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Forwards Copy of Proposed Rule Amending Fee Regulations in 10CFR170 & 171 to Be Transmitted to Fr for Publication. W/O Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/24/1997
From: Scroggins R
To: Mcdade J
Shared Package
ML20136J108 List:
FRN-62FR8885, RULE-PR-170, RULE-PR-171 AF55-1-031, AF55-1-31, NUDOCS 9703200126
Download: ML20136J514 (1)


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l t wAaHINGToN, D.C. 3I854001 PDR i

! \, * * * * * / l l February 24, 1997 i

l The Honorable Joseph M. McDade, Chairman j Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development

!- Committee on Appropriations l j  !

United States House of Representatives '

j 7?re-;-t:-7, DC 20515

! Deer Mr. Chairman:

j v '

The Omnibus Budget Reconcshation Act of 1990, as amended, requires that the NRC recover approditately 100 percent of its budget authority, ions the appropriation from the Nucisar Weste Fund, i

for Fiscal Years 1991 through 1998 by assessing license and annual fees / For FY 1997, the NRC

] must collect approximately $462.3 million through these fees.

! In order to comply with the law, the Cc,ir,irW is amending its fee regulations in 10 CFR Part 170 j

and 171. The proposed amendments to 10 CFR Part 170 would revise the i,EL ::':{.el hourty rates and " flat" licensing fees to reflect the costs of providing NRC loensing services to appucents and i hconeses 1 *

! The proposed amendments to 10 CFR Part 171, which assess annual fees for costs not recovered j through 10 CFR Part 170, would establish the amount of the FY 1997 annual fees to be assessed to j operahng reactors, fuel cycle licenseos, transportsbon certificate holders, and matenals licensees. All

- of the FY 1997 annual fees will increase by about 8 percent as compared to FY 1996. The increase in j the annual fees results primarily from a reduction in the amount of the budget recovered by 10 CFR Part 170 fees and other offsetting receipts as well as a reduction in the number of licensees paying i ~ fees. Those NRC heensees that can quellfy as a smou entity under the NRC's stre standards will j contmus to be eligible to pay reduced annual fees. ,

I Enclosed is a copy of the proposed rule which is being transmitted to the Federal Register for

pubhcabon. The nobce provides for a 30 day public comment period 1
Sincerely, Scs
Acting Chief Financial Office- .,

4 Enciosure Proposed Revision to l 10 CFR Parts 170 and 171


. cc R.,,,:::isuve Vic Fazio i

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j 9703200126 970317 PDR PR PDR j l 170 62FR8BBS ,