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Revised Reactor Operator Requalification Plan for Univ of Utah Triga Nuclear Reactor
Person / Time
Site: University of Utah
Issue date: 06/05/1991
From: Crawford K, Sandquist G
Shared Package
ML20077E569 List:
NUDOCS 9106110019
Download: ML20077E571 (4)


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i Nuclear Enginee:ing Laboratory University of Utah Salt IAe City, Utah S4112

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. ,/ /~ G. M. Sandquist

/ UNEL Director -

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K. C. Crawford UNEL Reactor Supervisor Revised 5 June 1991 9106110019 910603 PDR ADOCK 05000407 V FDR

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1. Purpose This document sets forth the requirements for the Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator Requalification Program for the University of Utah's TRIGA Research Nuclear Reactor (R-126)in accordance with the 10CFR55.59. The pu,rpose of the requal10 cation train:ng program is to ensure that all operations personnel maintain proficiency at a level equal to or greater than that required for initial licensing,
11. Schedule A complete requalification training program shall be offered biennially. The program consists of lectures, on the job training, and written, oral, and console evaluations. The classroom retraining includes eigh' different lectures to be offered at least once during the biennium. The evaluations shall be conducted annually. Each cperator shall be required to perform shift duties for at least four hours during each quarter.

! Each operator licensee shall complete the program biennially. The licensee shall enter the

! requalification i,rogram on the date the Nuclear Regulatory Commission issues either a new I license or a renewal of an existing license. The licensee shall continue in the requalification l mrogram until either the expiration date of the current license or the date at which the current j

.icense is terminated.  !

l 111. lectures l l

The lecture program shall include coverage of the following eight topics which shall be offered at leas' once during the requalification training period:


  • Reference A. Nuclear Reactor Theory Standard Nuclear Engineering Text B. Radiation Control and Safety 10CFR20, SOP Ch. 7 C. Governing Regulations 10CFR19, 50, 55,70 D. Reactor Design SAR E. Reactor Control and Safety Systems SAR, hiA F. Reactor Operating Charact:ristics S AR, EA -

G. Normal, Abnonnal, and Emergency SOP Ch. 2-9 Operating Procedures EP, PSP H. Technical Specifications and Licenz TS, R-126 License Each lecture shall include a brief review of the hst Reactor Safety Committee hieeting hiinutes with an emphasis on approved changes to the UNEL procedures. All of the hiL entries since the last lecture shall also be reviewed. The uequent updates shall ensure that the operators are current on all UNEL activities. Any operator may be assigned to present a lecture.


  • Lectures sha" reference the foDowing documents; Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Jniversity of Utah Nuclear Engineering Laboratory (UNEL), UNEL Safety Analysis Report (sAR),

UNEL Es:,erima.i Authorizations (EA). UNEL Modincation Authorizations (MA), UNEL Maintenance Log (ML).

l UNEL Tmhnical Specifune.ts (TS), UNEL Emergency Pian (EP), and the UNEL Physical Security Plan (PSP).

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IV. On the Job Training A. Each operator shall perfonn licensed functions for at least four hours per quarter to satisfy 10CFR55.53(c).

B. Each operator shall demonstrate familiarity with the following activities at least once during the biennial period;

1. prestan checks,
2. startup, and
3. termination, C. Each senior operator shall perform or directly supervise the perfonnance of the above activities with the same frequency required of an operator.

V. Evaluations The ability of the operator to perform licensed duties shall be detennined throt:gh evaluations which shall be conducito annually. The evaluations shall include written and console examinations. nese examinations may be administered in any order, at any time during the year, and on different dates, A. Written Examinations The written examination shall be administered as a closed book exam in a controlled area. The operators shall reference only retained knowledge ar.d shall have only paper, pencils, erasers, and calculators to complete exam. The content of the examinations shall

' satisfy the requirements of 10CFR55.41 and may include requirements of 10CFR55.43.

The Reactor Supervisor and the Facility Director shall be resnonsible on nn alternatinc


yearly basis for nrenarine. administerine and cradine the written examination for ail

'other licensed one'ators'. The Director and 'the Reactor Sunervisor will prenare.

administer and crade the written examination to each other on a liiennial basis. '

B. Console Examinations Each operator and senior operator shall demonstrate familiarity with the following operator activities during the console examination:

1. prestart checks,
2. startup,
3. operation at power, and
4. tennination.

The console examinations are rcquired only during those years in which reactor operation is possible. Console examinations may be evaluated by any senior operator.

l Every licensee shall panicipate in the coasole examination.

i C. Grading The criteria for grading and the assignment of pass / fail are established as follows:

1. Written Examination. The licensee shall be assigned a rating of either i SATISFACTORY or UNSATISFACTORY. In order to obtain a rating of l

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De SATISFACFORY, the licensec chall attain a minimum score of 70% in each section of the examination. If the licensee fails to a"ain a rating of SATISFACTORY, the licensee shall be removed from his licensed duties and enrolled in an accelerated training program in the deficient area.

2. Censole Exanlination, The licensee shall be assigned a rating of either SATISFACTORY or UNSATISFACTORY. In order to attain a rating of
SATISFACTORY, the licensee should demonstrate an understanding of the operation of all apparatus and mechanisms. This is evaluated through the case and amoothness the operator perfonns the prestart checks, startup, power operation, and termination. If the licensee fails to attain a rating of SATISFACTORY, the licensee shall be removed rrom his licensed duties and enrolled in an accelerated training program in the dencient area.

VI. Operator Reinstatement An operator may be removed from active status by fai!!ng to actively perfonn the functions of an operator for a period of more than three months or by failing to attain a satisfactory grade on an evaluation exam 10CFR55.53(0 outlines the requirements for operator reinstatement.

- If an operator has not actively perfonned the functions of an operator for a period of more than three months, he shall satisfactorily demonstrate his competence before resuming his duties. This is accomplished by perfonning at least six hours of licensed functions under the direction of a licensed operator or senior operator. Upon completion of this activity, the operator shall be cenified for operation by the Reactor Supervisor.

If an operator has failed to attain a satisfactory grade on any evaluation, he shall demonstrate his competence before resuming his duties. This is accomplished through panicipation in an additional training in the area of deGeiency. Upon completion of the training, the operator shall be certified for operation by the Reactor Supervisor after successfully completing another evaluation in the area of de6ciency.

V11. Records Program tracking shall be maintained through a number of logs and fanns. Attendence for the lectures shall be maintained on Form NEL-032 (3ee appendix) as well as the date, the instructor, and the topic, in addition, the review of facility changes shall be documented in i sections of NEL-032 for Maintnance Log Ertries and Updated Procedures. The annual written examination key shall be kept with this infonnation.

A record shall be mamtained for each licensee and shall contain a current copy of either the licensee's teactor operator or senior reactor operator license, copies of all written examinations administered to the licensee during the rcqualification period, and the licensce's N requalification program progress checklist Fonn NEL-025 (see appendix). This form shall contain the record of attended lectures, on the job training, written and console examination evaluations, a record of o?crator reinstatement, and medical examination completion date.

Additional fonns may be (ept in the licensee's record to provide supporting documentation and may include medical examination fonns (10CFR55.53(i)) and license applications er renewals.

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