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Amended Page 14 to 820413 Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law Zimmer Area Citizens & Zimmer Area Citizens of Ky.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Zimmer
Issue date: 04/16/1982
Shared Package
ML20054D798 List:
NUDOCS 8204230397
Download: ML20054D803 (3)



AME:CED PG. 14, '44.

and the Clermont plan does not address that circumstance, as that circumstance is applied to the New Richmond, Bethel-Tate and Fra. ';1in-Felicity school districts. Tr. 5905, 5907-9.

40. Bus drivers may or may not be able to ". ear NOAA and Emergency Radio Broadcasts pertaining to instructicns presented y that' medium to school bus drivers. Tr. 5909.
41. The applicant has no knowledge whether school bus es in the involved Ohio school districts are equipped w :h commercial radios to receive NOAA and Emergency Radio Broadcasts while in r;ute and during a Zimmer emergency. Tr. 5911.
42. Approximately 15 minutes is necessary to forward i message for announcement on the Emergency Broadcast System. Tr. 5919.
43. The Franklin-Felicity School District ust utill:e long distance trunk lines for communications with or receitt of communications from the county EOC, the applicant's EOF and the county school s;perin-tendent. Tr. 7024-5.
44. The FEMA witness opined that the use cf commercia_

telephones as the emergency communications system for contacting bus drivers in the involved Ohio schools to summon the.- to the schoci site was adequate, although the witness had no knowledge cf the number of bus drivers involved and to be contacted and the time necessary for such telephone contact and arrival of the drivers at schoci sites and acknowledged that this information would be an important circu,ms:ance in determining the adequacy of any commercial telephcne system ;;ilized for emergency communications. Tr. 7025-6.

45. The FEMA witness acknowledged that there was no ethod for two-way radio communications wi th Oh; u school bus drivers and that communications with school bus drivers was dependent upon the . ility R20423 0397 - 1 s.-

c CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a copy of Amended Page 14, 544,,,of Zimmer Area Ci tizens and Zimmer Area Citizens of Kentucky's Proposedl.' Pin' dings pf ~

Fact, transmitted on April 13, 1982, has been served by ordinary U.S.

Mail, postage prepaid, upon the followin.g persons this 16th day of April, 1982:

Michael C. Farrar, Esq.

' Atomic Sa fety and Ltcens ing Appeal Board Richard S. Salzman, Esq.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ch a t t ma n , At omic Sa fety and Commtssion Licens ing Appeal Board Wa al. t ngt on , D.C. 20555 U. S . - Nuc lea r Regu la t o ry cac,t,,,on Wa s h ingt on , D.C. 20555 Chairman, Atomic Safety and Ltcensing Appeal Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Mr. Ch a s e R . Stephens Commisston Docket ine and Servtce Branch Wa s h in gt on , D.C. 20555 Of f tce ot the Secretary U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comeisaton Ch a i rma n , At omi c S a f et y a nd Washington, D.C. 20555 Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory John Woliver P.O. Box 47 Commission Vashtngton, D.C. 20555 Batavia, on to 45103 George Pattison Prosecut ing Attorney of Clermont County 462 Main Street Batavta, Ohto 45103 James Feldman, Esq.

Brian P. Cassidy, Esq.

Attorney at Law Of fice of the General Counsel Fede ra l Eme rge rney Ma nageme nt Agency 216 East Ninth Street 500 C. Street S.W.

Cincinnatt, Oh io 45202 washington D.C. 20472 Troy b. Conner. Esq.

Conner, Moore and Corber 17t.7 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20006 l

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  • e Charles A. Barth, Er,q.

Counsel for the NRC Sta f f Of fice o f the Execut iv,e i.e g a l Director U.S. Nuc lear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. -20555

. William Moran Cincinnati Gas & Elect ric Company i 4th and Main Streets Cincinnat t, Ohio 43202  ;

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l Deborah Webb tavid K. Martin, Esq.

7967 Alexandria Pike Ass.stant Attorney General Alexandria, Kentucky 41001 A: ting Director s ion o f Environment al Law Of fice of Attorney General 209 St. Clair Street F r ank fert , Kentucky 40601


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