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To Application to Amend Ol,Changing Tech Specs to Enhance Radiological Effluent & Environ Monitoring
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/13/1982
Shared Package
ML20062N069 List:
NUDOCS 8208200297
Download: ML20062N076 (3)


EKHIBIT A Prairie Ieland Nuclear Generating Plant Docket Nos. 50-282 50-306 Revision 1 to License Amendment Request dated June 1, 1979 Proposed Changes to Technical Specification Appendix A of Operating License Nos. DPR-42 DPR-60 Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59 and 50.90, the holders of Operating Licenses DPR-42 and DPR-60 hereby propose the following changes to Appendix A, Technical Specifications.

PROPOSED CHANGES Revise the Appendix A Radiological Effluent and Radiological Environmental Monitoring Technical Specifications as shown in Oxhibit B.

REASON FOR CHANGES These changes are being proposed at the request of the NRC Staff. They are needed to implement the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I, and 40 CFR Part 190.

Guidance for the preparation of these proposed changes was included in a.

letter, dated November 15, 1978, from Mr. Brian Grimes, Assistant Director for Engineering and Pro ects, Division of Operating Reactors, USNRC.

s Included with this letter were model radiological effluent Technical Specifications, " Draft Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for PWR's", NUREG-0472, October, 1978. Additional guidance was provided at a Regional meeting in Chicago on November 28, 1978.

In June 1979 proposed Technical Specifications, an Offsite Dose Calcula-tion Manual (ODCM), and a Process Control Program (PCP) were submitted for NRC Staff review. Following a initial NRC Staff review in 1979, a meeting with the NRC Staff and their contractor, EG&G Idaho, in February,1982, and a number of followup discussions with our Project Manager in the Division of Licensing we have agreed to a number of changes in the Technical Specifications.

originally submitted. The ODCM and PCP's have also been revised to address NRC Staff and EG&G comments.

8208200297 820813 PDR ADOCK 05000282 p


The attached proposed Technical Specifications and ODCM and the PCP sub-mitted under separate cover include all of the changes discussed with the NRC Staff and EG6G representatives, including the changes to the NRC Model Technical Specifications contained in a memorandum from C A Willis and F J Congel dated May 19, 1982, " Summary of Draft Contractor Guidance of RETS."

SAFETY EVALUATION The proposed changes implement the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I, and 40 CFR Part 190.

They are being submitted at the request of the NRC Staf f and generally conform to the model technical specifications contained in NUREG-0472. When implemented, they will enhance the protection provided to the public by requiring adherence to the design objectives of Appendix I to be periodically verified with calculations using models approved by the NRC Staff.


EXHIBIT B License Amendment Request dated June 1, 1979 (Revised August 6, 1982)

Exhibit B consists of revised pages of Appendix A Technical Specifications as listed below:

Pages TS-i TS-lii thru TS-iv TS.1-7 thru TS.1-8 TS.3.9-1 thru TS.3.9-13 Figure TS.3.9-1-(new figure)

Figure TS.3.9-2 (new figure)

Table TS.3.9-1 (2 pages)

Table TS.3.9-2 (2 pages)

Table TS.4.1-1 (Page 4 of 5)

TS.4.10-1 thru TS.4.10-2 TS.4.10-3 (new page)

Table TS.4.10-1 (4 pages)

Tables TS.4.10-2 (2 pages)

Table TS.4.10-3 TS.4.17-1 thru TS.4.17-5 (new pages)

Table TS.4.17-1 (2 pages)

Table TS.4.17-2 (2 pages)

Table TS.4.17-3 (4 pages)

Table TS.4.17-4 (3 pages)

TS.6.2-3 thru TS.6.2-4 TS.6.2-6 TS.6.5-1 TS.6.5-3 thru TS.6.5-4 TS.6.7-2 thru TS.6.7-4 l

TS.6.7-6 thru TS.6.7-8 Figures TS.4.10-1 and TS.4.10-2 are deleted by these proposed changes u