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Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating Organizational Changes
Person / Time
Site: North Carolina State University
Issue date: 07/26/1984
North Carolina State University, RALEIGH, NC
Shared Package
ML20093N606 List:
NUDOCS 8408020069
Download: ML20093N622 (25)


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-o North Carolina StateUniversity

' { School of Enginaing Department of Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Reactor Program Ekn 799 Zip 2;ti95 ;yug 30 April 1984 (919) 737 232s Dr. Donald E. Smith, Chairman Radiation Protection Council 1607 Gardner Hall NCSU Campus


Proposed Revisions to the PULSTAR Technical Specifications.


In accordance with Section 6.2.2 e. of the PULSTAR Technical Specifica-tions, it is requested that the Radiation Protection Council review and approve the enclosed revisions to the PULSTAR Technical Specifications.

This request supercedes and replaces any open correspondence to the Radia-tion Protection Council or the Nuclear Regulatory Comm Lsion (NRC) concerning proposed revisions to the PULSTAR Technical Specifications.

Note that correspondence from Joab L. Thomas to the Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission dated July 10, 1979, and October 18, 1979, contained proposed revisions similar to those identified in this occument. After literally years of waiting for'the response from the NRC, we were informed by the NRC that the request let-ter old not contain the appropriate nomenclature and, therefore, was set aside.

Specifically, the referenced correspondence did not explicitly say, " implement the following revisions", and consequently was deemed by the NRC to not be an official request.

Since this last submittal of proposed revisions to the Technical Specifica-tions, additional necessary changes have been identified, primarily due to organi-zational changes. It was deemed prudent to reinitiate the review and approval process for all of the proposed Technical Specification revisions due to the con-siderable amount of time that has passed since initial conception of many of the proposed revisions. In addition, the NRC now requires a different format for the request that incorporates a page-for-page substitution rather than the previous method of " Change this to reads", etc.

Attachment I of this document includes the page-for-page revisions to the PULSTAR Technical Specifications. The revision bar in the right-hand margin in-dicates the particular section/ paragraph that is being changed. Note that in this proposed revision request, no pages were added or deleted from the present format of the PULSTAR Technical Specifications.

i 8408020069 840726 PDR ADOCK 05000297

p. PDR North Carolina State University is North Carolina's original land grant inststution

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'4 Dr. Donald E. Smith, Ch0irman P ge 2 Radiation Protection Council Attachment II of this document provides the Supporting Safety Analysis of the proposed revisions. Note that a reference to the page number and applicable section number is provided to cross-reference the proposed revisions with the per-tinent safety analysis.

Questions concerning the proposed revisions should be directed either to Mr. Thomas C. Bray, Reactor Operations Manager, or myself.

Your prompt attention to this request would be greatly appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,

/GarryWf Dale Miller, Nuclear Operations Administrator, Associate Director



1) Attachment I - Revised Pages of the PULSTAR Technical Specifications
2) Attachment II - Supporting Safety Analysis cc: (all with attachments)

Dr. P. J. Turinsky Dr. J. Wortman, RSAG Mr. T. C. Bray Mr. T. L. Brackin L. Eudy, NRP Admin.


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1.'10 L Measurina Channel - A measuring channel is the combination of sensor, lines,. amplifiers and output devices which are connected for the pur-pose of measuring the value of a process variable.

1.ll- Reactor Safety System - The reactor safety system is that specified

. combination of measuring channels and associated circuitry which forms

'the automatic protection systems of the reactor, or provides informa-tion which requires manual protective-action to be initiated.

-1.12 Measured Value - The measured value of a process variable is the value L lof the variable as it appears on the output of a measuring channel.

1.'13 Truh Value -;The true value of a process variable is its exact value at 3 any instant.

1.14 Channel Check - A channel check is a qualitative verification of accept-able performance by observation of channel behavior. This verification shall: include. comparison of the channel with other independent channels-or methods of measuring the same process variable.

1.15 Channel Test - A channel test is the introduction of a known signal

-into a channel to verify that it is operable.

1.16 Channel Calibration - A channel calibration is the adjustment of a Lchannel, such that its output responds with acceptable range and accuracy,.to.known values of the parameter that the channel measures.

Calibration shall encompass the entire channel, including equipment-actuation, alarm and trips.

1.17 Reportable Event - A Reportable Event is any of the following:

a. Operation with any safety system setting less conservative than ispecified in the Limiting Safety System Settings section of the Technical Specifications;
b. Operation in violation of Limiting Conditions for Operations
c. . Incidents or conditions which prevented or could have prevented the intended safety function of an engineered safety feature or the reactor safety system;

" d. Release of fission products from a fuel element; e

-O O

- 3. 3 Reactor Instrumentation Applicability These specifications apply to the instrumentation which must be available and operable for safe operation of the reactor.


The objective is to require that sufficient information be available to the operator to assure safe operation of the reactor.

Specifications The reactor shall not be operated unless the measuring channels listed in the following table are operable Minimum Measurina Channel No. Operable

a. Startup Power Level 1(a)
b. Safety Power Level 1(b)
c. Linear Power Level 1(b) d.z Pulse Energy 1(c)
e. Primary Flow 1(d)
f. Flow Monitor (flapper) 1
g. Pool Water Temperature 1
h. Pool Water Level 1 (a) Required only for reactor startup when power level is'less than 4 watts.

(b) Bypassed for five (5) seconds during pulse and square

, wave modes.

(c) Required only in the pulse mode. Requires 1 out of 2 available channels (Pulse Energy or N-16 Channel).

(d) R quired only for operation requiring forced convection cooling.

( :O Bases The neutron detectors and primary coolant flow meter provide assurance that measurements of the reactor power level, total energy and pri-mary coolant flow are adequately covered at low and high ranges. The reactor pool water level indicators provide early warning of the possibility of a leak in the reactor cooling system or the pool. The two cha'nnels available for determining total energy are: the N-16 integrator (total. energy) and, the pulse integrator (total energy) and pulse oscillo-

. scope (peak power and total energy).

3.4- Reactor Safety System Applicability These specifications apply to the reactor safety system channels.

Objective The objective is to require the minimum number of reactor safety system channels which must be operable in order to assure that the

-Safety Limits are not exceeded.


Specifications The reactor shall not be operated unless the reactor safety system channels described in the following table are operable:

Minimum Operating Mode Measurina Channel No. Operable Function in which req'd.

a. Startup Power Level 1 Inhibits Control Reactor Startup Rod withdrawal when neutron count is

< 2 cps.

b' . Safety Power Level 1(a) Scram, Enable for All flow scrams

c. Linear Power Level . 1(a) Scram All
d. Log N Power Level 1 Enable for flow All scrams (Manual Scram)
e. Pulse Energy 1(d) Provide total Pulse energy data on pulse (Manual Scram) l I

'4 Minimum Operating Mode Measuring Channel No. Operable Function in which Rea'd.

f. Flow Monitoring 1 Scram All (Flapper)
g. Primary Coolant Flow 1 Scram Steady State

> 250 kW; all other modes

.h. Pool Water Temperature 2 Alarm (Manual All Scram)

1. Pool Water Level 1 Scram All J. Manual Button 1 Manual Scram All
k. " Reactor on" Key- 1 Manual Scram All switch
1. Over-the-Pool 1(a)(b) Alarm (Manual All Radiation Monitor Scram)


m. Bypass Timers 4(c) Limit bypass. Pulse and time on power Square Wave level channels (a) Bypasses for five (5) seconds during pulse and square wave modes.

(b) Bypassed for less than one (1) minute during return of a pneumatic rabbit capsule from the core to the unloading station or three (3) during removal of experiments from the reactor pool.

(c) Activated during pulse and square wave modes, with two


per applicable power level measuring channel (safety power level and linear power level).

(d) In pulse mode only, requires either the Pulse Energy Channel or N-16 Channel to provide information on pulse energy for manual scram.

Bases The inhibit function on the startup channel assures she required startup neutron source is sufficient and in its proper location for the reactor startup, such that a minimum source multiplication count j rate level is being detected to assure proper operation of the startup l channel, j i

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,v The reactor power level scrams provide the redundant protection channels to assure that, if a condition should develop which would tend to cause the reactor to operate at an abnormally high power

~1evel, an-immediate automatic protective action will occur to pre-

-; vent the exceeding of the Safety. Limit.

The Pulse Energy Channel or the N-16 Channel provides the information on this parameter..lIn the event that an abnormal situation should

.  : develop, the operator is provided this information- following the pulse Tin order that'he may return the reactor to its safest state, and take

any other added precautionary action deemed necessary.

!I ,Theialar[msontheredundantpoolwater.temperaturechannelsassure that'the reactor. operator has sufficient time to take corrective action if the temperature exceeds the specified limit.

The primary coolant flow scrams provide the redundant protection channels to assure when the reactor is at-power levels which require

' forced flow' cooling that, if sufficient flow is not present, an immediate automatic shutdown of the reactor will occur to prevent the exceeding of a Safety Limit. The Log N power channel is included In this~section since it is one of_the two channels which enables

'the two flow scrams when the reactor is above 250 kW.

The pool water level channel, along with the over-the-pool (Bridge)

. radiation monitor, provides two diverse channels for shutdown of the reactor and prevents the exceeding of the Safety Limit due to insufficient pool height (pressure).

To prevent unnecessary initiation of the evacuation confinement

. system during the return of the pneumatic rabbit capsule from the core;to the unloading station or during removal of experiments from the reactor pool, the over-the-pool monitor may be bypassed during the


specified time interval. A VAW radiation monitor that is located

% .at the reactor pool bridge will continue to monitor radiation levels as a backup. This unit has also an audible alarm.

The manual scram button and the " reactor on" keyswitch provide two l manual scram methods to the reactor operator if unsafe or abnormal conditions should occur..

The' redundancy of the bypass timers on each measuring channel in-

' o

'sures that no single time failure will negate the activation of the power level automatic protection systems.


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3.5 Radiation Monitoring Equipment

' Applicability This specification applies to the availability of radiation monitoring

-equipment which must be operable during reactor operation.

Objective To assure that raolation monitoring equipment is available for evalu-ation of radiation conditions in restricted and unrestricted areas.

S ecification The reactor shall not be operated unless the radiation monitoring equipment listed in the following table is operable.

1. Three fixed area monitors operating in the reactor building.(a)(b)(c)
2. Particulate and gas building exhaust monitops gontinuously sampling air in the facility exhaust stack.tbhd)

(a) One of these. monitors must be the over-the-pool (Bridge) radiation monitor. This monitor may be bypassed for five (5) seconds during pulse and square wave modes.

-(b) For periods of time for maintenance to the radiation monitoring channel, the intent of this specification will be satisfied if one of the installed channels is replaced with a gamma-sensitive instrument which has its own alarm or which is kept.under visual observation and if reactor operation is limited to the steady state mode.

(c) The over-the-pool monitor may be bypassed for less than one (1) minute during return of a pneumatic rabbit capsule from the core to the unloading station or three (3) minutes during removal of experiments from the reactor pool.

(d) May be bypassed for less than one (1) minute immediately after starting the pneumatic blower system.

Bases A continued evaluation of the radiation levels within the reactor building will be made to assure the safety of personnel. This is accomplished by the area monitoring system of the type described in Section 5.2.2 of the FSAR.

h-- -

A continued evaluation of the discharge air to the environment will ,

be made using the-information recorded from the particulate and gas Jmonitors.-

When the radiation levels reach the alarm setpoint on any single area,

.or stack _ exhaust monitor, the building will be automatically placed in ,

confinement as described in Section 5 of the FSAR.

.To prevent unnecessary initiation of the' evacuation confinement system Lduring the return of a pneumatic rabbit capsule from the core to the unloading station or during removal.of experiments from the reactor

. pool, the over-the-pool monitrr may be bypassed during the specified H-

' time interval. A VA W radiation monitor that is located at the reactor

. pool bridge will continue to mar'itor radiation levels as a back-up.

This unit has also an audible alarm.

-3.6. -Confinement-Applicability This specification applies to the operation of the reactor building confinement system.


-The objective is to assure that the confinement system is in operation

'to mitigate the consequences of possible release of radioactive materials resulting from reactor operation.

Specification The reactor shall not be operated unless the following equipment is operable, and conditions met:

Operating Mode In

. , 1, ,

Equipment /tondition Function Which Required

a. All. doors,.except the control To mainta'in reactor All room and basement corridor en- building negative trances self-latching, self- differential pressure.(f) closings closed and locked.
b. Control room and basement- To maintain reactor (a) All corridor entrance doors building negative self-latching, self- differential pressure.

closing and closed.

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< Operating Mode In !

Equipment /tondition Function Which Required

c. Reactor building under a To maintain reactor (b) All negative differential pres- building negative sure of not less than 0.2" differential pressure H2 0'with the normal venti- with reference to cut-lation system or 0.1" H 2O side ambient.

with one confinement fan operating.

d. Confinement initiation system Operable (c) All
e. Evacuation system Operable (d) All
f. Magnahelic differential Operable Pulse and square vacuum gauges in control wave room,
g. Confinement filter trains Operable (e) All (a) Doors may-be opened for personnel and equipment transport between corridor area and reactor building.

Except for periods of time not to exceed 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to per-(b)' mit repair of system - during such repairs, the power will

. be' limited to 100 kW and the steady state mode.

(c) Operability demonstrated also with auxiliary power source.

(d) The public address system can serve temporarily for the reactor building evacuation system during short periods of maintenance.

(e) One filter train may be out of service for the purpose of main-tenance, repair, and/or surveillance for a period of time not to exceed 45 days. During the period of time in which one filter train is out of service, the standby filter. train shall be

--operating with the reactor building in the confinement mode.

(f) Doors may be opened by authorized personnel for less than (5) five minutes for personnel and equipment transport provided audible and visual indication is available for the reactor operator to verify door status.

Bases I- the unlikely event of a fission product release, the confine-ment initiation systs will secure the normal ventilation fans and close the normal inlet and exhaust dampers. In confinement, a

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4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIRE >ENTS(l) 4.1 - Fuel' x Applicability This specification applies to the surveillance requirement for the reactor. fuel.

0bjective .

'The objective is to obtain data on length, diameter and bow of fuel

.' pins for evaluation of long-term trends of fuel behavior.

Specifications a.. All fuel elements shall be visually inspected biennially but at intervals not to exceed twenty-six (26) months.

b. -At least four fuel pins from two different pulsed fuel elements shall be inspected whenever a group of 100 pulses of greater than 1.0% Ak/k have been accumulated. One of these pins shall be from the highest flux region in the core.

Bases The biennial inspection of PULSTAR fuel pins has been shown to be adequate for Zr-2 cladded elements to insure fuel element integrity based'on a long history of the prototype PULSTAR steady state and pulse operation.

The above inspection intervals are based on prototype experience.

The pins selected for inspection will be those most closely approaching the high energy density region of the core as determined from initial startup testing. As a minimum, the same pins will be measured at each inspection interval so that a trend can be established as a function of time. Baseline data for each fuel pin will be made prior to any usage in the reactor core.

1. All surveillance tests required by these specifications are scheduled as described; however, some tests may be postponed at the required intervals if that' system or a closely associated system is undergoing maintenance.

I- these cases, the surveillance test will be performed immediately after completion of maintenance and prior to reactor startup.

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I 4'.2 Pulse and Control Rods

oplicability This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for the pulse and control rods.

Objective The objective is to assure the operability of the pulse and control rods.


a. The reactivity worth of the pulse rod and each control rod shall l be determined annually but at intervals not to exceed fourteen months for the steady state core in current use. The reactivity worth of the pulse rod and each control rod for the pulsing core in current use shall be determined within six (6) months prior to pulsing operations. The reactivity worth of all rods shall be de-termined for any new core or rod configuration, prior to routine operation.
b. Control rod drop and drive times and the pulse rod drive time shall be determined annually but at intervals not to exceed fourteen (14) months, and after a control assembly is moved to a new position in the core or after maintenance or modification is performed on the control rod mechanism. Pulse rod turnaround time shall be deter-mined within six (6) months prior to each pulsing operation,
c. The pulse and control rods shall be visually inspected biennially but at intervals not to exceed twenty-six (26) months.

Bases The reactivity worth of the pulse and control rods is measured to assure that the required shtcdown margin is available, to provide a means for determining the reactivity worths of experiments inse*ted

.in the core, and to provide the pulse rod positioning for pulse and square wave operations. The measurement of reactivity worths on an annual basis provides a correction for the slight variations expected

.due to burnup. This frequency of measurement has been found acceptable at-similar research reactor fccilities, particularly the prototype

'PULSTAR which has a similar slow change of rod value with burnup. In

l m.

the. case of a new fuel arrangement in the core, reactivity worth measurements of the control rods will be required prior to routine operations.

Control'and pulse rod drive / drop / turnaround time measurements are

made to determine whether the rods are functionally operable. These time measurements may also be utilized in reactor transient analysis.

Control and pulse rod visual inspections provide a method of detect-ing wear or corrosion in rod actuating mechanisms, and rod travel y setpoints can be verified during these inspections.

Control and pulse rod surveillance procedure will document proper con-trol rod system reassembly after maintenance and recorded post-main-tenance data will identify significant trends in rod performance.


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! 4.3 Reactor Safety System

This' specification the surveillance requirements for

.the Reactor Safety System.

Ob_lective_ -

The objective assure that the Reactor Safety System (RSS) will remain operable and will prevent the Safety Limits from being exceeded.

. Specifications o

a .- A channel check of each measuring channel in the RSS shall be performed daily when the reactor is in operation.


b. A channel test of each channel in the RSS(a) shall be performed

~ prior to each day's operation, or prior to each operation extending more than one day.

c. A channel calibration of the safety and linear power level measuring channels by the calorimetric method shall be made L - semi-annually but at intervals'not to exceed seven (7) months.

E d .' A channel' calibration of the following channels shall be made semi-annually but at intervals not to exceed seven (7) months.

1. Pool Water Temperature
2. ' Primary Cooling and Flow Monitoring (Flapper)
3. Pool Water Level
e. A channel calibration of the channel to be used for measuring

-pulse energy shall be made using a test pulse of less than 1%

AkA reactivity insertion prior to any operation in the pulse mode with reactivity insertions above 15 okA. During this test pulse,=the over-power trip bypass timers shall be verified to be operable.-

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(a) Testing the channel to be used for measuring pulse energy is required only prior to operation in the pulse or square wave mode.


-The daily channel tests and checks will assure that the safety


channels are operable. The calibrations at six (6) month intervals will assure that long-term drift of the channels is corrected. The calorimetric calibration of the reactor power level, in conjunction with the nitrogen 16 channel, will provide continual reference for adjustment of the linear, Log N and safety channel detector positions and current alignment.

4.4 Radiation Monitorina Equipment Applicability This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for the area radiation monitoring equipment and the system for the stack

-radiation monitoring equipment.

Objective The objective is to assure that the radiation monitoring equipment is operable.

Specificiation The area and stack monitoring systems shall be calibrated annually but at intervals not to exceed fourteen (14) months. The setpoints shall be verified weekly.

Bases These systems provide continuous radiation monitoring of the reactor building with a check of readings performed prior to and during reactor operations. Therefore, the weekly verification of the setpoints in conjunction with the annual calibration is adequate to identify long-term variations in the system operating characteristics.

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4.'5 Confinement System l Applicability

.This, specification applies to the surveillance requirements for the confinement system.

Objective r.

The objective is to assure that the confinement system is operable.


a. Prior to reactor operation, the confinement and evacuation system shall have been verified to be operable within the previous seven

-day period.

bi Operation of the confinement system on auxiliary power will be


checked every two weeks but at intervals not to exceed twenty-one (21) days.

c. A visual inspection of the door seals and closures, dampers and gaskets of the confinement and ventilation systems shall be per-formed semi-annually but at intervals not to exceed seven months

-to verify they'are operable.

d.: The control room differential pressure gauges shall be calibrated

. annually but at intervals not to exceed fourteen months.

e. The. confinement filter train shall be tested biennually but at intervals not to exceed twenty-six months; and prior to reactor operation.following filter replacement.
f. The 600 cfm air flow rate in-the confinement stack exhaust duct shall be verified annually but'at intervals not to exceed fourteen

" months.


Bases Surveillance of this equipment will verify that the confinement of the reactor building is maintained, reference Section 5 of the FSAR.

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6.0 (ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 6.1E Oraanization 6.1.1 The reactor facility shall be an integral part of the Department of Nuclear Engineering of the School of Engineering of North

- Carolina State University. . The reactor shall be related to the University structure as shown in Figure 6.1-1.

'6.1.2..The Associate Director is responsible for the safe and efficient

operation and utilization of the PULSTAR reactor facility. In

.- all matters pertaining to the operation of the facility and

I. these Specifications, the Associate Director shall report to and be directly responsible to the Head, Department of Nuclear Engineering. The' minimum qualifications for the Associate Direc-tor are at least five years of reactor operatii , experience.

Years spent in baccalaureate or graduate study may be substituted for operating experience on a one-for-one basis up to a maximum of one year.

6.1.3' The reactor shall be under a Reactor Operations Manager who shall be qualified as a licensed senior operator for this reactor. He shall be responsible for assuring that operations are conducted in a safe manner and within the limits prescribed by the facility license and the provisions of the Radiation Protection Council.

6.1.4- There a Reactor Health Physicist responsible for assuring the safety of reactor operations from the' standpoint of radiation protection. He shall function _ independently of the reactor opera-


tions organization as shown in Figure 6.1-1.


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-He shall be able to satisfy the qualifications of a Certified '

S . Health Physicist as set forth by the American Board of Health

'% ' Physics or its acceptable equivalent. He shall be responsible

[x for reporting in accordance with Section 6.7.5f.

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~6.2- . Review and Audit'

6.2.1hThereshallbeaRadiationProtectionCouncil(fFC)whose 5 duties shall be to review and audit reactor operations, to F advise the Chancellor, North Carolina State University, and


to assure that the facility is operated in a manner consistent with public safety and within the terms of the facility license.

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.p X 6.2.2 IPC responsibilities'shall include:



a. Review proposed tests and untried experiments which may

- constitute an "unreviewed safety question" pursuant to

0 10CFR50.59. All such reviews shall be accomplished with consideration of Sections 2 and 3'of these Technical
  • S ecifications.
b. -

Reviewsafety proposed changes to(p{obedures, equipment

.having significance M or'which may constitute an or systems -

p 1 "unreviewed safety question" pursuant to 10CFR50.59.

4l , n;


c. . Review facility Reportable Events defined in Section 1.17 ,
  1. g .' of these Technical Specifications.


, .I , ' * 'd. Review proposed changes to the Technical Specifications or F cility Operating License except for the NCSU PULSTAR

,q -P, . -

REACTOR SECURITY PLAN which is. withheld from public disclo-n9 sure pursuant to 10CFR2.790(d) and 10CFR73.21.

e. Review and audit facility operation, including equipment.


performance,; operating personnel, operating records and 4 results of surveillance,tasts and inspections.

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b i . 4 lEquipment or systems having safety significance are defined as those

, channels and systems identified in Section 3, Limiting Conditions of

, Operations, in particular '

3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 y ,

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, - 6.2.3 ~ The Radiation Protection Counc.11 shall have at least five members, of,whom no more than the minority shall be from the-  ;

line organization shown in Figure 6.1-1. In addition to the Radiation Protection Council, three persons are appointed

~ by.the Chancellor, upon the recommendation of the RPC, to form a Reactor Safeguards Advisory Group (RSAG). This group serves as a permanent committee to the F C and will be solely 1 responsible for independent appraisals of reactor operations, iand reporting the results of its investigations to the RPC,

' Department Head and Associate Director. The F C and RSAG shall'be made up of senior faculty and staff who shall collec-


tively provide experience in reactor engineering, reactor operations,. chemistry and radiochemistry, instrumentation and control systems, radiological safety and mechanical and electrical systems. .The campus Radiological Safety Officer (RS0) shall be a

% permanent member of the PC.

6.2.4 The Radiation Protection Council shall have written statements on its responsibilities and authority.

6.2.5 . Minutes of each FC meeting shall be distributed to the Chancellor and all FC members. Minutes of each RSAG meeting shall be distributed to the PCs Head, Department of Nuclear

' Engineering and Associate Director. l 6.2.6 A quorum shall consist of not less than a majority of the full

RPC or RSAG, and shall include the chairman or his designated alternate. .Only a minority or less of the line organization shown in Figure 6.1-1 shall be present in any quorum.

6.2.7 The FC shall meet at least every four calendar months, and upon call of the Chairmans while the RSAG shall meet at least every six calender months ano upon call of the Chairman.



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6.3 ODeratina Proc h res -

,R f

a. Operating proce&res written,' updated periodically and followed for these operations:


1. Normal startup, operation, and shutdown of the reactor and components involving nuclear safety of the systems

, 2.- R fueling operations and installation and removal of Control i e Rods and experimental facilitiesp

, ,- ' 3. Actions to be taken to correct specific and foreseen potential I

'"amalfunctions of systems or components, including responses to falarms,suspectedprimarycoolantsystemleaks,andabnormal l feactivity changess


4.,(Emerganc/sconditions involving potential or actual release of ra'dioactivity, including provisions for evacuation, re-entry, r,ecovery, medical support;

5. Preventive and corrective maintenance' operations which could have an effect on reactor safety,

.i E., Civil disturbance on or near the campus;

7. Periodic surveillance' including channel test and channel calibration of reactor instrumentation and Reactor Safety ,

s Systems, area monitors and continuous air monitors.

8.' Radiation control. . These procedures shall be maintained and be available to all operations personnel.

- 9. Review and approval of changes to operating procedures; n-

10. Preparation,; approval and periodic review of facility Emergency >

Plan and Security Plan. ,

b. Substantive changes to the above procedures _shall be made only with-the approval of the Radiation Protection CouncU Temporary changes -

cto the procedures that do not. change their original intent may be made with the approval of the Associate Director. All such temporary achanges to the procedures shall be documented and subsequently re- g u ewed by the IPCs -

c. Drills on emergency procedures shall be conducted annually.

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e 6.4 Action to be Taken in the Event a Safety Limit is Exceeded In the event a Safety Limit is exceeded, or thought to be exceededa

a. The reactor shall be shut down and reactor operations sha.11 not be resumed until authorized by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission;
b. An immediate report of the occurrences shall be made to the Chairman of the Radiation Protection Council, and reports shall be made-to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in accor-dance with Section.6.7 of these specifications; and
c. A report shall be made which shall include an analysis of the causes and extent of possible damage, efficacy of cor-rective action, and recommendations for measures to prevent the probability cf recurrence. This report shall be sub-mitted to the Radiation Protection Council for review, and a suitable similar report submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission when authorization to resume operation of the reactor is sought.

6.5 Action to be Taken for Rnonrtable Events

'In case of a reportable event, as defined in Section 1.17 of these specifications, the following action shall be taken:

a. The Reactor Operations Manager, Associate Director, Reactor Health Physicist and Radiation Protection Council shall be noti' led of the occurrence. Prior to resumption of operations, action shall be taken to correct the initiating condition and to prevent its recurrence.
b. A report shall be made to the Radiation Protection Council for review. The report shall-include an analysis of the cause of i the occurrence, the effectiveness of corrective action taken, and recommendations for measures to prevent or reduce the pro-

.bability of recurrence.

c. A report shall be submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in accordance with Section 6.7 of these specifications. l l l

l N


r N

6.6 Plant Operatina Records In addition to the requirements of applicable regulations and in no way substituting therefor, records and logs of the following items, as a minimum, shall be kept in a manner convenient for review and shall be retained as indicated:

a. Records to be retained for a period of at least five (5) years:
1. Normal plant operation and maintenance;
2. Principal maintenance activities;
3. Reportable events;
4. Equipment and components surveillance activities;  ;

-5. Experiments performed with the reactor;

b. R* cords to be retained for the life of the facility:
1. Gaseous and liquid radioactive waste released to the environs;
2. Off-site environmental monitoring surveys;
3. Radiation exposures for all PULSTAR personnel;
4. Facility radiation and contamination surveys;
5. Fucl inventories and transfers;
6. Updated, corrected, and as-built facility drawings.

6.7 R~portina Requirements la addition to the requirements of applicable regulations and in no way substituting therefor, reports shall be made to the NRC as follows:

n 6.7.1 Within 24 hcurs, a report (by telephone or telegraph to the NRC Region II Regulatory Operations) of:

a. Any accidental off-site release of radioactivity above permissible limits, whether or not the release resulted in property damage, personal injury or exposure;
b. Any significant variation of measured values from a cor-responding predicted or previously measured value of safety-related operating parameters occurring during operation of the reactor.
c. Any Reportable Event as defined in Section 1.17 of these specifications; and
d. Any violation of a Safety Limit.

-6.7.2 A report within ten days (in writing to the Deputy Director for Reactor Projects, Directorate of Licensing, USNRC, Washington, D. C. 20545, with a copy to the NRC Region II Regulatory Opera-tions) of:

a. Any significant variation of measured values from a cor-responding predicted value of previously measured value of safety-related operating characteristics occurring during operation of the reactor;
b. 1 cidents or conditions relating to operation of the facility which prevent 6d or could have prevented the performance of engineered safety features as described in these specifications;
c. .Any Reportable Event as defined in Section 1.17 of these specifications; and
d. Any violation of a Safety Limit.

6.7.3 A report within 30 days (in writing to the Deputy Director for Reactor Projects, Directorate of Licensing, USNRC, Washington, D. C. 20545, with a copy to the NRC Region II Regulatory Operations) of:

a. Any substantial variance from performance specifications contained in these specifications or in the Safety Analysis Report; 1..
b. .Any significant change in the transient or accident analyses as described in the Safety Analysis Reports
c. Any changes in facility organizations and
d. Any observed inadequacies in the implementation of administrative or procedural controls.

6.7.4 A report within 120 days until October 30, 1973, then 60 days thereafter following completion of startup testing of the reactor (in writing to the Deputy Director for Reactor Projects, Directorate of Licensing, USNRC, Washington, D. C.

20545) upon receipt of a new facility license, or an amendment to the license authorizing an increase in reactor power level, describing the measured values of the operating conditions or characteristics of the reactor under the new conditions including:

a. An evaluation of the safety analysis submitted with the license application in light of measured operating charac-teristics when such measurements indicate that there may be substantial variance from analysis.
b. A reassessment of the safaty analysis submitted with the license application in light of measured operating charac-teristics when such measurements indicate that there may be substantial variance from prior analysis.

6.7.5 An annual report within 60 days following the 30th of June of each year (in writing to the Deputy Director for Reactor Projects, Directorate of Licensing, USNRC, Washington, D. C.

20545, with a copy to the NRC Region II Regulatory Operations) providing the following information

a. A brief narrative summary of (1) operating experience in-cluding a cross section of experiment', performed, (2) changes in performance characteristics related to reattor safety and occurring during the reporting period, and (3)
results of surveillance tests and inspections;
b. Tabulation of the energy output (in megawatt days) of the reactor, amount of pulse operation, hours reactor was critical, and the cumulative total energy output since initial criticality I
c. The number of emergency shutdowns and inadvertent scrams, including reasons therefori 1


< -a o

- 45a -

(a) Method of disposal.

(b) Total radioactivity in the tank (in microcuries) prior to disposal.

(c) Total volume of liquid in tank (in liters).

(d) The dried residue of a one (1) liter sample shall be analyzed for the principal gamma-emitting radionuclides.

The identified isotope composition with estimated concentrations shall be reported. The tritium content shall be included.

Gaseous Waste (summarized on a monthly basis)

1. Radioactivity discharged during the repnrting period (in curies) for:

.(a) Gases (b) Particulates, with half lives greater than eight days.



w C

2. The NPC used and the estimated activity (in curies) discharged during the reporting period, by nuclide, for all gases and particulates based on representative isotopic analysis.

Solid Waste

1. The total amount of solid waste packaged (in cubic feet).
2. The total activity involved (in curies).
3. The dates of shipmant and disposition (if shipped of f-site) .

-g. A summary of radiation exposures received by facility personnel and visitors, including pertinent details of significant exposures.

h. A sunmary of the results of radiation and contamination surveys performed within the facility; and
1. A description of any environmental surveys performed outside the facility.

J' 6.8 Review of Experiments 6.8.1 All proposed experiments utilizing the PULSTAR reactor shall C be evaluated in writing by the experimenter and by a licensed Senior Reactor Operator staff member approved by the Associate Director. The evaluation of the experiment shall be reviewed by the Reactor Operations Manager (and by the Reactor Health Physicist when appropriate) to assure compliance with the pro-visions of the facility license, these Technical Specifications, and the NRC regulations. If the Reactor Operations Manager and the Reactor Health Physicist determine that it is a tried experi-ment, it may be approved by the Reactor Operations Manager or Associate Director. The evaluation of the experiment shall includes e

a. The reactivity worth of the experiments
b. The integrity of the experiment, including the effects of changes in temperature, pressure, chemical composition, or radiolytic decomposition.

'o o


c. Any physical or chemical interaction which could occur with the reactor components; and
d. Any radiation hazard that may result from the activation of materials or from external beams.


If it is the opinion of any one of the above, that the experiment does not meet the criteria, it shall be submitted, by the experimenter, to the Radiation Protection Council as an " untried experiment" for approval and issuance of a project number.

-6.8.2 Prior to performing an untried experiment in the reactor, it shall be reviewed and approved in writing by the RPC, following their determination that it does not involve an unreviewed safety question. "'a RPC review shall consider the following:


a. The purpose of the experiment;
b. A procedure for the performance of the experiment;
c. Evaluation made as in paragraph 6.8.1 above; and
d. Evaluation approved by the Associate Director.

-6.8.3 I evaluating experiments, the following assumptions shall be used for the purpose of determining that failure of the experi-ment would not cause the appropriate limits of 10 CFR 20 to be exceeded:

a. If the possibility exists that airborne concentration of radioactive gases or aerosols may be released within the confinement, 100% of the gases or aerosols will escape;
b. If the effluent exhausts through a filter installation designed for greater than 99% efficiency for 0.3 micron particles, at least 10% of the particulates will escape; and
c. For a material whose boiling point is above 1300F and where vapors formed by boiling this material could escape only through a volume of water above the core,lat least 10% of these vapors will escape.

.; ~ Facility'No. R-120 Attachment-II

Dock;t No. 50-29/




.(1) '2 1.17- The term " Abnormal Occurrence" has been replaced by " Reportable Event" per the standard use by the nuclear industry.

Note that this change is an editorial change and does not affect reactor safety.

_s (2). 2: 1.17 c. Purposeofrewritino11.17cistomake

. statement conform m5re nearly to that of ANS 15.1/ ANSI N378-74. Sense of the state-

, , ment is unchanged but language and termin-ology has been improved.



'17 3.3 d. . The N-16 Channel Integrator reliability has

_ been_ demonstrated in our Start-Up program

.~ and subsequent routine pulsing. The N-16

.- Channel responds in the same manner as the Pulse Energy Channel, providing a direct

_ ;^ _

measurement of pulse energy following the pulse. The requested changes for Sections 3.3 and 3.4 identify the N-16 Channel as an available channel for measuring pulse energy.

- The PULSTA9 Final Safety Analysis Report ap-iE s proves the use of the N-16 Channel for Pulse y

energy measurement in Section 7.1.4. Note that the Commission had previously approved

'g .;the requirement of only one pulse energy

channel ~ by virtue of footnote (c) to Section


u- .


3.3; therefore, the requested change is edi-torial in nature. - -

- s


j -

V 14). _17 3.4" foot- Additional' clarification has been added of the available pulse energy channels. Note


. ' note (c)

( ~

that the analysis of item (3) above applies.

/(5) '18 .314'e- 'The specified change adds a footnote clari-

_ .fying the choice of pulse 1 energy channels l

-f- .o available during pulsing operations. Note '

that the. analysis of item (3).above applies.




[(6); 119 3.4 foot- (Same'asfor:ltem(4)above.



.- l-(7), 20 .3.4 Bases -Same as for item.(3) above.

3s T,., < '3rd Paragraph)

.jv .


e 7 g1 O%


^.' f' Facility No."R-120-

/7 Docket No. 35 77 o ,


rITEM* ' PAGE#. SECTION SAFETY ANALYSIS (6) ' .21 - 3.5.2 - A footnote (d) has been added allowing the

.; bypass of the specified monitors during the


initiation of the pneumatic blower system.

The requested change will prevent the un-

. necessary alarm which initiates the evacua-

. tion and confinement system. The initiation v of the pneumatic blower system during power operation results in a small volume of air i ,

with an Argon-41 activity level, above the normal setpoints, moving through the ventila-9 t. ion system causing the stack exhaust monitors to alarm. .The_ requested change will inhibit the unnecessary evacuation during the short-

, term transient of stack exhaust activity without compromising reactor safety. In the 1'" event that a fission product release should occur simultaneously with the bypass of the specified monitors, the over-the-pool monitor would still be capable of initiating evacua-j , . tion and confinement. The byoass would be

"=- '

~ performed by momentarily depressing the Fail /

~ '

Reset button on-the specified monitors. Upon

.s release of the FallAteset button, the channel automatically resets itself to the alarm-ready

- ' 3 status. This-bypass action only bypasses the 4

alarm initiation and not the monitoring func-tion'of the channels. 'Specifically, the three channels normally used for monito::ing stack exhaust activity, i.e. Stack Gas, Particulate M ' ve and'the Auxiliary GM, are all recorded for sub-sequent calculation of stack exhaust releases,

(9) ;21- 3.5.2(c) _ Changed word "is" in first line to "may be".

er Original language implied an automatic func-tion. Function has always been manual, at the


, , discretion of the reactor operator.


- ('ld)

~ '

' 22 . 3.5 foot- Same as for item (8).above.

note (d)

M  ;(11)L 22 3.5 Bases. Added word " alarm" to describe type of set-point that, when tripped, will automatically place the reactor building in confinement.



xfq  ?[-

y=e----rrvy=v---*rwy ewwwy

Facility No. R-120 4

Dock;t No. 50-297 PULSTAR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION REVISION StPPORTING SAFETY ANALYSIS ITEM # PAGE+ SECTION SAFETY ANALYSIS (11) 22 3.5 Bases Changed language also to specify that any (continued) single area or stack exhaust monitor will pro-vide the automatic action.

(12) 23. 3.6 a. A footnote that allows the specified doors to be opened with certain restrictions has been added.

Maintaining the reactor building differential pressure while operating is the responsibility of the reactor operator. The requested change will allow any reactor bay door to be opened for periods of time to permit transport of equipment and personnel. In the event a radio-active release should occur, the evacuation and confinement system would be placed in operation at the direction of the reactor operator and if the reactor bay door had been open for person-nel or equipment transport, the door would self-close upon exit of personnel, thereby maintaining required negative differential pressure in the confinement mode. Furthermore, audible and visual indication of the door status will enable the operator to verify that the doors are closed in accordance with operating procedures follow-ing the initiation of the evacuation and confine-ment system.

(13) 24 3.6 foot- Same as for item (12) above.

note (f)

(14) 28 4.2 a. It is North Carolina State's intention to adapt its Technical Specifications to ANS-15.1/N378-1974, " Standard for the Development of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors," and toward this end, a tolerance interval has been added to the surveillance intervals. This tolerance shall provide for continuity of surveillance test, main-31 tenance, and reactor operations. Based upon re-sults of proven satisfactory performance of the current PULSTAR Surveillance Program, adding a tolerance interval to the subject specifications will not compromise reactor safety. The request-ed tolerance intervals are consistent with Section 4 of ANS-15.1/N378-1974, e.g. an annual surveil-E

' M*E {FacilityNo..R-120 is 3 DockIt_No., 50-297 L




( 14) -28' ~ '4.2 a. lance item has two-month tolerance, etc.


=(15) 29' ' 4.2 a.'. The terms " standard reference core" and " pulse core" has.been replaced by " steady state core

, in current use" and " pulsing core in current use", respectively, in order to adapt the sur-veillance requirement to the latest core confi-guration in operation. The rod worth measure-ments for the pulsing core within six months the pulsing insures that recent data will be available to precisely position the pulse rod, and the surveillance of the steady state core will provide adequate information about changes in rod worths due to burnup.


- [(16) 29 4.2 b. The requirement for measuring pulse rod drop time.has been removed since this measurement

  1. has no physical significance. Proper movement of the pulse rod is tested by pulse rod turn-around time measurements. The-addition of a

. tolerance on the surveillance interval is con-sistent with the safety analysis of item (14) above.

s (17) 29 _ 4.2 c. -Safety analysis consistent with item (14) above.

L' (18) 4 30 '4.2 Bases ' Safety enalysis consistent with item (16) above.

'(19) 30 4.3 c. Safety analysis consistent with item (14) above.

- (( '(20) .

l 30 - - 4.3 d.s Safety analysis consistent with item (14) above.

V (21) ~ 30 . 4.3'e. The requested change for Section 4.3 e. insures H that the appropriate surveillance test shall be performed on the channel that is to be used for measuring pulse energy (either the Pulse Energy

,, Channel or N-16 Channel). Analysis for use of the N-16 Channel to measure pulse energy is con-p sistent with the safety analysis of Section 3.4.


4.3 foot- Safety analysis consistent with item (21) above.

-(22) 31 o ,


Y ~

l(23) 31 4.4 Safety analysis consistent with item (14) above.




  • F l s-


t. .. " ' Facility No. R-120

$ Dock:t No. 50-297 1


, (24) 32 4.5 a. The proposed change provides for a more realistic test of the confinement initia-tion and evacuation system on the auxiliary generator. The present specification for testing the confinement initiation system on the auxiliary generator requires a line-up of circuit breakers that would normally not be present during reactor operations.

This is due to the fact that upon loss of commercial power to the Control Room Dis-tribution Panel, the confinement initiation relay de-energizes so that upon return of commercial power or auxiliary generator power, the reactor building is automatically placed in the confinement mode. Therefore, the re-quested changes to Sections 4.5 a. and 4.5 b.

remove the requirements to test the confinement initiation system on the auxiliary generator.

The evacuation system, including logic relays and evacuation horns, is powered from the Con-trol Room Distribution Panel. There is no

. dedicated bus from the generator to the evacu-J ation/ confinement initiation system, therefore, if the confinement system will initiate on com-mercial power, then it will also initiate on t auxiliary power. Consequently, the ability of the evacuation / confinement initiation system to operate on the auxiliary generator is assured by the combination of two tests: 1) the test de-

-monstrating that the Control Room Distribution Panel can be powered from the auxiliary generator

~ and 2) the weekly test of the evacuation / con-finement initiation system on the console power via commercial power to the Control Room Distri-bution Panel.

-(25) 132 4.5 c. This surveillance requirement has been found more convenient to perform on a semi-annual basis. -Since the requested change reduces the 9 surveillance intervals, resctor safety is not compromised.

(26) 32 4.5 d. Safety analysis consistent with item (14) above.

c e l.

, [ . Facility No. ,R-120 '


ITEntik PAGE4h SECTION SAFETY ANALYSIS (27) 32 4.5 e. Safety analysis consistent with item (14) above.

(28) -32 4.'5 f. Safety analysis consistent with item (14) above.

6.1.2 A re-organization of the Nuclear Reactor Pro-(29) 36 gram has resulted in the change of titles for the Nuclear Operations Administrator and Reactor Supervisor positions.

Responsibilities / qualifications for these posi-tions have remained unchanged; therefore, this change is only editorial in nature. Note that positions in the Nuclear Reactor Program that are not directly related to the PULSTAR Reactor Operation have been intentionally omitted from g

Section 6.0 of the Technical Specifications.

(30) 36 6.1.3 Consistent with the safety analysis of item (29)

< above.

(31) 36 6.1.4 As part of the re-organization described in item (29) above, the " Technical Services Group" has been integrated into other divisions of the

)i Nuclear Reactor Program. The Reactor Health Phy-sicist position, however, remains as an inde-a pendent review of the reactor operations. The Reactor Health Physicist reports to the Head, Department of Nuclear Engineering.

(32) 37. Figure Safety analysis consistent with items (27) and 6.1-1 (29) above.

-(33) 38 6.2.2 The intent of rewritino q 6.2.2 under Review and Audit is twofold: To Edhere more closely to the guidelines of ANS-15.1/ ANSI N378-1974 and to make ed.orial changes for the purpose of clarity.

All the review and audit features of the original Technical Specifications have been retained while the actual number of separate statements under Para. 6.2.2 have been reduced. All references to

" abnormal" occurrences, conditions and operations have been re-edited to categorize these instances as " reportable events", in keeping with ANS 15.1 terminology.

,. " - ; Facility No. R-120 2 Dock;t No. 50-297 PULSTAR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION REVISION SU' PORTING SAFETY ANALYSIS ITEM # PAGE# SECTION SAFETY ANALYSIS (34) 39 6.2.3, substituting word " operations" for " procedures" line 8 gives RSAG broader review authority. Reactor Operations includes procedures and other audit areas as well. Word change conforms to termi-nology identified in ANS 15.1.

(35) 39 6.2.3, Safety analysis consistent with item (29) above.

line 10 (36) 39 6.2.5 Safety analysis consistent with item (29) above.

(37) 40 6.3 b. Safety analysis consistent with item (29) above.

'(38) 41 6.5 a. Safetyanalysisconsistentwith4 tem (29)above.

(39) 41 6.5 c. Change is editorial in nature only.

(40) 42 6.6.a.3. Safety analysis consistent with item (1) above.

(41) 42 6.7 - Change is editorial in nature only.

'(42) 43 6.7.1 c. Safety analysis consistent with item (1) above.

(43). 43 6.7.2 c. Safety enalysis consistent with item (1) above.

-(44) . 44 6.7.5 a.- The requested change clarifies the necessary

-reporting requirements by removing the duplica-tion between 6.7.5a and 6.7.5e. In particular, changes in facility design and changes in opera-

' ting procedures were previously included in both sections. Reporting requirements for experiments have also been clarified, i.e., a cross-section of experiments performed is now reported for Sec-tion 6.7.Sa and the safety evaluation and descrip-tion of new~ experiments and tests are reported in

. Section 6.7.5e.

(45) 45a Continuation The letter g. was removed from the " Gaseous Waste of 6.7.5.f (Surunarized on a Monthly Basis)" as an editorial correction. Gaseous waste falls under the general category of radioactive effluents detailed in 6.7.5 f.

(46). 46' 647.5 g,h,i The requested changes to 6.7.5 g, 6.7.5 h, and the I


b  ;


46 6.7.5 g,h,i addition of 6.7.51. clarifying the reporting (continued) requirements for surveys and exposures. The requested change to 6.7.5 g. replaces the words "date and time with " pertinent details". This change will provide for an increase in reporting requirements from just date and time to more sig-nificant details such as when, where and how the exposure occurred. The latter details are more important in terms of reporting a significant exposure rather than just when it occurred.

(47) 46 6.8.1 Safety analysis consistent with item (29) above.

(48). 47 6.8.2 Safety analysis consistent with item (29) above, y





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