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Application for Amend to License DPR-50,clarifying PORV Setpoint Ranges & Providing Action Requirements to Be Satisfied When Setpoint Ranges Not Met & Required Breakers for Valves Be Opened for Situation Identified
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/12/1991
From: Broughton T
Shared Package
ML20079C000 List:
NUDOCS 9106180286
Download: ML20079C007 (5)



liETROPOLITAN ED: SON C3MPANY JERSEY CtNTRAL POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY AND PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Operating License No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 Technical Specification Change Request No. 205 This Technical Specification Change Request is submitted in support of Licensee's request to change Appendix A to Operating License No. DPR-50 for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1. As a part of this request, proposed replacement pages for Appendix A are also included.


BY: m A Nce Presicaht and Director, TMl-1 Sworn and subscribed to before me this 12th day of June , 1991.

O A MtA Notary public therW Sag

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UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF DOCKET NO. 50-289 LICENSE NO. DPR-50 GPU NUCLEAR This is to certify that a copy of Technical Srecification Change Request No. 205 to Appendix A of the Operating License DPR-50 for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1, has, on the date below, beer, filed with the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Connission and served to the chief executives of Londonderry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania; Dauphin County, Pennsylvania; and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Radiation Protection, by deposit in the United States mail, addressed as follows:

Mr. Jay H. Kopp, Chairman Ms. Sally Klein, Chairman Board of Supervisors of Board of County Commissioners Londonderry Township of Dauphin County R. D. #1, Geyers Church Road Dauphin County Court House Middletown, PA 17057 Harrisburg, PA 17120 Mr. Thomas M. Gerusky, Director Bureau of Radiation Protection PA Dept. of Environmental Resources P.O. Box 2063 Harrisburg, PA 17120 GPU NUCLEAR CORPORATION BY: b Vice Presindnt and Director, TMl-1 DATE: June 12, 1991

I. IEllllEbk._Sff&lr1CATIQlLtt'MNE REWISI_fio 205 GPUN requests that the attached revised pages replace 3-18e and 3-18d, and that pago 3-180 bo addod to the TM1-1 Technical Specifications.

II. EeAgpne f or t he ChnLqqa This change is being submitted to reviso the foltowing Technical Speci-fication sections and tho bases statements for the purpose of clarifica-tion.

The Technical Spocification (T.S.) changes involve the specified r,oc-tions of the following pages:

1. page 3-18e - revise T.S. 3.1.12 to 1) clarify specification section by separating the present statement into two individual items and doloting tho parenthotical phrase without changing the content of the specification; 2) reviso soction to clarify the PORV setpoint ranges and provide action requirements to be satisfied when the setpoint rangos are not met; 3) reviso section to require that the breakers for valvos MU-V16A/n/C/D be open for tho situation identified; and 4) reviso noction by relocating the PORV requirements from this noction to section and clarify the Block Valve requiruments by snparating the statements.
2. pago 3-18d - reviso the bases paragraphs for clarity.

III. Safety Evaly M ipn Juotifyino the Prqposed T.S. CilangrL The function of the PORV is to provent the possibility of inadvertently depressurizing or over prosaurizing the Reactor Coolant Systam (RCS). A dual notpoint is utilized to provide overpressuro protection during startup and shutdown conditions, and normal operation. The PORV normal-ly romains in the closed position except when prosaure in the RCS exceeds the nominal setpoint (2275'F - 2450 poig and <275*F - 485 peig) .

Normal RCS prosauro control is by tne pressurizer steam cushion in conjunction with the pressurizer spray valve, PORV and heaters. The RCS is protected against overpressure by the presuurizer code safety valves.

The RCS normally operates with a steam or gas cushion in the pressuriz-cr; no anticipated operations involve a solid water condition. Consid-oring the modest rate of pressure rise from operational events and the existence of high level alarms in the pressurizer that would normally alert an operator to an abnormal condition, it is reasonable to expect the operator to terminato an event prior to reaching an overpressure condition. However, even without operator action, a properly function-ing PORV will terminate any pressure incroaue.



TSCR 205 The electric motor-operated PORV block valve, located between the i

pressurizer and PORV, can be closed to prevent pressurizer steam blowdown in the unlikely event the PORV fails to reclose after being actuated.

The PORV setpoints are specified with tolerances assumed in the bases for T.S. 3.1.2. Above 287'F (275'F + 12'F), the PORV setpoint has been chosen to limit the potential for inadvertent discharge or cycling of the PORV. Other action such as removing the power from the PORV has the same effect as raining the setpoint which also satisfies the require-ment. There is no upper limit on this setpoint as the Pressurizer Safety Valves (T.S. provide the required relief.

Below 263*F (275'F - 12'F), the PORV setpoint is reduced to provide the required Jow temperature overpressure relief when high pressure sources and flow paths are in service. There is no lower limit on the pressure actuation specified as lower setpcints also provide this same protec-tion.

In both cases, the i?S'F i 12'F setting is specified to refle:t the nominal value which allows for normal variation in the temperature setpoint while maintaining the tolerances assumed in the bases for T.S.

3.1.2. Either pressure actuation setpoint is acceptable within the temperature range between 263*F and 287'F. ]

I Above 287'F (175'F + 12*F), continued operation is permitted with the PORV and/or Block Valve shut since no credit is taken for the valves in {

the safety analyses. Because the PORV is used neither as the primary means of mitigating a design-basis steam generator tube rupture acci-dent, nor for RCS pressure control duris.g cooldown, the PORV T.S. re-quirements are relocated from section to section

With the exception of the proposed change to T.S. 3.1,12.2, the proposed changes are administrative and editorial in nature. They individually provide a clarification of the previous wording and will not result in a change to the associated hardware or operating practices. The proposed revision to T.S. adds requirements for action when setpoint rai. gas are not met.

IV. No Sionificact Hazards consideration Since the T.S. provide assurance or the capability to isolace the pressurizer discharge line or require plant shucdown, and no credit is taken for PORV actuation in safety analyses, GPUN has determined that this T.S. change request poses no significant hazards as defined by 10 CFR 50.92. Operation of the f acility in accordance with the proposed amendment will have no adverse effect on nuclear asfety or safe plant 2

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TSCR 205 operations as evaluated below.

1. Operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment would not involve a significant increase in the probability of occurrence or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.

The proposed administrative and editorial revisions clarify the existing wording and where an action is proposed, section, it is in response to not meeting setpoint ranges.

2. Operation of the factiity in accordance with the proposed amendment would not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated. The proposed amendment does not modify plant operation. It will continue to be operated in accordance within the limits of the existing accident analysis and margins of safety.
3. Operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment would not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

The proposed amendment does not change any existing hardware or its setpoints and thereby preserves the existing safety margins.

V. Implementation It is requested that the amendment authorizing these changes beco;:a effect(ve on issuance and shall be implemented within sixty days of receipt.


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