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Agrees That Meeting Between NRC & EPA Would Be Helpful in Resolving Differences Re EPA std-setting Activities in Radiation Area,Per Bernthal 831205 Memo.Suggested Discussion Topics for Meeting Listed
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/13/1983
From: Asselstine J
To: Palladino
Shared Package
ML20127A611 List:
FOIA-84-709 NUDOCS 8506260330
Download: ML20127H430 (6)


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CFFICE OF THE December 13, 1983 COMMISSIONER MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman Palladino v

FROM: - James K. Asselstine



I very much agre5 with Fred's suggestion that you meet personally with EPA Administrator Ruckelshaus. It appears to me that there is a growing number of differences between NRC and EPA regarding EPA's standards-setting activities in the radiation area, and that these deficiencies are not being resolved effectively at the staff level. The EPA Advance Notice of Pro-posed Rulemaking for low-level waste is a case in point. I agree with Fred that a meeting between you and Bill Ruckelshaus would be most helpful in '

encouraging an early and informal resolution of these differences before thdy get to the point of formal, public confrontations between the two agencies.

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Although I agree with the two areas mentioned in Fred's meino, I would suggest a somewhat broader focus encompassing other issues as well.

Specifically, I would raise the following topi,cs:

1, . An overall concern that EPA in carrying out several of its standards-setting activities in the radiation area, is going beyond its authority to set general environmental standards by also specifying the types of implementation requirements that are within our purview.

2. Our specific concerns about the EPA ANPR on low-level waste, including the potential for disruption of the _ efforts by the State Compact groups to provide the needed additional disposal sites.

, 3. Areas where we believe that an EPA general environmental standard would be useful (I believe that decommissioning is one example) and the time frame within which the standard is needed. This could help EPA decide which standards to develop and which areas can best be left to NRC regulation;

4. Approaches to implementing the final EP'A standard for mill tailings at active mill sites. are.several significant questions here: Is EPA in agreement with the NRC staff's approach to develop NRC implementing regulations for ground water that will avoid the need for our licensees to deal with '

EPA as well as NRC on the RCRA issues? Are there workable kD h30850416 BERICMs4-709 PDR m  ;

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% a approaches, such as license exemptions, to ' deal with the technical difficulties in satisfying the RCRA ground water requirements? Are there ways to deal with the ground water issues on a case-by-case basis in the interim so as to avoid disruptions,in our ongoing licensing work?

5. Types of facilities and activities subject to NRC regulation that we believe EPA could exclude from its own regulation under the Clean Air Act. I believe that EPA is now in the process of deciding which activities it intends to regulate under the Clean Air Act and which activities it intends to exclude.

I realize that this is a substantial list, and I am not suggesting that you and Bill Ruckelshaus involve yourselves in the details of each issue. But such a meeting could result in an agreement on general principles that would provide the necessary framework for more detailed staff nego-tiations. By all accounts, Bill Ruckelshaus is an eminently reasonable fellow. Elevating these items to the policy level should break the impasse that appears to exist between the staffs of the two agencies. I remain convinced that this approach to resolving our differences with EPA will be much more productive than involving ourselves in lawsuits challenging the validity of EPA standards, as some have suggested.

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II cc: Commissioner Gilinsky Commissioner Roberts Commissioner Bernthal '


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