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t t FROM: Marie Page, Contract Administrator Administrative Contracts Branch Division of Contracts
Federal Procurement Regulation (FPR) Part 1, Section 1-1507(f)
In accordance with the FPR reference, the following is set forth as justification of the determination to exercise a contract option provision for an increase in the number of counseling hours required for Headquarters personnel .
- 1. Contract No. NRC-10-82-358 for Career Counseling services was awarded to BEMWI on January 13, 1982, as the result of negotiations conducted under competitive RFP RS-ADM-82-358. Fixed costs for initial and subsequent one-hour. counseling sessions were negotiated at the time of award.
- 2. Article II Paragraph I of the contract provides the Government with an option to increase the number of counseling hours required by 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br />, for a maximum total of 500 counseling hours during the contract period. The con-tractor was given telephonic notice of the Government's intention to exercise its option on August 11, 1982.
- 3. Exercise of the option to increase the number of counseling hours required is the most advantageous method of. fulfilling the Government's need, price and the following factors considered:
- a. The NRC has an identified need for career counseling services. Due to the fact that the contract Statement of Work requires nul+.iple sessions for each employee, continuity and consistency of cifort is desireable to maintain the effectiveness of the counseling program.
=b. Tunds are available
- 4. Based on the foregoing it it determined to be in the best interest of the Government to exercise the option to increase the total number of counsel-ing hours required.
Eff) (L%L tL/)L Date/ Marie Page, Contfact Administrator Administrative Contracts Branch Received and Approved
"Date ~ Patricia A'. Smith Contracting Officer Fam-ts'- t ts-3 M
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