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Amended Pages for NEDO-33866 GE2000 SAR Revision 6
Person / Time
Site: PROJ0710, 99902024, 07109228
Issue date: 04/02/2020
GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20093B448 List:
Download: ML20093B464 (9)


ENCLOSURE 4 M200033 Amended Pages for NEDO-33866 GE2000 SAR Revision 6 Non-Proprietary Information IMPORTANT NOTICE This is a non-proprietary version of Enclosure 3 to M200033, which has the proprietary information removed. Portions of the document that have been removed are indicated by an open and closed bracket as shown here (( )).

NEDO-33866 Revision 6 Non-Proprietary Information xlvi ACRONYMS Term Definition 3D Three-Dimensional AEG Average Energy Group Amb.

Ambient ANSI American National Standards Institute APDL ANSYS Parametric Design Language ASM American Society for Metals ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASNT American Society for Nondestructive Testing ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials Aux.

Auxiliary B&PVC Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code CFR Code of Federal Regulations C.G.

Center of Gravity CSI Criticality Safety Index DOF Degree-of-Freedom DR Total Dose Rate DU Depleted Uranium EALF Energy of Average Lethargy Causing Fission



FEA Finite Element Analysis FeCrAl Iron Chromium Aluminum GE General Electric GEH GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas LLC HAC Hypothetical Accident (Transport) Conditions HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air HPI High Performance Insert H/U-235 Ratio Hydrogen-to-U-235 Ratio

NEDO-33866 Revision 6 Non-Proprietary Information xlvii Term Definition IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency ID Inner Diameter MCNP Monte Carlo N-Particle MS Margin of Safety MSLD Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector NBS National Bureau of Standards NCT Normal Conditions of Transport NDE Nondestructive Examination Nom.

Nominal NPT National Pipe Taper (Thread)

NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission OD Outer Diameter OR Outer Radius PNNL Pacific Northwest National Lab QAP GEH Quality Assurance Program S/N Serial Number SS Stainless Steel Std.

Standard TCC Thermal Contact Conductance UNC Unified Coarse U-235 Uranium-235 UO2 Uranium Dioxide U.S.

United States USL Upper Subcritical Limit wt%

Weight Percent

NEDO-33866 Revision 6 Non-Proprietary Information 1-1 1

GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Introduction The Model 2000 Radioactive Material Transport Package was developed at Vallecitos Nuclear Center. The primary use of the packaging is to provide containment, shielding, impact resistance, criticality safety, and thermal resistance for its contents during normal and hypothetical accident conditions. The packaging is designed to transport Type B quantities of radioactive materials. It complies with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulations contained in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 71 (10 CFR 71). The package is to be shipped in all modes of transportation, except air. The Model 2000 Transport Package may only be shipped exclusive use, as discussed in Section 5.1.2. The Criticality Safety Index (CSI) is determined to be 50, as discussed in Section 6.1.3.

Calculations, engineering logic, and all related documents that demonstrate compliance with regulations are presented in subsequent sections of this report.

The GEH Quality Assurance Program (QAP) (Reference 1-1) controls design, purchase, fabrication, handling, shipping, storing, cleaning, assembly, inspection, testing, operation, maintenance, repair and modification of the packages. The NRC has approved the GEH QAP under Docket Number 71-0254 upon demonstration that the quality assurance plan meets the requirements of Subpart H of 10 CFR 71.

1.2 Package Description The Model 2000 Transport Package, shown in Figure 1.2-1, is transported exclusive use, in the upright position. The approximate overall packaging dimensions are 131.5 inches in height and 72 inches in diameter. The approximate total weight of the package (packaging plus the contents) is 33,550 lb. Table 2.1-3 shows the breakdown of the component weights for the Model 2000 Transport Package.

The Model 2000 Transport Package and contents are described below:


  • Cask
  • Overpack
  • High performance insert (HPI)
  • HPI material basket Contents
  • Solid radioactive materials

NEDO-33866 Revision 6 Non-Proprietary Information 1-4 HPI Material Basket The material basket is shown in Figure 1.2-5 with an example of supplemental dunnage. The material basket is constructed of ((

)) pattern and are identified as Item 1 on Drawing 001N8424.

See Figure 1.2-6 for material basket details. The outer (( )) of the material basket form a composite section with the addition of ((

)) The center location of the material basket is a developed cell, which is created by the surrounding (( )) To allow for the proper insertion of supplemental dunnage and facilitate fabrication, (( )) are inserted at the top and bottom of the developed cell and are identified as Item 2 on Drawing 001N8424. Therefore, the exterior view of the material basket shows ((

)) facilitate loading and positioning of the material basket within the HPI cavity. Parts List 001N8424G001 is provided in Section 1.3.

1.2.2. Contents Radioactive Material Contents The Model 2000 Transport Package is designed to transport Type B quantities of radioactive materials. This may include irradiated hardware and byproducts, Co-60 isotope rods, or irradiated fuel. The following are requirements for all shipments:

a) The maximum quantity of material per package shall not exceed 5,450 lb, including all cask internals and contents (defined as payload for purposes of this report - see Table 2.1-3).

b) All contents shipped shall be in solid form.

c) All configurations require the use of the HPI.

d) The decay heat for shipping all contents shall be limited to no more than 1500 W.

However, a decay heat of 3000 W is conservatively used as the design basis for the Model 2000 Transport Package, where applicable. There are a few exceptions as noted within this SAR where 1500 W forms the basis; while a 1500 W decay heat is used in these sections, it is demonstrated that the 3000 W design basis is bounding.

The specific radioactive contents transported in the Model 2000 cask are:

1. Irradiated Hardware and Byproducts
a. Irradiated hardware components composed of metallic alloys (e.g., stainless steels, carbon steels, Iron Chromium Aluminum (FeCrAl), nickel alloys, and zirconium alloys).
b. Irradiated byproducts such as control rods and/or blades composed of hafnium and boron carbide.
c. Minimum decay time shall be at least 30 days prior to shipment.
d. Refer to loading table provided in Section 7.5.1
2. Cobalt-60 Isotope Rods
a. Must be shipped with the HPI material basket in the upright position and confined per 2.b and demonstrated to meet NCT.

NEDO-33866 Revision 6 Non-Proprietary Information 1-38 1.4 References 1-1 GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy, "Quality Assurance Program Description, NEDO-11209-A, Latest NRC Approved Revision.

1-2 Parker Hannifin Corporation, "Gask-O-Seal and Integral Seal Design Handbook,"

CSS 5124, 2010.

NEDO-33866 Revision 6 Non-Proprietary Information 5-4 Irradiated Hardware and Byproducts The irradiated hardware and byproduct contents are irradiated components from typical reactor operation. These contents include:

1. Hardware: Irradiated components composed of metallic alloys (e.g., SS, carbon steels, FeCrAl, nickel alloys, and zirconium alloys). Examples include:

- Bundle components: fuel cladding, water rods, spacers, and upper/lower tie plates

- Reactor internals: jet pump components, core shroud samples

2. Irradiated Byproducts: Irradiated control rod blades with the following neutron poison materials:

- Hafnium

- Boron Carbide Cobalt-60 Isotope Rods The radioactive material in the cobalt-60 isotope rod contents is in the form of pellets or cylindrical solid rods with the source(s) evenly distributed and encapsulated in normal or special form. The isotope rods are loaded into a commercial or research reactor to irradiate the cobalt source pellets.

After discharge from the reactor, the isotope rods are loaded into the Model 2000 cask for transport.

These (( )) prior to loading into the HPI. Herein for the cobalt-60 isotope rod contents, the term rod refers to a full-length rod, in its form as it is irradiated in a reactor; and the term (( )) in its form as it is loaded and shipped in the Model 2000 Transport Package.

5.2.1. Gamma Source

Irradiated Fuel To calculate gamma source strengths, ORIGEN-ARP is used, which implements the ORIGEN-S module with the GE BWR 10x10 cross section library (ge10x10-8) distributed in the SCALE6.1 code package (Reference 5-2). With the ORIGEN-ARP methodology, a problem dependent cross section library is generated by interpolating between cross sections in the SCALE6.1 pre-generated libraries. The pre-generated GE BWR 10x10 library covers initial uranium enrichments from 1.5 to 6 wt%, with burnups from 0 to 72 GWd/MTU, and moderator densities from 0.1 to 0.9 g/cm3.

Any mention of enrichment refers to the initial U-235 enrichment of the fuel. ORIGEN-ARP has been validated extensively for light water reactor spent fuel, as documented in the Oak Ridge National Lab report ORNL/TM-13584 (Reference 5-9).

The (( )) irradiated fuel contents is based on the radionuclide inventory generated from the irradiation and decay of various nuclides over time. The gamma source strength is dependent on the enrichment (E) band and burnup (B) band. In the ORIGEN-S source term analysis, for each initial enrichment band the minimum enrichment is considered, and for each burnup band the maximum burnup is considered. This generates a bounding source strength for each burnup-enrichment pairing. For the calculated source strength for each burnup-enrichment pairing the basis is 1 gram of U-235.

NEDO-33866 Revision 6 Non-Proprietary Information 8-1 8

ACCEPTANCE TESTS AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM This chapter describes the acceptance tests and maintenance program to be used for the Model 2000 Transport Package, required by 10 CFR 71, Subpart G. The acceptance tests are prescribed to verify materials of construction, fabrication processes, and the transport packages design adequately meets the regulations, while the maintenance program outlined in this chapter assures the packagings performance during its service life, in full compliance with this safety analysis report.

General information related to the Model 2000 Transport Package, including package design details and contents description, is presented in Chapter 1 of this safety analysis report. For package dimensions, refer to the licensing drawings provided in Section 1.3.1. Fabrication and examination of the Model 2000 Transport Package (i.e., cask and overpack), the high performance insert (HPI) assembly, and material basket assembly, conform to the requirements of ASME Section III, as delineated in Section 8.1.

Routine inspection (prior to each loading) consists of visual examination for physical damage of all surfaces and components. Periodic or annual inspection includes visual examination, penetrant inspection of welds, and replacement of damaged or worn components, as necessary.

8.1 Acceptance Test The inspection and acceptance tests are specified in the fabrication specifications and engineering drawings for the Model 2000 Transport Package and are governed by the GEH QAP (Reference 8-1). The GEH QAP has been approved by the NRC (Docket Number 71-0254)

(Reference 8-2).

8.1.1. Visual Inspections and Measurements Visual examinations of all dimensions are conducted during fabrication to ensure that the packaging is fabricated and assembled in accordance with manufacturing drawings and specifications. All dimensions and tolerances specified on the drawings are confirmed by measurement. Fabrication deviations are addressed in compliance with the GEH QAP for all components important to Safety Category A or B.

8.1.2. Weld Examinations Visual examinations of all welds, including overpack torodial shells, are conducted during fabrication. In addition, all welds within the cask containment boundary are liquid penetration tested (root and final passes); also, the welds forming the toroidal shell are 100% radiographed.

These inspections are performed to ensure no cracks, incomplete fusion, or lack of penetration, exists. Parts that do not meet the established criteria are repaired or replaced in accordance with written procedures. For Model 2000 Transport Package serial number (S/N) 2001, nondestructive examination (NDE) procedures and acceptance standards are based on the ASME Code,Section III, Subsection NG (Reference 8-3). All future fabrication will meet the requirements of the ASME Code,Section III as follows:

NEDO-33866 Revision 6 Non-Proprietary Information 8-9 Shielding The shielding materials are lead and depleted uranium. The initial tests for voids during fabrication and the required radiological surveys following each loading assure shielding integrity. If the results of surveys exceed the regulatory requirements, the contents are reduced or the shipment is not initiated.

8.2.4. Thermal Tests Thermal testing is only performed following initial fabrication of the cask.

8.2.5. Miscellaneous Tests No additional periodic tests are required.

8.3 Appendix The only appendix information for Chapter 8 is provided in Section 8.4, References.

8.4 References 8-1 GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, " Quality Assurance Program Description, NEDO-11209-A, Latest NRC Approved Revision.

8-2 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), "Quality Assurance Program Approval Form for Proposed Amendment to Draft NEDO-11209 Revision 13, GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Quality Assurance Program Description, Docket No. 71-0254, Revision 12, December 28, 2017, U.S. NRC ADAMS Accession Number ML17362A362.

8-3 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Division I,Section III, Subsection NG, "Core Support Structures," 2010.

8-4 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Division I,Section III, Subsection NB, "Class 1 Components," 2010 with addenda.

8-5 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Division I,Section III, Subsection NF, "Component Supports," 2010.

8-6 American National Standards Institute (ANSI), "American National Standard for Radioactive Materials - Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment," ANSI N14.5, 1997.

8-7 Military Specification, "Core Material, Aluminum, for Sandwich Construction,"

MIL-C-7438, or Equivalent.