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Weekly Info Rept for Week Ending 781215
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/20/1978
From: Rehm T
WIR-781215, NUDOCS 7812280010
Download: ML20147J252 (27)



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December 20, 1978 l


_To : The Commissioners From: I.A.Rehm,AssistanttotheExecutiveDirectorforOperations


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 15, 1978 i A summary of key events is included as a convenience to those l Comissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report. '

Contents Enclosure Administration A 1

Nuclear Reactor Regulation B l Standards Development C Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards D l Inspection and Enforcement _ __

E Nuclear Regulatory Research _ _ . _

F Executive Legal Director G International Programs H State Programs I Management and Program Analysis J Controller K*

Calendar of Significant Events L Items Approved by the Commission M**

Status of Nuclear Power Plants lT. A. Rehm, Assistant g//

to the Executive Director for Operations Contactf T. A. Rehm 49-27781

  • No input this week.
    • Deleted from Commissioners and PDR copy.


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Week Ending December 15, 1978 i

Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit 2 Licensee restrictions ~ we're removed based on an I.E report thus authorizing operation of Unit 2 at full power.

Kewaunee , ,

The evaluation of the Kewaunee fire protection program has been issued and requires additional plant modifications to be made as .soon as possible.

Monticello 00R has learned that Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) .is considering petitioning the NRC to withdraw staff approval of a poison rack spent fuel storage system approsed by the staff for use at Monticello.

Surry Unit 1 The reactor was shut down December 11 due to a reactor coolant to secondary coolant leak in a steam generator. Since Unit 1 was scheduled to be shut down January 5 for a steam generator tube inspection, VEPC0 will take advantage of this outage to perform that inspection. It is expected that Unit l'will be out of service for about four weeks.

Trojan Robert D. Pollard of the Union of Concerned Scientists presented a state-ment to the ASLB for the hearing en the Trojan control building. He recommends that the Board consider other non-seismic matters including environmental qualification, scheduled fire protection improvements, and a number of " generic unresolved problems" prior to resumption of operation. '

The licensee and NRC is providing testimony on these issues.

Risk Assessment Another draft of an NRC statement on the Lewis Report and WASH-1400 was prepared by NRR. Comnents have been pr'ovided to NRR orally and in writing.

Safeouards Evaluation at GE Facility, Vallecitos, CA The Physical Security Assessment and External Assault Appraisal Teams visited the GE facility December 4-8. The Diversion Path Survey, scheduled for January 8-12 will complete all field work.

LOFT The first LOFT nuclear loss-of-coolant test was run December 9. All emergency core cooling systems worked as planned and there appeared to be very little ECC bypass.

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F 2-Pioe Crack Study GroLo Visit to Japan ,

Recently several nembers of the NRC Pipe Crack Study Group visited Japan to discuss stress corrosion. cracking in Japanese BWRs. Information obtained from this visit will be reviewed with the full Study Group December 19.

State Wo'rkshoo A notice.was published in the Federal Register announcing a State. workshop to obtain state. views on methods to improve state participation in the siting, licensing and development of waste storage and disposal facilities.

The meeting will be held January 16-18 in Atlanta. ,

i Emergency' Preparedness, the NRC/ EPA Task Force' has completed their report, " Planning Basis for the Development of State and Local Government Radiological Emergency.

Response Plans in Support of Light Water Nuclear Power Plants." Public comments are due March 30, 1978.

i 4

OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Week Ending December l'5,1978 ADMINISTRATION OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT STATUS OF REQUESTS Initial ' Appeal of Request Initial Decision Received 375 36 l Granted 262 11


i Denied 72 19 t

Pending 41 6 l ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received W. ' Andrew Baldwin, Requests all NRC Inspection Reports concerning Friends of the Earth an inspection of the Vallecitos facility on (78-338) September 25-28, including report number 70-754/7808, and any Notices of Violation filed as a result of the inspections.

Clarence Johnson, Requests docrments regarding inspections of Texas Public Interest the South Texas Project (Houston Lighting and Research Group Power Company) during the past eight months.


Polly W. Bannerman, Requests specific documents concerning employee Doc-Search Associates overexposures.


Keiki Kehoe, Referral from the Department of State of one Center for Development document concerning safety and economic Policy feasibility of nuclear power programs in (78-342) Argentina.

Gary Wallin, Requests all records regarding a meeting (78-343) between NRC officials and Iowa Electric Light

- and Power Company on October 19, 1976, dealing i with a breakdown in management controls.

Susan Hein, Requests Teknekron's winning proposal submitted Charles River Associates in response to NRC RFP RS-NRR-78-176 and (78-344) copies of other technical rroposals deemed to be within the competitive range.

CONTACT: J. M. Felton 492-7211 ENCLOSURE A

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Granted ,

Thomas B. Cochran, In response to a request for all records relating i Natural Resources to adequacy of EURATOM safeguards, attempted l Defense Council, Inc. thefts or diversions of SNM under EURATOM  !

(.78-64.) control, and the alleged diversion of uranium i to Israel, made available four documents and referred other documents to the Department of State for direct response. j Margaret Puls, In response to a request for information FUTURE concerning Atlas Minerals Uranium Mill and I (78-325) Fort St. Vrain nuclear power plants, made l available four documents.  ;

Ricn Deyo. In response to a request for documents showing Energy Research and whether the Commission granted an exemption to l Information Foundation 20 reactors from Design Criterion 50, sent to l (78-333) the requester a copy of NRC Manual Chapter 0123 4 which delegates to the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, the authority to grant exemptions from NRC regulations.

Keiki Kehoe, In response to a request for documents relating Center for Development to the safety and economic feasibility of Policy nuclear power programs in Brazil, made available ,

(78-337) six documents.

Lance C. Johnson, In response to an appeal concerning the adequacy The Day Publishing Company of a search for documents responding to an (78-A-28-78-259) I&E request for a baseline evaluation for RIP of the Northeast Nuclear Energy Company, Millstone Point Units 1 and 2, made available two documents.

Denied Lynn Connor, In response to a request for documents relating Doc-Search Associates to employee overexposures and power plant (78-327) problems, made available eight documents and withheld a portion of one document because disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

Lynn Connor, In response to a request for copies of Doc-Search Associates documents relating to employee overexposures (78-328) and drum leaks, made available three documents and denied portions of 18 documents because disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.


Y Denied, Cont'd Donald F. Knuth, In response to a request for documents used by KMC, Inc. the Commission in its deliberations in (78-257) establishing)the threat level of 10 CFRPart 73.55 denied portions of 13 documents based upon exemptions (1) and (5) and informed the requester other documents subject to the i request were already located in the PDR.

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DIVISION OF CONTRACTS Week Ending December 15, J978 ,


1. RFP RS-NMS-79-030 .

Title - Mill Tailings - Long-Term Stability Evaluation Description - The contractor will be required to assist the NRC by performing evaluations of tailings management alternatives for two separate applications.


Period of Performance - Four months Sponsor - Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Status - Solicitation being developed

2. RFP RS-NMS-79-039 Title - SECOM Test Description - Participation of a commercial transporter of special nuclear material in an extended field test to determine the increase in transportation safeguards capability which might result from the use of the SECOM Communications System Period of Performance - Eighteen months Sponsor - Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Status - Solicitation being developed
3. RFP ADM-79-377 Title - Photographic Se'rvices Description - Photographic reproduction services consisting of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment in connection with processing and printing negatives and production of slides.

Period of Performance - One year Sponsor - Office of Administration Status - Solicitation being developed PROPOSALS UNDER EVALUATION RFP RS-NMS-79-023 Title - A Study of Institutional Arrangements in Low-Level Waste (LLW) Management Description - The contractor shall first define alternative organi-zational roles and institutional arrangements in LLW management. Next, a method to evaluate alternative arrangements, and conduct workshops for the purpose of reviewing and inputting into the ongoing work.

When the NRC selects the arrangement to be considered I in detail, the contractor shall conduct an analysis to

- .- identify actions and procedures.wbich.the.NRC and _ ,

other organi:ations will be required to take to execute the designated arrangements. l ENCLOSURE A

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2 Period of Performance - Nine months Sponsor - Office of Nuclear Material Safety 'and Safeguards Status - Proposals received December 8,1978. Submitted to Panel for evaluation December 8,1978.

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Week ending December 15, 1978 l 1

TRANSLATIONS The following translations were received by the Division of Technical Inforvation and Docunent Control during the week of December 11-15, 1978. I Copies of these translations will be available in the Library. l French Rapport DSN NO 195. A Model of the Effects of Connon-Mode l Fail ures: The Semi-Catastrophic Model . J.P. Georgin and C. Roy. I Departenent de Surete Nucleaire, CEA. April 1979 28 pages.


Technical Note No. 39/78. Calculation of a Location of a Phebus Loop with the Aid of RELAP 4 Code Depressurizing Accident Occurring on a Loop Brought to Nominal Conditions. R. Senemeaud  ;

and M. Pignard. Departement de Surete Nucleaire, CEA, (Cadarache).

March 1978. 30 pages. (TIDC485).

German GRS-7. International Report on Special Events in Nuclear Power Plants, Experimental and Research Reactors 1969. G. Apel.

Gesellschaft for Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH, Cologne, F.R. Germany.

December 1977. 126 pages. (TIDC469).




ARKANSAS NUCLEAR ONE - UNIT 2 The licensee restrictions on proceeding beyond 5% power were removed based' on the I&E report to NRR on December 12. The licensee is authorized to operate the plant at full power.

DIABLO CANYON UNITS 1 & 2 The hearing is proceeding slowly with detailed testimony from the applicant's witnesses on geology and seismology matters. It is likely that the hearing will have to be reconvend in January after the holiday.

KEWAUNEE The evaluation of the Kewaunee fire protection program has been issued and the license has been appropriately conditioned to require certain additional plant modifications to be made as soon as possible (most prior to startup following the next refueling, and two by January 1, 1980). Three items require supplemental review: fire brigade size, safe shutdown instrumentation and fire door control.

MONTICELLO DOR has learned that Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) is considering petitioning the NRC to withdraw staff approval of a poison rack spent fuel storage system approved by the staff for use at Monticello.' A telephone call to the Executive Director ,f MPCA confirmed that it is their intention to file such a petition. The licensee provided the following text of the MPCA resolution.

"The Executive Director is directed to take any and all steps necessary to petition the NRC to (1) suspend continued installation of new spent fuel storage racks at Monticello and (2) pursue a proper study of all unreviewed safety questions and implementation of appropriate corrective action.

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency requests that the Northern States Power Company voluntarily suspend continued installation of new spent fuel storage racks at Monticello until the NRC acts upon the petition for suspension."

SURRY UNIT 1 Surry Unit 1 shut down on December 11, 1978 because of a reactor coolant to secondary coolant leak in a stem generator. The leakage rate was about 0.34-0.36 gpm. Since Unit 1 was scheduled to be shut down on ENCLOSURE B

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January 5 for a steam generator tube inspection VEPCO _will take advantage of this outage to perform that inspection. It is expected Unit 1 will be out of service for about four weeks.

TROJAN A lengthy written limited appearance statement prepared by Robert D.

Pollard of the Union ~ of Concerned Scientists, was presented to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for the hearing on the Trojan control building. The statement was presented the afternoon of December 12, which was expected to be the last day of the first phase of the ASLB hearing regarding the seismic qualifications of the control building.

Mr. Pollard recommends "further inquiry into the subject of seismic qualification of safety-related equipment" by the Board before Trojan is . allowed to return to operation.

He also recommends that the Board consider other, non-seismic, matters including environmental qualfiication, scheduled fire protection improvements, and a number of " generic unresolved problems" prior to resumption of operation.

At the request of the ASLB, the licensee began providing testimony on December 13, 1978 on issues raised in Mr. Pollard's statement.

Additional NRC staff technical' personnel are being dispatched to the hearing to provide testimony on December 14, 1978.


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4 SD IMPORTANT EVENTS FOR THE' WEEK ENDING 12/15/78 On December 8,1978, members of the staff met with OSHA officials to discuss the possibility of jointly conducting a public hearing on the subject of occupational radiation dose limits. The OSHA personnel were very favorable toward the idea, information assuming (as opposed that the to being purpose oftype a rulemaking the hearing hearing .w)ould be to gather (On D 1978, Grover C. Wrenn, Director of OSHA's Health Standards Programs, called R. E. Alexander, Office of Standards Development, and reaffirmed OSHA's enthusiasm for the joint hearing.) The OSHA officials pointed out that OSHA will unilaterally hold a separate hearing later in connection with the amend-rent of their regulations. They are particularly anxious to eliminate the use of the 5(N-18) formula as a dose limit. They believe a fact-finding hearir; orior to their rulemaking action, held jointly with the NRC and perhaps vith other agencies, would give higher visibility to the dose limit question ar._ would lead to better compatibility in Federal regulations.

Reculatory Guide to be Issued in the Near Future


Perimeter Intrusion Alarm Systems Excected Issuance Date: December 29, 1978 Descriotion: This guide is being revised to account for changes in section numbers of 10 CFR Part 73 and to include other references on this subject.


T. S. Michaels 443-5904 i

1 ENCLOSURE C wr +m - tw t " *Mw&

OFFICE OF NUCLEAR F.A7PI AL SAFETY ASD SAFEGUARDS Itens cf Interest Week Endine Decercer 15, 1978

  • INFCE Working Group 7 Deleted from POR copy.

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-2 Risk Assessment Another draft of an NRC statement on the Lewis Report and WASH-1400, prepared by NRR, was reviewed and comments provided to NRR orally and in writing.

Licens~ing Study for Federal Waste Manacement Activities Revised draft of options paper and preliminary outline of study report is being prepared. The following vmrk was performed on the study:

. for each storage and disposal activity, updated a strawman writeup by site and by type of waste

. developed a questionnaire package for use during site visit to INEL and Hanford

. developed a questionnaire package for use during site visit to Al,buquerque (questionnaire covers LASL, SLA, Pantex and Rocky Flats)

. developed a questionnaire package fo'r use during site visit to SRP and Oak Ridge (0ak Ridge questionnaire includes ORNL, ORGDP, Paducah GDP, Portsmouth GDP, Y-12, Weldon Spring, Niagara ~ Falls and FMPC)

. developed a site description for SRP to be used as an example in writing site descriptions for all sites. It is intended to have these site descriptions in an Appendix to the study.

Federal Wa,te Manaoement Licensino Study Data gatharing for the Federal Waste Management Licensing Study is proceeding.

Task Force teams are visiting Albuquerque-Los Alamos, Idaho Falls-Hanford, anc Savannah River this week. A visit is scheduled to Oak Ridge next week.

An outline of the Study report indicating staff assignments is now under staff review.

U:date of Environmental Survey Staff review of NUS draft interim report on radon release from uranium mining and milling is in progress. A potential contractor conflict of interest is under evaluation.

Trackina of Foreion Oriain Nuclear Materials T e Safeguards staff is now assembling packages of reporting instructions f:r approximately 750 licensees who will commence reporting (on January 1, 1979) movements of foreign origin nuclear matericis within the U.S.

i' ENCLOSURE D m +w = F r--' +

Comorehensive Evaluation of Safeouards at the GE Facility, Vallecitos, California  !

The Physical Security Assessment and External Assault Appraisal Teams visited the GE- facility during the period December 4 - 8, 1978. The Diversion Path Survey is scheduled for January 8 - 12, 1979. This will complete all field work under the 1977-1978 Comprehensive Evaluation Program approved by the Commission in April 1977. -


STAR Group Meeting .

l The STAR Group met on December 5,1978, to review four IE proposed projects and one NRR proposed project. The Group recommended approval of projects on " Safeguards Analytical and Technical Services," " Inspection for i Material Accounting," " Mobile Ganma-Ray Spectrometer for Region III Office,"  !

and " Safeguards Nuclear Material Inventory and Management Data-Technical Support to Material and Plant Protection." The Group recommended deferral 1 pending additional information on a project entitled, " Technical Assistance  !

to NRC in Review of Nuclear Power Plant Physical Security."

US/IAEA Safecuards Aareement On December 7 and 8, Mr. Paul Morrow of NMSS and James Wolf of ELD participated in an Institute of Nuclear Material Management workshop on the impact of IAEA safeguards in the United States. In addition to making a brief statement, ,

Messrs. Morrow and Wolf were members of several session panels to discuss j and respond to questions related to the implementation of the Agreement including preparation of facility attachments.

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Exxon Nuclear Company, Inc. , Richland, Washington Safeguards representatives, accompanied by a Region V inspector, visited the Exxon Nuclear Company, Inc., Richland, Washington to discuss revisions o  ;

to their Fundamental Nuclear Material Control Plan and to be briefed ' n work I being done to correct biases which may have resulted from the measurement of liquid waste discards, waste ' drums, and HEPA filters.

Westinahouse Electric Corporation, Columbia, South Carolina Safeguards staff members visited the Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Columbia, South Carolina to. discuss revisions to their Measurement Control Plan and to participate in the preparation of an IAEA Facility Attachment which will be required as a result of the US/IAEA Agreement (10 CFR 75).

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OFFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT Items of Interest Week Ending December 15, 1978 ,

1. . Prel,iminary Notifications relating to the following actions were dispatched during the past week:
a. PN0-78-1900 Privately Owne'd Landfill, Norton, MA - Radioactive i Material in Private Sector - The Commonwealth of Massachusetts notified Region I (Philadelphia) that h.igh school students had removed several bags of soil from the contaminated area of Fin-berg Field, a public park, to be used in a science exhibit.

School officials returned the bags of possibly contaminated soil I I

to the Attleboro Civil Defense Director who notified the Massa-chusetts Department of Public Health. Analyses by an NRC con- I tractor confirmed that the contamination is due to radium-226.

This matter, therefore, is under the jurisdiction of the Com-monwealth of Massachusetts. (Closed)

b. PNO-78-206 NFS Reprocessing Plant, West Valley, NY - Leaking Collection Pan Under High Level Waste Tank - The licensee deter-mined during tests with uncomtaminated water that the collection pan under a filled high level waste (HLW) tank had a leak some-

- where betwee 0" and 14" above the pan bottom. The pan was designed to serve as an intermediate barrier between HLW in the tank and the concrete vault enclosing the HLW storage system. The tank has l about 560,000 gallons of HLW; a spare tank is available if the tank l develops a leak. No radioactivity was detected in the water which j indicates that there is no leakage from the HLW tank. The licensee '

is currently studying methods to fully define the pan leak path.

A press release was issued on December 13, 1978. (Closed)

c. PN0-78-207 Cleveland Airport, Cleveland, Ohio - New England Nuclear Company, Boston, MA . Lost or Stolen Xenon-133 Sources (40 Milli-curies) - A lead container holding two vials of 20 millicuries each of xenon-133 was found missing when a courier picked up several packages from New England Nuclear at the Cleveland Airport. The package containing the vials was supposed to have been delivered by air from Boston. Searches are continuing.
d. PNO-78-298 Dresden Unit 3 - Fire in Main Transformer - The Coal City Fire Department extinguished a fire in the main transformer at Dresden Unit 3. A replacement transformer has been located and the length of outage is estimated to be two to four weeks. (Closed)
e. PNO-78-209 Surry Unit 1 - Steam Generator Tube Leak - A shutdown was initiated on December 11, 1978 due to an apparent steam gener-ator tube leak. The facility had been scheduled to be shut down on December 20 for steam generator tube inspection. The planned inspection of the three steam generators will be performed during this outage. Unit 1 steam generator tube replacement is scheduled to commence in January 1979. (Closed)


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f. PNO-78-210 Detonation of Nuclear Weapon - The D.epartment of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency notified NRC that the Peoples Republic of China detonated a nuclear weapon in the -

atmosphere at Lop Nor in northwest China. The detonation was low yield (less than 20 kt) and occurred at approximately 1 a.m.

EST, December 14, 1978. This Preliminary Notification was issued for information only. (Closed) 9 PNS-78-60 Duane Arnold - Bomb Threat - No bombs were found and none exploded. (Closed) l i





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Important Items - Week Ending December 15, 1978 E. '

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LOFT - e


The first LOFT auclear loss-of-coolant test was'run at 10:06 p.m.,

H5T on December 9, 1978. This test, which carried a desi Ai i"

L2-2, was run with the plant at 50% power (almost 25 MWt) .

complete double-ended (" guillotine") break in .aThe coldpeak leg was clad tempera- {

simulatedob y activating quick opening valves. All [

ture (957 F) was reached 7 seconds after the valves opened. There appeared to emergency core cooling systems worked as planned.  !

be very little ECC bypass.

pretest predictions made with nominal (but not actual) plant conditions were as follows: o RELAP Code 1350aF TRAC code 1214 F ..

These differences are under study.

probabilistic Analysis Branch PAS met with representatives of Electrowatt Engineering Services,

' a Swiss engineering firm, to discuss the Special Emergency Heat Removal system being installed on the Leibstadt reactor, a GE-designed The system is a redundant, diverse BWR-6 with Hark III containment. i backup to the ultimate heat sink and normal decay heat receval systems. '

It resides in a separate bunkered building with its own power supply and other vital components and draws cooling water from ground wells.

l The system is designed for at least ten hours of unmanned operation and can remove heat from the suppression pool or the reactor cooling system. The estimated. capital cost is $40.million. Quantitative estimates of the risk reduction potential provided by this system are relevant to NRC's study of alternate decay heat removal as a method to improve reactor safety.

ENCLOSURE F W de a mes.,


OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE LEGAL DIRECTOR ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR THE WEEK ENDING DECEMBER'15, 1978 North Anna Nuclear Power Station Units 1 & 2 On December 7, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board issued an Order granting the Union of Concerned Scientists until December 14 to file a supplement to their amicus curiae brief concerning turbine mis-siles.

Offshore Power Systems (Floating Nuclear Plants)

'On December 8, the Commission issued an Order directing the Staff to discuss its current policy on treatment of Class 9 accidents in contexts other than floating nuclear plants. Other parties are pemitted to comment on this subject if they desire.

ENCLOSURE G w , - - - , n m--,- e ..--e v w-n- - - - .y - -----. , ,



Foreign Visit A five-member delegation of the Mexican National Institute of Nuclear  ;

Energy (INEN) met with S. N. Hou, J. A. Kudrick, and T. M. Su of DSS on  ;

Monday to discuss. questions related to BWR Mark II containment. l l

Foreign Reoorts i The following foreign reports were received at IP during the week of Dacember 11-15. For further information, contact Ann McLaughlin.

(* indicates report is available in English.)

West Germany:

1. The Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy - Chances and Risks
2. Atomic Techniques and Safety in Nordheim-Westfalen Canada: l 1
1. Annual Report, 1977-78 France:
1. DSN #249 - The Influence of Sodium Fires on LMFBR's Safety Analysis *

-2. EDF - General Planning Course of Operations Sweden: , l

1. Report on Safety-Related Occurrences and Reactor Trips, 1/78-6/78*
2. Quarterly Inspection Report
3. Studsvik Reports:

77/2 - Suppression of .PCI-induced defects by lightly undulating the bare surface of the fuel cladding * '

77/3 - Full-scale demonstration fire testing of a septem for penetration sealing based on foam silicone elastomer

  • 78/l - Release of corrosion products from construction materials containing cobalt, part 2*


2 European Communities:

1. Regulatory Practices and Standards: The International Scene and Its Trends
2. Technical Memo - IT/78-1253. Materials, Testing Reactor HFR Petten l 1980-83 Fuel Cycle
  • i Switzerland:
1. Feedwater (FW) Nozzle and Control Rod Drive (CRD) Return Line Nozzle Inspection. Muehleberg.


1. Regulatory Inspection of Nuclear Power Plants in NEA Member Countries *

(NRC Library)


1. Agenda Program for 1-Day Meeting Held on the Austrian Controversy
  • Pipe Crack Study Group Visit to Japan During the week of November 26, Howard Faulkner of IP and four members of the NRC Pipe Crack Study Group visited Japan to discuss stress corrosion cracking in Japanese BWRs. The group held discussions with representatives of the Nuclear Safety Bureau, the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, l Tokyo Electric Power Company, Chubu Electric Power Company, Toshiba '

Company, and Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries. Information obtained from this visit will- be reviewed with the full Study Group on December 19.

This visit follows a similar visit to Germany in October that was reported in the Weekly Information Report for the week ending November 3.

Reactor Safety Initiative in the IAEA A meeting was held with Department of State, U.S. Mission to the IAEA, and DOE representatives on December 11 to discuss increased IAEA and member state assistance to developing countries in the area of reactor safety.

As a result of the meeting a letter is being drafted to the IAEA in connection with an advisory group meeting to be held in early February.

ENCLOSURE H J- ,- , , ,

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EXPORT / IMPORT AND INTERNATIONAL SAFEGUARDS Meeting with American Nuclear Energy Council On December 14 the Director, IP, participated in briefings by senior State Department and DOE staff members for members of the American Nuclear Energy Council to discuss, among other matters, implementation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Act, the status of NRC's staff recom-mendations for assuring increased foreign public health and safety. and ,

developments with regard to the' International Nuclear Fuel' Cycle Evaluation.



ITEMS OF INTEREST I WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 15, 1978 General A noti'ce was published in the Federal Register announcing a S tate workshop to obtain State views on methods to improve S tate participation in the siting, licensing and development of waste storage and disposal facilities. The meeting will take place in Atlanta January 16, 17, 18, 1979 at the Sheraton '

Bil tmor e .

Emer ency Preparedness The Bureau of Radiological Health and the Bureau of Drugs, HEW, published for public comment draf t proposals containing guidance on thyroid blocking agents and protective action guides for food and foodstuffs. Public comment period will be 60 and 90 days. Barring unusual circumstances, the lists should be published as final recommendations to State and local governments by June.

Both items are important from the point of view of State and local emergency planning. They have been in development for i several years. l l

A notice was published in the Federal Register announcing the completion of the NRC/ EPA Task Force report " Planning Basis for the Development of State and Local Government Radiological Emergency Response Plans in Support of Light Water Nuclear Power Plants," and soliciting public comments.' The comment period ends March 30, 1979.

1 On Thursday, December 14, the Region II Advisory Committee for l Radiological Emergency Response Planning, chaired by Tom Elsasser, i met in New York City. The main topics of discussion: 1) status of the review of the New York State plan and 2) results of the recent New Jersey / Salem drill. l Procram Develotment I

Representatives of OSP met with the Nuclear Subcommittee of the National Conference cf State Legislatures to discuss the Congressionally mandated study on State participation in the Federal Waste Management program on December 13, 1978.

ENCLOSURE I 9 ._< 4 w sge-v q w - **y- - y

A representative attended the meeting of the Energy Committee of the Southern Legislative Conference of the Council of State Governments on December 11. Topics discussed were the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 and the Federal Waste Management Program.

Indiana Governor Otis R. Bowen, M.D. signed the Indiana /NRC Memorandum of Agreement on Thursday, December 14. Inasmuch as Ehe Memorandum had been signed by Chairman Hendrie in November, it is now in effect. A water quality subagreement, presigned by Mr.

Gossick, was also signed in Indianapolis on December 14 by Ralph C. Pickard', Technical Secretary of the -Environmental Management Board.

The Memorandum of Agreement signed by Chairman Hendrie and Governor Bowen is similar to the one executed in September with the State of Washington. It provides the basis for subsequent subagreements, the first of which is the water quality one signed this week; that subagreement closely parallels the NRC/ EPA MOU. At the agreement signing, the Governor indicated support for legislation in the next legislative session to permit Indiana to become an Agreement l State for materials licensing under section 274.

Preliminary discussions were also held this week in Springfield with Illinois EPA officials regarding water quality agreements there.

On Tuesday, December 12, Tom Elsasser met with Joel Jacobson, State Liaison Officer for the State of New Jersey, in Newark to discuss matters of mutual interest to NRC and the State.

On Wednesday, December 13, J. T. Shedlosky, Millstone Resident Inspector, and Tom Elsasser met with various of ficials with the Connecticut State government. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce Mr. Shedlosky and to discuss, in general, the Resident Inspector Program. The meeting took place in Eartford, Ct.


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1 0FFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND PROGRAM ANALYSIS Items of Interest Week Ending December 15, 1978 I

NARM Task Force Recommendation I

Prepared memo for EDO on the NARM Task FoFce recommendation. The Task i Force recommended that NRC' seek legislative authority to regulate NARM l

(Naturally Occurring and Accelerator-Produced Radioactive Material).  ;

The EDO subsequently recommended to the Commission that a va.lue-impact l analysis be completed before a decision is made on the Task Force  ;

recommendation. He also suggested that the analysis be coordinated )

with OMB, Congressional Committees and other Federal agencies. '

FY1979 procram Office Operatina Plans All five program offices worked on updates of their planned accomplish-ments to reflect the FY 1979 appropriations. Key features of the plans were summarized, issues were identified, and the material was provided to the Commission on December 14; this was part of a briefing which addressed means to provide periodic decision unit reviews requested by the Commission. l l

Lewis Committee Follow-Vo Provided EDO with comments on the Commission paper on the proposed l statement on risk assessment prepared by NRR (SECY-78-637).

Provided the Commission with information on the impact of program changes resulting from the Lewis Committee Report. An assessment of resources will be submitted to Congress in mid-January 1979 by the Office of the l' Controller.

Testimony MPA technical staff presented testimony on probability of heavy plane crashes into Three Mile Island-2 at ALAB bearing on December 11-12, 1978.


.M 4 ,-r-


December 18 Davis-Besse - Supplement to SER to be completed week of December 18th


December 22 Pilgrim 2 - SER Supplement discussing primarily financial matters to be issued North Anna 1 - Amendment to operating license  !

regarding pump house settlement to be issued  !

Salem 2 - SER Supplement to be issued j i


j .



Number Rated Capacity Of Units (MWe)

  • 70 Ll C EN S E D TO O P E R ATE ............................................... ...... 51,000
  • 90 CO NSTRU CTIO N PERMIT G R ANTED ................................ 97,000 32 Under Operating License Review.. . .. . . .. .. . . 34,000 58 Operating License Not Yet Applied For . . . .. . . . ..63.000 4

34 UNDER CONSTRUCTION PERMIT REVIEW ..................... 39,000

  • 4 Site Work Authorized, Safety Review in Process... . . . 5,000 30 Other Units Under CP Review. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .34,000 1

9 O R D E R E D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1,000 8 P U B LIC LY A N N O U N C ED .................................... ................10,000 21, TOT 4 t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208,000 rri .

.g 'To date there have been 427 reactor years of operation. Not included are two operable DOE-owned reactors with a g

r combined capacity of 910 MWe.

$ ** Total of units authorized construction (Construction Permit Granted plus Site Work Authorized): 94 units,102.000 MWe.


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