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Petition to Intervene & Request for Hearing.States Interest, Standing & Issues to Be Litigated Re Impact of Unresolved Safety Matters,Adequacy of Radwaste Transportation & Results of Human Errors.Affidavits Encl
Person / Time
Site: Clinton  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/29/1980
From: Foy J, Samelson A, Schwart J
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8011060219
Download: ML20062J732 (7)


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    • * '"*!3 P7.C. MR74 , 'tc:et T.:s. 50-461, 5 -462

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.-: . . : = ._ . _ _:...-.. .n . a 7ne Petit.:.:ners, ppa. P*I Icl AN - , a en i.s :w. behalf ed en benalf cf i s ers, ard Sta. ley Elsasser, Pebee:a Elsasser, Oca ra Scruart, Jean Fcy, Caroline :*..eller, ed Alle.7 L* ulsen, acting on eai-cwn be .alf, as rurbers of Prairie A"f a .ca a-d hereby petitions ce

t:: lear Pegulatcry C:zrissica CGC) f:r leave to intervene in the ateve captioned ratter pursuant to Sectica 2.714 cf the h.C's Rules of Practice.



>-= 4 i a Alliance is a net-for-profit crgani:at.ica incer; crated

rder ce laws of i ncis and ccace=ed with nuclear pcwer and its relationship to the c:2r.r:ity r.d the er:viron:nent. Prairie Alliance was incor;cratai in 1977, and e.:rre .tly has app:cxirately 250 :neters. In 1979, Prairie Al"wce was an Sterve:r.: in Illinois C:merce C:2rissi n (I.C.C.) Decket Nc. 79-0071, Pequest for Change in F.lectric and Gas Rates, filed by -'1Nis Power Cc=a. y. Prairie P'w.ce is c=rently an '.ntervener in I.C.C. Occket No. 80-0544, Pequest for C's.nge in Elec=ical Fates, filed by Illinois Pcwer C y ny.

.ts: c' *>-*' d e Id' d w e's :nerbers lim, werk and cwn .py 35 riles cf the Clinten Power Staticns, Units 1 ard 2. Cperatica cf the Clinten Pcwer Staticn.s wi13. have an i pact en the health aM ecen:2=.c of the ne:ters of Prairie Alliance. ':1'rs, ce life, health aM livelihocxi cf Prairie Alliance ed its e s vill be affected by any

fer in unis gror'a*M~q.
2. Stanley "e= eve and re ecca Elsasser reside ard own pwf at 217 Zast yain, c'd ton, Illinois, af- r- *ately six niles west of the Pcwr Sta icr.s. Stanley and remecca Elsasser reside rd werk n eln ten - % of ee c" ::n Pcwer Station. "*ey are irvelved in =1=ral
  • rd so ~ ~1 activ--les :r. Deh'i:

_ C.r.:nr.', Illi.~.:is. ~ heir heal e , cwnership t pr~'er:y, nrn =d .Lfesri le w'li he . affe: ed ry 2.e 1::ensinq er =- :an= . P er 3 a = = s. gsoS 8 01106 0 2/ ff 6

2. 2 rra Sc.%?.r., Jer. y y, Car::hr.e =a- ed Alle . Srelsen are terrers c' o-+ -' = :.' ' =n-a ad 2:e c.d wars 1 ~ m'7-Cr:ana, Illi .cis, ar ..xirately 25 r.iles fr::r. ra r", ten der e-=-'-.s. O.eir health, c* r.ership tf proper f, werk, a::d life srf el 'c.11 Sa affec ed b/

em lice si .; cf ea " .e . P:wer Stations.

4. All cf ea indi*r.i:a1 Pe i ic .ers reside i . geographic w ' ' ty -

to da c" ten Power Station aM w.ll be a'fected by % '_th, safety, and e:re .. =.a.a1 irpacts of de -ten Pcwer Sta icns.

5. All of em Petitioners are const=ers of eier:rical ;cwer, food, aM agricultural products aM depend to a great extent upon natural resources, eWai'y lard ard waterused to produce food aM agricul :ral products which lie within the geographical area which will be adversely affectef by de licensing of the M'"~m Power Statien.
6. Based upon the interests aM the conce.~..s of the Petitioners identified above, cne cr =cre of these di.e interests of the Petitioners will be adversely affected by the issuance of any license or pe=it for the Clinttn Power Station. 24 ranner in which these interests will be affected are set fcrth in specific detail belcw:


1. Stervencr centends that ce App 1' ,t aM Pap 21aterf Staff have not adequately ass (ssed the irpact of de :n:rercus unresolved safety issues, in the Clinton Nuclear plant in cent.:nction with the eptine license applicatien. h hten systecs, s*: rue:ures aM w.e .ts were not backfitted to caet cu:: rent regulatory regirunen'a for adequate cmpliance wtth 10 CFR Part S0.109.
2. mtervencrs cr. tend that the Applicant and Pegulatcry Staff have not adeg:stely demonstrated that the trarw cf fuel and :=*ieive wastes to and fr:xr. the Clinton site will emply with D Cm Part 71.
3. htervencrs cr'. tend that the Applicant has not adegnately de::enstrated that the Clinten Peacter C::ntair:nent Systan eets the regire-
nents cf 10 CFR Part 50, A:pendix A, Criteria 4,1b, 50, 51, a~.'. 52.



4. 2te reners 0:ntr.d ce Arp%:r.: has not dete' :ei adecute e:qe-=e .sl da.a a-d peri:=ed e-'m - - :ssti .? : *:er'fy e.e ===taL-~ent design in acec"r.:e with rege.irements cf 10 CER part 50, Ap-+ v 3, 0:iteria III a-d Crataria E.
5. 2:erten:rs c:nrd . hat em Arplier.: ard Esculat:ry 5taff Pxte not adega.tely "a - .s- '
  • u - .at 2.e Iberge . 7 C re Cocli .g System (ECCS) f:: Clinten nee _s e.e req;ireen s of 10 Cm Part 50.46 rd 10 cm Part 50, Appe-dix K.
6. Ster /e crs -enterd that ce App'mt ard ry Staff have not de:rnstrated that the result of ht.ran errer has been exr.ined as rega. ired by 10 Cm Part 50, Appe. Mix A, Criteriens 19, 20, 22, ed 29.
7. Stan'e:crs centend cat the Applicant a.-d Begalatcry Suff have not adegately dmonstrated tha*. the Clinten nuclear system :neets ce requireme .ts of 10 CF.4 Pa t 50,1 9 pendi.x 4, General Design Criteria for Nuclear Pcwer Plants. .
6. II:terve . :s c=nterd that tra applier.t has =ct decc .strated that tM c"-t:n reacter utai::nent and sup;crting st uc ure of de pressure vessel eet the regair m ts of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, Criteria 4, lb, 30, & 51.
9. Intervencrs centend that Applicant has not yet develcped adequa.e ex;eriental data thrcugh in accerh.ce wid regairement cf 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix 3, Criteria III & n te assure the verificatica cf t?:e design tP cugh a properly c=ntrolled t ti.w pregrr
10. Inwr/ercrs :::enterd dat ce Applicant and Pegula: Ort Staff hase not adegaately derx:nstrated dat all cW*le er reasonably possible ac-*mt ne danis =s have been c=nsidered and included in the design base as req; ired by 10 CTR, Part 50, A~aW A, citeria 14, 31, and 35.

Iated N 6*7D362 /i ,Y' ' Respectfally suiritted, BY: .h- /?7. A*#.


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AFFIDAVIT RTC1DALL L. PLANT, being duly sworn on oath, states the following:

1. That he ic a resident of the city of Urbana, State of 3

l Illinois, and that his address is 401 South Busey Street, Urbana, Illinois, 61801;

2. That he is Chairperson of Prairie Alliance;
3. That he has consulted with the Board of Directors of Prairie Alliance and they have authori::ed him to sign this t

affidavit; and

4. That he has reviewed the representations contained in the Petition for Leave to InteNene, and that such representations are true and accurate to the best of his knowledge.

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r, p Randall L. Plant Prairie Alliance f} ie A c

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P.O. Box 2424 Station A

-%'  : :+f Champeign, Ill. 61820 s' .

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County of Champaign )

State of Illinois ss Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of October, 1980.

_ - - Nb Notary Public

AFFIDAVIT STANLEY ELSASSER, being duly sworn en oath, states the follcwing:

1. That he is a re:ident of the city of Clinton, state of Illinois, county of De Witt, and that his mailing address is 817 East fiain St.,

Clinton, Illinois 61727;

2. That he is employed at the Caterpillar Tractor Co., North 27th St.

and Pershing Rd., Decatur, Illinois 62520;

3. That the representations in the petition to intervene are true and correct to the best of his knowledge.

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STANLEYELS($3ER Subscribed and sworn to before me this twenty seventh day of October, 1980


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..ESEECA ELSASSER,being duly sworn en oath, states the following:

1. That she is a resident of the city of Clinton, state of Illinois, county of De Witt, and that her mailing address is 817 East Main St.,

Clinton, Illinois 61727;

2. That the representations in the petition to f ritervene are true and correct to the best of her knowledge.

f, hC,b--! ?.b,'k JL J A{h;AEi!SASSER C-C Y!

h Subscribed and swcrn to before me this twenty seventh day of October, 1980.

(io#2l Notary'Public

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