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Chapter 1 of RESAR-SP/90 Westinghouse Advanced PWR Module 7, Structural/Equipment Design, Introduction & General Description of Plant
Person / Time
Site: 05000601
Issue date: 12/31/1984
Shared Package
ML19269B034 List:
NUDOCS 8502130380
Download: ML20106E655 (6)





O The Westinghouse Electric Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Westinghouse) has developed this Reference Safety Analysis Report (RESAR-SP/93) for the Westinghouse' Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor (WAPWR) as part of its continuing ef forts toward design and licensing standardization O

of nuclear power plants.

RESAR-SP/90 is a standard safety analysis report submitted initially for Preliminary Design Approval (PDA) in accordance with Appendix 0, " Standardization of Design; Staf f Review of Standard Designs," to Part 50 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (hereinaf ter referred to as 10CFR).

The ultimate objective is to obtain a Final Design Approval

', F D A) of RESAR-SP/90 foll med by a rulemaking proceeding and design certification.

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APWR-S/E 1.1 -1 DECEMBER, 1984 106e:1d 0

1.2~ GENERAL PLANT DESCRIPTION 1.2.2 Principal Desian Criteria RESAR-SP/90 is designed to comply with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A,

" General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants."

The specific applications of General Design Criteria to RESAR-SP/90 are discussed in Section 3.1.



MAPWR-5/E 1.2-1 DECEMBER, 1984 2106e:ld

1.6 MATERIAL INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE The WAPWR Structural / Equipment Design Module incorporates, by reference, certain topical reports.

The topical reports, listed in Table 1.6-1, have been filed previously in support of other Westinghouse applications.

The legend for the review status code letter follows:


Nuclear Regulatory Commission review complete; USNRC A

acceptance letter issued.


Nuclear Regulatory Commission accepted as part of the AE Westinghouse emergency core cooling system (ECCS) evaluation model only; does not constitute acceptance for any purpose other than for ECCS analyses.

Submitted to USNRC as background information; no undergoing formal B

USNRC review, i

On file with USNRC: older generation report with current validity; 0

not actively under formal USNRC review.

Actively under formal USNRC review.

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1. 6 -1 DECEMBER, 1984 2106e:1d l



TABLE 1.6-1 MATERIAL INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE Westinghouse SAR Topical Revision Section Submitted Review i

Report No.

Title Number Reference to the NRC Status WCAP-7427 Effective Structural Damping Rev. 0 3.7 1/70 0

of the KEP L105 CRDM WCAP-7427 Effective Structural Damping Addendum 1 3.7 12/70 0

of the KEP L105 CRDM WCAP-7558 Seismic Vibration Testing Rev. 0 3.10 10/71 U

(Non-Prop) with Sine Seats WCAP-8236(P)

Safety Analysis of Eight-Grid Addendum 1 3.7 4/74 A

WCAP-8288 17x17 Fuel Assembly for Combined Seismic Loss-of-Coolant Accident WCAP-8252 Documentation of Selected Rev. 1 3.6 5/77 A

Westinghouse Structural Analysis Computer Codes WCAP-8370 Westinghouse Water Reactor Divi-Rev. 9A 17.1 2/81 A

sions Quality Assurance Plan Amend. 1 WCAP-8587 Equipment Qualification Data Sup.1 3.10 2/79 U

Packages (Rev. 2) 3.11 WCAP-8587 Methodology for Qualifying Rev. 6 3.10 11/83 U

Westinghouse WRD Supplied 3.11 NSSS Safety-Related Electrical Equipment WCAP-8624(P)

General Method of Developing Rev. 0 3/10 9/75 U

WCAP-8695 Multifrequency-Biaxial Test 8/75 Inputs for Bistables WCAP-8707-P-A MULTIFLEX-FORTRAN-IV Computer Rev. 0 3.6 9/16/77 A

(P), Vol I Program for Analyzing Thermal-and II Hydraulic Structure System WCAP-8709-A, Dynamics Vol I and II WCAP-8867 DEBLIN2 - A Computer Code Rev. 0 3/7 11/76 U

to Synthesize Earthquake Acceleration Time Historics WCAP-10221 Simplified Pipe Whip Analysis Rev. 0 3.6 12/82 U

and Restraint Design Procedures

'dAPWR-S/E 1.6-2 DECEMBER, 1984 2106e:1d

1.8 CONFORMANCE WITH THE STANDARD REVIEW PLAN In accordance with 10CFRSO.34(g), Table 1.8-1 of each PDA module identifies and evaluates deviations from the acceptance criteria of those sections of the NRC Standard Review Plan (NUREG-0800) pertinent to the subject module.

Table 1.8-1 provides this list for the " Structural / Equipment Oosign".

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1. 8-1 DECEM8ER, 1984 2106e:1d 1t--a-m u-w :p t" g g, ay-

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N A WF WrD vWW 44W"ter93.W Yurt & eNw - w w we W"D'*wt'ee =&N h w 5M 'Pw eehNem m m#m v *-emsty'We e aD'**W

TABLE 1.8-1 STANDARD REVIEW PLAN DEVIATIONS SRP Acceptance Criteria Deviation Section SRP2.3.1f RESAR-SP/90 is based on the 1982 Edition 3.3.1 SRP3.3.1]f of ANSI A58.1, which was issued after the 100-year return period latest revision of the SRP. Wind loadings

" fastest mile of wind" are therefore tabulated using the 50-year including vertical velocity recurrence wind instead of the 100-year distribution and gust recurrence wind referenced in the factor Regulatory Guide. Structural Design for winds greater than the 50-year magnitude is specified by utilization of the Importance Factor '(see Section


The tornado specification is based on 3.3.2 SRP 3.5.1 ]

ANSI /ANS2.3 - 1983 which was issued 3.5.1 Tornado specification after the latest revision of the is based on ANSI 58.1 Standard Review Plan and Regulatory Guide 1.76.

SRP 2.5.2:

The OBE has been established as 1/3 3.7.1 The minimum value of the of SSE acceleration level for the OBE is currently one-half the reference acceleration for seismic design corresponding to the SSE.

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WAPWR - S/E 1.8-2 DECEMBER, 1984
