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Safety Evaluation Supporting Certificate of Compliance 9128, Revision 1,for Radioactive Matl Shipping Package Model C-8
Person / Time
Site: 07109128
Issue date: 04/06/1979
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML19274E957 List:
NUDOCS 7906070020
Download: ML19274E961 (4)




100, USA /9126/B( )

USA /9127/B( J USA /9128/8( I 3

Revision 1 Summary Enclosure to ltr dtd _A R 0 6 G79 By application dated May of the Model Nos. 20, 20A20, 1978 Gamma Ind 50, 50A, 100, 100A, 200, 200A and C-8ustries shipping packages to be us,ed for shi containing cobalt-60 in special form.pment of radiographic sources packaging and contents meet the requirementrepre

, we have concluded the for the proposed contents, subject to th s of 10 CFR Part 71, References e conditions contained herein.

Gamma Industries application and suppleme t d l

1978, respectively.

n ated May 20 and October 25, Drawinqs Drawings Nos.The packaging is constructed in accordance 180-01, 821-1001-128 with Gamma Industries 811-1001-408, 801-1001-336, 801-1001-328821-

, 821-1001-414, 811-1001-346, 801-1001-224 and 801-1001-159., 801-1001-283, 801-1001-338, De_scription The Model Nos. 20, 20A 50, 50A for use as Tyradiographic devices us,ed in non,destructiv100, 100A, 200 special B shipping containers for radiographic sources in devices is also designed for use as a TThe Model No. C-8 sourc radiographic sources in special form ographic ype B shipping container for containers vary from 20 to 200 curies of cob lt 60The capacity of the a -

in special form as 790607002o

i a function of specific model number.

The radiographic device shipping


containers measure approximately 21 inches long, 23 inches wide and 42 inches high.

The source exchanger shipping container measures approxi-mately 16 inches in diameter, 13 inches wide and 26 inches high.

The radioactive source assembly is housed in a Zircalloy or titanium "S" tube.

The tube is surrounded by depleted uranium metal as shielding material.

The depleted uranium shield assembly is encased in a steel housing.

The void space between the depleted uranium shield assembly 3

and the outer container is filled with a polyurethane foam.

The gross l

weight of the containers vary from 325 to 500 pounds as a function of specific model number.

Contents The contents consist of cobalt-60 as sealed sources that meet the require-ments of special form as defined in 10 CFR S71.4(o).

The contents are limited as follows:

Model No.

Content Limit 20, 20A 20 Curies 50, 50A 50 Curies 100, 100A 100 Curies 200, 200A, C-8 200 Curies Structural Our review of the structural analysis submitted by the applicant demon-strates that the Model Nos. 20, 20A, 50, 50A, 100, 100A, 200, 200A and C-8 packages satisfy the structural requirements for the normal condi-tions of transport, as well as for the hypothetical accident.

The applicant has demonstrated by analysis and by results of testing that the subject package does meet the requirements of the normal conditions of transport.

The evaluation of the ability of the package to meet the structural requirements of the hypothetical accident conditions.s based upon actual test results.

The shipping container was dropped from a height of 30 feet onto a flat surface, and subsequently dropped from a height of 40 inches onto a steel bar six inches in diameter and eight inches high.

As a result of these tests, there was no reduction in shielding effectiveness nor loss of radioactive material.

Detailed information regarding the free drop and puncture tests are a part of the tests report and are presented by the applicant.

Thermal The staff has reviewed the thermal analysis of the Model Nos. 20, 20A, 50, 50A, 100, 100A, 200, 200A and C-8 packages provided by the applicant for normal conditions of transport and for the accident damage conditions.

The applicar.;'s thermal analyses, test results and conclusions were reviewed and found to be satisfactory.

The applicant concluded that the package satisfies the thermal requirements of 10 CFR 71.

Based on our review of the package, we concur with that conclusion.

Shielding The applicant has demonstrated the adequacy of the depleted uranium shield for the eight Gammatron Models and Source Changer C-8 under normal and accident damage conditions for the respective maximum cobalt-60 loadings for each model.

For normal conditions, extrapola-tion of gamma profile measurements (using 110 Ci Co-60 for the 100, 200 and C-8 series, 36 Ci Co-60 for the 50 series and 22.8 Ci Co-60 for the 20 series) were made showing no dose rate greater than 145 mr/hr at the surface of each model and no dose rate greater than 5 mr/hr at one meter from the surface.

For accident damage conditions, two Model 200 Gammatrons were tested demonstrating shield and containment integrity.

A 34 Ci Co-60 source was used in the models for both thick and thin housings.

No significant dose rate increases were measured after the 30 foot drop followed by the 40 inch puncture test.

Extrapolation of these measurements to the loading requested showed no case to exceed 11 mr/hr at three feet from the surface, thus demonstrating satisfaction of 10 CFR 71.36, which has a permissible limit of 1000 mr/hr at 3 feet from the external surface of the package.

Conditions The Gamma Industries Model Hos. 20, 20A, 50, 50A, 100, 100A, 200, 200A and C-8 packaging is limited to cobalt-60 as sealed sources that meet the requirements of special form as defined in 10 CFR 671.4(o).

The source assemblies for use in these packagings are limited as follows:


Model No.

Content Limit 20, 20A 20 Curies 50, 50A 50 Curies 100, 100A 100 Curies 200, 200A 200 Curies fh Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety AN 0 6 M Date:
