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Responds to NRC 800307 Ltr Re Violation Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-361/80-01.Corrective Actions:Lock Nuts on Pipe Supports Were Tightened & Procedural Requirements Strengthened
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 04/08/1980
From: Papay L
To: Engelken R
Shared Package
ML19323C210 List:
NUDOCS 8005150151
Download: ML19323C215 (3)


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Southem Califomia Edison Company j5 P. O. BOX 800 2244 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE pg,y ROSEMEAD, CALiroRNIA 98770 wcs petsiothe 213 - 5 72 - a 474 April 8, 1980

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Mr. R. H. Engelken, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement f('id ,7, ,

</.N U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i

4 d EfCEjygg Yb Region V '

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Suite 202, Walnut Creek Plaza tQ ESO '!

1990 North California Boulevard Walnut Creek, California 94596 b' 4['

Dear Mr. Engelken:

8Y Subj ect: Docket Nos. 50-361 and 50-362 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3 In a letter from your office dated March 7,1980, we were requested to respond to a Notice of Violation result-ing from an inspection of San Onofre Units 2 and 3 construc-tion activities which took place during the period February 12-15, 1980. Our response is enclosed.

I trust the enclosure responds adequately to all aspects of the Notice of Violation. If you have any questions, or if we can provide additional information, please let me know.

, Very truly yours, Enclosure cc: R. J. Pate (NRC - San Onofre Units 2&3) 00- 2ft L

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RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF VIOLATION DATED MARCH 7,1980 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3 Response to the Notice of Violation is provided below. A i statement of the condition described by the Notice is given for reference.


" Based on the results of the NRC inspection conducted on February 12-15, 1980, it appears that one of your activities was not conducted in full compliance with the conditions of your NRC Construction Permit Number CPPR-97 as indicated below:

10CFR50, Appendix B, Criterion X requires that "A program i for inspection of activities affecting quality be estab-lished and executed ... to verify conformance with docu-mented instructions, procedures, and drawings ...".

Bechtel WPP/QCI-414, Revision 5, requires t_at the con-struction field engineer and quality control engineer verify that hot and cold indicators are as specified, lock nuts are installed and locked, and installation welds are in compliance with pipe support drawings.

Contrary to the above on February 14, 1980 the NRC Inspector identified two pipe supports (S2-FW'-223-H-016 and S2-GR-064-H-007) with hot and cold indicators not set in accordance with the drawings, four supports (S2-CC-078-009, S2-CC-080-H-009, SW-FS-025-H-006, and S2-GR-064-H-007) which did not have lock nuts tightened, and one support (S2-FS-010-H-005) with field welds not as specified on the drawings. All of these supports had received QC final inspection prior to February 14, 1980.

j This is an infraction."


1. CORRECTIVE STEPS WHICH HAVE BEEN TAKEN AND RESULTS ACHIEVED The lock nuts on pipe supports S2-CC-078-009, S2-CC-080-H-009, S2-FS-025-H-006, and S2-GR-H-007 were immediately tightened as required, and the manufacturers' installed hot and cold indicator tabs were removed from pipe supports S2-FW-223-H-016 and S2-GR-064-H-007.

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Bechtel Quality Control conducted a sample inspection of twelve (12) hangers and verified that the lock nuts and i

the " HOT" and " COLD" indicators were in accordance with installation requirements and design drawings. It was also determined that the previously accepted hangers identified by the NRC inspector had the lock nuts properly installed; however, subsequent to Quality Control acceptance, the lock nuts were loosened. l To further strengthen procedural requirements, Bechtel Work Plan Procedure / Quality Control Instruction (WPP/QCI) No.

414 has been clarified to require the Field Engineer and Quality Control Engineer to verify that " HOT" and " COLD" indicators are as specified on the Pipe Support Drawing.

In addition, WPP/QCI-414 now specifies that the " COLD"

load setting must be within i 1/8" of that shown on the drawing. Further, WPP/QCI-414 has been revised to require the Bechtel Quality Control Engineer to manually verify the tightness of all rods, bolts, nuts, and jam nuts in and out of the spring hangers and clamp assemblies.

The incorrectly installed beam attachment on support number S2-FS-010-H-005 was an isolated occurrence and was accepted by the Bechtel Field Engineer and the Bechtel Quality Con-trol Engineer due to misinterpretation of the drawing weld symbols. Bechtel Nonconformance Report (NCR) S-084 has been issued to document this deficiency. The weld will be removed and rewelded in accordance with drawing requirements.

2. CORRECTIVE STEPS WHICH WILL BE TAKEN TO AVOID FURTHER VIOLATIONS Bechtel Pipe Support Field Engineers and Pipe Support Quality Control Engineers will be reinstructed on the requirements of WPP/QCI-414. In addition, an appendix to WPP/QCI-414 will be generated to detail instruction cnd establish Quality Control Inspection instructions for " COLD" adjustment.
During the " COLD" adjustment process, an additional verifica-t tion of threaded connection tightness will be performed.


3. DATE BY WHICH COMPLIANCE WILL BE ACHIEVED Full compliance will be achieved by Nby 16, 1980, when appropriate procedural changes and additions will be complete
and training sessions conducted.

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