NL-18-0026, NEDO-33883, Revision 0, Gnf Armor Lead Test Assembly for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1.

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NEDO-33883, Revision 0, Gnf Armor Lead Test Assembly for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1.
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Site: Hatch Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/2017
Global Nuclear Fuel, Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NL-18-0026 NEDO-33883, Rev 0
Download: ML18012A059 (16)


Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant - Unit 1 Information Reports for Lead Test Assemblies Enclosure 4 Non-Proprietary Report NEDC-33883, Revision O GNF ARMOR Lead Test Assembly

Type: NED Report Spec Name: NED0-33883 Rev: 0 Security/IP: Class 1 Document Status: Verified Date Printed: Sep 8, 2017 4:27:23 PM EDT GNr- Global Nuclear Fuel Global Nuclear Fuel NED0-33883 Revision 0 September 2017 Non-Proprietary Information - Class I (Public)

GNF ARMOR LEAD TEST ASSEMBLY FOR EDWIN I. HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 Copyright 2017 Global Nuclear Fuel -Americas, LLC All Rights Reserved

Type: NED Report Spec Name: NED0-33883 Rev: 0 Security/IP: Class 1 Document Status: Verified Date Printed: Sep 8, 2017 4:27:23 PM EDT NED0-33883 Revision 0 Non-Proprietary Information- Class I (Public)

INFORMATION NOTICE This is a non-proprietary version of the document NEDC-33883P Revision 0, which has the proprietary information removed. Portions of the document that have been removed are indicated by an open and closed bracket as shown here (( )) .

IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING CONTENTS OF THIS REPORT Please Read Carefully The design, engineering, and other information contained in this document is furnished for the purpose contained in the contract between Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. (SNC) and GNF, and nothing contained in this document shall be construed as changing the contract. The use of this information by anyone for any purpose other than that for which it is intended is not authorized; and with respect to any unauthorized use, GNF makes no representation or warranty, and assumes no liability as to the completeness, accuracy, or usefulness of the information contained in this document.


Type: NED Report Spec Name: NED0-33883 Rev: 0 Security/IP: Class 1 Document Status: Verified Date Printed: Sep 8, 2017 4:27:23 PM EDT NED0-33883 Revision 0 Non-Proprietary Information - Class I (Public)



Revisi.on Descr~ption of ~hange 0 09/2017 Initial Release lll

~ : ~ E D Report Spec Name: NED0-33883 Rev: 0 Security/IP: Class 1 Document Status: Verified Date Printed: Sep 8, 2017 4:27~2:P~-E~T NED0-33883 Revision 0 Non-Proprietary Information - Class I (Public)

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 ARMOR Coating and LTA Description ................................................................................... 2 2.1 ARMOR Coating ........................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Lead Test Assembly Description ................................................................................... 2 3.0 Licensing Analyses ................................................................................................................... ?

4.0 LTA Program Objectives and Planned Inspections .................................................................. 8 5.0 References ................................................................................................................................. 9 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Nominal ARMOR Coating Composition .................................................................. 3 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-1 Rod Segment Schematic .......................................................................................... .4 Figure 2-2 Segmented Rod Axial Arrangement ......................................................................... 5 Figure 2-3 Planned Lead Test Rod Locations ............................................................................ 6 lV

Type: NED Report Spec Name: NED0-33883 Rev: 0 Security/IP: Class 1 Document Status: Verified Date Printed: Sep 8, 2017 4:27:23 PM EDT NED0-33883 Revision 0 Non-Proprietary Information- Class I (Public)


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ARMOR Abrasion Resistant, More Oxidation Resistant COLR Core Operating Limits Report CRDA Control Rod Drop Accident GNP Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas, LLC HNP-1 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 LOCA Loss-of-Coolant Accident LTA Lead Test Assembly LTR Lead Test Rod NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission OLMCPR Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio

(( )) (( ))

SAFDL Specified Acceptable Fuel Design Limit SNC Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.

SRLR Supplemental Reload Licensing Report TMOL Thermal Mechanical Operating Limit V

Type: NED Report Spec Name: NED0-33883 Rev: 0 Security/IP: Class 1 Document Status: Verified Date Printed: Sep 8, 2017 4:27:23 PM EDT

  • NED0-33883 Revision 0 Non-Proprietary Information - Class I (Public)

ABSTRACT Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. (SNC) plans to load (( )) Lead Test Assemblies (LTAs) as part of the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 (HNP-1) Reload 28 Cycle 29 during the 2018 refueling outage. These bundles, also referred to as Abrasion Resistant, More Oxidation Resistant (ARMOR) LTAs, are standard GNF2 assemblies in which a ((


This report contains information that is to be provided to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Included in this report are a description of the ARMOR coating and the ARMOR L TAs, a discussion of the licensing analyses, a description of the ARMOR LTA program objectives, and measurements planned for the ARMOR LTAs.


Type: NED Report Spec Name: NED0-33883 Rev: 0 Security/IP: Class 1 Document Status: Verified Date Printed: Sep 8, 2017 4:27:23 PM EDT NED0-33883 Revision 0 Non-Proprietary Information - Class I (Public) 1.0 Introduction SNC plans to load (( )) LTAs as part of the HNP-1 Reload 28 Cycle 29 during the 2018 refueling outage. These bundles, also referred to as ARMOR LTAs, are planned to be in operation as part of a joint program with Global Nuclear Fuel -Americas, LLC (GNP).

This report contains information that is to be provided to the NRC to comply with Reference I.

Reference 1 provides guidelines to be followed to install and operate LTAs. Included in this report are a description of the ARMOR LTAs, a discussion of the licensing analyses, a description of the LTA program objectives, and any applicable measurements planned for the L TAs.

The LTA design is described in Section 2.0 along with the ARMOR coating that is the feature to be tested. The subject LTAs are GNF2 bundles ((

)) No other aspects of the bundle are modified. The fuel material is standard U02.

Section 3.0 describes the licensing analyses that will be performed. Section 4.0 states the objectives of the ARMOR LTA program and describes the measurements planned.


Type: NED Report Spec Name: NED0-33883 Rev: 0 Security/IP: Class 1 Document Status: Verified Date Printed: Sep 8, 2017 4:27:23 PM EDT NED0-33883 Revision 0 Non-Proprietary Information - Class I (Public) 2.0 ARMOR Coating and LTA Description As part of GNF's effort to improve fuel performance against debris fretting, GNP has developed a fuel cladding coating that provides greater resistance to cladding failure due to debris wear. The coating has been named ARMOR, based on its abrasion resistant and more oxidation resistant characteristics.

2.1 ARMOR Coating ARMOR is a (( )) coating that is applied by ((

)) as an add-on process following production of fuel cladding using standard manufacturing processes. The coating is (( )) with a nominal chemical composition as indicated in Table 2-1. ((


when compared with Zircaloy-2 cladding without ARMOR coating. The ARMOR coating has demonstrated (( ))

As the ARMOR coating is ((

)) by that of the base Zircaloy-2 cladding.

2.2 Lead Test Assembly Description The LTA is essentially a standard production GNF2 fuel assembly as described in Reference 2


)) as depicted in Figures 2-1 and 2-2. The ends of the fuel rod (( )) processes and qualification. The fuel pellet material is standard U02. As the ARMOR coating is ((

)) GNF2 fuel rod. As such, the

(( )) characteristics associated with the rods and the assembly are

(( )) As illustrated in Figure 2-3, the LTRs are located in (( )) positions in the bundle that operate at (( )) . This provides inherent margin relative to the limiting rods within the bundle which accommodates ((



Type: NED Report Spec Name: NED0-33883 Rev: 0 Security/IP: Class 1 Document Status: Verified Date Printed: Sep 8, 2017 4:27:23 PM EDT NED0-33883 Revision 0 Non-Proprietary Information- Class I (Public)

Table 2-1 Nominal ARMOR Coating Composition Coating. ((


I 3

Type: NED Report Spec Name: NE00-33883 Rev: 0 Security/IP: Class 1 Document Status: Verified Daie Printed: Sep 8, 2017 4:27:23 PM EDT NED0-33883 Revision 0 Non-Proprietary Information- Class I (Public)



Figure 2-1 Rod Segment Schematic 4

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Figure 2-2 Segmented Rod Axial Arrangement 5

Type: NED Report Spec Name: NED0-33883 Rev: 0 Security/IP: Class 1 Document Status: Verified Date Printed: Sep 8, 2017 4:27:23 PM EDT NED0-33883 Revision 0 Non-Proprietary Information- Class I (Public)



Figure 2-3 Planned Lead Test Rod Locations 6

Type: NED Report Spec Name: NED0-33883 Rev: 0 Security/IP: Class 1 Document Status: Verified Date Printed: Sep 8, 2017 4:27:23 PM EDT NED0-33883 Revision 0 Non-Proprietary Information- Class I (Public) 3.0 Licensing Analyses For specified engineering evaluations (e.g., fuel rod thermal-mechanical), the ARMOR L TAs have been analyzed using the NRC-approved methods described in Reference 3. These methods


)); however, irradiated material property data of the ((

)) for installing the LTAs. To adequately conform to standard Specified Acceptable Fuel Design Limits (SAFDLs), the following conservatisms are introduced:

  • Fuel rod engineering evaluations to establish the LTR Thermal Mechanical Operating Limits (TMOLs) will apply ((

)) in material properties.

  • The LTRs shall be limited in number to ((


e The LTAs shall be installed into core locations that are not limiting with respect to thermal limits as stipulated by Reference 3.

Because the ARMOR coating is ((

)) to the analysis and monitoring of the LTAs. While the axial heat flux distribution is ((

)) margin to boiling transition for the LTRs. As such, the ((

)) is applicable to the LTAs. Additionally, the LTAs shall be installed into non-limiting core locations resulting in increased margin. Standard reload licensing analyses will be performed for the L TAs for each cycle of operation. Preliminary evaluations confirm that the presence of ((

)) to the characteristics of the core.

Plant dependent, cycle independent events (e.g., Control Rod Drop Accident (CRDA), fuel handling accident, Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA), and fuel storage) are considered to ensure conformance to established regulatory requirements. Because the ARMOR coating is thin, the zircaloy characteristics dominate, and the existing evaluations are adequate to support the safe installation and operation of the LTAs.

SNC intends to insert the LTAs into HNP-1 starting in Cycle 29 and to operate them under Technical Specification 4.2.1. An evaluation of the effects due to the introduction of the LTAs will be performed under 10 CFR 50.59. However, cycle-specific analyses to establish fuel operating limits are not yet complete. When cycle-specific analyses are complete, GNF and SNC will document the results in each respective Supplemental Reload Licensing Report (SRLR). SNC will update the HNP-1 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) accordingly.


Type: NED Report Spec Name: NED0-33883 Rev: 0 Security/IP: Class 1 Dccument Status: Verified Date Printed: Sep 8, 2017 4:27:23 PM EDT NED0-33883 Revision 0 Non-Proprietary Information - Class I (Public) 4.0 LTA Program Objectives and Planned Inspections The purpose of the ARMOR LTA program is to demonstrate the coating integrity throughout the expected operational life of the LTRs. The program also offers the opportunity to ((

)), thereby supporting fuel rod design for reload application.

Poolside surveillance is planned throughout the irradiation period and ((

)) may be performed. The frequency and extent of these surveillances and examinations will be jointly developed by SNC and GNF consistent with the operational constraints at HNP-1 as determined by SNC.


Type: NED Report Spec Name: NED0-33883 Rev: 0 Security/IP: Class 1 Document Status: Verified Date Printed: Sep 8, 2017 4:27:23 PM EDT NED0-33883 Revision 0 Non-Proprietary Information- Class I (Public) 5.0 References

1. Letter, T. A. Ippolito (NRC) to R. E. Engel (GE), "Lead Test Assembly Licensing,"

MFN-182-81, September 23, 1981.

2. Global Nuclear Fuel, "GNF2 Advantage Generic Compliance with NEDE-24011-P-A (GESTAR II)," NEDC-33270P, Revision 8, April 2017.
3. Global Nuclear Fuel, "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel (GESTAR II),"

NEDE-24011-P-A-25, March 2017.