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Forwards Safety Evaluation Accepting 1981 Version of Westinghouse Large Break ECCS Evaluation Model.Requests Publication of WCAP-9200 & WCAP-9221 within 90 Days
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/01/1981
From: John Miller
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Rahe E
Shared Package
ML20132A685 List:
FOIA-83-619 TAC-10386, TAC-43380, NUDOCS 8201130333
Download: ML20132A682 (2)


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J. Ser0gren N. Lauben O. I L A)9 T. Speis :E Uestinchensa Electric Corporation

?TTM: f:r. E. P. Rahe, "anager

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!'uclecr Safety Departnent "

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n. C. Dox 354 I)EC 1 i nitts' urch, Pennsv1vania 15230 f M.

Pear "r. r,ahe:

Subj ect: Acceptance for Referencing of the 1981 Version of the Uestinghouse Larce Break EC.CS Evaluation Model Tha Muclear Fenulatory Connission has co?oleted its review of the proposed 1991 versinn of the t!estinghouse Appendix K Evaluetion Podel as described in the Westin .heuse letter of Pay 15, 1981, nunber US-TNA-2448 ferr T. f t.

tnderson to J. P.. !iiller. This letter prenosed the changes to the 1978 evaluation -'odel that are currertly being inplemented in neneral rractice be forna11y coproved. These chances involve (a) the impact of the fuel red burst and blockaae nodels required by NUREG-0630; (b) the use of "IIHI Softuore Technolocy" models; (c) adjustnent to the FLECHT reflood heat trarsier correlation; (d)- the interaction between the punced safety injection finu and tha accumulator injection flow; (e) procranning changes to the s'.wed no gr c:: tion in LOCTA-IV; and (f) past anproval chances to the licensina topical repnrt UCAP-9220 entitled "Uestinghouse ECCS Evaluetion

' ndal, February 1"78 Version." A copy of our " Safety Evaluation Report on tha 1991 Vorsien of the 'clestinghouse Lerge Break ECCS Evaluation Modc1" is enclosed.

Dased on our review of the ',*estinchouse 1931 version of the large Greak ECCS Evaluation Model es described in the Westinghouse proposal letter HS-THA-244P includinq its reference and as further described and linited in the enclosed sea ara its references, we conclude the rodel so described is in conpliance with Appendix K of 10 CFR 50 for all Ph'R's currently being supplied with -

Ucstinchnuse ranufactured Zircaloy clad fuel. It nust ce noted that the

'Jpner Plenum Injection (UPI) " patch" is rehdired for tuo Inon plants until such tire as a naw UPI nodel is approved.

In accordance with established procedures, it is reauested that -the Westinghouse Electric Corporation publish an eccepted version of WCAP-9220(P)/UCAP- 9221(MP)

! within "O days after receipt of this letter. This accepted version is to be l Sased on the proposal of upstinnhouse letter NS-TMA-2448 and subsecuent related correspondance between the NP.C and Hostinghouse Electric Corporation and it u


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..-  :- ( t r.r. E. P. Pabe -?- DEC1 rutt be absolutely in consonance with the enclosed SER. The accepted version is to incorporate this letter and the enciesed Sr.R follouina tbo title pace and thus just in front' of the abstract. The report identifications of the accepted reports are to have an -A suffix.

As a result of our revicus and the revi'sions of UCAP-9??o/9221 in accordance uith the above caracraph, ve will find the revised t'Cf.P-0220/9221 Licensiro Topical Renorts acceptable for referencinn in licensing actions for P'It's sinnlied with Westingbouse ranufactured Zircaloy clad fuels under the conriitions and linitations prescribed in the enclosed SER. This rodel becomes effective with the publication of the revised UCAP-9220/9221 which nublished no later than 90 days from receipt of this letter. All sub~ittals denonstrating compliance with Appendix K 10 CFR 50 using the "estinr: house nedel after that tire rust use the nodel described in the erclosed SER. puring the ensuing 90 days, apolicents or licensees reoutring ar Appendix K analysis nay elect to subnit a !RIPEG-630 interin assessnent es has been done since Jenuary 19P0, or submit analyses conforning to the enclosed SER. When the topical report is referenced, the reference rust include both the proprietary and nonnroprietary versions.

He do not intend to repeat our review of the topical report when it appears as a reference in particular license applications except to assure that the

, aterial presented is applicable to tSe specific plant involved. Our acceptance applies only to the features describe:1 in the letter proposal and relcted correspondence and under the condition's stipulated in the enclosed SER.

Should Huclear Ceaulatory. Connission criteria or regulations change such that our conclusions as to the acceptability of the report are invalidated, Uestinghouse Electric Corporation and/or the applicants referencing the topical report will be expected to revise and resubnit their respective docunentation or justification for the continued effective applica-bility of the tooical report without revision of their respective docu:nentation.

Sincerely, l

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Janes R. Miller, Chief Standardization I, Special Projects Branch Division of Licensinc


As Stated

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