05000327/LER-1980-001, Forwards LER 80-001/01T-0 | Forwards LER 80-001/01T-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-001-01, /01T-0:on 800301-03,during Initial Fuel Loading, Licensee Failed to Estimate Flowrate from Svc Bldg Exhaust at 4-h Intervals.Caused by Misunderstanding of Tech Spec Requirements.Plant Instructions Revised | /01T-0:on 800301-03,during Initial Fuel Loading, Licensee Failed to Estimate Flowrate from Svc Bldg Exhaust at 4-h Intervals.Caused by Misunderstanding of Tech Spec Requirements.Plant Instructions Revised | |
05000327/LER-1980-002-01, /01T-0:on 800306,contents of Task Decontamination Collector Tank Discharged Via Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line to Cooling Tower Blowdown W/O Flow Estimates Being Performed.Caused by Misunderstanding of Tech Specs | /01T-0:on 800306,contents of Task Decontamination Collector Tank Discharged Via Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line to Cooling Tower Blowdown W/O Flow Estimates Being Performed.Caused by Misunderstanding of Tech Specs | |
05000327/LER-1980-002, Forwards LER 80-002/01T-0 | Forwards LER 80-002/01T-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-003-01, /01T-0:on 800310,following Initial Fuel Loading, Flow Through Auxiliary Bldg Exhaust Sampler Not Maintained for 3.25-h.Caused by Misunderstanding of Tech Specs. Personnel Reinstructed in Applicable Requirements | /01T-0:on 800310,following Initial Fuel Loading, Flow Through Auxiliary Bldg Exhaust Sampler Not Maintained for 3.25-h.Caused by Misunderstanding of Tech Specs. Personnel Reinstructed in Applicable Requirements | |
05000327/LER-1980-003, Forwards LER 80-003/01T-0 | Forwards LER 80-003/01T-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-004, Forwards LER 80-004/01T-0 | Forwards LER 80-004/01T-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-004-01, /01T-0:on 800311,following Initial Fuel Loading, Flow Estimates for Auxiliary Bldg Vent Monitor Not Performed for 10-h.Caused by Misunderstanding of Tech Specs.Personnel Reinstructed Re Applicable Requirements | /01T-0:on 800311,following Initial Fuel Loading, Flow Estimates for Auxiliary Bldg Vent Monitor Not Performed for 10-h.Caused by Misunderstanding of Tech Specs.Personnel Reinstructed Re Applicable Requirements | |
05000327/LER-1980-005-03, /03L-0:on 800311,while Performing SI-247.605, Reactor Solid State Protection Sys Was Placed in Input Inhibit Mode,Removing High Voltage from Source Range Channel N31.Caused by Removal of Fuses from Voltage Cut Out Relay | /03L-0:on 800311,while Performing SI-247.605, Reactor Solid State Protection Sys Was Placed in Input Inhibit Mode,Removing High Voltage from Source Range Channel N31.Caused by Removal of Fuses from Voltage Cut Out Relay | |
05000327/LER-1980-005, Forwards LER 80-005/03L-0 | Forwards LER 80-005/03L-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-006-01, /01T-0:on 800314,w/essential Raw Cooling Water Radiation Monitors on Train a Inoperable,Personnel Determined That Limiting Condition of Operation Requires Sampling.Caused by Misinterpretation of Tech Specs | /01T-0:on 800314,w/essential Raw Cooling Water Radiation Monitors on Train a Inoperable,Personnel Determined That Limiting Condition of Operation Requires Sampling.Caused by Misinterpretation of Tech Specs | |
05000327/LER-1980-006, Forwards LER 80-006/01T-0 | Forwards LER 80-006/01T-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-007-01, /01T-0:on 800315,following Initial Core Loading, Found Incorrect (Nonconservative) Valve Operator Weights Used in Seismic Analysis for Component Cooling Water Valves FCV-70-133,134 & 183.Caused by Incorrect Vendor Data | /01T-0:on 800315,following Initial Core Loading, Found Incorrect (Nonconservative) Valve Operator Weights Used in Seismic Analysis for Component Cooling Water Valves FCV-70-133,134 & 183.Caused by Incorrect Vendor Data | |
05000327/LER-1980-007, Forwards LER 80-007/01T-0 | Forwards LER 80-007/01T-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-008, Forwards LER 80-008/03L-0 | Forwards LER 80-008/03L-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-008-03, /03L-0:on 800303,cooling Tower Blowdown Effluent Line Flow Monitor O-FR-27-175 Was Declared Inoperable.Flow Monitor Consistently Indicated Higher Flowrate than Actually Existed.Cause Unknown.Different Instrument to Be Instal | /03L-0:on 800303,cooling Tower Blowdown Effluent Line Flow Monitor O-FR-27-175 Was Declared Inoperable.Flow Monitor Consistently Indicated Higher Flowrate than Actually Existed.Cause Unknown.Different Instrument to Be Installed | |
05000327/LER-1980-009, Forwards LER 80-009/03L-0 | Forwards LER 80-009/03L-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-009-03, /03L-0:on 800303,liquid Radwaste Effluent Line Flow Monitor 0-FT-77-42 Consistently Indicated Higher Discharge Flow Rate than Actually Observed.Cause Not Stated.Flow Monitor Modified & Returned to Svc | /03L-0:on 800303,liquid Radwaste Effluent Line Flow Monitor 0-FT-77-42 Consistently Indicated Higher Discharge Flow Rate than Actually Observed.Cause Not Stated.Flow Monitor Modified & Returned to Svc | |
05000327/LER-1980-010, Forwards LER 80-010/03L-0 | Forwards LER 80-010/03L-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-010-03, /03L-0:on 800304,gaseous Vent Flow Rate Monitors for Units 1 & 2 Shield Bldgs & Auxiliary Bldg Were Declared Inoperable.Cause Not Stated.Gaseous Flow Rate Monitors to Be Redesigned | /03L-0:on 800304,gaseous Vent Flow Rate Monitors for Units 1 & 2 Shield Bldgs & Auxiliary Bldg Were Declared Inoperable.Cause Not Stated.Gaseous Flow Rate Monitors to Be Redesigned | |
05000327/LER-1980-011, Forwards LER 80-011/01T-0 | Forwards LER 80-011/01T-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-011-01, /01T-0:on 800314,support Pin Insp at Foreign Plant Revealed Stress Corrosion Cracking in Westinghouse Supplied Pins.Insp Supported Westinghouse Ltr Informing Utils of Potential Hazard.Pins Will Be Replaced | /01T-0:on 800314,support Pin Insp at Foreign Plant Revealed Stress Corrosion Cracking in Westinghouse Supplied Pins.Insp Supported Westinghouse Ltr Informing Utils of Potential Hazard.Pins Will Be Replaced | |
05000327/LER-1980-012-03, /03L-0:on 800301,during Initial Core Loading,Rhr Flow Secured or Throttled Above Tech Specs.Caused by Intentional Increase to Allow Placement of Fuel Assemblies Near Loop 4 Hot Leg | /03L-0:on 800301,during Initial Core Loading,Rhr Flow Secured or Throttled Above Tech Specs.Caused by Intentional Increase to Allow Placement of Fuel Assemblies Near Loop 4 Hot Leg | |
05000327/LER-1980-012, Forwards LER 80-012/03L-0 | Forwards LER 80-012/03L-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-013-03, /03L-0:on 800302,failed to Analyze Samples from Unit 2 Shield Bldg Exhaust.Caused by Misunderstanding of Surveillance Requirements.Lab Personnel Instructed on Sampling & Analysis Requirements | /03L-0:on 800302,failed to Analyze Samples from Unit 2 Shield Bldg Exhaust.Caused by Misunderstanding of Surveillance Requirements.Lab Personnel Instructed on Sampling & Analysis Requirements | |
05000327/LER-1980-013, Forwards LER 80-013/03L-0 | Forwards LER 80-013/03L-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-014-03, /03L-0:on 800328,while Performing Check Source Test,Auxiliary Bldg Vent Noble Gas Monitor Had Module Power Problem & Failed in Svc.Caused by Zener Diode IN4740 & Transistor Fmps A13 Shorting Out | /03L-0:on 800328,while Performing Check Source Test,Auxiliary Bldg Vent Noble Gas Monitor Had Module Power Problem & Failed in Svc.Caused by Zener Diode IN4740 & Transistor Fmps A13 Shorting Out | |
05000327/LER-1980-014, Forwards LER 80-014/03L-0 | Forwards LER 80-014/03L-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-015, Forwards LER 80-015/03L-0 | Forwards LER 80-015/03L-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-015-03, /03L-0:on 800305,while in Mode 6 W/Fuel Loading Complete,Pressure Was Only Being Monitored in One Steam Generator & Reactor Pressure Vessel.Caused by Misunderstanding of Surveillance Instruction | /03L-0:on 800305,while in Mode 6 W/Fuel Loading Complete,Pressure Was Only Being Monitored in One Steam Generator & Reactor Pressure Vessel.Caused by Misunderstanding of Surveillance Instruction | |
05000327/LER-1980-016, Forwards LER 80-016/03L-0 | Forwards LER 80-016/03L-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-016-03, /03L-0:on 800307,at Completion of Fuel Loading & W/Core Alterations Still underway,SI-65 Was Not Performed. Caused by Misinterpretation of Tech Specs by Personnel.No Corrective Actions Necessary | /03L-0:on 800307,at Completion of Fuel Loading & W/Core Alterations Still underway,SI-65 Was Not Performed. Caused by Misinterpretation of Tech Specs by Personnel.No Corrective Actions Necessary | |
05000327/LER-1980-017, Forwards LER 80-017/03L-0 | Forwards LER 80-017/03L-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-017-03, /03L-0:on 800310,while in Mode 6,turbine Bldg Sump Monitor O-RM-90-212 Alarm Kept Coming In.Monitor Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Malfunctioning Flow Switch Not Allowing Sufficient Flow Through Monitor | /03L-0:on 800310,while in Mode 6,turbine Bldg Sump Monitor O-RM-90-212 Alarm Kept Coming In.Monitor Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Malfunctioning Flow Switch Not Allowing Sufficient Flow Through Monitor | |
05000327/LER-1980-018, Forwards LER 80-018/01T-0 | Forwards LER 80-018/01T-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-018-01, /01T-0:on 800326,while in Mode 6 W/All Fuel Loaded,Exposed Cables Inside Containment Between Conduit & Penetrations Not Qualified to re-evaluated post-LOCA Max Dose Levels.Cables Shielded from Exposure to New Dose Level | /01T-0:on 800326,while in Mode 6 W/All Fuel Loaded,Exposed Cables Inside Containment Between Conduit & Penetrations Not Qualified to re-evaluated post-LOCA Max Dose Levels.Cables Shielded from Exposure to New Dose Level | |
05000327/LER-1980-019-01, /01T-0:on 800326,found Possibility of Not Maintaining Control Room Habitability Due to Leakage of Unfiltered Air.Possibly Caused by Isolation Dampers. Corrective Mods Planned | /01T-0:on 800326,found Possibility of Not Maintaining Control Room Habitability Due to Leakage of Unfiltered Air.Possibly Caused by Isolation Dampers. Corrective Mods Planned | |
05000327/LER-1980-019, Forwards LER 80-019/01T-0 | Forwards LER 80-019/01T-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-020-01, /01T-0:on 800404,investigation Revealed That Several vendor-designed Pipe Supports Were Designed Utilizing Manufacturer Std 0.25-inch U-bolt Which Overstressed During Seismic Event.Caused by Design Error | /01T-0:on 800404,investigation Revealed That Several vendor-designed Pipe Supports Were Designed Utilizing Manufacturer Std 0.25-inch U-bolt Which Overstressed During Seismic Event.Caused by Design Error | |
05000327/LER-1980-020, Forwards LER 80-020/01T-0 | Forwards LER 80-020/01T-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-021, Forwards LER 80-021/03L-0 | Forwards LER 80-021/03L-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-021-03, /03L-0:on 800308,while in Mode 6,flow Rates from Auxiliary Bldg Ventilation Sys Flow Rate Monitor Were Not Recorded for Three Shifts.Caused by Misreading of Notation Used in Surveillance Instruction.Temporary Change Issued | /03L-0:on 800308,while in Mode 6,flow Rates from Auxiliary Bldg Ventilation Sys Flow Rate Monitor Were Not Recorded for Three Shifts.Caused by Misreading of Notation Used in Surveillance Instruction.Temporary Change Issued | |
05000327/LER-1980-022-03, /03X-2:on 800318,sample Isolation Valves 1-FCV-90-108,109,110,114,115 & 116 Closed,Isolating Radiation Monitors.Caused by Isolation of Nonessential Control Air to Sample Valves.Valves Reopened | /03X-2:on 800318,sample Isolation Valves 1-FCV-90-108,109,110,114,115 & 116 Closed,Isolating Radiation Monitors.Caused by Isolation of Nonessential Control Air to Sample Valves.Valves Reopened | |
05000327/LER-1980-022, Forwards LER 80-022/03L-0 | Forwards LER 80-022/03L-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-022-03, /03L-0:on 800318,w/Unit 1 in Mode 6,nonessential & Train a Air Header Isolated Valves O-FCV-32,-82,-80 & -110 Closed,Causing 1-FCV-90-108,-115,-109,-116,-114 & -110 to Close.Cause Unknown | /03L-0:on 800318,w/Unit 1 in Mode 6,nonessential & Train a Air Header Isolated Valves O-FCV-32,-82,-80 & -110 Closed,Causing 1-FCV-90-108,-115,-109,-116,-114 & -110 to Close.Cause Unknown | |
05000327/LER-1980-023, Forwards LER 80-023/03L-0 | Forwards LER 80-023/03L-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-023-03, /03L-0:on 800402,during Surveillance Testing, Diesel Generator 2A-A Feedbreaker Failed to Close.Caused by Power Contacts Being Dirty.Power Contacts Cleaned | /03L-0:on 800402,during Surveillance Testing, Diesel Generator 2A-A Feedbreaker Failed to Close.Caused by Power Contacts Being Dirty.Power Contacts Cleaned | |
05000327/LER-1980-024-03, /03L-0:on 800331,flow Switches on Radiation Monitors ORM-90-212 & 122 Found Inoperable.Caused by Small Particulate Matter in Monitored Liquid.Design Change Request Initiated.Weekly Preventive Maint Program Established | /03L-0:on 800331,flow Switches on Radiation Monitors ORM-90-212 & 122 Found Inoperable.Caused by Small Particulate Matter in Monitored Liquid.Design Change Request Initiated.Weekly Preventive Maint Program Established | |
05000327/LER-1980-024, Forwards LER 80-024/03L-0 | Forwards LER 80-024/03L-0 | |
05000327/LER-1980-025-03, /03L-0:on 800313 W/Unit 1 in Mode 6,O-RM-90-225 Condensate Demineralizer Effluent Line Was Taken Out of Svc for Maint.Caused by Weak Transistor.Transistor Replaced & Monitor Returned to Svc | /03L-0:on 800313 W/Unit 1 in Mode 6,O-RM-90-225 Condensate Demineralizer Effluent Line Was Taken Out of Svc for Maint.Caused by Weak Transistor.Transistor Replaced & Monitor Returned to Svc | |