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Health Physics Procedure HP-M-51, Routine QA Blanks for HPGe Counting Sys, Including Pages 2,3 & 5 of Health Physics Procedure HP-M-55, HPGe Sys Use
Person / Time
Site: 05000054, 07000687
Issue date: 03/17/1992
Shared Package
ML20126A622 List:
HP-M-51, NUDOCS 9212210166
Download: ML20126A660 (5)


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  • Ie/n l ISSUEDI 6/n/t; I(IfrINE GA BIRES FOR HICe 000NI'IlC SYS'IEMS lPAGE 1 2[H1'M-51 A. PURIOSE To provide instruction in carrying out the routine OA Blank counts on the HIG systems. This is a check to help ensure validity of data generated on these systens.

This check consists of control charting the activity of selected isotopes.

B. DISCUSSION Blanks are run on each detector in conjunction with the routine source checks t<

validate their counting capabilities. The blanks consist of one liter samples o:

Deionized Water (DI Water) in a sealed marinelli teaker. Each detector has its ow; blank.

Control charts are kept for the activity of seven isotopes (Co-60, Cs-137, Ce-144, Th-234, Bi-214 and Pb-214) .

This ensures that the detector and shield have rot bee:

contaminated and that the lower limit of detection (LLD) for these isotopes is withir the acceptable range.

C. PROCEDUPI The minimum f requency that this blank count is to te performed is after every routine source check (see HP-M-37) .

1, Place the blank sample marinelli on the detector. (!UrE: lb waiting period i:

needed after source check counts.)

2. Count the blank for 1800 seconds and analyze using the MIX 3. LIB library, no bac!

decay and the BLANK.MPC table.

3. Enter the activities for all seven isotopes into the appropriate control chart; f rom the Summary of Nuclides section of the analysis report.
4. If any value falls within the warning range notify senior technical staff.

If any value falls outside of the control limit do not put the detector i' question back into service!

5. If one or more of the control charted data points exceeds the control limi attempt to decontaminate the detector. This involves the following process:
a. Pemove the blank marinelli from the detector.
b. Using a dilute (1:10) Radiac-Wash solution on a dampened towel, wipe down th marinelli, the detector end cap and the inside of the shield including th bottcm of the lid.


c. Dry any residual moisture from the surfaces.

I l d. Repeat the Blank count.

l HP/362 02/20/5 9212210166 921215 PDR ADOCK 05000054

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e. If one or more data points still exceeds the control 'imits, rotify senio:

technical staff and proceed as per their instructions.

A new cet of control charts nust be started at each new calibration with the P-3 standard Pcfer to HP-M-54 for rcquired frcquencies for source checks and the details of how thi warning range and control limits are determined.

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CINTICHIM HEAL'n! PHYSICS PROCEDURES lGDCKED BY EDE4wM yse et n IAPPlWAL l'TTAL l icly,y I ISSUIDl_ n lh HPGe SYS'HM USE IPAGE 2 CF 5 HP-M-55 trJrE: The ' Ctrl' and ' Alt' keys are always used with other keys. For the sake of simplicity, the notation ' Alt +8' should be red as: strike the 8 key while holding down the Alt key. Also, there are other key ccsination and other methods, such as a rcouse, to accomplish the same. task. Only one method is presented here. Refer to the GTEC manual or the ' Quick Reference card' for acceptable alternatives,

f. Stop any previous count by typing ' Alt +2', af ter verifying that the analysis for that count is cceplete. Clear any previous data in the MG by typing

' Alt +3'.

g. Set the required count time by typing 'Ilt+S', ' Alt +L' and enter the time S.

seconds, then hit ' return' .

i. h. Start the count by typing ' Alt +1'. Verify that the count has started by l' observing that the ' LIVE, TIME ' and 'REAL TIME' are increasing. These are displayed near the bottcm of the information side bar.


Record the start time on the 'HPGe SAMPLE CONTRG FORM' (HP-MF-09) or ' CHAIN CF CUSTCDY/ ANALYSIS CONTRE FOPN ' (HPEM-001, Attachraent 4.1.1) . Use the computer clock time which is displayed near the bottcm of the infour.ation side bar.


The count is now started and will continue to accumulate data until you stop l

it or until it reaches the preset count time, typically 50,000 seconds.


2. Saving sample count data i a. Pepeat step 1.d. and 1.e., above, to get to the desired MG. Ee sure that you l

are in the MCB and not the buffer (' Alt +6' switches between these two). This is displayed near the top of the information side bar.

b. Transfer the data from the MG to the cenputers mencry by typing ' Alt +5'.

Switch to the buffer (computers memory) by typing ' Alt +6'.


c. To save data f rcm computer memory to a file on the hard disk, type ' Alt +f' l then ' Alt +s ' . The computer will then display a window asking you to input c file name. Type in the file name, usually the sample number, from the 'HPGe SAMPLE CONTR1 F0FM' (HP-MF-09) or ' GAIN CF CUSIIDY/ ANALYSIS CONTRCL F0FM' (HPEM-001, Attad.nent 4.1.1) . Type ' Enter'.
d. If the file name has been saved previously, the computer will beep and ask if you want to replace the previously saved version. If you kncw that this is the case, typ 'Y' and ' Enter ' . However, if you know or suspect that this-file hasn't been previously saved, type ' Esc' twice and begin step 2.c.--again.

This will reduce the possibility that the sample number was incorrectly entered and prevent copying over a needed file.

e. The computer will then display a window asking you to input a samplc i description. Type this as specified for routine samples in the 'SMtPLE l DESCRIPTION LIST' , posted at the computer. -For non--routine samples use the description from the control sheet for the sample (HP-MF-09 or HPIM-001 Attactment 4.1.1). Type ' Enter' and the data is saved.

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f. hhen the computer has finished saving the file, the file nare (sample number) will be displayed at the top of the screen.
3. Analyzing count data
a. Type ' Alt +c' then ' Alt +e' to exit the ' MAESTRO' program. The DOS prmpt,

'C:\ USER >' should be displayed on the screen.

b. If the sample type has changed from the one previously run, be sure to run the appropriate batch file (ie. 'MRNLI', 'P30A',etc.) by typing the batch _ file name , a ' SPACE ' and the appropriate detector number and shelf number in the case of particulate #ilters. See the list posted by the computer for batch files for all sample types.
c. Type 'COhVERT' and ' ENTER' . The 'COtNERT' program screen will be displayed.

This program converts the raw data file, ie. the ' CHN' or channel file created by MAESTRO, to a spectrum, or .SPC file.

d. Type in the file name (srple number) and type ' ENTER' twice. If the sample description is correct, type 'F10' to start the conversion, hhen the program is complete the computer returns to the DOS pranpt.
e. Type 'DiPC' and ' ENTER'. The ' ENPC' program uses the spectrum file (< file name).SFC file) along with the information on its screen, to produce an

, 'unformated output file ' (< file name). UFO) and a rep rt file (< file

! name>.RPF).

f. Typ in the file name (sample number) and type ' ENTER'. For typical l environmental samples you may need to input the time and date of collection j and the name of the 'MPC' table. Uce the ' ENTER' key to move to the variable you need to input and type in the appropriate value(s). See the ' SAMPLE ANALYSIS GIART' psted by the computer for details for each sample typ.
g. Type 'F10' to start the analysis, hhen the program is complete it returns to the DOS PRG!PI.
4. Preliminary review of data
a. Type ' SMOOTH < file name.RPr> ' and 'ENIER' . 'SMOOIE' is a utility program that allows you to review the report prior to printing it out.

l HP/367 09/17/92

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lAPPIGAL (%La l .ch g x 1 ISaHDl HFGe SYSITE USE IPAGE 5 07 5 IIP-M-55

j. If the sample treets counting criteria, print a copy of the recort by typing

'FRINT < file name.RPr>' at the DOS PRQdPP. If it was a cample for release print a second copy of the report and proceed with the release process.

Attach the 'HIG9 SAMPLE COUTRCL FOP 24' (HP-MF-09) or 'CW.IN OF CUSIEDY/IMLYSIS CCNTRCL FOP 14' (HPDt-001, Attachment 4.1.1) to the second copy of the report.

Complete the appropriate section of the control sheet anf place the completc<1 report in the area for CA review.

5. Ending a sample count
a. Cnce the sample has met the counting criteria the analysis is complete the _

count can be stopped.

b. Peturn to the MAESTRO program by typing ' EXIT' at the DC6 PRQ4PT, 'C:\ USER.

Switch to the desired detector /MG by holding down the ' Ctrl' key and striking the ' function' key (F1, F2, F3, F4 or F5) where the function key number matches the MG number. The current MG number is displayed at the top of the information sidebar.

c. Stop the previcus count by typing ' Alt +2'. Clear any previcus data in the MG by typing ' Alt +3',
d. Pepeat the prmedure frcm Step 'l. ' for a new sample.

r4 HP/367 09/17/92 i

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