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Evaluation of Emergency Response Facilities for Enrico Fermi 2.
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/28/1981
Battelle Memorial Institute, PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATION
Shared Package
ML19348A072 List:
NUDOCS 8111030140
Download: ML19348A073 (46)







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f September 28,1981 4

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Prepared for the U.S. NRC under a related

' services agreement with the U.S. Department .

4 of Energy under Contract DE-AC06-76RLO 1830 Pacific Northwest Laboratory Richland, Washington 99352


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8111030140 811023 PDR ADOCK 05000341 >

F PDR . _

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1. SU10;ARY AND RECDRENDATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
2. TECHNICAL WPPORF CDHER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2.1 Integration with Overall Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2.2 Location................................................. 2-2 2.3 Size..................................................... 2-3 2.4 S tr u ctu r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 6 2.5 Habitability............................................. 2-7 2.6 Staffing................................................ 2-10 2.7 Cu....unications.......................................... 2-12 2.8 Instrt=entation, Data System Dguipxnt and Power Supplies.......................................... 2-14 2.9 Technical Data and Data System.......................... 2-14 2.10 Record Availability and Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
3. 02HROL ROO 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -1

. 3 .1 Integration with Overall Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3.2 Staffing.c............................................... 3-2 3.3 Co=unications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3.4 ERF Phase................................................ 3-3

4. OPERATIONM., WPICRT CD1TER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4.1 Integration with Overall System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4.2 Habitability............................................. 4-2 4.3 Co:sunications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 4.4 S taf f ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 ,

4.5 S12e................................. ................... 4-4

5. HERGHICY OPERATIGIS FACILITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 5.1 Integration with Overa] l Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 5.2 Location, Structur e and Habitability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2

. 5.3 S taf f ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 5.4 Size..................................................... 5-7 l .

5.5 Radiological Monitoring................................. 5-10 5.6 Cu...anications.......................................... 5-13 l 5.7 Instrumentation, Data Systen Dguipnent and ,

Power Supplies.......................................... 5-16 l 5.8 Technical Data and Data Systen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16 5.9 Records Availability and Managenent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16 l

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6. DATA ACQUISITICN SYSTIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

,6 .1 CAS Functicnal Description............................... 6-1 6.2 BAS Fac iliti es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 6.3 CAS Felip.ent Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 .

6.4 Sensor Data to be Acq. ir ed . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 6.5 Data to be Previded for rose Assess:r.ent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8

7. DATA DISPLAY SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 7.1 Functicnal Display Devices............................... 7-1 7.2 S70s..................................................... 7-8 7.3 Other Display Devices..........p......................... 7-8
8. CATA CCIM.iNICATICN S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1 8.1 Description.............................................. 8-1 8.2 Gene r al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 -1 8.3 Adced Questiens for Data Links Using EIA Standard ,

Interfaces............................................... 8-2 8.4 Added Questiens for Voice-Frequency Links................ 8-2 8.5 Applicable Standar ds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2

9. SYSTIM SUPPO.C RICUIRII CIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1 9.1 Doct: .enta tien . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 9-1 9.2 Tr ai ning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3 9.3 Cuality Assurance........................................ 9-3 9.4 Rel iabil i ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6 9.5 Maint eri_nc e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7 o


Enrico F;pni 2 .


1. "SUIF143 AND RECDI2CDATICNS The Fermi 2 Emerge:.ey Response Facilities package is deficient or

' lacks sufficient inf,rmation in the following areas:

lThe design package should include the functions of the TSC, EOF, OSC and their interfaces with th~e control room.

Location of th'e TSC does not meet criteria of NUREG-0696.-


' flore information is needed on the layou't of the TSC and EOF to.

Determine whether personnel are grouped by function and if each work station has enough space. Space available and location of maps, drawings and diagrams must be addressed.

More iricrmation is needed ;in the area of radiological '

monitoring of the TSC and EOF.

Emergency supplies 1ccated in the "SC, EDF a".d CSC must be addressed.

Information is'needed on staffing of the ERFs. ,

More specific informaticn is needed en cc:=unicatiens between the EDF, TSC, CSC, centrol roca and other offsite agencies.

Habitability of d e CSC, including backup sites for the CSC must be addressed.

The centrol recm must be addressed.

4 Detrcit Edisen indicates that they plan ERF's. to use a

'~ne miniccmputer-based data acp:isitien system for their

. preposal provides tco little infom atien to evaluate the system.

The folicwing areas need to be addressed in further detail:

No functienal descriptien nor laycut cf the syst e is -

provided. .The prerosed 1ccatien is unclear; they i. ply it will be screwhere in the SC, but such details must be

! provided. ,

The EC is ;cwered by eso independent ncn-class 1E 480-vcit ,

AC feeders frem separate offsite sources, but it is unclear

, how this related to the'EAS.

-EAS physical security and access restricticns are not described.

Detailed specificatiens en EAS ccmputer ec,uipment must be i Page 1-1

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Enrico Fcrmi 2 i provided to enable evaluation of the ERF's ability to acquire and display data required by NUREG-0696.

I The subject of data acquisition of specific plant variables is not addressed. Meteorological data will be acquired to enable USC and EDF staff , to determine " prevailing-meteorological status" but much more detailed information must be provided.

S;ecific information regarding the* isolation provided on sensors is needed. The stat ment is made that this requirement is met, but the actual rethod used for isolation 4 must be specified.

Tne subjects of autceatic data sampling . rates and ~

resolutions are not addressed. B e.only ranual data entry method described is the input of offsite radiological ' data via radio, but more detail is needed.

Data display devices are described as follows: The USC has six CRT's, some typewriters, and four two-pen. trend recorders. The IDF has .an tnspecified number of CRT's; trending information is very important to the BOF staff and no such devices are specified for that facility. Se subject.

of SPDS displays is not addressed. ,

Data cc::::unications systems are not described.

It -is inplied that DAS documents are stcred in the TSC. No descriptien of any doctmentaticn is provided.

Tne subjects of training, OA, reliability and maintenance are not discussed.

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Enrico Fermi 2 . ,


  • Indicates that inforra-tion was found in the

2.1 Integration with Overall Planning

1. Tne design of the Technical Support Center I (TSC) addresses the follcraino goals: {
a. Provides plcnt ranageraen and
  • inferred, not specifically technical support to plant operations addressed (EP H.l.1) . l personnel during emergency l conditions; l

. b. Relieves the reactor operators .of

  • inferred, not specifically peripheral duties and co=unications addressed (EP H.l.1).

not directly related to reactor system ranipulations;

c. Prevents congestior in the control
  • inferred, not specifically room; and addressed (EP H.l.1).
d. Performs DOF functions for the Alert
  • adequately addressed l Emergency class and for the Site Area (EP H.l.1),

i Emergency class and General Emergency class until the EOF is functional.

2. The TSC shall be the emergency operations Adequate response, work area for designated technical, (H.III.A.l.2.4.1) engineering, and senior licensee plent management personnel; any other licensee-designated personnel required to provide the needed technical support; and a small staff of 13C p'rsonnel.
3. Tne TSC shall have facilities to support Subject not addressed.

. the plcnt ranagement and technical personnel who will be assigned there during an emergency and will be the ,

~ prirary onsite co=unications center .for the plant during the emergency. Isc .

personnel shall use the TSC data system to analyze the plant steady-state and dynamic behavior prior to and throughout the course of an accident. The results of this analysis will be used to provide guidance to the control room operating personnel in the ranagement of abnormal conditions and in accident mitigation. TSC personnel will also use the environmental and Page 2-1

Enrico Frrmi 2 '

mum radiological information available from -

the TSC data system to perform the necessary functions of the EOF when this facility is not operable.

4. Since the specific allocation of functions Subject not addrested.

assigned to energency facilities will differ from design to design, the proposal should clearly state which functions (Operations, Radiological Asse!Psment, etc.) are assigned to the 'ISC.


2.2 Location

1. The 'ISC should:
a. Be in the same tuilding as the 'Ihe TSC is located on the control room if possible; if not, ground floor of a two story then where is it located? offices services building.


b. Be within 2 minutes walking distance No, it is approximately a from the control room. 3-1/2 minute walk from the ^

control' room.H.III.A.l.2.4.2 Is the TSC within the security Yes H.III.A.l.2.4.2

  • perimeter?

Must someone pass through security No checkpoints to move from the TSC to the control rocm? .

What provisions have been rade. for Not applicable passing through security checkpoints quickly and easily?

Knat stairways, corridors or Subject not addressed.

equipaent spaces must be traversed?

Is the route between the 'ISC and Subject not' addressed. .

control room exposed to air-scattered or direct radiation from the ,


What is the marimum expasure a person Subject not addressed. -

will receive while walking from the control rocxn to the TSC during a oesign basis accident (less than or equal to 5 ren, including all other exposurcs, during the course of an accident)?

Page 2-2

, Enrico Fami 2 - - * ~

- myngr Does the route between -the control Subject not addressed.- -

roan and the TSC have a radiological monitor or are there provisions- for.'

determining ' exposure rates .


- c. Facilitate face to . face

  • interaction- Subject not addressed, with control rocm personnel.

Are:-there additional meansMe.g., Subject.notaddressed. .

closed circuit TV) between the' 'ISC and the control room to facilitate-visual. as. .well ~as auditory comraunication?

. What are the factors that impede Subject not addressed.

face-tcr-face interaction?

d. Afford access to any control room Adequate response.

information not available in TSC data .(H.III.A.l. system. ,_,

How can data not available in the TSC ' Subject not addresud.'

data system be provided to the TSC? -

2.3 Size e

1. The TSC shall provide: .
a. Working space, without crowding, for Tne 'ISC provides 2075 sq.ft.

the personnel assigned to the 'ISC at or about 83 sp.ft. per the maximu:n level of occupancy person if 25 people are (minimu:n size ~ of working space' assigned to the TSC.

1 l .

provided shall be approxirately 75 sq H.III.A.

! -ft/ person).

How much space is assigned to each Subject not, addressed.

~ work. station? .

Is an operational sequence 'diagran Subject not addres. sed, provided that describes the

!- interaction among operators, work

  • stations and items of equipment?


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. Enrico Firmi 2 -

03E1ENT f

= ,

Is a locational diagran provided that A diagram is provided, but '

shows where personnel work stations it does not' indicate where

.and itms of . equipnent . will be personnel work stations placed? Is the scale of the diagran or equipment are located.

provided? (Figure H.III.A.1.2.3):

Is each work station equ[ged for its Subject not addressed.


Are personnel grouped by funcfion? Subject not addressed.

Does each work station have sufficient space to carry out- its assigned function?

Explain how the location of. Subject not addressed.

facilities and equipnent is .

consistent with the patterns of interpetsonal interaction and machine utilizations that will take place.

Who needs access to which machines? Subject'not addressed.

What is the flow of information- Subject not addressed, between persons and groups?

- Are personnel performing related. Subject not addressed, tasks located adjacent to one another?

Describe the organization of the. work Subject not addressad.

stations._ _Are they organized '

according to Figure 2.l?

Describe how the . workspaces .are subject not addressed.

designed to control traffic and noise


(mechanical and conversational).

b. Space for 'ISC data system equippent- Subject not addressed.

needed to transmit data to other -

locatilons. .


Where is the data displayed? Subject not addressed.

Show how layouts of displays are Subject not addressed.

coordinated with working space layouts.

Page 2-4

L Enrim Ftrmi 2 - -

00ft1E2Tf How much space is available for -Subject not addressed.' ,

working, 'with maps,. diagrams, drawings,.etc?

hhere. are the maps, diagtms, -Not specifically a'ddressed.

drawings, etc. located? .. ' Blackboards and bel.letin:

boards are available.

Is -there a description; of the ' Subject not addressed.

- characteristics -of the machines in the 'ISC that provides - a bas 11s for determining their~ compatibility with anthropometric guidelines _(e.g. . Van Cott' & Kinkade, Htrnan Engineering _

Guide to Equipaent Design)? ~

Are the characteristics of i the data Subject ryot' addressed.

~ display. devices compatible with anthropometric guidelines?

c. Sufficient space to-repair, maintain, Subject not addressed.

and service equipnent, displays, and instrumentation.

How ~ much space is provided to allow Subjectnotaddressed..

access to backpanels for repair?

htat spare modules are available? Subject not addressed.

~ d. Space for' unhindered access to cum.ucaications equip.ent by all 'ISC personnel who need comications -

capabilities to per 2crm their functions.

Is there a description of the layout Yes, however, it is not of the telephones in the TSC? specific as to the. place-ment of the telephones.

How much space is provided for Subject not addressed.

each telephone? (one sq. ft. -


How can a ringing telephone be Some of the Emergency easily identified (i.e., do- Director's telephones are telepN nes light up when ringing)? equipped with lights. .


Page 2-5 1

, Enrico Fermi 2 .


e. Space for storage of and/or access to A roam in the TSC is plant records and histcrical data, dedicated to storage of -

N rds (Fig. H.III.A.l.2-3)

. How much work space is dedicated to subject not addressed.

this task?

f..A separate room, adequ' ate .for at Not available.

least ,three persons, to be used.for (Fig. H.III.A.l.2-3) private NRC consultations. -


Are three of the five NRC ' work Subjectnotaddressed.

stations afforded sufficient privacy for -meetings and telephone conversations?

Does this room have a speaker Subject not' addressed. ,


What size is this room? (200 sq. ft. Subject not addressed.


2. Tne TSC workirig space shall be sized for a Subject not' addressed, minimum of 25 persons, including 20 persons designated by the licensee and five KRC personnel.  ;

How Irany people are assigned to the TSC by Subject not addressed.

the emergency plan, including five NRC personnel?

Is the work' space adequate for these Subject not addressed. ,

people to perform their functions?

2.,4 Structure

1. 7ne TSC complex must be able to withstand -

reasonably expected adverie conditions.

Can the TSC be operable during a 100-year Subject not ' addressed.


Can the TSC withstand a 100-year Yes (H.III.A.l.2.4.1) windstorm? .

Is the TSC accessible during floods and Subject not addressed.


Page-2-6 h

, Enrico Fermi 2 -


2.'5' Habitability *

l. The TSC .shall have the same radiological %e TSC has the same .

habitability as the ccntrol rocxn. habitability as the-control roorn.

Which accidents were analyzed *.to determine Subject not addressed.

what radiation doses would be received in the TSC during the'most severe accidents? . .

Whrt are the wholebodyradiatinkdoses Radiation doses received by during plume passage (less than or equal 'ISC personnel will not ex-

. to- 5 ren) ? ceed GDC 19 or Standard i.e-

.. view Plcn 6.4. .

2. The TSC ventilation system shall be Adequa.te response.

. functionally cortparable to the control H.III.A.l. room . system (i.e., high efficiency  : .

particulate . air and charcoal filter).

. Auto:natic isolation is not required.

Briefly describe the LVAC system Adequate response.

filtration system.. (H.III.A.

Is the decontamination capability (D.F.) Subject not addressed.

of the 'ISC system different from the control room syste:n? Briefly describe the difference.

Is the hvAC system controlled to isolate Subject not addressed.

the intake?

At what airborne activity level does Subject not addressed. -

-isolation occur?

How is the level determined? Subject not addressed.

Where are the sensors located?- Subject not addressed.

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Enrico Fermi 2

3. Padiation monitoring systes shall be An area radiation monitor either permanently installeo or shall be is provided to indicate dedicated portable-type instrtrents (e.g., general trea radiation dose rate and airborne radiation levels and a g>rtal detectors). Detectors shall be able to monitor is provided at the detect radiciodine as low as lE-7 entrance to the 'ISC. No microcuries/cc. The licensee shall provide more specific inforration the TSC with installed radiation monitors is available.

or dedicated portaMe monitoring (H.III.A.I. equipnent. .

Are dedicated dose-rate instruments, Yes, but no detailed survey meters, and airborne radioactivity inforration is given, monitoring instrtrents assigned to the (H.III.A.l. ,


'Which instruments will be used? Subject not addressed.

How rany of each? Subject not addressed.

Where are they located? Subject not addressed.

Fow was the type, nt=ber and place:nent of Cubject not addressed.

monitcring instrtraents determined?

What are the ranges of these instrt=ents? Subject not addressed.

Do the instrt=ent ranges cover the values Subject not addressed.

expected if the TSC's hvAC decontarairation capability fails during a DEA?

Who is assigned ta monitor the 'ISC Subject not addressed.


What are the qualifications of this subject not addressed.


If thete is no one assigned, are there Subject not addressed.

fixed instrtraents equipped with audible and visual alarms?

O Page 2-8

i Enrico Fcrmi 2 .


j At what radiation- levels will these_ Subject not addressed. '

1 instruments alarm?'

Does the system provide a warning of the Subject not addressed. .

precautionary radiation levels in a timely r.anner to allow the TSC persormel to take

, protective actions?

Are unattended instruments in continuous Yes (H.III.A.l. operation? #

How is iodine monitored? Subject not addressed.

Is the detectibility for' airborne'I-131 as ' Subject not addressed. -

c low as _.5-7 microcuries/cc?

4 What is the reliability. of the subject riot'addresad.

, continuously-operating instruments, i.e.,

! is there. back-up_ power for the

! instruments? Do' the instruments meet the manufacturers specifications. for availability.'and : accuracy? H w often are

the instruments calibrated?
4. Supplies of protective clothing,_ subject not addressed. '

respiratory equiment and potassium iodide 3

shall be readily available to all 'ISC personnel.

If this is not the case, how many subject not addressed.

individua.ts can be supplied? _

Are reserves of this equipw.nt available Subject not addressed.

in the TSC or some other nearby location?

J Where? Subject not addressed.

Are instructions for use of KI available? Subject not addressed.

I How is the need for such supplies Subject not addressed.

detemined, i.e., when will personnel. don respiratory equipnent? '.

Is the protection factor for respritory subject not addressed.

equipnent equivalent to a full face nask?

Page 2-9

Enrico F;rmi 2 '

gge;T 2.6 $taffing (tKFEG-0696 and PE 'ISC/ EOF Staffing Study)

1. 'Ibe TSC shall:
a. Be fully functional within 30 minutes Subject not addressed.

of activation.

How long does it take TSC eqtignent Subject not addressed.


to beccme fully functicral?

b.~ Consist of sufficient technical

  • Techniccl personnel are personnel needed to support the identified in Table B-2 control rocm including individuals Onsite Emergency Orghn-who-can handle situations involving ization Functional Respon-operations, reaintenance, sibilities.

adninistration, security, Pad / chem, and communicatiers (Figure 2.1 is an example only).

  • Tasks to be performed Has the licensea identified the tasks that may need to be performed and in the TSC are identified specified the characteristics (e.g. in Table B-2.

skills, experience and training) of '

the persons needed to accomplish these tasks?

2. Allocation of tasks to personnel should be subject not addressed.

validated by an analysis of error likely situations, especially those situations -

that might exceed the htrran operator's capability in the areas of perception,

, memory, information integration and manipulation of controls.

bTnat is the total ntrter of personnel Subject not addressed.

assigned to the TSC?

l l Are there' adequate ntr6ers of personnel Subject not addressed. ,

l assigned to the 'ISC to carry out its l function? ',

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FIGURE 2.1 Page 2-11 e

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Enrico Fermi 2 *

- C0t?EtTF 2.7 Coinunications

1. If existing licensee comunications Subject not addressed.

systems are to be used to meet TSC mergency requirenents the 31censee must demonstrate the system's ability to handle added TSC requirments under emergency conditions.'

2. TSC telephone access to comercial Subject not addressed.

common-carrier services must bypass any onsite or , local offsite switching facilities that may be susceptable to loss of power during emergencies.


3.'How many switchboard independent Subject not addressed, commercial telephone lines to_ the plant are available for use by the "EC during emergencies?

4. TSC voice communications must consist of a reliable primary and backup system and include:.
a. Hotline telephone in the KRC Subject not addressed.

consultation room on the EG to the IEC Operations Center.

k'nat is the backup system for Subject not addressed.

comunications to the IEC?

b. Dedicated telephone in 13C office Subject not addressed.

space on the lac Health Physics Network.

Uhat is the backup system for Subject not addressed.

. comunications to the IEC?

c. Dedicated telephones to the control Dedicated telephones to the ,

room, OSC, and EDF. OSC are not addressed.

H.III.A.l. Do these telephones provide Subject not addressed.

non-interruptable service between the TSC, EDF or control room? -

d. Dial telephones that provice access Adequate response.

to onsite and offsite locations. H.III.A.l. Page 2-12


Enrico F:rmi 2 ,


e. Interco=nunications systens between Only cosaunications between any separate work arens within the the Daergency Director and -

TSC. work stations are addressed.

H.III.a.l. ,

Is there an intercom to connect the Subject not addressed.

TSC manager and supervisors?,

f. Ca=nunications to licensee Inobile subject not addressed.

monitoring teans. ,


g. Canmunications to State and local Subject not addressed.

operations centers.

h. Padio co=nunications with onsite and Subject not addressed, offsite organizations and response

. groups. ,

5. At least two additional dial telephone Subject not addressed.

lines must be provided for use by NRC personnel.

-6. Facsimile transmission capability between Subject not addressed.

the TSC, EOF a: 3 NRC Operations Center must also~be provided. .

7. Provision must be rade for 24-hour per day Subject not addressed.

notification to and activation of the State / local energency response network, with 24-hour per day ranning of cornunication links that initiate emergency response acticns (NUREG-0654).

8. A coordinated connunication link for fixed Subject not addressed, and mobile medical support facilities shall be provided (NUFlG-0654) .
9. Are there descriptions of how the Not totally addressed.

. following cornunications needs are ret? (H.III.A.

TSC Manager with J

Corporate HQ Subject not addres, sed.

Control Rocm Adequate response.

EOF Adequate response. ,

OSC Adequate response.

NRC Adequate response.

State / local governments Subject not addressed.

Vendors Subject not addressed.

Page 2-13


Enrico F;rmi 2 .

00ts22rr Achinistrative Supervisor with S6 ject not addressed. .

Corporate HQ Backup comunications Security force EOF ,

. Rad /Chen Supervisor with Subject not addressed.

Radio to HP technicians

  • HP control point OSC Chenical laboratory -

'EDF State / local goverments -


Engineering Supervisor with Subject not addressed.

Corporate HQ Control Roo:n CSC EOF Vendors NRC '

Radio to corrective action tems 2.8 Instru:rentation, Data Syste:n Dquipnent, cnd Power Supplies ,

These nethodologies are. addressed in Sections 6, 7, 8 and 9.

2.9 Technical,L. 2 and Data System .

These methodologies are addressed in ,

sections 6, 7, 8 and 9.

e Page 2-14

. Enrico Fcrmi 2 . .

00C E1T ,

2.10 Records Availability and Manage.ent .

1. hhe TSC personnel shall have ready access to up-to-date records, operational specifications, and proced,ures that include but are not limited tot
a. Plant meteorological data,. Subject not addressed.
b. SPD systc=s, Subject not addressed.
c. Plant technical specifications, Adequate resp nse.


d. Plant cperating procedures, Adequate response.

. (H.III.A.l.

e. Emergency operating procedures, Adequate 'respore.


f. Final Safety Analysis Report, Subject not addressed.
g. Plant operating records, Subject not addressed.
h. Plant operations reactor safety Subject rot addressed, committee records and reportsi .
i. Records needed to perform the Subject not addressed.

functions of the ELF when it is not operational, and j . Up-ter-date, as-built drawings, Inadequate resp nse.

schematics, and diagrz=s showing (H.III.A.l. '

conditions of plant structures and systems down to the corgnent level, as well as in-plant locations of these systers.

k. Checklists, guides, workshcets and subject not addressed.

. other job performance aids.

2. Tne licenroe shall have all of the above Not adequately addressed. -

records in the 'ISC in current form when (H.III.A l. the facility is fully activated. ,

What procedures have been established to Subject not addressed.

update these records as necessary to ensure that they are current and complete?

Describe the method of storage and Not adequately addressed, presentation of the 'ISC records which (H.III.A. ensures their. availability and ease .cf access under emergency conditions.

Page 2-15

Enrico Fermi 2 '

01H2F 3.003rNOLRON No information available for evaluation. -

3.1 Integration with Overall Planning

1. The design of the - control room (CR) addresses the following goals during normal cperation: 1s A. '1he control rocm is the onsite

- location from which:the nuclear power plant is operated. It contains the

- instrtrrentation, controls, and

- - - displays for: - '

nuclear systems, -

reactor coolant systems, steam systens, electrical systems, .

- safety' systems, and '

~ ~

' accident monitoring systems'. .

~ b. The control room is staffed during ,

nornal operations by a minimum of:

a shif t supervisor who is a senior -

licensed reactor operator and whose duty station may be in the immediate vicinity outside of '

the control room itself; a shift foretan who is a senior licensed reactor operator and


whose duty station is in the control room; control room cperators, two licensed operators, reactor ,

whose duty statione are in the control room; .

auxiliary operators, two reactor operators, whose duty -

assignments are set by the shift supervisor.

Page 3-1 5 w -+ * - , , - - -s m <


. Enrico Fermi 2 .


2. itd design of.the control room addresses the following' goals during emergency condition operations:
a. At the start of an emergency situation, the control, rocan staff performs the following functions:

monitor plant parameters, analyze abnormal conditions,s take corrective actions, classify emergency, make initial notification to shift supervisor,

  • shift foreman, and ~s hift

. technical advisor, establish initial trends in plant parameters, establish necessary control room staff changes, establish communications w th plant amergency respnse teams, establish ccmmunications with Energency Response Facilities, - ,

and  ;

manage plant operations.

3.2 Staffing

1. The personnel organization in the control room is shown in Figure 3-l.

- 2. Tne succession of authority if the senior person is incapacitated or unavailable

. must be addressed.

3. The ' functional organization in the control .

room during an abnormal event is shown in Figure 3-2. .

Page 3-2 4

Enrico Fcrmi 2 .

M Tr 3.3 Co=nunications .

1. 'Ihe following onsite and offsite comunication links for continuous information exchange must be available.

costercial telephone dedicated telephone' '

radio =

plant intercom Are these comunication systems described?

2. The shift supervisor, shift forer. san, and

. technical advisor or their designates must '

be imediately notified of an abnormal condition. Indicate expected average and maximum notification times.

3. After the TSC is operational, the control room staff must verify that TSC comunication links with ernergency teams are established and functional.
4. Verification must be made that information going to ERF's is correct.

3.4 ERF Phase ,

After the TSC is operational, does the Control Room staff relinquish the following functions:

managing plant cperations, and peripheral duties and commtnications not. .

directly related to reactor, system manipulations. ,

Page 3-3






! ,-l .



1 l







FIGURE 3.1 Page 3-4 l

'e. -













Page 3-5


j l2,<, '

Dirico Fcrmi 2 i 029ENT


  • Irdicates that information was found in the energency

- - plan (EP).

- /

4.1 Integraticn with Overall Planning '

l' .,

1. The design of the- Operation *al Supp rt Center (OSC) addresses the following ~

goals: '

= .


a. Provides a locat' ion where plant
  • Addressed (EP H.1.2) logittic support can 'ho coordinated during an emergency,.e.nd
b. Restricts control room access to Subjectnotaddressed.

those support personnel specifically '

requested by the shift supervisor.

2. An onsite operational support center is separate frcm the control rocm and the 'ISC and is khere licensee operations support personnel will assemble in an emergency.

Where is it located? 3rd floor of the turbine building.

Describe the isolation of the OSC from the subject not addressed.

Tsc and control room. ,'.

Where are the backup OSC sites and are Subject not addressed.

they accessible (e.g.>onsite or nearsite) ,

, and habitable? ,

Will the back-up 1*SC be habitable if the subject not addressed.

' phlmary CSC is not? '/1 , e

, s

3. Provision shall be made for 'an alternate Subject not addressed.

' health physics control point. Where is it located? / ,

4. The health physics control point shall be subject not addressed.

innediately . accessible to the OSC. (i.e., ,

will personnel traveling from the OSC to the H.P. centrol point receive less than 5 '

re:t when ecmbined with other exposures -

durlng the course of an accidelik?)


e s,,,


  • s Page 4-1 ,,(

, c-

,' ,,,/ ,-s



Enrico Femi 2 -


5. Can personnel access storage facilities Subject not addressed.

without receiving greater than 5 rem (when combined with other exposures) during the course of an acci6ent?


4.2 Habitability

l. No specific habitability require:nents' are established for the OSC.

Is' the OSC 'as habitable as the control Subject not addressed.

roc:n? Discuss.

Is the shielding comparable to the control . Subject not addressed.

room? Discuss.

Is the ventilation comparable to the Subject not addressed.

control rocra? Discuss. .

2. If the OSC habitability is not comparable Subject not addressed.

to that of the control room, procedures ,

shall be available for evacuation of OSC personnel in the event of a large


radioactive release.

If OSC has to be evacuated, what are the Subject not addressed.-

criteria for evacuation?

Have key people been selected to re:nain Subject not addressed.

onsite (or nearsite) to continue OSC functions?

Are other personnel, evacuated offsite Subject addressed.

frc:n .the OSC, available to provide

.- additional OSC functions if required?

3. Hcra are radiation levels detemined in the Subject not addressed.


Page 4-2

Enrico Firmi- 2 '

~ CD2Dit

4. Er:Nrgency supplies ' (protective. clothing, . Inadequate' response.

respirators,. rrvey meters,-dosimeters and -

KI) shall be available in the OSC for all personnel assigned at' the facility.


What. alternate supply :arrangenents have Subject not addressed, been made?


Where are equipnent and supplies stored? Subject not addressed, s

' How does OSC staff obtain their equignent? Subject not addressed.

(i.e.,-is it signed out, just taken, etc.)'

4.3 Communications

1. There 'shall be a direct and dedicated Not specified as dedicated primary cc:nnunication link with the communications.

control room and 'ISC. H.III.1.2.5

2. Coranunications with the TSC and cont-M Subject.not addressed; room shall be'available' at- the backup OSC.

3'. A dial phone shall be available in the OSC Adequate-response.

for other onsite and offsite locations.- H.III.A.1.2.5 .

4. Direct voice interconraunications and/or Adequate respone.

reliable direct radio com;nunications may H.III.A.l.2.5 be used for supplenenting telephone links.

e 9 O e

e 5

i I


._ . . ,_ _ .-. .._, ~.. -. . _ _ ... _ _ _ , _ _ _ .. _ _ _

. Enrico Fermi 2 . .

CDOHiT 4.4 Sta'ffing .

1. Personnel shall be assigned to the OSC S1bject not addressed, for:
a. Damage Control **

, b. Fire Brigade k c. First Aid

d. Radiation Control
e. Decontaminatica *
f. Padiological and Environiental Surveys
g. Maintenance / Repairs
h. Other Operations Personnel
2. Wnen the OSC is activated, it shall be Subject not addressed.

supervised by licensee tranagement personnel designated in the licensee's emergency plan to perform these functions.

Who will be in charge of the OSC? Subject not addressed.

3. Team leaders shall be assigned for each Subject not addressed.

functional group.

4.5 Size

1. The CSC shall be large enough to 500 sq. ft. are available accc:::rc6 ate . assigned personnel and in the OSC.

equipment to be stored in the CSC (e.g.15 H.III.l.2.5 ,

sq. ft. per person for evaluative purposes only).

2. Decontamination facilities should be Subject not addressed, readily available.

. Where are they located? Subject not addressed.

Page 4-4 w_

. Enrico Farmi.2 *

. gr.g.m -


  • Items found in the .

Emergency Plan-(EP) -

5.1 Integration with Overall Emergency Planning ,

1. The design of the Emergency Operations -Adequately addressed.

Facility (EOF) addresses the fohlowing EP H.l.3 goals:

a. Fanagement of. werall licensee

- emergency respnse;

. b. Coordination of radiological and -

enviromental assessment;

c. Detemination of reconnended public protective acticns; and
d. Coordination of emrgency response activities with Federal, State, and local agencies.
2. Tne EDF shall be staffed by licensee, Subject not addressed.

Federal, State, local and other mergency personnel designated by the energency plan.

3. Facilities shall be provided in the EDF Inadequate response.

for the acquisition, display, and EP H.l.3 evaluation of all radiological, metecrological and plant systen data pertinent to determining offsite


protective measures.

' Subject not addressed.

4. Tne licensee shall use the EDF to

. coordinate its emergency respnse activities with those of the local, State, .

and Federal agencies, including the IGtC.

Licensee personnel in the EDF will assess -,

p tential offsite effects and make apprcpriate protective action recv....endations for the public to State and local emergency respnse agencies. 'Ibe EDF may be used as a location for information disseminatien to the public via the news rcedia by designated spokespersons in accordance with the licensee's emergency plan. The licensee Page 5-1

. Enrico Fenni 2

  • O2997f also ray use the EOF as the p st-accident
  • recovery renagement center. Since the specific allocation of functions assigned to emergency facilities will differ from design to design, the preposal should clearly state which ,

functions (Eadiological Assessment, Security, Coordination with Offsite Agencies) are assigned to'the EOF. .

5.2 Location, Structure and Habitability

1. The siting of the EDF should include the Subject not addressed.

following criteria: ,

a. Whether the location facilitates carrying out the functions specified for the EOF (i.e., determination of public protective actions to be i reco znended by the licensee to offsite officials, and coordination of the licensee with Federal, State, and local organizations).

Describe the transportation network in the vicinity of the EDF adequate to assure rapid coverage of the EFZ by monitoring teams.

Is the EDF placed in a location that is readily accessible by rcad to Federal, State, local government officials as well as the licensee's corporate and site operations personnel?

Has the selection of the EDF location

  • been- coordinated with State / local officials?
  • 4 Page 5-2


., Enrico Fermi 2 COIM2Tf

b. Ehat radiation doses would be expected when the EDF is accessed -

dt. ring DBA or other specified accident .(less than or equal to 5 rem)?

Is the EDF accessible du[ing periods of radiation releases?

Is there an alternate EDF? *

2. The .EDF must be able to withstand Subject not addressed.

' reasonable expected adverse conditions. .

(e.g., 100 year floods and high winds)

How would the maximu:n 100-year -water 'Ihe wind load of the IDF levels and winds atfect the operation of conforms'to ANSI A58.1-72 the EDF? and seismically conforms to USC for Zone 1 H.III.A.l.2.5

3. The IDF shall have a protection factor Subject not addressed.

greater than or equal to five if located -

within 10 miles of TSC; no protection level is necessary if located beyond 10 miles of the 'ISC. Protection factor is '

defined in terms of the attenuation of 0.7 MeV gar:r.a radiation.

e e

e Page 5-3

. Enrico Fcrmi 2 '

cot M 172

4. The ~ EOF ventilation system shall be Subject not addressed. '

functionally comparable to the control room systiem and TSC (i.e., high efficiency particulate air filter; no charcoal) if located within 10 miles of TSC. If located beyond 10 miles from the 1SC, the IDF needs no ventilation protection.

'Ib what level will the HEPA filters "redace Subject not addressed, particulate levels?

Is the HVAC system controlled to permit Subject not addressed.

isolation of the intake?

At what level of airborne activity is Subject not addressed.

-isolation performed? -

How is the level determined? Subject not addressed.

Where are the sensors located? Subject not addressed.

Where is this'1evel nonitored? Subject not addressed.

5. Protective clothing, respiratory equip,ent Subject not addressed, and potassium iodide shall be readily-available to all EDF personnel.

If not, how many people would be supplied? Subject not addressed.

Are reserves of supplies available? Subject not addressed.

PTnere are they located? Subject not addressed.

How is the need for- these supplies Subject not addressed.

determined? (i.e., when will respiratory equipnent be used?)

Is the protection factor for respiratory Subject not addressed.

equipment equivalent to a full face mask? ,

Are instructions for KI use provided in Subject not addressed.

the EDF?  :

Page 5-4

Enrico F rmi 2
  • COI2GT 5.3 Staffing _(NURE-0696 and PE 'ISC/ EOF Staffing Study). -
1. The EOF shall:
a. Be functional within 6ne hour of Subject not addressed, activation; What equipnent . takes more than 60 Subject not addressed.

minutes to become operational?

How long does it take to fully staff -Subject not addressed, the EDF?

. What is the procedure to ensure Subject not addressed.

notification of the minimum EDF

  • staff?
b. Include staff to engage in onsite and Mostly satisfied offsite radiological monitoring and a Table B-2 of the EP senior reanagement person to be in charge of all licensee activities in the. EOF. An exmple of additional staffing needs for the EOF are given '


in Figure 5-1 (from the RL 'ISC/ EOF Staffing Study.)

c. Has the licensee identified the tasks Adequate response.

that may need to be performed and Table B-2 of the EP.

specified the characteristics ~(e.g.

skills, experience and training) of the persons needed to accomplish these tasks?

2. Allocation of tasks to personnel should be Subject not addressed.

validated by an analysis of error likely situaticns, especially these situations that. might exceed the hu;ran operator's capability in the areas of perception, memory, information integration and manipulation of controls. ,

What is the total number of personnel Subject not addressed.

assigned to the EDF? Are there adequate -

numbers of personnel assigned to the EDF to carry out its function?

l Page 5-5 l

l l















CLERK i 1 FIGURE 5.2 Page 5-6

. Enrico Fcrmi 2

  • GXeE7f 5.4 Size .
1. The EOF building or building complex shall be large enough to provider
a. Working. space for tde personnel 'Ihe EDF is designed to assigned to ,the EOF as specified in handle 40 people.

the licensee's emergency plan, EP H.1.3 including State and local 3 agency perscnnel, at the raximum level of occupancy without crowding (minimum size of total working space provided shall be approxirately 75 sq ft/ person);

How much space is assigned to each Subject not addressed.

work station?

Is an operational sequence diagram Subject not addressed.

provided that describes the interaction among EDF staff, work stations and items of equipent?

Is a locational diagram provided that A diagram is provided; shows where personnel work stations however, it does not and items of equipnent will be identify work stations and placed? Is the scale of the diagram equipent locations.

. provided? Figure H.III.A.1.2-7 and 8.

Is each work station equipped for its Subject not addressed.

function (i.e., ranager, liaison, dose assessment, engineering, administration etc.)?

Are personnel grouped by functicn? Subject not addressed.

Subject not addressed.

Does each work station have

-sufficient space to carry cat its assigned function? .

Explain how the location of Subject not addre5 sed.

' facilities and equipment is consistent with the patterns of interpersonal interaction and rachine utilizations that will take place.

Who needs access to which rachines? Subject not addressed.

Page 5-7

. Enrico Fcrmi 2 OOt@D1T htat is the flow of information Subject not addressed. -

between persons and groups?

Are personnel performing related Subject not addressed.

tasks located adjacent to one another? f Describe the organizations of the Subject not addressed.

work stations. Are they org,anized according to Figure 5.2? =

Describe how the workspaces are Subject not addressed, designed to control traffic and noise (mechanical and conversational).

. b. Space for EDF data system equipent Subject not addressed.

needed to transmit data to .other location's.

htere is the data displayed? Subject not addressed.

Are layouts of displays coordinated subject not addressed.

with. working space layouts?

How much sb ce is there for working Subject not addressed. '

with raps, diagrams, drawings, etc.

ktere are the raps, diagrcms, Subject not addressed.

drawings, etc., located?

Is there a description of- the Subject not addressed. -

characteristics of the rachines in the EDF that provides a basis for determining their compatibility with anthropcmetric guidelines (e.g. Van Cott T. Kinkade, Htrran Engineering Guide to Equipent Design)?

Are the characteristics of the data Subject not' addressed. ,

display devices compatible with anthropometric guidelines? ,

c. Sufficient space to perform repair, Subject not addres' sed.

raintenance, and service of equipent, displays, and instrumentation; i

Page 5-8

Enrico F:rmi 2

- 02M How much space is provided to allow Subject not addressed.

access to back panels for repair? -

What spare modules are available? Subject not addressed.

Is a working station assigned for Subject not addressed.

repair and raintenance? '

d. Space for unhindered access to subject not addressed.

co=tunications equipent by akl EDF personnel who need co=n:nica'tions capabilities to perform their functions.

Is there a description of the layout Subject not addressed.

of the telephones in the IDF?

E m much space is provided for Subjcct not addressed.

each telephone (about 1 sq. ft.)?

i!w can a ringing telephone be Subject not addressed.

easily identified (i.e., do phones light up when ringing)?

e. Space for ready access to functioral Subject not addressed.

displays of EDF data.

Is there space to display raps of the Subject not addressed.


f. Space for storage of plant records Subject not Eddressed.

1: and historical data. Records, data and drawings ray be kept in TSC if they can be displayed in the IDF by an automated method of retrieval.

Ecw much work space is dedicated to Subject not addressed.

.this task?

g. Separate office space to accommodate A separate office is at least five NRC personnel during provided, but the , size is periods that the EDF is activated, not addressed.

Fig. H.III.A.1.2-7.

How much office space is allocated subject not addressed. -

for NRC use (st least 250-375 sq.


Does this room have a speaker Subject not addressed, telephone?

Page 5-9

i Enrico Fermi 2 .


2. Tne EP working space shall be large
  • Adequate response.

enough for at least 35 persons, -including EP H.l.3 -

25 persons designated by the licensee, 9 Fig. H.III.A.l.2-7 and 8.

persons from 1RC, and 1 person from FDA.

Tnis minimum space shall be increased if the maximum staffing levels specified in the licensee's emergency plan, including representatives from State and local agencies, exceeds 25 persons.

How reany people are assigned to the EF by Subject not addressed.

the Emergency Plan including the lac personnel and one FDA person?

Is the workspr.ce adequate for these pecple Subject not addressed.

.to perform their functions? .

Are workspaces designed to control poise Subject not addressed..

and traffic and to avoid unintended dissemination of confidential infor: ration?

Are provisions made for liaison persons Subject not addressed.

frca offsite organizations (if desired by these organizations)?

5.5 Radiological Monitoring

1. Tne licensee shall provide the EF with Subject not addressed.

installed radiation monitors or dedicated, portable monitoring equipaent.

Are dedicated dose rate instruments, Subject not addressed.

survey meters and airborne radioactivity nonitoring instr eants assigned to the BJF? .

Which instrments will be used? Subject t addressed.

Where are instruments located? Subject not addres', sed.

How reany of each? Subject not addressed.

How were types of, n=ber of, and Subject not addressed.

placement of monitors determined?

What range do these instr ments have? Subject not addressed.

Page 5-10

, --p, --r.,


i Enrico Femi 2 000207f -

2. 'Ibese systems shall continuously indicate Subject not addressed. '

radiation d' e rates, airberne radioactivity concentrations and the presence of radiciodine as low as lE-7 microcuries/cc in the EOF.

Is someone assigned to mo[11tortheEOF Subject not addressed, habitability when radiation releases are taking place?

e ivtat are the qualifications of this subject not addressed.


If not, are there fixed instruments which Subject not addressed.

are equipped with audible and visual alams? ,

At what radiation levels will these Subject not addressed.

instruments alarm?

Are tnattended instrtrr.ents in continuous Subject not addressed, operation?

How is iodine monitored? Subject'not addressed.

Is the detection limit for airborne I-131 Subject not addressed.

as low as lE-7 microcurries/cc?

htat is the reliability of the subject not addressed.

continuously cperating instrtrents? (i.e.,

is there back-up power for the '

instrtrents? Do the instrt*wnts meet the i manufacturers specifications for availability and accuracy? Ecw often are l

the instrtrr.ents calibrated?)

l 1 .

s l

Fage 5-11

. - ,. , u

i Enrico Fcrmi 2 CDPJHIT

3. 'Ihese monitoring systemr shall include Subject not addressed. '

local alarms with trip levels set to provide early warning to EOF personnel of adverse conditions that ray affect the habitability of the EDF.


Fnat ' are the trip levels of these Subject not addressed.


Does the instrument system profide a Subject not addressed.

warning of precautionary radiation levels in a timely ranner to allow the EDF personnel to take protective actions?

4. Does the EOF have a counting room? Yes, according to

- Figure H.III.A.1.2-7.

What instruments are available in the Subject not addressed.

counting room?

Where are backup counting rooms located? Subject not addressed.

Is the counting room or receiving roum Subject not addressed.

readily accessible to offsite EOF ,

personnel'and monitoring teams?

Is the monitoring equipnent stored at the Subject not addressed.

EOF? If net, where is it stored?

Supplies of protective clothing, Subject not addressed, respiratory equipnent and KI shall be readily available for all personnel who may need access to the plant or ray enter the airborn plume.

Are instructions for the use of KI Subjat not addressed.


Are reserves of equipnent available in the Subject not addressed.

EOF or scme nearby location?

  • Where? Subject not addressed.

How is the need for such supplies Subject not addressed.

determined? i.e., when will personnel don respiratory equipaent?

Is the protection factor for respiratory subject not addressed.

equipnent equivalent to a full face rask?

Page 5-12

A L Enrico Fermi. 2.

C0tE1T 5.6 Cc=munications Subject not addressed. ,

1. D3F _t elephone access to cornercial telephone connon carrier services must bypass any local telephone. switching facilities-that may be susceptible to loss of power in emergencies.

How many switchboard indefendent commercial telephone lines are . available in the MF?

2. DOF voice co=nunications must consist of a reliable primary and backup system and

' include: ,

a. Hotline telephone located in the IEC office space (and also in the licensee space if desired by the licensee). en the energency notification system (ENS) to the IEC Operations Center; What is the backup systen for ,

connunications to the IRC?

b. Dedicated telephore located in the IEC office space (and also in the licensee space if desired by ' the licensee) en the lac Health physics ,

, network (ER1);

i VTnat is the backup system for

. co:r.unication to the lac?

. c. Dedicated telephones for management communications with direct access to

! the TSC and the control room; Do these telephones provide non-interruptable service between D2F '.

and TSC or control room?

d. Dial telephones that provide access to onsite and offsito locations; Page 5-13


i Enrico Fcrmi 2

  • EtFE2?T
e. Interco=unications systems between '

work areas of the E F, if needed for the EF functioral performance and if the EOF is comprised of separate functional areas;


Is there an intercom to conne".t the EOF manager and supervisors?

f. Padio co=unications to l?tensee mobile-monitoring teans; Are there' provisions to use commercial telephones as a backup?

- g. Communications to State and local

  • operations centers; What are the prirary and backup comunications?

Are they diverse,_ redundant and dedicated?

h. Comunications to facilities outside the EDF used to provide supplECental support for E F evaluations.

Are there prirary and backtp cv....unications to corporate HQ?

3. The EOF communicaticn systen shall also -

include designated telephones (in addition to the C!S and h27 telephones) for use by IEC personnel. Tne licensee shall provide at least two dial telephone lines for such 13C use when the EP is activated. Tne licensee shall also furnish the onsite access facilities and cables to the IGC

  • for the E"S and h21 telephones.


! 4. Facsimile transmission capability between  ;

the EDF, the 'ISC, and the IEC Operations Center shall be provided.

Is facsimile transmission capability installed and tested. for compatibility with IEC and offsite authorities?

Page 5-14

, Enrico Fermi 2 '


m.g.a72 4 - ,

5. Ate there descriptions of how -the.

following cc:r:ntnications needs are met?

EOF raanager with Corporate HQ ,

TSC Centrol Room GC State Goverment

  • Local Government EOF Supervisors Administrative supervisor with Corporate HQ TSC Security communication center Outside telephone lines EOF raanager Telefax Photocopying Dose assessment supervisor with HFN telephone '

TSC EOF manager Outside line Padio to monitoring teams Engineering supervisor with Control Room TSC


Corporate Outside lines Vendors Liaison supervisor with Corporate HQ NRC '.

State. Government Local Government TV Monitor (news stations)

Page 5-15 C ' -. __ ._. - ._ . _ . .

., Enrico Fermi 2 5."h Insirumentation, Data System D:Iuipsnt, and Power Supplies These methodologies are addressed in .

Sections 6, 7, 8,-and 9.

5.8 Technical Data and Data Systen Tnese methodologies are addressed in Sections 6, 7, 8, and 9.

5.9 Records Availability and Fanagement S

1. EOF personnel shall have ready access te Insufficient information.

up-to-date records, operationa specifications, and procedures that include but are not limited to:

a. Plant meteorological data. Available, but no specific information is given.

Does the EOF have access to primary Subject not addressed.

and backup meteorological data?

Are dose assessment procedures Subject not addressed.

designed to use either data set?

b. Ly-to-date records related to Subject not addressed.

licensee, State, and local emergency response plans.

Does the EOF have up-to-date copias Subject not addressed.

. of State, local and Federal energency response plans and procedures?

c. Safety Pars:neter Display Systen. Subject not. addressed.
d. Offsite ppulation distribution data. Subject not addressed.
e. Plant technical specifications. Subject not addressed.

Are specifications, records, Subject not addressed.

drawings, and reports the current ones (what are the most current dates)?

f. Evacuation plans. Subject not addressed.

Page 5-16 m  % , w --

. Enrico Firmi 2

  • COMtEt1T i .
g. Plant operating procedures. ,

Subject not addressed. ,

h. Environs radiological monitoring Subject not addressed.


i. Daergency operating procedures. Subject not addressed.


j. Ilcensee enployee radiation exposure subjecc not addressed.

histories, a

k. Final Safety Analysis Report. Subject not addressed.
1. tv-to-date, as-built drawings, subject not addressed, scheratics,.and diagrzms showing:

Conditions .of plant structures ,'

and systems down to the compnent level, and In-plant locaticns of these systens. ,

m. 01ecklists, guides, worksheets and Subject not addressed.

other job performance aids. .

2. Tnese records shall either be stored and Subject not addressed.

4 maintained in the EOF (such as hard copy or microfiche) or shall be readily available via transmittal to the EDF' frcm another records storage location. The method of storage and presentation of the '

MF records shall ensure ease of access under energency conditions. The records available to the EDF shall be completely updated as necessary- to ensure currency and completeness.

How are records stored and naintained in Subject not addressed, the EDF? .

Are records readily available 'for Subject not addressed.

  • ransmission to the EDF from another ,

storage location?

Are records stored so as to be readily and Subject not addressed.

easily accessible?

How are records updated? Subject not addressed.

How are the records accessed? Subject not addressed.

Page 5-17

  • - - - e ,- +-n , - -

Enrico Fermi 2 CMElT

6. . Data P.cquisition Systen 6.1 D;S Functicnal Descriptien The function of a data acquiiition syste:n No functicnal cescription (DAS) in the context of this methodology provided.

. doct:nent is to provide a basic source of data for all e:nergency 19sponse facilities. A functieral block diagram, showing the facilities to be used for data acquisitien and their functicral interconnection. to ERF's and other plant facilities shculd he provided. Figures 2 and 3 of N.iREG-0696 are examples of such .


5.2 D;S Facilities It is anticipated that a dedicated data Insufficient information.

acquisitien system, consisting of a single No specific single DAS facility or a functicrally integrated, facility is described.

physically distributed facility will he Some data is obtained prep: sed for mest sites. Ecwever, through a closed circuit' NGIC-0696 dees not require that ctilities TV system between the crevide srecific, dedicated D;s control roca and TSC.

-facilities, ~ cnly that thev rerfern This is not an acceptable' system for the DAS.

specific data acq'aisition:functicns'. 'Scae sites may prepose to perform DFS ft=cticns by sharing other facilities such as the plant process control cc puter. In either

. case, any facilities used for the acquisitien of any and all dann relating

. to safety parcreters and E?J's should address the fcllcwing areas. .

t i

1. DAs Layeu*

Describe the layout of the DAS. A drawing D;S layout not provided. .

or phctograph of the systen(s), showing equiptent recm layout and cperater censole(s) may be sufficient.

Page 6-1

. Enrico F;rmi 2 m g.a rr

2. DAS Environment .

a.1Tnere is the DAS located? Not clearly stated, appar-antly a distributed system. .

b. What fire protecticn facilities are Implies. It's in the TSC.

provided? ,


c. Is the room temperature controlled? Insufficient information.

What is the heat output ofr the equipnent?

What is the heat removal capacity of the air conditioning system?

d. What htrnidity controls are provided?- Insufficient inforration.
c. Concerning electrical p3wer: Power furnished to TSC via two independant 480V feeders What power sources are .available? from separate off-site sources..

What are'the DAS power requirennts? Not specified.

Is the source uninterruptable? Not specified.

What is the backup source? Insufficient informat! ion.

... gas turbine generators on-site..."

3. DAS Physical Security and Access Insufficient inforration.
a. Describe the security procedures which Not specified.

determine who may access DAS equipnent.

b. Identify the authorized personnel. Not specified.

Can the user stop the system via a normal display device?

.Can the user stcp the system without enter'ing the DAS resLurce restricted area or enclosure?

  • 9 Page 6-2 9

O Enrico Fermi 2 .

00MMENT 6.3 DAS Equignent Specifications


In order to evaluate the capability of a proposed DAS to' acquire and distribute data in a ranner consistant with the functional criteria in hUREG-0696, the DAS equipnent configuration must & understood in detail. The follouing questions are to be applied to any subsystem of a dedicated, distributed DAS, as we3h as to any system which shares DAS functions with other plant functions.

1. Dedicated DAS What facilities. are provided for the -

acquisition of data to be provided for ERF's?

a. Specify the computer hardware Not specified.


What vendor?

htat model number? -

What is the processor's computation speed? instructions /sec.

What is the system's configuration?

Nu:nber of processors:

0 9

O e


Page 6-3

L- Enrico F rmi 2

  • 00t@Et7f For each processor or ~

subsystem, indicate the following:

Working storage: bytes.

What type? . (cord, IDS, etc.)

Error detection and/or correcticn capabilityF . ,

On-line disk storage:

  • Number of controllers:

Number of drives: ,

'Ibtal capacity: bytes.

Maximum access time:


Minimum transfer

  • rate: bytes /sec.

Tape storage:

Drive type: (7 or 9 track)

Number of drives:

i Maximum density: bytes / inch.

i Speed: inches /sec.

9 O

I Page 6-4

, Enrico Fermi 2 COMMENT Data Aquisition Hardware: .

Ntrnber of analog channels:.

Sampling rate pe,r channel: samples /sec.

_ Resolution per channel: bits. #

Ntrrber of digital '


Bits per digital

- channel: .

Data communications hardware:

Ntrrber of ports:

Type of ports: (RS-232, V35, etc.)

Average data rate per ,

port: bits /sec.

b. What. software cperating systen is Not specified.


c. Will this operating systen Not spcified.

1 software be specially modified for use with the DAS? If so, describe l the proposed Inodifications and their justification.


d. Identify any other software Not specified.

l . comp nents of the DAS and their source. .

l l

t I'

l l

Page 6-5 l




.. Enrico Fami 2

  • OCl@E!T
2. Additional Requirements for Non-dedicated -


a. If the plant process control cenputer, or Ibt specified.

any other computer facility not fully dedicated to acquisition .of data for ERF's, is to be employed, the following information must be understood in addition to that specified in 6.3.1.

a What ~ facilities, hardware and Not specified, software, are included in the configuration to insure that .

emergency response- facility data -

acquisition functions and other functions do not interfere with and ,

degrade each other?

Does the configuration include dual processors with separate functions?

Do progras and data for the separate functions reside in physically separate working '

storage and on-line storage facilities?

Does the cperating system software provide for the irplemer.tatien and isolation of separate functicnal tasks?

What user-callable system services are provided to facilitate non-cocperating, concurrent processes? does the operating cystem deal with ,

conflicting requests 'for system resources? ,

What is the systen's -

deadlock avoidance mechanim?

Page 6-6


Enrico Fermi 2 00t@ENT 6.4 Sensor Data to be Acquired .

. 1. Plant variables of Type A, B, C, D, and E, None specified.

as specified in Regulatory C-uide 1.97 Revision 2 Table 1(HiR's). or 2.(PWR's), are required;- identify any exclusions, deviations, or additions and describe the justification for each. .-

2. Meteorological data described in " data shall enable TSC staff -

Regulatory Guide 1.23 ~ Revision 1 is to detemine... prevailing required; identify any exclusions, meteorological ~ status" deviations, or additions and describe the H.III.A.l. justification for each. .

3. For each automatically monitored sensor:

At what location is the data from the Insufficient information. '

sensor physically obtained for the DAS? H.III.A.l. Is isolation provided? If so, describe. " required" Describe the cabling 'betwem the ansor !bt specified. , [

and the DAS.- ,

p If the sensor signal is not connected Insufficient informationi directly to a DAS input, describe any What kind of receivers?

and all intemediate circuits and/or- H.III.A.l. equignent.

At what rate is the sensor "et spcified.

sampled: samples /sec.  :

At what resolution is the sensor data Not specified.

- read: bits.

4. For any data which is entered by a manual Not specified.

process describe: ,

The nIthod of entering the data'.

Tne time required to enter the data.

Procedures which have been established for entering the data.

Verification processes used to insure the data has been entered correctly and in a tin:ely ranner.

4 Page 6-7 y- y v &9-r-+ t--*-e-- +r*g- e e-- fF-t - #ee ec= = - - - e - - ' - - - - ~ "

Enrico Fermi 2 .

'e 00tEEt1T 6.5 Data to be Provided for Dose Assebis an't ,

i WREG-0696 requires that, in addition to Insufficient inforration.

radiological cnd ' meteorological

! data The availability of '

specified in 6.4, the output cbtained from " dispersion models" is a Class A transport and diffusion stated, radiation releases (dispersica) model, described in and meteorological data WREG-0654, Revision el, Appendix 2,'be are provided by direct displayed in the EOF. If these trEnsport computer interface, and and diffusion estirates are to be cent to offsite radiological data the EOF via the DAS, identify: -is collected manually and sent to the EOF by radio, The source of these data; but no details regaiding volume and data rate are The manner in which these data enter provided (H.III.A.l.2.6) the DAS; The volume of data generated by the model; and


The rate' at which these data are input-tc~the DAS. -

( _,-' s i

7 n



.a f $

g t / ,

, l f ~' l r .

h . ,

'( ,

h .


- i e

r -#

f j


Page 6-8 6


Enrico Fcrmi 2 . '

(IXVIE21T 7.' Data' Display Syst ms t

7.1 Functional Display Devices Data is acquired and processdd by the DAS Insufficient information.

for presentation in the 'ISC, the EDF, and H.III.A. states on the "33S displays in the control room. " Data display fLatures A functional description of the display meet the requireants of devices used in each of these facilities section III.I, NURDG-0696",

is req " ed to determine their ability to but functional descriptions meet the _ equirements of WREG-0696. are not provided.

1. Displays Required .

There_ must be a minimum of the following display units present in each ERF location,

a. Control Room Displays ,

The primary SPDS display must be in the. SPDS is not described.

control room. H.III.A.l.2.4.3 states " data system incorporates features-

b. TSC Displays that meet requirenents..."

There- must be a dedicated mimic SIDS H.III.A.l. states display unit in the TSC. only that "six CRTs for data prescntation are in TSC".

Since trend information must be H.III.A. "Four two displayed, there must be at least one pen trend recorders are graphical display the TSC. If available for- trending trend informatien is not displayed cn a selected parameters from s

. graphical display unit, an alternate the DAS dats base".

method of display must be provided and

. justified.

l -

l Tnere .must be at least one dedicated Insufficienti inforration. .

terminal available to call up ,and "Two typewriters located display data specifically related to on first row outsi,de tables

'2SC functions (i.e., plant system t.c access the DAS" variables other than those included in H.III.A.l. '

the SPDS).


Page 7-1

' 9

, Enrico Firmi 2 '



there must be at least one terminal Not specified.

dedicated for display of in-plant and .

offsite radiological variables and meteorological information, for exclusive use in performing EF functions in the TSC. .

There must be at least one hardcopy Not specified.

device available for printing information disp ayed on the CRrip.

There must be at least one hard copy Not specified, unless that device capable of displaying oraphics function is suppose 4 to be information. It is not necessary for performed by the typewriter the. graphics printer to have the (see III.A. resolution or color equivalent of the grapnics screen. >

If static pictorial records such as Not specified.

area maps, building drawings, component dr, wings or system diagrans are kept on ,

a computer for call up, a second dedicated graphics display device must -

be provided fcr this purp se.

c. EOF Displays Not specified.
  • There must be a dedicated mimic SPDS display unit in the WF.

There must be a dedicated P splay '

device for the monitoring function to monitor radiological, meteorolegical and plant variable data.

If the radiological evaluation function in the IDF is performed with the aid of

- a computer, there must be a dedicated terminal for this function.

There must be a dedicated . display device for obtaining information needed .,

by offsite officials.

Since trending information must be -

displayed, a graphical display unit is required. This unit could also be used to display graphical data related to offsite dose predictions (i.e., pitm.

dispersion, maps).

Page 7-2

Enrico Femi 2 .

QMENT If static pictorial records, such as -

area maps, building drawings,,companent


drawings or system diagrcms are kept on a computer for call-up, a second .

dedicated graphics display device must be provided for this purpose.

If a teminal is used for news media briefings, it must be an additional separate teminal. =;

There must be at least one hardcopy device available which is capable of.

printing the displays on the CRr's.

There must be at least one hard copy .

device capable of displaying graphics -

infomation. It is not necessary for the graphics printer to have the resolution or color equivalent of the graphics screen. .

2. Display Device Functiomi Descriptions .

i For each parcr.eter specified in 6.4 and None described.

6.5 describe

a. The infomation 6 be displayed at the TSC and the EOF.


b. The fermat in which it will be displayed,
c. The method required to initiate the

. display of the parameter. (i.e.,

operator req 2est, continuous display,

. etc.)

d. Describe the method for display of +

trending information.


e. Describe the method for recall and display of historical data. .

Page 7-3

, Enrico Fcrmi 2 .


3. Disp 1"cy Device Hardware Description What equipnent is provided to display data in the ERF's?

CRT Terminals: ,,

Not specified.

Vendor name / Model Number?

I/O data rates? =

As a mininta CRP ccreen capacity

. should be 80 characters by 24 lines. .

If the screens do not meet this requirement, specify their capacity

. and the justification for using the -

smaller capacity. -

Define any special function keystroke input to be used.

ktat is'the physical screen size?

Is. there control over the character brightness?

If the terminal is intelligent, describe any special features that would be used, and how.

Hardcopy printers: Not specified.

Vendor name / Model'nu2er?

Print rate (lines / minute)?

htat is the nuder of characters per line? .

htat is the character set av'ailable? .,

Does the printer have graphics capabilities that will be used? If -

so, what are they and how will they be esed?

Page 7-4.


, Enrico Fermi 2

  • cmgg .

Is the noise level generated by the operating printer when it is acceptable for the envirorrnent in which it is located?

Graphics equipnent: Not specified..

Is the display hardware raster or vector driven?

If the device is vector driven, what is the addressibility (ntrber of spatial resolution Inints on the

. display screen)? 512 X 256 is the -

minimum acceptable. '

What is the line width of vectors drawn? 0.05 inches is the maximum acceptable. ,

What is the speed at which vectors are drawn on the screen (full screen -

vectors o- inches per second)? 50 '

full screen vectors per second is the minimum acceptable.

! If the dispicy is a rester device, what is the pixel size and resolution (nt=ber of pixels on the ,


4 If the raster device is monochrome, how rany levels of gray are available? How rany are actually used?

If the device is color, how many ,

different colors ray be displayed ..

simultaneously? How rany .are actually used? .

What is the data transfer rate to '

the device? (specify pixels /second, vectors /second, or bits per-second).

Does the data transfer rate support the device's display capability?'

Page 7-5 re-a w ,-e- ms- .-

  • v -w s-ev- e , - e r- -


Enrico F;rmi 2 -

OCt0 E F What is the refresh display rate of the display device? 30 Hertz is the minixxn acceptable refresh rate.

Does the device have hardware vector generation capability? , .

Does the device have hardware character generation capability?,


4. Availability of functional display data to Not specified.

th2 ERF display systems a.,What is the maximum response tire to queries for information required during an emergency . situation? The minimum acceptable response time is three seconds for at least 90% of the queries for information. ,

b. If a respnse . takes longer than 2-3 '

seconds, .is the operator informed that the requested operation is in progress?

c. If the displayed data is inconsistent or -

faulty, how is this deficiency indicated?

5. Functional Display Format Not specified. .
a. What is the prirary format used for data display? (Actual exmples are preferred).

f .

b. Is the display of sufficient quality and sir.plicity that it may be seen and

- understood from the distances required by staff location? Factors to consider: ,

Is the most important information grouped in the upper-right-hand quadrant of the display?

Ecw are related items of information >

grouped together on the screen?

How are sub-areas of the display separated?

2 Page 7-6 L.

Enrico F.:rmi 2 Cct?EtiT


-- If color is used to highlight and differentiate portions of display formats, how rany different colors are tIsed cnd for what purpse is each




htat .other display dinensions (reverse video, size, blinking characters, etc.) are used in the display femats and for what purpose is each used?

6. Operator Interface to Systen Not specified.
a. Can the operator call up optional displays with simple word or keystroke cc= rands?

Scme examples of comands should be provided. ,

b. htat is the maximtra tire required to enter a request for information? (30 seconds should be the maximt:n time) .
c. What are the levels of expertise needed to operate the system?
7. Functional Display Position H.III.A.l. - 6 CRTs
a. What is the nirber of displays in each in TSC, none specified facility (TSC and EOF)? in the EDF.

.b. What is the position of each display subject not addressed.

de" ice in the room?

c. hhat is 'the maximt:n ntrrber of people who Not specified, must. view the display in an emergency .


Not specified.

d. What are the distances and angles at which the display must be viewed?
e. Are there any rocm illumination controls Not specified.

which must be utilized for proper viewing of the display devices?

Page 7-7

, Enrico Fermi 2 00t@ZNT' 7.2 SPD.T

1. Availability of safety parameter data for


Not specified.

the SFDS displays

-- What are the safety parreters available -

to the SPDS? -

Are there any times when any such parameters are unavailable?  ;

2.' Recognizability of the SPDS display Not specified.

What features of the SPDS display

, distinguish it from the other displays and devices in the EPS and control rooms?  ?

3. SPDS Location Not specified,
a. Describe the location of the SPDS displays in the ERF's and control.Icom.
b. How does the location of the SPDS insure that it can be easily accessed by the requiring safety staff members the information displayed?
c. Is the SPDS physically compatible with the existing facilities?
d. Does the SPDS present a hazard or obstacle to normal cperation of the ERF?
4. SPDS Staffing Not specified.

The SPDS should require no staff in addition to that necessary for the operation of the ERF. How does the design of the SEDS insure that this is the case? .

7.3 Other' Display Devices Not specified.

If display devices other than those

  • required by I E EG-0696 (EOF, TSC, and SPDS) are connected to the DAS, describe these devices and indicate their- degree of inpact on DAS performance.

Page 7-8

. Enrico F;rmi 2 -


8. Data Ccmmunications .

f 8.1 Description

1. Provision must be rade for ' adequate and Insufficient information.

relleble transfer of data among the components of the Data Acquisition Systs, and between the Data Acquisition 4 tem and the:

Technical Support Center Emergency Operations Facility '

Safety Parm.eter Display System displays 1:uclear Data Link corr.unications equignent IIeteorological Data Facility

2. Provision must also be rade for hiccess to Insufficient infortcation.

meteorological data in the DAS by the IEC Operations Center, and certain state and local agencies, if this service is not provided by facilities other than the ERF.

3. Block diagrcms should be provided to show Inforration not styplied.

these data paths and the methods of tran mission employed. ,

8.2 General Not specified.

1. Is the link capacity sufficient for the

- maximum required rate of transmission?

2. Can 'all of the data channels meet the 0.01 unavailability requirement as defined in IUPS3 0696, Section 1.5, under all  :

conditicns above cold shutdown?

3. Is all powered data communications equipnent on an uninterruptible power supply?
4. How are the data channels protected from unauthorized modification?

Page 8-1

Enrico F;rmi 2 , ,


5. Are all data channels, plus equignent spares, tested 'as part of the periodic -

testing program?

8.3 ~Added Ouestions for Data Links Using EIA' Not specified.

Stanciard Interfaces

1. Do the voltage levels and = impedances conform to the standard? .*
2. Does th( data rate adhere to the standard ~

for the a) tance spanned?

3. Are cabl_ and connectors ,

-the standard? ,

-8.4 Added Questions for Voice-Frequency Links Not specified.

1.- Is error detection and correction -

provided, if riot otherwise supplied by the protocal?

2. Nhat provision is rade for testing the  ;

4 voice-frequency segments?

3. Is the data rate within the- specification for the modems for the distance sp:mned?
4. Are spare modems stored on site? ,
5. Are there redundant data links, physically separate and without common failure mode, in all locations where there is a reasonable probability of service failure?

8.5 Applicable Standards Not specifie,d.

Typical standards that ray be specified for serial data and control signal -

traninisr on are:


EIA Standard RS-232-C. ." Interface between data termiral equignent and data communication equipnent employing serial binary data in*, erchange." August.1969.

Page 8-2

, Enrico Fcrmi 2 . .

00MIO TT FED-STD 1020. " Electrical '

characteristics of balanced voltage digital interface circuits."

September 1975.

FED-STD 10'20. " Electrical characteristics of unbaldhced voltage digital interface circuits."

September 1975.

s EIA Standard RS-422-A. " Elect'rical characteristics of balanced voltage digital interface circuits.".

December 1978.

. - EIA Standard PS-423-A. " Electrical '

characteristics of unbalanced voltage digital interface cire11ts."

.epte=ber 1978 EIA Standard RS-449. " General purpose '37-position _ and 9-position -

interface for data terminal equignent and data circuit-terminating equipaent employing serial binary '

data interchange." November 1977.

I i



l l

Page 8-3

, Enrico Firmi 2

  • CCHME21T 9.' Syst'en Support Requitate.nts 9.1 Documentation
1. Describe the location where docu:tentation Systen support documents not is stored and the personnel *who require specified in doctrant list access to this doctraentation. The minim:n provided in documentation to be included must. be a H.III.A. user or operators ranual, fungtional syste:n . documentatica, .. hardware documentation and sortware documentation.
2. User Documentation

.  ;. a. Is there an operator's ranual or its Insufficient inforration.

equivalent for each display device or -

facility that is adequate to explain the use of the display as well as instructions for resolving problens?

b. Does the doctraentation must include Not specified.

as a minimum:

Table of Contents that is w 11 indexed for easy reference? '

Description of how to use the manual?

Systen startup procedure?

Systen fcilure procedure?

Reference to ~ support . services

. (both hardware and

Cperating instructions for each

. piece of equiptent?

Operating instructions for each request the user ray initiate .,

and response to be received?

References to other subsysters -

and docunents?

c. Is the user doctraentation self Not specified.

supporting such that no other documentation is necessary to operate the system?

Page 9-1


i _, __

Enrico Fermi 2 .


d. Does the user documentation contain guidance on the limitation of -

instrtrrent readings and their -

reliability following serious accidents?

3. Functional Systen Doct=entation Not specified.
a. htat documentation describes in detail the DAS, the communications systems and the display systes from a functional perspective, as well as the means of implsentation?

. b. Does this documentation have -

reference to all doctnentation for -

subsystems which interface to the IAS, comunications equipnent, and display systes?

4. Hardware Doctnentation Not specified,
a. htat hardaare doctnentation provides information for the engineers or '

technicians other than -the systen designer to maintain the systen?

b. Does this hardeare docta.mtation include:

Theory of Operation?

Mechcnical Prints?

. Electrical Prints?

5. Sof tware Doctnentation Not specified.
a. What doctmentation is available, to maintain and evaluate the software? .,
b. What procedures are to be follcwed to insure that the code contains sufficient coxrents - for efficient maintenance and verification of the software?

i Page 9-2

. Enrico Fermi 2 -

00I2EITI '

6. Documentation Update Procedure Not specified.
a. What procedure which has been established for maintaining the manuals and other necessary documentation to assure that any


changes in the DAS, co xntnications system or display 'systens are reflected in this documentation.

W .

b. Who will be resp nsible' for the trix3ates? , -

9.2 Training ,

Training for operators and traintenance personnel must be provided.

1. User Training Not specified.
a. How will cperators of display systens be trained?
b. Who will perform this training?

I c. What review of the training procedure will be followed to respnd to changes in the systems?

2. Maintenance Train'ng Not specified.
a. How will the raintenance personnel resp nsible for the DAS, communicaticns equipnent and display devices be trained?
b. How will the training of personnel be
  • verified? .

9.3 Quality Assurance

1. Software Verification / Validation Not specified.
a. What verification or validation plan has been developed for the software for the DAS and display systens?

Page 9-3 l-

., Enrico Fermi 2

  • meDIT '
b. Does the test plan outline procedures for testing the -following error -

types? . .

Logic Errors-Documentation Errord-(especially in the User documentation)

' ~ ~

Overload Errors s ,

Timing Errors ~

, .?

Throughput and Capacity Errors Fallback and Recovery Errors .

c. Does the test plan specify the overall test and integration philosophy, strategies, and methodologies to be employed?
d. Wno will perform 'the independent quality assurance function?-
e. Is there an adequate method to verify that there is a correlation between output data from the DAS and readings observed by the operators in the control roon? Describe this method.

A string test from the individual sensor through the necessary processors and cables to the data cutput device shall be a part of this .

j -

- rethod.

2. Hardeare Verification / Validation Not specified.

a.'What. is the verification or .

validation plan for the hardware necessary for the DAS, communications ,

'equipnent and display systems?

b. Wno will perform the independent l

quality assurance function on this i hardware?

l i

Page 9-4 l

., Enrico Fcrmi 2

  • Cote DTE*
3. Systen Log Not specified.
a. Will a system log be maintained?
b. Minimum information in -this' log should be:


A'A system modifications ,

All system fal . 's ineluding time, reason'and esolution- -

All planned outages -

D e e e.

am 9 *$




J h- e f

I f

J Page 9-5

. - , --.r.t

- . , ., - , , . . _ _ . , - _ . , , , _, . . , u ,_ . . .- - ,

Enrico Farmi 2 . .

M 9 d Rell' ability' .

WREG-0696 specifles that data -systems, instrturentation, and facilities of ERF's shall operate with an unavailibity factor -. .

l;: . g.

of 0.01, be down no more Gan 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> per calander quarter, and be restdrable within 30 minutest whenever the reactor is above

cold shutdown status. Furthermore, any equipnent affecting SPDS shall g erate with an unavailability factor; of ~ 0.2 ,

during cold shutdown. In order to i determine .if IRS. equignent, . display devices, and communications equipnent meet


this criterion, the following infomation ,

,must be reviewed: _

a. For each of the following subsystems: Not specified. i 4

- DM equignent, .

Functional display devices, SPDS display devices--and , - - - .

Communications equipnent, review the following:

I What is the -claimed mean time between failures? . is the claimed mean time to repair? ~

- What is the vendor's rec.n.sended l

preventive maintenance schedule?

! What backup systens or '

l . components are provided? .


How much time . is required. to .,

bring a backup system on-line?

Not specified..

b. How are these claims justified?

(Valid examples include . historical records of other- users of similar equipnent, vendor-provided records of long-term test runs, and records of acceptance tests run on the proposed equignent.)

Page 9-6

. . . , , ~ ,,,_.w-y---x-py..,g.,

Enrico Fermi 2 .

(n.2HNr - Mairienance In order to insure that the data systems,-

instrturentation, and facilities of DtF's meet the unavailability requirement the following minimum hardware and software raintenance requirments should be reviewed. -

1. Hardware Maintenance Not specified.
a. htat is the hardware main =tenance plan?
b. How does the plan work to assure minimun unavailability?
c. Concerning maintenance person.nel: ,

htat personnel are identified for the DAS, 'onmunications equipnent and display syst ss? ,

are personnel Where these .


How are the personnel qualified for the hardware they will be working with?

d. Concerning spare parts:

htere are spare parts located -

for minimtra practical replacement time?


- htere are critical itms located on-site?

If spare parts are to be l . supplied by outside sources, ,

what is the raximum availability delay that can be assured? .,

Is the quality of the spare parts equivalent to the original .

i equipnent?

e. Is maintenance support equipnent available on deand?

Page 9-7 l

I )


, , - ~ - - - - - - , - , . .r-n, , _ , , ,

. - Enrico Firmi 2 . .

0391E27f "f. htat is the schedule and procedure for cal.ib-ation and verification of test equi ~?

2. Software 11 .u m e Not specified,
a. What is the software maintenance. and re-verification plan?
b. Who will maintain the softuste for the PAS and display systems?
c. What is the procedure for providing adequate qualified backup software maintenance personnel?
d. htat is the DAS update procedure?

Does this procedure insure that:

Changes to the software are i authorized?

Any changes to the software are adequately tested and validated

  • before they are implernteS?

A description and date of the change have been recorded in a manner which can be easily reviewed?

I r

l Page 9-8 I

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