MONTHYEARML20066K7701991-02-20020 February 1991 License DPR-19 to Operate Facility at steady-state Reactor Core Power Levels Not in Excess of 2527 Mwt 1991-02-20
MONTHYEARML20203G5091999-02-16016 February 1999 Amends 171 & 166 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Revising TS to Reflect Use of Licensee ATRIUM-9B Fuel ML20237A1111998-08-0707 August 1998 Amend 163 to License DPR-25,revising TS 4.6.E to Allow one-time Extension of 40-month Surveillance Interval Requirement to Set Pressure Test or Replace MSSVs to Max Intenval of 60 Months ML20203K5081998-02-25025 February 1998 Amends 165 & 160 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Removing 24/48 Vdc Batteries & Associated Charger & Distribution Sys from Unit 2 TS ML20203H2351998-02-25025 February 1998 Amends 166 & 161 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Correcting Typo Introduced Into TS W/Issuance of Amends 150 & 145 Issued on 960628 ML20202E2611998-01-0505 January 1998 Amends 164,159,179 & 177 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,adding New TS Section 3/4.12.C & Associated Bases to Allow Certain Rc Pressure Tests to Be Preformed in Mode 4 ML20216J8721997-09-10010 September 1997 Amends 162 & 157 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively,to Revise TS Surveillance Calibr of Reactor Water Level Instrumentation Used to Initiate ECCS ML20210Q4381997-08-21021 August 1997 Amends 161 & 156 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Revises TS to Increase HPCI Sys Low Pressure Isolation Setpoint from Greater than 80 Psig to Greater than 100 Psig ML20140G5251997-06-12012 June 1997 Amends 160 & 155 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Incorporating NRC-approved Thermal Limit Licensing Methodology in List of Approved Methodologies Used in Establishing Fuel cycle-specific Thermal Limits ML20140E9691997-04-30030 April 1997 Amends 157 & 152 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Evaluating Unreviewed Safety Question Associated W/Use of Containment Pressure to Compensate for Deficiency in NPSH for ECCS Pumps Following DBA ML20138D1651997-04-25025 April 1997 Amends 158 & 153 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Changing TS SR 4.7.P.2.b & 4.7.P.3 Values for Allowed Methyl Iodide Penetration for SBGT Charcoal Adsorbers ML20137R6301997-04-10010 April 1997 Amends 156 & 151 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Removing 24/48 Vdc Batteries & Associated Chargers & Distribution Sys from Unit 3 Ts,By Adding Footnote to 24/48 Vdc Batteries ML20135E1901997-03-0404 March 1997 Amends 173 & 169 to Licenses DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively, Revising TSs by Allowing Single Rc Moved When Plant in Hot Shutdown or Cold Shutdown Condition Providing One Rod Out Interlock Operable & Mode Switch in Refuel Position ML20135E4301997-02-28028 February 1997 Amends 172 & 168 to Licenses DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively, Updating pressure-temperature Curves Contained in Licensee TS 22 Effective Full Power Yrs ML20135E1501997-02-28028 February 1997 Amends 153 & 148 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Updating pressure-temperature Curves Contained in Licensee TS 22 Effective Full Power Yrs ML20129E0941996-09-26026 September 1996 Amends 151 & 146 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Deferring Implementation Date as Stated Until 970115 ML20096D8331996-01-11011 January 1996 Amends 148 & 142 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Revising TS to Incorporate 10CFR50 App J, Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water Cooled Power Reactors, Option B ML20096D8531996-01-11011 January 1996 Amends 169 & 165 to Licenses DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively, Revising TS to Incorporate 10CFR50,App J, Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water-Cooled Power Reactors, Option B ML20099M3541995-12-29029 December 1995 Amends 147 & 141 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Re Partial Implementation of Request & Change Only Implementation Date of Previous TS Upgrade Program Issued for Util ML20092K3181995-09-20020 September 1995 Amends 139,133,161 & 157 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,responding to 921208 Application,As Supplemented by 930910 & s Re Initiation of TS Upgrade Program for Plants ML20085L6861995-06-14014 June 1995 Amends 135,129,156 & 152 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,upgrading TS Section 5.0, Design Features, Per TS Upgrade Program ML20085H0121995-06-13013 June 1995 Amends 134,128,155 & 151 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,re Proposed Upgrade of Sections 2.0,3/4.11 & 3/4.12 of Dresden & Quad Cities TS ML20085K3321995-06-0808 June 1995 Amends 133,127,154 & 150 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,integrating Addl Info Such as Equipment Operability Requirements During Shutdown Conditions ML20078S8211995-02-16016 February 1995 Amends 131,125,152 & 148 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,upgrading Sections 1.0,3.0/4.0 & 3/4.3 of Plants TS Re Definitions,Applicability & Reactivity,Per 920729 Request ML20071G1301994-07-0606 July 1994 Amends 128,122,148 & 144 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,revising TS 3/4.7.D by Adding Check Valves to Limiting Condition for Operational Statement of TS ML20065J4471994-04-0505 April 1994 Amends 126 & 120 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Modifying Trip Level Settings for Isolation Condenser & High Pressure Core Injection Sys Steam Lines to More Conservative Values ML20064H4781994-03-11011 March 1994 Amends 125,119,145 & 141 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,consist of Changes to Facilities TS That Will Update Leakage Test Requirements of Drywell Airlock to Stds of 10CFR50,Appendix J & Section III.D.2 ML20128N5881993-02-11011 February 1993 Amends 122 & 117 to License DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Deleting Table 3.7.1, Primary Containment Isolation, & Modifying Section 3/4.7.D,per Guidance of GL 91-08 in Plant TS ML20128C2721992-11-23023 November 1992 Amend 121 to License DPR-19,incorporating by Ref,New Siemens Nuclear Power Methodologies,Increasing Resultant SLMCPR in TSs & Removing Specs Referring to SLMCPR for GE Fuel ML20116L5681992-10-29029 October 1992 Amends 116 & 120 to Licenses DPR-25 & DPR-19,respectively, Restructures Section 3/4.9 (Auxiliary Electrical Sys) as Part of Dresden TS Improvment Program ML20116A8791992-10-19019 October 1992 Amends 119,115,138 & 134 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,revising Tech Specs Re Auxiliary Electrical Sys ML20105A7361992-09-11011 September 1992 Amends 118 & 114 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Adding Two New Sections Under Administrative Controls Sections 6.11 & 6.12 ML20114A5631992-07-24024 July 1992 Amends 113,116,131 & 135 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,changing Types of Procedures Requiring Review by Onsite Review & Investigative Function ML20113H6351992-07-24024 July 1992 Amend 117 to License DPR-19,clarifying Reporting Requirements of Section 2.G of FOL ML20101L1571992-06-29029 June 1992 Amends 115 & 112 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Revising TS to Reflect Mod to Fast Acting Solenoid Valves Which Initiate Rapid Closure of TCV ML20086K3041991-12-0505 December 1991 Corrected Page 3 to License DPR-19 Incorporating 890706 Exemption ML20079Q1201991-10-24024 October 1991 Corrected Pages B 3/4.6-26a to Amends 114 & 111 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively ML20082R1771991-09-0505 September 1991 Amends 114 & 111 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Revising Pressure/Temp Limits for RCS ML20066K7701991-02-20020 February 1991 License DPR-19 to Operate Facility at steady-state Reactor Core Power Levels Not in Excess of 2527 Mwt ML20059M8441990-10-0202 October 1990 Amends 113 & 109 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Incorporating ATWS Requirements Into Tech Specs ML20055H8251990-07-25025 July 1990 Amends 111 & 107 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25 Respectively, Revising Surveillance Interval Requirement for Functional Testing of Reactor Protection Sys Electrical Protection Assemblies ML20011F5181990-02-0808 February 1990 Amends 110 & 105 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Revising Tech Specs,Per Generic Ltr 88-16,by Replacing cycle-specific Operating Limits W/Refs to Core Operating Limits Rept ML20245H6521989-08-0909 August 1989 Corrected Amends 106 & 101 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25, Respectively,Consisting of Index Pages to Original Amends ML20246C8491989-06-30030 June 1989 Amends 106 & 101 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Replacing Existing License Conditions on Fire Protection W/Std Condition Noted in Generic Ltr 86-10 ML20246G9941989-04-26026 April 1989 Amends 117,113,105 & 100 to Licenses DPR-29,DPR-30,DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively,deleting Organization Charts from Tech Specs ML20205L1941988-10-26026 October 1988 Amends 101 & 97 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Revising Tech Specs Requirements of Section 3.5.F to Include More Prescriptive Requirements for ECCS Operability During Cold Shutdown & Refueling Operational Modes ML20150D6091988-06-20020 June 1988 Amend 94 to License DPR-25,changing Tech Specs to Support Cycle 11 Operation W/Advanced Nuclear Fuels Co 9x9 Reload Fuel ML20235W8271987-10-0909 October 1987 Amends 96 & 91 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Changing Tech Specs to Impose 4 Kv cross-tie Operability Requirement ML20209B9031986-09-0202 September 1986 Amend 89 to License DPR-25,revising Tech Specs to Provide Surveillance Requirements for Newly Modified Reactor Scram Sys ML20214K5291986-08-13013 August 1986 Amends 93 & 88 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Revising Tech Specs Re Use of Mobile Vol Reduction Sys ML20195C7951986-05-27027 May 1986 Amend 86 to License DPR-25,revising High Flow Isolation Setpoint for Isolation Condenser Return Line Due to Replacement of Elbow Taps W/Annubar Flow Element 1999-02-16
MONTHYEARML20203G5091999-02-16016 February 1999 Amends 171 & 166 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Revising TS to Reflect Use of Licensee ATRIUM-9B Fuel ML20237A1111998-08-0707 August 1998 Amend 163 to License DPR-25,revising TS 4.6.E to Allow one-time Extension of 40-month Surveillance Interval Requirement to Set Pressure Test or Replace MSSVs to Max Intenval of 60 Months ML20203H2351998-02-25025 February 1998 Amends 166 & 161 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Correcting Typo Introduced Into TS W/Issuance of Amends 150 & 145 Issued on 960628 ML20203K5081998-02-25025 February 1998 Amends 165 & 160 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Removing 24/48 Vdc Batteries & Associated Charger & Distribution Sys from Unit 2 TS ML20202E2611998-01-0505 January 1998 Amends 164,159,179 & 177 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,adding New TS Section 3/4.12.C & Associated Bases to Allow Certain Rc Pressure Tests to Be Preformed in Mode 4 ML20216J8721997-09-10010 September 1997 Amends 162 & 157 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively,to Revise TS Surveillance Calibr of Reactor Water Level Instrumentation Used to Initiate ECCS ML20210Q4381997-08-21021 August 1997 Amends 161 & 156 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Revises TS to Increase HPCI Sys Low Pressure Isolation Setpoint from Greater than 80 Psig to Greater than 100 Psig ML20140G5251997-06-12012 June 1997 Amends 160 & 155 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Incorporating NRC-approved Thermal Limit Licensing Methodology in List of Approved Methodologies Used in Establishing Fuel cycle-specific Thermal Limits ML20140E9691997-04-30030 April 1997 Amends 157 & 152 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Evaluating Unreviewed Safety Question Associated W/Use of Containment Pressure to Compensate for Deficiency in NPSH for ECCS Pumps Following DBA ML20138D1651997-04-25025 April 1997 Amends 158 & 153 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Changing TS SR 4.7.P.2.b & 4.7.P.3 Values for Allowed Methyl Iodide Penetration for SBGT Charcoal Adsorbers ML20137R6301997-04-10010 April 1997 Amends 156 & 151 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Removing 24/48 Vdc Batteries & Associated Chargers & Distribution Sys from Unit 3 Ts,By Adding Footnote to 24/48 Vdc Batteries ML20135E1901997-03-0404 March 1997 Amends 173 & 169 to Licenses DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively, Revising TSs by Allowing Single Rc Moved When Plant in Hot Shutdown or Cold Shutdown Condition Providing One Rod Out Interlock Operable & Mode Switch in Refuel Position ML20135E4301997-02-28028 February 1997 Amends 172 & 168 to Licenses DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively, Updating pressure-temperature Curves Contained in Licensee TS 22 Effective Full Power Yrs ML20135E1501997-02-28028 February 1997 Amends 153 & 148 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Updating pressure-temperature Curves Contained in Licensee TS 22 Effective Full Power Yrs ML17187A7971997-02-17017 February 1997 Application for Amend to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,App A,Tss, Section 3/4.7.K, Suppression Chamber & Section 3/4.8, Ultimate Heat Sink, to Address Issues Re Efforts to Reconstitute Design Basis of Containment Heat Removal Sys ML20135B0511996-11-25025 November 1996 Update to 961023 Application for Amend to License DPR-2, Updating Administrative Controls Section of Proposed TS Amend to Reflect Transition of Overall Corporate Responsibility for Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel ML20129F3141996-10-23023 October 1996 Application for Amend to License DPR-2,replacing All Existing Pp of Unit 1 TS ML20129E0941996-09-26026 September 1996 Amends 151 & 146 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Deferring Implementation Date as Stated Until 970115 ML20096D8531996-01-11011 January 1996 Amends 169 & 165 to Licenses DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively, Revising TS to Incorporate 10CFR50,App J, Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water-Cooled Power Reactors, Option B ML20096D8331996-01-11011 January 1996 Amends 148 & 142 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Revising TS to Incorporate 10CFR50 App J, Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water Cooled Power Reactors, Option B ML20099M3541995-12-29029 December 1995 Amends 147 & 141 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Re Partial Implementation of Request & Change Only Implementation Date of Previous TS Upgrade Program Issued for Util ML20092K3181995-09-20020 September 1995 Amends 139,133,161 & 157 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,responding to 921208 Application,As Supplemented by 930910 & s Re Initiation of TS Upgrade Program for Plants ML20085L6861995-06-14014 June 1995 Amends 135,129,156 & 152 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,upgrading TS Section 5.0, Design Features, Per TS Upgrade Program ML20085H0121995-06-13013 June 1995 Amends 134,128,155 & 151 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,re Proposed Upgrade of Sections 2.0,3/4.11 & 3/4.12 of Dresden & Quad Cities TS ML20085K3321995-06-0808 June 1995 Amends 133,127,154 & 150 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,integrating Addl Info Such as Equipment Operability Requirements During Shutdown Conditions ML20078S8211995-02-16016 February 1995 Amends 131,125,152 & 148 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,upgrading Sections 1.0,3.0/4.0 & 3/4.3 of Plants TS Re Definitions,Applicability & Reactivity,Per 920729 Request ML20071G1301994-07-0606 July 1994 Amends 128,122,148 & 144 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,revising TS 3/4.7.D by Adding Check Valves to Limiting Condition for Operational Statement of TS ML20065J4471994-04-0505 April 1994 Amends 126 & 120 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Modifying Trip Level Settings for Isolation Condenser & High Pressure Core Injection Sys Steam Lines to More Conservative Values ML20064H4781994-03-11011 March 1994 Amends 125,119,145 & 141 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,consist of Changes to Facilities TS That Will Update Leakage Test Requirements of Drywell Airlock to Stds of 10CFR50,Appendix J & Section III.D.2 ML20128N5881993-02-11011 February 1993 Amends 122 & 117 to License DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Deleting Table 3.7.1, Primary Containment Isolation, & Modifying Section 3/4.7.D,per Guidance of GL 91-08 in Plant TS ML20128C2721992-11-23023 November 1992 Amend 121 to License DPR-19,incorporating by Ref,New Siemens Nuclear Power Methodologies,Increasing Resultant SLMCPR in TSs & Removing Specs Referring to SLMCPR for GE Fuel ML20116L5681992-10-29029 October 1992 Amends 116 & 120 to Licenses DPR-25 & DPR-19,respectively, Restructures Section 3/4.9 (Auxiliary Electrical Sys) as Part of Dresden TS Improvment Program ML20116A8791992-10-19019 October 1992 Amends 119,115,138 & 134 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,respectively,revising Tech Specs Re Auxiliary Electrical Sys ML20105A7361992-09-11011 September 1992 Amends 118 & 114 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Adding Two New Sections Under Administrative Controls Sections 6.11 & 6.12 ML20114A5631992-07-24024 July 1992 Amends 113,116,131 & 135 to Licenses DPR-19,DPR-25,DPR-29 & DPR-30,changing Types of Procedures Requiring Review by Onsite Review & Investigative Function ML20113H6351992-07-24024 July 1992 Amend 117 to License DPR-19,clarifying Reporting Requirements of Section 2.G of FOL ML20101L1571992-06-29029 June 1992 Amends 115 & 112 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Revising TS to Reflect Mod to Fast Acting Solenoid Valves Which Initiate Rapid Closure of TCV ML20096F1091992-04-24024 April 1992 Application for Amend to License DPR-19,changing Reporting Requirements of OL Section 2.G Re Notification of NRC of Violations ML20086K3041991-12-0505 December 1991 Corrected Page 3 to License DPR-19 Incorporating 890706 Exemption ML20079Q1201991-10-24024 October 1991 Corrected Pages B 3/4.6-26a to Amends 114 & 111 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively ML20082R1771991-09-0505 September 1991 Amends 114 & 111 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Revising Pressure/Temp Limits for RCS ML20066K7701991-02-20020 February 1991 License DPR-19 to Operate Facility at steady-state Reactor Core Power Levels Not in Excess of 2527 Mwt ML20059M8441990-10-0202 October 1990 Amends 113 & 109 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Incorporating ATWS Requirements Into Tech Specs ML20058L9351990-07-31031 July 1990 Suppl to 891101 Proposed Amend to License DPR-2,reflecting Nonoperating Status of Facility & Clarifying Section 3.10.F ML20055H8251990-07-25025 July 1990 Amends 111 & 107 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25 Respectively, Revising Surveillance Interval Requirement for Functional Testing of Reactor Protection Sys Electrical Protection Assemblies ML20011F5181990-02-0808 February 1990 Amends 110 & 105 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Revising Tech Specs,Per Generic Ltr 88-16,by Replacing cycle-specific Operating Limits W/Refs to Core Operating Limits Rept ML20245H6521989-08-0909 August 1989 Corrected Amends 106 & 101 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25, Respectively,Consisting of Index Pages to Original Amends ML20246C8491989-06-30030 June 1989 Amends 106 & 101 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively, Replacing Existing License Conditions on Fire Protection W/Std Condition Noted in Generic Ltr 86-10 ML20247M4371989-05-16016 May 1989 Application for Amend to License DPR-2,extending Expiration Date of License to 290410 ML20246G9941989-04-26026 April 1989 Amends 117,113,105 & 100 to Licenses DPR-29,DPR-30,DPR-19 & DPR-25,respectively,deleting Organization Charts from Tech Specs 1999-02-16
[Table view] |
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The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) has found that; A.
The application for a license filed by the Commonwealth Edison Company (the licensee) complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I, and all required notifications to other agencies or bodies have been duly made; B.
Construction of the Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Unit 2 (the facility) has been completed in conformity with Construction Permit No. CPPR-18 and the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the regulations of the Commission, and has been operating under a provisional license since December 22, 1969; C.
The facility will operate in conformity with the application, as amended, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission (except as exempted from compliance in Section 2.0.
~There is reasonable assurance (i) that the activities authorized by this operating license can be conducted without endangering the bealth and safety of the public, and (ii) that such activities will t,e conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I (except as exempted from compliance in Section 2.0. beles);
Commonwealth Edison Company is technically qualified to engage in the activities authorized by this license, as amended, in accordance with the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; F.
Commonwealth Edison Company has satisfied the applicable provisions of 10 CFR Part 140, Financial Protection Requirements and Indemnity Agreements, of the Commission's regulations; G.
The issuance of this license will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; I
9102200077 910220 PDR ADOCK 05000237
The issuance of this license is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied; and I.
The receipt, possession,horized by this license will be in accordance and use of source, byproduct and special nuclear raterials as aut with the Connission's regulations in 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70.
Provisional Operating License No. DPR-19, dated December 22, 1969 as amended, is superseded in its entirety by Facility Operating Licen,se No.
DPR-19 hereby issued to Conrnonwealth Edison Company (the licensee or CECO) to read as follows:
This license applies to the Dresden Nuclear Power Station Unit 2, a boiling water reactor and associated equipment (the faci 1Ity).
The facility is located in Grundy County, Illinois, and is described in the licensee's Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, as supplenented i
and amended, and in the licensee's Environinental Report, at supplenented and amended.
Subject to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the l
Commission hereby licenses:
(1) Ceco, pursuant to Section 103 of the Act and 10 CFR Part 50, to possess, use and operate the facility at the desig sted location in Grundy County, Illinois, in accordance with the procedures and limitations set forth in this license; (2) CECO, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70, to receive, l
possess and use at any time special nuclear material as reactor fuel, in accordance with the limitations for storage and announts required for reactor o>eration, as described in the Updated final Safety Analysis leport, as suppienented and amended; (3)
CECO pu receive,rsuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to possess, and use at any time any byproduct, source and I
special nuclear material as sealed neutron sources for reactor startup, sealed sources for reactor instrumentation and l
radiation monitoring equipment calibration, and as fission detectors in amounts as required; (4)
Ceco pu receive,rsuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to possess, and use in amounts as required any byproduct, source or special nuclear material without restriction to chemical or physical form, for sample analysis or instrument calibraticn or associated with radioactive apparatus or l
components; and
3 (5) CECO, pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Parts 30, 40 and 70, to possess, but not separate, such byproduct special nuclear materials as may be produced by the operation of the facility.
This license shall be deemed to contain and is subject to the conditions specified in the Commission's regulations set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I and is subject to all applicable provisions of the Act and to the rules, regulations and orders of the Commission now or hereafter in effect; and is subject to the additional conditions specified or incorporated below:
(1) Maximum Power Level The licensee is authorized to operate the facility at steady state reactor core power levels not in excess of 2527 megawatts thermal (100 percent rated power) in accordance with the condit. ions specified herein.
(2) Technical Specifications The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A, as revised through Amendment No. 113. are hereby incorporated in the license.
The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Specifications.
(3) Operation in the constdown mode is permitted to 40% power.
(4) The valves in the equalizer piping between the recirculation loops shall be closed at all times during reactor operation.
The facility has been granted certain exemptions from the require-ments of Section III.G of Appendix R to 10 CFR Part 50, " Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Power Facilities Operating Prior to January 1, 1979 " This section relates to fire protection features for ensuring the systems and associated circuits used to achieve and maintain safe shutdown are free of fire damage.
These exemptions were granted and sent to the licensee in letters dated February 2, 1983, September 28, 1987 and August 15, 1989.
In addition, the facility has been granted certain exemptions from Sections II and III of Appendix J to 10 CFR Part 50, " Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water-Cooled Power Reactors." This section contains leakage test requirements, schedules and acceptance criteria for tests of the lenk-tight integrity of the primary reactor containment and systems and components which penetrate the containment.
These exemptions were granted and sent to the licensee in a letter dated June 25, 1982.
l l
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4 These exemptions granted pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12 are authorized by 4
law, will not present an undue risk to the pubiic health and safety, and are consistent with the common defense and security.
With these exemptions, the facility will operate, to the extent authorized i
herein, in conformity with the application, as amended, the provisions
of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission.
Commonwealth Edison Company shall implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protection program as described in the Updated final Safety Analysis Report for the facility and as approved in the $afety Evaluation Reports dated March 22, 1978 with supplements dated December 2,1980, and February 12, 1981; January 19, l
e 1983; July 17 1987 September 28, 1987; and January 5,1989, subject tothefollowIngpro; vision:
The licensee may make changes to the approved fire protection program without prior approval of the Commission only if those changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire.
The licensee shall fully implement and maintain in effect all provi-sions of the Commission approved physical security, guard training and n @.Mication, and safeguards contingency plans including amend.
men n made pursuant to provisions of the Miscellaneous Amendments and Search Requirements revisions to 10 CFR 73.55 (51 FR 27817 and 27822) and to the authority of 10'CFR 50.90 and 10 CFR 50.54(p). The plans, which contein Safeguards Information protected under.10 CFR 73.21, are entitled: "Dresden Nuclear Power Station Security Plan," with revisions submitted through October 30,1990; "Dresden Nuclear power Station Security personnel Training and Qualification plan," with revisions submitted through October 30.-1990; and "Dresden Nuclear power Station Safeguards-Contingency Plan," with revisions submitted through October 30, 1990.
Changes made in accordance with 10 CFR 73.55 shall be implemented in accordance with the schedule set forth therein.
Except as otherwise provided in the Technical Specifications, the licensee shall report any violations of the requirements contained in 4
Section-2.0-of_this license in.the following manner:
initial notification shall be made within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to the NRC Operations Center via the Emergency Notification System _with written follow-up within 30 days in accordance with the procedures described in 10 CTR 50.73(b),(c),and(e).
The licensee shall have and maintain financial protection of such type ano in such a'nounts as the Commission shall require in accordance with Section 170 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, to cover public liability claims.
a 1
This license is effective as of the date of issuance and shall expire at midnight on January 10, 2006.
Thomas E. Murley, Director Offd:e of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Appendix A. Technical Specifications Date of 1scuance:
February 20, 1991 l
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L l