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Annual Operating Rept,1981.
Person / Time
Site: 05000054
Issue date: 03/23/1982
Shared Package
ML20042C101 List:
NUDOCS 8203300200
Download: ML20042C102 (6)


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1. A new hold up tank ventilation line was installed. This line was run inside Building One replacing the original line run outsiae of the building. The line was connected into our emergency ventilation isolation sequence. The replacement line increases the ventilation on the hold up tank.
2. Two silver indium cadmium reactor control rods were replaced. The new rods incorporate a thicker tin-nickel surf ace plating ano a strengthened rod to piston connection. The remaining rods are scheduled to be changed out in early 1982.


S MANUAL The following is a listing of the major changes to the Facilities Procedures Manual.

RM-12 Security Procedure, changed to require the logging of the initiation of the intrusion alarm system.

EP-01 Emergency Plan Roster - updated to include telephone numbers of supporting government agencies.

RS-40 Entrance Alarm Test - updated to incorporate changes to the secured access area.

RS-04 Core Checklist - updated to include changes of target irradiation lositions.

8203300200 820323 PDR ADOCK 05000054 R PDR

RS-36 Evacuation Test - fan pressure specification changed to meet exact requirement of the technical specifications.

hS-02 Process Equipment Checklist - changed to reflect new position of exhaust fan damper.

RS-39 Flow meter Calibration - updated calibration criteria.

XG-02 Xenon-124 Procedure - updated to include use of new digital line monitor.

EP-ll Fire / Site Evacuation - procedure added to establish guideline for operators response to the Fire / Site Evacuation Alarm.

EP-08 Civil Disturbance - procedure updated to include new reporting requirements of 10 CFR 73.71 b,c.

RS-ll Daily Checklist, RS Process Equipment Checklist, modi *ted to require extra CAM checks to insure proper operation of bo h CAM rate meter and recorder.

RS-ll Daily Checklist, modified to add checks to both emergency generators electrical switch line ups.

IIcalth Physics Standards - twelve new HP procedures were added to the Facility Procedures Manual.

IIS-01 Personnel Radiation Protection 11 S - 0 2 ludiation and Contamination Surveys IIS-0 3 Daily Instrument Check IIS-04 Monthly Area Monitor Test

!!S-0 5 Procedure for Counting Pool water Samples and Sb-124 Source Leak Check IIS-0 6 CAM Calibration Procedure 11 S - 0 7 IIcalth Physics Iow Level Waste Shipping Procedures IIS-0 8 Procedure for Strontium-90 Source Leakage Check (6 Months Frequency)

IIS-09 Yearly Area Monitor Calibration and Alarm Checks llS-10 Derivation of Conversion Between Dose Rate and Activity for Waste Drums IIS-ll Procedure for Quality Assurance Check on Waste Drums IIS-12 Demineralizer Filter Change The above procedure manual additions and revisions and other minor revisions not addressed here ao not contain any unreviewed safety questions.


C. OICANIZATIONAL CilANGES The following is the Union Carbide Corporation Reactor Administration Organization:

Business Manager I<ad iochemica l s J.J. McGovern I

Manager Nuclear Safeguards Manager liealth, Safety Nuclear Operationc Committee & Environmental AffairL M . !! . Voth J.J. Agresta, Chm. C.J. Konnerth I T Reactor Supervisor Facility Engineer Project Engineer W.G. Ruzicka ll . C . Ilart R.A. Strack Chief Reactor Operator S. E. Lupinski D. SUMMA 14Y OF UNSCliSDULED SilUTDOWNS The following is a listing of all unscheduled shutdowns occurring in 1981.

Type of Shutdown N;mber Cause Power Out ge 12 Commercial power Failure Equipment Failure Causing 8 Rod Magnets Automatic Shutdown 1 Loss of Power due to inadvertent tripage of control center circuit breaker.

False Signal 4 Log N Automatic Safety Action 1 Core exit flapper open above allowed Init!sted - Operator Error power setpoint causing automatic scram.

2 Primary pump accidentally de-energized above allowed power setpoint causing automatic scram.

e Operator Initiated Manual 2 Loss of high pressure air supply causing Shutdown closure of building 1 ventilation dumpers.

1 Log N high flux reverse set point out of position.

2 Spot on core.

2 Unexplained remote evacuation alarms.

Monitor replaced.

In each case a determination of the cause of the shutdown was made and the prescribed corrective acticn taken. There is a continuing effort made to reduce the number of unscheduled shutdowns within our control by preventative mairtenance and equipment replacement.

E. POWER GENERATED Total power generated in 1981 was 38,213 megawatt hours. The reactor was operated on a seven day a week schedule with refueling and maintenance shutdowns about once eve n one or two weeks.

F. ROUTINE TESTS CONDUCTED The reactor survuillance program has revealed no significant nor unexpected trends in reactor systems performance during the past year with all tests yielding routine results.

G. FUEL wifty-five fuel elements, containing aluminide (U-A1x ) fuel matric 9nufactured by CERCA (France), were received by the Union Carbide Nuclear xeactor in 1981. Twenty-four spent fuel elements were shipped to Savannah River, South Carolina for reprocessing.

II . PERSONNEL RADIATION EXPOSURES Fif teen members of the Reactor Operations Staff and three members of the

!!ealth Physics Staff received exposures in excess of 25% of that allowed or recommended in 1981. These doses ranged from 1 3 rem to 4.44 rem with the overall average for these individuals being 2.56 rem.

A part of this exposure was due to maintenance support for Hot Laboratory Operations which is licensed under New York State Radioactive Materials License 729-0322.

No visitors to the facility received exposures greater than 25% of that allowed or recommended.


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! 1. Radioactivity released in Air Effluent from the site.

a. Noble Gases  !

I Isotope Quantity Released (Curies)

Kr-83m 606.7  !

j Kr-85m 1700.3 l

1 Kr-87 163 1 -

Kr-88 2212.7 j Xe-133m 589.3 '

l i Xe-133 18749.5 i

Xe-135 3808.2 i Xe-135 10655.8 I

Kr-85 2.3 Total Noble Gas Release 38488 Ci Avertge Concentration of Noble Gases in Stack 5.2 x 10-5 uC1/cc

b. Iodines Isotope Quality Released (Curies) ,

I-125 2 33 Ci I-131 3 43 Ci Average Concentration in Stack 1

I-125 3.13 x 10-9 uC1/cc 1 I-131 4.61 x 10-9 uCi/cc

2. Radioactivity released in Liquid Effluent from the site.

Gross Beta Activity 0 0007 C1 (Sr-90 equivalent)

3. Particulate radioactivity released from the site. .

The average concentration of particulate radioactivity released during 1981 was 5.17 x 10-11 uCi/cc. This activity - consisted of the following approximate isotopic breakdown.

i i

s , e Particulate Isotope Percent of Total Activity 136 Cs 1.5 103 Ru 41.2 137 Cs 8.6 95 Zr 34.2 95Nb 14.5

4. Calculated doses to a critical individual in the unrestricted area.
a. From releases of lodi9e during 1981 Dose via infant inhalation at Laurel Ridge 0.73 mrem from Iodine-131 0.34 mrem from Iodine-125
b. From releases of noble gas during 1981 0.28 mrem total body does at Laurel Ridge which is nearest residential area.  ;

For all site effluent releases approximately 95% result from Hot Laboratory operations under NYS License 729-0322.  ;

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