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Motion to Extend Deadline for Filing Discovery Requests on Issue 16 Re Transamerica Delaval Diesel Generator Reliability.Certificate of Svc.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/29/1984
From: Hiatt S
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
OL, NUDOCS 8404040059
Download: ML20087N587 (3)


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[ ' \. , - RELATED CCT.r.E3?ONDENCE March 28, 1984 f.2 Z.

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.g O '2 A10:44 Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Boagl{D,y Li LTar

. gfANCH& SEPn.;

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'Iri'the Matter of )

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. COMPANY, g al . )

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'j(Perry lNuclearPoverPlant, )


  1. Units 1 and 2) -


., v .

- OCRE MOTIi24 'IO E?TIND 'mE DISCOVERY DEADLINE ON ISSUE #16 e Interven5r~ Ohio Citizens I for Be'sporisible Energy ("OCRE") hereby moves the Licensing Board to' extend the deadline for filing discovery requests on


Issue.fl6,$onTransamericaDelavaldieselgeneratorreliability. In its


h :er 23,' 1983 Memorands and' order (New Contention on Diesel Generators),

the Board set April 6,1984 as the last date for filing discovery requests on

. _ - . Issue,#16. --OCRE believes that the ciremstances surrounding the issue are now 1/.



{ _ _ . JMP suc2L that the disocuery MHne should be liberally extended."

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g'Ihe: Board is certainly aware of voluninous information being cmplied by the NRC Staff and by the utilities using 'IDI,DG3; numerous Board Notifications

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have been issued since the admission of Issue f'16.. It is' clear that the picture


is far f5xn emplete, and that much more material' willibe produced and generated


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before this issue is near resolution.

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.1/ Before' filing this notion, OCRE .au.uyt.ed to _ negotiate with the parties 36 as .to obtain a mutually acceptable agreertent on the extension of discovery.

She NRC Staff agrees with OCRE that discovery should be. extended liberally.

OCRE was unable to obtain an agreement with' Applicants;)this has necessitated the filing of the instant motion. .

8404040059 840329 PDR ADOCK 05000440 g PDR


\ . .


e Slndlarly, OCRE has',recently received from Applicants t! sough discovery over 1800 pages of material en the Perry DGs- ('Ihis does not even represent all oI the material available; OCRE understands that there are documents yet


to be produced.) ~ t is unreasonable to expect a public interest group with liIgi't ,hdre$cu5ces~andphrsonnellikeOCREtoevaluatethisextremelylarge

,,; ,'am5unt'5f informaidon .and to formulate 'fo'llcw-up discovery based on these V .c. , 2/:

documents'by April 6. ~

- Furthernure, the cuttailnent of discovery on April.6 is neither necessary

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nor desirable for the expeditious conduct of this proceeding, Applicants will certainly not be harned by the extension of discovery, as the Perry facility will not be operational for some time anyway, See February 24, 1984 letter frcm Applicants' counsel to the Licensing Board stating that Perry Unit I will not 5e cceplete until' late 1985. In fact, this proceeding is likely to be impeded if the April .6 daadTine is retained, as then the parties will be forced to burden [the Board with requests for permission to file late discovery every J

. time satte new information (e.g., a Board Notification) beccmes available,

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},; ' g ,0CRE therefore woulci propose that discovery romain open until the NRC

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- 15tAff iAsues its Safety Evaluation on the 'IDI DG Owners Group Design Review /

Quality Bevalidation P.p'n (currently scheduled for May'15') and for a :deasonable (OCRE believes that linking the


period of tine (e.g. , 2 weeks) thereafter.

Shadline-to,theStaff'sevaluation is preferable to setting a specific date so will not be necessary to re-establish the de'adline should the Staff's evaluation be delayed,)

~ , 3 s t.2/ OCRE has..been diligent in conducting disaavery; the first rcund of discovery on Issue #16 was filed on January 6, 1984. Applicants responded on February 8.

Since then OCRE has been available practically every day. to insoect (and to request copie's) the documents requested of Applicants. . Applicants first made the docments available for OCRE's inspection on March 3, Subsequent inspections were conducted on March 6, 10, 17, 24, and 27. Not all the. doc = ents have been

. produced. Clearly the delay in this matter cannot be attributed to the dilatory or negligeht behavior of any party, but is nerely ' indicative of the voluattnous nature _of the_informa^*a involved. _

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., e w w .s. s. prays that the Board grant this motion for the good cause v .ww .

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Respectfully suhnitted,'

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.ar@fJEOf.MP , Susan L. Hiatt

. e dd._i; 4.Q.M. -s 2'.M.Nu... OCRE Representative raq ..e a w ;.W.

.8275 Munson Rd, 6


,c .d E - [ [i. D $ Y Mentor, W 4406 J.j C.M

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% 7- M,cq.E ,

(216) 255-3158

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' :D*- Susan L. Hiatt



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