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Proposed Tech Spec 4.18.1 Re Extension of Surveillance Interval for Hydraulic Shock Suppressors
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/06/1977
Shared Package
ML19312B835 List:
NUDOCS 7911250051
Download: ML19312B841 (1)



3 m


Applic<bility Applies to hydraulic shock suppressors used to protect the Reactor Coolant System or other safety-related systems.

Objective To verify that required hydraulic shock suppressors are operable.

Specification 4.18.1 All hydraulic snubbers listed in Table 4.18-1 whose seal material has been demonstrated by operating experience, lab testing or analysis to be compatible with the operating environment shall be visually inspected.

This inspection shall include as a minimum hydraulic fluid reservoir, fluid connections, and linkage connections to the piping and anchor to verify suppressor operability in accordance with the following schedule:

Number of Suppressors Found Next Required Inoperable During Last Inspection Inspection Interval 0

18 months 1 25%

1 12 months i 25%

2 6 months + 25%

3,4 4 months + 25%

5,6,7 2 months + 25%

>8 1 month + 25%


(1) The required inspection interval shall not be lengthened more than one step per inspection.



Suppressors may be categorized in two groups, " accessible" or " inaccessible," based on their accessibility during reactor operation.

These two groups may be inspected independently according to the above schedule.


(3) The provisions of this specification shall not be applica-ble for Oconee 2 until after June 19, 1977.

4.18.2 All hydraulic snubbers whose seal materials are other than ethylene propylene or other material that has been demonstrated to be compati-ble with the operating environment shall be visually inspected for operability once every month.

4.18.3 A representative sample of 10 hydraulic shock suppressors or approxi-mately 10 percent of the suppressors installed, whichever is less, shall be functionally tested for operability each refueling outage.

This test shall include verification of proper piston movement, lockup and bleed.

For each suppressor determined to be inoperable, an additional 10 percent or 10 suppressors, whichever is less, shall be tested until no more failures are found or all suppressors have been tested.

Suppressors with a rated capacity greater than 50,000 lbs. are exempted from this requirement.

4.13.4 The initial inspection shall be performed within 6 months from the date of issuance of these specifications.

For the purpose of entering the schedule of Specification 4.18.1, it shall be assumed that the facilities had been on a 6 month inspection interval.

O n g 312.50 4.18-1