ML20065Q368 | |
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Site: | Clinch River |
Issue date: | 01/31/1975 |
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ML20065Q355 | List: |
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ORNL-TM-4687, NUDOCS 8210270035 | |
Download: ML20065Q368 (80) | |
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Y.M.riWMf.y..h d%wa m4;w[; dat..W7:y OY2.I.,%:,.,. d r r y v r. :. .qi AIRDOS-A Computer Code for Estimating W;~U.q,:.:s :w%n'i.A Population and Individual Doses a 4 .P,e-2.J..% Resulting from Atmospheric Releases of d, ~,UM...>y? '.,GJW.. n..s t,f11;}f,y.r.s;.,qw"d Radionuclides from Nuclear Facilities t.
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n.. .,,.. s.... ..~.m..... r. ..'L., w':".i ..V,,.'. 7'.'.*" *A.," E.**.**.'."".",'. 7 ...r ~ JANUARY 1975 '.'.".a.'.~..r,',.i.--..c."".~~a== Environ ental Sciences Division Publication No. 354 wot act n m.,~ .ae.,~ .e.. .a., a .a. ..a...- .,e.,.ai i . o a,......,.....w.,. a.......s OAK RIDGE fiATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 cperated by 7FM*yr/;;. UNION CARBIDE CORPORATIOr4 f 4. < for the p j d I' # * ',a U.S. AT0ftIC ENERGY C0tNISSION ...... :. j w k
y 111 CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT............................ 1 INTRODUCTION.......................... 2 THE ATMOSPHERIC DISPERSION MODEL................ 4 DO S E E S T I MAT E S......................... 11 VALID; TION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MODELS............... 12 Validation f the Atmospheric Transport Model........ 13 Haddam Neck Pressurized Water Reactor 13 Noble Gas Releases from a Boiling Water Reactor 13 Tritium Releases from the Argonr.e National La b o ra to ry CP-S Re a cto r................ 15 Validation of the Terrestrial Modet............. 18 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING AIRD05 18 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 37 REFERENCES........................... 38 APPENDIX............................ 41 i 's e
y LIST OF TABLES Pace Table 1. Comparison of !*easured and Estimated y/Q Values for Releases of floble Gas Radionuclides from the Haddam fleck Reactora,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, j4 Table 2. Measured Release Rates of floble Gases from a Boiling Water Reactor 16....... 16 Table 3. Measured and Estimated Doses Resulting fro Exposure to floble Gas P1mes Released from a Boiling Water Reactor................. 17 Table 4. Comparison of Literature Values of Actual a Monitoring Data to Terrestrial Model Predictions,,, 39 Table 5. Data Deck for Atmospheric Dispersion and Ground Deposition...................... 20 Table 6. Data Deck for Statistical Description of Area 27 Table 7. Data Deck for Parameters Used to Estimate Inhalation Doses and Doses Resulting from Submersion in Water.. 28 Table 8. Data Deck for the Radionuclide-Independent Parameters Used for the Terrestrial Model....... 29 l Table 9. Data Deck for Each Radionuclide............ 33 Table 10. Data Deck for Each Organ for Each Radionuclide.... 35 S i i
AIRD05--A C0urtJTER CODE FOR ESTIMATING POPULATION AND ThDIVILU/L 005ES GESULTlhG FPO!4 ATMOSFHERIC RTLTATET dNDTdhuElfEDR;M heCLEAR FACILITlI5, R. E. Moore ABSTRACT AIRD05, a Fortran IV cor puter code, was written to estimate popu-lation and individual doses resulting from the cortinuous simultaneous atrespheric release of as runy as 36 radionuclides from a nuclear facility. This report presents details of the code and complete instruc-tions for its use. Five pathways to man are considered: (1) inhalation of air containing radionuclide gases or particulates, (2) imersion in conta9tnated air, (3) exposure to surfaces contaminated by radioactive fallout, (4) ingestion of food produced on contaminated ground surfaces, and (5) imersion in contaminated water, as by swiming. Dose and dose comitments are estimated for each pathvay and the following eleven reference organs: whole body, GI tract, bone, thyroid, lungs, snuscle, kidneys, liver, spleen, testes, and ovaries. The environmental AIPDOS consists of a 20 x 20 square grid with the nuclear facility located at the center. The size of each grid is specified in the input data. Human populat%n, nurters of beef and dairy cattle, and identification as to whether an area is prv 5I-nately used for production of vegetable crops or is a water area are spect fled for each of the 400 grids. Population doses are surrnarized in output tab,les in every possible runner--by nuclides, pathways, and organs. The highest individual dose received in the area and its location are printed in the output, i
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"i Data found in the literature or provided by various investigators were used to validate the atmospheric dispersion model and the terres-4 trial model used in AIRD05. Measured values were generally within the range from + 100t to - 505 of predicted values. Coglete validation,
- t. wever, will recuire comparisons for more nuclides and a wider range cf conditions. Efforts are continuing to locate additional environmen-tal data for validation.
INTRODUCTION AIRDOS is a Fortran IV cor puter code used to estimate annual population doses (man-rems) and the annual maximum individual doses resulting from exposures to radionuclides released to the atmosphere ~ fron nuclear facilities. It is useful primarily for continuous releases of radionuclides rather than accidental or pulse releases. This code. fecluding several previous versiens and modifications, has been used at OP'il in the United States Plowshare Gas Program,I'2 in the ORNL Cunula-tive Exposure Index (CUEX) Project.3 and for several aoplications related to the preparation of envietnrNntal impact statements. Recent applications have included para etric analyses to evaluate uncertainties in dose esti- - mates which result from uncertainties in our knowledge of parameters, such as depositian velocities of particulates, plume rite of released radio-I nuclides, and the vertical and horizontal dispersion coefficients which describe the dispersion of a wind-blown plure of radionuclides. AIRD05 esti, rates doses resulting from continuous siruitaneous releases of as many as 36 radionuclides from as many as 6 plant stacks or roof vents. Pathways to men include (1) inhalation of radionuclides in air (2) imer-sion in air containing radionuclides, (3) exposure to ground surfaces i
yysnccurserazmeomscrgre.mwanspe- -_-m - q 3 i contaminated by deposited radionuclides, (4) ircestion of food produced in the area, and (5) imersion in contar.inated water. Doses are esti-mated for these organs: whole-body, GI tra:t, b'one. thyrold, lungs, I muscle, kidneys, liver, spleen, testes, and ovaries. The area surrounding the nuclear facility is arranged as a 20 x 20 souare grid with the facility at the center. The grid size is spe:ified 1 ( as input data. Human population, numbers of b'eef cattle and dairy cat-i tie, and specification as to whether each of the 400 grids is used for producing vegetable crops or is a water area are required as input data. l l The first part of AIRD05 is an atmospheric dispersion.model (AIRMOD) which estimates concentrations of radionuclides in air at ground level and their rates of deposition on ground surfaces as a function of distance and direction from the point of release. Annual average meteorological data for the area are supplied as input for A!WOD. AIRMOD is interfaced with enviro cental models within AIRD05 to esticate doses to man through the five pathways. The most corpipx environ. 1 mental model is a terrest-ial model (TEPy0D) developed by Booth, Kaye, and Dohwer.4 This nodel estimates radionuclide intakes via ingestion of radio-nuclides depcsited on crops, soil, and pastures. The intakes result from eateng beef and vegetable crops and drinking milk. The terrestrial model (TERM 03) is net applicable for tritium, which, in the fom of tritiated water, follows ordinary water alrost exactly through the terrestrial environment. The model used in AIRD05 l for ingestion cf. tritium is one in which it is assumed that man's body water contains *.he same concentration of tritium as is contained in rain falling in the area. This assumption is conservative because it 1 t
pr:7/cv mw..m.mWas;'sRFNFWarcSNs. m e-r--mw o----- -~a n 4 does not consider any dilution of tritium in r'an's body water as a result of drinking water or other beverages from sources outside the area. l The prt:sent version of AIRD05 does not estimate external doses from 1 ga ra radiation from overhead pltres. This additional external exposure may be imoortant *n the imediate vicinity of a nuclear facility, especially under stable atmspheric conditions. It should be estinated separately l where conditions warrant and added to' the external doses estimated by AIRD05. l l A separate finite cloud calculation usually would not be necessary for distances greater than 10 stack heights from the point of release under average meteorological conditions. Ingestion of fish or other foods produced in water areas is also not included in the present version of AIRD05. l Population doses are sparized in the outpu't tables of AIRD05 in all possible ways--by nuclides, pathways, and organs. If more than 36 l radionuclices must be considered in a source term, two or core computer runs can be made and the data in the sumary tables from each computer i run simply added together. The highest individual doses in the area for each organ are tabulated for each radionuclide and the highest organ I doses from all radionuclides in the source term are listed. The location of the highest individual dosa is specified. THE ATMOSPHERIC DISPERSION MODEL The basic equa' tion used to estimate atn. spheric dispersion in AIRD05 is Pasquill's Equation as modified by Gifford:6 5 I a
py:..t,n@CE"3Yn i-WMARc~Wm.nm rM~.wism.'a.em,a4Ekaceaws&- - ~ --- 5 X
- 2nc o y W O) yg
.h* -h** + exp cxp where y, = concentration in air at the center line of a plume x meters i 3 downwind from the point of release (curies /m ), Q = unifom emission rate from the stack (curies /sec), f
- = rean wind speed (m/sec ),
o = horizontal dispersion coefficient (m), j y o, = vertical dispersion coefficient (m). 11 = effective stack height (physical stack height, h, plus the plume rise, th) (m), l y = crosswind distance (m), and J z = vertical distance (m). j 1 The downwind distance, x, comes into Eq. (1) througn o, and o, l g which are functions of x as well as the atmospheric stability category i k 5 applicable during emission from the stack. Pasquil1 described six ] atmospheric stability categories ranging from A (very unstable) to F j i (verystable). A seventh category, G (extremely stable), has been l included in AIRD05. Values for o and o as functions of x for each of y g l the six original Pasquill categories are the most recent values recom- ) i ,j I mended by the Air,Pesources Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion taboratory.7 The vaiues used for o, and o, for category a were l a eb-
- +l p a wg:mru.SG:s6n=#6R:km M M M 6
i extrapolated by subtracting half of the difference between corresponding values for the E and F categories from the values for the F category. Three options are available in GDOS to estimate pitsne rise, l.h, for Eq. (1). These are 1. Briggs'8 equations can be used to estimate plume rise resulting a from buoyancy for cases in which hot plumes are emicted from.a stack. The rate of heat release from the stack and the average a air temperature are required input data for this option. In additics, the vertical ternperature gradient of the' air for atmos-pheric stability categories E F, and G are required. 2. The equation of Pupp et al.9 can be use; to estimate pitsne rise caused by momentisa of emitted stack gases. This equa-tion is lI t.h = 1.5 vd/u (2) in which th = pitsne rise (m), y = effluent gas velocity (m/sec), i d = stack diameter (m), and j u = wind velocity (n/sec). 3. Plume rise is designated by the user for each of the seven 'l Pasquill atrospheric stability categories. I l Option (2) would usually be used for nuclear plants for which 1 gaseous effluents are near a-bient temperatures. Option (3) may be j used if the user desires to compute plume rise by another 'ormula. l 1 '5 i 1
R8.NMEMb GiM4v4%"Mhm mms.,mwm _ ( i l il 7 l i for part of each year a stable layer of air will exist above a h I less stable layer. This effECt. referred to as a lid, restricts c C 3 vertical dispersion, and it results in a higher ground-level 4!r con- [ l centration than would ex'st in the absence of a lid. It is assumed in the AIPCOS ode that a piir e is not affected by the lid until the is the value of downwind distance, x, becomes equal to 2x(, where xg x for which c, = 0.47 *.. (L is the height of the lid.)l0 For greater j values of x, vertical dispersion if restricted and the air concentration e 4, of the radionuclide is assumed to be uniforri from ground level to the i, lid. 2 Radionuclides released as particulates may be substantially N affected by gravity during pltrie travel. A value for the gravita- ] tional fall ve'.ocity. V, for each radionucli& is required input g data. Tnis value is zero for gases and usually zero for nost particu-lates. For dense or large particulates, however, a positisc value is 3 used for V, and this results in computing the pltre to nave a dowriward g J tilt. This is accorplished in AIPDOS by decreasino the effective stack A height, H, in Eq. (1) by the expression V x/ :. A built-in protection f g l orevents the pltre from going below ground level. L. Particulates will deposit on ground or water surfaces at a rate p that is the product of their concentration in air at ground level and il the deposition velocity (m/sec) as expressed by the equation, g h (} w(x,y) = V
- 'Y 'O d
P ik 1 %n d
8 where 2 w(x,y) = deposition rate (Ci/m sec), Vd = deposition velocity (m/sec), and X(x..v,o) = air concentration of radionuclide et ground 3 level (Ct/m ), Deposition velocities are dependent on surface characteristics. Measured values'show wide scatter, averaging about 0.01 m/sec, a value often used for particulates' for which reliable reasured values are not available. It seems likely that particles which are falling as a result of gravity will deposit on surfaces at a rate at least as great as their rate of fall. It is recomended, accordingly, that any value used for the deposition velocity of a_ radionuclide be at least as great as its gravitational fall velocity. Scavenging of radionuclides in a plume is the pracess through which rain or snow 4hes out particles or dissolves gases and deposits them on ground or water surfaces. The fraction of particles or soluble gases removed by scavenging fiom a vertical column of air per unit time during rain or snow is e, the scavenging c'oefficient. If C has the units I of sec"I, the rate of depositior, on the ground or water surface is 2 R = CCh C1/m sec (4) where 3 C = the average concentration in the vertical column (Ci/m ), and h = the height of the vertical coltrin (m). l Th,e scavenging coefficient used in AIRD05 for each radionuclide is l the sum of the washout, rainout, and snowout coefficients for particles l l l
9 or the coe.'ficient for dissolving of gases in rain drops. The average concentration in the vertical colunn used in Eq. (4) is conputed through the use of Eq. (1). The value of h is the distance from the ground to the botton of the inversion layer (lid). A discussion of methods used to estimate scavenging coefficients during the periods of rainfall (or snowfall) at the plant site can be found in Meteorolony and Atomic Enerny--1968.II These scavenging coefficients rust be averaged over a period of one year to be used in AIRDOS. The units of scavenging coeffi-cients (sec~I) as used in' AIRD05, therefore, described a continuous removal of a fractinn of the plume per second over an entire year. The rate of deposition is the sum of the rate from dry deposition and the rate from scavenging processes; it is used as it:put for the terrestrial model to estimate internal 50; year dose comitments through ingestion of food produced in the area. Concentrations on ground surfaces calculated for a 50-year peried of deposition are computed from radioactive decay constants and environmental decay constants to esticate gamma doses from surfaces. Measured values of environmental decay constants for most radionuclides are not available; the use of a value of zero for these cases results in conservative dose estimates. Depletion of the pltre resulting from depcsition processes is taken into account by substituting Q, the release rate in Eq. (1), by Q', a reduced release rate which is Q-D where D is the correction for the amount 1 of radie uclide deposited by the plu e from the point of release to the pc'nt of sansideration. An expression for the depletion fraction, Q'/Q, es a fuhction of X, the dwnwind distance, can be derived from the general expression,
10 h = - w(x,y) dy., (5) a for depletion of a plune per unit distance from the point of release. The depnsition rate, w(x,y), is equal to v x(x,y.o) (see Eq. (3)), d where X(x,y.o) is equal to the expression of Eq. (1) with Q' substituted for Q with the expression v x/u subtracted from H, the effective stack g A height, to account for gravitational fall, and wit!: functions of x, x /C D and x /F, substituted for o and o, respectively. After substitutions f z are made, the resulting expression is (Hw,x/u)b (" v Q' 2 N.. d Y 3* =-2)O ^ D exp - + 1 dy (6)~ w(x/C)(x/F)u (2(x^/C)2 D 2(Xjp)2 Integration of Eq. (5) leads to the c..pletion fraction: 1/2 v n. d dx p=exp' D (x/F)exp(-(H-vx/u)2 D /2(x jp)2) (7) o g Computer subroutines based on Simpson's Rule were written by 12 D. E. Dunning to estimate Q'/Q in Eq. (7) for dry deposition as -et a function of X. The exponential factor e is used to correct for plume depletion by scavenging prccesses. AIRD05 makes use of Eq. (1) to compute annual average concen-trations in air and rates of deposition on ground and water surfaces for each of 16 compass directions emanating from the stacks of the facility.'. The annual frequencies for the 16 wind directions, true f l
11 average and reciprocal-averaged wind speeds for each wind direction, and annual frequer.cies of the seven atmospheric stability categories for each wind direction are required as input data. The resulting concentrations from Eq. (1) art averaged over each of the 16 sec. tors and then converted to a squart grid specification. Radioactive decay during plume travel is taken into account in AIRD05, but doses from daughter buildup withi.1 the plume are not esti-mated. The user should exanine the decay schenes of ary short-lived radionuclides in the source tem to ensure the absence of significant quantities of daughte:* products in the airborne plume which may contri-l bute to dose. DOSE ESTIMATES Dose conversion factors for external doses from imersion in con-taminated air, immersion in contaminated water as by swiming in a home pool subjected to surface deposition from plumes, and exposure to con-taminated ground surfaces are supplied as input data. Only gama radiation is censidered for external doses. External dose conversion factors for each radionuclide can be obtained by use of the EXREM III cornputer code.13 The contribution to the dose conversion factors for ir:rnersion in water and surface exposures from daughter products at equilibrium should be included in the dose conversion factors supplied 1 as input data for each radionuclide. In AIRDCS, the external dose to each organ is estirnated as equivalent to the whole-body dose, and it is added to,the 50-year internal dose cceriitment for each organ resulting from inhalation and ingestion. l l l
12 Dose conversion factors for intertial doses from Inhalation and in-gestion are supplied as input data for each radfor.uclide for whole body and for each reference organ for that radionuclide. The internal dose i conversion factors can be obtained through use of the INREN computer code.I4 for those organs not in the reference organ list, internal doses are estirrated through the use of the dose conversion factors for whole body. Each person living in the area is assumed to eat beef, milk, and vegetable crops produced within' the entire 400 square grid surrounding the twelear f acility. If the 400 grid area does not produce enough of each of these three foods to supply the population within the area, the deficit for each of the three foods is assumed to be supplied by ir: ported uncontaminated food. Dose reduction factors are applied in AIRDOS to the ing2stion doses estimated in TERIOD for the short-lived (T1/2 = 8 days) radio-1311 to account for cattle pasturing practices in the area nuclide and elapsed tires between production of vegetable crops, milk, and 1 beef and their human consumption. Ingestion deses for I as esti-mated by TERT 0D are reduced by 30 to 507, by application of these factors calculated on the basis of realistic local agricultural and food processing and distribution practices. VALIDATION OF EtiVIPONt'EtiTAL MODELS The environnental transport redels AIPWD and TERM 00, in AIRDOS were validathd partially by the use of data found in the literature or
13 provided by various investigators. Pesults of these validation studies, given in this section, show that most of the measured values generally fall within the rance + 100", to - 50% of the predicted values. These results lend sor.e credence to AIPDos, but complete validation will require cortparisons for a larger number of nuclides under a wider variety of r.eteorological ar.d terrestrial conditions. Efforts are continuing to locate additional environmental data which are closely re sted to known releases for which netcorological conditions are well defined. Validation of the Atmospheric Transport Model Radionuclide concentrations in air at ground level estimated by the A!RDOS code were corpared with values measured in the vicinity ci three nuciear reactors as described below. 1. Haddan rieck Pressurized Water Peactor-85 I33 Concentrations of Kr and Je in air were reasured by the U. S. D Environ ental Protection Agency near the Haddam Neck Reactor en April 16, 1971. The reasurerents were made at a distance of 600 reters from the l plant stack in the direction toward which the wind was blowing. Slightly unstable atrospher!c conditions prevailed durino the day. Table 1 lists y/0 values (concentration in air at g-ound level / release rate) for the four test periods. Estirated values from AIRDOS range from approximately l 56'. less than reasured values to approximately 70t greater than reasured 1 l values. 2. floble Gas Peleases from a Bollinn Water Feactor l Doses resulting from icrersion in air containing noble gases ( released from a boiling water reactor were estimated by AIRD05, and l l h 1
z / i Table 1. Comparison of Measured and Estimated X/Q Values for Releases of Noble Gas Radionuclides from the Haddam Neck. Reactora l f Test Period I II III. IV Average Wind Speej (m/sec) 3.2 S.0 5.T 5.4 Me$sured X/Q for Kr (sec/m ) 1.9 x 10'0 G.7 x 10-6 85 3 I33 l Measured x/Q for Xe (sec/ 3) 8.8 x 10-6 2.2 x 10-5 6.8 x 10-6 6.2 x 10-6 3 Estimated X/Qb (sec/m ) 1.5 x 10-51 9.6 x 13-6 9.4 x 10-6 8.9 x 10-6 [ i Slightly unstable atraspheric condi.tions prevaileI during releases ~'en April 16. 1971. a Measurements were made at a distante of 600 meters from the plant stack in the direction l-toward which the wind was blowing. { b The X/Q values estinated by AIRDOS are the sap 2 for both 85 I33 Kr and Xe. O g g
- h-tm 4..
.p, A
....q 15 the results were compared with doses measured by the New York Health and Safety Laboratory (HASL) 0 resulting from direct exposure to the plu es. The measured release rates are listed in Table 2. Comparisons of results are listed in Tabic 3. These comparisens are for distances relatively far from the stack where external doses are computed in AIRD05 for infinite c1 cud irrersion at ground level. These should be comparable to doses calcu*ated by HASL for direct exposure to airborne plumes. Doses resulting from direct exposure to. overhead plumes near the stack are auch greater than imersion doses, which AIRD05 estimates, because air concen-trations at ground level near the stack are very low. Good comparisons between results from the two calculational techniques are expected, there-( fore, only at downwind distances great enough that the plume has reached ground level. 3. Tritiun Peleases from the Argonne National Laboratory CP-5 Reactor Tritium released from the ANL CP-5 Reactor (1 C1/ day) was measured II by Sedlet, Golchert, and Duffy during 1973 at a pemanent monitoring station 50 meters east of the reactor. The average measured conc 2entra-3 tion durine the year was 2.65 x 10-3 2 2.0 x 10-3 pCi/cm. The average tritium concentration estinated by AIRD05 using annual average 3 cal data was 4.69 x 10-3 pCi/cn. 1 The stack height of the CP-5 reactor is 15 meters. A small plune rise of 5 meters was assumed for the AIFDOS computer run to accomnt for momentum and buoyancy of the stack emissions. The agreement between esti-mated and meas'ured tritium concentrations is good in view of the difficulties in estimating cancentrations close to a reactor where building wakes and ll
16 ~ l' l;1 1tl Table 2. Measured Release Rates of Water Reactor {p a 8 oiling Noble Gases f 1-Release Rate Nuclide (pCi/sec) j r 133 10 xe 1.37 x 10 8 133m.e 5.47 x 10 lo 1;5, j,77 x jo j 7 135m 9 xe 5.17 x 10 138 9 xe 3.22 x 10 85m 9 Kr 4.20 x 10 87 9 Kr 9.30 x 10 88 9 Kr 6.99 x 10 1 4 e i e
I I Table 3. Measured and Estimated Doses Resulting from Exposure l to Noble Gas Plumes Released from a Boiling Water Reactor l l* a Measured AIRDOS l Distance from Stack Direction Atmospheric Dose Estimate Difference I (meters) from Stack Stability (mrems) (mroms) (%) I 6275 N Predom. Stable 0.38 0.28 - 26 6758 NNE Predom. Stable 0.15 0.25 + 67 2896 SSE Mixed 0.30 0.17 - 43 l carl V. Gogolak. HASL-277 (1973), and personally communicated meteorologi-a cal data for use in AIRD05. The results are for a 740-hour monitoring period. The cama-ray doses were reasured with high-pressure Ionization chanbers and thermoluminescence dosimeters. I i W -- -
18 small uncertainties in plume rise can have a significant effect on ground-level air concentrations. Valitation cf the Terrestrial Model The terrestrial model (TERM 0D) was validated partially by Soatt., Kaye, and Rohwer for three important radionuclides,137Cs, 90Sr and 1, by 131 comparing model predictions fron computer runs of their TERMOD computer code with literature values from actual monitorino data. Table 4 is a summary of their results, which constitute only.'a v'ery small portion of those required for a complete validation. A continuing effort is in progress to find addi-tional data suitable for validating the terrestrial model. 1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING AIPDOS The code is listed in the Appendix. Data decks required for use of the code are presented in Table 5 through 10. Decks of Tables 5, 6. 7, and 8 should be consecutively stacked. Followino the deck of Table 8, there must be a nuclide data deck (Table 9) for each radionuclide listed in the deck of Table 5 under NAMNUC. Associated organ decks (Table 10) for each radionuclide should immediately follow its nuclide deck. The number of associated organ decks following each nuclide deck must correspond tm the number in Table 9 under HUMORG. i Tables listing individual doses to each organ through each of the five pathways for each of the 400 grid squares are printed for only the first three radionuclides in the input data deck. This restriction was imposed because the,se detailed tables are so long that the bulk of the corcuter output would be unnanageably large if all tables were printted s l t
i 19 1 1 i Table 4. Cocparison of Literature Values of Actual a Monitoring Data to Terrestrial Model Predictions i Ratio of Fonitoring Data - to Model Predictions Environmental Ratio t 137 90 I3I 2 Cs Sr I I Input / conc. in grass 1.72 0.73[ j Input / conc. in milk 1.65 0.43 C Cnne. in milk / conc. in grass 1.00 0.78-1.96 j Conc. in milk / conc. in beef 0.62 Conc. in milk / conc. in grain 0.55 { Conc. in beef / conc. in grain 0.91 The values in this table were taken from Reference 4 ) a this report. f bThese two ratios are from different scurces. CA range of published data. .] 1 \\ )
- 1
~ o l 1 m 1y h \\.
l l Table S. Data Deck for Atmospheric Dispersion and Ground Depostion i Card Parameter Parameter Numbers Name Identification Units Type Format ] 3 1 LOPT Option 1 None Integer ([0 or 1 Integer 6Il0 LORT Option 2 None 0 or 1 c LOST Option 3 None Integer f0 or 1 d LOFT Option 4 None Integer (0 or 1 LON1' Option 5 None Integer [0 or 1 LOOT Option 6 .None Integer (0 or 1 2 PRA Designated plume rise Meters Fixed Point 7F10.1 for Pasquill category A PRB Designated plume rise Meters Fixed Point m for Pasquill category B { a 0ption for stopping the program after printing a table of ccncentrations in air at ground level and the rates of deposition on ground surfaces for each radionuclide for each of the 400 grid squares, b0ption for stopping the program after printing a table as above except that the listed values are for each of 16 compass directions from the nuclear facility for each of 20 specified distances (1DIST values) from the facility. C 0ption to list plume center.line values instead of sector-averaged values for either option 1 or 2. d Option for estimating pitane rise by Briggs' equation for buoyant plumes. ' Option for estimating plume rise by the equation,f Rupp et al. fcr momentum-type emissions.
- ption to designate a spacific plume rise for each of the seven Pasquill atmospheric 0
stability categories (A-G). a j Ei
) l Table 5. Data Deck for Atmospheric Dispersion and Ground Deposition (contd) I Card Parameter Parameter i ? Nisnbers flame Identificction Units Type Forma t l 1 l i PRC Designated plume rise Meters Fixed Point for Pasquill Category C PRD Designatad plume rise Meters Fixed Point for Pasquil; :=tegory D l PRE Designated plume rise Meters Fixed Point for Pasquill category E 1 PRF Designated plume rise Meters Fixed Point for Pasquill category F 4 i S i PRG Designated plume rise Meters Fixed Point for Pasquill category G 3 PLBN North Plant Boundary Meters Fixed Point 4F10.1 PLBW West Plant Boundary Meters Fixed Point PLBS South Plant Doundary Meters Fixed Point PLBE East Plant Doundary Meters Fixed Point 4 NADEC19 Internal test for trititan None Alphameric 2A8 in nuclide list h NADEC2 Internal test for 131 I in nuclide list SNADEC1 = H-3 hNADEC2 = l-131 M,e 1ma _ = wme-n"mv6xv3<***:mbee** N
l I Table 5. Data Deck for Atmospheric Dispersion and Ground Depo:.ition (contd) o g Card Parameter Parameter Numb,ers Name Identification Units Type Format i 5-7 IDIST 20 distances from the Meters Integer 8110 l facility for use with l option 2 l 8-12 NaMNUC Nuclide name (up to 36) None Alphameric 8A8 ~ 13-39 REL Up to 36 release rates pCf/sec Floating Point 8E10.3 of the above nuclides for 1 to 6 stacks l 40 NUMST. Number of stacks (up to 6) None Integer 110 41 PERD 16 frequencies of wind None Fixed Point 16FS.3 i direction (counterclockwise, starting with wind toward north) I 42-48 UDCAT Reciprocal-averaged wind Meters /sec Fixed Point 16F5.2 speeds. One card for each I Pasquill atmospheric sta- } bility category fmm A 1, through G k IThe reciprocal wind speeds for each of 16 wind directions (numbered counterclockwise starting at 1 for the wind blewing toward due north) are averaged. The reciprocal of this average value for each wind direction is the reciprocal-averaged wind spe?d for that direction. Reciprocal-averaged wind speeds are less than true average values.
Table 5. Data Deck for Atmospheric Dispersion and Ground Deposition (contd) Card Parameter Parameter Numbers Name Identification Units Type Format 49-55 UDAV True average wind speeds Meters /sec Fixed Point 16F5.2 (as above for UDCAT) O 56 TA Average air temperature K Fixed Point F10.1 in area S U 57 TGE Vertical temperature K/ meter Fixed Point F10.4 gradient of air for Pasquill category E k 58 TGF Same as above, but for 'K/ meter Fixed Point F10.4 category F 3 I 59 TGG Same as above, but for 'K/ meter Fixed Point F10.4 category G 60 PH Physical height of each* Meters Fixed Point 6F10.1 stack (up to 6) 51 DIA Inside diameter of each Meters Fixed Point 6F10.1 stack (up to 6) JA conservative value (f.e., one producing a small pltne rise) of 0.0728 has been used in j AIR 30S computer runs. A less conservative value may be used if desired. kA conservative value or 0.1090 has been used in AIRDOS RUNS. See footnote j. IA conservative value of 0.1455 has been used in AIR 005 runs. See footnote h. l
Table 5. Data Deck for Atmospheric Dispersion and Ground Deposition (contd) Card Parameter Pa rameter Numbers Name Identifica tion Units Type Format 6h VEL Velocity of stack gases for Meters /sec Fixed Point 6F10.1 each stack (up to 6) 63 QH Heat release rate for Cal /sec Floating Point 6E10.2 each stack (up to 6) 64-79 FRAW Friction of time that each None Fixed Point 7F10.4 of the 7 Pasquill atmospheric stability categories (A-G) exists for each of the 16 wind directions (one card for each wind direction). The sum of g! values for each card is 1. 80 LIDA1 Average lid for area Meters Integer 'llo 81 SQSD Side of each grid of the Meters Fixed Point F10.1 400 square grid area 82 SQSD2 Side of each grid of a Meters Fixed Point F10.1 smaller 100 square grid area e i 9 g O O -e o I .... % a
i Table 5. Data Deck for Atmospheric Dispersion and Ground Deposition (contd) Card Parameter Parameter Numbers Name Identification Units Type Format 83-S'2 NSPTM0" Integers from 1 to 16 to None ' Integer 4012 l convert the 400 square grid centers to directions from the plant at the center' of the area 93 ALPH Blank card 94 NNUCS Number of nuclides None Integer IS 95-99 VG Gravitation fall velocity ) Meters /sec Fixed Point 8F10.3 for each nuclide (up to 36 D( "The following values listed as data card images must be used for NSPTMO: Card No. I 7777666655554444333377776666555544443333 2 7777766665544443333377777766655444333333 3 8877776665544433332288877776655443333222 4 8888877765543332222288888877655433222222 5 9988888876432222221199999999873211111111 6 999999991011151611: 1 1 1 1 1 9 910101010101011121415161616161616 1 1 l 7 10101010101011111213131415151616161616161010101010111111121313141515151616161616 l 8 10101011111111121213131414151515151616161010111111111212121313141414151515151616 l 9 11111111111112121213131414141515151515151111111111121212121313141414141515151515 10 11111111121212121313131314141414151515151111111112121212131313131414141415151515 h
Table 5. Data Deck for Atnospheric Dispersion and Ground Deposition (contd) Card Parameter Parameter Numbers Name Identification Units Type Format Deposition velocit Meters /sec Fixed Point 8F10.5 100-104 VD nuclide (up to 36)y for each 105-109 SC Scavenging coefficient for Sec"I Floating Point 8E10.3 each nuclide (up to 36) Day-I Floating Point 8E10.3 Radioactive decay (constantup to 36) 110-114 ANLAM for each nuclide 115 RR Rainfall rate Inches / year Fixed Point F10.2 M j e l l M
Table 6. Data Deck for Statistical Description of Area Parameter Parameter Card Identification Units Type Format Numbers Name l Number of beef cattle in each None Integer 1615 1-25 N0BCT of 400 grids 26-50 NOMCT Number of dairy cattle in each None Integer 1615 of 400 grids E$ 51-55 INTFC Flag to denote whether each Hone Intege' 8011 grid is primarily used for producing vegetable crops (1 for yes. O for no) 56-105 INTPA Human population in each of Hone Fixed point 8F10.1 400 grids None Integer 4012 106-115 INTWA Flag to denote whether each grid is a water area (1 for~ yes,Oforno) e e G Onee weeseewe-
i Table 7. Data Deck for Parameters Used to Estimate Inhalation Doses and Doses Resulting from Submersion in Water ) Card Parameter Parameter Numbers Name Identification Units Type Format a 3 1 8RTHRT Breathing rate of man em /hr Fixed point 3FIO.3 b DILFAC Dilution factor for swimming om C USEFAC Fraction of time spent None swinning aA value of 0.833E6 is the accepted value. bA value of 152.4 cm (5 ft) is used for the water depth of a home swimming pool for dilution of radionuclides depositing on the pool surface. The deeper water of a lake or municipal pool would result in greater dilution and smaller submersion doses. CA value of 0.01 has been used in AIRD05 computer runs. e t i G
- 4 % 4e w e nom m og,_
y e m e.. e.,. e.e ..e.. e. a
j Table 8. Data Deck for the Radionuclide-Independent Parameters Used for the Terrestrial Model I Parameter Parameter Recomended Card j Numbers' Name Identification Units Type "ormat Valuesa I i 1 A Soil surface required to Meters Fixed point 10F8.4 0.1E4 furnish food crops for one man 2 l ASUCG Pasture area per cow Meters 0.1ES 2 DSUBF Dry weight areal density of Kg/ meter 0.1E0 man's above-surface food W 2 DSUBG Dry weight areal grass Kg/ 0.15E0 density 1 SMALLD Depth of plow layer Cm 0.2E2 D1 Dietary correction factor hone 0.25E0 for above-surface food D2 Dietary correction factor None 0.1El for uptake from soil D3 Dietary correction factor None 0.1El for beef D4 Dietary correction factor None 0.1El for milk m __ J
1 Table 8. Data Deck for the Radionuclide-Independent Parameters Used for the Terrestrial Model (contd) Card Parameter Parameter Recommended Numbers Name Identification Units Type Fonmat Valuesa 2 KSUBB Rate of increase of steer kg/ day Fixed point '10F8.4 0.4E0 muscle mass MSUBB Muscle mass of steer at kg 0.2E3 slaughter 3 RHO Soil density 9/cm 0.14E1 S1 Fallout correction factor None 0.1ED gg for above-surface food 52 Fallout correction factor None 0.9E0 for soil surface below food $3 Fallout correction factor None 0.1El for pasture TAUBEF Fraction of beef herd None 0.381E-2 slaughtered per day TAUMLK Transfer rate of milk day'I 0.2El from udder TAUBM Beef consumption of man kg/ day 0.3E0 er k
Table 8. Data Deck for the Radionuclide-Independent Parameters Used for the Terrestrial Model (contd) Card Parameter Parameter Recoernended Numbers' Name Identification Units Type Fonnat Valuesa TAUCM Milk consumption of man liters / day 0.1El 3 TAUES Transfer rate--above-day *I Fixed point 10F8.4 0.495E-1 surface food to soil surface TAUGR Transfer rate--pasture day *I 0.495E-1 grass to pasture soll u TAUPD Transfer rate--soll pool day *I 0.1096E-3 ~ to soil sink TAURD Transfer rate--pasture day *I 0.1096E-3 soil to soil sink TAURG Transfer rate--pasture day *I 0.274E-4 soll to pasture grass TAUSP Transfer rate--soil day *I 0.6931E-3 surface to soil pool 0 Milk capacity of udder liters 0.55El V Vegetable food consump-kg/ day 0.25E0 tion of man w.. _. m. -. _ A A
Table 8. Data Deck for the Radionuclide-Independent Parameters Used for the Terrestrial Model (contd) Ca rd Parameter Parameter Reconnended Nunbers Name Identi fication Units Type Format values 8 VSUBC Grass consumption of cow kg/ day 0.1E2 VSUBH Hilk production of cow liters / day 0.11E2 4 PFIV Dose reduction factor for fixed ki I (vegetable food) none point F10.2 5 PFIC Dose reduction factor for fixed '"! (milk) none point F10.'e 6 PFIB Dose reduction factor for fixed I (beef) none. point F10.2 a Most of the recommended values are from reference 4 of this report, but some values have been l changed to reflect more recent data found in the literature. i I 5 { k ? i i m. m_ _,J t
l Table 9. Data Deck for Each Radionuclide Card Parameter Parameter Numbers Name Identif. cation Units ' Type Format l NUMORG Number of organs None Integer Il0,4E10.3 i LAMRR Radioactive decay constant day'I Floating point 3 CFSBA Dose conversion factor for rems-cm Floating point submer:, ton in air pC1-hr 3 CFSBW Dose conversion factor for rems-cm Floating point submersion in Water DCi-hr CFSUR Dose conversion factor for rems-cm_g Floating point u" surface exposure DC1 -h r. I 2 CSUBB" Concentration of element in ppm Floating point 8E10.3 ceat a CSUBP Concentration of element in ppm forage a CSUBS Concentration of element in ppm soil l FSUBM" Fraction of isotope ingested days / liter l by a cow and secreted i LAME' Turnover rate of stable iso-day'I I tope in man 3, 9 I a w,-. a s ..,.,. mme. ~.. -- " ~ ' - " " " " " " " ' ' ~ ~ ' " " " ' ' ~ ' ~
? Table 9. DataDeckforEachRadionuclide(contd) Card Parameter Paran.eter Numbers Name Identification Units Ty,ne Format I a CSUBBB Concentration of the element ppm in man a MSUBEQ Equilibrium mass of stable grams element in soil from surface to depth of pic4 layer a TAUEXC Excretion rate of stable day-I isotope from muscle of steer g a 3 LAMSUR Envirorrnental decay constant-- day-I Floating point 2E10.3 l surface m* i LAMH20 Environmental decay constant-- day-I # 8 water aReconenended values for these parameters for specific radionuclides have been complied from l literature sources oy John P. Witherspoon. ORNL Environmental Sciences Division. l. I c I i 9 O g e .m. a_m._mm hJ- - " " ^ ^-
- ' ^
^ - -
Table 10. Data Deck for Each Organ for Each Radionuclide Card Parameter Parameter Numbers Name Identification Units Type Format I NAMORG Name of organ None Alphameric A8,E12.3,E10.3 a b CFINHA Dose conversion factor rems /pci Floating point for inhalation b CFINGA Dose conversion factor rems /pci Floating point for ingestion ihe names of the organs must be left justified, i.e., started in column 1, and must be a i punched exactly as follows: TOT. BODY, for whole body, GI~ TRACT, BONE THYROID, LUNGS, MUSCLE, XIDNEYS, LIVER, SPLEEN. TESTES, OVARIES. Whole body'(TOT. BODY) must be included for each radio-nuclide, and it must always be the first organ deck. Any other organ decks can be randomly sequenced. binternal dose conversion factors for each reference organ for each radionuclide can be ob-tained by use of the INREM conputer code (reference 14 this report). I l l h, MNMdI#.h NMdl M UUf = UU
36 i for a large source tern. Any radionuclides for Rich such a detailed output listing is desired should be placed among the first three in the nuclide data listing. The options available in AIRDOS are specified on the first data card (Table 5, card 1), and they are defined in footnotes 1-6 in Table 5. i The options are irpcsed by the use of the integer 1 in the appropriate card colu,n;. the option is not imposed if the column is left blank. Option 2 can be selected only if option 1 is selected. Opt'on 3 (for center line values) should be used only with options 1 or 2. Only one option should be chosen from among options 4, 5, and 6 for plume rise estimates. If option 6 is selected, plume rise values for each of the Pasquill atmospheric stability categorias are specified by tne user on the second data card (Table 5, card 2). Plant boundary distances specified in Table E, card 3 are used only for estimating the highest individual doses in the area. Doses which may be received inside the plant area are not computed for this purpose. The paraneter 50SD2 (Table 5, card 82) is the length of the side of each grio of a scall 10 by 10 grid area surrounding the plant to cbtain high reso!ution for estirating the highest individual doses in the area, which are likely to be received near the plant. Whereas the side of each grid of tne large 20 by 20 square grid area (5050) may be 8000 meters in length, fer exarple, a realistic grid size for Sf!SD2 might be 600 rvters or less. e s /
37 ACK!DWLEDGMENTS Many members of the ORitt Environmental Sciences Division contributed in various ways to the developcent of AIRDOS. Stephen V. Kaye, Charles J. f Barton, Paul S. Rohwer, and John P. Witherspoon were particularly h'elpful in defining the objectives of the code with respect to applications in the United States Plowshare Program, the ORNL Cumulative Exposure Index (CUEX) Project, and environmental inpact statements. 'A part of a computer program written for the terrestrial model of R. S. Booth, S. V. Kaye., and.P. S. Rohwer was incorporated into AIRDCS. Subroutines used in AIRDOS for ccnputing plume depletion resulting from dry deposition of radionuclide particulates were written by D. E. Dunning, a University of Tennessee student participant during the swrner of 1973. His contributions are gratefully acknowledged. Parts of a general CUEX computer code written by J. Charles Garvin, an undergraduate student at Ohio Wesleyan University participating in the Great Lakes Colleges Association (GLCA) science semester (September-December 1972) at ORNL were incorporated into AIRDOS. Mr. Garvin's logical approach to computer programming of dose and dose commitment calculations proved invaluaole during developr:ent of AIRD05. Practical application of AIRDOS would not have been possible withovt the availability of realistic parameters for the radionuclides released from nuclear facilities. John P. Witherspoo1 compiled most of these para.neters through comprehensive literature tearches and data analysis. Larry R. McKay constructed data lists of internal int external dose conversion factors for radionuclides used in AIRD15 applications, and anal zed their parent-daughter relationships to ersure the validity of dose estimates. em ,.m,.w +
38 REFERENCES 1. R. E. Moore and C. J. Barton, Progress Report on Radiological Safety of Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Explosives: Prelininary Equations and Cocputer Techniques for Estimating and Controlling Tritium Doses from Nuclearly Stimulated Natural Gas, ORNL-TM-3755 (June 1972). 2. R. E. Moore and C. J. Barton, Dose Estimations for the Hypothetical Use of Nuclearly Stimulated Natu'ral Gas in the Cherokee Steam Electric Station. Denver, Colorado, ORNL-TM-4026 (October 1973). ~. S. V. Kaye et al., " Environmental Hazards Studies," Environ-ental Sciences Div. Annu. Progr. Rep. Sept. 30, 1973, OPAL-4935, p. 1. 4. R. S. Booth, S. V. Kaye, and P. S. Rohwer, "A Systems Analysis Methodology for Predicting' Dose to Man from a Radioactively Ct,ntami-nated Terrestrial Environment," Proceedings of the Third National Sympositn on Radioecology, May 10-12, 1971, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, D. J. Nelson, Ed., CONF-710501, pp. 877-893. 5. F. Pasquill, Meteorol. Mag. g. 1063(1961). 6. F. A. Gifford, Jr., "Use of Ro' tine Meteorological Ot;ervations for u Estimating Atmospheric Dispersion," Nuclear Safety 2(4),47(1961). 7. Air Resoui:es Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Oak Ridge. Tennessee. I 8. G. A. Briggs, P1tre Rise, AEC Critical Review Series, TID-2S075 (Noverter 1968). 9. A. F. Rupp, S. E. Beall, L. P. Bornwasser, and D. H. Johnson, Dilu-tion of Stack Gases in Cross Winds, USAEC Report AECD-1811(CE-1620), Clinton' Laboratories (1948). i O e e s.4 ee
39 10. D. Bruce Turner, Workbook of Atmosoheric Dispersion Estimates, National Air Pollution Control Adninistration. Cincinnati, Ohio (Revised 1969). 11. D. H. Slade (ed.), l'eteorolooy and Atomic Energy--1968 U. S. Atomic Energy Cox,ission/ Division of Technical Infonnation (July 1968). 12. D. E. Dunning, Jr., flSF-ORNL Undergraduate Research Participant from the University of Tennessee, Sumer 1973. 13. D. K. Trubey and S. V. Kaye, The ETREM III Computer Code for Estimatinn External Radiation Doses to Populations from Environrental Releases. ORNL-Tft-4322 (December 1973). 14. W. D. Turner S. V. Kaye, and P. S. Rohwer, EXREM an'd INREM computer Codes for Estimating Radiation Doses to Populations from Construction of a Sea-Level Canal with fluclear Explosives, Union Carbide Corporation Report K-1752 (September 1968).
- 15. Bernd Kahn ei. al., U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Radiation Programs, National Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, supplied the measured concentrations.
- 16. Carl V. Gogolak', Comparison of Measured and Calculated Radiation Exposures from a Boiling Water Reactor Plume USAEC Report HASL-277 (Septe-ber 1973) and personally comunicated meteorological data for use in AIRD05.
17. J. Sedlet N. W. Golchert, and T. L. Duffy, Environmental Monitoring at Arconne fiational Laboratory: Annual Report for 1973, AHL-8078 (March 1974). 18. H. Moses and M. A. Bogner, Fifteen-Year Climatolooical Sumary, January'1,1950 - December 31, 1964 USAEC Report A'll-7084 (September 1967). O
APPENDIX Listing of the AIP,005 computer code i 1
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- t t X**D l /Fl *UDI TVALv0 40 0004 IA=1,IAF ZA=(IA-1)*103 i ci t.5
- E t t i l V Gt I I* X 1/Ul+ Z A+H t Jll /(( X* *D B/Fl l **211.GT. 50l/ Aten I F i l.5
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- 211 +
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- QHI J i l /( U* S i l * *0.3 3 3 3 3
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- IAF=lAF A=.6J42 r=1./33 I F( X.t E.100001 A=. 854 I F ( X.L E.10000 3 C= 9. 3 3 3 IF(X.LF.10001A=.9733 I F ( X.L F.1000 3 C = 21.2 8 D =.1 10 6
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- Uni TVAL*O D1 600 5 I A= 1, I /.F Z A=( IA-11 *100 I F( f.5 *(( (( ( VG( I I*X1/Ul*Z A+HIJi l / (( X**D1/Fi l** 21).GT.531d AL=0 i
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- 2 3 3 +
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- Al/C l*L IDieunt J
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- A I /C i l * *218 inTA=1.0 O C 2 71 Jf A= 1,12 271 f ilT A =A NUL T ( Jf k l + TOT A FMAC= TOTA /9.
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- F T *FkF
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t 58 l l 3005 00 3 Jo e ! = 1, N NUC 5 l tST4tl.NO,Kdl=TAltil*1.E-6 F 5f a Gi l e.C,hR l =T Go t t l* 1.E-4 . 006 r 3071 C O'JT INUF 3070 C'IN T IN UE IFILWuh.CO.1)G'l TO 1072 $53 C CN T INur $52 C ON T INUF 30 72 C W4 T IN UL f r(LkUN.f y.01",0 TO 305C I F (L O4 T.L U. t l.0 TC 7997 45350*(15050**21*400.8/1.F6 delfrt$g,3ag) aplirtS1,3011 a81TE(51,$J003 SOUJ F CWF if ('J ',T 35,' NOTF-THF AwF A SuaacuNnINe, THF PL ANT 1 % A t Ju gw r 14ITH AN ANCA'l d81 t f( St,50011 A SQ50 5001 &IRMAT(' ', T 3 5, ' 0F ', F 7.1,11, ' 54U Ap r n!L LHET F RS WI T't THr SLANr Lqrs 1TED AT THE CENTFR.8) ea g T C ( 51, 5002 3 ',0P2 F.7mM Al l ' ',T33 'THF SQUADF Aart 15 ALIGfik7 Duc N1kTH-50JT*I Af;O rJ5 IT-wiST. TFE*) 40lTEISt, 500115050 5003 r qo 1 AT ( * ',T 35,' 400 SPALLER SgqApps,,wulCH AuF 5 Aree ',87.1.1X,eurt Ites h A SIDE 'l aagTE(51,50048 5004 FORMAT (* 8,T15,*Arr IDF NT if l((s BY rqL J"*a ANO O 14. r SLUS?'t tr8 Nuwa lE8F.0 Feum'l walTF(St,50051 $ 0.'s F OMM A T ( * *,T 35e'l Tn FC F POM W ST T3 EAST. p345 Apr aceprern rois il Tu 70 F ot:1' l d91ThtSt 50065 50Jr. r qoM AT ( * ',715,'5CUTH TC NOPfot.'l I F IL OP T.t a.13 41 TG 7997 s e Au t po,,56) ( (NORCTi ! Ji, J 1. 2al.I =1,20 3 550 t r,ga A T ( g o l 31 4 t A9( $3,5 5 7)( (NUNCT( I,Ji, Js t,?J) I= 1,201 Shi 69R* AT ( tu l5 8 d F ADi > C.1 C11118 t *4TF C i l, Jl J= 1,201,1 = 1,701 1001 5 0KM Af t80118 W F AUl5 C,1002 8 (IINYP Al l,Ji,Ja l.20l el a!,203 1002 F Oo4 AT (MF 10.1) 8 F 4 7 t S O,5 581 ( ( IN T w A t t, J), Jit,2 01,1 = 1,70 3 53r r )RM Af t 40121
- FAD 10,*PTHAT.DILFAC.USEFAC 10 F.1k" AT ( S F 10.11 wrAD 150, A.ASURG,050er n5uPG,guALLO,01,n/,D),74 I
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- 1. T oa,
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- FOR Fr00 CRDPS--0= NJNF Up MINIMAL ann to 5000 Con 19 5 P40CUCED's apITE(St,12061 1203 EqRMAT(' 8,T20,'FOR WATFR APF AS--0= N )NF 00 MINI 4 A1 AND 1= #AJ30 4 1 ATE 4 AREA PRE SEN T'l PHIN T d71 A71 & G Aw AT (* 1', T 36,' Ll5T OF IAPUT VALUES FOR P ADl 0NU;L I DF-INOF P P49FNT tv ARI ABLE5'l P41N T add,hNUCS odd F ORM AT (' O ', T13,'.4UM9 F4 0F HUCLI DES CnN5 tnEP Fn',T110, T 128 PRINT 8 81,BR THR T 631 84RN AT ('0 8,T 13,' thMALATION RATE OF M AN (CUMIC CFNT IM*TERS/Hel',
1711U.E ll. 41 ?RINT 883,DILF AC 883 F 0dM Af t'O',T13,' DILUT l0N F ACT OR FOR W AT FR FOR SWIwmING (CNI',T110, 1512.41 PRINT d8,,U5EFAC 884 F ORM AT ('3 ',713, ' FW AC T I FN OF TI ME 5p ENT Sd lWM ING', T 110,F 12.41 PRIN T 903 A 900 8 0nM AT ('O',T13,' 50ll SUkF ACF ARF A D EJulNFO in. FURNISH ramp Canas F I tbR b h[ MA N ( 50U ANE ME TE R518,T110,E 12.41 pRIN T 901 e A5UBG , T 13,, P 457 UP F. A RF A PE R C9W (50U Apr METF8 5 3',7110,f12 41 I ORw AT (' u',05UHF 901 i PRIN T 502 902 6 nRw AT ( *u ', T 13,8 0RY WF IGHT ARE AL. 0E NSITY OF M ANS A00VE-5Ja F APE ren tr (x Gb PE R SQUARE METERl',T110,F12.41
- R IN T 903,DSUSG I
901 F ORM AT ('J ', T 11,' DRY-WF IGH T AP F AL G0 455 nFN5 f f V (%G5 PF0 50UsoF wST 1Ept',T110,I12.41 point 904,5MALLD 904 F OR M Af t 'd ',T 13,'nE PTH OF FLOW LAyrd ( CM I ',T 110, F 12.4 5 PolN T 904,K5URS 909 F ORM AT ('d e, y g 3, en ATF 05 I NCRF A5F OF STFF4 MUSCLE MASS (K; P ER DAYS l',T i to E 12.41 P RIN T 910,M SUR9 910 & CRw AT (8 J', T1),' MUSC LE MA SS Or 5T EE R AT S LAU GH T F R (KGl', T 115, Fl 2 4 it i P o tN T Slt,R'la a l
1 i 60 ~ 911 r ukP AT ('J ', T13,8 5UIL OF NS ITY (GR AMS PER CUBIC CCNTIMFirRl',T 119,I 1 12.48 oplNT 912.51 912 F0d'4 AT('J'e T13,' F Al. LOUT C rdRFC TION f tCTOR FOR 461VC-SueFACf roari,, 1 T 110,[12 4 8 p ol4 T 413,52 913 '.1RF AT ( 8 J',713, ' F ALL Cut CORRFCTION FACTOR F04 iqll SueF Af s a rt %, r ' t -J t to ', T 11J, F 12. 4 8 p u!N T 414,5J 914 F ORu AT ('O', T13, s r ALLnUT COMRFCTION FACT 08 F O u PASTueF',T11 0,t l?.43 i PRINT 915,T AUBE F 'st b FI'RM AT ('J ',T 13,8 F W ACT ICN CF BEEF HE RD SL AUGHT FR F1 PF o n Aye,v g gq,r g 12.48 P RIN T 916, T 4UMLK 41u r Mw AT (8 0',T 13,' TR ANSF E R kATE OF MILK FkCW U30FR (P'N O AY l e, T i t o, r s 112.48 PE1NT 411,T AURM 417 F O AM AT (
- J ', T 13,' d FF F C rNS U'iPfl 0N OF P AN ( MG/ n av i', T 110,C l ?. 41 p PIN T 918, T AUCH 91r F Cp* AT ('J',T13,' MILK r CNSUMPTION OF M AN ( LI T F RS /14Y l',T 110, F12.41 P u !N T 919,T AUh5 919 couM Af t '0 ',T 13, e TR ANSF F R RATE--AR9VE-SURFACF Fqn) To SOlt %tler4Lr 1(DE9 O AY l ', T 110, E 12.41 l
P R i f, T G2),TAUGR 93 c F Ir M AT ('J ',113,' TD ANSF E R R ATF--P ASTUR E Go 455 T 0 845TURT (PIL (OFD 11 AY l ', T 11 's. r 12.41 PRIN T 42),T AUPO 921 r1NM AT ('J ', T 13,810 ANST E R RATF--50lt PonL TP 5,0ll SINE ( P8 0 Q AYl',7 11 LU, rt2 4 8 PPINT $22, T AU8.1 98/ C OM4 AT (' u',713,' T R ANC F FR R ATE--PAST uaE Sn!L TO ELIL 514% 4 age aang l',T 110,F 12 41 P3thi 9/J,T AUE G 923 f new AT (' J ', Tl ), ' TR AN SF F R e ATF--P AST UR
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- RINT C2Te v5USC 977 F f'R M A T ( ' :D,71),ebp%55 CCNSUMPTION OF COW (KG/ U AYl e, T i t o, r 17.41 P olN T 424, /5U94 92n r0EM AT ('0 8, T 13,' MILK ## DD UC TION OF COM (L I T ER $ / 0AY l',T 113, r t 2.41 l
TPJP=0 TNOSCT=0 T N':MCT =0 T59VG=0 00 400 2 NUs!,20 nn go3 3 yp 1.20 " PJPa l N TP AI NO aNR l
- T PC#
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- 7. t.Ut4= ( T h WVG * ( 50 5 D *
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- 03 C O*4M Ks T AU CH
- T P1P A NUMCT =TNCMC T O RfM Ks V509M* A N3MC T I F i C01MK. GT.P 41*K 104= t PMNPK /ColaK 3
- D4 T Aw & C= 75s VG*( 5150 *
- 21 PA%'C=(TSCVG/400.l*1GO.
YCa dwK3CU AwK* Jos. Y Pd NwK= PP AMK* 365. pFCYan5U4F*TARFC C FC Ya s PCP *V
- J65.
a C l TE( 5. 4004) 40C4 F 02F AT (, g e, ygg,,(pppVTF D VALUIS F04 THE APFA'l mRITFl>1,40053TPOP 9 06b r CRw AT ( 8 J ', T 13, ' TOT A L PCOHL A T!9N',T 110, F12 11 WRITE (51,4006)TNL9CT ,JJo T Caw AT ('O', T13,8 TOTAL NUM PT4 3F BEE F CATTLE ', T113,I12) wn!TE(51,400TITNrwCT 40C7 rok% AT(so ', T 13, ' tdt A L t.uMRE k CF MILE CA T TLF ',7111,112 ) wwifr(51,40solTARFC
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&Ple,ggggett,gi wHITF(51,401dlTKGACA 4010 r oA*. AT ('O', T13, ' TOT A L nEF F CONSUMpT ION (KG PFW V54PI',T11",r12.41 W R I T E ( 51,4011 ) T NG 8P A
- 011 F :loM AT ( 80 8, T 13,' TOT A L 4EF F DP '170C Ti ny (KG PF0 YF421',T111.F17.49 w W I T L ( 51, 4 4012 F fhM AT ('J,012 3 YC,ONM K
,,g3, TOTAL Wilt CONSUMPT I ON (LITFRS/YF API'efitD,812.41 d'ITEf51,40131ypasuK 4015 F'IA.4 AT ('C ', T 13,' TOT A L w!L K PPCnUCTION (LITFRS/YFAtle,ygg3,cg2.43 upITF(51,401*lCrcy 4014 F s)PM AT (' 3', T13,' tnt AL VCGF T AHLF F070 C9N50*PT f 0N (MG prp ycAo3, !T i to t 12.41 WP I T E l b!,4U 13 t PF C Y 4 015 F 0r>1 AT I'0 ', T 13,' TCT A L VEGE T ADLE F nn3 PR0 nUC ro (KG PCc yF ae l e,' t s o, IF 12.41 P R IN T 90>,01 905 FORM AT (' O', T13,' OtET ARY CnRP FCTION F ACT C4 f nR A p1v F-SU* Fr.C r rn tie, 1T110,112.43 PPI4T 900,02 %00 he4
- AT ( *J ',T 13
'G if f A PY C rapF CTION F ACTS 1R F90 tlPTAKr Fopw $0ll',Tl 110.F14 45 PRill 407.03 107 F dRW AT (' 3',Y13,' 0IE T ARY C CWkFC T ION F ACT PW F OR AFS F 8, T!!O, c t 2.4 3 aof97 ',U ), t14 90s F tigw Af f 'u ',TJ 3,'D ir T AD Y C rrPFC TI JN F ACTHN 60d MIt K',Y 110er gy,43 C Cl?.To IOUTICN OF 5'O YE ARS EXP05Ukr T= 142bJ. 1, NNUCS no 100 I = r t e ( l l
62 AMAN =J 2 F AO 20,NuMOWG,L AMR2,C E SS A, CF SM W,CF 5'JR 2a r 0R* AT t i t J,4F 10.31 READ $O, C SUd3,C50d P.C 5JBS, F SUPP.L A't E,r5033 A.H5Jnr o, T Au s c 30 rOgMAftst10.3)
- E AD 175, L A M5ua,L AMH?r 175 F ORM all2L 10 5)
- 1. NUMnkG nn 2C3 J
= eFAD 4de '14MORG t J ),Cr ieH At J ),CF ING A t J 3 40 F 0WM Af t A3,t t2.3,F 10. il 700 C ONT IN UE l TDCTCC=0 i T wC T GC s0 TVCA=0 A W A K =!l TT44=3 T AVG CN = 0 P olN T 92)S,N AMf4UC t li 425) F ORM AT l'I ', T 42,'P F 50L T S OF 005 E COM PUTrilotas Fop NUCLInE ',4.41 ddITFI51,301) PdlNT 9256 .,7 5c r ogw AT l'J e, T 15, ' Apr a ',T 26,'Oo r. AN.T 60, e ngg$p yggnjgp pacg pregwgy g luf*S/YEAwI'l PklNT s?st 9 ? 57 f JPw Al t ' J ', T i t,' COLUMN', T 20,' enw l e d p I TF t 51, 3011 PRINT S259 92 39 r q g af (
- 0', T 4c... g ranat gr g os,T 55, ' Sun 4Cksilva', T 70, ' % so F Ar t e,7 45, l ' INGF 5 T lit.48, T 100, ' SUP MF 0 510N ',7117,, T OT AL * )
PQiN1 926u 12 t.0 * *1E M AT l ' ', 7 5 7, ' IN A I R ',T 69, ' 8. x 00 50 RF ', T102,
- lN d A T F R
- l
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- 1.r -6* R76C.
i 6 CCNCH = t CCNh/ t L AMR 8* 1 157 4C-5 +L AM SUR* t.15 74 C-S i l* ll.t-6*8Fo0. G CJN Cw = GC ONC't G CONLr.t a v50vtJ t L awn pe t.t S74F-5 +L AMSUR* l.157 4F-Si t
- 1.F-6. p yg,n.
C 4Ce1NCp = t t lavbCMC+ AVGCMC l/ 2.1/ tL AMRR *l.15 74F-5 +L A4 5tto* 1.15 7% -Sil
- l 11.C-A* d760.
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- 1 0-6* 98 T HR T
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