Letter Sequence Acceptance Review |
EPID:L-2018-LLA-0237, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Units 3 and 4 - Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Tier 1, Technical Requirements Manual and Technical Specifications Bases Annual Submittal (Approved, Closed) |
Category:Technical Specifications
MONTHYEARML24289A2352024-10-15015 October 2024 Supplemental Slides - SNC Presentation - Pre-Submittal Meeting on October 15, 2024 - Proposed Vogtle 3 and 4 PRHR LAR ML24204A0722024-07-23023 July 2024 Issuance of Amendment No. 225, Regarding LAR to Revise TS 3.7.9 for a one-time Change to Support Nuclear Service Cooling Water Transfer Pump Repairs - Emergency Circumstances ML23317A2072023-12-22022 December 2023 Issuance of Amendments 223 and 206 Regarding Revision to Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-339-A, Relocate Technical Specification Parameters to the COLR Consistent with WCAP-1448 ML23243A9802023-12-19019 December 2023 VEGP Unit 3 Amendment Attachment ML23243B0572023-12-19019 December 2023 VEGP Unit 4 Amendment Attachment ML23268A0572023-11-0707 November 2023 Issuance of Amendments 194 & 191 Request for License Amendment Relocation of Technical Specification 3.7.9, Spent Fuel Pool Makeup Water Sources (LAR-23-003) ML23093A0282023-08-0101 August 2023 Issuance of Amendments Nos. 220 and 203, Regarding Use of Accident Tolerant Fuel Lead Test Assemblies ML23159A0992023-07-31031 July 2023 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 3 Amendment No. 192 (LAR 23-001) ML23158A2092023-07-19019 July 2023 LAR-23-005 U/4 Amd 189 Timing of TS Effectiveness Prior to Initial Criticality Amendment Attachment NL-23-0506, To Non-Voluntary License Amendment Request: Technical Specification Revision to Adopt WCAP-17661-P-A, Improved RAOC and CAOC Fq Surveillance Technical Specifications2023-07-0505 July 2023 To Non-Voluntary License Amendment Request: Technical Specification Revision to Adopt WCAP-17661-P-A, Improved RAOC and CAOC Fq Surveillance Technical Specifications ML23115A1492023-06-15015 June 2023 Issuance of Amendments No. 218 and 201 Regarding Revision to Technical Specifications to Use Online Monitoring Methodology NL-23-0385, License Amendment Request: More Restrictive Action for Technical Specification 3.1.9 (LAR-23-006R1)2023-05-17017 May 2023 License Amendment Request: More Restrictive Action for Technical Specification 3.1.9 (LAR-23-006R1) ML23072A2752023-05-0101 May 2023 Attachment to Enclosure 1 - VEGP U3 Amendment 191 LAR-22-005 ML23037A0902023-02-0808 February 2023 Amend Attachment - Vogtle 3 Amend No. 190, Tech Spec Exceptions for In-Containment Refueling Water Storage Tank Operability Prior to Initial Criticality (Exigent Circumstances) ML23037A9212023-02-0606 February 2023 SNC Presentation - Draft Vogtle TSTF-339 LAR - Pre-Submittal Meeting - February 13 2023 ML23013A2192023-01-13013 January 2023 Amendment No. 189 - Amendment Attachment ND-22-0219, Technical Specifications Setpoint Report2022-08-11011 August 2022 Technical Specifications Setpoint Report ML22116A0842022-07-0505 July 2022 Issuance of Amendment Nos. 215 and 198, Regarding Revision to Technical Specification 3.7.2, Main Steam Isolation Valves (Msivs) ML22069A0042022-04-27027 April 2022 Issuance of Amendments Revision to TSs to Adopt TSTF-269-A, Rev. 2, Allow Administrative Means of Position Verification for Locked or Sealed Valves ML21349A5182022-02-0202 February 2022 Issuance of Amendments Regarding Revision to Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-554, Revise RCS Leakage ML21316A0552022-01-0505 January 2022 1 & 2, and Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, 1 & 2 - Issuance of Amendments Regarding Revision to Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-577, Revised Frequencies for Steam Generator Tube Inspections (EPID L-2021-LLA-0163 ML21270A0862021-11-18018 November 2021 Issuance of Amendments Regarding Revision to Technical Specifications 5.7, High Radiation, Administrative Controls NL-21-0385, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-554, Revise Reactor Coolant Leakage Requirements2021-09-29029 September 2021 Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-554, Revise Reactor Coolant Leakage Requirements ML20247J4632020-10-14014 October 2020 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 4 Amendment 183 (LAR-20-004) ML20247J4602020-10-14014 October 2020 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 3 Amendment 185 (LAR-20-004) ND-20-0668, Request for License Amendment for Vacuum Relief Valve Technical Specification Changes (LAR-20-005)2020-06-19019 June 2020 Request for License Amendment for Vacuum Relief Valve Technical Specification Changes (LAR-20-005) ML20013G7122020-02-0303 February 2020 Amendment 173 (LAR-19-016) ML19337C3222020-01-29029 January 2020 Issuance of Amendments Revision to Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-563 ML19298A1042019-10-25025 October 2019 Attachment - VEGP U4 Amendment XX5 (LAR-19-001) NL-19-1183, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding End State Revision from Hot Shutdown to Cold Shutdown2019-10-17017 October 2019 Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding End State Revision from Hot Shutdown to Cold Shutdown ND-19-1129, Supplement to the Request for License Amendment Regarding Protection and Safety Monitoring System Surveillance Requirement Reduction Technical Specification ...2019-10-0707 October 2019 Supplement to the Request for License Amendment Regarding Protection and Safety Monitoring System Surveillance Requirement Reduction Technical Specification ... ML19238A3482019-09-27027 September 2019 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 3 (LAR-19-004) ML19238A3492019-09-27027 September 2019 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 4 (LAR-19-004) ML19063C6402019-04-11011 April 2019 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 3 Amendment 158 (LAR-18-027) ML19063C6412019-04-11011 April 2019 Attachment - VEGP U4 Amendment 156 (LAR-18-027) ML19038A4572019-02-25025 February 2019 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 4 (LAR 18-025) ML19038A4552019-02-25025 February 2019 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 (LAR 18-025) ML19035A7602019-02-22022 February 2019 Attachment for Amendment 153 - LAR-18-024 ML19035A7582019-02-22022 February 2019 Attachment for Amendment 154 - LAR-18-024 ML18351A1942019-01-15015 January 2019 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 4 LAR 18-017 ML18351A1922019-01-15015 January 2019 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 3 LAR 18-017 ML18341A0832018-12-18018 December 2018 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant - Unit 3 Amendment 149(LAR-18-022) ML18341A0852018-12-18018 December 2018 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 4 Amendment 148 (LAR-18-022) ML18296A4182018-11-13013 November 2018 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 4 ML18296A4172018-11-13013 November 2018 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 3 ML18263A0392018-10-29029 October 2018 Issuance of Amendments to Extend the Containment Type a Leak Rate Test Frequency to 15 Years and Type C Leak Rate Test Frequency to 75 Months (CAC Nos. MG0240 and MG0241; EPID L-2017-LLA-0295) ML18180A0622018-08-10010 August 2018 Issuance of Amendment Nos. 196 and 179 Regarding Application of the Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment Into the Previously Approved 10 CFR.50.69. Categorization Process ML18173A3062018-07-26026 July 2018 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 4 Amendment 134 (LAR-18-003) ML18173A3042018-07-26026 July 2018 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 3 Amendment 135 (LAR-18-003) ML18082B3772018-07-19019 July 2018 Attachment - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 3 Amendment 134(LAR-18-005) 2024-07-23
[Table view] |
ATTACHMENT TO LICENSE AMENDMENT NO. 153 TO FACILITY COMBINED LICENSE NO. NPF-92 DOCKET NO.52-026 Replace the following pages of the Facility Combined License No. NPF-92 with the attached revised pages. The revised pages are identified by amendment number and contain marginal lines indicating the areas of change.
Facility Combined License No. NPF-92 REMOVE INSERT 7 7 9 9 11 11
(7) Reporting Requirements (a) Within 30 days of a change to the initial test program described in UFSAR Section 14, Initial Test Program, made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59 or in accordance with 10 CFR Part 52, Appendix D, Section VIII, Processes for Changes and Departures, SNC shall report the change to the Director of NRO, or the Directors designee, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59(d).
(b) SNC shall report any violation of a requirement in Section 2.D.(3),
Section 2.D.(4), Section 2.D.(5), and Section 2.D.(6) of this license within 24 hours1 days <br />0.143 weeks <br />0.0329 months <br />. Initial notification shall be made to the NRC Operations Center in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72, with written follow up in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73.
(8) Incorporation The Technical Specifications, Environmental Protection Plan, and ITAAC in Appendices A, B, and C, respectively of this license, as revised through Amendment No. 153, are hereby incorporated into this license.
(9) Technical Specifications The technical specifications in Appendix A to this license become effective upon a Commission finding that the acceptance criteria in this license (ITAAC) are met in accordance with 10 CFR 52.103(g).
(10) Operational Program Implementation SNC shall implement the programs or portions of programs identified below, on or before the date SNC achieves the following milestones:
(a) Environmental Qualification Program implemented before initial fuel load; (b) Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program implemented before initial criticality; (c) Preservice Testing Program implemented before initial fuel load; (d) Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program implemented before initial fuel load; (e) Fire Protection Program
- 1. The fire protection measures in accordance with Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.189 for designated storage building areas (including adjacent fire areas that could affect the storage area) implemented before initial receipt 7 Amendment No. 153
(m) Initial Test Program (ITP)
- 1. Preoperational Test Program implemented before the first preoperational test; and
- 2. Startup Test Program implemented before initial fuel load; (n) Special Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Program implemented before initial receipt of special nuclear material; and (o) Special Nuclear Material Physical Protection Program implemented before initial receipt of special nuclear material on site.
(11) Operational Program Implementation Schedule No later than 12 months after issuance of the COL, SNC shall submit to the Director of NRO, or the Directors designee, a schedule for implementation of the operational programs listed in UFSAR Table 13.4-201, including the associated estimated date for initial loading of fuel. The schedule shall be updated every 6 months until 12 months before scheduled fuel loading, and every month thereafter until all the operational programs listed in UFSAR Table 13.4-201 have been fully implemented.
(12) Site- and Unit-specific Conditions (a) SNC shall either remove and replace, or shall improve, the soils directly above the blue bluff marl for soils under or adjacent to Seismic Category I structures, to eliminate any liquefaction potential.
(b) Before commencing installation of individual piping segments and connected components in their final locations, SNC shall complete the as-designed pipe rupture hazards analysis for compartments (rooms) containing those segments in accordance with the criteria outlined in the UFSAR Sections and, and shall inform the Director of NRO, or the Directors designee, in writing, upon the completion of this analysis and the availability of the as-designed pipe rupture hazards analysis reports.
(c) Before commencing installation of individual piping segments, identified in UFSAR Section, and connected components in their final locations in the facility, SNC shall complete the analysis of the as-designed individual piping segments and shall inform the Director of NRO, or the Directors 9 Amendment No. 153
power calorimetric uncertainty instrumentation (before initial fuel load);
- 7. The site-specific severe accident management guidelines (before startup testing);
- 8. The operational and programmatic elements of the mitigative strategies for responding to circumstances associated with loss of large areas of the plant due to explosions or fire developed in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(hh)(2) (before initial fuel load); and
- 9. The ITP procedures identified in U FSAR Section 14.2.3:
- a. administrative manual (before the first preoperational test)
- b. preoperational testing (before scheduled performance)
- c. startup testing (before initial fuel load)
(g) Before initial fuel load, SNC shall:
- 1. Update the seismic interaction analysis in UFSAR Section to reflect as-built information, which must be based on as-procured data, as well as the as-constructed condition;
- 2. Reconcile the seismic analyses described in Section 3.7.2 of the UFSAR, to account for detailed design changes, including, but not limited to, those due to as-procured or as-built changes in component mass, center of gravity, and support configuration based on as-procured equipment information;
- 3. Calculate the instrumentation uncertainties of the actual plant operating instrumentation to confirm that either the design limit departure from nucleate boiling ratio (DNBR) values remain valid or that the safety analysis minimum DNBR bounds the new design limit DNBR values plus DNBR penalties;
- 4. Update the pressure temperature (P-T) limits using the pressure temperature limits report (PTLR) methodologies approved in the UFSAR, using the plant-specific material properties or confirm that the reactor vessel material properties meet the specifications of and use the Westinghouse generic PTLR curves;
- 5. Verify that plant-specific belt line material properties are consistent with the properties given in UFSAR Section and Tables 5.3-1 and 5.3-3. The verification must include a pressurized thermal shock (PTS) evaluation based on as-procured reactor vessel material data and the projected neutron fluence for the 11 Amendment No. 153