ML16263A349 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Davis Besse |
Issue date: | 08/29/2016 |
From: | Vetter J FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
DBRM-EMER-5001 | |
Download: ML16263A349 (5) | |
Data Date Tim e: 09109120 16 07 11 :34 AM FENOC D Davis-Besse Power Station Transmittal Re port Pa ge 1 of I Copy Holder Number: 1665 Name : DOC. CONTROL DESK Location I Addres s: OFFS I T E / USN RC DIVISION OF EMERGENCY PREPAREDN ESS One White Flint No rth Tra n s mittal Number: DB-0 90920 16 -26 0054 Tran s mittal Da te : 9/9/2016 7 : 10:32 AM 11555 Rockvill e Pike Rockvi ll e , Mar yla nd 20852-2738 Unit Document umber Doc Ty pe Sheet / Sect io n Rev ision Ve rsion 01a 11 ge Type Orn nge Number Document Stat us HC AC CD TOC I TOC2 Changes DBI DBRM-EMER-500 I REFERENCE MATERIAL 000 1 REVISED 0 EPDA2 DB I DBRM-EMER-500 1 REFERENCE MATERIAL 0002 APPROVED 0 0 EPDA2 Use this docum e nt tran smittal to upd ate the identified document s and remove the s up e rse ded document s from use.
Revision : Page
- Release in Progress Reference Material 02 1 of 4 Release in Progress Reference Material (Revisions, changes, or alterations to this diagram shall be processed in accordance with NG-NS-00500, Nuclear Emergency Preparedness and NOBP-SS-340 I, FENOC Document Hierarchy)
Effective date: Q9/Q9/1 6
Revision: Page Release in Progress Reference Material 02 2 of 4 The purpose of this reference material is to provide the Emergency Response Organization with operator aids (e.g ., "Hard Card") to be used in conjunction with NORM-LP-5001 , FENOC Position on "Release in Progress" for the Emergency Response Organization. These Hard Cards represent a site-specific format of the flowcharts, which includes the effluent radiation monitors, used in the decision making process for airborne and liquid releases of radioactive material ,
during declared emergency events. These Hard Cards are available in various Emergency Response Facilities for reference by Emergency Response Organization members.
Table of Contents Attachment 1: PWR Airborne Release in Progress Determination 3 Attachment 2: PWR Liquid Release in Progress Determination 4
Attachment 1 PWR AIRBORNE DBRM-EMER-5001, Rev. 2
- Is there a valid increase (e.g. not attributable PWR AIRBORNE to instrumem drift or electron le noise) in an effluent radiation YES A Release lS. in 1ll2!l.!l2!. in the pathway of the Progress release that is a direct result of, or caused by the declared emergency event?
NO Is there lndication, by Is there direct measurement (porta ble survey instrument a~
of radioactive YES or air sample}, o f outside airborne radioactivity that has YES A Release Ji in material avai1<1b le been released from the station, Progres>
for release? (See Note 11 that is a direct result of, or caused by, the declared emergency event?
- NO NO Is there an unmonitored YES radioactive material A Release ~ in Ililirnll direct ly to Progress atmosphere that is a direct result of, or caused by, the declared emergency event?
NOTE 1 Sources of radioactive materia l available for release A Relea>e is NQI In A Release is NQI in examples:
Progress Progr%s Increase in RCS leakage Damage to nuclear fuel (inside/outside reactor vessel )
Damage to plant sy>tems containing rad ioactive material Gaseous Effluent Radiation Monitors :
Station Vent (RE 4598 A/B Normal) Station Vent (RE 4598 A/B Accident) Main Steam Lines
- Noble Gas - Noble Gas - RE 609 - Main Steam I
- Particulate - RE 600 - Main Steam 2
- Iodine Page 3 of 4
Attachment 2 PWR LIQUID DBRM-EMER-5001 , Rev. 2 PWR Liquid Release Is there a Radioactive liqui d leak within the YES Has radioactive liquid been identified or expected to be transported beyond the OCA, that is a YES A Ref ease IS in Progress direct resutt of, or caused by Protected Area the declared emergency event?
(See NOTE1)
NO NO A Release Is NQI Progress tsthere.;m increase In ~
radiation monitors observed that is a YES A Release IS !n direct result of, or Progress caused by the declared emergency event?
Site Drainage:
Storm Sewers (RE4686) ....,. Training Center Ponds --+ Marsh Pools NO Unless Marsh Pools are being manually pumped over dikes to the river, this will not result in a Release in Progress. Manual actions are required to pump the contents of the Marsh Pools beyond the OCA boundary.
Is thereany radioactive material that has been detected by sampling l2JUlli:..and is YES
¢Xp¢cted to co llevond the A Release ~ in
~ and is a direct result of, Progress or caused by, the dedared emergency event?
(See NOTE 1)
Liquid Effluent Radiation Monitors:
NO Discharge monitors Effluent Radiation Monitors RE 1770 AIB Clean Waste Outlet RE 8432 Service Water Outlet RE 1878 AIB Miscellaneous Waste Outlet Is there any radioactive material that has been detected by sampling~ physical YES areas, and is a direct result A Release~ In of, or caused by, the Progress declared emergency event?
NO A Release is NOT in Progress Page 4 of 4