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Certificate of Compliance 9147,Revision 0,for Model 850
Person / Time
Site: 07109147
Issue date: 03/19/1981
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML19347D649 List:
NUDOCS 8103260975
Download: ML19347D652 (5)



O Form NRC418 U.S. NUCLEAR AEr4ULATCRY COMMISSION I 2 731 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE pq For Racetactive Materises Pacmages 1.tal Certificate Numcor 1.(b) Rev'seon No.

1.(c! Pacmage toontification No. Pages No. 1.(el Total No. Pages 9147 0

USA /9147/Bf )

1 2

2. P A E AM B LE 2.tal Thes certificate is issueo to satisf y Sections 173.093a. are 173.096 of the Oecartment of Transportaten waanrocus Materms Aegutations (49 CFR 170-129 anc 14 0FR 1031 anc Sections 146-19-1Ca ano 146-19-100 of tne Osoortment of Transoortation Cangerous Cargoes Regi,,tatens (46 CFR 146-149). as amenced.


The osctagmg and contents cescribed in item 5 te6ow. meets two safety standares set forth in Su:oart C of Titie 10. Coce of Fecersa Aeguaatcas. Part 71. "Packagmg of Radacactive Materia 4s for Transport and Transportaticn of Raccactive Materiae Urcer Cartain Conditcas.**


Thrs certificate does not reiieve the consagnor.from comcNiance with any recuirement of the regulatons of **e U.S. copertment of Transportation or otrer sooticaole regulatory. agencies, inctucing the governraent of any country througn or into anicn the Dacmage wda De transoortec.

3. This certificate es issued on the bases of a safety anesysis reocrt of tne sectage or accnicaten-3.tal Precered by (Name and addres):


Titte and centificatson of report or accnicaten:

Technical Operations, Inc.

Technical Operations, Inc. application dated Northwest Industrial Park October 30, 1980.

Burlington, MA 01803 coc=et %.

71-9147 4 CONC ATICNS This certificate is concitonal uoon the fulfdfing of the recuarements of Succert O of to CFR 71. as aposicaele. and the cereitens specified in.iem s oe o.

5. Oescr stion of Pacmagreg arc AutPortaeo Contents. Voce6 Numcee. Frssde C: ass, Otner Cancitees, and


(a) Packaging (1) Model No.:



(2) Description A stainless steel encased, uranium shielded source changer.

The shipping container is 8.8 inches long,10.4 inches high and 8.5 inches wide. The radioactive source assemblies are housed inside titanium source tubes.

i The source tubes are surrounded by depleted uranium metal for shielding.

l The depleted uranium shield assembly is encased in a stainless steel housing.

The void space between the uranium shield assembly and stainless steel housing is filled with a castable rigid polyurethane foam.

The gross weight of the container is 77.0 pounds.

. (3) Drawings The packaging is cor h et d in accordance with the following Technical Operations, Inc, % n Ncz. 85090, Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of 5, Rev. O and 90051 S v I of 1, Rev. A.

B10826 0

5 Page 2 - Certificate No. 9147 - Revision No. 0 - Occket No. 71-9147 5.

(b) Contents (1) Type and form of material Iridium-192 as sealed sources which meet the requirements of special form qas defined in $71.4(0) of 10 CFR Part T' (2) Maximum quantity of material per package 240 curies 6.

The sources must be secured in the shielded position of the packaging by the source assemblies.

The source assemblies must be fabricated of materials capable of resisting a 1475 F fire environment for one-half hour and maintaining their positioning function.

The source assemblies must engage the locking device.

The source assemblies must be of sufficient length and diameter to provide positive positioning of the sources within the depleted uranium shield assembly.


The name plate must be fabricated of materials capable of resisting the fire test of 10 CFR Part 71 and maintaining their legibility.


The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 571.12(b).


Expiration date:

January 31, 1986.

REFERENCE Technical Operations, Inc. application dated October 30, 1980.


Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety Date:


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Safety Evaluation By tne Transoortation Certification Branch of tne Model No. 850 Packaging USA /9147/B( )

MAR 191991 Encl to ltr dtd:

Summary By application dated October 30, 1980, Technical Operations, Inc. requestad approval of the Model No. 850 shipping container to be used for shipment of radiographic sources containing iridium-191 in special form.

Based on the statements and representations' presented in the application, we have concluded the packaging and contents meet the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71, subject to the conditions contained herein.


-Technical Operations, Inc. application dated October 30, 1980.

Drawings The packaging is constructed in accordance with Technical Operations, Inc.

Drawing Nos. 85090, Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of 5, Rev. O and 90091, Sheet 1 of 1, Rev. A.

Description The shipping container is a stainless steel encased, uranium shielded source changer which is also designed for use as a Type B shipping container for radioactive sources in special form. The shipping container is 8.8 inches long, 10.4 inches high and 8.5 inches wide.

The radioactive source assemblies are housed inside titanium source tubes.

The source tubes are surrounded by depleted uranium metal for shielding.

The depleted uranium shield assembly is enca n d in a stainless steel housing.

The void space between the uranium shield assembly and stainless steel housing is filled with a castable rigid polyurethane foam.

The gr'oss weight of the container is 77.0 pounds.

l Contents i

The contents consist of iridium-192 as sealed sources that meet the requirements of special form as defined in 10 CFR 971.4(o)..The contents are limited to 240 curies of iridium-192 in special form.

Steuctural Our review of the applicant's structural analysis indicates that the Model No. 850 package satisfies the structural requirements of 10 CFR 71 for both the normal conditions of transport and the hypothetical accident conditions.

'he applicant has demonstrated by analysis and by results of testing that the l

l I

2 subject package does meet the requirements of the normal conditions of transport.

The evaluation of the ability of the package to meet the structural r:quirements of the hypothetical accident conditions is based upon actual test results.

The shipping container was dropped from a height of 30 feet onto a flat surface, and subsequently dropped from a height of 40 inches onto a steel bar six inches in diameter and eight inches high. As a result of these tests, there was no reduction in shelding effectiveness nor loss of radioactive material.

Detailed information regarding the free drop and puncture tests are a part of the tests report.and are presented by the applicant.

Thermal The staff has reviewed the thermal analysis of the Model No. 850 package provided by the applicant for normal conditions of transport and for the accident damage conditions. The applicant's thermal analyses, test results and conclusions were reviewed and found to be satisfactory.

The applicant concluded that the package satisfies the thermal requirements of 10 CFR 71.

Based on our review of the package, we concur with that conclusion.

Shielding The applicant has demonstrated by measurements and analysis the adequacy of the depleted uranium shield for the Model No. 850 shipping container under n'rmal and accident damage conditions for the maximum iridium-192 loading of o

240 curies.

The DOT normal condition of transport was shown to be satisfied by actual gamma profile measurements which gave dose rates well below the 200 mr/hr surface dose rate limit. The applicant made a radiation profile measurement of the package after it was subjected to the hypothetical accident conditions.

These measurements show the radiation level to be well below the limit of 1,000 mr/hr at three feet from the surface of the container.

The above results demonstrate satisfaction of 10 CFR 671.36 which has &

permissible limit of 1,000 mr/hr at three feet from the external surface of the package under accident conditions.

Conditions The Technical Operations, Inc. Model No. 850 packaging is limited to 240 curies of iridium-192 as sealed sources that meet the requirements of special form as defined in 10 CFR 671.4(o). The^ sources shall be secured in the shielded position of the packaging by the source assemblies..The components used to secure the sources shall be fabricated of materials capable of resisting a 1475 F fire environment for one-half hour and maintaining their positioning function.

The source assemblies shall engage the locking device.

The source assemblies shall be of sufficient length and diameter to provide positive positioning of the so'urces within the depleted uranium shield assembly. The 2

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nameplates shall be fabricated of materials capable of resisting the fire test of 10 CFR Part 71 and maintaining their legibility.

1 f

I Charles E. MacDonald, Chief i

Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety S 1931 Date:

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