MONTHYEARJPN-99-029, Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 72 Re Reporting Requirement for Nuclear Power Reactors1999-09-20020 September 1999 Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 72 Re Reporting Requirement for Nuclear Power Reactors JPN-99-022, Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Requirements for Industry Codes & Stds1999-06-22022 June 1999 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Requirements for Industry Codes & Stds JPN-98-052, Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50,52 & 72 Re Changes,Tests & Experiments.Util Endorses & Supports Position Presented by NEI & Commends Commission for Initiative to Address Disconnects1998-12-21021 December 1998 Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50,52 & 72 Re Changes,Tests & Experiments.Util Endorses & Supports Position Presented by NEI & Commends Commission for Initiative to Address Disconnects JPN-98-050, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Monitoring Effectiveness of Maint at Nuclear Power Plants.Encourages NRC Staff to Withdraw Proposed Change & to Work with Nuclear Power Industry & Other Stakeholders to Accomplish Goal1998-12-14014 December 1998 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Monitoring Effectiveness of Maint at Nuclear Power Plants.Encourages NRC Staff to Withdraw Proposed Change & to Work with Nuclear Power Industry & Other Stakeholders to Accomplish Goal ML20249C8261998-06-24024 June 1998 Exemption from Requirements on 10CFR70.24, Criticality Accident Requirements. Exemption Requires Licensee to Maintain Emergency Procedures for Each Area in Which Special Nuclear Matl Handled,Used or Stored JPN-98-021, Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Codes & Stds1998-05-26026 May 1998 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Codes & Stds JPN-97-037, Comment on Final Direct Rule Changes to Paragraph (H) of 10CFR50.55a Codes & Standards. Effective Date of New Rule Should Be Delayed Until Listed Concerns Can Be Resolved & Appropriate Changes Incorporated1997-12-0101 December 1997 Comment on Final Direct Rule Changes to Paragraph (H) of 10CFR50.55a Codes & Standards. Effective Date of New Rule Should Be Delayed Until Listed Concerns Can Be Resolved & Appropriate Changes Incorporated ML20029C5771994-03-11011 March 1994 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR20 Re Draft Rule on Decommissioning.Informs That 15 Mrem/Yr Unreasonably Low Fraction of Icrp,Ncrp & Regulatory Public Dose Limit of 100 Mrem/Yr ML20057A6631993-08-30030 August 1993 Exemption from Requirements of Section Iv.A of App J to 10CFR50 Which Requires That Type A,B or C Leak Rate Test Be Performed Following Major Mod or Replacement of Component Which Is Part of Primary Containment Boundary ML20045F2451993-06-28028 June 1993 Comment on Proposal Re Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning NRC-licensed Facilities.Opposes Proposed Criteria JPN-93-045, Comment on Proposal Re Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning NRC-licensed Facilities.Opposes Proposed Criteria1993-06-28028 June 1993 Comment on Proposal Re Radiological Criteria for Decommissioning NRC-licensed Facilities.Opposes Proposed Criteria ML20128B0581993-01-29029 January 1993 Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalties in Amount of $300,000.Violations Indicate Significant Breakdown in Mgt & Administrative Control of Licensed Activities at Plant ML20105C7581992-09-10010 September 1992 Exemptions from Requirements of 10CFR50,app R,Sections III.L.1.b & III.L.2.b JPN-02-034, Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50.54 Re Receipt of Byproduct & Special Nuclear Matl1992-07-0606 July 1992 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50.54 Re Receipt of Byproduct & Special Nuclear Matl ML20079P9961991-11-0404 November 1991 Response of PASNY to Objections of DM Manning to Settlement Agreement.* Concludes That DM Manning Request That NRC Deny PASNY & NRC Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Agreement Should Be Denied.W/Certificate of Svc ML20083B9041991-09-18018 September 1991 Exemption from Requirements of Section III.G.3 of App R to 10CFR50 Re Fixed Fire Suppression Sys in Battery Room Corridor ML20086B8931991-06-0606 June 1991 Affidavit of DM Manning,Senior Reactor Operator,Being Duly Sworn,Response to Order Suspending License & Order to Show Cause Why License Should Not Be Revoked ML20086B9351991-06-0606 June 1991 Affidavit of W Fernandez Re DM Manning Refusal to Provide Second Urine Sample on 901009 ML20086B9891991-06-0606 June 1991 Affidavit in Support of DM Manning Application to Have Certain Records Withheld from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20086B9681991-06-0606 June 1991 Affidavit of RA Locy Re DM Manning Refusal to Provide Second Urine Sample on 901009 JPN-91-021, Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR71,170 & 171, Rev of Fee Schedules;100% Fee Recovery. Endorses NUMARC Comments. Approx 300% Increase in NRC Fees for FY91 Will Have Major Impact Upon Operating & Maint Budgets of Plants1991-05-13013 May 1991 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR71,170 & 171, Rev of Fee Schedules;100% Fee Recovery. Endorses NUMARC Comments. Approx 300% Increase in NRC Fees for FY91 Will Have Major Impact Upon Operating & Maint Budgets of Plants ML20073J8691991-05-0202 May 1991 Order Modifying License (Effective Immediately) to Prohibit D Manning,Sro at Facility,From Being Involved in Activities Subj to Part 50 of License Because of Lack of Trustworthiness Demonstrated by Attempt to Use Cocaine JPN-91-005, Comment Re SECY-90-347, Regulatory Impact Survey Rept. Util Concurs W/Numarc Comments.Analysis of Info from NUREG-1395 Insufficient to Complete Evaluation.Root Cause Analysis of Seven Themes Listed in SECY-90-347 Recommended1991-01-28028 January 1991 Comment Re SECY-90-347, Regulatory Impact Survey Rept. Util Concurs W/Numarc Comments.Analysis of Info from NUREG-1395 Insufficient to Complete Evaluation.Root Cause Analysis of Seven Themes Listed in SECY-90-347 Recommended JPN-90-068, Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR51 Re Renewal of Nuclear Plant OLs & NRC Intent to Prepare Generic EIS1990-10-22022 October 1990 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR51 Re Renewal of Nuclear Plant OLs & NRC Intent to Prepare Generic EIS JPN-90-067, Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR2,50 & 54 Re Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal.Endorses Comments Submitted by NUMARC1990-10-15015 October 1990 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR2,50 & 54 Re Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal.Endorses Comments Submitted by NUMARC JPN-90-052, Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-55 Re Revs to FSAR1990-07-0909 July 1990 Comment Supporting Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-55 Re Revs to FSAR JPN-90-050, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR55 Re Operators Licenses Mod for fitness-for-duty.Proposed Rule Will Place More Stringent Restrictions on Licensed Operators & Unnecessary1990-07-0202 July 1990 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR55 Re Operators Licenses Mod for fitness-for-duty.Proposed Rule Will Place More Stringent Restrictions on Licensed Operators & Unnecessary ML20248F2241989-10-0303 October 1989 Grants Exemption from 10CFR50,App J,Section Iv.A Requirements Re Performance of Type A,B or C Leak Rate Test JPN-89-008, Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants1989-02-27027 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants JPN-88-063, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program.Util Has Constitutional Concerns Re Proposed Random Testing Which Should Be Fully Addressed Prior to Rule Being Promulgated.Endorses NUMARC & EEI Comments1988-11-18018 November 1988 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program.Util Has Constitutional Concerns Re Proposed Random Testing Which Should Be Fully Addressed Prior to Rule Being Promulgated.Endorses NUMARC & EEI Comments ML20206G0531988-11-16016 November 1988 Exemption from 10CFR50,App J Re Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test,Retest Schedule ML20205T1681988-11-0707 November 1988 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.62(c)(4) to Allow Lower Min Injection Flow Rate & Lower Sodium Pentaborate Solution Concentration in Standby Liquid Control Sys JPN-88-056, Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Concerning Regulatory Options for Nuclear Plant License Renewal.Supports Comments Made by NUMARC Nuplex1988-10-28028 October 1988 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Concerning Regulatory Options for Nuclear Plant License Renewal.Supports Comments Made by NUMARC Nuplex ML20247N7531988-07-28028 July 1988 Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-53 Requesting NRC Action to Review Undue Risk Posed by BWR Thermal Hydraulic Instability.Nrr Should Issue Order Requiring All GE BWRs to Be Placed in Cold Shutdown for Stated Reasons JPN-88-015, Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Licensee Announcements of Inspectors.Rule Includes Requirement Contrary to Mgt Notification Practices.Rule Should Clarify Length of Time Applicable Once Inspector Arrives on Site1988-04-18018 April 1988 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Licensee Announcements of Inspectors.Rule Includes Requirement Contrary to Mgt Notification Practices.Rule Should Clarify Length of Time Applicable Once Inspector Arrives on Site ML20154G6131988-04-0101 April 1988 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Alternative Method for Leakage Rate Testing.Believes Method Accurately Calculates Containment Leakage Rate W/Less Statistical Uncertainty than Total Time Method JPN-88-002, Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Proposed Policy Statement on Integrated Schedules for Implementation of Plant Mods.Concerns Re Schedule as License Amend Expressed1988-01-25025 January 1988 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Proposed Policy Statement on Integrated Schedules for Implementation of Plant Mods.Concerns Re Schedule as License Amend Expressed JPN-87-062, Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR4,11,25,30,31,32,34,35,40,50, 60,61,70,71,73,74,75,95 & 110 Re Retention Period for Records.Proposed Changes Ineffective in Reducing Record Vol & Rule Remains Inconsistent & Complex1987-12-31031 December 1987 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR4,11,25,30,31,32,34,35,40,50, 60,61,70,71,73,74,75,95 & 110 Re Retention Period for Records.Proposed Changes Ineffective in Reducing Record Vol & Rule Remains Inconsistent & Complex JPN-87-053, Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Revising Backfitting Process for Power Reactors.Minor Alterations Urged Re Conditions Under Which Backfit Needed to Assure Adequate Protection1987-10-15015 October 1987 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Revising Backfitting Process for Power Reactors.Minor Alterations Urged Re Conditions Under Which Backfit Needed to Assure Adequate Protection JPN-87-051, Comment Opposing Draft NUREG-1150, Reactor Risk Ref Document. Reduced Uncertainty in Risk Assessment Found to Be Significant W/Respect to NUREG-1150.NUREG Also Does Not Consider Value of Operator Actions.Addl Comments Encl1987-09-28028 September 1987 Comment Opposing Draft NUREG-1150, Reactor Risk Ref Document. Reduced Uncertainty in Risk Assessment Found to Be Significant W/Respect to NUREG-1150.NUREG Also Does Not Consider Value of Operator Actions.Addl Comments Encl ML20080Q2391984-02-0101 February 1984 Exemption from Requirement of App R to 10CFR50.48 Re Reactor Bldg Cresent Area & Stairwells ML20079Q1191983-12-30030 December 1983 Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50.44(c)(3)(ii) Re Combustible Gas Control ML20039G7411981-12-0707 December 1981 Affidavit Supporting NRC Motion to Dismiss Ucs & Ny Pirg Petitions for Review of NRC Decision Re Status of Offsite Radiological Emergency Response Plan.Emergency Planning Evaluation Process Incomplete.Related Correspondence ML20038B9421981-12-0404 December 1981 Petition to Enforce & Modify License Conditions.Director of NRR Should Find Util in Violation of License Conditions. Conditions Should Be Modified to Prevent Anticompetitive Activities.Apps & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20030D9341981-09-14014 September 1981 Answer Opposing Ucs 810831 Motion Re CLI-80-21 & Utils 810622 Petition for Extension of Deadline.Matter Should Not Be Docketed as Involving Ucs Petition.Ucs Should Not Be Added to Svc List.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010E5131981-08-31031 August 1981 Motion for Opportunity to Respond to Utils 810622 Petition for 13-month Extension of 820630 Deadline Imposed by CLI-80-21 & NRC 810731 Response.Requests Svc of Past & Future Filings.Certificate of Svc Encl CLI-80-21, Motion for Leave to Defer,Until 810731,response to Utils 810622 Petition for Extension of Deadline for Compliance W/ CLI-80-21.More Specific Recommendation Will Be Forthcoming After 810707-10 Meeting W/Licensees1981-06-29029 June 1981 Motion for Leave to Defer,Until 810731,response to Utils 810622 Petition for Extension of Deadline for Compliance W/ CLI-80-21.More Specific Recommendation Will Be Forthcoming After 810707-10 Meeting W/Licensees ML19262C1121980-01-22022 January 1980 Response to Show Cause Order Re Implementation of Lessons Learned Task Force Category a Requirements.Util Has Complied W/All Requirements Except,due to Unavailability of Equipment.Affirmation of Pj Early & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20064C9411978-10-0606 October 1978 Requests Hearing on Application for OL Amend Filed on 780726.Amend Would Authorize Increase in Spent Fuel Storage Capacity & Revise Design Features & Operating Limits 1999-09-20
[Table view] Category:PLEADINGS
MONTHYEARML20079P9961991-11-0404 November 1991 Response of PASNY to Objections of DM Manning to Settlement Agreement.* Concludes That DM Manning Request That NRC Deny PASNY & NRC Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Agreement Should Be Denied.W/Certificate of Svc ML20038B9421981-12-0404 December 1981 Petition to Enforce & Modify License Conditions.Director of NRR Should Find Util in Violation of License Conditions. Conditions Should Be Modified to Prevent Anticompetitive Activities.Apps & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20030D9341981-09-14014 September 1981 Answer Opposing Ucs 810831 Motion Re CLI-80-21 & Utils 810622 Petition for Extension of Deadline.Matter Should Not Be Docketed as Involving Ucs Petition.Ucs Should Not Be Added to Svc List.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20010E5131981-08-31031 August 1981 Motion for Opportunity to Respond to Utils 810622 Petition for 13-month Extension of 820630 Deadline Imposed by CLI-80-21 & NRC 810731 Response.Requests Svc of Past & Future Filings.Certificate of Svc Encl CLI-80-21, Motion for Leave to Defer,Until 810731,response to Utils 810622 Petition for Extension of Deadline for Compliance W/ CLI-80-21.More Specific Recommendation Will Be Forthcoming After 810707-10 Meeting W/Licensees1981-06-29029 June 1981 Motion for Leave to Defer,Until 810731,response to Utils 810622 Petition for Extension of Deadline for Compliance W/ CLI-80-21.More Specific Recommendation Will Be Forthcoming After 810707-10 Meeting W/Licensees ML19262C1121980-01-22022 January 1980 Response to Show Cause Order Re Implementation of Lessons Learned Task Force Category a Requirements.Util Has Complied W/All Requirements Except,due to Unavailability of Equipment.Affirmation of Pj Early & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20064C9411978-10-0606 October 1978 Requests Hearing on Application for OL Amend Filed on 780726.Amend Would Authorize Increase in Spent Fuel Storage Capacity & Revise Design Features & Operating Limits 1991-11-04
[Table view] |
l In the Matter of
Docket No. 50-333 New York Pewer Authority )
License flo. DFR-59
Enforcement Action James A. FitzPatrick
No.91-053 Nuclear Power Plant
ASLBP No. 91-645-02-OH
on October /, 1991 the New York Power Authority r-(NYI snd NRC Staff jointly filed an application seeking Board pproval of a Settlement Agreement concerning the May 2 and August 9, 1991 Orders against the James A.
FitzPatrick Huclear Power Plar, ' 10 C.F.R.
Part 50 license.
The settlement was reached after giving due consideration to the best interests of the public, the concerns of the parti m, and the benefits of securing a prompt resolution of this matter.
By Memorandum and Order dated October 16, 1991, in m
view of the related proceeding concerning David M.
Hanning's 10 C.F.R.
Part 55 license, this Board afforded Mr. Hanning an opportunity to comment on the Settlement g
9111150034 911104 PDR ADOCK 05000333 G
Mr. Hanning submitted Objections Of David M.
Manning to Proposed Settlement Agreement (Objections),
dated October 24, 1991.
NYPA submits this response to the Objections and asserte that Mr. Manning's objections are based on erroneous nasumptions and conclusions.
Mr. Hanning ignores the fact that he is subject to at least two separate sources of regulations (1) by the NRC under Part 55 and (2) by his employer, NYPA, which has independent responsibilities under its Part 50 license, generally, and pursuant to federal regulation (i.e., 10 C.P.R.
Part 26), specifically. Given this circumstance, Mr. Hanning can be required to comply with two sets of requirements in order to satisfy both entities that he is fit for duty.
There is no indication whatsoever that the requirements NYPA is luposing on Mr. Hanning are incompatible with those the Board may impose with regard to the Part 55 license.
Accordingly, there is no justification for Mr. Manning's argument that the Part 55 requirements, when established, should preempt those established by NYPA.
Furthermore, Mr. Manning points to nothing in the Settlement Agreement that le detrimental to the public interest.
Had he alleged that the public would be benefitted by the Board's refusal to approve the
settlement, his demand that the matter not be disposed of 1 l
l in the manner suggested may merit consideration.
Eng 10 C.F.R. $2.203.
Instead, since Mr. Hanning's suggested substitute language would further no interest other than his own, his comments should be accorded little, if any weight.
In contrast, "due weight" should be accorded to the position of NRC Staff (id.), which, together with NYPA, has noved for approval of the Settlement Agreement.
The NYPA Follow-Up Drug Testing Plan 11 Independent of Any such Plan ordered Regarding the Part 55 Lice.Dae c
Mr. Hanning claims that the settlement "would render a nullity a significant portion of his hearing - Mr.
Manning could prevail in the hearing before the Board but still be subject to the drug testing program demanded by Staff...."
It is Issaible that, as a result of the hearing on the Order nodifying Mr. Manning's Part 55 license (th?. Hanning Order), Mr. Hanning could succeed in reducing the Part 55 drug testing requirement, but still find himself subject to a more restrictive, NYPA-established drug testing program as a result of the
~3-J l
l settlement Agreement.
As noted above, that is a consequence of his being regulated by two entitles, the NRC on the Part 55 license, and NYPA, as his Part 50 employer, applying the Part 26 regulation and the FitzPatrick Titness for Duty (FFD) Program.
Mr. Hanning points to no statutory or regulatory requirements directing that he be subject to only one drug testing program.
Regardless of the action taken on the Manning order, NYPA still has the responsibility to oversee its work force.
Even a determination by the NRC that Mr. Manning is fit to retain his Part 55 senior operator license, with or without drug testing conditions (a highly improbable event), does not end the natter.
That is just the first hurdle for Mr. Hanning to surmount.
The decision as to whether or not Mr. Manning is returned to the FitzPatrick control room, once the NRC certifies him as (in its view) fit, still rests with NYPA.
Therefore, whatever action the NRC takes regarding the Manning order will have no effect on the larger issue -- providing FitzPatrick management with adequate assurance that Mr. Manning is fit to return to work.
The assurance NYPA has demanded of Mr.
Manning is reflected in Paragraph 3 of the Settlement Agreement.
For Mr. Manning to continue to work at FitzPatrick, whether in the Planning Department or (if
_4 l
permitted by the NRC and NYPA) as a reactor operator, and regardless of any less stringent follow-up plan imposed by 1
the Board, Mr. Manning vill have to comply with the follow-up drug testing plan required by NYPA.
NYPA Has the Authority to Devise the Follow-Up plan Set Forth in Paragraph 3 of the Settlement Agrennent The NRC has regoired, in 10 C.F.R.
Part 26, that all licensees of nuclear power plants establish and implement written policies and procedures designed to assure a reliable and trustworthy work force and a drug-free workplace.
Consistent with NRC regulation, the FitzPatrlck plant has a FFD Program which was accepted by Mr. Manning's labor union.
Both Part 26 and the FitzPatrick FFD Program direct NYPA to establish a follow-up program for a person such as Mr. Hanning who seeks to return to unescorted access status.
In addition to the regulation requiring the establishment of a follow-up drug testing plan, NYPA has the authority, as Mr. Manning's employer, to administer all applicable FitzPatrick policies and procedures.
The conditions set forth in Paragraph 3 of the settlement Agreement represent a proper exercise of NYPA's management discretion to establish the conditions under which Mr.
Manning may continue his employment at FitzPatrick. - - _ _
i II.
The Agreement Does Not Require FYPA to Impose the Rgnditions soucht by NRC Staff The statement that NYPA would be required by the settlement to impose the conditions sought by NRC Staff is misleading.
It is accurate that the follow-up drug testing plan provided in Paragraph 3 of the Settlement Agreement contains the testing schedule in the August 9, 1991 Modified Order.
When that Order was issued, NYPA's principal objection was that the testing schedule appeared in the form of an Order against the FitzPatrick license, and, as such, usurped NYPA's management responsibilities.
Once NYPA and NRC Staff came to an understanding and were able to address each other's concerns, a settlement was possible.
NYPA reviewed Mr. Manning's work record and other information regarding drug rehabilitation.
NYPA concurred with the follow-up drug testing plan reflected in the August 9 Modified Order.
This plan is presently being adhered to under the FitzPatrick FFD Program.
Thus, it should be clear that the conditions of the settlement Agreement are not simply those sought by NRC Staff.
They are the conditions which NYPA has,
purposefully adopted.
NYPA requires compliance with these conditions in order for Mr. Manning to continue to do work pursuant to NYPA's Part 50 license.
The Settlement Will Have No Effect on Mr.
Manning's Ability to Have a Fair and Impartial Hearina concernina His Part 55 License The settlement concerns the Fitzpatrick Part 50 license.
This matter is independent of the question of the appropriateness of the Manning order.
No action taken by NYPA and NRC Staff in attempting to resolve the instant issue prevents Mr. Hanning from having a fair and impartial hearing on his Part 55 order.
Mr. Hanning has pointed to nothing to the contrary.
Regardless of any agreement reached by his employer and NRC Staff concerning the FitzPatrick Part 50 license, the hearing on the Manning order may go forward.
Mr. Hanning may still present his witnesses, challenge adverse witnesses, and argue against the imposition of the restrictions placed upon him vith regard to the Manning order.
In sum, Mr.
Manning will still have his " day in court."
Mr. Manning's vague and unsubstantiated assertion that some unarticulated constitutional and/or statutory right is being impinged is without merit. -
l f
1 t
j would be to eliminate paragraph ' 3' theroof and to substitute language that would obligate NYPA to provide the drug testing program for Mr. Manning as set forth in j
the Modified Manning order and any future orders of the Board in regards thereto."
Any language along the lineslof that suggested by Mr.
Hanning would (a) attempt to remove management responsibility from NYPA and place it in the hands of a third party and (b) be meaningless because, as stated l
t' above, NYPA will, in any event, implement the plan it feels is appropriate (i.e., the one set out in Paragraph 3).
THE PLAN CONTAINED IN THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT IS NOT IMMUTABLE-Paragraph 3 of the Settlement Agreement enables NYPA to deviate, with NRC concurrence, from the testing schedule it established for Mr. Manning.
Thus, if NYPA i
receives credible evidence that the testing schedule has
- c..--
.. ~..
becomo inappropriate for Mr. Hanning, a mechanism is in place for the follow-up drug testing plan to be amended.
Evidence that may be developed at Mr. Manning's hearing on the Manning order could well constitute information which brings about a reconsideration of the terms of the NYPA '
mandated follow-up drug testing plan.
CONCLU11QH Tor the foregoing reasons, Mr. Manning's request that the Board deny NYPA's and NRC Staff's joint motion for approval of the Settlement Agreement should be denied, and the Settlement Agreement should be approved.
Respectfully submitted,
_- s =0. C 9 o a k\\r Go ld C. Gold ein cou sol for No York Power Authority Am/A.Mevine Counsel for New York Power Authority Dated:
In the Matter of
Docket No. 50-333 New York Power Authority )
License No. DPR-59
Enforcement Action James A. FitzPatrick
No.91-053 Nuclear Power Plant
ASLBP No. 91-645-02-OH
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the RESPONSE OF THE NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY TO OBJECTIONS OF DAVID M. MANNING TO SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT in the above-captioned proceeding have been served on the following by first-class mail, postage prepaid on this 4th day of November, 1991.
Where indicated by asterisk, service was also made by Express Mail.
Smith, Chairman Adjudicatory File (2)*
Administrative Judge Atomic Safety Atomic Safety and Licensing and Licensing Board Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission Washington, D.C 20555 Washington, D.C.
20555 Atomic Safety and
Lam LicensAng Board Panel (1)
Administrative Judge U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Atomic Safety and Licensing Commission Board Panel Washington, D.C.
20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Karla D. Smith, Esq.
Washington, D.C.
20555 Regional Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Administrative Judge 475 Allendale Road 1877 Wingfield Drive King of Prussia, PA 19406 Longwood, Florida 32779
e office of the Secretary (2)
D. Jeffrey Gosch, Esq.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 407 South Warren Street Commission Syracuse, New York 13202 Washington, D.C.
20555 Attnt Docketing and Service Marian L. Zobler, Esq.
Bernard M. Bordonick, Esq.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission office of the General Counsel Office of the General Counsel Washington, D.C.
20555 Washington, D.C.
20005 a_
'Eric e
aler Nov ' rk Power Authority
/ !