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Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (Ufsar), Amendment 27, 12 - Table of Contents
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Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 10/05/2017
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML18018A778 List: ... further results
Download: ML18023B321 (6)


BFN-27 12.0-i STRUCTURES AND SHIELDING TABLE OF CONTENTS 12.0 STRUCTURES AND SHIELDING.........................................................................................12.1-1 12.1 Summary Description............................................................................................................12.1-1 12.2 Principal Structures And Foundations...................................................................................12.2-1 12.2.1 Loading Considerations for Structures, Foundations, Equipment and Systems......12.2-1 12.2.2 Reactor Building (Class I)........................................................................................12.2-2 12.2.3 Turbine Building (Class II).......................................................................................12.2-43 12.2.4 Reinforced Concrete Chimney (Class I)..................................................................12.2-45 12.2.5 Radwaste Building (Class II)...................................................................................12.2-51 12.2.6 Office and Service Building (Class II)......................................................................12.2.55 12.2.7 Condenser Cooling Water System..........................................................................12.2-55 12.2.8 Diesel Generator Building, Units 1 and 2 (Class I)..................................................12.2-66 12.2.9 Equipment Access Lock (Class I)............................................................................12.2-73 12.2.10 Standby Gas Treatment Building (Class I)..............................................................12.2-78 12.2.11 (Deleted)..................................................................................................................12.2-80 12.2.12 Guardhouse (Gatehouse) (Class II)........................................................................12.2-80 12.2.13 Diesel Generator Building, Unit 3 (Class I)..............................................................12.2-80 12.2.14 Offgas Treatment Building (Class I)........................................................................12.2-82 12.2.15 Radwaste Evaporator Building (Class II).................................................................12.2-83 12.2.16 Residual Heat Removal Service Water Intake (Class I)..........................................12.2-84 12.2.17 Low Level Radioactive Waste Storage Facility (LLRWSF)......................................12.2-85 12.2.18 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Pad.......................................12.2-85 12.3 Shielding And Radiation Protection.......................................................................................12.3-1 12.3.1 Design Basis...........................................................................................................12.3-1 12.3.2 Description..............................................................................................................12.3-1 12.3.3 Performance Analysis..............................................................................................12.3-4

BFN-27 12.0-ii STRUCTURES AND SHIELDING LIST OF TABLES Table Title 12.2-1 Reactor Building Concrete Structure Base Slab Design Data 12.2-2 Reactor Building Concrete Structure Stage I Wall Design Data 12.2-3 Reactor Building Concrete Structure Stage II Slab Over Torus Design Data 12.2-4 Reactor Building Concrete Structure El. 565.0 Slab Over Torus Design Data 12.2-5 Reactor Building Concrete Structure Corner Wall Design Data 12.2-6 Reactor Building Concrete Structure HPCI System Rooms Design Data 12.2-7 Reactor Building Concrete Structure Exterior Walls 12.2-8 Reactor Building Concrete Structure Exterior Walls at Adjacent Units 12.2-9 Reactor Building Concrete Structure Floor Slabs, Beams, and Columns 12.2-10 Reactor Support Pedestal - Allowable and Actual Stresses for Principal Design Cases 12.2-11 Reactor Building Concrete Structure P-Line Wall Design Data 12.2-12 Reactor Building Concrete Structure Fuel Storage Pool and Dryer and Separator Storage Pool 12.2-13 (Deleted) 12.2-14 (Deleted) 12.2-15 (Deleted) 12.2-16 Allowable Stresses for Drywell Access Platforms 12.2-16.1 (Deleted) 12.2-16.2 (Deleted) 12.2-16.3 (Deleted) 12.2-16.4 Reactor Building Outside Drywell Containment Modal Mass Properties 12.2-17 Damping Values For the RPV, RPV Internals, Internal Structures, and Reactor Building 12.2-17.1A Reactor Building Inside Drywell Containment Modal Properties, NS Direction 12.2-17.1B Reactor Bulding Inside Drywell Containment Modal Properties, EW Direction 12.2-17.1C Reactor Building Inside Drywell Containment Modal Properties, V Direction 12.2-18 (Deleted) 12.2-19 (Deleted) 12.2-20 (Deleted) 12.2-21 (Deleted) 12.2-22 (Deleted) 12.2-23 Turbine Building Concrete Frame Design Data 12.2-24 Turbine Foundation Design Data 12.2-25 Reinforced Concrete Chimney Design Data 12.2.26 Radwaste Building Design Data 12.2-27 Intake Building - Design Data 12.2-28 Intake and Discharge Conduits - Design Data 12.2-29 Diesel Generator Building 12.2-30 Diesel Generator Building Access Doors and Design Data Sheet 1 Sheet 2 12.2-31 (Deleted)


Table Title 12.2-32 (Deleted) 12.2-33 Equipment Access Lock Doors Design Data 12.2-34 Standby Gas Treatment Building Design Data 12.2-35 Values Used in Dynamic Earthquake Analysis of Standby Gas Treatment Building 12.2-36 Results of Dynamic Earthquake Analysis of Standby Gas Treatment Building For Operating Basis Earthquake (0.10g) 12.2-37 Intake Channel Gate Structure Design Loads 12.2-38 Reactor Building - Personnel and Equipment Access Locks - Watertight Doors Design Data 12.2-39 Radwaste Building - Double Doors for Exterior Openings - Design Data Sheet 1 Sheet 2 12.2-40 Radwaste Building - Personnel Access Doors - Design Data 12.2-41 Intake Structure and Equipment Access Lock Personnel Access Doors - Design Data 12.2-42 Diesel Generator Building - Portable Bulkhead Design Data 12.2-43 Equipment Access Lock - Flood Gate Design Data 12.2-44 Offgas Treatment Building - Design Data 12.2-45 Radwaste Evaporator Building - Design Data 12.2-46 Sheet 1 Gate Structure No. 2 Design Data Sheet 1 Sheet 2 12.3-1 Plant Radiation Zone Classifications

BFN-27 12.0-iv STRUCTURES AND SHIELDING LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title 12.2-1 (Deleted) 12.2-2 Reactor Building General Plans and Sections - Unit 1 and 2 12.2-2a (Deleted) 12.2-2b Access Locks, Elevations 565 and 665 12.2-2c Access Locks 12.2-2d Pressed Steel Door Frames 12.2-3 Reactor Building General Plans and Sections - Units 1 and 2 12.2-4 Reactor Building General Plans and Sections - Units 1 and 2 12.2-5 Reactor Building General Plans and Sections - Unit 3 - Sheet 1 12.2-6 Reactor Building General Plans and Sections - Unit 3 - Sheet 2 12.2-7 Slab Over Torus 12.2-8 Completed Structure Below El. 565.0 12.2-9 (Deleted) 12.2-10 (Deleted) 12.2-11 (Deleted) 12.2-12 (Deleted) 12.2-13 (Deleted) 12.2-14 (Deleted) 12.2-15 (Deleted) 12.2-16 (Deleted) 12.2-17 (Deleted) 12.2-18 (Deleted) 12.2-19 (Deleted) 12.2-20 (Deleted) 12.2-21 Reactor Building Structural Steel - Typical Cross Section 12.2-22a Reactor Building Crane Runway - Plans and Sections 12.2-22b Reactor Building Crane - General Arrangement 12.2-22c Reactor Building Crane - General Arrangement 12.2-22d (Deleted) 12.2-23 Reactor Building Sacrificial Shield Wall - Plans and Elevation 12.2-24 sht 1 Structural Steel Drywell Floor Framing - El. 563 ft 1/2 in.

12.2-24 sht 2 Structural Steel Drywell Floor Framing El. 563 ft 1/2 in.

12.2-24 sht 3 Reactor Building Drywell Platform El. 563 ft 1/2 in.

12.2-25 sht 1 Structural Steel Drywell Floor Framing - El. 584 ft 9-1/2 in.

12.2-25 sht 2 Reactor Building Drywell Floor Framing El. 584 ft 9-1/2 in.

12.2-25 sht 3 Reactor Building Drywell Floor Framing El. 584 ft 9-1/2 in.

12.2-26 Reactor Building, Outside Drywell Model 12.2-27 (Deleted) 12.2-27A Lumped Gas, Mutliple Stick Model of Reactor Building and Internal Structures 12.2-27B Horizontal Model of RPV and its Internals 12.2-27C Vertical Model of RPV and its Internals


Figure Title 12.2-28 (Deleted) 12.2-29 (Deleted) 12.2-30 (Deleted) 12.2-31 (Deleted) 12.2-32 (Deleted) 12.2-33 (Deleted) 12.2-34 (Deleted) 12.2-35 (Deleted) 12.2-36 (Deleted) 12.2-37 (Deleted) 12.2-38 (Deleted) 12.2-39 (Deleted) 12.2-40 Depth of Missile Penetration for Tornado 12.2-41 Depth of Missile Penetration for Tornado 12.2-42 Turbine Building, General Plans and Sections, Sheet 1 12.2-43 Turbine Building, General Plans and Sections, Sheet 2 12.2-44 Turbine Building, General Plans and Sections, Sheet 3 12.2-45 Turbine Building, General Plans and Sections, Sheet 4 12.2-46 Turbine Building, General Plans and Sections, Sheet 5 12.2-47 Turbine Building, Concrete Floor Live Loading, Sheet 1 12.2-48 Turbine Building, Concrete Floor Live Loading, Sheet 2 12.2-49 Turbine Building, Concrete Floor Live Loading, Sheet 3 12.2-50 Turbine Building, Structural Steel, Typical Cross Section, Units 1 and 2 12.2-51 Turbine Building, Structural Steel, Typical Cross Section, Unit 3 12.2-52 Reinforced Concrete Chimney, Location Plan and Details 12.2-53 Reinforced Concrete Chimney Ultimate Moment Capacity 12.2-54 Reinforced Concrete Chimney Reinforcement 12.2-55 Reinforced Concrete Chimney Steel Stress for Various Wind Velocities 12.2-56 Reinforced Concrete Chimney, Concrete Stress for Various Wind Velocities 12.2-57 (Deleted) 12.2-58 (Deleted) 12.2-59 (Deleted) 12.2-60 Reinforced Concrete Chimney, Foundation Outline 12.2-61 Reinforced Concrete Chimney Interior Above El. 568 12.2-62 Miscellaneous Steel Offgas Stack Exhaust Vent 12.2-63 Mathematical Model for Dynamic Analysis of Offgas Piping System 12.2-64 Concrete, General Plans and Sections, Sheet 1 12.2-65 Concrete, General Plans and Sections, Sheet 2 12.2-66 Architectual Floor Plans 12.2-67 Architectual Elevations 12.2-68 (Deleted)


Figure Title 12.2-69 Concrete - General Outline Features, Sheet 1 12.2-70 Concrete - General Outline Features, Sheet 2 12.2-71a Concrete General Arrangement 12.2-71b Intake Channel 12.2-71c Safety Related Slopes 12.2-72a Cooling Tower System, Concrete General Arrangement 12.2-72b Cooling Tower System, Concrete General Arrangement 12.2-72c Water Supply Cooling Tower System, Concrete General Arrangement 12.2-73 Diffuser Pipes from Discharge Conduits 12.2-74 Intake Channel Gate Structure 12.2-75a Intake Channel Gate Structure - Cell Load Diagram 12.2-75b sht 1 Cooling Tower System - Concrete Arrangement 12.2-75b sht 2 Cooling Tower System Concrete Arrangement 12.2-75b sht 3 Cooling Tower System Concrete Arrangement 12.2-76 Diesel Generator Building, and Standby Gas Treatment Building, General Plans and Sections 12.2-77 (Deleted) 12.2-77a Mathematical Model of Diesel-Generator Building With Chiller Enclosure Units 1 and 2 12.2-77b Mathematical Model of Diesel-Generator Buildings (Original 2D Models) 12.2-78 (Deleted) 12.2-79 Typical Frame and Loading, Standby Gas Treatment Building 12.2-80 Equipment Access Lock Doors 12.2-81 Diesel Generator Building, Unit 3, General Plans and Sections 12.2-82 Concrete - Offgas Treatment Building, General Plans and Sections 12.2-83 Concrete Pipe Plan, Slab and Walls Outline 12.2-84 Gate Structure No. 2, Sheet 1 12.2-85 Gate Structure No. 2, Sheet 2