG4737.ltem 110.1. "Perfortr> 1p 44281314-44281.317. ance Testeg af Rehof & Safety Vanes" per NRC 870422 request $utmtlal com-pletes responses to as questons e 870422 request. 6802000203 Ack recest of 680116 Pr mformeg NRC of steps taken to correct votahons . TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co 88/02/10. Document Control Branch (Document Con. noted m insp Repts54 269/87-46.50 270/6746 4 50 287/87 46 kol Desk). 3pp. 44463.29144463 293. . CUNE W E Regen 2,06c of the Drector. 66/02/03 TUCKER.H B. Duke PJwer Co 1p. 4427726644277 269. . 0802170033 Noctcaten of 680301meeteg a/utd m Rockvse MD to escuss utd & NRC reened PRAtased rSAP leased ISAP lit per Genere LW 8842 8002120220 Forwards status rept of IE B;netes 79-02 & 7914 at plant. HOOD.D S Protect Drectorate ll-3. 68/02/11. JAB 80VR,K N. Propect Drectorate 8-3 TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 68/02/04.Documeria Controi Branch (Document Con-3pp. 48D3 036-e4353.038. trol Desk) 3pp. 44346 332-44346 334 es02220265 Nodes that 680118commdment to prowde Tech Spect for anstrumenta- 8802020034 NRC BJiete 88401. "De8ects n Wesanteuse Cacue Breakers." Svc 6st . bon for detecten of rsaceouste core coohng (NUREG 0737.ttem 8 F 21 Dy 680215 enct changed Proposal e preparaton & we be sutmtted by 8803f'. ROSSI.C E. Dveaon of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 87041t) 68/02/05. TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 68/02/15, Document Control tiranch (Document Con Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc 140pp 44339 225-44340 004 trol Desk).1p. 44429 00144429001. 4402020035NRC Bunete f8402, "Rapidry Propagateg Fatwo Cracks e Steam Gen- - 8002190200 Forwards Revs 17.16 & 19 to oMsde ese calculaten manual for erator Tubes " Svc hst enct McGure.CX:enee & Catawba twetear statensfespectrvely Revs metodo trunor ROSSI.C E. Detwon of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 670411) 68/02/05 changes descreed m pstitcaten ser revs pages eMeceive 880101. Consondated Eason Co. of New York Inc 124pp. 44338 337 44339100. TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 66/02/16.Occument Control Branch (Documerit Con-trod Desk). 55 % 44422 09644422 152. 4402020228 NRC Into Notre 68404. "inadequate Ouancahon & Documentaten of Fee Barner Penersten Seais ' Suc ksi enct $402190267 Genere Lir 6843 re resokAcn of Genanc Safety issue 93. "Steam Beeng ROS$t,CE Dmscri of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 870411). 68/02/05. of AMary Feedeater Pumps

  • Svc kst enct Consohdated Eeson Co of Nee YCrk,Inc 124pp 4433910144339 224 M:RAGLIA.FJ Desen of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 870411) 68/02/17.

Consondated Eeson Co. of New verk. Inc 44pp. 44524 016-44524 061. 4402170334 Forwards Suppl 1 to 880112 response to NRC Comphance Bunetc 87-002.conscsteg of pa-bai test results for as tastener sampiesResponse to bunete shou 4 the ed by 880411barreg sagrwfcant hndegs. O, innpoetion reports, BE Sunetans & correspondence TUCKER.H B e Power Co. 68/02/11., GRACE)N. Regon 2. Ofc of the Drector. 247pp. 44357.11444357.360 F ds Rev to "Insetece insp Program." A& proval of rehef requests 8001g 440m0320 NRC % W 6m "Fn m her NW CMa* Sw hi - trol 5 0624 13 41^ SSI C E. Omson of Operatonal Events Assessment (post 070411) 88/02/12. Conschdated Edson Co of New York. Inc 120pp 44523 2%44524 015. -4001110093 Rev 14 to "Insonnce insp Proyam." ROHDE.K G Duke Power Co 07/12/14.176pp 44133 066 44133 241. ,, g , 8002020091 Responds to NRC871211 ltr re votatsons noted m insp Repts %269/87-45.%270/87-45 & $0 287/87 45.Correctve actons ethheid tref 10CF R73 21). 8402260175

  • Annual Pnrsonnel Exposure & Morvtonng Rept for 1967? W/ 680219 fir.

TUC8tER.H B (AAe Power Co. 68/01/16 Document Control Branch (Document Con. TUCKER.H B Duke Poner Co 87/12/31. 6p0 44504 025 44504 032 tot Desk). 3pp 44190 316-44190 320 8402230014MontNy operateg repts for Jan 1968 Wie80215 fir. 8002020234 Forwards response b volatons noted m inso Repts W269/6746.50-270/ REAviSJ A TUCKER,H B CbAa Power Co 88/01/31.17pp 44497.0764449?092 6746 & M267/8746 Enct vothheld tief 10CFR73 21) 4 . TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 68/01/18 Document Control Bronce (Document Con- 4s02260181

  • Annual Personnel Mondormg Rept for 1987 *
  • 68021811r.

- tot Desk 13pp. 44189 357 44189 359 TDER,H B Duke Power Ce 87/12/31. 5cp. 4451013444510134 6832030214Drscusses SALP Reptr, W269/87 33 50 270/87-33 %287/47-33. %369/ 57.til 50-370/87-29 53-a 13/87 26 & 50-414i87-26 & 87 iO27 & 29 meetngs.m re- S. Reportabee occurrences, LERs & related correspondence socese to 67t 13C IIr No changes to SALP rect warranted Sneang sajes encs GRACE N. . 2. Ole of the Dreciar 68/01/20 TUCUR.H B Duke Power Co $402090014 Adeses of change to cummament retrd n ute800609itr te vicider't M 66pp 44221 4221 158. resulted m unplanned react osenon of g'aater than 0 5% k/u Pvoere rena,ad $401210007 NRC info Notes 68-001. "Safety irvecten Pee Fadure " Svc kst onct ROS$1CE_ Chvincri of Operatonal Ewnts Assessernnt tro st 870411). 68/0t/27-fMqQ ,C0,",0,',C"o p / Coneof a bsnent Com tes Desk). 2pp 442612r>3-442e1264 Censondated E$ son Co. of New York. inc.123fp 44175 C'5-44 ? ?6197, 68:2220349 $0ecw repton871207.mau reveeled poter4al of loss of emeripency con-8002030349 Ach recept of 871231 tar escrmmq NRC of steps teten to correct volatens n reted m insp Repts54269/8744. 50 270/8r44 & 50-287/87 44 - cons,er ai pumps crodate,g ou go mater,,sys A,,sRepers oe gn o ,cery to possuty of er swanned to moss esaatage mat 880217 cunde ter crculateg str. PROWNLEc V L Repon 2. Ofc of Ine Drector 85/01'28 TJCxER.H B. (AAe Powe' TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 48/C2/17. Doceent Contros Branc*i(Docurssit Com Cc.10 44223 2144 223210- trol Desk). Sep 44430 047-44430 051 9602090420ResocAt, to NAC871229ler te votatens noied e inso Repts 54 269/87-49.54270/87-49 & S287/8749 Correcove actens rnochamcal mant ergneer & Y. Dry Cask independen* Spent Fues Storage InstaAations & sc er9toer reveeed eveni e/sertent UCEF. ? B Duke er Co 68/01/28 Document Controf Branch (Document Ce trol Desk). 4pp 44267 02544287 028 68C2040372 Foreards LLL Lat' rkpq UCiD-21246. Tyname gact Effsets r t Spent Fuel Assent 6es " Rept en be incorporates ento $y spent tuel storage rash std 8002030330 Foreards insp Rects $4269s87 51.50 270/87 31 & 50-267/87-5t on

  • D n to be putAshed at tutee date wto ence Nv'BERT'*S J P. Fuel Cycle Sa'e Branch 88/02/02 JUDSON B F. Genera! Electnc RO

$71222-480115 &rotace of volabon. . BROWNLEE V L. Reoen 2. Ofc of the Drec1or 68/01/29 TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co TUCKER.H B DLAe Power EPS7E5N G Meshini intemater* Corp (subs ! Co. 2pp 44224 27644224 295 of M4ses/w Corp 14pp. 4425627244256 275 i -840203034f inso Repts 50 269/87-5f.54270/P7-51 & 54287/87-51 on 871222, 8802050075 Summary of inst for Nuclear Macs Mgt Spent Fuel Storage Semsnar V on amt15 veiaica noted Mavor areas espected maet. coetanens survee neeshysica, s80124 22 m washesonac = scent fusi sicrage */msstutenas mamrs secur#y ESF knn@s sar ery sys funcfonal mSo noms.PDR & 10CFR21 revees ROBERTS.J P Fuel Cycle Sa'e*y Branch. 68/02/03 .L C. Fued Cycie Safety BRYANT.J C, SKINNER.P.H. WERT.LD. Region 2. 08c of the Drec1er 68/01/28 Braren.290.44265 271-44265 272 1600 44224 280-44224 295. 8002090485 Foreards notice of volaten a sumary of 680115 enforcement conter. DOCKET 54271 VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER STATION ence te insp Repts50-413/8743 S414/87-43. 54369/8745 54370/87-45M269/ $7 50.%270/87-50 & M287/87 50 Enct withheu (ret tOCFR2 790(d) & 73 21) ' GRACE.J N. Regon 2. Ole of the Drecsor 88/01/29 TUCKER.H B. (XAe Poeer Co F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection plans 2pp. 4428818644288188. 6802290109 Discusses 870122 tabietop escussen to state authorey to rociass,*y ute 6402090031 Adeses that cavasing venturi es be instaned n each emergency seed- emergency ctassdicadon Esca4ated response may not be uncertanen tv state oMic.a s atter tre by end of Cycles 11.10 410 for Uruts 12 & 31escoctrvesy.per NRC 871215 ty vocredeg or reciasseymtheensee deciated emergency ciassAcatm recpesi re inso Pepts %269/8616M270/66-16 & 5428 7/8616 BELi.AMY.R R Re9on 1. vc of the Drector 87/05/28 SELMAN M Consoldated TUCKER.H B (XAe Power Co 88/02/01.Docwnent Control Branch (Docunent Cork Eeson Co of New vork. Inc dpp 44529 060 445?9 063. trol Desk) 1p. 4428216644262188 8802170293Foreards Sa'eqpards ingp Rept $4271/87-20 on 871026-29 No volabons sect 260,02 NRC inso Notice 684c2. "Lost or Stosen Gavges

  • Svc hst enci noted CUNN#NGHAM.R E C>csen of indus1ref & Meccar Nuclear Safety (Post $70729) MARTIN.T T. Regon 1. Ole of the Drector 88/02/02 UURPHY.W P Vermont 68/02/02, Consondated Eeson Co. of Nee Yort. Inc 12tpp 44296 093 44296 213 YarAee NJciear Power Corp 2pp 44357 00144357 010 l

- . _ . . . ,- ,. . . - . . -- ._ ~ l l l .. DOCKETEDITEMS 49 l W -4002170300 Partesy wahheld Physcal Securey insp Rept 60 271/87 20 on 87102429 8802220206 Forwards response to request for ad$ endo re Rev 9 to utd eservce enso (ref 10CFR73.21)No votatens noted Major areas espected plan & rnplernentog procedtres. pro 7am plan Rewsed progam wel be semstied t r 68060L l am avets.tesung.mant/ecoros t s & physcaibamers MURPHY,W P. Vermont Yar*ee Nuclear Power Corp- 88/02/12. Dowmert Control i SMITH.G , MA N.T KE! mig.R R. Regen 1, of the Drector. 87/12/17. 8pp Branch (Documera Corect Desk).14pp. 4442v 056-44429 069 l -L 44357.003-44357.010. l .. 0802100314 Adases Ihat adewate recew of ernergency eserces obteceres & scenano 8402220119 Forwards errata lo Arnend 103 to Lcense DPR-28 Change consists of re. psaentisi for Regen I to cue r swport esercise scrieduled Nir ** of880612 Scheese stonng descrotrve anas medvertently deleted trom bas.s secten of Tech Spec 302 ROONEY.y L Pro,ect Drectorate k3. 88/02/16. CAPSTICK.R W. Vermont Yankee 'LAZ J. Osc of the octor. 88/02/04. MURPHY W P. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Corp. 3pp. 44308 061-44306 063 -8002220113 Errata to Amend 103 to Lcense DPR-28.restonng descrptve maU asad-800 Ack eet 871 1 tir mformeg NRC of steps taken to Correct volabons No e'.aded ton 88 2/ 1p 425 329-44425 329 MARTIN. . 1.' Orc of the Drector. 88/02/06. MURPHY,W P. Vermont Yar*ee Wia= Corp. 2pp. 44364100-44364.104 8002260235 Forwards response to 880120 Genanc LW 8642 re ISAP 8. UW not inter-ested m partcpatmg in ISAP h. ~4712140001 Responds to NRC 871006 request for Wo re contammaten sound outsee MURPHY W P. Vermont Yan6ee Nuclear Power Corp 80/02/19. Document Coreel rasaten control areaper inso Rept 50 271/8715 Results of evestigaten confrmed Branch (Docurnent Control Dosh) 2pp. 44505 289-44505.290. ' presence of contammated matiCorrectree actons hsted MURPHY.W P. Vermorit Yankee Nuclear Power Corp.87/12/10. MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1, Otc of the Drector 3pp 44364102 44364.104. Q. Inspect >on reports,IE Suhetme & correspondence 0002290330 Forwards Safety insp Rept 30-271/87-16 on 870601-1030 & notee of woistort utd870910 response to votatens reted e insp Rept50-271/6712 re non. 8802240355 Ach rece$t of 870814Itr irdarmeg NRC of steps taken to correct volatent conservatrve setponts a tome pas enorvtonng sys responstve to NRC concoms. noted m Inso Rept 50-271/63 37.Venaten occurred as stated & sufhoont bass act WIGGsNSJ T. 1. Orc of ine Drector 88/02/25. MURPHY.W P Vermont p'Ovded for weare*al of woiston.W/evaluaten a conclusort Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 3m. 44516 227 44516 290 AUSSELLW T. Regen 1. Orc of the Drector 87/12/16 MURPHY W P. Vermont Yankee Nuciear Power Co p 5pp. 44455 01144455 017. -8002290336 Inso Rept 5427t/8716 on 8708011030Velatons reted Maeor areas rispected bcensee acten on provous esp .cutage fngt.operat onal safety verificabon.physcal secunty observatens fitness for 8401210097NRC info Not to 88401

  • Safety Irirecten Pee FaAse " Svc hst enci.

program & LERs HAVERnAMP.D R. Regon 1. Orc of the Drecer. 64/02/25. 60pp. 44518 231- ROSSI.C E. Cresen of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 8704111 88/01/27. 44516 290 Consondated Esson Co of New York. Inc.123pp. 44 t?6 075 44 t ?6197 8601260102NRC Into Notce 88-002. Lost or Saolen Gauges " Svc bst anca G. Adjudicatory correspondence CUNNtNGHAM.R E. Desen of Industnal & Meecal Nucear Safety (post 470729)  %/02/02. Coneohdatec Eeson Co. of New YorA inc.12tpp. 44296 093-44296 213. 8002040045 Informs or680209 meeeng w/6censee re status of NRC reven NRC decsS ed ret to asse ermron assessment unts after eneetog 4402010064 NRC Info Notce 88403. "Cracks m Shroud S@ port Access Hole Cover WEESMAN A M Ass,stant General Cou n sel for Enforcernent # 888 5496. 58/01/29- Woos " Syc hst enct BECHMOEFER.C. BRaGHT.O 04 CARPENTERJ H. Alorruc Sa'ety and Lcensing ROSSI.C E. Descri of Operatonal Events Assessmerit (post 6704t11 64/02/02. Board Panet 19 44219 011 44219 011. Consondated Eeson Co cs New York. Inc.112m. 44338 225-44330 336. 0802040077 Order

  • Time er1 ended untd880219 for Comemsson to deterrrane whethe, 8002170293 Forwards Safeguards insp Rept50 271/87 20 on 871026-29 Pao violater s the the sert #184 5497. 88/02/02 Com. h,%, '

n, Corp 2pp 4 35 00 4435 0 0 8002220044 Order.* Time ter Comrrwssen to cetermine whether to revee ALAB469 & -8402170300 Partah wit w Physcal Security Inso Rept 50 271/87-20 on 87102429 [ ALA8-876 erterced to 680311 Served on 660217 HOYLEJ C. Offee of the Secretary of the Commason #188 5623 88/02/t7. Com. Pet 10CFR73 21)No votebons reted Magr areas risoected plan & rrpomentog

  • revsseners.1p 44420 003 44420 003. procedures prooram evets testeg mamt/ecordsfepts & physcal baners SMITH G . MADDLN.7, KEIMsG.R R Regen 1. O'c cd the Drector.47/12/17. 8pp 44357 003-54357:310 J. Insurance & indemnaty inforwatton 4 4402180431 FO'A wuest for encf to NRC871209ser requesang eM mfo to insernce lesteg profam 8002000251 Fore.ros Endevsomens 88 to NEUA Pokey NF.189 Enorsement 70 to CDAdERA. NUS Corp 68/07'03 Neon of Ruses & Records (Post 470413) 1p MAELU Poacy MF46 8 Endorsement 9 to NEUA Cerisicate N-32 & MAELU Certa. 44m 0014437300t cate M-32.

ViETEN M J Marsh & McLennan, Inc. 88/01/25 CsNIT2.1 Ofree of Nucsear Reac1cr t Rewisten, Oroctor(Post 870411). Sm 44274 329-442'6 333 4402020034NRC Sume-n 68401, Orfects a Westeghrwse Cucus Preakers " Svc sst ence 4402220306 Forwards Eno:rtement 86 to NEUA Fetcy NF 189 & Endorsement 68 to ROMICE Desen of Opersional Events Assessenent (Post 8N419 88/02/05. MAELU MF 56 Consoldated ieson Co of fww York. IN 1 t/ op J 44339<25-44340 004 R"e'A"#0rea'PF.WP,p'L' / '#,n#!913?'""" **' ' ";2,m gS f w e,g *2 m a m e cr ~ 5 -  ! ROSSIC E. Desen of Opera'.cner Events Assesseir,nt (Pon 8704 tit 88/02/05 P. Operstmg licenee stage documents & corresporweence W Mson 4 of % % inc 124x 44J38 W-44m @ L 8001210322 Game Lv 68 02 to as power reactor teensees re Integrated Sa ey As " sessmera Program a CSAP 40 Sec kst enct , pm , s llst M.RAGUAfJ Assoc = ate Oroctor ter Propects (Post 8704til 68/01/20.Cunsondated noge.AC E Owen of Ope"abonal Events Assessment (Post 87041t). 68/02/05 Eeson Co of Peen York. Inc. 48pp. 442C2 319-44203 005 Consotdawd Eeson Co.1 New Vcrt,ine 124pp 4433910144339 224 0002010071 Forwards teamst for 401 mf. re SPOS desent>ed e 850201 & 860730 8802870249 Act recect of 8712tC fir nformg NRC of stens taken to correct cotatens ROONE L ectora 68/ 1 CAPSTICAR W Vermont Yankee M 7 N. 1 the Dructor 88/02/08 MVRPHY.W P. Vermont , Nuclear Power Corp. 8pp. 4416815344188182. Yankee etear er Corp 29 44 64 104 9001260537 Genenc Lir 8841 to as BWR 6cersees & holders of cps ter BARS to NRC -87121(0301Respords to NRC 871006 request for rWo re contamnahon found out4de e positen on IGSCC vi BAR oustervtc staness steel perg Svc bst encf reiston contros areaper into Rept 50 271/8715 Results of evestigabon CorWymed MsRAGUAf J Assoraate Drector for Protects (Post 870411). 68/01/25 Com weaih teson CO 43pp 4425614644256188 presercy of contamma'ed mae Corrective actens ksled MURPHY W P vermont Vansee Nuclear Power Corp 87/12/10 MARTIN T.T Regran 1 Otc of Ine Drector. 3pp 44364102 44364104 ' 0802030061 Requests Ihat SSER be asued to correct two typos, ecorpcrate RELAP5/ MOO 1 sedates & mcorporate addl rdo re HuxY ccde Compiebon of code recess re-ted by 680404 Enci taesten view factors w1hheid tref 10CFR2 790) 8802110329 enct NRC Into Nc4ce 88-005. 'Fae m Annunciator Controf Cadmers' Sec hst ' flCK.R W Vermont Yareee Nucsear Power Corp 68/01/26 ROONEY.vt Prolect Drectorate L3. 7pp. 44204 04244204 046 ROSSI.C E Desen of Orerasonal Events Assessment (post 870411). 88/02/12 Consch. lated Edson Co of New York. Inc. 120@ 44523 256-44524 Ot5. Proposed 1 7/ Spec T 26r i dent 0 D "#88 'O' '"C' D 0 "' WD"O # d' lfURWP'm*!' *a'im"2"L'0W9h*"% E we of Ncisar Reactor Regulaicn DreC1er (Post 870411) 500. 4426716444487190 g,d,IO' b,y a*o a=~'2> **/12 Nus c-a { ~4003090364 Proposed Tech Specs /ewsmg Table 3 2 6 re post acceent esvumenta. -8802180444 pe< Nest for aM rdo re secord 10 yr riterval eserece esp program ion. Plan

  • Vermont Yereee Nciear Power Corp 68/01/29 2pp. 44267189-44287.190
  • NRC. No Detailed A%afen Given 88102/18 7pp 4 tit 3 004 44373010

[ 800217026$ Summary of 880126 meetrg w/uts re envron cua*'cahon esues con-t 8802220264 Forea os ecsponse *o **3uest for aW rdo se Rev 9 4 ute eseryce eso l tained ROONEY enY uteL Pro47110,ect Drectoraie k3 88/02/09 NRC4 ir Let of eneeteg enendees pro 7am P4an Reesed & egenraa enci ,rogram wJ be s#wthed by 98C601 . No DetaAwd A'hhaten Gsven MURPHY.W P verM Yasse PMiear Pciw.s Carp 8ar02/12 D:gumerg Coreal l tipp 4436308144363092 } Branch (Document Cortrai rksa) t opp 44429 05& 44429 069 ' . , - - . . , .,.___ - -_-. . - . . - _ . , . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ . . _ . . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . - - . ~ . _ _ ~ - - _ 50 ~ DOCKETEDITEMS 8002230000 Noldcanon of Mgt Meetmg 68415 w/utd n Regen i ofc ca 680224 to es- 6802250072Nobfcaten of 680128 Meetmg 64408 m/ut8 Wi Kog of Pruss.a.PA to es. cuos ute avtalmes & correctve ocions to SALP m areas of ra6ciopcal cortois cuss weed overtar repet of reactor vessel peneesson seat weeds. meet.OA & eserwce tesang SWETLAND.P Regen 1. Orc of the Drector.68/01/21. Repon 1. Ofc of the Drector. HOVERKAMP.D R. Regon 1, Cfc of the Drector.88/02/16. Regon 1. Oc of the 05- 2pp. 44480.03344480 034 rector. Pop.44464 327 44464 328. 8002090019 Forwards amended Tech Spec P s3/457&3/459re error noted m 9002290332 Forwards inso Rept 50 271/87-19 on 87101423 & notre of votatort Secton 3 $ 5/etuehng water storage tant Me vol erronoovsly hated as 364.000 JOHNS 70N W V. Repon 1. Oc of the Drector. 88/02/22 VURPHY.W P. Vermont nons hconae change requested me vd W 364 MO ganons. Yankee Nucsear Pcnor Corp. 2pp. 44517.276-44517 303- ILL . Putac Sarwce Elecinc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 68/01/26 Document . -4002290345 Nobce of vetalen from map on 67101423Volatons noted cuahtcaton Conm BW @ocumem Cone Dnah 4 44281 h420 M O '

  • 3/4 5 7 & 3/4 5-9 re error roted m Secten B$ bloct L es W -4802090036 Amended wat Tech ta Specs vo Pyi voi s .
  • Regen 1.Oc of gie Drector 64/02/22. 2pp. 44517.278-44517 279 )5

-4002290349 inso ReN $0 271/97-19 on 871019 23 Vioistens reW Ma,or areas 44281 262. em equpmert withn" R50 8002000330 Clardes that rnc4ementaten of Amends 52.55 & 58 to License NPF 75 CHEUNG.L. DEV.M. KOSHY.T. Regon 1, Oc og the Drector. 88/01/07. 24pp. ptarmed tar Sept 1968 retueing outage Umt 1 amends vnpiemomed dunng test refuel-amends em be meinheid compmeon of trods 40517 280 44517.303' NEtt CA Putec Serwce Elecine & s . of New Jersey 68/02/03. DocumerW 4002290330 Foewards Sa r ety inso Rem 50 271/8716 on 8706011030 & nobce of Corecl Branch @ocumert Corecl Des 4 2pp 4428815144288152. votaten Uni 870910 response to votatens noted m insp Rept 50 271/8712 re rm conservatnre tip setpoets m tomc cas morntonng _eys responske to NRC conComs 6802190014 Forwards pnntov's of IBM-PC enhettes contanng "RW 859 Nuclear Fuel WtGGINS.J.T. Regon 1, Ofc of the Drector ea /02/25 MURPHY W P, Vermont Data

  • tor penod 671231.

(' Yartee Nucioar Power Corp 300 44516.227-44516 290. McNELLC A Pubhc Dept. of. 77pp. 44445144 44445 220. e Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 68/02/12. Energy. -8402290331 Notce of velaten trem mso on 6708011030Votaten retedfaAre to periorm adequate Insamg of maus removed from reeauon control area efech resurted 6801180267 Genenc Lt 6603 re resoluton of Genanc sa ety Issue 93. ' Steam Brong n re* eases outside reeadon coreci area of Auveary Feedester Pumps

  • Svc het enci
  • Repon 1. Olc of the Drector. 68/c2/25.1p. 44516 23444516 230. MIRAGLIA FJ Dwoon of Operanonal Events Assessmord (Post 870411k 68/02/17.

-6002290339 Msp Rept 50 271/8716 on 870801-1030 Volatons noted Masor areas nsWa sn W . 4% 4 4 01644524 06L rispectedaconsee acten on prevous rap outage engloperatoruil sa4ty 6802290056 A. Footnote 62 to anos creet for Requests esempton from 10CFR20g$^ H 44516 2W b Otc the rector. 6 /N25. 44516 231- ' D ogM'*," '*C',d p *"""9" $LTENBERGER.S. Put2c Serwce Doctnc & Gas Co. of New Jerr,ey 88/02/22. Doc- '*'8' ument Coreol Branch (Documert Control Desat 6pp. 44514114-44514119 G Pertodec operating reports & related correspondence non s. a & ceppendence 4402110306 MontNy opera rect for Jan 1968 W/680210 I!r WALLIN.G A. MURPHY. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Ccrp. 68/01/31. 600 40321 105 44321.110 8002020270 Forwards Sar ety Msp Repis 50 272/87 32 4 50 311/67 33 on 871103-30 No votatens reted Urveso#ved tems re envron Quaktcabon of equemert m v cro-ty of auseary feedaater Pump 13 enct & sute of assurance of osa reted S. Reportable occurrences. LERs a rotated correspondence MNZINGER.E C 1. Osc os the Drector 64/01/14 EILLCA Put*c Sernce Elece & Gas of Nee Jersey 2pp 44199033-44199054. 8401220184 LER 87419-00 on 871215 sevedance testng of LPO reactor vessel stvoud newes permssue trussed Caused try personnoi error Survedance test program -3402020290 meo Rapts W272/87 32 4 $0 311/87 33 on 871103-30 No vetatens revewed 4 assoosted personnel matructed W/660115 lirs reied Waeor areas espected sa ety venhcatonjollowup on outstameng PELLET ER.J P. Vermott Yarnee Nuclear Power Corp. 68/01/14 4pp 44168 066 nso nerns mast & sevemance Urveserved nem noted. 44168 091. SAETLAND.P D. Ragon 1 O'c of the Drector. 68/01/14 20pp. 44199 035-44199 054 4t02220279 LER 8741641.ori 871215.seveaance of LPCI reactor vessel shroud levei permsswo for conta:nmort spray imssed Caused by personnel error Personnel coun. 4432030116 Forwards Safety inso Repts %272/47 37 & %311/07 37 on 671214 owed 1 test e cpeseen anrnodatory comcwas W/680212 IIr 18 No veia cr.s or decatens roled Concems re uts emne c*emicai meassemerts PELLE7IER.J.P. vemont vankee Nuclear Power Corp 66/02/12. Sop. 44429041- accuracy reseo As to tacts of sample tee 9 control & accep*ame creene 44429 045. MAHisd.Tf e Repon 1. Ofc of the Drectar e8/01/25 MCNEILL.C A Pubec Serece Eiectre & Gas Co of New Jersey. 2pS e4221305-44221.317. DOCKET 50 272 S&LFL NUCLEA9 Of afsk ATWO SYADOsi. Ut#T 1 -480M30157 Sa4ty inse Repts $4272/87-37 & SS311/87-37 on 87121418 No voa-tions or decahens toned but measwoment actuacy doubfM Mact areas F. Securfty, f%e6 cel, emergene) & fire prote: tion plena BiCEMOUSLHJ. PASCIAK.WJ Regen 1. Olc of the Certor 68/01/21.11pp 200209e109 ?%scusses $70122 tabietop etwssen to state authority is raciassdy utd 44221 30'4422) 317. emergincy cesssAcaten Escataies renconse may not te uncertam by stsw ceanis by serg or reOas*4yvy hce csee occiared emer9ercy esassrbcahon g632030264 Fcreerde Eatefy inap Repts 50 272<8745 4 %311/87 36 on 071231 BEL MY R R Fag./i 1. Use of the Drecter. 67/05/28 SELMAN.M Conso6 dated 31 %J Potatens ric,ted. Echson Cc of Pete Yak, arc 40p. 4153906044529M WEN 2iNGEA E C Rep 1. Cec of the Drector 68/01/25 V4NELLC A. PWho 68020M017 Ar.Ms lhet '7W1':r=r,crary tenge to Artifcal Island secuey plan ac-cyzN MARM7 r. on 1. 04, of tre Dveter $4/0W D LeCNEiLLC A nuck: Sernci 4402,030263 gyg q Inso,,R,e, pts'da,or ,nted W272/67areas 36 4 espectos 50 311/87 36 operaw. on 07120131 eat No wastons or navty Ebcinc & Gas 06 f6r tr sey apo 84259.344~t4259 349 veracatervrant.suradama sevve ca 9pecia' :e>ts & bconsee event foAc1rup TWLAND P D Fogon 1. Olc ct 7e Drector 66/01/22 1360 44223 057 M. General corresporstence , 6401210 0 7NRC Wo Notre 8840'. 'Savty invecten FaAre

  • Svc het enes

$802120200 Comrnent su4crteg orcoosed fu e 1CP50 re prcposed po6cy stsiement s ROSS: C E Omson of Oreratonai Events Assessmert (Post 6'0411) 68/01/27. ca niearated ecrmuee not teri of piant moas Ccrisohdated Eeson Co of Nee York, arc 123m 44176 075-44176187. MCNDLLC A Pwe Servce >sctre & Gas Co o' 88/C2/01 CH4K.$J Cf%ce of N 3ecretary of the Comr 2pp 44346 00? 44 8 CC't 4402050224PJoittaten of Lconsse Meeteg 68413 on 680205 si Kr'0 of Prstsaa PA to i escuss SALP l P. Operating scense stage documents & correspondence $U$3%$$ 4 ,[ d N Nw 64M6 %Cn (% W N becW 6.e,m214 r-s safet, ev.uson pro.d%s caten ic. cor-a,or, 6.,1,60,0, ,,C ,,,o m, 68., _to,, or Soon Gau,,, . S , ,,, e,c, tonoweg 6$0326 urut 2 reactor tre & descrohons of edrrernseative coneces kmacg C4.WNGHAM.R F. C>rson of inchestrei & Meecal Nucisar $a'e*y (Post 470729) 684242 CMaw Eeson Co cd h m m 121pp 44M M44N3 C Gs o of PN ersey 66r08/31 MURLE y.T E. Re9on 1. Otc of use Drecier. 3pp 44481275-4444 t 263 68020t0044 NAC into Nosce 84403. "Catchs e Shroud Seport Access Hoss Cover -6402250229 "JsstAcasca ter Opeaut,n of Unsts 1 & 2 m/Lwwted 4KV Loads * '** ~ 3*C * **CI

  • Pucac Serece Eieuc & Gas Co of Nee Jersey $#A1&NSE C1564 86/08/31. ROSS..C E Desct' of Orestena! Events Assessment (Post 6704 tit 68/02/02 Ccrechda'ed Edson Co of Nee Yeah, lac 112pp 44338 22544334 336.

6pp. 44441 J7644481263. 680M20034 NRC Bus ete 64401. 'Delects e Westrghouse Cacus Breakers " Svc nst 4802290273 PeoMcahon of Lconsee Meet *0 87100 on 87C729 w'ute e Maneceks 'ad NJ to escuss teaten protecton progra'n ROSSI.C E C>nsca of Operatonal Evevs Assessment (Posi 670411} 68/02/05 l i LAND P D. Repon 1. 08c of L'io Oractor 87/01/23 popon 1. Olc of the Drec. Co9sohda'ed Edtson Co of Nye Ygrk. Iric 14')pp 44339 22544340004 sgr Opp.44529 127 44539 12il 4801110332 Genen: LW 6842 to at power reactor hcosees to intega'ed Saiety As. 600M20035 N4C Buiteta 664C2. *Rapdy Pror>agatre Fev9se Craces m Steam Gen-sessmens Peo; yam a USAP l') Sec har enct orator 7 des " Svc hst ems uRAGdAf J Assor>aio Dretter for Pr s (Posi 870411) 84/01/20 Ccesnhdatel ROS$i C E. Desce of C9eratona; Events Assessment Foot 8704111 88/02/05 3 t 6-44203 005 Consoida'ed Eeson Co cd P.*w Yors. Inc 124pfs 44334 337 44339100 Eeson Co of Nee vors. Inc 48cc 44 .. , , , -- . . - . , . - . . , - n,._.-, , _ - , - - - - - - - _ _ ,. _ , ,a DOCKETEDITEMS 51-8002020220 NRC Info Noece 88404.

  • Inadequate Ouahfcate & Documer4aten of . 8002260190 Forwards operatog Itr for fac6ty for IAEA swvediance kom 871201 Fro Bamer Penetrabon Seat" Svc bst arcs. -

860126 j ROSSI.CE. Dvoon of Operatonat Eversts Assessment (Post 870411). 88/02/05 MILTEN8ERGER.S. Putsc Servce Doctre & Gas Co of New Jeg8,8/02/18 Doc. ' Consohdated Esson Co. esi New York,Irc.124pp 44339.10144339 224. ument CentrW Branch (Document Conarce Desk) 3pp. 44504 016443v4 021. 8002110201 W response to NRC 870814per te velahoes noted m insp Repts $802290263Formards escharge marvtonng rept Ice Jan 1988 Eschoon emptanaten ew 50 272/8748 e %311/8749 Correctme actons detaded desgn anayses of each was ciuded on addl pagesThermal 4 flow data for DSN 441486 for OctCoc 1987 for-competed on 880131 &no safety concoms escovered narded under separate cover. M4TENBERGER.S. Putec Servce sectre & Gas Co of New Jersey 88/02/05. Doc- TREJOJ Pthhc Servce Docks & Gas Co of New Jersey. 88/02/23. CAPORALE.G  ; ument Contet Branch (Documert Cor*of Desk). 2pp. 44321078-44321079- New Jersey. Stat of 3pp 44518168-44518.192. 8002170198 Forwards Safety insp Repts 50 272/87 35 4 50311/87 35 on 871130 -4002290290 Oschage mormonng rept for Jan 1988 1204 No vcianone not*1

  • P@c Servce Osctnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 88/01/31. 2tpp. 44516171

'JOHNSTON.W V. Repon 1. Orc of the Drector 88/02/00 MCNEILL.C A. P@he Serv' 44516 192 ce Doctre & Gas Co. of New Jersey 3pp. 44354 04944354 084. -8002??0209 Inso Rept 54272/87 35 4 50-311/87 35 on 8711341204 No votatens resed Mator areas espected eteorey of safety + elated owctrcal esecuton ers S. Reportath occurrences, LERs & reemd correependence CHOPRA,P O . KOLTAY.P S. KOSHY.T. Repon 1. Osc of Ihe Drector 88/02/06 33pp. 44354 052-44354 084. 80020 0160 LER 8741900an 871227 4 28.orygon concer*aten etwt maste gas notoup sa grea

  • than 2'h for more than 48 ft lnvestgaten of cause 8802110328 NRC Info Notco 88405. Tre e Annunciator Corect Carsnets" Svc kst contmues Concercebon lo*ered W/ 82 122 str.

enct POLLActM J. ZUPKOJ M Pthhc Serwce Elecine & Gas Co. of New Jersey 88/01/ i ROSSI.C E. Dwsen of Operatenal Emts Assessment (Post 8704tt). 88/02/12 22 5pp. 4421r27944217283. Consohdated Eeson Co. 4 New York. Ine 120pp 44523 25644524 015 8002100054 Forwards S@pomental LER8741742.addressmg resofts of eivestgabons $40229002" Formards insp Repts $4272/8841 & $0-311/8841 on 880104 08 No ve- re potentiar enects of sleem release on equement n$acent to steam drmen aum*ary astens nofed teeonater curre encs WENZiNGER.E C. Reqcn 1. Olc of the Drecter, 88/02/18 Mil.TENBERGER.S ZUPKO.JM Putec Servce Docte & Gas Co of New Jersey 88/01/26. Document P@c Servce Dectic a Gas Co. of New Jersey. 3pp 44508124-44508137. Convol Branch (Docurrent Cor*ol Desk). 19. 44297 355-44297 359 -8002290030 Inso Repts $4272/8841 & 5431t18841 on $8010444 No votabons or unreserved dems noted t.sasor areas nspected bconsee reaeness for restart of Urvt i -4402090450 LER 8741742on $71113 srs leakage patheen from Urut 1 aum&ary leeonater pump comprtment 13 & one pathway kom Urut 2 adentAedCaused tv 1987.1988 refusimg outage cortol of desgn recurements Leakage paths sealed 4 field drectme wel be asued SWET .PD. Repon 1. Olc of the Drector. 88/02/11. I t pp. 4e508127- POLLACK M J. Pubhc SerMce Eisetnc & Gas Co of New Jersey 88/01/26 400 44500 137. 44297 35644297 359 0002250300 Foreards Safety insp Repts $4272/8844 & 50-311/8844 on 871221 & 8402160300 LER 8442141 on 841014.ccarponent coohng mater return moishon v8Ne notsee of volaton MARTIN,T T. Repon 1, Ofc of the Drector 88/02/22 MCNOLLC A Pec Servce kom reacto,r gorgue coolant one aior Mc9ar purnp thermal 4 motor ove bemers ioads forclosed Caused 1CC131 ty fadure replaced t.f motor W/880210 lir. for Lm. Sects & Gas Co. of New Jersey 2pp 4448235444482 359 POLLACK MJ. ZUPKOJ M Pec Servce Doctnc & Gas Co of New Jersey. 86/021 -8002250385Notco of vetabon kom nap on 871221 Volanen noted raeabcn levet of sseeper porten of esclusrve-use veracle cab between 3 0 & 4 5 mroms per h a'ter 8002220209 PNO448420 on 880216.CA McNe N named execubve erector nuclear w/ AR IN.T T Regen 1 Of t[w Dr ior / 22 2pp 48 56-44482 357. org,# g $ M **' "*'***"*' **'"*"O * "W*# -4002250391 Insp Repts 50-272/0044 & 50-311/8444 votatens noted Ma,or areas mspectadaconsee Shement 8741 for comphance e/49CFR regarements & tmal MNg "I 90" # * **#0# " sete teense conehons OsCEHOUSE.HJ, p %SCIAK.WJ. Regen 1, O'c of me Drector 88/01/22 Pop 44482 35& 44482 359 DOCKET M 275 0tABLO CANv0N NUCLEAR POWER PLANT WIff t R. Portoec operating reports & related correspondence E S*curRF. emleca( emergency & ke protectos plana 8802230091MontNy opera r Icr Jan 1988 Wr880215 nr Sent170154 Rev 5 to cmJora+e emergency resporve ptartW1880211 Itr WHITE.P. ZUPKQ) M - e Oectnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey- 88/01/31 SHWFER)D. Pecsfe Gas & Electre Co PF/12/18 63@ 4435J 10344358166 12pp. 44496 261-44496 272 640201012e ForerCs Irwo Repts $4275/8741 & 14323/87-44 on 871214 18 No vio-8002230004 Fcreeds amended pages to eschirge rervtonng repts for Oct & Dec :ahens or decatore rated 1987. 2ArVEFJAN O Peor- 5. O'c et the Drector 88/01/15.SHWFiRJD Pacdc Gas TREJO.J Ptd>he Servce Doctre & Gas Co of New Jersey 88/02/17. CAPORAL(G & Dectnc Co. top 44f 83 34644183 353 New Jersey. State of.1p 44497026-4449 7 041 ~84020?0125 ew.9 Rents 50-275/87 43 3 50 323 '97 44 ea 871214-18 No sciatens or -4202230093 Af ervied Fagts & H to escha ge .9orvioreg rett for oeveaone nceed Masar a eas espects J v4al areas equement e plant i toomup at . Oct 1987 enforcemwre & cen news 1

  • P@c Aervce Ewc?ne & Gas Ca c4 New Jere 87/10/31 8pp 44497 027- BURCO(N.J F bENNACA M M. Repon 5, O'c of the Dioctor. 68 01/12 6cp 44497 034. 4418334844'63 3 2

-4002230097 Arnerwed Pages & 14 to escharge morwareg rept lor Dec Service Oectne & Gas Co ed Nee Jersey 87/12/31, 6m 44497935-u0u40040 c,de Orde, erieneng ome ior Conmnen to oaero r. .aev., L, 840 30 Forwards amended pages it oerge monderng rests for JdSept.Oct & m 88022 Se 'fs gA g 64/01W % TRFJOJ. Pele Servce Doctne & Gas Co of New Jersey 68,02/17 CAPORALE.G w4senus 4 442i91444219 H2. New Jersey. State of 2m 44496 290-s4496 295 , -8402230133Aroended page to "Chscharge Mor*nnng Rept ter Jul 1986 - entenced to 880311Servee en 880217.

  • Putec Servce Eiecirc & Gas Co of Nee Jersey 86/07/31 tp. 44496292 HovlE J C. Orfce of the Secretary of the Commes. ort #166 5611. 88/02/17, Com-4496292 msseners 1p 44420 07444420C14.

-84022M135 Amended page to "Checharge Morwtorrg Rept ter Sept 1986 * '

  • P@c Se/vce Eioctrc & Gas Co of New Jersey 86/C9 ' 30. 1 p 44496 293 J. insurance 41ndemnny informatiort +

44496 293 I -6802230134 Amended page to tscharge lkmoreg Rept nor Oct 1986 6402090078 Forwards Endorsement 4 to NEUA & MAELU Caet4 cates N-76 4 M-

  • Putec Servce electnc 4 Gas Co. of New Jersey 86/10/31 tp 44496 294- 76.respectve*y.Erdarsoment 7 to NEUA & MAELU Certfcates N-74 & M 74.respec.

INe+y a Endorsements 24 4 26 to MAELU Pohey MF 103 4u96 294 LOCFER F Pac 4c Gas 4 Eecinc Co 88r01/28 SALTIMAN,) NRC . No DetaAed 4 -4402230147 AmartM page to "Detr*erga tMevicreg Rept for Dec t 986 - "#O ###08 "#80 ' $ ' P@c Servce Elecvc & Gan Cn. W Nee Jersey 86/12/31, to 44496 295-4496295 p. Operating scense stage documents a correspondence 840at40080 Fee.ards escharge monsonng rept amended pages for Jan 19e5 Dec 1987 Rept regured 4 propred specdcany for EPA & $!ste of NJ Dept of Eneson Pro- 880214192 Forwards Ameros 23 4 22 to Lcenses DPR40 & DPR42. respectivedy a tecten sa'ety evavaten Aireras avtmcrsFe on one eme bas.s surreaance regurement ser eu. TRFJOJ. Peac Service Dectnc 4 Gas Ce cf Ne Jersey 8t3/02/ t1 CAPOA ale.G ornno estune va'ves on Unn 1 to be deferred New Jersey. State ot 20p 44448 34144449 0$$ TRAWELLC M Prorect Dumerare v. 87/11/18 SHWFERJ D. Pacsfc Gas & Dec-trc Co 3g 44335307A4335320. -4002240M4 Amended pees irv NPDES ev:hargs morvtonry rects los Jan 1985 - Dec 1967 Flow Ga's ic'r 054 487 & CSN 489 nce evadatdo e heu ci erect flow -8402110200 Amends 23 & 22 to Leerses DPR-80 & DPR 82.respectreedy. fnessurement. authonmg on one stre bee,s.aurur ance rana +werif for eseresseg turtee vahres en i TRF JO J Pee Serece Osctnc & Gas Co of Nee Jersey 88/01/31 74w Urvt 2 to pewer ocabraten 4 44448 34344449 055 ora KN$GHTON1 to t,eGde'er'ed W Pro 9ec10 oribs 7 daysY Eceanng/11/18 rectorate 87 6se 44335 31044335 315 d 1 \ 52 DOCKETED ITEMS I -4002110203 Safety evabeten supporsrq Amends 23 & 22 to Licenses OPR40 & Q. Inspection reports, ft Budetens & correspondence Reactor Regulaton. Dracter (Post 870411). 87/11/18 5pp. 4602010124 Forwards inso Repts54275/87-43 & 50-323/8744 on 871214 18 No vo-latens or denstens noted  : 0001210332Genenc Lt 8842 to at poear reacter bcensees to Integrated Safety As- ZiMMERMAN A P. 5. 08c of the Drector. 88/01/15.SHIFFERJ D. Pacd.c Gas j sessment Procram I (ISAP W) Svc tst wct. & Electnc Co. 2pp 44 83 34644183 353. MIRAGLtA.FJ Assocate Drector Ice Protects t Post $70411). 88/01/20 Conso6 dated Edison Ca of New Yors. Inc. 48pp. 44202 319-44203.005. . 4002010125Insp Repts50 275/8743 & 50 323/87 44 on 87121418 No veistons ce oevatone noted Ma#or wees espectedv'tal areas egspment m plant & foa3wup of 8002020264 Informs that severe bolt se@Jres found bt sleem stor pnmry manway ordorcement & open dems

covers durmg meet re removal & estasanon per tirContreuteg tactor BURDOINJ F MENDONCA.M M. Re9on 5. 06c of the Drector. SS/01112. 6pp deemed to t e FEL-PROM 5000 eneseiro cornpound 441g3 34844183 353.

SHIFFER.J D Pacac Gas & Elecs,c Co 88/01/29 Documort Control Branch (Docu. mort Cor*ol Dest). 2pp. 44109 36444169 361. 8002000047 Forwards inso Repts 50275/87-42 & 50 323/87-43 on 47'115 1219 & 0e02030031 Forwyds Sun,einance Summary Techncal Rept WCAP 11567 . nonce of moisten. Ana#yss of Capause S From PG4E Canyon und 1. Reactor vessel Radaten ZiMMERMAN.R P. Regen 5. Cec of the Drector. 88/01/20. SHiFFERJ D. Pacife Gas , Surveimance Program.- & Elecec Co. 3pp 44282153-44262178 , I SHIFFER.J D Pacdc G.u & Elecec Co. 88/01/29. Documert Cor*cd Branch (Docu. ' ment Cor*ot Desk). 2pps44219 32144220.078. -4002090058 Notce of volaton troen esp on 8711151219 Violatons noied two dMgr. ental presswo gauges estaned across Urvt 2 RHR pumps e/o procedural control & l -4003030030 *Analys,s of Capsule S Frern Pacec Gas & Electc Co Dablo Canyon sewet foreman ed rot compiete survedlance procedure as requred Urut 1 Reactor Vessel Radeson $urvedlance Proser't" 2WMERMAN.R P. Regon 5. Orc of the Drecto.*. 88/01/20. 2pp 44262.156-Y/JcCHRO.S E.. ANDERSON S L. SCHMER7f) C Westeghouse Electne Corp. 4.es2157. i WCAP 11567. 67/12/31.116pp 44219 32344220078. w/utd m Rockvdie MD to escuss determats- *EN N D8 U 0 WDU OUIN# M* 0802100368 Notifcaten of 8802f 9 noted Major woes repected plaM coeratons. marit'#3 0"rvedlance actnr480s.orete & DJ M seisme progam. Pr d Hesme mfo trorii octorate V. 88q/w/04 KNiGHTON.G W. Proiect Drectorate V. f $P 'E. PQ % W N D e 88/ 01/19 2tp 4428215844282178 0002100477 tJotAcaten of 880225 meetmg w/utd en San Francisco.CA to avet plant sartine norumear anapyse & aumeery blog response analysis $402020144Respores to volaten & dematen roled m Inso Rep 4 50 275/87-38 4 54 RODD.H. Drectorate V. 88/02/04 KNIGHTON.G W. Protect Drectorale V. 323/87-36 Corrective actons Annwcetor Reeponse Procedwe PK 0117 3 6pp 44316 205-44316 210 recsed Detal data loooers for Ra$a'en Monstws RE-56 4 RE-59 ed be estased SHWFERJ D Paofci"nas & Elecinc Co 88/01/26, Documerit Cor*oi Branch (Doce 8002000433Formards info on long term seismc prograrn Ir - evabanon reauested ment Contros Deskt opp.44197.305-44197 300 at 87t102 03 tragildy evaluaton workshop & docunented m N 871116 mnutes of RJ D. Pacac Gas & Eiectre Co 88/02/05. Documerit Coe*ol Branch (Doew ment Coreci Desk) 27pp. 44267.15744287.183. 8"Mh" yy,#[yM,DM7,,, ~87$t$ %1/27. ' Consondated Eeson Co of New 4417607544176197 02,7011. N-o.on o, co,*act e.- . Mod 7-Eane@a.e P eru & M. Credede Earth @ame for Dabio Canyon Power Pnent." Coreactor Urww of Nevada * $402170207 Foreards Eram Rept 50-275/OL 8742 on 871208-17 Corrected ena<n keys Reno eref BA2iNJ. Contract A$mrtstreton Branch FIN 0 1325. 88/02/12- BA.JW A $ $ Omco PATE.RJ Repon 5. 08c of the Drector.88/02/01. $HIFFFRJ D. Pacste Gas & Elec- , of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). POSLUSNY.C. NRC No De. tre Co. tp.44354 12844354 349 teded Affskaten Grwert ip.44362.264 44362 286. for -8002170121 Mod 7,ad$n0 meremental furdmp to

  • Earth @ake Potentel & Mas Cree- -4,4,0,2,1703,0,4

,g pn. Esam, .,gieSlept emm ,50 g 275/Ob87 0,2,g,,e U,, ruts,e,1 opeaw & 2 onpaned candicam 871208-17 Emam tse Earthquake for Datso Canyon Poem Pta'it,

  • N0weda Unpr of, Rete. NV WiGG4NS.EJ Decsen of Contracts (Post 870413) FnN oppaQ&

MORR wntien mamsP. MEADOWS.T , ROYRM Repon 5. N of the Dre 88/01/27. D12?5 88/02/12 2sp. 44362 28544362 286. 221pp 44354129 44354 349 4002160125 Parsal response to FOiA request ior 6: cements Forwaros Am B occuments App C & D documems =4hneed pet FOtA Esempton 5; 8401260102 NRC into Notice $8432. %ct n Sinha Gauges" Svc Mi end l GRMSLEY.D H Deescr: of Rules & Records (Post 670412) 88/02/16. CONNORL CONN'NGHAM.R E. Dresson c4 erhssel & Meecar Nuclear Saew ty (Post 870729). I Doc Search Assoc stos 6pp. 4437400144374124. 88/02/02 ConsoMate.1 Edson o. sf $6.w Yors. inc.12tpp. 44296093-442P6213 -4002190131 Foree ds eacwnoms to avet performed try Nuclear Sycs Corp or)upsg NRC Info Notu 6603 "Cracu n Shroud Sia:iport Access Hole Cover estasanoi w:rs er plant in response 'o H Myers rowest W/c arcis $4C2,01,0084 w e 5,c s,3 ence. f*EttM.TA 08c of the Ene:Ae Drector scr Ooorstens 84/03/22.CCVBS.F C*%e ROSSt C E. Deson of Operet N Eccis Assessroent (Post 870411t 64/02/02. , of Congressenes Af'ars (pr184o3 1p 44314 00744374.007. CMmed Ecson Ce of **eiar /M. tr.. . I t2pp. 44239 22544336 336.  ; 8002 26 84-03 ep en Generc Safety issue 9' hei 3% N5ic of steps tasen to correct vela *ans M.RAGUA.F.J Desert abrvial Events Assessment (>otie 8704.1). 86r02' 7 e4020e0217 Ach recei rered n inap Repts t o! 880126 $r 275/8'-36 & 543t ser nfor rwha7 34 Correct:ve actors we be ven CarvarMated Essan Co Jf Nee vort. anc. 34pp 44524 016r44524S6t. gge"gh R 5 Ore W m f>/>. tor 88/02/03 SMFERJD f"acec Gas 8402240321 Formaros sa:e*y e<abatert to #wstw wal of RHR auwoswo tw menc- 1 Elec2r Co ip 442 05 44277 109 enned that feauva! of RMR rderttch twic' son non & $)es note*asa%on of adarmPAC constAte unreviewed oete'questen or regure mod of Tersi Specs safety 8402020014 NRC SufV/ tm 88 M1, "t)edocts e Westeghouse Cacuit Breakers" Svc bst - ROOD # Prcpet Desc6yate V. 68/0217. SHWFERJD. Pacoc Gas & Enoc"c Co yo $pp 44474 31444474.323. N3*.J.C E, Dansen ;f C4e anonal Evtints Assessmee (Pve. 8704 tit 88 T2/05 -44(/2241323 S.1e r y evaLatun 3 4porteg removal of autor.Josen eterttit non inns procedtsal enhancements proposed by acusee er a cere g g gg -p p p g,,cg, , g,,, gy, ed heectr/ TegJako% Orector (Post SMsti) ed/C2/17 7pp gg s*Cjp g ,ggg,g Conschdated Eeson Co. of tiew rork. toc 124pp 44338 33:44339 100 8002220364 Fcrvaros ro<vaLanon of beethme eeld mas coryositen CMepoMnn , vanes shgrey trorie waives der *hed n NRC 471030 evabasenRevies & Cov Wence 6402020229 NRC Info N>ece 68404. *ltw3e@are OvaAcalon & Documen.abon of w/new values rewesied pnor to revised heatup & coondown curves Fee Bamer Penetraton Seas " Svc W enct 4 SHWFERJ D PacAc Gas & Elecine Co. 88/02/19 Document Cor*of Branch rDocu- ROSSICE Dreson of Operadorwl Events Assessment (Post 4704111 88/02/05 mort Cor*ol Dess). 400. 44430 069 44430 012 Consondated Eeson Co of Nee Yers. inc.124pp. 4433910144339 224 ***",'It,# o e N'.'7stEcInnDgA 8 vMpr a pr" re's 4402170104 Act rwept of880120 % etonnin{oC # conwine x+cns tam n * [4pp 4 43 R t Dr tor 02 08 ER DP Ac Gas & Elec-t 8002260053 Fsrteenth persal response to FOLA rowest App W documents piaced e { PCR Apo X dccuman's to aflegaten torms & special viso sonmares persa ny eithhead $402110328 NRC Info Notce 66-00$, fee in Arnanoator Corect Catanets

  • Svc est

, trot FoiA Enemptu:es 6 & 7) ence GR#SLEY.D H Desen of Rules & Receros (Post 870413) 64/02/23 GAPDE.B P ROSSs.CE Doeson of Operatenal Events Assessmert (post 470411) 88/02/12. ' Govemment Accountabe'y Prosset 6pp. 44506.31644507.177. Consondated Edson Co of P ee vors, tre 120pp. 44523 25644524 015 e of tens Orc es tens shoud T[Mwwwds inso Repas M5/88* & W23/880 on Sem 422 No vor i "S@'t"'4.;en . w , ih. Dr ,o, 83,10 SHACurmD c C~e , $ g,= ,gA,,aer,,$gey,,g, *= =2"2S-FE m P=+c

evestgations.400. 44506 326-44W6 329

! -4002200044 Pa t.asy weheld str to concoms erpressed n831108 secon resa'ed to -6402290388 insp Repes 50 275/8441 & $0 323/6441 on 69011422 No votatons e e proedng Heauste resporee to flooorg e poo tunnel at Unit 1 Ame9s. reted Wage areas espected preves esp fnsngs scad easies.fconsee repts & b-eca ta sorms. species nio summarws & protsem stateme*: enci censee centmed pecoems survers & mor* tores & ' ace y toes soRSCH D F. Regon 6. Olc of the Drector, 63/11/09 NRC . No Detaded Af% ebon HOOP ER.C A 4 VVMAS G P Regen 5. Orc of the Drector 68/02/12 SW 44514 299 Gevert 206pp 44506 330 44507.177. 44514 306 L . v .. , , - , , - . . . , ~ , - - ~ , . . , - , ._ - . ,, , e > , l 1 L DOCKETEDITEMS 1 53 l l 9002220294 Forwards resconse to NRC ltr te votatens reted m Ir'sp Repts 50-275e 87. DOCKET 50 277 PEACH DOTT0ed AfDtitC POWER STATION, UNIT 2 42 4 50-323/87-43 Corrective actor s: Survedlance Test Procedure P 38 "Routme Swvemarco Test RHR Pumps." revised to provide drecton for esta8tabort SH1FFER.J D Pacrhc Gas & Electre Co. 66/02/19 Documert Corea Brarcti (Docu- F. Security, medlcet, emergency & fire protectiori piano - mort Ccreal Deskt 6m 44429118 44429.121. 6802260063 FWteentti partal response to FOIA request App W documerts placed m 4802290109 Discusses 870122 tatdetop escussen re state authorty to reoassdy ute emergency class *cateri Escalared resporse may not te undertaken by state oficials POR Apg X documents te siegahon forms & special msp summanes parbah ett'1heid by or rectas hcensee declared erner ClassAcabork [ (ret FOtA Eserrptons 6 & 73 BEL R. Region 1 f of the Drector 67/ 5/2 SELWAN.M Consondated

r. GRIMSLEY.D H. Omson of Rules & Records (Post 670413) 66/02/23 GARDE.8 P. E$ son Co of New York, trc. 4pp. 44539 060 44539 063.

i Govemrient Accourwaoday Project 8pp 44506 31&44507.117. } 0401220290 Forwards propnet-y response to NRC feel rept for pland to regulatory of-i ~400220c064 Parteh withheld Itv re concems expressed in 831100 telcon reisted to factveness rewew Estenson ter response to rept acceptatne per 871216escusson ! neghgerre m prov@ng adequate response to floodmg m ppe tunnel at Urst 1 AAega- between RJ Weedor9er & RJ Dube Enci esthhold (*ef 10CFR2 790 & 73 21) ton da's forms. speoal mso sweimares & problem statements enci GALLAGHER.J W Ptidadesprua Electnc Co. 88/01/08.VARGA.SA Dmson of Reac-KIRSCH.D F. 5. Cec of the Drector. 63/11/09. NRC - Peo Detated A%aten tar Protects . l/11 (Pont 87041114pp. 44104 266-44104 271. Garert 206pp 44 33CL44507:177. &#02030134 Frwards partally withhe*J Physcal Secur4 Irap Rep 4 60 277/87 37 & 8002290276 Formards dvsaipton et Class 1.2 & 3 comp 1nents scheduled for inservce 50-276/67-37 ort 67111619 & rotee of votaten tret 10CFP2 790 4 73 21) i _ map asmg second refuehng outage.includeg rehef requests Ack of rece@t of mall re- MARTIP(T.T. Regen 1, Olc of the Drector 86/01/22 GALLA*i HER,1 W Pheadelptma 9sessed Elecirc Co. 2pp. 44223 029-44223039. 5HWFER.J D Pacdc Gas & Elecirc Co 68/02/2tL DocumerW Crstof Bronce h ment Coreol Desa) 33pp 44513113-44513145 -4002030143 Partasy edhheld nobce of woiaion kom esp on 87111&l9 (ret 10CFR2 790 4 73 21k

  • Region 1. Ofc of the Drector.68/01/22. 2pp. 44223 031-44223 032 I

R. Portodic operstmg reports & related correspondence ll -4002030tS4 Parhany withheid Seewty inso Repts50 277/87-37 & M278/ I a=,=,,$--> ao osch-c M-s- ai a a Ce-- C'e'ca""%i not',eL, "2= a'ses','a m';"' **' "" TC7NNSEND)D. PacWe Gas & Electnc Co 87/12/31. LEONARD W Cak'orma. State J K4KEIMN3,R R. Repon 1, Osc cf the Dre:1cr. 66/01/ cl 4100 44204131-44204.171. h%"u2h 6402230000 Rept on Drecharge Morutcrmg at Ptard Durmg Month of Ja'i 1968 W/ 6802030405 Forwards Saw insp Repts 2277/67 29 4 %276/07-29 on 871125-1231 No wolatiori noied concerned about perfctmarce & tack of etteckve mgf C SIND.J D Pacifc Gas cf. 27pp. 44432 259-44432 285. & Electre Co 66/01/31. LEONARD.W Cahforma. $p StatepCd $Yn'",9$8"6%/25

  • b A[$Phtam Doctnc Co. 2pp. 44217.118-44217.150.

$ ND J ~442304M Insc Repts M7/8M & W 276/$m on 87H2W31 No wolam DESE AL D s & Electe Co 68/01/31' aror amas espected operatonal saW redaton prowetonpysical 95n 44496 29444496'304- socispfy control room actmtses hcensee everts surveillarce testmg & maant , WILLIAMS.J H , LINViLLEJ.C. Re9an 1. Ofc of the Drector 66/01/14 31pp. S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & reteted correspondence 6802020114 data conect on sys as destreed 8002020156 Spec al Rept 6842 on 680106. man steam kne rs$ateri monitor RM 71 de- m Attachment Identdes VI of ubichange responseto to piarit Succi 1meteoryr+JREG4737. to Change evorres remov clared moperabio Caused by faAre of component on printed crcut toa'd Boars re- af Tower 1-A mstrumentaten trom meteoroicqcal data coliocton sys pared & caabr of PM-71 underner Morwict should be e operatoiby680203 GALLAGHER,J W Pndadelphia Ehacinc Co. 66;01/26 BUTLER.W R Progect Drector. SHiFFER.J D. Paede Gas & Elecirc Co 68/01/26 Documers Conoce Branch (Docu- ate 6-2 2pp 44196 355-44196 356 mort Ccetrol Desal 1p. 44197 297 44197297. 6602110078 Responds to671209 recpsest for hoW meteoroio9cel dem tape & updat- $402020345 PNOV48404 cn 681027.msulaton icmsd smolopring on togh pressure ed evacuatori trne estmatestcensee aspects rev to te ect n only shght posuation tsbee Caused by o4 team of undenteed crs@rl ImO person 1 rematch mobfuted & ef- changes & retairvely krtle cr'ange m evacuaison tree W/o enct tores to userefy source of team contrung MARIIN R E Protect Drectorate1-2 68/02/06 CUNNV.aHAM.LJ. Radatscri Protec. i UEPCONCA.M. NARBUT,P. Regen 5. Ole of the Drector.68/01/27.1p 44196 261- ton Branch 2pp. 44336 297-44336 296 44196 261. 6802230006 Nobfcaten of Mg* Meetmg 021 on 680226 e/utt m Kmg of Prussia.PA to 8002020224 LER 8742640 on 671230.both tains cd asnaiarr badg ver$aton sys nop esans seem a regal heam concerns eraose m volaten of Terb Specs Caused tv pertorner error & procechse LIWILLEJ C. Aepon 1. Jc of the Cvector 66/02/16. Repon 1. O'c of the Drector. dehcsency inc4ere rent aussed sor pericmng martW,6r412g y 2pp 44464 279-44464.200 L 7A. SHWFER.J . i>acec Gas & Fwcinc Co 66/01/29 Scp 44196114. 2??/07 24 4 51-278/97 24 Correche actente tvonconsorwence Rept CDP.937 0402100357 LER 68s"iO140on 660101.nme recurement of Tech Spec 3 3 3 Afabw ***8 Jn 67'105 to efect emerm c- % water e s pee repar r a4 cort base plate, ' I 3 3-13Jtect 3.Acton Str.temerf $1 escoeded Caused by persorcM error tr@cchat counseled 4 event reweeed = Afterrestry teceirm.nans Wi6tt0291 Itr GALLAGHEa J W PM eseaphia Electnc Jo 88/02/17. EAE.W F Pegon 1. Orc of MALONE D c. M55 E R J D. Pe:Ac Gas & Ooctrc Ce b672/015p;: 44307 136 the Drector topp 44426 001 44426 080 443f71 aft - JM290182 LER 6840240 cn netice,e.cio, v. & s.#sudue 4 i.,1,ne v. H. Geaere' corre*Poadenc+ , neciprod Caused by meJemate procechsei gtasance er ressnr.g RCS floe transmrt-6er high sede poing to svc. Prorease r#rsed b r% sed deWp.pcanca W/660Jc.8 ter 8432020306 Act recect of und 671207Itr to Young coreplant stuut emokh*ierit terre, 3 SIS 8tD P, F#46FLA.JQ Pacte es & Clocaw Ce Eso OsnB Srp 44341 236- reton & blocied ww e4 dw b Yeung trerg sa'ey c.:mee no to NRC 44341 239 sitenteper P.RC $71109 request kWo ofi be wtMd {re' SLCFR2 790(aN68 L RVS3CLLW i Hepon 1. 08C of th> D.'ocbr 69-91r4 GALLAGe4ER J W Prude & 4402140153 LER 6640340cm 880109 sceous actuaten As contas mere vvidaien pesa Doctnc Ca 2op 44199 24M4159 244 I iSCdehun occurred Ca*3d try 8%Cance! ncese from tv9s%) connects pbg on stearp J6 er 6802$60266 Informs that tutwa et.p 4 enlorconised *g to ute sheepj te 343ressed to cksep conForA,tricchee NELSON.f dJ p2 matt SHGFER.J Time de4y D. Pacec Gas crc \st) riste".*ed & Eecyc Co. w W D Sep 4434'r.3 /02/G JS no-par & WorsoW chev s be wie to carbon cost bst to mcoce need remes 44347 Jig DI.UrVR.J f Ph4Jugha Eb:*rc Co 68/02/t1. RISSLLLW 7. Regen 1.Olc of the Drector 13 443521J6W2136 P. Operating Scense stage documents & rerrespondence 840 70247 Foreards Enam Rept 50 275/O'.47 J2 on 671200-17 Corrected eram kers ggg, gpg g ,7m g g g l PATE.RJ Reqcn 5. Osc of the Drector.66/02/01 SHWFER.J D Pacec Gas & Elec. Cosney Cctsice & Mayand Staw Senabr C Resy m Py4svee MD to mcm g@nc l pc Co. to 44J54126-44354 349 commems on W correewe acton plan for commstmert to encemence LINYrLLE.J C Repon 1. Ole of the Drector 87/09'16 Repon 1, Ofc of ire Drector 2pp 44516 34744519 348 l ~4M2170304 Eram Root 50-275/OL-6742 tot thts 1 & 2 on 871206 t? Esam s ihr reactor caro $ates & teer va reactor toerator canddates passed SM22 MMS Notife d 87H2O trW e/W lor Whng of M W amurert i MO P UEADCMS f RVY ACKN Regen 5. Olc of the Drector 6410t/27. panes on s'aNs e ute miocese e shuts en coer 4 m rgamaton i 221gp 44354129-44354 349 LIWILLE J Re9on 1 Orc of the Dreciar 8',111/10 Regen 1 Ofc of the Drector top 44452 021-44452 022 DOCKET 50 278 AGae 201 M2m32 W W 6442 u as pone mactor mees m Wated Saw 4 , sessmert Program 9 (! SAP ty Sec bst ence I U'RAGLEA.F J. Assooate Drector for PropeCis (Post 470411) 86'01/20.Consonda'ed E* son Co of New Yorm. ine 4Brp 44202 319 44203 005 460202009? Sutmis scPedule ter mods to drree8 te** **sthsnents per Rer1 Gude 8002250407Apc*caton tv LD ucDo*+e ict reewaal of Sere:r Opersvr Ucense SOP 167,m sucoort of i,W 86et.24 accAcaton for emends to Lcenses DPR 44 6 OFR 32343 56 che mirument ranges in f ece Spec Tat 4e 3 2 F ppt NRC A80106 reosst RAAAW R A Georps instr 1uie of Technology Ar-aMa GA 48/02/09 SMaW P GALLA# RJ W Phdejelpesa Enocirc (4 $$/01/22 SUTLER W R Pro,ect Nector. Regon 2. Osc ol the Drector 1p 44483 068-44463 066 ase 12 2pp 44190 337-441M 338 E b I r + - . - . - , _ . _ _ . - - . . - - . . - . , - . . . , . - - . - , -._r-s-._.-y_-m. . . _ _ . - - _ , . - - , . . . - ~ _ . ,- - a+ - ~. - . 54 DOCKETEDITEMS 8002240358 Notecaten of 870127 meetng w/ut4 al tecihty to esCuss trefmg of Peach -8402030154 Partia2ty wthheld Ptyscal Securdy insp Repts %277/87-37 & $0 278/ Sonom Rewew Panel on Secton 2 of plan for restart of facety. 87-37 cm 861116-1fr (rel 10CFR2.790 & 73 21). Vaatens notedMaser areas ' LINVILLE) Regon 1. Ole of Ihe Drector. 88/01/22 F.egon 1. Ofc of the Drector, espected prvyscas bemers. response dras assessment ads & bghbng 2pp. 44451.35444451.360. 8AILEY.R J LANCASTER W K, KEtulG.R R. Regen 1, Orc of the Drector. 88/01/ -

21. 7pp. 4422303344223 039

- 0001200637 Genere Le 8801 to e5 BWR teensees & hok$ers of cps for BWes re NRC poesbon on IGSCC m BWR ausserute stamiess steel p4mo Svc hst anci. 6802030154 Forwards insp Repts %277/67-32 & 50-270/47 32 on 87110246 & notee wAAGLIAfJ Associate Drector for Protects (Post 670411) 68/01/25. Ccmmo* of moiatat Rewsed schedular corntnetment for weaknesses re test procedures & ac-wesith Eeson Co. 43pp. 44256.146-44256.188. ceptance creeria.per ASME Secten Kliequested JOHNSTON.W v Regen 1, Cec of the Drector. 88/01/25. GALLAGHERJ W. Phee- _ ___ _ E r Forwwds appcaten for amends to Lcenses DPR44 & DPR-56 rowseg delphe Electnc Co. 2pp. 44222 29744222 300. Vecti Specs to prowde mere restche nrrets on emergency svc water & coohng ealer evs to renect seconal changes Fa paid -8002030165 Notce of molanon from enso on 87110246 Wolatons noted second 14y BRADLEY.EJ. Prwadeephe Elecinc Co. 68/01/26. MURLEY.T E Orfee of Nuclear Reactor RegJeten, Drector (Post 67041111p 44224 24144224 263 meewce lesang program for pumps & news esecuted 2 OHawW eiw orgarustens as unconvened documents & made w/o formal recew. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r Apphcaten nor amends to Lcenses DPR44 & DPR-56.recome Tech "'9*" O "' D"eca 01/25 2p0. u 22 2%4422m Specs to procos more restetrve hrrets on emergency swC water & coohng water sys $802030172 Inso Repts 50277/87 32 & 50278/87 32 on 87110246 Velatens GHER Elsewc Co. 88/01/26.19pp. 44224 24244224 260. eernce msbng achen to reted a~c, Masor & areas espec,ed enp6eme.nwe,n.ofe m,nents & - corn,r.imw. assess - 0=u.i Pros.d Tech Specs pro.eeg ,nore resinc e on omwgene,-  ;,a,E,%",A, o admere ce to rep to,, ew PRIN Regen t W W N Drww water & coonng water sys to renect eetonal changes

  • Pruladelphe Elecmc w66/01/26. 3pp. 44224 26144224 263.

g, g g 8002000572 Forewds ubl methods rept PECCLFMS4005. ' Methods for Performmg 1231 No wolaton noted NRC concerned about periormance & tack cl e9eche mgt BWR S8eady State Reacter Pnyscs Ana8yses." tor NRC recee & approvalFee pad. overs.gne os secunty lorce Meetng we be arranged to escuss sdq issws GALLAGHER.J W Phnadelphe Enoctnc Co.88/02/01. BUTL ER.W R. Prcyect Drector. KANEA F. Regon 1. Osc of the Drector. 88/01/25. GALLAGHER.J S, Pheadelprma ate 6 2. 3pp. 44 29900144J00 080. Electnc Co. 2pp. 44217.118-44217.150. -4402000504 Methcxis for Performmg BWR Steasy Stase Reactor Physcs A -4002030420 insp Repts 50277/87 29 & 54278/87-29 on 871128-1231 No cotatons HESSE.S R. LEE W G . RU81NO L F. Prusadesprua Elecwc Co. PECO-FM 66/ noted Mapr weas espected opersbonal sa'ety. reeabon protectonshyscat 01/13. 436pp. 4429900544300 080. secunty.contros room actrebes bcensee events survemance testeg & mant. WILLIAMS.J H UNVILLEJ C. Regon 1. Olc of the Drector. 58/01/td 31pp. 8002240377Nodcahon of Sagruncant Lcensee Meetng 014 w/vt4 m Aberdeen.MD on 44217.12444217.150. 800200 to escuss anattereve operator corcems as idended e NRC 870331 order LINVILLE)C. Regon 1,08c of the Drector. 68/02/02 Regen 1. Ole of the Drector. 8402030404Forwaros inno Repts50-277/07-33 4 50-276/87-33 on 68110344 No mo. 2pp. 44455 03944455 040- labor s noted JOHNS 70N.W V Re0cn 1. Ofc of the Drector.88/01/26 GALLAGHER)W Phda-8002100136 Forewds rected neecong scheeJe as resufi of escovery that ncorrect desprua Enoctre Co. 2pp 44224146-44224155 rev may have been end w/ute 860201 sw ransmdtM reioed bcenseg schocue GALLAGHER.J W PMadelprma Eiecyc Co.86/02/05 BUTLER.W A Protect Drector- 8002030419 Inso Repts %277/07 33 4 M276/07-33 on 87110344 No wonatens ate F2 2pp. 44317.28844317 289 noted Mapr wees espected Wabon of Genyt Lt 84-11 & ppe replacemwd 9002140201 Forwards Secton N of

  • Plan for Restart of Peach Bottom Atorruc Power Staton" pmsentmg detaded conettve acton obr ec 1=es & actwees estabbshed to ack Sy*2 H [H$$

13 8pp 4422414844224155 fM Regon 1. Orc of the Drector. 68/01/ Pess root causes vor performance dochneper 0 70331 order , A E 68/02/12 RUSSELL.W T. Regon 1. Ole of the 4001210097 W Wo W 66M

  • Sa'e W % FM " $4 W W ROSS C E. Dvsen of Opershonal Events Assessmert (Post 870411) 88/01/27.

-4002160200 Secton 9 of Pan for Restart c4 Poch Bem Atome Poest Stabon. one dated Eeson Co of New YA inc_1230p. 44176 07H4176 H7

  • Pndadesprus Elwinc Co.88/02/12. 234pp 44348 012 44348 245.

,,,g g p, g , , ,,, , p g g,,7, 0802100344 Forwards SER accepteg ute 871130rewned SAR re SPDS isolaten do. 23 4 50-278/87 23 Correceve actens stocedure for mas control sys entenstroh re-nces quakhed & acceptable for nierfaceg SPOS w/Oass 1E segnae. "S*d & P'ocesse we be acued on680229 re tamm0 mouvements for mgt perm MR RE Dr 1erale F2 84.02/12 BAUER.E G Pheadstatua Elecyc Co QWW W Pr E Osc of the Drector 3pg 44308180-44300142 Q me MSimy % t -4002100358 SER accepteg 871130 reused SAR re moiston decces for nierv aceg SPOS e/Ctesa 1E sigrws $401260102 NRC Wo Notce 8M02,"Losi or Stolen Gauges" Svc bot orci

  • Once of Pesciear Rea: tor Aegulabon, Grector (Post 870411) M2/12. 3pp CONNiNGHAMA E. Dvison of inernal & Meecal Nuces SaMy (Post 470729) 44373 35944373 361. 68/02/02 Conso6 dated Eeson Co of hee voa Inc.12tpp. 44296 09344296 213.

00(22203t9 Nodcaten c4 Lccese Meeeng 020 on 68C217 e/vtl e Iteg c4 08020.44 44 NRC ento Notre 58 003. 'Cracts e Shroud Support Access Hole Ccver Pruss ELPA to @gcuss CA progam verplL Wers ' Ss bst enct UNytLE.J C Regon 1. Otc of me '#pctor $4/02/12. .tegar, L O'c of the Drector 40$5sc E. Owson of Operators:A Everts Assessment Post 8704* O 68/02,02 2pp, 4449 7.10644497.599 Const.Maied Eeson Co of Nee Yort. ec 112pp. 44738 225 44336 334. $002230300 cgreet 6edy & ugruqMon M144435 For*ards cordened Raeaten Safety insp Repta 50-277 87-38 & 50 279/ NHG 871022 c".unnents rooscst for880227 addl Ca&on 23.meergs part esenrce e/d4testng & FGSG to escus,s program eE 37 3e on 87 One vesen notedVeneten met unene estapshed m tre head at Pnac* !betcyn consoreace car 10UR2. App C.P3 notes of vGaten ad be Sousc. CL4RKA) Popect Drectorate1-2. 88/02/19 hfURLEv.T SNf2EKA MRAGUA.F. M/J4 tin Y T. Regon 1. Cr of tre Drector, s8/02/04 GALL 4GHERJ W DNLacetPe

  • 4 NRC . No Dattiod A%t.4 tan Gwent 3pp 44443 2444443 277. Ebert Co. 2pp 44300 04444306 053.

0432290,.7 Fer. arcs fuspcue to any roc,uested by NRC on680120m Genenc Le 0210N57 hp R$s W77/87 30 & B278/8W on 871214-18 % Me 6S42 re poinntet s$terest pa1costra n ISAP P.UW euerestou m participaung m 4,4,vegawa Mw m especWem W pre rcW s*m cf W GA lectre Co 88/02/25 M#.AGLIA.F J Associa74 0" racer lor i vogocts (%st57(411). 2pp 44517.0'244517.C12 $b0 # CC$C) son 4430604H4W053. N8 [. MYtyc c' to Dredor. as/01/ps DPR & ech 10 deter test c 6602020034 NRC B.awbn 66M Weds e Westegrouse h 9:#srs" Svc 6st r GALLA W E Cct BUTLER,W R Progeet Drector. .C E Dece of Operatenar Ms Assess-v M 4704W 64/02/M ate F2. Jgg. 44515 025-44515 027. Consecated Eeson Co of New verA inc 140pp 44m m44343 004 6402020035 NRC Busetn 84402. "Rapcpy Prope;ahng Fabgue Cracks a Steam Gem & >*spection reports. IE Swiletmo 4 correspuneence ersior Tuees " Svc hst enct. ROS$1.CE Dvson et Opersbonal Ever4s Assessirert fpost 870411) 68/02/05 8002254368 Ncencaten of $71001 SALP Mgt Meetog 87.116 m/ute at piant NW Eason Ca of New York. Inc 124pp 44338 337-44m 100 i LE 1 c of te Drector 47/09 22. Regon 1. O*c of the Drector g g g ,_ , g  ; Fro Barter Penetreten Seas Svc hst enct 0003020102Resoonds to NRC670914 Itr te velatons nosed n inso Repts S277/85 ROS$a C E Deson of Operabonal Everits Assessment (Post 470411). 68'02/05 l r3 & M276/8S-23 Correctve actons cortpleton of seed mahdown reces of 6sted Conschdated Eeson Co of Peee York. Inc 124pp 44339 t01-44339 224 . cow penevatens dotared unto 680325 GAL GHER.J PhiedetPma Electic Co 88/01/22 KANE W 7 Regon 1. 08c of ye 6602110328 NRC in8o Notco 68005. ' Fro n Antvcesor Conto # Cabests" Svc hst Drector. 2pp 44t68 018441to ot9 enct ROS$t.C E Dreson of Oreratorw Everns Assesstrere (Post 870411) 88/02 f12 0802030134 Forwards pa6asy wghheid Physcal Secure r inno Repts 50-277/47 37 & Consondated Eeson Co of New verk. Inc 120pp 44523 2W44524 015 50 278/87-37 on 87111&tt & notce of vcsabon Pet 10C$R2 790 & 73 21) MAAT LN 7 T. Regen 1, Orc of the Drector 64/01/22.GALLAGHER J W F%tadesproa 6802220302 Responds to NRC 680111 str te venatices noded e Sa'e'r inno Reefs % i Electe de. 2pp. 44223 02944223 039 277/87 24 8 50 278<67 24Correcirre rtens N.w..L.w<e Root CDP.937 1 ewed on 471105 to effect emergency cootng esser sys poe o'coort base plate - -4002030143 Pa%aer seheid notco of vicdebon trom map on 87111619 (ref repee ) , 10CFR2 790 4 73 21) GALLAGHER.J W Phra$eipPea Elecinc Co 64/02/17 AANE W F Reg on t. Orc ot  !

  • Regon 1. Orc of the Drector 64'01/22 2pp 44223 03144223032 te Drec*ar 1000 44426 001 44426 010 1

l I DOCKETEDITEMS 55 0802230101 ResporWs to NRC Comphance Busete 87402. -Fastener Testeg to Deter. 0001220290 Forwares propnetary response to NRC tmal rept \1r plard to reguatory of-rnne CrvWormance W/Apptcatde Mas Spect? Recept eso process surfconey regw fectiveress reven t ster mon tot response to rept accec4atdo per 871216 escusson lated & controsed to assure raceabmy. between RJ Weveorier & RJ Dee Erd edhhou (ret 10C7R2 fta & 73 21). GALLAGHER.J W. PMadelprus Emetnc Co 68/02/17. RUSSELL.W T. Repon 1. Olc GALLAGHERJ W PMedevna Elects Co 88/01/06 YARGA.SA Dresen of Reac-of the Drector.122pp 44434 22744434 348. tor Prorects .1/N (Posi 870411). 499. 44104 26844104 271. 6802030134 Forwards parkasy edhheW Phrecal Securey inso Repts %277/87-37 4 R. Portedic operating reports & reteted correspewDnce 54270/87 37 on 87111819 & nonce of violabon tret 10CFR2 790 4 73 21] MARTIN.T.T. Repon 1. 08c of the Dwector 88/01/22.GALLAGHER.J W PMadelphe 0002040317 Forwards plant status rept for pened 680106 21 from NRC resdent nspec. Electne Co 2pp. 44223 029 44223 039 tor at sie LINviLLEJ C Repon t. Oc of the Drector. 68/01/26. KANE.W F. Repon 1. Oc of -8002030143 Partasy eithheld nonce of violanon trarn esp on 87111619 (red the Drector. dop.44255 2s944255 292 10CFR2.790 4 73 21).

  • Repon 1. Otc of the Drecer 68/01/22 top 4422303144223032.

0802030406 Provces overvwe of propess trough 880122on uts comrvstrnent to on-ceaence acton pian Wort has been cornpieted & closed out on 27 of 93 Category t 0002030154 Partia#y wthred Physcal Secunty into Repts 54277/87 37 & $4278/ tasas erorn Sectons 51 & 5 5 Progress contnues on romanng tasks - 87-37 on 661t1619 trol 10CFR2 790 & 73 21t Violatons noted Mapor areas KEMPER.J $ Phdadesprha Electnc Co.88/01/28 RUSSELL.W T. Reton 1. Osc of the rispected physcal bemers. response dres.assessmens ads & Drector.1p. 44216 31144216 311. BARLEY.R J Repon 1, Osc of the Drector.68/01/21. 7pp 442 J03 4223 033 0802170283Moethey operahng repts for Jan 1968 W/880211 Itr MCOLETONAL. ALDEN,W M. PMadelpfma Electre Co 88/01/31.14pp 44356 317' 3002030405 Forwarco Sat into Repts 50-277/87-29 & 54278/87-29 on 871128-443'A 330-1231 No votaten noted N concemed about performance & Eac*. of effectrve rngt overssght of secunty force Meetng we be arranged to escuss s@t essues 8002170097 Forwards percec s'.atus rept br 680121-0204 Rept reended to provde KANE.W F. Repon 1. Orc of the Drector 64/01/25 GALLAGHER.J S. PMadeepPha gecyc Ca 2pp 44217118-44217.150 NRC mgt stoverves of parit activees & NRC esp acevites. LINVILLEJ.C. Repor 1. Otc of the reector. 68/02/09. KANE,W F. Repon 1. Otc of the Drector 5pp 4435214}44352147. -8402030420insp Repts %277/87-29 & $4276/87-29 on 871128-1231 No ve4tsons noted Masar areas nspec1ed operatonal sa'ety. reesten prosecten_physcal securey control roorn actribes.bcensee events.esve aance lessng & maart 8, Reporta04e occurrences, LER6 & related correspondence W 9nt W N D6 08/N Upp. 44M7W42HM 4402020114 ederefes charge to piant meteorosopcal data conecten syn as descreed 8002020121 LER 874294uon 371221srvnary contamment moisten sys Group 81 mo-noten occurred Caused by personned error Isotahon egnal reset o'Iret 5 nanutes & m Attachmert VI of uti response 2 Suppt 1 to NUREG4737 Change evoeves removal reactor badg vent 4aton returned to normal W/680125 nr. of Tower t. A reevmentanon trom meteorciogcal cats conveton sys BsRELY W C LOGUE R H PMedesprua Elecinc Co. 88/0t/25 5pp 44197 002- GALLAGMERJ W PNadesprma Elecwc Co 88/01/26 BUTLER.W R. Proyect Drector. ete 02. 2pp. 44196 355-44196 356. 44197 006 40021000H LER 87430-000n 071230.actuaten of prvnery containmerd notaton sys 8002110078 Respords to 871209 request for hourty meteorceogical data tape & updal. meated Dy parba' loss of of'sete poeer Onsde power etarrupted eSen crane made ed evacuabon ame essmanes Lcensee expects rev to rer ket on#y seigN popuishon coetact e/ energred tsesrnesten kne WI880129 lir changes & relamrety bme change n evacuaton trne W/o enct BrRELY W C. LOGUE.R H. Phsadeptma Eiectnc Co 66/01/29 9op 44313 346- MARTIN.R E Pro,ect Drectorate I-2 88/02/06 CUNNINGHAM.L J Radahon Protec-44313 354 gen g,se299 44336 29744336 296 4002040341 LER 4743140on 871231.recopwed that estacten steam tdoes wahree se 2230004 NoWicaten of Mgt Meehm 021 on 680226 e/ust m Kng of Prussa PA to p, P mc d es 8 20 IN LE of the Dreciar /02/16 Repon 1. 08c of the Orector VW LOGUE.R M. Philadesche Enoctc Co. 88/02/01 Spp 44255 325- 2n 44464 27944464 2R 6802220302 Resoonds to NRC680111 IIr te votatons reted n Safety Insp Repts % , 4402060006 PN(M48417 on 680202.u14 to annemco change to caporate egtper 277/87-24 4 50-278/87 24 Correctve actons Norconformance Rect COP.937 t rug'iry crecai 8Npo air JH Austm we resre as of 680301 4 JL Everett se asswrne esued on 671105 h e%ct emergency coomng esser syn pgae suport cese piste dutos of prendert met repsacement named repas. LINVILLEJ , WEN $1NGER.E. Repon 1. Orc of the Drector.66/02'02.10 44259 360, GAtLAGHERJ W PNadeipria Electne Co 68/02/17 KANE.W F Repon 1. Ofc uf 44259 360. Ihe Drector topp 44426 00144426 010 4403090401 LER 8741741 on 87091Llornporary cleanng of tdocked srs logic armbated auto start of standty pas Wet 'inerit sys 4 outboard aceanon of reactor badg veredaten H. General correspondence sys Caused by inade@ ate reves of tdociung permda We 88aOS iir B' RELY w C. LOGUE.R H PNadevma Emctnc Ca 48/L2/OS 7pp 44266 356-44296 M2- 6802020306 Aes. recect of W 871207 nr to Yorg compiact atet a roovment terrrr. nabon & tdocaed reempuyms<4 Ove a young tregap senest cur;srevs 'o NAC 4402220209 PNO488420 on 8St216 CA McNua named e.ecutr,e erector . rociwar e ' a'tenton.per NRC 471109 rowest into n.e te withNed tres 10'S P2 796 tax 69 RUSSELLW T. Rapon 1. Otc es tre tarecier 66/01/19 GALAGwstJ W PNeon-respoes4xhty of or nucaear operatons, incw&N rwcisar pect reorgawamA & phe Eoctic Co 2p enwg te2 44t99 244 restart enorts of Peacn LINV1LLEJs WEN 2:NGER4 Regon 1. Olc of M Drector. 64 '02/16.1p 444 9ti u4' 44496048 860216,0,265 j$ g g 33 info.rm,N,,, 3 e gg.,g.W m, g,a,y3,ge-con ,,M ses W Wgo cegyg,i M ggy mW N, a,gg nom,wg c fp 44 f,002290123e-ator m LER 8742300.o,n.671217.*% oss of des ency escovered e - evem Ca, sed 0y de enn e%ch co,uld 4f4[)6-e Oes twee of C sdom sys awbated Wise 0222 se EV , LOG .R H PNadeW=a Electic Co. 88/02/22. 500 44530 429 P. Dc doc M s &c m p m 8002290061 LER 87429 01 on 871221sr. mary contserwwu moi 4 tea s,s Gso su oo. 8802250371 Wscaton af 879924 Pe Meetnj i A114 v8A R 0 innon occwe1 Cawed by oersevnet erv ehse ' tuses so a@8y tsccarg permit Comfy Comes & Mataas State secator C they n Psesses MO'S& Char OfputAc Star 4 rd for rnod ears Opwatur ccunae'eu 'o be after4atw to to recorve s */844223 ser commems en uti ccrescore acten pian tar corwiment knace6errA BARELY.W C, LOGUEA H rMadelpNa a Eocinc Co 68/02/23 Spo 44514 136 LWotLE.JC. Rege 1. Oec of the Drector 97/09/16 Repon 1. Olc c4 the Chroctor 44514 112 2p. 44518 34744513 346. U. Coegreseienst Esecutive Correependsnce 44G2240336 Petdes of 871120 creetang m/Af for teeteg of par 1 rest /ft assessment i peres on sta'vs of utf resoonse e sn undoen crMer & reorgerustos Lwv1Lt.E J Repon 1. O'c of the D=ector. 8711t/10 Repon 1. Otc of the Dreciar 4402110141tntorres that NRC personref most tarwar etcwent stat of plant me par. 2m 4445202144452022 tcc. ate m Marpend Congressonal Deisgabon A40204 rneeteg.m response to 880114 rowest. 4401210332 Gerenc Lt 8842 to as po or reactor bcensees te Inte78ted Sa'efy As-l a ZECH L W Cc w+i 68/02/02. SAA8 ANES.P S Senate 2m. 44338195 sessment Proyam e CSAP en Svc kst erci 44334 197. M RAGUA.FJ Associate Drector lor Pr ts (Post 870411) 88/01/20 Coriso6 dated Eason Co. of New York. Inc. 46m 44 319-44203 005 -4002130148 s NRC reoresordairves at Maryand Congressona8 Deseoaton on 880204to trad ess on tsweton et piant. SAR8 ANE S P S Senate 68/01/14 ZECH.L W Cc-.- - a-isi to 44338197- 6802020097 Serruts scredule tot mods to eyees terec essvrents get Reg G#$e 197.c scort of ute 861024 apphcahon tcr amoros to Lceses CPR 44 a DPR-44338 197 56 os!rument t s in Tecn SGec Table 3 2 F ser NRC 680106 rowest GALLA R J W Prw's Enscvc Co 64/01/22 BUTLER.W R Protect Drector-Ste F2. 2s9 44190 337-44190 334 4 DOCKET 60 274 PEACH SOTTOW ATOW4 POWER STATION, Utvif 3 t 4802240354 NotAcataan of470127 treetng o'ute at fac**y to escuss tremeg of Peach , F. Securfty, meecaf. emergency a fire pro eetion plans Boetom Revee Panes on Secten 2 et pian for restart of facety I UNviLLEJ Repon 1. O'c of the Drector 64/01/22 Repon 1. O*c of the Drector  ! 2po 44451356-44451360 i 6802290109 Drusses 870122 tatdetop escussen to sta'e astrerer to rociass$ ute ' i seergency c'assAcatace Esca4ted rescense may not be undar'asen by stare OM oats 4801260$37 Genene Lv 88 01 to as BWR neensees a headers of cps Icr Basts to NRC l by adrig or reclasM scoesee oeclared oper etas9* ice *cn pc$ ton on IG$CC in BW84 austenrhc stoness s' eel p@ang Syc hst enet BEL Mv R R Repon . c of rio Drector 87NS/2 SELMAN M Consooda'ed M RAGUA F J Associate Drector for Proyects (Post 870411) 88'01/25 ComNo. p Epson Co of Neo yors Mc. Am 44539 064 44539 063 mesalm E$ son Co 4' lop 44256146-44256188 l l i ~ . , . . ~ - > > . 56 DOCKETED ITEMS 90MS30408 Formards app 6caton for amends to Licenses DPR44 & DPR-58 revoeg -8002030185 Notre of notabon troen insa on 87110246 Velatons noted. second 14yr Tecn Spect to prowde more resecsve artwts on emergency svc trater & cochng ester eservce teshng propam for purrps & valves estntWied to enerent one orgartratons sys to renect edtonal cf anges Fee pasd. 45 uncontroned documents & chages made locacy m/o formal rewew BRADLEYEJ. Prutadespria E ecec Co 88/01/26 MURLEY.T E. Othce of Nuctear

  • Regen t. Oc of the Drector.88/01/25 2pp. 44222 299-44222.300.

- Reactor Reguisbon. Droctor (Post 87041t).15 44224 24144224 263. - 8802030172 Insp Repts 50 277/87-32 & S278/87 32 on 97110246. Voietions -8002030400 Apotcanon for amends to bconses DPR44 & DPR-56.rewseg Tec*n noeod Mapr areas espected reptementauon of inservce lesang actwbes to assess a Specs to provee mere resirictve trwts on emergency svc mater & cookng water sys adowacy & ver*y a@ererce to rooAatory regarements & bconsee commitments to refloci edtonal changes GREGG.Hl. SULUVAN.E J., PRnbDY.LJ Regen 1. QC of the Duector. 88/01/23. GALLAGHERJ W. Phsadeipfwa Doctnc Co 88/01/26.19pp. 44224 24244224 260- 21pp. 44222 30144222 321 -8002030491 Proposed Tech Specs provong more restnctve brrwts on emergency svc 0802030405 Forwards Sat insp Repts 50 277/87-29 4 M278/87 20 on 871128-water & cooleg water sys to renect oddonal changes 1231 No woesten noted N ' concerned atout performance & lack of eMectve mgt

  • Phdadeqphia clecinc Co 88/Ot/28L 3pp 44224 261-44224 263.
ove of securey force peeeng we te wranged 2 escuss % saves

$802030372 Forwards utd methods sept PECOFMS4005.

  • Methods for P BWR Wee State Reactor P*yscs Anaiyses? for NRC rowew & approvalFee E 421'7 8 4 7. 50' GALLAGHE W Phsaoelpthe Elecec Co 86/02/01. BUTLER.W R. Proiect Orector- -4002030420 W Repas W277/87 29 & S278/87 29 m 871128-1231No woiadore ate F2 399 44299001-44WOM noted Maior areas espected operatonal saiely radaten protectenphyscal

-80020005641Awhods ter Performasg BWR Sinady-State Reactor P'yses Arwynes.. secwy.conros room actnreiesicensee events swenance tesang & man NESSE.S R, LEE.W G . RUBNO.L F. Phdadelptua Dectne Co. PECOJMS-0005. 88/ *y71 '* '9 " ' * ' 0 t/ t 3. 436pp 44299 00544300 080. [2'17\- 8002240377 Notficason of Squhcant Lcensee Meetng 014 eluta e Aberoeen.MD on 8002030404 For*wds insp Repts W277/87 33 & S278/07 33 ori 88110344 No wo-080208to escusa mattentive operaks concems as soentred a NRC 870331 order tatons noted. LINVILLEJ CL Regcc 1. 08c of M Drect

  • 8102/02. Regon 1. Osc os tre Drector JOHNSTON.W V. Repon 1. 08c of tie Drector. 88/01/26. GALLAGHERJW Phda-2pp. 44455 039 44455 040 dolphe Doctnc Co. 2cp. 44224146-4422415$.

l 8002100134 Forwards rowsed hcenseg schediAe as result of escovery that ncorrect ~8002030419 into Repts 50-277/87-33 & M278'87-33 on 87110344 No woiabons rev may have teen encf w/utd 680201le eensmntng recad bcenseg echooAo remed Mafor areas papected rnplementaban of G none Ltr 84-11 & pSe replacement GALLAGHERJ W Pedadeeptsa Eiecinc Cct 88/02/05 8UTLER W R Prepect Drector- prooram recaculaton & RHR sie l# Pgp 44317 288-44317.289 GRAf.E H. KA N.H J. STROSN R.J . Re "on 1. Oc of the Drector. 88/01/

13. 8pp 4422414844224155 0802180201 Forwards Secton # of
  • Plan try Restart of Peach Bottern Atonte Power Staton" presenteg detaded correctwo acton objectrees & actiches estateshed to ad- 8401210097NRC Into Notre 88401. "Sa8ety Irgecton Pq)e Fa4ure? Svc het en1

*tse soot causes vor performance decee.per0 70331 croer ] ROSS(C E Dnnsen of Operatonal Events Assessment IPost 87041tt 88/01/27. , AUSTINJ M. Phdadegtua E ocinc Co.88/02/12. RUSSELL.W T. Repon 1. Olc of the Consondated Esson Co of New York, ec 123pp 44178 07544176197. l Drector 2pp 44348 010-44348 245. 4 8002100199 Responds to NRC 878028Ilr te wolabons noted m into Repts $4277/87- =0002160200Secton a of "Pian tor Restart of Peach Bottom Atomc Power Stabcws" 23 & S278/87 23 Cormcen aceans procedwo for mas coneos sys enarasvosy re.

  • Pheade5*ta Eiecinc Co.88/02/12 234pp 44348 012-44348 245 woes & processe we be asued on 880229 re traang reasoments tor rngt pop ,

net ' 0802100344 Foreards SER accepeng ut8 871130reveed $AR re SPDS Psoleton de- GALLAGHERJW Pn4adelphia Decee Co 88/02/01 JOHNSTON W v. Repon 1 , vces maeshed & tne for r4edacmg SPDS erCtass tE agna's 08c of we Drector 3pp 44308180-44308182. , MARTIN R E Protect ectorate1-2 88/02/1?. BAUER.E G Pndaoetpria Doctre Co 3pp 44373 356443r3 381- 4401240102 NRC Info Notre 88402. "Lost or Stolen Gauges

  • Svc hsl enci '

a i ~0002 00 SER 871130 rewsed SAR re notaton deween tcw interfacmg h/$[ l usina & Co g y ,ng g4 8 2 , of Reactor Regulanon, Dree* Post $70411) 88/02/12. 300 68020 0084 treo Notce 86403. "Cracks n Stroud Supcort Access Hole Cover 0802220309 No6fcaten of Lcansee Meetng 020 M 880217 elutd m Feg of ROSSI.C E Chwson el Operatonal Events Assessmert (Post 870411t 88/02/02. Prutsia PA to escuss QAyroyam changes **d IOM CO O' *** YO'k 3"C 1129P 'd330 I26#330 330 t Y LE 1 c or f* Drectot 88/Cb12 Repon t, Ole of the Drector' 840,2100435 m Fore,1418 0ne F m.mnot.o W Monp &S 83 o, 71 v. Re met M,277/813a. c sere es1 Mane.278./  ! 9002230300tareds da+y re/*ghtOn 880222 & 23.meetags e/uti & EG&G to etruss 10CM2 A nota of vaston we be seeed 1 NRC 6's322 terwnents & smest tr a MARMTg. Agon 1. Oc of me Drectar 88/02 44 GALLAGHERJ W We tia he6d at I sach Boeiran coMerence et,$s to on g4 art r'oerwce to steg prog sai e4 Decinc Co top 44300 044J4306 053. CLARK.R.J bciect Dredorete02 86/0209 MJR JY.f.. sd.lEKJ, W 4 AGtu T. MIC No Detaded A%a*on rWn.300. 44443 275444a3 2" -48o2100351 wup RepM 542P/07 30 & %M3'87-38 on 8'!!14 ilCee ,saton eegat%1 Masoe areas esp.csA rwteton saiety pro-em retueng traws of freniue ry e602FiOS47 Foreards resocrew to survey escpesteis try NRC r, e001dC 4. Gener L te . - 3S42 re prmrega yterest m twMraatng e 130 a tJts syssessed e pescipeg n vienbhedIN ORAGC der'.s & coreal of T . LOCSCA R 'ected engi rasaten , SMANSAAY.M seas f, Ole of V e 88/01/25 Repcm rdusTy/NAC semner ne tSAP a 800 44306 S44 s47 i6C$3 GALLACe44%J $V Pruisdricha Op'::tnc C4 Al#/FS M'tMGtJAf J. Assyst.e Q> l rector for #oects (r' ort $13419) 2np 44V7412-44517 011 66J20M034 NRC Busetri 64-u01, 'tencts t'i \dett.r@ouse Oscus Breakers

  • Svc tst wt 8007296444 Forwards ac9 into s,crotrq ST01M appbcatan ter a+4 tc Leonars .VSVCE. Diveen ce Orestaal Everes Assesemert (Dost 870411L 65'02/05
CPPJ4 & Def454 tens Taca Stoc 10 caenmone to drier swwweance test of i catsondsert sw. Cc ( aee York. trw 14cpp 4433 225 44350 004 enegmcy e cres ge-nat
rspo 480.'2s carwwwtment GhMrA W. Pwaviprus Escec Ua secte26 907'.ER.W fr Proyect DrecW- 644:020035 NRC F 4etc 88402. Rapdy Proproastr'g Fi bree Cracts n Steam Gen-ele F2 3vp. 4:51SC2H45iS027. erstor Ture, A.c bet arcs.

r OSSJ.C E Desen of Operabonal Eves, A3eenarrard (Post 070411) 68/02/05.  ! Conschcated Eeson Co of Ycrtt ic. t24pp 4493 337443391CO. . (L Inspecki reports,22 Bunetins a coresportc e,ce 44044*4 NRC ve Net to se404. %sdesestri Natt.:wton & Drcumertaten of 6802250344 Medk:alon es $71001 TAP *d3 t Mm409f /d17 e/uts s/ pL49t. Fs 3 e nrwr Penevato) $ ars " Svc bst enct ' LWMLLE,J C neqxn 1. Orc of the Srector 67/f t'22 R.por 1, oc if the Ometu N.AS C t Drveen of Operatonal 'Nents s Awessmerd (Post 87041t) 66/02<M 2 dyp. 44519 060 44519 Of f C9necWe6 Eesan Co. of New VM. 'nc.124pp. 4 4333191J4337 224  ; SiiCP2010J Respanor to r4RC 970914It* re notareas tv.Med e inso Repes 54277, OS Ir602110329 NRC infe Notco S&M. fre o Anroscator Control C,bnets." Sec bst at & 5427I,45 2' Coroct've sceans comtos of tient waA1ewn reces of hated eru contarimerit penetratms ooged untd 68332% ROS$1.C E Deceos of Operatmal Everes Assessment (Post 4?O4.1L 66/02/1! j ' WL ^ RJ Phdtdalorse Detec w 68/01/22- MNEW F. Agon 1. Cec of Wie Consondated Esson Co of New Yortt nc.120pp 44523 256-44524 01S. DrvrhJr 2po 4416601444168 019 e r t'sp Rects $4277/97-37 & 44um02 Responds to NRC 680111 in te votasons reted m Saiety insp Rer's 50-4402030114 Foreerds persa8y eihheld Physcal Seew g y rfg7.e4 4 %478/87-24 Cor'eceve actons Noncon6ormarco Root CCLP-937 54278147-37 on 47t11419 4 notee of roaton tret 10CFR2 790 & 73 21) 671105 to st'e t amargercy cooing ester sys poe susport base plate l VARTiN,T.? Repen 1. Ole of the Drector.68/01/22 GALLAGHER.J W Pheade*prua e, sued on e par. Electic Co. 2pp 44223 02944223 039 GARAGMERJ W Phea3eiprve Doctne Co 66/02/t1. uurs f. >W. . CfL J -4002030143 P evtrfeid rence of rotance M nsJ on 8?111619 pel " **' *EO '### ## mM790 & 73 2 t 4402230101 Respords to NRC Corephance BJete 87402.1astoner Testeg to Deter- {

  • Repon 1, Olc of Fe Drector 66/01122 2pp 44223 & 44223032 mre Cortormance We Amcape Was Specs- Recept eso process sursenry ree-

-4002030154 Parbesy eatreend cat Securvy Irgo Rep's 54277/87-37 4 54278/ hTm Z'M#TWC Co 68.'U47. NSSEu t. Rgort 1, M 47 37 on 96111619 trot t R2 790 4 73 21) votatura mored Waror areas or re Drectar 122pp 44434 22744434 346 espectes physacal bemers response **s assessraert ads & sghurg 3 BAILE y A J . LANCASTER W K., EE'MG R R Repen 1. Cec ot re Drectur 64/01/

21. 7pp. 44223 03344223 039 R. Perioec operating reports & retated correspondence 8002030154 Forwards into Repts54277/8742 4 54278/97-32 on 47110246 4 nobce of woisson Reesed actewar comrruernerit for seamesses to test proced/es 4 oc- 6402040317Fornards piant ste%s rept scr panod 480106-21 trom NRC rescent espec.

2 cootace creene per ASUE Secten XI.r ter at osto e #)HNS70N Wy Re9or 1. 08c c8 the or 88/01/25 GALLAGHER.J14 PNie- LINYlREJ C Re@:e t. CNc or Ine Drector 84/01/26 k#eEW F Repon t. 08c of despas Decine Co 2pp 44222 297 44222 300 Fe Drector opp 44255 249 44255 292 4 8 f 4 4 9 i -- . - , - . - - - - - . , , . . - - , - , - - , , - -- ., . - , , . - , ..~,,4,,, n ..,.--.,-.-------,m o , , - . . . , - , - - - - - - - , , y d DOCKETEDITEMS 57-  ? 0802030496 Prowdes overvire of pogress trou 880122on ute comrrvimer4 to on- -4002000044 "As of Capsule V Wom VEPCO Surry L>Wt 1 Reactor Vessed Rae-comerce acton plan Wo4. has been cormieted a closed out *n 27 of 93 Catepriry I' aton Surweance am - tasas horn Sechons 61 & $ $ Progess contr1ues on remarung tasks SCHVERT2.J C, .H. PALUSAMY.S S Westmghouse Elecyc Corp. WCAP _r' kEMPERJ S Pede$elprma Elects Co.66/01/28.RUSSELLW T. Regon 1. Olc of the 11492 41/05/31. 24pp. 4427919444279 216 Orector.1st 44214 31144216 311. 4002170203 Monihly eqperatrig repts lor Jan 1988 W/880211 le

  • M*DOLETON.L L. ALDEN.W M. Pedadesprua E.scire Co. 88/01/31.14pp. 44356 317' n Surveauc SCMME RTZ J C., GO '


  • 334 .H. PALUSAMY.S S Westeghouse EAcc Corp. WCAP-11505. 47/05/31,36pp 4427921744279 251.

, ping [ Yhe 6802000042 Re@ests estensen of snterrn rebel panied 2 comcde w/ schedule for ' INVIL J C vte90n 1. Cec of the Orector. 88/02/09 KANE,W F. Repon 1. 08c of 'Stanaion ce mods inside recawton sprey pumps em coninue to be operatse to Orector. $pp.44352 143-44352.147. througn cienm pared based on reasons c 871204 nr. STEW 41T.W L Vagna Power Na Ehecyc & Power Co). ee/L1/29 ()ocument Contol Bsanch (Document Contre ) tw. 44282144-44287185. tu Reportabte occurrences LERs & reisted correspondence 6402000181 Concurs e/NUMARC 07112* wmments suppor1 rig NRC proposed scicy 8002060006 PNM88 017on 880202.uld to announce erange to cryporg e mgt.per statement on ete9 rated schedules los smvementaten at piani mods per 10CFR50 fvghly crecel INPO ItrJH Aushn we rette a4 of 660301 & JL Everea es assurre STEW ART.W L Vegame Power Nr Electnc & Pemer Co L 84/62/01.Occument tNtses of prendent unta replacement remed, Conpol Branen (Documerit Conrof ).1p 44275.12044271120 UNVILLEJ, WENSINGER.E. Repon t. Olc of the Drector.84/02/02 1p. 44259 364 - 44259 Mo. 4002100267 Genenc LW 88 03 re reson/ hon of Genenc Safety issue 93, "Steam Bedeg . ce Au=*wy reed.cer P: Svc nst enct  ; 0802170006 Surrvnary of Operahng Reactrars Events Westrig 0605 on 880202 on u4RAouA.F.J o,esen or events arce 860126 meeeng Let of anendees, events escussed.tabulaton et lonit anonal Events Assessment (Post $70411) 66/02/17. Conscacated Eeson Co. of Nee Vors, Inc. 44pp. 44524 01644524 061. term dallowup asservnents & 10CFR$0 72 rect taousaten & summary enci LANN(NG, W Events Assessment Branch 68/02/10 ROSSLC E. Omsen of Oper-stenal Events Awssment (Post 870411). 200p. 44353153-44353172 6802220Mo Grann W 680125 re ' for mimead of 660714 acphcaten.swerseded on870603.lcr amenos to Lcenses DPR 32 & OPR.37 #4 teor-4402220240 PNC448420cn 880216.CA McNed named executive drector . nuclear et zaton we e fact mat re@est e4erseded Mcent 'cor aton Notce enct at 'y,,o,,,5 *Peac,q, =- cP-**'* =c='s a*- *P' aa*'===a * {%'la'ct'ip',*2M'$$0Ms.**** eE ' '"* * " "'" LINytLLEJ Regen 1. Olc of the Drector. 66/02/16 19. 44496 049444to 049 -4002220057Nobce of ==thdraeal of 860714 apptcaton for amends to Lcenses DPR. 32 4 DPF-37 respectivery U. Congressional /Euecutive Correspondence PATELC.P. Progect Drectorate4-2 68/02/17. 2pp 44422 35744422 358. 8002110141 Informs that NRC personnes most tammar e/currere status of pea r4 ed par. 4002210334 Foreerds Amends 117 to Lconses OPR.32 & OPR.37.respectvely 4 safety scease m Marytand Congressenal Deaegaten 880204 moeteg.m response ;o 680114 evaluaten.Arnenos crenge Tecti spec Sectens 3 7, ~tnstrumentshon Sys' & 41,

  • request "Oparanonal Satety Reces" to tinng them e agreement e/Westeghouse ST$

ZECH.LW, Comervsseners. 88/02/02. SARBANES.P S. Senate. 2pp. 44338195 PATELC.P. Proiect Drectorate s.2 88/02/17 STEW ART.W L Vrprua Power (Vegr> 44338 197 as Electre & Power Co) 2pp 44443052 44443 082. -4402110145 Requests NRC represent 31rves at Marytand Congressenal Deisgaten on sec204 to tree Congre.: on savanca at ow* .8002230341 Amends 117 to Lcenses DPR.32 & DPR47fespectve4 chanong Tech Spec Sectons , SARBANES.P.$. Senate 88/01/14 ZECH.L W Comrrusseners 1p 44338 19,.- tnem neo c,ose,3 7 & 41 re esvumeratenSTS so &&opwatenar 44338 197. speement a/Westeghouse to coroorm sateey reven u tinne e/NRC Sadarce BERF.OW.H N Proyect Drectorate N-2 68/02/17. 23pp. 44443 05444443 076. . DOCKET 54200 SURRY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 -8402230351 Safety evaluston s@portng Amends it; to 'utenses OPR 32 & DPR-37.respectree+y Ofce of Nuclear Reactor RepJateg Drector (Poet 870411) 84/02/17. 4pp F. Secunty, meecat, emergency & two feetection paens 44443 077 44443 082 . 'L 8002100400 Empresses appreciaten for suggestons maos to riiprove nuclear secunty 8002260038 Conkms 88C103 tescon re 680226mgt weetrig to present utd asseesmeni pen W recent esp at fac*ty Changes have been ecogorated & plans ed be cd operatene & luore goa's.

  • eamtied lor rev wa 10CFR50 !4 change GRACE.J N Repon 2. Oc ci the Drector 88/02/17 3TEW ART.W L Yrgrua Power JOHNSON H R Vegeha Power Negria Electre & Power Co) 86/01/11.TOsiN.W J Wrpne Electre a Power Co ) 1p 44504 066 44504 0 8 Regen 2. Olc of the Drector 1p 44307.113-44307113 8002000238 Rev to "Corporate Emergency Response Ptan feesphone Oroctory." W/ N 87I20  ;

880201 % W ART.W s. Vrprua Power (V Enocte & Power Co.) 88/02/14 Document

Y V prua Power Wrprma Elecyc & Power Col 64/02/01. 20pp Conrad Brancn (Document Contros ) 9epp 44496 053-44498148

.On-m ro,e.ds notce * -o, e,s.,sment & trong of r .a22== <~= r-e . a~0% set to - s-,-,e, 840706appr caten.revoed on841130. 860410 0930 4 8 71018.conce rung rowest fo 640706apptcatensevoed en841130. en- a-sme 4 anen&016.corcemng 660410.0930 $71 request lor

  • esempbone kom sectons a GJtiJ = In L of 10CM50. App R reguretrerte earriphons kom Seetons a G,m J & W L of 10CM50 App R rewromems PATELC P Pro,ect Drectorate #-2 88/02/18 STEW ART.W L Yrprua Po.rer (Vrgn. PATELCP Protect Drectorate5-2 88/02/18 STEWART W L Vegeta Puner (Vrge.

e Elects & Power Col 2pp 44449 237-44449242. e E' twc & Poew Col 2pp 4444923744449 242 0802230020 Rev 14 b Emergency Pie , emplementmg Procedure EPiP-2 01, "Notica. -4402230242 Notre of envron assessment & Ordrq of no magnecant enpact to 440706 u or State & Local Goves W/880219 nr appecaten as revoed 641130 860410.0930 & re@est ter esemptons kom STEW ART.W L vegran Power (Yrg'rs. Elecinc & Power Co1 86/02119 apse Sectore m G m J & W L of iOCFR50 Apo R re@rerrents 44432 061-44432:109 BERKOW,H N Proyect Drecisale16-2 88/02/18 4pp 44449 23944449 242 l .. o,erstm. .certee .t.,e .octorient. . corre.,on.ence aa2,23,aaaa%=a,P-" a* re a '-an -'5^" v'au i--- i STE W AR T Vrgrua Power (Vr Electe & Poew Co) 88/02/18 Documere j , 8002030640 Informs reyNree to Genenc Ltr 83-29 ed be reneased on 880304 No Coreos Branch (Document Control k 3pp 44495 338 44495 340 to osia, of Westeghouse Owners Group rem Current propam of treaker returtush. i me i corenus t GTE 4 ART.W L Veyr;a Power (v Elecinc & Po=rer Co) 88/01/15 Document ' Conyol Brarch (Documere Contoi t 2pp 44225 339-4422S 340 Q. Inspection reports, it Dubetmo 4 correspon.once 8601210332Genanc LW 8842 to as power reactor iconsees to Imagated Sa'ety As. 8002100378Formards inno Repts E290/87-36 & M291/87-36 cn 071205 480102 No sessmore Procram u (' SAP N) Svc hst enct molehons or demascas rmted

  • MIRAGUA.FJ Ansconte Drector tor Propects (Post 870411). 88/01/20 Corecedated WILSON B A Regen 2. Cmc ed the Drector 88/01/11 STEWART.W L Vrgana Power Edson Co et New York, anc 48pp 44202 319-44203 005 Naprua Elects a Power Co 12pp 44306 339-44306 350 8002020181 mmheses 660714 Tech Spec change roovest re compaar teorgernanon Ute es sAmt i4 dated chrge towest concernng present orge'wa- 4,402100304 inso 'l pts %280/07-36 & S281/87-36 on 871205-680102 No cole-baned structure cns or ornat.sre abd Mapor reas repected plant meet & survedarce.tonomp on i y,,pector ioengggg igems & LER recee '

, STEWART.W L Vrgwge Poewt Nr Eisewc 4 Poew Co) 8s/01/25 Document Control Branc*i (Document 'Aritrol 11p 4419020444190209 HOLLAND W E NiCHOLSON L E . C9NTRELLF S Repon 2. CNc of the Drector 88/ , 01/07 1000 44 % 6 341 44306 350 i 9402000014 Appicatsy nor amenos to trenses DPR 32 & DPR-37. soportng oper-1 anon of both urvts m.revned heatup & cocidown curves used to 15 EFPY Ponoa of 30 8402H040$ ConW 840121 w4creement conferorce at Repon il ofcser 87 218 oeyt t)e+eeen sporoval l .geomentaten cases re@esied Fee pad leWto escuss esecycm equement ewton Wcaten Proposed agede soerey $TEW ART W L Vrpnes Power (Vr Elecyc & Poe.t Co ) 88/01/29 Docurne,, spece c esues ce concem enc Control Brancfi (Doceent ConWoi ) 3pp 4427914144279 251. G J N Regon 2. Dec of Pe Drector 88'01/15 STEW ART.W L Vrprua Power I Wegrwa Elects & Power Co) 2pp 443 8 357-44310 358 l -4002000026 Proposed Tech Speesseporsno opersion of bom urwes el revoed beat @ & cooidown curves vote to 15 GWY &atety evaivason m seport of recsed 8402030114 Farewon Inse Rees M 200/87-35 4 50 291/87-35 on 47120711 & notc, heatup & cocioown curves vahd te 'S EFPY ence 4 vvwahon

  • Veyrma Power (Vegraa Elecine & Power Co) 84/01/29 50pp 44279 144- COLUNSOU Regon 2 Cwc of ee Drector 84/01/22 STEW ART.W L Vrpete '

44279 193 Power (Vrgess fisctnc & Power Co t 2pp 44220 283-44220 296 58' DOCKETED ITEMS -4082030140 Noece of veeston from map on 871N711 Volaton reted te4ure to S. ReportPJe occurrences. LERS & redeted correependence M9ere to redaten cored processes a that sevsai contammated aems found on 8712CS,essde gang tes not property beggeJ or tabsted. COLLsNS.D M Regen 2. Cdc of me Drec%r. 64/01r22. 2pp. 442202SS-44220 266 6302090347 LER 474400e 47431.omed met m hog partem M. ters isurwentervey escarded C4vsoa . by taAre to periorm Sr49 & St-90 tatc SON D L 9the E 64/01/29. 4pp -4002.,030181co,t Iris,p a Repts - re.cus S280/s?er.comeet c,,oa,orce,eci 35 & S0 281/07-35 mano on s 6,7120711,. ,easre-ere r< e Vc.pce.,hs mo d e 44,963 .aes-aion o ,,,&c-~RC Co ). . es WRIGH7.F M., HOSEY.C M Regen 2. Osc of tne Drector 66/01/21. 1 2,10 4422028744M298 0802100246 PNO ald6411 on 660/0Miri possuve press re created m pnmary &am tar

  • dw to lar ud of enter & ovameed gas cornpressor reparatwo.cessmg gase-

$$01210007 NRC Irdo Noece 88401. "Sal ? y anr ecten Poe FaAre." Svc bst once "A'N C & Regon 2 O b Drector, 66/02/00 to 44461202444&1.002_ ROSRCE Creson of Operatonal Events Assessment (post 670411). 64/01/27. Conachdated Eeson Co of New Ycrs. tre.123pst 44176 07544176197. 4402230062 LER 4742441 on 470st23.RCS Row rtactor We occurred when reactor 8002030343 Forwards Wap Repts $4290/87 32 .* 54281/87 32 On 07111&20 & '* 7twa bus op W 6ec i Osc of the Drector. 68/01/27. STEWAR7.W L Vrgna Power 4gne sa mS ower . 64/02M Spp. [ 443o (Vrgna ElecWc & Power Col 2pp. 4421722344217 239 l -4002030S44 Nobce of velaten trcen eso on 871116 20 Vciaton noted Proce&se EP. y, ope,eter tsemineuens 1.02A.Rev t.mMequate m that cooMoon curve ref as Attacriment 2 m pocesse test conserukvo man fech Spec heat @/coolopen cuNo Figwe 3 51= JULIAN.C. A Regon 2. Cec of we Dreese 66/01/27, 2pp. 44217 225-44217 226_ 8002100426 Rowests scheduhng of enane Ior senor reactes ator & rector opera-tor canade'st bsted & lorwards NRC F arm M6, "Personal atens Statemere- -4002030353 Not ce of dewaton from mso on 871116-20 Dewahon noted. hcensee has Lcensee

  • lor all apphcants W/0 enot not proeded adegaate entlen pssve caten e step demeben documers where Proce. STEWART.W L Vagtta Power Neptha flec*ne & Power Co). 68/01/11. Rege=12.

ese EP.102A decates tram Rev 1 of emergency resgense . Olc of the Drector. 2pp 44306 241443G5 242 , JULIAN.C A Regon 2. Olc of the Drector 68/01/27.1p. 44 17 22744217.227. -4002030359inso Hepts $0 290/87-32 & $0 281/87 32 on 871116-20 Volatons & do. ams funwoned m order to s@scrt evsbe%on of heense canodates at tecery canons roted Wagr areas repected. not bcensed st#f tannSheensed operator pre ST [W ARTW L Wgna Power (vagraa liecyc & Power Co). 6a/01/14. Regen 2.  ; yanng & rripeneeetaten of Generc Lt $1-21 Olc of the Drector 1p 44310 t7644310.176 BRESLAU.S . SMyutoCK.M Regen 2. 00c of Fie Oroctor. 68/01/20. 12pp. 44217 226-44217.23g 6602030343 Forwards kiso Repts $42M/47 32 4 $0-281/87 32 on 871116-20 & ro aces ce votaten & deestert 9002030447 Forwards sweiemer*al response to IE Busetin 8346 re %~. A.-9 JUUAN.C A. Re9cn 2,06c of the Drector s8r01/27 STEW AR7.W L Vrgna Power maus s4psed by Twee4mo Coram response to NRC concoms identifed m insp N'9'ne E*ces & Poew Col 2pp. 44217.2234421t239 Repts 50180/47-20 4 $0 281/87 20 STEW ARY W L Vrpraa Power (Vr Elects & Power CoI 68/01/27 Document -6402030359 map Repts $4200/87 32 & 54211/87 32 on 47111&20.Votatens & de-Cortal Branch (Documert Corgof ) 3ge,44224 20344224 20$ vetons noted Maior areas espected scruicensed sta4 karunghcensed operator

  • Wenng & ciplementate of Generic LW 61-21.

8002020364 Responds to NRC 471229 Iw to colanons noted e inso Rapts 60-2t0/47- BRESLAu S. SWMLOCK.M Roten 2. Cic of the Drector 68/01/20 12pp. 214 50-211/07-21 Correcove actors e mrwetaeve proceese prepared to pro @ 44217 22$-44217.239 o> dance e screerung potentel chaNet & sa' evaluatons 1 STE* AR7.W L vagna Power (vr Eweinc & . ) 64/01/28. Document i Cortof Brancn (Docwners Control ) 7pp. 44169 272-44109 270 Y Dry Cast independent Spent Fusi Storege instanettons

  • 9001260102NRC Into Nc4ce 66 002. 7 ost or $4ceen Gauges" Svc tot enct 6802090276 Forwards fast errual update to SAR tar SFSiIndredwal peges marked CUNNmoMAu R E. Desen as induzinar & weecas Nuc=ar Sve+y (Pos: 870729t -amend r tecue rus a so6am ame document amended arce aceptert 88/02/02 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New YorA trc 121pp 44296 093-44296 213. STEWART.W L Vrpeta Power fvr Emictnc & Poew Col 47;12/30. Document g Ccneci Branch (Documert Control ) 2po 44?9200144292091.

, 0002010004 NRC info Notco 66-003. "Cracks a Shrowd Support Access Mote Cover Weids

  • Sec het enci -4002090289 Amend 4 to fest annual update h SA81 tcs ISFSs ROSSI.C t Dvison of Operatonal Everts Assessment (Post 470411) 66/02/02_ '

vrona Power (Vygna Electnc & Power C9). 67/12/30 89pp. 44292003-Coneohdated Eeson Co of Nee Yors,inc 112pp 44330 22?44338 336 4429/ 091 , t 90020200M PRC Suneen 68401,"De sects m Wesingrouse Cacuit Breakers" Svc kst 80020200$$ Summary of recent meetmg e/ Nuclear Assurance Corp re e@rruttal of new enc' topcas rept tor sty spent fuel storage cash desgn ser sacrage of conschdated npeft ROSSI.C E Dreson of Operatonal ives Assessment (Post 4704111 66/02/05 suei rorts Consc84ated teson Co. of New York, mc 140pp 44339 225-44340 004. ROBERTS.J P Fuel Cycle Sa'ety Brancti 68/01/27 ROUSE.L C. Fust Cyc6e Safety Brancet to 44168 359-44186 359 1 . 8002020036 NRC Bgnete 66002. "Rap @y Propagatmg Fangwe Cracks m Steam Gen-erator Tutes

  • Svc het enct 9002030238 Forea os Amend 2 to Lcense SNM 2501sevemg Tech Spec Sectona 14 ROS$1.CE. Dween of Operational Events Assessmeat (Post 870411). 68/02/05 & 141 os App C re raccioeca envron oserstry rept -

Consondated Eeson Co of New York,Inc.124pp. 44336 337 44339100 ROUSE L C. Fuel Cyce Safety Beancft 64/01/27. STEW ART W L Vegawa Poes (ve. ' prua Dects & Power Co ) 20p 4422$ 3444422S3t2. eso202022e NRC enso Notee 88 004. "inadequate QuaWaten & Docurentalen of , Fro Bamer Peneeaten Seafs " Svc hst enci -8402030250 Amend 2 to Leanse SNu 2501 ter VEPCC. recsmg App C Tocfi Spec  : FIOS$tC E Desen of Ope anonal E=ents Assessment (post 8704111 See02/05 Secsons t 4 4141 to change antwas resologica erwean operatrig rept to seaman- t Coneck1ated Eeson Co of New Yors,Inc.124M 44339101-44339 224 rwa: 4 correctng typo  ; .L C Fwei Cycee Sately 8'anch 68/01/27. 4pp 44?25 3444422$ 349 8002140157 Responds to unresolved dome noted m IE insp Rept 2291/a6-36 Evaba. j son & tectrucas bases for taant operaten & comamment teaa rate testmg m/contam- -8602030263 Notshes pnr 10C'R$1221:111 that cbe to to seymfcant mcrease m poten. e mort mer weed leas <rmase channes pawgs esta' led prended t,al tur or conseguernces from resougical erummerital asses:mont or i e STE* ART.* L vegna Pomor (vaprwa Enoctnc & Power Co). 64/02/08 Deewnent -t manented re Amend 2 to Lcense SNM 2501 ! Control tranch (Document Coreoi vesk) lipp 44367.000-44367 091. AL C. Fuel Cp Sa4ty Brancet 64/01/27 Fsel Cycse Sa+ety Brancet ip 4422$ 3%>4422$ 3w l 4002110329 NRC trdo Notco 64405. Fro e Armunceior Coreat Caomets" Svc kst , j onci -4002030273Notce of esuance of Amend 2 to Lcense SNW PW1. ROSSLC E. Desen of Operatonal E ents Assessenere (Posi 870411t 64/02/12. ROUSE.L C. Fuel Cycle Sa*ety Brancit 64/01/27. 2pp 4422S. '5144225 352 .i Consohdated Eeson Co. of Nee York. Int 120pp 44523 2444524 015 i 6802044373 F<reards LLL Lab Rept 1)CID21246. "Dynan=c coact Enocts on Spent ! 0802260364 Forwards Erdorcemere CorWorence Repts 60-263/96-12 S 201/86-12 50 Fwed Assernbinf Rept ed be recrporated mto dry spent twei storage cash std 3G647 32 %33S/97-36.50 339/87-32 & 50-339/07,38 on 680121 issues to equq> reveo pian to be sot *sned at is.or cate W'o enct , ! rnent cNearcaten probioms at tacetes escussed ROBERTS.J P Fwed Cycto Sa'ety Brancet 68/02/02 JUDSOP4.3 F woneral Ei@c

G8mE.J N Rogon 2. Orc of ine Drecict 64'02/16 STEW ART.* L Vrpria Power Co STEW A'If W L vrprua Power (vrgaa Eieryc & Power Co. UTLEY.E E. Caron.
j. (veg a E.scinc & Power Co) 1p 4449501644495 096 na Power & Ugne Co app. 44256 272 4 4256 275

! -4002250414 ErWorcermet Canterence Repts %200/8612 %201/6612. 2338/8b 0402050075 Ssnmary of mot for Nuclear Watts Mgt Spent Fwei Sie age Sommar V on ! 32.2338r87 34 %339/47 32 & %339/4h38 on 880121Votaten notedfeeurs to 883120-22 m Wasnegion.DC te spent tues storage e/r solutomal matters . 1 e moperatne sasam thom retruments a ty m regured tme ROBERTS.J P Fwee Cyce Sa'e"y Brancet 64/02< 03 OU .L C. Fwei Cycle Sai. sty I - TRELLF.S Repon 2. 06c of she proctor 88/02/OS 76pp. 44495 0t9 Branca 2pp 44265 27144266272 j 44495 096 l l DOCKET 2:01 WRRY POWER STAT Oes. UNIT 3 SL Portees ePereting reports & reteted J 1;,e i 9002030027 M3ritnPy operahng repts *or Dec 1947 W/04011511, E Secursty, meesel, emergency 4 hre pre 4ction plana I BENSON D L, STEW ARY W L vegets Power (vrgrma Elects & Pverer Col 47/12/

21. 2Wpp 44217 316-44217.337. $632900400 Espresses approceton nor suggestons made to anprove ege,ar securey

] pian aunne recent eso at to:*tv Cha.<ges nave been rcorporated & wens ed be I 8002220144 lAantnpy operatng roots for Jan 1966 W/66021$ lir s@mmeet for rev via 10Cf R$0 64 change

j. W AR5aCN.L A. BENSON D c. $TEW ARY W L Vrprua Power Nrgema Electre & JOHNSON H 1h vsgaa Power (Vaprma Electr< & s'omer Co) 64/C1/11 1OBiN
  • J PoeurCol 66/01/31,23pp 4446419544464 217 Repon 2. Occ of the Drector to 44307 11144307113 i


l 1

,, . - _. - ~ ~ - _. > . l DOCKETEDITEMS 59 0009000230 Rev to "Corpcrate Ernergercy Responso Plan feeephone Drectcry

  • WI - 08022302?4 Forma >ds resce of erwron assessmerg & hnding of re svAcard artact to '

400201 ser . 640706 articaton rewsed on641130. 660410.o030 4 87 f016,corcorrwig recpest for STEW ART.W L Vrgne Poeer Negna Elecyc & Power Coi 68/02/01. 20pp esempsons kom Secsons a G.m J & W L of 10CFR50. App R reqpremems. 44206 331 44296 3 % PATEL C P Protect Drectorate N 2 64/02/14 STEWART.W L vrgrus Power (Vrp lr x e Elecinc & Power Co L 2po 44449 23744449 242.  ! 0802230276 Foreards notce of erwron essessment & techng of no agvicant epact to ' 540706appacaton>evised on841130,8604 to 09M & 611016.concerneg request for 4042230202 Notco of enveen assessmerv & hnen0 of no s.g% cant epact to 440706 eservtons kom Sectons ett G.le J & tM L of 10C5 R50 App R requrements apphCahon as reveed $41130 860410.0930 4 toesest for emerybore tram PATELC P. Prosect Drectorste it-2 88/02/18 STEWART.W L Vagne Power (VrP Sectens ill G ut J & fli t of 10CFR50. App R requremeets e Elecire & Power Col 2pp. 44449 23744449 242. stRROW.H N Pro,ect Drec1 crate 42. 68/02/10 opp 44449 239 44449 242 4002230020 Rev 14 to Emergercy Plan implemereng Procedure EPIP.2 01, "Notice- 3002290502 Responds 4 Gerienc Lt 6642 re pericpaten m ISAP lt VW not misrested ton of State & Local Govts W/640219 nr a pericca e program f STEW ART.W L Vagree Power (Vegna Elects & Poeer Co) 68/02/19 49pp. STE WAA T.W . Vagna Power Nr > 44432 061-44432 109 Electc & Power Col 68/02/19 Documert Contof Brance,; Document Convol ) 3pp 44495 33444495 34a - P. oPerstmo scense stees escumeau & ccreesanence G. ine,eci,on ,e,o,ta, it eim, & .0,,e. pen.ence 4002030040 in6 arms that response to Genorc Lt 83-28 wiB be released on 680304 See to cmsay of Westeghouse Oopers Grow rept Current yogram of treaser refurtas'* 6802100374Formards enso Reptu W200s07 34 & 50 281/87-36 on 871205480t02 No vcations or occatens now 1 W Vrprma Power (V Ccreof Branch (Docstnert ConarcW Elecinc & Poner Co) 88/01/15 Document 12pp. 44225 33944225 340. k, [MT,2rer 2pp 44 3 h3 9"'8 -m,m03 insp Re s om,.7 4001210332Generc Le 6842 to as power reactor hcormees re imepaied Sa'ety As- & mai,.7m on en2054 0,02 Now r on t sessment Program N (tSAP R) Svc hat enot t,o,ns MiRAGLLA.FJ Asscoate Drecaer for Propects IPost 870411). 88/01/20 Consohdated pg o. tor dentifed here & LER receer denahore nowd Ma,or wees snspected piat mace & su Ed. son Co of New vers,Inc 48pp 44202 319-44203 005 HOLLAND W E, NiCHOLSces L E, CANTRELLf S Regeri 2. Olc of the Drector 64/ . .[ 01/07.10pp. 44E6 34u4306 350 6802020161 W4hdraws 660714 Tech Spec change request te company recrgarazanon Uti es ashme woated change request corcerneg present orgarsza. 6802t10404 Confams 880121 enforcement corderence at Regon a ofcser B71216 W sevchte. chscuss electreal equemerit envron queWeatonProposed agenda derWy- ;1 ol Br ( )1 190 2ra.44 209 G% 2 Oec ot the Dreciar 68/01/t5 STEWART,W L Wgna Power I (Yrgna Elecinc & Power Co) 2pp ee31e 357 44318 354 8002000014 Apphcation for amenos to Lcenses DPR-32 & DPR-37, seportng ope j aton of both urwts e/revuod hease & cocidown cines vand to 15 EFFY Penod of 30 4402030H4 Foreros insp Reps M200/67 35 & S231/8h35 on SN20711 & notre i 4 W WL r Peeer E e /01/29 Document COLNYDM Repon 2, Orc ce ene Drector 68 tot /22 STEW ART.W L Vrgna Contal Bearch (Docunent Co troi ) 3pp 4427914144279251. Power Wagna Enocyc & Power Co ) 2pp 44220 28344220 296 -4002000025 Proposed Tech Specs.supptrieg opera'en of both unns er recsed -8402030140 Nocce of wotaban from msp on 071207 11Voabon noiadfa4wre to heatw a cooldoen curves ved to 15 EFPY Safety pratwaten e s@ port of revsed [ edhere to re$atson control procedtres m that several Contaminated gems lovnd on < heal @ & cooseen c6rves vand to 15 EFPY ence 871200 mside gang bon not croperty cogged or labeied ' vrpnia Power (yggnf EectrC & Power Co k 88/01/29 50pp 44279 144 COLUNS.D M Regon 2. One of the Drector 64/01/22 2pp 44200245-44220286 44279 IS3 -9402030181 trisp Repes 60-200/87 35 & M281/87-35 on 87t20711 votebons ~4002000054

  • of Capsule y tram VEPCO Sorry Urut 2 Reactor vessel Ra$ noted Major weaa inspected 1 rewove ereorcement erwiers meernal esposise anon Savemance av convoi conrof ee rodeactive mail sced eaves ransportanon & Nac rWo nonces SCHVE RT2J C , .H. PaLUSAMY.S S Westeghoura Eecine Corp WCAP. WRIGHT.F N . HOSE Y.C M Repon 2, Cac of to Orsclor B6 '01/ 21 12pp .

a 11505 87/05/31. 3600 44279 217 44279 251 44220 28744220 296 ' i 4402000042 Recpests ertenseon of interan roi.ef granted to comede el scheoute ior 8601210097NRC Irwo Notce 68401 'Satetr viecten Pipe Faaure

  • Svc tst enct estantanon of mods w*sco recaculaton spray purve ads contmus to be operatie ROSStC E CWecn et Operstonal Events Assessment (Post 47041?) 68/01/27. '

through rWentti pered based on reasons e 871204 le Consohdated E& son Co of Nee York. Wic 12300 44176 07&44176 197 STEW ART.W L vrgna Power Wr Elects & Power Co) 48/01/29 Documert Coreol Branch (Documort Controi .) 2pp 44282164 44282185 0402030343 Forearos Irep Repts M280/97 32 & Wi11/67-32 on 87111&20 & no-tces of votaten & deviabort. 8002000181 Concurs e/NUMARC 671127 comments e;pportog NRC proposed poecy JuuAN.C A Regen 2 Ole of the Drecicy 88/01/27 STE A ART W L vegraa Power statement on an aied schacues for WTiomentaion of paans mods per 10C8 R50 (Vegna Elects & Power Co 3 2pp 44217 223 44217 239 1 $TEW AR1.W L Pooer (V Electrc & Power CoI 84e02/0t. Document

  • Coreal Brarch t Cor*os 41p. 44275120-44275120

-4402030348Notee of voadon trom rap on 471116-20 voahon noted Proceose EP-102A Rev 1.maceowa$e m that cooucan wve ret as Attachmou 2 m proteture less 8002180267 Genere tv e44* re resAmon of Genere Saiety isswe 93. "Steam Bendn9 conservative een Tech Spec rieewpecoondoen curve Fose 3 t o of Aumary Feedester Pumps

  • Svc los enet M RAGitA F J Dnesevi of Operanonal E vents Assessmem (Posi 87041 ti 68/02/ t 7. JVuAN.C A. Regon 2. QIc of INe Drector 68/01/27 2pp 44217 22544217226 i

}'. Consoicated Eckson Co cd Nee York, lec 44pp 44524 016-44524 061 -46020Mm W W dee kom mse on 871ti&20 Dem now W m l , 4402220040 Grams ute 083125 request for e.toness or B60714 not provded adequate entien Nstercahon at step censhon occument eNro Proce. > appecairon seerseded on 470603 tar amenos to Lcerses DPR 32 4 DPR-37 re reor- ase EP t 02A cenates erom Res 1 of emergency response pasennes raten Jue to fact that recNest eAerseded escent reo neaton Notco ere JuuAN C A Regen 2. Otc of the Drector 83/01/27 1p 44217227-44217 227. e E 'cfn Mf'L'""J2?S?iLYS. * * * ' ' * ' ' ' ~ " * * ' " ' ' " ' a 2e =t=~ & a- -=2n035* catens noted ianaMagr sasareas *2**nanspected & *at/87-w = 47"am+mg nomacerned statt v tcensed operator I -4002220057Notce of ee@aeal of 660714appesson for amenos to Lcerees DPR^ 0 ^*" hhA0 2 of Pe Drecmr 66/01/20 upp I' TE Oroctorate a 2 64/02/17. 2pp. 44422 357-44422 358 44217 244429 FM l 8402230334Forea*ds Amends 117 to Lcenses DPR-32 & DPR-37.respectrve+y & sa'ety 6802030447 Forwards s@femental response to 4E Bunete 8346 re norconforming evenaanon.Amenos change 76 A Spec Sectons 3 7. ~tnstrumentaten Sys' & 4 8 mans s@pmed by Tube-Lee Corp m response to NRC corcerns dent 4ed e into 'Operamonal Sa4ety Revee* to tireq trem ri a7eemort e 'Westeghouse S TS N'C's @N8I# 4 @281#### , PATELC P. P olect Drectorate L2 68/02"? STE A ART

  • L Vrgna Power (Vrge- STE A ART W L Vapesa Power (vr as Elecyc & Power Co) 2pp 44443 05244,43 062 Coreal Elronch (Documert Corear ' peta vsa) 3pp ElectrC 44224 203 & Power 44224 Ce 205b $4'C1/27 Document

-4402230341 Amertis 117 so Lcenses DPR-32 & DPR 37 respectvely, chanyng Tech 4402020364Resconds to NRC 571229 tv re voabons noted #5 inso Revs %280/67- l Spec Sectons 3 7 4 41 re estrumentason sys & operatorel sa'e revee to breq 21 & D201/87 21 Cortectve actons afnrwsvatrve prxedLas prepared to provce t ysem anso c&oser agreemert e/Wesongnouse STS & to cerdorm e / padance

  • eC'M *9 DC' 'tal changes & sa'e evaivaterts BERKOWH N Propect Drectorate ti-2 HIC 2/t? 23pp 44443 054 44443 076 1 E A ARTW L V"egeta P'ower Nana ElecFC & o*er i e4 W28 Docwnert Contrce Brarch (Document Cortof Desy 7pp 44189 272-44189278 I

-8402130351 Safety evabaton s@ poring Amends 117 to Lcenses DPR 32 & DPR 373especvvesy 6401260102NRC irdo Notco 86-002. "Loss or Siosen Gauges " Svc bst en 4

  • CW%e of Nuclear Esactor Reyulaton, Drgetor (Post 870419). 66/02/17 6pp CUN4NGHAM R E Darason of & Medcal Pkciest Sa'ery (Post 470729 44443 077 44443 082 64'02/02 Coneohdated Edscm Co of Nee York. wt 12 W 44296 093-44296 213 9002260034 Contems880103 toconto680226 s mot meetr$g to present utit assessmere 8402010044 NRC w4o Notce 66403. "Cracks e Stroud $@part Access Home Cover i of operahons a future gces Weeds sec hst once t GRacEJ N Repan 2. Dec of the Drecsw 68/02rt7 STEWART.W L Vagna Feeer ROSSi C E Lvoon of Opershonat Events Assesweed Post 8704 t1) 66/02/02 (Vegria Elecinc & Poeer Co 31p 44504 06&4604 064 Consondated f $ son Co of Neo t ms. inc 112pp 44334 225 4433e 3A {

} r $802420255 rcrearde Wated ATWS mat paeg sys acha:on crotry piant specAc 6802020034 NRC Butlehn 68 001, "De4ects e Westeg%ouse Cecst Breamers

  • Svc est designper NRC 47ii eouest enct .

STE WAR 1 W L Vrg #ower (Vr Eisctre & Poeor Ce p 68/02/18 Documere ROSSLC E Dav isor or Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 6704111 88:02/05 ConyQ Bracch (Doc, merit Cortol ) 96cp 44498 OS3 44499148 Consohdated Ediscn C3 of New Ycat. inc 140pp 4433922&44340 004

  • I i

i f i 1 l l ' 40 -DOCKETEDITEMS 9000000036NRC EWReta 66402 Rt>9y Propaganng Fal@e Cracks a Steam Gen- 9002040373 Foreerds LLL Lae Rept UCO21246. " mic Irreact EMects em Spent i c'eice Tutws Sve nst erci. Fuel Assent *es? Rept we be ocorporated reo sport tues storage cash sad - ' ROS$1.C E. Dvoon of Operatenal Events Assessment (Post 870411). 68/02/05. reven pian to be putenried at taier case W/o enct Consondated Eeson Co of New York. anc.124m 44330 3374433100 RO8f RTS J P Fuel Cyche Safety Branch 66/02/02 JUDSON.8 F General Elece*c Co STEWAPT W L vegrwa Power (vege.a Elecinc & Pomor Co). UTLEY.E E. Carch 80000302M NRC Into Notse 664% *1nadequate Quakecahon & Documenta1cn of - na Power 4 Lgrt Co em 44266 272442Y ??S. Fee Samer Penetaton Sees" Syc hst enci . l ROSSt.C E. Dween of Operatonal Events Assessment (post 8704t1) eS/02/05. 9002060075 Summary of innt for Nctear Matis Uqt Spent Fuel Sacrage Sommer V on Conno6deied Eeson Co or New Yora, enc.124pp. 4433910t44339 224 880120,22 n Washreon,0C re apont bee storage e/mstMonal matters NOGERTSJ P. Fuel Cycle Sa'e tranch 64/C2/01 - LC. Fuel Cycle Sa'e9 ~ 8002140157 Responos to urresolved dems noted m JE insp Rept 50 281/e&36 Evane Greanch 2m 44265 27144265 2 2 ton & techrucal bassa for plant operamon & contaement been rate testng s/contan ment kner weld IBak Chase channel plugs estaned prowded $1EWART.W L vegne Poner (Yr Ehects & Power Co) 68/02/06 Document DOCEET $0 242 PRAIRit ISLA8eO NUCLEAR STATIOtt, UIsif 1 ' Convoi 8vancn (Document ContW .12pp 4436700444367091 80021103N NRC Into Atge 88405.

  • Fro e Annunciator Coned Cabeets Svc not F. SecurMy, moecal, *mergency & hre prowction plans r orci ROSSt.C E. Oveen es Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 870411). 04/02/12 4002030107 Roguests reves & approval of ord changes to obl Rea i t to opershonal Conootosted Eeson Ca of New Yort. inc 120pp. 44523 256-44524 015 OA orogram,reswng n manr vee,chon tar commaments to unnoncunced tre ords por iOCf R50 App R Fee pasd

$$62290204 Forwards Erecreement Conterence Rep's50-200/8tL12. $0-281/8612.$0- MVSOLF.D Northern States Power Co 64/01r22 ONe el Weiear Acactor RepAs-4 3D47-32 50 336/37-38.50 339/87 32 & 50 339/07-38 on 88v121 essues to ecpc. Mn, Drector LPosi 870411) app. 44220 30344220 74 ment g.ahtcahon problems et tacames escusseo GRACE.J N Regen 2. Olc of ine Oroctor. 64/C2/16 ST(WART.W L vagraa Powe 8402120177Resconds to NRC071231 #W re v@atens noted e insp Fopts50-282/47- t . (t'rgna Electc & Power Co11p. 44495 01844495096 to & 4306/4715 Correceve act9nsiong-terai correceve acton actwg estanabon I of test sw4c nes or estaAauon of protectnre covers on retay stuos coasmored =0002290416 Eneo rcemeed Confeence Roc n %280/8&12.4201/6&12. $4334/g7 LARSON.C E. Norinem Sta'es Power Co. s8/01/28 GuLDEMOND.* G. Repon 3. 3154336/87-38.50 339'67 32 & $0 339/87 34 on 88012t voanon noses taAse to Olc of tra Drector. 4pp 44341.150-44341153 place reparable steam flom eseuments m to e re@ red tme ' CfWT R E LL.F.S. Region 2. Cec of the Drector 64/02/0$. 78pp. 44495 019 . 4C495096 P. Operating beense stage documents & correspondence 6801210332Genere Lt 68-02 to as oceer reactor beensees re integrated Sa'ety As-G Portedic operating reports & retated correspondence sessment Program o CSAP 10 Svc hst enct baAAGLIAf.J Associans Dredor Icr Profects (Post 870411) 84/Q1/20 Consoldated 4042030027 Monthey opees repts let Dec 1967 W/680115 ler usan Co of Nee vors. inc sopp 44202 31944203 005. ** ^' ev 20pp 42'1 6 42 7337 4402030,1,07R,e,mests OA p a e re &caNeo. onvaler of enct - changes to uteedR,a1,e11 to operanonal , 5 0 "$ $ 3$*,$$*I2 Y'"'\*' * '*c'** " 55YIPYgS4Y'30 %*'4!!0L"*"""*" e 4 $402120164 Forewes repdacement pages to Atta$rnents 1 & R cf ongnal 471201 U. Operator Examinations - 'p'a*ta'sy or compieteN nssegr " cm re rev e piam W< R*1 m%anng sys actuaion lc WSOLF.D Nortnem States Poner Co 64'02/08 Documeri Contro Scench (Dow 68021004M Re@ests scheowleg of enams for sermor reactor operator & reactor coera- mens CortrW Desk) 17pp. 44341240 44341256 i br canedates bsted & loregros NRC Form 396. ' Personal Quantcatons Statement- l 8602120243 Notdcaten of 680223 meemg atuteWeshngnouse & Wasie Chem e Lcensee " tor as acpicants Wto enct STEW ART W L Vr Power (Yagna Enc *c & Power Co) 66/01/11 Regon 2. Rocsves MD to escuss actmevemowessons teamed 4 luNro plans & scheckAes for t Olc of tr<e Drecer .44308 2414 4306 242. spens tuoi rod conschdahon ser spent tues assemt*es Proposes moeteo agenos occi i DilANN'.D C Pvoiect Drectorate til-1. 88'02r10. VfRGIUO M J Pro,ect brectorsie m. 8002100365 Asenes that ret matis for reactor operatorteermor teactor operator bconseg 1. app 44342 06&44343 01 programs turrwehed m order to m erwt evabanon at bconne can@oates at facey 3f t A ART W L Vegeta Power (vryne Electnc & Power Ce ). 64/01/1s Regen 2. 6802190064Proedes ass rance of tee suppresse ea'er sys redundamey O. reg nota-C't of the Drecict 19 44310 17644310 176 ton or cecusateg mater pump secten bay Motor <sreen & easeHirnren are purrps run 6any to ver85 operabery 4002030343 Formada anse Repts 50263/67 32 & %261/87-32 on 671116 20 & ro M40LF.D Northem S'ates Pceer Co 88/02/tl Cmco cf Nuciew Reacsor Reguia. ecos of colaten & cemehan ton. Drectcr (Post 870411).1p 44445 032-44445 032 JULIAN.C A Regen 2, Olc of she Drector 84/01/27 STEWART.W L Vrgwta Power (Vrptsa Elecinc & Power Co ) 2pp 44217 223-48217 239 6402100M7 Geaenc LW 884t3 re resadubon of Genorc Sa'ety issue 93, Team Sceng of Avnwy Feedealw " Svc kst enci -4002030350insp Repts 504M 47 32 & M281/67-32 on 47111420 Votaans & oe. WRAGUA.F.J Decsen of. abore Events Assessmert (Posi s70411). 68!02/17. wobons noted Ma#ce e eat %cectes reecensed sta'f Danng.hceneeo opers5cr Consoscated Eoson Co of Nea vort inc 44pp 44524 016-4424 061 > 4 erpiementation of Genorr:Le 41-21 BAE B Regen 2. Dec of the Drsciar 66/01/20 12pp 44217 22644 '17 239 Y. Dry Cast independent Spent Feet Storege instamations 6402020246 Foreards Satety inso Repts 50 282/471? & R306/87a6 on 671115-a80102 No venatens notes GULDE MOND W G Regen 108c of the Drector o  % LARSON.C E. Northern 4402000276 Forwards Ivst annual update to SAR for ISFSi nnecoue pages marsed States Pooer Co. 2pp 44199 345 4419) M3 8 Word 4* h Pts a burin Isrne coeumert amo rced smce incepp -4402020264 Insp Repts W282/47.17 & %M6<4b'4 art 571115 480102 4s ve a-Br or ) 429 42 1 mens cr devatens noted Masor acess marwtied piant operesonal maint osvemances.EF sysmaraton ter thWwagonoeup of LERs & -8002000200 Amend 4 to trst anrwal updais to SAR tar ISF Si g Power (Vegava Eisc1nc & Power Co) 87/12/30 89p0 44292 005 sap $FA $QR Regen 10lc ol the Drector 64'01115 7pp 44199 34744t99 353 6602020337 Farewds response to NRC 471106 Coppharco Bus ein 874102 Matt & 0802920055 Sumthery of recort % e/Nuc1 ear Assurance Coro to sutvruttal of ne* cheme,*as cepo of tour nestsrentate'v-or at sa'ety+e:aiedrW hvoress & ronsa'ety mis re'ates tasierers wenn spec e/ee icpcets bed rod 'aeot tor dry sport Ne4 worage casa design ice storage of consohoated spent LARSON C E 4:rthem btates Poor Co 64/01/26 Document Control Branch (Docu. ROSEMTSJ P Fuel Cycae Sakty Branch 88/01/27. ROUSE.L C Fuoi Cycio Sa'ety ,ne,it contos Dest) sece 44tM 3xh44199025 Branch 1p 44166 359 44184 3$9 ' 6401210097NRC WWo Nance 66-001.

  • Sasety insetton Pipe Faasre ' Svc sat enct j 0802030234Foreros Amend 2 to Lcense SNM-2501.rewseg Tech Spec Sechons 14 ROSSi C E C>emon o Operatonal Events Assessment IPost l'0411). 64'01/27 4141 of App C to rasososcal envron operahng regi Conschosted Essen Cc of Nee vore,. mc 123co 44176075 441741e?.

' ROUSE.L C Fuei Cvoo $ den Brawn 6o01/2r STEW ART

  • L vegna Power (Yv.

grte Elecinc & Poeer Co) 2pp 4422S Sa4-44225 352 6402020289 Adeses that m Steam Generator 21 two mere tutes owe pLyps ter total of 69 Ntes .w plugged 4 three mcre Whee tot total of 130 t@es ron peugged n -4002030250 Amerd 2 to Lcense SNs4 2$01 tor VEPCO, teeseg App C Tech Soec Gewater 22 per Too Spec 41 t t & recent rserece inso of urut Secsons 14 & 141 to change ennwei resougcal envron operanng rept to sersan. MuSOLF.D karinern Staies power to 6a/0t126 Orcs of Nuciear Reactcr R4Aa- * #baat root & correcturg 1>M e i 'rectrar tPcs 87041 t) 10. 44200 03S 44200 035 ROUSLL C Fuel Cycie Saiety Branch 68/01/27. 4pp 4422$ 346 44225 349 84 '77 Responos to NRC871231 itr te vestens roted en into Repts W282/07- t -400M30M3 Notshes por 10CFR$122tc)1 t tai cLe to no sigrwhcant mcrease m poten- octrve actens norttee corrocove acten mcbrkng sista4aton tai tar or conseguences from radc*vcal secderei,.rc encronments assessmert cr iXi6'87.15 Xnes or Ccr'ma!cn esta of grotectre covers on reia, stuos conssoered act eerranted to Amend 2 to Lceese $NM-2501 L. L Nort%em States Power Co 68/01/26 GADE90N3 W G Regen 3. 'SE L C twer C 64'01/27 Fut4 Cycie Saiet> B* arch 1p Olc . 1 rector 4pp 44341 tW44341153 , 04225 350 4422S Sw_ ycle Sa'ery Branen 6401M0102 NRC into Notee 66 002 ' Lost or Steeen Gauges " Svc Lst enct -4002030273 Notco of esuarte d Amend 2 to L conse SNM 2501 CWNINGHAM R E Creson of industraf 4 Medcal 4.cisar Sa'ety (Pcet 670729) l i ROUSE A C. Fuel Cycte Sa*ery Branca 86/01/27. 2pp 44225 351-4422$ 352 68/02'02 Conococated Esson Co of hee 'fors. Inc 12tpp 44?we 091-44&J6 213 [ i a - --,-.-.-e- - - , ,, r -, ,n DOCKETEDITEMS 61 4402010044 NRC into Not<e S$403 "Cerss e Srvad Supcort Access Mc4e Cover 8802180293 Advses ute of Reqpon lit etent d towetted.10 ar'aage tane & 04 ace to tor-Wetos " S4 hst encs mah present konse cer%cales to me *y kenned rovwbats e recogvton of gcorn. ROSSA C E Dvwon of Operatonal E vees assesyrent tPost 870411) $$< 02. 02 ceshmerd of rdv<bais havvy {pne throWh stu3y & traswrg Consc4Saied Edson Co of New Yors irt. 11290 443M 225 44338 336 WRGHT.G C Regon 3 O*c or the Drector 84 02 12 W ALD%E R I, H Nortnern Staters Neer Co ip 44M8 305-44.168 305 4402020034 NRC Bvhetsi 68401. ' Ceec+s e Wes!<9%se Cacut 8<eaars ' Syc hst enct $402290044 Intorms that konsee tret sa cer==tmerus reted vi Amerd 1 to 8?O614 ROSS8 C E C4sson cd C$erswe Events Assewrent ins' 8 ?O411) 68 '02< 05 Confamaiory Acton Lv Rm 87413 re recovery proq/am lot bce^ sed operator req akt* Consohdated E> son Co of Nee York. Inc 140cv 44339 225 4434)(C4 Caton program Corifrutcry A: ton Le closed inso recta enc' D4VIS A B Report 3 Cwc of the Drectr 88'02/23 LA'aSON C E Northern States 4802020035NRC BJhete 64 CC2. "Racedty Picoagating Fat 9ue Cracks e Steam Ge4 Power Co. tp 44514 136-44514 145 eraw Tees Sec hst enct ROSSt.C E Chsica of Operatcoat Events Assessment Inst 470411) S$<02 05 480??90116 Formands Scecw Safety into Repts 50 28248c3 4 50 X6c6842 on CorosaN4 E3 son Co 01 Nee VorA inc 124;c 44338 337-44333 t00 ent al oecatsyss trornupsated SAR 68012M210 ricb$^g ta.lse voatayt too810CFR55 reQure ocerators receeve sa & po'cyoe ha rete 3 4802020228 NRC late Notice 68{04 'wa,$4 ate (kaaf<ation & Doceents' ion of MuER H J Repon 3 One of ese Drector 68 T2,23 LAR C E Northern States Fee Barer Penesabon beais " Sec kst end Power Co 2pp 44514137445t a 134 ROSSi C E Droson of Ocvvatonal Events Assessfrent $ Post 87041'l 88 02/05 Conscadated Eem Co. of Nee York inc 24pp 4431410144339 224 443??t0120 Special Safety into Rectsr A282/68 0J & 9300 68 02 on 680120 C210 No matorst or oecatons noted Mapr reas rupectej ver4ation of avaemerv 4402170067 Fyerds trusseg Page 55 tryn ute 680126 response to NRC BJete 87- lation cd actor's descrced e Amend i 50 Contumakyy Acton LW Rui 87413 002 LOVE R S . SHEPARD D L BURDiCn.T M Regon 3. O*c of the Dreciw 88/02/18 LARSON C E Nor*hern Sta*es Power Co 8002'10 Domment Cc<*of Branch (Dccv' 7W 44514139 44514145 ment Controi Desh) 2pp 44J52 310 44352 311 8802110324 NC Into NoNe 68405 4*e e Annunc,ator Control " Sec kst DOCKET 54284 IOAHO STATE Uselv. RESE ARCH REACTOR enci ROSSI C E Deson of Coerava! E vents Assessment .Nst 870410 8e '0212 Cors%.3a'ed Ceson Co of Nee vors. tr* 12 Cop 44523 256-44524 015 V. Operator Eaarninattoris 4402290049 tnf yms tut licensee met ai cornrreents noted e Amer 41 to 8708'8 $402110347 Cor*ms teicca a tarverients for Wyvstraton c4 reactor ocerator & Contsmaiory Ac'en Lv R%8L013 re recovery cacgram Ice acensed oc4srator rewsw Se' caron prc9eam CoMrmanyy Acton Dr cioses nso rects et acc"or reactor rc <ed konse resorenca qsesams ks'ed e at fa#v ence Ch/eg tetore == of to314 80502 Mgt W ested to fvresh oea>re Davis 4 9 Fie.;pce 3 Cuc of the Drector 88 02:23 LARSON C E Nce.hern States CALLAN.L J Repon 4, CA of the Drector 88 'C2 + 05 CHAR y u U V ida%o Siale Power Co ip 445141 b44514145 Urvv , Pocateao. ID 800 44318 321-44318 344 -8402290115 Fueros Specs Sa'eN inso Rec 4s 50-282 H43 & 50-3W 8C2 ca ate of 10CJR55 & pyeete oecatons komvcca'ed SAR 6801204210 Potects DOCKET 50-285 FORT C ALNOUN ST AT10M, UNIT 1 ccwmg fa.e ure to verps vo, ccera'cvs to receeve all crcie eariq nofed M LLER H J Repon 3 Olc of the Carector 88'02/23 LAASvN.C E Nutr'ern States Power Co 2pp 4451413744514138 F. Security, me$ cal, e#nergency & fire protectior, piena -88022901M Scecw Sa'eN tesp Repts 50 282'P43 & W304 84 02 on 880120-0210 ?eactons viciatens or cer.avn noted 4401270241 Foreros pecoretre esponse r 53 A Bowsa 87CW9 comrwis re mrsceca-taten of oeweco e Amend 1 toMap reas espected,ver*caton ue'vmatcry Acto Ltr Am-87-Ot3 of <nve* necus aneect' search toovremeats Enci =1hne+3 LO=E .R S . SHEP ARD 0 L BJRDCK.T M Repon 3 C*c of tre Oro,. lor 88 a12 /18 ANDRE WS R L C>nara Putac Poewr Dstret 88/01/09 Docar'ent Ccmtrol Branch 7pp 44514129 4451414' (Documerit Cor' trol Dese) 1p 44104 2f.,744104 267 8bl2110343 pages to ra$oepcal emergency resooree p=an W MC2C8 nr R. penodic operating repo-ts & related correspondence Aggpg 63 Revrsed,ne$a g g g PJt*C Power DstrC1 &&'01/19 41pp 44320 226 4f 320 2i4 8402290340 AnNei rept c4 c<cucawa' esposse & ssN*y & re>ei va ve teihees 4 4802180057 Rev 5 m Emergercy Pian tmcwement.nq P'cce$are E PtP TSC-8. "Estamate cha erges W 88222v

  • c4 Cnre Damage " & ree sed tatue of contents W cAC210 rir Mv50tF.D Nort*ern States %er Co th 12'31 aco 44529 334 44529 337 ANDRE WS R i Oma%a Pw,ac Pcreer Distoct 88 01/19 71pp 44)67 344 44E8 054 4402170290 Month', . SMg red's for Jam 19M W.8M208
  • 8602020334 Forwards inso Roof W285/87 24 on 870901-33 & retaces of Malon &

DUG 5 T AD D . M J ' F D Nartnern 5 aies Power Co 6&O1/11 9pp 44 6641D deccion Too wrvetorv ed tems s'so toed 44M4138 C.ALLAN L J Regen 4 Ole of Ine Dreclar 88/C1'25 ANDAEWS A L Omaha PW< Power Dstnct 2pp 44199192 44199 219 S. Reportat>le occurvences, LERs & renated correspondence 3802020344 Notace of occaton korn esp on 870wC1-30 De<41on rces te4/e to issue stono estateshng com*vried riteevn measses tot ccewol cd Ice ta~e s 6802220244 Pad 21 rept re esta%aton of rea, Prt Bav32DN ri Festero 62H coetroL

  • Repon ( Olc of the uvector 88 01/25 1p 44199196 4419911#6 lets in facMen SJ.q re'ay fNst te repace3 ty reat Pr1 NC t MJN Regy 88WDN rot use e am ot*er c. ants $402030140Foreros insp Rept50 285 67 29 on 871101 >3 4 neNe c4 voatrsn EE R9t R;4N M J Fost,oro Care 87/12 21 GOLLENJ NRC No cwa ed A%aton CALLAN L J Repon 4 09c of the Dvector 88/01/27 ANDPC W S A L Cmasa Pw<

Power Chstrct 2pp 44222 274-44222 2v6 Grven to 44427 141 44427 141 8802020250 LE R 87-0C2-C1 ce 8722^ rorma! sNtw to c1 sNtav staned he - 4802030144 Notre of rotaten from rso on871101-30voeten re'es Proceo/e 50-to steam 9eNraw prevy to-secor*1e9 team Causes t3 desgn eaor Emy cur ent G t 7 wnd not to reo.sre techrer si wercsor to sceafy posi maot teeg regne F40 per9orrael Crevice husreg a toric & cm tior.c a:eds 333e3 W $3c127 itr montsn or 33 CQE imteo.COE & tre proiettaon erpt HUNS 7 AD A A , MJSOLF D reortSeen Syys Power Co 8811 > 2 7 7pp 44 99 338-

  • Repon 4 Osc of the Drector Se 0126 Pop 44222 2 76 442221/7 44199 344 4802160234 LE A 87420 00 on 871019aAo s*a t cd compycat cor><q eater wo *2 -E,802030178 inse Rept ispectw scAwevo 50 285'87-29 on precouw, cri 87110130 naent.ted a msLERVoatens retw Man swe'y tcNe4 3Gerawed eas occated CLe to om eschrge h= ade press # 3 Ca ssW L1 procek ver4atice plant Icus Wetpe6ated sys na t33 ens & montNy rrect easeovary Preeart test vocedse rnostes tc rexere ra4%a. s:rtrg of pW r MARRE LL P H RE tS T *tSTERV AN T F Regon 4 Q*c of tre Dvecw 88'01'24 89C204 @ 19ep 44222 278 44222 296 l

HvN57 AD A. MJSOLF.0 Nort*ern $?o'es Preer Co BS C2 C4 5pp 44352 045 44352 ce9 uC20202s4 Foreras ins, Reci me5:u ci on uco4 o8 & ower, newe o vio8atson W /c riotice D' v&alon CALLAN L J Repon 4 Dec of the Deector 69 '01/ 29 4 NDAE 6 5 A L Oma*4 Puta.c i

v. Operator isammations %er Dstect 2ro 44 tr.m 19544 its 197 8802020245 Fcrearos Sa'e*y msc Repts M;e2 87 t' & % 306 8t16 on 6 71115 -8402020278 Pvtany e rShead inso Rept 50 265 M-01 on HN S4 Ce cet l 1 AF R73 21) Wav noted Ma<< a eas especieo v4s<at ea rers F A *Eurq sys i 660W2 No voadcas netM Po*er sepy assesyreni aos access convos personrei Jeiechy, aos & a um sta-G,JLCf MDND is G Rern 3 On of the Drseior 88 Ci e15 LAASOre C E Not*em tos States Power Co 2W 441H 345 44199 353 E AANESt A B . Y ANOf LL L A Regon 4 CWc of the teecu 88'01/29 1p 441M 19744196197

-8802020244 into Rec >ts 5') 242 8717 & M E6 8 7a6 on 471115 6901C2 No voa. wns cv Sev4 tons nc4W U4pr ae escected p ant ocer atorw sate *y marit surveiliances E Sr s,g p,,,e, suon io,a,sei s eaing ensung tonc erap of L E 8402040331 Rs & Revsed pages to relucg<a emergene, ressorse em W ' BC20t er A%RE W S R L OmaSa Pain : Powere Dsyct 48 02,01 2 boo 44251162 44251147 st49 CharW2es C(F AYETT E R Re?on 3 CN o' the Ovector 68'01/15 7pp a4199 347 44193 353 4802050091 Res serf emey. ncy c4aa avementrg preceires tat e c4 8802040224 Prwoes Dermes for perva m arketion staiement A31e9/n to NRC cor9en's Rev 5 e E PW RH 9 re fQent*y & recovery ecpprent procveq %1 & Re, 3 Form 3d6 reGped IG tie screerded D Regain He olc or'Ce ag4*v sat ccytes Waerig to E AP RR 64 re emer@ency recovery orgrkfrons secety coor@raur W 6N2O1 Ftr re pueremeras & re;e-ved prior to taam ca e ANDRE WS R L FRA%Q F F Oma>4 Pignac power (gtnct M O2 '01 15gp WR<,HT G C Aepn a O'c cd ** Drecw em T2 '01 Comea'm E w Co 3pp 44251 C'91-44251093 44259 213-44259 227 4802180252Forea $s smot rep *(aion enam gvo at HB Rote er Per e gener- 4802290300 Re is to NaC 880125 per te voa%ons & Sev, awe re*co e ins Rece sing Queshces tor ant Oa'e 3 les%g tator tNs yv L% encoursgM to tegras reces of M265 SF 24 ockve actions mg! grtenton s cre nw re se*3 crirdions & 3y.06 giryams 4 franconer Cdrirwtme'ts to aNomodate sMort 6 o enc s sgieresors ricreased behency of guent tgyrs W%sMT G C Repi 3 O'c ed the O=ecur le C2 '12 W ALDNGE R L M Northern ANDRE W S R L OmaSa Peihc Fower Oswei 48 C2 24 Casmerd Contrs Eva-o States Poeer Ce s'@ 443 P1359 443?' %0 (Cucumeni Caeros Desa) 6pp 44517 353 44517 M0 ' 42 - DOCKETEDITEMS-J. insurwice a e.eemnier wd.rmamea immem ro,en. wap Roc so.a5/ei.29.n amoim a no.c. u on 000900014e Feremos Erdorsements 67 4 69 to MAE(U Poley UF43 & (43orsements CALLAN.LJ Repon 4. Oc of the Drector 8SrQ1/27. ANDREWS.R L Omaha Put4c se A to so NELnA Pokey NFW7 Power DeWCl 25 44222 2I444222.296 , PETERSON.N E. Ornaha Putdc Poese Ostset. 88/01/22 04NtT2.t Oetco et Notasar-4002630164 Notco of wotathon kom map on a11101-30 Votaion noILd Procedure 50 - Reactor RegJabort. Drector (Post 8?O411A 9m 44276 04144276 049 G 1F tound not to recure techreaf superwoor to scech posteact testrig re&re- . monts for as COE.amme40X 4 tre pr$echen emement P Operatmg acenae stage secumerits & carroependence

  • Regcn 4. Olc of the Drector.68/01/26 2pp 44222 276-44242 277.

8401210332Gerenc tir 6842 to at poner reactor kcensees re integrated Safety As. -4002030174 Insp Rept n2es/tr.29 on 67110140Votatens note uaxr men sessmert Procram u CSAP 19 Sec kt enct e oectedtopomup ort pro ously centded asms.LER tonoeup.csershonal satetr F 'Aatenptart tours sateev. rotated sys earsoons & mast WiRAGLIA,FJ Assac ase OrJctor tor F,etects (Post 470414. 88/01/20. Cormohdated F ARRELLP H . RErs.t, wt$1ERMAN.T F Reipon 4, Ofc lho Drect.. 68/01/24 Eeson Co W Nee Vors, Inc. 4 App 44202 31$44203 005 Opp 4422227844222296. t ma.a,e,u re in,-s e e- m Amer 10ga,es 2..E,r m .ase so ,. a a. ==xm Fm ANDREWS.R L Omaha Pubhc Power Distnet $8/01/28. Doccient Cor trol Branch em s r ve .eto~einn aspt .s wantu . ed m ~on e s.,m,00, ,e No am o, - (Docisner4 ConeW Desaa 2m 4419& 316-44194 317 CALLAN.LJ Regen 4. Oh of to Drector 88/01/26 ANDREWS.R L Omaha P@he Power Dennct. Em 44194 13344194 153 9002100430 Foreads e*s mio re ual reeconse to Genonc Lv 9646per 3712ts re&est Sam lesson p6ans for reactor coolwa pump tro seategy & natural cscula- -4402020304 Insp Rept $4265/97-33 on 87120131 No motatens or demanons ton revee e rescense to Questen 2 towse m Attactsment 4 reeed Mascs wees espectedfon o ew on previovary centshed soms.LE R tosoeup.operatonal salety verkanon a ptart tours ANDREWS R L Omaha Peac Power Dstret 88/02/04. Document CorDol Bennett (Document Cor4rd Desh) 64pp 44369173 44369 24 F. MARRELLP H, REFE.T. WESTERMAN.T.F, Regen 4. Ofc of the Desctor 48/01/27. 22pp 4419013244198151 400214010$ Formede apptcason for amend to Lcense DPR-40.reveng Tech Specs 4 Secson 2 & 5 Fee pad $402020213 Foreards insp Rept %26S/07 34 on 47120x11 No vedatens or dew etons noted ANDREWS R L Omaha P@he Power Osect 68/02/06 Document Contot Branch (Documerit Conrot cos=> to 44348 276-4434a 291 CALLAN.LJ Regen 4. Dec of sie Drector. 68/01/29 ANDREWS.R L Dmaha P@6c Power Dsyct Ppp 441Se 09>44ise tt3 107 App -8,002140. - ate v sed s,6 canon ecame re- orforase~s amendsem to,Lce,nse re s.sDPR-40.rewm.n.g Tech4002020286 Specs to imccrpow o so 4,c eas . or devoteris ANDREWSConeof 8iL Omana a,nso Rept see . ase,s _$4285/87-3,4.on.o,f12071,1,N,es,v,e

(Document Dest) Pucec Pueer 6pp 44348 Dsuct 64/C2/C6 27744346 262 Docwnent Contal Brarch NICHOLAS.J B , .RA Y.8 Regen 4 oc of tw Dweeter el i/M.' I Ppp '

44198 0974 4196 113 -.mi.01 0 Proposed Sp-s me ,c,..n. ,-eed s-e.,ce -emen, for  ! NOmaP4 mm,6. ,o,e.d ,s, Re,, m,6,, , o, ,,4. ,,o,e1,, no,ce o, Osect 88/02/C4. 95 0 44344 2834434* t .mirone F- ,yrepee , R c W Anr.13% .E.ien ed .~ $N#[Q(%^% ~ Ds a 2* a =DeMar *a = t68/0U29 et ANDREWSR Omha W ** % 'A Z"Tsd J***d.*ran*"" " ' ' ' ' ' "'" ' -mamre P w'v -**d iasP asa w asra41 = *

  • os s ANDREWS (Doccent A L Cmsaha ConrW Des =4 toP@ec 44.J63Feeer Dsect290, 26044363 $4'02/12 Occumere Contal Branch 10CFR73 21) Votaten noted Mar r e Fees espected physcal bemers PA.secunty sys suppey assessment ads access coneol. personnet.detecten ads 4 awrm sta.

-4002170337 Rev 0 to "Estended Burfse Rept ser Fort Calhoun Reloass XM & XN 5 (Bechen K 4 4- E ARNEST.A B . Y ANDELL.L A Regen 4. Otc of the Drector 88/01/29 to 44196 19744194 197 WAHLOutST st J Adranced Nuedear Fuels Corp. (formerty Esson Nuciew Co. PE). ANF47139(NP) R00 88/01/31. 30pp 4436326144363 No. 9001240102 NRC ento Nonce 8640L

  • Lost or Stolen Gauges.' Sec her enct 6402 t002t? Genere LW 8843 to resoluton of Genenc Safety issue 93. "Steam Sw.g CUNN#3 HAW R E Desen ce Musmal 4 weecas Nuctear Saiety (Post 870729 64/02/02 Consohdated Eason Co of Nea vors. inc. I2tpp 4429609444296213 of

-- Avuary ~see ,Feeoenter C e,atoPurv,a .<aSvc,est enct Assessmer, cost .7a m u,wir Corischosted Eason Co of New Yors. tre 44pp. 44524 016-44524 061 ==>=4 NRC wo -. ==. xr-,e m Sa-d S- -e Coor Wesos Svc kst once. 8002250164 ForwFCs fequest IDF &&S WWo lo Corr 4 mete rewee of NUREG 0737.Mem ROSSLC E Dmson of Operatonal Events Assessment teost 87041t) 68/02/02 1 s Consohdated Eeson Co of New Yors. inc 112gg 44338 225-44338 336 c D t, Po.rtormance Testrig of Remef 4 Sete8y Vanes

  • Into needed withm 60 days of

. ===n Damsses , u. .r,m a -emen-n , m,r-e.e Osmct 11pptA.A Provect Drectorate TV 68/02/17. ANDREWS.A L Omaha P@he Poww 4447415644474166 actons tar Anacevnents 2 4per 470410 corrmtment

i. resoons=e to concems nc4eo e notre os viosaten 4 prosmed unposeton of csv4 peaa%

900221415? CA S-mn 2 F.orwards apphcahon for a, mend to Lcense DPR40.revesng Tech Po.LLAN LJ Regon 4 Spec or Dsyct 2pp 44281067-44281259 Orc of the Drector. 68/02/03 ANDREWS.R L Oma$a P@he re m esFeepad -a e reened s .eeance r- =r oa - .-e .. n ,or. -a d r- to oo . aten ,e safe, s,s ae ANDREWS.R L Omaha PutAc Power Ctstrct to/02/19 Documeni Convol Branch ' (Dacument Control Desa) to 44481 264 4 4441 290 mod rispimplementahon or correenvo actens m prowess 4 enany actons comp 6eted Updates to Attacfiments 24 of uts 470410to errt ~4402260171 Appbcahon ecs amend to Laonse DPR40 amendmg Tech Spec Secton 2 ANDRf WS.M L Omaha P@he Poew Dsmet 47/12/23 MARTIN R D Regon 4. Orc to mcorporate revoed survesarce requrements tor gaseous maste reteases of the Drector 19tpp 44261069 44261259 ANDREWS R L Omaha Pubhc Power Dsyct $4/02/19 Documert Coneet Brych (Document Contof Ossh) esp 44481 2854 4481 290 4402020034 NRC Suhetn $$-001, "De4ects m Westrighouse Crcuit Breasers

  • Svc hat enct

~44,u2250160 1 re-s toPropowd, Tech . eSpecs re .s.sreve. rig Secton 2 to mcorporate revoed sunted. gM$ g i(n *#*#'p$4Y22$ gep 34

  • Omaha Pec Power 88:02/19 Bop 4444129144441294 ,

f 84020200H NRC MM 884R ~RaincPy Prope34 trig Fea@as Caates m steam GeV orator ides ' Svc kst onct O. nnePection reports. IE Buaetmo a correspondence E a ses 4 80/022 3 , 9002020334 Forwardsv inse Reos 50295/87 24 on SW130 & nonces of violaten & oevismort fwo unswsoe ed eerre e'so noted. $40,2,020214,NRC 1 CALLAN.LJ Regon 4. 08c of rie Drector 68/01/2$ ANDREWS R L Omaha P@hc p syne Peneeanonmee Sea Notte +s" Svc 68404. hst encs "inadequase Quanteaton & Documentaten of , Power Dsrct 2pp 44199192-44199 219 Ross,C E Desca os Osersbonsi Events Assessment Post $XMty 88/02/05 3 1 Consondated Eason Co of Neo york. Inc 124pp 44339101-44339 224 ' -9402020342 Notte of vioianon kom insp on SF090130Volatons nesedfadure to prooerty stre gas cytriders e apery & to estacksh procedure tor control of $e02120134 Forem mac Root 2265/p42 e 88010415 & m ( wam

l. erschon of nernporry scanoiding n reas e sa'ety~reeated oppmunt CALLaNLJ DeectRevon 4 Otc of the Drector 88/02/08 ANDRE tNS R L Omana Pubhc

' Rogert 4, Dec of Ihe Cvec1cr 84701/25. Ppp 4419919444199195 Power 3cp 44341137.44341146 -mm0m Noic. or oev.s .om msp on aw130 Dow now eae,o io -ao2*a **c4 c' *** **' m=o oa 580*'5 waa r=*d 'a*'e m ac-Repon CPc 08 0 1 99 196 99 96 Repp 4 o re - 88 061p 44m 14144Hf 140 -4002020369 inso Rept S0 286/07-24 on 8 70901-30 Votahons & decanons -8002120143 meo Rest SO26S/6442 on 663104-tS veiation noted Mapor areas noted hearor reas inspected LE R losoeup operatonal sa+ety verscahonpant espected tasowup on preveup, dentded 4 ems tours sate *y retaird nyt mamocons & mores, enere & survenance observatens PtCR.G A . GAGLIARDO.J E Regon 4. 08c 64ARRLLL P M, REIS T , HUNTER.O R. Region 4. Osc of the Drector 88/01/22 44341 14144341.145 of Pe Drector 88/01r26 Spo 23pp 4419919744199219 r g mi21 7 NRC wo %e noorswet, in,eao, Poe Fa.,e - Svc hat once l ROSSLCE Dween of operatonaf Ivonts As 47041 9 84/01/27 ions Ittkre msp noied n ew ase *26s/.ris C--wo acions io te eaa-ned a,me Consondated Eason Co os Nem Vors. wc 123g,sessment (post 44176 075 44176 197 CALLAN L J Regen 4 Olc of the Drector 64/02'11 ANDREWS R L OmsM P@mt 0802020344 Formards todated resocree to volabons acted en eso Rept 60 265'67- Power Dsect 259 44420 101-44420 107 I CS Correctve actcms uns cerenceted 4 asued mieren kirwang pecebres orpsemented m hae y if=47 4 new sta purchased tor men steam sa sty vaa res 6402110328 cict NRC No Notice 66005 Fee m Anrunc4 tor Convoi Cabriets" Svc hst I ANDREWS R L Omaha Pythc Fooes Darc1 84/01/27 Document Conpol Branch , (Documore Coeerol Desa) ef9 44199116-44199125 ROSSIC E Decson c4 Operabonai Events Assessment (Post 4 ?0414. 68 t2 < 12 Consondated feson Co of Neo yces mc thorp 44$2s 266 44524 Of S i s r __m . DOCKETEDITEMS 63 8602179129 Forearos insp Rept 50 295 6844 cm 660111-15 No w:Hatsons or dev+. 4602160319 FO.s'ds amerced SALP Rept 50 268/65 98 Oct Dec 1965 - May atens nc4ed 1987 Overas asses. merit of facety cceration concbses tru. mcreased rNt attention L ALLAN L J Regen 4. 08c of the Drector 88 'OP12 ANDREWS R L C>na% P#c ree3ed to re&ce ruhr of chanenges to reactor prme: ton 3,s Power Dsinct 2w 44422 074 44422 084 RUSSEtt W T R49en 1 06c of the Drec1GW A JOS8GE R.W Nee York Power Authorey Formeriy Power Avt%onty ofethe S,4,92/09 of Me Vort.) dpp 44350 224 -4802170133 insp Rept 50-285 68 44 on 840111.15 % veiabons or derat cos 44350 3C2 noted Mary areas s'spected scM radeas'e & redoactree mat >s Wansportalen prc9 rams sche; orgavaton & mgt conecas Ir&#wrq & Fanspcttaten 8402160320AP 'ed SALP Rept50 2 % 65 93for Dec 19s5 May 1997 bat A A E . YvRRAY.B Regran 4. Olc of the Drector 68/02/10. 9pp 44422 076 Regen t ove ce n D,ector 64'02r09 6)w 44350 23a 44350 M2 44422 064 4402240071 Respords to NRC 880119 ftr to notice of vn:naton & proposed emposeton of two per4*y noted e inso Rept 50 285487 21 Correctrve acions Room 5 door H. Geeeral correspondence kxhed 4 as dcors m very Np raiaton west outsde cordasyne^t verded as locned ANDREASAL Omar.a Pa*c Power Dstret 68/02/18 LtEBERMAN.J Qtc of En- ggggg}g4g l Comment on proposed r#es 10CF R411.25 30 40 50. sa rcement (Post 470413) 14m 44453179 44453192 60 F4 75 95 & 110re retenton pered enr records Proposed cr4Nes cel-teceve m *Jl.cq rems WCd & ruie recrag siconsstent & cort.Wh 4402250043Chscusas inso Rept 50-285 '87 27 on 8709231002 & 110246 &loreards BRONS J C New Yckh Pueer A#orcy ltormerly Pceer At%ordy cJ the State of New rwe of voeton & p oposed wnposacn d cred pena *y Yory 47/12/3i Docaets & Serwes Branch 6 @ 44224 217 44224 222 MAAT A R D Repon 4. Orc o m Drector 58. 02'22 ANDRE A$,R L. Omaha Putec Po*er Distrct 2&p 444?6102-44476110 4402040127 Comment supocriq propceed rse 10CF A50 re preoosed pokey statemerit -4802250067 los - . Nc*ce,of volaton%eme& Sm5 prcoesed law wTos, e p .eeton o,.f 3e csv4 - o .es pena - ty s vi emount of h,RCm JIc Nee [*, o,, ,_, ,,, ,ome, o . ,o,,heS ,e , Nee tor perWmance al survecance les1AQ acirv't,es on dry pc4 sys VM) 68/01< 25 Docketty & Serrices Branch a 442 % 271 44255 274 M AR f:N R D Region 4. 01c or the Drector M/02/22 7pp 44476104-44476110 4402290300 R 4s to NRC M0125 str te voatons & oecaten roted #1 Insa Aept 50 295,87-24 edwe &cNr s mgt a9enton screased re fed corotons & stahon A insurance & andenhy Informahort SJp(.rv'scrs mereaseJ treQXcy of plant to#s ANDAE AS A L Ore 4ha Pwt4; Poeer Dsrct 88/02/24 D3cument Cor' trol parcr 0402170137 Forea*os NEUA Cert 6 car NW 63 & Eroysements 1 & 2 VAELU Cern (Dccument Cet'of Desy Pop 44517 3t344517 J60 cate VA 26 & Emiyser*ents 1 & 2 NELA CertAre Nw 71 & Ercorsemens 1-3 MAE LU CertNa'e WA 15 & Eroysements 1-3 & Erossement 78 to NEILA Po'cy NC 195 R. Penodec operateg reports & related correspondence o corg,4 D J Ma*sh & Viennan. Mc 8002>09 DN:T21 0"te of %ciear Pe-ac'cp Re94aton. Drecict (Post 8 7J411). 217gg 44420 t 10-44420 326 8402140200 Forearcs mcet'vv oceroq rept for Jan 1988 & revised s%eet teco n Drc 1967 mont+vy overaug rept ANDAE AS R L Ceata PAhc Power Chs.vct 88'02/12 Docurnent Control Brarch P. Operateg scense stage documents a correspondence (Cocumeet Contros Desal 1p 44450 273-44460 281 -4402140214MontNy operat rect lor Jan 1984 4401210332 Genenc Lir 6402 to as power reactor meees te in'egrates Sa'ety As-B ESS E W J OmaSa Putec oeer C sect 88'01/31 7pp 44490 274 444A0 263 sessmert Pro; ram Il BAP n) See bst enct M A AGUA F J Assoc 4'e Drectcv for Proects post 6?0411) $4'Cle 20 Connhda'ed -8802180217Rev' sed page to enyWy opera?q rect for Dec 1987 correctog tygo E$ son Co of Nee vork. Irc 4Bpp 44202 319 44203 0C5

  • Omaha PutAc Power Detnct 87/12/31 tp 44460 29144460 291 8802090564 Formads execa'en for amend to Lcense DPA A4.reheciq orgaNahona:

cr'Jnges F et pad S Reportatpe occurrences, LE As & related correspondence o of the Stre of Nee BAO,Ns Y ork J c New Docenent 85/02:05 yces powerContro otyty porm B'anchrg Pewer Othor,. (Document of Cesy 200 8705270348 Soeoni rept on 870416 $s overed thai Door 1011-1 d4 not wtrm t,i 44249 316-44289 330 ree frame a9er msmaton of nee ic<aset 4 he secw% tco cynroer Occr ret /ned nor evens & regnstaAed on670427escee$ng Tecn Spec 2 t BM -8402090574 Apphcaten ter amend to Larinse DPA 64 re%ct ng ort,smahonal ANDRE AS R L Cma*4 Putec Power Chstrct 87/05< 13 MAR 0N R D Reg.on 4 O'c canN+s of the Drector 2;9 41065 144-41065 145 BAC6S J C New Yors Power Aut%"5 f'cterer) Power AsNrW o the State of Nea 440202029$ Stec41 repton 871221 fee temer Fro Door 1011-4 lose ncce she Fremato esiabbshed & rrant cect retded Loor repared wrder Maat _gggggggg7g p,3pegg y,cn $g,,es ,,gegrg o,; yggan ce, KM'A?Ct"s"A P- twra o et e cm,,,t C,tro, B,ae ;jg*gnmar P~ **' * ~ =**""a' (Doc /nent Cetrol Dest) %p 44 9 iP9 29044199 2irO 8402030158Fceamuc to speoal rect on mcecrar>kty o' tre trer Deng Sept 1946 wea 4602140267 Generic Lir M 03 re rescute v Gerenc Sa'e*y issue 93. ' Steam Bardeg osccven trat t<e camper nu estew n aucten penevasng ere temer te eeea *M *** r F e+2a r* Pr Svc w enci fee Fees M4 4 3AB EvaWe coreed RAGU A F J Dyson of stocai E van's AsseWrend (Post 8?O4 t1) $$ C2/17 AN}E AS A L Orr.aha Pwtec Power Castict 68'01/29 Occument Cetros Branch Conscadated Exon Co of Nee York inc 44po 44t24 056-44t24 061 (Caxpent Contral CVsh) 2pp 44223126-44223127 4402190221 that sa'ety evavate supports octerrn.naton that sieam genwa-lor Pepiecement cecVam Oces not evohre wrvevewed s#ety CNesten or ceenge to DOCstE7 60 284 INDIAN point ST AflON, UNIT 3 'tch Scec shovu mosse tvt not 6mded O hs'ed stems bASGA$A Cwse v Aerty Pro.ects . i< u #osi 6704 I O 64 02/17 BRONS J C New York Peeer Aut%yg pymerg Power AJhcv% v the State of New Vcrt) App F. Security, medicat emergency & fire protectao#1 Plans 44404 358 44404 X1 4402290109 Cesses 870122 tabietcc $scusson re state aAhority to recess $ v11 emer2eno ctassacaton Esca stes resc&se may not te wrderianen try s'a'e occa s Q Irispectiori reports,lE BJetes & correspondence tv a ce%ee cecta-ed emer cv esassAcaten inn *C;gNJC or rec'est " ' 5"*" (""*** a=*** Nac e*e ax' w == ea F w Sa se '~ bl 4 sf%%s'3s 47' F4DSSLC E Cese v Operatest E vents Assessment (Post $7:)411P M 01/27 Conscedated E$syi Cc of Nee vorm. vic 12300 44176 0'S-44176 197 6802040047 Foreros Rev it to AE4 'Emerpocy pac & revs to emergenc, pian ccwe*er*q pr X e3/es ncWg Rev 9 to iP 1001. '-Determ rwng M,aystson of Re-6 ease * & Aev 6 to A'C17 ' Accomre.ercaSon of Protectve Actions 8601260102NAC nNo Nmce M T2 ' Lost or Stoen Gavges Svc hst enct CUNvNDAV A E C%e of wkstw & Ve$ca' Nocear Sa'e y IPost r 870729: AYANT Nee vyt Power AstrorW 00rmer Power Ast%yty of the Stare v New Y yt i M 01'29 Doment Cortroi Branch ( wr'ent Contros Dest) to 44252 331- 88 02 'C2 Corscm3ated E $$on Co of Nea ym inc 12tpp 442% W3 44296 213 44254 0)O 8802010044 NAC 4do Nonce 68023 ' CrEks e Shrosd Sucport Access Hose Cover j -8402030532Gev ' m to AP-6 E=er2ency Pan - weot Sv: vst enct l

  • Me vM PC *et A#ety (9&merly Power Authorq of the $ tate of Nee Yortl $9' ROSStC E Cwse v CWaior4' Events Assessment iPost 870411) 68'02'02 01 '29 32400 44252 332-442$3 ?ir$ rMied E sson Q of Neo vari trc 112gp 44338 22$ 44338 336

-4402040131 Rer+ed emwperty p'an ancemenW proce1ures cciu$N Rev 9 to IP. ggeygpog34 Na; gj,.m p on peiec,, e n,gighoug, c,cuit B eanets ' Svc hot 1W C4:cemnq Uagreatig y Aegase Rev i to A1%4 MCASCMcVer g $6 Cree assesbrnenl W3ms & Rev 6 to 10.1017, *Recor'w'e Matecri of PrclecDve ROSSJ C E C*se of Ope'a'ona. Events a ssessm+rt iPW 8'04111 M '02 /05 Ac t&s Comistaw [og3n Q p Neo y cas onc 143pp 4433) 225.a4340 N,4

  • Nee vars Pewer Authca% ('ormeny Pcwer Asthor ay of t*e Stre of Nee Yoral 68 r 01/28 9500 d253 24 442'4 C3C ggggggg3 g g,e M-M2. AWy Pr W'm F@ CM e 5%m Gen-4402050027Aev sed emergency pan w ti re emergency response actneton awr Tutes ' S c hst once
  • Nee i ort Powes A#cr#y (Yvmedy Power AutSy*y of the State et New vysi ES; ROSS, C E Chwnri cd Ocera, ore, Evems as6ewner* #c41 4,0411) 69 C2/05 l 02'01 42pp 442f 2 325 44263 00t ww Ew Q v w m n im um nwm ix 902o90$02 A,v to io ac , e m Em-2r no Pe tmeement, Proceue A3 m i n020:0224 NAC iso Nc*e um4 v4m.we omeon & Cocumemeen e Twne Cese CWtance Nts & Assocwed ardo ' Fee Barter PeneDaton Sea s ' Syc tst eN
  • N-e York Power AJehorty pymg3 Power Authorg c4 the $tg'e og New Yoni Ba' ROSS. C E C*se of Ope atonal E vents Assessment iPost 6'04111 M 02'05 02 72 13pp 4429 71014426 7113 ConsNMed E w Co os Nee Y art vc 12459 44339 tot 44339 224

64 DOCKETEDITEMS notir02x Rescoes e NRc u0$07 ie re veiaw.s nc.i.d - ins, n.o u2w57. u n.v,ane &inoerno,o lvmate 22Corsctive actorelDap accvacy progam arateted n Spnrig 1987 ee prsicbde 8'msar aWecy Nams JCGGER W A New Yort Pooer AuPordy (lormer6y Power Authorty of the State of $40217$110 Forma *ds rester errt pohty for la its me Erdarsoments t 2 & 3 Nas vors t 88/02/06 KANC W F Megion 1. Oc of the Drector 4pp 44357075 to NILIA Cert,ficase Ph173, Endorsemerit 1 & 3 to W U Cert 4cJie WW 42 & C35 7 078 Erdersempres,1,.2 sAggaLa W sh & McLuman. & 3 to NLLIA Cert 6cate NV 90 Inc 68c02/11 D NrT2.1 Omc e of Nuclear Reactor 6802160319 soreards amended SALP Rept $4286/$rr 96 for Dec 1985 May Wm D 4 4122w 4 W N44460 20 1967 Over62 assoosment of lawy @eretw conciudes that ncreased tw,t a'ienton needed to teve abmber of cha%rges to reactor Pc4ectort sys RUSSELL W T Rage t. Olc c4 tre Drect:n 68 < 02 < 09 JOSGER W New Yors P. Operatwsg scense stage coeurnerits & coetespondence Power Author *v (iormerty Power Authorty of tie State W Nee York). 4pp 44350 224 443% :p;2 6802100464 Mrv sowa resu'ts of NRC cWreelary maaretsunts progam cross Cfv t s - 8 02160320 Mercert SALP Rec 4 W-2 MCPS 96 tar Dec 1965 May 1Ds?

  • Regcri 1 Cdc of the Drector 68 02<09 69pp 443W 234-44350 302 T WER H 0 D* New Co 68/01 01 WE J B Region 2. 08c of the Drecia 2M 44307 34444307 341 4402220250Rescoes to NRC Coq *ence Bvhetrn 870M ' Fastener T< stm to Deter-meo Ce8crmeice W/4ptcao e Mas Specs ~ Rest-inse competes acten re@ red 6601210333Genent Lir 64-02 to au peser reacier bcensees te lt9egated Saiety As-sessmers propam u CSAP 11) Svc hst om Q t%a*%

JoWGf R W A Nee Yen power Avtforty (Sormeiy Neer Authorey of Irie State of W RAGUA,r J Assocente DwectcW lor Propects (Post $'041Il 48 '01/20 Consuh3ated New York) 68 T2/11 RUSSELLW T Regon 1. 04 of the Drecint 330 4443722S E ason Co of New vwk, Inc. Asic9 44J02 319 44203 COS 44tc72e3 4402120t94 Freards est. mate of NMSS ncentsng regurements thra,qh Fv93per nu. 4402230'.04 Rer cnds to NRC371021 ler to Setet, Sys Outage Was irep W266 07. char had cyc6s v4rstry biwe acivy tf Gr.we,rvs actions erwor reorgawaton m nuoes generaten oept TUCKER.H P Dune Power Co 38 01/21 umut Contros 8vance (Cucurwat Con-mstMed equsement opersoekey concerns & orwron osancation asues resceved to Desk) 3,ip 4434110444341136 PRONS J L Nee York Power Aut%orey dormerig Power Aulnorwy at ee Stg e of New Yortl BS. 02 r t i Document Control Brav n DocumerW Conteol De*a) 310p $402012206 Fortords "Loe Pre Pressure Fved Rod Proyam Bu r v E stenson LOCA 44 4 2 12444432 154 Anaas r ~ Rm t arthhead tre' 10C5 42 790) T UCRE's R H B ' Duke Ponge r Co 66'01/22 Document Control Branct) (Document C04 F902110124 eN NRC Into Notice 68&5. ' Fro e Annu ncetor Ceritrol Cat nus" $vc kst ROSSF E Diviston of Ope Events Assessmene (Post 870411) Eszc2/12 0300 4402,wp G ,54 Formeds tee ser 10CFR1?Q 12 re 471216 ffr CoNerrvrq B&W Owners Coneobcated E sson Co of Nee Vort, tr.c 120c9 44523 256 44524 015- ntegatea Reacty vessei Mats Surwaance Propam " Nc44aie seques'ad e toe W e 681114nr tor eserwco leeing poyam not receeve Fee pad RE AV'S.J A Das Pc,=ce Co 66 c01/ 25 DrGGS,R NRC No Deta+ed A**ston It Penodbc operatsng reports & related c(vfespondefMe $4020$0509Forords semennut rept cd reSceetrv*y vi so*d masv s & releases of re- $402030492 stdorms that .41d has uttshed NRC concerns re emated leve4s of retoce-dicW1rve ma9s #4 h@.K! &Jawove eMlverts tor Ja4)vne 1964 ctn s istng of Rev 3 y usma e t+h & seent in vcrw y of facery per uni 871133 semr na: of succemental VMe Dise Caltviahon W4r%al- ento e resconte to NRC $ 70923 gr Recem enci JOS GE R W A Nee vors Power Au1Por$y (former*y Power Ast%ffy of the Sta1e of CCU kNS D M Regaon 2 O'c of tN Drector 68 <01/20 TUC*ER H B Duke Power Co 4pp 44214 312-44216 315 New York! 86/06'28 MVRLEY.T E Re@on 1. CMC of the Dractor tp 4429'9 047-442&9158 4402110064Freards errata b Amends 165365 & 162 to Licenses DPR 38 DPR 47 & -4402090514 Rev 3 to Mie Done Cac.nav>r Urtaf' C,PR 55 rescectere'y correcteg type on Tech Spec Page 3 7-3 OviNN D VaYER D New wort Pywer Au'hority (formejr9y Pome' Aythorrty of the pasT:SH Proeec Deectara'e ti-3 68'02/04 TUCm ER H B Dube Power Co 200 Siete of New Yort) 66 '03/05 11'pp 44287 04444289158 443 % 26144336 2%3 6802240211 ~Perscener Whcde Body E rrosure for Cv8 7 " W /8402M ftr -8402110049 Easta to Amercs 165ja5 & 162 to Licenses DPR 38 DPR 47 & DPR JOSLE R A A New York Power Av%yey (tarmer9y Power Asthorny of tre State of 33 respectivee r c.wecq typo on Tech Spec Fa 373 New YorhJ 87/12/31 2p0 44522 0M 44522 027.

  • prg pirge, ate 43 $5'02/04 tp 443M 3443M 263 5402240214 ' Numter of Personned & Ma+ Rem by *crk & Job Funcion.1997 Arvua' 4402220044 Formeds sM cJo re uw response to NuPEG4737,riem il D t Perbrm.

Rept " W >66^210 ly Sa au,,,Te,cirig , gpgn, o,f g inRes.e,t , qv &,ggo*c,y W'ves " pr 470422 ewe Nte.'ttat com-t N,,RC JOSGER W A Nee York Poner Authordy teo rmea y Poner Asthorey of the Staid of n e g 794p7,,gy twee York) f;112/31 R fSSELL W T Regon 1 cmc of e Dreciar 2pp 44522 347- UCs E R H B 64522 346 vs Deu! 3c,Du6e Power 44463 Co 68/02/10 2904uo 293 Document Control Branch (Drumeni Com S402240019 her1 opera'eg rept or Jan 1948 W e 6E2n$ fit 680301 84,0,2,1,70033Notehe,aton g pgg u, o igAp gas,qoftsAp 93 p. g,ne,ic LW 68 02 meet ng e,/utd si Rockene MD to huss uts & at LL Y1. JOStG Si

  • A Me vcrk Power Author *, t'ormer'y Power Authonty c4 the State of New Yossi 68'01/31 7pp 44522125 44522131 Hor 3pp 4 D S Prmeet 44353 Drectora'e OM-44 353 034 ts 3 69 +02/11 JABBOUR K N Protect Drectora'e 11-3 0802220244 Notdes that 860118 cormtment to provce Tece Scws for snatr menta- u lon nor oetecten or unehQuale Ccre coosog (NUREG 073titem 11 F 2) by 6802;,

4802160319 Forer$s amervied SALP Rept W266/85 96 for Dec 1985 c hanged Propose e epe aison & e4 be sc*)mefied b 6C315 W49 TUC* E R.H B Dae 1987 Overas assessment cd tecMy coeraton coruudes that meressed av attentao" er Co 68 02/15 Doceent ol Branch Occumenl Cm neeoed no re.%ce number of chamenges to reactor crcuecton s,s was D;up to 44477 00144419 Oc't RUSSELL W Y. Re;on 1 Otc of the Drector 68'C2 09 JOSGER W New Yort Power Asihorey (9 armer *y Power Authorty of the State of New Yort) app 443M 224- 8802190200 f oreros Revs 1718 & 19 to 0% rte cose caWaton manal u tar 44350 302 W h e & ones & Ca' amu nucier statens resowm', Rev mck4e minor changes oescrted e lustiftanon lor revs pa2es ef'ectwe 8010t -4402160320 Amended SALP Rept W266/85 98for Dec 1985 - May 1987

  • Repan 1, Olc of IPe Dwector 84- 02,09 69pp 44350 234 443% 302 h,4 p[ [ # #

4442160247Genenc Lir 8403 re rewA/ hon of Genenc Sar e +y issue 93. "Sieam Beng DDCKET 50 287 OCONEE NUCLE AR STATION, UN!T 3 C' ( j j ,' Q

  • Y ,'on, E s Assessment (Post 870411) 68 02/17 Consoldated Easce Co of Nee t ort. Inc 4400 44524 016-44524 061
7. Securry, medical, emergency & Pro protecten paans 8402020091 Respords to NRC871211 tir te voabons noied e mp Recas W269 87- *P*" "' * #"' '

45 50 2 70' 8 7-45 & W 28 US 74 5 Cor'ectare actions e thhed Pef 10CF A ?3 21) TUC*ER H B [Ase Power Co 69 <01/18 Dccumert Convo# Branch (Documerd Com 6801210090 Formeros Rev 14 to msennte inso Pym Accrw of reaef rewsts tol Dest i 300 44193 316 441ic 320

  • R** 4 <W TUCa E A Huke B D'518d Pciner CoF D*<l Document Conkol Branch Cocument coa 64?01/14 4402020238 Forma on response to vv3sarons ro'ed m esp Repts50 269'0746 50 270, td Desa) 4pp 44133 062 441)J 241 8 7 46 & M257/ 8 746 E rd e4hhe+3 PW 10CFR 73 21l TUCP to LR.H Cesa) 3ppB44187 Dune Pc=cr Co 68 35744189 35901/16 Document Control Branch (Document Ccvs -4401210093 Rev 14 to "inserne insp Program "

ROHOE.m G DunePowerCo 47/12/14 176pp 44133 066 44133 241 8402030330 Formeds into Rem W269 47 51,W270 '87 51 & M 287/47 51 on 6802020091 Responds to PAC 471211 str te vaawns mored e inso he's M 269 67 871222 66C115 & nesce of vosson BRO *NLE E V L hepon 2 Cec of the Drector 68'01/29 TUCP ER H B Du ne Pcwor 45 W2 ?0/97 45 & M28197.45 Cor ocvve actsons m'hhed ve' 10CF R73 f t) Co 2CS 44224 276 44224 295 TUC*ER H B Duse Po er Co 681 01/18 Cucur tent Cortol B anch tDoceent Con. trol Dega) 349 44190 318 44190 320 -4402030341 msp Reces W264 87 5150 270 47 51 4 50 267/07 51 on 871222 4402020234Foreros rescose to colatons nntes e tosp Repts W266 47 46 W270r IWi ts voawn reted Vasor reas e specteo operatons surve*a cephpca! 8 7 46 & W 26 7 / 4 7-46tec meeeid Fef 10CTR 73 21l SecuP9y E SFtrMs $4'ety sys lunctayw insp dems PD4 410CF R21 revees 1UCp E R H B CL6e Pceer Co 68 01/18 CWument Cverai B'ao IDocumereCom SRf ANT,J C Re;pon 2. Osc of Ihe Drectcn 84 01/24 16cc 44224 20044224 295 woe Desal 300 44169 357 44?89 359 8402090445 Forords nct(e of vee'on & Summa"y of 60115 erdorcement corder. secs re artso Rects W413 8 7 43 M 414,6743 50 369 8 745 W370.a ? 45 W269/ 3802030214 Discusses sat P Rects 53 2td 87-33 M270 87 3) M 2s?.87 31 Sa M9-47 50 W270 87 W & $0 267 87 50Erc e thhews Pef 10CIR2 7F>d) & 73 213 47 29 M 370:87 29 M 413 67 26 & W414 47 26 & 871027 & 2s meetings m re-GRACE J N Regoa 2 CWc of t** Drector 64'01/29 TUCmE Ry B Cue Power Co sponse to 0?1130 lv W champs to SALP rece er' anted Bne66g goes enct 200 4 4 66 164 44288 168 GREE.J N R+ysn 2 cmc or the Drector 68'01 10 TUC* E R H B Duke Pomet Co 6609 44221 064 44221 158 DOCKETED ITEMS 65 r 8001210097 NRC trdo Notee 86401. Sawy in secton Poe FaAse

  • Svc het enct V. Dry Ceek bespondent Spent Fool Storage Instanopone ROSSI.C E. Omson of stenal Events Assessnent (Post 870411). 06/01/27.

Conachdated Eeson Co Nee YorA lac.123cp. 44176 075-44176.197. 9002040373 Forearcs LLL Lac Rept UCICF21246. "Dynsac impact Effects on hpent NRC of steps taken 10 correct yciatCns N8' II* D OE!

  • O OIO 000"' I'O#020 OOIO O!

4002030349 Ach recoct of 871231 Itr {q'gy"Reg','jy' Lectt'.2"2/'nh. Se Power ETd'I"*F'[c@eT, C ,@g,,su,c,,e,,=4- t= of uts4.stu Corp ). 4pp 44256 272 44256 275. 4002000420 Responds in NRC 471229 ter re viotasons noted e insp Repts 54 269/97-49.54270/8749 & 50-287/87 49Conective octons macrLaricas mant engrieer 4 4002090076 Suevnary of inst tor Nuclear Wass Mgt Spent Fuel Storage Serruner y on 880'20 22 m Wasruncton.DC re spent fuel storage e/mstMenal enetters, & sctmeng ergneer reve es event erseccons ROBERTS)P Fust Cycle Seiety Brorm 88/02/03 .LC. Fuef Cycto Sate'y UCatE .H B DLAe Power Co 46/01/28 Document Cortol Stanch (Document Corw 531Desa) app 44287 025-44247 02 Sranctt200 44265.27144265 272 4802030330 Foreards hop Repts 54 269/67-51.50 270/87-51 & S287/07-51 on ' 871222 480118 &rotee of woiaten- DOCKET 50400 MED COLLEGE MSEARCH M ACTOR BROWNLEE.V L 2. Olc of N Drector. s8/01/29 TUCAER.H 8 CAAe Power Cck 2pp. 44224 2 4224 295 -4002030341 Inso Racts $4269/87-51.54270/87-51 4 E247<s7-51 on 871222- , 680115,yeaaton wcue ESF inses saiee noted sys Wagor areas mspected mant, operatens 6402220206 Rewm med once W mas for maew operaw 4 scuor macw operaw eurvedancephysical 1 r funcionef esp dems PDR & 10CFR21 rewees aconseg esame be lisewshed by 880318 e arder to eneet semodule tot ename on BRY ANTJ Cs SAINedER P H, MRT10. Reqpon 2. Olc of me Drector, 60/01/2C 480516-20 Recurements tor admrtstering & r armen enems amo ence 1600. 42N 20044224 295 PATE R J Re9on 5. Osc of te Duector 64/02/18 S, .P. Reed Conego. Port-6802090444 Foreards acece of vesaton 4 summary of 680115 ordorcemer4 corder. iand. OR 6pp. 44429 05044429 055. ' ecce re inse Repts50-413/0 7-43 50-414 <s7-43. 54360 e?-45.50-3'r4 47-45 54269/ 8 7-5o 54270/87-50 & 54287/07-50 Ence erthhond tres 10CFRJ 790(d) & 73 21) GRACE)N Regen 2. Olc of the Drector 64/01/29 TUCKER.H B Duke Power C0 DOCKET $4269 THME MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATIOes. Uself i 2pp 4426619644266184. 9002000031 Adeses that cavtatng ventun e A be estaaed m each emer9emy feed. F. Security, medcat, emergency & hm protecton piene water hne by and of Cwies11.104 10ter Uruts 1.2 & 3.respectereyper NRC ett215 roovest to insp Repts b24 8616 54270/n16 & 50-287i6616 66022901M Docusses 670122 tabetop escussen to state autNary to metass# uns TUCs ER,H B. Duhe Poeer Co 66/02/01.Documart Cor*oi Brancet (Document Con. emergency classAcaten Escalated response may not be uncertaken try state othcia s woe Desk). 10. 44242 188-44262 164 by upwadtt9 or reclass#ying bcensee declared ewergency classAcaten 6001M0104 MC Into Noace 66402. ' tost or Stolen Gauges " Svc hst once. BELLAMv.R R Regen 1. Ole of the Dreew $7/05/28 SELMAN M Consohdated CUNNNGHAMJe E Orcson of industnal & Mechte Nucsear Safety (Post 870729) Eeson Co of New York. Inc. 4pp 4453906444539 063. 64/02/02 Consondated foson Co. of New Yorth Inc.121pp. 44296 09344296 2* 3 8402020101 Rev 3 to Emergency Pian " implernereng Proceese 64tSIMP-130005, 0802010064 NRC Info Notce 85403. "Cracts a Smoud S4 port Access Mose Cover -Communcatons & Record K Weids' Svc bst enct ' Genera: Pubhc Utstes Corp. Servce Corp 88/01/25 20pp. 44187 026-ROS$1C E. Decnon of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 470411) 64/02/02 44147 045 . r Consoarsated Eeson Co of New Yors. anct 112pp 44334 22544334 316 ' M0M20334 Revs 2 & 3 to Emergency Plan Irmpiemeneng Proceite 64154t#P-1300 05. 0002000003 Act receet of680119 response to votatoris nosed ei into Repts $4269/ o 8745.50-270/87-45 4 50-267/87-45 & ronce of votaten did871211 Imp *ementaten -C,g,mmuracato,ns,& g ygg q g ng as Pubhc RecordUtstesy eeping "Corp . GPV Servce 84/01/25Corp 20pp. of correctrve actons2,we beoenantned thsing tuture rup' 441M 23444194 249 CUNE.* E Repon Olc the Drector 48/02/02 TUCutR.H 8) Duke Power Co ip 44241314-e4261.317. 3602040244 Forwards Safety mso Rept 54280'87 23 on 871101-120$ No conetens apse to nucear sa4YsaW os rWawy mwnnems nowd $402000293 Act rococt of 883118le clormeg NRC of steos taken to conect votatons BETTENHAUSEN L 8 1. One of the Drector c4/01/27 HUKILLH D. Gomeral noted e inse Repts WM9/t?-46. S270/4746 4 50287/9745 @bc U1Mn Cyp . G Sm Corp 2pp H2$W244MM)t CLINE

  • E Ro;pon 2, Ote'of the Drector 68 02/03 TUCKER.H B Duke Poegr CO .

1p 442772%a2729 -4802040294 insp Repi 54299/87-23 on 471101120$ No volabone noisd. Masor Sect fM220 Foreards s'atus root of IE Bu s etms7942 & 7614 at pg areas espected voRa2e top eae to toss of ceculatng mater PJmp & hatune natact on 8 7H 17.acnormal kansent protechses & pnyscal wcurey TUCMER.H B Duhe Power Co 88/02/04 DocumeN Cortot Brancti (Documert Con- COWGILG Regen 1. Orc of Pe Dreciar 68/01/20 18pp 44251114-44251131 tal Desa). 3pp 44344 33244344 334 , 0802020034 NRC Busietn 66-001, ' Detects m Westnghouse Crowit Breaners* Svc het 4402040344 Adeses Piat870929Rev is to pnyscal securey pian me be considered m onct corwncton m/revee 0 Rev 8 25 to 10CFR50 90 Head @ariers statt we respond to tev r L ROSSI.C E. Orcsson et Operatonas Events Assessment (Post 8704t1) s6/02/05 approproteness Consohdated E3Wh Co or New Vcrs,Inc.140pp 44339 22$-44340004 MARTIN T T. R l. Cec of the Dr Ubutes Corp . Servce Corp Sc, ector 44255 330Mr01/29 44255 334HUklLLH D General P4hc , 6802020035 NRC BJetn 68 002. "Rapey Propagaang Fatque Cracks e Steam Gerk , eremr Tuters

  • Svc bst enct 46020003$1 FTweds Admrtsvatrve Proceese AP 1038. Admrmststeve Contross .

ROSSI C E. Divisen of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 870411) M/02/06 Fee Protecton Progam" Dematen from survemance rewrements reted vi To:n Consoboeied Eeson Ca. of New Yors Inc 124pp 44338 33744339100 Soec Q,ange Rowest 163 re remote smukben sys escussed HUKILL H D Gereral Pishc Unbises Corp GPU Serece Corp 68/02/01 Documert 64020202H NRC Into Notce 88404. Inadowste Ouakticaton & Docsrentaton of Cor*os Branen (Docwnert Coreol Dess) 2pp 442ea 05s44264123 f n Baner Peneeston Seass" Svc bst enet. ROSSI.C E Caesen of Operatonal Events Assessment (Poes 870411) 04/02/05 1510 A ConsoWeted Eeson Co os Peen ycrA me.124pp 4433910144339 224 -40,0,2000343 y praiseten p Rev,ogra*n *dmrtstanve Proce$se AP 1038 *Admrmstauve Co m2 2-mmng .ro,e., o -estca S pt reos1 to to NRC =01s2, ,e. t.,,en., san Com oes ,.ce onse .,oe.m,e.7 e . g,cggh"g4,,c,t/g* " P**c = c-P ~* c-P = 4602000147 Rn 3 to Emergency Man hoiemenemg Processe 64 Sip 1W 27, *Ac. 1 GR CE, 2. Os c as ye Drecto, E H ,4 7,p om n 44n57 m Power Se  ;;eg,r,g m,cggm,, , oe,o,, ,,,, v,,,,,,, C,,, . ,,, . u.2mm NRC I,,o #405. 4,e . Anm,,cetor C, , C.o.neis $< .si $~ c-P === S* um 05 am => c>,sen e Op avenes Aswnmeni cost a704tt) wC2/i2 Mo81*om Por==* 5**ouro$ *p Raco nieruC2 & m320/ut2 on I8,S$i.C C so ui E.e Eeson ,eesCo T. , eraiens,m top om 2*usu C15 = p"v god,, ,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,, ,,,,Lc, , oe,,,,, ,,,, . Utoes C p . G'RTSLe C., 2,, .u.i cu4u.1030 R. PeMe.c wet.n. ,epo,1s . ,e.eted .m =e -4002100249 Parkasy e verfeed at Secunty Wisp Repts 54 299/6642 & 2 320/ . 9002260178 *Armuel Personnel Esposure & uorvtoreg Rept tot 1987 " W 680219 ly es 02 on 6801 H.14 W 1 A 73 21) No rencomcmances nowd Maior woes l respected pian 4 erplementeg proceeses progam ad>ts 4 records & repts TUC*ER.H 8 Dune Power Co 87/12/31 6pp 44504 025-44504 032 SuiTH.G. WADDE N T., It'ElvdA R Regen 1. Osc et rio Drector 84/02/09 5pp

44461026r44441030 0002230014 Mantrvy oceretng repts ot n Jan 1968 W/880215 ler RE AWIS.J A, TUCKER H B DLee Power Co 86/01/31 I?pp 44497076 44497 092 N02220314Formards SALP Rept 54289/06 90 ter Nov 1986. Oc11967 te02200181
  • Annual Persorrel Marvionnq Rept for 1987
  • W. 640210 Itr RJS5ELLW T. Regon 1. Ole of the Deector 68/02/11 HunlLLH O General P4hc TUCEER.N S CAme Poeor Co 47/12/31 5pp 44510130445tft 134 Uteles Corp . GPg Servce Corp 309 44429 152 4 4429 217

-40022203M SALP Reps $4289/46 M for Nov 19e6 Oct tDet i S. Reportabte occurrences, LERs & related correspondence ' Regen n. Onc of Pe Drector 86'02/11 6'bpp 4442915544442 217 l b 9002210344 Special rept on871207. inns revealed poesnhal ci toss of emergency cork 0602M0072 Formarcs into Rect 50 209/87 24 on 071206 480109 No volatons l penser cecuiateg ester sys eJe to possee8v e* as neatage at corwenser cecuenng noted a.:s recept of 471214 sir to anegaton on naam physcs techncen  ! i esie pne ese so oese de#cency Repara to mods pienned W e 880217 nr skelecahons Aser,abon closed TUCRER H $ Ch.Ae Power Co 64/02/17 Docurrerd Coreos Stanch (Documerit Con- Bi 7tENHAUSE N L Repon t. Olc of Pe Drector 6a'02/17 HURIL(H D Generei  ! Wof Deny Sep 44430 047 44430 051 Pubhc Ulstes Corp . GPV Servce Corp 2pp 44504 305-44504 321 l  ? h I ~,,, _ . M DOCKETEDITEMS =0062200001 inso Rest 64289/87 24 on 871206-880109 No volatens or decatens 4002000164 Amicaten for amend to trense DPR-50.conswing of Tech Spec reced Masce areas nicectedpart operatenet soms. reactor t*sg emergency cooang Charge Regeest 177.clartyng regarements tor reves of processes & seiery sys angrvrer11 & heaeih pryscs tecnrucian anegatert changesproposed mods to wut structures, sp 4 corgorents & proposed tests & es. COWGILLC. Regen 1. 06c of N Drector. 84/02/17. 1500. 44504 307 44504 321. perenents. nvKILLHD General Putec Utbees Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp 84/01/29 6pp 44272 196 44272 201. G " -- - , correependence ~4002000170 Proposed Tech Scecs clare e ng requrements for reces of procokres & 0802100067 Order

  • Estends 6me newi eben Comrmsson may act to rece. ALA8 changes proposed pods e une avuchsn.sys & consononts & proposes wsta 4 es.

SJ of #168 6534. Be/02r00 Com-P@c h Cap. . W Seawce Corp 8s/01/25 4m 44272202 mwsseners tp. 44291096-4429bof the ' 8002100032 Order

  • Tore menn when Comrwssen may act to recte ALAS 441.did 4002100079 Foe~ws on commernent in 870123 appheaton for amend to License 871231.es1ecoed unW 880219 Served on 680214 D,PR..5,0 HOVLE.J C. Ortco of the Secretary of F* CevnescA #168 5597. 68/02/16 Com. ep ca sspsreto, heet gc sina tryouprotecien sys operatonas steam generator tHSPS)for not neeoed bycass sueurcapaba,ty cyces. Opersoonal HunsLL M D. General Pee ties Corp . GPU Semco Corp 86/02/03 Document f'tsamers 19 447 417644)S6176 Conpol Branch (Documert Cor*W Deskt 2pp. 44297 34444297.361.

0802240061lAemorardurn & order

  • Order CU4641 drectng ASLAB to corecer save of C Husted 806 performarce et uw n renderng deceen e revoac1wery emparunng 68,0,2,1,9,0,,169No%es e nog my a, NRC of, plans,to,uts2e m 3 a,mo seemc empenenc,e,,d,a,ta ,a,s,acce,ptatee 4

, mc % O Y . of e Seiety and Lcenang Appeal P of the Comnesscrt #164 5654 48/02/19 Atomic 2pp 4443333044433 331. h $[g,,, g'es CW e Cap 88/02/04 Docwnere , Coned Srancn (Decwort ConrW Deskt 2pp 44444 369-44444 360 0802290064Decmon

  • ALAS 447 reversing a*vwasvatrve las kedge order n ALJ 453 wroosed n ALAS.772 that C Muswd have no meerwsory responsceties to eavang of nor se+

68,0,,2,190315 p gen y,Afirms can that,a,c,c,ro,a,c,,h , py een de,sc,rted,n,.u,te4,71006 , 4 g I,t,,to,me,ce,p g . Eb ' SHOE 3pp 44496 02044496 022 some tety Lcereng Appeal eanet #168 5682 44/02/23 Yd"$,,vc Corp 44 2 29 44422 298 44021W247 Genert Ltr 8843 re resolubon of Gerenc Sa'ety Iswo 93, Steam 8meng of Aus Foedealer Pumps" Svc bst enct A Insurance & indemnity enformehen IARAGL F.J Drosen of Operebonal Events Assessment (Post 470411). 68/02/17 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New YoriL inc. 44pp,44624 01644524 061. 0802170137Freards NEllA Car %cate Nh43 & Ercorsements 1 & 2.MAELU CerW caio IM26 & Endorsemeets 14 2.NELLA Cert 4cate NW 71 & Endorwments 1 3 WAELQ Certdcate WW.1$ & (ndorsements 1-3 & Endorsement 78 to NEILA PoiCy Q. Inspectlen reporte, IE Suaghns & correspondence W 195 cc Regult Dr lor Post 704 1 1 4 20 20 0001210W NRC Wo Notco S$M. "Safety ingecten P@e FaAse " Svc Ist enct ROSSI.C E Desen of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 870411t ee/01/27 Coneohdated Eeson Co of Nee Yors, Inc.123pp. 44 t 76 07544176197 IL UtArty Finef Safety analysis Report (FSAR) & emenes , pg g , , , g ,4 , , 1 eJverse to nucear sa'e'y/ safeguards or regulatory recpromerits noted 0002190013 Updated 65 to FSAR tar TW1 W/680206 Itr BETTENHAUSEN L Regen 1. O*c of to Droctor 68/01/27 HURILLH D General f HUKsLL H D General Vistes Cap . GPU Servce Corp 87t12/31 Documere Pwc Utsrtes Corp . GPG Sonnte Corp 2pp 442$t 112-442$1131. Cor*W Branch (Document Contoi Desy 37pp 44347 00144347 037 [ -4002040264 Insp Root 50-299/07 23 on 471101120$ No v oia%ons noted Masor ' areas espectos voltage top ese to loss of creutabng mater pump & hat >ne runtact P. DPereting Incenee stage documents & correspondence on e fi t 17.aerwrmai var *ent processes & physcal securwy COWGILLG Repon 1. Osc of the Dreciar 68/01/20 topp 4425111444251131. 'i 4001190242 Formords appheaton for emend to Lcense DPR.50 consithng of Tech 4 Spec ownge Regeest too.mrea amoeabie orvenmeni lor nee suel asservoes Se01M0102 NRC Wo Notco 40402. "Lost or $1osen Gaoges" Svc het once ' tom 3 S to a 3 meigne are U 235 al saicy ane*ysrs ato ence Fee paa CUNNWGMAM R E Dmson of er&striai & Meecal Nuctear Satety IPost 8707291 HUKILL.H D General Uhhtes Cor 60/02'02 Consoidated Eeson Co of New Yor1L inc 121pp 4429609344296213 Contal Bianch (Document ContrW Desa)p . GPU 7pp 44214 33344217 Serece Corp as/01/12 Document 010 8002010064 NRC an80 Notce 64403. "Cra:ks a Savoud Support Access Hoss Cover We ds " S*c 631 and .4002030147 YURNER.S".Cchcainy Safety Ana8yses E Nortec iniematonat tor TW1 Hi 47183 Fusi Storepe 47/12/31. Fac6hes 30pp 44216 " 01g 344c17 RO'SSLC E. Desen W Opersional Events Assessment Post 470411) 64/02/02 Coneohdated Eston Co of New York,Inc.112pp 44338 22&44338 336 0001210332 Genene Lv 8842 to as power reactor bconsees to intoyated Sate *y As-sessment Program II ( SAP 14 SvC bet encs 4602020034 NRC Suaetn 66401, ' Detects m Westnghouse Cacuit Breakers

  • Svc hat i,

utRAGLIAf J Asscciate Drector tar Proects (Post 470411) 68/01/20. Conset3ated C8 e"OSSLC E Dmeen of Opersbonaf Evyns Assessment (Post 0704t1) 88/02/05 [ Eeson Co et New York, are 46pp 44202 31944203 005 R Conschdated Eeson Co et Nee yart, wc 140po 44339 22544343 004 08020100$3 Noutes of 680214 meetng e/htensee m Roc 6vde,WD to escuss Cycle 7 eesoad ane'yss 440202003$ NRC 8.$ete 86 002, *Rapoy Propagabng Fat 9ae Cracks a Steam Ge* HERNAN R W Protect Drectorate k4 04/01/25 STOL2.J F. Protect Drectorate 3-4 erstar Taes - Sec hst enct 35$ 44187 35744187 359 ROSSiC E Dveen of Operabonal Events Assessment iPost 470411) 64/02/05 Consobsated Eeson Co of Nee YorA trc 124pp 44334 337 44339100. 8002240347 Foreards status rept for 471218 480119to proede NRC mot & pec e/ of msgndcant events at paare 9002020228 NRC into Notco 68404 "madeente CLaaricabon & Documernahon of ofLLC J Repon 1. Orc of the Drecter 64/01/25 BETTENHAUSEN1 Repan Fro Barner Poneyamon Seats- Svc het encs 1, Cec of the Drector. 4po 44455 00444456 007 ROSSoC E. Dvoon at Operatonal Events Assessmeet (Post 070411t 68'02/05 Consohdated Eeson Co of Neo vortL inc 124p0 4433910144339 224 0003020139 Forwards amhcanon tar amend to Lcense DPRMconstsen0 of Tech Spec Change 129.reesang bases for RCS leakage knuts to enore cearty state any 4402140244 Foreards Sauguards insp Pepts M299/64 02 & 2320/6802 on heruts eost & meihods of leanage detecten W/ Cert 4cate of Svs Fee pad 680111 14 No vostons noted HuntLLM D. General Pec Utetes Corp GPU Senrece Corp 68r01/26 Document M ARTIN,7 T R 1. Otc of to Drector 68'02/10 HUnlLLH D General Pubnc ConDol Brancn (Document Corwol Desy 3pp 4413711344197122 Uthtes Corp . Servce Corp 2pp 4446102444441030 4003020149 Appocaton tar amend to Lcense DPR 50.corestng of Tech Soec 4002140249 Perhasy m:thhead - af Security inno Repts $42e9/8842 4 W320/ C7enge 129.recam0 bases tar RCS hmRs to Pnore ceany state any herute 8642 on 680111 14 Pet 1 R73 21) No noncompharcos noted Wagor areas $1esst methcds of Isakage detecton & prowde 442 tecaground mto riscocted pnen & impiameneng processes.progam auois & records & rects MUKILL M D Generar Pubhc Uthbes Corp GPU Servce Corp 68/01/26 3pp SM.TM G MADDE hi, EEIMiG R R Repori 1. Cec ce to Drector 04/02/09 Spp 44197.t14 44t97114 44441 026-44461 030 4002020163 Proposed Tecn Spect reveng betwo ke RCS hmr's to more clear!y state 8402220316Foreards SALP Rept60 299 66-98 tor Nov 1966 Oc11967 ernas sust.meinods of teenage detecton 6 prowde aas tectground mio RUSSELLW L Regen 1. Olc of yie Orector $6/02/11 MUKILLM D General Pubic

  • af P@c Uthtes Corp . GPQ $eryce Corp 66/Q1/2$ app 441$7 lig. Vthles Corp . GPQ Soryce Corp 3pp 44429 )$244429 217 l 44197.122 4402220320SALP Reol 50 299/06 De Ior fe:nr 1986 Oct ite?

0003000244Woorms ved how NRC psans to respond to events at phare m hgril of $ssory.

  • Regen 1. 08c of the Drector te/02/11. 63p0 4442915S44429 217 eg TML2 Clea/ge Pro,ect Drectorate. e neceve 680201 Response to events we tie sedar to a power reaaor dowced m NUREG4645 0802110328 NRC Into Notco $6405, "Fre m AnrsJncelor ConWol Cebmets' Svc het KANE.W F. 1 . of Pe Drector 64/01/28 HUKILLH D General P4hc Ute- ence tee Corp . Servce Corp 2m 44277 243 44277 244 ROS$1C E Dvisen of Operatoner Events Assessmore iPoes $70411) 84/02/12 Consoada$ed Eason Co of Neo vors. inc 1200p 44523 25644524 015 0802000167 Forwards accecahon nor amore to Lcense DPR $0 coresang of Tech Spec CW Reges: 17tcioneyeg regarements for reces et procedures proposed 6602260047 Act receet of 871125 response to inotatoms noted m Insp Repts M269/

mois to urvt swuctwes sys & cornponents & proposed tests & espercien's Fee pad $ 7.14 & M 320/0 74A M.PRILLH D General P@eC Uthhes Corp - GPU Serv 4ce Corp 40'01/29 Dow MARTEN T T Repon 1. Osc or te Drector 64/02/17 HUniLLH D Geners' P@AE Cenecs Branch (Docurrenn Co,*ui C*sa) 3pp 44272193 44272 205 Wees Corp . GPU Servre Ccrp 2pp 4460419344604197 1 l L DOCKETEDITEMS 67 4 0802300072 0802230173 enerv R . e ted Ao rForm.ards,"LRe# et SO to a tir 289.47-24 one,a on on 87,120648,0109No ea ~,so 1 .vetatons, to = = re Roovests that apphtaten - reprot- - teatefee to,eson- e,een ko.m s e soS,ecten en to M tac Q 1 a o,f Am.e, i gaaMcahons Asegalen closed - must be temstted wenn 15 deys com race t of ar BETTENHAUSENA Rege 1. Olc of the Drector Nr02/17 HUEILL.M 0 General DiGGS.R W trense f ee Wanagement Branch 64/02/14 BIRD.R G. Boston teson

Putsc Utmes Corp . GPU $eroce Corp. Ppp. 44'04 30544504 321. Co to 444512n344451203
mN s

. d ua , we.p s Rept win,.7 24 o,n .n u m.nace. tw a.ns, ~a n o.nor, corre eneence j -B.,a.e.n .e np , w.GuC R e n i. C.c ,n.s.cs -e , s,s ,,m . e.spu.i.,d 1 e unt Dr t-ope~, a,w nom = #au is us0m7 504m,0033 ton Re.,onds ,o ,,,,,3 ,, ,e ,c,,,,,e e, a,e,ed co,e e.,o,,e ,, Re 7.a on ..,n 44. Nm,on , * ~ i ,.e,,ds 5,o,, '"'&c ,, .2. e,d. ~~ ~nl,,r,=e'q,re;;ega;a;;, er <~,~, o r0,,u~~DDs.t m.c,uoN Pa v e C p"% t s.- C.see p2 .D.. tor.omi 02,n u S16HuluLuia = Gene ith, House o Re,0, 6c ,c, o ,,E4,,, , ,he 7 _.,o, m ,0, 0,e.a., U . . -4002290304inse Rept 4289'87-26 on 871214-18 No ve:atore reted Maror stees -4002010034 Foreards const4uent str to mecent at s acton on concerno document conWol DBURNE.A essenal An a rs 3M espe.cted hce .ees ww nn ,e-a MM ceretsed STU, -, 7 DOSm44 O 7mE., House of Rep 47/i1/2 DEv M BLUWBERG k Regen t, Osc of we Drecky. M/C2/19 Spp 44516196-om P. 0,e,s.m. . cense sie.e .ecume.. . .o,,es,o,t.ence

  • P no-P-~e <*-a
  • a'~ a"aP-*aa mmm, .nw. treet.n. e,Compter,ee u. .,,o,s e, Re,on

$402230047 uonttwy opor rept lor Jan t 964 W/880216 ler #' *** * * $WV TH.C W . HURlLL M af PA$C Vidstes Corp

  • GPU Servce Corp 68/01/ uiLLER u T Regon 1. Otc of the Drector 67/10/02 Regon t.Osc of te Drector
31. 600 44496 2tS44496 260 2pp 4448t 029-44481040.

S. Reportaine occurrences, Lens & related correspondence M RAGLIA I Pr a f hs Assocate Drector for Propects (Post $70411168/01/20 Consoldated $402230032 PNO488-021 on 680216.heensee commerced poee decrease to hot Esson Co. of New Yors. Pic sopp 44202 316-44203 005. shutoo n consson Ae to man turtane generator staer coolmg noe protsem in con-4 p.pneton e/GE.heenses plans ensmcat tieenmg & tectfau sn process of sys 8801260537 Generc Le a841 to as B AR heer sees a hoiders ce cps for B**s to NRC

CONTE R. COWGaLLC Repon 1. Otc ot the Dractor 88/02/17. 2pp 444L2 221 pos, ton on IGSCC e BAR austenne stariness steel pipang Svc hst encs 5

44432 222 wAAGLIA F J Assocante Drector for Prc>ects (Post 870411) 88/01/25. Commorb eta'tn Eanon Co 43pp 44256146-44256 * )$ E Opwetor Esamenetiene te02030101 Acohcanon tot amend to Lcense DPR-35 cfurve Tech Spics to remove mrsea$ng re's to APRW donascae scram functert Fee pad 4402220314 Foreards SALP Rept E289/66 90 lor Nov 1986 Oct 1967. B:RD R G Boston Esson Co 88/01/25 Docurnent ConwW Granch (Documert Corv  !! RUSSELL.W T. Regen 1. Orc of the Drector Be/02/t1 HUKILL.H D General Pwc trol Desht 4pp 44220 307-44220 314 Utenes Corp GPU 5ervce Ccrp. 3pp. 44429152 44429 217 -8402030104 Proposed Tech Spect changes remorre mrsleaeng refs to APRM -H022M3M SALP Rep 2 289'86 96 tor Nov 1986 Oct 1967. openecam scram tuncten

  • Regon 1. Orc of the Drector 84'02/11. 63pp 4442e 15544429 217
  • Boston Eesoa Co.68/01/25 4.Jp 44220 311-44220 314 6802250064Conerms NRC 66321a to comments on v d e eestert on DOCKET 2293 PfLORied NUCLEAR POWER STATIOtt, UNIT 1 p6ans 10 4

pan vospere.e80120 a-C & 22 te4 cons.N poc com,ren.4 r e or.ed or - put*c fneet-RANE W f. Regen 1, of Fw Drector P4/01/27 GRIFF N W R Plymouth, IAA F. Security, snedical, emergency 6 fire protection plane 3pp 4448011544400117. 1 4802290109 Docusses 870122 tatuesop escusson to state authorty 2 raciass8y und 60,0,2240346,, g g Ras,o,o,nds wg ogg to n 871015,,submrttai ,,,an e pe p g,on o,,f power ,,q,,a,scenson, 3 program,fo emergency classr%caten Esca ated response inay not to breertaken t>r state oficasts days Utd 4%Jid autmut resufts of fngt assessmere prce to renease korn Pead po W R the SE N Corechdated ', WN mW G W Em 4 Eeson Co of neee oro,Inc app.44539 060 44539 063 [ . 0802090547 Prowdes smoke seal critere as agreed Armg 471124 moeteg m/ 1 4002240375 Nopcaten of 470909 entercemere conierence e/uti m Keg of Pruss.a PA NRC Cmwe pesets pecess cor deternining wheemt smoke mis recestry a cork 1 to escuss securey saues centded m inne Rept50 293/47 amt penetratons m App R fre terrors & phyncat recurements tar sea's wtGGWS J T. Regon 1 Otc of the Drector 47/06/19 Repon 1. Ofc of the Drecto' BIRD R G. Baston Esson Co 86/02/03 Document Convol Brancei (Documert Corv " top 4445503744455038 tot Dna) 7pp. 44209 2M44289 266 4602240293 Decvsnes r%srectesentsens of uti re tiesch snester serey neses Utd M02000H Rem FR pm W now of cumowem W eme W wrend esson m Wense Om-35 & pe M wanaten 4 cmroenity not heanng m 'I D NM ton 7 0 L t 680114 roovest to Jan semannual raecache emuert release rept Grvert tp 44522124-445y2124 MCDONALD D G Provect Drectorate F3 66/02/10 NRC No Dotaded Afteaten 3pp 44353 M7-44M316 N02030160Advees that $70914 tsaus 2 Rev 1 to secunty pan consstent a/procteas of 10CFR50 54 esced tot one change Plan should te moefied a satsnined within 30 6802230371 W Consci pedts that utd enregyd eclu es 6M111 ser conecong s Page 109 to Amend ART T ector 88 0 & RD R Esson Co se.tu ient r. age W Morm reme, Enc o,ep.M,sccese Sepm.e.sWaton ter-r m manual N 3po 44U, Ned,,O,sc , of to ksCDONALO D G Prorect Dractorate F3 64e02/16 StRD R G Boston Esson Co. 2pp 44u9m-44um 9002100241 Rev 22 to Emergency Pian insiemoreng Processe 5 8 2. "Emergency Fa-E Co 01/27,4tpp 44306106-44M6146 " # n,2240131 Enata e Amerd W to Lscense DN35.consasting et conected Page Mm.01u , .,ds s,e ards sp R.pi n2w.744 on .=1,i. No v ns ~ac ~ ^"'*'=a - a **"* >= aa-aa m m22mu Formards msponse 2 proposed W W Gerenc Lt 8642 Uts actms TIN T T. Regon t. Olc of the Drector 68/01/29 BIRD R G Boston teson Co 2pp 4427714144277150 [Qh*[ a arm >= a5" '*4a" 'o?- *[$ 9 Documet Conard Branch W Co Mn2 Paw? .h.e P~,so s.c.e, insp R., *2n.7.u on .m,5 i. trol 10CF R73 21) Masca areas repected secunty program @graoes & auet2Jevee W 8002290124 Patias resperse to FOiA* 8creads Apps J & K meumonts Apps IJ the ector 87/12/ Cd * **8*' " O* O " "C ' D* "F ** ** N # TH CL SE ' 0 "m"peon"s*5 '4' 6 nApp'L ec"upents nemead W W""**b'epe"*en 5 ) E se 16 6rp 4427714544277150- GP:MS(E Y,D M Divis on of Ruies & Records (Post 8704139 64/02/23 BOLEY.K Putsc CatiTeAs Crecal Mast f rergy Pro,ect 7pp 44524 092 44524 294 $802090647 Proedes smo6e seal entene as agreed dLeeg 471124 moeteg el App physacal ter sea . -6W010343Docums e6120145observater* of INPO accmetation tea /n wensaion e f,'prJ,* fan,,W /o2 o = - c ~ aca o = "-n'c a &*#W @"? *M'?na'ita*a" EhcC NRC e taded Affeaton Gsvert E BNETER $ D Regon 1. Orc of re Drector 6pp 44524 Itt-4002100Mt Foreards 'hree fre protocoon eveLatons to pant tre eactsper 471124 * *

  • 1re grotecten mesgEvesueticas eeFess door estaRaten reg,rements & estatAsri R Bos Esson Co 68'0213 Docupert Contal Branch (Document Co,, Q inspecw mens,4 Mm 4 mence WW Des 4 22pp 4431815544311176 4402240375 Nst'8Caton of870909erdorcement cordannte e/uts e Erig of Pruss a PA 0802190104 Foreards Rev 3 m tacety,seewe, Pan Rev e4hheed grei 10C7R73 21) to escuss secunty asues more'ed e insp Rept W293 e 7-30 BeRD R G Boston Essen Co 84 w/10 Documord Contal Branch (Documere Corm vioGGW5 J T Repon 1 Olr or rie Drector 47/04/t9 Regon 1. Osc of the Drector vos Desa) 2pp 44445 22744445224 2pp 44455 03744455 036

a n . . _ . 48 DOCKETEDITEMS 9000H0370 Noucatan of 870930 u 08 team sponee = 870= ce ce-ei conie me,etmg eece. er te m Kmg of Pruss.a.PA to oecuss re- 800222e *4,4 m es Forwa,ds4 = 0i m facihty ev e ade tr,eee.kly uf v onsdestabs cinco ten terpower 8401304212 s NRC,hs  ! SLOUCM.A R. Regaon 1. Olc or Ine Drector 07/09/25. Rep 1. Osc of the Drector euters i 2pp 4451906244519063 BLOUGM.A R Regon 1. Ole of the Drector. 64102/16 W4GWS.J T. Regen 1. Olc of Ihe Drector. 759 44430 006-44430 092. 00000M119 Formerds Safety insp Repi 50 293/67 56 on 8711341204 No volanons noted $ taken to ccr ect v otalen noted m850411 *verded  ; JOHNST W V Rege 1. Osc of the Drector. 88/01/22 BsRD.R G Bos'en teson s. Reportatae occuryonees, LERe a yeisted corresponsience Co 2pp. 44190 306-44198115 4003020147 inse Rept 54293r87-55 on 6711301204 No voabces noted Magor 8002040000 Dsc morutoreg rept for Oct-Oec 1967 */68012e e areas espected gensee tonneup & correce.e actens to preycusly usyv@ed open ROBERTS,K P, B .R G. Boston Eeson Co 07/12/31 16pp 44252 044 44252 065. soms WOODARD.C H, ANCERSON.CJ Regen 1. Ofc of the Drector. 64/01/15 Opp 0002030310 rap on 471219 tre s@presson sys eessi tre pump moperable e 44190 306-44190 315 eacess of 7 cars due to orgty eesel engne cooleg sys espanson tank C4used t y tube Isaaage es core of coohng s,s Mx Ha core repared 9001210007 NRC Wo Notee 66401.

  • Safety inrecten Poe Fadure " Svc hat onet BIRD.R G Boston Eeson Co 64/01/23 Dscunnt Control Branch (Document Com ROS$4.C E Desen el Onoralensi E vents Assessmers (eose 470411). 68/01/27 voi Desy 2pp. 44223.193-44223194.

Consondaied Eeson Co W Nee vors. me 12300 44176 075-44176 197. - 08020$0094 Act recect of 671221

  • reormng NRC of steps taken to conect volabons 4402030272 PN43V47463A on 67t218.400 uO Sr/Y 90 mskument check source 00-Roted m mso Rept M293/87-33 cised lostCaused by taAse to propwiy convol sourcesSar
  • suspenced on JCHNSTON W V Rep t. Osc of the Drector 8.S'01/28 B;RD.R G Boston Eeson $60111 Source behewed to be ons44 Co 3pp 44259 20144259 212 V ANDELL L A , MURRAY.B Regon 4. 08c ot the Drector 04'01/27 Pop 44222357-44224 356 0002000142 Forwards Saiepaarcs inso Rept 50 293/8744 on 87091516 No volaions "

$402000169 LER 8742140on 070429.aubmatsc start sianal receared by emergency flN 7 T. Regon 1. Ofc of the Drector 64/01/29 BJRD.R G Boston Eason Co of*,,*,*',8[' #8'8,8*',g en , 9 ' [8, *0 2pp 4427714344277150 MAiALTON P J RO.R G Boston Esson Co 64r02/01 400 44276 287-44276 290 00 0m ,- 7 e.or.ys.c Secun,mp ae, um,87mm 87aiSa. grof 10CFR73 21) wapar areas espected securdy proga se up M202H @ 6MW 68M6 a.Mmahc notatens W m of pean com operata.e4 locss beys & combnatens & personnes wairmng @adcaton. & grades & avetsfooem of taAse a SMITH.G C , LANCASTE R

  • K., kE4G.R.R. Report 1. 08c of the Drector 47/12/ tamment 5 4 mactor bug meaten m may mpiaced 4 2erconte sys occwed may cows anaped W/CausedgM
  • to9c maar 16 6pp 4427714544277150 ELLIS,0 W , BAD.'H G. Boston Eeson Co to *02/05 opp 44342 076 44342 062 0802000235 Act recept of 471221 Ilr ehrerung NRC of s'eps taken to correct votatons $402100000 PNO468419on W211.fre a coritammated area of macrune shop roted yi into Rept 50 293/87-32 understumas that dry ca temp protse una de se escovered Fre eersfied as burneg mou6aton trom heat-weateg machne beme used trut'ed to NRR tor recte on vaNo esc m st',3p Fre er1rigashed No spread of contamsnason from area od JOHNSTON W v. Regon 1. 08c of the Dreciar 96/01/29. BADAG Boston Eeson curred Co 2pp 44275 212-44275 216. W ARREN C BLOUGRA_ Repcm 1, Oc et the Drector 88/02/12,1p. 44367 326-44367 326 0002000237Forords response to NRC per te votatens reted n Inno Rept M293/07 4S Correceve actens eaten engmeer esposed of magares & contscated pocket 6802220238 LER 64-002 00 0n 680117.tue scram Fe sapa! tohowed by econesete owirorec cad paymg game estomate actuatens occurred Caused py maoewate processe & twgh reerstase of BIRD R G Boston Esson Co 88/02/01 D3cument Coneal Brarch (Document Cork contacts in lope relay Procee#e rev* sed & lo@c reiay repaced WiS80216 IW Foi Des 4F 6pp. 44277260-44277 265. ELLIS O W , B.RD.R G Boston Eason Co-64/02/16. 6pp 4442e 34k44428 354 0001N0102 NRC Wo Nobce 68402. "Lost or Staten Gauges
  • Svc het once i

CUNNINGHAM R E. Cevesen of andusmas & Meecal Nucsear Sa'ety (Pos: 870729) 4402290011 LER 6742240ori 470607. automate actuaten of reactor bidg sotaten 60102/02. Coneohdawd Eeson Co of Nee YorN inc.12tpp 44296 09344296 213 contros sys (RBrSi occurred Caused by taaed renay IK2) e Channel e tr9 creue Seconary conlamment moisten agnal ciered a reset W /080222

  • 0802010064 NRC Into Notce 44401 "Cracts m Savoud Swport Access Hole Cover Wees Sec hst encs ROSSI C E (>cien of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 8704tt) 64/02/02 Coneohdated Eeson Co ed Nee YorA lac.112p9. 44338 225 44338 336. DOCKET $0 294 MICMfGAN STATE UNIV. RESEARCH REACTDM
  • 800 20034 NRC Baseam 88 001. "Detects a Westeg%ouse Cecus Breamers ** Svc bst j ROS$1.C E twson of Operatonal Events Assessmore IPost 870411) 68/02/05.

Consondated Eeson Co of Neo vora. inc 143pp 44339 225-44340004 3402170344 Rev 5 to Emergency Pian.Mengan State Vrww Tnga Nuclear Reactor? W/ $402020035 NRC Bun een 64@2. 'Rapy Propagateg Fatgue Cracks m Steam Gen. 880202

  • erstar Tubes Svc kst erst WtLMNSON R Mctogan State Uner. East tanseg. M168/01/22 79pp 44364 021 ROSSI.CE tbson of Operatonal Events As 44364 099 88/02/05 Consohoated Eeson Co of Nee Vors. Inc 1245,sessmers (Post 4433$ 337 44339 t00 e70411)

! 68020202N NRC Into Notco 66404 "tr+3ewate CLakticoson a Do.umentaten os *P'"***'PD"8P''''''d"P**d'"*' Fae Bener Peneeaton Sea's ' Svc hst enct ROSSI.C E Cwsen W Cowahomas Ever4s Assesstr=ent (Post 4704111 66'02 r05 6602100321 Annual rept of activees & events for 1987 , Conschdated Eeson Co of fee. Yor1L inc 124pp 4433910144339 224 WilmNSON8 W State Urvv. East Lanseg Mi 88t02/05 Document Con. vol Branch (Docwnert of Desa) 2pp 443101444431014$ 0802170031 Aes recept W 871230 taaen to conect vesates noted nnrinsp eWormme Rept %293/67-35 Actens we be esammedNRC of conectree & prevereve achons tuture esp at scensed proya* V. Operator Esaminabons 9AR M sN T T. Regon t Oc of ine Drector 66/02/10. BtRD.R G Boston Eeson Co 2pp 44353 30144353 MS. t 6402040224 Provuses termats for personal quaticaten statemert Ae3enasm to N8k j $802110320 NRC Info Notee 68 005.1ee in Anniscator Cornrei Catanets " Svc bst enct Form re=reJse w es&rrewre.d cotod be pror e e oneto Regon all We once appicart compaetes tammg ( j ROS$1.C E CMson of Operatonas Events Assessment spost e70411) 66/02/12 WRsGMT G C Repon 3 Orc of sne Drector 66r02/01 Commoneerth Eeson Co a Ccascacated Eeson Co. of Nee YorN snc 120pp 44523 25644524 015 500 44211 091-44251 093 ' i ! BL Portoes operating reports 4 related correspondence DOCKET W295 ZION NUCLE AR POWER STATION. Ute:T 1  ; i 8002240Me Foreards t eeetN status rept for470013-26 l WGGtNS)T Regen t. of the Drectcr 87/09/01 BETTENHAUSEN L NRC . F. Securtty, medcal, emergency 4 hre protection plans + heo Detamed Athhabon Geren. 6pp 44452 01344452 0$0 0802240402Formords tacey bae++W status rept for 671022-1104 $402140371 processes meuena Rev 3 to ECL4 c i yip Rected n g e,mergenc,y g,,,, , m ,e pian arpie p,,,d Sarcer Dea" & hev 6 M ED-58, BLOUGM A R Re9an 1. cOr of Ine Drector 87/11/12 WGGtNSJ T. NRC No N o,,c,,m,es tnn ,so,on t Rem Evacushon Ranges & Calcuiaton or Or'sae We ? taded Affibaten Gaven 7pp 44455 064-44455070 FERGUSON B Commonetae Eason Co a?!12/31 1000 44}64 333 44369 072 6802260643 Au e 1 -eam eas Forwarc.s.,fa,ce,e, o,n o6 ,t , , etweeetir eve u -status io rest,,forc~e 87t t t&1202 =.-e-2 mNRC m. ,S. ss gmented ~ e~ En 4 ,C t. w ae - -Operat E~gers, 7= ~n.= E - ,e,,s, . coy O. ~,. Se a e,eTe^cior 774464 d* d4884*'"##**"'"**"'** O'th Eeson Co 64/01/24 7pp 44341199-44341205 I 0802 . 3 oo.a ,s ,o, Jan 4 W, oui, , am1..Cn.,ea - t -75.. Emes'.re ae - ~ ~e  ! MAiht10N ORG ton Esson Co ta/01/31 7pp 444410174446t 023 EP;P 32M. " Actavahun W G$EP Staten Group ) i Nmat.A W Commoneeam Eeson Co wou26 Documens Contrer BranciuDoc. i 0802220208 Foreerds pant tweeeW status rept nor 68011629 penod NRC eiA be con, ment Control Des 4 600 44341206 44341213 l auteng pubac meetmgs et Phmouth Memonal has e Phmoutn.UA on660214 to re- , cove suas comments on part resist man 640212016e Change Au-007 to Rev 4 to Emergency Pian impeemeateg Pro-l BLQUGMA R Repon 1 Cwc of the Drector 66/02/03 WGGWSJ T Regen 1. Ole cease EPtP 1W1 " Stores Dweetor ~ { of the Drector opp 4442s 326-44420 331

  • Commoneen m Esson Co 68/01/20 7pp 44341124 44341130 4

1 1 i i -- - -- - . . . - , - . - _ . , , --. - - - - - - , - - - , , - --n DOCKETEDITEMS 69 6802120262 Cha ge Reovest A45005 canceneg Emergency Plan impienemng Proco- Q. Inspectiori reports, IE Swn*tes & corresponderge oure EPP 3M-4. "C3Wgaben of trocent invdveg Hawoous Mees

  • R.ECu T Commonwealtn ESSan Co 84'Of /28 3pp 44342104 44s42106 g g . p , g 8402160024 Rev reed E mer Pla, implementeg Proceese EP P 3M 1. tass > fica. ROSS; C E C* son of Ocerstmal E <ents Assew +N iPost 8 704 f t) 44/01/27.

hon et GSE P Conotes c4 Contents

  • reptacaq Page 2 OA to typo ConsoN3ated Esson Co o8 Nee Vors mc 123c9 44176 07544176197.
  • Common =ese Esson Co 68/02/05 3pp 44347 212 44347 214 6502020160 Foreads Safety insp Repts S29% 87-36 & W304est3? on 87t120-4402290344 Formeds Sa'er r insp Repts W295,H 46 & WM4364 07 on 463206 680114 & nobce of voatoninsa eoned that Etion latee to correc1 voaton & to 1i No v.cnates noted p'ORNE Y.* L Reveni reCv"ence NRC ederstaNeg c4 actes ncded e rect W 'o SNAFER W D Reson 3 O'c c4 the Drector 64/02/24 REED.C Comoneeae F 9on 3 O*c 08 the Drector 64 01/27 REED C Cormcreeam Eeson Co 209 44529 31044529 324 Esson Co 2rp 44190 'i4441M 206

-4402290376 ins,p Repts M295 6446 & KM4/6447 on 84020611No violatons -4302020147 Inso Repts 50 295/87 36 & %304/47 37 on 871120 860114 Voaton noted Masor wees espected emergency prepawn noieo Ma,cr areas rtscected operatonal saie*y ver4icaton & ESF syt mahdoen & Fk action on previouWy centAeJ areas & emergency pia,ess Fcqram.mciudeg hcensee actrvatons scoctor totoew of IE DJefe 87402 SNE LLW , SMtTH M , PLOS4T Re90n J. Cdc of tre Dredor 64M2 /23 13pp HADS.J u nenen 3 OM of the Drector 64 41/27 11pp 4411>) 198-441ilo 200 44529 312 44529 324 4401260102NRC Irdo Peace 4 W2 "Lost or Stolen Ganes " Src hst enct CUNN%H4M R E Orcson of ino.estes & Mexas %cear Sa'e+y (Post 8?O7291 L Financsaiinformatsort 64/02/02 Contadated issco Co of New York, one 1210p 44236 09344296 213. 4402260163 "Commce ea'tn Ess vi 1987 Antsal Rept " * /680223 IV 6802010044 NRC Inlo Not ce 64403, "Csacss in SrvcW Succort Access Hole Cover O CONNOR.J J Comrnorveearta E $scn Co $7/12/ 31. 44po 44505 005-44505 044 Wes3s Syc hst enet RCWC E Dros.on of Operatonal E ven's Assessmen, trost 6 7041 r). 64 '02/02 Consoeated Esson Co of Nee York. enc t t2pp 44338 225 443% 336 P. Operateg license stage docuents & correspotutence 6802040177 Foreards $4 ety tr+sp Retts 60 295 87-37 4 50 304/47 34 On 471214 d 4402090229 E'v ALUATION OF SEVE AE RCGNT R.Sa$ AND POTENTIAL FOR 660121 No vcatons roted R SK RECMJCTION l'ON POWER PLANT .')r/t Peport For Comment SNAFER W D Regon 3 O'c of the Drector 84 r02 /03 REED C. Cornmonwea'th KNAT@ Ra4 AR PARK C. CHUN M Brcohharen NahorW Laocratory fin A 3293 E> son Co 2pp 44277156-44277180 NUREG/CR4551 V5 DAF 87/02'26 Dev' son o, R? actor Acc4eni Anar y n (Post 870413) 1938pp 44Mt 00144306134 ~4402040196msp Rept W295/47 3,7 & %304<87 34 on 871214 680121 No voabons er oeoations noted Mapt areas ar%ected operahoas raia*on protecten & transpor. 64020' 459 Foraares mfo re oetectet say trveshod m sweve/tute condnawper tahon eropaes & recem of LE R & scer+ fued CoCW hner leahage hes SEJ4 commament e response to es ave of Amends 96 & 64 to Lcenses DPR 32 %AW NSal W J. GREGER L A Repon 3. Otc W the Drecsor e4 '02 '03 21pp & DPR 48 ressectvei on661114 Data on Actocrote & Bottan co4 a so enci 44277 160-44217 180 LEBLOND.P C Commcceeaw Esson Co 68'01/15 Document Contros Brance (Occument Cort:d Desa) 199p 44216 074 44216 095 8402100213 Resoorvts to NRC680104 ter te voiatons noted vi inno Repts 50 295t47 6402030094 FOLA request oe r documents re Apr 19?9 acceentar rowase of redoactve 3 " *"0'## *** 3,#, ' , gn p, p, ,#,' ,$' p'j 9as & maw Neesoaoer meeg w SCHURDER M A%aton Not Ass.gned 64 '01 r 19 NRC No Detaed A%ahon DE E L O Commonweae Esson Co 48 C2<03 UEBE AMAN J NRC - No Gwen 2pg 44239 293-44239 264 Detved Ar%ehon Grven 14pp 44306 '05-44304179 8401210332 Genenc Lir 6642 to all power reactor hcomees re it teyaied Sa','y As. 8402020034 NRC B#etc 66401. ' Detects in Westefouse Cecuit Breamers " Svc hst sesstnent Propam It !? SAP ti) Svc hst enci **C' M RAGUA.F J Assoc.ste Drector for P owe's (post 470411) 44/01/20 Cc raohda'ed ROS St C E Deson W Operatonal Events Assessment iP yst 8 70411) 64/02/05 Esson Co of New Yors. 8nc dopp 44202 319 44203 005 Connoicaied Esson Co N % vces. me 140pp 4433ir 225-44343 004 8802030352 Fcrearw reso,nse to 471222rowst for oss reo re 470529 ax4ca'on 4402020035 NRC Bsn ete 88K2- 'Rapo, Pror-agemg Fat 9ue Cracks e Steam Gen. tar amenos 1o Lcenas DPR 3d & DPR 48.rerseg Te:m Spec Sectors 3 3 2 G & orator Tutes ' Svc het enei 4 3 2 G ro ice temp everpwssse protecton ROSS* C E Chson of Operatona! Events Assessmene Post 870411) 68/02/05 LE BLOND P C Common *eam t ason Co 68'01/21 Document Contros Branca Consoecated teson Co c8 New Yors, Inc 124c9 44 334 33744339100 (Document Control Desa) 559 44225 23644225 242 4402010179 Forearos ssppemerital response to Genene Lv 8512 re msirsment car-840202C224 NRC Into Mtce 68 004 ' maJeoJo Owa4tcaton & Docurrentabon of Fee Baner PrNWaton Sea's " Svc hst enct tanty for normat & as.orse contanment constens for reactor cootani p/T trc ROSSa C E C)vson of Operator.a E vents Assessment iPost 870411) 64'02 J05 setpoet.per914 950822 rir Consoacatevt ESece Co of New Yors. Inc 124pp 44 339 tot 4433v 224 WORGAN W E Comtron=eae Essen co 68'01/25 VJRLEY t E Omco of Nscear Reacsor Repaton. Drector t Post870411) I top 44166 32 7-44166 337 4802140147 Respceos to NRC 680107 Mr te vestons noted e insp Repts 50 295 87-36 & 50 304 8 7 39 Conect ve actons rNt es acpoet Qn t me egi9 ment tectncal

  • 4402030103 Feai resconse to FOiA reovest for doceents te accoental renease of re- brmoen cmechne m Wrce ee s*q d'*svaM prxe3 pes coactiv ases & ester No agency recoros autg to repst located Searco N lees e ByT T E RF tE L DJ Canmonweae E sson Co 68 02 C5 DAwS A B Regon 3 cmc of LPOR e on el sy'Jes'ed the Drector ipp 4436 7 207 44367 208 GR VS E V D M Lavis on of Rses & Recores (post 470413) 68,01,29 SCHURDER M A%aton Not Assyed 1p 44239 285 44239 265 8402160301 Reo.sests FR g@caton , not<e , as ance of Amend tot to License 4402080274 Akoes that Nov 1872 Rev t tc becntel 7opica: Rept BN TOP 1 testeg # 3'o"s*30

*****0"*'"*"***#*******'**'***'*"*'"** cars to prevent forced sh'utom of levy tiv appr A' een E s 86 'C2'02 Document Control Branch ICccu- hlR D R ht Dvedora'e Hs 2 88 T2'M W N W.4W Anaton h meM Cor*oi Dess) ip 44274 056 44278 056 2pp 44351225M3M 2M 4402190214 Forea'ds Amend 1DS to Lcense DPR 39 4 seiety evabaton Amend c. 8402140005Forear3s insp Rees50-295 68 N & 54M4 68 05 on 48011215 418 No vosv es one hme aneraion of abeacie snuteer esc po oss voaens noted NOR A.S.J Frotect Drectorate Li

  • 88 02'05 BJT t E RF.E LD L Commonees tm SxAF E R W D Re906 3 cmc of the Drector 68/02/10 AEED C Commonwea'tn Esson Co 2pp 44374 300-44374 307 Eoson Co 2pp 44367 018 44367 027

-8402190224 Amend 908 to Lcease DPR 39 reviseg amoeable snuteer esp peroos to -8402180007 Inso Repts 50 295, M-04 4 $0E4 '88 05 ca 8M112 '5 419 No voa-oeev eso tot appros 30 cars tons noted Maor a eas escected CA & confirmatory meawes for e ptant reoche. MVLLE N D R ProeCi Drectora'e124 2 89'C2/05 app 44374 3C2 44374 305 mecai eaues & achon on coen items prevousy oentded JaNUSp A A G SCMVV AME R W Repun 3 09c of the CveWe 68/02/10 Scp -8402190327Sa'ety evetaton s,cocriang Amend 100 to treese DPR 39 4436 7 020 44X 7 C2 7

  • Onice of %cear Reactor Repat.on. Drector Ipos' '704111 40'C2/05 2pp 44374 30644374 307 4402110328 NRC into Not<e 88 005 F ae e Annuncator Cont os Catwa Svc bst enci 8 2,.0301 Re_,s , A pa_ , ,-e , es xe , Amend ,04 t-se ROsS, C E C- , C_a_ E vems a,ses,me, ,cs, 4 , y o C,,,,

DPR-39 Amend ev,ves one tm 49eraton of aficentne snytter gencos to delar esp ConsoMaied E Sson Co of Nee fort inc 1M;9 44523 256 44124 015 t'y eDorc,a 30 days to prevent forced shut 3wre of faciary MJLL E t oc1 crate 448-2 6S'C2/10 NRC No Detaded Ahahon G< vee 4402290053 e 680223 Sm P t n- Conte.<r**s.m, a m ma-<e meebec e e s'utd~ame-see e G:ca E,y it to escuss 480a ,2170354 Foresros revs,ed Pa 88 02'22 RE ED C Commmeese sv t .,~a o mense, .m C.m, o~ ca,~4 -am te C4274 ~o, &m 2,2 4712,09. app s.s Anachment =c ation - to' GT,s,ElU, , ,C ,E G Rme3 44 445 O',c,o,f the 5, Drector TR2vNa G E Commonweat E oson to 68 02e11 Document Cer+ol Branch (Nc-umert Control Desh) 2pp 44364 01144364 014 4402290055 Cordvms paas to anena 8W25 meemg a shi e Gen EY % lo escuss concerns re emq sa'e5 ses ovtale mcd esc -4402180164Procesed Tech Spec Ps2e 274 re 124 von tanerv teshng GS<E E NV AN E G Repon 3 Cwc ci the Cevectu 8* C2 23 RE E D C Ca non=ea'th

  • Commonwea th E 3 son Co F6 '02' 11 2pp 44"l64 413 44%4 C14 Msca Co Ic 44D 4113 445 5419 3 4402140247 Gemenc LW 64 C3 to resca s ton of Genenc Sa'e5 issue 93 5:eem Beong 4402290344 F cre aia Sa'e5 *se Repts 50 2A se 4 & 50 E41e4, on 490M6 of Au*aq Feefeater Psmc,s ' Sec ksi enci t 1 N3 vcatens nc4d M RAGUA F J Chv-.sson of Ogerahona# E vents Assessment (Post 47411) 66 'C2 r 17 $HAF[R W D Rey,n 3 Ofc of tre (wemr M C2 24 R[(O C Cownonneay Consohdated E Ston Co of New Yors. Inc 4400 44524 056 44814 M1 E oson Co 2pp 44529 31H4'.29 324

10 DOCKETEDITEMS -4002290376 Inno Repts $4295/08-06 4 50 304/8647 on 68020611No ecdotons 8002000264 Corarms NRC avadabeny to priceale m TVA e#Iort to essemreta meo reted Waror areas espected emergency preparedness propam.mciudmg hcensee trvouce empoyee concerns program renew staten at plante response to acten on provcus8v centhed areas & emergency p6an actvetons af t2f ier SNELL* , SuiTH u. PLOSKI,T. Regen J. Oc of the Drector. 84/02/23 13pp. RotARDSON S D Olc cd Soccas Prorects 88r01/27. WHITE.$ A Tenru+see vasey 44529 312-44529 324- Authorey 3pp 44292 35244292 354 600MM324 Ineorms that changes to CA propam Pet do not reduce commemorts ed Q Portedhe operstmg reports & related verteependence ce s@mstted by 680331 to answe met topcal root awtesy refects raceritey ap-proved orgaruahon charges n Oc of Nuenear Power 9002160086 Montrey creratrq tept lor Jan 1964 W/680203 lir GRIDLEY A Tennessee vahy Aumorey 64/01/29 Document Corierol Brcach (Occu. As,r$ TIN.G., PLledLG J. Corry onnearth Eeson Co. 68/01/ 31. 12pp 44352 001- more Cor*ot Desk) 2pp. 44149 33744109 336 44352 012 4402100 64 Forwards Amends 141.137 4 112 to Lcenses OPR-33 DPR 52 & OPR-64.respecovery 4 safety evaluabort Amends delete ophon m Tech Specs to perform t S Reportatae occurrences LERe & redeced cerfeeponeonce rockcod pressure test method tar enterated leak test & correct acceptatdo lost rate , LER 6440140 cn 80 red terr M A Tmm W W. 4003100402 .ed n -a-ar e . be%amt e 7,22m.ance sunrest,4 3pp 443 3fg 3 m s d ca. /c r< n 3 S PL G Eeson Co 83 pp 4 30 1- -8402100423 Amends 141,137 & til to Lcenses OPR 33.DPR S2 & DPR48, 44307 015 respecovey doetng wson m fece Specs to perform redweed presage tesi method lor elegated lema role test & correctmg acceptatue team rate terut of eywee atmos-0802260042 Parte response to FotA res,est nor records se rodents evolveg bcensed 4 sermor reacior operators e colabort of htness for eAy gadelmes Forwards App S QG G Olc d W 68/@n 3#p uM6 MW W-documeres - GRIMSLEY.D H Dwason of Rules & Records (Post 070413) 88/02/22 BOLEVA -8402100444 Safety eveNabon s@portng Amends 141.137 & 112 to Leonses OPR. PLtec Chron's Crecal Mass Energy Proiect 2pp. 44495 34744495 352 33 N52 & Dm48.respecovey Cec of Specand Pro,ects 68/02/03 4m 44316 34444316 351, -8402290067 Package conachng of 871026 morrung sept re bcensed reactor operator ' 871026se*wseen of chemes dependence & subsequert rebel Wom 4Ay & guapen. -4002100442Rowests FR phbon of nosce of esuance of Amends 141.137 & 112 srjn of unetcorted bte access to Lcenses DPR-33.DPR-52 4 DPR48.respecove y Arnands oeene opson m Tech

  • Royon 2 Oc of Ine Drector $7/10/28 1p. 444D5.352-44495.352. Specs to m reduced presswo test memod tar ele ZECH G Orc of Special Pro,ects $6/02/03 NRC .7sted leak rateAf'diaten No Dotaded test. Govert 1p 44316 252-44316 352
v. Operetor Enammanons 4602000118 Inlorms that utd m process of mcorporahn0 comeents prowded SD Eb-9002040224 Provides termats for persorw qua*Fcaten statement Adde %rn to NRC Form 390 regured to te forwarded to Repon is 0*c once apphcant cor@aetes tasung

$fph $',,PRA & win proceed aloovegmeni of pia t GRhEYA Tenne W /M/04 MM Md &M h IG R of Dr tor 88/02/01 Common =eath Esson Co. ment Cor*c8 Desh) 2pp 44262334M2 335 ' 38' "# 6802170203 Formards amended Page 70 of corporate nuciear performance plan to re- I 4002140292 Forwards pdot roguahfcaton esamJn anicipaten of resurgson of requakt> piace brmaded h 471210 nr caten testag teter tNs yr Utd showed reven propams & marpower commitments W/c A p354 f MdbM N g,, *** 3pp YQ WRIGHT.G C Regen 3. Orc of the Drector 88/02/12 HOLYOAK A. Commorieeartin Eeson Ce 3pp 44366 306 44368 309 6802190003 Confrms 880211 mgt rneetng e Repon 11 to escuss orgarusaten of nucie-er secw stailper880205 tescort 9002220164 Commends dedcanon 4 comtretment of enev&as hacng gene tnrough S ARM . Oc of SW Proyects 68r02/06. WMTE.S A Tennessee vakey Asthor. study & lor NRC bconse NRC ed formany ;*esert kcense certicates 4 2pp 44462 216444W 24 bcereed i requested WR G C Regen 9 Olc of the Drector 84/02/12 HOLYOAAR Commonweasin 6602110265 Provces Tir A method of nooscaton for openmg of empiciyee concerns f Esson Co 2pp. 44446 354 44446 355 EceCW pro 7e* evow s'atens & hot knes NRC essstance m compwson of process - g rumented t'y 680'2'9 GROLE y.R L Tennessee Vesey Aamorey 44/02<09 Occument Control Branch I DOCKET Sekte SROwneS FERRY NUCLEAR POWER ST&TDDN, UtslT 3 (Dorvmore Coreal Desk) Spp 44321 094 44321 096 6802230234 Yg rept of 680204 45 mie vet to earung course or, hea8m F. Seewney, meeca( emergency & fire protection piene pnyscssreposed egenda for avd4 of corecs room procoosres generaton pacsage & rue ear pertormarce 4002020203 Decvsses descency to enevers badged for wrescorted secess but to DH w Protects 68/02/H ZECH G G Osc of Scocial Properts deve40 ped ref checss Task force trorn personnes secuty estabksned to devecp ref ue gg, G anness v asey 0 26 Branch 6802230193 Formatos Amenos 144 143 & 115 to Leennes DP433 DPR-52 & DPR-1 Document Cor*ot Desa) 2pp 44199179 44199100 663escocevey & savy evawataan Arwnd repres W48 lest eequences ter coe sga BCJC HPCs & ADS & LPCI logcs & core spray euto arvbahon erfuba 6802160244 Formards pages tot physcal secwtyt . paan Rev 9 Pages sub- 2ECH G c8 Specnet Propects 88/02/12 WHITE.$ A Tennessee vesey Aamor-meed in ref to t?1215 & 17 tencon 4 m respotee to 871218 er Enct wimheid my 3pp 44443 336-44443 354 Pef 10CFR73 21) J GROLEY.R Tennessee Vaney Awemorev 88/02/09 Documerit Cortol 8 ranch h -4402230210 Amends 144 140 & 115 to Leontes OPR.33 0PR-52 & DPA44. ment Cor*cd Deskt 2re 44350 354 44350 355 reptacmg funcomal test kocmences for core spray RCIC.MPCt.AD$ 4 r L & core soray & MPCI auto est.aien mhtsts to once every 1e mores  ! ZECH. G Oc of $pec41 Prosects 68'02/12 15pp 44443 34144443 355 0802110365 Revned emergency plan arviemontaq procerNres.mebeng Pari EPL & ( Rev 0 to moea W /600210 ser GROLE Y R L. Tennessee Yaney Asthorty 44/02/10 6sp 44310 329-44310 335 -440223022$ Sa'ety evabaton s@portmg Amends 144.140 & 11$ to Lcermes DPR- l 33 DPR-52 & DPR48 respectve#y } 0802230234 Tnp rept of 660204 45 ste vise to tareg cowse on hearm

  • Osc of Specw Proiects 44/02/12. 3pp 4444.$ %644443 358 phyncs. proposed agenda for aset of cor*cd room proceises generaton package 4 nuclear portarmance p6 art 6402240116 Foreards Amends 142.136 & 113 to Lconses DPR 33 DPR-52 & DPR haORAN D H Olc of $pecial Propects Se/02/11. ZECH.G G Olc of Speed Protects 64.respecovesy 4 sa'ety evabaten Amenos emose kmd on reactor COerahon tren HP 3pp 44444 043A4444 045 not being used to malery pneumatic contros ers essde coniaevront ZE ' G G Olc of Sceew Prosects 68/02/12 wwTE.$ A Tennessee van ey Author.

0802170344 Responds to concerm noted m inne Repts50 259/8743. 54200 8P 43 & ny 3pp 44465 32$-44465 355 54296/07 43 re 871102 eyees tre Coreectve actons hcensee menous accident m-ten team e.n-rts beecaer-hand esadoeft of sectral caows -4402240124 A menos 142 134 & 113 to Leoases OPR 33.DPR $2 & DPR48. GR EYA Tenrossee valiey Authority 68/C2/16 Documert Corval Branch (Docu- respeevves, evossng berut on reactor operaten when rvtrogen not beeig used to mort Cor*ol Desat 9pp 44363 336 44363 344 supply bc control s ensee cordainment 8002220009SArvuts schoaaie for .neological emwr pta's esercises for t*64 GRiDLEY R terwessee basey Awmorny 64/02 2. Olc of the Desctcv -4002240134 Sawy evouston s@portmg Amende 142.134 & 113 to Lconnes OPR. 2pp 44447 0174444F C10 33 DPR 52 & DPR48 tespectivey

  • O'c of Space Propects 64/02/12 2pp 44465 353 44465 354 P. Opereeineacenee stage secuments & corvespondence

-4002240144Reeeests FRSJtihcahon of relce of msuance c4 Amends 142 134 & 113 to Leonses DPR 33 DPR 52 & DPR 64 respecDwest A' rends impose hmd on reactor 8001210332 (serenc Lt 4S42 to as power rsector teensees to treeyaied Safety As- operanon eron rup ret twing used to suppry oneumabc coreas sys sessreent Program it (ISAP al Svc not enci ZECM G G Oec of I Pro,ects 66/02/ t2 NRC No Detaaed Amhaton Grven he<RAGLIA FJ Associate Drector tor Pro,eets IPost470411) 64/01/20 Conmohdated 1p 44465 355-44465 35% Eeson Ce of Nee Vers. mc obpp 44202 316 44M3 0?$ 6402250243 Forea'as Amends 143.139 4 114 to Lcenses DPR 33 DPR 52 & DPR- $801260637 Generc Lir 8441 to at BAR btensees & hoeders of cps tor BARS to NRC 64.respectweay & sa'en evsiusten Amend rectes tmneg coneton tow opershon to ponton on IG5cc m BWR austervic stareess steed ppng Svc 6st once roosee te5er sta lor exane tesmg & anaiys.s et charcos hner saamies h4AAGUA F J Assoaait Caett1r lor Propects (Post 470411) 68/01/25 Ccw ZECH G G Olc of Special Pro,ects 64/02/12 ve-site $ A Yonnessee vadey a utree-wealm Edece Ce 43pp 44256146-44256168 Wy 3pp 44499 281-444*9 324 t i ,i , DOCKETEDITEMS 71  ! l 1 -4002290M6 Amends 08020200M NRC Gutetn 64401 "De*ects m Westngnouse Cetut Breakers' $we tot

  • respeco wy wyereng ee 143,.139 4 114 to hmiere to teensee comoton DPR-33toDPR.52 eor opershon & DPR-64.

regare later ses for once come testry & ena*ytus of cnwcoat her serves ROSSIC E Dween of Operatonal Events Assessment (post 0704111 64/02/06. 2ECHQ G vec of Specal Prcsects $4/02/12 39pp 44499 2844e499 322 Coneoscoted Eeson Co W New Yort,Inc. 14059. 443M 22544340 004 -4002Heste Seierp evatusten e4portng Amends 143.139 & 114 to Oconses DPR- 8002020034 NRC tm 44402. "Rapdy Propaganng Fatgue Cracks m Steem Ge+ 33 DPR.62 & DPR44.respecway erstar Tdes " Svc het onct *

  • Oec of Spec af Propects 06/02/12 2pp 44499 323444D9324 ROSSI C E Dween of Operatonal Events Assessment (Poes 470411t $6/02/05 l

! 0802190007 Servvismeerval revoed tarrequest A&MEfor eserveen Secton ko,m as pur- 10CFR50 & vahre prwomSSaigud) ta one on to esoe { 800mHN NRC m he SN %Ww he & he of ' of Desk $pp 4 $ 04 4 of a Amtsment Post 8704M 94/02/06 Conecdcoted Eeson Co of Nee York. Inc 124pp. 4433910144339 224. 8002230844 Regeests that see to aten for approval to une A$UE Sodor & Pres i ese vessel Code Cases N-3414 364 lor Pants be femmed Gas we to saved 80,- 08021143M NRC Info Nocce 44405.

  • Fee e Annuncastor Conirol Cabee's
  • Svg tot new eks costa cor recee of appicatert once DOGSA M tsenne Fee Wanagement tranch, 64/02/10 WMTE.S A Tennessee )

ROSSIC E. Dween of Oseratonal Evenes Assessmert (Post 470411) 44/0U12 Vaney Authorer 1p 4445003544450035 Coneowsated Eeson Co ot heo Vors. inc.120pp 44S23 26644$24 015 1 0802230322 Prondes meesty ocneede of TVA ac6 vees for oss of 8a0222 & 2n 9002170344 Responds to coneyns need m rep Repts $42$9/87-43. 50260/87-43 & af LLv,J L Osc of Spooat Progects $4/02/10 2ECM.Q G Osc of Specei Protects i 2296.s743 ee 67t102 dryees tre Correew acsons tcensee serous accmsent et. 4pp 44449 356-44449 350 vesbpshon team w9 arts hand-over Aand osmocien cd eecycal catwes j 0802240322 Noticason of 68022% meetng e/utd et Chattanoogs TN to escwbs ecnod- GRuty.R. mant ContW Tennesse,e Dest). 95 44363 vane,336443ft3 Aumorey344.6a/02/16. Document contra Branen (Docw wws tot recotes l GEARS O E Oec of Spocal Pro,ects 68/0U19 ZECKG G Ots of Spacei Prosects ! Spp. 44474 34844474 351. R. Portees opereung reports & toisted correspondence 9002290117 Nocecaten of $40229 moving e/vid a Roc 6vde.MD to dkscuss proposed . canena roovreg NRC approvst 0802030200 Decnarge monnonne rept ter Dec 1947 - GEARS G E Osc of Scoc es Prosects $8/02/22. lECM.G G 084 of Spacer Prorects BROOn5.R M. Tennessee Vahey Authonty 47/12/31_13pp. 44222 344-44222 356. . 3pp 44474153444741$5. 9002020200 Foreerde reactor bedg coritainmere lean rate test 904ay recuer toch . 8002260266 Notfcaten of c'enge e tme ter 880225 p@tc meetng to actedales nor Ssec 6 7 3 C 1 a Seconoary cortammer1 tot as twee reactor tones & common resuet > Pa'*s j GEAR $ Q E. Osc of Scecel Proiects 88/02/23 ZECKG G Ole of Spec si Prosects ginggy,n y nn aume,ey 80/01/25 Document Coned tranen (DooJ-App 4450000144500004 g'one tested on,0 ment Cergot Desa) ,1pp 4419 7,10,26, y.n,y?J 76-44197 276 ' 0802200030 Appicaten for amende to Lcenses OPR 33 DPR 52 & DPR40. changag J seve o eservais Ice two sever'ance reeerements -W2020207 *$ecedary Contannere w0utsLeanip Rate uit?int Pove 97,rwed 27 0 7102t* Tech & anom,ng,deets,,,een,eance u e mie no - 7-enn vee, Aoinone, m44 GRIDLEVA Tennessee Vaney Authorey Mr02/24 Documens Control Beanen (Doew mort Carew Desa) 2pp 44514 018-44514 040. 9002200213 MontNy operateo reces Ice Jan 1980 W/sectt 7 ID CRA WFOROJ D , 14 Atp ER,.J G Tennessee Vasey Authonty 08/01/31. 70pp -8002290043 Pecsoned Tech Specs deietng ebeoeste esvedance miervast tot nye s6e. 44500 23144506 300. vemance regaremems & aaomeg use of eterval estenson Fat is port of plang Toces

  • t

, $Dec desniten of s#veshance

  • Tennessee ires ey Authorey $4/02/24 2100 44514 020-44514 040 0002120,271 sesyr nt tw Foreyds pe,cs Montnfy Prooress Rept PC4177-$. "Wdepensent Ana'yses & As-66M31 CA8tF A'hNO.$ P. Caiscan p Isut,s A/vm l'estwFrankan Reseven Caneer) 0802200000 Advees Inst uld ready to supprwt sche &ded NRC ogspment quashcason NRC46 # 16e ta42<c3 W E 87.5 NRC No Detaded AMAason Grven, 1p.

eust on SM41 t ivty esapmerW guskhcaten pacsages genanc tunoer and 64s47 tlF 44347165 l 4 10CFR50 49 haren dente het temg mese tes & eamoomns being corected i mentNo D7esa2[44D43N4I2 -Op2120272 "widesondent Assnamwe & Anew monedy pogress ten tar penod among 840131

  • Ca' span Corp Nbs Arve indusPes'Frankhn Reseech Cer4er) NRC4$46164 P.

< Q. W reports, IE Subetme & terreepedence C4177-4. 44'03/04 NRC . No Detaded Attesion Gsven egg 44347 15444)47165 i 4 8003020200 Forearos Inso Rapta $4259'07 4tM2to/07-41 & 54296/87-41 on 871102 06 & notre of voeten map cenoted Pet frgt te ed to aceweve enecbve con-0"f[vj O'sc o's W I Pr 66 /00 O Osc of

  • etene atrerse to app 44334 0t4 44334 069 4ty propam coreos as ovisonced Dr 60% ostnasency rate r BARA K P Olc of al Proyects ter01/21 W>eTE.8 A Termessee vadey Aulnor- 6 N S. Reportabte ecsurrences, LERs & retaled terrespondence -

-8002020300 Notre of venaten from eop on 67110246 Viotason noted cPv or nuclear b engneer ed not late acten 90 cor 0802230043 Pw1 at rem to poiew pokm e/Te 999 une enerW power eneesve conoceve acica'ec1 er proctuos repeldon for corotons adversa s'ct empsemenled to[R 8 K P. Cnc of Space Protects 40/01/21 tpo 4419910144199102 generator 1 und AMews Feed thal 100 treair amp Weede too losatreine facety aseg test & snosso onon be 125 EMD,2444544 - Type 999 ' ) -8003020323 anse Repts $4250/0741.54260/th41 4 S4296/874% on 471102 06 voetons noted Mact a-eas repeeled hcensee ecsons on prevous enforcement N , M M 4I M 4% 34o #* # # *

  • i i

a ma'lers a preveussy cerched ano nnen0s & corescovo acten or '

. L R., BEU$LE.G A Cec of Specel Proiscts 47/12/0 , 9pp 44109 103-8003020132 ReSests saiety evabsson f TVA proyam to resolve IE Butteens 79-02 4 08020 0373 Forearon LLL Lab Ree UCal>21246 'Oynamsc Imseet Ettects on Spent 7914 & ormen statemere cocwnene acceptataty of program Descmson of pro-gram sammed on 870400 & recree 870916 41g11 meesngs o. NRC , ecem Fuse penAssemches Rept we be eccvporsw eno cry speed tuas storage casa std to be W at la'er oa4 n/c ence

{ i GRIDLEY,R Tornessee Vaaey Aumt ty sa 01/26 Documer4 ConWW Brancsi(Doce ROBERT $ J P Fuel Cycie $a+ety BrancA 60'C2/02 JUDSON S F General Electc ( rrent Coreol Desa) 2pp 44107 309 ,4107 310 Ce p.iGMBERGER P ueneral Nces Spiems. anc WOODMALLC B Weem Asas-  : ame M W 6 2W4N M 0001210007 NRC WWo Notco 64401. "Satee, irycton Pee FaAre " sec tot enes { ROSS6 C E Cheson W Operatoner Events Assessment 1 Post 070411). 48 '01/27 [ Cormanoaw Esson Co of Neo vers. mc 123p9 4417s C7F44176197 DOCKET $4296 COOPER hrUCLEAR StAflose tam 023 R = ve.cns now m eno R,a mis 9/u n ma0*n & t f4296/64 23 octrve acsons GE m.ibmet'ed to comcwete NSSS Prese a venoor manusf progam P. Secunty, medeal, emergency & tee protection plans GRIDLEv.R Tennessee vasey Authorey 84 11/29 Document Coreof Branch (Docu. + mer4 CoreW Desa) 3pp 441M it2-44190164 68021m31 Resporvh to NRC 471202 rewuest tar cartaten of three norns to securey 0802030003 Unses riet ermecemord procestaes for standarcued root esse ana)ysis $*,%I[ at para W beneves on wyaos aJe&se & M Nkwe*wea of f@y empeemented tiy 683331 reload of 660131 as cortevtted to n870710it ei re-TREv0R$GA N. saa Pese Peee Disect 64'01/13 Lacwnent Control Breech i DE#"* I 0" ' EE 1 GR E R see $4/01/29 Document CoreW Bremen (Docu-ment CoreW Cesnt 2g9 44 135444 *1350 I p, , , 000i=01. NRC tr,,o Note. #4eos, o, s, en Gm2 see - onet -nc- ec--ad ~ ** - se=>e e spec +c ==re ownd ~~ , CUNM% HAM R E. Dscson of indusinal & Meecal %cwar $a$ety tPost 4707291 area bandry m croer to nPer enhance secwey sys 1 00'02/02 Conscarse'ed Esson Co es Nem Vars. ec 12tpp 44N6 093 44296 213 TREVORS G A Netranha Pdec Power Chstret at'01/27 Document Corecd tranch j l (Cocwrent CoreW Desa) 1p 44217 02$4421 P 025 r 0802010064 NRC trWo Peosce 86403, *tracas m Shroud Si.eport Access HOW Cever . wehss Svc est encs 68020302il R%eed emer m6a;til ir

ROSSLC E Deveen of Operator. Events Asseservers 6Posi 0704111 M/C2'02 6Ce+AL4 h BE RGE R Y Ev 5GA Notrasna Putec Pooer 3arct 48/01/29
Coreonosted Esson Co of New Yorst inc 112pp 44334 22544330 336 40pp 4422133144222 012 ,

I ( ! I i 72 DOCKETEDITEMS 4003000079 Act receot of 840105 #esponse to repAatory onectveness revee M02290249 Nowfcaton of 680226 % m/vid tosho Testng Staton m Rocaves.MO tndngs Correctre actons roeponerve to me*wes/Concerne empested m 871120 to escuss RE TRA7s/ MOO 4 rev es. ty. $0N 5 8 Reactor Systems trances 84/02/14 HOOGESM W. Reactor Srstems 1- CALLAN LJ. Regen 4. Osc of the Drector 64/02/01 TREVOR$.G A. Notraska 0*ancet top 44524 29& 44524 297. I P@he P9mer DsFct 2pp 442$2 09S44262101. 4402290140 Responds to Generic Lir 8842 re wts ruerest in pericipatng e NRC (SAP I 8009140004Advees that 871123 Rev 20 to tategaard plan connoient e/ povesore of u vu to anteested m partripe e am 10C# RSO S4(p) 4 acceptarde TREVORS.O s Netrapa Pubhc vet 64/02/19 Document Ccerol Branch CALLAN.LJ Repon 4. Osc of the Drector 64/02/01. TREVORS.G A. Netrana (Documere contrW Oesa) 1p 44514 20344514 203 P@he Power DeFct 2pp. 44344 29044346 262. M02200M4 Prowles descrceon of cornanment purge & vene veNe lean les crt> 8008000162 Revoed emergency pian egoomentry poceeses.mcaudng Rev 8 to S 7 3. yem & add rdo re tsaa rate heicry of renes P'everove maart program a to *Aser1 Irecomentog Procochse.' Rev r to S 7 4. "$ne Area Emergency trecomentry inca,de r errent & sencance of seats at rephar reervais Processe' & Rev $ to S 7 S.

  • General Emor trvpomenang..' W440206 it. TREvon Q A Neevose.a Pubec Power Dennct 64/02/19. Documort Comed Srwch WE RRILLC TREVOR$,Q A Notraus Pomer DeWct $4/02/QS 7799 (OpeumerW Cor*ot Desal 7p 44530 00144530007 44275 121 44276 197.

8002M0240 Forewos App D of EGO PHYJ747. *Evabasen of Changes to Opsde 8008170008 Docusses ordorcemere conference conducted a Repon N otc on 860129 Dose Cascuaton Mamar

  • Uts recured to 63 dress oehcences noted m Secton 4 a fe of reps on871026-480108 (Insp Repts $296/87-s7.M294/87-31 & 60- LONG w O. Protect Drectorate fy M/02/22. TREv0RS.O A Netraska Pwtec Poeer Ps4/97- ) Weetne aumary once Dstnct 26pp 4450206744502092 CALLANu Repon 4. Osc of the Drorw 64/02/09 TREVORS.O A Netrada Pdec Poeer Dsect $m 44352 341 44352 346.

**" "' " ""*"""** i i~ 0142 R Eve,e.v 4 une - #06 to E"2 T" Pian Ireportereng Procedise 5 7 2. "twobfcaton of utRRuC, uACtG. tREvoas.o A Net,s.a Pa Pome, Ds.ct wC2/i2 *MMm aao-a 28Conectie eac *"ed actorsvalve closed on221 tagg = re &vaicame 071114 evert es te=p a** *2w escussed e/ 3m. 44347182-44367.185 ocers cree personnel eseg atons superwser moetegs i 0802260443 Forearos inao Rept S296:s? 33 on 871222480131 No vossons or dev 1RE S.O A Netrana Putec Detrct 6841/26 Documort Contal Branch [ emana noted (Occurrent Coreol Den). 4m 44223 048-44223 051. l CALLAN LJ Repon 4. CNc of te Drector 44/02/22. TREVOR$Q A Necraska 0001210007 NRC trWo Notre 88401. "Satefy Irwcton Pse Fa4se.* $we not enci P@ec Power Dsrct 2pp 4469317744693166 ROSStC E Dvisen of Operatonal Events Assessmert (Post 3704 tty 88/01/27-4002160447 anse Rapt %296'87 33 on 471231480131 No vedatens or deve' ens Consonaated Eeson Co. o New verty inc 123pp 44176 07544176197 , remed Waror areas r spected pomous energs.operahonal sa'ety verWcaten.ESF < =auoan prepwaten tor re'ueang 4 8001M0102 NRC Info Notce 04402, "Lost or Stolen Gauges " Svc hst enci  ; Boastn0 87402 CUNNeOtAM.R E. Omsen of InAsinal & Mechtal Nucsear Satery (Post 470729L PLETTNER.E A. SENNETT W R. HOLLER.EJ Repon 4. Olc of to Orector 64/02/ 38/02/02-Coneohda*ed Eeson Co of New Yors, Inc 12tm 44296 09144296 213 16 Opp. 4469317644693166 f 400M10064 NRC Info Notce 48403. "Cracts m $rrowd Suport Access Hole Cover P. Operatrig bcones stage documents 4 certemponeence *cos

  • Svc not encs. ,

, ROSstC E Desen of Operaienal Events Assessment (post 6704111 88/02/02 Contoh04ted Eeson Co. O, New Yors, rc 1120e 44338 22544338 336.  ; 080222032S Act recep of 471014 ser resooneng to NRC $70826 ressest ter rWo re * ,,hh*' *" 640M20034 NRC Busetm 68-001. 'te4ects a westmghouse Crcut Breakers" Svc not i y,s A Nettsps PdAc Poes ' LONG Dr e7/12/i9 TRE QS$1C E Desen of Operntonal Events Assessment foost 870411) 88/02/05 Consondated Eeson Co of New vcrt, Inc 140pp 44339 225-44340004 0041214332Genorc Lv 6642 to es power teactor teensees re artogreted Safety As- r sessment Procram u (' SAP N) Sec het once, 640m0035 NRC BM 68402, *Rapesy Propaganng Fahp.e Crects m $ team M , W:RAGLIA.7J Associate Drector for Projects (Post 870411) 84/01/20 Coneohdated wow Twees Svc set encs Eeson Co of New Yors,Inc 48pp 44w 31944203 005. ROS$tC E Deson of Ogeratenal Events Assessment (Post 470411) 84/02/05 > Consoscated Eeson Co of New Yers. Inc 124pp 44334 337 44339100. 0$01240637 Genere Le 8841 to 44 BAR heensees & feloers of cps lor 3ARs ce NRC pos.aon on IGSCC e B*H easterubc stansess stoes pgung Svc bei enci 6402020224 NRC Into Notre 44404 Inadowste Quaafcaten & Documentaton of smRAGLIA.7J Assocce Drector lor Protects (Poes 370411) 64/01/2$ Common- rer Penetahan Seals " Svc tst enct Fr# ROSSIBa'C E Desen of Operabonel Events Assessmert (Post 070411L 64/02'OS wea% Eeson Co 43pp 4425414644256 taa , Conschdated Esson Co of Nee Ycre s Inc 124pp a433910144339 224 i 8002000600 Act recest of 680106 reesess not eedreeel of $4t017 apptcaten tar r t wrend to OL ro ortneert monnoreg rierumore Tech $secsFM rwace of weeeent 6402170000Docvsses en8orcement corderence conisted en Repon IV olc en 680120 ' es not to pensmed to hrdays of maps on871026 480106 (inse Repri 64294/87-r7,50 296 87 314 60-LOPc3 w 0. Prorect Drectorate IV. 84/01/25. TREVOR$.0 A Netrada Pubhc Power 298/67w) Meetng summary encs barct 2pp 4429514144296142 CAuAN.L J Rep 4. CNC of the Drector 414/02/09 TREVOR$,G A Nebrada ,

  • P2hc Power Dsyct Spp 44352 34144362 344 }

0802000125 Corcurs etubi 471224 rosest to e 1ond DCRDR anpiemernaton schecue tevond commrned dates to 1991 outage Proposed schedwie represents 93od tee 8402110324 NRC Into Noese 44405, "Fro m Arr wrceior Ccritrol Catanets " Svc hat e4crt to accortgesh regated mods e tmody manner enct W-RAGLiA.P J Assonate Drector tar Picgeets (Post 870411) M/01/26 ROS$tC E Dre<m of Operatonal Events Anes.mont eWith 88/02/12 1 TREv0RS G A Netraus PWc Power Dsyct. 3pp 4429216644292190. Conocedated Edson Co of New Ytra, mc 120pp a4523 25444524 0t$ 800211027'? Accicahon lor amend to Lcense DPR44.reveng Tech $pect to change Foroa de Amend 118 to Lcense DPR44 & satety evabaten. Amend r matument eenemcanon teamcort to renect changeout of vams coreponentsFee 68021,90212cas ges toch $$ect to revne enervar lor pertornung eessi generator peroec rep pad ie peres EUNCLLG Netraska PWhc Power Dstect 68/02/02 DocmorW ConrW Branch LONG W O. Pro,ect Drectorate IV 68/02/17. TREv0RS G A Nebras a P2sc Power (Documora Control Desk) Opp 44318 261 44314 276 Dsuct 2w 44374 24844374 295. i 4002110242Procomed Tech Specs /everig retrwment aderWeaton rm,rribers to renect 4602130217 Amend 114 to Lcense DPR 46.chenpng Tech Ssect to revee reerval lor changeout of vanous cornponents seses generatar pereec esp to it monte

  • Necrasaa P@mc Power Dorci 64/02/02 8pp 44314 264 44310 276 yOJ Pro,ect Drectorate lv M'02/17. 459 44374 29044374 293 0002190294 Formare Amend 115 to Leeres DPR46 & satety evaNaton Amend .g303t30219 Sa ety n evaivaton succortng Amend 116 to Lcens,e CPR46

' . Othee et Nucmar Reactor Repahan, Drector (Post 37041t) 84'02/17 2pp changes Tech Speca to revne source & ruermosets range morutors ccerabday re-SJroNewt to cien yr Pet re981pve prmer eggsy reclured tot operatak'y 44374 794 44374 295 'I LONG W O. Pro,sct Drectorsie N 04/02/11 TRE SG A Netrasna Pwtec Power i Devct 2pp 4442230444422 314 6402220274 Submes add cianncaton of ute 871210 response to dehoency roted m =s002,190301 re eeam re, eAmend 115.t.o er r ors Lco.rse .aoet, re DPR46 e- c,hargng e, - Tech ,", Spect-to revee source no9aeve 1, m & m Nora,a , c e,,# ,yppa, ct M,02,1.N " * #Con,oa,2 cm,,ent ### I "

  • j CA&v0 Dr 8'02/11 7pp 44422 30644422 312 ,

a ~a asa' * ** w' 'a '"222 *' 2 "* *=~" ~

. Crtce M.= S.a orym evabatori Reacto, Re,,,no amAmen.

D,e. uros meil)DPau Mon 2pp aa',$ad,u CAu , J e '~Re,,,a 0,c o, ,e Drec,or ,44,,,,TR,o SoA No,,a.s , 44422 313 4 4422 314 P@hC Power DsFct 2pp 4469317744693186 f $402190212 7crearon Amand 114 aD Lcense DPR 46 & satefy evabaton Amend -4402264447 anse Rect 54294/97 33 on 671231840131 No votatons or decatens cnanges Tech Space to revee reervel lor portormg eessi generator peroec rep to  ; noiec Magr areas mapected prevcusg nnengseoperstonal satety ventcahon ESF = , g * = h g rej; ;2 ,,o,,e orec,,, M,0,, ~

L* TO Pr,.ct Drectc,o,. ~ M 02,i? TREvoa$.G A se,s Dotct 2pp 44374 29844374 29$

P@.c Poe. 14 80p da693179-44693194 0 f -4e02190217 Amend its to Lconee DPR44 Tech Specs to reese enerval tar A kneed Oper4Mg Mpeds & mwd termspendence i Pro,ect t;ya M 02/ 7 app 44 74 290 44374 293 , f 4002190319 $atory evabeton e.ccertrig Amend i14 to Leerse DPR44 M02170312 MontPvy oporabng rept lor Jan 1966 W 680210 Itr f

  • Omce of Pescuer Reactor Regwiaton, Drector (Poet 470411) ta'C2/17 2pp SCHE WeMAN J T , HORN G R Netrapa PWtec Power Datet 64/01 f 31 Scq "

44374 294 44374 295 44 M410644 %4109 l [  ! l l ( l DOCKETEDITEMS 73 f charg 4114 to Lc espe owely $4,0229033e.,Act, ee recect e gencv &,#evee o,ess&so.e,s repa u, emergency p oposed - - planser - H0129 Ik Revs 6802100M4 s.tesy e,eb.Formards Ame sAme,nds do 111eie tocn i553A Sp.enses er h spoo OPR-24 &.DPR.27, r, p'ceptatWe <>;arety of tescmacie ma9 ei form of fabrcated neutron Itua detectors LLLAN LJ Ortce of Destiear Reactor Regutaw3rt Drector (Post 470411) 64/02/26. W AGNER.D M Pro,ect Drectorate E3 ab/02/03. F AY.C W Weconsm E4ctnc Power TREv0RS,G A. Netrosta Putsc Power Dstnct Pop 44517 0074 4517.006. Co 2pp. 44372 336-44372 348 4402140406 t RePo,ia -c-o,c.s. uR. . ,eis.ed .e, es ndence 1 n Amenos. 15 5 3 A e tit r,c4114 Lcense to,es ov,e,g9.R-24,,4 a ,, otesoes,a D,PR-27/espec,tv,ey., e for, dele?3 iod neue% dei.h ws spoo $402020234 LER 88-00100 on se0105.ur$4anned e.Aomthe actuaton of Desel Gerar- PERuNS.K E Protect Drectorate E3. 66/02/03 opp 44372 341-44372 344 ator i occurmd w*en termai poeor s@py treater tar crecas bus medverteney R ES L, b Pomer Dst 68/ 1/ 4 44196 023-o i= 0a O,,2 ce of we.e. Reacio, R.u.i.m Dr eos 704m u,0v03. 2 g,m :a ce,, ,* *0 mon? =~c,a,,,;;g,: 0,n,eacto, eNon .er.-.nly* m ,c,,e,a, uo0,or. r:;::due to .mmo0 s.,,r., , m204 e, Roo.eeyD io .scuss =ensee uen, MOLLER Regen 4 of the Drector.64/02/01. sp. 44275 240 44275 240. reanWyse to e@ pert mcreased amoeabee core seat;ng factors at faciktes Sides used dweg preser tabon & het of meetrg attendees enct . Drectorate ub3 88/02/10. Pegoct Drectorate El 30pp 8002130014 PNOW46409A faded RHR purve motor 3 removed kom lacety GE con, frmed gromd oeep a motor com Erebanon of motor tor possue genonc prot 4eme [A[ DM Best eshmate of start @ e 460206 9OLLER J Regon 4. Oec of the Drector 64/02/05 2pp. 44340133 44340134 N 8402140411 Formords propretary WCAP-11666 re evabaton tor versbon educed to-bgue of steam generannr tutes Lceesee commmed to ereanced carnary to secor leakage rechxten progam. per ute 471120 It & NRC 071125sporove Rept DOCKET $4301 Po#NT DEACH 88VCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2 PERMNS K E. Pro,ect Drectorate E3 66/02/11. CNENG.C Y. Wetensis Lngmeereg Branc7t lpp. 44373 33544373 335 F. Security, meecal. emergency & Fire protection plans $402tt0M7 Genere Ltr 68-03 re resoluton of Genere Safety issue 93,

  • Steam Ehndmg of Auseary Feedeater
  • Svc hst enct 6802090206Adeses lhet attacevnent b 861010 ler prov4es bases for App A esemptons W.RAGUA.FJ Desen of stenai Events Assessmert (Post 870411) 68/02/17.

reemrued e 660611 nrser NRC 680104 request Consoodated Eeson Co. of Nee vorit, Inc. 44pp 44524 016-44524 061 F AY.GW Weconom Electnc Power Co 68/01/25 W AGNER.D R Prorect Drectorate E3 1p. 44263116-44283116. Se02240234Fereards cornpaeted survey icym to iSAP liser 860120 rowest for Genere 8002000336 Foreards inse Repts 50 266/8844 & 50301/6444 on 86010$ 4 06 No Le 8442 PAA tor pant mot performed. Utd consdereg use of fDCCR methodeegy #ter NRC promwegats degrMed core evababon recurements nolaiens noted FAv.CW. Wecoren Elecyc Power Co 68/02/18 W RAGUA.F J NRC No Deta4ed SMAFER W D Regen 3 08c of #w Drector 68/02/03 FAr.CW Weconse Easctre Aff*aten Gwert 2pp. 44522 06344522 064 Power Co top 44277 001 44277.000 4 002000338 Inso Rems 54266/6444 & 54301/8444 on 66010546 No volatens 8402290014 Forwards correcied Amenos 59 4 44 to Lcenses DPR.24 & OPR. noted uapor areas espected emergency resporee facetes m regard to NRC Me threspectvely changng Tech Spec f atse 15 4113 turn Sob to "Loss of voflage (400 SHEAR Otc oi re e 0 3 6pp 4277 006 WA EW Woiect NNa 5 3 48/02/23 F ACC W Weconse Electnc Power Co 2pp 44524 30344524 305 0402290064 Forwards gabhc versen of rewsed emergency pan enciemonteg crocesses retu$ng Rev 8 to EPP t 1. "Plant Operatons Manager IrvbW Aesponse +44022601 4 Corrected Pye 3 of Tech Spec f atse il 414 changmg channel descre & Rev 19 to EPIP 12

  • Event Classsfceton W/6x225 reease memo tion to "Loss of Vonage 4480 vost)"

FAY C W Wecoren Electe Power Co 64/C2/00 Documore Cetrol Branch (Docu.

  • Propect Drectorate in 3 68/02/231p 44524 305 44 824 305 more Control Dep) 3pp 44525 00144526 025

-4002290072 PutAr versea of reweed emergency ran encnementm O. inspection reports lE Dunetins e corr;g : .;e ocsoses. Rev 6 to EP@ t 1. "Psans Operatone Mar Response.g gev 18,to EPiP i Svent Class 4caten" & Rev 13 to EyiP 13, "Emergency , ,g ,pg,,, , ggg g ' Wec5nse Electic Power Co 84/02/08 381pp 44525 00544526 025 pis7 2t ocow actons longwenas seus located n 31-men 90 degree otoes m RCS ecbded m ASME 3.1 reervce map pean. 8002220149 Farewas Seiery Inse Repts $4264/8642 & 54301<6842 ort 471215 FAv.C W Weconse Escts Poeer Co $8'01/13 W AGNER.D Prorect Drectorate 680131 No coiatens nosed E3 3pp 4420417844204100 GULDEuoND.W G Repon 3 Osc of the Dreciar 64/02/11 F AY.C W Weconne Elecyc Power Co 2pp 44447 0834444 7 092 68020MH5 Forwards re&ests tor eservce eso reief tom ASWE Secton XI ler second 10-yr eso euerwW lor pant Approval requested by Sece 1968 to anoe tme -4002220152 inao Rapts Str6/66 a 02 6 50 301/68 02 on 471215-680131No vola- pnor to Spra g 1999 Urut t reNeang ihnng ench amo ename scnedued Fee paad sons er oeviatons neced Wapr a eas espected meet. prewows esp F AY.C W Weconse f ecyc Pomet Co s8/01/25 Docwrent Convoi Sea ch (Doce evegs operatonal sar ety survoaance, prwca securtyessono9 s cal protecton & LER ment Control Desa) 1400 44223 001 44223 014 tono *# DEF A tETTE.R Repvn 3. One of Fw tweetor to/02/1t 6m 44447 065-44447492 3401210067 NRC Into Notce 68401. "Sarely inischon Pee Fanse " Sec hst enct ROSSa C E Dween et OperahorW Events Assessmore (Post 870411) 64/01/27 Conachoated EstJn Co et Pete Vors, Inc 123pp 44176 07644176197 4402160004 Forords cer1Aed ute anrwat anancial statements for yr ended e71231 & 6401M0102 NRC Wo Noice 46402. "tost or Saohen Gauges

  • Svc hst enct ed na c nos pro,ecton tar 1988 as (parentee of paymert of retrospec- mt&J R E Desen W wtre & ueecs Nucer Sa% (Post 8707291 64/02/02 Consendated Eeson Co of Nee Yors, Inc 12ipp 44296 09344296 213 REuuEL.J G. Weconte Elmerc Power Co 64/02/15 MURLEY.T E ONeo et Nucle-er Reace Repeaton, Drech @ost 870411) 17pp 44367 32744367 343 M2N064 NRC an4 Notce 64403. Tacss m Shoud W Access No Cowr aeos Svc bst enct ROSStC E Dween of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 8704tt) 68/02/02 4 Insurance 4 wieomnny informatson Consoscated Eeson Co. of Nee vors. Wic 112pp 44330 225 44338 336 0802000214Forearas NELiA Cer$ncate P(* 46 & Ene:rsements 1 & 2 & htAELU Cer. 6802000334 Forwards N Repts 2266/6444 4 S301/s444 on taw 5 4 Os No sacate WW #7 4 Endcreements 1 & 2 veiasons rewd DUNDAS W J Waconte Electc Power Co 88/02/04 DNIT2i Orrce of Pocisa, SHAFERW D Regon 3. Ofc of to Dmbr 88/C2/03 F AY.C
  • Weconse Electc Reactor Repamon, Drector (Post 8704 1). 210p 44277 064442 ?? 104 Power Co 2pp 44277001-44277 006

-4002000334 anso Repts $4266/8844 & %301/6444 on 68010S-06 No colatons IL Uteny Fmal Safety Anasyn e Report (FSAR) 4 emenes noted Mage woes espectod emergency response facetes a regard to NRC s#te team mc ava.iat>e I space facent invout & commurycatens 0MMM2 F.,d.s,Faa,9 71H7 .e- ,ty,^,aail,g<ata. ma aeeoa a cac e' e === a$2/m w es on Spr sre.v io Po, - twes, rvna socFb0 Se tescnpuon et enanges amo ence -o a. ant-FSAR maos Roote , cod,es, F Av.C W Weconom Eectc Pooer Ce ser01/19 Document Controd granch h 0802000554Conerms items of maccuraces noted e871223SALP Rept 4. per 88010e ment Control Desa) tapp 44204 19744205 203 p -4002020MO Fa81967 rev to # dated FSAR tor Poet Bee:h %ctear Plant, Urves t & ment Convol Desa) 2pp 44249 27944299 280 2 F Av.CW Weconte Etscirc Power Co 64/01/15 349pp 44204 21644205 203 6802020034 NRC SJletc 60401. "De4 cts e Westngrene Cocust Breakers

  • Svc hat enci ROSS7 C E Dwsca of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 470411) ear 02/05 P. Opereeng bcones stage documents & terrespondence Consondated E@aon C4 of New York. Wc 140pp 44339 225 44340 004 0001210332 Genere LW 88 of to al poeer reacice tcensees to Inteysted Sa ety s An- 440202003$ NRC Busete 68002. "Rapdy Propaganng Fat 9se Cracts m Steam Gen.

sessmere Progam Il pSAP n) Sec had encs erstor futes

  • Svc tot enct u'RAGuA F J Assocaele Drecu ter Proppets (Post $ r0411) 68 01/20 Coneohaaied ROSSI C E Desca of Operatoner Events Assesarent tPost 4W 64/02/05 Leson Co of New Yors. Inc sepp 44232 31S 44203 005 Consondated Esson Co of New Vces. mc stapp 4433a 33744319 is

74 DOCKETEDITEMS 999MM224 NRC Ir40 Notee 66404. Irede@ste Ouancate & Documentate of 8001160204 Reve cancearg emergency proceases.menmg Rev 2 to Atmononarc Foo Bamer Penevate Seats? Svc nat enct Rosahon Morutor." Rev 1 to AP.270, "Lspid Ha$aten lA3rvtor AcWatson? Rev 1 to ROS$1.C E. Dwacn of Operatonal Everes Assessment Post 87041II 88/02/05 AP450. Consnuous Coreal Rod inserion" 4 Rev 2 to AP 540 Toss of " Consoaceted Eeson Co. of 74ee 4ortL. enc 124pp 44339101-44339 224 WitiMAN.R Fionda Power Corp tem of Fionda Progress dorp). 87/12/21.9pp 44246 200 44246 215 i 8002110327Act receol of Boot 13 le v4crmng NRL of taken to actssa Open I noms 266>S700746 4 301r8700746 escussed si lnsp Repts S266/8747 & $0- $80203000s Revised proceduresrche$ng Rev 3 to AR 401. "FSA Annunc=stor Re- l 131/0747 sponoe" & Rev 3 to AR-961. "WOA Anruncent Resporse - 1 HAFASON.JJ Regon 3 Ole of the Drecter 64/02/05. FAY.C W. Weconse Electic WiTTMAN.R. MCAEE P F. Flonoa Power Corp (sute of Fiorde Proyess Corp) 68/ Power Co 1p. 44319.014 44319 041. 01/07.17pp. 44202 00744202 023. $$$2190037 Conchedes ret 070910 response to NRC Supetm 87401. "Thrvimg of 0002110231 Rev 10 to Proce&se AP-450. 4mergency Feedes'er AcbaterP Pipe Wses at PActear Power Piants.* rosses no hs1her saru.specdc acson. WITTMAN.R Fionda Poeer Corp. (sd4 of Fionda Progest Corp L 64/Q1/06 2400 W AGNER.D M Proyec1 Drectorate itL3 68/02/11,F AY.C W WecorsA Elecinc Power 44321034443210$7. Co. 2m 44404 35444404 3SS. 6002100447Act receipt of 471203 Rev 4-16(S) to plant pvrscal secwer Diam Rev con

  • 9002220*#9 Formards Sa n ety insp Rees W266/m642 4 50-301/6642 on 871215-sistens e/povisons of 10CFR$0 64/s) & accootatde.

300131 No veiasons noted CUNE W E. Regen 2. Olc of the Drector 66'01/*4 wtGUS W $ Flonda Power GULCEMOND W G Regen 3 Olc of we Drector 64/02/11. F AV.C W W=sconse Ccrp (e@s. Of Fionde Progress Corp) 3pp 44306 35744306 3tt ElecWe Power CCL 2pp 44447 C43-44447092 8002100140 Foreyes inse Rept W302/6642 on 660104-08 No voletons or devi. 40022201$2 esp Repts M266/8842 & M301/0402 on 471215-680131.No veia- atens nosed CDs or dematens roted Masor areas repected maet, prwous eso CUNE W E. Regen 2. Ofc of to Drec1cr 60/01/27 WitGUS.W S. Fionda Power knengs operatonal saSrly.surveiBance. physscal security.rasologcas protecten & LER Ccrp (subs. of Fionda Progets Corp I 2pp 4430728S.44307 287 loace@ DEFAyETTE A Repon 3. Orc of the Drec1cr 66/02/11 epp 4444706544447092 -6002100149 Pa t aar winneid Pnysical Secunty insp Rem 54302/s&42 on 68010448 790 $802110324 NRC Ir4o Nosce 68405. "Fro a: Antsscator Convol Cabnets

  • Svc hst trol 10CFR2.g

,9emer er proc esses&secuss 73 21) No venssons program noted.barrers auet & physcal Maror area insported secwey plan & enci TILLMANA. THOMPSON D. MCGuiRE,0 R. Repan 2. Olc of the Drector. 68/01/ ROSSt.C.E Dmson et Operatonai Events Assessmer4 (post s?0411) 66/02/12. Coneohdated Esson Co of New York. Irt.120pp 44523 2%44524 015 21. to 44307.28744307267 8002190001 Denies approve of 6702t1 groposed neds to bora%s menredance 040,210,0,291 cv - Rev 14 to Operateg Processe OP.103G *Ra$aten Monear Serwovey program Dam of sage twength tera 9es sheet riot Meg ate base to conctuoe that ROBINSON $ R Flonoa Power Cop (ses of Fionda Propess Corp). 66/01/27. se sheets not de763ed 36m. 44306 064 44300 099 WQGNER.D k Proyect Drectorste 15 3 S4/02/12. FAY,C W. Waconse Electnc Power Co, 3pp. 44404 23244404 234-8602100370Reeted proce&res.actueng Rev 4 to AR-301, ESA Respryse? Rev 6 to R 0802220301 Foreyds Safety insp Repts $0 266/6619 4 $0-301/6619 on 680111- Apo,3,0,2, ,- g E,S,S, A,,nnuncetor Responsef ~WDD Annuneetor Rev 6 to& AR Res.cnae" Rev303. 1 to 'AR ESC 955Annuncetor Re. tS No velatens ticted M ARSHALL W Fiorda Power Corp. (subs of Fionda Proyess Corp) 66/02101. SHAFER W D. Regen 3. Osc of the Drector 66/02/12 F AF,C W WeConan Electnc 42pp 44106 29444306 321. ,) Pooer Co 2m 44426 01t44426 024 ' '*"* 8

  • 4002220312insp Repts $0-266/66-03 & $0-301/8443 on 66011115 No velatens or #.2 p R 4 a 9*

oevetens roted Maior areas repecie$ ra$aten protecton program,ectueng orp $TEPHENSONJ D Fionda Power Corp (ses of Fionda Progess Corp) 64/02/01 RA SLA IN I 14 E R Repon 3. cmc of the Drector 88/02/12 ##PP *** *## W 12m 44426 013-44426 024.. 6402110002Revoed emergency pian processes actueng Rev $ to AR-8002240223Formards cor octed 680203 flr re lasp Repts $0 266r$644 & 64301/64 04 3,pon,,Eyg ,,#[q, *# ,,,g, N# " R D Duector. 66/02/17 F AY,C W Weconse Eocine *' ' *' " ' ' ' j Power Co 2pp 44522 343-44522 346 dif20 320 ' ~4002240226 Corrected lir tornareng insp Repts $4266/6604 & 54301/6844 on W2,2 M 2 * ' " , a a W the ector 66/02/03 F AY,C W Waconte Elecinc PMENSON JOHN b 5 Power Corp (ses of Flonda h1 {F 3 64022M442 Foreyds insp Rept50-302/0740 on 87111312tS

  • nonces of venaien &

a P-t.= 0,-e ng ,ep-ts & raied conespon.ence m,,o,,,,,,C,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I #" # D002170279 opera tepts tar Jan 1964 W/680209 lir C A C W , F Y.C W econse Etocinc Power Co 44'01/31 9pp 44356 306-6 2 W 94 % Re MbsM on 871M1215Micre & Om i noted Masor reas espected pent seratens, secure .re3cto7 r cal coreois LERs & J noncordorwung operebons repts & review of spesai repts - I S. Reportable Occurrences, LERs & related correspondence 913pp 444631 4 7 f 9002030627 LER 47 00640 cn 471219.hanowneel gag on estrurrini as contamment moeten varro tousd to be partia ym engaged. Caused oy revs #usted vaNo Gag enme6 J. Insurance & Indemnsty trWormation ately temoved & vahre tesned to ver operabety We680127 nr FQY,C W Wgconse Electnc Power $8/01/27 6pp 44216 255-44216 262 6402170137 Foraaros NELIA Cer%cate NW43 & Endorsemaries 1 & 2 WAELU Cera caie UW 26 & Endorsements 1 & 2 NELiA Cermeate NW-11 & Enersements 1 U Operator Examinahans QLU Cer% cam WW-il & Endorsomres 1-3 & Endorsement 7$ to NEILA Poecy  ; O'CONNOR D J Marsh & Mctennan, Inc 88/02/09 DiNaT2,i Orbce of Nucear Re-8002040224 Prowdes formats for personal @aecaten statement AddervAsm te NRC actor Re@daten. Drector (Post 87041f t 217pp 4442011044420 326 Form 394 regered to be forwarded to Regon 111 o'c once apphcant ccrnpietes terung rewrements & feceeved pner to eaam cate WRiGH1 G C Repon 3. Ost of the Drector 68/02/01 Commonwea'in Eeson Co gL Uuty Final Safety Anarysm Report (FSAR) 4 amends 1 3pp 44251091442$1093 , i 8002100333 Forwards pact rewaMcaten esam even at H8 Ratescm.ri antcoaten of 4402060170 Updawd FSAR lor al M Und 3 *'W201 str n W'LGUS W S Flonda Power tses cd Flonde Woyess Corp ) 68.'02/01 retirpton o,f y g eg,, ,,,a rewan,c,a,te,ngtestrig toter Fue ye Programs & manpower commaments 296pp 44261 'b0444262 237 WRsGH1.0 C Regan 3. Osc of tre Dracter 66/02/12 BRUNO.RJ We:onssi Eoc- # P. Operetang econee stage eocuments & correspondence DOCCET 84302 CRYSTAL ArYTR NUCLE AA PL. ANT,(AIT 3 6401110332 Gemenc Lt 6642 to as power reactor hcensees to riiegated Sesey As-  ! tareni Progam a nsAP in $wc hst enca e MaRAGLIA,F J AssoCele Drector tor Pro,ects (Post $7041t) 68/01/20 Consondated L F. Securtly, lhedicat, emergency 4 fire pr0tectlen plans (eson Co of Neo vors. Inc dopp 44202 31D-44203 005 ' 0801100063Reemed processes.cormssng of Rev 4 to EP 140. -Emergency Reactrvey 6802020340 Act recect of ute 880104 Itr & cordams NRC 68010$ vertal aceoval  ! Cc9eci - gansng rowest tor re6et trom feca Spec 4 4 612 a 5 es werecaten that a&co+ ' nocted lots: to each eeses generator et proper retn2 Roguest unde seven WIT 7hAAN R Flcada Poeer Corp laubs of Flerde Progest Corp) 47/12/21 63pp 04693 094 44693 176 GR4EJ N Regon 2 Olc of the Drector sa r01. 21 MLGUS W $ Fenos Power i Corp (ses of Flonda Proyess Corp) tp 4419100 t 4419100 t , 8001160070Revoed proceCsconssteg of Rev 0 to APE 0 "Ra$aison Morwics Ac-i tuamon," Rev 3 to aP 330 Nass of Nuciear Svc Water? Rev 1 to AP-360 "Loss of 4402060114 Formarcs ese eto eseesseg NRC concems es:ussed at 660120 meeteg i Doce, Heal Removat? Rev 4 to AA380.

  • E agneered Saletaards Acbaton " re cessi stor loseng Supporirig cata re purg per*ormance ams en-vt enTThaAN.R senas power C4rp taas et Fonos Progess Corpi s7/12/21 10000 s<MP E C Fenoa Power C.rp esubs ce Fiorda Progress core p Saec2r01 Doc.

04247 3XF44244 097. ument Cor4rol tranca (Documere Control Desa) 2tpp 44259 tSS 442$9179 f ] I i f 4 I a . ,m_, y. _-_y- , . . _ _ - - - , _ . , _ _ , , - _ w -+ ___._-m-- , ey, y - - - - - - . DOCKETEDITEMS 75 8802090444 Fcemros Rev 1 to 'Wners Gude lor AteormalverAceton & Emergency 4802090481 Act rece91 c4 660107str etnrmeg NRC d stees taken to ccreect vcatons Opera Proce<ues ~ rood e irgo Rept 5430b87-34 Vcaton87-3441 & E sa-ce 2 W Voste 87 SwSu E C Ficrea Power Corp tads c4 Fiorca Pro 7ess Corp ) 68 '02/04 Doc- 02 ee te .4irdawn vment Control Bree (Occoment Corect Dess) 2w 44 68 4 257-44268 357 MLSON B A kepon 2 Cwc of the Deector M '02 '04 3. tGus W $ F kada Pceer 4802090468 Rev 1 to "Wrders Gude for Atcormal.Verecahon & Emergency Operateg Procemres ' MiTMAN A Fiorda Poeve Ccep (sikt of Florda P' ogress Corp } 87/12/10 99g9 48,0,2020034 o NRC Buretc 64401 Detects e Wesisywse Ceut B eaters ~ Svc bst 44268 259 44266 357 ROSS C E Deson of Operanceal Eroms Auen%nt (post 870411) 64'02 05 Coreoncated E4aon Co of hee Vort brc 14 % 9 44339 225 4434? @ 4 4402180287 Generc Li,r of Aseiry Feedeau 68 03" Svc Pumps re resobten hst encad Genenc Saley issue 93. "Sieam Bedeg U.RAGLtA F J Dween of Ocoratorai E rents Assessment (Post 870411) 88102117 48,0,2020038 aia Tutes"ARC SycBurete w eed68-002~ Rap fy Pec4.agateg Fat 9se CrChs e Steam Gem Consc+ca'ed Eswe Co of Nee Vors, tre 44pp 44524 018r44524 06t ROSSt C E Chrson d Operabceal Events Auessment IFat 670411) 88 /02 r05 8802220248 ForwFds fesconte to Enci 2 of NRC 8?O910 fir to NUREG4737, ftem *

  • u F 2 ccud.rg suggested cwrhcatons to europances noted e NRC/SER & mee- g ,

g E C Florca Power Corp (si.cs of Florca Pro ess Corp ) 88/02/17 Doc- 8 I** 6 S ** ! * vt ent Corta Branch (Cucument Control Desa) F 37 C 4[518 00144518 037 # R 'O'SS'W"E Dieso"n h'daw"*E veers Asseu*ent (Post 8 70410 68 % C5 Consoscaled Esson Co of hve vors. inc 124pp 443 9101-44339 224 8802190281 Mt Scatvi of 61$0226 eneeteg a /ute e Rocsche MD lo escuss pians resel requests e secord 13 yr elepaa senvuten test or am 8802220007 Foraros Irsp Rept 50-302/8844 on 680111-14 43 voatons or de* SO E R H Petwc1 Drectora'e 11 2 88 02/18 SE R OW.H N Protect Drectwate a-2 exes ac.ies 2pc 44374 22644374 227 HERDT A R R 2 Cuc of the Drector 68c02,05 MLGUS

  • S FWa Power Corp tses of orca Proyess Corp ) 2 @ 44497 221-44497 228 8802230011 Forwa"3s response to Erd 2 of Generc Lir 68 02 re LSAP it iSAP J croc.

ess coyu ct7rce wwJ teos for be ancv9 rescoton of sa'ety retormance reprove. -840;r220010 insp Rept 50-302,88 04 on BMt t 1-14 No voa'res or devia'o s me il preyam sssues $wgges's meeteg to tiend Lrst of Ic$ats for metteg enct noted M&sor Weas escected eserviCe e%o MtGv5 W S Forca Power Corp (ses of Florca Peccess Corp ) 68 C2/19 Doc # ECONOMOS N , BLAnEJ J Region 2 Oec of tre Drector 88,02'04 6pp 44437 223-ment Control Branch (Cocerent Con 1ra Dess) App 44430 306 44430 309 44437 228 8802250248 Formaras Amend 104 to Lcense DDR-72 & sa'et, es aivabort Amerd 6802180255 Foraaros insp Rept 50-302 58 03 on 680105 07voators noted vroet cne 9es 7ech spect s/redance recksemeni 'cv emergency dieses gererau tonng consderation lor esca a'ed ensorcement acton Utd me te akse3 unce sepwaie to rer +ct rategs & present total 0435 espected to be CFred Ccreesponderce of resvPs of OtMeratons S LVE R H Pro,ect Drectora'e Il-2 68ec2<19 MLGVS W $ Flonde Pomer & L9ht Co GRACE J N Re9on 2 Orc of the Drector 68'C2rO6 WaGUS W S Fiorca Power 3pp 44498 293-44498 310 Corp ists W Florci Pryess C7p ) 2po 444M 225-44460 232 -880225Q281 Amend 104 to Lcense DPR 72 changeg Tech Specs ssvedtance re- 4802180284 Inse Rept 50 302 88-03 on BNt0547 Volatees rioW Vapr areas cNee ent por emargent, oeser generatar ica@ng to refect desei generator rategs & espected reces of cacumuar es ss'our ding re4aton avser entry eto hign ras-preseat to'ad ioess esteed to be camed aton rea e/o ratahon mcrvto ng dev<e EERe CW H N Protect Drecipate li2 68'02/19 7pp 44498 296-44496 302 W RiGHT F N . HOSEY C M Regen 2. O'c of the Drectar 68 '0' /25 6pp 4444' 227-44460 232 -8802250274Sa'e+y evavaton oc$crtng Amend 104 to Lcense DPR 72 ' Cr< e of NAer R+ac!cr Rewabon. Drector (Post 870411) 48/02/19 6pp 444s0 l')3 444'48 310 48021M030 m tw v 6e20 ne c'ymng W d steps M cwee er.m noted e insp Rept 50-302 '8 7 32 Correctree actons ad be esameried o#'ig tvise esOs Q. Inapection reporta, IE Buketna & correspondence HERDTAR Anon 2 O'c o' the Drector M '02 '06 MLGUS W 5 Florda Po ee Cap is&S of Fiorca Proyens Ccep) 1p 44444 263 44444 263 8402100399 Aes ecept of 8?t217 ter e*armeg NRC of steps tasen to ecreect ncmatons 4802220002Confres680222 en'7 cement con 8cence e Regon il to dwuss emera** ncW3 e Irisp Reot SOT 2 8 7-3F. E sampie 2 of voatoa *-s be dene'ed as ' as a, arms c, seses generats loasng osve s oesneated e temp Rept M302 6 7 41 rer 8809 36 Dst ' Cordieri 04 not meet desapton l& 348' ciaWhc ation jeton COLLINS D M Regaan 2 Olc v the Drectcr M 01/14 MLGUS W $ Flonda Power GRACE) N Reyn 2 Osc of the Drectcr M 42 '06 MtGus W 5 Foca Ct/p lbts rp Fcrca Pegess Cup p 1p 4430? 103 44307103 Corp (sss of F onoa Progress Corp ) tp 4449' 284-44497 255 8801220590 Resporos to NRC BAea m 87402. "Fastener Testing to Determee Ce tarmance W.* Mati Specs " Fastner testeg data sheets enti J-10225,0232,, ,m g Nota W1GUSWS Forca Power Cap t wts of Forca Pryess Cup ) M /01/M gne,isten of M02,2,2 , ,,wenia,cemeni con *e,ence n iete e Repw ll osc to g- u,7.wi g 2 Orc N Pie Drector 56 02/06 Reon 2 Ofc 08 Ira Drector 1p GRACE J N Aegon 2 C4c of tSe Drector 5000 44247 146 44247 897 41491285-44497 265 8402030182 Forer3s trisc Rept M 302 8? 43 on 87120717 No voato's noted HtR?T A R Rep 2 Orc of tre DrectN 88 01r 22 MLGUS W S Ferda Power SMe"N2 mards An 1 to W m Cap isas of Forca Proyess Corp ) 2pc 44217 056-44217 064 eq 8, Mb wtmitai Rev neede$ to ce'e eso repar c&Secton y re@rements reasem Al pryam repar & to re'eci em pemeew3.on chages -88020301M irso Acot 84T2 87 43 ori 87120717 No v ns or oewaton M@ A R F Wa %M M Ms ol %a N ess Cup 1 M T2 % hv nm Um reas esc- c.y.- - itu e~ss,oa'o,-a & e ieu pr s ~c~*~o=~c~c="4=a $ 22"4 3*m seMes T HOV A forS emawy%ARO M BL m% R Hg Mse4 GAPE generaty F Reponice test . CNc of tre Drector 88 01/99 -8402160104 Rev 1 to eservce esp rerae & repacement rr am 7f4, 44217 C58 44217 C$.4

  • F oda Power Corp inds of Ficeca P9pess Cap ) 68 2 t9 2900 a4346 231 44346 259 8802020321 A:s re<ec of vid 6%1to str c crmeg N4C v steps Laten to correct voa e

tons ncird e imo Rect 50 302 6?-39 8802180121 Forwar3s 'Inser r (e teso Plan ' per ASVE Euet & Pressse vessei COLLrNS D U beNn 2 Cec of the Drector 88'01d25 A'LCUS W $ Flonda Power Code Section 0 A.%cte FW A 14Xgl descrbog eterne r4p aristes *cr nert 10 Cyp (sAs of Ficada "yess Corp p 19 44199 231 44199 231 yrs Descreon N vtd ccetrol process hy pan Ms ence W'LSONnR Fnorca Power Cero Isis or Fiorca Pic*yess Cup i M 02 '09 Ckicv-8801210097 NRC reo Nctee 88 301 ^^Sa'e', iniectori Poe FaAre - Sw hst enti ment Cv+oi Ekanch (Document Controi Dese) 2ro 44348 262 44348 275 RO55 C E Dwon N Operavea, Events Assessment iPost 870411) 64/01/27 Consonsaw E w Co e Nea yors nt 12300 44176 0'5 44176 197 -840218012S "noser'nce Irisp Plan "

  • Florca Power Corp isAs or Ficada Pregress Cop i H 02 09 12pp 44348 264 8802100180 Fyerds est AM 50 302 'B8 02 on 66010448 No vcatons or dee 44349 275 aws ncaes C L rNE W E Aey 2. Cuc o' tre Drector 84 01'27 MLGUS W S Fiorda Pcwe' 8802110328 NRC ido Nctit s BAKS Fre e Am nceor u Cetrcv C at .es " Svc ast Cap tsht v F ord4 W.nyns Cup ) 2pp 44'07 285 44307 29 7 eng

-8802100189Favy amed F*wcai Secs +y emo Rec 4 ME2'M 02 cm BA ' Moe RCSSi C E Dvse of Operaww E vents assosment i Post 8 74111 880242 Contoeda!+3 E 2SM Ce v Nea y ces inc 12rpo 44r23 2t6 44524 ci5 ee* i X 5 H2 74 4 73 2'l %) w aions twed Marar a e4 escected sa conry pian & tr pememreg 44pM bMs % pr'hyam asM & r#%e:a! Bamlirs "' gggggggggg y 0r,,,,, ,Op, e, ,g g(Ae,A gg gg) ,, ,, gc, ,,, e y v, ve9 Wi 4LMJ, " "" " ****" " * "* ""'" " ' " s - cF- en-cm = *F~ C% ~ con Mc2"7 GRACEJ N Pegon 2 Otc of the Dreces spe 444/7 132 44427 14; 8801280102NRC Ho N%ce MW2 Lost or Stoen GaWes ~ Svc ist enct CVNN N W AV A E Der'sar 04 brWstria' & Me3ca4 N4 r (Post 870729) 800IIbO40I ' O'* F OI % *bI b2 0 G O 0 ' II b III b 0 "" C# *8Y O 68 02'02 Cemoa'ed E sson Co of Nee V7s inc 12' 1pp ear 44296 bale y093 442M 213 8 , , gp . p Mm,M64 NnC we macos e ser~3 S , ucm Co.or C- - ~ o." v - c- n 2= a e 5" "6 m Aeris " Src est em ROS9CE he c4 Oo.seva t er's Anesswt IPost S O41 tl Ba 02 C2 -8402250445 Not<e N re a'on kom esc on e 7111312?s veau notM 17 ecyc>- Cons 0*3 rad E sym C4 v Nee v ys art 192 3 4433* 225 44336 336 meni caerance ackre sar greaN'r Paa >? daes do ret Pa e rewrM ce-t tcaw c perScr* red 8802090298 F ores 3s w<ese sa p5ve's re vtn eta, aiv.e of into Notre M4C'S & ^ FLSON B A "eP3a 2 O'c d "* DrecPr M C2 9 2Pp 444901 ** 444015 ? [ SW i M 4We % s'i t te rese s'*4* Sa'ety wrres v anes erthelarned per hant ( Feiredte MP 1D9 hSO ANet% ave W el' *4802250488 4? tace Of deviator' DCrm esf on $7111) 1215DeraW nelM N7 '3Ne $ M4% E C F*yeaPOme CJD 141 s of Fore 1a P*oipess Cap ) 68'02:04 Coritamment a es pas.aton morthV 3 es met have re<oreg $ 9a, e crev y rwm GHACE J N Roon 2 Ot o8 the DreWr 3pc 44295 3t4 442% 360 WILSON B A Regon 2 01c of the Drostar 68 02 t 9 5p 44489 iS8 444e? i'e 76 DOCKETEDITEMS _ . _ _ Z r Wee Rept $4302/s740 en 8711131215Volatons & devia1cna P. Operating beenee etage secumente & corteependence 4 stneed Maeor areas mapected plant operatens, securdy/aeolopcel coreWs.LER3 & stanconmanog opernhons mpts & revee of specw rp 9002000229 EVALUAT ON OF SEVERE ACCOENT R1SAS ANO POTENTIAL FOR . STETKA,7 F, TEDRO*J E . CRLEMAK,R V. Repon 2. Cec of rio Drector 68/02) w Rtwwm PWR Pmt Dra t RepM Forr Cpent  ! la 13po. 44400159-44480171- RHAT69 AAH8AR, PARK Cy CHUN M Brookhaven Natenal Laterstory FIN A-3293 NUREG/CR-4551 V5 DAF $7/02/20 (>visen of Reactor Accdere Analyts (Post 8092290114 Respords to NRC Buseta M401 re detects in Wesanghouse cecut 3704331,93em 4430100144M6138 trentars Pians does noe use Westrighouse crcut breater Models DS-206 DSL-2o6 DS-416 DSL 4 tG & DS420. $80202464 Forwyds rdo re detectabasty preshold m sleeve / corrbnahon.per SWPSON E C Florea Power Corp.. (subs of Fienda Progress Corp) 66/02/23 GRACEJ N. Repon 2, Osc of the Drectar. top 44514186-44514 tes 660924 a OpRae. co,mmament especwr onet6611 response to eme to Da'.a o Amerds & on Rococtobe 98Sm&M cod to aw Lcenses enct CPR.39 LEBLOND.PC. Commonesee Eeson Co 66/01/15 Document Conwof Stancft I (Document Convol Desh) topp 442*6076 44216095. O Portedhe operating reporte & reisted cerroependonos 8002000248 Forwards steam generator a:Irvees special rept ter 1987 un4 2 refuenng l teet t 70300 IA)nthN operetwia reN tar Jan 1964 W/880209 ft outage per Tech Spec reportng reowomenes 4 31 B 6 & 4 6 3th). 1 SWKCmsELI ETEW ART.S A, WILSON K R. Fionda Power Corp (ada of Fende RTCA,7 A Commer$eea# EesC t Co. 86/01/14 Regon 3, Olc of the Drector. j 15pp. 44276 31244276 325 Progress Corp L64/01/31. 500. 44368 W 44356.263 4402030004 FOLA roovest tar documents re Asr 1979 a:cdertal release of radcactwo Sw Reportette occurrences, LERs & reisted correepen:lence h$ hon Gwen. 2m 44239 283-44239 264. Assagned. 68701/19 NRC . No Detaded Athhabon 9002110302 LER 6440140 cn 480107 & 9 automatc acbsten of emergency feed-1 eder occurred see to convoi chame+s detectmg ice level e steam genere1or M01210332 Genere Lv 8642 to as power reacier teensees te iniegated $arety As-8 Caused by sq operaten of . teasemier coreol valve WsS80200 ter sessmore Proyani u tISAF u) Svc hst enct MOH ATT.L W, SAIPSON E C Florias Corp (subs of Fionda Progress Corp) M.RAGLLA.F J AsscCisie DreCler for Proiects (Post 870411L 64/01/20 Conschdated 86/02/06 Sep 44321.10444321.104. Eesca Ca of Neo vors. Wic. 4. app 44202 319 4420J 005 0602120174 LER 8740240.on 680107. emergency feedealer acbeson & overspeed of 6802030362 Forwards response to871222 request ter en riso to 370529 apNeaton asarNkwon emergency feedesier purry tre occwredCaused by tecencen tor amends to Lcenses DPR-39 & DPR4a revasng tecst Spec Sectone 3 3 2 0 & error Techracen comseied A <880200 Itr 4 3 2 O re noe tema overpressure crosectort ) MOFFATT1 W., S!MPSON E C Faonde Power Corp (a@t of Fionda Progress Corp 1 LEBLONDPC Commoneeam tenon Co 64/01,21 Document Coreos Branch i 88/02/06 4pp 443411664434t 161. (Documers Corece Desk). $pp. 44225 23644226 242 4 4002100005 LER 4741841 on 870902. reactor power truted by reperable reactor cool- 8832014179 Foreards sumismernal response to Gervenc Lir 6512 re retrumort car-ant pump Hy$ostate tests not performed per Tech Spec reoaremer'tCaused by per- tacry for norman & aererte contenment conesons tar reactor coceant prip to sonnoi error & redegaate esmrostratrre cor1rois Controls reentten W1880206 ler setport oor urd 65o822 ar. i MCAGAN W E Cw .- -r Eeson Co a4/01/25 MURLEY.T E OPce of Nuclear MOFFATT.L W., S MPSON.E C fIonda Power Corp (s@a of Fionda Progress Corp). (D/02/08 sepp 44346 27444346.291. Reactor Rogdahon. Drector (Post $70411).11pp 44166 327 44184 337. , t 8002170305 Part 21 root te potenhaf de%ct m certan Model RTF480/120 30 ac kne 9002030103 Feat resperies to FOLA remeest tot documents to accidental reiease of re- i regvaung kansformers evofwng rusance toong of 100 aarpere oc rput crcuit ooactwo ses & ester No agency recyds edq to roguest located Search of Ines m  ; treaher t en h rut akting ure Srpaaer should be replaced LPDR e onA suggesmi . BEHR.M PCP, Inc. 66/02/10 NRC No Detaaed Aftsatcm Grvert 3pp 44354 351 GRMSLEv.D H cvesen of Ru es & Records tPost 470413) 48/01/29 n o4354 353 SCHURDER.M Aftikason Not Assu2ned 1p 44239 286 44239 265 i I $402tt00M Pat 21 ten re degrs$ed Lim 4arese motor oversior ve8ve leads instasy re. 4402000274 Advoes that Nov 1972 % 1 to Bechted Topcai Rept BN-TOP.1 testeg - ocried on 680212 Caused Dy redatonLeutcrous contacted for repee notnceaegy acceptable & ed be uprod metnod Vanes ed not have rautaten desorted ri lE info Notee SF-00e AMERx A. Commonweann Eeson Co 64/02/02 Documerie Coread tiranch (Docu-i WILGUS$ $ Fionda Power Corp Isute et Ferde Progress Corp). 84/02/15 ment Coreal Desu 1p 44270 05644274056 GRACEJ N Regen 2. Cec of the Director 2pp. 4444513944445.t40. 4402170364 Foreerds reveed Pege 274 & Anacnmerg 2 to 8712v9 apphcaten scr amend to Lcenses DPR 39 & DPM48 ouhiregg progam lor urgedng tests to dem DOCILET 4304 21081 IfVCLE AR power $f 4Ttoet. Uself 2 fg3g'* {Qyg*fCgg*' gg g  ; umorit Control Des 4 2pp 44364 01144364 014 l b * ***'**b N O **"P'*"* -8402100146 Proposed Toen Spec Page 274 re 125-voll battery testeg

  • Corrvuton=eam Eeson Co 68/02ii1. 2pp 44364 01344364 Ci4 ,L

$802140371 Rev$ed emergency plan reciemenhng procedures ecludeg Rev 3 to Eb4 "Calculaton of toene Re ease Rate trom Feld As Sanvier Data' & Rev 4 to E458. 6802100M7 Go erc Le a643 re resowhor o rGenenc Sa'ety tasue 93. "Steam Bedeg 7 "Determeaten of 1 Rem Evacualen Ranges & Caiculaton of Onsde whose " of Auna y Feeseater Pumps

  • Svc mat encs FERGUSON B Commonweae Eeso't Co. 67/12/31 1Mp 44368 333 44369072 M;RAGLLA FJ Deveen of Operatonal Events Anessmore iPosa 870411) $8/02/17.

ConsobGated Eeson Co d New Wors. Iric dopp 44524 016-44524 061 8002120141 Staten Procesare Change Anquest A87 738 to Rev 1 to Emergency Plan wpiemonteg Proces;re EPIP em1.

  • Emergency Operatens Fe:4 sty (kaneriy Sur-vasance - CL inspection reports,IE sanettas & correspondence ,
  • Commonees,tti Esson C3 e4/01/20 7po 44341199-44341205 6401210097NRC Irdo Nobce $8-001,Saleh In secton Pee FaAse
  • Sec bst anci 8002120160 Change Request A47 754 to Emergercy Phan Mylementng RossC E Dhrson of Operatener Events Assessreent (Post 470411) 84/01/27.

EPIP 3241. " Act=aton of GSEP Staten Group Consohdated Eeson Co et New vcrs. Inc 123pp 44176 07$ 44176197

  • NYnAL.A W commonweann Eston Co 64/01/26 Documert Corgroi Brancfs (Doce ment Corecd Desu $pp 44341 204 44341213 68020M160 Formwds Sa+ety into Repts Wie5/87-36 & M304't?-37 on 871th 660114 & reece of venanonineo snowed that ocson taken to cceect vcsaton & to

$402120164Chesgo Request A&4 007 to Rev 4 to Emergency Psan Mylementag Pro- prevent recur *ence NRC uruerstanene of actens noiad in regi w/o nc4ce t cedare EPtP 1541. "Secree Drector " FORNEY.W L Regon 3. Cec of re Drector 68'01/27 REEDC Cornmon=eam

  • Commonosa# Eston Co 64/01/26 7pp 4434112444341130 Eeson Co top 44i90196 441ilo Poe 900212nM2 Change 8tegaest A&&-006 cancesmg Emergency Plan pipiementog Proce. -8402020167 inso Repts n296/87 36 4 S304/97 37 on 8711244M114 votaten cure EP@ 330-4. "Cast.fcaten of incoent W Haradous Maus - noted Mapor Feas 5$spected operabona' san e ty venica3 ors & ESF sys mat $own & rk f RIECK,T. Commonweae Essen Co 86/01/28 3pp 44342104-44342106 spector toscwup of LE sanete 47032 N'NDS) M. Regon 3. Olc of the Drector 68 '01/27 1 tpp 441M 196441M 208 44021600M Revised Emergency Pian imodementne Processe E*iP 3301. "Oassif ca. i

! ton of GSEP Conetons,Tabie of Consenes

  • repsacmg Page 2 the to typo $401260102 NRC trdo Nobce 88 002. "Lost or Stolen Gauges
  • Svc hat enct >
  • Common =ea'ti Eason Co 88/02/05 3pp 44347 21244347 214 OUNNINGHAM R E Desen of industr41 & Meecai Neiear Sa+ety spost 870729) i 64/02/02 Consohdated Eeson Co. of Nem Vors. inc 121pp 442w6 09344296 213 8

9002290368 Formards Seiety Inno Repts $4295/66-06 4 54304/8447 on $80208- a 1 1 t No vesa' ens roied 6802010064 NRC info Nohce 66433. "Croces r Stroud Suc9ert Access Hose Cover l SHAFER

  • D Report 3. Oec of to Drortor 68/02/24 REEDC Common =eam weiss svc ssi encs 4 Eeson Co 2pp 44529 31444529 324 Rossi C E Deveen of Opershonat Events Aswwnert (Post 070411) 84/02/02 '

Consomaaied Eeson Co of Nee Yors. wc 112ge 44334 225-44338 336 . 4 002290376 Inso Repts M295/6606 & B304/8847 on 68020611No volabons 64030H177 Fcreards Sa44 mac Repta %295/47 37 & W304 '47 38 on 071214-j noted Major areas repecied emergency preparedness program,rebdeg bcereee [W R of theYector 3 3pp 4529 312 44529 324 ER

  • 3 Cec of te Drector 6s'02/03 REEDC Commonweae l .

Esson Co. 2sc 4427715444277 tec , g p,,,,g mg,,m, ~4002000196 mar Rept 54295/97 37 4 9304 87 34 on 471214 463121No veistons or dev.aions resed Maar woes rececte<? cperancner ea$ aeon protecnon & transpor-taten programs & review of LE R & snreit tued pocs neer seasage anaes 1 t 4002260t$3 "C,s. .e J. Eeson 1967 Annual Rept

  • W16M223 iir $tAWIN5M.W J . GAEGE A L R Repon 3. osc of the Dreciar to '02 /03 210p [
O CONNOR JJ Commonwearin Eesca Co 67/12/J1 44pp 4450$ 00$-4450$ 044 44277 16444277 100 ,

a i l n ! i a -. *p- --,y - . - - - - 9, . - _ _ - - - - -- w q ,,,- ,,, -, - . - . - - - DOCKETEDITEMS 77 6802100213Rewor'ds b NAC 60104 Ip te scatons noted e inw Aests W295:4 7- 44022M194 Commends o* Ram & comrtvemeni W n$ea's haveg gone t'vough 32 & 50-304/47-33 Carectrve actiorts 871124 vane test comgwtm & comprehresive ripyous st4 & rarvng W NRC kease NRC ed 8crmah present tcense cerleN:ates raethabury avava'm to geru3.c gvxe CtLGEORut L C Carrnce ea'm E ss,dse recem one or neng konsed rrto.iua s e towestes n Co 86 C 03 UE BERM AN J NRC . Nia WRGHT G C Regon 3 O'c o' ine Oroctor 64/C2r12 HOLYCAs.,R Comtrweta'th Detaled A%aton Gwen 14;9 44306165 44 Joe 179 E oson Co 2m 44446 354 44446 355 6402020034 NRC Beete 64 001 "DeNxts n Westmhcuse cam Bruners" $< ksi am DOCKET 606305 KEWAUhEE NUCLE AR POWER PLAldT ROSSI C E Chew of Operabcww Events Assessme nt (Post e70411) 68 02'c5 Ccesolcated E $6yt Co of New Yors anc 140pp 4433) 22*>44340 004 F. Securey, me<htet, emergency & two protectson plane 4402020036 NRC ENaete 8H02,. "Rapesy Ficoagat ng Fatspe Cracan e Steam Gen-erehr Tdes " Svc 6st ee 8504170559 Adeses trat emegern apprases eeaeresses to tectncal sapwt etr$ & ROSS; C E Droson of Coeratonal Events Assessment (Post 870411) 68 <02/05 - Consceated Esson Co of Nee Yors. ine 124pp 44334 337-44339100 ener[A $ Aopershces & socorcat anay>s faceties c*osed cut VAR Operateg ReacWs Branch t 45/04/10 H NTE D C Wecoren PdAc &&O2020228 NRC into Notee 68 C04. -trw3echste CbaWa*on & Denrmentaton c4 Fro Parer Peneeshon Sea s " Svc ks enct 4402020209 Fcrowds into Rept 54305 8842 ce 60104 05 No vo4Ws noted ROS$i C E Drv+on of Cteratonal E vents Assessment 6 P ost 8'04111 f 4 02/0$ Coneohdated Esson to of Nee vors. Inc 124pp 4433910b44339 224 SMM E R W D Emergency Prep &edness Branch 60 01/27 HiNTE.D C W ecmse P#c Some Cap erp 44197 12s-44137 135 540218016F FieSponos b NRC 880107 Ps te vorons rd+d e insp Repes $4295< 47 ~440202022t inw Reot %305 6842 on 680104 05 No voahces ce8cences or dew 3d & 50 304' 4 '-39Carecte.e scions mgt edt appeeni tus tmo e%9merd lec e nce es ates roied Mont woas ewected emergency resocese facetes.ccuseg svarame tctmaton cocrvator to enforce eostrg sor'wssvawe croced/es 'acety space factty ta,cs4 & NRC comp /er corapatwy BUTTERF; ELD L Common *es*n E$sce Co 49 '02/05 Ca ve5 A B Repon 3. Osc of SHE AR G L . LAF AEN E At R L SNELL W G Fup 3 Olc of the Drector 84 e01/ Fe Drector 2pp 44M7 207-44367 Me 27 659 441971XL44197135 4402140005Foreards Insp Rects50-295< 68 04 & W304 66C5 on M011215 419 No 4402240370 Approves vid 870603 rowest tar awovat of loca'on of emergern ocer. voahon rotes awes facuy from f eo Rnrers WI lo corgera'e heaaguarters Facey ed te evaA4ted SHAF E R W D Regaon 3 Orc of the Drectce 66 02, t 0 REEflC Commeceoa*h arng 4ture emergency propreness eso EMn Co 2pp 44307 018 44367 027 CNTCHF TLD D Chv*cm os Reactot Prope-ts m ly V & Scece! Proects Foot 0?O4111 64'02/12 N'NTZ D C W$conse Padic Sorrice Corp 2c9 44475 001- -4402140007 inso Repts 50 M5<4944 4 54304 8845 ce 68011215 419 No vv>a- 44475 002 sona reed Vasor areas ewecie10A & contemawy measses b c pant rMutte-macal anaYses & achon ce c4*n s' erns prevosssy deet 43 JANUSA A A G . SCHUM ANE A M Re7an 3. C'c of the Drector 68/02/10 6pp H. Genersi correspondence 44367 02444)67 C27 $402040340 Comment ecoosN procose3 rue 10CFR50 f4 rie7a'e'! sche 3Aes for r5 4002110320 NRC ardo Notge 49 C05. Fee e Arc uroaty Control Svs bst piementation of pant moos 5chosuhrg ecreases aetand ce NAC & hcensee re-emi sovces e o cor+nenwa+e ricteate e prant sa'e5 or re=4eer ROSSJ C E Desen of Cteratonar Events Assessment c%st 4'0411) 68,02 r 12 H: NTE D C W scons-n P4&c Sewe Corp 4U91/25 Docteting & Seves Branch E$$on Co of Nee vn anc t20pp 44523 256 44524 0'S Spo 44250 22744tSO 231 6402290053 Con'rms pans ma3e to 490223 rreeteg eNtd e G'en Enyn it b oscuss SAtP tertmyw rea of ergneerw$g techncas swpyt >cice of secant neensee P. Operating beense stage documents & correspondence meeteg enci GMEENVAN E G Rw>n 3 Osc c4 tre Dreew B8 02'22 REED C Commonwea" 4401210332 Eoson Co 2pp 44524 35044529 3t1 sessment prGenenc om aLir 68 02 pSAp to en ni Svc attpo,wer ect reactor beensees te interated Sa'eg As-MA AGUA F Assmate Drector for Prc,ects IPost S M41 t) 0 8 '01 '20 Consokda'ed $40229005$Contrms pans to a9end 68C225 meeteg e ste e Gen yEn u to $5cust e E oson Co of Nee Yn inc 4 Bop 44202 319 44203 005 correrns re upcomog saie4 sys o/ ape evo3 risp GREENVAN E G Regaon ;g C#c of (Fe Drector 68 02 23 RE E D.C Commcemeam g602040034 Formed, rev to Tech Sc+c 4 2 b 4 reesens Esson Co tp 44514 113 44514 113 e d e 471130 ax+cahon for ameno Ic hcense reecting seeve pauggq cr4ere of 31% or more maa impasaton & centheq Reg Gude 1171 as ance docsnent per NRC 601'5 letcon $402290344 Forearas Sa'e*y tr'so Rects 50 295 M 06 & 50 304 66-07 on &&C2^4 H.NTE D C W sconse Pa*c e Cap to 01/29 Document Cor*os Branch 11 No ecuatons noted (Document Coetros Desa) 2pp 44254 n61-84254 085 SMAF ER W D Revon 3 Cwc of the Drector 65'02'24 RE E D.C Common *eae E hyi Co 2cp 44529 310-44',29 324 .ggggoago43 p,0cosed Tech Scec 4 2 b 4 reectM seeve c%pg craena of 31% ce more eau ceyasance & dent @cg Reg Guco 1121 as Oudrwe $3cument -4802290376 ins 0 Repts SS 275 64 06 4 50 304 '64 C7 on 68020411No voatons w%TZ D C W,sconse Paec Serv <e Ccro ne 'O1'29 3c9 44254 083 44254 085 noted Mapt areas especie<3 emergency preca coness prcgram ecevdag scensee acton on preccuse, asentded reas & emergev, pan oct wabysa 4402120004 Dvusses ute 871229 itr akseg of corporate restructsag resstng n SNELL W SMon V . PLDSeu T Repon 3. C#c of the Drecty 48 02 23 13c9 Fu$ng cortpa7 Cesent for procosM resksc'seg panied based on ks'ed cNW 44524 312-44529 324 sons HOtAMAN G U Assstant DrecW fcr Rege lii & RW V Rea: tors at 01/29 " ^ '#

  • S SteportatHe occurrences, LEms & rotated corresponoence 8402100044 Foreros recte3 P&Os e responsa to 100320revest tu cor4roned set 6802t20252 LER e5429 03 on 651201 u r nneg 24 pays s4 vy 'an & 2 A *>wst fan os FS-On tar Regon us mcovat Response Ctr rei heraq Foisieen overwe easings trcged ccetanment page niet & oatsei seoaton va ves ciosed & as erhaat stack e*C' MHT2 O C W,5cor+n Pdac Serwe Cyp 49 02 01 Document Cortror Bravn reaton egh ' annunciator a a"red Caaed t, vetaje sc.eeg n 640205 itr (Documeni Coreci Dee) Pop 44313 07744313 074 WCt N B PL %.G J Cunmarwas E hys vo os 019e 3pp 44341 pg 7 44341 Pe9 4402040175 Foreros Amanced Nxtear Fween SA01?9 fir testant. avg tnt ECCS 4402110240 LER B6 Oct40 ce 640106 Des i rot re4 war, hygges sureg c*4nne, tg evavaton % E mE M PWR acceed u meet swavs c4 BWO4 SE n.pos 66J121 bo^a; lests on poner targe C#49nel 41 Caaed by cersannel er'or InstrumeedaSon re@est Ior aM eto 4Rev i to aN V M 98 macra sc caer procesare we te reeses W 8C1:5 m, kNT2 O C W scese Potec Se ece r Cap 64 C2.02 Cbcument Cons c4 B<anch f' STE v5 NS E , PdML G J Common *+a in E han Co ts '02 05 '<c 44321059 (Deci. ment Ceval Cua) 2pp 442 72 220 442'2 221 44321 063 440209053e Acc*ca'on for amerd to ! cease DPR-43 mcd of steam generaw 4402250042 Pa14r response to FOiA re@est for recorss re ecoeats ev9eng bcorises eie a# succort per 871120 st Desc+eton of changes sa'e'y evavasyi & ute

& senor rea: tor coerators e ec>aion of t tness for ch.'y p;oeines F ore r 3s App B yy 'ET*' a a as te w on GR.MSLE f D M Chenon of Roms & Peco on Pi ost 0 D413; 98 02 '22 OLE Y st mM MW Mr ih 44M iss4W M PutAc CJtJen s C'incF Vass Ine*gy Pec,e:t 2m 444irt 147 444iS 352 , g , gg *4402260057 Pacta 2e cor+sSng c4 8 71028 morn. g rept re t.:eesed reacw oceraw ,* p1"# A CCWD D *9 9 "# ** "# D ""* 'O 8 26 of .ar oecesience & 84sewt re*ed twe At) & sace^ M TTE Pro,e't Der.hraie m 3 64 02 Og H NTl D C W wons,n paec Se,ve, ' Reyn 2 Cnc o tnen Drector 47110. 2s 9p 4s4)5 352 4449s 3*,2 C"O 200 ***M 2 h e**3* 2") ~4602190099Not<e of consdera$on of 'swance 9a amend to Lcense DRP 43 & pro V. Operator I Bamenatione pceed MHC cete mcahon & ccscet#=N tur Nereg Amesi p3s carapapa Ic OL 88Me steam generaw upcer La%rs'supga's COLB' @NrigYpant mc d to,c1 Drectaate in 3 h5 C2 09 7pp 44404 237 44454 243 G Pec, 8402040224 Proedes forea's lor c+wna QuaA.a'on sta'ewent Ah%m to NRC Form 34 repe3 to te *orerced to RW sv de once accant comcaetes kanng 4602190047 R+wes's an e*c re F et, t 96 7 Fev i to ' Reead Sate *, E vabake Mets te@rements & receved pra to eaa, asie oss tcr Aggd=;aw to s eea/+e " S'ated cceecton re accepie1 scA,te ty neantve W6cGHT G C Regre 3 O*c of the Dreos to C2 P1 Commrees* E we Co M ra'evcseaves e rc.3 a,c a 4ws sw1 te reed 3pp 4425109144251 CN) gut T[ R J G P+c.,ect Drecera'e la 3 $ ;N 4 46 }4 B4 02 '10 H. nil D C W ec3r+P Pute 5enr(e Ccre sco 44374 329 443'4 312 4602163293 Fores ds cuoi re%eW atte esem e aata.ce%yi ed resp <1<e of re# Cahon teSteg la'er tNs ye UtN sW1 reve* cFC'7 a*s & ma* Tower cOmwtmems W o 4802170273Forea ss an eto runei re Rev 1 to Re :41 Sa's', E .a%aton Mees erect o3s W Acce a'On to p ema/=ee OM F et i M ' WSg GwT G C pep 3 Ost of gn, DrecW $$ [$ '1) HQ( y Q A a R Ccmneg3 th M %77 C( W w,nw PJ4: Sea we Cup F W & 3Md $$ 'C2 1l Di;st pient Contecei l $On (Alt 3pp 44 M.& 3 6 44 M 1M {& rith iDcCumfal G#'t':# Cess i l'cf 4435' 015 4435* *** 78 DOCKETED ITEMS - Det2100M7 Ganane Le M43 re concAthon c4 Gew Estety toeve 93.

  • Steam Bodeg teet140414 Faeards cdot rowenicatun esam o ren at h6 Rotanoon m ankccahon W or Aussary Fews ater " 5vc hat orci roomkv4sen trent tener tus yr und onceseged to begn *eare of progams &

fARAMLAIJ Opv son of anonal Events Assessment (Post 470411). 84/02/17. marpower corwutments ao ate accroonste seesterm W/s ord Coneohjated Ecmeca Co of evee Vort,Inc 44pp. 44624 096 44M4 061 VAGHT,0 C. Repon 3. of the Qvector. 6a/02/12 W4L[RJ R Weconse Putec Serece Corp 249 44369 252 44360 253 O Repott en reports,8% Sutettho & #ervoePendence DO; stet E300 PRANtti ISLAse0 NUCLEAR ST ATIO*L Vogt 2 000s0201$2 Foreards $atoy inap Rept 60MS/4719 en 4711161231 No v$atens nc4es GULDE!.OND W O *ewon 3, Osc of im Drector. 88/01s15. tent 2.D C, Woorcem F, Securtty, sneesel, emergency & fire protecten piene Putes Srwce Ccap. 259. 44197198 64197.h eas .e.epected ~aCp Reptmm=s,,7.i. r-e on .fiiiuni ..o.ns soruR , *n.s e ,ior ts g~a , ,,* p a y ,*o,c y ,:, m F ;,*;;'f,*;; - -a~~ce see -s . ,--a- i. m% cv 16iTEA sepe. 3. Osc of em crector p/Cittn $pp. 44tn 9044ie7 304 ,m,e,cw. o a,, ,R,,ee,, ta es o re(post,0,,,, 0,,ce s70414 of ,me,, oc,me, Re,. eo wn, o sem 3094no a e, n NRC wo Noe utoi. - .o.,irt n P e F.A,e ., het e~i 6802120177 Responds to NRC671236 lir es colatens noted m lnso Repes 50-282/87-ROSSa.C E C% son of Operssonal Events Sost 470411). 06/01/27. 16 & S306 3745 %rectw actonslong-wm coneew ecion metxang matanshon Corecedeteo Eescn Co os Neo vorA inc.123pp 4417607544176197. of test sotcres or metanaten of prete-eve covers on rela sbdn cowdered " ' # '00" 9063020200 Foreerds insp Rept 50 305/6642 on 6801044$ Ne wo6abont noleG g g,, ' pp, 4 p'** p SMAFE R.W D. E BrancA 88/01/27. 6eNT2..DA Wecwan Pec Serwce Corp .4419 .12644127 135 -400H20221 Ir op Rept W306/4642 on 4801044$ No wcpatons. defoonces or Oev> P. OPersteg beente stage docurnents & eorroependence asve roisd Mapr reas espected emergency resparse evadatee fachry space face *y tarout & NRC comrJer concattemy SHE AR.G L, LAFREN!ERE.R L $NEL.L.W Q. Report 3. Osc of re Caector 64/01/ 30,0,121,0332 ss near P ocyam Genenc Le 4842 u CSAP 34 SvCtohst aAeen power reactcr hcormeee to integrated Safety As.

27. 6pp 4419713044197135 n+pAGuA.F J Assocate twoctor tor Protects (Post $70411) 84/01/N. C:ntotdated 9002640134 Formads response to NRC Comohance Bunete 871)02. "Fasterwr Tes to Determne Conformarce WI4#catne Mail Spec.* Drwc4 Hen of easteg OC 4402030107 Recpos's recove & apprisval of ord changes to utt Rev 11 to opersbonal C. Corp. M/0t/29 CAYtS A B Regen 3. Olc W q,p,Y,h 9RF ped wie Drector 24pp 4425417744254 200 uvSOLF.D. Nortnam States Power Co SS/f.,t/22 Of*ce of Peuclear Rea.: tor RegJ4 Ge81M0102 NRC in o Netce 88-002.
  • Lost or Stoaon Gas 2es? $4 has ord CL:#NGHAM.R E Omson of ench,strel & Wochest reucioar Sawy (Post 870729) 18 B 64/02/02 Conacedated sooon Co of New Yort, hac.121pp 44296093442116213 64,0,2tM,cn4,Fo,,r*r,d,s,re,,placem,e,nt,pages Ap. , , , pn , c,nc gy ,3 ,,gni,s At,t,ac,%mer,as,,1,&,cy,o,f

,g ,c , an,gea,f,, 000H10064 NRC in8o Notce 44 003. "Cracts m Stroud Supgh.rt Access Mose Cover k FD PWtnem $ Poew 0164/02/00 Document Convol Brech (Docu-N CE ' of Operatonef Evenis Assessment vpost 470411). 66'02/02

  • C'"" *' "*d ' ##"# #'"

Coeotdated Essen Co of Nee Vort. irt 112pp 4433e 22444334 336 H02120M3 mm W Mon 3 snuteg e/Mesgnuw & Wam N e 9002020034 NRC BJteen 49401. Telects an Weshngt ouse Cacut S eahars * $4 het j y *.y,* ' , ' " ' **d ' ),a, , ROSStC F t>ve on of Operatonal Ewes Assessment (Post 870411) 68/02/0S f,*p*,gN3o [ [3,[as m eac/M *C N'[cieNd'****[ ewaie a Corechsele1 Eeson Co of Nee Yorit. inc 140pp 4*,339 2254434300d. 8402190004 80,02,02,0035N,RC , Bus.e.ta 8ko02. "Rapdy Propaga1mg Fatpe Cracts r> 5tter9 feton of crwatMe Prowdes esterasssa;ce pwre aucten of trete s4,pmsanon Motorowen &saw sys mudancy oeseHPwen asegeun tre pumps nota-mye *3c ,yo ' ROSSI C E C>ceen of Operemonal Events Assessmore (Post 470411) 64/02/05 8' Consonosted Essen Co of Nee votA inc.124pp 44334 33744M9100 '* *#'M'S*'em 00 nr ws Power Co as/02/15 Orke os feucwar Reactor Repa- . Mr% Ct.uctor (Post 470411) to 44445 03244445 032 i 080,20202N F e gyrer p,ne NRC ptreo e Peatce  ; sas 68404. " Svc "Inoce@ste Quaufcanon & Documentahon &f hat enci 9002140267 Genere LW 66 03 re restrubon of Ganenc $stety Isave 93. '$ieam B<dtg  ; 3 ROS$t.C C. Orcsen of Ogershonaf Eveats Assessmens fPost $70411). 64/02/05 W Aumav teeoeamr Pumps ' C c het encs 1 Coneohoated E.shon C6 of Nee Vors. Inc 12*ge 4433910144339 He WAAGuA F J Orveen of Opershone' Events Assessment (Poss 870411) 88'02/17. i

Cc'eoadated Edmon Co of New Yort. inc. 44pp 44524 01644524 061 ,

08021103M NRC Into P4oece 66405. "Fee m Annwnceior Conrol Catunets" Svt het enct ROS$1.C E C*reen of Oper6aanW E vents Assessmens (post 970411) 64'02/12 Q. Inepecuen mports. It Banetuts & cormsponence Corschdated Eeson Co of Nee Vort, wt 120pp 44523 2M44524 016 9002020245 Formards Seiety into Repts $0 282<87-17 4 $0 336/0716 on 871115 d 680102 No veiatens reted O Pertedic Opereung reports & reisted toffespondence GULDE MONO W G Repon 3 Osc of Ine Drector 64/01/t5 LARSON C E Northern , States Poew Co top 44199 345-44199 363 8002170315 Morewy creraang rest tar Jan 1968 W/680204 ler ' Ri.FTER G H, vent 2.O C weconem PutM Servce Corp 64'01/31 Sse 44363 352- .se02020264 trise Repts %202<87-17 & 50M67-16 on 4711tS ee0102 No vela-44363 356 sc,ns er oecatens nosed Waaor esas intracted p6 ant operstonal T senefy meetsirvedFEes E SF sys popWahon tar mbeamg Da#ung tolboeup of LERs 4 k stan changes tu ReportaWe occurrences. LERs & telated terrespondence DEF AyETTE R Regen 3. Olc of Fe Drector 68/01/15 7ge 44199 34744199 353 'I 8802220244 Fort t rept to retas mon a of retey Pai863020N e Fostoro 62H contros. 6402020106 ForeFds Salety insp Rept $0L306/8843 on 68011114 Peo venatens i lors a tec4mes reia, must to repaced ty rosay Pat P41962N Reey B83020N no'*d noe used m a3 cener ponts MARR; SON.JJ Regen 3 Olc of Fe Dreew M'01126 LAR$0N C E Ncrihem ' ] BERBERLAN w J Fosbore Corp 87/12/21 GUILLEN.J NRC No Detamed AM6aten States Power Co 2pp 44167 019-44187 02$ Gnrert tp 44427 14144427 141 -400M20100 Inse Repf 43C$<8643 on sa011114 No veiasons or decatens { 08021Mf?3 LER 4741240 en 471 tit too roependere contenment isosaten compel noted Maror seas espected reerwce insp metetes ectumng reces of q veves teced to ceose korm cor*W rtom eseg tostng Ca med Dy ovypressunrod sc> programs procedures cesensaten of sort Envees & data recee l tenced saves Sosecod veswes repeced * /sE20s er W AMD K 0, OAN<E LSON O H Repon 3, 08c of the Drectcr Mr01/25 Spp BE RNrG T.S . M4NT2.D C. Woca eun P@ac $ernte Corp 88/02/08 9pp 4419? 021 44107 02% 44341 162 44341 170 $40202137 Formaros ress.Jnse to IvRC 471106 Comphance Buhote 47402 Was & i I V. Operatee Eseminemone crev eroftest,s cepm; of as sa'ety4e6ased ios norsatery- & rerea*ety reieied hrewss tesis re6aied tasteners newn spec e/es. LARt's se C E Noreem States Pcww Co 64> 09 /M Document Cor*of Branch (Dcc# rneal Coreo# Desa) 66pp 4419e 33444199 02$ 0802040224 Peondes tormats for personal cuahhcaton statement Aesenesa to NRC F orm 396 reeeed to be tcrowded to Repon in oss once apphca it camps 9es enamng resurements & recewed pnar to saam caie 6401210007NRC treo Ncece 84-001. "$atety Irweeton Pee FaAre " Svc tot once W14GHT.G C Repon 3 Osc of Fe Dreciar M/02r01 Corewnonweatih foson Co ROSiwC E Dv sen of Operanonal Events Assessmere 8 Post 470411) 44 r01/27 3pp 442$109144261093 Consokosted Eeson Co of Nee vors. eic 123pp 44176 075 44176197 i m p e L 1 ,02 tHM.7 reseni Adire.e.s cense w.esFW *.T"neo.,meMereed wn ro.oaewiok.penge tos conat.ree &,e ace --W wene600M202M cograre urees FW 5 team Genename r or M uesroepuoems&vve. m. ues 21 = tem,e a W i30 ues were ues emed noe pmed tar WWm , cernpbarvnere Generator WIM.HT G C Revna S Oec of Fe Dractor ta/02/12 hf(LERJ R Weconnai Putec lA;$OLF D22 per Tech Nortriera SpecPoe Staies 412,E Co 1se& etriereconi risenrice Or%ce swp of Reactor of Nucear trwl Reputa , Serwe Corp to 44366 31544366 316 tort Oractor (Post 870411) tp 44200 036 44200 035 , l i DOCKETEDITEMS 79 teet1MtFF Resprves to NRC 471231 er te velabons noted m knee Res*s W262/87. -4003200115 Forearos Special Sately ksp Repts $4262/H43 4 50M6/6842 en to & W306e8716 Ccroecwe scionsiontterm conectne acion acberg estamaton 6601240210 Poeoreal votaton of 10CFRS$ 4 potente dece' ens kom wonted SAR of irse suches or estansice of covers on me, stwoo conteered nckene faAre to reWre operators to recove as cycie vaewy reted LAR$0N C E Pey1 hem Staies Co 64'v1/28 GULDEWONO W G Repon 3, UMER M J Regors 3. 08c of tre Drector see02i23 LAR$0NL EL Northern States Cut re Drector app 4434t tW44341163 Power Co 2pp 44514137 44514134 0001300102 NRC rdo Noece 44402. "Lost or Steen Gages * $wc hat enci 4602200tM Spec 4a! Safe y insp Repts $42s2/64 03 & 60 306<6642 on 660120 CUN4NGMAW R E Desen of irware! & Meecal Nucwar Sate'y Post 070729) CJio No voiatons or oeestons reted U areas mapected veedcaten of ew M/02/02 Conschdated teson Co of Nee Ycyt, Inc 12tpp 44294093 44296 213 tehon os actons oescre ed m Amend 1 to maicry Acton Lir Rm 4F413 eMM14064 NRC in80 Notre 64403. "CracAs m Shrowd $4 port Access Hee Corer woes Svc het onct Rosti.C E Demon of Oseraional Events Assenmort Post 8?o411L 64/02/02 00CRET $4>300 MAlpet VAssEEE AfDeseC Po*EH PLAnff Corsoldeted E@aon Co of New Yort wc.112pp 44330 22S-44334 336 40080800M NRC Swheta 84401, "Os4ects m Westrghouse Crcud Dreakars " Sec het F. Seegrity, anodical, emergency f, hre protecten plant once ROS$1.C E Dreson of Operatonal Everes Ause no e Post 470411) M '02/06 470122 natsetop escwssen re state authorty to rectase6 v4 Coneondaied Eenon Ce of Nee vort. Wc 140cp 44339 225-44340004 ge,ogggetet m,,gency Docusses condcanon Escaeed respcese ma, not te unowtamen by staw onws tee 3C40$M NRc twsetrl 64-002.

  • Rapdy Propagateg Fangue Creces a $ team Ge+ k%@ "D'#"*",,,$"io,77pg #$k'N Coneohasted

" I **** C# A #* '" "* #'"3 R CY of Ocerswnes Events Assenment Font 470411) 64/02/0$ Ccmohosted Eeson Co of Nee York. inc. 12400 44330 337 44339 100- 8403030100 Rev 6 to Emergency Pian levementeg Proceeare 2 $0 5. "Emergercy 80080302M NRC trdo Noace 44404. ~lnademais CNakhcanon & Documentaton of Pu*eh7,nsee Aio,,sc Poew Co 64/01/22 tipp 44t96 33144196 341 Fro samer Peneraton Seeis" Syc het encs ROS$a C E Desca of Operatonen Evras Assessment 90s 8704111. 64/02/05 te030M143 Foreards response to noms dentded as caso% aces 4 concerns e NRC Consosasted Esson Co of Nee vors. inc 124pp 4433910144339 224 s71209 er to repatory onectrvoress revee Encf othhead tre410CFR73 21) *1erTTIER.Q D Waq var *ee Atac Power Co S&01/29 Document Control teet170067 Foreaos meseg Page $5 kom wts 340126 response to NRC Bwheta 87- g,g,ch (Docwmore Coned Desa) 1p Hit? 125-M197125 002 LAR$0N C E Northern Sta'es Peew Co 60'02/10 Document Convoi Branch (Docu. 6402100064 Rev 2 to Emergency Pian empementog Procease 2 50 22 *Acevaton of i trent Contos Desa) 2pp 443$2 319 443%2 311 Anemeie Errergercy Operatons F l * " * * ' * " *** '**' # # 'O' '#0 Seet1103M NRC Into Notco 64405. "Fro e Anrunceior Control Cabeets" Svc tst ROSS1C E Drvisen of Opwatenal Events Assessment Post 6704111 84'02/12 CE Noedsted E$ son Co. of Nee York, mc- 12000.44523 254-44524 015. " w,cong; Nen'sNe$ 8

t. Regen g,

* @c or ye 0,ge, ,a;02/25 RANDA22M 8 Mae 4002290000 trdorms Fet hconsee met sa Commaments noted e Amend 1 to 070014 CorWrmatory Acton LW Rn37413 re recovery prqam tar teensed operstar req lvakI> =4002290391 inne Rept $0.M9/6641 on 6801014203 venaicas heed Veror areas I canon pregam Corermatory Acton Le ctoned meo Ws once Davis A 8 Repen 3. Cec of to Drector 84/0U23 LARSON C E Northom States especteo pt yo,,cgon co,ntros tcom access rscal secure &e parts tre of part peal swwcuespant coerateg ope'$aten recoros & meet Power Co 19 44514 136-44514 145 TR. ppa R,gion i, oet of ye Dreciar 66/0?!23 6pp 44517 3%44617 313 =4003200115 Formeros Sa e et, into Repts 50-M2/6443 4 54306/6442 on sect 2&C210 Peentesvcanon of 10CFR68 4 potental oevatone Irom @ dated $AR P.Opwmacm Wew e& pere p e mcNeng taAwre to e e operat3rs to rece%e SE cyce 9 noted WALER HJ . Cec or the Drector. 66/02/23 LAR C E Narthern States 4401810332 Generc tv 6842 to e power n reactor beensees te tr9egrated $4'e*y As-Power Co 200 51413744$14134 sessmert Progam # 05AP 40 Sec 6st enct M'RAGLLA,FJ Assocele Drector for Pro,ects Post 470411) $4/01/20 Conso6 dated *4002M01M Specel Sa*e*y thap Rec 4s 50 areas 262/6443 & 50 venttaten espected M6/6642 on 680120,- et empemy Eesca Co of Nes vors. Inc 48m 44202 319 44203 005 0210 No vcawns or oecaims noted tason of actons descrees e Ameno 1 to maiory Actop LW Rm 47 013 LOVE R 4. SMEPARD D L, SvRDeCNT M Regen 3. Cec of the Drector N/02/1g 4002020214 Aeroes ret State W UE has no otvectens to wed Proposed Change 135 re 7pp 44514139-4451414% og 7 g pra Desa) 1p 442013t044201360 " a *"P- aa--'" '*** * *"~~~aa m.m.0,o,e,os p,ooreta,, sios. . sed ai mm re Rev 0,.P to Cm .m== A,rw repi , occ.aior. ..posee a wet, . ,0,ef vameA,es a gChe;;;;" a  ;,aa m .L^,=,;rtstr'"- * $~ *-- *'*U'D ou. ,e* * "Les Pome, Co .,,,mi opp usa musa m g<,a<aa *J;=r;/,7;f-+ ac a'c2'c' 5t'a"* *** 4 main - uon~, aan rep,sto,somit. W/ m m , 00,, ,c,,,,s Ame,d ,u ,o me,me D M , saw evem,, Ame,d ,r. DUGST AD D. M' F.D , Northern 61stes Power Co es.01/31 em 44M4130 a*na m,e,s,,Tecn e s -pe Sc,ecs e to .remoct rected LOCA porviarng b'n,ts to be used SEAR 5P W Pro,ect Drectorste l.3 M/02/09 PANCA22AJ S Wano Yameo Atomc Y. Operetor Emanunettone "" D# ' ** # ect m20Mm ,o,ma,0s saw into Re . . ,6716 on . rim. -4,002160095 e sed LOCA ,rcevoAmeed o 102s to.~Lcense to e e emoDPR.36./ev.ang e mor n Tec,h Spec 3 to,C.311 to re, ave .s ~pe 660102 No voeteas noted WE$5W AN R H Progoct Drect)rae 4-3 Sa/02/09 6pp 44351197443Si 201 GULDEWOND W G Regen 3. Osc od the Drector 66'01/16 LARSON.C E ,orthe n $tates Power Ca top 44199 345 44199 353 02 to Lce -4402,1,60007 - &a'ety Re- evabako.n secoing Ro ya m D,ec Amend 1,or rost72 .nse , ouD,DR, 36 3 -4. m m t,mp Re Mt47.,,. m on .,i m 0iu Nov.a .O3 ,cemm, m tons or oecatore reted Want areas repected p'ard oceraional sa+ety. meet esveisances.E SF sys.preparaton ter re*uenne teruns tesoeup of LERs & $802230389 Forearos Y AEC.1622. Waldaten of Yartee Alcmc Energy Co CrecaMy sta9 changes Sa'ety Wemomsogy? tar recee 4 accroval Rec

  • demonstra'es veWy o8 Wee nee DEFAvt nE R Regea 3. Olc or to Drector Sar01stS 7pp 44199 34744199 353 cacu sanenai paths weed m kenang cascuiamons Fee pad WHITilE R G D Mace va%ee Aicewc Power Co to 02/'2 Document Conect 9002040224 Provees tormats tar personal eusecaten statement Adserem to NRC trench (Documet toneos Desat 1p 44,44 04744544 500 Form 390 rewred to be norearded to Regon el o c once apptcent corroeies teneg revrements & rece*ved pnar to esam aste 8402290399 $4 mas resJts of cecut tream er enor$naboa cor 8 P0925 WRIGHT.G C Repen 3 O*c of re Drector 64/02/01 Commonosa*th Eston Ce comrrwtment ResJts comonstrate that precarmy of eeng botn remroav sa'e*,estat 3pp 442$1091442$1093 ed com ove to eedequate coortnaton smaa a no ev%eonte satety proceem e: Sri 9002100262Forearos pace reouancaten esam yvea at HS Robeson tar hee e gener. W>eTTiER G D Mave varese atomic Pe er Co 68'02/12 RVSSELLW T Repen 1 ateg westons for amiccated tesang inter Fue ye Utd arcosaged to tegn recee of Osc of the Drector lp 44513 214 44513 214 programs a manoceer commaments to accomodate e%A 40 ences

*RGHT.G C 3. Osc of rio Drecscr 64/02/12 W ALDrNGER ( H Northern $402190186 Forenres Ameruf 103 to Lcerse FPR 36 & sa'ety evauabcm Amerid States Poew Co 44371 359-44371 360 changes f ach Spec 4 to update F9ses 5 214 6 24 m Tech Spec 5 2 Crgarmaa trW ospctng piert opsde 4 tacety orgermaston. respective *y 4002100293 Adeses wed of Regen in enerit i towested to arra go bme 4 piace to tor. SE AR$ P W Pro,ect Dreciarate F3 M '02/17 RANO2Al2AJ S Wane 4araos fassy present tcorse certhcates to mee*y tcorned reccha's m recorwton of accom. Asoms Power Co app 44404 24444N 264 pastvrent of r@cha's hevmg gonw throwgh tauoy & tasrung WRsGHT.G C 3 Osc or we Dreciar H'02/12 m ALD6NGER L H Northern 44021901M A** erd 163 to trense CPR.M chaavng Tech Spect to +date Fgees States Power Co p 44364 MS-44M4 MS 6214622 m f acti Spec 6 2 Crgewahon' ospichrq pant or'wte & tacety crga+ ston rencoctveiv A[$$ MAN R H PrCgeC1 Drectorate03 64/02/17 Sep 44404 279 44404 2s3 $$$22$N$$ ConPymourI,Pdorwe Acton Lt RiinFet $7413 hcensee re recorory met al comrmtments noted propam for hcareed m Amart$ operator re4a41 to $7D$t$ cahon pro 7 Fen Confrmatory Ac1 mon Lt closed insp repts ord 4402190Mt Sa4tg evabaton DJpporing Amend 103 to LEenne DPR-3e daw 1S A B Repon 3. Osc y tre Drector M'02 '23 LARSON C E Ncreem Siates

  • Once o8 h.cear keecice Repete Drectar Pcot s70411) 6s c017 em Power Ce tp 4451413s 44$14146 44434 264444D4 264

... ~s _ 4 - 40 DOCKETED ITEMS mMmser acoe rece,. .e,- tacti spoC ca.n.e a .e, c,er,. .i s. Re,., tem .cw=e., LER. a ,eie e ..rvoePene.nce togas nosce swtdished m eenspaper.amerW to hcense 4 saiety eveuehon ent.a GL F J. saocate tcr (P et 8704 C El SMN642 @ SWW MM N macer 4 occwmd en W W een of Reactor Progocts . IRJV y 4 $$ecel Progects (Post 870411) 6pp 44500 005- # g,, g, ,,,,,,, ,,,cn'soa $ 4 noa ed on M01 W 680 se M5000h BAAND E 3_ wwTTIER_GC. Mene vareas Atoawc Pooer Co 64/02/06 3pp 44287 C614429 7 063 $4022M313 LER S$402400n MottSArag reveu of ECCS sevenma ce proco-v to1M ds re cm.e _2,c,e.,co,m.spon,e e Co co ewe 46. ~a,ce 3- oesn .7=,. 4ast.n., rest , . dure.14 ,e sed v .,v,ai es,not , ,0 c pro,pe,rty

e. cor*o,med e.eeed ec per

,ec T,ech.S.pecs cha e se red Ca,u, sed,t,ry ec,oreassem RANDA22A.J B Mace varmee Atomic Pomer 64/01/15 RUSSELLW T. Regen 1.00c of te Drector 121pp 44244 34144247.100 UCD,OUGOLD.D,P. 4442 339442 3sy. WWTTO.Q D Mane YanHe Abrmc Power Co. 64/02/18 3pp 11 , ~RC in.o Nome ..), ,e , en,,cton Poe ,aA,e .vc .sq e,o tod s. anc 2 07 I 6 97 DOCKH 66 8H SALEM Mt AR GEMDNG StADO*L M 3 e e , ,e.ds see,, i.ep Rest .M9,.,.a . .,i01.-23 No voano,e i ncied 5 taaen to correct ecneten noted e 870331 ler verted F. Seewitytmeecat emergerey 6 fire protween plane JCW4ST WV Repon 1. Ole of 9 e Drector 04/01/20 RANDA22A.? R Mame

  • versee Anarrsc Power Co. #pp 442$t 09444251109 4402290100 bacusses $70122 tatuetop escussen to state Mhorey to reciestry ute emergercy classAcaten Escaeted responee may not tie unoor1aaen t>y state oncee 4002640363 insp Rept $4309/97-26 on 67101623No votatens or decatens eeng or reces scensee docared omer casssAcanon.  !

noted Wapor areas mopected prevously adenefed Yeotanon $430941/87 01 liem t'y BELNWY,R R Regen . of te Drector 47/ SELMAN.M. Cor*nohdated  ! I reves of wecn esied e shutooen mant hst & vendor manual pogram teson Co of Nee Yors. Inc app 44539 0tc44539 063. I REBELOWSKI f, 8tVMBERG.N J. Regon 1, 05c of Fe Drector. 88/01/22. topp. i 44251 09644251 109 8M2030500 Forawds resa Rept 54311/ on 870914 14 4 retco cd I 80030M143 Foreros response to some userehed as inademaces & cecerns e NRC denaten Leerwe commennes m.a es=,87.29ofic07 mgr meetne docaawd e e,,ncs  ; 4 71209 le re re(patory e tecsveness s revee Ence enthhots (ret 10CFR73 21I ,ngqrept Fonoeg inse on 871215 10 verted that convrutments esequately imp 6e-WHITTiER.G D. Mare vansee Abmc Power Co 88/01/29 Documert Controi JCHNSYDN W V Regan t.08c of to Drector 44/01/26 tJCNEILLC A P@he Serv-Brances trJocumore Cor*ol Des 41p. 44197.125-44197.125. ce Electe & Gas Co of New Jersey 3pp 44217 076 44217.117 F 0000000144 Forewes Raeotopcal Cor*Ws inse Rept (4309/47 28 on 47120104 & ' 4402030618 Nonce of dematen from eso on 470914-18 Devoton noted autcrnate  ; Am i 1, Orc of the Drector 66/02/01 RANDA22A.J B Mace varmes Abmc Power Co 2pp 44262 316-44282 333 y Os"c / 'e 00b'*2 7 4e02000190 Notco of colehen from mac on 87120144 Veisten ac4ed toof storage +4402030$18 anno Rept60-311/87-29 on 87091418 41215-14 Dewatens noted Waer l area cortameg hcensed reeoactve mes e encess of 10 tmes amouni specAed m arus espec4d renhcaten of comphance et rewrements of M M App f 10CFR20. App C mot posted w/couson ses R.5ectens m G.JA & O re tre protecten teakses vewyaans erorn 471007 Ingt theet-

  • Regen I, Cec of the Orece:r se/02'of sp 44262 31644282 314 QOS.A , ANDERSON CJ Regen 1. Osc of the Drector 64/01/22. 36pp

.oe930e0141 map Rept So.M9/87 2e on 47120144 Veneten nowd uapor areas 44217 062 44217 117. espectedrseceogcal contross pregsm et orprwsanon & stamngauets.hft I 1 reesten area eccess cor*ol ALARA & per comaminaten cortoi 4402060067 Adeses that 471005 temporary change to Artical letand securty pen ac- t N2W T2 R L, SHANBAn v.M W Repon t. Olc of re Drector 66/01/22 150p ceptaNo

  • 44282 319 44282 333 UARflN iT. Repon 1. Orc of the Drecur 64/01/29 MONEILLC A P*he Servce awctnc 4 Gas Co of Nee Jersey app 44259 346-44259 349 1 80013ect02 NRC Inso Notte 66402 "Lost or Stoien Gauges
  • See est and ,

CUNNsNGHAM.R E Dween of incbseest & Weecal Nucear Sawty (Post s'0721m 6802230012 Ncefcaten of Enforcement Cons o rence 64416 on 68C212 m keg of t 64/02/02 Coneohdated Eeson Co of Nee 4 ors, Inc 12tpp 44296 093-44296 213 Pwswa P A to escuss Ag R tre protecton esaepances

  • SatTLAND.P D Remon 1. Osc of we Dveciar 84'02/06 Regen 1. Olc of ths Drec- t tor 2pp 44497 06244497 053 te03014044 NRC trWe Notce $4403.
  • Crocks m $hroud $49 art Access Hole Cover wous " Sv: set once ROS$t.C E. Desaon o' Cstessonal Everes Assesvrent (Post 870411) 64/02/02 ,

l Coreohoaed Eeson Co et Nem vors. Inc.112pp 44338 225-44334 336 M. Generaf c; : nae , eco3ete*34 NRC owneim 6s401,"Deisets a wasngrown. Cecut sromas svc ha' set 20 more wapose iocFRec re propos% nw ROSSi C E Dween of Operatonal f ones Assesyrent (Pose 8704i11. 64/02/05 cm eepsea screens tor s'peneniaten or part mods r Conachdated Eeson Co of New Yors. anc 140pp 44339 22544340004 MCNEu C A Putec Servce t tecirc & Gas Co of Nee Jersey 64'02/01 CHILM.$ J [ Ce ce of the Secretary of Ine Comtrassert 2m 44348 002 44344 003 p

8002030034NRC Busetri M402. *Rapdy Propagateg Fatigue Cracts m Steam Ger* '

erstor fees

  • Svc hat ew ROSSI.C E Desen of Operatenes Events Assessmers (Post 4704t1) 68'02'05 P. Operatrg econee stage cocuments & terrespondence h Coneohdated Essen Co of New York. rc 124pp. 44334 33744339100  ;

6802260216 Forords sate'y evabaton proceng psticaten tar contmuod operaten ' 9003020220 NRC trito Notce 68404. "inadequate Chanticason & Docwnentaten of tosoning 06C Fee Barner Peneeston Seas" Svc tsi enct w ,,426 Unit.2 egaireactor no 3g gweynm 4, gag g iangoescre ,te,n,s, of earnesstrahe ee,,ectrve actore cor$ois hmeng ROS$3 C E Dween of Ctershonal Everas Assesm (Post $70411) 64/'02/05 CA P2ec Servce E os New mey M/06/31 Coneohdated Eaeon Co of Nee Yors. Inc 124pp 4433910144339 224 Wul7 g g,9nn 1, oog os gh,oc,penc upgy & Gas444 , ego,3pp Co,g gyg,444gi yg3 8002110324 NRC Info Notco 66 005. Tee et Annunc>alor Coreof Caturets* Svc het -64M25M29 Justacaten tar Operaten of uruts t & 2 e' tended any Loess * * & Gas Co et Nee Jersey $CEmsE445a4 e6'0er31 ROSSLC E Desen of Gerssonal Events Assessmeet foest 9704111 64/02'12 Consosdated Leson Co of Nee f ors. Dic 120pp 44523 256 44524 015 6pp 4Ng*4E ,g j i 9002220220 Responds to NRC 680114 ler te velatens noted viinse Rept 50 309,g7 6401210332 Generc LW 8842 to as power reactor hce%ees to treegated Sete*y As- f 27 Correctve a: tons eepame esmcwed Porn pce locaten & seed e/wcontromed ******'8 "'opam s f45AP W 5vc hst encs 3 pnres rernoved trors wcrs peace & no longer ave lade ice use m mors pacsages V'RAGitAF J Assoc. ate Drector ter Pror ects (Pool 67041t) 62'01/20.Consondated WHl1 TIE R G D Move var *ee Aton=c Power Co 66 02/17. Document Control Eeson Co ot New Yors ec sapp 44202 35644203 00s l Branch Cocumert Coreci Desa). 2pp 44427170 44427171 6402000019 foreards amensed Teck $ cec Pages 3/4 5-7 & 3/4 5 e re error neaed m .i $002290362 Formards Insp Rept $4309/6441 on 8601010203 Two hcorece conned Secton 3 6 5. renes *0 estor storage tre vos un vos erroneous 4 hated as 364.000 i velatena estested peere Onomas hcense change re@ested man vos os 364.500 gaaore  ! I WIGG8NS.J 1. Regen 1. Olc et be Deettor Me02/25 RANDAllA.J B Mame UCNE' TLC A P4hc Serece Electne & Gas Co of Nee Jersey 64 01/28 Docurnent Vermee Atorne Poeer Co 2pp 445t7 304-44511313 Controi Branch (Docwnerie Corvos Desa) 1p 442s126044201262 .4082240301 ense Rept 54300'4441 on 6801014203 velasons notes Maict weaa -6402000036 Amended Toen Specs Pages 3'4 5 7 & Sie 5-9 re error noted a secton emoectedcortot roentaccesame pais of paard swuc16sesparv operascasre$aten 3 5 troNeang water stor6po tre voi Me set er'orenusty nsted as 364 000 9amons protectionshyscal securfry ese octonpent operasmg recoros & mavt

  • P@ac Stivice ElecWc & Gas Co of Nee Jersey Sa'01/24 290 deie t 261 (RnPPL Regen 1. Osc of #*e ecace tar 0203 000 44$17 306-44157 311 44281 262 6402000330 Ctarsies that erswomentaion of Amerds $2 55 & 64 to Lconse NPF-?S r

& Portoec operating reports a rotated torteependence pianned se Sept 1964 reNeeng outage und 1 amende enpaemented amns test teNek k mg cutage $@g anends we be weiheed ccewseten of moos 3e02000002 WnP4y operateg rest tor Dec 190710e40111 Ik 4A NEM.C A Peac Serece E ncirc & Co of Nee Jerse, ta'02/03 Document Rev ARO D a , Wm TIER G D Mans vreee Ahamt power Co 07/12/31 Conoci Sramen lDocument Conect Dirsa) 2pp 442641$1-s42681$2 HARTFBELO.R A NRC feo Dota4ed Arkhalen Geyert $pp 44272 j)1442721)$ 680219c014 Fweards pretouts of 16W PC estettes contamag 'RW 459 Nuctear Fusi [ 0802140270 Monewy operatrig rept tar Jan 1bbt a /H0211 ler Data for pereo $75231 l 1 RfvARD D A, wreTTIER,G D Ware va see Atomc Power Co 66/01/31 Spp WOdu C A P@ec e Elecinc & Gas Co of Nee Jersey 68'02'12 E nergy h j 4446? 012 44441 014 Dept. of 77pp 44445144 44445 220 F , t k e P f , , _ .m- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ __ _ ___ _ , - _ _ . . , , . L l l i L DOCKETEDITEMS 41 > egetteeMP Gerere LW 8643 re rheobtu:m of Genert Satety 1sese 83. ' Steam 8)rdeg 8602110N t Suniementel sosponse to NRC 670614 it te volatore noted e insp Repts  ! es Asseary Poedenter Pumps

  • Svc het enct SM 72,674e a W31 titT49 Ccreecbve actces desamed dose ana'y1ws of each eaa WAAGLIA.F J Omson es Opersieren Events Aseessment (Post $70411) 44/02/17. corp'eled on 680131 & re salety correrns encocered Coreondated Eeoon Ce W New Yo% Wm. 44pp 44524 01644624 061, 6%TtheERGER.S Pdec $eure Elecinc & Gas Cs of New Jersey se/02/0$ Doca p trert Corool trancti(Document Compoi Desk) 2pp 44321075-44321070. ,

8002peeths Recussis enerwhen fearn 10CfR20.Ag A.Footncee 6-2 to anos creet tor . resocc*e protacten factor an erwoyv4 use of WSA 4M220 GMR4 carester eor res- 8002170tM Formeds Seiety step Repts WP72/47 35 & 2311/07 35 on 07114 cre'crr p.etectea f se pad . 1204 % violaicas noted t bLfENMRC2 R.S Putec Sews ElecWie & Gas Ce of Nee Jerser 48/02/22 Doc- JOHNSTON

  • v. Regen 1. Olc d the Drector 88/02/04 MCNEILLCA pia 4e Serv.  :

ument Cores tranch (Occument Conew Desh) epp 4451411444614 tia ce Eioctrc & Gas Co at New Jersey hp 44354 04tL44354 064 .i 8042200004 Formards patrcaten for contrived operaten of paard at svc mater veed -8402170206 into Rept M272/t?4$ & 00 311/8745 on 8711301204 No vtalaions overtay repers unes sept 1966 rebeang cutape.bst4caten mcboes pians for e$s acted uaps yeas respected stegrey of sawy4eiated elececal eewtuton sys [ nondesWuttve meld evababces $#rg toJin rebeing ouLage CHOPRA P O. kOLTAY.P S ILOSHY.T. Repon 1, Osc of the Drector. se/02/0s , MILTENBERGER.S. PWC Servce Emetnc & Gas Ce of hee Jersey 84/02/21 DCC- 33pp 443$406244354 064 1 umort Coreos tranch (Documert Corea Desk) 36pp 445t132744515 360- l 6802230812 Peotdcamon of Erdorcemore Ccrearence 84414 tn 800212 m Ang of i Pruse.a PA to Oscuss App R fire protectori escreperces r I Q, inepeetten reporte, it Bueetes & cerroependence Set 1 LAND P O Repon 1. Osc of tne Oroctor 64/02/06 Regen 1.Olc of to Drec. l 4:r 2pp 4449)QS2-a44SFCS3. I 8003030270 Formaids Safety inep Repts 2272/0742 & 2311/0743 on 871103-30 No violatere nc4ed.Urvesdved noms to envven quanca' ion of oppment c vce 08021103M NRC Info Notse 84405. "Fro e Arraancetor Corool Catanets." Svc bel P , ty of maaery secoesier Pump 13 enet & sde of assurance of man noted orc 8 , n EN2iNGE R 68 <01/14 MONEILLC A PAhc ROSStC E Orveen of Operssonaf Events Assessment (Post 870411L 64/02/12 , ' Servce Emes,.E C Repon c & Gas Co of Nee1. Osc of sie Jersey Oroctor <pp- 44199 03344119 064. Consondated Esson Co at New York,irc.120pp 44523 2%44524 016  ; i I -et03080MO Inno Repts B272te742 4 %311/47 33 on i P1103-30 No viosatoss 80022900M Fereerds Wep Repts54272/6641 & W311/8641 ori 680104 04 No vio- t l- noted kasar areas snepected operatonal sa*ety venhcaten.f Aesi,o on outstandmg tirtons noted [ a eso sems meet & esvedarce Urresolved aem noted WEN 2iNGER.E C Regon 1, Qic of 91e Drector 48/02/14 M4 TEN 8ERGER.S. > SWETLANO,P D. Repen 1. Olc of the Drector 64/0 /14 20pp. 44199 036 Pseic Servce EiecWc a Gas Co- of New Jersey 3pp 4450012444600137 i i 44199 054 -8002290830 inse Repts $4272/64414 S3t1/8441 on 68010444 No velatons or - - urveserved soms notea uator areas espected heermee remoress for restat of Urul t [ j , 08020301to is No -iensFormwas Sa'e+y reied or devesons inse Repts Cone$.0ns272/07-37 re ou ew&en-ac6311/07 37 on 071214-meewoments ionowee 19e7-i9M remoirs outage - acevacy re sed due to loca of sampie temp conires & acces tance entena SWETLANO.P D. Repon f. Osc of the Drector. 64/02/11. 11pp- 44508 127. . MARTMT.T. Repon 1. Orc cd the Drector. 66/01/26 M( NEILLC A P#c Servce 44E8137-a Eiecyc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 200 44221 M$442213 7 8002210300 Foraares Salety insp Repts S272/0444 & $0311/6644 on 471221 & r + -et03030157Satety inse Repts W272/s?.37 4 60411/8747 on 871214-10 No vene. nonce of volaten tons or devotons noted twt meas occuracy doubetJ Masr areas MARTIN T T Repen 1. Dec of ee Drector M/02'22 UCNEILLC.A Putec Servce ' mapocted ester cnemetry contal prepar,urerrenti eschsdrg rngt corsols ers & emplemente- Elecee & Gas (e of Nee Jersey 2pp 44432 3$444432 353 n so.CEHOUSE.HJ. B PASCLAA.W J Repon 1. Dic of ee Drector es/0t/21. t tpp -se022s03es Noece of veiation kom r*so en871221velaten noies eesetion lever of 4e221307-44221317. goeper porton of eschssrvewee ve rwete can tietween 3 0 & 4 6 rwoms per R eMer eenscort of trie specAc acevey reonaste kom piart le AcNand W A I 8003030364 Formerets Seiety insp Repts $0272/57 36 4 S311/07 36 on 471201+ MARTMT T Repon 1 Osc of to Drector 44/02/22 2pp 4444235644442367. 31 No vio4shons noted WIN 2tNGER E C Regen 1. Olc of to Drector 88/01/26 MCNEILL C A P@c . 0402260301 esp Repts M2n/6644 4 2311/8644 voabons noted Mapt eroes Servce f acts & Gas Co. of Nee Jersey 2w 44223 056-44223 069 espectedicensee Shepmert 8741 car compharce er49CFR regerements & tmsel see hcense constens -800M30M3 Inso Repts $0-272/of-3e & 60-31 tee 746 on 871201-31No vestons or geCEHOUSE H J. PASCLAA.W J Repon 1. Ole of to Drector 04/01/22 2pp outstanong aems note ero mape d seiety 44462 35644442 3Se f ve+ ai-uv.eance.,d Maporevee e,em & .cte,es. ce opereN -' a , $*ETLAND.P D Regen 1. Olc of ese Drector. 84/01/22 tb 44223 057 I 44n3 069 R. Pene , ,oreine rePerse a reieise e rre.Peneence  ! l 800M30400 Foreerds Inse Rept S3t t/07 29 cn 870914 14 & notco of 't meesing e 8e01360304 operetng r Dec 1987 W M0111 IP. I decan.on .,~,gs,t p L,c.e.~nsee esp comm. e?imi aments ver~ mes.eetasnno,8,71007 cor . .I, rems so .ater, *p a,,, A Pac e.o.>cumented n e E - sC4 ~ ~ ~ = = 1 j JOHNSTON

  • V Repon t, Olc cf Pe Drector 68/0t/24 WCNEILL C A P@c Serv- W ce EiscWc & Gas Ce cf Nee Jersey 3pp 44217 07344217117, 000 operetng 1 p

70914 Jersey 60'01/31 Itpp 44463 32944463 339 [ =00,08030512 Noece of.sevssten

s. etee m re,emia oo m med Warn.esoc tens eon 9,eacor pian 14-D.oveten a,,e nosed pr e e ., au,toriss.h.c ,
  • Reguart t. Osc of re Drector M/01/26 10 44217 00144217 0e1 0402230004 Foraares amended pages to dechage mnisorme septs lor Oct & Dec '

19e 7. t

-ee0MM.I. .mp R.p. 311,87.n m 070.t.. . . imi. Dev,a,e,e areas espectedverecaten of comphat'3 et regnemerits of 10CF AW App ed oae, Tum, Nee Jersey SIsle 08--eIpE- c &026 44497 Gas C. 040--- Mmm Cu=En 44497 i

g R. al G,J.L & O re tre protecten teatises veepasms kom 6710C7 mgt nest- , g 1 ASJOULOS A. ANDERSON CJ Regen 1. Olc of te Drector 68/01/22 36g,. Oct 1967 l 44.'17.062 44217 117.

  • P@c Service EiecWC & Gas C4 Of Nee Jersey 87/10/31 e@ 44497 027- f

, 44467 034 i 8001210007 NRC mio Notre e6401. Satety tryocten Poe Faaure

  • Svc 6st ord t ROSSs C E Dvoca of Opershorer Events Assessmose (Poet 8704111. 66'01/27. 0002230097 Amensed Pages $10,12,13 & 14 to ancharge monnoreg rept tcr Dec
Consc*oated Essan Co of Nee vors rc 123pp 44I76 07844176197. 194 0802000224 Noencaton of Lcormee Meeteg 86413 on 680205 as Eng of Prwes a PA to 44497 040.  !
oseves SALE t

 ! SAttt AND.P R 1. Ole of to Drector 64'01/24 Regen 1. Olc of te Drector ee02230130Forea os amended pages to escharge monnonne repts lor MSept.0ct & v 2pp 4426316644 167 Coc 1966 TMJO.J Pubhc Serves Electe & Gas Co of Nee Jersev 44702/17 CAPORALE.O 9001M6102 NRC inso Notce 04402.

  • Lost er Stown GaJoes
  • Sec tsi encs Nee Jerwy State of 2pp 44496 290 44496 295 f CUNNiNGMAM R E Deveen of enoust u & Wescs Nuemar Sa$e*y (Post 870729) '

e6r02/02 Coneohosied f eson Co of New Yors. Inc 12tpp 442v6093.44296 213 -J02230t33 Amerded page to Techarge Mor. coreg Rept hr Jul 1964 " t

  • Put*c Servce fiscwc & Gas Co. of New Jeesey 06>07/31 1p 44496 292  ;

800M10004 NRC Into Notce 64403, Trects m Snroud S@ pori Access Hoie Cover 44496 292 . Wees " Sec sal s'c1 P ROSSI C E Ceesen of Ocorebonel Evears Assessment (Post 570414 M 92/02 -M32230136Amerwied pape to "Decharge Worteorce Re98 lor S*o' 9 9#

  • i Consokoesed Esson Ce of New vertu inc.112pp 44333 225-44338 336
  • Patsc Servce tects & Gas Co of New Jersey 86/09/30 1p 44496 293 .

444 D6 293 , 0000030034NftC Duaetin 84401. Te+ects m Westeghouse Cecut ereshers

  • Syc kst i 4002230134 Amenood page to "bacharge Mevvsonn0RePI lor D:t t See
  • f orcs
  • ROS$1 C E Deveen of Operaienaf Events Assessment (Post 870411) 94/02/06 8Naec Servce Electic & Gas C4 of New Jersey M/10/31. tp 44496 2M- l CcWated Eeson Co of Neo yors,Inc 140pp 44339 225-44340 004 44496 294 l

! 0003030035NRC S;nete M 002. Papdy Propagstry Fatges Graces an Stea'n Gen- -4002230147 Amerced page to Techarge Mannareg Race tar Dec 1964

  • t orator F6aes Sve nss ence
  • Putec Servce Enocet & Gas Co of Nee Jersey M/12/3t ip 44496 t9S- [

ROS$d C E Desen of Oseratonas Events Assewrere (Pose 470411) 66 42/06 44496 295 , Cerechseied Eesp Co or Nem Vors. Ins 124pp 44334 3J7 44339100 6802240060 Fereares eschage mannarng rose amenced pages for Jan 1985 Dec I ! 1947 Rept regered 6 greparoc scocanas, tar EPA & State of NJ Dec4 0 8 iavean Pre-0008030,230 N8tC Wo Nohce ree e ,er P.neen.on Sear 04404 'DeGoSaate Osas*caban & Documeatason es S w .nci imen 3 i ROS$4 C E Deveen of Operatcnar Evenes Assessmere (Post 4704111 M'02 r05 TREJOJ Puede Servce Enoc 5c & Gas Ce ce Nee Jersey 84 02/l? CAPORALE G Coneohoated leson Ce of Neo vars mc 124po 4433910144?39 224 New Jerse, Stese of Pse 44440 341 44449 055 j i i p ~_- - _ . ---, - ._- . . - , . ., - - - - , _ - _ _ - - - _ 02 DOCKETEDITEMS J. in.,ence & rar ,ineermee -eeeemtu Des 19e? Amfos cod pacIW date $NR447 & DSN 409 roe avasatwo e how of Grect fkpe. ior NPors esas-se mona-ww rep. i, Jan im . *** *#M THEJOJ P46c SerWe flecte & Gas Co. of New Jersey 66/01/31. 74pp 44020203M yqty pg fr,eeres %(neys,ement mg g g u. Mw qtyNEUA mg PWey gag gNF-212 ggg gm Ertroemem 74 t,o , C0444 34144449 065 449 Em 75 m WMLU Pokey MF.75 4 EneysomM $7 w Ntu % i NF 212 E 0802200M3 Ferosos eecharge momarmg rope lor Jan 1984 iadmon emptanaton av CRUNn.5 L Saasmeato Wrec441 Utry Dstct 84/01/27 $ ALT 2WAN J $ NRC . cWed on eG.S pages Thermal & iloe cota for D$N estate tor Oci-Dec tM7 for- No Dotaded Anseton Gavert t tpp 44199 3274419e 337 earood West separate ccreer TREJOJ Putec 5erwce tectre & Gas Co of New Jersey SS102/21 CAe'ORAtt.G Nee Jersey. State of. 3pp 4461616444514192 P. Optreting beenee seepe essweente & serveepeneonce 1 400M19224 Notees F et wel enevon protecten deJt ed evabase operetson of reecena- ' +4 92200290 Decharge marvictin0 rett tor Jan ilM ' Pwtec berwce teres & Gas Co. of Nee Jersey 64/01/31. 2tpp 44514171- neous easie evapcsotor e tongsange ester mventory proyam s1way efeiaed tor 40414 192 rno.1644 per 471113 e e e rNems mesang tietweea wie 6 8A CCM ARD.G A Sacramemo iper Ute*y Distet $7/12/09 WAR 7p4) S Repon S. O6c of re Droctor 1p 441M no 441M 220-i $. Reperieele e44WTonces, LERa & teleted eerroepentence mmoin uR .742 40.n .7,m. scow.e4 mi ,e.ed v,ci e. iss, to, , -re .e,,eroe c.e rest,evemr.e t,ve,pr 1 ,s.n e,s re si. . 7e .. e-- e. .e easie gas erygen morviors pertermed late Caweed try ea$ews'e tvurwarskve ANDOG4NI.G C. Sasamemo Wrucpal Ubbey Dstnct 44 91/18 WARTINJ S t 4 controis Re-ed tWrctonal In#veeFcet eWCessNey corNueted on 071223 */ Repon 6. Osc of vio Drector 1p 443171M44317 IW t , H0122 er POLLACK W J. 2VPEO.J W P@he Savce tieeve & Cas Co of Jersey 6611' 6801210333 Genene Le 6642 to 60 power reactor hcenseet to intopstod Sa'ery As-1 22 59p 44t9917044199174 sessment o RiGm %am n.a US,.AP to Sec, ps,t wctDr-to ,, ,ropec,s no., m.m u,,un. Co ,co.deted i teson Co of New Yors,Inc 4800 44M 31D 44203 005 ial Rept 661 on 680 900,3020320,S,pec,esoed ar- e to ope.aoe, y n7 a.s C r.e$ 4 ate.n morator e  % sewesor s.e.en parbcula,te setec. d tasa e* f kne,Otetweton 2U s O) . weremove,m& so e tioc.c recurreg& Gas t",'s@evutzed%erse? ww27 Doc,reet 80020004,13 --a1 & Re@ests = = or-e asubbshmerd - es t-of too -eeen. hoed poc. ev-$segeacat. eat .d @ & poni a.pproach to Congo BrancA (Occwment Corwol Desh) 4pp 44199 232-441e9 235 corveted NRC encrysement W restart deporwps on based some r WARTP4) 9 R 6. CIC of the Drector 84/01/20 ANDOGNvG C. Secremereo 8002000644 LER 6440140 on 6a0112.chenwary sa*pe act taken on tme. Der Tech Munces WW M 3pp 44m 3M2p 306 s4 M==n '-e-~/coc .a= c *a & Cao *=~en- e7== c G s T;'e*c.r*,ro*a.s,Co 7 W.','05"g'~"' g-uj ,p-* *r ' ' We.e . New Jersey n m.a,e s . T;; ,, D. C *"~r#',w , no,sas a,, mere, ro o.,.,7,, c m ,,u,,,,om D,e, mu221 m 0, ,,, m,,y ,,. . rovine ou, , .vc, ~e e..,. Rev 4 to ve & Com .,em me - svuchse. 0.uaces um1or==240on otiserved esceserve mmun, leakape kom purre 22 Caused by moment T Aut v.S R . GOUGH E J., UNO@$7; y Sacrameme Wuruceal Utsty Detrct 67/ t 1' massuncton ressaced a/spre & sa0202 iw 12/31.142pp 4422116444221301. I POLLACK.M J . OJ W P@eg e Enoc 1nc & Gas CO of New Jersey M/02' 02 6cp 44209 319 44289 315 0802014193 Provees reo e moonee to wereve 48tC eupres to showeev W lace'y i ] remose sNamen caparahty per NRC $7101$ & $40107 es Ute to cCrWLct aleyeted $40222etet PNCM44420.on 6802tt CA ucNed named esecuhve orector . nucear e/ tes to esmornirate pnmary evs eventory c responneeN W or # wow operabone. mcseong nucwar dem reorgewauon & A 'N4 G C baerseemo thrmccal ut*,onvoi prer to restarty Devct to'01'25 W:RAGUA F J As. i rutri en rta a of Peaca tocete Drec'.ar for Prorects @ost $704)1).13pp 44163 277 44143 269 e

LPvviLLEJ Repon 1. Osc W the Drector M/02/14 1p 44494 0444490 049 6402tt0M7 Forea on updated NRC open nom cioews schedes & summry s aiwa neepy woates me be prowded wets restyt C'Ru s L saanmonio punces Uuw, Dsyct pret/M MARTiNJ s Repon 6, DOCKET 96 312 R&8 ECHO DECO BfUCLEAR Of tetRATiteQ STATIQ81 QIc of pie Drector tipp a4319 001-44319(11.

w Speew f I F. Soeurny, snedical, emergency & fire protection piene p N,,'" ,,'g, N M W W WasW N FURLJTJ F Sacramerte lame Utery Devet 64/0t<27 EALuaN Q NRC . NO [ nommaae, Fore,og in , Rept .312/8747 en 64120610No monatens noted Celaded Ansaton h 13 44M QW4201 m  ! AA# MERMAN R P Regon S. Cec of to Drector taeot /20 ANDOGNN.O C Sacro-mento tAssyni Utety Darst 2pp 442821254426214% 4002030196 Rev 1 to STP 961. Tosa of Ons 8e Power

  • i

* &acramento IAsincser Utvey Derrt 86'01/20 30 app 44201010-44201313 4 n ,ep Re, m .,m en . -ed o e,.e- ores .-.e .e ,, ,0,,, ,,- , oa,or ,oas .,92, - onton,., o , , ,,,,,,,e,o,, R,ev,4,,, e,,s .,ee.,.,_e . ,e,s,,',L,,,, ,,,m ,,,a,0, , , ,,r a* , n,ne,e,7 o ed 00. -.d eme gar r es ,o a , '^ ' s

  • ggah'd*'*Re,on . 3;*, ,e D,ec. wwa p gT, Daea,c to r S,=;' ;p,o*e,";",g@=,3r. ,%'lin,'y;4  ;

40 Rea to ,,e . P .m m., to. rr,a a van e4 - 80020M370 Revoed emergency pian erswomentrig stocedures Rev 1 to IPip-

  • Sacramento IAsmseei Uttry Derrt 64t0(/2913400 4430614144M6 274 Caca 6430.

- . ",Conwcd R.,1 toRoten 1-u Dose 0 Eme,- C,aculaton." Rev am1 Do to LP)P . T 6440., mam *C.ece - 020e0 , ,,. wa,-e ,one om,,e., s ,rc . rep,esere,g ,e , M ARTIN D W 5ecreaenio Wurucssal utbry rci 66 01/25 2)ess 44223 267* am am m suo, am to,t.o.,periamed.oo.u.ts so,, ee pw e.,e0,71029 v vercom.mament m .oes to emprove s'ewetopcal

a. Dr-*r tv.4ior G ~&aa smento r

0m F.eaea ~ R.p.. m,. . ..r12,.1.N. a m e.,od eas h.4.necce$ ro 7wtorpo- Ute*y Dovet m aieM/01/29 - o..WA43uA.F J Astace i a AIN$ LAW $rl F Regen 5. Oss ce tw Drector *&s 01/27 ANDOGNMC Sacramen-ts IAsuccal Utmy Deret 2pp 44350 342 443W 3'Ji. 6403110007 Formeds usease or post accateg sanewig sys (Pats) state rout owmma-ry oto ea0126.per $40115 secon As P ASS tesung successewby sorecreted orieng , 0 in.o me g e m , - me. 3 ,. . .n .,,24. i. No.vos,.,e.e n-e e oa.r ms . ~ .eas -e- gg,t,~ty, ,ss,,3 ,,,. O,, , ,e Drec,o, 3,, a,,gygg,frgm,m 3,,,,, , Re,,, ,- gGgOCo. Fisa R,on i. O . .e Drea, wwn rp, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,e,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not ren ness tot amy ona ,e ev c or se .e.,v.p,.o, le so, Coe ,n . - .e os e4 eten .a ,,o-d 8082230100 Fore Fos Of emdtgency operetng procadres actons specAed tv ANDOGN*aGC Sacramento Ww r ec@ai M Dstct 64 '0t /29 MAstTPtJ B procechse to te outside coreal roorst er.eeg tese tar conctwang -ton Regan S Osc p pio Drecsar sp 44321 c3344u1033 can be pencymed FIRLITJ F Sacramento usruceal Ohley Detrci M'02it t UtRAGUA.FJ Assacete 6003120163Amisc.aton Nr prcected Amand 136 to Lcente DPR $4 Amene re=ees sw.

  • Drectar lor Pyo,ects (Post 470411) 3pp 444341444434140 caer agawton chrtF9se 6 3-2 as htted ANDOGN4 G C &actamenio lAptceal Ute*y Deect M/02/01 W RAGUA.F J As.

6802330445 Emergwicy petVes t sacete Drector tor Pro,ects LP oes 4?0411L 200 4434114444341144 WARisN D W &acremento lAsucco Vtery Chewict wC2f18 fitpp 44434 349-03d3$ 203 4M2120164Prceoned Tech spec Fese 6 2 3 '%ecisar Orgewanca Cn em

  • i
  • Sacramonio WWtc$e Utery Deiret se<02r0) ip a434114444341144 9002120076 Formares Rev 0 to EP s6ect. 'Resor. gee Enivents Acton Pien,* es 4

M Oeaeraf terreePoacease comprenenerve em 10 co'e s #adcactwo h@sd e#iwerts for rdo ANOJGNN.G 36meMe IAsiceal UhMy DeFct M '02 /o3 M*RAGUAFJ 4002030442 Commons pseportng proposed rue 10CFRSO es vilegated sw ter NftC No Detaaed Animation Gsven ip 44343144 443401M Ppeementatson Of kent chxta Utd Nny endorses NVWARC popten & gnggorts wag & coneoeraton ei tre poncy statement 4002120 03 Rev 0 te

  • R* Moors tisivents Acton Pian "

i chocaiNN O C Secreaereo IAsoccal Utah betret 64'01/2S CML A & J Once of WARToo D w , CROLiv R CC* AA3 G A Sesamenee IAsucee Utae, Dstiet tor u Fe Secretary of Fe Commesert ip 44224 3574 4224 357 01131 16se 4440146 4040100 , D i I i l i -l


P stett.e410_4 F.orowds Rev. .e 2 toe"P,ro,c4r.emerd.Em. 9 Ass . es pr 0043240016e.accomed .e,s.e,m.ere Plan" - to e.d- ee Tech Spot e 516 d seene8yng esas ret towrng pare eeuwe f i ese re res * &ausmente IA#uccel (RMy Depict M/02/12 1p 44622 043 44622 043 ede a9 a ep r cordoence e ea'apmert & ems.se840104 14e$ec concerns [ [ 64/02/03 W AAGUAf J As- t ANDO.uNaNLG e Dre torC Secre,.m,ereo ,ro c s ros IM.cpal . n>2pp Utmey o mDsect w o m m .. , 4e irece.,, r ce . a-.or. . r.,e to Du .vo.nn, t 2 . l 00=100. Rea te %eemer. t uses.mont - h. 5eC.,s c ce old640127.earRenee W m ex. W Page,s,e.320 Dreaar 6 232e os. re@est,ee n .wWie. ,, eats , * &auamer4e hasuceat Utesy Datet -'91It Itop 44344 3444349013 ANDoGpcNq,G q sauameato lAncesi Utsey beest tw 4447213244e7213J  ! imn ,-. me d .o.ue - se f e open dem -,e ,,0,, e,, ,o,. ,e,, o,4_e,, ,, gyy, D t ,5 ,;, ;-m, mpy ==* =^= =w g u.c . e, ,e A,.,ey ,, ,, m s,e. ct ,.,.e.e 0,A e, e eted , ,eanor s teog toe .se . l "Al"'N O oct Drectorate V to/0242 Af.00GNiNI.0 C Sacremereo 4Astceal  ; I p'p 0000100t,M,,F,erewes m pyy prev,oed re#acemert Page 29 ter eserton ele Rev 4 W wdated Utwy Darst 3 444 72 272-44472 2M p C,40 Liv.e G emente unceal Utesy Ostet 84/02/05 W!RAGUAf 4 Assoce ate Dreciar lor Pro,ects root 07041t) 2pp 44367 22144367 222 *etetH0347 Amend 95 to (cenee DPR S4.#econg Tech Specs to remoet hardere + moon steocetoe e/#eeciar teog comtweice gas earwol Het egen esage sys re- t ! 0003300000FOLA se@est tar onces to NRC071204 lir to ute to emervce testeg pr& placed marcontaretent Pyrogen reconerior ses ', i yretopecea m PDR ANsGMTON.G W Pec ect urectorate v M/02s 12 959 44472 27644472 283 ' 3 GRASERl- NUS Corp $0/02/M Dvoon of Runes & Reogrds (Posi 870413) 1p 4 444H t6844499 tes 000H40300 &a,ety e abaice s4cortng Anord 95 to (cense DPR 1 ' Once of hvces Reactor RegAstoA Drector (Post 4704tt) 46/02/12 3pp. ( 0802180157 Cordrme remone sNideen N 4447226444472 2e6 I u0 loa wconRevs cierecatene & 349emteslespeemeros r.ea,chedow/NAC r*otoremo %iooen mons *"eer NDOy* C Searrereo 4Asteced Ut**y DeWet $4/02/00 MAAGUAf J AA- N #"# I'*"8# M N l accete Drector for Proyects (Post $?O411) 2pp 443411444341157 h;E','75m m w % %,gtgfopig g y g pgA m g 2inin P, es c.,, ,e,. n. . one fee u,@ opi.on .,m s.~p =# o == tar aroe== m a"t >= a$ta mass)af  : ' 8'"**' P *' ' 7,',*,,*,ogey7,, ,,,,,"* ** "5""*"*d "*""'**7 emineitt i4oWestoa W cece.ed se0222 n eing aw a Rocs.n Wo o deevu f ,, 34 4 34 W Desctorate V M/02115 APcGMTON G W Propect Deectorate V .j 2pst 44524 31644524 317-  ; ,mm ,.,e~ . r ,m,e en omo ,e .~.,eneno o.s., c.~,me u,e..a s pose,0.a.ce~ i,e p ded . .m.o.n e=ee ~ .te . , ch. A e to~ Gc ~ ee s oco , a,02. Umm . edp-.0n e-cessMoe -n.o D.ecesses.mtre ,e s , op. ies%Po,.ee , s suet NaC W a e.m,1.e een- a: Regen 6. Cec W r.s-ra, Drector. oppnio Um, 4 # ps U , 334 323-4434e AALM AN G hornet Drectorre y as/02/to ANDOGNN Q C Sacramerno usscpat Utmy Detrct 27so 44404 327 44404 363. 9002100144 Apptcaten tot amens to (cerme DPoi44 corosare of Rev 0. 549s 4 to opcese Amend 164 tieng fee to Tech Spec 3 3 to ow'rne% confhet a/f a:n Spec e002140M7 Genere Lt 6643 re resoblon of Genere Sa sey n Isave 93. *$ team Beeng ( th; r. seamenio Wwncear Owy osvet ta'02/0e W RAGUAf J Aceocate g's **#d"* g"vents A.eessmwt (Post 870414 64/02/It Drector tar Pro,ects (Posi870411) top 44M7 22344367 225 Consokoced ieson Co of Peew vort we app 44524 01644524 061 l a ~*MNactor mer Sacramenio usnicew V[Debec2/Os to absprs $R ior s [ g s 225 722644367 ' N02tt0069 Fr* resporee . FonA swer w ooeiseents Formaros Am A emewort @ Q {D'"i NPat 87N3 64 02/19 GRA8tR1 mos on e ,o ott mm .espon.e . NaC .nm UsC-p2 a m m4a* = h

, .e.u. n.a,4,o,on,ewesi o -

natWAN a Peo,ect Drectorew v se12/06 ANDOG4Nr.G C Sacramereo Wwncy. -4e0:260313 Comments 4 gestems eo pe, & veno reevre testag proyom et to-Ute4, Dorct om 44373 33.44373 334 ee02240161 Farewes Amena De to Leeres DPR 64 & safet, evabaion Amend k- /02He % 46 WW M [ [ 4 r ]' c.hanges - o- toc.aorc,ecu. feecs to renect.6.mten eet nm of too eemed gereretors 4 assocated moos30022o0144.Foreares eees 1- speca a e Amend awe cor M etos- .L.c.ense on io DPR44,ecr.,es seiety,on,.A.mone. n .. tr etAtWAN G pro,ect Drwierew v sa'ca/06 ANDOGNN G C Saarrerno Wunc$ar sion Uemy Derst Spio 44472 177 44470 250 S'A?UanG Provect Drwtorow v 66/02nt ANDOGNN.GC Sacryrento e/.ncent -teeti401M Amend 64 tu Leeree DPR 64 a, enters to Teen Specs to remoci as # I I" "'I## * "I [ eten W two Genet generators 4 est3ceted to tocaWy emergercy eserce es- -tect2H153 Amend 96. Wenu DPR44 re.smg sor'wntaws myss weton W I T Q W Protect Drec10"ste Y N/02'09 tipp 444?010444470 230 Fpp 4524 32444524 Sao [ YON G W Pror De a  ! =4002240171 $asety evabais:m asportng Amend 64 to Lcense DPR 54 E

  • Omco a terma Reactor Re9Aston, Drector (Post 3704t t) 6a'02/09 20pp = 3002290168 $a'ety eva%eton esportn0 Amend # to Lcense DPR-54  ;

i 44470 231 44470 250

  • 0"c euc*4 N'*cw R*psetos Dreew Post 0704Hk se'02nt 7sp .

44524 3'4744524 3$'3 [ 4803140134 Forwards summary of comn4ments cor*tened e ese a cabe Param rept ' j tar aM sooCommements powed tur wars twetun er la<a sather Wien try acte 9 6602290387 Fornwes #esporees to serey westenspor NRC rowest re Genent LW sem 6642, "t&AP 3 " i CROLIT S tl Sacramento umc@el Utsey JsWct $a!02HO WAAGLAf J Assoc

  • CROLEY 8 G $acramento Wstreat Ubbtv Datet 68/02/22 MAAGUAf G Assag> E aio Drector for Propects (Poet 470411) 6pp 44367 23? 44367 242 410 Drector tor PecgeCis (Post $?O411L 3pp 44514 21444$14 lit j 4402190134Foreros pensed response to Genent Le 9606.per mods & recacisatore i a Muncoat Uwy De 0 1 wha J Assocese q

Drector tar Provects Post 0704i11 app 44367 233-44367234 g - n02io0. Rwsis o a=d au cio io coaveie revee a ewv W ccr ocwe aeNstaato F A 6. cac o' Pe Dreew **'Ola ANooGN*.G c sacra-i actere to reduce eesel verstons per 47t4 il est reervee ponto uAc@e Utsty 96 2pp 4414609$4416109 9 ALM AN G Pec,ect Drecorrete y M'02< 10 ANDOGN#.G C Sacramento usucpa' Utrty Darst 3pp 44374 33344374 336 -440tM0214 into Rept $431248742 on 87113111204 too velatens or sevetens  ! j ncese Wapor e sas mecocied post acedere sye & rdecernient esp i Se0ft30100 forwarcs hang W emergency operata0 procaises actons speeded IPv enoriinsp Processes 30730 92701 & S27C2 4Mes I paceas per$ormed outsee conros room erowag base tar concAxhng acton CFLL:S W . YUMAS G P Regon S Olc of Fie Dresor 64 '01/06 t 3pp 44136 097- , caa te e4ito100 q F tRUT) F Sacraneneo usincipW Ubaty Doest e4'02'11 M'RAGUA F J Assocate . 5 Drector tar kogects (Pool 470411} 3pp 44434136 44434140 $402000478 Farewds hne rept . IE Bumeen $5M3. Woenv@e+w veve Conwnon i I 0802230291Formaras woonted senedse los NRC open som cephse Uti ed ccrenue to

  • 9#"3 y,

h 64 MARTINJ S usuccel Dorct 64'02/11 MARTINJ B Regen 6,  ! Olc W Wie Drector 9pp 444M 3J4444M 332 ggg479.w g g wgg,gngpg, y g, [ 0802190247 Forwards renowes eenecena tw= ore stake & scheide of pera oestaq [ Dn . mgrecer,ch We

  • nnad rect
  • Samereo us c w Uw, Devo s4<01He 4 top 44 recee 55tR as stR nmeMn una to reasy tar NRR met recee e,

. Se0219 i MOLAnAN G W Assetka Drecics tar Regan mi & Regon if Reactors 64'02/12 6407m061 Formaron Wee Rose m12'07-47 on 68120618 No vota% ore noted  ? WRAGUAFJ Assocate Drector scr kosects (Pool 070411) tw 44374 26> 2 AsutRWAN R P Repcm S. Osc .a the Drector to'01/24 ANDLMN#.G C Sacra rnenko us. css Uteny Detet Ppp 44242135-4425t 145 , 44374 2et .n.t ssp. . . Re. , W ,-s. ~ rend 1 M . we,se - - 07, insp Rep. m 1,.s47 on .n 2m. t,o to,e e, .e.e,.,e Tecn Spec 4 616 e to conwy est soms e eat regure pe,e eeces conwswise soesa Wasce areas mececiesemergency operann0 Foce&ses been8*e schon en *  ! revee soms er noncomphaTe 4 repector tome 4 sems ANDOGn.'e G C &a:ramoreo Mecco Utae, beinct ta'02<t2 WAAGuA F J As CALC %f LLC * . W.LLER.L F Regen 6. Olc of Pe Dreciar 64 41,20 top i hacete Drector ter Peasects (Post l'0411) kw 44$22 041-44522 043 442413744242 tal i i > t 84 DOCKETEDITEMS m20 0 err sorewas in., Roc so.v2r43 ca ert214 if a 30 us voaes aces n. .,e,ew,, rep.,ts a ,. wen.r n,on ence WtNSca AS*.I F A Rugon S CWc corno IAsw.gsa! Uheep Casect 44232 2g,ce0e044292 pse Drector C96 M'Ot @ ANOCGNW,G C Spe. -4202090087 6M2HMS #2' Fm'M W 64 W tw W W 4 W W m W M *sted Wasorkiep Rept a eas %312/87 cepe:ted 43cNamsvy eatw on $7921417 && cor*ot 30chemcal pe> voahone or oceaNre., aaewspans s,s e NEi 66,01/25 W ARTIN J S Repon 6, betteg piani tatar c'erumsvy & QA 4 Cor4*dWy #reaesoments Orc c4BreGDrector Susa'e,nto FJs 44321 hce327Uwy 44322Chsyst 03s NCMTM H S YtNt4 roost W K. YUMAS G P Ragm 6. C9c of the Drector 94 '01/ 20,17pp 44262 042 44242 C94 4402220222 My1Ny were'q W br Jan 4$M W >$'021$ sy 9054=OAS*1P. CHUNn S L Sa'.eam e res M/=c c+ Uwy Casrci 64'01/31 64 cit 00266 Chacusses ee.nessawt of y pereurriel a cons,$erates wro/tene 84 MAR 74 J 8 ReF l. C4 of Fe CVocer iSpp 44422 247-44422 241 rys e Wiep Rept M312 9618 por su Weie 47122S #eo est Penorest etworved at snaners no tanger encec'yed of pant or se be reass9 red prics to restai ANDOGN# GG Socismento usweaf Utery Cherc-t $$>C1/2$ WAR TIN) 8 &>te octurrences, LERs & rotated 4errespendence Repon & 08C Of Fe DrecWr 259 4431013444JiO135 6801210097NRC Wo were N 001. -$atety bweeton Pipe FaAse " Svc sai ercs $40122005) LER 68 0440)on 871215 esccewed that SeveAase Proceese 203 06 ROSSa C E Cese of Operstmal E vents Assessmerv (Post 670410 68/01/g7 C' D ** C**R inves not serurme d tv Tech Scec date Caused by personnel Corsadoated Easm Co of P4ee VerA rc 123ce 44179 07S44176 ter anor Mains puessq s.rve44% e processes ed be oneioced W m113 sw LA v f l Y l' A*eCUSN te G C 5eamenu MW4W Vtaey ChsVct 6SJ01/ t) 4;g 6802160252 Fweards insp Rect W312 0 7-46 on 8 7121410 8e) w.wasore noted 441661W 44 2 6e 162 WENSLA A$8 L F fae gcn 6 Olc of the Drecta 66 01/27 ANCOGNN C $agamen-to M#mc44 Ulkey Chstrict 259 443M 342 443% 3% $401320032 L8.4 e7429 01 on 470416 fee protecton propam dehcaences escowwed =4402160260 Insp Rept S312. 87 44 m 87121418No voatons nc4eo Ma ey areas T oca to,cus Specs C ri%, i e&eesc conv=tmersts &;e to s.svesne tes:rg W wnagerv neo i e aestat4mes W sect 14 it i especte1 odes 822% emery?C1a & v2 prepare @ess progam, Icdoerup on optA # ems & Inse Pfote- La st(V p , APOOGNtPw G C $4ysveneo W/uc5+ U1 mis Chsrct 66/Qtne 13cs i 44 'M IU 44196178 PRE NC(RGAST R , es0CK.$. 7 ISM.R Reg.m S. Cac or v$e Drector 64 '01/26 7pp 1 44MO 344 443% 350 6802090u4 R3 on M0117 men arse tre ps'$ hed NW PW mparH & a d mWm m am m m W 4 pw M 6402,090420F.o,re.ero,s e er o euneorect ee of s,etus me 4Cproyes,s -es mie7s,cpenros-erevA ntmeme [Y[,4, of es.ues .scentAe,e ,w m,,er,_ _ D.,,,, ,, ,, , ,, om m , ,,ey i N # #* * '8 'O #* # e.a,e D,eco tor ,cramento Sa,o,ecte Mun.rse6 rcet wmUwy D.esert 4m m- M/01/28 4m niM.R AGUA.f J As- ,,,,,,n%,%,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,_,,,_ 4401260102NRC Wo %tce 68 002 "Lost er Sto.en Ga ges ' Sec kst ee C**3 AC'c*reNe Casse1 t'y wsl oeta natq w'es nm moeteg Tect $ rec re-CUNNW HAM R a Cwsce of 4 U+0k a+ Pescioar Sa'e'y (Post 0707291 l A f #'9 '*A#8 d SJV'dLeN e leSt ? **' P"X*S#es couv*en M '02 '02 Cor' sol =1a'e3 EM'e Co c4 Peee Vors. Inc 12'p0 44236 093 442's6 213 F Ae**'** li J F Sacramento MsxM UWy Chs*ct M'Qt 20 MAR f ogj $ Re70n $, Osc of Fe Dreciar 3co 442*e 113 44294 t15 8602010044 NRC Into P4cbce 84 033. -Crocas e $*rowd $45=y1 Access Mcde Cover Wees

  • Sec att encf 4402010146 Prowles e so on TDI deses generamr tes4 en ers ce @sgn oteraton &

ROSSi C f C*em of Cperdhonal Events Assessment apost 87041 4 84'02/02 tesing me NRC revent Consoksated ieson Co W Nee York. Inc 112t9 44338 22544334 336 CROLE Y 9 G Sacramento M/wect Ut**, Chscrt 68U01 e22 W RAGUA F J Asm 0802060193 Discusses coicorns reded irom8 0 104-14 veroca It"sp faae amourres team ese at p6 ant Past 4 present procuremertmas convoi & orenouse actwees revewed te 6Eusese N fntsngs we to provoed e inse Rept M312 84 M $402020332 LE fl 87425-01 on 4?OUC inroe Perma- reset vsves on cur s,s Icuns to CA UT CM lE' L D Drenon of Reo-W Peoiects . Hi rv y & $geoe# Per e;ts (Post tecusoe f a:cet4 ave cr9erice Icn gressee re'e8 Acc+ent coao owe to tcric ac.3 8?O411) 68 t? >c2 ANDOGN Ni G C Sacra

  • ento Mewta' Uw, Cinest Epp ggg u,g g,o,megy p 96*d esc N@r &W W c t sm,sment ssM 27 ler Marxw Uw,MC-stri;t 01 -2 7 6t, m263 0$4 44263 062 44164 342 44'89 347 s 4 save har n p, SM2H036? in'3"ns o' eteat e smut he mot m voa'm wtant. mam tcr
1. _ect ,ss t

.oe . . . .s_o e te e a . e,s 4 amo . = - a- - - ~ = ~ ~ am **8 4 G C Sa ramento Murw e.J Utery Chstrict 64'02'03 W RAGUA F J As-C12ia$e twectar for Proiects (Port t*)414 ige 44348 354 44349 013 ANDOGW G C tarrameato Msrwgai Uwy cwt $6 02 'C1 W RAGaA F J As-acca9e Drec1& fur ProrMts (Post 670414) 49 443t9 012 44 0 9 043 <-4402140264 hev 2 b 'Fvocsement t4 Auessmeni Pen "

  • besawto Munscipal Utsey Chainct 4'01/2 tapp 44340 h6 44349 013 6802120204 PN3 V 68 ON ce MC2N nsr=Ls ee, teve recer<ed 44 eem oncesse to tact of leM knee >can 43 4 Co 60 Caused tr rov =Ls owng on CNR Laereee 6402C20034 NRC Buseie M 001 'Cetecia e thestemte Cacut Seeeners $,c pst evestgateg meter a ed etwm f+p y v reses errt T LM A5 3 P . Ciu tS V Regon 6 C#c of t*w Cvector 88-02 Cd 19 44342 0 %

ROSS: C E Dereon cd C&ernme! Everes Assessment (Post s ?odi n p 'c2tt 44342 099 Contoswe3 tenon Co of Neo 4 ors Inc 143W 443N 225 4434; 004 4402020036 NRC Busetin M-0C2 "Racesy P*cgegateg Fe1mipe Crai:ts ei Steam Gem tat PNCky 64 000 on esw1 wno.arne s'ai v Bree GW oessi greerator A ost.n istes Svc hst enci 4402120,s3 ag gyr Caused ts taase lo poshe p=ceratar coetrw se4ce e*ce peruaung saa W cwe po., tesi Fw e ROW C E Cse scn W Operates' Events Auessmer4 # Post 8?0414 6A 02 O$ g> A%g 3 Y p rm r state giugggy Reptesw{ s CN senoso Corusdied Esson Co ce hee tork, ec 1245@ 44334 32744339 100 W Fe OvCW $6 02 04 19 44342 Let 44342 064 F e tie ROss. C i C, t ano m of Cas eva, h nts usess-.,i ~ m, o M C2 0, Cons 0bwed 6 3s3A Co of New York inc 1240p 443391Gl-44333 H4 h "[g } --~~~~--m'j # * * * ' #D 0 *##" ' g [. 93 98 6802230164 Foreares inse Rest 54312 8441 on 680104 06 20 & CE2 No vici'ates ** M2 ' 35 wos sVJNE A A$AI F A $ O*c of te Drktc* 68'C2 t9 ANDCGN4 G C Sacro- 6402160207 PC v 64 f11 on 6C206 're ocwed en awnc aior :ont es ca5 net 8 mento Msucw Ute, asect 7pp 44496 T4 444M 227 4erig com artk1c4rn Caae of tre #s 6 ret Form =**e1 CJorets A & 9 esctrorecaat eau As teint i.vv r y a'av susc+rces No e se c't Cdi owed -4802221P2 into Repe 50 312 kt41 on 640104-05 20 & C2t2 No voatons ca ore M4 L E 5a L . D A ROA kegce $ CW 08 re Caecer M0299 to 4439 M amore noted Waor areas escecSeis pos1 acosent sa%*eg s,s & tcu o to:Wy it'sc 44351 E processes 2tS6% X 703 62'01 & 62?C2 euesses CALUS W 88 02 t$ '6pr 444 36 214 0602220214 $teoet cet! on WM9 rncer & deser swe **e pumps Jec e'ed rner. G44M 22) % MAS G P Aegon 5, O*s of the Drec'ar eve S.e to esAse if te swaae ta's sa npo tamer per Seredeve Rawremern 4 in 21 A 2 D'es== se uvms a rave N uc e us, ee+ $902110324 NRC Irdo Nke 68 0C5 ' Fro e A'vssoaica Conts C4tice's

  • S t bs' 5 $st >T J K Sa>awi tt Wsn=q>e L M %stxt 68'02 09 W AR t rN J 8 Reg =.v5 6.

ertal C9c c4 ee DveWr is 644612s) 44a63 it] 86M CE Cheson cd CwshonW ivents Astessment N 4 704 i 9 64 02 ' t 2 Cveaw3aied Eew Co o' Nee rars enc tripp asi23 254-44524 016 4602160M4 d R 94 P140 on W t 14 swee Wes toe avr=rerad t*e! ama avy $$.0224004,2 m % ce,s~P'Ow3es a.M,e ,edo cor* 071231 eesparge u maas eso ori King i/td .s - W. .>t+es Ce

m. , L . JC m a_.,o Wme f .f, [j) # # "*

P sRUTJ F Seameeto Wswsw Lmmey C.stNt 66 2 96 W RAM F U,, 3,m 6. ,,. ,0 4,, A su e's 4 m q;yu3q q Dreciar sz Fmecta (Pces 0?O41 O Mc 44M2 066 44522 C64 6802240304Caoss a score & cd er*ersed verstes ese pem 4 ne s , 6402179MS Fer' it rept

  • c- stir t e oew e car'aa Mase< Rt F 4& 1M 30 or see Woe apgergrete M$ci b Wnpaomer51ston of esGF en tree's ocgectrees to sc4 egg 494e10g Wa W mersavu no g %eseme rg.pq pr 1X 67ere E rput cecud tAf orgFtJ4ieDM aba'y D cCora'e & mer4@e pro.qh pgegt ab e'sm.A (#97 am D'##'8# #

MMM IC- #*"P'Y#EOW9 J ' NI WW NN %O'[tP'aned sNT to F#p* M DL t i I ( cme G W Nwpe#8 Reeckv f44.Aphon Orecks fest 8%4113 69 02' &a C2 A*haa50m her 3gg 44 K4 )$ 1 16 W AR TPg) $ Rep S (ac of re Drecw 1p 44414 gg } 444'4 }g3 44M4 Ot3 68022M451 Fcrea'3s ressetes GC Cpestons eneof orng tw vl CA PTSC Hv AC or 46021M420 LiR e 7 e46 O? ce t 7 t 1, ) av weo 174' pra.o e irer. m m te+1 98 A4 C6 At tea

  • ice >#nmary & Seta 6*eets & 54' 4 51 esirsrientatcn co ver> airwah a, si r easse a ta o et v hw t's wret a ume e teems, Eaaec ti SOE enci M#5'e'[weistum of TO'M isee s) a v fer ta P' m en t re ws9 A Se.g 10 eir ON1bNN O C $43 amen %0 MJrW(el Utety Chatici to C2 '17 W R AGinA 8 J As @JNmiL ANCn%N-N G C \s.e s. ieato Wes te- u, I .st m;t $6 C2 r 10 apc sC3We Cvector sor Pr asects (Pr * $ M11) F959 44481 C46 4448112s 44 79144 44X1814 7
  • DOCKETEDITEMS 85 4002240049Spooel Rept $844 proceng @ dated bst of ronfunctonst tre t>arners .iot 4402300100 Adeses that ute currerer evakaa secur4y orgarsration re insp Repts 50-ressored wenn 7 days. Forty-hve reportabee breacres repaved F4 teen tweacties ae3ed 313/8740 & $4368/8740 to ensure that adequate to meet as requrerneres of .

penod to soccort ongoing mod actrvites - contegarcy plans Compiehort of revow espected by 86M3f. F . .J F. Sacramerito Munceal Utety Ostnct 88/02/16. MARTPi.J B Res.Jn 5. HOWARD.D R. Arkansas Power & Light Ca 66/01/22. CALLAN 11 Repon 4. Olc of . Oc of the Drector. App.4/522.13244522 135 the Drector.1p 44272.I3744272.137. 8002220264 LER 87 02741 on 8704*9 escovered that dunng cc*J srstdomes conetons $401210097 MC info Notce 88401. -Safety insecton Poe FaAse

  • Svc bst oncf.

uit ioentred instances where Tecti Spec 3 S.t.4 re We of snutdoe i byt:ess keys not ROSSICE. Dosson of Operatenas Erents Assessment (Post 870411). 88/01/27. . lanowed Caused t>v crocedural & personnet error Procedure tensed WJ880217 Itr. Cor,schdated Edrson Co. of Nen York. Inc.123pp 44176 07544176.197. BPO*MNGJ . ANDOGNINI.GC. Sacrarner1o 8Arsepai Utdsty Dsinct B8/02/17. i 800. 44464163 44 M % 8002030020 informs that '80106 re@est 1cr estension of appros 30 dare to respond tcn  ! 8 2 acc v 0802290300 LER 6440240 on 80203.madvertsr4 aubstart of emer ator A occurred Gauced by perwreet error Bus aA lo star 1w rans desel gener-parasehrd & m Co' 4 4 [ 9 95 W 04 m - Or '88 k M N& emer nor A Whut down W/S80225 lir. .CRUNK. , Nl,GC. Sacrame.4o Muncipal UtAty Dsect 88/02/25. App 68020'iO274 Ack rece94 of 871130 response to deviatbns noted in P ta Repts 50 313/ 44529 32' 44529 328 8714 & $0368/8714 &nohce et deviabon did870930 Adcs info requested eithm 60 days of Rt date to scope of 8TP 9 51. App A tre areas DOCitET 50-313 ARKA8sSAS NUCLEAR OlgE, UNIT g CALLAN.L4 Repon 4. Osc of the Drector. 88/01/27. MPBELLG Arkansas Power l & Lght Cc. 2pp. 44E5 33744225 334 I F. Securfty, medcal 'imergency a fire protect 6on plans 8002000133 Contums receipt of 870420 responsa to NRC 861210 totco of wotaton & l 870903 toicon escus response Vola'en occurred as stated Comments encs Enci s CAL . Oc of to Drector. 88/02/0L MMELL.C Arkansas % 0 368 87 so e the adeva as a & L@t Co. 2pp 44276 09544276097. plans. Conpeton of recem espected tm880301. 9OWARO.R. Arkansas Power & L@t Co. 68/01/22. CALLAN L J. Repon 4. Osc of H the Drector. Ip.44272 13744272 137. 8402090454Dscusses planned enods to improve perrneier secwey sys e response to violations ruled m insp Repts 50-3I3/87-314 50 368/87 31.lerpiementahon sched;ie 0002030274 Ach recept of 671173 response to decanons noted m tnso Rees 54313/ hsted Defcier4 sectens of sys wie remam posted. 8714 & Su 368/8714 &norce of orvaton did 8709J0.A43 mio sequested neun 60 LEVINEJ M. Artansas Power & Co. 38/02/01. CALLAN.LJ. Regon 4. Osc of tre areas the Drector. Ppp.44287.144-44287. 45. days of fir date re scope of STP 9 51. App A concer CALLAN.LJ Regon 4. Orc of the Drector.88/01/27. MPBELLG. Arkansas Power & Ught Co 2pp. 44225.13744225 338- 4401260102NRC Irdo Notice 88402.

  • tost or Stolen Gauges
  • Svc hst enct CUNNNHAM.R E Dwson of industnal & Mescar Ncisar Salety rPost 87072 8402020214 kk recent of 860105 changes to plant smorgency pract.per 88/02/02 Conschdated Eeson Co cf New Yort. inc. 12199. 44296 093-44296 21 .

1p7 R$G 544 App E Proposed changes accepable to nm Nobce 884C3. tacks m Woud Si;pport Access Hole Cover Ught C 2pp. 441 6 4 90 ROSSLC E. Desen of Operatonal Events Assessinere (post ?T04 tit 66/02/02 6802090522 Rev 1 to Ernergency Pian implemenbng Procedure 1904 02. *Ortsate Dose Consoldated Eason Co. of New York. Inc.112pp. 44338 22544338 336. Proiectons Pocket Corrp/ter Moved ' Arkansas Power & L@t Co.88/01/28. 46pp. 4428916444289 209 ' 3302000133 Confrms recept of870420 resconsa to f *tC861210noece of volanon & amount of $75M esued to kennee Achon hased oc breaches of wtal area bamers A M une 8 te4 con resporme Volaten occered as stated Comments enct E~J g g % g js gaten 88 r02/04 to 44283 09544263 095 CALLAN Regon 4. Orc of Ihe Drector. t6S/02/01 CAMPSELLG Arsonsas Pcwer & L@t Co,2pp 44276 095-44276 es.. 4402110289 Foreards order erepoemg NF moneta y penany e amount of $75.000 Vicia-8002090454 Drscusses pidaned modv $3 rntarove perz*ter secunty sys.m response to non II8 e<thd eartCorrectwo scions Car voiatons i A.IB & sA wi be revteed volatons noted m Inno Repts50 313/87-31 & 50 368/87 31Irrvenentatca weed;ie emng subaawent sw hated De4cient secbons of sys we romaan posted T AYLORJ M al OperstCns & Gere LEviNEJ M. Artansas Power & bgre Co 64'02/01 CALLAN 1J Repon 4. Ofc c4 02/04 CAM

  • BEL G. Arkansas Power t&GoLe'C Requrements.

2pp. 44324 251-44324 256EDO (Pro 8704f 3i 68/ the Drector. 2pp o f 297.144-44267.145 -6002110305 09er enposmo cere monetary penafry in ar cuit of $75.000, based on 880222C210 Ack rece@t of 880122 Nr 'r NRC Cal steps taken to correct volatons beensee responed to notte of vcfanon & proposed enposden of crve penarty by roied m insp Repts 50ct3r 8740 & !a368 740 670803 fir. CALLAN L J Hegon 4. Olc os the Drector 64/02r16 CAMPBELL.O. khansas Power TAYLORJ M Regonal Operatons & Gerene Re@rements. E00 (Pro 870413) 68/ & Ugre Co.1p 44422 24444422 245 02/04. Ata%as Power & Ught Co 400. 44324 25&44324 256 J, insurance & Indemnety information 20m W Wn 68@. Wd in W@ W MW Svc W q ROSSIC E Dwson of Operatiunal Events Assessmers (Post 670411L 88/02/05. 8002290214 Forwards Endorseme

  • 72 to NELIA Po6cy N8 21? 5 Erdorsement 61 to Conschdated Eason Co of New York. t9c.140pp 44339 225 44340 004 MAELU Poicy VF.74 SAMutLSJ L Mam & uctennwt 6ne 64/02/t7. dam 2.1 Othce of Nuclear Reac* S002020035 NRC Bulletin 68402. -Hapdy Ptopagateg Fehgue Cracks e Steam Gen-for Regulators Drector (Post 870411) 7pp. 44529 30144529 307. eratcv Turses" Svc hst oncL ROS$1.C E. Desca of Operatonal Events Assessment tPost 370411) 64/02/05.

P. Operstmg teense stage documents & corresponeence 6802020220 PAC info footce 84404. "inadequate Quakfcaten & Occumentaban of 8712200079 Summary of $71211 rneetrq e/tAls re progams & enaatves that could be Fee Barner Penetraton Sears." Roc het enci of eterest to NRC- ROSSs.CE. Desen of Ooeratonal Events Assessment (Post 870411). 88/02/05. MYLOR.J M DeoWy Enocubve Drector tor Regonal Operatens EDO (Post 870413) Coesoidated Essan Co. of New York. Inc. 12400 44339 101-44339 224 87/12/21 Deputy Esecutwo Drector ich Regonal Operatens. EDO (Post 870413) top 44285 332-44265 333 4402100291 Fore ard- 680204 order e cred my pensty lor tenannW W FR osc tar Eubicahon Wro enct. 8001210332 Genene Le 8842 t3 as power reactor hcensees te tritegated Sately As- LIEBERVANJ Osc of ErAJrcemant (Post 870413) 88/02/09 MEYER.D L RWes & sessment am a pSAP up Svc kst enci prpc gges Brancrt to 44307 154-44307.154 MtRAGLIA.F Assooste C ector lor Protects t@st $70411) 68/01/20 ConsoMated Edson Co. of New Yort, tre 48cc 44202.319-44203 005 0 NRC W W N. Fu m hw MW 4m k W 80020X332 S@nds hsted acson plan to accorrebsh further reesten o! reactor bida s Pos 8 W ' ' temp.per870827 corevrutrnent Nn sound & represents convenerenve evaluaten og optens & aMemahves & se result et acceptable terre reduct ca [ 24 S-CAMF8ELLY G Arkansas Power & Ught Co 88/01/29. CALv0J A Prorect Drector-ate ry. drp 41217 244 44217247 6802170058 Resomds to NRC Corr $ance Bubetn 87 002 & provdes results of lasten-er tastng to determne conformance el app 6 cable met specsper tuletc.Reia'ed 8002180247 Genere Lir 864J re rescauten of Genere Sa'e*y issue 93. ' 5 team tameng W14 Son enc 8 d'OW ARD.D R Attansas Poaer H Co&88'02i;2 L MARit** A D. Re9on 4. Olc of of AuzAwy Feoomater Puw9n' Sw sst enci. the Drector 102pp 4442146-4442 237 MIRAGLIA.F J Ovsen of Oser6*cnal Esents Assessmert (Post 870411L 88'02/17 Ct.nschdated E& son Co of Nee Yort lec. 44gp 44524 016-44524 061 6802203210 Act rece9: of 680122 Itr sn'armag NRC of steps ta: en to coneet volatens noted m insp Repts M313/0740 & 50 364,67 40 C. Inspechen reports. IE Bullehne & correspondence CALLAN L J Regen 4. Orc of the Drector 68/02/16 CAMD9ELLG Arsansas Power & L etCo tp 44422 24444422 245 6402000403 Adeses trat resconses to Actons nera f of IE Bunete 85403. Motorop ersted va*we Common Mer$e Fa4 W res Dunng Pians transaents Due to introper Se icn 8402220261 Dscusses ordorcemerie con 8ersece cenorted on 871218 e/W4 re Irso " we de out:cvfra by M0229 Repts 50-313/87 29 & W368'87-29 on 8708to 20 Meehno evnmary enct E . ? Arkanses Power & Lu/4 Co 64'Otr15 MARIAN R D kegon 4. Orc c4 the CALLAN LJ Reton 4 CWc 04 e5e Drectv88/02/18 CAMDBELLG Arkansas Puer Drector 259 44299 00744289 008 & Ught Co 4pp 44427 068 44427 091 , + . - I i I 86 DOCKETEDITEMS-R. Porto$c operating reports & related m.. . . . .a e 0802040340 Act receipt of 870717 updated QA program descr@crtPeer insp actrvity change terr.ains orvy concern Descretion of how peer inspector quahficahon & certf> - 9002020155 operat ng rept for Dec 1987 W/880115 Itr. caton sys meets ANSI N1807 Seccon 5 2.17 commament requested WHITT.M S . aRD.DR Askansas Power & Light Co. 87/12/3L BASSETT.HS MILLER.H.J. Regen 3. Otc of Ine Director. 88/02/01. DDLAN.J E. In6ana McN NRC . No Detaded Annabcn Gerert 6pp. 44190-19444190195. . Power Co (lormetty Weana 4 Mctogan Electnc Co ). 2pp. 44249 21644249 219. gan 8002220296Prondes semannual summary of progress made toward correcten of per- 8402060072 Apphcaton for amords to Licenses DPR 58 & DPR.74 Asngmg Tech Spec sonnet occwenonal exposure esta escrepancies.per 870914 request 3/4121 & tuses for Te ch Spec 3/4.112 re recologcal anaWe ms* samples & cnid j HOWARD.DR. Arkansas Power & Lght Co.80/01/29 AJ. Repon 4. Olc ce thyrovJ dose reiease pathway SupcW mio enci roe pa d. i the Drector. 3pp. 44429122444291.4. l ALExlCH M P insana Mchgan Power Co. (torinerty endena & Mchgan Electnc Co). 1 86/02/01. MURLEY,T E. NRC . No Detakd Alfeanon Garest opp. 44283.041 44263 055. JOCKET S0-315 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLAlfT, Utiff 1 -40020$0074 Proposed Tech Specscha Tech Spec 3/412.1 & bases for Tech . P. Securny, medical, emergency & fire proMtion plans Spec 3/4.11.2 to clarey obtasrune est t .al anaPyses mdk samples & to mee bases consistent w/ Wes STSre thyrood dose pathway re: ease 0802020000 Change Sheet 1 to Rev 2 to Emergency Procedure PMP 2000 EPP.112

  • Inchana Merugan Power . (formerly insana & Moctugan Electnc Co). 88/02/01.

6pp. 44263.0S44264 055 "PwsonnoiL.D .2pe Irpy "gg Co. (former9 Insana & McNgan Electnc Col 0802160141 Act recect of 870825 A program descrpton.Rev Itr submrttog uti canonue Rev ciass 5 to C,ficaton & storage of rade-acceptacie sut4 to understanong snat 9002020115 Cha PMP M W 1 Sheet 1 to Rev 0 of . ' General Emergency , Emergency P'an implemereng Procedure ((gW"C"3To*f Power Co.1p 44N21144347 211' t sh /02/06 FAY.CW Wecmsen octneEn

  • Insana Mchgan Power Co. (former'y in$ana & htcrugan Decinc Co). 88/01/21.

2pp. 4419725944197 280. 8002180267 Genenc LW 8803 re resoluten of Genenc Safety issue v3. "Steam Bindng 8002020126 *hange Sheet 1 to Rev 0 to Proesdwo PMP 2000 EPP.111, "Natwal of AWE'hary Feedwater Pumgm." Svc hst enci. Emer Godeames - MIRAGUAf.J Ct/ison of Operabonal Emnts Assessment (Poet $70411) 88/02/17. GG i$ ardana Ucrugan Power Co. (formersy Indana & Mchgan Electre Consohoated Eeson Co cf New York, trc 44pp. 44524 016-44524041. Co). 88/01/21. 2pp. 44188 009 44188 010. 8002220262 Responos to Genene tir 88-02 re ISAP N Due to cost concern of irrple. 8002026t42 Change Sheet 1 to,te NotAcatort"Rev 0 of Emergency Plan implemenhng mentq ISAP.uti dochnes par 1cpabon m program untd evaluanon of prudent course Procedure PMP 2090 EPP 106. '1rutial oms to tomow corapieted CDEGER.L insana McNgan Ppwer Co. (former!y Indana & Mchgan Electnc Co) ALEXICH M P. Amencan Elecyc Power tervce Corp.88/02/18. MUALEhT E. NRC . 88/01/21. 2pp. 44197.123J419/.124. No (Masted AMeaton Gevert 3pp 4449711(h44497.I12. 0802020244 Change Sheet 1 to Rev 0 to Emergency Pian Procedure PMP 2081 EPP.102. -Techncal Support CW Emer Communca%crt"

  • Insana M Q. Inspechon reports, IE Dulletins & correspondcnce Ppp. 44199 58 3'ctugan 44193 359Power Co. (for insana & Mactwgan Elecine Col 88/01/21.

8001210097 NRC Info Ntece 84401. "Safety Inrectior Poe Fa4Je " Svc vst encf. 4002030024 Change Sheet 1 to Rev 0 to ProcedLre PMP 2081 EPP 103. "Evacuation ROSSI.C E. Dmsen o Opershonal Even's Assessment (post 870411). 88/01/27. of Plant Personnel." Consi:ihdated Eeson Co of New Yorty inc 123pp. 44176475-44178.197.

  • Indana Mv:rmgan Poww Co (formeriy incana & Mchgan Elecvc Co). 88/01/21.

2pp. 4420419344204194. 8002020202 Forwards corrected Pages 1.2 4 5 of chemsel composrten tacle sutmtted 00L2030001 Change Sheet I to Rev 0 to Procedure PMP 2081 EPP 101. "Actuanon & * ' "* ' "" ' Operation of Techrscal $4 cort CW," changing ret an Secten 4 5 3 & makeg eetonal t a ed 7s # AhlCHM P. tneana Pew Co @ bdea& OncteCoF 2pp. 44219 210-44219 211 Co (trymery in6ana & Michgan Electre Cc) 88/01/21. kt 7 ~ 0802030136 Change Sheet 1 to Rev 0 to Emergency Plan implemeneng Procedure 8402043344 Ach recept of870717 updated OA program descreten Peer rap actety PMP 2081 EPP201. "Achvaton of Opsanons S Area.- change remans onfy concern Descronon of ron peer mspector aushfcaban & certf> ' In$ana Mchgan Power Co. (tormetty indans ctugan Electre Co.) 88/01/21. caten sys mats ANS. M607.Secten 5 217 conm1 ment mweswd 2pp. 44222 359-4422*360' MILLER.HJ Regen 3. Olc of the Drector. 88/02/01. DOLAN.,E Indana aActtgan rower Co. (forsterty ineana & Mchgan Electnc Co). 2pp. 442 9 21tF442492 59. 0802030200 Change Sheet I to Rev O to kwwentaine Mamt Procedure PMP 2001 EPP 302. "Emergency C$eratens Fac4ty Communcatens " $401260102 Nnc irdo Notce 88402Most or Stolen Gauges " Svc bst onet

  • irt$ana Mictugan Power Co. (formerly insana & Mctugan Electnc Co) 86/01/21. CUNNINCNAM.R E. 0%sca of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Satery (Post 870729) 3pp 4422305244223.0% 88/02/02. Coneuhdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.12?pp 44296 09344296 211 6802030302 Otange Sheet 1 to Rev 0 to Preventative Maire Procedure Ftfd 2001 EPP.301. -Acsvaten & Operebon of Ernergency Operatens Faca4" 3302010004 NRC Info Notce 88 003. "Cracks M Shroud Support Access Note Cover

' insana Mictugan Power Co. (formerty insana a Mactwgan Electic Col. 68/01/21. Weeds

  • Svc hst enci.

8pp. 44225 329-s4225 330. ROSSI.C E. Cheson of Operatonat Events Assessmore (Post 870411). 68/02/02. Conachdated Eeson Cc, of New vcrk. anc. I12pp 44338 22444338 336. 2040011, to Provantabve Mard Proce3Jre PMP 206'. 8402000163 Forwards addendem to Repts 50 315/87-26 & S316/8746 re usahty

  • Insana Mctagan Power Co. (tormerly Indana & 4Actwgan Decvc Co). 88/0t/21. ""caton actustes & eMectmess al maws mwnng as acten by W es-

##'"'#I# I 8 WG Ole of the Drector 88/02/02 ALExlCH,M P andana 6802040032 Canceaed Emergency Ptsn incomenteg Procedure PMP 2082 EPP.004 WPugan Power Co (1ormetty insana & Mctugan Eaectnc Co) ALExlCH.M P. Antark Personnel Asangnments to Emergercy Cars " W/rewsed moes can Electne Power Servce Corp 2pp 44275 016 44275 019.

  • Insana Mctsgan Power Co. (lormerty Indana & Mctngan Elecinc Co). 68/01/21.

3m. 44254 076-44254 078. -6402090011 Addendem to inso Rnpts 50-315/87 ?6 & 50 316/87 26 Masar uesa d'scussed status of hsted anatters reesing turther hcensee &/or NRC actons . 8002180407 Forwards Satety Irup Repts 50-315/8842 & $0'316/864J on 871215

  • Regen 3. Otc of the Orocsca 68/02/02. 2pp. 44275 0t 6-44275 019 880126 No violabons noted GULDEMOND.W G Re9on 3. Ofc of the Drector 68/02/09 ALExiCH.M P. In44aa 6802020034 NRC Bunetc 68401. "Defects n Westeghouse Crcut Breakers" Svc hst Mict=0an Power Co. (1ormerty insana & AActugan Osctnc Cok 2pp. 44371.195- enca 44371 213.

ROSSI.C E Chveon of Operatonal Ever s Assessment (Pos' 870411). 68/02/05. -4002140425 315/3642 4 50316/68-03 on 8712f 5480126.No vota-trap Repts tons or decatons reied 50'Maeor areas mspectedplant operatons. reactor wettre on.necurgovtages. mgt programs.reportatne events & butotes & nooces 6802020035 NRC Buainte 68402. -Rapidly Prcoagateg Fabgve Cracts m Steam Gem .' SS.8 L Regen 3. Osc or the Deector.66/02/09.17pp. 44371197-44371213 eroor Tees Svc W enct ROSSI.C E. Chvisen of Operabonal EverWs Assessment (Post 07041t). 68/02/05. insa 5o.315/6845 & 50 3t6/68 m on Conso6 dated Eeson Ca , New ms. Inc.124pp 44338 337-44339.100 se022,20206 883 i 20 cFo,me.Sar guards.ce rwards . sien No w haces,ef iuR73m MALLETT.8 S. Re9on 3. Osc of the Drector 88/02/19 DotAN.J E b6are Mchsgan NO2020226 NRC info Nobce 88404. "inadnuate Quahhcanon & Documntaten of Power Co. (former'y insana & Mehgan Enoctrc Co 1. 2pp. 44428 33244429 334 FgBgP ton Se bst enci -4002220221Partasy withhead insp Repts 50-315/88 05 & 50-316/8846 on 88011&20 Consohdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc 1240p 4433910144339 224 (ref 1WR73 21) Volabon rcled Masr areas inspected mgt effectNeness securiry or s' at barrer. protected araecomparsatory measures & tasrung 8402160214 Advises that 45 comtrutments e Conftmatory Acton Lt CAL.Ritt-8712 e et M DA.T , EEDJ R. Repon 3. Oft. cf the Drector. 88/02/18 1p 44a28 334-4402t 334 re 53% & 83% tadure rates on operator exams dunng wts of 870622 & 0803.respectsve'y Conhrmatory acton Mr cons dered ciosed DArS.A 8 Regen 3. O*c of the Drector 68'02/08 WituAMS D H in$ana Mchgan Power Co (tormerir insana & Mctugan Electrc Co ) 1p 44347.338-44347 338 P. Operating aconte stage documenta 4 correspondence 6802180v0? Forwards Safety insp Repts 50 315/8S42 4 50 316/8843 on 871215 80012T332 Genenc Lt 6842 to at power reactor teensees te integrated Satety As. 8e0126 No motsuces noted sessmero Proaram 3 CSAP 10 Svc bst encl, MtRAGUA,FJ Assocote Drector tar Propor.ts (Post ti34tt) 88/01/20 Consos 3ated GULDEnCND.WG Re9cn 3. Ofc of the Deector 8642/09 ALEXICH.M P insana E$ son C4 of New York. Inc 48pp. 44202 31944203 005 Michgan Power Co (formerly andana & Machigan Electnc Co r 2s9 44371 195 44371213 1 l l l 3 i l 1 DOCKETEDITEMS 87 -8002180425 Ir.ap Repts S315/66 02 & 50-316/6843 on 871215-68012e.No vola. DOCKET $0 316 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 tons or decatons raed Mascr areas nspected plant operatens.resco inps.fre protection.secery outages, trgl programs.reportaNo everts & tNeetes & notces SURGESS.B L. Regen 3. Olc of the Drector.68/02'09.17pp. 44371-197-44371213 . F. Security, medcal, emergency & fire protectson plans 8002110328NRC Info Notce 88405. *Fra in Annunciator Control Catunets" Svc 6st 8402020090 Change Sheet 1 to Rev 2 to Ernergency Procebe PMP 2080 EPP.112. onef ROSSI.C E. Drasen of Omratonal Events Assessmert (post 87041f t 88/02/12 Personnel injury

  • Consohosted Eeson Co. of New Yortt enc 120pp. 44523 256-44524 015. BURRIS.LD andana Mchsgan Power Co. (formetty in$ana & Mcrugan Electc Col.

68/01/21. 2pp 44168 e!8 44184 017. 9002220319 Responds to NRC 680115 Iqr te votaten noted e insp Repts 50 315/87-28 . & S316/87-26 Correcove actons Form 352-3 rev. sed .3 edd regured data 4 mclue- 8002020115 Change Sheet 1 tra Rev 0 of Emcegency Plan irrpiamereng Prc edure ed m completed procedse occumordaton & ccidant reviewed e/personne8 PMP 2080 EPP 105. "General Emergency

  • ALEXICH.M P. Amencan Electnc Power Servce Corp. 68/02/16 DAVIS.A B N9C -
  • In43na Mictwgan Power Co. (formerty insana & Mctwgan Eierine Col 68/01/21:

No Detaaed AfrAabon Geven. 3pp 4442o 219-44429 221. 2pp 44197.259-44197260 4002230114 Forwares Safety insp Repts 50L315/8844 & 50-316/6645 on 680f19 21 8002020126 Change Sheet 1 to Re/ 0 to Procedure PMP 2080 EPP.111. "Natural 4 27-28 & notee of volaten E mer Guideleet" HAARISON) J. Regen 3. Otc of the Drector 68/02/16 ALExlCH.M P, Insana Mictw. GIB . URRIS Insana Mchegan Power Co. Formetty Irdena & Mctugan Electnc gan Power Co. (toiriety ineana & Mctogan Elecinc Co) 2pp. 44463 34044463.349 Co L 88/J1/21 2pp. 44184 009 44188010. -4002230123Notco of votaten from mso on680119-21 & 27-48 Velaton noted mant # 20 9' Y "'W*" *0 * ' dept replaced contave.ent isolabon butterfly vaNo mig by Centertne e/scotar vane py EPP 06 W .Or e Ine sigan Electrc Co) .J J R Ot of CN p4 3 342 44463 342. E f2 pp 97 19 ~4002230126 Insp Repts 50 315/8844 & $4316/8845 on 680119-21 & 27-26 Vois-cons noted Ma,or areas espected beensee actons on prevce msp findegs e ac. 6402020244,(Change EPP 102. SheetCtr echt cal Support 1 to Rev 0 to Emergency Emer Communcaten."Plan Procedse PMP 2081 cordance e/Insp Mooses 9270t & 92702

  • aneana %ct=gan Power Co. Inoana & Mcrugan Electnc Co) 88/01/21-CMOULES.N C. CARiF9.T H . JABLONSKI.F J Regen 3. Ofc of the Drectet. 64/02/ 2m 44199 358-a4199 359, te. 7pp 44463 343 44463 349 8002220206 Formards Satepards insp Repts 50-315/68 45 & S 316/88 46 an 6802030026 Change Shset 1 to Rev 0 to Procedure PMP 2081 EPP.103. "Evacuanon Sect 19L23 & notco of votatertNotco enhhead (ret 10CFR73 21). of Plant Personnet "

MALLETT.8 S Regen 3. Ole of the Deector 68/02/19 DOLAN J E. InGana McPwgan

  • Insana Ucrugan Pecer Co. (former'y insana & Mctwgan Electnc Co188/01/21.

Power Co pormerty insana & Merwgan Elect c Co ) 2pp 44428.33244428 334 2pp. 4420419344204194. -4002220221PartiaNy eithheld ins 0 Rema 50 315/8845 & GO-316,88-06 on 680119-20 8402030041Cha@ Sreet 1 to Rev 0 to Proceese PMP 2081 EPP.101. "Acewateri & trof IoCFR73 21)Veneton noted Maar areas especied mgt enecirvoness secunty Operaten of Tecnrmca' Support C1rf changng ref n Secten 4 6.3 & makeg eatonar orgaruza at to nor prcsected area compensatory rnoasures & taceg changes e Attachmert 1. MADEDA.T 4 EEDJ R. Regen 3. Osc of the thrector 68/02/18 f p. 44429 334-

  • ensana McPugan Power Co. (formerly in$ana & Mctugan Electc Col 68/01/21.

44426 334 2pp 44219 210-44219 211 8802030135 Change Sheet 1 to Rev 0 to Emergency Plan trnp6ementng Proce&se R. Portodos operating reports & related correspondence PMP 2081 EPP 201. *Actrvaten of Operstons Staging Area."

  • Indans McPwgan Power Co (formetty in$ana & Mctugan Electc Co)- 88/01/21.

4902050015 MonthPy opera *eg rept for Dec 1987 W/690100 it. 2pp. 44222 359 44222 360. O'LES.M PUPLIS.A S. SMITH W G. Ir@ana Mchgan Power Co (former9y indes & Mch9sn Enectnc Co) 87/12/31. 6pp 44262 316-44262 323 4402030244 Change Sheet I u Rev 0 to Preventattve Maint Processe PW 2081 EPP 3C2. "Emergency Operations Facety Communcations *

  • Insana M ctugan Power Co. (formerly insana & Mactugan Oectc Co). 86/01/21.

S. Reportable occurrences, LERS & related correspondence 3pp 44223052 44223 054 0802090010 LER 80401-03cn 680it3.unst empenem:ed ESF actua1ce. Caused by per- 6802030302 Chanpe Sheet 1 to Rev 0 to Preventatnre Matt Procedure PMP 2081 sorcel error Adritrusea9ve cor.Fols esiat*shed to ensure proper eqwpment conbgwa- EPP.301. - Actwaeon & Operaton of Emergency Operatens Facety ' bons Personnet evoPwed n occistence counsened W/880204 ar,

  • Insana Mcrugan Power Co (formetty insana & Mcrugan Electre Co). 68/01/21.

BAAER.K R. SMITH.W G. Inoana Mrtugan Power Co. (formerty in$ana & McPwgan 2pp 44225 32944225 330. Electnc Co).88/02/04. 5pp. 44N8 22744298 231. 440204001t Change Sheet 1 to Rev 0 of Prevertatrre Maint Procedse PMP 2081 8402140035 Special rept on Sect 12.cruzaten fee detectors deciared coperabio Caused EPP 202. Operaten of Operatons Stageg Area." by smoke Generated by entensnre wendeg talung piace on ausmary tedg - en$ea Mctuge Power Co. termarty aneen & Mcrugan Electne Co L 68/01/21 crane De'ectors cleaned & retweed to syc won completon of crane upgraos or t g ,.4252 067-44252 068 SMITH.W G Ircana Mctwgan Power Co stormer 1y insana & Mctugan Elecine K 68 / DAVIS.A B NRC No ~Asawd Afteatert G, vert 2pp. 44351.320-4402040032 Cancened Emergency Plan implementeg Processe PMP 2082 EP9 004 Personnel Assgnments to Emergency Ces

  • W/rresed odeu

( $402170400 LER 87422 01 on found data of two presw 4.rvel channe6s 254 7 254 enceeded Tech Spec it w consten for opersbon Caused by transmitter cater shdt Cate crecks for new vansmeter estanabons planned W/600211 Itr. 9402180407 Fomards Sawy mso Rects %315/6842 & 5036/8843 on 871215-BELLMAN.T P.. SMITH W O. InGana Mchegan Power Co (former'y Irdarw & Mactugan Electrc Co ). 68/02/11. App 44354 354-44354 357. ce012* No vedatens noted GULDEMONO,W G Regen 3. cmc of ee Drector 68/02/09. ALEx04.M P insana 8002230087 LER 87423-01on 471109arctAem escovered to tuses regured for ascia-a Power Co. (former'y insana & Mcttgan Electc Co) 2pp. 44371.195-non between local shuneen & vocaten pare's. Proteems contamed on 4437 213 671222 Caused by engwwer desgn oversgnLDesen cha mee W/6802'8 Itr. BEILMAN.T.P,5MITH.W G jn$ana Mchgan Power Co. ( Indana & Mctwgan -8402180425 Inst 9epts 50-315/8e.02 4 50 316/8843 on 671215-880126hs vela Enoctc Co). 88/02rt8 6pp 444M 355 44430360 tons or denabons rcted Maior areas inspected plant vperanons. reactor ros.tse crosecten secunty.outeges. mgt programs.reportab6e everts & tunetes a nottes bvRGESS.8 L Repon 3. Otc of the Drector. 68/c2/0917pp 4437119744371213. V. Operstwr Enamlnations $402220206 Formards Sa r egucrds insp Repts 50-315/6845 & $0316/6446 on 840204C224 Promdes formats for personal cuaWcabon statemert Adderdum to NRC 680119-20 & nonce of votaten withheid (re r10CSR73 21). ! MALLETT.B S Regen 3. Olc of the Drector 88/02/19 DOLAN.J E. Insana Mchgan Form 398 reQUFed to t,d forwarded to Re7cn lit ofc once appbcant Corr #eies DBA,ng l Power Co (tormerty in$ana & Mchgan Electrc Cui 2pp 44426 332-44428 334 i requyements & recorved prer to exam date WR'GHT.G C. Regen 3. Olc of the Drector. 88/02/01 Commonwea:th Edson Co. 3pp 4425109144251993. ~4402220221 Pvt.asy weeld inso Repts $4315/s845 & 50 316/6646 on 680119-20 (ret 10CFR7. _ ;Volaten foted Mator areas espected mgt spec *rventst.aecisey 6802160214 Advises that at sommrtmerts e Corifrmatory Acton Lt CAL-Rip-8712 met orgarw2atol .af bemerprotected area. compensatory measures & tra.rmng l re 53% & 63% fadure rates on ocerator exams dJng wks of 870622 & M ADEDA,T.J 3. Olr of the Dr$ctor. 88/02/ t8 1p 44426 33444428 3*4. 1 l 0803 respectmeey Con #rmatory acton er consoered closed DAVtS.A s. Repon 3. 08c of the Drector 86/0248 W1LLIAMS 0 H. Iroana Mchgan Power Co (formory troana & lurmgan Eectnc Co).1p 44347.336-44347.338 P. Oper.Jang heense stage documents & correspondence 8002180264 Advises that Regen fil viends to woni w/ut4.d requested to anange trne & place to formany present 6conse ceriAcates to me.r+y wensed rdvidua's to recog. 8401210332 Generc Lir 8842 to ai power reactor heen6ees te integrated $a;e*y As-s4svnent Pr am n (tSAP ff) Svc 6st enct ruie descaten WRIGHT.G C.&Regon commitmeri

3. Oleofofcutrrwnebon the Drector. of study &GES 68/02/10 tq'A W J In6av %ctugan ERAGLIA.F Assocate Drectcr for Protects (Post 670411). 64/01/20 Conschda'ed Power Co. (formeriy insana & Mchgan Elecine Co) 1p. 4436918344369 'r63 Esson Co of New Yorw. Inc. 46pp. 44202 31944203 005 8402180343 Forwards p4ot recuawreati(n esam r2 wen et HB Rotanscri paant.e1 sucmrt 8402040348 Act recept of 8'0717 toda'ed CA pro 7am descnoton Peer esp of en asepton of requahfcabon testng Responststy for generatng eram @estons change romans crey co com Descreten of how peer espector ocasAcanon & cert 6 ncur rests er each util W/o enci caten sys meets ANSI N1007.Secton 5 217 commitment requested WNGHT.G C. Regen 3. Ole of the Drector 68/c2/10 GESWEINJ iroana Mctwgan M'LLEkN J Reton 3. O*c of the Drector 68/02/01. DOLAN.J E Iroana ucragan Power Co (formeriy inons & %ctugan Elecyc Co). 2pp 443f 6 318-44366 319 Poner Co (former+y indana & %ctwgan Eiecirc Co). 2pp 44249 216-44249 219

88 DOCKETED REMS 8802050072Apphcation 6cr amends to Lceases DPR-5P & Di"L74.~hargrq Tech Spec 3/4121 & bases u Tech Spec 3/4112 re isDological ana%s rna samples & cM3 4802020228 NRC Info Notte 86@4 "inadeosa'e 06 #caton & Docurnentation of Fro Byrer Penetrabon ieads " Svc ht enct Dyrod ese re%se patt ,sy Suect Mo ence Fee pad ROSStC E. CNson of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 870411) 86/02/05 ALExpCN M P rneena M.cNpa Power Co ('ormer'y insana & Mr 4n Electne Co ) Consoldated Eoson Co of New York. Inc.124pp 4433910144339 224 88/02/01. MURLE t ,T E ARC No Detaed Anaton Gnren. 44263 041-44263 055 8402180214Adeses that as commrtments m Confrmatory Acton Lir CAL, Rill 8712 rnet -8802050074 Proposed Tech Specs.criarmyng Tech Spec 3/4121 & bases for Tech re 53 % & 63% fadure rates on operator exams arng was of 870622 & 0603 respective +y Confnmatory act.on lir conscoered ciosed Spec 3/4112 to clany otta.nng of cA al ana>ysrs trwm sampes & to make DAvlS A B Region 3. Ole of the Drector 88,02/08 WILLIAMS D H In$ana Michqan bases coment wI Westas STS re c thyrod dose patnway reitase Power Co (lormetty in6ana & Mchgaa Elecirc Co l 1p +4347 338 44347 338

  • InGana IActugan Power (formerty insana & M chsgan Electre Co 6 68/02/01 6pp 44263 050-44263 055 8802180407 Forwards Safety insp Repts %315/6842 & 2316/8843 on 671215-880126 No wolahons noted 800209c551 Provdes escussen of chronology that occured durog propsaton of pro- GULDEMOND.W G Reg on 3. Ofc of the Drector 88/02/09 ALExlCH M P Indana praed Tech Spec changes re Urut 2 Cycie 6 swverance etervat estensons pur Mcruqan Powa.' ( o (+ormerty insana & Mch9e Eiectrc Co) 2pp 44371 195-w4203 teicon Need for certam swvedtarce evensons dentifed m Sept 198 7 4437f213 AiEmiCH M P broana Uchagan Power Co ('ormetty 6neana & Mchsgan E'e ctrc Co 1 80/02/05 MURLEY.T E. Document Control Brancti (Document Control Desh) 2pp -8802180425 inso Repts 50-315/8842 & 50-316'88-03 on 871215480126.No voia-44288 023 44288 024 tons or decatons noted Ma,cr areas espected plant operatonsmactor tres.fre protection secur ty outages, mg1 programs recortatde eveits & tunetsns & notces 6802170011 Forwards notste of cor'sde "on of Ssuce of amend to Lcense DPR-74 BURGESS 8 L Regon 3. Olc of ite Drector 68/02/09 17pp 4437' 197-44371213

& proposed N5HC determinabon & opporturwty so r beanng on 880111 request te detav of certa,n tests norma 9y clesrpated as 18-month survedances STAh. G.J F. Prorect Wectore's 111-1 68'02/10 ALEXICH M P insana Mchgan 4802110328 NRC Info Notice 88405. "Tre e Annu ciator r Con *of Cabinets

  • Syc kst enct Power Co (formeJy insana & Mctvgan Elect c Co ) ALE ACH M P Amerun Elp.1rc Power Senece Corp 2m 44353115 44353121 ROSSiC5 Drcson of Opershor'ai Events Assessmer't IPost 6704:1). 88/02/12 Conscd dated Eoson Co of New Yors. Inc 120pp 44523 256-44524 015.

~8402170013Notce of cons 4eraton of ssuance of amend to Lcense DPR 74 & prch posed NSHC deterfrwnstson & c4cortur wty for hesay on 880111 request re chan9'n9 8802220319Aesponds to NRC 880115 Itr te vcaton noted e insp Repts $318,/87-28 Tecfl Specs to deley of certae tests desgnated as 15aonth surveAances & W316/87 28 Correctree actions Form 352-3 reesed to aJd rewred oa'a & inctua. STEF ANO.J J Pro,ec1 Drectorate hl-1 86 02/10 5pp 44353117-44353121 ed in compeeled procedure docurnentabon & mcdent rewe*ed ='personnes ALEzCH.M P Amencan Electrc Power Servce Coro 68/02/16 DAwS A B NRC . No Domi A%atron Grven 3pp 44429 21944429 221 8802140267Generc Lt 8543 re resoluton of Generc Safety issue 93 "St>am Bedeg of AuxAary Feedwater Pumps Svc hst enct MiR AGLtA.FJ Covision of Operatorist Events Assessment (Post 87C *11) 88/02/17 4802230114 Forwards Sa'ety insp Repts W315/B8-04 & %316/6845 on 680119-21 Conacidated E$ son Co of New Yars. Inc 44pp 44524 01444524 061 & 27-28 & cotte of voauon HARR: SON J J Regen 3. Ofc of the Drector 88/02/18 ALEMCH M P insana Mcf> 4402220242 Responds to Genenc Lar 86-02 re ISAP W Due to cost concern of arWe-rneriteg ISAP ute ciechnes pa ticap4 ton m preyam until evabatoi of prudent Cesse to tonow compdeted -88024J0128 insp Repts 50-315,88 C4 & 50-316< 8845 on 880119 21 & 27 28 Ysota-ALE sicH u r. Amercan Electrc Power Servcv Corp 88/02/18 MORLEY.T E NRC . tsons noted uator areas espectedicensee actons on prevous eso hnckngs o ac-No Detaded Ahabon Grvert 3pp 4444711C 44497112 cordarr wortsp MM8es 92701 & 92702 CHOutt S N C . CAR TER.T H . J ABLON5xi F J Region 3. Ofc of the Carector 68 '02/ f B 7pp 44463 34144453 349 8802220360 Forwar$s Rev 6 to steam generator repar reptRev edds Secion 3 714 'Reorn to Syc Testeg " wrech rcJuoes commrtment to sutcut program to NRC for 8802220206 Forwards Sa'ewards insp Repts 50-315/88-05 & S316/B846 on recew ALE xiCH M P sedaea McNgan Power Co (fe-rner9y Indana & M.cr4 9ectrc Co I - 880119 20 & notce of vcaton Nobce e.thheid Pe810CF A73 21) 88/02/18 MURLEY.T E. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk) tipp S Re MALLETT.B,ormer,g power w( on 3.& Cdc y in$ana of the Mct=gan Drector Electre Co)88/02/tt DOLAN 2pp 44428 332-44J E428 insana 334 M chgan 44430 057-444M 06 7 8802220363 Adeses that ute etends to operate reactor e t'w bounds of ersteg Tech -88,02220221 Part,any withheld insp Repts50-315/88 05 & %316/8846 on 680119 20 Spec curves amough SWRi test resurts for Capsules X & V heatup & coodo*'t ge ' 10CSR73 21) VoaSon nosed Ma/or areas espected mgt e*ectveness securey curves show conservatree cr%rence No Tecti Soec cr'. age est be so.qht or a wraSon.phy+cai barrer protected area corvensatory measu es r & tra rwng ALE xiCH M P an Eiecine Power Serece Corp 68/02/15 M,RLEY.T E NRC - U "(DA.T J. CREED.) R Reg,on 3. CWc of thn Drector 68/02/18 to 44428 334 No Detaded AffAabon GNen 10 44 4 3r.,068-444 30 068 44428 334 8802260179 Fcrwads S#ety inso Rept 50-316/8842 on 871203 880115 4 020445 No Q. Inspection reports. IE Bulletins & cortespondence voatons reed HaRR,50N J J Regon 3. Ofc of the Drector 68 02/22 ALEACH M P Irdana Mctv-gan Power Go dormerfy irons & Mcrogan Elecirc Co L 2pp 44506 068 44506 093 8401210097NRC Info Notice 88 001. Safety tryecsoi Poe Falure " Svc hst enci ROSSLC E. Dvson of Event- Av,essment (Post 87041 t) 88/01/27 ~4802260183 Safety arr.9 Sept S316/8842 on 871203 680115 & C20445 No vda. Conschda?ed Edson Co c( New York. Inc 1210p 44176 075-44176197 tons or dev$stons noted War areas espected processespersc'ned Qua rcations a resuns of Urwt 2 e41y current esam hr steam gwnerators 8802020202Fcrwards corrected Pages 1.2 & 5 of chermecal cornpos/ ton tabee sahmrtted .l ACOBSON.J M . DAN:ELSONDF Region 3. C*c of the Ovector 88/02/22 6pp = /8 70111 response to NRC r orno6ance Busietn 87402 re sa'ety4etated & nonsa. 4 4506 066 445N 087<ated fastener testeg ALEKR H M P in4ana Mdwgan Power Co (former*y Indana & Mcrugan Ewcinc Co ) 68/0'/27 DAvlS.A B NRC No Detated Af%abon Gwn 4m 44199 175- R. Penowc operating reports & related correspondence 44199 178 4802040348 Ack recept Jr 870717udated CA program descicton Pew eso act v'ry 880205c047 Moe operatngv rept fot Dec 1987 Wr860108 ftr. G:LESF , SVTH W G insana an Power Co (tormerty in6ana & McPyan crane remants orVy concern Descrc+c N how peer espector oua% cat.on & cer1A Ewirc Co l 87/12/31 7pp 44259 3 44159 343 cahon sys meets ANSJ N1607.Secton 5 217 coesvrnent<1ed M'LLER.H J Regon 3. 08c of the Director 88'02/01 DOLA7 _ E Ind.ana M(twgan Power Co (formeriy Meae.a & Mcrop l Electnc Co ) 2pp 44249 218-44249 219 S. Re,ortable occurrences. LERs & related correspondence 4401260102NRC ardo Notce 88402. "Lost or Stolen Gsuges " Svc kst enct CUNN,NGHAM,R E Drw son of Indrstnai & Medcal roclear Safe *y (Post 870729) 4802030470 LER 6840140 on 680106. Tech Spec 3 3 3 to $.scove ed oct tret for 68/02/02 Consobdated Edson Co of New Yors. ine 121m 44296 093 44296 213 M123088m6 on to omery of monect knue for rasabon man 1er N 2500 Caused by personned enor Few reMored to morwtor & bneto venfed W/ 680129 880 0084 N Notce 88003 "Cracks e Shroud $sopcv1 Access Hole Cover [950N L S . SMTH W G WM MMn Pm Co NM %g & hp ROSSa C E Dyson of Operatonal Events Assessners (Pos 8704 t t) 88 'oe/02 Eiecdc Ce t 88/0ti28. 5s 44225 27444225 278 Consondated Eeson Co of New York. are 112p0 44338 225 44338 7.36 q g 8802080183 Form arcs m$ dero am to Repts %315,87 26 & 50 316/87-26re aviaMy ey s who genera %3 % eriensrve we eg tang me on aus wy W verAcaten actret-es & e"ectiveness ai ma'ters segunng adJ acton ty utJ os- ceare Detectors ctraced & retumed to svc toon comoseton of crane uppaae pr t cusW at W1?O rem SM TH W G trcana Mc an Power Co ticrmeroy sneana & M n E Htr ' ) C-ULDEMOND.W G egen 3. CWc of tte Drecsor 88n2/02 ALEUCH M P Indana N 02 A @N A0 bC b3 O'IA#8d A%8ICO O^ PO 4430I 320' Mctynn Pcwer Co Former$y haana & Enectre Co ) ALEXCH M P Amen. 44351 321 can Eiectnc Power Servce Corp 2m 44275 016 44275 019 -8802090011 Ac$erosn to inso Repts %315/87 26 & W316'87-2f Vag areas V. Operator Esaminat ons escussed s'a'us of ksted tra'ters recurq ikether hcensae & lor NRC actor's

  • Repoa 3. #1c of the Drector 88 /01'02 2pp 44275 C1844275 019 8802040224 Provdr i forts for person &4 Wca'no s'6!ernec4 AdSe%m to NAC

$802020034 NRC BJetc 88 Oct. "Defects e Westry%se Cecut Breakers

  • Svc kst Form 398 recuared to be lorwarded to Re?on Irl o'c once accacant torvetes traewng ern revremems & recWed pror to esa*r we ROSr.C E. Dyson of Opera!ceal Eveats Assessmer IPost 870411) 88/02/C5 WRiGC G C Regon 3 CFc os tre Dwectcr W C2< 01 CommonweaM Ee Co 300 44251 091 44251 093 Consohoated Esson Co of Ntw Yortt. ire 140pp 44333 225 44343 0C4 4802180214 A#ses that as comm.tes e Ccr4matyy Acton Lir CAL-RJi 8 7.t? met 480202003S NRC B#etin 680C2. "Rapoy PropageSng f at 7A Cracks n Steam Gen- te 53 % 4 83 % f abre f e'es on oces tor era +s $f q ens cd 870422 &

oratcr T4es Svc kst ecci ov)3 respectrveay Codrmatory acten is corvJered cosaj ROSSI C E Ov+on of Events Assessmeat (Post 8704111 88 'C2 /05 Conschdated E $ son Co of New York. Irc 124Go 443J8 33144339 '30 Da es A 8 Regon 3 Otc cf the Drector 88 02/08 MLLIAUS D H trdana M(+ya*i Powar Co Carmer*y treaaa & Verwan EEtnc Co I to 44347 338 44347 338 DOCKETED ITEMS 89 9002180294Adnses that Regon itt tr4erds to work w/ute 4 rensested, to arrange tur.e ' 8402100343 Forwards espiamertal safety evaluation to cordormance to Reg Gude & place to formany present scense certicates to r ewry beensed ineyduas to recog. 197 NRC does not Concur w/ proposed donatons te safety mgection accumulaten rare dedcatert & comrvutmere of ceAmenton of study & trsavng tare sevei or pressure & Contarvnent sump water temp WRIGHT.G C. $4egion 3. Ofc of the J. Insana Mchgan . MCNEILS A Propect Drectorate4 1, 88/02/04.TIERNANJA BaFanore Gas & Flec-Power Co (fcumerty insana & Mchgan Electnc Co). Ip.44369 163-44369 163 trc Co. 3pp. 44316 264 44316 311. 8002180343Furwards peat reouaMcaton exam yven at H9 Rctenson plant.m s@ port or resumpoon of revafdcason testag Resporistety tar generstmg etant questces . 4402100407 ceptabety of Supplemental safety evaluaton decatens for estrumentaten re conformance provded to Pmeecton to morutor safe Gode 197 Ac . accu now rests er each ute W/o enct mutator tank level or pressure & contammert eump water temp roman oport WRtGHT.G C. Regen 3. Ofc of the Drecer 68/02/10.GESWEsNJ ineana Mchgan " Ottco of Nuciear Reactor Re@Aabon, Drector (pre 851125). 68/02/04 2pp. Poest Ca (formerty ineana & Metagart Elecine Co ). 2pp. 44366 31844366 319. 44316 287-44316 266. DOCKET 50 317 CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT 1 ~0, a mal 1m W Gu e 19? Caw % 1 & C STOFFELJ W EG&G idaho. Inc (ses of EG&G. lac ) STOFFELJ W. Idaho Nabonel . F. Security, twd6 cal, emergency & fire protectnen plane E a ry ^ 1 L 30. NRC No De-wg 2 4 2894 3'1 8002290109 Discusses 670122 tabletop escussert to state authonty to reclassdy ute 6802110102 Adeses that as implemerdaten of instrumentation to corr #y a/gudance of .anergency classmcaten Escatated response may not be undertaken trr state offciais Secten 6 of $@pf 1 io NUREG-0737.m/encepcon of mstrumentaten to enorvtor BEL R Regen the 8 Es:kson Co. of New York. Inc. App.44539 060-44539 063. ' Consoldated Vh # ot R actor TIERNANJ A_ Bartsmore Gas & Electne Co 5pp. 44336.156-44336160. 8 8 84/02/06 1E 0' a of tr ' gency P 8402170122 Appicaton for amends to Lcenses DPR-53 & DPR 69.changmg Tech rnentaDon Procedures" & 21o ERPIP 5 5 ~Everoses Tests & Ords - Specs e s@pon mead of core for Und 1 Cycle M & Wes e broaden er es sha ^

  • Bam,nore Gas & Electre Co /01/20.14pn 44190001-44190014. Q jg

' a g Uru 6402030122 Rev 0. Change 6 to E Pian W c-e Procedwe ERPip (Document Controt Desk). 66pp. 44421254-44422 031, 4.122 3. -NRC Emergency Notfcaton nons.-

  • Bammore Gas & Enoctnc Co. 68/01/20. :6pp 44217 26444217 299 -4402170130 Proposed Tech Spectsupportog retoad core for Und 1 Cycle to &

cha figures to broaden range of core operabety at lower power levels to anal 60M030300 Chaa0e 11 to Rev 10 to Emergency Response Plan er p6ementaten Proce. shape set hmds for Urvt 2 dure ERPsP 413 re techrtcal s@ port Center roster & Change 7 to Rev 10 to ERPPP

  • Bammore Gas & Enocinc Co 84/02/12. 73pp 44421.32444422 031.

414. Attachtrents 1 & 2 LEMONS) R. Battrere Gas & Doctnc Co. 68/01/20 6pp 44225 300-44225 307. 8402220310Fowards feat Tech Spec pages for $70120 apphcaten for amercs to LL conses DPR4.0 & DPR49.per NRC rewest. 8402000150 Forwards Rev 7 to piard safeguards contegency plan.per CChvNE.S R Bammare Gas & Elecinc Co 84/02/16 Document Controf Branch (Doc-10CFR50 54(p) Rev menheid tref 10CFR73 21) wrnard Control Desk) 2pp. 44429136-4442915t. CC SS H D Bammare Gas & Electnc Co 68/02/02. Document Control Branch (Dtw ment Control Desk).1p. 4427218744272 87 -se02220314 Proposed fesi Tech Specs - re instumentaton & plans sys * "' ## " E # $802160205 Forwsres inso Repts $4317/87 27 & $0-318/87-28 on 0711211231.No GG S. T Repon I. Olc of the Drector. 88/02/06 TIERNANJ A Bavfore Gas & Enoctne Co. 2pp. 44350317-44350.328. *$h,, d,',$ " 'sY,c # ,ne, *N **"""O M+RAGUAf J Dnnsen of Operabonal Events Assessment (Post $70411) 66/02/17. -4002160217 Into Repts 50-317/07 27 & $0-318/87-26 on 6711211231No volatens Consondated Eescri Co of New Yort, Inc. 44pp. 44524 01644524 06t. events e. Se ty& NRC e Buneun 87 4402290325 Adeses M W not snieresed in partcoateg n W H for led TRiPP.LE 4 pori t.Olc of the Drector 68/02/08 topp 4435031944350328 '77Qg[gTj,$,2 & Electnc Co 6ti/02/23 MIRAGUAfJ Associate O-8402170079 Forwards replacement cover sheets for Oct 1987 Rev 7 to safeguards con- *C80' 'O' Propects (Post 870411). 3pp 44530 02544530027. plan.per Coss 680207 fer. ^ . W. Bammore Gas & Elecec Co w8/02/09. Document Control (Docu-mort Control Desk).1o. 4446021544460 215 O. Inspection reporta,it Bunetans & correspondence 8002220305 Aevised emergency pian implementen procedures. metAng Rev 6002250270 Formords summary of correctme actons taken to undocumented taped

0. Change 7 to ERPip 4122 2. - ted Communcatens" & Rev 0. Change 2 to speces on sosenoid vanes.rtenm mode to envveri quakfcaten propam & summary of Attachtrent 2 to ERPIP 4.122 L "Emer Message " equement espectedper msp asmg at of 870323
  • Bammove Gas & Elecinc Co 68/02/t 2/w 44425 334 44425 355 7tERNANJ A Ba'bmare Gas & Electne Co 67/05/22 RUSSELLW T. Repon 1. Ofc

$402220331 Rev 12 Change 15 to Emergency Plan :.62.c o Procedure ERPIP 3 0,

  • 0 $60t210097 NRC info Notco 68401. *Saiety inr ecton Pps Fadure? Svc tst anci

[Bal tim"o"r'e' Gas 4 M " Co 8v02/10.15re 44429 30444429 313 Elecinc ROSSLCE Dmsen W Chratonal Events Assessment (Post 8704tik 68/01/27. 5402230001 Recsed emer plan enpiementabon procedures melueng Change 9 to Conschdated Eeson Co of Nee York. Inc t?3pp 44176 07544176.197. 9 to PIP , Assessment Drector" & Rev 1 to ERPtP 4131, F F IB 6M*W%WW *

  • Bammore Gas & Elecirs Co 68/02/10 9pp 44432 286-44432 294 Common TfERNANJMode Faaures Dweg & Electre CoPtard Transents DoamentDue to improper BranchSeetch Settrig A Ba'hmore Gas 88/01/26 Control 8402230006 Forwards response to NRC 870007 re@est for adc5 mio re physcal secur, (Doewnent Controf Deskt 7pp 44223.16644223192 e<thheid 10CFR7$ 4802090102 Forwards insp Repts 50-317/07 26 4 54316/87-27 on 8711301204 No COS$ H D. Bainmore Gas & Eiecinc Co 68/02/17. Document Control Branch (Docu. vdatens reled r ment Control Desk) 1p 44430 305-44430 305 MARTIN,T T Repon t. 06c of the Deector 68/01/29 TIERNANJA Ba'tmore Gas &

Electc Co 2pp. 4428226344262 294 8002290150Fowards comments m response to Supol 1 to NUREG-0654/ FEMA. REP-

1. 'Cniena lor Preparaton & Evaivahon of Raeolo@ cal Emergency Plans & Prepares -840209010s Inso Repts 50 317/87-26 4 54318<87 27 on 8711341204No volatons nets m SL44cr1 of Nucces Power Ptants " Uti aptaMs NRC/ FEMA ettorts noted Ma,or areas inspected ra:boiopcal controts prooram at plant.rciueng engi &

TIERNANJ A. Ba'bmore Gas & Electnc Co 68/02/19 Doctrient Cottrol Brancn oroaraaten.astemal & mtemal esposure controes & ALARA. (Documerd Corural Desk) 25pp 44516 291-445'6 315 WE ADOCK.A.. $HE RBsNi S . SHANBAKY.M Rego) 1. Olc of the Drector.68/01/25 10pp 44282 28544282294 i K General correspondence $402100109 Forwards response to NRC Comphance Bunete 87402. "Fastener Testeg to Deenne Ccesormance W/Acc* cable Man Scecs? Descrcon of recea esp 4402290027 Comment se proposed rule 10CFR50 re pr@osed pcecy statement on rite- pracsces & vtemal controis for fasteners arcL I orstod sche &ies for wrcementaton of paart mods Endorses NUvARC comments e/ TIERNAN) A Bammare Gas & Electnc Co 68/01/29 Document Coneet Branch Ested ctanicatens (Document Controi Desk) 49pp. 44298 04944298 097. TIERNAN) A Bartencre Gas & Electnc Co 68/02/17 Offee of the secretary of the Comnwsten. 2pp 44514 01644514 017. 6801260102 NRC info Notco 68-002. "Lost or Steien Gauges Svc hst enct CUNNINGHAM.R E Desen of industnal & Me@ cal Nuclear Sa'ety (Post 070729) 69/02/02 Consohdated Eeson Co of New Yort, enc 121pp 44296 093-44296 213 l 8402010044 NRC info Notco 66403. "Cracks e Shrod $seport Access Hole Ccvaw l 8802110379 Forwards Erwbrsemert 68 to NEUA Pokey NF-216fndorsements t & 2 to Weids Svc kst enct ! HEUA CertAcate Nw-121. Endorsement 54 to MAELU Pokcy MF 76 & Endorsements ROSSI.C E Desen of Operasonal Events Assessment (Post 8704II) 88/02/02 1 & 2 to M AELU CertAcate MW-49 Conschdated E* son Co of Nee Yors. Inc 112pp 44338 225-44334 336 l GRILLO M Johreon & M9pna ins.sance 88/02/02 DNiT2J P Onece of Nuclear Re. I ac1or Regulators Drector gPost $70411) 2759 44318 297-44318 2'8 8402020034 NRC Busetin C8W1. Tietects e Westegroute Cacut Breakers Svc bot encs ROSSP C E Des.on of Operatonal Events Assessmeat (Post 870411) 68/02/05 l P.Operateg teense stage documents & corresponde%ce Conschaa'ed Eeson Co of Nee York. Inc 140pp 44339 225-44340 004 6801210332 Generc Lir 8842 to af power reactor hcorsees na intoyaied Seie*y As- 6502020035 NRC Buse te $6402, Rapdy Propagateg Fatgue Cracks e Steam Gen. sessment Program N (ISAP It) Svc tst enct eratcr ighes " Svc kst enci - M-RAGUA.FJ Associate Drector for Proyects (Post 870411) 88/01/20 Conschdated ROSSI.C E Desen of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 870411) 88/02/05 Esson Co of Nee York. Inc 4400 44202 319 44203 005 Crv*soldated E4 son Co of Nee Vors. Inc 124pp 44338 337.44139100 _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + ._. 90 DOCKETEDITEMS' 0402090226 NRC ento Notice 88404. "inadequate Cunwcaton & Documentation of 8802290150 Forwards comments e response to Suppi 1 to NUREG4654/ FEMA REP. Fro Barrer Penetraton Sears" Svc hst end. 1. "Creena for PrepFanon & Evaluation g Radologcal Emer Plans & Prepared-ROSSi.C E. Dmson of Opsa'enal Events Auessment (Post 870411). 88/02/05. ness m Support of Nuclear Power Plants " Utd apptauds N FE oftorts Conschdated Eeson Co. of New YoA inc.124pp. 44339101-44339 224 T#ERNANJ A. Baltimore Gas & Electre Co. 68/02/19. Document Control Branch 6802160205 Forwards insp Rt 's 50-317/87-27 & $0316/87 28 on 871121A231.No vietatens noted W1GGINSJ T, Region f. Orc lhe Drector.88/02/06 TIERNANJ A Batmore Gas N. General correspondence & ElecWc Co. 2pp. 44350-311 8350 328 -4802180217 hsp Repts $4317/07-27 4 50-316/87-26 on 8711211231No votations 8002290027 Comment to proposed rule 10CFR$0 re proposed pohey statement on inte-noted Masor Feas espected tscety actrvces. foutee esps. operational grated schedules lor rnpsementatson of plant mods Endorses NUMARC comments w/ ever vs.maet survemance.LERs. prvscal secu'ry & NRC Comphance Busebn 87-002. hsted clardcatens TRiPP.L E. Region 1. Ofc of the Drector. OS/02/06.10pp 44350 319-44350 328 TLERNANJ A. 8431smore Gas & Electne Co. 88/02/17.Otrce of the SecretFy of the Commissiort 2pp. 44514 016-44514 017. 8002110328 NRC Info Notce 64405. ' Fro n Annunciator Control Catnnets." Svc 6st enci ROSSI.C E. Omson of Operstonal Everits Assessment (Post 87041 4 68/02/12. J. Insurance & Indomruty informahon Consoariated Edson Co. of New York, Inc 120pp. 44523 25644524 015. 8402230077Resocnds to two unad&essed concems re volabons noted m insp Repts 8002110379 Forwards Endorsement 68 to NELLA NF 216 Endorsements 1 & P to 50-317/87-17 & 50-318/8719 info re contrcAng causes of aumAary feedwater NELIA CertAcate NW-121. Endorsement 54 to MAEL Potcy MF.76 & Endorsements anomrat>hty.mctudeg moesttre in steam tnes & worn governor kr*sges enci. 1 & 2 to MAELU Certfcate WW49. GpeLLO.M Johnson & Insurance. 68/02/02 DINtTZ.1 P. Otve of Nuclear Re-TIE ANAN J A Bammore Gas & Electne Co 68/02/15 Document Control Branch actor Regulaten. Orecto* ost 670411). 27pp. 44318 297-44316 310 (Document Coreot Desk). 3pp 4443217344432175. FL Portodec operettng reports & related correspondence Operaung scense stage docunwnts & corruppdence HN C 44497 075 Y EMON JR c Co 01/31. tipp. 44497465 JAB acr W the Docer Upp.44464 3374 4464 347 &E / RUS L.W.T. Repon t, Osc 8001210332 Geneisc Ltr 8842 to as power reactor teensees te integrated Sa'ety As-S. F.eportable occurrences. LERs & related correspondence am II (! SAP 11) Svc kst enct sessment Pr7 Associate Drector y!gggtig,7 for 670411). ts (Post P 68/01/20.Coneohdated 8402250129 Confirmatory Acton Lir 8715 re 071023 Number 12 aumaary feedwater purns,en be ta NRC should be contacted 4 CIFdCaten neededthrottie tr9 Understands that8402100343 until cNesten of renatzkty Forwards rescoved.hsted supplemental acton we safe 4 e<abaten re conformance to Reg Guioe KANE.W F. Region 1. Orc of the Drector.67/11/02. TIERNANJ A Baltimore Gas & 197 NRC does not Concur a/ proposed dematens te sa'ety m octon r aCCumulebon Electrc Co. App.44481.2994 4481 302- tank levet or pressure & contaement sump water temp. MCNEtt S A Protect Drectorate l 1. 88/02/04 TIERNAN) A. Bartimore Gas & Elec. trc Co. 3pp. 44316 26444316 311. DCCKET $0 318 CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 -440210W7 We W ww to me 2 Rg M t 9% ceptaoety of deviatens for estrumentabon prowded to rnorvtor safety er ecirei acce F. Security, medical, emergency a fire protection plans twator tank ims or pressise & contaement senp water temp remse open

  • OMce of NucleF Reactor Regutaten, Drector (pre 451125). 88/02/04 2pp 6802290109 Oscusses 670122 tabletop escusson te state authonty to reclassky ute '

emergency Class #icahon EscEated response reay not be undertaken by state offcamis by a or rectas ensee doctWed emer classAcatort BEL U y. RR -4710,,15,0,3,6,5, pg , Feel Rev 14 "Cor4ctmance to Reg Gude 197 CaNort Chtts 1 & 2." 1 of the Dreciar 87/ /28 SELMAN M. Consondated STOFFELJ W. EG&G Idaho, Inc (suts of EG4G Inc ) STOFFELJ W soaho Natonal Edson Co of New ort. Inc app.44539 060 44539 063 Engeeenng Laboratory FIN A4483 EGG.NTa.7071 RO1 87/09/30 NRC . No De. $402020276 Recsed emergency plan procedures.mcOdeg Change 4 to taded Affaaton Grvert 22pp 44316 28944316 311. t Pr s 2 to 55. er s & Dre 8402H0102 Adeses that as ep5mentaten of movumentaten 2 comply a/ guidance of ' Bartmore Gas & Elecinc Co <01/20 t app. 44193 00144190 014- Secten 6 cf Suppl 1 to NUREG4737.w/escepton of esWumentaten to morwtor saie acWator tana sevet we be competed for pant by 1969 2 NRC Emer cahon h RNANJ A "C' as &$c ic C 3

  • Bartmore Gas & Elects Co 88/01/20.16pp 44217 26444217 299 g , ggg 6802030300 Cha 11 to Rev 10 to Emergency Response Pian hvementaten Proce. Specs to support reioed of core tor una 1 Cycie 10 & changeg f9ses to tiroaden

&se ERP1P 41. re techncal sugport center roster & Change 7 to Rev to to ERPIP r of core operabitty at lower levels re snel shape offset hmits ter Urvt 2 414, Attachments 1 & 2 TIE NANJ A. Barbmare Gas & sectnc Co 69/02/12 DocumerW Conpo Branch LunONSJ R Bavncre Gas & Electne Co 88/01/20 8pp 44225 300-44225 307. (Documet Contot Deskt 66pp 44421254-44422031-4402000150 Forwardt Rev 7 to pant sa'eguards contegency plan.per -4002170130 Proposed Tech Specs.supportng toioed core for U'wt 1 Cycle 10 & 10CIR50 54(p) Rev e4$ heed 10CF R73 21) 19ses to broaden raage of core operatmhty at lowor power levets to amal COSS H D. Ba'tenore Gas a nectnc Co 88/02/02 Document Control Branch (Docu. shape o set hmas for Urvt 2 ment Convol Desa) to 44272 187-44272 187.

  • Bashmore Gas & Elecyc Co 68/02/12. 73pp 44421320-44422 031.

6802140205 Forwards insp Repts 50-317/87 27 & $4318/87 28 on 871121-1231 No 6802220310 Forwards hnal Tecn Spec pages for 870120 apphcanon for amends to La velaSons noted conses DPR-53 & DPR 69 per NRC request W1GGINSJ T. Regen 1. Ole of the Drector. 88102/06 TIERNANJ A Balbmore Gas & E:ectrc Co 2pp 4435031744350328 COWNE.S R Bansnore Gas & Electnc Co. 68/02/16 Docurrent Control Branch (Doc. umert Controf Desk). 2pp 4442913644429 I51. -8402160217 Inso Repts50-317/87 27 & $0318/87-28 on 8711211231No velabens noted Maser areas Inspected factfy acWeties, -8002220314 Proposed feal Tech Specs pages to estumentaten & platt sys. coulme r$ps.opurabonal

  • Ba%more Gas & Elecinc Co 64/02/16 14pp 44429139-44429151.

events.marit surveda9ce.LERs. physcal securey & NRC Compharco Bu n etc 07402 TRtPP.L E. Regon 1, Ofc of the Drector. 68/02/06 topp 44350 at 944350 328 6802180247 Genenc Lir 8843 re resoluten of Generc Sa'ety issue 93, "Steam Beeng of Feedwater Purvs

  • Svc kst encf

$402170079 Forwards replacement cover sheets for Oct 1987 Rev 7 to safeguards com pan per Coss 680202 ler uiRAGL F J Dresen of Oceratonal Events Assessmert (Post 870411). 68/02/17. Consondated Esson Co of New Yors. Inc 440p 24524 016-44524 061. SS. W Bavnore Gas & Electrc Co 88/02/09 Document Contal Branch (Docu. rnent Control Desa) 1p 4445021544460215 6402290325 Adeses Ibat utd not eterested n partcoateg m ISAP N for hsted 8402220305 Revsed emergency response pan vnoiementon procedures. ecbann Rev reasons per Genenc Lir 6842 OCharge 7 to ERPiP 4122 2 "De$cated Communcasons 4 Rev 0.Chaage 2 to TiERNANJ A Bartmore Gas & Electne Co 88/02/23 u.RAGLIAFJ Associate Dk Attachmerd 2 to ERPip 4122 2. *'Emer uessage " r,cier sor Prorects (Post 8704 s t) 3pp 44530025-44530 027.

  • Ba'hmore Gas & Elecyc Co 88/02/1 22m 4442533444425 355 8402220331 Rev 12 Change 15 to Emergency Plan impiementon Processe ERP;P 3 0, . Inspem room,IE Bulens a cmspondence Personnel inp6sy -
  • Bartmore Gas & Elecinc Co 68'02/1015pp 4442930444429313 4402030234 Forwards "Steam Generator 21 & 22 Eesv Currect Tesbng Feel Rept "

Aect cciudes rumber & er'ert of tubes enammed rnrerfectens noted & conbty of $402230081 Pecsed emer ptan vnpierrerwabon proceases Chaage 8 to tdes eranuried No steam generator tutes nams corwetes on und 1 asvg1HF Rev 9 to ERPiP 4115. * - Assessment DrectM" & Rev 1 to RPIP 4131, TIERNAN.J A Bamanore Gas & Electre Co 68'01/25 Document Control tkarch *vce President Nuctear Energy (Document Control Desk) 300 44222 052 44222 166

  • Bamore Gas & Electnc Co 6S/02/10 9pp 44432 29644432 294

-8402030242 -Steam Generstor 21 & 22 Eesv Current Tessng Fnal Rept" S002230006 Forwards retoonse to NRC 670$07 request for *M mio se physcal sem

  • Bathmore Gas & Enoctnc Co 87/04/30 112pp 44222 055-44222166 ty pan e Resocese a:so ncboes secety part ters ocorporateg enct comments E =cNd ( 8401210097 NRC Irdo Notce 88 001. "Sa'ety inr ecten Pee Faase " Svc bst enci COSS H D Bawnore& Gas'ef Elec1rc Co 10CFR73 20 88/02/17 Document Coreol Branch (Docu. ROSSI.C E Divoon et Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 6704ttr 68/01/27.

rnent Corgrol Desk) 1p 44430 30544430 305 Cor*sc%oated Eeson Co of New York. inc 123pp 44176 075-44176197. ,. , . , . . , - - - , . . - -~ , - , , - . , . - . - - - - - - - - -. . - ~ - - .~ . --. - .. _, ,. - - a DOCKETEDITEMS 91 l l 0802030329 Forwards leal response to IB Bunete 85403. "Motor. Operated valve DOCKET 54320 THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 l Plant Transents Due to irnproper Sett S Setings

  • Common TIERhAN.J Mode FaauresGas A Bammore Dureg& Electrc Co.88/01/28. Documord Cortol Branch i (Document Control Desh). 7pp. 4422318444223192. F. Security, meecat, emergency a fire protecuori plans '

' 4002080102 Forwards insp Repts 50 317/87 26 & 50-318/87 27 on 8711301204 No 8402290109 Drscusses 870122 tabletop escussen re state authority to rectassdy ute velatons noted emergency classecaten Escalated response may not be undertaken tv state oftcws MARTIN,T.T. Regen 1. 08c of the Drector.68/01/29 TIERNAN.J A Baltsmore Gas & by uoaredng or rectas tcensee deciated emergency ciassdcahon Electnc Co 2pp 44282 283-44262 294, BELLAMY.RR Regen . c of the Drector 87/05/28 SELMAN.M Conschdated Eoson Co. of New York, Inc App. 44539 060-44539 063 -8002000100 into Reots50 317/87-26 & 50 318/87-27 on 87113&t204 No votatens l' notedMajor areas espectedraeologcal controis procram at plant.mcludog mgt & 0802020197 Forwards Safety inso Rept E320/87-14 on 8710011125 No velahuns . orgartraten.estemal & r ernal exposure contrats & ALARA - noted Ack rece@t of 87102o Itr m response to inso Rept50-320/8749 WE ADOCK.A.. SHERWNI S., SHANSAKY.M Regen 1. Otc of the Drector.88/01/25. TRAVERS.W D TMi 2 Clearse Prorect Drectorate (870413 880201) 68/01/15 10pp. 44262.285 44282 294. ST ANDERFER F R General P@c Ubbhes Corp . GPU Sennce Corp. 2pp 44197.142 44197.165 $802100108 Forwards response to NRC Comphance Bulletc 87402. *f astener Tesung to Determme Conformance WIApptcable M40 Spect" Descrpton of recept inso ~84020202:2 Safety it so Rept E320/87.14 on 871001 1125 No velatons noted Masar areas espected piant operabres dduenng opwatonsJte proweten practces & cternal confrofs for fasteners enct am,piant housekeepeg conobons.sttoment of radoactrve matis & LER reven l TIERNAN.J A. Sammare Gas & Eiectnc Co 88/01/29 Docwnent Control 8tanch K T. BELL.J. COLLINSA Regon 1. Ofc of the Drector, 88/01/12 22pp i (Document Coreot Desa). 49pp 44298 049-44298 097. 44197 144-44197 165 l l 8401M0102 NRC Info Notco 88402. Lost or Stolen Gauges " Svc bst enct 6802020101 Rev 3 to Emer Plan implementmg Procedure 64t$-IMP 130005' > CUNNINGHAM.R E. Dmsen of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety IPost 870729) " l 68/02/02. Consoldated Eeson Co of New York. Inc.121pp. 44296 093-44296.213 .'Comnces GenwW P@c Utdines & RMCup PU Sm Corp. 68/01/25. 20pp. 44187026 44187 045. 6802010064 NAC Info Notice 88403, "Cracks m Shroud Support Access Hole Cover Weids" Svc hst enc 8 6802020335 Revs 2 & 3 to Ernergency Plan implemereng Procedtre 64154MP.1300 05. ROSSI.C E. Omson of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 87041 4 88/02/02 Conschdated Eason Co. of New York, b9c.112pp. 44338 225-44338 330 "Commurucatons BROWN N General & P@c Record keepng "Corp GPU Servce Corp 6e/01/25 20pp Uthees 44198 230-44198 249 6802020034 NRC Bun etn 68-001, "Defects m Westnghouse Cacud Breakers" Syc hst encs 6402040348Adeses that870929 Rev 24 to 0% cal securdy plan ed be consdered m - ROSSLC E Dmsen of Operatonal Events Assessenerd (Post 870411) 88/02/05 corwrcten */rewew of Rev 25 to 10CFR50 90 Headquarters staff ed respond re rev Conso6 dated Eeson Co of New York. Inc.140pp 44339225-44340004 appropneteness MARTJN.T.T. R 1. Orc of the Drector 68/01/29 HUKILL.H D General Pub 6c 8002020035NRC BJetc 66402. "Rap @y PropaGabng Fatque Cracts n $tsam Gen-pes Corp. G Semce Corp Spp. 44255 3W4255 334 $402004147 Rev 3 to Emergency Plan terciementng Procedure 64154MP-1300 27. "Ac. R SSIC of Operatend Events Assessment (Post 870411) 88/02/05 Conschaated Eeson Co. of New York, enc 124pp 44338 337-44339100_ ga E er g Oper Fg ,

4. ,nade.a,e Ou-ote, & Docu,,eetason d

- ca'a "'a2'o2 aa ~2'a*a27*2-2., NRC info "' ' 9 . of a Assessment (Post 870411). 88/02/05 27 - of E Stens Fa-Conso6 dated Eeson Ca of New York,Inc 124pp. 44339101-44339224

  • Genus Penc Utes Corp. - GPU Serva Corp 88/02/0134m 44300M2-44300 355 8402160205 Forwards insp Repts 50-317/87-27 & B318/67 28 on 8711211231.No woiatens ncied 4402100198 Rev 2 to Emer2ency Plan impiementeg hocedse 641$1MP-130024, W1GG!NS J T. Regen 1, Osc of the Drector. 68/02/08 TIERNAN.J A Baltanore Gas Recovery Operators "

& Electnc Co 2pp. 44350.317-44350 328

  • General Pele utstes Corp - GPU Servce Corp 6a/02/05 t tpp 44307 180-44307 190

-4802160217 esa Repts %317/87-27 & S318/87-28 on 8711211231No velatens noted Magr areas nspected tacety actetes. routne risps.opershonal 8402190246 Forea'Os Sa'e9#ds insp Repts 50-289/8842 & 4320/6842 on events,maet suNediance LERs. prwcal secunty & NRC Comptance Buret n 87402 680 t I t o 4 No votahons noted. TR:PP.L E Regon 1, Ofc of the Drector 88/02/08 1000 44350 319-4435(i328 MARTIN.T.T. Reg on 1. Ole of the Dvector 68/02/10 HUKILL,H D. General P#c Uthbes Corp GPU arvce Corp 2pp 44461.024 44461030 840 10328 NRC trdo Notco 88405. "Fro m Annunciator Control Caceets" Svc kst 1802H PM @heid W W mso R@ S289/88M & SM0/ 88-02 on 6801 H 4 4 (ret 1 R73 2y No rercomphances noted Masar areas ROSSLC E Chwson of Operabond Events Assessment (Post 870411) 88/02/12 Consohdaled Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.120pp. 44523 2%44524 015 y%y{* Q $ $- Q { g hA 4 7 [ [(f h 0 mom aes-nos . weadeessed - re voatens no4ed . it.p Repts 50-317/8717 & W318/8719 into re contreutng causes of auraary feedeate' G. Adswecatory correspondence coperatulety.rctueng enostwo m steam lees & wom govemor breages encl TIERNAN.J A Bartenore Gas & Electne Co 88/02/15 Document CcWt Branch 4402040024 Informs that NRC miends to ide moten for summary espositen of some or (Document Coreof Deskt 3pp 44432173-44432 Its as admitted contermons.per Bowd $80105 order & requests that Board estabksh schedule for ideg moton & response to rnobon WOODHE AO C P Assistant General Counset lor Hearegs #188 5459 68/01/22 R. Porto6e operaung reporta & related correspondence WOLFE.S J. BR$HT.G O. PARIS.O.H. Aiorne Satety and Lcensm0 Board Panet 1p. 44219 106-44219 106 0802230013 Moetrdy operatmo repts for Jan 1988 W/880216 Itr 6802020021 Order (denymg kcensee otgecten to spec 4W prehear corderence order 13 SEMPwE C. LEMONS.J R. SWbmare Gas & Elecinc Co 88/01/31.1100 44497 065 ^8 dened Served on 44497.075 LC'129" 880H9 CDfecten to spooal premesmg corderence or 880 WOLFE.SJ PARIS.O H BRGHT.G O Atomc Sa'ety and Lcenseg Board Panet S. Re,o, e o-u,rences. LERs 4,eiaied co,respondeece  := m'omo,y6a ** **= o'~ ca cau 5- ca saa 6802050067 PN41-48416 0n 880201.fre m annunoaior paneUocated m cabio spresi 6402040039 Notco of subst+tuten of counset' koca. Maw & Cate ed replace og room. caused loss of as convoi room annunciators Aa emergency sys remamed Isham Lecoin & Bea4 as co@selICr JG Herte Certdcate of Svc enct m progress BURNS)B General Pubhc Utstes Corp GPU Seryce Corp BURNS,J B Keck, furctonaf &nng event Cause not cetermned Tr Mahn & Cate. #188 5493. 66'01/26 3pp 4421914144219145 TRPP.L. WiGwNS.J. Regen 1. Ole of the Drector 68/02/02 2pp 44259226 8402040030 Not/hes INtt ute wel fee mosons for sumrnary espositon.ser 890105 I 6802040291 LER 8740942 on 870423 oetermoed commercel ovawy tasseners e/o recusste mail traceabety & certkabon estaaedCaused by made% ate precauton Q'A WP Corp . GPO Servce Corp BAXTER 7 A Shan Pittman. Potts & Troebr.dge #188 5460 88/01/29 WOLFE S J BR1GHT.G OI b . o m .011 - m m BON J R Gas c Co a /02/03 9pp Atome Sawy and Lcenseg Board Panel 3pp 44219109-44219111 ,,,,,,,,,, m e,,ee ,e,,,3,o,es , ,,,e,, ,,, ,,,,,,, , d,_e,, ,, 1M, s,cu.,re _e on,-W do Su 0 0 1 tER o ,40 n 880n2m, o, .a ieve. , s,ery ,, con - m ~,en,t,,&,c o-a,en,,a,,, , .e am es Wma,nc.e C cate % ,-er,e,c,s Svc e reveaed that ter04evel ref shifted to below rNn Tech Spec hm4 of 187 mches Caused BAXTER.F.A General PutAC Utd:tes Ccro GPU Servce Corp BARTER,T.A Sea e. by vansmtter cakbr drdt W/830205 ftr Prttman. Peas & Troetrofe #188 5461 88/05/29 Sus.1vehanna Vener Anance. NCSTELN%M S. LEMONS.J R Ba%more Gas & Elecinc Co 88/02/05 app Lancaster. PA 22sc 44218 20544218 ??6 44282 190'44282 193 44020$0048 Sunvehanna Vaaey AAance/Tui Aject astervence moton ter eriensen os 4902230024 LER 88 002-00 on 680122 power lost to normtal estrument bus 22 trne for escovery ' Deaane 880222 does ret enatse cor peten of (2Y10) Caused by gersonrel error te mesnerpretaten of eiectrcar pres Mamt esectre esco,ery Perrressen for esiensee ,ofpered icr escovery unto 8804 to requested. cens era te traere$ on event detads W/&90219 Itr_ SMQLNICK.F. $vsquehava Varey AA.ance. Lancaster. PA SFOLNICK.F T%e Mde BAUER E R. LEVONS.J R Bammore Gas & Electne Co 86/02/19 600 44432 110- Ista%2 Aert #188 5507 68/01/31 Atomc Sa'ety s4 Lcenseg Board Panes 2pp 44432 115 44248 116 44248 117 - , . - . . . _ . . - - - - _ . - - .. _ . . ~ .,. _ . , - .m. ,. ,_ . . _ . - ___ ..._...m, . , - _ . , , , , _ wa, . . . - . . .. . . , 92: DOCKETED' ITEMS 8002170000 Susqueharma Vas ey Asence/TMI Anert siterrogatones & request for pro. -4002100010 Contract "Test Speciments trom Damaged TML-2 Reactor Bottom Head? ducton of documents to NRC. NRC must proere any add documents responarve 10 - serded to MPR Assoc.tnc, request Car %cate of Svc enct Related corresponderce. ' SKOLNICKf. Susquehanna Vasey AAance, Lancaster. PA. SxOLNICKf Three ude CHAP:N,0 MPR Assocates Inc. THOMPSON,R D. Dresen of Cetects (Post ~ 870413) FIN D2072. 88/01/15 118pp. 44297002-44297.119 iseand Alert #188 5585. 88/01/31. Aiomsc Safety and Lconsng Board Panet 25pp 44350 173-44350.197. 4401210332Germe LW 8842 to as power reactor hconsees to integated Salaty As-8002000020 sessmerW Prcoram N (ISAP a) Svc bst encl. to TUI.Anort/Susquehanna Vasey AAiaice

  • NRC Staff interroptones,serrogatory Person proveng to eacts e mit be adent4ed by name & Eeson educa-MIRAGLIAf f Assooate Drector tor Protects (Post 070411). 88/01/20. cow = led Co. of New York. Inc. 48pp 44202 319J4203 005.

' tonal quaWcatons ate of Svc enol Related correspondence. WOOOMEAD.C P. Assestart General Counsel tor Hearvigs e188 $508. 86/02/01-Aairruc Safety and Lceriseg Board Panet. 6pp. 44248 308-a4248 313- 8002110255 Roguests assi ento on popus a ten esircuten around Und 2 sde.m order to complete evasuabon of proposal to e Urvt 2 m80 mondored storage. 8002060022 Reaves'5 kme or agenda of prehe ' cor forence re esposa! of ecodont- TRAVERS W D. TMI.2 Casarse Drectorate (8704 3 201). 88/01/27. ared water b ordes to make oral statement on 880203 STANDERFERF R Generat PLeic Utdrbes Corp. . GPU bervce Corp. 2pp. 44338 019-44338 020. TOSH.J #/?.eaton Not Assaigned #188 5505. 88/02/03.Othee of the Secretary of fie Commrt/ ort tp,4:248 2O>4424S 205-8002040034 Paquests NRC approval to'une polar crane auxAary book at fast speed for 8002170000 Saquehanne Va Aikance/TMI Alert mterrogatones & request for pro. "# " ' " " *" "*' * * * ** W

  • ducson of exuments to utd documents dersfied m answers to ksted eter. Mp,,p h R. General Pubhc Utaties Corp. . GPU Seryce Crep. 88/01/28 Doc.

OLN C / V a ter. t 2 4 Pea:h Bottom 584 /02/h General Pubhc UtA6es Corp. GPU Servce Corp' ^ 040200024 Worms W how NRC plans to respond to WMs at plM m bght W enofw mg TMl-2 Cleanup Protect Dr3ctorate, effectnre 880201 Response to events ed be 4802170004Lcensee response opposing Susquemanna vaney Alkance/Tui Alert inter-venor moten nor estensert of hme for escovery

  • Jomt weervenors faded W show $[h p*3 C*kWp77dN)"ggYk tes Corp. -

oog g g, gesd cause for extensen of tme for eso>rery Certdcate of Svc enct Servce Corp. 2pp. 44277.243 44277.244 BAxTER.T A Gereral Put*c Utebes Corp + GPU Servce Corp BAXTER.TA Shaw Pittman, Poets & Trowbndge. #188 5586 89/02/10. Alomc Safety and Lcenssng 8402090545Fonswos utd471224 ler to State of SC & State of SC 880105ser to uti re Boed Panet. topo 44350132443214 t-CC"ANDERFERf ST A General Pubhc Unhtes Corp GPU Servce Corpecine 88/02/03 . Doc- actons propose 8002170064 NRC Stag resmese to molen by TMt Alert /Susquehanna Vasey Akance ument Convol Branch Cocument Conwar Desu 5pp 44298 up2M 1m sc7 ertensen of escovery

  • Motort shoJd be dermed Certacate of Svc enct WOOOHEAO.C P. Assestar4 General Counsef for Heanngs. #188 $587. 86/02/12. 4402100063 Forwyds FSAR Fgures 214 4 2113 provdng estimates of total popwa-Atorruc Safety and Lcenssng Board Prwt 5pp 443m12744350131. ten & pop.daten estreuten withm to mee & 50 mee raeus ci piant.respecsvely.sor yr 2010 pet NRC880127 fir NRC/TMs48404 9002240023 Susquehanna Vasey Akance/TMI Alert responses to hcensee mtert to, ST ANDERFER.F R General PLbhc Uhttes Corp . GPU Sarvce Corp.88/02/03. Do:-

res & recpest for documents

  • Ordo we be prowded upon avaiabdrty & fested imiers Conwol Branch Cocument Control Des 4 3pp 44298 01144298 013 monts beco sent to bcensee W/Cortefcate of Sc SKOLNICKf. Suscpehanna veGey Anence. Lancaster. PA. SKOLNICKI. Three ude 8002140106 Responds to 871219ler re announced reorgruanon of NRC at TM1-2 NRC island Alert #188 5659 84/02/15. General P@hC Utsbes Corp . GPU Senace Corp. personner stahoned at s#te.Regan I & NRC Headcpaters we centsrwe to provee et.

32pp 44434 09144434-122. ' '*C'rve 'egulatory oversght at cteanup actetes MURLEY.T E Offce of Nuciear Reactor Ragulaten. Drector (Post $70411) 88/02/ $802220046Memorenchm & order (perhany yanhng SW3uehanna Vaaey A&ance/TMI 10. STUCH6NSKI,v., EPSTEIN E. Three Mde tsaand Alert 3pp. 44372.304-4437L308 Alert moton for estanson)

  • Board we rotdy bceesee & staff when respectwo mo-bons ior summary esposebon shodd be ided Served on 8802t8

~6002160117 Opposes NRC reduchon at Tut-2 Redsong sta4 pnar to completon of WOLFE.S.J Atome Safety a9d Lcenseg Board Panet #168 5620. 88/02/17. 3pp. core removal mappropriate & trwsgaded move Recent ar*Adown of OWer Creek for 40420.013 44420 015. medent to destructs of cata oecreases utd starong w'tocal rescents STUCHWSKI.V L, E PSTEIN E. Tivee We Isrand Alert 87/12/18 OtSce of the Secro-8002240036 Forwards ute 8802t6 Itr & ence to accdertgenerated water esposal pre. try of the Conmssert 2pp 4437230744372 E8 kmery sys descriphon.for mfo of Board & partes BLAKtIl General Psic Utdees Corp GPU Sennte SLAMEI L Shaw. P41 8402220014 Requests NRC approvaP of proposed remedal acbons to be used d ma9+ . erm. Potts & Trowtrdge #164 5660 66102/17. W FESJ. BRIGHT.G O. rnents adversely eMectos dureg fu1ure oe+uehng opershoes Fee pa4 PARIS.O H. Atocac Safety and Licenseg Board Panel. Mpp. 44433 343 44434 012 STANDERFER F R Genere PutAc Utd.tes Corp .GPU Servce Corp 88/02/10. Doc-ument Controt Branch (Document Control Oes4 500. 44447 09444447 098 9002290175 Lcensee answers to SVA/Tui Alert roerrogatenes to GPU leuclear Corp

  • Responds to SVA1TMI Alert smorrogatones did 880m to esposal of accdontiener- 6802190125 Partial response to FOtA rowest for documen's Forwards App B aled water Related correspondence.

OTANDERFERf.R General Pubec Utetes Corp . GPU Serece Corp. #168 5684 documents App C & D documents wohheid tret FotA Esempton d) 66/02/19 frvee Mde Island Alert 50pp 44496 05144496105 GRIMSLEY.D H Oreson of Rules & Recorcs (Post 870413) 88/02/16. CONNOR.L Doc-Sea cti Associates 6pp. 44374 00144374124 -4002290179 bconsee response to SVA/TWI Alert request for productori of docu-rnents' Documeres to esposal of ecodone-generated waior we be mese avadatse for .-4402190139 Reouests responses to a'tached questens from House intenor Commit-msp & copyng as hsted CertahCAte of Svc encf Related Corfespondence Wlo enct BAXTER.T A Generat Put*c UWtes Corp. GPU Serece tee KAyyg sta"pf 9.C. OffC4 of Conoressonal Affats 8704131 (pre 84/06/26. DLRCKS W J BAATER.T A Shem, Pattman. Potts & Troworoge. # t68 5684. 68/02/22 Trvee is'and Aspr1. Sep. Orc ce the Esecutuo Drector lor Operabons HAYES B B. Once ce investgatons, Ip 44496 101 44436 105, 44374 00S44374 003 8002250064 For wards Vops 1 & 2 & Swpl 1)nal rept to NUREG0683. -Fnal Program" ~44C2190149 Formads documentaten te punchhst" of outstandeg work dems nor mcec EIS re Decontamnaton & Desposal of Radeastes Resultmg from 790328 Acce- TMb2 m re n yypp mco,,spo,;,se p ,o to,s tems Wto encJsH Myers reavest tot adcs mechcumens centded as 730203 ; . dent TULUrvt 27 did War 19et & Oct 1964nspectwsy. LEWIS S H. AYE stantSaie*y Ass'mc General Counse4 for Hearcos #188 5674. 88/02/22. H,ona,S g B, tass870413).1p (preB Ornce of investgabons 44374 012-44374 0t2~84r07/17 KAMMERER C.C. Offce of Ccngres. WOLF E S J. Ato and Lcenseg Board Panel 1,429ce 44456 077-44MC 065 -8402190164 Forwards as notes DR Neely made on 790328 8 fast 062e of Neely 801027 riervee Cons 4eraten re reeease of documents rewested R Gewal correspondence CONNELLY.$ R Orfte of inspector & Au@tcr 84/11/01. KAMMERER.CC. Orfce of Con 7essonal Affars (pre 870413) 25pp. 44374 013-44374 037. 6402040210 Comment cn. oseq proposed rule 10CFR50 re 6cenerg of nuclear poner piants where state &/or locai gosts decsne to cooperate n offsde ernergency pla4 -4402190164 Formarcs NRC & Osc of invest 9ater$s 400 responses to quesbons raised m H Ups 840604 memo to N Harier & Of 840913 responses F.AMMcRER.C Ofice of Congressenal Affars he 870413) 84/11/02. MYE RS.H PJ North Caohna Corwners Counce Newsletter. 87/10/30 ZECH1 Co* House ed Reo,interer & Insular Al'ars. Itpp 44374 038-44374 048 ' trusseners. tp.44254 15444254 150. 6602230110 Foreards Rev 0 to "Pre 6minary Sys Descreton for Accdent Generated J. Insurance & Indemtwty informatiort h*[ g 9' 0 '# # **PU# '#' ' ## STaNCERFERf.R Genera! Pw c Ulstes Corp . GPU !arece Corp 66/02/16. Doc. 9002170137Fornards NEllA Cerisfcate kW 83 & Endorsements 1 & 2 MAELU Cert + ument Centros Branch (Cocument Control Dep) 2pp. 44496132-44436158. cafe UW.26 & Erersements 1 & 2.NEUA Cersfcate NW 71 & Endorsemeets 1 3.MAELU Certfcate M* 15 & Endorsements 13 & Endorsement 78 to NEiLA Potcy 6402230113 Rev 0 to "Prehmesy Descretion for Accdece Generates Water Dsges. N0195 at " W/one oversee oraseg OCONNOR.O A darsh & McLarnatt inc 88/02/09 O(NIT 2.t ONe of Nuctear Re- CREMEANS G General PutAc Utskbes Corp GPU Serwce Corp 88/02/16. 25pp aciar Regutauort Drector (Post 87041 t). 21 Top. 44420110-44420 326 44496 134-44496 154 P. operating scenee stage documents & correspondence ss0,21:o.,4 A,02s,f Gewc Li,r y Feedea,e 8a43Svc Pumps re resce/t,on es enct of Genere Seie.y iss.,e 93. -Sien Be$ng E ' M>RAGUAf J of Operatonai Everns Assessment (post 4704f t). 48/02/17 8002100004 Notdicaten of contract ereevtcrt Test Speoments from Dem-eged TMi-2 Conschdated Edson Co of New Yors. inc a4r,o 44524 01644524 061 RTctor Bottom Head." awarded to WPR Assoc. Inc $V1TH P A Dresen of Contracts (Post 870413) Ffed D.2072 84/01/15 4802290249 Not*c.ahon of 880226 rneetag a/utd idaho Testrv; Staten in Rockvee MD KOUSTON.R W Drreen of Reactor Accdont Ansps (Post 470417) VAN to @scuss RETRAN/ MOD 4 reces KCUTEN R Othee of Nucsear Ngtdatory Researcet, proctor (Post 860720) ' p. SUN,S B Reactor Spems Branch. 88/02/10 HODGESM W Reactor Systema 44297.00144297119 Branch 2pp 44524 2M44524 297 l DOCKETEDITEMS 93 1 8402260005 Partial respor%e la FOIA request Forwards App E documents. App E docu- R. Periodec operating reports & related correspondence ) enents amo avadatWe m POR GRIVSLEY D.H. Desen of Rules & Records (Post 070413) 68/02/19 CONNOR.L 6802110197 Subrus TMI-2 Cleanuo Propect Drectorair status rest Ior 880104-31 Doc-Sesch Associates 2pp 44506 256-44506 315. TRAVERS W D TMt-2 Caeanup Prosect Dractorate (870413480201) 88/02/02. ) Proiects

  • W & Speoal Pro,ects (Post

-8002260043 Form &ds NRC responses to 840216oueshens to TMI2 ciean@ asega. 4 Of336 4 sons FAMMERER.C. Offee of Conyessenat Amass (pre 870413) 84/05/31 MYERS.H. House of Rep.,Intenor & Insular Aff ast. 21pp. 44506 27744506 298- S. Reportalphe occurrences, LERs & ro6ated correspondence ~4402260049 Dsageroves Rev 0 to Proce&re 4000-lMD-3891. "TMs Urvt 2 R Pois Crano Opershons? NRC we consder reducmg revew a'ter esperence 8002100013 LER 8741240 on 871009.rdcatens of tadure of locknut & stemnut for BARRETT1 H TMt Propam Othce 83/03/10 LARSON.L General Pubhc toes isolaten valve DH-V-4V escovered Caused by fa4ure to stake locknut & drere sneeve Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp. Ip.44506 299-44506.303 assemb8y Locknut & sleeve assembry replaced & locknut staked W/8 70203 fir- - MLLS R D, STANDERFERf R. General Put$c Utsises Corp . GPU Servce Corp. -4002260056 Forwards tsted documents re Hartman mveshgaten concerrung TML2 88/02/03. 8pp. 44298116-4429812# ahons Wlo encl 9SN' ZEK.J 08c of inspecipan & Erdorcement. Drector 1820201-870413). 83/04/22. 8002240336 LER 66-00140 on 880106.escovered that ele ademog platform structure CASE E Offce of Nuctear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (pre.851125) tp 44506 304- wwerse#y metaned Caused by personnet error Swport strutbres romstaued correctly & 44506 315. urut work mswucten revised Wr880204 hr. WELLS.R D. STANDERFER F R General Pteac Utstes Corp. . GPU Servce Corp 8002260102 Irdorms that esempton from FY88 annual fee requrements of 10CFR171 68/02/04. 9pp. 44452 031-44452 039 for romander of plant cleanup pened granted per 870925 request. STELLO.V Ofc of the Enocutrve Drector er Operatens 88/02/23 KINTNER.E E- 8002220332 LER 8640240 on 8801 t2 aum6ary badg fre detectea instrumentaten inop-General Putac usktes Corp . GPU Servce Corp 1p. 44508 09444508 090- stable when vontdasen secured & no frematch tvtietedCaused oy personned error Personnes coirseted & proceeses revsed W/880211 ler WEsVER.D H. ST ANDERFER.F R. General Pubhc Utstes Corp. . GPU Servce Corp. O. Inspectic,n reports, IE Busetins & correspondence 88/02/11. 6pp. 44434.16444434169. 4402020197 Forwards San ery insp Rept 50-320/67-14 on 871001.t t25 No votataons noted Ack recent of 871020 ler e response to insp Rept %320/8749 DOCKET $0 321 EDWIN L HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 TR AVERS W D TMn-2 Cleag Proiect Drectorate (870413 880201)- 88/01/15. STANDERFER F A General Pubic Ut44es Corp . GPU Servce Corp 2pp. 44197 142-44197.165 F. Security, enedical, emergency & fire protection plans -4002020212 Safety insp Rect 50 320/87-14 on 871001 1125 No vCabons 2110050 reted Mapr areas inspectedplant eparatens.debehng operatens tre protecten 840,ciatons or oecatens notedForwards insp Repts 50 321/57 33 4 50-364/87-33 on 671 croaram.piant housek constens arSment of radcacave maps & LER rev** BROWNLEE.V L Repon 2. Olc of the Drector 88/01/15 O'REILLY.J P. Georpa MOkAK.T, BELL,J., INS,0. Repon 1. Cec of the Drector 88/01/12. 22pp Power Co 2pp 44311.351-44317 361. 44197.144-44197 165. -4002110064 Inso Repts $4321/87-33 4 50 366/67 33 on 8711211218 No veiasons 8001210097 NRC trdo Notce 8840tJSa+ety irweeton Poe Fa4ure

  • Svc bst enci or denatoms Mapr areas mspected prwous enforcernent maners.operatonal ROSSI.C E. Omsen of Operatonal Events Assessment IPost 870411). 68/01/27.

Conso6 dated Eeson Co. of New Yors. inc 123pp 44176 075-44176197- ** %L HO E AY .M dOODENA Repon 2. Otc of tre Drector 68/01/ 14 9pp 44317.3534439.360 8002000180 Forwards Safety insp Rept 50-320/6715 on 871126-1231 & nonce of '* *^' ** ** * [ ttemon deta4 for pr eau ted TRAVER$ W D TMi-2 Cneanup Proyect Drectorate (870413480201) 88/01/29 8402040345 pian perForma de changes WW 54W Encf toN phrsical M f secugrp8an GUCwA.LT. Georpa Power Co 88/02/01 Dow Control Branch (Documere A73 24 & paard traming 4 quahhcaten STANDERFER F R General Pubhc UWtees Corp. GPU Soryce Corp 3pp 44271 026-44277.043 CC"**' W E00 ""N E3M*N E** -4402040209 Notre of volaten trorn esp on 67112tLt231 Yoratens noted.Haion sys 6802000124Ferwards insp Repts50-321/86-01 & 50-366/8641 on 071219 880122 No for cabae room 4 transformer room reperabio e/o roveg tre match estal,hshed on vesarons or dowarens noted 871128 & Operstma Proceose 42104PS3524 05 recrope9 veptemensea BROWNLEE.V L Regon 2. Orc of the Drector. 88/02/02 O REtLLY,J P Georpa

  • Tvi 2 Osaw Profect Drectorate (8704t3-880201) 68/01/29 1p 44277 029 Power Co. 2pp 44272.17144272181.

44277.C29 -4802000131 insp Repts $4321/8841 & 50-366/8841 on 071219 680122 No vote- -4402040221 Satety esp Rept 54320/8715 on 671126-1231.Velatons noted Mapr tons or decatens noted Ma,or amas espected masil observaten. physical asets inspected routmo plant operatons, oc+vehng operatons.abnormat piang secunty operabonal sa'ety venicaton.hJs & cold weather preparabon over*s contree of ruoactrve matin & schotcaten et raosaste HOLMdS-RAY.P. MENN;NG.J E, SMULE.M Y. Regen 2. uc of the Drector. 88/ MOSLAM.T BELLJ. COLUNS.D Regice 1, Ole of the Drector. 88/01/29 14pp 02/01. 9pp 4427217344272161. 44277 0M-44277 043

  • 6802290257 Reveed emergency anpicmereng procedwes.q Rev 1 to 8601260102NRC teWo Nohce 88402. "Lost er Stolen Gauges " Svc hst enct 62EP EP473.OS. "Notecaten State & Loca Avrnordes;' Rev 4 to 64EP-IN%CS, CUNNINGetAM R E Desen of andustnal & Medcal Nuciea Sa'ety (Post 670729) ' Emergency Equement invectory" & Rev 0 to 63EP-EIP454CS W/880223 tir 6s'02/02. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. trc 121m 44296 09344296 213 GUCW A.L T Georpa Power Co 68/02/23 96pp 44516 00144516096 6802010044 NRC trJo Notce 88-003 Trachs e Shroud S@ port Access Hose Cover Weads ~ Svc bst ence P. Operaung bcense stage documents a correspondence ROSSICE Desen of Operatonal Events AssessmerW (Post 0704t1) 88/02/02 Conschdated Eeson Co of New YorA inc 112pp 44336 22f-44336 336 8401210332 Genenc Lv 6842 to as power reactor ncensees te Integated Satety As-U 6802020034 NRC Bus etc 68401. Telects re Westrghose Cacuit Breakers
  • Svc tot $[ [# Orec t"or'

#0# ## siPost870411). 88/01/20 Consondated SSd C E. Omson of Operabonal Events Assessment (Post 870411). 88/02/05 Conschdated Eason Co of New York. loc 14)pp. 44339 2294340 004 68020M318 Forwe ws of rm um d W ums wed 4 w n + l 6802020035 NRC Bus etc 88 002. "Rapdy Propagatsg Fabgue Cracts n Steam Ge, $ as part of NRC conhnnatorf h. mments progam escaud n W GUCw A.L T Gecrea Power Co 64/01/20 KAHLE.J 8. Repcm 2. Osc ol the Drector NSIC E of Operatonal Events Assessment tPost 870411) 68/02/06 3pp 44 m M44 m 238 Coneohdated Edson Co cd New York. Inc 124pp 44338 337-44339100 l a ^maa 1514 89 4Lcews DPR-57 MhsMetwy & mm022. NRC wo eme 6 40( ,nad,e ase Ouaca'en & Documeniaien of *2"ca5 safety Fa'Aw welumnrno@*y Tech Specs m bed thermet timds & rebehng oper-Fra Bamer Penetraton Sea 4 " Sec tst etc 124pp 44 339 ER.L P Pro,ect Drectorate it-3 68/01/22 O RE;LLY.J P. Georpa Power Co ed t 10 3pp 4436312844363153 I 640 40244 orw ds Sa ds insp Repts $4289/6642 & 50-320'88C2 on g ggg g MARTIN.T.T. Re9on t. One of the Drector 88/02/10 HUKILLH D General Ptd>6c Teco Specs re bet thermad knWs & % operatens UtAres Corp GPU Servce Corp 2pp 4446102444461030 JABSOUR.K N Prorect Drectorate18-3 64/01/22.19pp 4436313144363149 -8402180249 Porta 4y withread Physcal Security insp Repts 50 269/88 42 & 50 320/ -4402170206 Safety evabaten supportrg Amends 151 & 89 to Lcenses DPR 57 4 8842 ca 680111 14 Cei 100.FR73 21) ho noncomphances nc4ed Mapor areas NDF-5.respecsve8y repected p'an 8 svementry procedures program auets & records & rects

  • OMce of Nuenear Reactor Regutahon. Drector (Post 870411) 88/01/22 dop SuiTH G MADDEN T, EEvG R R Repon 1. Olc of the Drector 68/02/09 5pp 44363 150 44363153 44451026 44461 030 8401260537 Genenc Lir 8841 to af BASI ncensees & honders of cps for SWAs re NRC 6402110328 NRC into Notee 66 005. "Fre e Anruncetor Control Cabeets ~ Svc hst pos' ten on IGSCC e B AR austervtc staness steel poeg Svc hst enc 8 enct M RAGt,lA.F J assocate Drector for Propicts (post 470411) 66/01/25 Comrwon.

ROSSt,C E Desen cd Operatonal Ever'ts Assessmeet (Post 870411) 68/02/12 weaMM Eeson Co 43pp 44256146 44256148 Consoldsted (eson Co of New York. Inc 120pp 4452;256-44524 015 8002230313 Corcurs w/ute 871229 rwerpretaten of Tech Spec 6 911 that startup 0402260057Ach recec4 of 871125 response to cosa'ons roted et taso Repes 50289/ repts unneccessary w*en orey smas rurreer of bei bu r des of ettecent desgn er eq 67 14 4 54320/8746 eser*ed e reioad core for test purposes MARTEN.T T. Regon 1. O'c of the Drector 68/02/17. HUKrLLH D Genera' Pubhc CROCa ER L P Proiect Drectorate e-3 68r01/25 GUCW A L T Georga Power Co Utsees Corp GPU benace Corp Pop 44504 193 44504 197 Pop 44442 35244449 353 . . . - - - - - - -- -- _. , - - .,.---. - . . . . . - - _ . - _ , - - - - - _ . - .~. , 94 DOCKETEDITEMS - 8002000371 Formards request for e&s edo re emplementaten of ATWS rule reguremerWs Response requested w'the 30 days of Itr recept. 8002110320 NRC Irdo Notce 66 005, "Fra m Armunostor Control Cobnets " Svc trot enci. CFCCKER.LP. Proiect Drectorate H-3. 88/02/05.O'REILLYJ P. Georpa Power Co 2pp. 4421r4 351-44294 352. ROSSI.CE. Deveen of Operatenal Events Assessment (Post 870411). 88/02/12. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York,Inc.120pp 44523 25644524 015 0802220104 Forwoeds uodated bsangs of outstanong te requests. GUCWA.LT. Georpa Power Co 88/02/t2. Document ol Branch (Document 8002250495 Forwyds inso Repts S321/8844 & 50-366/8844 on 880125-29 No vvy . Coneof Desk). 6pp. 44447.07744447 062- labons or denatens tved COLLINS.D M Regen 2. OEc of the Drector 88/02/16. OnEILLYJ.P Georpa Power 8002230229 Requests FR pubhcation of notce of msuance of Amend 152 to Lcense Co @ 44M 2W4m 304 (o ting cym aad of7 mon -8402250499 Insp Repts50-321/8844 & 50-366/8844 on 88012649 No volatens or CROCKE Dractorate 16-3. 88/02/16.NRC . No Dotaded Afteabon Gwrt 6pp 44444 037-44444 042. decatens need Maior areas espected area of rawen protecten aspects od uwt 2 8002230263 Forwards Amend 152 to Lcense DPR-57 & seWy evabatort Amend moe. %8QQQ[yy on&[aote 44495 293 44495 304 pr Dr tor 88/02/10 12m. fies debruten of survedance frequency e Secson 1 N of Tech Specs to pronoe for to-month o CROCKER.peratng cycle estead of 15-month specAed prevously 0402260062 Dscusses Erdorcemert Corderence Summry insp Repts 50 321/86 35 & 2pp 44449 L P. Proiect 227-444t9 Drectorate N-3. 86/02/16. O'RtlLLYJ.P. Georr7e Power Co. 236. 50 366/86-35 on 880113 Revew of saves underway to cletermee appropnafe erk tercement achottlet of anendees enforcemort conference summry 4 handout enct ~4002230265 Amend 152 to License DPR.57, deem, ten of survedance tre. GRACEJ N. Regen 2, One of the Drector. 88/02/18-O REILLYJ P. Georpa Poes quency a Secson 19 of Te@ Specs to prowde for 1 Co, 30pp. 4450416344504192. operatng cycle estead of 15eonth spevfed prevously CROCKER.LP. Proisct Drec1 crate B.3. 88/02/16. dop. 44449 229-44449 23;- R. Portod6c operatmg reports & related correspondence -40022302e6 Safety evaluanon s@portog Amend 152 to License DPR-57. CROCKER L P C4fice of Nucler Reactor Reguaten, Drector (Post 8704115 88/02/ $402180204 Montrdy operabng repts far Jan 1968 W/880208 ptr 16.400.44449 23344449 236. OE ARD.R M. RICHARDSONJ K. GUCWA,LT. George Power Co 88/01/31.13pp 0802230224 Forwards cornpieted swveyser NRC 880120 request to Genene Lir 8842. 44460 262 44460 294

  • SAP n "

GUCWA LT. Georpa Power Co 88/02/19 Occument Coreal Brarch (Document Cor*of Desk). 4pp. 44434175-44434.178 S. ReportatWe occurrences LERs & related correspondence CL Inspect 6on reports. IE suaetes & correspondence 8002030414 Spacel Rept 88401 on 88011f.personnat determined that fre protecten mater header ruptwed causn0 storage tres to decrease Caused by consonaban m we tiackhs arcund mater Ruptwo monated & water levets restored 4402110021Act recept of 871228 Itr adormng NRC of steps taken to correct veistons GUCW A LT Georpa Power Co 88/01/29 Document Cont of Branch (Document reted m Irap Repts %321/87-26 & 50-366/87-26 Response sneets 10CFR2 201 re. ControlDesnt 6pp 44217.16544217-170. cprements BROWNLEE,V L Regon 2. Osc W 1he Drector. 88/01/15 OPEILLYJ P. Georoa 8002260207 Spooat repton 880202. fro water storage tares contaned less than re-Power Co. Ip 64319 14544319 145 gured = ster volCaused by tippeg of debge valve e are protecton sys at coohng tower C Event ad not morer attect fre protecten capacety of piant 90021*0058 Foreads insp Repts 50-321/87 33 & 50-366/87-33 on 8711211218 No GUCW A LT. Georpa Power veoktens or dematens noted 88/02/16 Document Control Branch (Documant Convoi Desk) 7pp. 44503 35444503 360. BROWNLEE.y L. Regon 2. Osc of the Drector 88/01/15 O'REILLYJ P Georpa Power Co 2pp 4431/ 351-44317.361. ~ -4002110064 insp Repts 50 321/07 33 & $0-366/87 33 on 8711211218 No vedabons or devebons noted Matar reas repected proveus ordorcement matters.coeratonal HOLME NY NG.J NA Regen 2. Olc of the Drector 8e'01/ E' 8"% "'d'**k """* V '

  • P'*" P'***

14 9m. 44317 35344317.361 L 9001210097 NRC info Notre 88401. "Safety insecten P9e Fa4ure " Svc hst enct 8402290109 O scusses 870122 tatdetop d,scusson re s*. ale authorty tu rectasssty ute ROSSI.C E. Desen of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 070411). 88/01/27. emergency classdcaten Escalated response enay ret be urdertaken by state otrces Conscidated Edson Co of New York. Inc,123pp 44176 07544176197. by uoaadng er raciassdyeq hcermee declared emergency classrr cahon BELLAM f,R R 1. One of the Drector 87/05/28 SELMAAM Congchdated 4002190114 ForeFds results of ana'ysss of water sampees trorn eeRs eeun protected L tar 3pp. 4444514N4445143 P 0 29 J OrcY Drec- ##** dC *#' 9 * '*" ' 0"d a tactB LeC 8'7i2','8"1,t'e,e.r"&' / oiing ,-e emeec p, "c'r epa,ednos app"o"re"ne'nt'of as Map ecta

e. orc.e ~et,c J,P Geea,s"o 4001260102 NRC trdo Notco 88402. "Loct or Stoien Gauges " Svc kst enet. BELAIR.R R Southamplort NY BELAIR.H R Krmpatnce & Lockhet 87/12r24 NRC

. CUNNtNGHAM.R E. Divocn of arvkstel & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729)

  • No Detaded Auston hon 4pp 44294 25344294 256 ,

88/02/02. Coneohdated Eeson Co of New York, int 121pp 44296093 44296 213 ' 0402010044 NRC info Notre 88403, "Cracks in Stroud $@ port Access Hose Cover nabng Commmee & FEMA /NRC meebngs h6id s,nce660901 & ASLAB 871207 deo. Weeds Svc kst enct sco e Shoreham case (LBP-47 32) ROSSt,CE_ Desen et Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 870411) 68/02/02 BELAIR.R R. Suftom County, NY. BELAIR R R Kripatich & tockhat 87/12/24 Fed-Conschdated Eeson Co of New Yea. Inc. I t2m 44338 225-44338 336 wat Emergency Management Agency 6pp 44346 051-44346 056 i 4802000124Fereads hsp Repis50-321/88 01 & S0-366/684t on 871216 880122 No i weassons or denstens noted s001200365 Formads Rr 9 to utd local offs 4e ratologcal emergency response  ! BROWNLEE.V L. Regen 2. Olc of the Drecter 88/02/02- O RE1LLYJ P. Gecrea plan.renecteo 10CFR50 e r(c) "best efteris" regulatens ensgruerons for esortng & Power Co 20p. 44272171-44272181- summyy of dev 9 4% e. sci LEONARDJ D Long tsend L Co SS/01/22 Document Cor*ol Branch (Doc # -4002000131 trsp Repts 50-321/88414 50 366/8841 on 871214880122 No viois- '"*"' *" 'E' # ' ' # . ' * " " 'o'p, nh*"" "'#d "m'O' p$8'enig g **'"' **D C8' ,, -4002020134 Rev 9 to *Srcreham Nuclear Power Staten Local Ortsste Raeologcal HOL RA J , SJNAULE.M V Region kN,of the Drector. 88/ (onQgand L Co 60/01/22 1.82tpp. 44191310-44196 330 8002000007 Adeses that recee contrung of msues discussed at 890113 enforcenent )! corWorencoper er5 tron quakecaten matters born insp Repts $4321/86-35 & $0 366/ 8002030181Foreards revsed "Prompt NotAcaSon Sys RepC Rept rected to cordorm lo FEMA-REP.10 86 35 Let or attendees & meetang weeyaphs enci test of prorrpt e NRC should rowest FEMA lo renee man & to schedule 4 icabon sys j I GRACE)N Repon 2. Ole of the Dreetcr 68/02/02 O REitLYJ P. Georpa Poeor LEONARD)D Long Island Oghteg Co 68/01/26 Documer Cor*of Bra"ch (Occu-Co. 29pp 44279 328 44279 358 ment Controd Des *) 1p 44207 04 744212 013 i 8002020034 NRC B#ete 88-001. Te8ects ri Westngrevse Cacuit Breakers" Svc tst enct -4402030204 Reesed ' Prornet Nobicasca Sys Rept

  • W/hvo oversJe drawegs ROSSI.C E Desen of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 8704 t1) 68/02/05
  • Long Isiand Oghhng Co 87/12/31 1.766pp 44207 048-44212 013 Cormohdated Edson Co. of New York. lac.140pp 44339 22F44340004 8002020316 Requests that NRC O M eeSy rerwest FEMA to corwhct errested recce of 4402020035NRC BJietn 88 002. "Rap @y Propagateg Fatipse Cracks e Steam Ge+

erator T@es" Svc 6st enct ROSSI.C E. Dmsen of Operatonal Events Assessment (Post 8704t1) 88/02/05 [ .N D $,C hhyneng [ M ' ,' #' P. Long islyd Whteg Co IR A'N D '. Huntori & WAams 88/01/27 Doc # Conschsaied Eeson Co of Nee York, Inc.124pp. 44338 3'.7-44339100. ,IRN,t n, Control Branch (Document Control Desa) 3m 44189 3w44183 354 $402020224 NRC treo N@ce 88 004. arw$ equate %ahtcaten & Documentatson of $4020W32 WA fast reponse e We cd M kst west for fMstson cd docu-Fro Barrer Peretraton Sers Svc kst enct monts & fast se of cien, eres e W A concemg Contenten 25 C . role confic ROS$1.C E. Omsen of Operatoner Events Asses

  • ment (Post 87041I). 68/02/05 of scfcol bus onvas
  • W/ te of Syc Related Correspondence Conschdeted Eeson Co of New York. tc.124pp 44339101-44339 224 50 F e.ds conf,~~eameeee,s - on &

y (vger4 ane Agency #184 5M8 88/02/01 .21 . cr.ena t, c enerytcai creawements in response to insp Repts50-321/07-25 & $0-366/87 25 COLUNS D M Repon 2. Ole of Ihe Drector 68/02/11.O'REILtyJ P. Georpa Power 8402000270 Rev 8 to

  • Shoreham Nuclear Power Staton Errergency Prepare $ ness Co app 44444174 44444177. Pian " W/680203 ser & sa oversgo ence LEONARD) D Long istaN Ugnting Co 68/02/06 311pp 442tf000144281011

.4- . _ _ _ . - _ . _ _ , _ __ _ ___ _ _ . DOCKETEDITEMS 95 8802160248 Requests review of "Shoreham Nucles Power Stahon Prcanot Notrfcahon 8802040054 trLCO thrd set of interrogatores & ieovests for pro.Leton of doeurnents Desagn RecC n ccqu chon n m/ FEMA recew or ortsite pian Utd iir vanstrutteg rept to role connet of school bus dr=ers to SJ'oth County & State of NY

  • Certahcate of enc 1 Rept prowded to recpent separateh Syc ence Re'ated correscondente CONGEL.r J Drysson of Radiaton Protecta & Emergency F'epeedress (Post HARLO* D S Lono Island L ghteg Co HARLOW D S Hurtton & Wahamt 8188 870411) 88 e 02 / 06. KR.MM.R W Federal Emergency Management Agency 1p 5481 88/01/27. SJtodk Cour ty. NY. 7pp 44218188-44218194 44351 212-44351 212 8802040061 ULCO ociectons to overvenor ~ Emergency Pianrvng Contenbon re ULCO 8402170095For=wds ULCO871218Itr reovesteg that full-paracoston enitcse at ute New Emer Broadcast Sys Proposal"
  • Certrfica'e of Svc end oMste paan te sche @ed for earhest possoe data FEMA shovid conduct revew of MATCHET S . Long is:and Lightrq Co MATCHETT.S C Hunton & W4 hams #188 oHsos pean per NRC/FEUA memoran&Jm of understandeg 5482 88/01/27. Atome Safety and Lcerseg Bord Paret 37pp 4219 015-CONGEL.F J Cwesson of Ra3ahon Protecta & Emergency Preparedness (Post 44219 051 870411) 88/02/08 KRiMM.R W Federal Emergency Management Agency to 44353 152-44353 152. 8402040066 NRC Sta't resanse to proterred etervenor contenton on adequacy of emerg 8402240219 ForwFds correcten sheets covermg errata e Rev 3 to piant fre hazard g,g,,e.nct plan provsons Cmenton M be for radiodue derW vansnessaon of emergency lo fact d bases CertWebroadcast v Svc end sys mes-ARD L and L Co 88/02/20 Document Control Branch (Docu- O,^N g ,e ment Control Desk) 2pp 4452 33 -44S22 342 Lc Boa P nel 2 44218 5

-8802260047ErtrAa to Rev 3 to fee fata os ana'ys4 rept 8802040073 Response of State of NY lo ULCO secord set of eterrogatcres & request

  • Long Nand L@teg Co 87/12/31 10pp 44522 33144522 342 for grooxhon of oocuments re rose conthct of school bus drwers & amerd ~
  • Certf' cate of Svc enct Re,ated correspondence 4802250494Forwads errata to SALP Rept50-322'86-99for War 1986 Jul 1967.rees. 2 AMNLEUTER R J New York. State of a188 5483 88'01127 Long scand Lighting og Page 38 & Taote S tr ccreeMg typos Performance reflectxt notewortr*y arn. Co 14pp 44218 346 44218 359 provement e several functional a eas RUSSELLW T Regen t. Olc of the Drector 88/02/22 LEONARD.J D Long Islard 8802040079Formaros corrected NRC 880127 response to crotened one,rvenors conten-Leteg Co 83pp 44495153-44495 222 ton on eseguacy of eme/gency pe procsons for radio vansmisson d emer2ency broadcast sys menages

-8802260143 Errata to SALP Rept50 322/86-99 for Mar t988 Jud 1987, rectog Page BARTH C A Assmane General Counses for a188 5486 88/01/28 38 & Tatae 5 GLE ASON J P. KUNE.J R SHON F J Alomsc Savy and Boyd Panel tp

  • Region 1, Olc of the Ovector 87/09/18 56pp 44495160-44495 219 44218 108-44218 125

-8402040221 NRC Staff respoese to pro' erred etervenors contenton on ade@acy of G. Adfudicatory correspondence emergency plan prorsaors for ra3.o transm.sson of emergency broadcast srs mes-sages

  • Content.on should be denied Certeicate of Svc enct 8802040027NRC Sta'f resoonse no SJfolk County fr*t set of rierrogatores & re@est BARTH C A Assrs' ant Genera 8 Cou n ses for Hearegs 88/01/27. Atomic Sa'e*y and L>

for produchon d documents did880104* Re'ated coFescondence Censag Board Panel t 7pp 44218109-44218125 BARTH C A Assestani General Cou n sel for Heanngs #188 5484 88/01/22 Svtom County. NY 3pp 44218126-44218134 4802040059 Discusses tcensee 883122 resconse to Bord 880107 ceder re appoet-ment of new forum eM ' 25% power issues & re@est for espeeton in gcwts -8802040053 NRC Sta of f response een espMton request DUton of ULCO f.amg vecroper & thould not be conscered guests for prochschon oocumentstocated880104 S#ca Coiswy fast set of mienogatores

  • W'Certrhcata & cor of Svc Retated re.

LETSCHE K J Krvairn & Locahart LETSWE R J Long is and Lighteg Cc. #188 resoordence 5457 88'01/29 GLE ASC N J P. RLdNE.J R , SHON F.J Atom.c Sa'e'y end Licenseg HOGAN R T Emergency Preparedness Branch 88'01/22 S#ce Courity. NY 6pp Board Panel 2p0 44219 084-44219 085 44218 129 44218 134 8802040104 NRC Sta't mot.on for erienson of time to Ne resoorsse to ULCO moton 8802040070 NAC Sta'f comments on accropnate seperate forum to her evoence on por summry degos, ton of Conientions 12 & 9weerstr

  • Chee to NRC re' ca- o relevance of pendng emergency planning contentons to Ut CO apphcaton for 25% bon + day estenson unti 880202 requested for feng er /Certkate el Svc po +r hcerse
  • CertAcate o' Sec enci BACHMANN R G Ass.stant Generas Counsed for HeFrv;s #188 5468 88'01/29 JOHNSON G E Assistant Generas Counsel for HeFogs #138 5458 88/01/22 Atome Sa'ety and L ceaseg Bord Paned 5pp 44218162 44218166 Atorrac Sa'ery and Lcenseg Bowd Paned 7pp 44219 001-44219 007 8802020008LitCO rmoon m hmee & moton to set rseweg scheoule
  • Moton request-mm22 m aw e SvHok Coum mow to comped W 880125
  • W re-og AStB to rule that hsted sctoolrewed ssues not w-thm remanded row conNct wes4 tM y M3 esem cM caw senre as cwoM date W M N venors should De reguFed to desigNb'e witnesses Cert 4a10 of SVC enci ssue & Settog of schedde for twenng Certkate of Svc enci CHR:STVAN J N Long ssiand Lehteg Co CHR:STM AN J N Hunton & W4 hams LEUGE RS M J Long isiand Co LEUGERS M J Hunton & IMthams #188
  • 188 5517 88'01/M Alcin -n Safety and Lxensq Board Panet 12po 44264 077 5444 88/01/25 Atomic Satvey and bconseg Board Panel 17po 44185 019- 4g g 44185 035 8802020020 Forwards occuments respons*e to SvNon County fast set of eterrogato- 8802C40092 Resoonse of SJfont County State of NY & town of Southampton to ULCO nes re tNses & of LERO emer2ency workers es school bus 0 eNests for ad rvssons te remand essve of ro6e confict of school bus enr.

$wers Cenf cate of vc S'ecruitment enct M 's *'Ceru' .'cate of Svc enct Reed conesecadence LEUGERS M J Hunton & WP1.ams #188 5439 $$/01/25 M4LLER M S Kstpavick & 'M LLE A V S S#om County. NY M.LLER VS k a h patrick & LoCMa't. Lc.thhart 5pp 44185165 44985169 PALOM NO F G New York. State of #188 5499 88'02/C1 Atome Sa'ety and LF censsng Board Panef 10pp 44218152 4421816t 8802040028Notee of depos4cn

  • Nvhce of necesiton upon oral enarn of CM Crocker on LtLCO procosa! for evacuahrq school cNdren kom piant 10 fMe EPZ durng radr 8802040192 LMon Cou N n State of NY & toen o8 So/hampton rep 4 to NRC Staff re-060gicai emergency Cert 4 Ale of Svc enc 1 Related Correggendence sponse to ULCO troton for sumer.ary ckspesiton n'resocct to comphance e/Secton MuER M S Sd'oa CourW NY MILLER M S Krtpainck & Lockhet #188 5478 50 4 7lcif1)0) & (*)
  • Wton shovhd be denscd based on c'ewant resoor'se B+ 01/25 8pp 442'9112 44219 t 19 L ANOHE R L C Sv'to*a Courey NY LANPHER L C k rtpatnck & Lockhart PALOMNO F G New ve t State of t'89 54M 88/02/01. Atomic Sa'ety and L>

8802040038 S/tc>h County moton tor order comcenang ULCO to respond to Svt'on censeg Road Panes 15m 44218 001-44218107 Cour 4y fast set of eterrogatores & reo.,est for procAcbon of documents

  • Cerbticate of Svc erd -8802040205 Repay of S#oin County State of NY & town of Southampton lo NRC Su MtL E R M S Suf*om Ccury NY MufRMS Arkpatrch & Locshet response n succort of ULCO rvon tot sumrnary espos, ton or hoso evacuaton PALOM NO F G New Vcrk, State of #188 5480 88'C1/25 Atomc Sa'e*y and Le ssue
  • NRC 880115 response supportog utd871218meton shov4 be repcted censeg Bord Panee dico 44219 146 44219 185 L ANPHER L C  %*'on County NY LANPHE R.L C krkpaW<k e LockFert PALOM4NO.F G Nee Ycrk Swe of 88'02 01 Atomic Sa'ery and Lcenseg Beef d 480204004$ SWk County frst set of requests tot st =ssons re remand asse of r@e Pa'v-t 24pp 44218 016-44218 039 conthct os school tus drse's
  • Canficate of Svc ord Reta'ed correspondence M LLE R M S S#om County NY. MuER M S ksspatrta & Lockhart s188 5479 -8802040223 AMeave of LC Larcrier
  • Omscusses 880114 secret meeteg beween b 88 01/25 Atomic Sa'ery and Lrenseg Bovd Panel i1pp 44219124-44219134 censee & NRC a%s fe 25% power motace & need for electrgry frorn piant LANNER L C Sha Cou ty. n NY LANPHER L C Krkpatrca & Lockhrt 88/02/01 8802080017To*n of Soutvampten resporsse to LtLCO first set of eterrogatones & re- aco 442t8 04>44218 043 wes's for orcducton of exuments re roae conhct of school bus drwers to town of L V78 ou re tc NY LA AM S B Teorney. Latham & Shea e188 $518 ** * * ** # #'

88/01/25 Atome Sa'e*y and Lcenseg Bord Panel Sco 44265 024-44265 028 , [,

  • O' '0***** #
  • C*#' "# *
  • HW D T w m State of 88.02/01 aco 44218 044-44218 050 880204002f1 Onsk Cou nty a-seers to ULCO second set of eterrogaeones & recwes's bat ton of docurrents te role conthet of school bus drvers
  • Re'ated corre.

-8802040238 Occosion of Ltt>= Cooney Swe of Nr & town of Soutrampton to M LLER M S Sd*cra Cou n ty NY V:L #188 5476 LtLCO rroton for surwry 1scos' ton of Conteetons 11 & 9 - rirreterevy

  • Utd 88/01/27 Long is-ard Lgntog Co co 1'a44219

'.ER V $ Mrkc.a'nck 087-4421910 / & Lockart 871218moton s*oW te der.ed Statemeet of rea i f ads Orc MCM;/A R A y C M 5,.rva County NY MGMURRAvCM F at;a'nct & Loc

  • hart

! -8802040067Svtota Copy s4ceer ert'ai resoonse to ULCO first set of eterecgatcres 2ANNLEUTER R J Nee York S'a'e of 88 02/01 Atcmc Sa'ety aed LCenseg Bord & recpeos for troducton of ckxv'vts re roie conhc1 e4 scnool tus drve's

  • Certh Pared 38co 44218 C5144218 068 I ca'e of Svc enci Re'ated Cor'esDorv)ence l MuERV$SAk Cou 4 NYr M LLER V $ Mrkparck & LoOhri 88/01/27 -8802040249A'tcart c4 CU McVeay
  • C*scusses ULCO871218moton for summarr i Lcrg is:vd Lytrq Co eco 44219 100-44219 107 G%posoon of Coreenes 12 & 9 cn vrir-aterevy Sete receswy ca'a to anaty7e ute rersed evacua*on bme e%reates not made aradaNe no pcske can te tamen 8802040035 Cevis rrobon for extenson of oscovery e terraaded proceedirq re ree MCMURR AY C Y S#M Ccety NY WMURD AY C M p yhpa'nck & Lc(htari 88r con %c1 c4 scnoor but drwers ' Moton 5 30 day entenson to escorery pared ri pro. C2 '01 Sco 44218 09 44218 093 ceedeg Car **(ate of Svc enct M=LLE R M $ $#N6 Cosrsy NY UuE A M S k anpatnct & Lockhrt -8802040251 Aaca A c4 GC Mrvy
  • miorms that utCO 871218 rwon s re summary PALCWC F G New Yort. State of #16" 5477 88 01/27 Atorruc Sa'e'y and Lt. d4coseon of Corcemons 12 & 9 on mmateresy nr4 sectuaw va 4 cerseg Bord Panef ?)co 44218 254 44218 273 VWOR G C MHS; asseres 88 '01 r29 3co 44218 C94 44218 096

96 DOCKETEDITEMS -4002040200 Affadevil of DT Hartgen to smuterehty

  • Lats ses rwo needed to com duct sound ana*yss of evacuaren emo estmates n ULCO 871218 mote for summa- -4002120036 Affdeve of T Urdarmk to LILCO motson for summay esposeon of Corden.

ry esposeon of Confereons 12 & 9 on ammaienatty tons 1.2 & 9.* Certacate of Svc enct . HARTGEN.D.T, New York. State of 88/02/01. 6m 44218 097 44218102 . URBAN >K.T. Texas A&M Urw Conege Staton, TX, 68/01/25 6pp. 44318145 44318 150. -8402040270 Affaevd of JC Baranska* Discusses trathe centrol aspects of LILCO 8002100015 Sunom County second set cif mtarrogatores & recpests for producten of 471218 monon for summary esposeon of Contentons 1.2 & 9 on immatenehty Certifcate of Svc ertl documenes to ltLCO

  • W/CertAcate of Svc Related corresporcenre.

SARANSKlJ C. New York, State et.88/02/01 app. 4421810344218107. MILLER U S New Yort, State of. M?LLER M S Krspairck & Lockhart #188 5546 88/02/05. Atorme Safety and Lcenseg Bowd Panet 12pp. 44291.166 44291.177. 8002000037Corkmatory memorandum & order (govts mobon tot extensen of escov' ery on rois conthc1 bus wer usue Corkms ordu grantng ente 7sem of escov- 8002100017 Mermam & ordw W on adavenors motion tar ete contw. ence cau to escuss postponement or 88021 date on summary espossten PA # Safety and Lcensmg Board Panet. #188 5501. 88/02/01. 2pp gN]$N A J7A Sa L 88/02/05 Shoreham Opponerns Coantort 2pp. 44N.8oard 44291 Panet J 7t. #188 5554 '9002050049 Memorandum & crder Pulng on apphcant motion of 871208 lor summary esposeon of hosp evacuation osue) Moton neether granted nor derwed pendmg 8002100023 Govt response to Statt & LILCO obiochons to emergmey pa a corHerk evaluanon by etervenors of Rev 9 to emergency plan Served on 880203 ton re LILCO new emergency tiroadcast proposat

  • Govt emergency br ast pro.

GLEASONJ P.. KLtNEJ R SHON FJ. Atomic Safey and Licenseg Board Panet. posal should t- admrtted m entrely W/Carldcate of Sve. #188 5502. 88/02/01. Ofice of the General Counset 4p. 44248111-44248115, LET SCHE.K J Svftom County, NY LE TSCHE.K J Krkpaeck & Lockhart PALOWNOJ G New YorA Staie of #188 5555 88/02/05 Atomm Sa'ety and th 8002000014 trutaaf Deosen (Emer Pism Eretcmel

  • Served on 880204 conseg Bowd Paned 45pp 44291232-44291276 FRYE.J H . PARIS.O H , SHON J townc Safety and Lcenseg Board Panet. #188 5528 88/02/01.265pp 44264119 44265 023 80021000M Deters to NRC poseon to LILCO Jan 880125 rnoten m hmne & moten to 0802000032 FEMA trst response b State of NY fast t set heanng schedure re reopened Contenten 25 C W/Cettecate of Syc t for producten of doew CUMMMW R Federal E Management Agency #188 5547. 88/02/05 ments & test set of mterrogatones to FEMA concorrang tenton 25 C roes conthet GLEASONJ P., KLINE.J R ,

of school tus drwers

  • W/CertAcate of Svc Reisted corresponderte. J Atome Saiety and Lcenang Board Panet CUMucNG W R Feders Emergency Management Agency e188 5518 88/02/01, 4m 44291100 44291103 New Yort. State of. 23pp. 44264 033-44264 055.

4402100034 LLCO rnoten to rep 8v m part to miervenor response on 3002100019LILCO forth set of enerrogatenes a rowests for proeseten of docunwnts 10CFR50 47(c)(IM & (a)

  • Leave to fde bnef reply e ed due b mtervenor re- l te role connct of schoci bus drwers to Suffolk County & New Yort State
  • Certrfcate sponse easeo en ete,pretaten of Comnessen new rule fcate of Svc enci i CHRISTMANJ N Long Isiand L tmg Co CHRISTMANJ N FOnion & Wdhams. '

CHR T N Long Co CHRISTMANJ N Hunton & Waams #188 5552 88/02/01.Suffolk County. NY. 4pp. 44291279 44291282. 4291 330 8002050025 NRC Staff ot4ectens to State of NY frst set of mterrogatones & repst 4402N2 Mohon in set heanng schedule & to prohibst desgnaten of aM ognesses for proescson of documents to NRC Stan & FEMA

  • Interrogatores not re4evant to ct seue before Board WICer1Acate of Svc Retated Corregondence 0"w'0*

ne wines CC"s"e's o'n asue ma not o te sn wed W/CeWficate of SvcRepsis Board to set heare 8ARTHC A. Assstant General Counsel ter Hearngs. #188 5504. 88/02/02 New CHRISTMANJ N Long Island ghnng Co CHRJSTMAN.J N Hunton & Whams York State of. 5pp 44248141-44248145 9 88/c2/05 Atomt fety and Lcensng Board Panel 5pp 44291311 ,8h88 8002050033 NRC Stag response to Lit.CO mohon for summry esposeon of Corten. tons 12 & 9 - enmatenehty

  • NRC supports moten tKenseg Board should grant 8002100064 LILCO response to intervenor 880204 moten ter postponemenL* Moten s strnary espothon of Contentens 1.2 & 9 T Urbaruk athdave end. eo r delay of legal authorey h1galen to snpact of LBP 88-2 should be dened Certe.

BACHMANN.R G Assstant General Counsel for Heanngs e188 5503 88/02/02 cate of Svc enct. Atorruc Saiety and Lcenseg Board Panet 8pp. 44243127 s4248140, ' CHRISTMAN D P, Long is:and Lightng Co CHRiSTMAN.D P Hunton & WAams #168 5551 88/02/05 Atomc Safety and Lcensng Board Panes. 50p 44291.316- .se020$0083 Amdavit of T Urbane to LILCO moten sor summary esposmon of Conten- 44291 320. tons 12 & 9

  • W/Cartdcate of Sve. ,

4.lRSANaz.T Long tstand Lghting Co URBAN:K.T. Texas Transportaten irshtute. 4402100072 Govts moton for ester *sen of twne to tde bnef

  • Appeal Board requested to Teams A&M Urvv.Cooege Staten, TX 88/02/02 6pp. 4424813544248140 recure tnat responses to LECO 871207 appeal of ASLB partial avtial deceen be out>

rnitted by 880209 w/deceen made by880210 W/ Cort **cate of Svc $$02120050 LLCO opposton to meervenor moten for leave to fee nortocutory appeal CASEY.S M Suttoni County. NY CASEY,S M Krkpatnch & Lockhart PALOMINOf G of 8d0107 order

  • Moton should be oened Cer%cate of Svc enct IRWIN.D P. Hunton & Waams #188 5563. 88/02/02 Atome Selety and Lcens*9 New York. State of a188 5538 88/02/05. Atomc Satety and Lcensmg Appeal Appeal Panel 18pp 44318103-44318120 Panel 8@ 44291303 44291310 8002100014ULCO responses & ob,ectons to State of NY fast set of eterrogatores & 8402120N7 FEMA frst response m Sonom County kst request tot hon of de rensest for producten of documents
  • Cerecate of Svc enct Retated correspond. .o P

y N ns % Mon 25 . @ conM W CHRISTM ANJ N Long Island L Co CHRtSTMAN.J N Hunton & Waams W Meral Emergene Mana Agency M $566 88/02M * #188 5543. 88/02/03 Atomc Sa ety and Lcensing Board Panet 12pp 44291154- Amnte Sa% W Ucenang Board gy p 1 . H318 W4318 213 8002120013 Memorandum & order

  • No further motons or rensests for entensore of

$802100022 Memorandum & order (tubrg on Suttolk County rnoten to corroel LILCO hme ma be recorved by Board aner close of buseess on 800219 Serverd on 880209. responses to interrogatories)

  • Derwes SuMolk County mcean to compel LILCO re. GLE ASONJ P, KL!NEJ R, SHONf J. Alomic Safety and Lcensag Boa *d Panet (

sponse to swerrogatones Served on 880205 #188 5556 88/02/06. 2pp. 44318126-44318127 GLEASON)P. Alomc Safety and Lcenseg Board Panet #188 5545 88/02/03 Sul-toa Cowey. NY 7pp. 4429128344291289 4002120039NRC Staff response to opposeon to govt mobon Ier leave to fee rdertocu. tory aweal

  • W/Cor%cate of Sve.

8002100004 Forwards govt monon for mmesa's conference can to escuss pcstpone. REISEJ Aststant Generar Counsel for Hearmgs #168 5568 88/02/06 Atoms me-t of 880210feng deadhne ponen9 consceratcm of repact of LBP-86 2 on mal- Safety and Lcenseg Appeaf Panel 13pp 44318185-44318197. ters e proceedng Corderence can on 880205 regsested LE1 SCHE.K J Sunom Courev. NY. LETSCHE K.J Krkpatnck & Lockhart #188 5548 6602120044 Govt response to ULCO moten m Lance & motons to set heanng sched- ' 88/02/04 GLEASONJ P. KLINEJ R, SHONI J. Alonuc Safety and Lcenseg Board use & request for Bowd clardicahon re pendng escovery matters

  • Board stowed deny Panet tp 44291 29444291 299 ute moton e tsmne e entrety Ce%cate of Svc enct

- -8002100014 Govt moton for emesate conference cas to escuss postponement of PALOM!NO F G New York. mate of. LATHAM.S B Sunoik County NT MILLER M $ shng 480210 deachne peneng coroideration of rewact of LBP 44-2 on manors pene K,hpatnck & Lockhart #188 5565 88/02/06 Atorrue Safety and Lcersng Board Panet 47pp 44318 05444318102 rvj e seeng

  • W/ CertAcale of Sve.

LET KJ Sun oth Comey. NY LETSCHE.K J. Kskpatnck 4 Lockhet 9 PALOMINOf G New YortL State of 88/02/04 Atome Satety and Lcenseg Board 4402120049 LILCO motion to stnke etervenors unauthonred resfy to NRC Sta't re. Pret. 9pp 44291291-44291299 sponse to LILCO hosp summary espositen anoten

  • Repry sM be esmissed as
- another anempt to retradate Board & pepece decesork 0402100026 LILCO response to Surioik Casey fast set of roovests for admissons MATCHETT S D Long Island Lghting Ca MATCHETT.S D. Hunton & Whams #188 remand assue lor "Rc4e Connct" of school bus evers
  • Utd we prowde bus A/or @v- 5573 68/02/08 Amtrwc Sa'ety and Lcenreg Board Panet. Itpp. 44318 214- a ers sor ear $y esmssal d requested Related correspondence 44318 234 MCCLESREY.K E Long is;and L Co MCCLES* EY.K E. Hunton & W&ams

#188 55 3. 88/02/04 Arorruc Sa and Lcenseg Board Panos 6cp 44291115- 680114 , -8,402120053D,scusses %g7 m 99concems re NRC gsecr,et meetog ggqpw/utd p,g m,,e*nch , NRC, i cornpiete record of meebng requested ~4002100034Arrideve of DM Crocaer to SuMork County fast set of requests for adrros- MNPHER.LC. krtpainck & tecknart 88/01/22 REIS E J NRC No Detaded Af* , sens did 880125

  • Cert 4cate of Svc enci Redated correspondence 41cn GsWM 600 318 22H43ta 230 ,

d CROCKER D M Long Island Ughteng Co.88/02/04. $pp. 44291 121 J4291 125 -8802120044 Ack recset of ASLB 800201 memoraness & crder fruhng on amhcant 0802120019 Foreards corrected Nf C response to LILCO moton for summary esoo,. moton of 871208 tot sur% mary esposmon of hoso evacuaten ssuel ASLB must ten of Contefmons 1.2 & 9 eded ott880202 Orgmas resporse meseg Pa2es 5 & 6.. 1080* rules to avod waste of resources caused by acton Certdca$e of Svc enct REIS E J Assstant General Counses for Meanngs atos 5568 88/02/04 LANPHER.L C Krspatrck & Lockhart 88/02/05 GLE ASON J P . KUNEJR. GLEASON)P KLINEJ R. SHONf.J Atomic Salety and Lcenseg Board Panes to SHON F J Atome Sa'ety and Lcensng Board Panet. 4pp 44318 23144318 234 44316 134-44318 150. 4402t20060 SuMom County second set of eterrogatones & reauesi lor prcduction of -4002120027 Correciad NRC Stas response to LILCO moton for surwnary espositen doewnents to F EMA

  • Requests to de rearmed when FEMA revew of Rev 9 to emer-of Careenbons 1.2 4 9 anmatenehty
  • Lcenseg Board snould yant swnmary espo- gency response plan ** be completedCertrfca!e of Svc enctRotated correspone sten of Contentens 1.2 & 9 erce  !

BACHMANN.R G Asestant Geestal Counsel for Hearegs 88/02/02 Atomc Satefy TAyLORJ L Suffom County. NY TAYLORJ L kakpatrce A lockhart e188 5564 and Lcensaig Board Panet topp 44318 135-44318 144. 88/02/06. Atomic Sar ety and Lcenseg Appeaf Panes sco 44318121443t8125 f i 6 , , - . . c, . - - . , , - .- . DOCKETEDITEMS 97 4802170061LfLCO Mtn set of eterrogatores & requesta for producten of documents re -8802180129 Suf'oA County State o NY & town of Southampton resporse to LILCO roie conthet of school bus druers to Sunot County & Nee York State

  • W/Cer1Acate moton for summary esposetson of Content,ons 7 & 8 tegeste pathway & recovery &

of Svc Retated correspondence reentry)

  • Motson must be cened W/Ceetcate of Svc & notee of appearance CHRISTMAS J N Long tvand Letog Co CHRISTMAS.J N Hunton & W4ams #188 CASE D T Suffom Cou%. NY. CASE.D T krkpatnck & Lockhart PALOM2NO.F G 5591 88/02/08 Atomc Sa'ety av, Lcenseg Board Panet 500 44350 013- New York, State of e8/02/10 Atow: Sa'ety ano Lcenseg Board Panel 2 t pp 44350 017 44356 083443 % 113 4402170039 Staff re.ponse to mtervenor moton for entensen of time to f4e bref
  • NRC 8802180047 Suttok Counfy answers to ULCO t%rd set of eterrogaiores & rewests for does not orpose moton provded that NRC time samdanly extended to88030 7.Cette- producten of dacuments te rose confict of school bus drwers to Suffok County &

cate of Svc enci. State of NY

  • Certificate of Syc enct Reiated correspondence JOHNSON.G E Assstant Gereral Counset for Hearnqs #189 5579 88/02/09 MILLER M S Softom Ccunty. NY. UtLLER.M S Kaspainck & Lockhad #188 5606 Atomc Safety and Lcensang Appeal Panel 3pp. 44350 07v-44350 072 88/02/10.Atorruc Satety and Lcenseg Board Panel 13pp 44355 017-44355 029 4802170094 LILCO reofy to etervenors moton for extenson of time to fde bnef
  • Re. 4802170011 NRC Sta" resConse to LILCO moten m hmn6 & rnoten to set schedule
  • Quests that entervenors moren for extensson of twne to fde bree be Gened due lo eter- M7 ton m samme should be granted & moton to set schedvie shoud be he6d m abey-venors fa4ure to show good cause for extensenCertd.cate of Svc enci ence pendeg board resoluton of other remanded asues W/CerVcate of Svc 1RWIN D P Lor g IstarW Lsghtng Co IRWIN D P Hunton & Whams f 188 5578 88/ RE'S E J Assistant General Courset for Heanngs #188 5593. 88/02/11. Atomc 02/09 Atom.c Sa'ety and Lcenseg Appeal Panel. 7pp. 4435016644350172 Safety and Lcensng Board Panel 11pp 44350 026-44350 036.

4802120061 Order

  • Grants govi moton for 4<say extenson of bme e e%ch to fde bref 8802180040 State of NY mofen for order corroe'hng ULCO & NRC Sta'f to respond to e response to apphcant appeal from LBP-47-32 Govi bnet shad be fded by880226 & State of NY hrst set of mterrogatores & request for prodi.cten of documents
  • W/

NRC bref shad be fded by880307 Served on880210 Cemfcate of Svc SHOEMAxER.CJ Alormc Safe *y and Lcenseg Appeal Panel #188 5575 88/02/10- 2ANNLEUTER.RJ New York. State of. #188 5606 e8/02>t2 Of'ce of the General to 44318 244 de318 244 Counsel 23pp 4435613244356154 8802170047 Forwards resconses to ute motions for summary esposton on Comeritons 8802180042Notco of appeal by ULCO from LBP46-2

  • W/Certefcate of Svc IR AMD P Long Isiand Lytmg Co IRWIN O P Hunton & WAams 8188 5604 88/

N E As tant G a s 8 52 88/02/10 02/12 Atomic Sa% and Utenseg Appeal Paned 4pp 44356128-44356131 GLE ASON J P . KUNEJ R , SHON.F J Atome Sa'ety Lcenseg Board Panet 1p 8802240058 Second swpl to Sufform County answers to LfLCO first set of oierrogato. -8802170054 NRC Staff response to ULCO moton for summary espesson of Conten es & d cument rewests to rose conthet of sctrol bus drwers

  • W/ Certificate of ton 5 6 r .aseg decssson & le8ang pubhc)
  • Summry of essessten of contentces 'by jC'[M . NY LETSCHE.K J Kopatnck & Locshart a188 5636 JOHNS GE Ass,stant General Cou nsel for Heanngs 88/02/10 Atomc Saiety 88/02H5 Atomc Safety and Lcensang Board Panel 15pp 44433 232 44433 246 and Lcenseg Board Panel Bop 44350 074 44350 081 8832220035 Memorandum 4 order
  • Order enten& tame unto 880208 to setnit pro-

-4802170063NRC Stan response to ULCO moton for summary osposmon of Conten. posed hearng scheWe Recommendatens rot contae provsons to 25% tea 10 taccess control at EP2 pvaneter) ' uoton shouks be granted sc*er Sewed on BM217. JOHNSON G E Ass,stant General Counsel lor Hearegs 88/02/10 Atome Sa'ety GL E ASON J P Atorm Sa'ety and Licenstg Board Panel 8188 5625 86/02/16 and Lcenseg Board Pened Spp 44350 062-44350 086 C%ce of the General Counsel 1p 44420 00244420 002 -4802170074NRC Sta'f resconse to UtCO mobon for summary espossten of Conten- 8802220070 NRC Sta'f suggWemerdal response to DLCO treten for summry ospos. ter's 4 & 9 (tow tructs & fuel trucas)

  • Facts ma's to summary esposrbon.except facts ton of hoso evacuaton issue
  • NRC verifed that Rev 9 contaes efo anested to m to adequacy of local response comanurocatons.should be deemed establened appicant871218 moton & descnbed m NRC880115ongeal response Affidavit orci JOHNSON G E assistant Generai Coun see lor Heanngs. 88/02/10 Atomic Sa'e ey BACHMANN R G AssrStant General Counsel for Heanngs #188 5624 88 rC2/16 and Lcensmg Board Panel. 9pp 44350 007-44350095 Atomc Sa'e y and Lcenseg Board Panel app 44420 038-44420 046

-4802170074NRC Sta'f response to ULCO moton for summary espwton of Conterv -4802220042 APdact of RT Hogaa te osoositen of hosp evacuabon issueper Rev 9 tons 7 & 8 (mgesten pathway & recovery & reentru ' Summry ospaton shovd be to ute on sde emergency plan W < Cert #cate of Svc granted W/ Certdca'e of Svc HOGAN R T E mergency Prepredness Branch 88/02/11 5pp 44420 042 JOHNSON G E Asssstant General Counsed for Hearegs $8/02/10 AtomeC Sa'ety 44420 046 and Lcenseg Bord Panel 1 top 44350096-44350106 4402240041 Suffom County State of NY & town of Sout*ampton response to ASLB 4402180028 Response of S!ato of NY to UtCO thed set of mienogatones & requests s80201 memorarxham a order ruhng on LILCO mocon tot summary ospositon of hosp for proesctson of documents re rose conmct of school bus esvers

  • W/Cer%cate of evacuatori sste
  • W/Cer%cate of Svc See Retated correspondence ' Su rtoit County NY 2AHNLEUTER R J New York. State of LATHAM S B Soutrw 2AMNLEUTER R J New York State o #188 5607 88/02/10 Long Island L@teg ampton, NY. #188 5643 88/02/16 Atomc Sa'ety ard Lcenseg Bord Panet 1199 Co 16cp 44356177 44356192 44434 04H4434 CSS 4402140044 Formarcs SuMom Cou n ty. State of NY & loan a Southa npton respose m 4402240089 Response of Staie of NY to ULCO fourth set of eterrogatores & reovests opcossten to UtCO summary esposton motons on Contentions 1-2 & 4-10 t

#or producten of documents re rose corWhct of schoot bus dnvers

  • W/Certicare of L ANPHER L C SuMom Countv. NY. LANPHER L C Krkpatrch & Lockhart #188 Svc Reunted corfespondence 5609 88/02/10 GLE ASON.J k KLINE) R , SHON F J Atome Safety and OceMarg 2ANNLEUTER R J New Yort. State of a188 5644 88/02/18 Atomc Saiety and U.

Bord Panet 1p 44355 030-44356113 consang Bord Panel 6pp 44433178-44433183 -8402140053Overvew memorandurn e surport of govt

  • cyposton to ULCO motons g402240026 ULCO vees on contmung Board sunsecton
  • Board shoved rete funsec-tot summry espos. ten of Conteatons 1-2 & 4 to
  • Ult o moton must be dened ton to decade after nest FEMA-grased eserc,se whether any rema<mng fundamentar LETSCHE x J Sunoit County. NY LETSCHE K J Krkpatrck & Lockhad Mes fourd n 860213esercase two been reso'ved Cer%cate of Svc enct PALOM.NO.F G New Yort. State of 88/02/10 Atome Safety and Lcenseg Bord IRMN.D P. Long stand Ughtng Co IRWW D P Hunton & Wahams a188 5652 88/

Panel 83pp 44355 031-44355113 02/17. Atomc Sa'ety and Lcenseg Board Panet 5pp 44433 315-44433 319 -4402140065 Affdavits e s@ port of govts cocesston to ULCO summary escosdon 44022400$2 Informs that NRC does not procosa formatry to respond to appbcant moto.s on Contentions 12 & 4-10

  • Supportog aMoavits octude MM Cuomo PG 88o205 mown re Ehool bus her asue Maner d scheme made mool ty Bord Hapn RCMAccerts 880208 order CUOMO M NeeJE Pacwe, York. Sta'sKJ Letsche &

of HALPtN PGRJROBER 2ahraevte'TS .. A C SuNoe .NYCounty BARTH C A Ass,stant General Counset for Heanngs #188 5635 88/02/17 88/02/10 170pp 44355114-44355 283 GLE ASON J P . KuNE.J R , SHON.F J Atomic Safety and Lcenseg Board Panel 1p -440214007$ Answer of $#ork County State of NY & tcwn of Southagon to ULCO moton for summaq esgoston of Contentons 5 & 6

  • Utd moton for summaq espo 4402240064 W County aw b ULCO lounh set d curvones & docent LA PH RL 04 County, NY LANDHER L C Krkpatrck & Lockhrt '*#8 *
  • C#1 # #"* "" # N PW ""

PALOMoNO F G New York State of 88/02/10 Atomc Sa'e*y and Lcenseg Bord Panel 58;9 44355 284 44355 341 Q'(( Dh *dO' $8* y TA [' 88/02/17 Atomc Sa'ety and Lcenseg Bord Panef 7pp 44433196-44433 202 s M -4402140042 S#om County State of NY & town of Souterrcton response e oppose-ton to UtCO moton ter summary esposeon of Contentons 1 & 2 ' Utd rnotion 4402240045 TNrd surpf to SuMom County answers to ULCO f<st set of eterfcgatores should be den.ed & docteent reques's re fo6e corect of schoot bus ervers

  • A Tumer resume provd-M'LLER M S S#ork Ccenry. NY U+tLER M $ K rt pa thCk & Lock".rt ed to ULCO on680217 Cenfcaw of Svc etc Re'aw ccerespondence PALOMINO.F G New York. Sta'e of 88/02/10 Atomac Sa'ety ard Lcensng Board LETSCHEE J Sum Cou *y. r NY LETSCHE K J Kaspatrck & Lockhart #188 %33 Panef $3pp 44355 342 44356 034 88/02/17. Atomic Safety and Lcenseg Bord Panel 6fp. 44433184 44433109

-8402140091 Oppos4cn of S#os County State of NY & toen of Soumamoton to 4402240091 Response of S#o m Coun *y Staie of NY & toen of Southampton n ecoes-ULCO moton for summary osocMon of Contenton 10 tacess control at EP2 penme- ton to LtLCO moton to ret *y e prt to etervenor rescmse on 10CFR50 4 7tc)(ijp) & ter)

  • Ute mohon must be denerd (=)
  • Moton shouk3 te dened Cer%cate of Svc erd MCMURR AV C M S#o^t CNety NY MCMU A A AY C M P atpatrck & Locturt BROWN H H $#om Cou ty n NY BROWN,H H K rk g.atec k & Lockhrt PAtOM NO F G New York Sta'e d 88'02/10 A*orn c Sa'ety and Lcenseg Bord PALOM'NO.F G New Yort State of #194 5645 88-02/17 Atonwc Sa'e*y and U.

Panet 25cc 44356 035 44356 f49 ceassg Board Pa'ef 1Oro 44434123-44434132 -4402140097 SuMort Cowy State ro Nf 4 tow n o rSout*a '9 ton resperse e opcose 4402240037 ULCO moten for escovery cutoM & for sweary termceun of einess son to LiLCO motion for summary espc+ hon of Contentons 4 & 9

  • Beton rnust be desgnahons
  • Discoveq estended urW840226to comp;ete drpos sons of nc*easesg-deced e eature na'ed einesses CeMca'e of Src erri M:ll ER M $ . om Cou*y r NY M LLER M S k rkpatrck & L oc k >st IR MN O P . CHRSTM AN J N Lorg is,and Ly4rg Co IAW N D D Hur ton & W 4 PALOV NO F G New Yore State of 88/02/10 Atomic Sa'e*y and Liceaseg Bord kams s188 % 41 88 02/18 Atomc Saiety and L(enseg Bced Panel 6pp Penet 23rc 44356 W)443% 082 44433 322 44433 327

.98 DOCKETEDITEMS ' 8002240053 Govi response to ULCO mobon to strate etervonor unauthorred reply to J. Insurance & Indemtwty information . NRC StaN response to LILCO hosp nummartospostte mobon.' BROWN H M Suffom Courey. NY PALOMN F G. New York. State of LATHAM.S B Soumarroton. NY. #188 5642 88/02/10 Alone Safety and Lconsang Board Panet 8402170137 Forwards NELIA Certdcate NW.83 & Endorsements t & 2 MAELU Certa 7pp 44434 01144434 03t. cafe UW-26 & Endorsements 1 & 2.NEUA Certfcate MW 71 & Endorsements t-3 MAELU Certricate WW 15 & Endorsements 13 & Endorsemem 78 to NEILA PWcy -4002240083 R of SvNWk County. State of NY & toen of Southampton to NRC Sra'f L moton for somenary espossters of Contentons 1.2 & 9 smmaten- .DJ. Marsh & McLennan inc. 88/02/09 DINITE.L Othee of Nuclear Re. actor Regulabon, Drector (Post 870411). 217pp. 44420110-44420 326. ETTM WS"AR"B48'^""E'e"&'*" 12pp 44434.020 44434 031-io s?.4*;*a, .'! =>>=a F~a -~ d '* m 23 ea'ai=a -=a e w1y eswance recurements per 58005 wasM fee prawng memo enci F 8002240030 Memorandum & ceder

  • Erlenson of escovery unas 680226 granted on BRITTL,ven.

anon G top Loeg 444302 L Co 88/02/16 DIGGS.R M NRC . No Detaded Aftdi. Island44430.259 CInool bus ever sssue for purpose of completsy depostens on designated wenesses Served on 880222. GLEASON.J P. Asome Seiety and Uconseg Board Panet #188 5638 88/02/19 P. Operst6ng alcones stage documents & ccerospondence 1 Lcng island L ghteg Co Ppp.44434 061 44434 061. I $802240035 Commerits on utd mobon for escovery cutoff & for msnmary teranaten of 0401210332 Genenc ter 8842 to at power reactor licensees re integrated Safety As- ' sessment Program II (ISAP il) Svc hst enci. witness dewgnatens & lir from vid attys re New York Cout of Appeats decrson m Cuomo vs utCO. Suffom County esagrees =/anegatons re purposefsd oesay M.RAGUAf J. Assocsate Drector ter Pro,ects (Post 870411). 88/01/20.Consondated Edson Co. of Nee York. Inc. 48pp. 44202 319 44203 005. LANPHER.L C kskpatnch & Lochrart #188 $639 86/02/19 GLE ASONJ P, C:LINE.J R. SHON FJ. Alomic Safety and Lcenssng Board Panet 2pp 44433 320* 40433 321 48012,60537 Generic Lir 8841 to as BWR beensees & holders of cps for SWRs re NRC pos ten on IGSCC m SWR austervtc stamiess steer pipeg Svc het enct 8002240073 LILCO responses & ob,echons to SvNosk County second set of interrogaio. MIRAGLIAf). Assooate Drector for Pro,ects (Post 870411). 88/01/25 Com we ith Esson Co. 43pp. 44256148 44256.188 nos & requests for producten of documents to LILCO.* Dermal c4 SuMonk County Ao-mssen 5 adeessed. W/Cor%cate of Svc Related correspondence LEUGERS M L island Lighteg Co LEUGERS M Harmon & Weissa. #188 5640 80020,90257 Informs rial revow of utd teouest for authontaten to operate plant at 25% 88/02/19 Softom . NY.13pp 44434 03244434 044 po , m ust be reswned & completed for880119 frieeting w/Muney VARGA.S A. Diesen of Reactor Pro,ects .1/n (Post 070411) 88/01/25 SHAOL D. 8002240078 Forwards app to CLi-8712 omtted trorn tesi of order as served KDYLE.J C. Ottco of the Secretary of the Comtrussort #188 5637. 88/02/19 Offce $$n py E g e ocp , 8 (pgg y ) g of the General Counset opp 44433 19044433 193. 44y,5 357' 0802250196 NRC Sta9 response to Board request for vees of partes or whether m2mHO Forwards check e payment of invoices G0475 & God 76. Board should retae pnscheten over LILCO correctrve actens ' ASLS should not .EMDJ D waM eng Co 88/0/26 NRC No Detaded ANeaten lotan ten over correcirve r easures W/Carthcate of Svc 2pp 4088 M4188 0 JOHN .G E Asarstant General Cc,unsed for Heanngs #188 5665 88/02/19 Atomic Sa'ety and Lscenseg Bowd Panel 6pp. 44456 071-44456 078 440 0 2 oS Pc 87 1- 201 880203 8002250144 Board orders

  • Order adverig of Bord decisons on matters re entenienor t$pp 44283101-44263115.

contentens on LILCO emergency broadcast sys & LtLCO surnmry esposebon me. , Cans on immater of Contentens 1.2 & 9 410CFR$0 47 4 ems Served on 880223 8002260159 Responds to 070614foguest for exerW frorn anrbal fee roourements GLE ASON J P, KL .J R4 SHON.F A Atorrac Sat and Lcenseg Boyd Panel. of 10CFR171 for FY88 Esempten gramed in evere piart authorved to operate above #183 5667. 88/02/22. Othce of the General Courisee . 44460 071-44460 072. 5% of rated thermal poeor m FyS8 by 880930.emempton we no son 0er apply STELLON Olc of the Emecutrve Dreciar for Operatens 88/02/10. LEONAROJD 0802290041 LILCO moten to compet anseers to LILCO thrd set of mterrogatores & Long tsiand Lighteg Co.1p 44500 079-44500 079 moton to hold deceon e abeyance

  • LILCO requests Boad crder Suffom County to answer Inierrogatores 38 4 41 Cer1,6cate of Svc encs 8402220153 Foraros response to Genenc tr 88 02 edcating eterest m ISAP e for MATCHETT.S D Long tsiand Lightng Co. MATCHETT.S D. Hunton & W4kams #188 plani 5677. 88/02/22 Alomc Salery and Lcenseg Bo&d Panel 7pp 44496 001 LEONARD.J D. Lon Co. 88/02/17. Document Control Branch (Docu.

44496 007. trent Control Desa).g 3ppisland 4444 L 25 -44447.254 8002290052SuMolk County answers to LILCO h'th set of eterrogstores & roguests for 8402230304 Requests sne access rir for S Brown vis4 to plant. 37c3ecten of documents to ro6e confict of school bus dreers

  • Carbfcate of syc BUTLER W R Protect Orec1 crate 1-2 88/02/19 HARAsSON.T L Regen 1. Olc of the encLReta ed correspondence Drector 2pp 44443 265 44443 266 MILLER U S Sutton County NY. MILLER.M S Krkpainck & LaChhart #188 5680 88/02/22 Long Island Lightng Co. 7pp. 44496 013-44496 019 C. Inspection reports, it sulletsne & correspondence

$$02290074 Response of State of NY 10 LILCO htth set of nierrogatores a reauests for t,on of s to role confhet of school bus dnvers

  • W/Corbfcate of 88022H253 Nokfcaten of 870918SALP Board mee e Regoni 0

ZAHNLEUTER.R J New York. State of #188 5679 88/02/22 Long Island Lghteg Co. 6pp 44496 045 44496 050 44N,C04Nei 4 - 8002290046 Memorandum & crder (ru hng on LILCO mobon m hmme & moten to set 8002190021 schedule)

  • Requests Ier estabhshment of achechse & prohtwteg fur 1her desgnaten mondanng was IPkckness of carbon steel pcesof epce mass programs nor sa'etyResponds to NRC Buaeta 87 of witnesses moot Served on 880224 of cordensate, feedeater & conected gy peg escussed GLEASONJ P, KUNEJ R, SHON.F.J Atomc Sa'ety and Licenseg Board Panet LEONAROJ D. Long Wand L Ca 7/09/14 RUSwLL.W Regen 1. Ole of the

#188 5676 68/02/23 Long Wand Lghbng Co, Sep 44496 00644496 012. O'eC80' 29PO 8440d 297'" 3 S- . 8002290073 Govemment vees on whether Lcentag Bord should retae pnseebon of $402090114 FOIA roovest for doNmerits re map of screenees sea of facairty.per inso eserc se 6tgaton

  • SvHoik County State of NY & Town of Southampton re@est that Rept 50 322/83-21 on 8306224727 Board retam precten of esercase 6tgabon W/ Cart 4sto of Svt PALAST'.G A Unca Assocates 87/12/14 GR1MSLEY.D H NRC . No DetaAed Af CASEY.S M Surlon County. NY, CASEY.S M Kampatrch & Lockhart PALOM*NOf.G aten Gewen 3pp 4429210344292185 New York. State of #188 5683. 88/02/23 Atomic Salety and Lcenseg Board Paned 8pp. 44496 031-44496 038 8001210097 NRC Info Notee 68401. *Saiety inpocton Poe Fadure " Svc 6st enct ROSSIC E Drvoon of Operatonal Events Assessment (Posi 8704111 88/01/27 4002290074 Govt response to NRC StaM supocrt of LILCO segal authardy summary 0+ Consondated Eeson Co of New ycrk. inc.123m 44176 075-44176197.

pos, ten molens

  • Govt recutted NRC & LILCO argument that any presurrotons omsts & govts to stather plea.:le9s Certreate of Svc enct 8402050179 Forords Rev 4 to eservce eso program.mcorporateg provesces to m.

LANPHER L C. County. NY LANPHER.L C Kstparck & Lockhart scoci Oass 2 eends per ASUE Code Case N 408 4 remed requests for nse of coetaan-PALOMINOf G New York. State of #188 5678. 68/02/23 Atorruc Sa'ety and Lk ment poneraten flued head weeds conting Board Panet 6pp 444960444496 044 LEONaROJ D Long Isand Lgnano Co 88 r01/29 (>ocumeni Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Dest).600 4426000f44261299 8002290057 Memorandum & ordertBord ruhng en contentions to LILCO emergency IUcO3 cast Sys)

  • Intervenors contentson e/Sases 1 A.1 B 1 C.1 F & 2 A adervtted & ~4402050182 Rev 4 in 80A8608 "Inservce into Program RaAGeneral 7est For Shore.

pened of escovery of 15 days from recect of crder authorged Served on 880224 nam Nuclear Power Plant Urvt 1 - GLEASONJ P, KLINEJ R . SHON F J Atomic Sa'e'y and Lcenseg Board Panet

  • Nuclear Energy Services. Inc. 68/01/25 23m 44260007-44260 030

#188 5675 OS/02/24 Long wand tgntog Co 800 44496 023-44496 030 -4402050145 Rev 4 to $0A8609 ainsetece Insp Prtgram Plan, Reactor Pressee M. General correspondence vesses Snoreham Nuclear Power Plant Urvt t "

  • Nuciear Energy Services. Inc 68/01/251350p 4426003144260165 8002040210 Comment proposed tune 10CFR50 re teenseg of nuclear power -8402050189 Rev 2 to 80A8610. 7mseecce inso Prcgam Pia % Main Steam strits where state &/or govts dochne to cooperate e oNade ernergency pun. Sys Sha'enam Nuciear Power Plant Unst t ? Wlone oversee draweg rwg
  • Nuc8er Energt Servces Inc 68/01/25105p9 44260166-44260270 SH4RPJ North Carolma Consumers Counce Newsaetter $7/10/30 ZECH L Com-rresserers 1p 44254150L44254150 -4402050195 Rev 2 to 80A8611 7nservce inso Program Pta%Feedeater Sys Snoreham Nucfear Poeer Pent und 1 "

0402040047 Foreros rev to orgartrabonal chad preserited n 871208lir.necating that

  • Nuclear Ene gy Sereces. Inc 68/01/25 340p 44260 27144260 304 drector of ofc of tra#eng */nucter traeung respons44rtes ed rept drect'y to o#c of po. sdent effecirve 680101 LEONAROJD Long estard L

-4802050196 Rev 4 to 80 A4612 "leservce tr+so Program RatRecaculaton Co 68/01/28 Docurnent Control Branch (Docu. Sys Shoreham Nuclear Power Pier 4 Urwt 1 - ment Control Desk) 2pp 44254 44254 087.

  • Nuclear Energy Services. Inc 88/01/25 47pp 44260 305-44260 351 4

.- _ . - - , , . - . ,,,- -,_7- .. - , , , ,, .-._my_,m ,, , , - . . ,,-.-y- .,.__,m,-,y , DOCKETEDITEMS 99 ~4002000199 Rev 3 to 80A8613. *tneervce insp P/oyom Ptari.RHR Sys. Shoreham V. Operstor Esaminations Nuclear Pceer Plant Urut 17 W/two overs 'e Wawegs

  • Nuclear Energy Servces. Inc.68/01/25 94pp. 44260.352442til CAS 5802250494Forwyds wrata to SALP Rept50 322/86 99for Mar 1986. M 1967/ eve-

-4002060204 Rev 3 to 60A8614 "Interwce insp Program Plan, Core Spray Sys.Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant Urut 1." W/one oversae creweg ,8 "[ , RUSSELLW T. Reaan 1. Olc of the Drector. 88/02/22.LEONAROJ D Long estand

  • Nuclear Energy Sernces,Inc. 88/0I/25. 31pp. 44261086-44261.116 Wg Co. 63pp. I4425153-44495 221 20 '

P Urtt i see -8402260143 Errata to SALP Rept 50-322/66-99 tor Mar 1986 Jul 1987, renseg Page

  • Nuclear Energy Serwces. Inc.88/01/25 44pp. 44261117-4426f.180. 38 a p Oc of the Drector. 67/09/16 56pp. 44495.16044495 219

=0002050211 Rev 3 to 80A8616. "Inneryce inso Program Plan,RCIC Sys.Shoreham Nu-clear Power Plant Urts 1." W/two oversee dawegs

  • Nuclear Energy Servces. Inc.68/01/25 27pp 44261.16144261.187. DOCKET 50 323 DIABLO CANYDN NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2

-4002090214 Rev 2 to 80A8617. "Inservce insp Program Plan. Standby Lapd Control Sys.$noreham Pbeisar Power Plant Una 1." F. Securfty, medical, emergency & fire protect 6 ort piens

  • Nuclear Energy Servces. Inc 68/01/2519pp 44261.168-44261.206.

-4002050216 Rev 2 to 80A8616. "Inserwce insp Program Plan.RWCU Sys. Shoreham Nuc4 ear Power Plant Urut 1. 000 I g p h (g'7 E *^ # g'3pp 44 358 166.

  • Nuclear Energy Serwces. inc.88/01/25. 54pp 44261207-442612 8002010124 Forwards insp Repts 54275/87-43 4 50 323/8744 on 871214- 18.No wo-

-48020$02 Rev to 60 19, "hservce insp Progam Plan CRO Sys. Shoreham EM R '5. Ofc of tre Drector.88/01/15 SHIFFERJ D. PacAc Gas 4 Electnc Co 2pp. 44 63 346-44183 353 ~

  • Nuclear Energy Servces. lnc. 68/01/25.19pp. 44261.262-44261280.

-4002050220 Rev 1 to 80A2620. "insonnce inso Program Plan.Ovanty G,oup C -8402010125tnsp Repts54275/8743 & 50 323/87-44 cn 871214-18 No vciabons or Syn.Shorenam Nuciear Power Plant Urvt 1." demabons notedMasar areas rispectedwtal areas.e<ppment m plant & fosowup of

  • Nuclear Energy Servces. Inc.64/02/15 epp. 44261281-44261289 enforcerent 6 open mems BURDOIN.J F. Regen 5. Osc of tre Drector. 68/01/12. 6pp 44183 34844183 353

-4002050222 Rev 3 to 60A8621. "insetece inso Program Plan.Contamment Penetra. ton Fbod Heads Shoreham Nuc4 ear Power Plant Urut 1 *

  • Nucsear Energ/ Servces. Inc.68/01/25 topp. 44261.29044261299 Q. Adjudbcatory correspondence 8401260102 NRC Info Notre 88402. "Lost er Stolen Gauges " Svc hst onel 8402040040 Onter
  • Order evaneng tme tar Comnussen e detern=ne whetw e CUNNINGHAM.R E. Desen of Industhat & Me$ cal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 68/02/02. Consondated Edson Co. of New Yort, Inc.12 top. 44296093'44296 213 'O H c e etary $

E C. sort #188 5451. 68/01/27. Com-4402010064 NRC Info Nobce 86-003. "Cracts m Shroud S@ port Access Hose Cover "wsseners 10. 442t914244219142. Weeds Svc tst enct ROSSI.C E. Desen of Opratonal Events Assessment (Post 870411). 68/02/02 8402220061 Order

  • Trne for Comnesen to dete vene whether to rece ALAB-880 Conschdated Edson Co. of New Yort inc.112pp. 44338 22544338 336 ertended to880311. Served on880217.

HOYLEJC Othee of the Sect of the Comte ssert #188 5611. 86/02/17. Com-8402020034 NRC Busetc 88401,"Defects n Wesenghouse Crcuit Breakers" Svc bst "*550'*r* 3D 44420074 44420 4 enci ROSSI.CE. Onnen of Operatonal Events Assessment tPost 870411). 68/02/05 Consohdated Essen Co. of New York, Inc.140pp 44339 225-44340004 J. Inourence & indemnity information 4402020038NRC Bunetc 88-002. "Rapdh Propagateg Fatque Cracks e Steam Go"' 6802090076 Forwards Endorsement 4 to NE' aA & MAEtU CertAcates N-76 & M-erstar Tubos Svc tst enci- 76 resgectue*y Endorsement 7 to NEttA & 6 AELU Cerbfcates N 74 & M 74.respec-ROSSI.C E. Desen of Operabonal Events Assessment (Post 870411) 88/02/05- tweiy & Endorsements 24 4 26 to MAELU Pr acy MF 103 Consohdated Eeson Co of New Yortt inc.124pp. 44338 337-44339100. LOCs(E.R F. PacAc Gas & Eiocine Co 68 91/28 SALTZMAN.J NRC No Detaded 8002023228 NRC Info Notce 88404. "lnadequate Quakfcanon & Documentaten of # D # Fee Barrer Penerston Sesas." Svc kst rnet ROSSA.C E Desen of Operabonal Events Assessment (Post 870411) 68/02/05 P. OpwMmg Econee suge documents & correspondence Consohdated Eoson Co. of New Yortt. anc.124pp 44339101-44339 224. 6802110328 NRC Info Notee 66 005. "Fro m Annurcantor Control Cabeets" Svc hst 4402110192Formards Amends 23 4 22 to Lcenses DPR40 4 DPR 82. respectwo'y a enci sa'ety evabanon Amends authonte.on one-tme bases survedance recprement for em ROSSi,CE. Desen of Opershonal Events Assessment (Post 870411) 68/02/12 ercring turtune vanes on una 1 to te de' erred-Conschdated E& son Co. of New York, enc.12@p 44523 25644524 015- TRAMvELLC M Proyect Oroctorate V ST/IV18 SM1FFER J D. PacAc Gas & Elec-tre Co 3pp 44335 30744335 320. 6402250494 Forwards strata e SALP Rept50 322/66-99 for War 1986 Jul 1987/ eves-og Page 38 & Taote 5 ty correcteg typos Performance reflected noteworthy sn- -8802110200 Arnends 23 4 22 to Lcerses DPR40 4 DPf142.respec1we*y, provemer4 in several functonal areas author'zeg on one-t me bass sunreaance rogurement for esercemg turtune vanes on RUSSELLW T. . Ofc of the Drector 88/02/22. LEONARD.J D Long Island und 1 to te deterred uned 7 cays tonowng und 2 return to power operaten Leghtng Co 63c0 4495 153-44495 222 k NIGHTON.G W Proiect Drectorate y 87/11/18 6g9 44335 310-44335 315. -8402260143 Errata no SALP Rept 50 322/66 99 for Mar 1986. AA 1987. reveng Page -8402110203 Sa'ety evababon supporung Amends 23 & 22 to Lconses DPR40 & 38 & Table 5 DPR 42.respectrve8y

  • Regen t. Orc ot the Drector 87/09/18 56pp 44495160 44495 219
  • Othee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten, Drector (Post 870411). 87/11/18, 5pp.

- 6402250501 Docusses uti plans to conteue enart for tugh level of peiermance. actens te post work housekeepeg & mcreased sN 8401210332Genenc Lir 6842 to all power reactor hcensees te integrated Safety As-feed tme LERs & s@ port por SALP rept for War 1966 J6d 1987- sessment Prooram M (tSAP 11) Svc hst enci LEONARD.J D. Long Island Co. 88/01/29 RUSSELLW T. Regen 1. Orc ed MiaAct 4,FJ Associate Drector for Propcts (Post 87041t). 68/01/20.Consohdated lhe Drec1ct. 399 44495 2204 - Essen Co. of New York. inc. dopo 44m 319-44203 005 8402020294 triforms that severe toft natures found m steam generator prvnery mannay R. Portodic operateg reports & related correspondence cowws dureg M re removal & mstaWon per 820602 nr Consnbubng 4cer deemed to te FEL#RO't+5000 antee te corrocund $402050077 Monthly operabng rept for Dec 1988 W/680105 ler SHIFFER.J D PacAc Gas & E'ecine Co 88/01/29 Document Cor*ol Branch (Docu. POttS.T. STEIGER.W E. Long island Lghtng Co. 87/12/31. app 44n2 3 to- ment Controt Desk) 2pp. 44189 360 44189 361. 44262 3t3. 8402290344 Serrmannual Radoactue Erfkent Release Rept for Thad & Founh I a abaten eorkshop ed 1 47 1 es Overters.1987.Metect Summar/ & O*tste Dose Assessment" W/680226 str

  • Lor.g is!and Lghtng 47/12/31.170cc. 44517 014-44517163 m,eeteg s .eFFER.J D. PacAc Gas & Electne Co 88/02/05 Document Coreci Bdanch (Doce ment Coreal Dest) 27pp 44287157-44267183 SL Reportatide occurrences, LERa & telated correspondence 4402120079 PetJ response b FOlA request for documero re potenbat genere or sete-specAc bachtits unoer corederaten tv P RC sece Sept 1985 App D documents avad-8402120214 Part 21 rept te ACCDOS (HP45) & RMS computer codes IrvtiaPy reported acde m PDR App E documents withread (ref FOtA Esenoten SL on 680126 Engreenng charge request cicdemerited rwoMng RMS computer code GRiMSLEY.D H DN$on of Rules & Records (Post 870413) 68/02/09 WDSS E R sonware & should be competed by Feo 1968 Harmon & Worst Scp 44342 177-44343 048 LEONARD.J D. Lorig Island LsghMg Co 88'01/29 RUSSELLW.T. Regen 1. Orc of the Drector 3so 44342096-44342 098 8705290091 Presents compos 4e set of NRC & aWstry recommended remedal &

tons based on 1985 AEOO Case Study Rept C503 re DHR protdems for PWR operaton Table 1 preserteg chrono ogya of 37 events cost-bene *4 anapysrs a related T. Hearing tronocripts on non antitrust matters yien encg JORDAN E Onice ter Anayss & Eysbaten of Oreratonal Data Drector 67/05/18 8002020002 Transcnpt of 680128 preheareg cori4ererce m Bethesda.MD re remand / MURLEY,Y E Onice of Pe.csear Reac1cr Re3Jabon. Drector i Post 870411) emergercy pla> rung Pp19 250 19 278 BECKJORD E S 08tce of Nucsear Reg /atory Aesearch. Drector (Post 860720).

  • Atomc battry and Lcenseg Board Panel 68/01/28 3trp 44187182-44187 212 18pp 44342164-44342 201 I

 ;._  % y. ,. _ . ~ _ .-~ , - .- - , . , - , - - - - , _ _ _ . ._7- 100 DOCKETEDITEMS ' 0802170118 NoWcahon of contract executertMod "Earthquake Potential & Mu Credtee Earthquase for Datso Canyon Power Plart" Coreactor Vruv of Nevada . =0002170304 Esam Rept 50 275/OL 8742 for Urvis 1 & 2 on 871206-17 Enam ' Reno results tree sermor reactor canddates & twebe reactor operator cark$aates passed operateg & wntten exams. 8AZINJ. Coreact Adrewsseanon Brancrt FIN Ot325 88/02/12 BA2W A.S S Offce MORRn

  • P, ELNJ Repon 5, Oc of the Drector. 88/01/27. 221pp. 44354129 of Nuchar Reactor aten. Ovector (Post 870411t POSLUSNY.C. NRC . No Do. 44354 349.

taded Afteaton G vert . 44362 264 44362 286. -3002170121 Mod 7,adeng meremental ,lo "tarthquake Poternal & Man Cree- 0001M0102 NRC Irwo Nooce 86 002. "Lost or Stolen Gauges " Svc hst enct CUNNINGHAM.R E. Dvisaan of industnal & Meecal Nuciear Satefy (Post 870729 Un r of, .EJ Desen of Coreacta (Post 870413). FIN ne a es n aW ow 121pp 44296M44296 21 01235 06/02/ t2. 2pp. 44362 28%44362.286. 340M10004 NRC Info Notce 88403. "Cracks n Shroud $44 port Access Hose Cover 8002190129 Parital response to FOLA request for documentsForwards App 8 Weeds Svc hst enct documents App C & D documents withheld (ref FOA Esempton 5) ROSSI.CE. Desen of Operatenal Events Assessment (Post 870411r OS/02/02. GRIMSLEY.D H Desen of Rules & Records (Post 870413E 68/02/16 CONNOR.L Consohdated Eason Co. of New York. Inc.112pp 44338 225 44336 336 Doc-Serch Asscoales. 6pp 44374 00144374.124. -4002100131 Forwards docwnents re audn performerf ty Nucser Svts Corp on ppeg 8002000217 Ack recept of 860126 ler adarrreno NRC of steps taken to correct volations ristanehon work al plant m iesponse to H Vyers request W/o encls noted n insp Repts 50-275/87 38 4 50 321/87-38 Correctue actens em os verded dumg tuture map. REHM.T.A. Oc of the Esecutrue Drector its Operatons 84/03/22. COMBS.F. ONce of Conyessenal Affars (pre 870413) 1p. 44374 007 44374 007 ZMUERMAN.R P. Regen 5. Osc of me Drector. 68/02/03. SHIFFERJD Pacrhc Gas & Liectnc Co.1p. 44277.10544277.109. 0802100207 Genene Lir 8843 re resolucon of Generc Safety lasue 93.

  • Steam Beeng of 4ur FeedwaMr Pumps" Svc hst enci 4402020034 NRC BJietm 88-001. Telects n Westeghouse Crcus Breakers
  • Svc hst Mi FJ Dmsen of Operatonal Everes Assessment (Post 8704t ti. 66/02I17 eneg Consondated Esson Co of New York. inc. 44pp. 44524 01644524 061- ROSSI.C E. Desen of Operatenai Events Assessmere (Post 870411). 88/02/05 Consondated Essen Co of New York. Inc 140pp 44339 225-44340004 0802240328 Forwards sa'ety evaluaton to removal of RHR autociosure eterlock func-ton & mstataten of atrm NRC deternuned that removal of RHR mterlocs funcaon 8402020035NRC Bubetc 88402. "RapidPy Propagateg Fabgue Cracks m Steam Gerk does not constitute urreviewed sa'ety questen or r e enod of Tech Specs orator Tubes? Svc hst once.

ROOD.H Propect Drectorate V. 88/02/t7. SHIFFE J D. Pacerc Gas & Elecec Co. 3pp. 44474 31444474 323 ROSSI.CE. Omsen of Operatonal Events Assessmert (Post 870411). 88/02/05. Coreohdated Esson Co of New Yors,Inc 124pp 44336 337-44339100. -4002240320 Safety evaluaten supportng removal of autoclosure etertock duricsortNRC be6 eves that p.ocedwal ertsancements prrposed by teensee 343 Con. 800202c220 NRC Irifo Nosce 86404. "inadeounte Quakteaton & Documentaten of sderacey to piant sawy Fro Bamer Pcretrshon Sears

  • Svc bst once.
  • Orfce of Nuctear Heactor Regalaten. Drector (Post 870411) 88/02'17. 7pp ROSSICE. Dvison of Operatonal Events Assessmerd (Post 870411). 88/02/05.

44474 317 4 4474 323. Consondated Eeson Co of New York. inc.124pp. 4433910144339 224. 8002220371 Forwards response to Genene Le 8842. "lSAP 11" Ades tree reeded to se J $ec o 88h20 pe lees / 33 4 3 84 ac & i mord Control Desk). 4pp. 44430 08044430 063 88/02 1 ol Bra (Docu- ,J, M C 4356 289 88/02/08 SHIFF ERJ D. Pacifc Gas & Elec-0802200053 Fifteenth partal response to FOA request App W doctanents placed n POR App X documents re aneganon forms & spucal msp summres parbaay withhead 8002110320 enci NRC Into Notco 88405. "Fro in Annunc ator Coneol Cabeets? Svc het tret FOLA Everrotens 6 & 7) ROSSI.CE. Dvison of Operatonal Events Asseswent (Posi 870411) 88/02/12. GRMSLEY.D H Dmsen of RJes & Records (Post 870413) 84/02/23. GARDE.8 P Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Irc 120pp 44523 25444524 015 Govemment Accountabety Prorect 8pp. 44506 31644507 tt?. -86322600$0 Parbany wethheld memo forwarong M Mendonca 831008 hand wrrtten a note re anegaten c4 fatsned weeder quabfcanons Ofc of investsgatons should take eSPonSeddy wsNstAwsK1.F A. Repon 5. Ole of the Drector 88/02/12 SHiFFERJ D. Paofc head B4SH 'OP.T W Regon 5 Osc of the Drector Gas & Electrc Co. 2pp. 44514 29744514 306 bvnngatons. 4pp. 44506 32&u506 329 83/10/13 SHACKLETONO C Oftce of -8402290345 Inso Repts %275/88414 50 323/8841 on 8801tS22No votatens -4002260066 Partesy wrneed lir to concerns espressed an 831100 teicon rotated to noeed Ma#or areas mspected pmnous esp knengsW wastes.bcenen mpts & b " '9 ~ Can to a a pr  ! en"e", ' HOO E Y P epon 5. the Drector /02/12. 8pp 44514 299 COR5CH.D F.44506 Recon33044507.177.

5. Orc of the Drecsor 83/11/09 NRC - No Detaded Aff*aten 44514 306 Gewert 200pp.

4402220294 Forwards response to NRC ler te violatons noted r, insp Repts S275/07-6 inepection reports. IE Sunetens & correspondence 42 & 50-323/8743 Correceve actons SJvedance Test Procedure P 3B, "Routine Survemance Test RHR Purres" revised to prowde erecten for esta84 tort SHWFERJ D Pacshc Gas & Electne Co 88/02/19 Documert Control Branch (Docu-8002010124Formansa inso Repts50 275/87-43 4 50 323/87-44 on 871214 18 No vo. rnent Cor*of Desk) 6pp 46 M4442912t latcas or deviatens noted FlWVERMAN R P Reoen 5, Osc of the Drector 88/01/15 SH6FFER.J D PacAc Gas & Elecec Co 2pp 44Ia3 346-44183 353 8402260053 Fsiteernh partal response to FotA request App W doceents placed m PDR App X documents re 38egaton torms & special msp summeres partapy wfmeld tred FotA Esemptons 8 & D -4002010125 Insp Repts 50-??5/87-43 & S323/8744 on 871214-18 No veiabons or donatons ncsed Mador areas espected wtai areas.oqvpment m plant & fonoww of GRMSLEY.O H. Desen of ras & Records (Post 8704131 88/02/23. GARDE B P. enfcxemere & ocen dems Government Accountabshty Progect 8pp 44506 31644507117. BURDOtNJ F MENDONCA.M M Repon 5 Ole of the Drector 88/01/12. 6pp W83 34844183 353- ~4402260084 Partesy **thheid ter to concerne empressed m 8311081eicon reated s to e m provdng adequale response to Roosng in pce tunned at Urvt 1 Amega-8402000047 Forwards insp Repts $4275/87-42 & $0-323/87-43 on 871115- 1219 & noace of violah ZWWERMAN R P. Regon 5. Ofc of the Drector 88/01I20 SHIFFE RJ D. PacdC Gas}}