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Forwards Rev 8 to Certificate of Compliance 9006 for Model 500 Su
Person / Time
Site: 07109006
Issue date: 05/06/1985
From: Macdonald C
To: Munro J
Shared Package
ML20127D897 List:
NUDOCS 8505170090
Download: ML20127D894 (2)


y -

y Distributirn: w/encls G I #)ddb

+ Dock;t File


Regions (5)

I&E:HQ State Health Official CEW1iliams GJackson S'g N W08% RH0degaarden N%

NMSS:R/F 886 g FCTC:R/F FCTC:CEV 71-9006 Tech / Ops,Inc.

ATT!!: Mr. John J. Munro, III 40 North Avence Burlington, MA 01803 Gentlenen: -

As requested by your application dated l' arch 20, 1985, as supplemented April 19, 1985, enclosed is Certificate of Compliance No. 9006, Revi-sion No. 8, for the Model f!o. AI 500 St! shipping package. This certificate supersedes, in its entirety, Certificate of Compliance No. 9006, Revision

~ No. 7, dated November 29, 1984.

Changes cade to the enclosed certificate are indicated by vertical lines in the margin.

Those on attached list have been registered as users of this package under the general' license provisions of 10 CFR 571.12 or 49 CFR 6173.471.

This approval constitutes authority to use this package for shipment of radioactive naterial and for the package to be shipped in accordance with the provisions of 49.CFR G173.471.

Sincerely, Original signed by

- #EUmrmt E. MMDORALD Charles E. iiacDonald, Chief fjj51gj ggj Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and C PDR Paterial Safety, f055


l. Certificate of Cropliance

.  !!o. 9006, Rev. 8 l

-2. Approval Record - ,

1 cc w/encls:-

Mr. Richard R. Pawl Departnent of Transportation ,



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f'odel t'o. AI 50'1 SU Package USA /900fi/MU)

Addressecs: w/encls Ltr dtd:

Advex Corporation Daniel International Corporation ATTM: ?:r. G. E. Sleep ATTri: l'r. John P. Fadison P.O.' Cox 7263 Daniel Building Hanpton, VA 23666 Greenville, SC 29002 toerican Airlines Departnent of Energy ATTt!: fir. Curl U. !!cthercutt ATTN: fir. Roy F. Carrison P.O. Fox 582309 MD23 DP-122.2 Tulsa, O! 74158 Pashington, PC 20545 Atlas Foundry & t'achine Connany Department of the "avy ATTN: fir. Rod Fehrer ATT!!: !!r. D. A. Corey P.O. Box 11106 Puget Sound flaval Shipyard Tacona, UA 90409 Bre erton, UA 98314 Babcock & t!ilcox Company Depart' ent of the Mavy ATTN: Fr. I!arold C. Craber ATTit: Connanding Officer Power Generation Division flaval Ueapons Station Barberton, 011 44203 Concord, CA 94520 Birchfield, Inc. Departnent of the !!avv ATTU: Pr. D. J. Olcott ATTN: Comranding Officer P.O. Cox 577 USS Yosenite (AD-19)

Pellevue, PA 93009 FP0 !!iani, FL 34003 Brand Exan Service A Testing Company Fick Foundry conpany ATTf!: i:r. Robert 11. !!csran ATTri: Fr. D. U. Evans P.O. Box 1370 1005 East E Street Richland, UA 99352 Tacona , UA 93421 Bristol Steel and Iron Ucrk GA Technologies, Inc.

ATD!: fir. Donald L. Suiney ATT!!: l'r. Uillian R. Poury 300 Piedmont Avenue P.O. Box 05608 Bristol, VA 24020 San Diego, CA 92139 Careron Iren Porks, Inc. Cannax, Inc.

ATTf4: l'r. J. Eduards ATTri: "r. Tony ?!. Funderburk P.O. Pox 1212 7015 Blue Ridge Circle

!!custon. TX 77001 "a tthews , NC 20105 Certified Testing Laboratories, Inc. Cencral Electric Coop?ny ATTH: fir. Robert F. Plunstead ATTri: Fr. G. E. Cunninghan 262G Halperin Avenue P.O. Box 460 Bronx,iiY 100G1 Pleasanton, CA 94556

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.!!. R. Inspection Service Newport flews Shipbuilding f, Dry Dock ATTri: "r. !!. !!. Pogers ATTM: fir. A. J l'oberg P.O. Gex 3200 4101 I!ashington Avenue Shawnee !!ission, KS 6G203 lleuport Meus, VA 23607 HUICO, Inc. frondestructive Inspection Service ATTli: l'r. Lee E. Garrison ATTN: Mr. H. I'. Hauldren P.O. Box 20C P.O. Box 215 Meridian, ID C3642 Hurricane, UV ?.5526 Industrial Testing Laboratory Nuclear Energy Services, Inc.

Services Corp. ATTil: l*r. Otis C. Canble ATTM: l'r. Eduard Handraban 6106 Rookin 635 Alpha Drive - Ridc Park Houston, TX 77074 Pittsburgh, PA 15233 Rochwell International Industrial Inspection, Inc. ATTN: Dr. ?!. E. Penley ATTH: l'r. ii. I. Vannier P.O. Cox 309 0511 S.11. Carolina Street Canoga Park, CA 91304 Portland, OR 97201 Rocbrell International Kast retals Corporation ATTN: l'r. C. !1. Trotta ATTH: Ur. ii. T. l.'oodruff P.O. Box 424 P.O. Drawer GG11M Kearney, NE 08E47 Shreveport, LA 71105 Tech / Ops, Inc.

Lehigh Testing Laboratories, Inc. ATTU: Fr. John J. Funro, III ATTf:: l'r. Richard Pecchia 40 North Avenue P.O. Box 1241 Curlington, MA 01803 ililnington, DE 19899 X 9ay, Inc.

f*agnaflux Corporation ATT!!: i'r. Lee G. Connel ATTU: f r. Peter J. Rosauer 7509 Perineter Road, South 7300 H. Lawrence Avenue Seattle, UA 93108 Chicago, IL 60656 -

Yuba !! cat Transfer Corporation furyland Shipbuilding and cry ATTN: f'r. Jack G. Federline Dock Conpany P.O. P,ox 3158 ATTN: fir. t!. K. Carter, Jr. Tulsa, OK 74101 P.O. Ocx 537 Cal tinore, MD 217.03 Met Laboratories, Inc.

ATTN: fir. A. II. Hard G03 Rotary Street Hanpton, VA 236G1 6" 'C' > ............ ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............

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