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Responds to NUMARC Survey in Support of NRC License Renewal Rulemaking Covering Aquatic Resources & Socioeconomic Questions
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 11/11/1991
RTR-NUREG-1437 AR, S, WM, NUDOCS 9111110057
Download: ML20079N046 (23)


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1. Post-licensing modifications and/or changes in operations of intake and/or discharge systems may have altered the effects of the power  !

plant on aquatic resources, or may have been mado specifically to mitigato impacts that were not anticipated in the design of the plant. Describe any such modifications and/or operational changes to the condenser cooling water intake and discharge systems since the issuance of the operating License, f


Several post-licensing modifications and/or changes in operations of the intake and discharge systees at the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station (DCNGS), designed to reduce the effects of the station on aquatic resources, have been implemented and are described below l

a. Replacement of Travelling Screens - The stations six conventional vertical travelling screens were replaced between 1979 and .984 with Ristroph screens including a low pressure spray wash and fish recovery and return system. The Ristroph screenn employ '

water-tight -fish buckets which collect impinged organisms washod

.' from the screens and return them to the discharge canal via a 3- sluiceway. The cost of this modification was approximately 51.2 million. Intensive studies of the immediate and _ latent mortality of organisms iropinged upon the new Ristroph screens (EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, 1986, copy attached) showed that the immediate survival of all but two of the abundant or ecologically important specien had increased. Research on the 96-hour latent mortality of several species impinged in large numbers showed that the latent survival rate of.more fragile species, such as the bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli), aleo increased substantially. The results of these studies are described in greater detail in the response to question #5.

b. Installation of New Fish Trough / Marine Life Handling Syntem - In 1984 a completely now fish trough / marine life handling system was installed at the. OCNGS at a cost of approximately $1.1 million.

This system was (.esigned to return fish and other marino life washed off the travelling screens, to the discharge canaJ~as gently as possible. This was accomplished by min,imizing the

. velocity of the water moving through the system, avoiding abrupt changes _in direction or elevation, minimizing turbalence, and providing smonth rounded surfaces to reduce the possibility of

- abrasive damage. In combination with Ristroph Travelling t Screens, this system has proven to be very effective at l minimizing the impact of impingement (EA Enginaaring, Science, and Technology, 1986).

l-l l-9111110057 913313 PDR NUREO 1437 C pop ,


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c. Screenwash Fiume Modifications - Tht flume through which organisms coming out of.the fish trough / marine life handling system are returned to the discharge canal was modified in 1977

.. at a cost of approximately $60,000. The original system design routed these organismo into heated condenser discharge waters, l resulting in additional stress on organisms already stressed by i impingement. Tha fiumo was rerouted so that the organisms were released into ambient temperature dilution pump discharge vaters,  !

thereby eliminating the additional thermal stress.

d. Dilution pump operatior.a1 Modifications - to a result of the attraction or fishes to the relatively warni discharge waters from  ;

the OCNGS, some speciee heve been susceptible te - td-shock mortality subseruent to winter shutdowns. In conewrt with fisheries scientists from the U.S. National Marine Fisheries j Service, as well as our own biological consultants, GpU Nuclear (GPUN) developed a two-pronged solution to the cold-shock l mortality problem. First A7 additional dilution pump would be operated during the fall and winter in order to reduce the -

discharge canal temperature and thereby reduce the attraction of ,

migratory fished. Second, the dilution pumps would be turned off shortly after winter shutdowns in order to reduce the rate of discharge canal cooling and thereby reduce the severity of cold-shock. These operational changes were implemented in 1975 and have resulted in a significant reduction in the frequency and severity'of cold-shock fish mortality. In the three years prior


to the implementation of these operational modifications ,


(1972-1974), approximately 2,383,820 fish were killed in 5

.. separate cold-shock incidents. In fifteen years of. plant operation since 1975, approximately 38,690 fish or 1.6 percent of  ;

the' pre-1975 total, were killed in 12 incidents. The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), in their review of the fishkill monitoring' reports prepared by GPUN, concurred '

that "Theae (operational) changes decreased the number and severity of fish kill events during shutdown events" ( al. 1988).

The cost.of the electricity required to run a era dilution pump during the fall-winter period-la estimat so be S2.6 million.between-1975-1989, or-in excess of 0179,000 per year.

Additionally, GPUN has incurred significant preventative and <

corrective maintenance costs as a result of the increased running time. >

2. Summarize and describe'(or provide documentation of) any known impacts on. aquatic resources (e.g., fish kills, violations of diceharge permit conditions) or National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) enforcement actions that have occurred since issuance o't the operating License,: How have these been resolved or changed over time? (The response to this question should indicate whether impacts are ongoing

, or were the result of start-up problems that were subsequently-resolved.)

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Responset Known inpacts on aquatic resources resulting from the operation of the OCNCE can be divided into two major catergories: 1) cooling water

. intake effects, including impingement and entrainment and 2) thetual discharge ef fee + % Irpingement and entrainment effects represent ongoing impacts. GPUN believes that it has taken all reasonable steps

o mitigate those impacts. (see response to question #1) and that

-. these cooling water intake effects have not been so great as to adversely affect the species composition, abundance, and seasonal succession of aquatte communities in Barnegat Bay. These impacts are discussed in greater detail in the response to question #5.

With regard to thermal discharge effects, the NJDEP has reviewed the 316(a) Lemonstration for the OCNGS and concluded that "....the potential adverso effects of the thermal discharges on the Barnegat Bay ecosystem were determined and they were localized and had little or no regional coneequences" (Summers et al. 1988). The localized impacts of thermal discharges included thermal shock fishkills and increased woodborer activity in Oyster Creek. As discussed in the resp (nse to question #1, CPUN has modified the operational procJdures for the dilution pumps so as to reduce the attraction of fishes to the discharge canal in the fall and to reduce the rate of discharge canal cooling subsequent to station nhutdowns. Based upon their review of the fishkill monitorinc reports prepared by GPUN, the N7DEP concluded that "These (operational) changes decreased the number and severity of

,, fish kill events during shutdown events" (Summer et al. 1988). They also concluded that " ....the overall effects of haat shock and cold shock are likely small and localized," and that " ....the overall

. effect is small relative to the size of fish population in Barnegat Bay." b With regard to woodborer activity, ongoing atudies continue to demonstrate that the operation'of the OCNGS has had no effect on narine woodborer populations in Barnegat Bay outeide the immediate discharge area (Hillman and Belmort is90). .Teredo bartsch(, a subtropical sh*pworm speciew, is the only woodborer whose abundance and distribution was clearly influenced by thermal discharges'from the ocNGS. This species proliterated in oyster Creek, and to a lessur l extent at three locations outside of oyster Creek but within the -

influence of thermal dischargors, during the mid 1970's and early 1980's. It was never found at centrol sites beyond the potential influence of thermal discharges from tha oCNGS. This species has not been found in oyster Creek or Barnegat Bay since 1982. The complete disappearance of I. battechi has been attributed to several factors including the low water temperatures in Oystse Creek during the winter of 1981-1982 associated with a station outage, and the oathological effects of the Saplosporidian parasite, Hinchinia sp. J:111 man et al.

, 1983). The effort by JCP&L/GPU to remove from Oyster Dreek a substantial amount of structural wood and driftwood,=which was not treated tu resist woodborer infestation, is also thought to have contributed to the reduction of the resident populations by reducing the amount of suitable habitat.

The abundance levels of the native species, Bankia couldi and 7eredo D3valis have also been generally low during the past_several years and this, combined with the more wideopread use of properly treated wood for marine structures, has resulted in very low levels of woodborer damage.

4 The OCNGS prosently does not affect the abundance or distribution of any woodborer population in the Barnegat Bay system.

, Although violations of our discharge to surface water permit have occurred from time to time, they have not resulted in any adverso ,

environmental impacts. i

3. Changes to the NPDES permit during operation of the plant could i

indicate whether water quality parameters were determined to have no significant impacts (and were dropped from monitoring requirementa) or ,

were. subsequently raised as a water quality issue. Provide a brief >

summary of changes (and when taey occurred) to the NPDES permit for ,

the plant since issuance of tho operating Licenso.


In 197G, the USEPA issued OCNGS its first NJPDES Permit. Sinco that time the permit has been -sissued once and N? DES Permit Program responsibility has been delegated to the N.J. Department of En*rironmental Protection (NJDEP). The NJDEP_is very proactive_in_

maintaining the stringency of a permit from reissuance to reissuanco.

Additionally, the Depart:aent atrictly adheres to the anti-backsliding provision of the clean Water Act, as amended and its own regulatory antidegredation provisions. The following provides a synopsis of provisions that have changed from the original to the current parmit and de not necessarily reflect water quality issues raised by the Department.

  • Permit includos condition that states routine maintenance on intake components should be avoided during June-September - now condition.
  • Permit includes provinion dhich requires NJDEP concurrenco for removing a intake screen from service - new condition.
  • Permit includes provision for application of an alternate intako velocity limitations during periods of intake screen niaintenance

- relaxation of condition from previous-permit.

  • Permit includes provisions for 40 minuto dilution pump restart time during winter - relaxation from previous permit which required dilution pump restart in 15 minutos.

' Permit includes' condition to maintain 97*F 4 feet below surfaco at Routes 3 Bridgo~- new condition.

  • Permit includes condition to perform toxic and oxygen demanding pollutant study - new condition.

Peratit includes monitoring on various points not required to be i

.- monitored in-previous permit.

  • Permit includes 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> chlorino discharge limit for main condenser discharge - new condition.

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  • Permit includes 31'T delta temperature for AOG/radwaste Hx -

relaxation from previous permit which imposed a 29'T delta

. temperature.

  • permit includes a condition which allows the permittee to request
  • authorization to conduct a winter outage. Previous permit

< strictly pechibited winter outages.

4. An examination of trends in the ef fects on aquatic resoe :ces monitoring can indicate whether impacts increased, decreased, or remained relatively stable during operation. Describe and summarize (or provide documentation of) results of monitoring of water quality and aquatic biota (o.g., related to HPDES permits, Environmental Technical specifications, site-specific monitoring required by federal or state agencies). What trends are apparent over time?


The results of environmental monitoring covering most physical-chemical and biological aspects of the Barnegat Bay syetem were summarized by Kunnish and Lutz (1984) (copy attached). In general, the results of these studies have shown that Barnegat Bay is typical with respect to its water quality characteristics 'and floral and faunal components, when compared with other estuaries along the middle-Atlantie coast. Similar to other ostuaries, cpecies composition of the various biological communities has remained stable, both in time and space, whereas the abundance of individuals within a rpecies in quite variable temporally. Diurnal, seasonal, and annual trends in water quality parameters have also been found to be typical of those found in similar estuarios.

5. Summarize types and numbers (or'prnvide documsntation) of organismo entrained and impinged by the condenser cooling water system since icouence of the operating License. Describe any seasonal patterns associated with entrainment and imringeoent. _How has entrainment and impingement changed over timet ,


The impingement and entrainment of organisms at the OCNGS were intonsively studied from 1975 through 1985. The results of those studies were summarized by EA Engineering, Science, and Technology (1986).

The types and numbers of' organisms impinged from 1975 through 1985 are summarized in Table 3-10. Ar stated in the 316 (b) Demonstration (Jersey Central Power & Light, 1978), the ef fects of 1%pingement at -

-the OCNGS intake-have not boon so great na to adversely affect the speciec com[csition, abundance, and seasonal succession of aquatic '

, communities in Barnegat Bay. The species composition of the fian ard '

invertebrate communities has remained essentially the same sinue 1966, 3 Icare prior to the commencement of operation of the OCNGS. This persistence of species composition has been confirmed by.the impingement studies conducted since 1979 (Ecological Analysts, Inc.

' 1981, 1982, 1986).


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With regard to the constanc1,of individual population levolt, although wide fluctuations in abundance have been observed, they have been

. wJchin tha range of natural variation observed in other estuaries.

The ability of these populations to maintain themselves despite the ,

continued operation of the OCNOS is indicated by the f act that during  !

  • the 1984-1985 period, the abundanco levels of many species, as measured by impingement sampling, were at or near the highost levolu recorded since 1975, and the tott. number of organisms impinged in that period was nearly twice the previous high annual estimate recorded ten yearn earlier (Table 3 10; EA Engineering, Science and -

Technology, 1986). Based upon the results of more than 10 years of sampling, it appears that the impingement of organismo at the OCNGS is dependent upon the population levels of those organisma in Barnegat -

Bay, rather than the converse. This is particularly true for ,

migratory species that utilize the bay primarily as a spawning and nursery ground and whose abundance levela are dependent upon curvival Lates during their migratory and overwintering periods as well as their stay in the estuary (Vouglitois et al. 1987).

As discussed above in the Response to Question #1, the effect of impingement on inoividual organisms was substantially reduced as a '

result of the installation of Ristroph travelling screens. Studios of the immediate mortality of organisme impinged upon the now Ristroph screens showed that the survival of all but two o; the abundant or Lmpor. ant species had increased. Noteworthy increase in immediate survival were recerded for bay anchovy (Anth.a mitch1111, 50s increase), blueback herring.(hl2gg ggstivalis, 22%), Atlantic silverside (ggnigin menidia, 351), bluorish (romatomus galtatrig, 16%) '

and weakfish-(Cynosel2D reaalia, 40%).

Research on the 96-hour latent mortality of neveral species impinged in large numbers showed that tF3 intake modifications have resulted in a substantial inersase in the survival rate of more fragile species, such as the bay anchovy, but that the cenefits realized by hardier.

npecies were less apparent. The total survival of bay anchovy >

impinged upon the Rictroph screenJ increased by a factor of three over the total survival mosaured on the conventional screens. For Atlantic silvnraide, winter flounder and sand shrimp (Crancon ggotemsninoog),

survivt1 was similar between the Ristroph and contentional screens (EA Engineering, Science and Technology, 1986). The NJDEP, in-their review of CPUN'sl316(b) Demonstration for_the OCNGS concluded that "The losses due to impingement at the Oyster Creek NSS were of no consequence to the compliance determination." (Summers et al. 1988).

The species composittor and abundance of entrained ichthyoplankton and raacrozcoplankton were studied from 1975,through 1981.

Microzooplankton entrainment studies were conducted only betwoon-Septembar 1975 and August 1976. The results of those studios were summarized by EA Engineering,. Science and Technology (1986). The

, types and numbers of organisms entrained are summarized in Table 6-1, 6-2 and 6-3. 'The results of the studios of ichtyoplankton and l macro:coplankton entrainment_demonctrate that the rpecies compocition, l abundance and seasonal succoosion of these forms have been unaffected '

! by the operhtjon of the OCNGS.

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The ichthyoplankton studies indicate that there hac been no significant et.ange in the structure of the indigenoas community, as ,

. measured by entrainment sampling, since monitoring began in 1975. The ichthyoplankton community was numerically dominated by a few species throughout the rtudy period. The dominant forms during the warmer

  • months included the ently life ataque of the bay anchovy (Anchoa gitchilli), gobies (Gobiosoms opp.), northern pipefloh (Synanathun 7 fuscus) and silversides (Menidia opp.). Winter flounder ,

(Pseudooleronectes americanus) eggs and larvae and sand lance (Ammodytes spp.) larvae were the o st abundant forme during the colder '

months. These few species have at antod for more than 95% of the total ichthyoplankton catch since plankton sampling began an 1975 (Ecological Analysts, Inc. 1981, 1982). Considering tha fact that the species composition of the adult fish community in Barnegat Bay has remained quite persistent since 1966 (Tatham et al., 1984), the persistence of the species composition of - the ichthyoplanktonic community is not surprising. As with the adult fish community, large fluctuations in the temporal abundanco of ichthyoplanktonic forms were t observed. Thase fluctuations were well within the range of natural variation, and there were no clear e elationships between the year-to-year fluctuations and envin mental or plant operational parameters (Ecological Analysts, Inc., 1982; Kennish and Luta., 1984; Vouglitois et al., 1987).

similar to the ichthyoplanktonic community, the species composition of the macrozooplanktonic community, as measured by entrainment sampling, has been remarkably persistent since 1975. The comt.1nity was numerically dominated by mysid shrimp (geomvnig americana), sand shrimp (CL4hR23 Anpteroinosg) and several amphipod species throughout tra 1975-1981 study period. Wide fluctuations in the annual abundance of individual species were oboerved; however, such behavior is the rule rather than the exception Tor estuarine planktonic organisms. No clear relationships between macrozooplankton abundance and environmental or plant operational parameters were detected. It is notirq that the abundance of che five .iumerically dominant species, arcaunting for over-70% of the entrained macror 1 plankton, peaked during the final year of study (Ecciogical Analybwd, Inc., ,

1982). Thece results suggest that similar to impingement, the .

entrainment of organisms at the OCNGS is. dependent upon the population levels of those Barnegat Bay, rather than the converse.

6. Aquatic habitat enhancement or restoration efforts (e.g., anadromous fish runs) during operation may have enhanced the biological communities in the vicinity of the plant. Alternatively, degradation of habitat of water quality may have resulted in-loas of biological resources near the site. b. scribe any changes to aquatic habitats (both enhancement.and degradation) in the vicinity of the power plant since the issuance of the Operating License including these that may have resulted in different plant impacts those initially ,

.. predicted.

The only changes to aquatic habitatr that have resulted from the construction and operation of the OCNGS have occurred in Forked River

-and Oyster Creek which serve as the intake and discharge canals for the station. The net result of these changes has bren an improvement in water quality and an increase in the abundance and diversity of recreationally important species.

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Prior to the conutruction of the OCNGS, Oyster Creuk and the South Branch of Forked River were similk" to other low flew, brackish to r freshwater crooks in the area, with tidal influence limited to a

.' relativnly email reach near Barnegat Day. Water quality and aquatic life were characterist..c of acidic streams in t.he New Jersey Pine ,

Barrens area and the biota was rather depauperate because of low flow, low pH and anaerobic conditiona. Because of the low !!ow and weak tidal flushing in the area, focal coliform concentrations, resulting from the discharge of sewage from nearby residences, were relatively high.

- The construction of the intake and diGeharge canals for the OCNGS altered oyster Creek and the South Branch cf Forked River by the widening and deepenLug of the existing stream beds and the cromulon of new stream channels. The onlinity levels in portions of the crooks which had boon brackien to freshwater were changed to higher valinities characteristic of the bay. The south Branch of Forked River, which serves as the intake canal, no longer nas its flow !.n the lower reach dependent upon tide, but instead flows toward the OCNGS wl.enever the station is opersting. From the discharge canal, water '

flows away from the OCNGS toward the bays overall water quality-in oyster Creek has improved with construction >

of the canals and operation of the OCNGS. Disrolved oxygen

  • cot.contrations have increased, and are approximately the sama as thoso found in Barnegat Bay. Focal co11 form concentrations have been reduced substantially.

, As a consequence of these changes in the bathymetry and water quality, the. aquatic populations have changed in oyster Creek and the South Branth of Forked River so that they aro quite similar to those of Barnegat Bay. This has resulted in tho development of a significant recreational fishery in Oyster treek and Forked River. Creel consus l data show that 0" iter Creek is the most popular and most productive bank fishing are in western Barnegat Bay (Hillman and Knnnish, 1984). Three di.ferent census surveys reported the highest percentage of bank fisherman and thu greatest catch per individual along Oyster ,

creek when compared with other' areas along westorn Barnegat Bay. The i

prenonce of-thermal dischargon in Oyster Creek restits in an extennion of the fishing season and the attraction of recreationally important

- opecies to the area. Bank fishing occurs in Oyster Creek during 10 months of the year compared to only eight months of the year in other p ,

regions of the estuary, L

7. - Plant operations may have has positivo, negative, or no impact on the L use'of aquatic resources by others. Harvest by commercial of l- recreational fishermen may be constrained;by plant oporation.
  • I~

Alternatively commercial harvostino_ may_ be relatively ' largo. compared

. with fish losses' caused by the plant. Describo (or provido documentstion for) uther nearby unos of watern affected by cooling ,

.. " wator systems (e.g., swimming, boating, annual harvest by concercial  ;

and recreational fisheries) and how these impactu have changed since L inouance of the Operating ideensa.

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I t'JW pons e t OCNGS plant operations have had a decidedly positive impact on the use of aquatic sources by others. As described above in the response to question #6, the construction and operation of the OCNGS has resulted

- in the devulopment of Oyster Creek as the most popular and most preductive bank fishing area for recreational fishermen on Barnegat Bay. According to an infependent study by the NJDEP (Halegren, 1973),

34% of all bank fishing in upper Barnegat Bay occurred along the shores of Oyster Creek. The same study showed that approximately 5%

of all human uses of upper Barnegat Bay, including boating, all types I of fishing, and bathing, occur in Oyster Creek. As pointed out by the j NJDEP in their review of the 316(a) &(b) Demonstrations for the OCNGS, "The proportion of human usage of the Oyster Creek area (5%) is greater than the proportion of physical shoreline Oyster Creek wncompasses of the upper Barregat Bay region (1%) (Summers et al.


i Five species of finfish and "hellfish are harvested commercially in l Barnegat Bay: the American eel (Anauilla I21%IA1A), white perch (Morone americena), winter flounder (Engudonleuronectos americanug),

blue crab (Callinectes ganidus), and hard clam (1ercenaria ,

marcenaria). Of these five, the hard clam is the most valuable I species landed commercially. The long term trends in the commercial landings of those species in the bay from 1950 to 1900 have generally

' beer. similar to the fluctuations in New Jersey landings. Factors such as weather, market demand, government regulations, and year-class strength dictate the success of the commercial fisheries. There has been no documented detrimental effect of the OCNGS on commercial fisherien in Bargenat Bay. Long term trends in the commercial and recreational fisheries were described in detail by Hillman and Kennish (1984). Their analysis of the -commercici landings data shows that for four of the five species harvosted commercially from Barnegat Bay (American eel, white perch, winter flounder, and blue crab), the greatest commercial landings occurred subsequent to the constru tion and operation of the CCNGS. Commercial landings of the fifth rpecies, the hard clam, remained relatively stable in Barnegat Bay during the years following the construction and operation of the OCNGS. During the same period, however, a precipitous decline in commercial hard clam landings was obsecved in other New Jersey estuaries.

8. D 'cribe other. sources of impacts on aquatic resources (e.g.,

astrial discharges, other power plants, agricultural runoff) that d contribute to cumulative impacts. What are the relative

.ributions by percent of these sources, including the contributions cue to the power plent, to overall water quality degradation and losses of aquatic biota? o S

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i Anthropogenic stresses on the Barnegat Ray System were discussed in .

detail by Kennish et al. (1984). Barnegat Bay had undergone significant changes over the years as a consequence of natural prccesses and human dev01opn ent. Some of these changes have affected organisms in the oatuarine ecosystem. Resioential development,

- dredging and dredge-spoil disposal, and operation of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station are anthropogenic factors which have most strongly affected populations of organisms in the bay and its tributarise in the past. In recent years, a large increase in the amount of recreationni boat traffic on the bay hse raised questions about the environmental impact of this activity. .

Organic pollution derived primarily from point and non-point soureus of domestic sewage and road rur.aff along the mainland increased total coliform bacteria and decreased dissolved oxygen levnis during the ,

1960s an 1970s in the adjacetat receiving waters. However, this pollution has been mitigated in the 1980s because of new sewage ,

treatment capacity for exieting housing on wetlands and because of  ;

limitotinns placed on construction in the wei;1 ands zone. The bulkheading of wetlands associated with development along the mainland resulted in a loss of habitat. Dredging :nd dredge-spoil disposal disturbed the benthic habitat and community, although these effects probably were temporary bacause of the high dispersal capabi14 ties and resiliency of benthic populations. Operation of the Oycter Creek Nuclear Generating Station increased mortality of aquatic populations  ;

due to the impact of thermal discharges, impingecent, and ,

entrainment. This mortality has not adversely affected the aquatic communitiws in the bay. In Forked River and Oyster Creek, significant changes it. biota attributable to construction and operation of the ntation have been noted. The relative contributions e of there various sources of impact have not been gusntified, largely because little or no effort has'veen made to measure the impact of the-individuti sources, other than that of the construction and operation of the 00NGS.

The aquatic ecosystem cf Barnegat Bay has definite assimilative capacity for different pollutants that is dependent on the physico-chemical and biological processes inherent in the system..

Come biological resilience and recovery capability exist in the estuary. No heavy industrial facility, other than the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, exists en estuary. This reduces the

_ probability of anthropogenic_ stresses acting synergistically to impact the ecosystem.

9. Provide a copy of your Section 316(a) and (b) Demonstration Report

-required by the Clean Waste Act. What Section_316(a) and (b) determinatAons-have been-mado by the regulatory author'ities?


The OCNGS Section 316(a) and (b) Demonstration is still undos review by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. A copy of OCNGS' report is included.

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_ SEP 1976 - AUG 1977, SEP 1977 - AUC 197 3_

SE' } 975 - AUG 1976_

Dilution Condenser _ Dilution Condenser Dilution

' Gendenter 1 5 . 81 12.15 5.72 3,68 38.28 31.27 Silverside larvae  !

457.41 297.71 '. 97.3 5 533.39 Bay anchovy larvae 1.I52.09 1 .1 85. 82 1%.71 179.04 1.994.76 2,158.24 Bay anchovy eggs 14.135.76 13.535.11 140.86 850.84 865.00 597.58 535.09 Winter flounder larvae 116.25 36.92 109.77 109.35 142.28 151.69 i

Sand . lance la rvae 27.57 101.19 84.1 9 160.19 162.60 Coby la rva e 614.02 591.79 0.41 0.21 0.77 0. 84 t'aked goby juvenilea 6.71 7 77 18.19 i2.24 17.38 14.35 B lenny la rvae 11.56 10.5A ,

7.16 5.39 36.53 36.29 Horthern pipefish juveniles 54.3 8 40


1 4

f t



l, TABLE 6-1 (Fxtended)

L SEP 197 8 - AUG lj]L SEP 1979 - AUG 19t0 SEP 19M - AUG 1981__

Cond ense r Dilotion Cond enser Dilt' c ion Condenser Dilution 66.50 $5 52 5.14 1.71 105.56 98.94 Silverside larvae 1,270.35 1,412.46 144.12 135.26 314.06 318.98 Bay anchovy larvae Bay anchovy egge 3,029.43 3,241.40 475.44 322.3 8 3.'818.59 3,914.51 f0 8. 80 (a) (s) 126.05 128.36 Winter flounder larvae 1,077.0 8 1.3 89.67 (a) (a) 133.67 147.90 Sand lance larvae 1 .2 94. 87 85.6 4 97.21 188.49 144.17 187.79 202.61 Goby larvae 0.27 G.31 1.82 1 . 31 1 .93 7.91-Naked goby juveniles 4.01 6.40 3.43 6.26 4.12 4-37 Blenny larvae '

30.69 'l?. 2 9 17.37 14.48 42.06 39.03 Northern pipefish juveniles I

(a) Plant was shut down when these would have t een present.



7 1

TABLE 6-2 ~


Condenser _ Dilution Condenser Dilution Condenser _ Dilution 1,228.95 1,903.90 1,877.42 898.27 909.28 Family Hysidee 1.116.04 1.557.64 1,695.03 Si5 80 876.04 Neomysis americana 752.12 1.042.77 101.30 92.56 53.40 47.52 Mysidoptig birelovi 59.55 77.31 202.91 873 55 E2 8.43 916.95 678.S6 107.43 Greneon zocae 58.71 19.02 8.98 9.28 55.07 Granten undet. I3.25 1.85 1.70 1.87 Callinectes sp. zoese 3.28 3.09 Ig 26 32.18 23.45 10.32 8.33 9.99 8.86 ,

Gallinettet sp. meg. l


2.24 3.48 13.93 12.23 2.20 2.13 Ceraons tubularis 98.04 61.99 31.50 29.68 8.59 11.47 C9tonhiME SP. .

24.39 18.53 0 0 0.20 0.22 j G. nacherusicum 170.42 107.60 0.29 0.32 0.47 0.52 G. tu5erctlatum 1.16 1.17 0.16 0.23 1.36 1.36 .

Camma ridae 1.42 1 .51 91.47 83.60 j 1

47 .81 48.49 i Ctenophora i

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Condense 2 Dilutiet Cope pod . naupli.i 18,060.90 17,720.20 Asutnia clanti 1,203.43 1,376.50 Aeartia tonsa 865.53 934.39 Aeartia spp. 3,643.79 3,687.18 i Oithona ag,la gya 23.77 28.02 p Q1 thor.A spp. 932.25 974.36 Paracalanut cu ssiroscrig 1.15 1.21 Rotifers 4.769.21 4,573.78 Divalve larvar, 682.27 632.76

11. mercenaris,11rvae 63.53 4 8.80 Mulini.a laista11s 140.62 124.25 Barnacle lar.vae 6.60 6.88 '

Polychaete larvae 3,792.18 3,207.45 Polydon spp. larvae 5.73 5 82 Gastropod larvae 618.40 547.91 a8 e

Y 0

i 9e 4

l t

l i

- - , t . , . .-.,...._..r . ~+ . . - - ~~...x.. m.. . ,,_ .

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l 1

Es.ferenena EA Ligineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. 1986. Entrainment and impingam.unt l Jtudies at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station 1904-1985. FA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., Sparks, Md.

6 Ecological Analysto, Inc. 1981. Ecological studies at 0; ster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, progress report, September 1979-August 1980. I Ecological Analysts, Inc., Spark 9, Md.

Ecological Analysts, Inc. 1982. Ecological studies at Oyoter Creek hurtear ,

. Generating Station, progress report, September 1980-August 1981.

Ecological Analysts, Inc., Sparkc, NJ.

Halgren, B. A. 1973. Phase III - use studies, ID Studies of the Upper Barnegat System, Mio. Re;t. No. 10M, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

- Hillman, R. E., C. I. Delmore, and R. A. McGrath. 1983 Study of wendborer {

popuistions in relation to the Oystar creek Generating Station. Annual report for the period December 1, 1981, to November 30, 1982, to GPU Nuclexr Corporation. Battelle New England Marine Research Laboratory, ,

Duxbury, H1ssachusetts.

Hillman, R. E. .and C. I. Belmore. 1990. Study of woodborer populations in relation to the Oystur Creek Generating Station. Annual report for the

, period December 1, 1988, to December 31, 1989, to CPU Nuclear Corporation.

Battelle Memorial Institute, Duxbury Operations, Duxbury, Maenachusetts.

Hillman, R. J. and M. J. Kennish.1984.. Chaptor 11, commercial and sport fisheries, in Ecology of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, M. J. Kennish and R. A.

Luta (editors).- Springer-Verlag,' New ' fork, 396 pp.

Jersey Central Power & Light. 1978. Oyster Creek and Forked River Nuclear Generating Seattora 3'6(u) and (b) Domonstration. Jersey Central Power and Licht Company, Morristown, N. J. .

I '

Kennish, M. J. and R. A. Lutz (editors). 1984 Ecology of Barnegat Day, New Jersey. Springer-Verlag, New York, 396 pp.

l Kennish, M. J., M. B. Roche, and T. R. Tatham. 1984. Chapter 13, anthropogenic

! effects on aquatic communities, 1D Ec71ogy of Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, M.

J. Kennlan and R. A. Lutz geditors). Springer-Verlag, New York. 390 pp.

Summern, J, K., A. F. Holland, S. B. Weisbarg, L. R. Cadman,'C. F. Stroup, ,

t- R. L. Dwyer, M. A. Turner, and W. Durton. 1988. Technical review and ,

evaluation of thermal effects ntudios and cooling water intake etcucture l-demonstration of impact for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating St;ation, l Final Report, Volume I - Text, Prepared for the New Jorsey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Pesources, T re nt or. , N. J. ,

o l

l 1

I l


- _ _ . ~ . = . _ _ _ . . . - . . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . .

, I 4

Ta thatn. T. E., D. L. Thorna m , and D. J. Danila. 1984. 4hapter 10, fichos of Barnegat Bay, in Ecology of Barnegat Day, flow Jersey, H. J. Kennish and R.

A. Luts (editogs). springer-Verlag, Now York, 396 pp.

F Vouglitois, J. J , K. W. Able, R. J. Kurts, and K. A. Tighe. 1967. Life history

, and population dynamics of the bay anchovy in tiew Jersey. Transactions of .

the American Flahories Society 116:141-153. l 4

3 P

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1. To understand the importance of the plant and the degree of ito

, socioeconomic impacts on the local region, EELOHNut the number of permanent workers on-site for the most recent year for which data are availabic.


December, 1989: 964 ,

May, 1990: 9$0

2. To understand the importance of the plant to the local region, and how that hau changed over time, estimats the average number of permanent workers on site, in five-year increments starting with the issuance of the plant'c Operating License. If possible, provide this information for each unit at a plant site.


May, 1981: 586 Docomber, 1984: 892

' December, 1989: 964

3. To understand the potential impact of continuod operation for an additional 20 years beyond the original licensing term, please provide for the following three cason:

A. a typical planned outage;-

H. an-ISI outage; and -

C.- the largest-single outage (interms of the number-of workern involved) that has occurred to date, an Astimate of additional workers involved (for the entire outage and for each principal task), longth of outage, months and year in which work occurrad, and cost. Also, entirnqig occupational doses received by permanent and temporary workers during each principal task.

, Responsa:

The information provided is based on the three types of outagen as a I whola, not on each individual eask.

i 4


I a.

l l


F n  !

i .:


Additional Outage Done casq Workers f l i __ _ Lenoth_ tian ,fi Mon t h s / YepI_,, ,,,,_, Q.gL Typical Planned 750 12-15 weeks 900 October-November Unknown Outage every two years starting in 1991 ISI outage (2) -

Largest single 2931 (3) 22 months 4127 February 14, 1983 100.2 Outage to Date- to November 30, 1904 in terms of #

workers (outage 10R)

(1) Numbers include craft plus supervision and not contractor support.

_ (2) Oyster Creek does not typically have an ISI outage, ISI is performed each outage to collectively r.ieet the 10 year critoria. ,

(3) Includes craft, supervision, and contractor support. l 1

4. To understand the plant's fiscal importance to specific jurisdictions, for 1980, 1985, and the latest year for which data' arc available, estimate the entire plant's taxable assessed value and the amount of taxes paid to the state and to each-local taring jurisdiction.


The entire plant's taxable assessed value and the amount of taxes paid

-to-the state and to cach local taxing jurisdiction:

Y.gAI. B,gpl Estate Tax Gross Rffgats Tax 1980 241,000 3,980,000 1985 602,000 6,740,000  ;

1989- 1,130,000 '7,245,000.






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  • JLQS10 ECONOMIC SyESTIotM FOR CASE ST1Ql 11Igjg I!'Nj) ^A#^y


y4 )lp A. Employment and Expenditures q({ .

1. To understand the importance of the plant to local communities, and how that has changed over t Lme, provide estimates of total plant expenditures, by local community, f or equipment, materials, and services used in normal cperations for the most recent year data are available.

Responset Local purchaues made in the Harrisburg . aa for TMI for the year which data was available (1984-1989) amounted to $55 million.

2. To understand the possible effect of tr.u plant on the local economy, how do the average salaries paid to plant employees compare to average salaries for comparable jobs, if they exist, in the local area (e.g., engineers, secretaries, custodial personnel, etectronics technicians, maintenance journeymen, food service employees)7 Responsen Generally, the salarius paid at TMI are better than the local market. Some positions, such as Engineers, are recruited on a national lovel, and therefore, salaries must-be competitive nationally. other positions, such as secrettrial, are recruited on the local level and due to bargaining unit pressures for similar bargain'.ng unit positions, salaries exceed the local average. Other positions, such cs operatione

. personnel, are unique to the utility industry and thereforo, must be competitive within the industry. This genersily has the effect of our salaries being higher than the local average. For such locally-recrutled positions, TMI generally ranks among the top thren employers, depending upon the position. TMI is also one et the larger employers in the Harrisburg area.

3. to understand the possible effect of the plant on the lacal economy, what programs has the utility sponsored in the local are; to improve employment opportunities', such as hiring policies, job training programs, or industrial recruitnent.

Response GPU Nuclear maintains an on-going liaison with the Harrisburg Office of the State Department of vocational Rehabilacation and had has supported their job preparation workshops by providing quests speakera and counseling As entry level vacancies occur, the positions are registered with the Pennoylvania Job Services and the local veteran employment representative of the State Employment Service System.

The Company engages in specialized recruiting efforts by participating in minority career fairs and maintaining active cont-act with tne local Urban League.

Prior to downsizing, CPU Nuclear sponscred a summer Co-op e-agram for high school students majoring in the academic

-,.iculum. Those successfully completing the program were hired
as regular, full-time employees upon graduation.

i GP" sonsors an Engineer Training Program and recruits, in


pat , for these positions at area co:leges.

- o l

,y }

6he Company has initiated a Job Opportunities Program which

- "V invites all quatified in-house candidates to apply for a particular vacancy. To help prepare employeer for upward gy, mobility, educational assistance, job counselling, and training are a<ailtble to all employees.

4 "+a

, r;.;h year the company supports and participates in events 'such S.N. .:t ae:

- Central Pennsylvania Employment Consortium Career Fair,

$%c t t' E , h is attended by students from numerous local collegea,

[3lkf a, e~ .. .

fy, _  ;~

6;d2k Ji ,- 'O - .ytneer's Display in Harrisburg, PA., which is hosted by

  • the Harrisburg Engineering Society.

. 3, []

y - One de; fag-along program twr students from Penn State

University who are members of the Society of Women

. Engineers.

- Local YWCA's Tr!bute to Women in Industry Pro; ram which i encourages and recognizes women in businens c?.reers.


-fi The Company is a member of the Regional ?urchasing Council of Central Pennsylvania. The Council encourages development of minorit' operated business.

4. T' derstand the importance of the plant to specific i justadi-tions near the plant, what is the current distribution, by 1 city and county or zip code of resider,'e, of permanent workers on 3 site?

Response Data to t,e supplied with industry wiue portion of the survey.

a. Taxes 1 * ( '



1. What types of local taxes must be paid on the plant and preperty? 4 Response: !!cne
2. To what jurisdictions are these taxes ps;3' ,

anet  !'o t applicable

3. What typas n ' state taxes must be paid on thm s v* and p*.operty?

F,a u po n s e . Pennsylvania Utility Resity Taxes payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsy's.31a Department of Revenue.

4. For esca tax type, please est. mate the total cmount the utility paid to eae), r91evant state and local jurisdiction in 1980, 1985 anu (or the most recent year for which data are avut able).

Response: 1sdu - 52,647,400.00 1985 - $3,130,989.^0 1489 - $3,957,057.00 33023590

,. . . -- . . - - - . , . . - . - - . . . = _ .-.-. ~ .. . - -

..n.- ,-.




l l


5. Have major plant modifications or refurbishment affected tho plar-'s taxable assessed value?

- Response: -Yes, if the modification or refurbishment resulted in the construction of a new taxable structure ( t .- ild ing ) or an addition to an existing structure.

6. Uould an extsnded outage 'ac major plant mvuifications or re f r.rb ' .it result in a comporary cessation or reduction ~ tax payments to state and/or local governments?

Response No, however, presuming that the plant and property are no longer "used and useful" in the operations of the company, the plant and property would then be subject to the payment of Jocal taxes.

c. Public services
1. Please 5.'

. mate the total annual plant expenditure for each fee-p-id ablic service (e.g., water, sewer, etc.) in five year intervals since plant operations began.

Response: Data was available for the years 1981-1989 (see attachment)



k 33013590

.. - - _ . . . __ . . - . .. m--- __ _

I GPUH THI-1 PUBLIC SERVICES f.,0001 1987 1988 1989 19E4_ 1995_ 1986_

3981 1982 1983 699 5 638 5 640 524 5 647 5 641 5 472 5 416 5 442 S Iglechone S Electric 451 393 717**


  • 151* 340 291 Energy Use 324,233 344,223 415,505 Station Use- 102,760 64,212 227,186 317,829 55,879 38,803 HWH 83 62 74 26 45 53 15 16 21 Trash l

Frice to July, 19e4, uilla for ort-site energy use were billed directly to the operating companies.

    • Includes the transfer of THI-2.

i I

l 1

l l

l l
