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Renewed License SNM-0844 for Florida Institute of Tecnology, Authorizing Use of Uraniun Enriched in U-235 Isotope to Less than 20 Percent U-235 & Plutonium
Person / Time
Site: 07000893
Issue date: 09/03/1992
From: Jim Hickey
Shared Package
ML20127D973 List:
NUDOCS 9209150272
Download: ML20127E050 (7)


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.. TENNhMNNN*AN.3M*ENM*2NfANN*A*E"A*ANM*EN"ECA*22.iENNTEN*A*R4magg t fie0 U.S. Nuct r AQ ntoutAf onv covMissioN ' ^ C' ' ' ***

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MATERIALS LICENSE j'l gj Pursuant to the Atomic :ncryy Act of 1954, as amer ded, the Energy Reorganiution Act of 1974 Wublic 9L4%, and luie y10, i>j l

g Citdc of reJeral Regulations, Chapter 1, Parts 30,31,3L 33,3J, M, 39,40 and 70, arul m reliance on si,iternentis ismi representatioin heretofo.c J

( 'l (lj nuclear mutematerud by the hernwe, designated belowa; toheen,e is berchy uw such matervi inued for the putyto aW atautharinr.F 'hc lic,,

the placeto designated belaw;ce to receive, to dcInct acquire, or uansfer such material pass


to persons authos tred to recene it in accordance w ith the reguhitions of the apnikable Partm.1hn license shall be deemed to wntam the tonJitions

[ ytecified in Section ifG of the Atomic i:ncrgy Att of 1954, as amerded, and is subject to all applicable rules. tcgulations and orders of the Nudcar g' Regulatory Comminion now or hereafter in cifcct and to any wndioons specified below. 4(

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g Licensee p

g! Florida Institute of Technology l 1, 3. IJeense number SNM-844 l l N A 150 W. University Boulevard 1

di E! 1 Melbourne, Florida 32901-6988 September 30, 1997 Y

(' 4. Erpiration date M 4 >

g:. 5. Docket or 70-893 1

( Reference No

( 6. Hypn > duct, source, and/or 7. Chemical and/or physkal 8. Maximum amount that licensee li

  1. j special nuclear material form may possess at any one ume f


under thh license f

f- Uranium enriched in A. Subcritical A. 460 grams U-235 the U-235 isotope to assembly core  !>; 4 less than 204 percent 3:

( U-235 A l t B. Plutonium B. .Pu-Be sealed B. 15 grams Pu

-neutron' source g, p q! & i g 9. Authorized use: Possession,= storage, packaging ~, and. transfer as authorized pursuant I:

gj to the requirements of 10 CFR-Section 70.42,'in accordance with the statements, }

(, representations, and conditions specified in the licensee's application dated N 4 April 14, 1992. A

(* A f: 10.Melbourne, g

Authorized place of use:i Room B-2 of the Crawford Science Bui Florida, campus of the florida Institute of Technology.


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jj 11. The 11censee shall comply with the leak test conditions for the Pu-Be source given in I

(! ' the attached " License Condition for Leak Testing Sealed Plutonium Sources," dated E August 1987. ih g


12. The licensee is- hereby exempted from the requirements of- 10 ofR Section 70.24, q insofar as this Section applies to the materials held under this license.  %

( 0 l; q . 13. The licensee shall' not store or use any other special nuclear materials in Room B-2 of-the Crawford Science Building unless authorized in writing by the U.S. Nuclear h l Regulatory Commission. :34

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Sf4M-844 1 As renewed d


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SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET b d 70-893 ip SEP 4 1992

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k 14. Radiation protection instrumentation shall be calibrated at least annually and after

'4 an.y electronic component replac nent or repair, in accordance with the instrument ly W; manufacturer's instructions using flational Bureau of Standards reference sources. To M assure proper instrument operation, daily checks r,ll be made whenever the A instruments are in use. Records of instrument calibration shall be maintained for /

4 5 years. f%

j 15. The release of facilities or equipment for , unrestricted use shall be in accordance IW 9 with the attached "Guidelinet forf aidentamination D of facilities and Equipment Prior l6 4

to Release for Unrestricted Usk or'ferminat'iohJof,,t.icenses for Byproduct, Source, or lt]-F Special . fluclear Material,O" dated August 1987.

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16. The licensee is hereby[ex'empted from the requirements of (10, CFR Section 70.25(c) for $

l4 the submission of finahtial assurance for decommissioningQnsofar as this IW

/1 requirement applies;tp materials possessed under this license,  %

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.j ulypnal Signed Byh. /ito l;DSI t-  ;


}g Date: SEP 4 W92 By: John W. ii. Hickey k l ,'ql Division of Industrial and {

l Medical fluclear Safety Washington, DC 20555 l4l4l 4

Attachments- !N I

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License. Condition for Leak Testing ...

Guid li es for Decontamination ... f y

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AUGUST 1987 A. Each plutonium source shall-be tested for leakage at ir.tervals.not to exceed ,

6 months. In the absence of a certificate from a transferor indicating that .

t test has been made within 6 months prior to the transfer, the sealed source  :

shall.not be put into use until tested.  ;

8. The test shall_ be capable of detecting the presence of 0.005' microcurie-of ~

alpha contamination on the test sample. .The test sample shall be taken from the. source or.from appropriate accessible surfaces of the device in .

'which the sealed source is pemanently or semipemanently. mour.ted o- stored.

Records:of leak test results shall be kept in units of microcuries and

. maintained for inspection by tpe Comission.

C. - -If the test reveals the presence 'of 0.005 microcurie or more of removable

-alpha contamination, the licensee shall_ imediately withdraw the scaled >

sourco from use and shall.cause it to be decontaminated and repaired by a

. person: appropriately-licensed to make such repairs or to be disposed of in accordance with the Comission's re gulations. Within 5 days after

. detemining that.any source has lea ced, the licensee shall file a . report -

with the; Division of Industrial .and Medical Nuclear Safety, U.S. Nuuear ,

Regulatory Comission, Washington, DC' 20S55, describing the source, test resultst exte

. failure. and ,nt of contamination, apparent or suspected cause of sourcecorrec to-the Administrator of the. nearest NRC Regional Office listed in Appendix D of Title 10. Code of Feder,al--Regulations, part 20.  :

0; 1The' periodic leak test required by this condition does not apply to sealed sources that are stored and not being used. The sources excepted from this i test shall be tested for leakage prior to any use or transfer to another' person unless they have been leak tested within 6 months prior to the date- 3 of.use or transfer.

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. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety

. Washington. DC 20555 August 1987 t


i The instructions in this guide, in conjunction with Table 1, specify the radionuclides and radiation exposure rate limits which should be used in decontamination and survey of surfaces or premises and equipment prior to abandonment or release for unrestricted use. The limits in Table 1 do not apply to premiscs, equipment, or scrap containing induced radioactivity for which the radiological considerations pertinent to their use may be different.

The release of such facilities or items from regulatory control it considered on a case-by-case basis.

1. The licensee shall make a reasonable effort to eliminate residual contamination.
2. Radioactivity on equipment or surfaces shall not be covered by paint, plating, or other covering material unless contamination levels, as determined by a survey and documented, are below the limits specified in Table 1 prior to the application of the covering. A reasonable effort l must be made to minimize the contamination prior to use of any covering.
3. The radioactivity on the interior surfaces of pipes, drain If nes, or ductwork shall be determined by making measurements at all traps, and other appropriate access points, provided that contamination at these locations is likely to be representative of contamination on the interior of the pipes, drain lines, or ductwork. Surfaces of premises, equipment, or scrap which are likely to be contaminated but aie of such size.

construction, or location as to make the surface inaccessible for purposes of measurement shall be presumed to be contaminated in excess of the limits.

4. Upon reqpest, the Commis; ion may authorize a licensee to relinquish possession or control of premises, equipment, or scrap having surfaces contaminated with materials in excess of the limits specified. This may include, but would not be limited to, special circumstances such as razing of buildings, transfer to premises to another organ 12ation continuing work with radioactive materials, or conversion of facilities to a long-term storage or standby st.atus. cSuch requests must:
a. Provide detailed, specific information describing the premises.

L equipment or scrap, radioactive contaminants, and the nature, extent.

and degree of residual surface contamination.

, b. Provide a detailed health and-safety analysis which reflects that the

'- residual amounts of materials on surface areas, together with other considerations such as prospective use of the premises, eouipment, or scrap, are unlikely to result in an unreasonsble risk to the health and safety of the~public.

I l-


5. prior to release of premises for unrestricted use, the licensee shall make a comprehensive radiation survey which establishes that contamination is within tne limits specified in Table 1. A copy of the survey report shall be filed with the Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety.

V. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington DC 20555, and also the Administrator of the NRC Regional Office having jurisdiction. The report should be filed at least 30 days prior to the planned date of abandonment.

The survey report shall:

a. Identify the premises.
b. Show that reasonable effort has been made to eliminate residual contamination.
c. Describe the scope of the survey and general procedures followed,
d. State the findings of the survey in units soecified in the instruction.

Following review of the report, the NRC will consider visitir.g the facilities to confirm the survey. .

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TABLE 1 f ,; c



- U-nat, U-235, U-238, and -

associated decay products 5,000 dpm a/100 cm2 15,000 dpm a/100 cm 2 1,000 dp:n a/100 cm2 ,

Transuranics, Ra-226. Ra-228, Th-230. Th-228, Pa-231, 100 dpm/100 cm2 300 dpm/100 cm2 20 dpm/100 cm2 Ac-227, 1-125, 1-129 ,

Th-nat Th-232, Sr-90,

. Ra-223. Ra-224. U-232, 1-126, 1000 dpe/100 cm2- 3000 dpm/100 cm2 200 dpm/100 cm2 1-131, 1-133 Deta-garna cialtters (nuclides *

-with decay modes other than alpha emission or spentaneous 5000 dpm sy/100 cm2 15,000 dpm sy/100 cm2 1000 dpm of/100 cm2 fisslun) except Sr-90 and ,

.others noted above. ,

i oWhcre surface contamination by both alpha- and beta-gema-emitting nuclides exists, the 11mits established for alpha- and beta-gsma-emitting nucildes should apply independently.

bAs used in this table. dpm (disintegrations per ritnute) means the rate of emission by radioactive material as detemined by correcting the counts per minute observed by an appropriate detector for background, ef ficiency, and geometric factort associated with the instrumentation.

Cf4easurrments of average contaminant should f.ot be averaged over more than 1 square meter. For objects of less surface area, the average should be derived for each such object. .

}dThe maximum cont?mination level applies to an area of not more than 100 cm2


'The amount of removabic radioactive material per 100 cm2 of surface area should be determined by wiping area with dry filter or soft absorbent paper, applying moderate pressure, and assessing the amount of radioactive material on the wipe with an appropriate instrument of known efficiency. When removable contamination on objects of less surface area is determined, the pertinent levels should be reduced t

proporttonally and the entire surface should be wiped.

fThe average and maximum radiation levels associated with surface contamination resulting from b(ta-gama emitters should not exceed 0.2 mrad /hr at I cm and 1.0 mrad /hr at I cm, respectively, vasured through not more than 7 milligrams per square centimeter of total absorber. .

i 1
