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Final After Action Report/Improvement Plan for the Byron Station Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Held on September 26, 2017
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/14/2017
US Dept of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, State of IL, Emergency Management Agency
Download: ML17346A679 (69)


After Action Report/

Improvement Plan Exercise Date - September 26, 2017 Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program Byron Station Published November 14, 2017 J

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station This page is intentionally blank.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station After Action Report/Improvement Plan Published November 14, 2017 Table of Contents EXECUTIVE


.......................................................................................................... 5 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 6 1.1 Exercise Basis....................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Emergency Planning Zone Description................................................................................. 8 1.3 Exercise Purpose and Design.................................................................................... ;........... 8 1.4 Exercise Objectives, Capabilities, and Activities.................................................................. 8 1.5 Scenario Summary................................................................................................................ 9 SECTION 2: EXERCISE OVERVIEW................................................................................... 10 2.1 Exercise Details................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 Exercise Planning Team Leadership................................................................................... 10 2.3 Participating Organizations................................................................................................. 12 SECTION 3: ANALYSIS OF CAPABILITIES....................................................................... 13 3.1 Exercise Evaluation and Results......................................................................................... 13 3.2 Summary Results of Exercise Evaluation........................................................................... 13 3.3 Criteria Evaluation Summaries........................................................................................... 18 3.3.1 State Jurisdictions......................................................................................................... 18 Illinois State Police District 16 Headquarters -TACP............................................. 18 Jefferson High School - Evacuee Registration.......................................................... 18 Jefferson High School-Congregate Care................................................................ 18 Ogle County EOC - Illinois State Liaison................................................................. 19 Ogle County EOC - Illinois State Radiological Advisor........................................... 19 3.3.1. 7 0 SF Saint Anthony Medical Center - Medical Services - Facility........................... 19 3.3.i.8 OSF - Saint Anthony Medical Center - Medical Service -Transport....................... 19 Winnebago County EOC - Illinois State Liaison...................................................... 19 Winnebago County EOC - Illinois State Radiological Advisor.............................. 20 3.3.2 Risk Jurisdictions.......................................................................................................... 20 Emergency Broadcast Station-WRHL.................................................................... 20 3

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station Ogle County Emergency Operations Center............................................................. 20 Winnebago County Emergency Operations Center................................................... 21 Ogle County Initial Warning Point............................................................................ 21 Winnebago County Initial Warning Point................................................................. 21 Meridian Community Unit School District #223 - Evacuation School..................... 21 Mount Morris Police Department - DCO Briefing.................................................... 22 Mount Morris Police Department - TACP................................................................ 22 Ogle County Sheriffs Department - DCO Briefing.................................................. 22 Ogle County Sheriffs Department -TACP............................................................ 22 Winnebago County EOC - DCO Brief.................................................................... 22 Winnebago County EOC -TACP........................................................................... 23 Winnebago County Liaison to Ogle County........................................................... 23 SECTION 4: CONCLUSION.................................................................................................... 24 APPENDIX A: IMPROVEMENT PLAN................................................................................ 25 APPENDIX B: EXERCISE TIMELINE.................................................................................. 26 APPENDIX C: EXERCISE EVALUATION TEAM.............................................................. 27 APPENDIX D: ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS........................................................ 30 APPENDIXE: EXTENT-OF-PLAY........................................................................................ 35 APPENDIX F: SCENARIO TIMELINES.............................................................................. 54 4

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station EXECUTIVE


On September 26, 2017, a Radiological Emergency Preparedness Partial-Participation Plume Exposure Pathway Exercise was evaluated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) for the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) around the Byron Station. The purpose of this exercise was to assess the capabilities of the State and local preparedness organizations in responding to a*radiological emergency. This exercise was held in accordance with the DHS/FEMA policies and guidance concerning the exercise of State and local Radiological Emergency Response Plans (RERPs) and procedures.

The previous exercise at this site was conducted on May 20, 2015. The qualifying emergency preparedness exercise was conducted on November 15, 1983.

  • The DHS/FEMA wishes to acknowledge the efforts of the many individuals who participated in this exercise. Ogle County and Winnebago County participated along with the State of Illinois Emergency Management Agency.

Protecting the public health and safety is the full-time job of some of the exercise participants and an additional assigned responsibility for others. Still others have willingly sought this responsibility by volunteering to provide vital emergency services to their communities.

Cooperation and teamwork on the part of all the participants were evident during this exercise.

This Final After Action Report/Improvement Plan contains the evaluation of the biennial exercise and the evaluation of the following out-of-sequence interviews arid activities:

Jefferson High School Evacuee Registration and Congregate Care interview Protective Actions for Schools interview for Meridian Community Unit School District

  1. 223 Illinois State Police District 16 Headquarters Dosimetry Control Officer Briefing and Traffic and Access Control Post interview Mount Morris Police Department Dosimetry Control Officer Briefing and Traffic and Access Control Post interview OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center Medical Services Drill Sections 3 and 4 of this report provide detailed information regarding any Level I or Level 2 Findings, Plan Issues, and Schedule of Corrective Actions.


- - _ __J

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Exercise Basis On December 7, 1979, the President directed FEMA to assume the lead responsibility for all offsite nuclear planning and response. The DHS/FEMA activities are conducted pursuant to Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 350 "Review and Approval of State and Local Radiological Emergency Plans and Preparedness," 351 "Radiological Emergency Planning and Preparedness" and 352 "Commercial Nuclear Power Plants: Emergency Preparedness Planning". These regulations are a key element in the Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program that was established following the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station accident in March 1979.

FEMA Regulation 44 CFR 350 establishes the policies and procedures for the DHS/FEMA initial and continued approval of State and local governments' radiological emergency planning and preparedness for commercial nuclear power plants. This approval is contingent, in part, on State and local governments' participation in joint exercises with licensee.

The DHS/FEMA responsibilities in radiological emergency planning for fixed nuclear facilities include the following:

Taking the lead in offsite emergency planning and in the review and evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plan and procedures developed by State and local governments; Determining whether such plans and procedures can be implemented on the basis of observation and evaluation of exercises of the plans and procedures conducted by State and local governments; Responding to requests by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding between the NRC and FEMA dated October 1, 2015, and; Coordinating the activities of Federal agencies with responsibilities in the radiological emergency planning process:

U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Department of Commerce; U.S. Department of Energy; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; U.S. Department of the Interior; U.S. Department of Transportation; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; U.S. Food and Drug Administration; and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.



Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station Representatives from these agencies serve on the DHS/FEMA Region V Regional Assistance Committee (RAC), which is chaired by the DHS/FEMA.

Formal submission of the RERP for Byron Station to FEMA Region V by the State of Illinois and involved local jurisdictions occurred on March 28, 1982. Formal approval of these RERP was granted by FEMA on September 12, 1984, under 44 CFR 350.

A Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Partial-Participation Plume Exposure Pathway Exercise was conducted on September 26, 2017, and evaluated by the DHS/FEMA to assess the capabilities of State and local offsite emergency preparedness organizations in implementing their RERPs and procedures to protect the public health and safety during a radiological emergency involving the Byron Station. The purpose of this AAR/IP is to present the exercise results and findings based on the performance of the off site response organizations during a simulated radiological emergency.

The findings presented in this Final After Action Report/Improvement Plan are based on the evaluations of the federal evaluation team, with final determinations made by the DHS/FEMA Region V RAC Chair, and approved by the DHS/FEMA Headquarters.

The criteria utilized in the FEMA evaluation process are contained in:

NUREG-0654/FEMA.:-REP-1, Rev. 1, "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants," November 1980; FEMA Radiological Emergency Preparedness: Exercise Evaluation Methodology, as published in the FEMA Radiological Emergency Preparedness Manual, dated January 2016.

Section 2 of this report, entitled Exercise Overview, presents exercise details, exercise planning team leadership, and participation organizations.

Section 3 of this report, entitled Analysis of Capabilities, contains the exercise evaluation and results, summary results of the exercise evaluation, and criteria evaluation summaries.

Section 4 of this report, entitled Conclusion, presents detailed information on the demonstration of applicable exercise criteria at each jurisdiction or functional entity evaluated in a jurisdiction-based, issues-only format. This section also contains: (1) descriptions of all Level 1, Level 2,

  • and Plan Issues if any, assessed during this exercise, recommended corrective actions, and the State and local governments' schedule of corrective actions, if applicable, for each identified exercise issue; and (2) descriptions of unresolved Level 2 assessed during previous exercises and the status of the off site response organization (ORO) efforts to resolve them.



Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station 1.2 Emergency Planning Zone Description Byron Station is located in Ogle County, Illinois. The Station is located on a 1,288 acre site in Rockvale Township, approximately 3.7 miles south-southwest of the City of Byron and 2.2 miles east of the Rock River in Ogle County. The site is situated approximately in the center of the county in a predominantly agricultural area.

  • The IO-mile EPZ encompasses the following jurisdictions: Ogle County, which includes the municipalities of Byron, Oregon, Stillman Valley, Leaf River, Mt. Morris and Davis Junction, and Winnebago County, which includes the municipalities of Rockford and Seward. The 2010 population of the IO-mile EPZ is 29,282 persons. The primary land use around Byron Station is agricultural, with cash grain crops of com and soybeans.

Recreational facilities outside the municipalities include the 273 acre Lowden Memorial State Park located 3.5 miles southwest of the Byron Station. The Park has facilities for hiking, camping, picnicking, boating, and fishing. Severi miles south-southwest of the Byron Station is the 1,800 acre Castle Rock State Park and Nature Preserve with facilities for picnicking, fishing, boating, and hiking along the 600 acre Nature Preserve. The 2,225 acres Lowden-Miller State Forest is approximately 6.5 miles southwest of the Byron Station. This facility has trails for year-round hiking, seasonal snow-skiing, and hunting (October to December; 40 hunters per day).

Major transportation facilities in the Byron Station EPZ are limited to Illinois Route 72, 3.5 miles north of the Byron Station; Illinois Route 2, 2.5 miles west of the Byron Station; and Illinois Route 64, 4.5 miles south of the Byron Station. Three rail lines also run through the Byron Station EPZ: the I & M Rail Link, LLC, is 4.5 miles north of the Byron Station; the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company 5.5 miles south of the Byron Station; and the Illinois Railnet is 9.5 miles east of the Byron Station.

1.3 Exercise Purpose and Design The DHS/FEMA Region V Office evaluated the Byron Station REP Partial-Participation Plume Exposure Pathway Exercise conducted on September 26, 2017 to assess the capabilities of local emergency preparedness organizations in implementing their RERPs and procedures to protect the public health and safety during a radiological emergency involving the Byron Station. The purpose of this report is to present the results and findings on the performance of the ORO during a simulated radiological emergency.

1.4 Exercise Objectives, Capabilities, and Activities Exercise objectives and identified capabilities/REP criteria selected to be demonstrated are discussed in Appendix E "Extent-of-Play." The Exercise Planning Team (EPT) selected objectives that focus on evaluating emergency response procedures, identifying areas for improvement, and fostering collaboration between the various OROs and stakeholders. This exercise focused on the following objectives:

ORO demonstration of effective Emergency Operations Management; 8

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station ORO demonstration of effective Protective Action Decision Making; and ORO demonstration of effective Protective Action Implementation; ORO demonstration of effective Emergency Notification and Public Information; and ORO demonstration of effective Support Operations and Facilities 1.5 Scenario Summary Appendix F, Scenario Timelines, contains a summary of the exercise scenario, and a simulated sequence of events that was used as the basis for invoking emergency response actions by OROs during the Byron Station REP Partial-Participation Plume Exposure Pathway Exercise on September 26, 2017.

Results of a technical review of the scenario, submitted on June 19, 2017, indicate that the scenario was adequate to support demonstration of the DHS/FEMA requirements, as well as criteria selected by the ORO provided in the State's March 14, 2017; May 22, 2017; May 30, 2017; June 29, 2017; and revised August 29, 2017, extent-of-play submissions.

During the exercise, in addition to information and data provided through the Byron Station onsite scenario, controllers from the state of Illinois provided inject messages containing scenario events and/or relevant data to those persons or locations who would normally receive notification of such events. The inject messages were the method used for invoking additional specific response actions by OROs.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan SECTION 2: EXERCISE OVERVIEW 2.1 Exercise Details Exercise Name Byron 2017 Partial-Participation Radiation Emergency Preparedness Exercise Type of Exercise Plume Exposure Pathway Exercise Date September 26, 2017 Program.

DHS/FEMA Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program Scenario Type Radiological Emergency 2.2 Exercise Planning Team Leadership Sean O'Leary Chair, Regional Assistance Committee Chief, Technological Hazards Branch DHS/FEMA Region V 536 South Clark Street Chicago, Illinois 60605 312-408-5389 Stephen E. Tulley Exercise Director DHS/FEMA Region V 536 South Clark Street Chicago, Illinois 60605 312-408-4425 Dwaine K. Warren Deputy Exercise Director DHS/FEMA Region V 536 South Clark Street Chicago, Illinois 60605 10 Byron Station J

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan 312-408-5342 David Persaud Site Specialist DHS/FEMA Region V 536 South Clark Street Chicago, Illinois 60605 312-408-5583 William Conway REP Program Manager Bureau of Nuclear Facility Safety Illinois Emergency Management Agency 2200 South Dirksen Parkway Springfield, Illinois 62703 217-785-9886 Jerry De Young Offsite Programs Exelon Corporation 4300 Winfield Road Warrenville, Illinois 60555 630-657-4666 Mike Muth Offsite Programs Exelon Corporation 4300 Winfield Road Warrenville, Illinois 60555 630-657-4674 Randy Mika Corporate Drill and Exercise Coordinator Exelon Corporation 4300 Winfield Road Warrenville, Illinois 60555 630-657-4662 11 Byron Station

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station 2.3 Participating Organizations Agencies and organizations of the following jurisdictions participated in the exercise:

State Jurisdictions Illinois Emergency Management Agency Illinois State Police District # 16 Mutual Aid Box Alarm System MABAS Risk Jurisdictions Meridian Community School District #223 Mount Morris Police Department Ogle County Board Chairman Ogle County Emergency Management Agency Ogle County Sheriffs Department Rockford Emergency Services and Disaster Agency Thomas Jefferson High School, Rockford Pubic School District #205 Winnebago County Board Chairman Winnebago County Emergency Services and Disaster Agency Winnebago County Regional Office of Education Winnebago County Sheriffs Department Private Organizations.

American Red Cross Exelon Nuclear OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center Radio Station WRHL Federal Jurisdictions Federal Emergency Management Agency United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 12


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station SECTION 3: ANALYSIS OF CAPABILITIES 3.1 Exercise Evaluation and Results Contained in this section are the results and findings of the evaluation of all jurisdictions and functional entities that participated in the September 26, 2017, Byron Station Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Partial-Participation Plume Exposure Pathway Exercise. The exercise was conducted to test the offsite emergency response capabilities of State and local governments in the I 0-mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) surrounding the Byron Station.

Each jurisdiction and functional entity was evaluated based on its demonstration of exercise criteria delineated in the FEMA REP Program Manual, dated January, 2016. Appendix E, Extent-of-Play, contains detailed information on the selected exercise criteria and the extent-of-play agreements used for this exercise. Presented below are definitions of the terms used in this report relative to the criteria demonstration status.

M - Met: The status of a REP exercise evaluation area criterion indicating that the participating OROs demonstrated all demonstration criteria for the evaluation area criterion to the level required in the extent-of-play agreement with no Level I Findings, Level 2 Findings or Plan Issues assessed in the current exercise and no unresolved prior Level 2 Findings.

1 - Level I Finding: An observed or identified inadequacy of organizational performance in an exercise that could cause a finding that offsite emergency preparedness is not adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate protective measures can be taken in the event of a radiological emergency to protect the health and safety of the public living in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant.

2 - Level 2 Finding - An observed or identified inadequacy of organizational performance in an exercise that is not considered, by itself, to adversely impact public health and safety.

P -Plan Issue -An observed or identified inadequacy in the ORO's emergency plan or implementing procedures, rather than in the ORO's performance.

N - Not Demonstrated - Exercise criteria that were not demonstrated as scheduled during this exercise and the reason( s) they were not demonstrated.

3.2 Summary Results of Exercise Evaluation Tables 3.1-3.3, Summary of Exercise Evaluation, on the following pages, presents the status of all exercise criteria from the FEMA REP Program Manual, dated January 2016, which were scheduled for demonstration during this exercise by all participating jurisdictions and functional entities.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station This subsection provides information on the evaluation of each participating jurisdiction and functional entity in a jurisdiction-based, issues-only format.

The DHS/FEMA has developed a standardized system for numbering exercise issues. This system is used to achieve consistency in numbering exercise issues among DHS/FEMA Regions and site-specific exercise reports within each Region. It also is used to expedite tracking of exercise issues on a nationwide basis.

The identifying number of Level 1 Findings, Level 2 Findings, and Plan Issues includes the following elements, with each element separated by a hyphen (-).

Plant Site Identifier - A two-digit number, corresponding to the Utility Billable Plant Site Code (09 for Byron Station).

Exercise Year - The last two digits of the year the exercise was conducted.

Criterion Number - An alpha and two-digit number corresponding to the criteria numbers in the six Exercise Evaluation Areas described in the FEMA REP Program Manual, dated January 2016.

Issue Classification Identifier - (1 = Level 1 Finding, 2 = Level 2 Finding, P = Plan Issue)

Exercise Identification Number - A separate two or three-digit indexing number assigned to each issue identified in the exercise.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station Table 3.1 - Summary of Exercise Evaluation - State of Illinois t,

0 0

DA TE: September 26, 2017



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Emergency Operations Management Mobilization lal Facilities lbl Direction and Control lcl Communications Equipment ldl M


M Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel M




M Protective Action Decision-Making EW Exposure Control Decisions 2al PARs 2bl PADs 2b2 M

P ADs for Disabled/Functional Needs 2cl Ingestion P ADs 2dl RRR Decisions 2el Protective Action Implementation


EW Exposure Control Implementation 3al M


M KI Public/Institutionalized 3bl PAD Implementation Disabled/Functional Needs 3cl PAD Implementation Schools 3c2 T ACP Establishment 3dl M

Impediments 3d2 Implement Ingestion P ADs 3el Ingestion Pathway Decisions 3e2 Implementation ofRRR Decisions 3fl Field Measurement and Analysis RESERVED 4a1 Field Team Management 4a2 Field Team Operations 4a3 Field Team Sampling 4bl Laboratory Operations 4cl Emergency Notification and Public Info Initial Alert & Notification Sal RESERVED 5a2 Backup Alert & Notification 5a3 Exception Area Alerting 5a4 Subsequent Information & Instructions 5bl Support Operations and Facilities Reception Center Operations 6al M

EW Monitoring & Decontamination 6bl Congregate Care 6cl M

Contaminated Injured 6dl M

M 15

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station Table 3.2 - Summary of Exercise Evaluation - Ogle County i:::


DA TE: September 26, 2017 i:::

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Direction and Control lcl M

M Communications Equipment ldl M




Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel M



M Protective Action Decision-Making t

EW Exposure Control Decisions 2al PARs 2bl PADs 2b2 M

PADs for Disabled/Functional Needs 2cl M

Ingestion P ADs 2dl RRR Decisions 2el Protective Action Implementation EW Exposure Control Implementation 3al M



M KI Public/Institutionalized 3bl M

PAD Implementation Disabled/Functional Needs 3cl M

PAD Implementation Schools 3c2 M

M TACP Establishment 3dl M


Impediments 3d2 M


Implement Ingestion PADs 3el Ingestion Pathway Decisions 3e2 Implementation ofRRR Decisions 3fl Fie_ld Measureqient and Analysis..

RESERVED 4al Field Team Management 4a2 Field Team Operations 4a3 Field Team Sampling 4bl Laboratory Operations 4cl Emergency Notification and Public Info Initial Alert & Notification Sal 2

M RESERVED 5a2 Backup Alert & Notification 5a3 Exception Area Alerting 5a4 Subsequent Information & Instructions 5bl M

Support Operations and Facilities Reception Center Operations 6al EW Monitoring & Decontamination 6bl Congregate Care 6cl Contaminated Injured 6dl 16

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station Table 3.3 - Summary of Exercise Evaluation - Winnebago County DATE: September 26, 2017 P-;


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0 SITE: Byron Station




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§o C

P: Plan Issue



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  • - <i:
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~ Cl Emergency Operations Management Mobilization lal M

M Facilities lbl Direction and Control lcl M

M Communications Equipment ldl M


Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel M


Ptotecdve Action Decision-Making EW Exposure Control Decisions 2al PARs 2bl PADs 2b2 PADs for Disabled/Functional Needs 2cl Ingestion P ADs 2dl RRR Decisions 2el Protective Action Implementation


EW Exposure Control Implementation 3al M


KI Public/Institutionalized 3bl M

PAD Implementation Disabled/Functional Needs 3cl PAD Implementation Schools 3c2 TACP Establishment 3dl M


Impediments 3d2 M,

M Implement Ingestion PADs 3el Ingestion Pathway Decisions 3e2 Implementation ofRRR Decisions 3fl Field Measurement and Analysis RESERVED 4al Field Team Management 4a2 Field Team Operations 4a3 Field Team Sampling 4bl Laboratory Operations 4cl Emergency Notification and Public Info Initial Alert & Notification 5al RESERVED 5a2 Backup Alert & Notification 5a3 Exception Area Alerting 5a4 Subsequent Information & Instructions 5bl Support Operations and Facilities Reception Center Operations 6al EW Monitoring & Decontamination 6bl Congregate Care 6cl Contaminated Injured 6dl 17

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan 3.3 Criteria Evaluation Summaries 3.3.1 State Jurisdictions Illinois State Police District 16 Headquarters - DCO Briefing In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: 1.d.l, 1.e.1, 3.a.1.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE Illinois State Police District 16 Headquarters -TACP In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: l.d.1, 1.e.l, 3.a.1, 3.d.1.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE Jefferson High School-Evacuee Registration In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: 6.a. l.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE Jefferson High School - Congregate Care In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: 6.c.1.











Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Ogle County EOC - Illinois State Liaison In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as foliows:


MET: 1.e.1.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE Ogle County EOC - Illinois State Radiological Advisor In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: 1.e.1, 2.b.2.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center - Medical Services -Facility In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: 1.d.l, Le.I, 3.a.l, 6.d.l.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE OSF - Saint Anthony Medical Center - Medical Service - Transport In summ~ry, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: l.d.l, l.e.l, 3.a.l, 6.d.1.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE Winnebago County EOC - Illinois State Liaison In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: l.e.l.




LEVEL 2 FINDINGS: NONE 19 Byron Station

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan






PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE Winnebago County EOC - Illinois State Radiological Advisor In summary, the status of DHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: l.e.l.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE 3.3.2 Risk Jurisdictions Emergency Broadcast Station - WRHL In summary, the status of DHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: l.d.l, 5.a.l.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE Ogle County Emergency Operations Center In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:

Byron Station


MET: l.a.l, l.b.l, l.c.1, l.d.l, l.e.l, 2.b.2, 2.c.l, 3.a.l, 3.b.1, 3.c.l, 3.c.2, 3.d.l, 3.d.2, 5.b.l.










PRIOR ISSUES -.UNRESOLVED: NONE LOCATION: Ogle County Emergency Operations Center ISSUE NO: 09-17-5al-L2-l CRITERION: 5.a.l CONDITION: The WRHL station engineer recorded the Protective Action Decision message via landline telephone with the Ogle County Emergency Operations Center. However, the station engineer was not instructed when to commence the emergency message broadcast to coordinate with the siren activation, at what interval to re-broadcast the message, or when to 20

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station terminate broadcast. Additionally, the Ogle County official did not offer a code word to validate authenticity of the caller.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: This criterion was successfully redemonstrated on October 16, 2017 at the Ogle County Emergency Operations Center located at 510 Lincoln Highway, Rochelle, IL. Winnebago County Emergency Operations Center In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: l.a.l, l.c.l, l.d.l, l.e.l, 3.a.l, 3.b.l, 3.d.l, 3.d.2.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE Ogle County Initial Warning Point In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: l.a.l, l.d.l.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE Winnebago County Initial Warning Point In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: l.a. l, l.d. l.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE Meridian Community Unit School District #223 - Evacuation School In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: l.d.l, l.e.l, 3.a.l, 3.c.2.











Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station Mount Morris Police Department - DCO Briefing In summary, the status of DHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: l.d.l, l.e.l, 3.a.l.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE Mount Morris Police Department-TACP In summary, the status of DHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: l.d.l, l.e.l, 3.a.l, 3.d.l.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE Ogle County Sheriff's Department - DCO Briefing In summary, the status of DHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: l.e.1, 3.a.l.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE Ogle County Sheriff's Department - TACP In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: l.d.l, l.e.l, 3.a.1, 3.d.l.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE Winnebago County EOC - DCO Brief In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: l.a.l, l.d.l, 3.a.l.





Unclassified Radiological Emergency Prep~redness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station






PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE Winnebago County EOC-TACP In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: I.a.I, 1.d.l, 3.a.1.










PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE Winnebago County Liaison to Ogle County In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for this location is as follows:


MET: l.a. l, l.d.1.











Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station SECTION 4: CONCLUSION There were no Level 1 or Level 2 findings or plan issues identified for the state of Illinois or Winnebago County.

There were no Level 1 findings or plan issues identified for Ogle County. There was one Level 2 finding identified with the Ogle County Emergency Operation Center regarding Assessment Area 5, Emergency Notification and Public Information. The specific criterion was successfully redemonstrated on October 16, 2017. Further details may be found in Appendix A, Improvement Plan.

Based on the results of the exercise, the planning and preparedness for the state of Illinois and affected local jurisdictions provide reasonable assurance that appropriate measures can be taken to protect public health and safety. Therefore, Title 44 CFR Part 350, approval of the off site radiological emergency response plans and preparedness for the

~tate of Illinois, remains in effect.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station APPENDIX A: IMPROVEMENT PLAN This section summarizes the findings from the of the evaluation of all jurisdictions and functional entities that participated in the September 26, 2017, Radiological Emergency Preparedness Partial-Participation Plume Exposure Pathway Exercise to test the offsite emergency response capabilities of State and local governments in the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone surrounding the Byron Station, recommended corrective actions, and a schedule of corrective actions for the identified primary responsible agency.

Finding: 09-17-5al-L2-1 Ogle County-EOC Criterion: 5.a.1 ISSUE:

The station engineer recorded the Protective Action Decision message via landline telephone with the Ogle County Emergency Operations Center. However, the station engineer was not instructed when to commence the emergency message broadcast to coordinate with the siren activation, at what interval to re-broadcast the message, or when to terminate broadcast.

Additionally, the Ogle County official did not offer a code word to validate authenticity of the caller.


Ogle County should review their plans and procedures, provide training to responders regarding the implementation of plans and procedures, and redemonstrate Criterion 5.a.l.

within 120 days of this exercise.


Redemonstration was successfully conducted on October 16, 2017.



Emergency Public Information and Warning Ogle County Emergency Management Agency CAP ABILITY ELEMENT:


Emergency Operations Center September 26, 2017 AGENCYPOC:


Tom Richter 815-562-1001 October 16, 2017 25

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station APPENDIX B: EXERCISE TIMELINE


i,." Em¢i:ge~fr

  • l;:i111e;iJJpity£0",


.*.. 'CI~Wfic~t~on

']Levei'or E:Vent Unuimal Event ( end of verification call for ECLs)

Alert Site Area Emergency General Emergency Release of Radioactive Material Started Release of Radioactive Material Terminated Facility Declared Operational Declaration of State/Local Emergency Exercise Termination



~ ->



/.; ~',: ;'

NIA 0810 CDT 0920 CDT 1030 CDT 1042 CDT NIA Early Precautionary Action Decision: <evacuate state parks and hunting areas.>

Early Precautionary Action Decision: <livestock advisory.>

Early Precautionary Action Decision: < air, water and rail traffic restrictions.>

Early Precautionary Action Decision: <evacuate schools and/or special populations.>

General Information Message: <public advised of incident at Byron Station.>

Siren Activation:

EAS Message:

Protective Action Recommendation: evacuation of sub-area 1 Protective Action Decision Siren Activation EAS Message


'**Protective Action Recom111~ndation: ~v_acuat.Ion":of:sub,::areas': *

,, 'r;*

KI PAD Emergency Workers and Immobile Populations Decision 26 Ogle Winnebago NIA NIA 0837 CDT 0842 CDT 0934 CDT 0955 CDT 1042 CDT 1047 CDT 1043 CDT 1047 CDT NIA NIA 0905 CDT 0930 CDT NIA NIA 1233 CDT 1229 CDT 1102 CDT NIA 1103 CDT NIA 1050 CDT NIA 1050 CDT 1104 CDT 1006 CDT 1030 CDT NIA NIA NIA NIA 1042 CDT NIA 1050 CDT NIA 1107 CDT NIA 1122 CDT NIA NIA NIA

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station APPENDIX C: EXERCISE EVALUATION TEAM DA TE: September 26, 2017 SITE: Byron Nuclear Station LOCATION TEAM LEADER Emergency Broadcast Station - WRHL David Persaud Winnebago County Emergency Janet Hlavaty-LaPosa Operations Center Ogle County Emergency Operations David Persaud Center Illinois State Police District 1 David Ortman Headquarters - DCO Briefing Illinois State Police District 1 David Ortman Headquarters - TACP Winnebago County Initial Warning

'Janet Hlavaty-LaPosa Point Ogle County Initial Warning Point David Persaud Jefferson HS - Congregate Care Center David Ortman Jefferson HS - Evacuee Registration David Ortman Meridian Community Unit School David Persaud District #223 Mount Morris Police Department - DCO David Persaud Briefing Mount Morris Police Department -,

David Persaud TACP Ogle County EOC - Illinois State David Persaud Liaison Ogle County EOC - Illinois State David Persaud Radiological Advisor OSF - Saint Anthony Medical Center -

David Ortman Medical Service - Transport OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center -

David Ortman Medical Services - Facility Ogle County Sheriffs Department -

David Persaud DCO Briefing Ogle County Sheriffs Department -

David Persaud TACP Winnebago County EOC - Illinois State Janet Hlavaty-LaPosa Radiological Advisor Winnebago County Liaison to Ogle Janet Hlavaty-LaPosa County 27 AGENCY FEMA Region V FEMA Region X FEMA Region V FEMA Region V FEMA Region V FEMA Region X FEMA Region V FEMA Region V FEMA Region V FEMA Region V FEMA Region V FEMA Region V FEMA Region V FEMA Region V FEMA Region V FEMA Region V FEMA Region V FEMA Region V FEMA Region X FEMA Region X

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station LOCATION TEAMLEADER AGENCY Winnebago County BOC - DCO Brief Janet Hlavaty-LaPosa FEMA Region X Winnebago County BOC -TACP Janet Hlavaty-LaPosa FEMA Region X Emergency Broadcast Station - WRHL John Wills ICFI Winnebago County BOC Marcy Campbell ICFI Ogle County BOC Clark Duffy.

ICFI Winnebago County BOC James Greer ICFI Ogle County BOC Meg Swearingen ICFI Ogle County BOC Michael Petullo ICFI Illinois State Police District 1 Alvin Blake FEMA Region V Headquarters - DCO Briefing Illinois State Police District 1 David Persaud FEMA Region V Headquarters - TACP Winnebago County Initial Warning Dennis Wilford ICFI Point Ogle County Initial Warning Point Ronald Bonner ICFI Jefferson HS - Congregate Care Center Kimberly Alahmadi FEMA Region V Jefferson HS - Evacuee Registration David Ortman FEMA Region V Meridian Community Unit School David Persaud FEMA Region V District #223 Mount Morris Police Department - DCO David Persaud FEMA Region V Briefing Mount Morris Police Department -

James King FEMA Region V TACP Ogle County BOC - Illinois State Ronald Bonner ICFI Liaison Ogle County BOC - Illinois State Ronald Bonner ICFI Radiological Advisor OSF - Saint Anthony Medical Center -

James King FEMA Region V Medical Service - Transport OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center -

Brian Reinhart FEMA Region V Medical Services - Facility 28

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station LOCATION TEAMLEAJ)ER AGENcv*

Ogle County Sheriffs Department -

Clark Duffy ICFI DCO Briefing Ogle County Sheriffs Department -

Gary Bolender ICFI TACP Winnebago County EOC - Illinois State Marcy Campbell ICFI Radiological Advisor Winnebago County Liaison to Ogle Gary Bolender ICFI County Winnebago County Liaison to Ogle Ronald Bonner ICFI County Winnebago County EOC - DCO Brief Dennis Wilford ICFI Winnebago County EOC - TACP Paul Ringheiser ICFI 29

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan APPENDIX D: ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACRONYM DESCR,IPTION AAR After Action Report ARC American Red Cross BPO Byron Police Officer CCC Congregate Care Center CDE Committed Dose Equivalent CFR Code of Federal Regulations CPM Counts Per Minute DCO Dosimetry Control Officer DHS Department of Homeland Security DLR Dosimeter of Legal Record DPM Disaster Program Manager DRD Direct Read Dosimeter -

EAL Emergency Action Level EAS Emergency Alert System ECL Emergency Classification Level ED Emergency Department 30 Byron Station

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station A:CRONYlVI




'l EMA Emergency Management Agency EMC Emergency Management Coordinator EMT Emergency Medical Technicians EOC Emergency Operation Center EOF Emergency Operations Facility EPI Emergency Public Information EPT Exercise Planning Team EPZ Emergency Planning Zone ESDA Emergency Services and Disaster Agency EST Equipment Status Tag EW Emergency Worker FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency GE General Emergency GIS Geographical Information Systems IC Incident Commander ICC Illinois Commerce Commission IEMA Illinois Emergency Management Agency IESMA Illinois Emergency Services Management Association 31 I


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station ACRONYM 7

,,, ~". ' DESCRIPTION *.


ILEAS Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System IMT Incident Management Team IP Improvement Plan ISP Illinois State Police IWP Initial Warning Point JIC Joint Information Center LD Luminescent Dosimeter MABAS Mutual Aid Box Alarm System MRT Medical Radiation Technician NARS Nuclear Accident Reporting System NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NIMS Nation Incident Management System NMT Nuclear Medical Technician NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission OCBC Ogle County Board Chair OCEOC Ogle County Emergency Operations Center OCHD Ogle County Health Department ocs Ogle County Sheriff 32

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station ACRONYM DESCRIPTION '"

C ORO Offsite Response Organization OSLD Optically Stimulated Luminescent Dosimeter PAD Protective Action Decision PAR Protective Action Recommendation PDP Personnel Dosimetry Packet PIC Personal Ion Chamber PIO Public Information Officer PPE Personal Protective Equipment PRD Permanent Record Dosimeter PRM Portal Radiation Monitors RAC Regional Assistance Committee RAFT Radiological Assessment Field Team RCS Reception Center Supervisor REA Radiological Exclusion Area REAC Radiological Emergency Assessment Center REP Radiological Emergency Preparedness RERP Radiological Emergency Response Plan RRG Radiological Response Group 33

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station ACRt>NYM


RTF Radiological Task Force SAE Site Area Emergency SEOC State Emergency Operations Center SIMCELL Simulation Cell TAC Traffic and Access Control TACP Traffic and Access Control Point TEDE Total Effective Dose Equivalent TICP Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan TJHS Thomas Jefferson High School TSC Technical Support Facility UE Unusual Event WCSD Winnebago County Sheriffs Department 34 i


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Prepar~dness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station APPENDIX E: EXTENT-OF-PLAY This appendix lists the exercise criteria which were scheduled for demonstration in the Byron Station Radiological Emergency Preparedness Partial-Participation Plume Exposure Pathway Exercise on September 26, 2017, and the offsite Extent-of-Play agreement accepted by DHS/FEMA Region Von August 30, 2017. The exercise criteria, contained in the FEMA Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program Manual (January 2016), represent a functional translation of the planning standards and evaluation criteria ofNUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revl, "Criteria for the Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants," November 1980. Because the exercise criteria are intended for use at all nuclear power plant sites, and because of variations among offsite plans and procedures, an Extent-of-Play agreement is prepared by the State and accepted by DHS/FEMA to provide Evaluators with guidance on expected actual demonstration of the criteria.

Exercise Criteria Listed on the following pages are the specific radiological emergency preparedness criteria that were scheduled for demonstration during this exercise.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station STATE OF ILLINOIS EXTENT-OF-PLAY AGREEMENT FOR THE BYRON STATION EXERCISE September 26th, 2017 Criteria that can be redemonstrated immediately for credit, at the discretion of the evaluator, include the following: 3.a.l, 3.d.l, 6.a.1, 6.b.l, 6.c.l and 6.d.l.

Criteria that may be re-demonstrated, as approved on a case-by-case basis by the Chairperson of the Regional Assistance Committee, include the following: 2.a.l, 2.b.l, 2.b.2, 3.d.2, 5.a.l and 5.b.l.

NOTE: If the exercise scenario, or related exercise play, does not prompt specific criteria-related actions, individual criteria may be addressed through a functional interview or alternative scenario-driven task demonstration. When utilized, this process will be done in a manner not to disrupt or interfere with normal exercise play.

EVALUATION AREA 1 - EMERGENCY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Criterion 1.a.1: OROs use effective procedures to alert, notify and mobilize emergency personnel and activate facilities in a timely manner.

The State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC), which houses the IEMA Communications Center (Initial Warning Point), and the Radiological Emergency Assessment Center (REAC), will NOT be activated. SIMCELLS will be established to play the roles of SEOC and REAC.

The SIMCELLS will support Ogle and Winnebago County exercise play, but will not be evaluated. The IEMA Emergency Response Telecommunicator will support county-level exercise play, but will not be evaluated.

The state Unified Area Command (UAC) will not be evaluated, but will operate as a SIMCELL to support state and county play, located in Springfield. A FEMA observer is not requested for the UAC.

Radiological Assessment Field Team (RAFT) and mobile lab will NOT be activated.

IEMA personnel will be prepositioned in the local area and dispatched to the Ogle County EOC, and Winnebago County EOC. FEMA will not evaluate the TSC.

The prepositio~ed State staff will begin exercise play no earlier than the Alert.

Criterion 1.b.l: Facilities are sufficient to support the emergency response.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise at REAC, SEOC and the IEMA Communications Center.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station Criterion 1.c.1: Key personnel with leadership roles for the ORO provide direction and control to that part of the overall response effort for which they are responsible.

The ability to direct and control emergency response activities will NOT be demonstrated.

Coordination will NOT be demonstrated, but the state will support county exercise play.

Criterion 1.d.1: At least two communication systems are available, at least one operates properly, and communication links are established and maintained with appropriate locations.

Communications capabilities are managed in support of emergency operations.

This criterion will not be demonstrated.

Criterion 1.e.1: Equipment, maps, displays, dosimetry, potassium iodide (KI) and other supplies are sufficient to support emergency operations.

The State of Illinois will demonstrate the use of equipment, maps and displays to support emergency operations only at the Ogle County EOC and Winnebago County EOC.

Dosimetry Control Officer (DCO) logs will be available from an IEMA Radiological Advisor in the Ogle County EOC.

A DCO briefing/Traffic and Access Control (TAC) interview was conducted by Illinois State Police District 16 during an out-of-sequence interview on Tuesday, July 25th at 9:00 AM (confirmed) at District 16 Headquarters in Pecatonica. During this event, the availability of dosimetry will be demonstrated. No more than 10% of ISP District 16 dosimetry kits will be inspected during the interview to confirm serial numbers.

EVALUATION AREA 2 - PROTECTIVE ACTION DECISION MAKING Criterion 2.a.1: OROs use a decision-making process, considering relevant factors and appropriate coordination, to ensure that an exposure control system, including the use of KI, is in place for emergency workers including provisions to authorize radiation exposure in excess of administrative limits or protective action guides.

The ability to make the decision to recommend the use of KI to emergency workers will NOT be demonstrated in REAC.

Criterion 2.b.1: Appropriate protective action recommendations are based on available information on plant conditions, field monitoring data and licensee and ORO dose projections, as well as knowledge of on-site and off-site environmental conditions.

This criterion will not be evaluated during this exercise.

Criterion 2.b.2: A decision-making process involving consideration of appropriate factors and necessary coordination is used to make protective action decisions (P ADs) for the general public (including the recommendation for the use of KI, if ORO policy).


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station The State PAR will be transmitted to Ogle County via NARS to support exercise play, but will not be evaluated.

Criterion 2.c.1: Protective action decisions are made, as appropriate, for groups of people with disabilities and those with access/functional needs.

The State PAR will be transmitted to Ogle County via NARS, and then forwarded to Ogle County Officials at the Winnebago County EOC to support exercise play, but will not be evaluated.

Criterion 2.d.l: Radiological consequences for the ingestion pathway are assessed and appropriate protective action decisions are made based on the ORO's planning criteria.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

Criterion 2.e.1: Timely post-plume phase re-location, re-entry and return decisions are made and coordinated as appropriate, based on assessments of the radiological conditions and criteria in the OROs plan and/or procedures.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

EVALUATION AREA 3 - PROTECTIVE ACTION IMPLEMENTATION Criterion 3.a.1: The OROs issue appropriate dosimetry and procedures, and manage radiological exposure to emergency workers in accordance with the plan and procedures. Emergency workers periodically and at the end of each mission read their dosimeters and record the readings on the appropriate exposure record or chart. Appropriate record-keeping of the administration of KI for emergency workers is maintained.

A DCO briefing/Traffic and Access Control (TAC) interview was conducted by Illinois State Police District 16 during an out-of-sequence interview on Tuesday, July 25th at 9:00 AM at District 16 Headquarters in Pecatonica.

Criterion 3.b.l: KI and appropriate instructions are available should a decision to recommend use of KI be made. Appropriate record keeping of the administration of KI for institutionalized individuals is maintained.

This criterion will not be evaluated.

Criterion 3.c.1: Protective action decisions are implemented for people with disabilities and those with access/functional needs other than schools within areas subject to protective actions.

This criterion does not apply to the State of Illinois.

Criterion 3.c.2: OROs/School officials decide upon and implement protective actions for schools.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station This criterion does not apply to the State of Illinois.

Criterion 3.d.1: Appropriate traffic and access control is* established. Accurate instructions are provided to traffic and access control personnel.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during the exercise. An out-of-sequence DCO briefing/Traffic and Access Control (TAC) interview was conducted by Illinois State Police District 16 during an out-of-sequence interview on Tuesday, July 25th at 9:00 AM at District 16 Headquarters in Pecatonica.

Criterion 3.d.2: Impediments to evacuation are identified and resolved.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

Criterion 3.e.1: The ORO demonstrates the availability and appropriate use of adequate information regarding water, food supplies, milk and agricultural production within the ingestion exposure pathway emergency planning zone for implementation of protective actions.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

Criterion 3.e.2: Appropriate measures, strategies and pre-printed instructional material are developed for implementing protective action decisions for contaminated water, food products, milk and agricultural production.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

Criterion 3.f.1: Decisions regarding controlled re-entry, relocation, and return of individuals during the post-plume phase are coordinated with appropriate organizations and implemented.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.


Criterion 4.a.2: Field teams (2 or more) are managed to obtain sufficient information to help characterize the release and to control radiation exposure.

This criterion will NOT be demonstrated during the exercise.

Criterion 4.a.3: Ambient radiation measurements are made and recorded at appropriate locations, and radioiodine and particulate samples are collected. Teams will move to an appropriate low background location to determine whether any significant (as specified in the plan and/or procedures) amount of radioactivity has been collected on the sampling media.

This criterion will NOT be demonstrated during the exercise.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station Criterion 4.b.1: The field teams demonstrate the capability to make appropriate measurements and to collect appropriate samples (e.g., food crops, milk, water, vegetation, and soil) to support adequate assessments and protective action decision-making.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

Criterion 4.c.1: The laboratory is capable of performing required radiological analyses to support protective action decisions.

This criterion will NOT be demonstrated during the exercise.

EVALUATION AREA 5 - EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION Criterion 5.a.1: Activities associated with primary alerting and notification of the public are completed in a timely manner following the initial decision by authorized offsite emergency officials to notify the public of an emergency situation. The initial instructional message to the public must include as a minimum the elements required by current REP guidance.

This criterion will NOT be demonstrated during the exercise.

Criterion 5.a.2: [RESERVED]

Criterion 5.a.3: Backup alert and notification of the public is completed within a reasonable time following the detection by the ORO of a failure of the primary alert and notification system.

This criterion does not apply to the State of Illinois.

Criterion 5.a.4: Activities associated with FEMA-approved exception areas (where applicable) are completed within 45 minutes following the initial decision by authorized offsite emergency officials to notify the public of an emergency situation.

This criterion does not apply to the State of Illinois.

Criterion 5.b.l: OROs provide accurate emergency information and instructions to the public and the news media in a timely manner.

This criterion will NOT be demonstrated during this exercise.

I A rumor control phone bank for public inquiries will not be operated by the State during the exercise.

The State of Illinois does not currently. recommend the use of KI by the general public.

However the State SIMCELL may address the general public, who has KI, regarding the proper time to consider taking KI through the IlC, if applicable in the scenario to support the counties, but will not be evaluated.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station EVALUATION AREA 6 - SUPPORT OPERATION/FACILITIES Criterion 6.a.1: The reception center facility has appropriate space, adequate resources, and trained personnel to provide monitoring, decontamination, and registration of evacuees.

An interview of State and local officials and inspection of Jefferson High School (Rockford, IL) was conducted on Tuesday, July 25th, at 11:00 a.m. The following organizations were represented at the interview: local EMA, Police and Fire Departments, American Red Cross and IEMA. Evacuees will not be processed. Monitoring equipment will not be available at the interview/inspection.

Criterion 6.b.l: The facility/ORO has adequate procedures and resources to accomplish monitoring and decontamination of emergency workers and their equipment and vehicles.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

Criterion 6.c.1: Managers of congregate care facilities demonstrate that the centers have resources to provide services and accommodations consistent with American Red Cross planning guidelines.

Managers demonstrate the procedures to assure that evacuees have been monitored for contamination and have been decontaminated as appropriate prior to entering congregate care facilities.

An interview of State and local officials and inspection of Jefferson High School (Rockford, IL) was conducted on Tuesday, July 25th, at 11:00 a.m. The following organizations were represented at the interview: local EMA, Police and Fire Departments, American Red Cross and IEMA. Evacuees will not be processed. Monitoring equipment will not be available at the interview/inspection.

Criterion 6.d.l: The facility/ORO has the appropriate space, adequate resources, and trained personnel to provide transport, monitoring, decontamination, and medical services to contaminated injured individuals.

This criterion was demonstrated during an out of sequence drill conducted at St. Anthony Hospital on July 25th, at 8:30 a.m.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP~ Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station OGLE COUNTY EXTENT-OF-PLAY AGREEMENT FOR THE BYRON STATION EXERCISE September 26th, 2017 Criteria that can be redemonstrated immediately for credit, at the discretion of the evaluator, include the following: 3.a.l, 3.d.l, 6.a.l, 6.b.l, 6.c.l and 6.d.l.

Criteria that may be re-demonstrated, as approved on a case-by-case basis by the Chairperson of the Regional Assistance Committee, include the following: 2.a.l, 2.b.l, 2.b.2, 3.d.2, 5.a.l and 5.b.1.

NOTE: If the exercise scenario, or related exercise play, does not prompt specific criteria-related actions, individual criteria may be addressed through a functional interview or alternative scenario-driven task demonstration. When utilized, this process will be done in a manner not to disrupt or interfere with normal exercise play.

EVALUATION AREA 1 - EMERGENCY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Criterion 1.a.1: OROs use effective procedures to alert, notify and mobilize emergency personnel and activate facilities in a timely manner.

Ogle County will fully activate the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Rochelle, Illinois. The County will implement notification procedures as defined in IPRA-Byron.

Representatives from the EPZ municipalities, Winnebago County, IEMA, ISP and Exelon will staff the County EOC but will not be pre-positioned it1 the EOC. A roster will be provided to demonstrate 24-hour staffing of the EOC. The evaluator will not be allowed to remove the roster from the EOC.

An evaluator will be positioned at the County Sheriffs Communications Center (initial warning point) at the start of the exercise.

Criterion 1.b.l: Facilities are sufficient to support the emergency response.

This criterion will be evaluated during the exercise.

Criterion 1.c.1: Key personnel with leadership roles for the ORO provide direction and control to that part of the overall response effort for which they are responsible.

Decision making will be demonstrated at the Ogle County EOC. Coordination of decisions and emergency activities will be demonstrated between Ogle County, the State Emergency Operation Center (SEOC) (SIMCELL) and the TIC (SIMCELL), and between the County and municipalities within the EPZ. Coordination between Ogle County and Winnebago County will be demonstrated.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station Criterion 1.d.l: At least two communication systems are available, at least one operates properly, and communication links are established and maintained with appropriate locations.

Communications capabilities are managed in support of e~ergency operations.

Ogle County may use a combination of NARS, commercial telephone, cellular telephone, electronic mail, radio and telefax to communicate with departments/agencies. Ogle County may choose to use WebEOC during the exercise, but on an unevaluated, trail basis.

Criterion 1.e.1: Equipment, maps, displays, dosimetry, potassium iodide (KI) and other supplies are sufficient to support emergency operations.

Ogle County will demonstrate the ability to support operations through the use of maps, status boards and other displays as appropriate. DCO logs will be available from the IEMA Radiological Advisor in the Ogle County EOC. The availability of dosimetry and KI will be demonstrated during the traffic and access control demonstration and the school interview.

The DCO briefing for the Ogle County deputy demonstrating traffic and access control will be conducted at the Ogle County EOC during the exercise. The DCO briefing for the Mt.

Morris Police officer demonstrating traffic and access control was conducted on Monday, July 24th at 3:00 pm (tentative) at the Mt. Morris Department.

EVALUATION AREA 2 - PROTECTIVE ACTION DECISION MAKING Criterion 2.a.1: OROs use a decision-making process, considering relevant, factors and appropriate coordination, to insure that an exposure control system, including the use of KI, is in place for emergency workers including provisions to authorize radiation exposure in excess of administrative limits or protective action guides.

This criterion does not apply to Ogle County.

Criterion 2.b.1: Appropriate protective action recommendations are based on available information on plant conditions, field monitoring data and licensee and ORO dose projections, as well as knowledge of on-site and off-site environmental conditions.

This criterion does not apply to Ogle County.

Criterion 2.b.2: A decision-making process involving consideration of appropriate factors and necessary coordination is used to make protective action decisions (PADs) for the general public (including the recommendation for the use of KI, if ORO policy).

The State of Illinois will make protective action recommendations to Ogle County officials in the Ogle County EOC. The Ogle County officials will make the final decision regarding what protective actions will be recommended to the public. Coordination between the ICP and the Ogle County EOC will be demonstrated.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station Criterion 2.c.1: Protective action decisions are made, as appropriate, for groups of people with disabilities and those with access/functional needs.

The State of Illinois will make protective action recommendations to Ogle County officials in the County EOC. The Ogle County officials will make the final decision regarding what protective actions will be recommended for groups of people with disabilities and those with access/functional needs.

Criterion 2.d.1: Radiological consequences for the ingestion pathway are assessed and appropriate protective action decisions are made based on the ORO's planning criteria.

This criterion does not apply to Ogle County.

Criterion 2.e.1: Timely post-plume phase re-location, re-entry and return decisions are made and coordinated as appropriate, based on assessments of the radiological conditions and criteria in the OROs plan and/or procedures.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

EVALUATION AREA 3 - PROTECTIVE ACTION IMPLEMENTATION Criterion 3.a.1: The OROs issue appropriate Dosimetry, KI, and procedures and manage radiological exposure to emergency workers in accordance with the plan and procedures.

Emergency workers periodically and at the end of each mission read their dosimeters and record the readings on the appropriate exposure record or chart. Appropriate record-keeping of the administration of KI for emergency workers is maintained.

Ogle County will demonstrate this criterion by close coordination with the IEMA Radiological Advisor and timely dissemination and exchange of information within the County Dosimetry Control Officer network. Exercise messages will be injected which will ensure the opportunity to demonstrate this criterion in the Ogle County EOC.

This criterion will also be demonstrated during the traffic and access control demonstration and the school interview.

The DCO briefing for the Ogle County deputy demonstrating traffic and access control will be conducted at the Ogle County EOC during the exercise. The DCO briefing for the Mt.

Morris Police officer demonstrating traffic and access control was conducted on Monday, July 24th at 3:00 PM (confirmed) at the Mt. Morris Police Department.

Criterion 3.b.l: KI and appropriate instructions are available should a decision to recommend use of KI be made. Appropriate record keeping of the administration of KI for institutionalized individuals is maintained.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station When notified by the State of Illinois to distribute and administer KI, Ogle County officials will discuss the issuance of KI and immobile populations, as a voluntary measure, and will notify the municipalities of the State's recommendation.

The State of Illinois will make an announcement through the JIC of the appropriate time for the public to consider voluntarily taking KI.

Criterion 3.c.1: Protective action decisions are implemented for people with disabilities and those with access/functional needs other than schools within areas subject to protective actions.

This will be demonstrated by Ogle County through the simulated implementation of the appropriate procedures.

The appropriate officials will coordinate transportation and receiving facilities for people with disabilities and those with access/functional needs other than schools within areas subject to protective actions. One of each type of special facility will be contacted during the exercise. One of each type of transportation provider (ambulance/bus) will be contacted during the exercise. The public will not be involved in the demonstration.

The Mobility Impaired List/Cards will be available for inspection in the County EOC during the exercise. The evaluator will not be allowed to remove the list/cards from the EOC.

Criterion 3.c.2: OROs/School officials decide upon and implement protective actions for schools.

Ogle County officials will demonstrate this capability through the simulated implementation of the appropriate procedures in the Ogle county EOC. The EPZ schools and transportation providers will be contacted during the exercise.

A School interview (EV-2) was conducted with the Meridian CUSD #223 on Wednesday, August 23rd at 10:30 am.

The roles of the superintendent, principal, teacher, transportation coordinator, bus driver, maintenance supervisor and DCO were represented at the interview.

Criterion 3.d.l: Appropriate traffic and access control is established. Accurate instructions are provided to traffic and access control personnel.

Coordination between Ogle County agencies designated to provide traffic and access control will be exhibited in the Ogle County EOC. For the demonstration, a post will be selected by Ogle County or the exercise controller during the exercise based on exercise play. A deputy will not be asked to drive to the selected post location for the demonstration, but will provide adequate information to the evaluator to describe the process of staffing the selected post. The staffing of the remaining posts will be simulated.

A Mt. Morris Police officer demonstrated traffic and access control procedures on Monday, July 24th at 3 :00 PM at the Mt. Morris Police Department. Any traffic and access control assignments will be simulated and not require the officer to drive to a location.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station Criterion 3.d.2: Impediments to evacuation are identified and resolved.

The Ogle County EOC staff will demonstrate the capability to identify and take appropriate actions concerning impediments to evacuation.

A message will be injected by the Controller that will drive this demonstration.

County personnel will deal with the impediment by identifying the equipment needed, discussing its estimated time of arrival, etc. Actual contacts with resource providers will be made and logged. The impediment information will also be coordinated into public messaging (i.e., via media briefing, notifying the JIC, etc.) to communicate alternative routes to potential evacuees.

Criterion 3.e.1: The ORO demonstrates the availability and appropriate use of adequate information regarding water, food supplies, milk and agricultural production within the ingestion exposure pathway emergency planning zone for implementation of protective actions.

This criterion does not apply to Ogle County.

Criterion 3.e.2: Appropriate measures, strategies and pre-printed instructional material are developed for implementing protective action decisions for contaminated water, food products, milk and agricultural production.

This criterion does not apply to Ogle County.

Criterion 3.f.1: Decisions regarding controlled re-entry, relocation and return of individuals during the post-plume phase are coordinated with appropriate organizations and implemented.

This criterion will be not be demonstrated this exercise.

EVALUATION AREA 4 - FIELD MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS This evaluation area does not apply to Ogle County.

EVALUATION AREA 5 - EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION Criterion 5.a.1: Activities associated with primary alerting and notification of the public are completed in a timely manner following the initial decision by authorized offsite emergency officials to notify the public of an emergency situation. The initial instructional message to the public must include as a minimum the elements required by current REP guidance.

Ogle County will demonstrate the capability to provide both an alert signal and an instructional message to populated areas throughout the 10-mile plume pathway EPZ in a timely manner after their decision to activate the alert and notification system to implement protective action decisions (PAD).


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station This capability will be demonstrated through the simulated activation of the Byron Station EPZ Prompt Notification System as defined in IPRA-Byron. The Prompt Notification System ( outdoor warning sirens) will not be activated during the exercise.

The ability to provide instructions to the public will be demonstrated through the simulated activation of the local radio station (WRHL ). The local radio station will be contacted during the first, and possibly the second, alert and notification sequence. An evaluator and a controller will be positioned at the radio station during the exercise to monitor the initial message. If the initial message does not contain a PAR, the evaluator and controller will stay at the radio station until a message containing a PAR is received.

The IEMA Controller will terminate the demonstration if the demonstration interferes with the radio station's daily operations.

Criterion 5.a.2: [RESERVED]

Criterion 5.a.3: Backup alert and notification of the public is completed within a reasonable time following the detection by the ORO of a failure of the primary alert and notification system.

This criterion will not be demonstrated in this exercise by Ogle County.

Criterion 5.a.4: Activities associated with FEMA-approved exception areas (where applicable) are completed within 45 minutes following the initial decision by authorized offsite emergency officials to notify the public of an emergency situation.

This criterion does not apply to Ogle County.

Criterion 5.b.l: OROs provide accurate emergency information and instructions to the public and the news media in a timely manner.

Ogle County will demonstrate this criterion by using pre-scripted messages as indicated in IPRA-Byron. Contact with the radio station will be simulated for each alert and notification sequence following the message containing a protective action recommendation.

The ability to provide information to the media will be demonstrated by Ogle County through briefings held at the Ogle County media briefing location. If real media are not present for the briefings, the controller and observers will serve as mock media. Evaluators will not serve as mock media.

The ability to deal with rumors will be demonstrated by Ogle County through coordination between the County EOC and the nc support unit at the SEOC. The Ogle County EOC controller will inject exercise messages that will ensure the opportunity to demonstrate this criterion. County officials will investigate and address "rumors." If appropriate, the "rumors" will be coordinated between State and County officials in the County EOC and the JIC support unit at the SEOC.


Un'Classified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station County emergency broadcast messages and news releases, if issued, will be faxed to the JIC.

EVALUATION AREA 6 - SUPPORT OPERATION/FACILITIES This evaluation area does not apply to Ogle County.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station WINNEBAGO COUNTY EXTENT-OF-PLAY AGREEMENT FOR THE BYRON STATION EXERCISE September 26th, 2017 Criteria that can be re-demonstrated immediately for credit, at the discretion of the evaluator, include the following: 3.a.1, 3.d.l, 6.a.l, 6.b.l, 6.c.l and 6.d.l.

Criteria that may be re-demonstrated, as approved on a case-by;-case basis by the Chairperson of the Regional Assistance Committee, include the following: 2.a.l, 2.b.l, 2.b.2, 3.d.2, 5.a.1 and 5.b.l.

NOTE: If the exercise scenario, or related exercise play, does not prompt specific criteria-related actions, individual criteria may be addressed through a functional interview or

  • alternative scenario-driven task demonstration. When utilized, this process will be done in a manner not to disrupt or interfere with normal exercise play.

EVALUATION AREA 1 - EMERGENCY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Criterion 1.a.1: OROs use effective procedures to alert, notify and mobilize emergency personnel and activate facilities in a timely manner.

Winnebago County intends to activate the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Rockford, Illinois, to the appropriate level. The County will implement notification procedures as defined in IPRA-Byron. The EOC will be staffed with representatives from the County Board, ESDA Director or Coordinator, a Sheriff's Department representative, Highway Department representative and Regional Superintendent of Schools representative. If the scenario does not drive protective actions in Winnebago County, the County may decide to down-:staff the EOC to a level sufficient to support Ogle County play and represent Winnebago County operational knowledge. A roster will be provided to demonstrate 24-hour county staffing of the EOC. Evaluators will not be allowed to remove the roster from the EOC.

An evaluator will be positioned at the County Sheriff's Communications Center (initial warning point) at the start ofthe exercise.

Criterion 1.b.1: Facilities are sufficient to support the emergency response.

This criterion will be not demonstrated during this exercise.

Criterion 1.c.1: Key personnel with leadership roles for the ORO provide direction and control to that part of the overall response effort for which they are responsible.

Coordination of decisions and emergency activities will be demonstrated between 49

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station Winnebago County and Ogle County.

Criterion 1.d.l: At least two communication systems are available, at least one operates properly, and communication links are established and maintained with appropriate locations.

Communications capabilities are managed in support of emergency operations.

Winnebago County will use commercial telephone, radio and telefax to communicate with departments and agencies at other locations. Winnebago County may choose to use WebEOC during the exercise, buton an unevaluated, trail basis.

Criterion 1.e.1: Equipment, maps, displays, dosimetry, potassium iodide (KI) and other supplies are sufficient to support emergency operations.

Winnebago County will adequately demonstrate the ability to support operations through the use of maps, status boards and other displays as appropriate. The availability of dosimetry and KI will be demonstrated during the traffic and access control demonstration.

The DCO briefing for the deputy demonstrating traffic and access control will be conducted at the County EOC.

EVALUATION AREA 2 - PROTECTIVE ACTION DECISION MAKING Criterion 2.a.1: OR Os use a decision-making process, considering relevant factors and appropriate coordination, to ensure that an exposure control system, including the use of KI, is in place for emergency workers including provisions to authorize radiation exposure in excess of administrative limits or protective action guides.

This criterion does not apply to Winnebago County.

Criterion 2.b.l: Appropriate protective action recommendations are based on available information on plant conditions, field monitoring data and licensee and ORO dose projections, as well as knowledge of on-site and off-site environmental conditions.

This criterion does not apply to Winnebago County.

Criterion 2.b.2: A decision-making process involving consideration of appropriate factors and necessary coordination is used to make protective action decisions (P ADs) for the general public (including the recommendation for the use of KI, if ORO policy).

This criterion does not apply to Winnebago County. Ogle County is solely responsible for this criterion.

Criterion 2.c.1: Protective action decisions are made, as appropriate, for groups of people with disabilities and those with access/functional needs.

This criterion does not apply to Winnebago County.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station Criterion 2.d.l: Radiological consequences for the ingestion pathway are assessed and appropriate protective action decisions are made based on the ORO's planning criteria.

This criterion does not apply to Winnebago County.

Criterion 2.e.1: Timely post-plume phase re-location, re-entry and return decisions are made and coordinated as appropriate, based on assessments of the radiological conditions and criteria in the OROs plan and/or procedures.

This criterion does not apply to Winnebago County. This function is the responsibility of Ogle County.

EVALUATION AREA 3 - PROTECTIVE ACTION IMPLEMENTATION Criterion 3.a.1: The OROs issue appropriate Dosimetry, KI, and procedures and manage radiological exposure to emergency workers in accordance with the plan and procedures.

Emergency workers periodically and at the end of each mission read their dosimeters and record the readings on the appropriate exposure record or chart. Appropriate record-keeping of the administration of KI for emergency workers is maintained.

Winnebago County will demonstrate this criterion by close coordination with IEMA and timely dissemination and exchange of information within the County Dosimetry Control Officer network.

This criterion will also be demonstrated during the traffic and access control demonstration.

The Sheriff's deputy will obtain dosimetry from the DCO in the County EOC. The DCO briefing for the deputy demonstrating traffic and access control will be conducted at the County EOC.

Criterion 3.b.l: KI and appropriate instructions are available should a decision to recommend use of KI be made. Appropriate record keeping of the administration of KI for institutionalized individuals is maintained.

When notified by the State of Illinois to distribute and administer KI, Winnebago County officials will discuss the issuance of KI to immobile populations, as a voluntary measure.

Criterion 3.c.1: Protective action decisions are implemented for people with disabilities and those with access/functional needs other than schools within areas subject to protective actions.

This criterion does not apply to Winnebago County.

Criterion 3.c.2: OROs/School officials decide upon and implement protective actions for schools.

This criterion does not apply to Winnebago County.

Criterion 3.d.l: Appropriate traffic and access control is established. Accurate instructions are 51

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station provided to traffic and access control personnel.

Coordination between Winnebago County and Ogle County will be demonstrated.

Decision making regarding traffic and access control will be demonstrated by the Winnebago County representative in the Ogle County EOC.

A Sheriffs deputy will be available during the exercise to simulate the staffing of one post. The post for the demonstration will be selected by Winnebago County during the exercise based on exercise play. The deputy will not be asked to drive to the selected post location for the demonstration. The staffing of the remaining posts will be simulated.

Criterion 3.d.2: Impediments to evacuatiop are identified and resolved.

The Winnebago County EOC staff will demonstrate the capability to identify and take appropriate actions concerning impediments to evacuation. A message will be injected by the Controller that will drive this demonstration. County personnel will deal with the impediment by identifying the equipment needed, discussing its estimated time of arrival, etc. Actual contacts with resource providers will be made and logged.

The impediment information will also be coordinated into public messaging (i.e., via media briefing, notifying the nc, etc.) to communicate alternative routes to potential evacuees.

Coordination of this task may be demonstrated or coordinated by the Winnebago County Sheriffs Department Liaison, located in the Ogle County EOC, if required by the exercise scenario.

Criterion 3.e.1: The ORO demonstrates the availability and appropriate use of adequate information regarding water, food supplies, milk and agricultural production within the ingestion exposure pathway emergency planning zone for implementation of protective actions.

This criterion does not apply to Winnebago County.

Criterion 3.e.2: Appropriate measures, strategies and pre-printed instructional material are developed for implementing protective action decisions for contaminated water, food products, milk and agricultural production.

This criterion does not apply to Winnebago County.

Criterion 3.f.1: Decisions regarding controlled re-entry, relocation and return of individuals during the post-plume phase are coordinated with appropriate organizations and implemented.

This criterion does not apply to Winnebago County.

EVALUATION AREA 4 - FIELD MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS This evaluation area does not apply to Winnebago County.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan EVALUATION AREA 5 - EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION

  • Byron Station.

Criterion 5.a.1: Activities associated with primary alerting and notification of the public are completed in a timely manner following the initial decision by authorized offsite emergency officials to notify the public of an emergency situation. The initial instructional message to the public must include as a minimum the elements required by current FEMA REP guidance.

This criterion does not apply to Winnebago County. This function is the responsibility of Ogle County.

Criterion 5.a.2: [RESERVED]

Criterion 5.a.3: Backup alert and notification of the public is completed within a reasonable time following the detection by the ORO of a failure of the primary alert and notification system.

This criterion does not apply to Winnebago County.

Criterion 5.a.4: Activities associated with FEMA-approved exception areas (where applicable) are completed within 45 minutes following the initial decision by authorized offsite emergency officials to notify the public of an emergency situation.

This criterion does not apply to Winnebago County.

Criterion 5.b.l: OROs provide accurate emergency information and instructions to the public and the news media in a timely manner.

This criterion does not apply to Winnebago County. This function is the responsibility of Ogle County.

EVALUATION AREA 6 - SUPPORT OPERATION/FACILITIES This evaluation area does not apply to Winnebago County.


  • Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station APPENDIX F: SCENARIO TIMELINES This Appendix presents the Off-Site Scenario Timelines for the State of Illinois and the Counties of Ogle and Winnebago that drove the Byron Station Radiological Emergency Preparedness, Partial Participation Plume Exposure Pathway Exercise conducted on September 26, 2017. The timelines include both on-site events and comments and expected off-site response actions.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station OFFSITE EXERCISE TIMELINE Approx. Time

  • Event/ Anticipated Response 0800 CDT Initial conditions/weather forecast message to players.

0810 CDT An ALERT is declared at Byron Station.

Exelon notifies the IEMA Telecommunicator of the ALERT via NARS.

An IEMA Duty Officer contacts the Dresden Station Shift Engineer.

IEMA Telecommunicator notifies IEMA personnel of the ALERT per SOP.

IEMA may activate the State Emergency Operation Center (SEOC) and Radiological Emergency Assessment Center (REAC), if appropriate.

0825 CDT IEMA may dispatch liaisons to the County EOCs, Unified Area Command (UAC), Radiological Assessment Field Team (RAFT) Staging Area, Joint Information Center (JIC), Technical Support Center (TSC) and Emergency Operations Facility (EOF), if appropriate.

IEMA notifies Governor's Office of the ALERT. (Simulated)

IEMA Telecommunicator notifies appropriate State agencies of the ALERT.

IEMA notifies FEMA of the ALERT.

IEMA Telecommunicator notifies the counties of the ALERT via NARS.

County telecommunicators complete and verify the NARS message.

County telecommunicators notify County officials and municipalities of the 0840 CDT ALERT per SOP.

The counties may activate the EOCs, if appropriate.

Municipal telecommunicators complete and verify the NARS message.

Municipal telecommunicators notify officials of the ALERT per SOP.

0930 CDT A SITE AREA EMERGENCY is declared at Byron Station.

Exelon notifies the IEMA Telecommunicator of the SITE AREA EMERGENCY via NARS.

0940 CDT IEMA Telecommunicator verifies the NARS message.

REAC contacts the Byron Station Shift Engineer.

SEOC is activated if not previously activated.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station SEOC notifies the Governor's Office and requests that a representative report to the State EOC. (Simulated)

Exelon notifies the IEMA Telecommunicator of the SITE AREA EMERGENCY via NARS.

IEMA Telecommunicator verifies the NARS message.

REAC contacts the Byron Station Shift Engineer.

SEOC is activated if not previously activated.

SEOC notifies the Governor's Office and requests that a representative report to the State EOC. (Simulated)

State dispatches liaisons to the County EOCs, UAC, RAFT, JIC, TSC and EOF, if not previously dispatched.

SEOC notifies FEMA of conditions. (Simulated)

IEMA notifies State agencies (Simulated):

- Illinois State Police 0945 CDT

  • - !DOT/Division of Highways

- !DOT/Division of Aeronautics


- Illinois National Guard


- American Red Cross






- Office of the State Fire Marshal

- others as appropriate

.REAC contacts Federal agencies. (Simulated)

REAC provides an update to the SEOC and County EOC Liaisons. REAC provides an update to th_e JIC.

IEMA notifies the counties of the SITE AREA EMERGENCY via NARS.

County telecommunicators complete and verify the NARS* message.

1000 CDT County telecommunicators notify County officials and municipalities of the SITE AREA EMERGENCY per SOP.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station County EOCs are activated if not previously activated.

Counties implement public notification procedures, if appropriate.

Municipal telecommunicators complete and verify the NARS message.


Municipal telecommunicators notify officials per SOP.

Dosimetry is issued to emergency personnel, EOC staff and exposure records are completed.

1030 CDT A GENERAL EMERGENCY is declared at Byron Station.

Exelon notifies the IEMA Telecommunicator of the GENERAL EMERGENCY via NARS. Protective actions are recommended.

IEMA Telecommunicator verifies the NARS message.

The SEOC and REAC evaluate the protective action recommendation.

A recommendation is made to the Governor.

Governor recommends that protective actions be implemented.

1045 CDT (Simulated)

SEOC staff is advised of the situation.

SEOC advises UAC, the County EOC liaisons and JIC staff of the situation.

SEOC notifies FEMA of conditions. (Simulated)

REAC provides an update to the SEOC and County EOC liaisons.

REAC provides an update to the JIC.

SEOC notifies the counties of the GENERAL EMERGENCY and the recommended protective actions via NARS.

County telecommunicators complete and verify the NARS message.

1100 CDT County telecommunicators notify County officials and municipalities per SOP.

Counties implement public notification procedures and traffic and access control per SOPs, as applicable.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station Municipal telecommunicators complete and verify and the NARS message.

Municipal telecommunicators notify EOC staff.

1230 CDT Terminate exercise play.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Onsite Exercise Timeline Scenario Timeline Exercise vs. Clock Time Narrative Summary Summary of Expected EALs and PARs Meteorology Release Information Initial Conditions Unit 1 Common

  • 99% reactor power - MOL
  • Equipment OOS -


  • 1174 MWe Pump; 28 RSH Transformer
  • 87 days online
  • Protected Equipment - OA WS Pump; OB WS Pump
  • Online Risk YELLOW
  • Major evolutions - OC WS
  • Equipment OOS -1B CS pump Pump is in day IO of 20 for

- IO hr work window for impeller replacement; 28 electrical work on motor, four RSH Transformer is hours to restore undergoing bus work repairs

  • Protected Equipment - lA DG; (will be complete at 1700) ;

IA CS Train bus 045-0 I is cross-tied to Bus 045-02

  • Major evolutions - None Byron Station Unit2
  • 99% reactor power - EOL
  • 1143 MWe
  • 256 days online
  • Online Risk GREEN
  • Equipment OOS - None
  • Protected Equipment - 28 DG
  • Major evolutions scheduled -

2A DG operability surveillance (2BOSR 8.1.21) is scheduled to start at 0900 T+O I 0800 I Start Scenario: Wind direction from 290 degrees, 22 mph, Stability Class C 59

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station ALERT, MAS - Hazardous event affecting a SAFETY SYSTEM required for the current operating mode Plant Actions

  • (0800) National Weather Service issues a Severe Thunderstorm WARNING for Ogle County until 0830 - Call from the WEC (who is listening to a weather radio)

- Crew responds per 0(1 )(2)BOA ENV-1

  • EO's will be sent to walk down plant equipment and outside buildings after storm passes
  • 2A DG Surveillance will be postponed

- Crew responds per OP-AA-108-111-1001

  • 15 minute average wind speed increases to a peak of 5 5 mph T+15 -0810 * (0810) Debris from the storm strikes and damages the OA SX Cooling Tower causing running fans OA/OB/OC to trip (T=O for ALERT)

- Crew responds per BAR 0-37-B6 and IBOA PRI-7 and dispatch EO to investigate

- Report from Security of large piece of debris that has contacted the SX Cooling Tower

  • (0825) A CW MIU Pump trips due to large piece of debris entering the A Traveling Screen

- Crew responds per BAR 0-38-A-11 and OBOA SEC-11 and dispatch EO to investigate

  • If attempted, B CW MIU Pump will start successfully

- A Traveling screen is found to be tripped due to high DIP across screen

  • (0825 - 0840) 15 minute average wind speed decreases and steadies at 25 mph
  • (0830) IB Feed Pump trips and steam leak develops from the Turbine Stop Valve

- IA Feed Pump will be started per BHC 1-16-BCI 60

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station Equipment Malfunctions Plant Actions

  • (0850) Rod Control Urgent Failure Alarm comes in (BAR 1-10-C6)

- IM's will discover loose card in the local cabinet

- Ops crew responds per IBOA ROD-2

  • (0855) Failure of ILT676 resulting in CC Surge Tank Level Low Alarm (1-2-A5)

T+55 0850

- Crew will respond per IBOA PRI-6 to to

- AOV 1CC183 (WM Makeup to CC Surge Tank) valve goes open and cannot be closed from the Main Control Board T+65 0900

- EOs will be dispatched to close 1CC185 (WM Makeup Isolation Valve), but the 90° Operator moves freely

- 1 CC9454A (WM Makeup Isolation Valve) has an EST on the valve hand-wheel stating that the valve is mechanically bound in the open position

- MM's will be dispatched to assist in closing the 1CC185, and will be successful

- CC Surge Tank will overflow to berm area around tank

  • (0900) IA SX Pump trips due to overcurrent condition SITE AREA EMERGENCY, FSl - Loss or Potential Loss of ANY two barriers Plant Actions
  • (0910) RCS Loop D will develop a LOCA (-1000gpm)

- Ops crew will trip the Reactor and manually actuate Safety Injection I

- Phase A Isolation will not actuate for B Train, equipment will have to be manually aligned

- Concurrent ALERT (FAI) due to a Loss of RCS (RC.I.a)

T+65 0905

- Fuel damage will ensue due to LOCA transient creating a decreased pressure allowing departure from nucleate boiling to occur in localized spots in the core

- Containment Rads begin rising

  • IA Aux Feed pump starts

- Broken motor shaft experienced on the pump, preventing flow from being developed.


  • (0920) Containment Rads exceed 1950R/hr and peak at 2250R/hr (T=O for SITE AREA EMERGENCY due to Loss of Fuel Clad (FC.3.1)).

ERO Actions

  • SED should declare SITE AREA EMERGENCY (FSl) due to Loss ofFC (FC.3.1) 61

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station GENERAL EMERGENCY, FG 1 - Loss of any two barriers AND Loss or Potential Loss of third barrier Plant Actions

  • If Ops crew attempts to start lA Containment Spray to combat rising Containment pressure, an overcurrent condition will be experienced preventing the start of the equipment
  • (1010) lD RCFC trips due to overcurrent

- If attempted, breaker can be reset to re-start RCFC

  • (1030) Containment Penetration P95 (451' Elevation) fails causing Containment T+155 1030 pressure to drop and then trend to 3 psig (T=O for GENERAL EMERGENCY)
  • Aux Building Hi Rad alarms come in for multiple elevations
  • Release in Progress begins o URIPathH

- Unit 1 and Unit 2 Aux Building Vent Stack monitors rise to 6E+07 uCi/sec (1100 peak)

- Site Boundary - 67mR/hr, 2 miles - 4.5mR/hr, 5 miles - 1.4mR/hr ERO Actions

  • SED should declare GENERAL EMERGENCY (FGl) due to Loss ofFC (FC.3.1)

Loss of RCS (RC.3) and Loss of CT (CT.4)

  • P ARs should be developed by the EOF_

T+275 1230 Exercise Termination 62

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/lrriprovement Plan Byron Station This page is intentionally blank.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan NARRATIVE


Initial Conditions - 0755 CDT

  • Byron Station The Operating Crew will be briefed at 0700 and is expected to take the shift by 0755.

The crew will be directed to continue full power on Unit 1 and Unit 2. There is electrical bus work in progress on the 2B River Screen House Transformer, and therefore Bus 045-01 is cross tied to Bus 045-02. The OC Service Water Pump is undergoing an impeller replacement, and is in day 10 of 20 of the work window. Finally, the 2A Diesel Generator has an Operability Surveillance (2BOSR 8.1.2-1) that is scheduled to start at 0900 today.

ALERT-0810 At 0800 the National Weather Service will issue a Severe Thunderstorm WARNING for Ogle County that is in effect until 0830. The WEC (Work Execution Center) Supervisor has a weather radio that he listens to, and will call the Control Room Simulator with this information. The crew will respond by entering 0(1)(2)BOA ENV-1, and will contact all out buildings to inform them of the storm along with delaying the 2A DG Surveillance.

The wind speed will climb from 0800 to 0810 to -55mph at its peak. At 0810 multiple pieces of debris from a truck carrying lumber on German Church Road (which runs N-S along the side of the plant) will impact the OA SX Cooling tower causing the OA/OB/OC

  • fans to trip due to the damage. The Security Guard in the BRE (Bullet Resistant Enclosure) will report the visible damage to the Control Room. The crew will respond per BAR 0-37-B6 and lBOA PRI-7 which requires an EO be dispatched to investigate the cause of the trip. The dispatch of an EO may be delayed due to safety concerns from the high winds.

The Shift Manager will declare an ALERT (MA5) due to high winds causing visible damage to a Safety System required by Tech Specs for the current operating mode. The ERO will be activated via PA and Everbridge notifications. Command and Control will be transferred to the EOF and TSC when the facilities are activated. Notifications to the State will be made via the NARS system from the Control Room Simulator.

At 0825 the A Circ Water Pump will trip due to high differential pressure across the A Traveling Screen from debris in the intake. The crew will respond per BAR 0-38-A-l l and OBOA SEC-11. This again requires dispatching an EO to investigate, but it may be delayed due to the safety concerns from the high winds. The crew will be able to successfully start the B Circ Water Pump if attempted.

Between 0825 and 0840 the wind speed will reside back to -25mph where it will stay for the remainder of the scenario. When wind speed comes back down, the crew should dispatch operators in accordance with the procedures if not already done.

Equipment Malfunctions 64

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station The following set of casualties will be tracked, evaluated, and prioritized by the ERO.

Some, if not all, of the response actions will come from the OSC after command and control is turned over to the TSC and EOF.

At 0830 the IB Feed Pump will trip and develop a steam leak from the Turbine Stop Valve. The crew will respond per BHC 1-16-BCI and start the IA Feed Pump (motor driven). Operators will be dispatched to isolate the steam leak but will find the handwheel on the 1MS-072A is free spinning due to a broken key. MM's will be required to be dispatched to assist in closing the valve.

At 0850 a Rod Control Urgent Failure alarm will come in and the crew will respond per IBOA ROD-2. The IM's, when dispatched, will discover a loose card in the IBD Rod Control Cabinet. This can be fixed.

At 0855 the CC Surge Tank level transmitter (1LT676) will fail low causing an alarm to come in and makeup to the CC Surge Tank to automatically start. The crew will respond per IBOA PRI-6 and attempt to isolate the WM makeup source via 1CC183 from the control room but will be unsuccessful. When EO's are dispatched to locally isolate the makeup they will find the tank overflowing to the Floor Drain System. The first isolation valve (1 CC 185) will have a 90° operating handle free moving. The second isolation valve (1 CC9454A) will have an EST (Equipment Status Tag) on the handwheel stating that the valve is mechanically bound in the open position. MM' s will be required to be dispatched to assist in closing the 1CC185 valve.

At 0900 the IA SX Pump will trip due to an overcurrent condition. The crew will respond per BHC 12-Al and IBOA PRI-7 and start the IB SX Pump. When EM's are dispatched to look at the breaker they will find char marks around the Control Power fuse and an acrid odor. There are no indications of flame or smoke.

SITE AREA EMERGENCY - 0920 CDT At 0910 the D RCS Loop will develop a significant LOCA (Loss of Coolant Accident) of


The crew will respond by tripping the reactor and manually actuating Safety Injection.

Phase A Isolation actions will not automatically actuate for the B Train, and the Control Room operators will have to manually align the equipment. This condition constitutes a concurrent ALERT (FAI) due to a Loss of the RCS (RC.I). The transient incurred from the LOCA will cause localized spots in the core to exceed temperature limits and fuel damage will occur. This will be evident by Containment radiation level rising significantly.

The IA Aux Feed Pump will start, but will experience a broken motor shaft preventing flow from being developed. When a team is dispatched they will find sparks emanating 65

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station from around the shaft and a loud grinding noise. The crew will trip the IA Aux Feed Pump.

At 0920 the Containment radiation level will exceed 1950R/hr and peak at 2250R/hr.

The Station Emergency Director will classify a SITE AREA EMERGENCY (FSl) due to the Loss of the RCS and Loss of the Fuel Clad, and the EOF will notify the State via the NARS system. Additionally, a station assembly will be enacted by the TSC (this will be a real assembly, not simulated).

GENERAL EMERGENCY - 1030 CDT Containment pressure will rise due to the LOCA with a peak of around -1 Opsig. If the crew were to attempt to start the IA Containment Spray (lB is out of service) to combat the rising Containment pressure, an overcurrent condition will be experienced on the IA CS Pump. At 1010 the ID RCFC (Reactor Containment Fan Cooler) will trip due to an overcurrent condition. When a team is dispatched they will find the breaker in a tripped position, and will be able to reset the breaker to restart the ID RCFC.

At 1030 the Containment Penetration P95 will fail causing a rapid drop in Containment pressure and a release into the 451' Aux Building elevation. After the initial Containment pressure drop, it will trend to 3 psig over the remainder of the scenario. A radioactive release in progress will commence as the Unit 1 and Unit 2. Aux Building Vent Stack monitors rise initially to 5.0E+04 uCi/sec. The release will be from URJ Path H ( <RCS><Containment><Aux Building><Filters><Stack><Environment>) and will rise to a peak of 6.0E+07 uCi/sec at 1100.

The Station Emergency Director will classify a GENERAL EMERGENCY (FGl) due to Loss of Fuel Clad, Loss of RCS, and Loss of Containment. The EOF will develop PARs to Evacuate IL Sub-areas 19, 23, 25 and will notify the State via the NARS system.

Field Monitoring Teams will be sent to strategic locations downwind (from 290) to track the plume. Dose Assessments will not yield any areas exceeding Protective Action Guidelines.

The Ops crew will enter cooldown (lBEP ESl.2) and could use S/G PORVs as an option for cooldown. There is no leakage between the primary and secondary systems, so this will not add to the radioactive release.

Exercise Termination - -1230 CDT The exercise will be terminated after all participating facilities have demonstrated their objectives sufficiently. After termination, all facilities will conduct a critique of their performance.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station EXPECTED EALs AND P ARs Time EAL#

Description ALERT (MAS): Hazardous event affecting a SAFETY SYSTEM required for the current operating mode.

1. The occurrence of ANY of the following hazardous events:
  • Internal or external flooding event
  • FIRE
  • Other events with similar hazard characteristics as 0810 MAS determined by the Shift Manager AND
2. EITHER of the following:
  • Event damage has caused indications of degraded performance in at least one train of a SAFETY SYSTEM required by Technical Specifications for the current operating niode.


  • The event has caused VISIBLE DAMAGE to a SAFETY SYSTEM component or structure required by Technical Specifications for the current operating mode.

SITE AREA EMERGENCY (FSl): Loss or potential loss of ANY two barriers.

0920 Fuel Clad - Loss Reactor Coolant System - Loss ALERT FSl FC.3.1-Containment RC. I - An automatic or manual SI

+70 radiation monitor (AR020) activation is required by reading> l.95E+03 R/hr UNISOLABLE RCS leakage OR RC.3 - Containment radiation monitor (AR020) reading >25 R/hr 1030 FGl GENERAL EMERGENCY (FGl): Loss of any two barriers AND SAE+70 loss or potential loss of third barrier 67

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station Time EAL#

Description Containment - Loss

[Fuel Clad - Loss CT. I - Containment isolation is required and EITHER of the FC.3.1 Containment radiation following:

monitor (AR020) reading >

a. UNPLANNED lowering in l.95E+03 R/hr AND containment pressure or rise in radiation monitor Reactor Coolant System - Loss readings outside of RC.1 An automatic or manual SI containment in the Emergency Director actuation is required by judgement indicate a loss of UNISOLABLE RCS leakage OR containment integrity OR
b. UNISOLABLE pathway RC.3 Containment radiation from containment to the monitor (AR020) reading > 25 environment exists.

R/hr 1230 Anticipated Termination Expected P ARs: Wind.from 290 for entirety of scenario Time Evertt 0810 Alert-MA5 0920 Site Area Emergency - FSJ 1100 General Emergency - FG 1 1230 Anticipated Termination METEOROLOGY Wind from 290° Wind Speed 22 mph Stability Class C Air Temperature 80 F Release None None Occurring Precipitation Raining (rain will cease prior to release)



[None Ogle - evacuate 19,23,25 Dose projections for the release were developed using the URI program. The following peak dose projections are based on the data from the 1100-1130 dose kernel found in Section 8:


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program After Action Report/Improvement Plan Byron Station URJ Release Path H: <RCS><Containment><Aux Building><Filters><Stack><Environment>

Process Reduction factor is l.60E-03 Core Damage is 53% based on containment rads Release Duration is 2:00 (Good/ Daytime conditions)

The table below is from the peak Dose Assessment

,, Distance' TEDE (mRem)

'tDE (mR~m) '

S.B l.43E+02 6.34E+02 2 miles I

9.55E+02 4.29E+Ol 5 miles 2.41E+OO 6.41E+OO 10 miles l.20E+OO 3.lOE+OO 69