ML19205A345 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Seabrook |
Issue date: | 07/24/2019 |
From: | NRC/OGC |
To: | Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel |
References | |
50-443-LA-2, ASLBP 17-953-02-LA-BD01, RAS 55104 | |
Download: ML19205A345 (4) | |
Hearing Exhibit Exhibit Number: NRC002 Exhibit
Statement of Professional Qualifications of Angela Buford
Statement of Professional Qualifications Angela Buford, PE, Structural Engineer Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), Division of Engineering Structural Engineering Branch U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Angela Buford is a Structural Engineer with over 15 years of diverse experience. At the NRC, Ms. Buford has provided significant technical expertise in the regulatory oversight and licensing safety reviews of complex first-of-a-kind concrete degradation issues in operating reactors including the Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Concrete Degradation issue at Seabrook, Concrete Shield Building Laminar Cracking issue at Davis-Besse, and the Irradiation of Concrete and Steel Containment Structures in support of Turkey Point, Peach Bottom, and Surry subsequent license renewal reviews.
EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS B.S., Civil/Structural Engineering, University of Maryland College Park, 2005 M.S., Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University, 2009 Professional Engineer, State of Maryland and District of Columbia EXPERIENCE U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2010 - present Structural Engineer (Technical Reviewer), NRR - 2010 to present Rotational Assignments: Project Manager, NRR (2012); Construction Inspector, Region II (2015); Technical Assistant, NRR (2017)
Chaired the NRCs Innovation Forum, which is tasked to change the NRC culture to promote innovation and engagement agency wide. Led a diverse group of twenty employees that established the agency level innovation initiative and spearheaded office and region-level innovation programs including the evaluation of proposed innovations submitted to the group. These efforts resulted in the creation of the NRC innovation community (innovators and idea evaluators). Led numerous informative and effective briefings to NRC senior leadership.
Led the effort to address the complex technical issue of alkali-silica reaction (ASR) associated with the Seabrook license renewal application. Led a team of junior and senior structural engineers performing the evaluation to close the long-standing ASR issue and allow issuance of the Seabrook renewed license. This review required significant interaction with the applicant and within the NRC to effectively review and address the licensing and operability issues associated with a complex analysis and aging management programs.
Planned, guided, and directed technical staff performing multiple license renewal audits related to ASR. Developed an audit plan that clearly articulated the purpose and activities of the staff and applicant to ensure that all identified technical issues were addressed, and executed the audit to ensure that requested information and technical discussions with the applicant were appropriately documented and consistent with NRC policy and guidance for audits, docketed information, and the License Renewal Standard Review Plan. Provided an informative and effective briefing to the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)
that resulted in high praise for the staff effort on ASR and a recommendation to issue the license amendment approving the Seabrook ASR methodology.
Led three Turkey Point subsequent license renewal (SLR) audits in a period of three months that addressed several first-of-a-kind technical issues for SLR applications (e.g., irradiation of concrete and steel structures). Coordinated the contributions of more than a dozen subject matter experts and individual contributors across branch and divisional boundaries and resolved schedule and resource constraints to accommodate an aggressive 18-month review schedule to enable the performance of first-of-a-kind technical analyses. Organized staff participation and coordinated logistics and ensured that staff discussions with licensee and document reviews focused on applicable technical issues. This resulted in effective issue identification, a focus on information requests necessary for issue resolution, along with the identification and appropriate communication of potential challenges to issue resolution that could impact the review schedule.
Led an international team of civil/structural engineers to revise the International Generic Aging Lessons Learned report. Presented ideas in a clear and logical manner using plain language and facilitated greater understanding of aging management among participants that resulted and the completion of its tasks ahead of schedule.
Provided routine leadership of activities in the Division of Engineering (DE), including interactions with other divisions and offices, which promoted process and product effectiveness. An example of this work is leadership of the structural engineering expert panel in the divisions effort to revise the license renewal guidance documents. Took the lead in identifying areas where technical discrepancies among members of the group had the potential to affect the quality and timeliness of the deliverables. Coordinated and led several separate, focused, technical meetings to discuss the issues in greater depth and to come to logical resolution.
Routinely developed high quality written deliverables that contained appropriate levels of detail and technical and regulatory context to support development of safety evaluation reports, requests for additional information, one-pagers, white papers, Office of Research (RES) and industry publication review comments Developed and implemented an improved license renewal review workload strategy to increase effectiveness of structural reviews, which resulted in more efficient coordination and significant reduction in duplicated efforts for multi-reviewer license renewal applications.
This effort also coordinated alignment of staff reviews for cross-cutting technical issues to ensure consistency between reviewers.
Ensured technical consistency for technical issues across the agency by coordinating and conducting numerous technical alignment meetings between NRR and RES counterparts on various technical issues Routinely presented licensing concerns and lessons learned from recent license renewal activities associated with irradiated concrete review at interagency research meetings (including NRC, DOE/ORNL, and EPRI)
Performed numerous well-planned and well-received briefings on a variety of technical and programmatic topics to Congressional Staff (Senator Markey), the NRC Chairman, the NRC Executive Director for Operations, Office Directors, the ACRS, division management, the public (public meetings and the Regulatory Information Conference (RIC)), and peers Supported the Office of the General Counsel on hearing preparations for a Seabrook contention on ASR and served as a moot court judge for a Turkey Point subsequent license renewal contention Led the FY2019 budget formulation for the Division of License Renewal (DLR) during a rotation as the DLR Technical Assistant (TA). Performed detailed historical analysis of resources needed to conduct prior license renewal reviews and anticipated upcoming workload for DLR accounting for the upcoming NRR restructure and workload changes that would be anticipated, and effectively identified areas where budget reductions could be made. As a result of this detailed analysis, DLR was able to provide significant reductions to the overall NRR budget while maintaining quality and schedule Weidlinger Associates Incorporated, New York, NY Structural Engineer, 2006 - 2009 Design Engineer for World Trade Center Transportation Hub Project (Manhattan) - Performed design of steel and concrete structures, including structural frames, slabs, beams, columns, walls, foundations, retaining walls, and lateral systems. Used current building codes in combination with classic mechanics, torsion design, rebar development including design of hooks and lap splices, design of connections, the stress/ strain design of beams, plates, shells, columns, and concrete walls Smislova, Kehnemui and Associates, Rockville, MD Structural Engineer, 2005 - 2006 Structural Design, Existing Building Analysis, Forensic Analysis and Rehabilitation Design