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Application for Renewal/Amend to License NS-1 to Authorize Annual Radiation Surveys of Ship & Semiannual Environ Surveillance by State of Sc,Dept of Health & Environ Control. Five-Yr Summary Survey Rept Encl
Person / Time
Site: NS Savannah
Issue date: 08/20/1985
Shared Package
ML20137Z445 List:
NUDOCS 8510080254
Download: ML20137Z484 (5)



DOCKET NO. 50-238 Amendment Request (Renewal)

License No. NS-1 Possession Only License N.S. Savannah State of South Carolina Patriot's Point Development Authority Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina and office of Advance Ship Operations Maritime Administration Washington, D.C.

1. Request amendment (renewal) of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission License No. NS-1, Possession Only License for a period of ten (10) years from the date of renewal. Unless specified below, all previously submitted licensing documents remain applicable.

Bases for License Renewal The N.S. Savannah (NSS), a nuclear powered merchant ship operated under the auspices of the U.S. Maritime Administration, was decommissioned in November 1970. Subsequently, the nuclear fuel, radioactive sources, ion exchange resins, and wastes have been removed from the-vessel. The reactor containment vessel has been permanently sealed and all penetrations welded.

All primary and secondary systems have been drained of fluids, and decontamination of certain areas of the vessel has been performed.

However, radioactive materials remain in the form of surface contamination and induce ( radioactivity in reactor components and associated systems.

Pursuant to Public Law 96-331, 94 stat. 1055, August 28, 1980, the vessel was relinquished to the S.C. Patriots Point Development Authority with ownership retained by the U.S. Maritime Administra-tion. The vessel serves as a maritime naval museum for public display. Future plans also include restaurant and hotel accomoda-tions. To date, activities of the ship have been limited to display only with controlled tour routes.

8510000254 850820 PDR

,> P ADOCM 05000238 PDR

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Radiological surveys and evaluations of the vessel have been performed continuously since it was decommissioned. Areas of the vessel for public access have been fully evaluated. Restricted areas which may contain radiation and/or contamination are pro-hibited from public entry by physical and administrative controls of the licensee. Entry to the vessel by the public and employees of the licensee, and use of areas, is strictly maintained in accordance with the license technical specifications.

Technical Qualifications Qualified health physics support will continue to be provided by the State of South Carolina Bureau of Radiological Health, and the Medical University of South Carolina.

The Bureau of Radiological Health (BRH) administers the State Agreements Program with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Health Physics personnel and management from the Bureau will perform: (1) onboard and environmental radiological surveys of the ship, (2) laboratory analysis of radiological samples and direct measuring dosimeters, (3) training for the Patriot's Point Authority staff and employees pertaining to radiological health aboard the NSS , (4) emergency radiological and technical assis-tance to the Authority, and (5) participation in all reviews and meetings of the Review and Audit Committee.

Health Physics coverage will also continue to be augmented by qualified health physicist from the Medical University of S.C.

located in Charleston.

Physical Security Physical Security of the NSS is provided by the licensee by use of a contractual security guard agency and administrative controls.

Twenty-four (24 ) hour security surveillance of the park's property to include the NSS is maintained. Access is controlled by lockable gates. Restricted areas aboard the NSS are either welded closed or chain locked with seals.

Unauthorized entry into the reactor compartment is maintained by chain locked doors, security seals, and an alarm system. Access ports to the the containment vessel have been sealed with shield plugs. Lifting equipment for the shield plugs has been partially disassembled to prevent removal of the plugs.

Since issuance of the amended license to the Patriot's Point Authority and Maritime Administration, no member of the public nor employee of the licensee has received radiological exposure in excess of the technical specifications, nor 10 CPR Part 20 limits for the general public. There have been no environmental dis-charges from the vessel with none anticipated in the future. No evidence of uncontrolled releases from the vessel has been observed or indicated by the results of analysis of environmental samples.

A five (5) year summary of the N.S. Savannah's surveys is provided as Appendix A.

Based on the aforementioned, it is concluded that the licensee will continue to be qualified and committed to protect the health and safety of the public and its employees from radiological risk and to protect the environment.

Further, the extension of the possession only license will allow the licensee to continue the use of this vessel as a maritime museum and fulfill the Congressional mandate.

2. Requested Technical Specification changes to License NS-1.
a. Page 2, Section 3. 1; Page 6, Section 3.6.1.c reads:

"The NS Savannah NS-1 License is jointly held by the Director, Office of Advanced Ship Operations, Maritime Administration, Washington, D.C. 20590 and the South Carolina Patriots Point Development Authority."

Change to read as follows:

"The NS Savannah NS-1 License is jointly held by the Senior Advisor for Research and Development, U.S. Maritime Administration, Washington, D. C. 20590 and the South Carolina Patriots Point Development Authority."

b. Page 8, Section 3.7, Ship Access Control and Surveillance, Subparagraph 2.2: read as follows:

" Semi-annually, radiation surveys of the ship and environ-mental surveillance will be made by the S. C. Department of Health and Environmental Control, Bureau of Radiological Health..."

Change to read as follows:

2.2: " Annual radiation surveys of the ship and semi-annual environmental surveillance will be made by the S. C.

Department of Health and Environmental Control, Bureau of Radiological Health..."

Justification for Change Historically, semi-annual surveys have been performed aboard the vessel by either U.S. Maritima contractor personnel or the S. C.

Bureau of Radiological Health. A review of the findings of these surveys indicates that radiation levels have not increased in any area of the ship since it has been placed into service at Patriots Point. Radiation levels in all areas designated for public access are below technical specification limits and stabilized.


Spreadable contamination surveys have also indicated no change in levels of contamination for public access areas. Contamination is minimally detectable and essentially background. Radiation and contamination levels are well below the applicable prescribed limits specified in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.86.

Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) will continue to be maintained on the vessel, and collected quarterly to determine changes in radiation levels. Based on four (4) years of data collected thus far, TLD results indicate no change in radiation levels.

Environmental surveillance will continue on a semi-annual basis to verify that the vessel is not releasing radioactivity to the environment.

Esentially any planned activity aboard the vessel would not result in an increase in radiation levels or contamination. Should maintenance or refurbishing activities be required in contam-inated areas, health physics coverage will be provided to deter-mine the spread of contamination into public access areas.

Previnus health physics surveys have been performed to determine that all public access areas comply with applicable technical specifications. These areas have been thoroughly evaluated and received approval by the licensee's Review and Audit Committee for public use, to include restaurant and hotel accommodations.

This is consistent with the original intended use of these areas for which this vessel was commissioned and designed.

In view of the above and supporting surveillance data, radia-tion surveys reduced to an annual basis will not diminish nor compromise the public's health and safety and environmental protection.

c. Page 9, Paragraph 6: read as follows:

"An inspection will be conducted at least annually by Mari-time Administration personnel to determine any degradation of the primary and secondary systems."

Change to read as follows

6. "An inspection will be conducted at least annually by Patriots Point Authority personnel to determine any degra-dation of the accessible primary and secondary systems."

Justification for change Since acquisition of the vessel by the Patriots Point Authority, all required upkeep and maintenance has been performed by technically qualified marine engineers employed full-time by the Authority. These personnel perform routine inspections of all Authority vessels to determine degradation and make re-quired repairs. They are also quite familiar with the NS Savannah and its systems..

Therefore, it is not essential that the Maritime Administration provide personnel to perform such inspections. However, the Maritime Administration still reserves the right through its agreement with the Patriots Point Authority to inspect the vessel. Additionally, the Authority is required to report the ship's status to the Maritime Administration.

Upon decommissioning, access to the containment vessel and primary systems was eliminated by installation of the shield plugs and disassembly of the lifting crane. To enter this area would require considerable effort, and defeat the purpose of in-place entombment. The containment vessel is a high integrity structure which has been designed to retain radio-activity. In addition, entry into the containment vessel wculd result in unnecessary radiation exposure.

The original intent of the inspection required by this technical specification was to ascertain any degradation of systems outside the containment vessel which may contain residual contamination; and if leakage occurred, could possibly cause additional contamination.

Therefore, only accessible components of the primary system  !

outside the containment vessel and applicable components of-the secondary system are to be inspected.

This change in the technical specification is required to clarify provisions for such inspections.
