Information Notice 2019-09, Spent Fuel Cask Movement Issues

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Spent Fuel Cask Movement Issues
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/30/2019
From: Mark Lintz
Lintz M
IN 2019-09
Download: ML19043A734 (7)






All holders of an operating license or construction permit for a nuclear power reactor issued

under Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 50, Domestic Licensing of

Production and Utilization Facilities, including those that have permanently ceased operations

and have spent fuel in storage in spent fuel pools (SFPs).

All holders of and applicants for a power reactor combined license, standard design approval, or

manufacturing license under 10 CFR Part 52, Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for

Nuclear Power Plants. All applicants for a standard design certification, including such

applicants after initial issuance of a design certification rule.

All holders of and applicants for an independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) license

under 10 CFR Part 72, Licensing Requirements for the Independent Storage of Spent Nuclear

Fuel, High-Level Radioactive Waste, and Reactor-Related Greater Than Class C Waste.


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information notice (IN) to inform

addressees of recent issues related to spent fuel cask movement issues. The NRC expects

recipients to review the information for applicability to their facilities and consider actions, as

appropriate, to avoid similar problems. However, suggestions contained in this IN are not NRC

requirements; therefore, no specific action or written response is required.


Spent Fuel Cask Load Drop Analysis/Single-Failure-Proof Handling System

San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

On August 3, 2018, licensee personnel failed to notice that a loaded spent fuel canister was

misaligned during a lowering evolution into the vault. The licensee and its contractor continued

to lower the vertical cask transporter lift beam until the contractors staff believed that the

canister had been fully lowered to the bottom of the vault. A radiation protection technician

identified radiation readings that were not consistent with a fully lowered canister. The licensee

then identified that the loaded spent fuel canister was resting on a shield ring near the top of the

vault, preventing it from being lowered, and that the rigging and lifting slings were slack and no

longer bearing the load of the canister.

ML19043A734 With the slings slack, the lifting equipment was no longer capable of performing its important to

safety function of holding and controlling the loaded canister. The canister could have

experienced an approximately 17-18 foot drop into the storage vault if the canister had slipped

off the shield ring. This condition placed the cannister in an unanalyzed condition because the

postulated load drop of a cannister is not a condition analyzed in the dry fuel storage systems

Final Safety Analysis Report. The licensee implemented corrective actions that include fuel

loading procedural revisions, training of fuel loading personnel and evaluation of any deviations

based on cannister contact with vault components for canister integrity.

Additional information appears in NRC Special Inspection Report 050-00206/2018-005,

050-00361/2018-005, 050-00362/2018-005, 072-00041/2018-001 and Notice of Violation dated

November 28, 2018 (Agencywide Documents and Management System (ADAMS) Accession

No. ML18332A357).

Kewaunee Power Station

During an inspection, NRC inspectors reviewed the design qualification of the Secure Lift

Yoke/Chain Hoist Assembly used to lift the spent fuel cask. The Updated Safety Analysis

Report (USAR) describes the auxiliary building crane as single-failure-proof in accordance with

NRC guidance and the cask drop analysis is not part of the licensing basis. The inspectors

identified, however, that the Secure Lift Yoke/Chain Hoist Assembly only was qualified as a

non-single-failure-proof lifting device to handle a cask containing spent fuel. The

non-single-failure-proof lifting device was inconsistent with the licensing basis and created the

possibility of dropping a cask, an accident of a different type than described in the USAR, which

would require a license amendment pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59. Licensee corrective actions

include a license amendment request to use a non-single-failure-proof Secure Lift Yoke/Chain

Hoist Assembly as part of cask handling operations within the auxiliary building.

Additional information appears in NRC Inspection Report No. 050-00305/2015-004(DNMS);

072-00064/2015-002(DNMS) - Kewaunee Power Station, dated August 19, 2016 (ADAMS

Accession No. ML16235A301).

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station

During an inspection at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, the inspectors reviewed the

10 CFR 50.59 regulatory evaluation that removed an energy-absorbing pad from the SFP. This

pad was credited for mitigating a postulated spent fuel cask load drop accident. The pad was

part of the Technical Specification (TS) requirements since the crane used to lift spent fuel

casks was non-single-failure-proof. The licensee installed a single-failure-proof crane, which

removed the need for the energy-absorbing pad. Also, the licensee had installed a

cask-leveling pad designed to provide protection for the SFP floor liner during cask handling

with a single-failure-proof crane, prior to beginning dry storage cask-handling activities.

However, the site did not perform an adequate 10 CFR 50.59 regulatory evaluation, which

would have concluded that a license amendment was required prior to taking actions that

altered the plant from the stated TS condition. Licensee corrective actions included a license

amendment request submittal to remove the energy-absorbing pad language from the TS

requirement and an extent of condition review on previous engineering changes. Additional information appears in Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station NRC Integrated Inspection

Report 050-00293/2014-005 and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Report

072-01044/2014-003, dated February 4, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15037A163).

Failure to Follow Boundary Conditions stipulated in ASME NOG-1 2004

Fort Calhoun Station

During an inspection at Fort Calhoun Station, NRC inspectors reviewed a design calculation for

the auxiliary building crane, which is classified as seismic Category I. The licensees Updated

Safety Analysis Report (USAR) specifies the auxiliary building crane meets the requirements of

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) NOG-1-2004, Rules for Construction of

Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Multiple Girder), as a single-failure-proof

system. ASME NOG-1-2004, Section 4153, stipulates the boundary condition requirements for

the crane seismic analysis, which delineates full seismic loading at the crane rail/wheel

interface. The licensees calculation, however, showed that sliding would occur at the crane

rail/wheel interface, thus limiting the applied seismic loads to only frictional forces. The

inspectors found that the non-linear sliding effects were incorporated in the seismic analysis in a

manner inconsistent with the linear elastic analysis methodology. Licensee corrective actions

include revising calculations and installing field modifications.

Additional information appears in Fort Calhoun - NRC Component Design Basis Inspection

Report 050-00285/2015-007, dated April 16, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15106A891).

Loading on Crane Rail Clip not considered

Clinton Power Station

During an inspection at Clinton Power Station, NRC inspectors reviewed a design calculation for

the fuel handling building crane and crane support structure (crane rail clip, rail clip bolts, etc.),

which are seismic Category I. The licensees USAR specifies the acceptance criteria for

Seismic Category I structural steel are based on linear elastic methods and no permanent

deformation is allowed. The licensee calculation, however, used the plastic section modulus for

the rail clip. The licensees USAR specified that Seismic Category I structural steel is designed

to the American Institute of Steel Construction specifications. Also, the licensee calculation

used friction, bolt preload, and clamping force which resulted in the loading on the rail clip being

incorrectly determined and resulted in overestimation of the structural capacity of the rail clip.

Licensee corrective actions include calculation revisions and installation of field modifications.

Additional information appears in NRC Inspection Report Nos. 050-00461/2016-010(DNMS);

072-01046/2016-001(DNMS) - Clinton Power Station, dated March 3, 2016 (ADAMS

Accession No. ML16064A200). Fort Calhoun Station

During an inspection at the Fort Calhoun Station, NRC inspectors reviewed a design calculation

for the auxiliary building crane rail clip. The licensees USAR specifies that acceptance criteria

for safety-related structural steel are based on linear elastic methods and no permanent

deformation is allowed. The licensee, however, incorrectly designed the crane runway rail clips

to inelastic acceptance limits. ASME NOG-1-2004, Section 4153, stipulates that crane seismic

analysis be linear elastic. Instead, the licensee used an allowable bending stress in the

calculation consistent with permanent deformation of the rail clip. This assumption resulted in

overestimation of the structural capacity of the rail clip. Licensee corrective actions include

revising calculations and initiating modifications.

Additional information appears in Fort Calhoun - NRC Component Design Bases Inspection

Report 050-00285/2015-007, dated April 16, 2015 (ADAMS Accession No. ML15106A891).

Inadequate Design of Spent Fuel Cask Laydown Areas

Palisades Nuclear Plant

During an inspection at the Palisades Nuclear Plant, NRC inspectors reviewed design

calculations for the stack-up configuration on the auxiliary building trackway slab and identified

several issues. First, the inspectors identified that a procedure did not require installation of

physical torsional restraints as was assumed in the computer model representing the stack-up

configuration. Second, the inspectors identified the interfacing coefficient of friction used in the

calculation was based on steel surfaces with an oxide layer consistent with Regulatory Issue

Summary (RIS) 2015-13, Seismic Stability Analysis Methodologies for Spent Fuel Dry Cask

Loading Stack-Up Configuration dated November 12, 2015 (ADAMS Accession

No. ML15132A122) guidance. However, the inspectors identified that the installed steel floor

plate surface was painted, which could non-conservatively change the interfacing coefficient of

friction compared to the evaluated unpainted steel surface. Third, the inspectors identified that, in the field, there was a gap between the components in the stack-up configuration and the

analysis did not consider a gap. Lastly, the inspectors identified that the computer analysis

results for the truncated low-profile cask transport (used to tow the spent fuel cask) structure

with the derived torsional restraint was equivalent to computer analysis results where the entire

low-profile cask transport structure was modeled. Therefore, the inspectors determined that the

computer results for the analyzed stack-up model with a truncated low-profile cask transport

structure were non-conservative. Licensee corrective actions included revising the stack-up

seismic analysis to address the identified issues; and translated the analyzed stack-up design

configuration into stack-up installation procedures prior to performing stack-up operations with

spent nuclear fuel in the multi-purpose canister.

Additional information appears in Palisades Nuclear Plant - NRC Integrated Inspection Report

050-00255/2016-004; 050-00255/2016-501; 072-00007/2015-001; and 072-00007/2016-001, dated February 14, 2017 (ADAMS Accession No. ML17045A709).


Related NRC Generic Communications

IN 2014-12, Crane and Heavy Lift Issues Identified during NRC Inspection, dated

November 14, 2014 (ADAMS Accession No. ML14149A145). This IN informed addressees of

issues identified by NRC inspectors during crane and heavy lift inspections conducted in

accordance with guidance from Operating Experience Smart Sample, fiscal year 2007-03, Rev. 2, Crane and Heavy Lift Inspection, Supplemental Guidance for IP-71111.20, dated

September 12, 2008 (ADAMS Accession No. ML13316C040).

RIS 2005-25, Clarification of NRC Guidelines for Control of Heavy Loads, dated

October 31, 2005 (ADAMS Accession No. ML052340485). This RIS alerted addressees and

clarified guidance related to the control of heavy loads as a result of recommendations

developed through Generic Issue 186, Potential Risk and Consequences of Heavy Load Drops

in Nuclear Power Plants.

Supplement 1 to RIS 2005-25, Clarification of NRC Guidelines for Control of Heavy Loads, dated May 29, 2007 (ADAMS Accession No. ML071210434). This supplement alerted

addressees to the availability of guidance on handling systems, single-failure-proof cranes, and

calculational methods for heavy load analyses, as well as communicated regulatory

expectations associated with 10 CFR 50.59, Changes, Tests, and Experiments, and

10 CFR 50.71(e), as these requirements relate to the safe handling of heavy loads and load

drop analyses.

RIS 2005-25 discusses General Design Criterion (GDC) 2, Design Bases for Protection against

Natural Phenomena, of Appendix A, General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants, to

10 CFR, Part 50. The RIS specifies, in part, that structures, systems, and components

important to safety shall be designed to withstand the effects of natural phenomena, such as

earthquakes. GDC 4, Environmental and Dynamic Effects Design Bases, specifies, in part, that structures, systems, and components important to safety be appropriately protected against

dynamic effects, including the effects of missiles that may result from equipment failures.


The events above provide examples of issues related to heavy load spent fuel movements.

These issues highlight non-compliances with NUREGs, codes, and standards that are part of

the plant-specific design and licensing basis.

Although there is no specific requirement to do so, licensees can prevent issues such as those

described in this IN by verifying that calculations for load-handling systems and structures

designated to support spent fuel casks are consistent with the plant-specific design and

licensing bases; and that procedures, training and oversight of spent fuel movement are



This IN requires no specific action or written response. Please direct any questions about this

matter to the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor

Regulation project manager.

/RA/ /RA/

Christopher G. Miller, Director Anna H. Bradford, Deputy Director

Division of Inspection and Regional Support Division of Licensing, Siting, and

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Environmental Analysis

Office of New Reactors


Michael C. Layton, Director

Division of Spent Fuel Management

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards

Technical Contacts: John V. Bozga, Region III Rhex Edwards, Region III

630-829-9613 630-829-9722 e-mail: e-mail:

Note: NRC generic communications may be found on the NRC public Web site,, under NRC Library.

ML19043A734 *concurred via email


NAME JDougherty* JBozga* REdwards* SBloom*

DATE 02/19/19 06/12/19 06/17/19 08/06/19 OFFICE NRR/DMLR/D NRR/DE/ESEB NRR/DE/ESEB/BC NRR/DE/D

NAME JDonoghue* SCuadradodeJesus* GThomas* BWittick*


NAME AIssa* RElliott* ABradford SJones*


NAME MWaters* for JMarshall CAraguas* MLayton IBetts*


NAME MLintz* PMcKenna* CJA for CMiller

OFFICE 08/01/19 10/02/19 10/30/19