MONTHYEARML20071L4361982-08-27027 August 1982 Negative Declaration Supporting Amends 6 to CPPR-126 & CPPR-127 Changing Allowable Groundwater Withdrawal Rate ML20038A8061981-09-30030 September 1981 Negative Declaration Supporting Amend 4 to CPPR-126 & CPPR-127,reflecting Revised Ownership Interests of Utils ML20149B0711978-12-0404 December 1978 Negative Declaration for Proposed Amends to CPPR-127 & CPPR-126 1982-08-27
MONTHYEARML20210L6661999-08-0404 August 1999 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact for Operation of Cpses,Units 1 & 2 in Somervell County,Tx.Amends Would Allow Util to Increase Licensed Thermal Power Level from 3411 to 3445 Mwt ML20210J8131999-08-0202 August 1999 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Proposed Action to Change Licenses to Reflect Change of Name of CPSES Licensee from Texas Utilities Electric Co ML20195C6991999-04-28028 April 1999 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Proposed Exemption That Would Reduce Power Level Margin Assumed for ECCS Required by 10CFR50,App K,Based on New Feedwater Flow Measurement Sys ML20206D3701998-12-31031 December 1998 CPSES Units 1 & 2 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for 1998. with ML20206E0091998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept for Cpses ML20206E6441998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Environ Operating Rept (Nonradiological) for Cpses,Units 1 & 2. with TXX-9809, CPSES Units 1 & 2 1997 Annual Environ Operating Rept (Nonradiological)1997-12-31031 December 1997 CPSES Units 1 & 2 1997 Annual Environ Operating Rept (Nonradiological) ML20217D6141997-12-31031 December 1997 CPSES 1997 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Rept. W/One Oversize Drawing ML20217M3781997-12-31031 December 1997 CPSES Units 1 & 2 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for 970101-971231 ML20138F8891996-12-31031 December 1996 CPSES 1996 Annual Environ Operating Rept (Nonradiological) TXX-9709, TU Electric Cpes 1996 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept. W/Two Oversize Drawings &1996-12-31031 December 1996 TU Electric Cpes 1996 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept. W/Two Oversize Drawings & ML20138B5001996-12-31031 December 1996 CPSES Units 1 & 2 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for 960101-1231 ML20134J6671996-11-13013 November 1996 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Corporate Restructuring of Texas Util Co to Facilitate Acquistion of Enserch Corp ML20108A9101995-12-31031 December 1995 Tuec CPSES Units 1 & 2 1995 Annual Environ Operating Rept (Nonradiological) ML20108C6251995-12-31031 December 1995 Radiological Environ Monitoring Program 1995 Annual Rept ML20108C5451995-12-31031 December 1995 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Jan-Dec 1995 ML20086T8321995-07-27027 July 1995 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 940812 Amend Request to Plant Tss,Revising Limitations on Concentrations of Radioactive Matl Released in Liquid Effluents ML20082T7371994-12-31031 December 1994 Radiological Environ Monitoring Program 1994 Annual Rept ML20082R1991994-12-31031 December 1994 Ses Radiological Effluent 1994 Annual Rept ML20071Q6891994-08-0505 August 1994 Eia Supporting Proposed Amends to Licenses NPF-87 & NPF-89 ML20065C5171994-03-30030 March 1994 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.71(e)(3)(i) for Plant ML20029C9941993-12-31031 December 1993 CPSES Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 1993 Annual Rept ML20067D2291993-12-31031 December 1993 CPSES Units 1 & 2 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Jul-Dec 1993 ML20029C9881993-12-31031 December 1993 Annual Environ Operating Rept (Nonradiological) ML20056G0051993-06-30030 June 1993 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Jan-June 1993 ML20045C3071993-06-16016 June 1993 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Storage & Use of Fuel Enriched w/U-235 Up to 4.3 Weight Percent at Plant,Acceptable ML20128K2831993-02-0202 February 1993 Environmental Protection Plan (Nonradiological) ML20127C4221993-01-11011 January 1993 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 921218 Request for Exemption from 10CFR70.24 Requirements Concerning Criticality Monitors in Areas Where Fuel Assemblies Stored & Handled ML20127C1931993-01-11011 January 1993 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Request for Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50,app J Requirements Concerning Containment Airlock Leakage Testing ML20034E9341992-12-31031 December 1992 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jul-Dec 1992 TXX-9318, Cpses,Unit 1 1992 Annual Environ Operating Rept (Non-Radiological)1992-12-31031 December 1992 Cpses,Unit 1 1992 Annual Environ Operating Rept (Non-Radiological) ML20034E7711992-12-31031 December 1992 Summary of Personnel Monitoring Ending 921231 ML20114B5321992-08-20020 August 1992 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 920601 Application for Schedular Exemption from Requirements of App E,Section VI (4)(d) of 10CFR50 TXX-9241, Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept,Jan-June 19921992-06-30030 June 1992 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept,Jan-June 1992 ML20101H3271992-06-23023 June 1992 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Amend to Const Permit to Extend Latest Const Completion Date from 920801 to 950801 ML20090A9711991-12-31031 December 1991 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jul Through Dec 1991 ML20105B6161991-12-31031 December 1991 Corrected Tables for 1990 & 1991 CPSES Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Repts ML20082L8621991-06-30030 June 1991 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Jan-June 1991 ML20091B2891991-05-20020 May 1991 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Util 910401 Request for Schedular Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.71(e) ML20070R6791990-12-31031 December 1990 Rev to 1990 Semiannual Effluent Rept for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station,Unit 1 ML20073E7071990-12-31031 December 1990 Annual Environ Operating Rept ML20073H5801990-12-31031 December 1990 TU Electric Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Radiological Environ Monitoring Program 1990 Annual Rept ML20028G8301990-06-30030 June 1990 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for 900430- 0630 ML20006F5411990-02-0808 February 1990 Environ Protection Plan (Nonradiological) ML20012A8361989-12-31031 December 1989 Summary of Personnel Monitoring Ending 891231 ML20073H5911989-12-31031 December 1989 TU Electric Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Radiological Environ Monitoring Program 1989 Annual Rept ML20246D8471989-08-23023 August 1989 Notice of Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact.Amend Deletes Tex-La as Owner on CP & Increases Util Aggregate Ownership to 100% ML20073H5851988-12-31031 December 1988 TU Electric Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Radiological Environ Monitoring Program 1988 Annual Rept ML20205D4491988-10-19019 October 1988 Notice of Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 880606 Request to Extend Latest Const Completion Date from 880801 to 910801 for CP CPPR-127 ML20207P0111988-10-17017 October 1988 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Extension of Const Completion Date Until 920801 1999-08-04
[Table view] |
.(CPPR-126'AND CPPR-127)
DOCKET NOS. 50-445 ann 50-446 The staff of the U. S.-Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has reviewed the proposed amendment relating to the construction permits-for the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Units No.-1 and 2 (CPPR-.
126.and CPPR-127) located in Somervell County, Texas, issued to Texas
.l Utilities Generating. Company..et al. The amendment would authorize a
modification of Condition.3.E.(7) to remove the requirement-that a chlorine minimization study be performed and the results be submitted to.
the Commission prior to docketing of the Environmental Report, Operating License Stage.
The Commission's Division of Site Safety and Environmental' Analysis has prepared an environmental it:: pact appraisal for the amendment and has concluded that an environmental impact statement for this particular action is not warranted. This conclusion is based on the fact that there will l
be no significant environmental impacts attributable to thc proposed action.
l The environmental appraisal is available for public inspection at the Commission's' Public. Document Room,1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, L. C.
A copy may be obtained upon. request addressed to the'U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission, Washington, D. C. 20555, ' Attention: Director, Division of Site. Safety and Environmental Analysis.
7l8'121200 M i
- 2'-
7590-01' Dated at Bethesda, Maryland this
' day of
/ M 73.
'o / -
, ' I,1 ( t. o. e,- (
R'onald L. Ballard, Chief ' "
Environmental Projects Branch 1 l
Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis i
l l
s b