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Proposed Tech Specs Relocating Controls & Limitations on RETS & Radiological Environmental Monitoring to ODCM & PCP
Person / Time
Site: Humboldt Bay
Issue date: 12/09/1996
Shared Package
ML20132C729 List:
NUDOCS 9612180443
Download: ML20132C723 (41)


_ - . . _ _ _ - -- - _ _ - . - .- . - -



ii ii lii lii iv iv v


. 1-2 1-2 l-3 l-3

l-4 1-4 V-1 V-1
V-2 V-2 V-3 V-3 va v4
V-5 V-5
V-7 V-7 l v-8 v-8 V-9 V-9
V-11 V-11 V-12 V-12

. V-13 V-13

! V-14 V-14

! VI-1 VI-1 VI-2 VI-2 4

VI-3 VI-3 VI-4 VI-4 VI-5 VI-5 Vll-21 Vil-21 Vil-22 Vll-22 Vll-23 Vll-23 Vll-24 Vll-24 Vll-25 Vll-25

Vll-27 Vll-27 Vil 28 Vll-28 Vll-29 Vll-29 B-1 9612180443 961209 PDR ADOCK 05000133 P PDR

_ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..__. _. _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ . ~

Insert 1 OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL: The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) contains the methodology and parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses resulting from radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents, in the calculation of gaseous and liquid effluent monitoring AlarmiTrip Setpoints, and in the conduct of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. The ODCM also contains (1) the Radioactive Effluent Controls and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs required by Section VILF, and (2) descriptions of the information that should be included in the Annual SAFSTOR Radiological Environmental Monitoring and Annual Effluent Release Reports required by Specifications Vll.J.1 and Vll.J.3.

Insert 2

8. PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) contains the current formulas, sampling, analyses, test, and determinaticas to be made to ensure that processing and packaging of solid radioactive wastes based on demonstrated processing of actual or simulated wet solid wastes will be accomplished in such a way as to assure compliance with 10 CFR Parts 20,61, and 71, State regulations, burial ground requirements, and other requirements governing the disposal of solid radioactive waste.

Insert 3

j. Process Control Program insert 4 F. RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT CONTROLS PROGRAM A program shall be provided conforming with 10 CFR 50.36a for the control of radioactive effluents and for maintaining the doses to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive effluents as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). The program (1) shall be contained in the ODCM, (2) shall be implemented by operating procedures, and (3) shall include remedial actions to be taken whenever the program limits are exceeded. The program shall include the following elements:
1. Limitations on the operability of radioactive liquid and gaseous monitoring instrumentation including surveillance tests and setpoint determination in accordance with the' methodology in the ODCM, B-2

I I i 1


2. Limitations on the instantaneous (average over a one-hour period)

{ concentrations of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to Humboldt 4

Bay conforming to ten times the effluent concentration limits of 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, i 3. Monitoring, sampling, and analysis of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents

! in accordance with 10 CFR 20.1302 and with the methodology and parameters

in the ODCM, .

i I i- 4. Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses or dose cornmitment to a

! MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents i j released to Humboldt Bay conforming to the dose design objectives of

' l Appendix l to 10 CFR Part 50,  !

4 4 5. Determination of cumulative and projected dose contributions from radioactive j effluents for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year in  ;

j accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM at least every l 31 days, )

i i

6. Limitations on the operability and use of the liquid effluent treatment systems to ensure that the appropriate portions of these systems are used to reduce ,

releases of radioactivity when the projected doses in a 31-day period would i exceed 2 percent of the guidelines for the annual dose or dose commitment  !

conforming to the dose design objectives of Appendix l to 10 CFR Part 50,-

7. Limitations on the dose rate resulting from radioactive material released in gaseous effluents to areas beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be established as follows:
a. For noble gases: Less than or equal to an instantaneous dose rate (average over a one-hour period) of less than or equal to 500 mrem /yr to the total body and less than or equal to 3000 mrem /yr to the skin, and
b. For tritium and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days: Less than or equal to a dose rate (averaged over a one-week period) of 1500 mrem /yr to any organ.
8. Limitations on the annual and quarterly air doses resulting from noble gases released in gaseous effluents from each unit to areas beyond the SITE BOUNDARY conforming to Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50,
9. Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from tritium and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents released to areas beyond the SITE BOUNDARY conforming to the dose design objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, and B-3

. . _ _._ _ _ . . _ _._ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ __ _.


10. Limitations on the annual dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources conforming to 40 CFR Part 190.

I insert 5 )

J G. RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM A program shall be provided to monitor the radiation and radionuclides in the environs of the facility to provide assurance that the baseline conditions i established by the Environmental Report submitted as Attachment 6 to the '

SAFSTOR license amendment request are not deteriorating. The program shall i provide (1) onsite environmental monitoring consisting of a continuous sampler in the discharge canal, fenceline dosimetry stations, and groundwater monitoring wells, and (2) offsite environmental monitoring consisting of dosimetry stations that represent a gradient downwind in the prevailing wind direction. The program shall (1) be contained in the ODCM and (2) include the following:

1. Monitoring, sampling, analysis, and reporting of radiation and radionuclides in the environment in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ,

ODCM, l i

2. Participation in an Interlaboratory Comparison Program to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive materials in environmental sample matrices are performed as part of the quality assurance program for environmental monitoring.

insert 6 An Annual Radiological Monitoring Report shall be submitted to NRC within 90 days of January 1 of each year. The report shall include (1) a description of the results of the facility radiation surveys and the status of the facility, and (2) the Annual SAFSTOR Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report. The Annual SAFSTOR Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report shall include summaries, interpretations, and analysis of trends of the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the reporting period. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the ODCM.


insert 7 4

i The Annual Effluent Release Report covering the previous calendar year shall be j submitted to the NRC before April 1 of each year. The report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit. The material provided shall be (1) consistent with the objectives outlined in the ODCM and PCP and (2) in conformance with 10 CFR 50.36a.

Insert 8

k. Records of reviews performed for changes made to the OFFSITE DOSE

insert 9



Changes to the PCP:

1. Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained as required by Specification Vll.K.2.k. This documentation shall contain:

l a. Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s) and

. b. A determination that the change will maintain the overall conformance of i the solidified waste product to existing requirements of Federal, State, or j other applicable regulations.

l 2. Shall become effective after review and acceptance by the PSRC and the approval of the Plant Manager.  !


Shall be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained as

1. j

! required by Specification Vll.K.2.k. This documentation shall contain:


j i

a. Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate 1 analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s) and j
b. A determination that the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302,40 CFR Part 190,10 CFR 50.36a, and the guidelines of Appendix l to 10 CFR Part 50 for the annual dose or dose commitment and not adversely impact the accuracy or
reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations.


2. Shall become effective after review and acceptance by the PSRC and the approval of the Plant Manager,
3. Shall be submitted to the Commission in the form of a complete, legible copy of the entire ODCM as a part of or concurrent with the Annual Effluent Release

, Report for the period of the report in which any change to the ODCM was made. Each change shall be identified by markings in the margin of the affected pages, clearly indicating the area of the page that was changed, and

, shall indicate the date (e.g., month / year) the change was implemented.



i B-6



  • I-1 l 3,  :
8. % c.<ss C..Arol Progra.k .

I-1 A. Sco ,


8. finitions . I-2
1. Administrative Controls I-2

. 2. Design Features 1-2

3. Elevation .


4. -Offsite Dose Calculation Manual . .

I-2 l

5. Operable. Operability I-3 _
6. Operating Limits . . 1-3 1
7. Operating Requirements I-3
f g. SAFSTOR I-3 '

o#. . Spent Fuel 1-4 k

i)6. . Staggered Test Basis I-4 .


.11-1 A. Location 11-1 B. Plant Areas 11-1


C. Principal Activities . II-1

. l l 111. STM CTURES III-1' . .

A. Design Features III-1

1. Refueling Building III-1 *
2. Spent Fuel Storage Pool .III-1 Operating Limits and Requirements -.. III-2 B. -
1. Refueling Building III-2
2. Spent Fuel Storage Pool III-2
3. Neutron Absorber Surveillance Program III-3 IV. SERVICE SYSTEMS IV-1 IV-1 i A. Design Features . .
1. Refueling Building Ventilation System IV-1
2. Spent Fuel Storage Pool Service System IV-1
3. Fire Protection Systes .


4. Electrical Systems ,

IV-3 B. Operating Limits and Requirements IV-3  ;

1. Refueling Building Ventilation System IV-3 1
2. Spent Fuel Storage Pool Service System IV-4 l
3. Fire Protection System IV-4

. 4. Fire Hose Stations IV-9 i IV-10 S. Penetration Fire Barriers 4 6. Electrical Systems b2 IV-10 Attachment 2.1 Rev. 8 .

1934S/OO54K ,

Page 2 of 78



l l

_Section ~-

) E L E T 6 0 1

Page -


HONITORING SYSTEMS......... .................................... V-1 A. Design Features............................................. V-1 5; WR4* % @*n'4* "E

3. - T*"1:1::t1:Z:T.&:2:V /~V-2 Area Monitors and Portable Monitorin 7 Equipmenti...... 5 \

. 4. grupit,e cgviryneentai noniA.bNrW NLadOM/. . . A 2 - ./. . /

5. / #*


Spent t uel storage Pool Water Level Nonitors........... V-3

@ns1 re envi vor 7.a s,non1Ac ri nD szati ons. x . . . /. . . v. . .f / p-B. f I Operating Limits and Requirements...................'........ V-4

2. e N '
3. Ma Nonitors and Portable Monitoring .'. N .2 .7 .~." M .I ." M /


4. - V-6 fsite' capiirinspental Aor4totrine Sations./../;.
5. Knent t ues .worage Pool Vatel Leve' Nonttors..../..../. / 7V-7s t
6. ....... V-7 j 7.

(Ig4.e Sea Env}rorvapntakrioryt to pi nFStati o#s. . ./. . /. 7. ./. .g / PW

'b7To urce t.ea K - l eS t1 Dg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s . . . . V-9 1


WASTEDISPOSNLSYSTEH5........................................... VI-I f A.


1. Li idur s.........

adoac v a e t ...

.. ... ... .,. ..... V -1

2. So i Radoac iv Wa e .. ... .. ... .... . -1 s m.. ... ...... .. ..... .. I-B.

Operating Limits and Requirements...........................

1. VI-3 Liquid Radioactive Waste System...................... }

.2. VI-3 /

Solid Radioactive Waste System.........................


g po up Ey l tjents . y. . . . .j . /. . . ., . . ./ . . .) . y. . . . .,. .y.y ., / JI-M{

VI-4 /

VII. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTR0LS.......................................... VII-1 A.

Responsibility............................................... VII-1 B.

O rgan i zati o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~di VII-1 C.


1. l a Requirements n't S ta f f. . .for . . the. . .Shift

. . . .O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VII-1 .............

2. Plant Staff Qualifications. .perating Organization..... . VII-1
3. ...... ....................

Fire Protection Pro gram................................ VII-3

4. Training........... VII-7 s ....................................

VII-8 D. Review and

1. Audit............................................ VII-9
2. Pl ant Staf f Revi ew Commi ttee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VII-9 ...

Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII-14 L.2 Attachment 2.1 iii Rev. 8 Page 3 of 78



E RsdioschJa. CPftwe.d Q o.dec Is Peqra m Section

(g, L.diol, g i c. I Envi conmeda.( Monic,q'I' cop =.$ _.

E. Procedures VII-20  !

1. Detailed Procedures VII-20
2. Procedure Review VII-21 i
3. Procedure Changes .. VII-21
4. Emergencies Not Covered by a Procedure VII-22 i

// f. Site Emergency Plan VII-22

.r g. Surveillance Testing VII-22 3 )f. Reporting Requirements' VII-23

1. Annual Report l VII-23
2. Nonroutine Reports VII-23 '
3. Annual Effluent Release Report VII-24
4. Special Reports VII-24 1

/(f.RecordRetention VII-25 l

1. Five-Year Retention VII-25
2. SAFSTOR Duration VII-26 t 4. Radiation Protection Program VII-27 j rf,K; High Radiation Area VII-27 )
1. Less Than or Equal to 1000 mrem /hr VII-27
2. Greater Than 1000 mrem /hr 4_,<MNG VII-29


-c#m N Proce s s Codro l " Prog ra ^ 0 GO I o , O / ('s A h s e C )c. I a.4:en N n I cha.~g e s


G , , ,-

L-2 1934S/0054K - iv -

Attachment 2.1 Rev. 8 Page 4 of 78


~ ~ '


.P_ag Tab 1_e .

Refueling Building Personnel. Equipsent Entry, and .

I!!-4 .

221-1 .

Ventilation System Penetrations

' 0xrating Limits for Spent Fuel Storage Pool Water III-5 III-2 i

Ctemistry and Activity During SAFSTOR IV-12 y IV-1 Fire Hose Stations l<A Y-ng TOR .

i Y-1[ era [ng L[ts f[GroKdwa[Act1[ty D J


' Page j Figure 1 . 11-2 II-I linrestricted Area l 1A / ?crihee be / / / / / / / '/11/ .

Y-1/ ostme r Lo tions or s tio Near idPP

~ ' 12 V -


V-1 1

Y Hu 1dt 0 -site tati s(Dsine y)

V4 6 undw er M itor g We is (V-3 .

4 i

1 2

  • r i .

b2 Attachment 2.1 Rev. 8 Page 5 of 78



y 19345/0054K Amenoment No. 30

i 1


  • A list of the OPERATING LIMITS AND REQUIREMENTS, Whenever a condition occurs that requires corrective action to ensure operation or maintenance within these limits and requirements, such action shall be taken in a timely manner.

Section VII of these Technical Specifications covers administrative and procedural requirements, including the review of proposed changes in DESIGN FERTURES, OPERATING LIMITS AND REQUIREMENTS, and procedures. It also requires procedures for normal and emergency conditions during SAFSTOR.


1. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS: The provisions relating to the organization, managt. at, procedures, record keeping, reviews and audits, and reporting that are necessary to ensure maintenance of the Plant in a safe condition during SAFSTOR.
2. DESIGN FEATURES: Those features of the Plant which, if altered or modified, could have a significant effect on the ability of a system, component, or structure to perform its intended function.
3. ELEVATION: All elevation; shall apply to a datum of mean lower low water (HLLW) level except where noted.

>> ' [L.


4. [Orr TE ' E CAL LATI KANUA . Th offs te d e ca ulat on m ual ODCM) ollow the a licab por ons Reg lato Gui l l .

L-2 Anachment 2.1 Rev. 8 I-2 Paoe 7 of 7R -




1.10 and all c tain t met logy. d par meters used the I - l

' 1 c culat on of fsite ses an corice trati s due o rad activ i f l aseo and 1 uid ef vents nd in he cal ulati of g seous d i 11 id eff ent toring larm tpoin . .


. s e

l .

j S. OPERABLE. OPERABILITY: A system, subsystem, train, component, or - i device may be considered OPERABLE or ha've OPERABILITY when it is -

l capable of performing its specified function (s). Implicit in this . .

j ' definition shall be the assumption that all necessary attendant

instrumentation, controls. . normal and emergency.elec.tric power
sources, cooling or seal water, lubrication, or other auxiliary ,

j' equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train,

,[_ ,,

component, or device to perform its function (s) are also capable of l performing their related support function (s).

k f 6. OPERATING LIMITS: The lowest functionn1 capabil'ity, performance i levels, or safety limits of structures, systems, or components required during SAFSTOR.

7. OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: Those requirements relating to operation, test, calibration, surveillance, or ' inspection to ensure that operating limits will be set.

_: 0Md (D

. SAFSTOR: The period of time during which the Unit is maintained in a condition of monitored protective storage untti the final decommissioning of the Unit.

L-2 1934S/OO54K I-3 R Page 8 of 73

SPENT FUEL: Nuclear fuel thht has been removed from the reactor l vessel after having been used in critical power generation.

. STAGGERED TEST 8 ASIS: (a) A tast schedule-for n.(where n is, equal to

l a number) systems, subsystems, trains, or other designated components j

obtained by d'ividing the specified test interval into n equal subintervals. .and (b) the testing o'f one system, subsystem, train, or other designated component at the beginning of each subinterval. _

h 1

l l


' I-2 .

Attachment 2.1 Rev. 8 Page 9 of 78 19345/0054K I-4

i I


1. StackInsModterilo Sdtes \


. )

i sy .'s ha1 be rovid to terni touti relea s of p ic at rad ett ty a .to p ide itoring nciati n f

f nro ine ele es' of adioa Ive no e gase . The tack g

! ito ing yste shall const of a p rticula filt r hold ,a ,


  • 4 bet sen tiv detec r sy em,and- sample pump- produ a

! , s mpi flow ontr led a approxi tely 2 fm. e part ulate fil ers all b remov d for 1 oratory counti . The etecto ave t detec rs (one s an tratin spare) o ster shall ,


res nd to radio tive (b ta-emit ng) ga s that ass thr ugh th ., ,

s stem. The d ector stem sh I be d signed be se itive o 1

Kr-8 in the stack' s from prori ely 5 x 0 to ap roxima ly2x 0-2 pC1 cc. /J

' e)cl \ I

'2. fProc/ss Hafer 6(enitor H--

r ces water disti monito ing sys em emp ying a g - ensiti stint lation etector shall e prov ed to ndi ate, r cord, d annu late hi radi ton le els in e r vaste ischar e tint o the c culatt water system. The r ge of the monitor shall from 1 to 10 6cpm wi a typt al L-2 -

Attachment 2.1 21075/OO59K V1 Rev. 8 Page 30 of 78

se 1 tivi of 2 cpm r pCi/ for C 137 an 450 per ~

1/m or .

/ )


3. Area Monitors and Portable Monitorine Ecutoment ,- ,

Fixed gamma monitors with ranges of 0.01 to 100 ar/hr or 0.01 mr/hr to 10 r/hr shall be~ installed at various locatt'ons, throughout the Unit. The outputs of these monitors shall be recorded in the control room. Each chan'n'el shall .have"an adjustable high radiation

, alarm which is'annuncisted. '


, One area monitor shall be located in each of the following locations:

o Refueling building, south wall access door o Refueling building, northwest access door A high radiation signal from either of these channels shall provide a " Building Above Normal Radiation" signal which is annu_ntiated in the control room. These two area monitoring channels shall also provide gamma monitoring of the fuel storage areas. A high radiation level signal from .either of these' channels shall sound the evacuation horns in the refueling building.

In addition to the area monitoring system, suitable portable and fixed. alpha and beta-gama detection instruments and beta-gama L-2 l 1934S/OO54K V-2 ^"* "

Rev. 8 " -

Page 31 of 78

i dose rate instruments shall be provided for use of personnel i entering the Unit radiation areas and radioactive materials areas and for analyzing samples.

4. Offsite/ Envirdmentald6cnitorid Stationf 1

our of ite er ironnen 1 monito ng stat ns shal be mai ained i

1 thro h the FSTOR riod. T ese repre ent a s les do wind fr e plan in the evailing ind dir tion ran ng fr 0.25 m e to 11.6 iles fr Unit 3 ( gure V- . These tation shall e ipped vi dosime y device that ca e comp ed wit those u ed onsite. '


) 5. Seent Fuel Storace Pool Water Level Monitors I.


Two water level indicating devices shall be installed in the SPENT FUEL storage pool. The outputs of these monitors shall be indicated in the control room. Annunciation (visual and audible) of low water 4

level shall be provided in the control room.

h 6'. fOnsite/EnvirodntalMditorin Stations [

-site nitort statio s shall nelude continu us samp er for I

, water in the scharge anal, d imeters at or w hin th site per meter f nce line and gr ndwater nitori g well . The L-2 Attachment 2.1

Rev. 8 19345/0054K V-3 Page 32 of 78 4

E locati s of the simete s and e well are s by F gures -2 -

' i i and -3 espec vely. The on te gr ndwate monitor ng pr ram s 11 e nsist f fiv wells onstru ed in e vici ty of nit 3.

l Two 11s ( 1 an M(-11 shall rve as ackg nd '(sp' a,dlent no tori well . Thre wells

  • 2 , an N(-6) e loc ed gr tent Unit and s 11 se e as gr Jndwate cont nati det tion w Is. f J


1. Stack d s knitorVno Syst/m' '

. e st k gas nitori syste shall b OPERABL and capa e of itiati g the s ck gas igh rad tion le 1 alare enever t e vent ation stem i in oper ion. .I may be t en'out - --

servi for c ibrati or mal enance, t shall e retur d to ervice s soon s pract able. T sonitor shall b set o alarm at or b low the evel wher the no e gas r ease rat would esult an ins antaneous offsite oncentra ,,n of ai orne r toactiv material equal to he appr riate v ue tven i 10.CFR , Append B. Tab II, col mn 1. T is alarm set nt shal be calcu ted in cordance ith the .

b. The cali ration of these so tors sha be che ed at le st once ach year. Alarz fu ctions s 11 be ch cked wee y for' OP g BILITY./

Ie2 Attachment 2.1 19345/0054K V-4 Page 33 of 8 -

(_ ,

i c. e st k iculat filter 11 be r ved f labor ory --

i cou ing kly. W f d. The nt head that 11ects vents ros th liquid


l l ra ste t utsent acility all be onnect to th plant

1 entilat on erha t syst to pera t monit ring by he sta l j gas itorinjsystem. i 2.

()s!'N i Process Mater @nitor )

i f i

, a The nito shall really OPERA E to de et inadv rtent i

1schar e of ra aste. say b taken t of ser ce for cali ration d main nance b shall e retur d to ser ce as n as acticab . Nhe the so tor is o of serv ce. any


relea shall e verif d by a lysis of duplicat independen - -

s les an indepe ent ver ication f the va e lineup b ore l the act vity is elease .

b. e monit r shal e source checked arterly an shall be calibr ted an ally. T monitor hall be se to alarm t or

'be w a Cs 7 conce ration i he disch ge line o x 10d pC1/al. lars fun tons and ekground eadings shal be check ~ weekly. f a back ound read ng excee the utvalent 5 x 10-5 C1/m1, t e cause vi be investig ed and r edial sea ures take o redue the backg und readt g. s  ;

j I L-2 Attachment 2.1

21075/0059K V-S Rev. 8 -

Page 34 of 78

1 l

radiation survey and a contamination survey of the Plant shall _

i be conducted at least quarterly to verify that no radioactive '

material is escaping or being transported through containment 2

barriers. Contamination samples shall be taken along the most probable path by which radioactive material (such' as that stored in the inner containment regions) could be transported to the outer regions of the Plant and ultimateli to the I environs.


1 OffsiteNnvirodntal dnitorin[Statioruf L- 1 i I stray adiati n chamb s are us d, they all be nitored e ery

, 14 to 5 days with a rage an maximum lues rep rted annu 11y.

If ilm p ks are ed, the shall be nitored Aonthly, ith verag and mar um valu reporte annually If the luminest t ,,

dos eters Ds) are sed, the shall be nitored t least arterly, v.ith av rage and rimum va es repor d annua 11 .

If he resul s from any station i icate th the tot gadiati n ose woul be 25 er/ ear or no above b kground, n invest gation i shall conducte and nece ary alti tive atti ns taken

5. Seent Fuel Storace Pool Hater Level Monitors At least one water level monitor shall normally be all times. One water level monitor at a time may be taken out of L-2 19345/0054K #


  • p ,

Page 36 of 78

i service for. maintenance purposes but shall be returned to service as soon as practicable. At.any time.when 'both spent fuel pool water level monitors are inoperable, the water level shall be visually checked at least once each day. .

The monitors shall be set to annunciate a low level c'ondition whenever the water level in the spent fuel storage pool drops below

. ELEVATION 10 feet. 8 inches. Level in'dication of the' spent fuel storage pool water level monitors shall be verified monthly. The levei monitors shall'be calibrated and the alarm setpoints verified annually.

delch k

6. Onsit/Envirdntaldnitorda Stati[ni

. T disc rge ca 1 contin ous samp er shall ormally e h.. .

operat ng. osite spies s 11 be an yzed we ly whe the sa er ha been op. ating. f the sa ler is' noperabl , dip amples shall be aken, erage an maximu activit and con ntratio shall b reporte annua 11.- Dip s "les sh Il t be us in.det ination f avera and na num concen ations.

b. site do meter st ions sha be moni ored at ast quarte y. Aver e and na num dosi try val s will re ted annu ly.

s L-2 Attachment 2.1 1934S/0054K V-8 Page 37 7

l 1


c. he oundw er moni oring w 11s shal be sa ed quar erly fo to 1 gro alpha, total oss bet , total amma ac vity, d ritium Avera and inum sa le resu ts shal be pre red annua y. A port vi 1 be su itted w thin 30 sys if ny of the paramet rs list d in Ta e V-1 a exceed d.
7. Sealed Source Leak Testina i a. Each sealed source containing radioactive material in excess of 100 pCi of beta-and/or gamma-emitting material or 10 pC1 of 1 alpha-emitting material shall be tested for leakage and l
  • contamination.

If the test reveals the presence of contamination in excess of ,, ,

~0 .005 pCi of removable contamination, the source shall be i

1 immediately removed from service and decontaminated, repaired, or disposed of in accordance with Commission regulations. A report shall be prepared and submitted to the Regional Administrator, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IV, within 30 days of the date the leak test result greater than 0.005 pC1 is discovered. The report shall specify the source involved, the test results, and corrective action taken.

Records of leak test results shall be kept in units of microcuries.

L2 Attachment 2.1 Rev. 8 Page 38 of 78 V-9 Amendment No. 3)




ar'a ter M /- p X

ss alpha /

/ f 15'pci/1 DriAing wa rs I


/ / / /

Gross bet ' ' 40 pCi/1 inking ter and d


T/itiu / 3 x 10- pCi/ 1% of 1 CFR 'O .

Appe x B. able I


/ '

Col 2 -


emit lers -

i 1 f 10 FR 20.

pendi B. Table II

{ /


. isotopes for/ individual.


,/., ,


f le2


. Attachment 2.1 Rev.8 age 40 oM8 21:J75/0059K V - 11 .

(_ 1


f RJ mXA

/ ,

, x g .

/ 8 NE g OlNT g,

8 14



'S TH  :."

SALMON V 11.6 m in L CA RBLE 8 L-2 A ent 2.1 m:v. 8 .

Page 41 of 78 Fig.Y-1 Dosimeter Locatkms for Stath rear N v - 12

. . _ - . = ..- - . . . _. ._ _ . . . . . . - - . - - . - - . . - - - - - - - -- - - _ - .

1, l




,,,f l

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9. D er n  ;

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  • E e


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e J' < f


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  • a (? /

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, L-2 t

I _

A cat 2.1 d l Rev.8

' Page 42 of 7

/ -l 0 4 ,(

r >,

Y - 33 a


/ y.

N, T *



[/ j ,

f / 'T

%. 'I  %.

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[ T" c- / [  !

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l /[xs)' uurt n.


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/ {


l aut sat

/ .


fa \

oc/ - -

7 +

w ,_. .-

__ f  !

_ GEND  ::::


  • Y Woo N Wet ocation ,

parent Or ster Dtraction L-2 Attach nt 2.1 Rev.8 Pa ' 43 of 78 jFig.Y-3 BPP Gr wate Monitor g Wells j (]

V - I I. icend:nen N:. 33




) I i

4 i




, 1. Licuid dioacti Naste Sv em I I l

ntaminat or pote ally cont inated 11 id waste all be' )

i .

collect in one the foll ng waste ollection nks or sumps i

o T bine build g drain, nk - 3 gallon capac ty l ,

~4 1 o Reactor equipment rain tank SOO-gallon pacity 1

o R actor (.ais on sump gallon cap city t

1 Radwa e sump - 0-gallon ca city

\' =:

1 f th.e ra aste disc rge process nitor is RABLE, the ontents of the eactor ca son sump be automati 11y pumped o the out 11 canal periodic le results etermine t t the wate is t contant ted and if ontamination s not susp ted. Othe ise, the cais n sump sha be pumped t the 11guld adwaste tr taent facil y. The c ents of the emaining was e collecti tanks or



su s shall be umped to thfe siquid radwa te treatme


L-2 1934S/0054K VI - I Attachment 2.1 __

Rev. 8 ..

Page 44 of 78

. .__ _ _ . . - _ = - _. --

s The liqui radwast treatmen system sh I consi t of the f loving L print al equi nt:

o Naste re iver, tan (three) - 7.500-ga,on capact each o T eated was hold t (two) - 500-ga11 capacity ch Rad ste filt s (two) - ximum 25 tcrons vi a capacity 50 gpa ch-o Mix bed rad ste demini 112er - 2 gpm nomina capacity

, o Radvast doncentra r and au 11arles - d igned to con ntrate 7, gallons er week l o Shielde concentra d waste st age tanks ( o) -

S. gallon c atity each Minimu reatment or any was batch shal consist of Ltration.

Wher further reatment is equired, th following hod shall e a11able:

o Remov of radioact ity by ion change o centration of radioacti ty by evapo atio.i L-2 19345/0054K VI - 2 Attachment 2.1 Rev. 8 _.

Page 45 of 78 -

2. Solid Radioactive Haste System L d


/  !

Spe de nera ~zer'res n shall e slutc d to a hielded tant of '

f . gall capact y for 1 g-ters orage for,e u imate (site dis sal The e ess lig d'from is tan shall e'diavn ff erlod cally d treat in th iquid aste tr atment cilit s.




er s id radi etive stes's 11 be ckaged nd st ed on te for"u timate sposal ffsite'. t an av orize dispo 1 fa ity.

. I Ge rally, olid ra loacti vastes 11 b store in e her t 200-cu c-foot nderg und vaul or i /.the r was handl ng buildi, g or ip the 1, level s rage b611d1 . .


y ,

/ / /


1. Ljouid Radioactive Haste System

. .- m

a. oactive waste discharges to Humboldt Bay shall not exceed \

i )

Ahe 1[mits Mven in~10 CFR 20, Appendix B. ' Table II, column 2

/ - .

o/an p

'i tantaneo'us basis. .



/ / j' l

b. T radio gical nventory of wastes within the 11 did

/ / /

radica tve waste treatment s em shall not exc d 300 C ?


c. Na er fr


the r ctor c sson sump shall b sampled and analyzedmontpyfo'rttalalph, beta,a gama Activity. ,/

ve. rage and j daximum alues shall be reported an -

1934S/OO54K VI - 3 -

Rev. 8 Page 46 of 78

p (: L E TE D

d. ch of wastes shall be s led a analyzed bef re ase


o the isch ge can .

' e. ore radi etive ste d charge s st ed, '

sha. be i ver led at the adioac ve wa e dis arge on c oa t wit at lea one,circulapngwa rp in perat on._


The radiological inventory of vastes in outdoor tanks that are not capable of retaining or treating tank overflows shall. not exceed 0.25 C1. -


2. Solid Radioactive Waste System 1
a. The radiological inventory of vastes within the solid

-radioactive vaste system shall not exceed 1000 Ci.


b. posa /of solid w te t i lic perf rmed n acc rdanc edbu.rialsiteshallgef

/ /

ith t req 1rements/o 10 TR / '

P rts 61 and 7

/ t and er a licabl requi medfor '/ p /

tra sport ton d disp al. /

c. Pri r to shipmen to a icens burla site. Iqu waste ill be p cessed .g., olidi ed or sorbe in ccord ce vi a p ocess c trol rograw ich ecifle act tance ritert .

test ba hf quenc , and remedial ctio s.

q ,

d L-2 Attachment 2.1  !

19345/0054K Rev. 8 l VI - 4 Page 47 of 78 - I


.. ." ~

3. #Gasdus/ff,1uents '

// /


/ Ga us eff uent sha no resul in o site gro d le el conc tra ton exc din the 1 its ven n 1 ,

R , App nd B.

Ta eJ, luen t

, an 1' tint eou asi .

- ' / J P E L E TE D


O e

S ear N

fe e

L-2 Attachment 2,1 ~

1934S/0054K VI - 5 page 48 of 78 -


g. . Surveillance activities required to demonstrate compliance with -

f the Technical Specifications

h. Calibration of instrumentation used to demonstrate" compliance vith Technical Specifications
i. Shipping and disposal of radioactive materials inSol & ,
2. Procedure Review All procedures described in item 1 above, and changes thereto, shall be' reviewed by the PSRC and approved by the Plant Manager prior to j .

implementation, except as provided in ' items 3 and '4 below.

i i

3. Procedure Chances n

Rules shall be established that provide methods by which temporary j changes can be made to approved procedures, including the designation of those persons authorized to. approve such changes. Tem;iorary 4

changes that clearly do not change the iritent of the approved procedure from the standpoint of nuclear safety may be approved by two members of the, plant management staff, at least one of whom is a Certified Fuel Handler. Such changes shall.b'e documented and, if appropriate, incorporated into the next revision of the affected procedure.

L-2 '

Attachment 2.1 Rev. 8 .

21075/0059X VII - 21 Page 70 of 78 Z

i 4. Emeroencies Not Covered by a Procedure

,J 2

In the event of an emergency not covered by an approved procedure, operations. personnel shall be instructed to take minimize personnel injury and damage to .the facility.

+--inser~l @ i



i The Site Emergency Plan shall provide the necessary prearrangement and organization of personnel to deal effectively with emergencies at the Plant so' as to minimize radiation exposure to Plant personr.el .and. the general public. The plan shall describe the specific duties of Plant

, personnel in the event of an accident or any unplanned incident producing high radiation levels. Drills and exercises described in the Emergency Plan shall be performed to ensure that all Plant personnel are thoroughly ,, ,

familiar with the plan.

.m I. SURVEILLANCE TESTING l Testing o,f system components, monitors, and other equipment to which these Technical Specifications apply shall be as described in Sections III through VI. Each surveillance test shall be performed within the specified time interval with:

A maximum allowable extension not to exceed 251 of the test interval L.2 -

Attachment 2.1 ,

Rev. 8 19349 0054K VII - 22 Page 71 of 78 M


1 i

l i


  • A total interval time for any three consecutive test intervals not to l exceed 3.25 times the specificd test interval Appropriate tests shall also be performed following maintenance on these systems that could impair their operation.


In addition to the applicable reporting requirements of 10 CFR, the j following reports shall be submitted:

l i

1. Annual ReDort ggt kM '

An an al repor to the egional dministr or, NRC gion IV, w ha -

l co to the RC Docu nt Contr Desk, all descr be the re its of/

the envi nmental nd facil ty radia on surve and the atus of the f cility w hin 90 ys of Ja vary 1 ofj ach year. I

2. Nonroutine Recorts
a. The NRC Operations Center shall be notified of emergency and nonemergency events in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72.
b. Reportable events shall be reported in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73.

L-2 Attachment 2.1 Rev. 8 Page 72 of 78 VII - 23 Amendment No. 31

3. Annual Effluent Release Renort j 'O

'iheAnnu Effl nt Rel se Repor covering he opera on of th nit durin the pr vious c endar y r shall submitte before Ap 11 of ach ye .

The eport sh, 1 includ a summar of the qu tities f f radi etive 1 quid and aseous of uents re ased from he unit t unre ricted eas. Th informati n submitt d in the ual Efflu t R ease Re rt shall in acco ance wit 10 CFR 50. 6a, Regula ory Guide 1 1 (Revisi 1),dat June 197 , and Regu tory Guide 4.1 (Revi ion 1), da ed April 75. "

4. Special Reports if the calculated dose to any member of the general public exceeds - --

the 40 CFR 190 limits, a Special Report shall be made to the Regional Administrator, NRC Region IV, within 30 days. This report shall include an analysis of.the estimated dose _ received by a member of the public from uranium fuel cycle sources for the applicable consecutive '

12-month period. The report shall also describe the corrective actions planned to reduce subsequent exposures and to prevent recurrence of the event. The Special Report shall include a request for a variance in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR 190 and include the information specified in 40 CFR 190.ll(b). Submittal of the report is considered a timely request, and variance is granted untii NRC Staff action on the request is completed. I,2 l Attachment 2.1 Rev. 8 Page 73 of 78 V11 - 24 Amendment No. 31


l 1. Five-Year Retention f

All records and logs relative to the following areas shall be 4

retained for at least 5 years:

1 I

a. Records and logs of normal SAFSTOR operations.
b. Records and loge of principal maintenance activities, including.
i inspection, repair, substitution or replacement of principal items of equipment described in the Technical Specifications.

! c. Reportable Occurrence Reports d

d. Records of periodic checks, inspections, and calibrations performed to verify that surveillance requirements are being met.
e. Records of radioactive shipments.


) f. Records of sealed source leak tests and results.

g. Records of the annual physical inventory of all source material of record.

. L-2 Attachment 2.1 ~ '

Rev. 8 .

1934S/0054K VII - 25 _


l l


g. Records of training and qualification for current members of the plant staff.
h. Minutes of meetings of the PSRC and NSOC.
1. Records of Quality Assurance activities required by the SAFSTOR Quality Assurance Plan.
j. Records of reviews performed for changes made to procedures or equipment, or reviews of tests and I i

experiments ' pursuant to the Final Hazard Summary Report )

, (Fil5R).

< inserl @


..l Radiation control procedures shall be prepared, approved, adhered to, and made available to all plant personnel. These procedures shall show permissible radiation exposure and shall be consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR 20. The radiation protection program shall be organized to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 20.


1. Less Than or Equal to 1000 mr/hr 20./ 40 ) (a.

Pursuant to paragraph A....,M(5rof 10 CFR Part 20, in lieu of the " control device" or " alarm signal" required by paragraph L-2 Attachment 2.1 VII - 27 Rev. 8 Pace 76 of 78

< 2 0./60 / a '

~f0.bu.d&, each high radiation area, as defined in 10 CFR Part 20 .

in which t e int .

30 ty of radiation is equal to or less than 1000 arthr at cm in.) from the radiation source or. from any surface l

that the radiation penetrates. shall be barricaded, and. conspicuously-posted as a high radiation area, and entrance thereto shall

  • be controlled by requiring issuance of special work permits (SWPs).

Individuals qualified in radiation protection procedures (e.g.,

Health Physics Technician) or personnel continuously escorted by such individuals may be exempt from the SHP issuance requirement d'uring i the performance of their assigned duties in high radiation areas with exposure rates equal to or less than, provided they are otherwise following plant radiation protection procedures .for entry I into such high radiation areas.

Any individual or group of

{ ,

individual's permitted to enter such areas shall be provided with or

! accompanied by one or more of the following:


A radiation acnitoring device that continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in the area:


b. .s A radiation monitoring device that. continuously integrates the

! radiation dose rate in the area and alarms when a preset integrated dose is received.

Entry into such areas with this monitoring device may be made after the dose rate levels in the area have been established and personnel have been made t

knowledgeable of them.

4 i L-2 19345/0054K VII - 28 A " "I Rev. 8 Page 77 of 78 Z >


, 6. an inoiviovas qualitieo in ractation protection procedures with l a radiation dose rate sonitoring device, who is responsible for l

providing positive control over the activities within the area j and-sha11' perform periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency specified. ,

l 2. Greater Than 1000 mr/hr I l

! . 1)

'In addition to the requirements of Specific.ation~n.T.Fareas L

a ssible o personnel with radiation levels greater thah 1000 mr/hr 2
a cm. Iin.) from the radiation' source or from any surface I the radiation penetrates shall be provided with locked doors to prevent unauthorized entry. 'and the keys shall be maintained under the administrative control'of the Shift Foreman on duty or Health j Physics supervision. Doors shall remain locked except during periods

) of. access by pers6nnel under an approved SWP which shall specify the -


j dose rate levels in the imediate work areas and the maximum i

j allowable stay time for individuals in that area. In lieu of- the stay time specification of the SNP, direct or remote (suchas closed circuit TV cameras) continuous surveillance may be made by personnel. )

i qualified in radiation protection procedures to provide positive exposure control over the activities being performed within the area.

4- ^InSer/ & l Inser-l @ l

, L-2 Attachment 2.1 Rev. 8 -

Page 78 of 78 '

1934S/OOS4K . VII - 29 _


4 m

HBPP Implementation of Generic Letter 89-01 Guidance GL 89-01 Disposition of Specifications and Administrative Controls l Disposition of Corresponding Current HBPP Technical Specifications included Under the Heading of RETS in the I (Not Drafted in Standard Technical Specification Fonnat)

Standard Technical Specifications l STS Title Disposition of Current l HBPP Title Disposition of Current Specification Specification i Specification Specification 1.17 Offsite Dose Definition is updated to reflect the l 1.B.4 Offsite Dose Definition is updated to reflect the Calculation Manual change in scope of the ODCM. I Calculation Manual change in scope of the ODCM.

1.22 Process Control Definition is relocated to the PCP. I None N/A New definition added for a PCP as Program i Specification I.B.8.

1.32 Solidification Definition is relocated to the PCP. i None N/A Definition is added to the ODCM i which contains the PCP.

3/ Radioactive Liquid Programmatic controls are included , V.A.2 Process Water Programmatic controls are included Effluent Monitoring in 6.8.4 g. Item 1). Existing i V.B.2.a & b Monitor in Vll.F.1. Existing specification instrumentation specification procedural details are l procedural details are relocated to relocated to the ODCM. I the ODCM as appropriate.

3/ Radioactive Programmatic controls are included I V.A.1 Stack Gas Monitoring Programmatic controls are included Gaseous Effluent in 6.8.4 g. Item 1). Existing i V.B.1.a. b, System in Vll.F.1. Existing specification Monitoring specification procedural details are l &c procedural details are relocated to Instrumentation relocated to the ODCM. Existing i the ODCM as appropriate.

requirements for explosive gas l HBPP has no requirement for monitoring instrumentation should i explosive gas monitoring be retained. instrumentation in SAFSTOR.

3/ Liquid Effluents: Programmatic controls are included , VI.B.1.a Liquid Radioactive Programmatic controls are included Concentration in 6.8.4.g. Item 2) and 3). Existing i Waste System in Vll.F.2 & 3. Existing specification procedural details are l specification procedural details are relocated to the ODCM. i relocated to the ODCM as j appropriate.

3/ Liquid Effluents: Programmatic controls are included , None N/A Current Specifications do not have Dose in 6.8.4 g. Item 4) and 5). Existing i a limit for liquid effluent dose. New specification procedural details are l programmatic controls are included relocated to the ODCM. I in Vli.F.4 & 5. Procedural details j are added to the ODCM.

3/ Liquid Effluents: Programmatic controls are included i VI. A.1 Liquid Radioactive Programmatic controls are included Liquid Radwaste in 6.8.4 g. Item 6). Existing i Waste System in Vll.F.6. Existing specification Treatment System specification procedural details are l procedural details are relocated to relocated to the ODCM. I the ODCM as appropriate.


GL 89-01 Disposition of Specifications and Administrative Controls l Disposition of Correspond $ig Current HBPP Technical Specifications included Under the Heading of RETS in the l (Not Drafted in Standard Technical Specification Format)

Standard Technical Specifications i STS Title Disposition of Current l HBPP Title Disposition of Current Specification Specification i Specification Specification 3/ Liquid Holdup Existing specification requirements l VI.B.1.f Uquid Radioactive Existing specification requirements Tanks to be retained. 8 Waste System to be retained.

3/ Gaseous Effluents: Programmatic controls are included i VI.B.3 Gaseous Effluents Current Specifications are based on Dose Rate in 6.8.4 g. Item 3) and 7). Existing i concentration at the site boundary.

specification procedural details are l New programmatic controls are relocated to the ODCM. I included in Vll.F.3 & 7. Procedural j details are added to the ODCM.

3/ Gaseous Effluents: Programmatic controls are included i None N/A Current Specifications do not have Dose-Noble Gases in 6.8.4 g. Item 5) and C). Existing i a limit for dose from noble gas specification procedural details are l effluents. New programmatic relocated to the ODCM. I controls are included in Vll.F.8.

i Procedural details are added to the t ODCM.

3/ Gaseous Effluents: Programmatic controls are included } None N/A New programmatic controls are Dose-lodine 131, in 6.8.4 g. Item 5) and 9). Existing i included in Vll.F.5 & 9. Procedural Tritium, and specification procedural details are l details are added to the ODCM.

Radioactive relocated to the ODCM. i 1-131 is not applicable to HBPP in Materialin l the SAFSTOR decommissioning Particulate Form i status.

3/4.11.2'.4 Gaseous Effluents: Programmatic controls are included [ None N/A Gaseous radwaste treatment is not Gaseous Radwaste in 6.8.4 g. Item 6). Existing i appliable to HBPP in the Treatment or specification procedural details are l SAFSTOR decommissioning Ventilation Exhaust relocated to the ODCM. I status.

Treatment System j

,,,,_3/ Explosive Gas Existing specification requirements i None N/A This Specificatior. is not applicable Mixture should be retained. I to HBPP in the SAFSTOR l decommissioning status.

~5/ Gas Storage Tanks Existing specification requirements I None N/A This Specification is not applicable should be retained. I to HBPP in the SAFSTOR

j. decommissioning status.

3/ Main Condenser Existing specification requirements i None N/A This Specification is not applicable (BWR) should be retained. I to HBPP in the SAFSTOR

} decommissioning status.


GL 89-01 Disposition of Specifications and Administrative Controls i Disposition of Corresponding Current HBPP Technical Specifications included Under the Heading of RETS in the l (Not Drafted in Standard Technical Specification Format)

Standard Technical Specifications i STS Title Disposition of Current l HBPP Title Disposition of Current Specification Specification i Specification Specification 3/4.11.3 Solid Radioactive Existing specification procedural l VI.A.2 Solid Radioactive Existing specifications procedural Wastes details are relocated to the PCP. VI.B.2.b & c Waste System details are relocated to the ODCM l

or PCP as app _r,,o_priate.

3/4.11.4 Radioactive Programmatic controls are included None N/A New programmatic controls are Effluents: Total in 6.8.4 g. Item 11). Existing i included in Vll.F.10. Procedural Dose specification procedural details are l details are added to the ODCM as relocated to the ODCM. i appropriate.

3/4.12.1 Radiological Programmatic controls are included I V.A.4 Offsite Programmatic controls are included Environmental in 6.8.4 h. Item 1). Existing i V.A.6 Environmental in Vll.G.1. Existing specification Monitoring: specification procedural details are l V.B.4 Monitoring Stations, procedural details are relocated to Monitoring relocated to the ODCM. I V.B.6.a. b, Onsite the ODCM as appropriate.

Program l &c Environmental 8

Monitoring Stations 3/4.12.2 Radiological Programmatic controls are included } None N/A This Specification is not applicable ,

Environmental in 6.8.4 h. Item 2). Existing i to HBPP in the SAFSTOR Monitoring: Land specification procedural details are l decommissioning status. The Use Census relocated to the ODCM. i Environmental Report submitted as l Attachment 6 to the SAFSTOR i LAR established baseline l conditions for the SAFSTOR i period.

3/4.12.3 Radiological Programmatic controls are included l None N/A New programmatic controls are i Environmental in 6.8.4 h. Item 3). Existing i included in Vil.G.2. Procedural Monitoring: specification procedural details are details are added to the ODCM.

Interlaboratory relocated to the ODCM.

Comparison l Program i i 5.1.3 Design Features: Existing specification requirements i ll.B Plant Areas ExEsting specification requirements Site Map Defining should be retained. I are retained.

Unrestricted Areas l i and Site Boundary l

for Radioactive i Gaseous and i Liquid Effluents C-3

GL 89-01 Disposition of Specifications and Administrative Controls i Disposition of Corresponding Current HBPP Technical Specifications included Under the Heading of RETS in the l (Not Drafted in Standard Technical Specification Format)

Standard Technical Specifications i STS Title Disposition of Current l HBPP Title Disposition of Current Spec' cation Specification i Specification Specification Reporting Specification simplified and existing i Vll.H.1 Annual Report Specification simplified and Requirements: reporting details are relocated to the l existing reporting details are Annual Radiological ODCM. i relocated to the ODCM.

Environmental i Operating Report l Reporting Specification simplified and existing ] Vll.H.3 Annual Effluent Shicification simplified and Requirements: reporting details are relocated to the i Release Report existirg reporting details are Serrc Annual ODCM or PCP as appropriate. l relocated to the ODCM as Raoioactive i appropriate.

Effluents Release l Report 8 6.13 Process Control Specification requirements are i. None N/A A new Specification Vil.N is added Program simplified. i to incorporate j GL 89-01 guidance.

6.14 Offsite Dose Specification requirements are , None N/A A new Specification \'11.0 is added Calculation Manual simplified. i to incorporate GL 89-01 guidance.

6.15 Major Changes to Existing procedural details are ] None N/A Procedural details are added to the Liquid, Gaseous, relocated to the ODCM or PCP as i ODCM as appropriate to and Solid Radwaste appropriate. l incorporate GL 89-01 guidance.

Treatment Systems i C-4 m - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ __