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NRC069 - Irsn, Odoba Research Programs, (Last Update Aug. 2018),
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Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/24/2019
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
50-443-LA-2, ASLBP-17-953-02-LA-BD01, RAS 55108
Download: ML19205A431 (4)



Hearing Exhibit Exhibit Number: NRC069 Exhibit


IRSN, ODOBA Research programs, (last update Aug. 2018), ogrammes/Odoba-project/Pages/ODOBA.aspx

7/17/2019 PrintFriendlyEn ODOBA project Last update in August 2018 The ODOBA (Observatory of the durability of reinforced concrete structures) project was launched by IRSN in 2016 for a period of at least 10 years. The aim of the project is to study concrete pathologies and their consequences for nuclear structures (e.g. Reactor containments). The project is led in collaboration with the NRC (Nuclear regulatory authority, US safety authority) , CNSC (Canadian nuclear safety commission), Bel V (Belgian TSO (technical sfety authority)) and VTT (Technical research center of Finland). NSC (Chinese TSO) should soon join the project.

Context and Objectives Nuclear reactors were initially designed to operate for 40 years, but operators, such as EDF, would like to Characteristics extend their service life up to 60 years, and some operators in the United States are even considering up to 80 years. In general, new installations are currently purpose-designed to operate for 60 years, such as the Flamanville EPR, and at least 150 years for the CIGÉO deep geological disposal site, where concrete plays Dates: 2016-2026 a safety and functional role throughout the operating and reversibility phase.

Project partners:

Over such operating periods, concrete can be affected with pathologies resulting from the chemical reactions that take place within it. These pathologies may lead to degradation of the concretes mechanical properties IRSN relies on a network of academic and its ability to ensure the containment of radioactive materials. partners (CONCRETE) for defining the tests and interpreting the data for the Such phenomena have not only been observed on civilian structures (bridges, dams) but also on some ODOBA project:

ENS (Ecole Normale Supérieure ) Paris-nuclear installations: Gentilly-2 in Canada, Seabrook in the United States, Tihange-2 in Belgium, etc. The Saclay, risk of such pathologies developing on the French fleets installations is considered sufficiently credible for specific studies to be launched, of which the ODOBA project. IFSTTAR (Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de lAménagement et des Réseaux, French institute of science and technology for transport, spatial planning, development and networks),

LMA (Laboratoire de Mécanique et Acoustique - Laboratory of Mechanics and Acoustics), University of Aix-Marseille/CNRS, LMDC (Laboratoire Matériaux et Durabilité des Constructions, Building Materials and Sustainability Laboratory), University of Toulouse/INSA Toulouse.


Bridge piles affected by a concrete pathology NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission), US (Quebec) Chambon Dam (repair following the development of safety authority pathologies) CNSC (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission), Canadian safety authority BelV, Belgian TSO VTT, Technical Research Center of Finland In 2014 and 2015, the OECD /NEA1 commissioned the ASCET2 working group to assess the extent of knowledge on concrete pathologies and express the needs for improving this knowledge which amounts to:

performing tests on large structures in order to complement the tests usually carried out in small laboratories; studying the combined effects between various pathologies; developing non-destructive testing methods and Involved IRSN laboratories predictive digital tools, etc.

The objectives of the ODOBA project are to meet the following recommendations:

Research Laboratory on the Future of the Radioactive Sites Pollution Better understand the phenomena involved in concrete pathologies and the combinations (LELI) between the various pathologies.

Develop and validate non-destructive testing techniques for early detection of the occurrence of pathologies then monitor their evolution. 1/3

7/17/2019 PrintFriendlyEn Develop and validate simulation tools for predicting concrete behavior on the structural Research Laboratory for Migration scale. and Interactions in the Geosphere (LETIS) 1 Organisation for economic co-operation and development/Nuclear energy agency Laboratoire de modélisation et 2 Assessment of structures subject to concrete pathologies danalyse de la performance des structures (LMAPS)

Loss of Coolant Accident and Uncertainties Modeling Laboratory (LIMAR)

Experimental Equipment Project workflow Development Laboratory (LR2E)

Environment and Chemistry Experimental Research Laboratory (LE2C)

The ODOBA project mainly involves performing tests on large concrete structures (4 x 2 x 1 m) on IRSN's ODE platform (Observatoire de la Durabilité des Enceintes - Containment durability observatory), located in Mechanics and Materials Cadarache (Bouches-du-Rhne). Some of the concrete blocks will be subjected to accelerated aging Experimental Research Laboratory protocols to simulate long operating periods. (LE2M)

The ODE platform consists of a 1700 m² exterior testing slab that can host up to 60 experimental blocks. It is equipped with equipment for managing the effluents generated by accelerated aging protocols (mineral-laden water). Contact Christophe Marquié ODE platform before casting the first block ODE platform after casting the first 5 blocks The first five blocks were cast in 2016. New blocks will be cast every year as the project progresses and tests are defined by the partners. The various parameters of interest characterizing the test conditions are as follows: nature of the constituents of the concrete, effect of steel reinforcement and pre-stressing, impact of environmental conditions (humidity, CO2 in the air or aquifer, groundwater (e.g. sulfates), conditions with the young age of the concrete (initial weeks after casting), and accelerated aging protocol, etc. 2/3

7/17/2019 PrintFriendlyEn The following are currently in place or planned:

A reference block without pathologies.

Blocks dedicated to Alkali-silica reaction (ASR): a reaction that occurs between the highly alkaline cement paste and the reactive silica found in certain aggregates.

Blocks dedicated to studying delayed ettringite formation (DEF). This reaction is thermally activated (significant heating of the concrete) within the cement paste.

Blocks for the combined ASR and DEF study.

Blocks dedicated to deep geological disposal facilities: effect of highly saline groundwater.

A block dedicated to the development of non-destructive examination methods.

Twin blocks, with and without steel reinforcement, to characterize the effect of this reinforcement.

The concrete blocks used for the ODOBA project are extensively instrumented in order to obtain various types of data, such as, temperature, humidity, deformation, mechanical stress measurements within the concrete and/or steel reinforcement. The blocks periodically undergo non-destructive and destructive testing to assess changes to the mechanical, physical, micro-structural and chemical properties of the concrete linked with the occurrence and development of pathologies.

Some blocks will be subjected to accelerated aging protocols to reproduce the service life of an installation (40 to 60 years for reactors and up to 150 years for geological disposal facilities) within reasonable time scales (2-3 years). The solution retained involves constructing tanks around the blocks to carry out immersion/drying cycles controlling the temperature and chemistry of the water. The first aging pool will be commissioned in autumn 2018 for qualification prior to deployment on the blocks from 2019.

Given the kinetics of the phenomena, the first results are expected approximately 2 years after casting the blocks.

The results of the ODOBA project will eventually make it possible to develop and validate predictive simulation tools concerning the occurrence and development of pathologies and their consequences on the mechanical and containment properties of concrete on the structural scale. They will also help to assess the non-destructive examination methods. 3/3