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Certificate of Compliance 9176,rev 8,for Models Nupac 14/210L,NUPAC 14/210H,CNSI 14-215H Series A,Ln 14-195L & Ln 14-195H
Person / Time
Site: 07109176
Issue date: 01/13/1993
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20127E319 List:
NUDOCS 9301190259
Download: ML20127E341 (5)


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pummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwww3 esac P'omes ese U.S. NUCLEAR REOULATORY COrilSSION cai CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE

  • io cFRit ,


4. Thss certihcate is issued to certify that the packaging and contents described in item 5 below, rnects the appkcable satoty standards set form in Title 10, Code of federal Regulations Part 71," Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Maters.1*


b. vnis ee* care does noi m. conogno, erom compn.nce wiin .ny reautrement or ine regui.i.ons oiine u.s. of Tr.n.portation or oiner l apphcable regulatory agencies, including the government of any country thtougn or into which the package wlH be transported 4

3 THt MIFICAT 5 ON THE Basis OF A SAFETY Amtv$t RE AT THE C 0 $ 0 APP CAT N I Pacific Nuclear Systems, Inc, NUPAC application dated February 29, 1988, y

n 1010 South 336th Street as supplemented. .

j Federal Way, WA 98003 ,

R N e ooc at HUweta71-9176 a CONDITIONS N inis certaicei. is corei.onar upon evanng me r.quirernents or io crR e.rt ti. .. .ppocaeio. end tne conditions specie..d beiow.

hs d!

R' (a) Packaging i

8 (1) Model Nos.: NUPAC 14/210L, NUPAC 14/210H, CNSI 14-215H. Series A, LN 14-195L, and LN 14-195H1 l

l $

! N (2) Description R . . .

I Steel encased lead shielded casks for low specific activity material. The I R casks are right circular cylinders with'a 77.25-inch ID by 80.25-inch IH l cavity. The walls of,the casks contain a lead thickness ranging from 1.25 to  :

, y 1.88 inches encased in 0.38-inch thick inner steel shell and 0.88-inch thick l

N outer steel shell. The top cover and cask bottom are made up of two steel

( ( plates with thickness of 2.0 inches. The primary cask lid is secured to the N cylindrical cask body by eight,1-1/4-inch rachet binders. An optional 8 secondary lid is centered in the primary lid and is secured to the primary l l lid with eight, 3/4-inch studs and nuts. Each: lid is provided with a q Neoprene gasket seal. The casks may be provided with an optional 12 gauge -

i stainless steel liner (seal welded'along all edges), an optional lid vent line with pipe plug, and an optional 3/4-inch drain line and pipe plug. The l casks are provided with four equally spaced lifting / tie-down devices. The

[ primary lid is provided with three lifting lugs and the optional secondary i lid is provided with one lifting lug. The casks gross weights range from I 51,600 to 58,400 pounds.

I I Model 00, Lead Tk, Top TK, Bottom TK, Gross WT,  :

inches inche.L irches inches counds

[ Number I

I i NVPAC 14/210L, LN 14-195L 82.25 1.25 4.0 4.0 51,600  :

4.0 58,400 I NVPAC 14/210H, LN 14-195H 83.5 1.88 4.0  !

I CNSI 14/-215H Series A 83.8 1.85 4.0 4.0 58,400  ;

I 5


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' CONofTIONs (continued)  ;

I  : l l Page 2 - Certificate No. 9176 - Revision No. 8 - Docket No. 71-9176 i  :

l  :

l l 5. (a) (3) Drawing  :

I .

l Model Nos. NVPAC 14/210L and NUPAC 14/210H [ ,

l The packages are fabricated in accordance with Nuclear Packaging, Inc. f I Drawing No. X-20-306-SNP, Sheets 1, 2 and 3, Revision No. A.  !

4 Model No. CNSI 14-215H [

l l The package is fabricated in accordance with Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. h i Drawing Nos. 24500-08, Sheets 1 and 2, Rev. D, and 24500-5, Rev. 2. L i .. ,, ~ _ i Model Nos. LN 14-195L and L'N il4-195H ', *i. [

l '

l The packages are fabrica ed in accordance with LN Technologies Corporation I d Drawing No. 5025-M-2005: Sheets 1 and 2, Revision No. O, t g - it d (b) Contents ": ti i ti (1) Type and rm of material h l - >

L g

i l (i) Dewatered, solid, or solidified wastes, meeting the r.equirements for low t>

q specific activity material,f ni secondary containers; or L-T-

n ,

I (ii) Activated solid components meeting the requirements"for low specific l

g activity material,- in secondary containers. [

L, t

j (2) Maximum quantity of ~ material per; package t:

q I

R Greater than. Type A quantity of radioactive material which may contain I:

I 4 fissile material provided the fissile material does.not exceed the limits in f 10 CFR 671.53. The decay heat load is limited to'9 watts. [L d

g 6. (a) For any package containing water and/or organic; substances which could t:

i radiolytically generate-combustible gases,: determination must be made by 1 i tests and measurements or by analysis of a' representative package such that i i

the following criteria are met over a~ period of time that is twice the expected shipment time:



E (i) The hydrogen generated must be limited to a molar quantity that-would be t no more than 5% by volume (or equivalent limits for other inflammable I-I gases of the secondary con}ainer gas void if present at STP (i.e., no I

more than 0.063 g-moles /ft at 14.7 psia and 70*F);.or l l

(ii) The secondary container and cask cavity must be inerted with a diluent to  !


b l assure that oxygen must be limited to 5% by volume in those portions of it I the package which could have hydrogen greater than 5%.

I l For any package delivered to a carrier for transport, the secondary container li l- must be prepared for shipment in the-same manner in which determination-for q gas generation is made. Shipment period begins when the package is prepared-l (sealed) and-must be completed within twice the expected shipment time.

I i

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j j i


. CONolTIONS (continued; t

< l n

f Page 3 - Certificate No. 9176 - Revision No. 8 - Docket No. 71-9176 il

6. (b) for any package shipped within 10 days of preparation, or within 10 days after venting of drums or other secondary containers, the determination in

[f (a) above need not be made, and the time restriction in (a) above does not .

gi apply. ,

4 y 7. Maximum gross weight of the contents, secondary containers, shoring, and optional &

shield insert is limited to 20,000 pounds. E g

8. Except for close titting contents, shoring must be placed between secondary containers and the cask cavity to minimize movemer.t during normal conditions of b{!

( transport.

9 .

The lid and the shield plug lifting lugs must not be used for lifting the cask, and must be covered in transit. g f y ah 10. The cask must be provided with either (or both) a drain line or a lid vent line as p; shown in the drawing in order to provide a method to leak test the package. g

11. In addition to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part'71: l h (a) Prior to each shipment, the packaging Neoprene lid seals if opened (or if h (q; security seal is broken), must be inspected. The seals must be replaced with W new seals if inspection shows any defects or every twelve (12) months, which b ever occur first. . Cavity drain and vent lines must be sealed with >


% appropriate sealant applied to the pipe plug threads. [

kl hl g

0 (b) Each packaging must meet the Acceptance Tests and Maintenance Program of. 4 Wi Model Nos. NUPAC 14/2BL and NUPAC 14/210H t!

d Section 8.0 of the application, f

Model No, CNSI 14-215H Series A f

4 6 Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. Document No. CNSI 9176-SI, Rev. 1, Section 4.0 B h

i Model Nos. LN 14-195L and LN 14-195H [ ,

g LN Technologies Corporation Procedures WM-036, Rev. A; WM-026, Rev B and; C WM-013, Rev. F. P

( n I

4 (c) The package shall be prepared for shipment and operated in accordance with the Operating Procedures of: l Model Nos. NUPAC 14/210L and NUPAC 14/210H n d W 4;

E f Section 7.0 of the arplication. >:

4 E; 4

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CONoiTIONS (contsnved) lll l ,


- l '

EI t l i Page 4 - Certificate No. 9176 - Revision No. 8 - Docket No. 71-9176 t i


11. (c)(Continued) l


g Model No. CNSI 14-195L and LN 14-195H I a g l Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. Document No. CNSI 9176-51, Rev. 1, Section 3.0.

l d Model Nos. LN 14-195L and LN 14-1954 l I

LN Technologies Corporation Procedures WM-025, Rev. C. I I

N 12. The ratchet binders on the cask lid must be, tor,qued to 100110 ft-lb. l l

.o.. . ff, ,

y 13. An optional removable shield insert, fabricated in accordance with Pacific Nuclear y

supplement dated December,21, 1992, may be used. s l l y

t 34 I R 14. The cask body and each' cask lid must be marked in accordance with 10 CFR 671.85(c).


15. The packages authorized by this certificate must be transported on a motor vehicle, l l railroad car, aircraft, tinland watercraft, or hold or deck of _a' seagoing vessel  ;

assigned for the:s' ole useloffthe licensee. . g

+ ,. L i I


16. The packages authorized by:this' certificate ars;hereby approved'for use under the I I general license provisions of 10 CFR 571.12.- , , l e -

Expiration date: ,May"31, 1993.

ll17. - REFERENCE 1; -

g I

1 f-


I g Nuclear Packaging, Inc. application daied ' February 29, 1988. '

l S upplement dated: April'19, 1988. f' ,

I - ~

i Pacific Nuclear supplements dated: _ October 23 and December 2 and 21, 1992. -l II l 1


I Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. supplements 'dhtedh February 19 and April 21,1988. l I NUS supplement dated: November 22, 1985.  !

I I I LN Technologies Corporation supplement dated: February 16, 1988. I l


ll 44 4 Charles E. MacDonald, Chief I Transportation Branch l l Division of Safeguards y and Transportation, NMSS I l

t Date:

JAN 131993 I i








., { LE W ASHING T ON, D, C. 20555 9+,



APPROVAL RECORD Hodel No. NVPAC 14/210L, NUPAC 14/210H, CNSI 14-215H Series A, LN 14-195L, and LN 14-195H Packages Certificate of Compliance No. 9176 Revision No. 8 By application dated December 21, 1992, Pacific Nuclear requested an amendment to Certificate of Compliance No. 9176, to include an optional lid and an optional drain on the removable shield insert. Use of the removable shield insert was appro/ed in Revision No. 7 of the Certificate.

Condition No. 7 of the Certificate limits the maximum gross weight of the contents, secondary containers, shoring, and optional shield insert to 20,000 pounds. The use of the optional lid does not affect the allowable payload weight. Since the shield insert does not serve a containment function, the optional drain line is acceptable.

These changes do not affect the ability of the packages to meet the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.

lAs u Charles E. HacDonald, Chief Transportation Branch Division of Safeguards and Transportation, NMSS JAN 13 G33 l Date i

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