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Enclosure 3 - NRC and Agreement State Working Groups
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/25/2020
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ML20122A231 List:
Download: ML20122A234 (9)


Enclosure 3 NRC & Agreement State Working Groups August 25, 2020 NRC Management Directive 5.3 states, It is the policy of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to provide Agreement State programs the opportunity for early and substantive involvement in the development or formulation of any rule, policy, directive or guidance document, as well as participation in any special study or other NRC activity... In alignment with this policy, the NRC includes Agreement State representatives in many working groups which enhance the partnership between the NRC and the Agreement States, facilitate the utilization of expertise that exists in the Agreement States, and supports the National Materials Program. The purpose of this document is to provide a complete list of the NRC working groups that field participants from the Agreement States.

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1 Standing Committee on Compatibility Charter: ADAMS Accession No. ML12296A075


To enhance the existing compatibility determination process, evaluate and document compatibility designations for program elements pursuant to Management Directive 5.9, ensure consistency during promulgation of regulations by documenting decisions on compatibility and their basis, and take into account implementation issues and NRC staff's review of Agreement State regulations under the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP).

Duncan White, NRC/NMSS Co-Chair Jennifer Goodman, OAS/New Jersey Co-Chair Angela Leek, OAS/Iowa 1 Typically only the working group and/or steering committee chair, co-chairs, and all Agreement State members are listed. This column does not list every working group member.

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1 Common Prioritization of Rulemaking (CPR)

Working Group Charter: ADAMS Accession No. ML18263A070


The CPR uses the methodology based on the two NRC strategic goals of safety and security, and it also considers factors for internal and external influences. The methodology requires the selection of a primary and a secondary strategic goal that the rulemaking is intended to support and the selection of the rulemaking activitys level of contributionhigh, medium, or lowto accomplishing those goals.

The FY20/FY21 prioritization methodology has been revised to consider the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan.

Jill Shepherd, NRC/NMSS Jennifer Goodman, OAS/New Jersey Working Group on Implementation of 10 CFR Part 37 Charter: ADAMS Accession No. ML13218B332


The Working Group (WG) on Implementation of Part 37 considers and decides on the actions necessary to put Part 37 into practice and recommends their incorporation into plans and schedules for action by NRC and Agreement States.

Steering Committee:

Tim Mossman, NRC/NMSS Co-Chair Lee Cox, OAS/North Carolina Co-Chair WG Members:

Paul Goldberg, NRC/NMSS Co-Chair Brandon Juran, OAS/Minnesota Co-Chair Stephen James, OAS/Ohio David Reindl, OAS/Wisconsin

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1 Licensing of a New Technetium-99m Production Generator Charter: ADAMS Accession No. ML14304A347


To evaluate the need to develop licensing guidance for the RadioGenix' system (functionally known as TechneGen Generating System), a new technetium-99m (Tc-99m) generator developed by NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes, LLC (NorthStar).

Donna-Beth Howe, NRC/NMSS Co-Chair Mark Paulson, OAS/Wisconsin Co-Chair Maryann Ayoade, NRC/NMSS Cassandra Frazier, NRC/Region III Lymari Sepulveda, NRC/NMSS Elaine Crescenzi, OAS/Pennsylvania Karl Von Ahn, OAS/Texas Xcision Gammapod &

MASEP Infini Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery Working Group Charter: ADAMS Accession No. ML18171A203


To develop licensing guidance for two novel gamma stereotactic systems, the Xcision GammaPod Model A and MASEP Infini.

Katie Tapp, NRC/NMSS Co-Chair Tristan Hay, OAS/Washington Co-Chair Karen Flanigan, OAS/New Jersey Cheryl Nitkowski, OAS/Maryland Karen Burgard, OAS/Louisiana

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1 Comprehensive Update to Regulatory Guide 8.39, Release of Patients Administered Radioactive Materials Charter: ADAMS Accession No. ML18129A423


To comprehensively update the NRCs patient release guidance in Regulatory Guide 8.39 Release of Patients Administered Radioactive Material (RG 8.39) to reflect the most up-to-date scientific published patient release data.

The updates will include incorporation of guidance currently provided in generic communications, as well as updates to the equations and methodologies described in the NRCs guidance for calculating dose to members of the public from released patients.

Said Daibes, NRC/NMSS Co-Chair Augustinus Ong, OAS/New Hampshire Co-Chair Charma Waring, OAS/Massachusetts Rejina Alam, OAS/New York City Jack Priest, OAS/Massachusetts

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1 Joint NRC/Agreement State Working Group IMC 2800 Phase Three Charter: ADAMS Accession No. ML19338E145


To recommend and implement Phase Three of the modern risk-informed approaches to the materials inspection program, in a way that will not diminish the protection of public health and safety or security of licensed material.

To enhance the inspection program and incorporate new -

or evaluate existing - risk and performance insights into the program.

To explore additional options to leverage the collective inspection/oversight efforts of the National Materials Program.

To incorporate strategies to address low safety-significant issues in the inspection

program, processes, and procedures.

David Alley, NRC/NMSS Co-Chair Augustinus Ong, OAS/New Hampshire, Co-Chair Amy Ford, OAS/Tennessee Brian Goretzski, OAS/Arizona Steve Mack, OAS, Arkansas Rulemaking plan on Updates to Emerging Medical Technologies Charter: ADAMS Accession No. ML19309F117


To develop a rulemaking plan that provides options for Commission consideration that would codify requirements for Rubidium-82 generators and emerging medical technologies.

Sarah Lopas, NRC/NMSS Chair Zubaida Gulshan, OAS/California

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1 General License Program Modernization Working Group (GLMWG)

Charter: ADAMS Accession No. ML20002C258


The General License Program Modernization Working Group (GLMWG) has been established to perform an evaluation of the existing General License (GL) program framework to determine its relevance for the current needs of the National Materials Program (NMP). The GLMWG will also identify areas where the GL program can be transformed into a risk-informed program that supports the needs of the regulatory agencies, manufacturers/distributors, and users of generally licensed devices with an appropriate risk focus, while maintaining safety.

Tomas Herrera, NRC/NMSS Co-Chair Angela Leek, OAS/Iowa Co-Chair Duncan White, NRC/NMSS Alternate Co-Chair Tyler Kruse, OAS/Minnesota Paul Schmidt, OAS/Wisconsin

IMPEP Procedures Working Groups Charter Charter: ADAMS Accession No. ML19274C608


The Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) Procedures Working Groups (WG) have been established as Management Directive 5.3 WG. The IMPEP Procedures WG will revise the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) State Agreement (SA) Procedures to reflect the revisions to Management Directive (MD) 5.6 Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) and incorporate current practices to the IMPEP program.

Duncan White - NMSS Chair SA-100, Lizette Roldan-Otero, NMSS, Co-Chair David Turberville, Co-Chair, OAS/AL Monica Ford, RSAO Darren Piccirillo, RSAO Binesh Tharakan, RIV Debra Shults, OAS/TN Robert Johnson, NMSS SA-102 - Kathy Modes, NMSS, Co-Chair Phill Peterson, OAS/CO, Co-Chair Dave Stradinger, OAS/ND Robin Elliott, RI SA-104 - Lizette Roldan-Otero, NMSS, Co-Chair Beth Schilke, OAS/VA, Co-Chair Lisa Forney OAS/PA Farrah Gaskins, RI Sara Forster, RIII SA-101 - Joe OHara, NMSS, Co-Chair Phill Peterson, Colorado, Co-Chair Monica Ford, RSAO Dave Stradinger, North Dakota Todd Jackson, NRC Region SA-103 -Joe OHara, NMSS, Co-Chair Stephen James, Ohio, Co-Chair Monica Ford, RSAO Region I Darren Piccirillo, RSAO Region III Dan Sampson, New York Shawn Seely, NRC Region I SA-105 - Kathy Modes, NMSS, Co-

Chair Sherrie Flaherty, OAS/MN, Co-Chair Monica Ford, RSAO Steve Seeger, OAS/ TN Shawn Seeley, RI SA-106 - Robert Johnson, NMSS, Co-Chair David Turberville, OAS/AL Co-Chair Binesh Tharakan, RIV Christina England, OGC Debra Shults, OAS/TN SA-109 - Kathy Modes, NMSS, Co-Chair Muhammadali Abbaszadeh, OAS/TX, Co-Chair Binesh Tharakan, RIV Dave Esh, NMSS Kristen Schwab, OAS/WA SA-107, SA-200, & SA-201 -

Compatibility related procedures Michelle Beardsley, NMSS, Co-Chair Jenny Goodman, OAS/NJ, Co-Chair Duncan White, NMSS Monica Ford, RSAO Christina England, OGC Joe O Hara, NMSS Brandon Juran, OAS/MN SA-108 - Stephen Poy, NMSS, Co-Chair Ron Parsons, OAS/TN, Co-Chair Monica Ford, RSAO John Miller, RSAO Tomas Herrera, NMSS Karl Von Ahn, OAS/TX

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members1 SA-110 - Stephen Poy, NMSS, Co-Chair Shiya Wang, OAS/CO Co-Chair Binesh Tharakan, RIV Gehan Flanders OAS/TX John Saxton, NMSS Elise Striz, NMSS Editorial Board Michelle Beardsley, NMSS, Editor-in-Chief Duncan White, NMSS Lizette Roldan-Otero, NMSS Terry Derstine, OAS/PA Individual Monitoring Devices Rulemaking Working Group Charter: ADAMS Accession No. ML19074A174


The Individual Monitoring Devices rulemaking working group is developing draft direct final rule package that would allow the use of digital output personnel dosimeters in industrial radiographic, irradiator, and well logging operations.

Ed Lohr, NRC/NMSS Amy McKenna, AS/Tennessee Augustinus Ong, AS/ New Hampshire 10 CFR Part 71 -

Harmonization of Transportation Safety Requirements -

Rulemaking Working Group Charter: Under Development (OAS board reviewing)


The Harmonization of Transportation Safety Requirements rulemaking working group is developing a proposed rule package that would harmonize the NRCs transportation safety requirements in 10 CFR Part 71 domestically with those of DOT in 49 CFR and internationally with those of IAEA in SSR-6, 2012 and 2018 editions.

George Tartal, NRC/NMSS Katie Scott, OAS/Pennsylvania