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Supplemental Application to Amend Licenses DPR-42 & DPR-60, Providing Addl Info Re Creep Collapse Analysis Presented in XN-NF-80-56(P)(A),per 830624 Submittal.Analysis Valid for Units Until 1985
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/09/1983
From: Musolf D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8311160132
Download: ML20086A865 (1)



Mr Northem States Power Company 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapons Minnesota 55401 Telephone (612) 330-5500 Novenber 4, 1983 Director office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U S 'uclear Regulatorv Commission Uashington, DC 20555 PRAIRIE ISLAND 'iUCLEAR GENERATING PLAhT Docket "os. 50-282 License Nos. DPR-42 50-306 DPR-60 Supplemental Information related to License Amendment Request dated June 24, 1983 - LOCA Analvnis License Anendment Request dated June 24, 1983 requested an increase in peak pellet exposure to 55,000 MUD /MTU.

In support of this increase, Exxon Nuclear Conpany re-examined the fuel design reported in approved topical report XN-hT-80-56(P)(A), " Generic Mechanical, Thermal Hydraulic, and Neutronic Design for Exxon Nuclear TOPROD Reload Fuel Assemblies for Pressurized Water Reactors" to' verify that the design requirements were satisfied for the higher exposure. With the exception of the creep collapse analysis, the design is in compliance with these requirements using the analysis in this report.

The creep collapse calculation satis-fies the design criterion presented in the topical report XN-hT-82-06, Revision 1, "0ualification of Exxon Nuclear Fuel for Extended Burnup",

uhich is currently being reviewed by the Staff.

The creep collapse analysis presented in XU-NF-80-56(P)(A) is valid for the Prairie Island Units 1 and 2 fuel until 1985. Thus there will be no impact on the current fuel cycles.

Prior to exceeding the current creep collapse basis in 1985, we will provide a cre.p collapse evaluation using an approved criterion to support further operation.

If the criterion in XN-NF-82-06 is accepted by the Staf f, no further analysis will t e pctformed.

Y k.

David Musolf Manager - Nuclear Suppo t Services 8311160132 831109 DM'!/T'iP / dab PDR ADOCK 05000282 P

PDR c: Regional Administrator-III, NRC NRR Project Manager, NRC NRC Resident Inspector


MPCA Attn: J U Ferman G Charnoff
