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Forwards Rev 0 to STP Restart Action Plan
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 10/25/1993
From: Adensam E, Beach A, Collins S
To: Milhoan J, Partlow J
Shared Package
ML20058C437 List:
NUDOCS 9312020461
Download: ML20058C460 (2)



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OCT 2 51993 I

l i

MEMORANDUM FOR: James L. Milhoan, Regional Administrator l

James G. Partlow, Associate Director for Projects j

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Samuel J. Collins, Director, Division of Reactor Safety FROM:

and STP Restart Panel Chairman A. Bill Beach, Director, Division of Reactor Projects Elinor G. Adensam, Assistant Director for Region -IV & V.

Reactors, Division of Reactor Projects III/IV/V Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT RESTART ACTION PLAN, REVISION 0 12, 1993, you agreed that NRC Inspection Manual Chapter 0350, " Staff On April Guidelines for Restart Approval," was applicable for the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station (STP) because of its extended shutdown and indications of serious deficiencies in licensee management effectiveness. The j

STP Review Panel assumed the role and responsibilities of the STP Restart l

Panel. The Panel developed this Restart Action Plan and submits it for your approval.

The Restart Action Plan status will be updated and issued approximately l

monthly by the Panel. Minor revisions may be made without seeking additional formal approval, but approval will be requested for any significant revisions.

l l

The Restart Action Plan consists of five parts (A through E). The first part,

" General," provides the purpose of the Plan and background information. The i

l second part, " Process," includes MC 0350 checklists of items to consider i

during the overall review process needed to coordinate the NRC authorization of STP restart. The third part, " Issues," includes MC 0350 checklists for assessment of broad issues to be considered prior to restart authorization.

l The fourth part, " Plant Specific Startup Issues," includes issues which must-l be resolved prior to the restart of either.STP unit. This list was developed from the Confirmatory Action Letter and its two supplements, the findings of i

the Diagnostic Evaluation Team, the Executive Director.for Operations staff actions memorandum following the Diagnostic Evaluation, the licensee's Operational Readiness Plan, the allegation process, and routine and special NRC inspection findings, including the Augmented Inspection Team. Each of I

these issues is, or will be, included in the licensee's list of restart i

issues. The fifth part, " Restart Inspections," lists the inspections planned j

in order to confirm the resolution of the restart issues.

l l

l l

9312020461 931122 PDR ADDCK 05000498 P


m g-+-ei

James L. Milhoan James G. Partlow a

The STP Review Panel, in its role as the STP Restart Panel, is responsible for the implementation of the approved STP Restart Action Plan.

i e

tLL ]0 L11wL I

Samuel J.iCollins, Director, Division of Reactor Safety l

j and STP Restart Panel Chairman




l sbTs Y Bill Beach Dirditof, Divis'iong6f Reactor Projects


du a du l

Elinor G. Adensam, Assistant Director for Region IV & V Reactors, Division of Reactor Projects lil/IV/V l

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation j

Appro d:


/M1//f.3 NN James L. Milh6an Date J; mes G. Partlow

.Da e l

Regional Administrator A!.sociate Director for. Projects-i l

Region IV Office of Nuclear Reactor. Regulation l


South Texas Project Restart Action Plan j

l cc w/ enclosure:

J. Milhoan, RIV J. Partlow, NRR T. Murley,' NRR _

S. Collins, RIV A. B. Beach, RIV E. Adensam, NRR W. Johnson, RIV W. Russell, NRR J. Roe, NRR D. Loveless, SRI, RIV L. Kokajko, NRR S. Black, NRR l

D. Chamberlain, RIV A. Howell, RIV J. Montgomery, RIV-l E. Imbro NRR P. Koltay, NRR

.J. Jacobson,-NRR A. Thadani, NRR B. Boger, NRR.

C. Rossi, NRR l

F. Congel, NRR J. Wiggins, NRR C._ Hackney, RIV.

J. Gilliland, RIV M. Satorius, Rly T. McKernon, RIV T. Westerman, RIV D. Powers, RIV J. Pellet, RIV L. Constable. HIV

1. Barnes, Rly B. Murray,.RIV-t l'

