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License SNM-986,as Renewed,Incorporating Matls & Activities Previously Authorized by Licenses SNM-81 & SUD-687
Person / Time
Site: 07000938
Issue date: 11/13/1985
From: Crow W
Shared Package
ML20137D011 List:
NUDOCS 8511260685
Download: ML20137D013 (3)


7--mm----mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1 NRC Form 374 1 3


1 MATERIALS LICENSE y Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93 -438), and Title 10, 1 Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 30,31,32,33,34,35,40 and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations y 1 heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, g 1 source, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below; to l 1 deliver or transfer such material to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This l I

license shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is I subject to all applicable rules, regulations and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any 'E 1

], e nditi ns specified below.

gg '

l Ucensee l \JV 5 l 1 N 1 1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3. License number SNM-986, as renewed ju Nuclear Reactor Laboratory 8


1 ' ~

1 2.138 Albany Street "

g a Cambridge, MA 02139 -

4. Expiration date November 30, 1990 y 1

E 1 y S. Docket or 70-938 1 1 Reference No. p 1 6. Byproduct, source, and/or ., 7. Chemical and/or physical 8., Maximum amount that licensee N 3 special nuclear material form may possess at any one time U t..sfer this license 1 >

- p A. Uranium enriched to A. Solid (U0 ), clad A. *32,000 grams of U-235 y 1 less than 2.0 wt% andunclab li l

in the U-235 isotope . -

E.~ 2 8 Q ,- ~; , F j 8. Uranium enriched to B. Solid or solution' B. 350 grams of U-235 l 1 less than 93 wt% -

include material in -

p 1 in the U-235 isotope - .fis.sion

_- chambers ,

e 3 g 3

C. Plutonium C. Pu-Be neutron source C. 197 grams n 3 and Pu-Al neutron i j . filter

' l 1

N 1 D. Plutonium D. Solid "alpha source; D. 80 u9 B, l r i P 1

I E. Plutonium E. Solid, foil E. **172.0 grams b h

! F. Natural Uranium F. Solid and solution F. 2515 kilograms l

l i

l G. Depleted Uranium G. Any G. ***238.2 kilograms p 1


] H. Any byproduct material H. Unseparated H. Quantities produced p


1 unseparated in any of the contained above during irradiation fj 1 g 1 *9000 grams for storage only b

    • for storage only J

l ***58.2 kilograms for storage only I I

i W i

1 1

i 1

1 h

1 N

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NNe mm mm a unum a m awmm am a dNFKnCEnEMEl*21E"ETETE!Erm a mm q i NIC Form 374A U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION


"'8* ce 2 o, 3 3ces l li 1 ucense number I SNM-986 l MATERIALS LICENSE SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET

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70-938 k) l l 1 mn su I

9. Authorized Use.

I 1

l For use in accordance with statements, representations, and conditions contained in f the licensee's revised application dated July 13, 1984.

1 1 10. Authorized Places of Use:

J l The MIT Campus, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Bates Linear Accelerator, Middleton, Massachusetts; and the Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusetts.


1 1 11. This license does not authorize the. insertion of licensed material into a nuclear 1 reactor. . .- ~

s; '

1 1 12. The minimum technical qualifications for the position of Radiation Protection Officer s

] shall be a bachelor's degree in science or engineering, completion of a basic g 3

radiation safety course, and at least 2 years of work experience in radiation p 5 protection. )

i 3

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g 1 13. The licensee shall prepare and follow a descriptive operating procedure in conducting Q 1 all work involving the licensed material. The procedure and its changes shall be  !!

j approved by the Radiation Protection Committee. M s N q , cn N- -- .g -

g a 14. The licensee shall conduct quarterly 7 inspections of. radiation safety activities at all 4 a work areas. The inspection shall be conducted in accordance with a written procedure, a 1 and the findings of the inspection with needed corrective actions shall be transmitted g 1 in a timely fashion to the supervisor of the inspected area as well as the Radiation p j Safety Committee. / fu ~ '



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)j g 15. The licensee shall provide refresher training to the Health Physics Technicians every 3:1 f 12 months. The records of the training shall be kept at least 2 years.

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{! 16.areas Release ofbeequipment onsite shall in accordance with or materials for unrestricted the enclosed Annex A, " Guidelines foruse or fro _ji 7

Decontamination of Facilities and Equipment Prior to Release for Unrestricted Use or e:

y Termination of Licenses for Byproduct, Source or Special Nuclear Materials," dated p f July 1982. .g f

1! 17. The minimum qualifications for the Criticality Officer or for the individual 1

responsible for the initial nuclear criticality safety analysis, if other than the


] Criticality Officer, shall t'e an accredited college degree in the physical sciences or :Dj 3 engineering plus a minimum of 3 years' applicable nuclear safety experience. The P j nuclear experience shall include 1 year in outside of reactor nuclear criticality j!!

1 safety. p J p W

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] NRC Form 374A U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATcRY COMMISSION 3 3 er.c c og ,mes 1 Licznse number MATERIALS LICENSE SNM-986 i




) ** ' * ' ' * " * * " " " '70-938 [

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1 1

1 18. There shall be at least one member of the RSC, other than the Criticality Officer, l I qualified to evaluate nuclear criticality safety when the initial evaluation under I review involving the handling or storage of special nuclear material in the restricted

]j area (e.g., procedure, audit, investigation of unusual event) was prepared by the l 3 Criticality Officer. This member shall meet the minimum qualifications of the 1 Criticality Officer.

I 1 19. The licensee shall maintain and fully implement alF provisions of the NRC approved Physical Security Plan, including changes made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR

] 50.54(p) and 70.32(e). The approved Physical Security Plan is contained in Revision l 1

1 24 to the " Safety Analysis Report for the MIT'Research Reactor (MITR-II), Appendix (

1 13.B," submitted by letter dated August 24, 1981. --

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Original Signed By,t 1 l 1 NOV 1319BI W.T.crov -

g l 1 Date: By: [


] Division of Fuel Cycle and I Material Safety, NMSS l

l 3

l b( Washington, D.C. 20555


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